May 3, 2021 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 51 - 100 of 175
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Medical Travel Refund Request
The Department of Labor (DOL) is submitting this Office of the Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP)-sponsored information collection request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). Public comments on the ICR are invited.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Registration and Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship Programs
The Department of Labor (DOL) is submitting this Employment and Training Administration (ETA)-sponsored information collection request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). Public comments on the ICR are invited.
Vertical Tandem Lifts (VTLs) for Marine Terminals; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements
OSHA solicits public comments concerning the proposal to extend the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) approval of the information collection requirements specified in the Vertical Tandem Lifts (VTLs) Standard.
Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotation Work Platforms (Aerial Lifts) Standard; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements
OSHA solicits public comments concerning the proposal to extend the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) approval of the information collection requirements specified in the Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotation Work Platforms (Aerial Lifts) Standard.
Information Collection Activities; Comment Request
The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a pre-clearance consultation program to provide the general public and Federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing collections of information in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This program helps to ensure that requested data can be provided in the desired format, reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized, collection instruments are clearly understood, and the impact of collection requirements on respondents can be properly assessed. Currently, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is soliciting comments concerning the proposed reinstatement without change of the ``Current Population Survey (CPS) Unemployment Insurance (UI) Non-Filer Supplement'' to be conducted in February 2022 and May 2022. A copy of the proposed information collection request (ICR) can be obtained by contacting the individual listed below in the addresses section of this notice.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) Program
The Department of Labor (DOL) is submitting this Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)-sponsored information collection request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). Public comments on the ICR are invited.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Business Supplement (QBS)
The Department of Labor (DOL) is submitting this Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)-sponsored information collection request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). Public comments on the ICR are invited.
Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Old River, Between Victoria Island and Byron Tract, CA
The Coast Guard has issued a temporary deviation from the operating schedule that governs the California Department of Transportation Route 4 highway bridge, across Old River, mile 14.8, between Victoria Island and Byron Tract, California. The amount of vessel traffic transiting the bridge site does not warrant an open on signal requirement for this drawbridge. This deviation will test a change to the drawbridge operation schedule to determine whether a permanent change to the schedule is needed. The Coast Guard is seeking comments from the public regarding these proposed changes.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of a New Approval of Information Collection: Survey of Industry's Response to Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) 17007
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval for a new information collection. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on October 8, 2020. The collection involves survey responses from U.S. air carrier (Part 121 and Part 135) employees who lead departments responsible for Operations and Standards, Training, and Safety to understand how industry has addressed recommendations from SAFO 17007 and to inform future guidance on manual flight skill proficiency in future en-route and terminal environments. This information collection is necessary, as no other information sources have been identified that would provide the required information. Operator policies and procedures are not publicly shared; therefore, this is the only reliable method to gather anonymous information from a representative industry sample.
Women in Aviation Advisory Board; Notice of Public Meeting
This notice announces a meeting of the Women in Aviation Advisory Board (the Board).
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Article 1904; Binational Panel Review: Notice of Request for Panel Review
On April 26, 2019, the Binational Panel issued its Interim Decision and Order in the matter of Large Residential Washers from Mexico. The Binational Panel affirmed in part and remanded in part the United States Department of Commerce's final determination in the antidumping 2016-2017 administrative review.
Federal Aviation Administration Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee; Meeting
This notice announces a meeting of the ARAC.
HEARTH Act Approval of Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians Title 105 Leasing Code
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) approved the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians, Title 105 Leasing Code under the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Homeownership Act of 2012 (HEARTH Act). With this approval, the Tribe is authorized to enter into business, residential, agricultural, wind and solar leases without further BIA approval.
Liquor Control Ordinance of the Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas
This notice publishes the Liquor Control Ordinance of the Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas. The liquor control ordinance regulates and controls the possession, sale, manufacture, and distribution of alcohol in conformity with the laws of the State of Kansas for the purpose of generating new Tribal revenues. Enactment of this liquor control ordinance will help provide a source of revenue to strengthen Tribal government, provided for the economic viability of Tribal enterprises, and improve delivery of Tribal government services.
Information Collection Being Submitted for Review and Approval to Office of Management and Budget
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or the Commission) invites the general public and other Federal Agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection. Pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, the FCC seeks specific comment on how it might ``further reduce the information collection burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees.'' The Commission may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid OMB control number.
Modification of NPDES General Permit for Offshore Seafood Processors in Alaska (AKG524000)
The Director, Water Division, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10, is modifying a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for offshore seafood processors operating in federal waters off the coast of Alaska. The permit, which became effective on July 17, 2019, authorizes discharges of seafood processing waste from vessels that: discharge at least 3 nautical miles (NM) or greater from the Alaska shore; and, which engage in the processing of fresh, frozen, canned, smoked, salted or pickled seafood, the processing of mince, or the processing of meal, paste and other secondary by-products. On March 30, 2020,the Freezer Longline Coalition (FLC) requested that EPA modify the permit to allow for a currently-prohibited seasonal discharge (between June 10 and December 31, the fleet's ``B Season'') within 1 NM of wintering critical habitat (Unit 5) for the spectacled eider. EPA has decided to modify the permit to allow for seasonal discharge (between June 10 and December 31) within 1 NM of wintering critical habitat (Unit 5) for the spectacled eider (Part III.B.7 of the modified general permit). All other conditions of the permit remain unchanged. Between March 1 and March 31, 2021, EPA accepted comments on the proposed modification. Only the conditions subject to modification were reopened for public comment. EPA received a single comment letter from the FLC. The comments were non-significant and supported the proposed modification; therefore, EPA is not required to prepare a Response to Comments document.
Vermont; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Vermont (FEMA-4532-DR), dated April 8, 2020, and related determinations.
Minnesota; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Minnesota (FEMA-4531-DR), dated April 7, 2020, and related determinations.
Utah; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Utah (FEMA-4525-DR), dated April 4, 2020, and related determinations.
Arizona; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Arizona (FEMA-4524-DR), dated April 4, 2020, and related determinations.
Idaho; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Idaho (FEMA-4534-DR), dated April 9, 2020, and related determinations.
South Dakota; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of South Dakota (FEMA-4527-DR), dated April 5, 2020, and related determinations.
Iowa; Amendment No. 5 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for State of Iowa (FEMA-4557-DR), dated August 17, 2020, and related determinations.
Oklahoma; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Oklahoma (FEMA-4530-DR), dated April 5, 2020, and related determinations.
Nevada; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Nevada (FEMA-4523-DR), dated April 4, 2020, and related determinations.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Multiple Internal Revenue Service Information Collection Requests
The Department of the Treasury will submit the following information collection requests to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, on or after the date of publication of this notice. The public is invited to submit comments on these requests.
American Samoa; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the territory of American Samoa (FEMA- 4537-DR), dated April 17, 2020, and related determinations.
New Mexico; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of New Mexico (FEMA-4529-DR), dated April 5, 2020, and related determinations.
Patient Safety Organizations: Voluntary Relinquishment for the Sigma PSO, LLC
The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Final Rule (Patient Safety Rule) authorizes AHRQ, on behalf of the Secretary of HHS, to list as a patient safety organization (PSO) an entity that attests that it meets the statutory and regulatory requirements for listing. A PSO can be ``delisted'' by the Secretary if it is found to no longer meet the requirements of the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005 (Patient Safety Act) and Patient Safety Rule, when a PSO chooses to voluntarily relinquish its status as a PSO for any reason, or when a PSO's listing expires. AHRQ accepted a notification of proposed voluntary relinquishment from the Sigma PSO, LLC, PSO number P0190, of its status as a PSO, and has delisted the PSO accordingly.
Presidential Declaration of a Major Disaster for the State of ALABAMA
This is a Notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of ALABAMA (FEMA4596DR), dated 04/26/2021. Incident: Severe Storm, Straight-line Winds, and Tornadoes. Incident Period: 03/25/2021 through 03/26/2021.
Kentucky; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the Commonwealth of Kentucky (FEMA-4592-DR), dated March 31, 2021, and related determinations.
Kentucky; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the Commonwealth of Kentucky (FEMA-4592-DR), dated March 31, 2021, and related determinations.
Poarch Band of Creek Indians; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the Poarch Band of Creek Indians (FEMA-4591-DR), dated March 28, 2021, and related determinations.
Poarch Band of Creek Indians; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the Poarch Band of Creek Indians (FEMA-4591-DR), dated March 28, 2021, and related determinations.
Oklahoma; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Oklahoma (FEMA-4587-DR), dated February 24, 2021, and related determinations.
Oregon; Amendment No. 5 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for State of Oregon (FEMA-4562-DR), dated September 15, 2020, and related determinations.
Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa (FEMA-4561-DR), dated September 10, 2020, and related determinations.
Wyoming; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Wyoming (FEMA-4535-DR), dated April 11, 2020, and related determinations.
Mississippi; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-4528-DR), dated April 5, 2020, and related determinations.
Alaska; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Alaska (FEMA-4533-DR), dated April 9, 2020, and related determinations.
Delaware; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Delaware (FEMA-4526-DR), dated April 5, 2020, and related determinations.
Maine; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Maine (FEMA-4522-DR), dated April 4, 2020, and related determinations.
Nebraska; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Nebraska (FEMA-4521-DR), dated April 4, 2020, and related determinations.
Wisconsin; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Wisconsin (FEMA-4520-DR), dated April 4, 2020, and related determinations.
Oregon; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for State of Oregon (FEMA-4519-DR), dated April 3, 2020, and related determinations.
Arkansas; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Arkansas (FEMA-4518-DR), dated April 3, 2020, and related determinations.
West Virginia; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of West Virginia (FEMA-4517-DR), dated April 3, 2020, and related determinations.
New Hampshire; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of New Hampshire (FEMA-4516-DR), dated April 3, 2020, and related determinations.
Indiana; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Indiana (FEMA-4515-DR), dated April 3, 2020, and related determinations.
Tennessee; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Tennessee (FEMA-4514-DR), dated April 2, 2020, and related determinations.
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