Priority Mail Express Delivery Times, 16670-16672 [2021-06648]
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jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 31, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
noteworthy that, in subsection 811(h),
Congress authorized the issuance of
temporary scheduling actions by order
rather than by rule. In the alternative,
even if this action were subject to 5
U.S.C. 553, the Acting Administrator
finds that there is good cause to forgo
the notice and comment and the
delayed effective date requirements of
such section, as any further delays in
the process for extending the temporary
scheduling order would be
impracticable and contrary to the public
interest in view of the manifest urgency
to avoid an imminent hazard to the
public safety that these substances
would present if scheduling expired, for
the reasons expressed in the temporary
scheduling order (84 FR 15505, April
16, 2019). Further, DEA believes that
this order extending the temporary
scheduling action is not a ‘‘rule’’ as
defined by 5 U.S.C. 601(2), and,
accordingly, is not subject to the
requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act. The requirements for the
preparation of an initial regulatory
flexibility analysis in 5 U.S.C. 603(a) are
not applicable where, as here, DEA is
not required by 5 U.S.C. 553 or any
other law to publish a general notice of
proposed rulemaking.
Additionally, this action is not a
significant regulatory action as defined
by Executive Order (E.O.) 12866
(Regulatory Planning and Review)
section 3(f), and the principles
reaffirmed in E.O. 13563 (Improving
Regulation and Regulatory Review),
and, accordingly, this action has not
been reviewed by the Office of
Management and Budget.
This action will not have substantial
direct effects on the States, on the
relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. Therefore, in
accordance with E.O. 13132
(Federalism), it is determined that this
action does not have sufficient
federalism implications to warrant the
preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
As noted above, this action is an
order, not a rule. Accordingly, the
Congressional Review Act (CRA) is
inapplicable, as it applies only to rules.
5 U.S.C. 801, 804(3). It is in the public
interest to maintain the temporary
placement of 5F–EDMB–PINACA, 5F–
schedule I because they pose a public
health risk, for the reasons expressed in
the temporary scheduling order (84 FR
15505, April 16, 2019). The temporary
scheduling action was taken pursuant to
21 U.S.C. 811(h), which is specifically
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designed to enable DEA to act in an
expeditious manner to avoid an
imminent hazard to the public safety.
Under subsection 811(h), temporary
scheduling orders are not subject to
notice and comment rulemaking
procedures. DEA understands that the
CSA frames temporary scheduling
actions as orders rather than rules to
ensure that the process moves swiftly,
and this extension of the temporary
scheduling order continues to serve that
purpose. For the same reasons that
underlie subsection 811(h), that is, the
need to place these substances in
schedule I because they pose an
imminent hazard to public safety, it
would be contrary to the public interest
to delay implementation of this
extension of the temporary scheduling
Therefore, in accordance with 5
U.S.C. 808(2), this order extending the
temporary scheduling order shall take
effect immediately upon its publication.
DEA will submit a copy of this order to
both Houses of Congress and to the
Comptroller General, although such
filing is not required under the CRA, 5
U.S.C. 801–808, because, as noted
above, this action is an order, not a rule.
[Docket No. USCG–2021–0153]
Commander or designated
DATES: The regulations in 33 CFR
165.801 Table 3 will be enforced from
8:30 p.m. through 10 p.m. on May 1,
2021, or in the event of postponement
due to rain, on May 2, 2021.
you have questions about this notice of
enforcement, call or email Mr. Scott
Whalen, U.S. Coast Guard; telephone
409–719–5086, email scott.k.whalen@
Guard will enforce safety zone
regulations in 33 CFR 165.801 Table 3
for the Port Neches Riverfest fireworks
display from 8:30 p.m. through 10 p.m.
on May 1, 2021, or in the event of rain,
on May 2, 2021. This action is being
taken to provide for the safety of life on
navigable waterways before, during, and
after a pyrotechnics display. Our annual
fireworks displays and other events in
the Eighth Coast Guard District
requiring safety zones, § 165.801,
specifies the location of the safety zone
for the Riverfest fireworks display
which encompasses a 500-yard radius of
the fireworks barge anchored on the
Neches River in approximate position
29°59′51″ N 093°57′06″ W (NAD83).
During the enforcement period, as
reflected in § 165.801 Table 3, if you are
the operator of a vessel in the regulated
area you must comply with directions
from the Patrol Commander or
designated representative.
In addition to this notice of
enforcement in the Federal Register, the
Coast Guard plans to provide
notification of the enforcement periods
via Local Notice to Mariners, Marine
Safety Information Bulletin and Vessel
Traffic Service Advisory.
Annual Fireworks Displays and Other
Events in the Eighth Coast Guard
District Requiring Safety Zones
Dated: March 22, 2021.
Molly. A. Wike,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port, Marine Safety Zone Port Arthur.
D. Christopher Evans,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2021–06555 Filed 3–30–21; 8:45 am]
Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 165
Coast Guard, DHS.
Notice of enforcement of
[FR Doc. 2021–06453 Filed 3–30–21; 8:45 am]
The Coast Guard will enforce
a safety zone for the Riverfest fireworks
display on the Neches River in Port
Neches, TX from 8:30 p.m. through 10
p.m. on May 1, 2021 to provide for the
safety of life on navigable waterways
during this event. Our regulation for
fireworks displays and other events
within the Eighth Coast Guard District
identifies the regulated area for this
event in Port Neches, TX. During the
enforcement periods, the operator of any
vessel in the regulated area must
comply with directions from the Patrol
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39 CFR Part 111
Priority Mail Express Delivery Times
Postal ServiceTM.
ACTION: Final rule.
The Postal Service is
amending Mailing Standards of the
United States Postal Service, Domestic
Mail Manual (DMM®) in various
sections to revise the Priority Mail
Express® delivery times and to
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 31, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
eliminate the optional 10:30 a.m.
delivery time.
DATES: Effective Date: May 23, 2021.
Markes Lucius at (202) 268–6170, Denis
Baranov (202) 268–4880, or Garry
Rodriguez at (202) 268–7281.
the Priority Mail Express service
guarantee delivery times for most
domestic mail including Priority Mail
Express Military Service® and Hold For
Pickup service are 12:00 p.m. or 3:00
p.m. as designated by the 3-digit or 5digit destination ZIP® Code delivery
areas and defined in the Priority Mail
Express Delivery directory. The Postal
Service is revising the 12:00 p.m. and
3:00 p.m. Priority Mail Express service
guarantee delivery times to 6:00 p.m.
The Postal Service is also eliminating
the optional 10:30 a.m. delivery time.
The revisions to the Priority Mail
Express service guarantee delivery times
and elimination of the optional 10:30
a.m. delivery time will enable the Postal
Service to improve the quality of service
and provide a more efficient customer
The Postal Service adopts the
following changes to Mailing Standards
of the United States Postal Service,
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM),
incorporated by reference in the Code of
Federal Regulations. See 39 CFR 111.1.
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111
Administrative practice and
procedure, Postal Service.
Accordingly, 39 CFR part 111 is
amended as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301–
307; 18 U.S.C. 1692–1737; 39 U.S.C. 101,
401, 403, 404, 414, 416, 3001–3011, 3201–
3219, 3403–3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632,
3633, and 5001.
2. Revise the Mailing Standards of the
United States Postal Service, Domestic
Mail Manual (DMM) as follows:
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES
100 Retail Mail Letters, Cards, Flats,
and Parcels
[Delete 1.8, ‘‘Optional Delivery Fee’’
in its entirety and renumber 1.9 as 1.8.]
4.0 Service Features of Priority Mail
4.2 Priority Mail Express 1-Day
Delivery Time
[Revise the first sentence of 4.2.3 to
read as follows:]
Items are delivered by 6 p.m. on the
next delivery day. * * *
Hold for Pickup
[Revise the text of 4.2.4 to read as
Except for Priority Mail Express
mailpieces containing cremated
remains, under Hold for Pickup service,
items presented under 4.2 are available
for pickup by the addressee at the
destination facility by 6:00 p.m. of the
next day that the destination office is
open for retail business.
4.3 Priority Mail Express 2-Day
Delivery Time
[Revise the text of 4.3.3 to read as
Items are delivered by 6 p.m. on the
second delivery day. If delivery is not
made, the addressee is notified. A
reminder notice is left on the third day
after the attempted delivery. A second
delivery is attempted only upon
customer request.
Hold for Pickup
[Revise the text of 4.3.4 to read as
Except for Priority Mail Express
mailpieces containing cremated
remains, under Hold for Pickup service,
items presented under 4.3 are available
for pickup by the addressee at the
destination facility by 6:00 p.m. of the
second delivery day that the destination
office is open for retail business.
200 Commercial Mail Letters, Flats,
and Parcels
Retail Mail Priority Mail Express
210 Commercial Mail Priority Mail
Prices and Eligibility
Prices and Eligibility
Prices and Fees
Prices and Fees
VerDate Sep<11>2014
4.2 Priority Mail Express 1-Day
[Delete 1.6, ‘‘Optional Delivery Fee’’
in its entirety.]
1. The authority citation for 39 CFR
part 111 continues to read as follows:
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Delivery Times
[Revise the text of 4.2.3 to read as
Except for items endorsed
‘‘Guaranteed by End of Day’’ per an
approved customer agreement, items are
delivered by 6 p.m. on the next delivery
day. If delivery is not made, the
addressee is notified. A reminder notice
is left on the third day after the
attempted delivery. A second delivery is
attempted only upon customer request.
Hold for Pickup
[Revise the text of 4.2.4 to read as
Except for Priority Mail Express
mailpieces containing cremated
remains, under Hold for Pickup service,
items presented under 4.2 are available
for pickup by the addressee at the
destination facility by 6 p.m. of the next
day that the destination office is open
for retail business.
4.3 Priority Mail Express 2-Day
Delivery Times
[Revise the text of 4.3.3 to read as
Except for items endorsed
‘‘Guaranteed by End of Day’’ per an
approved customer agreement, items are
delivered by 6 p.m. on the second
delivery day. If delivery is not made, the
addressee is notified. A reminder notice
is left on the third day after the
attempted delivery. A second delivery is
attempted only upon customer request.
Hold for Pickup
[Revise the text of 4.3.4 to read as
Except for Priority Mail Express
mailpieces containing cremated
remains, under Hold for Pickup service,
items presented under 4.3 are available
for pickup by the addressee at the
destination facility by 6 p.m. of the
second delivery day that the destination
office is open for retail business.
600 Basic Standards For All Mailing
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 31, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
604 Postage Payment Methods and
2.6.5 To APO/FPO and DPO
Exchanges and Refunds
[Revise the text of 2.6.5 to read as
Under PMEMS, items mailed to APO/
FPO and DPO destinations (from the
United States) are available for delivery
at the destination APO/FPO or DPO Post
Office by 6:00 p.m. on the designated
delivery day.
Postage and Fee Refunds
General Standards
A refund for postage and fees may be
[Revise the text of item e to read as
e. Under 9.5 for Priority Mail Express
postage and Sunday/holiday premium
fee refunds.
Applying for Refund
A customer may apply for refunds
under 9.2, as follows:
[Revise the first sentence of item a to
read as follows:]
a. Online (preferred) at For domestic,
Priority Mail Express (postage, Sunday/
holiday premium fee), and for Certified
Mail, Return Receipt (hardcopy and
electronic), Signature Confirmation, and
USPS Tracking (USPS Marketing Mail
only), extra services only. * * *
9.5 Priority Mail Express Postage and
Fees Refunds
9.5.1 Priority Mail Express 1-Day and
2-Day Delivery
[Revise the text of 9.5.1 to read as
For Priority Mail Express 1-Day and 2Day Delivery, the USPS refunds the
postage and Sunday or holiday
premium fee for an item not delivered,
for an item for which delivery was not
attempted, or if the item was not made
available for claim by the delivery date
and time specified at the time of
mailing, subject to the standards for this
service, unless the delay was caused by
one of the situations in 9.5.5.
Special Standards
703 Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail
and Other Unique Eligibility
jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES
2.0 Overseas Military and Diplomatic
Post Office Mail
2.6 Priority Mail Express Military
Service (PMEMS)
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2.6.6 From APO/FPO and DPO
[Revise the text of 2.6.5 to read as
Under PMEMS, items mailed from
APO/FPO and DPO locations (going to
the United States) are delivered to an
addressee within the delivery area of the
destination Post Office by 6:00 p.m. on
the designated delivery day.
Ruth B. Stevenson,
Attorney, Federal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2021–06648 Filed 3–29–21; 4:15 pm]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R03–OAR–2020–0198; FRL–10022–
11–Region 3]
Air Plan Approval; West Virginia; 1997
8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air
Quality Standard Second Maintenance
Plan for the West Virginia Portion of
the Wheeling, WV-OH Area Comprising
Marshall and Ohio Counties
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is approving a state
implementation plan (SIP) revision
submitted by the West Virginia
Department of Environmental Protection
(WVDEP) on behalf of the State of West
Virginia (WV). This revision pertains to
West Virginia’s plan for maintaining the
1997 8-hour ozone national ambient air
quality standard (NAAQS) for the West
Virginia portion of the Wheeling, WVOH area (Wheeling Area) comprising
Marshall and Ohio Counties. EPA is
approving these revisions to the West
Virginia SIP in accordance with the
requirements of the Clean Air Act
This final rule is effective on
April 30, 2021.
ADDRESSES: EPA has established a
docket for this action under Docket ID
PO 00000
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Number EPA–R03–OAR–2020–0198. All
documents in the docket are listed on
website. Although listed in the index,
some information is not publicly
available, e.g., confidential business
information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, is not placed on
the internet and will be publicly
available only in hard copy form.
Publicly available docket materials are
available through https://, or please contact
the person identified in the FOR FURTHER
additional availability information.
Keila M. Paga´n-Incle, Planning &
Implementation Branch (3AD30), Air &
Radiation Division, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Region III, 1650
Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
19103. The telephone number is (215)
814–2926. Ms. Paga´n-Incle can also be
reached via electronic mail at
I. Background
On June 29, 2020 (85 FR 38831), EPA
published a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) for the State of
West Virginia. In the NPRM, EPA
proposed approval of West Virginia’s
plan for maintaining the 1997 ozone
NAAQS through June 14, 2027, in
accordance with CAA section 175A. The
formal SIP revision was submitted by
WVDEP on December 10, 2019.
II. Summary of SIP Revision and EPA
On May 15, 2007 (72 FR 27247,
effective June 14, 2007), EPA approved
a redesignation request (and
maintenance plan) from WVDEP for the
Wheeling Area. Per CAA section
175A(b), at the end of the eighth year
after the effective date of the
redesignation, the state must also
submit a second maintenance plan to
ensure ongoing maintenance of the
standard for an additional 10 years, and
in South Coast Air Quality Management
District v. EPA (South Coast II),1 the
D.C. Circuit held that this requirement
cannot be waived for areas, like the
Wheeling Area, that had been
redesignated to attainment for the 1997
ozone NAAQS prior to revocation and
that were designated attainment for the
2008 ozone NAAQS. CAA section 175A
sets forth the criteria for adequate
maintenance plans. In addition, EPA
has published longstanding guidance
1 882
F.3d 1138 (D.C. Cir. 2018).
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 60 (Wednesday, March 31, 2021)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 16670-16672]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-06648]
39 CFR Part 111
Priority Mail Express Delivery Times
AGENCY: Postal ServiceTM.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Postal Service is amending Mailing Standards of the United
States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM[supreg]) in various
sections to revise the Priority Mail Express[supreg] delivery times and
[[Page 16671]]
eliminate the optional 10:30 a.m. delivery time.
DATES: Effective Date: May 23, 2021.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Markes Lucius at (202) 268-6170, Denis
Baranov (202) 268-4880, or Garry Rodriguez at (202) 268-7281.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Currently, the Priority Mail Express service
guarantee delivery times for most domestic mail including Priority Mail
Express Military Service[supreg] and Hold For Pickup service are 12:00
p.m. or 3:00 p.m. as designated by the 3-digit or 5-digit destination
ZIP[supreg] Code delivery areas and defined in the Priority Mail
Express Delivery directory. The Postal Service is revising the 12:00
p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Priority Mail Express service guarantee delivery
times to 6:00 p.m. The Postal Service is also eliminating the optional
10:30 a.m. delivery time.
The revisions to the Priority Mail Express service guarantee
delivery times and elimination of the optional 10:30 a.m. delivery time
will enable the Postal Service to improve the quality of service and
provide a more efficient customer experience.
The Postal Service adopts the following changes to Mailing
Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM), incorporated by reference in the Code of Federal Regulations.
See 39 CFR 111.1.
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111
Administrative practice and procedure, Postal Service.
Accordingly, 39 CFR part 111 is amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for 39 CFR part 111 continues to read as
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301-307; 18 U.S.C. 1692-
1737; 39 U.S.C. 101, 401, 403, 404, 414, 416, 3001-3011, 3201-3219,
3403-3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632, 3633, and 5001.
2. Revise the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service,
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) as follows:
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail
Manual (DMM)
100 Retail Mail Letters, Cards, Flats, and Parcels
* * * * *
110 Retail Mail Priority Mail Express
113 Prices and Eligibility
1.0 Prices and Fees
* * * * *
[Delete 1.6, ``Optional Delivery Fee'' in its entirety.]
* * * * *
4.0 Service Features of Priority Mail Express
* * * * *
4.2 Priority Mail Express 1-Day Delivery
* * * * *
4.2.3 Delivery Time
[Revise the first sentence of 4.2.3 to read as follows:]
Items are delivered by 6 p.m. on the next delivery day. * * *
4.2.4 Hold for Pickup
[Revise the text of 4.2.4 to read as follows:]
Except for Priority Mail Express mailpieces containing cremated
remains, under Hold for Pickup service, items presented under 4.2 are
available for pickup by the addressee at the destination facility by
6:00 p.m. of the next day that the destination office is open for
retail business.
4.3 Priority Mail Express 2-Day Delivery
* * * * *
4.3.3 Delivery Time
[Revise the text of 4.3.3 to read as follows:]
Items are delivered by 6 p.m. on the second delivery day. If
delivery is not made, the addressee is notified. A reminder notice is
left on the third day after the attempted delivery. A second delivery
is attempted only upon customer request.
4.3.4 Hold for Pickup
[Revise the text of 4.3.4 to read as follows:]
Except for Priority Mail Express mailpieces containing cremated
remains, under Hold for Pickup service, items presented under 4.3 are
available for pickup by the addressee at the destination facility by
6:00 p.m. of the second delivery day that the destination office is
open for retail business.
* * * * *
200 Commercial Mail Letters, Flats, and Parcels
* * * * *
210 Commercial Mail Priority Mail Express
213 Prices and Eligibility
1.0 Prices and Fees
* * * * *
[Delete 1.8, ``Optional Delivery Fee'' in its entirety and renumber
1.9 as 1.8.]
* * * * *
4.2 Priority Mail Express 1-Day Delivery
* * * * *
4.2.3 Delivery Times
[Revise the text of 4.2.3 to read as follows:]
Except for items endorsed ``Guaranteed by End of Day'' per an
approved customer agreement, items are delivered by 6 p.m. on the next
delivery day. If delivery is not made, the addressee is notified. A
reminder notice is left on the third day after the attempted delivery.
A second delivery is attempted only upon customer request.
4.2.4 Hold for Pickup
[Revise the text of 4.2.4 to read as follows:]
Except for Priority Mail Express mailpieces containing cremated
remains, under Hold for Pickup service, items presented under 4.2 are
available for pickup by the addressee at the destination facility by 6
p.m. of the next day that the destination office is open for retail
4.3 Priority Mail Express 2-Day Delivery
* * * * *
4.3.3 Delivery Times
[Revise the text of 4.3.3 to read as follows:]
Except for items endorsed ``Guaranteed by End of Day'' per an
approved customer agreement, items are delivered by 6 p.m. on the
second delivery day. If delivery is not made, the addressee is
notified. A reminder notice is left on the third day after the
attempted delivery. A second delivery is attempted only upon customer
4.3.4 Hold for Pickup
[Revise the text of 4.3.4 to read as follows:]
Except for Priority Mail Express mailpieces containing cremated
remains, under Hold for Pickup service, items presented under 4.3 are
available for pickup by the addressee at the destination facility by 6
p.m. of the second delivery day that the destination office is open for
retail business.
* * * * *
600 Basic Standards For All Mailing Services
* * * * *
[[Page 16672]]
604 Postage Payment Methods and Refunds
* * * * *
9.0 Exchanges and Refunds
* * * * *
9.2 Postage and Fee Refunds
* * * * *
9.2.1 General Standards
A refund for postage and fees may be made:
* * * * *
[Revise the text of item e to read as follows:]
e. Under 9.5 for Priority Mail Express postage and Sunday/holiday
premium fee refunds.
* * * * *
9.2.5 Applying for Refund
A customer may apply for refunds under 9.2, as follows:
[Revise the first sentence of item a to read as follows:]
a. Online (preferred) at For domestic, Priority
Mail Express (postage, Sunday/holiday premium fee), and for Certified
Mail, Return Receipt (hardcopy and electronic), Signature Confirmation,
and USPS Tracking (USPS Marketing Mail only), extra services only. * *
* * * * *
9.5 Priority Mail Express Postage and Fees Refunds
9.5.1 Priority Mail Express 1-Day and 2-Day Delivery
[Revise the text of 9.5.1 to read as follows:]
For Priority Mail Express 1-Day and 2-Day Delivery, the USPS
refunds the postage and Sunday or holiday premium fee for an item not
delivered, for an item for which delivery was not attempted, or if the
item was not made available for claim by the delivery date and time
specified at the time of mailing, subject to the standards for this
service, unless the delay was caused by one of the situations in 9.5.5.
* * * * *
700 Special Standards
703 Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail and Other Unique Eligibility
* * * * *
2.0 Overseas Military and Diplomatic Post Office Mail
* * * * *
2.6 Priority Mail Express Military Service (PMEMS)
* * * * *
2.6.5 To APO/FPO and DPO Destinations
[Revise the text of 2.6.5 to read as follows:]
Under PMEMS, items mailed to APO/FPO and DPO destinations (from the
United States) are available for delivery at the destination APO/FPO or
DPO Post Office by 6:00 p.m. on the designated delivery day.
2.6.6 From APO/FPO and DPO Destinations
[Revise the text of 2.6.5 to read as follows:]
Under PMEMS, items mailed from APO/FPO and DPO locations (going to
the United States) are delivered to an addressee within the delivery
area of the destination Post Office by 6:00 p.m. on the designated
delivery day.
* * * * *
Ruth B. Stevenson,
Attorney, Federal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2021-06648 Filed 3-29-21; 4:15 pm]