Notice of Intent To Seek Approval To Renew With Changes an Information Collection, 17207-17209 [2021-06664]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 61 / Thursday, April 1, 2021 / Notices week ‘‘off’’ period and making the application of the TUR trigger retroactive to March 18, 2020. As such, the state will trigger back ‘‘on’’ a high unemployment period with an effective date of June 7, 2020. Controlled • Based on the data submitted by Drug code Schedule substance Hawaii for the week ending February 28, 2021, Hawaii’s 13-week insured Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid ....... 2010 I unemployment rate (IUR) was 4.89 percent, falling below the 5.0 percent 3,4-Methylenedioxy IUR threshold necessary to remain ‘‘on’’ methamphetamine ................ 7405 I EB. Therefore, the EB period for Hawaii ended on March 6, 2021. The state will remain in an ‘‘off’’ period for a The company plans to import the minimum of 13 weeks. listed controlled substances for clinical • Based on the data submitted by trials. No other activity for this drug Puerto Rico for the week ending code is authorized for this registration. February 27, 2021, Puerto Rico’s 13Approval of permit applications will week IUR was 4.96 percent, falling occur only when the registrant’s business activity is consistent with what below the 5.0 percent IUR threshold necessary to remain ‘‘on’’ EB. Therefore, is authorized under 21 U.S.C. 952(a)(2). the EB period for Puerto Rico ended on Authorization will not extend to the March 20, 2021. The state will remain import of Food and Drug in an ‘‘off’’ period for a minimum of 13 Administration-approved or nonweeks. approved finished dosage forms for • Based on the data submitted by commercial sale. Washington for the week ending William T. McDermott, February 20, 2021, Washington’s 13Assistant Administrator. week IUR was 4.95 percent, falling [FR Doc. 2021–06687 Filed 3–31–21; 8:45 am] below the 5.0 percent IUR threshold BILLING CODE P necessary to remain ‘‘on’’ EB. Therefore, the EB period for Washington ended on March 13, 2021. The state will remain in an ‘‘off’’ period for a minimum of 13 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR weeks. Employment and Training The trigger notice covering state Administration eligibility for the EB program can be found at: Notice of a Change in Status of the unemploy/ Extended Benefit (EB) Program for Information for Claimants California, Colorado, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Washington The duration of benefits payable in the EB program, and the terms and AGENCY: Employment and Training conditions on which they are payable, Administration, Labor. are governed by the Federal-State ACTION: Notice. Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970, as amended, and the This notice announces a changes in operating instructions issued to the benefit period eligibility under the EB states by the U.S. Department of Labor. program that have occurred since the In the case of a state beginning an EB publication of the last notice regarding period, the State Workforce Agency will the States’ EB status: furnish a written notice of potential • Colorado’s state law allows for the temporary adoption of the optional total entitlement to each individual who has unemployment rate (TUR) trigger during exhausted all rights to regular benefits and is potentially eligible for EB (20 periods of 100% Federal financing. Recent TUR data released by the Bureau CFR 615.13(c)(1)). Persons who believe they may be of Labor Statistics reflected Colorado’s entitled to EB, or who wish to inquire TUR as meeting the conditions about their rights under the program, necessary to be triggered ‘‘on’’ EB, should contact their State Workforce however the state was in a mandatory Agency. 13-week ‘‘off’’ period beginning November 28, 2020. That mandatory FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: U.S. ‘‘off’’ period was expired February 27, Department of Labor, Employment and 2021, and as such Colorado is triggered Training Administration, Office of ‘‘on’’ to EB effective February 28, 2021. Unemployment Insurance Room • The State of California enacted S–4524, Attn: Thomas Stengle, 200 legislation waiving the mandatory 13Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES Baglyos Circle, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18020–8024, applied to be registered as an importer of the following basic class(es) of controlled substance(s): VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:02 Mar 31, 2021 Jkt 253001 PO 00000 Frm 00096 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 17207 DC 20210, telephone number (202) 693– 2991 (this is not a toll-free number) or by email: Signed in Washington, DC. Suzan G. LeVine, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training. [FR Doc. 2021–06712 Filed 3–31–21; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4510–FW–P NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Notice of Intent To Seek Approval To Renew With Changes an Information Collection National Science Foundation. Notice and request for comments. AGENCY: ACTION: The National Science Foundation (NSF) is announcing plans to request establishment and clearance of this collection. In accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we are providing opportunity for public comment on this action. After obtaining and considering public comment, NSF will prepare the submission requesting that OMB approve clearance of this collection for no longer than three years. DATES: Written comments on this notice must be received by June 1, 2021 to be assured of consideration. Comments received after that date will be considered to the extent practicable. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, National Science Foundation, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Room W 18000, Alexandria, Virginia 22314; or send email to Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877– 8339, which is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (including federal holidays). Instructions: Please submit one copy of your comments by only one method. All submissions received must include the agency name and collection name identified above for this information collection. Commenters are strongly encouraged to transmit their comments electronically via email. Comments, including any personal information provided become a matter of public record. They will be summarized and/ or included in the request for Office of Management and Budget approval of the information collection request. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Comments: Comments are invited on (a) whether the proposed collection of SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\01APN1.SGM 01APN1 17208 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 61 / Thursday, April 1, 2021 / Notices jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the Agency’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Title of Collection: National Science Foundation’s Education and Training Application Pilot. OMB Number: 3145–0248. Expiration Date of Approval: November 30, 2021. Abstract The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks to develop and pilot test an electronic data collection system that supports applications to education and training opportunities funded by NSF and allows tracking of participants’ program experiences and career outcomes over time. The pilot aims to provide NSF with information to inform decisions in developing an effective and low-burden approach to collect data needed to monitor programs, report to NSF leadership, and comply with congressional requirements. The main goal of the current project is to build upon a system originally developed for the NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. The work involves revising and enhancing the system based on the lessons from the initial REU pilot and conducting further testing to prepare it for adoption for the REU program and other education and training programs at NSF. The original REU data system was designed to collect data required by Congress in the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, which states that students in the REU program must ‘‘be tracked, for employment and continued matriculation in STEM fields, through receipt of the undergraduate degree and for at least three years thereafter’’ (Section 514[a][6] of Pub. L. 111–358). A study conducted by the Science and Technology Policy Institute determined the need for NSF to create new data collection because ‘‘the status quo of [REU] participants providing demographic information to NSF’s Research Performance Report System, coupled with voluntary tracking of VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:02 Mar 31, 2021 Jkt 253001 participants’ career choices by the REU [principal investigators], was clearly insufficient to meet the [congressional] mandate’’.i To respond to the America COMPETES mandate, NSF commissioned a data system for the REU program. The current project is the evolution of this early test that originated with the REU program to leverage the system and scale its pilot test to include other NSF programs that similarly invest in human capital development. The new system—The Education and Training Application (ETAP)—supports NSF’s learning agenda and is in alignment with the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (Pub. L. 115– 435), which requires NSF to collect, use, or acquire data to support decision making. In addition to developing and enhancing the system, the present study will pilot test collecting data from a sample of Sites that volunteer to participate. (A Site is an instance of an NSF award offering an education and training opportunity at a given point in time.) By participating in this study, principal investigators (PIs) from these Sites will experience the data collections firsthand and provide feedback to help NSF improve the system before expanding its use. For example, PIs will have an opportunity to determine whether the system facilitates managing applications more efficiently than the usual process, comment on whether the system is user friendly, assess the usefulness of data reports the system produces, and suggest enhancements to the system. Four key activities define the pilot: 1. Testing a web-based approach to obtain basic background and participation information while supporting applications to individual Sites. Specifically, PIs choose whether they will be running a competitive application process for their Site (for example, an REU Site award recruiting participants nationally) or noncompetitive application (for example, an REU Supplement award that invites its participants). Data collected from applicants will therefore depend on the type of application process for their Sites of interest. The system will include the following: • Common registration form. All applicants will need to register to apply and participate in an NSF-funded opportunity participating in the pilot. i Zuckerman, B., J. Doyle, A. Mudd, T. Jones, and G. Davis. ‘‘Assessment of the Feasibility of Tracking Participants from the National Science Foundation’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites Program.’’ Final report. Washington, DC: STPI, 2016. PO 00000 Frm 00097 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Individuals who are participating in awards that do not have a competitive application process will only need to complete a profile with basic demographic and contact information and provide other information not captured in the profile but that is required for program monitoring and evaluation purposes, such as students’ current enrollment or class standing (if applicable). • Additional application requirements. Individuals wishing to apply for awards that run competitive applications will be able to use the ETAP to apply to multiple NSF awards through a fully operational electronic application. They will first complete the common registration form (described above), which collects basic demographic and contact information needed for analysis and tracking purposes. Next, they will proceed to the application form, through which they will submit additional information that competitive Sites require as part of their applications, such as resume, transcripts, and contact information for their references. PIs and other authorized staff will use the system to provide information needed by prospective applicants (such as the application deadline), retrieve applicant information, record application decisions and participation status among admitted applicants, and produce reports of data submitted by applicants to their Sites. 2. Gathering program experiences and satisfaction. After participating in the NSF program, participants will be administered an exit survey to capture program experiences and participants’ attitudes and opinions. 3. Obtaining and integrating educational and employment information. Following a sample of students who had used the predecessor system (REU data system) to apply to the NSF award, this study will do the following: • Obtain information on educational outcomes from administrative data (National Student Clearinghouse) that NSF can purchase at low cost to the government and no burden to students. • Administer a short survey to obtain information on employment outcomes. • Obtain information on research productivity outcomes (such as publications or patents) from Web of Science, Scopus, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. (NSF already subscribes to these administrative databases, so they are accessible through NSF systems.) 4. Conducting usability testing and gathering user feedback. This testing will focus on new system enhancements E:\FR\FM\01APN1.SGM 01APN1 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 61 / Thursday, April 1, 2021 / Notices or functionality and seeks to obtain indepth feedback from users on the common registration form, additional application requirements, and data reports available. Estimate of Burden: At present, most education and training opportunities funded by NSF use applications that are submitted directly to each Site, if such applications are required as is the case with the REU Sites program. Sites might run competitive and noncompetitive applications to select their program participants. We estimate that individuals applying for noncompetitive Sites will spend 3.25 hours submitting information through the ETAP system; for competitive Sites, this estimate is 7 hours. We estimate that individuals writing letters of reference for students will spend 0.5 hours drafting a letter in support of a student’s application to a competitive Site. We estimate that PIs (or their designated users) will spend 4.7 hours using the system to track and manage applications to their Site. Respondents: Individuals. Estimated Number of Respondents: 66,499. Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: 146,710 hours. Frequency of Responses: Three rounds of data collection. Dated: March 26, 2021. Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, National Science Foundation. [FR Doc. 2021–06664 Filed 3–31–21; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7555–01–P NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Sunshine Act Meeting The National Science Board’s ad hoc Committee on Nominating the NSB Class of 2022–2028, hereby gives notice of the scheduling of a teleconference for the transaction of National Science Board business, as follows: Monday, April 5, 2021, from 3:30–5:00 p.m. EDT. PLACE: This meeting will be held by teleconference through the National Science Foundation, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314. STATUS: Closed. MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: The agenda of the teleconference is: Chair’s welcome and remarks; presentation of the Committee charge; discussion of timeline; discussion and approval of NSB C/O 2022–2028 nominee attributes; questions; and action item review. CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION: Point of contact for this meeting is: Chris Blair,, 703/292– jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES TIME AND DATE: VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:02 Mar 31, 2021 Jkt 253001 7000. Meeting information and updates may be found at nsb/meetings/notices.jsp#sunshine. Please refer to the National Science Board website for general information. Chris Blair, Executive Assistant to the National Science Board Office. [FR Doc. 2021–06787 Filed 3–30–21; 11:15 am] BILLING CODE 7555–01–P NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [NRC–2021–0059] Environmental Assessments and Findings of No Significant Impact of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facilities Decommissioning Funding Plans Nuclear Regulatory Commission. ACTION: Environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact; issuance. AGENCY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is publishing this notice regarding the issuance of a Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for its review and approval of the initial and updated decommissioning funding plans (DFPs) submitted by independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) licensees for the ISFSIs listed in the ‘‘Discussion’’ section of this document. DATES: The EA and FONSI referenced in this document are available on April 1, 2021. ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC–2021–0059 when contacting the NRC about the availability of information regarding this document. You may obtain publicly available information related to this document using any of the following methods: • Federal Rulemaking website: Go to and search for Docket ID NRC–2021–0059. Address questions about Docket IDs in to Stacy Schumann; telephone: 301–415–0624; email: For technical questions, contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this document. • NRC’s Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS): You may obtain publicly available documents online in the ADAMS Public Documents collection at SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00098 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 17209 adams.html. To begin the search, select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS, please contact the NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, 301– 415–4737, or by email to pdr.resource@ The ADAMS accession number for each document referenced (if it is available in ADAMS) is provided the first time that it is mentioned in this document. • Attention: The PDR, where you may examine and order copies of public documents, is currently closed. You may submit your request to the PDR via email at or call 1– 800–397–4209 or 301–415–4737, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (EST), Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christian Jacobs, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555–0001; telephone: 301–415–6825, email: Christian.Jacobs@ SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Introduction The NRC is considering the approval of the initial and updated DFPs submitted by ISFSI licensees. The NRC staff has prepared a Final EA and FONSI determination for each of the initial and updated ISFSI DFPs in accordance with the NRC regulations in Part 51 of title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), ‘‘Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions,’’ which implement the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.). The NRC requires its licensees to plan for the eventual decommissioning of their licensed facilities prior to license termination. On June 17, 2011, the NRC published a final rule in the Federal Register amending its decommissioning planning regulations (76 FR 35512). The final rule amended the NRC regulation, 10 CFR 72.30, which concerns financial assurance and decommissioning for ISFSIs. This regulation requires each holder of, or applicant for, a license under 10 CFR part 72 to submit a DFP for the NRC’s review and approval. The DFP is to demonstrate the licensee’s financial assurance, i.e., that funds will be available to decommission the ISFSI. The NRC staff will later publish its financial analyses of the DFP submittals which will be available for public inspection in ADAMS. II. Discussion The following table includes the plant name, docket number, licensee, and E:\FR\FM\01APN1.SGM 01APN1


[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 61 (Thursday, April 1, 2021)]
[Pages 17207-17209]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-06664]



Notice of Intent To Seek Approval To Renew With Changes an 
Information Collection

AGENCY: National Science Foundation.

ACTION: Notice and request for comments.


SUMMARY: The National Science Foundation (NSF) is announcing plans to 
request establishment and clearance of this collection. In accordance 
with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we are 
providing opportunity for public comment on this action. After 
obtaining and considering public comment, NSF will prepare the 
submission requesting that OMB approve clearance of this collection for 
no longer than three years.

DATES: Written comments on this notice must be received by June 1, 2021 
to be assured of consideration. Comments received after that date will 
be considered to the extent practicable.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports Clearance 
Officer, National Science Foundation, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Room W 
18000, Alexandria, Virginia 22314; or send email to [email protected]. 
Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may 
call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339, 
which is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year 
(including federal holidays).
    Instructions: Please submit one copy of your comments by only one 
method. All submissions received must include the agency name and 
collection name identified above for this information collection. 
Commenters are strongly encouraged to transmit their comments 
electronically via email. Comments, including any personal information 
provided become a matter of public record. They will be summarized and/
or included in the request for Office of Management and Budget approval 
of the information collection request.

    Comments: Comments are invited on (a) whether the proposed 
collection of

[[Page 17208]]

information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 
the Agency, including whether the information shall have practical 
utility; (b) the accuracy of the Agency's estimate of the burden of the 
proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
utility, and clarity of the information on respondents, including 
through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of 
information technology; (d) ways to minimize the burden of the 
collection of information on those who are to respond, including 
through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or 
other technological collection techniques or other forms of information 
    Title of Collection: National Science Foundation's Education and 
Training Application Pilot.
    OMB Number: 3145-0248.
    Expiration Date of Approval: November 30, 2021.


    The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks to develop and pilot 
test an electronic data collection system that supports applications to 
education and training opportunities funded by NSF and allows tracking 
of participants' program experiences and career outcomes over time. The 
pilot aims to provide NSF with information to inform decisions in 
developing an effective and low-burden approach to collect data needed 
to monitor programs, report to NSF leadership, and comply with 
congressional requirements.
    The main goal of the current project is to build upon a system 
originally developed for the NSF Research Experiences for 
Undergraduates (REU) program. The work involves revising and enhancing 
the system based on the lessons from the initial REU pilot and 
conducting further testing to prepare it for adoption for the REU 
program and other education and training programs at NSF. The original 
REU data system was designed to collect data required by Congress in 
the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, which states that 
students in the REU program must ``be tracked, for employment and 
continued matriculation in STEM fields, through receipt of the 
undergraduate degree and for at least three years thereafter'' (Section 
514[a][6] of Pub. L. 111-358). A study conducted by the Science and 
Technology Policy Institute determined the need for NSF to create new 
data collection because ``the status quo of [REU] participants 
providing demographic information to NSF's Research Performance Report 
System, coupled with voluntary tracking of participants' career choices 
by the REU [principal investigators], was clearly insufficient to meet 
the [congressional] mandate''.\i\ To respond to the America COMPETES 
mandate, NSF commissioned a data system for the REU program. The 
current project is the evolution of this early test that originated 
with the REU program to leverage the system and scale its pilot test to 
include other NSF programs that similarly invest in human capital 
development. The new system--The Education and Training Application 
(ETAP)--supports NSF's learning agenda and is in alignment with the 
Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (Pub. L. 115-
435), which requires NSF to collect, use, or acquire data to support 
decision making.

    \i\ Zuckerman, B., J. Doyle, A. Mudd, T. Jones, and G. Davis. 
``Assessment of the Feasibility of Tracking Participants from the 
National Science Foundation's Research Experiences for 
Undergraduates (REU) Sites Program.'' Final report. Washington, DC: 
STPI, 2016.

    In addition to developing and enhancing the system, the present 
study will pilot test collecting data from a sample of Sites that 
volunteer to participate. (A Site is an instance of an NSF award 
offering an education and training opportunity at a given point in 
time.) By participating in this study, principal investigators (PIs) 
from these Sites will experience the data collections firsthand and 
provide feedback to help NSF improve the system before expanding its 
use. For example, PIs will have an opportunity to determine whether the 
system facilitates managing applications more efficiently than the 
usual process, comment on whether the system is user friendly, assess 
the usefulness of data reports the system produces, and suggest 
enhancements to the system.
    Four key activities define the pilot:
    1. Testing a web-based approach to obtain basic background and 
participation information while supporting applications to individual 
Sites. Specifically, PIs choose whether they will be running a 
competitive application process for their Site (for example, an REU 
Site award recruiting participants nationally) or noncompetitive 
application (for example, an REU Supplement award that invites its 
participants). Data collected from applicants will therefore depend on 
the type of application process for their Sites of interest. The system 
will include the following:
     Common registration form. All applicants will need to 
register to apply and participate in an NSF-funded opportunity 
participating in the pilot. Individuals who are participating in awards 
that do not have a competitive application process will only need to 
complete a profile with basic demographic and contact information and 
provide other information not captured in the profile but that is 
required for program monitoring and evaluation purposes, such as 
students' current enrollment or class standing (if applicable).
     Additional application requirements. Individuals wishing 
to apply for awards that run competitive applications will be able to 
use the ETAP to apply to multiple NSF awards through a fully 
operational electronic application. They will first complete the common 
registration form (described above), which collects basic demographic 
and contact information needed for analysis and tracking purposes. 
Next, they will proceed to the application form, through which they 
will submit additional information that competitive Sites require as 
part of their applications, such as resume, transcripts, and contact 
information for their references. PIs and other authorized staff will 
use the system to provide information needed by prospective applicants 
(such as the application deadline), retrieve applicant information, 
record application decisions and participation status among admitted 
applicants, and produce reports of data submitted by applicants to 
their Sites.
    2. Gathering program experiences and satisfaction. After 
participating in the NSF program, participants will be administered an 
exit survey to capture program experiences and participants' attitudes 
and opinions.
    3. Obtaining and integrating educational and employment 
information. Following a sample of students who had used the 
predecessor system (REU data system) to apply to the NSF award, this 
study will do the following:
     Obtain information on educational outcomes from 
administrative data (National Student Clearinghouse) that NSF can 
purchase at low cost to the government and no burden to students.
     Administer a short survey to obtain information on 
employment outcomes.
     Obtain information on research productivity outcomes (such 
as publications or patents) from Web of Science, Scopus, and the United 
States Patent and Trademark Office. (NSF already subscribes to these 
administrative databases, so they are accessible through NSF systems.)
    4. Conducting usability testing and gathering user feedback. This 
testing will focus on new system enhancements

[[Page 17209]]

or functionality and seeks to obtain in-depth feedback from users on 
the common registration form, additional application requirements, and 
data reports available.
    Estimate of Burden: At present, most education and training 
opportunities funded by NSF use applications that are submitted 
directly to each Site, if such applications are required as is the case 
with the REU Sites program. Sites might run competitive and 
noncompetitive applications to select their program participants. We 
estimate that individuals applying for noncompetitive Sites will spend 
3.25 hours submitting information through the ETAP system; for 
competitive Sites, this estimate is 7 hours. We estimate that 
individuals writing letters of reference for students will spend 0.5 
hours drafting a letter in support of a student's application to a 
competitive Site. We estimate that PIs (or their designated users) will 
spend 4.7 hours using the system to track and manage applications to 
their Site.
    Respondents: Individuals.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 66,499.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: 146,710 hours.
    Frequency of Responses: Three rounds of data collection.

    Dated: March 26, 2021.
Suzanne H. Plimpton,
Reports Clearance Officer, National Science Foundation.
[FR Doc. 2021-06664 Filed 3-31-21; 8:45 am]

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