Medicare, Medicaid, and CLIA Programs; Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 Exemption of Permit-Holding Laboratories in the State of New York, 16599-16601 [2021-06499]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 59 / Tuesday, March 30, 2021 / Notices
standards enumerated in paragraph 7 of
the Act.
Comments regarding each of these
applications must be received at the
Reserve Bank indicated or the offices of
the Board of Governors, Ann E.
Misback, Secretary of the Board, 20th
Street and Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington DC 20551–0001, not later
than April 14, 2021.
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
(Adam M. Drimer, Assistant Vice
President) 701 East Byrd Street,
Richmond, Virginia 23219. Comments
can also be sent electronically to or
1. Jacob S. Fisher, Salisbury, North
Carolina; to retain voting shares of F&M
Financial Corporation (F&M), Granite
Quarry, North Carolina, by continuing
to serve as sole general partner of Fisher
Woodside LP, Salisbury, North Carolina,
which owns F&M, and thereby
indirectly owns Farmers and Merchants
Bank, Granite Quarry, North Carolina.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, March 25, 2021.
Michele Taylor Fennell,
Deputy Associate Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2021–06541 Filed 3–29–21; 8:45 am]
enumerated in the HOLA (12 U.S.C.
Comments regarding each of these
applications must be received at the
Reserve Bank indicated or the offices of
the Board of Governors, Ann E.
Misback, Secretary of the Board, 20th
Street and Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington DC 20551–0001, not later
than April 28, 2021.
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
(Kathryn Haney, Assistant Vice
President) 1000 Peachtree Street NE,
Atlanta, Georgia 30309. Comments can
also be sent electronically to
1. TC Bancshares, Inc., Thomasville,
Georgia; to become a savings and loan
holding company by acquiring TC
Federal Bank, Thomasville, Georgia, in
connection with the mutual-to-stock
conversion of TC Federal Bank.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, March 24, 2021.
Michele Taylor Fennell,
Deputy Associate Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2021–06462 Filed 3–29–21; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Formations of, Acquisitions by, and
Mergers of Savings and Loan Holding
The companies listed in this notice
have applied to the Board for approval,
pursuant to the Home Owners’ Loan Act
(12 U.S.C. 1461 et seq.) (HOLA),
Regulation LL (12 CFR part 238), and
Regulation MM (12 CFR part 239), and
all other applicable statutes and
regulations to become a savings and
loan holding company and/or to acquire
the assets or the ownership of, control
of, or the power to vote shares of a
savings association.
The public portions of the
applications listed below, as well as
other related filings required by the
Board, if any, are available for
immediate inspection at the Federal
Reserve Bank(s) indicated below and at
the offices of the Board of Governors.
This information may also be obtained
on an expedited basis, upon request, by
contacting the appropriate Federal
Reserve Bank and from the Board’s
Freedom of Information Office at
request.htm. Interested persons may
express their views in writing on
whether the proposed transaction
complies with the standards
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17:59 Mar 29, 2021
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Medicare, Medicaid, and CLIA
Programs; Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendments of 1988
Exemption of Permit-Holding
Laboratories in the State of New York
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
This notice announces that
laboratories located in and licensed by
the State of New York that possess a
valid permit under the New York State
Public Health Law are exempt from the
requirements of the Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendments of 1988
(CLIA) for a period of 6 years.
DATES: The exemption granted by this
notice is effective from March 26, 2021
to March 26, 2027.
Penny Keller, (410) 786–2035.
I. Background and Legislative
Section 353 of the Public Health
Service Act (PHSA), as amended by the
Clinical Laboratory Improvement
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Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) (Pub. L.
100–578, enacted on October 31, 1988),
generally provides that no laboratory
may perform tests on human specimens
for the diagnosis, prevention, or
treatment of any disease or impairment
of, or assessment of the health of,
human beings unless it has a certificate
to perform that category of tests issued
by the Secretary of the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
Under section 1861(s)(17)(A) of the
Social Security Act (the Act), the
Medicare program will only pay for
laboratory services if the laboratory has
a CLIA certificate. Section 1902(a)(9)(C)
of the Act generally requires that state
Medicaid plans pay only for laboratory
services furnished by CLIA-certified
laboratories. Thus, although subject to
specified exemptions and exceptions,
laboratories generally must have a
current and valid CLIA certificate to test
human specimens for the purposes
noted above to be eligible for payment
for those tests from the Medicare or
Medicaid programs. Regulations
implementing section 353 of the PHSA
are contained in 42 CFR part 493.
Section 353(p) of the PHSA provides
for the exemption of laboratories from
CLIA requirements in states that enact
legal requirements that are equal to or
more stringent than CLIA’s statutory
and regulatory requirements. Section
353(p) of the PHSA is implemented in
subpart E of our regulations at 42 CFR
part 493. Sections 493.551 and 493.553
provide that we may exempt from CLIA
requirements, for a period not to exceed
6 years, all state-licensed or -approved
laboratories in a state if the state
licensure program meets the specified
conditions. Section 493.559 provides
that we will publish a notice in the
Federal Register when we grant an
exemption to an approved state
licensure program. It also provides that
the notice will include the following:
• The basis for granting the
• A description of how the state’s
laboratory requirements are equal to or
more stringent than those of CLIA.
• The term of approval, not to exceed
6 years.
A. State of New York’s Application for
CLIA Exemption of Its Laboratories
The State of New York has applied for
exemption of its Clinical Laboratory
Evaluation Program (CLEP) permitholding laboratories from CLIA program
requirements. New York State law is
generally applicable to all clinical
laboratories operating within the State
of New York except those operated by
the Federal Government and those
operated by a licensed physician,
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 59 / Tuesday, March 30, 2021 / Notices
osteopath, dentist, midwife, nurse
practitioner or podiatrist who performs
laboratory tests or procedures,
personally or through his or her
employees, solely as an adjunct to the
treatment of his or her own patients.
The State of New York submitted all of
the applicable information and
attestations required by §§ 493.551,
493.553, and 493.557(b) for state
licensure programs seeking exemption
of their licensed laboratories from CLIA
program requirements. (Please note that
although the CLEP issues ‘‘permits’’
rather than ‘‘licenses’’ or ‘‘certificates,’’
for the purposes of this notice, we will
hereinafter refer to the CLEP as a ‘‘state
licensure program.’’) Examples of
documents and information submitted
include a comparison of its laboratory
licensure requirements with comparable
CLIA condition-level requirements (that
is, a crosswalk) and a description of the
following: its inspection process; its
proficiency testing (PT) monitoring
process; its data management and
analysis system; its investigative and
response procedures for complaints
received against laboratories; and its
policy regarding announced and
unannounced inspections.
B. CMS Analysis of New York’s
Application and Supporting
To determine whether we should
grant a CLIA exemption to laboratories
licensed by a state, we review the
application and additional
documentation that the state submits to
us and conduct a detailed and in-depth
comparison of the CLEP state licensure
program and CLIA’s statutory and
regulatory requirements to determine
whether the state program meets the
requirements at subpart E of part 493.
In summary, the state generally must
demonstrate that:
• It has state laws in effect that
provide for a state licensure program
that has requirements that are equal to
or more stringent than CLIA conditionlevel requirements for laboratories.
• It has implemented a state licensure
program with requirements that are
equal to or more stringent than the CLIA
condition-level requirements such that a
laboratory licensed by the state program
would meet the CLIA condition-level
requirements if it were inspected against
those requirements.
• The requirements under that state
licensure program meet or exceed the
requirements of §§ 493.553, 493.555,
and 493.557(b) and is suitable for
approval by us under § 493.551. For
example, among other things, the
program would need to:
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++ Demonstrate that it has
enforcement authority and
administrative structures and resources
adequate to enforce its laboratory
++ Permit us or our agents to inspect
laboratories within the state.
++ Require laboratories within the
state to submit to inspections by us or
our agents as a condition of state
++ Agree to pay any costs associated
with our activities to validate its state
licensure program as well as the state’s
pro rata share of the general overhead to
develop and implement CLIA as
specified in §§ 493.645(a), 493.646(b),
and 493.557(b).
++ Take appropriate enforcement
action against laboratories found by us
or our agents to be out of compliance
with requirements comparable to CLIA
condition-level requirements, as
specified in § 493.557(b).
As specified in our regulations at
§§ 493.555 and 493.557(b), our review of
a state licensure program includes (but
is not necessarily limited to) an
evaluation of the following:
• Whether the state’s requirements for
laboratories are equal to or more
stringent than the CLIA condition-level
• The state’s inspection process
requirements to determine the
++ The comparability of the full
inspection and complaint inspection
procedures to those of CMS.
++ The state’s enforcement
procedures for laboratories found to be
out of compliance with its requirements.
• The ability of the state to provide us
with electronic data and reports with
the adverse or corrective actions
resulting from PT results that constitute
unsuccessful participation in CMSapproved PT programs and with other
data we determine to be necessary for
validation review and assessment of the
state’s inspection process requirements.
• The state’s agreement with us to
ensure that the agreement obligates the
state to do the following:
++ Notify us within 30 days of the
action taken against any CLIA-exempt
laboratory that has had its licensure or
approval withdrawn or revoked or been
in any way sanctioned.
++ Notify us within 10 days of any
deficiency identified in a CLIA-exempt
laboratory in cases when the deficiency
poses an immediate jeopardy to the
laboratory’s patients or a hazard to the
general public.
++ Notify each laboratory licensed by
the state under its approved state
licensure program within 10 days of a
withdrawal of our approval of the state’s
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licensure program, and the resulting
loss of the laboratory’s exemption from
CLIA based on its licensure under that
++ Provide us with written
notification of any changes in the state’s
licensure (or approval) and inspection
++ Disclose to us or our agent any
laboratory’s PT results in accordance
with the state’s confidentiality
++ Take appropriate enforcement
action against laboratories that we or
our agents find to be out of compliance
with CLIA condition-level requirements
in a validation survey, and report these
enforcement actions to us.
++ Notify us of all newly licensed
laboratories, and any changes in the
specialties and subspecialties for which
any laboratory performs testing, within
30 days.
++ Provide us, as requested,
inspection schedules for validation
In keeping with the process described
above, we evaluated the application and
supporting materials that were
submitted by the State of New York to
verify that CLEP permit-holding
laboratories will meet or exceed the
requirements of the following subparts
of part 493: Subpart H, Participation in
Proficiency Testing for Laboratories
Performing Nonwaived Testing; subpart
J, Facility Administration for
Nonwaived Testing; subpart K, Quality
Systems for Nonwaived Testing, subpart
M, Personnel for Nonwaived Testing;
subpart Q, Inspection; and subpart R,
Enforcement Procedures.
We found that the State of New York’s
CLEP requirements mapped to all the
CLIA condition-level requirements. Its
inspection and proficiency testing
monitoring processes were adequate.
Other materials that were submitted
demonstrated compliance with the other
above-referenced requirements of
subpart E of part 493. As a result, we
concluded that the submitted
documents supported exempting CLEP
permit-holding laboratories from the
CLIA program requirements.
Furthermore, a review of our validation
inspections conducted by our branch
location in New York supported this
The Federal validation inspections of
CLIA-exempt laboratories, as specified
in § 493.563, were conducted on a
representative sample basis, as well as
in response to any substantial
allegations of noncompliance (that is,
complaint inspections). The outcome of
those validation inspections has been,
and will continue to be our principal
tool for verifying that the laboratories
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 59 / Tuesday, March 30, 2021 / Notices
located within the state that hold valid
permits are in compliance with CLIA
Our branch location in New York has
conducted validation inspections of a
representative sample (approximately 5
percent) of the laboratories inspected by
the New York State Office of Laboratory
Quality Assurance (LQA). The
validation inspections were primarily of
the concurrent type; that is, our
surveyors accompanied New York
State’s inspectors, each inspecting
against his or her agency’s respective
regulations. Analysis of the validation
data revealed no significant differences
between the State and Federal findings.
The validation surveys verified that the
State of New York CLEP inspection
process covers all CLIA conditions
applicable to each laboratory being
inspected and also verified that the
CLEP requirements meet or exceed CLIA
condition-level requirements. Our
validation surveys found the State
inspectors highly skilled and qualified.
The LQA inspected laboratories in a
timely fashion; that is, all laboratories
were inspected within the required 24month cycle. All parameters monitored
by our branch location in New York, to
date, indicate that the State of New York
is meeting all requirements for approval
of CLIA exemption. This Federal
monitoring will continue as an ongoing
C. Conclusion
Based on review of the documents
submitted by the New York State
licensure program, CLEP, pursuant to
the requirements of subpart E of part
493, as well as the outcome of the
validation inspections conducted by our
branch location in New York, we find
that the State of New York’s licensure
program meets the requirements of
§ 493.551(a), and that, as a result, we
may exempt from CLIA program
requirements all State-licensed or
-approved laboratories.
Approval of the CLIA exemption for
laboratories located within and
permitted by the State of New York is
subject to removal if we determine that
the outcome of a comparability review
or a validation review inspection is not
acceptable, as described under
§§ 493.573 and 493.575, or if the State
of New York fails to pay the required fee
every 2 years as required under
§ 493.646(b).
D. Laboratory Data
In accordance with our regulations at
§ 493.557(b)(8), the approval of this
exemption for laboratories located
within and permitted by the State of
New York is conditioned on the State of
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New York’s continued compliance with
the assertions made in its application,
especially the provision of information
to us about changes to a laboratory’s
specialties or subspecialties based on
the State’s survey, and changes to a
laboratory’s certification status, such as
a change from a CLIA certificate of
compliance to a CLIA certificate of
E. Required Administrative Actions
CLIA is a user-fee funded program.
The registration fee paid by laboratories
is intended to cover the cost of the
development and administration of the
program. However, when a state’s
application for exemption is approved,
we do not charge a fee to laboratories in
the state. The state’s share of the costs
associated with CLIA must be collected
from the state, as specified in
§ 493.645(a).
The State of New York must pay for
the following:
• Costs of Federal inspections of
laboratories in the State to verify that
New York State’s laboratory licensure
program requirements are equivalent to
or more stringent than those in the CLIA
program, and that they are enforced in
an appropriate manner. The average
Federal hourly rate is multiplied by the
total hours required to perform Federal
validation surveys within the State.
• Costs incurred for Federal surveys,
including investigations of complaints
that are substantiated. We will bill the
State of New York on a semiannual
• The State of New York’s
proportionate share of the costs
associated with establishing,
maintaining, and improving the CLIA
computer system, based on the portion
of those services from which the State
of New York received direct benefit or
which contributed to the CLIA program
in the State. Thus, the State of New
York is being charged for a portion of
our direct and indirect costs of
administering the CLIA program. Such
costs will be incurred by CMS, the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and contractors
working on behalf of these respective
To estimate the State of New York’s
proportionate share of the general
overhead costs to develop and
implement CLIA, we determined the
ratio of laboratories in the State to the
total number of laboratories nationally.
Approximately 1.5 percent of the
registered laboratories are in the State of
New York. We determined that a
corresponding percentage of the
applicable CMS, CDC, FDA, and their
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respective contractor costs should be
borne by the State of New York.
The State of New York has agreed to
pay the State’s pro rata share of the
anticipated overhead costs and costs of
actual validation (including complaint
investigation surveys). A final
reconciliation for all laboratories and all
expenses will be made. We will
reimburse the State for any overpayment
or bill it for any balance.
II. Approval
In light of the foregoing, we grant
approval of the State of New York’s
laboratory licensure program (CLEP)
under subpart E. All laboratories that
are located within the State of New York
and hold valid CLEP permits are CLIAexempt for all specialties and
subspecialties until March 26, 2027.
III. Collection of Information
This document does not impose
information collection requirements,
that is, reporting, recordkeeping or
third-party disclosure requirements.
Consequently, there is no need for
review by the Office of Management and
Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
The Acting Administrator of the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS), Elizabeth Richter,
having reviewed and approved this
document, authorizes Lynette Wilson,
who is the Federal Register Liaison, to
electronically sign this document for
purposes of publication in the Federal
Dated: March 25, 2021.
Lynette Wilson,
Federal Register Liaison, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2021–06499 Filed 3–26–21; 4:15 pm]
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases; Notice
of Closed Meeting
Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended, notice is hereby given of the
following meeting.
The meeting will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The grant applications and
the discussions could disclose
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 59 (Tuesday, March 30, 2021)]
[Pages 16599-16601]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-06499]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Medicare, Medicaid, and CLIA Programs; Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendments of 1988 Exemption of Permit-Holding Laboratories
in the State of New York
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces that laboratories located in and
licensed by the State of New York that possess a valid permit under the
New York State Public Health Law are exempt from the requirements of
the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) for a
period of 6 years.
DATES: The exemption granted by this notice is effective from March 26,
2021 to March 26, 2027.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Penny Keller, (410) 786-2035.
I. Background and Legislative Authority
Section 353 of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), as amended by
the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) (Pub. L.
100-578, enacted on October 31, 1988), generally provides that no
laboratory may perform tests on human specimens for the diagnosis,
prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of, or assessment
of the health of, human beings unless it has a certificate to perform
that category of tests issued by the Secretary of the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS). Under section 1861(s)(17)(A) of the
Social Security Act (the Act), the Medicare program will only pay for
laboratory services if the laboratory has a CLIA certificate. Section
1902(a)(9)(C) of the Act generally requires that state Medicaid plans
pay only for laboratory services furnished by CLIA-certified
laboratories. Thus, although subject to specified exemptions and
exceptions, laboratories generally must have a current and valid CLIA
certificate to test human specimens for the purposes noted above to be
eligible for payment for those tests from the Medicare or Medicaid
programs. Regulations implementing section 353 of the PHSA are
contained in 42 CFR part 493.
Section 353(p) of the PHSA provides for the exemption of
laboratories from CLIA requirements in states that enact legal
requirements that are equal to or more stringent than CLIA's statutory
and regulatory requirements. Section 353(p) of the PHSA is implemented
in subpart E of our regulations at 42 CFR part 493. Sections 493.551
and 493.553 provide that we may exempt from CLIA requirements, for a
period not to exceed 6 years, all state-licensed or -approved
laboratories in a state if the state licensure program meets the
specified conditions. Section 493.559 provides that we will publish a
notice in the Federal Register when we grant an exemption to an
approved state licensure program. It also provides that the notice will
include the following:
The basis for granting the exemption.
A description of how the state's laboratory requirements
are equal to or more stringent than those of CLIA.
The term of approval, not to exceed 6 years.
A. State of New York's Application for CLIA Exemption of Its
The State of New York has applied for exemption of its Clinical
Laboratory Evaluation Program (CLEP) permit-holding laboratories from
CLIA program requirements. New York State law is generally applicable
to all clinical laboratories operating within the State of New York
except those operated by the Federal Government and those operated by a
licensed physician,
[[Page 16600]]
osteopath, dentist, midwife, nurse practitioner or podiatrist who
performs laboratory tests or procedures, personally or through his or
her employees, solely as an adjunct to the treatment of his or her own
patients. The State of New York submitted all of the applicable
information and attestations required by Sec. Sec. 493.551, 493.553,
and 493.557(b) for state licensure programs seeking exemption of their
licensed laboratories from CLIA program requirements. (Please note that
although the CLEP issues ``permits'' rather than ``licenses'' or
``certificates,'' for the purposes of this notice, we will hereinafter
refer to the CLEP as a ``state licensure program.'') Examples of
documents and information submitted include a comparison of its
laboratory licensure requirements with comparable CLIA condition-level
requirements (that is, a crosswalk) and a description of the following:
its inspection process; its proficiency testing (PT) monitoring
process; its data management and analysis system; its investigative and
response procedures for complaints received against laboratories; and
its policy regarding announced and unannounced inspections.
B. CMS Analysis of New York's Application and Supporting Documentation
To determine whether we should grant a CLIA exemption to
laboratories licensed by a state, we review the application and
additional documentation that the state submits to us and conduct a
detailed and in-depth comparison of the CLEP state licensure program
and CLIA's statutory and regulatory requirements to determine whether
the state program meets the requirements at subpart E of part 493.
In summary, the state generally must demonstrate that:
It has state laws in effect that provide for a state
licensure program that has requirements that are equal to or more
stringent than CLIA condition-level requirements for laboratories.
It has implemented a state licensure program with
requirements that are equal to or more stringent than the CLIA
condition-level requirements such that a laboratory licensed by the
state program would meet the CLIA condition-level requirements if it
were inspected against those requirements.
The requirements under that state licensure program meet
or exceed the requirements of Sec. Sec. 493.553, 493.555, and
493.557(b) and is suitable for approval by us under Sec. 493.551. For
example, among other things, the program would need to:
++ Demonstrate that it has enforcement authority and administrative
structures and resources adequate to enforce its laboratory
++ Permit us or our agents to inspect laboratories within the
++ Require laboratories within the state to submit to inspections
by us or our agents as a condition of state licensure.
++ Agree to pay any costs associated with our activities to
validate its state licensure program as well as the state's pro rata
share of the general overhead to develop and implement CLIA as
specified in Sec. Sec. 493.645(a), 493.646(b), and 493.557(b).
++ Take appropriate enforcement action against laboratories found
by us or our agents to be out of compliance with requirements
comparable to CLIA condition-level requirements, as specified in Sec.
As specified in our regulations at Sec. Sec. 493.555 and
493.557(b), our review of a state licensure program includes (but is
not necessarily limited to) an evaluation of the following:
Whether the state's requirements for laboratories are
equal to or more stringent than the CLIA condition-level requirements.
The state's inspection process requirements to determine
the following:
++ The comparability of the full inspection and complaint
inspection procedures to those of CMS.
++ The state's enforcement procedures for laboratories found to be
out of compliance with its requirements.
The ability of the state to provide us with electronic
data and reports with the adverse or corrective actions resulting from
PT results that constitute unsuccessful participation in CMS-approved
PT programs and with other data we determine to be necessary for
validation review and assessment of the state's inspection process
The state's agreement with us to ensure that the agreement
obligates the state to do the following:
++ Notify us within 30 days of the action taken against any CLIA-
exempt laboratory that has had its licensure or approval withdrawn or
revoked or been in any way sanctioned.
++ Notify us within 10 days of any deficiency identified in a CLIA-
exempt laboratory in cases when the deficiency poses an immediate
jeopardy to the laboratory's patients or a hazard to the general
++ Notify each laboratory licensed by the state under its approved
state licensure program within 10 days of a withdrawal of our approval
of the state's licensure program, and the resulting loss of the
laboratory's exemption from CLIA based on its licensure under that
++ Provide us with written notification of any changes in the
state's licensure (or approval) and inspection requirements.
++ Disclose to us or our agent any laboratory's PT results in
accordance with the state's confidentiality requirements.
++ Take appropriate enforcement action against laboratories that we
or our agents find to be out of compliance with CLIA condition-level
requirements in a validation survey, and report these enforcement
actions to us.
++ Notify us of all newly licensed laboratories, and any changes in
the specialties and subspecialties for which any laboratory performs
testing, within 30 days.
++ Provide us, as requested, inspection schedules for validation
In keeping with the process described above, we evaluated the
application and supporting materials that were submitted by the State
of New York to verify that CLEP permit-holding laboratories will meet
or exceed the requirements of the following subparts of part 493:
Subpart H, Participation in Proficiency Testing for Laboratories
Performing Nonwaived Testing; subpart J, Facility Administration for
Nonwaived Testing; subpart K, Quality Systems for Nonwaived Testing,
subpart M, Personnel for Nonwaived Testing; subpart Q, Inspection; and
subpart R, Enforcement Procedures.
We found that the State of New York's CLEP requirements mapped to
all the CLIA condition-level requirements. Its inspection and
proficiency testing monitoring processes were adequate. Other materials
that were submitted demonstrated compliance with the other above-
referenced requirements of subpart E of part 493. As a result, we
concluded that the submitted documents supported exempting CLEP permit-
holding laboratories from the CLIA program requirements. Furthermore, a
review of our validation inspections conducted by our branch location
in New York supported this conclusion.
The Federal validation inspections of CLIA-exempt laboratories, as
specified in Sec. 493.563, were conducted on a representative sample
basis, as well as in response to any substantial allegations of
noncompliance (that is, complaint inspections). The outcome of those
validation inspections has been, and will continue to be our principal
tool for verifying that the laboratories
[[Page 16601]]
located within the state that hold valid permits are in compliance with
CLIA requirements.
Our branch location in New York has conducted validation
inspections of a representative sample (approximately 5 percent) of the
laboratories inspected by the New York State Office of Laboratory
Quality Assurance (LQA). The validation inspections were primarily of
the concurrent type; that is, our surveyors accompanied New York
State's inspectors, each inspecting against his or her agency's
respective regulations. Analysis of the validation data revealed no
significant differences between the State and Federal findings. The
validation surveys verified that the State of New York CLEP inspection
process covers all CLIA conditions applicable to each laboratory being
inspected and also verified that the CLEP requirements meet or exceed
CLIA condition-level requirements. Our validation surveys found the
State inspectors highly skilled and qualified. The LQA inspected
laboratories in a timely fashion; that is, all laboratories were
inspected within the required 24-month cycle. All parameters monitored
by our branch location in New York, to date, indicate that the State of
New York is meeting all requirements for approval of CLIA exemption.
This Federal monitoring will continue as an ongoing process.
C. Conclusion
Based on review of the documents submitted by the New York State
licensure program, CLEP, pursuant to the requirements of subpart E of
part 493, as well as the outcome of the validation inspections
conducted by our branch location in New York, we find that the State of
New York's licensure program meets the requirements of Sec.
493.551(a), and that, as a result, we may exempt from CLIA program
requirements all State-licensed or -approved laboratories.
Approval of the CLIA exemption for laboratories located within and
permitted by the State of New York is subject to removal if we
determine that the outcome of a comparability review or a validation
review inspection is not acceptable, as described under Sec. Sec.
493.573 and 493.575, or if the State of New York fails to pay the
required fee every 2 years as required under Sec. 493.646(b).
D. Laboratory Data
In accordance with our regulations at Sec. 493.557(b)(8), the
approval of this exemption for laboratories located within and
permitted by the State of New York is conditioned on the State of New
York's continued compliance with the assertions made in its
application, especially the provision of information to us about
changes to a laboratory's specialties or subspecialties based on the
State's survey, and changes to a laboratory's certification status,
such as a change from a CLIA certificate of compliance to a CLIA
certificate of waiver.
E. Required Administrative Actions
CLIA is a user-fee funded program. The registration fee paid by
laboratories is intended to cover the cost of the development and
administration of the program. However, when a state's application for
exemption is approved, we do not charge a fee to laboratories in the
state. The state's share of the costs associated with CLIA must be
collected from the state, as specified in Sec. 493.645(a).
The State of New York must pay for the following:
Costs of Federal inspections of laboratories in the State
to verify that New York State's laboratory licensure program
requirements are equivalent to or more stringent than those in the CLIA
program, and that they are enforced in an appropriate manner. The
average Federal hourly rate is multiplied by the total hours required
to perform Federal validation surveys within the State.
Costs incurred for Federal surveys, including
investigations of complaints that are substantiated. We will bill the
State of New York on a semiannual basis.
The State of New York's proportionate share of the costs
associated with establishing, maintaining, and improving the CLIA
computer system, based on the portion of those services from which the
State of New York received direct benefit or which contributed to the
CLIA program in the State. Thus, the State of New York is being charged
for a portion of our direct and indirect costs of administering the
CLIA program. Such costs will be incurred by CMS, the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) and contractors working on behalf of these respective agencies.
To estimate the State of New York's proportionate share of the
general overhead costs to develop and implement CLIA, we determined the
ratio of laboratories in the State to the total number of laboratories
nationally. Approximately 1.5 percent of the registered laboratories
are in the State of New York. We determined that a corresponding
percentage of the applicable CMS, CDC, FDA, and their respective
contractor costs should be borne by the State of New York.
The State of New York has agreed to pay the State's pro rata share
of the anticipated overhead costs and costs of actual validation
(including complaint investigation surveys). A final reconciliation for
all laboratories and all expenses will be made. We will reimburse the
State for any overpayment or bill it for any balance.
II. Approval
In light of the foregoing, we grant approval of the State of New
York's laboratory licensure program (CLEP) under subpart E. All
laboratories that are located within the State of New York and hold
valid CLEP permits are CLIA-exempt for all specialties and
subspecialties until March 26, 2027.
III. Collection of Information Requirements
This document does not impose information collection requirements,
that is, reporting, recordkeeping or third-party disclosure
requirements. Consequently, there is no need for review by the Office
of Management and Budget under the authority of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
The Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS), Elizabeth Richter, having reviewed and approved this
document, authorizes Lynette Wilson, who is the Federal Register
Liaison, to electronically sign this document for purposes of
publication in the Federal Register.
Dated: March 25, 2021.
Lynette Wilson,
Federal Register Liaison, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2021-06499 Filed 3-26-21; 4:15 pm]