Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Panel Advisory Committee, 17857-17858 [2021-06983]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 6, 2021 / Notices
H. Grant Terms and Conditions
1. All credit unions are required to
certify the following terms and
conditions prior to submitting an
i. The Applicant is a low-income
designated credit union, as defined in
Section 701.34 of the NCUA’s Rules and
ii. Applicant shall comply with
United States Office of Management and
Budget, Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles, and
Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.
iii. Applicants are required to have an
audit conducted if they hold $750,000
or more in Federal awards during a
fiscal year. Applicants that hold less
than $750,000 in Federal awards are
exempt from this law.
a. For example, if a credit union uses
a $250,000 loan from the NCUA’s
CDRLF and a $500,000 grant from the
Community Development Financial
Institutions (CDFI) Fund, totaling
$750,000 in Federal awards during the
same fiscal year; then the credit union
must have an audit conducted.
iv. Applicant is responsible for the
efficient and effective administration of
the Federal Award through application
of sound management practices.
Applicant assumes the responsibility for
administering Federal Funds in a
manner consistent with underlying
agreements, program objectives, and the
term and conditions of the Federal
v. No employee, contractor,
consultant or vendor has participated
substantially for this grant-funded
activity, nor otherwise benefited
directly or indirectly from the grant,
who, to its knowledge (assuming
reasonable diligence), has a ‘‘covered
relationship’’ with an NCUA employee
who presently holds a position that
would enable him or her to influence a
pending or future grant award, or a
reimbursement of permitted expenses
vi. An employee, contractor,
consultant or vendor of the Applicant
would have such a ‘‘covered
relationship’’ if he or she were either:
(1) A member of the household of an
NCUA employee who presently holds a
position that would enable him or her
to influence a pending or future grant
award, or a reimbursement thereunder;
or (2) a relative of such an NCUA
employee with whom he or she has a
close personal relationship. 5 CFR
vii. Applicant must disclose in
writing to the NCUA any potential
conflict of interest in accordance with
applicable Federal awarding agency
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viii. Per 2 CFR 200.113, Applicant
must disclose all violations of Federal
criminal law involving fraud, bribery, or
gratuity violations potentially affecting
the award.
ix. The Applicant conducts its
activities such that no person is
excluded from participation in, is
denied the benefits of, or is subject to
discrimination on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, age or
disability in the distribution of services
and/or benefits provided under this
grant program. The credit union agrees
to provide evidence of its compliance as
required by the NCUA. Furthermore,
credit unions should ensure compliance
with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
x. If a credit union enters into
commitments for a project before the
grant decision is made, credit union will
be obligated to pay project expenses
from its own funds should the grant not
be approved; if the grant is approved the
credit union may be responsible for a
portion of the expenses due prior to the
grant approval date.
xi. Requests to reallocate or change
approved project (s) and/or request an
extension to the deadline must be
submitted in writing prior to the
original deadline and approved by the
NCUA prior to Applicant incurring
xii. The Applicant is aware that the
NCUA will correspond with the credit
union regarding this application by
email (utilizing the email provided in
this application).
xiii. Applicant hereby acknowledges
that the NCUA reserves full discretion
to deny reimbursement under this grant
in the event the NCUA determines the
Applicant is, or previously was, either
in breach of any-condition or limitation
in the grant guidelines, or in breach of
the ‘covered relationship’ restriction set
forth above.
xiv. Information included in Outcome
Summary or Success Stories is
considered by the NCUA to be Research
Data and is governed by 2 CFR 200.315
and may be made publicly available.
xv. Applicant is aware that any false,
fictitious, or fraudulent information or
the omission of any material fact, may
subject Applicant to criminal, civil or
administrative penalties for fraud, false
statements, false claims or otherwise.
(U.S. Code Title 18, Section 1001 and
Title 31, Sections 3729–3730, and 3801–
xvi. Applicant is aware recipients and
subrecipients are prohibited from
obligating or expending loan or grant
funds to procure or obtain equipment,
services, or systems that uses covered
telecommunications equipment or
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services as a substantial or essential
component of any system, or as critical
technology as part of any system in
accordance with Public Law 115–232,
section 889 and 2 CFR 200.216 .
By the National Credit Union
Administration Board on April 1, 2021.
Melane Conyers-Ausbrooks,
Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2021–07085 Filed 4–5–21; 8:45 am]
Federal Council on the Arts and the
Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Panel
Advisory Committee
Federal Council on the Arts
and the Humanities; National
Foundation on the Arts and the
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
Pursuant to the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, notice is
hereby given that the Federal Council
on the Arts and the Humanities will
hold a meeting of the Arts and Artifacts
International Indemnity Panel.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
Thursday, May 13, 2021, from 12:00
p.m. until adjourned.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held by
videoconference originating at the
National Endowment for the Arts,
Washington, DC 20506.
Elizabeth Voyatzis, Committee
Management Officer, 400 7th Street SW,
Room 4060, Washington, DC 20506,
(202) 606–8322;
purpose of the meeting is for panel
review, discussion, evaluation, and
recommendation on applications for
Certificates of Indemnity submitted to
the Federal Council on the Arts and the
Humanities, for exhibitions beginning
on or after July 1, 2021. Because the
meeting will consider proprietary
financial and commercial data provided
in confidence by indemnity applicants,
and material that is likely to disclose
trade secrets or other privileged or
confidential information, and because it
is important to keep the values of
objects to be indemnified and the
methods of transportation and security
measures confidential, I have
determined that that the meeting will be
closed to the public pursuant to
subsection (c)(4) of section 552b of Title
5, United States Code. I have made this
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 6, 2021 / Notices
comment but determined that it did not
call for any change to the planned
information collection since the opinion
expressed was of a general nature and
did not pertain to any specific aspects
of the information collection. The
purpose of this notice is to allow an
additional 30 days for public comment.
determination under the authority
granted me by the Chairman’s
Delegation of Authority to Close
Advisory Committee Meetings, dated
April 15, 2016.
Dated: March 30, 2021.
Elizabeth Voyatzis,
Committee Management Officer, Federal
Council on the Arts and the Humanities &
Deputy General Counsel, National
Endowment for the Humanities.
[FR Doc. 2021–06983 Filed 4–5–21; 8:45 am]
National Endowment for the
Agency Information Collection
Request; 30-Day Public Comment
National Endowment for the
Humanities, National Foundation on the
Arts and the Humanities.
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
The National Endowment for
the Humanities (NEH) is seeking Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
approval for the information collection
described below. In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, NEH
is requesting comments from all
interested individuals and organizations
on this proposed collection.
DATES: Please submit comments by May
6, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
Timothy Carrigan, Chief Funding
Opportunity Officer, Office of Grant
Management, National Endowment for
the Humanities: 400 Seventh Street SW,
Washington, DC 20506, or tcarrigan@; or 202–606–8377.
published notice of its intent to seek
OMB approval for this information
collection in the Federal Register of
January 27, 2021 (86 FR 7310) and
allowed 60 days for public comment.
The agency received one public
comment, dated January 27, 2021,
which expressed general concern about
the benefit of this information collection
to the taxpayer. NEH acknowledged the
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Overview of This Information
Type of Review: Revision of an
existing information collection.
Title of Information Collection:
Generic Clearance Authority for the
National Endowment for the
Abstract: The National Endowment
for the Humanities is seeking to renew
its generic clearance authority. The
generic clearance authority includes all
NEH information collections, except
one-time evaluations, questionnaires,
and surveys.
The proposed revision adjusts the
overall burden estimate from 88,815 to
296,433 hours. This estimate reflects the
anticipated change in the number of
respondents from 7,815 to 6,767 and an
updated estimated time per response
that more accurately reflects the hours
required to complete a grant
application. Previously, NEH estimated
fifteen hours were needed to complete
a grant application. Further study has
increased the estimate to sixty hours per
proposal. The burden estimate for
associated forms and reporting
requirements has not changed.
OMB Number: 3136–0134.
Affected Public: Applicants to NEH
grant programs, reviewers of NEH grant
applications, and NEH award recipients.
Frequency of Collection: On occasion.
Total Respondents: 6,767.
Total Responses: 6,767.
Estimated Time per Response: Varies
according to type of information
Estimated Total Burden Hours: 615
Request for Comments
The public is invited to comment on
all aspects of this ICR, including: (a)
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of appropriate automated, electronic,
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mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Burden means the total time, effort, or
financial resources expended by persons
to generate, maintain, retain, disclose or
provide information to or for a Federal
agency. This includes the time needed
to review instructions; to develop,
acquire, install and utilize technology
and systems for the purpose of
collecting, validating and verifying
information, processing and
maintaining information, and disclosing
and providing information; to train
personnel and to be able to respond to
a collection of information, to search
data sources, to complete and review
the collection of information; and to
transmit or otherwise disclose the
Dated: March 30, 2021.
Elizabeth Voyatzis,
Deputy General Counsel, National
Endowment for the Humanities.
[FR Doc. 2021–06986 Filed 4–5–21; 8:45 am]
Advisory Committee for Computer and
Information Science and Engineering;
Notice of Meeting
In accordance with the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–
463, as amended), the National Science
Foundation (NSF) announces the
following meeting:
Name and Committee Code: Advisory
Committee for Computer and
Information Science and Engineering
(CISE) (1115).
Date and Time: May 5, 2021; 11:00
a.m. to 4:30 p.m.;
May 6, 2021; 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Place: National Science Foundation,
2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria,
VA 22314.
Virtual meeting attendance only; to
attend the virtual meeting, please send
your request for the virtual meeting link
to the following email address:
Type of Meeting: Open.
Contact Person: KaJuana Mayberry,
National Science Foundation, 2415
Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA
22314; Telephone: 703–292–8900;
Purpose of Meeting: To advise NSF on
the impact of its policies, programs and
activities in support of CISE research,
education, and research infrastructure.
To provide advice to the NSF Assistant
Director for CISE on issues related to
long-range planning, and to form ad hoc
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 64 (Tuesday, April 6, 2021)]
[Pages 17857-17858]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-06983]
Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities
Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Panel Advisory Committee
AGENCY: Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities; National
Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities.
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, notice is
hereby given that the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities
will hold a meeting of the Arts and Artifacts International Indemnity
DATES: The meeting will be held on Thursday, May 13, 2021, from 12:00
p.m. until adjourned.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held by videoconference originating at
the National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, DC 20506.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Elizabeth Voyatzis, Committee
Management Officer, 400 7th Street SW, Room 4060, Washington, DC 20506,
(202) 606-8322; [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The purpose of the meeting is for panel
review, discussion, evaluation, and recommendation on applications for
Certificates of Indemnity submitted to the Federal Council on the Arts
and the Humanities, for exhibitions beginning on or after July 1, 2021.
Because the meeting will consider proprietary financial and commercial
data provided in confidence by indemnity applicants, and material that
is likely to disclose trade secrets or other privileged or confidential
information, and because it is important to keep the values of objects
to be indemnified and the methods of transportation and security
measures confidential, I have determined that that the meeting will be
closed to the public pursuant to subsection (c)(4) of section 552b of
Title 5, United States Code. I have made this
[[Page 17858]]
determination under the authority granted me by the Chairman's
Delegation of Authority to Close Advisory Committee Meetings, dated
April 15, 2016.
Dated: March 30, 2021.
Elizabeth Voyatzis,
Committee Management Officer, Federal Council on the Arts and the
Humanities & Deputy General Counsel, National Endowment for the
[FR Doc. 2021-06983 Filed 4-5-21; 8:45 am]