Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Application Package for AmeriCorps Program Life Cycle Evaluation-Volunteer Generation Fund Grant Program Evaluation, 26702-26703 [2021-10333]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 93 / Monday, May 17, 2021 / Notices
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XB084]
Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management
Council; Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of a public meeting.
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery
Management Council will hold a oneday meeting via webinar of its Ad Hoc
Red Snapper & Grouper-Tilefish
Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ)
Advisory Panel (AP).
DATES: The meeting will convene on
Wednesday, June 2, 2021, from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m., EDT. For agenda details, see
ADDRESSES: The meeting will take place
via webinar; you may register by visiting and clicking on the
AP meeting on the calendar.
Council address: Gulf of Mexico
Fishery Management Council, 4107 W
Spruce Street, Suite 200, Tampa, FL
33607; telephone: (813) 348–1630.
Ava Lasseter, Anthropologist and Dr.
Assane Diagne, Economist,, Gulf of
Mexico Fishery Management Council
telephone: (813) 348–1630. The
Council’s website,
also has details on the proposed agenda
and other meeting materials.
following items are on the agenda,
though agenda items may be addressed
out of order (changes will be noted on
the Council’s website when possible).
Tuesday, June 2, 2021; 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
The Advisory Panel will begin with
Welcome and Introductions, Adoption
of Agenda, Approval of November 7,
2018, Meeting Summary, and Scope of
The AP will receive presentations on
Red Snapper-IFQ and Grouper-TilefishIFQ Review and for Amendments 36B
and 36C, followed by discussion and
recommendations and public
The AP will discuss any Other
Business items.
—Meeting Adjourns
You may attend the meeting via
webinar by visiting
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and clicking on the AP meeting on the
The Agenda is subject to change, and
the latest version along with other
meeting materials will be posted on as they become
Although other non-emergency issues
not on the agenda may come before the
group for discussion, in accordance
with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
(Magnuson-Stevens Act), those issues
may not be the subject of formal action
during this meeting. Actions will be
restricted to those issues specifically
identified in this notice and any issues
arising after publication of this notice
that require emergency action under
Section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens
Act, provided the public has been
notified of the Council’s intent to take
action to address the emergency at least
5 working days prior to the meeting.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: May 12, 2021.
Tracey L. Thompson,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2021–10311 Filed 5–14–21; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget for Review
and Approval; Comment Request;
Application Package for AmeriCorps
Program Life Cycle Evaluation—
Volunteer Generation Fund Grant
Program Evaluation
The Corporation for National
and Community Service.
ACTION: Notice of information collection;
request for comment.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Corporation for National and
Community Service, operating as
AmeriCorps, is proposing a new
information collection.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted to the individual and office
listed in the ADDRESSES section by July
16, 2021.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by the title of the information
collection activity, by any of the
following methods:
(1) By mail sent to: AmeriCorps,
Attention Lily Zandniapour, 250 E
Street SW, Washington, DC 20525.
PO 00000
Frm 00014
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
(2) By hand delivery or by courier to
the AmeriCorps mailroom at the mail
address given in paragraph (1) above,
between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern
Time, Monday through Friday, except
federal holidays.
(3) Electronically through
Comments submitted in response to
this notice may be made available to the
public through For this
reason, please do not include in your
comments information of a confidential
nature, such as sensitive personal
information or proprietary information.
If you send an email comment, your
email address will be automatically
captured and included as part of the
comment that is placed in the public
docket and made available on the
internet. Please note that responses to
this public comment request containing
any routine notice about the
confidentiality of the communication
will be treated as public comment that
may be made available to the public,
notwithstanding the inclusion of the
routine notice.
Xiaodong Zhang, 703–251–0883, or by
email at
Title of Collection: AmeriCorps
Program Life Cycle Evaluation—
Volunteer Generation Fund Bundled
OMB Control Number: TBD. Type of
Review: New.
Respondents/Affected Public:
Grantees, program implementers,
volunteer organizations and volunteers.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 971 respondents.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 327 hours.
Abstract: The purpose of this
evaluation is to understand grantees’
use of Volunteer Generation Fund (VGF)
grant program funds to support
volunteer organizations and determine
how effective grantees’ approaches are
at enhancing the capacity of these
organizations, increasing volunteer
recruitment and retention, and
increasing implementation of volunteer
management best practices within their
states. The research questions for this
evaluation are:
1. What are the grantees’ approaches
for utilizing VGF funds to improve
volunteer recruitment, retention, and
support of volunteers within their states
and among volunteer organizations?
2. What are promising practices and
challenges in implementing these
3. What are preliminary outcomes of
these programs on volunteer
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 93 / Monday, May 17, 2021 / Notices
organizations? AmeriCorps will conduct
a bundled evaluation of grantees that are
implementing VGF grants. Bundling
allows AmeriCorps to combine a group
of small programs across different
funding streams with similar program
models and intended outcomes into a
single evaluation. Spanning 27 months,
the evaluation will work with 15
grantees to examine program design,
implementation, and outcomes using
surveys, interviews, and focus groups
with a wide range of stakeholders
including grantee staff, program
implementers, volunteers, and
beneficiaries. This is a new information
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the request for OMB
approval. Comments are invited on: (a)
Whether the collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
collection of information; (c) ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information to be collected; (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology;
and (e) estimates of capital or start-up
costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services
to provide information. Burden means
the total time, effort, or financial
resources expended by persons to
generate, maintain, retain, disclose or
provide information to or for a Federal
agency. This includes the time needed
to review instructions; to develop,
acquire, install and utilize technology
and systems for the purpose of
collecting, validating and verifying
information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing
and providing information; to train
personnel and to be able to respond to
a collection of information, to search
data sources, to complete and review
the collection of information; and to
transmit or otherwise disclose the
information. All written comments will
be available for public inspection on
Dated: May 12, 2021.
Lily Zandniapour,
Research and Evaluation Manager.
[FR Doc. 2021–10333 Filed 5–14–21; 8:45 am]
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Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget for Review
and Approval; Comment Request;
Application Package for AmeriCorps
Program Life Cycle Evaluation—Opioid
Recovery Coach Model Bundled
The Corporation for National
and Community Service.
ACTION: Notice of information collection;
request for comment.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Corporation for National and
Community Service, operating as
AmeriCorps, is proposing a new
information collection.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted to the individual and office
listed in the ADDRESSES section by July
16, 2021.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by the title of the information
collection activity, by any of the
following methods:
(1) By mail sent to: AmeriCorps,
Attention Lily Zandniapour, 250 E
Street SW, Washington, DC 20525.
(2) By hand delivery or by courier to
the AmeriCorps mailroom at the mail
address given in paragraph (1) above,
between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern
Time, Monday through Friday, except
federal holidays.
(3) Electronically through
Comments submitted in response to
this notice may be made available to the
public through For this
reason, please do not include in your
comments information of a confidential
nature, such as sensitive personal
information or proprietary information.
If you send an email comment, your
email address will be automatically
captured and included as part of the
comment that is placed in the public
docket and made available on the
internet. Please note that responses to
this public comment request containing
any routine notice about the
confidentiality of the communication
will be treated as public comment that
may be made available to the public,
notwithstanding the inclusion of the
routine notice.
Xiaodong Zhang, 703–251–0883, or by
email at
Title of Collection: AmeriCorps
Program Life Cycle Evaluation—Opioid
PO 00000
Frm 00015
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Recovery Coach Model Bundled
OMB Control Number: TBD. Type of
Review: New.
Respondents/Affected Public:
Grantees, beneficiaries, and peer
recovery coaches.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 434 respondents.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 188 hours.
Abstract: The purpose of this
evaluation is to study questions
regarding grantees’ use of the peer
recovery coach model and better
determine how effective the model is at
increasing individuals’ recovery capital,
increasing attendance of health services,
and decreasing incidence of substance
use as well as on the peer recovery
coaches and grantee organizations. The
research questions for this evaluation
1. Determine what recovery coach
models look like (activity, setting,
modality, etc.).
2. Describe promising practices and
challenges in implementing these
3. Measure the effectiveness of the
recovery coach model in improving
outcomes for grantee organizations,
recovery coaches, and beneficiaries.
AmeriCorps will conduct a bundled
evaluation of grantees that are
implementing opioid recovery coaching
models. Bundling allows AmeriCorps to
combine a group of small programs
across different funding streams with
similar program models and intended
outcomes into a single evaluation.
Spanning 27 months, the evaluation
will work with 14 grantees to examine
program design, implementation, and
outcomes using surveys, interviews, and
focus groups with a wide range of
stakeholders, including grantee staff,
volunteers who support the peer
recovery coach model, beneficiaries,
and staff at organizations which partner
with grantees. This is a new information
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the request for OMB
approval. Comments are invited on: (a)
Whether the collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
collection of information; (c) ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information to be collected; (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 93 (Monday, May 17, 2021)]
[Pages 26702-26703]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-10333]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the
Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment
Request; Application Package for AmeriCorps Program Life Cycle
Evaluation--Volunteer Generation Fund Grant Program Evaluation
AGENCY: The Corporation for National and Community Service.
ACTION: Notice of information collection; request for comment.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Corporation for National and Community Service, operating as
AmeriCorps, is proposing a new information collection.
DATES: Written comments must be submitted to the individual and office
listed in the ADDRESSES section by July 16, 2021.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by the title of the
information collection activity, by any of the following methods:
(1) By mail sent to: AmeriCorps, Attention Lily Zandniapour, 250 E
Street SW, Washington, DC 20525.
(2) By hand delivery or by courier to the AmeriCorps mailroom at
the mail address given in paragraph (1) above, between 9:00 a.m. and
4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, except federal holidays.
(3) Electronically through
Comments submitted in response to this notice may be made available
to the public through For this reason, please do not
include in your comments information of a confidential nature, such as
sensitive personal information or proprietary information. If you send
an email comment, your email address will be automatically captured and
included as part of the comment that is placed in the public docket and
made available on the internet. Please note that responses to this
public comment request containing any routine notice about the
confidentiality of the communication will be treated as public comment
that may be made available to the public, notwithstanding the inclusion
of the routine notice.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Xiaodong Zhang, 703-251-0883, or by
email at [email protected].
Title of Collection: AmeriCorps Program Life Cycle Evaluation--
Volunteer Generation Fund Bundled Evaluation.
OMB Control Number: TBD. Type of Review: New.
Respondents/Affected Public: Grantees, program implementers,
volunteer organizations and volunteers.
Total Estimated Number of Annual Responses: 971 respondents.
Total Estimated Number of Annual Burden Hours: 327 hours.
Abstract: The purpose of this evaluation is to understand grantees'
use of Volunteer Generation Fund (VGF) grant program funds to support
volunteer organizations and determine how effective grantees'
approaches are at enhancing the capacity of these organizations,
increasing volunteer recruitment and retention, and increasing
implementation of volunteer management best practices within their
states. The research questions for this evaluation are:
1. What are the grantees' approaches for utilizing VGF funds to
improve volunteer recruitment, retention, and support of volunteers
within their states and among volunteer organizations?
2. What are promising practices and challenges in implementing
these programs?
3. What are preliminary outcomes of these programs on volunteer
[[Page 26703]]
organizations? AmeriCorps will conduct a bundled evaluation of grantees
that are implementing VGF grants. Bundling allows AmeriCorps to combine
a group of small programs across different funding streams with similar
program models and intended outcomes into a single evaluation. Spanning
27 months, the evaluation will work with 15 grantees to examine program
design, implementation, and outcomes using surveys, interviews, and
focus groups with a wide range of stakeholders including grantee staff,
program implementers, volunteers, and beneficiaries. This is a new
information collection.
Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized
and/or included in the request for OMB approval. Comments are invited
on: (a) Whether the collection of information is necessary for the
proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether
the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency's estimate of the burden of the collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of
information on respondents, including through the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and (e)
estimates of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services to provide information. Burden
means the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by
persons to generate, maintain, retain, disclose or provide information
to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time needed to review
instructions; to develop, acquire, install and utilize technology and
systems for the purpose of collecting, validating and verifying
information, processing and maintaining information, and disclosing and
providing information; to train personnel and to be able to respond to
a collection of information, to search data sources, to complete and
review the collection of information; and to transmit or otherwise
disclose the information. All written comments will be available for
public inspection on
Dated: May 12, 2021.
Lily Zandniapour,
Research and Evaluation Manager.
[FR Doc. 2021-10333 Filed 5-14-21; 8:45 am]