Office of Asset and Transportation Management; Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States; Notification of Upcoming Public Virtual Meeting, 23726 [2021-09511]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 84 / Tuesday, May 4, 2021 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
outlets familiarity with how their
competitors price and how changing
prices affect fuel sales.
Entry into each relevant market would
not be timely, likely, or sufficient to
deter or counteract the anticompetitive
effects arising from the Acquisition.
Significant entry barriers include the
availability of attractive real estate, the
time and cost associated with
constructing a new retail fuel outlet, and
the time associated with obtaining
necessary permits and approvals.
V. The Consent Agreement
The proposed Order would remedy
the Acquisition’s likely anticompetitive
effects by requiring Casey’s to divest
certain Casey’s and Bucky’s retail fuel
assets to Western Oil II, LLC and Danco
II, LLC (collectively ‘‘Western Oil’’) in
each local market. Western Oil is an
experienced operator or supplier of
retail fuel sites and will be a new
entrant into the local markets.
The proposed Order requires the
divestiture be completed no later than
ten days after Casey’s consummates the
Acquisition. The proposed Order further
requires Casey’s and Bucky’s to
maintain the economic viability,
marketability, and competitiveness of
each divestiture asset until the
divestiture to Western Oil is complete.
In addition to requiring outlet
divestitures, the proposed Order
requires Respondents to provide the
Commission notice before acquiring
retail fuel assets within a fixed distance
of any Casey’s outlet in a market
involving a divestiture for ten years. The
prior notice provision is necessary
because an acquisition in close
proximity to divested assets likely
would raise the same competitive
concerns as the Acquisition and may
fall below the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act
premerger notification thresholds.
The Consent Agreement contains
additional provisions designed to
ensure the effectiveness of the relief. For
example, Respondents have agreed to an
Order to Maintain Assets that will issue
at the time the proposed Consent
Agreement is accepted for public
comment. The Order to Maintain Assets
requires Respondents to operate and
maintain each divestiture outlet in the
normal course of business, through the
date the Respondents complete the
divestiture. The proposed Order also
includes a provision that allows the
Commission to appoint an independent
third party as a Monitor to oversee the
Respondents’ compliance with the
requirements of the Order.
The purpose of this analysis is to
facilitate public comment on the
Consent agreement, and the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Commission does not intend this
analysis to constitute an official
interpretation of the proposed Order or
to modify its terms in any way.
By direction of the Commission.
April J. Tabor,
[FR Doc. 2021–09329 Filed 5–3–21; 8:45 am]
[Notice–MA–2021–02; Docket No. 2021–
0002; Sequence No. 9]
Office of Asset and Transportation
Management; Presidential Commission
on the Supreme Court of the United
States; Notification of Upcoming
Public Virtual Meeting
Office of Government-wide
Policy, General Services Administration
ACTION: Meeting notice.
GSA is providing notice of an
open public virtual meeting of the
Presidential Commission on the
Supreme Court of the United States
(Commission) in accordance with the
requirements of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act. The purpose of this
meeting is to provide introductions and
a statement of plan for the meeting, a
ceremonial swearing in of the
Commission members, discussion of the
public meeting format and calls for
testimony, areas of research focus, and
information available on the
Commission website.
DATES: The Commission will hold a
public virtual meeting on May 19, 2021,
from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Eastern Time
ADDRESSES: This meeting will be
conducted virtually on the internet.
Interested individuals must register to
attend as instructed below.
Procedures for Attendance and Public
Attendance. This meeting is open to
the public and the Commission
encourages the public’s input. To attend
this public virtual meeting, you must
register by submitting your full name,
organization (if applicable), email
address, and phone number to the
Designated Federal Officer, at info@, listed under FOR FURTHER
requests must be received by 5 p.m. ET,
on May 17, 2021.
Public Comment. For the Commission
to have the best opportunity to review
and consider the public’s input, written
PO 00000
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comments must be received via email at no later than 5 p.m.
ET on May 17, 2021. Comments
submitted after this date will be
provided to the Commission members,
but please be advised that Commission
members may not have adequate time to
consider the comments prior to the
Special accommodations. For
information on services for individuals
with disabilities, or to request
accommodation of a disability, please
contact the Designated Federal Officer at
least 10 business days prior to the
meeting to give GSA as much time as
possible to process the request.
information on the public virtual
meeting, contact Dana Fowler,
Designated Federal Officer, Office of
Government-wide Policy, General
Services Administration, at info@, 202–501–1777.
The Administrator of GSA established
the Commission as a Presidential
advisory committee on April 26, 2021
pursuant to Executive Order 14023,
Establishment of the Presidential
Commission on the Supreme Court of
the United States, issued on April 9,
2021. Per the executive order, the
Commission shall produce a report for
the President that includes the
(i) An account of the contemporary
commentary and debate about the role
and operation of the Supreme Court in
our constitutional system and about the
functioning of the constitutional process
by which the President nominates and,
by and with the advice and consent of
the Senate, appoints Justices to the
Supreme Court;
(ii) The historical background of other
periods in the Nation’s history when the
Supreme Court’s role and the
nominations and advice-and-consent
process were subject to critical
assessment and prompted proposals for
reform; and
(iii) An analysis of the principal
arguments in the contemporary public
debate for and against Supreme Court
reform, including an appraisal of the
merits and legality of particular reform
Krystal J. Brumfield,
Associate Administrator, Office of
Government-wide Policy.
[FR Doc. 2021–09511 Filed 5–3–21; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 84 (Tuesday, May 4, 2021)]
[Page 23726]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-09511]
[Notice-MA-2021-02; Docket No. 2021-0002; Sequence No. 9]
Office of Asset and Transportation Management; Presidential
Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States; Notification of
Upcoming Public Virtual Meeting
AGENCY: Office of Government-wide Policy, General Services
Administration (GSA).
ACTION: Meeting notice.
SUMMARY: GSA is providing notice of an open public virtual meeting of
the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States
(Commission) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal
Advisory Committee Act. The purpose of this meeting is to provide
introductions and a statement of plan for the meeting, a ceremonial
swearing in of the Commission members, discussion of the public meeting
format and calls for testimony, areas of research focus, and
information available on the Commission website.
DATES: The Commission will hold a public virtual meeting on May 19,
2021, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Eastern Time (ET).
ADDRESSES: This meeting will be conducted virtually on the internet.
Interested individuals must register to attend as instructed below.
Procedures for Attendance and Public Comment
Attendance. This meeting is open to the public and the Commission
encourages the public's input. To attend this public virtual meeting,
you must register by submitting your full name, organization (if
applicable), email address, and phone number to the Designated Federal
Officer, at [email protected], listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
CONTACT. Registration requests must be received by 5 p.m. ET, on May
17, 2021.
Public Comment. For the Commission to have the best opportunity to
review and consider the public's input, written comments must be
received via email at [email protected] no later than 5 p.m. ET on May
17, 2021. Comments submitted after this date will be provided to the
Commission members, but please be advised that Commission members may
not have adequate time to consider the comments prior to the meeting.
Special accommodations. For information on services for individuals
with disabilities, or to request accommodation of a disability, please
contact the Designated Federal Officer at least 10 business days prior
to the meeting to give GSA as much time as possible to process the
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information on the public virtual
meeting, contact Dana Fowler, Designated Federal Officer, Office of
Government-wide Policy, General Services Administration, at
[email protected], 202-501-1777.
The Administrator of GSA established the Commission as a
Presidential advisory committee on April 26, 2021 pursuant to Executive
Order 14023, Establishment of the Presidential Commission on the
Supreme Court of the United States, issued on April 9, 2021. Per the
executive order, the Commission shall produce a report for the
President that includes the following:
(i) An account of the contemporary commentary and debate about the
role and operation of the Supreme Court in our constitutional system
and about the functioning of the constitutional process by which the
President nominates and, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate, appoints Justices to the Supreme Court;
(ii) The historical background of other periods in the Nation's
history when the Supreme Court's role and the nominations and advice-
and-consent process were subject to critical assessment and prompted
proposals for reform; and
(iii) An analysis of the principal arguments in the contemporary
public debate for and against Supreme Court reform, including an
appraisal of the merits and legality of particular reform proposals.
Krystal J. Brumfield,
Associate Administrator, Office of Government-wide Policy.
[FR Doc. 2021-09511 Filed 5-3-21; 8:45 am]