Promoting the Deployment of 5G Open Radio Access Networks, 16349-16360 [2021-06430]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 58 / Monday, March 29, 2021 / Notices
Center, Environmental Protection
Agency, Mail Code 28221T, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC
EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the public
docket without change including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes profanity, threats,
information claimed to be Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute.
Shakethia Allen, Policy Training and
Oversight Division, Office of
Acquisition Solutions (3802R),
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC
20460; telephone number: (202) 564–
5157; email address: allen.shakethia@
Supporting documents which explain in
detail the information that the EPA will
be collecting are available in the public
docket for this ICR. The docket can be
viewed online at
or in person at the EPA Docket Center,
WJC West, Room 3334, 1301
Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC.
The telephone number for the Docket
Center is 202–566–1744. For additional
information about EPA’s public docket,
Pursuant to section 3506(c)(2)(A) of
the PRA, EPA is soliciting comments
and information to enable it to: (i)
Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the Agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (ii) evaluate the
accuracy of the Agency’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(iii) enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (iv) minimize the burden
of the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including through
the use of appropriate automated
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
responses. EPA will consider the
comments received and amend the ICR
as appropriate. The final ICR package
will then be submitted to OMB for
review and approval. At that time, EPA
will issue another Federal Register
notice to announce the submission of
the ICR to OMB and the opportunity to
submit additional comments to OMB.
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Abstract: Appropriate Government
surveillance of contractor performance
is required to give reasonable assurance
that efficient methods and effective cost
controls are being used for various costreimbursable and fixed-rate contracts.
Per 48 CFR 1552.211 regulations, on a
monthly basis the Agency requires
contractors to provide the Contracting
Officer’s Representative (COR) with a
report detailing: (a) What was
accomplished on the contract for that
period, (b) expenditures for the same
period of time, and (c) what is expected
to be accomplished on the contract for
the next month. Responses to the
information collection are mandatory
for contractors and are required for the
contractors to receive monthly
Respondents/affected entities: Private
Respondent’s obligation to respond:
Mandatory per 48 CFR 1552.211.
Estimated number of respondents:
337 (total).
Frequency of response: Monthly.
Total estimated burden: 97,056 hours
(per year). Burden is defined at 5 CFR
Total estimated cost: $9,901,168 (per
year), includes $0 annualized capital or
operation & maintenance costs.
Changes in estimates: There is no
change of hours in the total estimated
respondent burden compared with the
ICR currently approved by OMB. The
loaded labor costs were adjusted
upwards to account for inflation.
Kimberly Patrick,
Director, Office of Acquisition Solutions.
[FR Doc. 2021–06422 Filed 3–26–21; 8:45 am]
[GN Docket No. 21–63; FCC 21–31; FRS
Promoting the Deployment of 5G Open
Radio Access Networks
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice of Inquiry.
This Notice of Inquiry (NOI)
examines the potential of open and
virtualized Radio Access Networks in
securing America’s communications
networks and the communications
supply chain, and in driving 5G
innovation. Specifically, this NOI seeks
comment on what steps, if any, the
Commission should take to accelerate
the development and deployment of
Open Radio Access Networks (Open
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RAN); any challenges or other
considerations related to the testing,
deployment, and integration of Open
RAN systems and equipment; and the
costs and benefits associated with Open
RAN development and deployment.
DATES: Interested parties may file
comments on or before April 28, 2021;
and reply comments on or before May
28, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties may
submit comments, identified by GN
Docket No. 21–63, by any of the
following methods:
Federal Communications
Commission’s Website: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
People With Disabilities: Contact the
FCC to request reasonable
accommodations (accessible format
documents, sign language interpreters,
CART, etc.) by email:
or phone: 202–418–0530 or TTY: 202–
For detailed instructions for
submitting comments and additional
information on the rulemaking process,
section of this document.
Jaclyn Rosen, Mobility Division,
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau,
at (202) 418–0154 or jaclyn.rosen@, or Mary Claire York, Mobility
Division, Wireless Telecommunications
Bureau, at (202) 418–2205 or
Comment Filing Procedures
Pursuant to sections 1.415 and 1.419
of the Commission’s rules, 47 CFR
1.415, 1.419, interested parties may file
comments and reply comments on or
before the dates indicated on the first
page of this document. Comments may
be filed using the Commission’s
Electronic Comment Filing System
(ECFS). See Electronic Filing of
Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings,
63 FR 24121 (1998).
Electronic Filers: Comments may be
filed electronically using the internet by
accessing the ECFS:
Paper Filers: Parties who choose to
file by paper must file an original and
one copy of each filing. Paper filings can
be sent by commercial overnight
courier, or by first-class or overnight
U.S. Postal Service mail.
Effective March 19, 2020, and until
further notice, the Commission no
longer accepts any hand or messenger
delivered filings. This is a temporary
measure taken to help protect the health
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 58 / Monday, March 29, 2021 / Notices
and safety of individuals, and to
mitigate the transmission of COVID–19.1
Commercial overnight mail (other
than U.S. Postal Service Express Mail
and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9050
Junction Drive, Annapolis Junction, MD
U.S. Postal Service first-class,
Express, and Priority mail must be
addressed to 45 L Street NE,
Washington, DC 20554.
Ex Parte Rules
This proceeding shall be treated as a
‘‘permit-but-disclose’’ proceeding in
accordance with the Commission’s ex
parte rules.2 Persons making ex parte
presentations must file a copy of any
written presentation or a memorandum
summarizing any oral presentation
within two business days after the
presentation (unless a different deadline
applicable to the Sunshine period
applies). Persons making oral ex parte
presentations are reminded that
memoranda summarizing the
presentation must (1) list all persons
attending or otherwise participating in
the meeting at which the ex parte
presentation was made, and (2)
summarize all data presented and
arguments made during the
presentation. If the presentation
consisted in whole or in part of the
presentation of data or arguments
already reflected in the presenter’s
written comments, memoranda, or other
filings in the proceeding, the presenter
may provide citations to such data or
arguments in his or her prior comments,
memoranda, or other filings (specifying
the relevant page and/or paragraph
numbers where such data or arguments
can be found) in lieu of summarizing
them in the memorandum. Documents
shown or given to Commission staff
during ex parte meetings are deemed to
be written ex parte presentations and
must be filed consistent with Rule
1.1206(b), 47 CFR 1.1206(b).
Participants in this proceeding should
familiarize themselves with the
Commission’s ex parte rules.
In creating the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC or
1 See FCC Announces Closure of FCC
Headquarters Open Window and Change in HandDelivery Policy, Public Notice, 35 FCC Rcd 2788
2 47 CFR 1.1200(a). Although the Rules do not
generally require ex parte presentations to be
treated as ‘‘permit but disclose’’ in Notice of Inquiry
proceedings, see 47 CFR 1.1204(b)(1), we exercise
our discretion in this instance, and find that the
public interest is served by making ex parte
presentations available to the public, in order to
encourage a robust record. See id. § 1.1200(a).
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Commission), Congress charged the
agency with protecting the safety of life
and property and promoting the
national defense through wire and radio
communication. Over the last decade,
actions by Congress, the Executive
Branch, and the Commission have
repeatedly stressed and prioritized
supply chain risk management and the
deployment of secure and reliable
networks in the United States. The
Commission has worked closely with its
federal partners on this critical issue
and has acted decisively to secure our
communications networks and the
communications supply chain. Congress
has also established that it is ‘‘the policy
of the United States to encourage the
provision of new technologies and
services to the public.’’
Open and virtualized radio access
networks have the potential to address
national security and other concerns
that the Commission and other federal
stakeholders have raised in recent years
about network integrity and supply
chain reliability. New startups are
entering the original equipment
manufacturer marketplace, and many of
these companies are located in trustedpartner countries that do not pose
national security risks. Network
function virtualization and tools like
artificial intelligence and machine
learning (AI/ML) have the potential to
allow for smarter, more efficient
network security monitoring. Below, we
summarize recent federal actions taken
to help secure the communications
supply chain and communications
networks, either before the emergence of
Open RAN or in parallel with these
A. State of Development and
Deployment of Open RAN Solutions
Current Standards and Specifications.
We seek comment on the current state
of standards and specifications
development for 5G and Open RAN.
During the last few years, there has been
a concerted effort among some
organizations to advance the Open RAN
model. For example, in 2016 and 2018,
respectively, several companies
launched the Telecom Infra Project (TIP)
and global carriers established the O–
RAN Alliance to develop and promote
Open RAN reference architectures and
protocols that foster vendor
interoperability. In May 2020, several
major global companies formed the
Open RAN Policy Coalition to promote
government policies that advance the
adoption of open and interoperable
RAN technologies. In August 2020, the
Open Networking Foundation (ONF), an
operator-led consortium advancing
innovation in network infrastructure
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and carrier business models, announced
several new initiatives in the Open RAN
domain. We seek comment on the state
of Open RAN standards development
generally and, specifically, on the
challenges inherent in developing Open
RAN standards and specifications. To
what extent are these standard-setting
efforts being driven by established large
manufacturers, and to what extent are
these efforts enabling participation by
smaller equipment vendors, smaller
mobile network operators, and newer
entrants to the marketplace? Are
specifications such as eCPRI, the
Common Public Radio Interface, a
sufficient alternative to Open RAN? Are
there any known interoperable
multivendor implementations of eCPRI?
Are there substantive differences
between the eCPRI and Open RAN
approaches for disaggregating the
network? What steps, if any, should be
taken by the Commission to help resolve
standard-setting challenges, bolster
these efforts, and accelerate the timeline
for Open RAN standards and
specifications development?
Open RAN Ecosystem. We seek
comment on the current state of the
Open RAN ecosystem. For example,
which companies are offering baseband
hardware, network virtualization,
packet core functionality, or other
network components? How large are
each of these companies, in sales or
revenues, in each of these applications?
How scalable is manufacturing of each
of these components to allow for ramp
up in production? And how many
companies are competing to supply
each of the components and
applications? What role (if any) will
systems integrators play in advancing
the deployment of Open RAN systems
and what systems integrators are
operating in the marketplace today?
Will carriers execute their own
integration, as Rakuten has done, or buy
hosted solutions from other providers?
Commenters should identify any gaps or
potential bottlenecks in the Open RAN
ecosystem. What factors incentivize or
disincentivize vendors from developing
Open RAN solutions? What are the
financial capabilities and funding
sources of current or potential vendors
to develop such solutions? To what
extent does the development of Open
RAN solutions by one firm depend on
the development of Open RAN by other
firms? We seek comment on the current
and future opportunities that Open RAN
generates for the U.S. wireless
infrastructure industry. While U.S.
companies do not currently offer an
integrated end-to-end network at scale,
several U.S. companies supply critical
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 58 / Monday, March 29, 2021 / Notices
components of wireless networks,
including semiconductors, end user
devices, and core network elements.
Does this suggest that U.S. companies
are well positioned to compete in a
modular market? More specifically, we
seek comment and data on whether and,
if so, how many U.S. companies or
vendors can manufacture and/or supply
Open RAN sub-components, including
radios, at the scale necessary to compete
both domestically and internationally
with traditional network equipment
vendors. How many U.S. companies
have the knowledge and resources to
begin manufacturing Open RAN
components and applications in the
near future? What are the projected
market shares of the U.S. companies at
the aggregate level in the U.S. wireless
network equipment market if Open RAN
were widely adopted? Are there any
components or applications for which
there currently are no U.S. suppliers?
Domestic Deployments. We seek
comment on the current state of Open
RAN deployments in the U.S. To what
extent are these solutions commercially
available today? While DISH has not
announced a launch date, it is currently
building the first nationwide cloudnative, Open RAN-based 5G broadband
network. Inland Cellular, a rural mobile
wireless service provider that serves
more than 35,000 subscribers in Idaho
and Washington, is reportedly
deploying an Open RAN system that
will cut per site cost by approximately
40 percent. Verizon Wireless has
reportedly deployed vRAN equipment
as part of its 5G network. What other
U.S. companies are planning or
otherwise participating in Open RAN
deployments? How close is the U.S. to
being ready for large-scale deployments?
Has Open RAN delivered an integrated
and truly interoperable end-to-end
process in the United States yet?
Commenters should discuss previous
and current efforts to deploy Open RAN
in the U.S., as well as any expected
plans to deploy in the future, including
information on the costs of any
deployments considered. We seek
comment on which mobile network
operators or original equipment
manufacturers are likely and not likely
to adopt Open RAN. What factors are
preventing, impeding, or discouraging
Open RAN deployments? What steps
should be taken by the Commission,
other federal partners, industry,
academia, or others to resolve these
issues, address these concerns, and
accelerate the timeline for Open RAN
International Deployments. Similarly
to the United States, several countries
have stressed the importance of securing
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their communications networks and
communications supply chains. The
United Kingdom has established a 5G
Supply Chain Diversification Strategy to
ensure the telecom supply chain
remains resilient to future trends and
threats, and French suppliers are being
prioritized to help the French
government reduce its dependence on
Huawei. Several countries believe that
Open RAN can offer a solution to
security issues affecting the
communications network supply chain.
The German government, for example,
is expected to spend 2 billion euros to
reduce dependency on Huawei and to
prioritize Open RAN research,
development, and deployments.
In response to government policies
and demand for more secure solutions,
operators worldwide are developing and
deploying Open RAN architectures at an
increasing rate. For example, in Asia,
Rakuten maintains it was one of the first
companies to utilize Open RAN as part
of its new fully virtualized cloud
network in Japan, and Bharti Airtel and
Vodafone Idea have been at the forefront
of Open RAN deployments in India. In
Europe, four major carriers—Vodafone
Group Plc, Telefonica S.A., Deutsche
Telekom AG, and Orange S.A.—signed
a Memorandum of Understanding
signaling their commitment to deploy
Open RAN solutions across Europe. In
Africa, Vodafone has conducted early
field trials, and, in July 2020, Orange
announced a multi-country program to
extend their current coverage with Open
RAN solutions, including to the Central
African Republic. In Latin America, the
TIP, Instituto Nacional de
Telecomunicacoes (Inatel), and Telecom
Italia Mobile (TIM) Brasil launched the
Open Field program in Brazil to develop
and test Open RAN solutions in the
As countries and operators worldwide
are beginning to coalesce around the
Open RAN model, we seek comment on
what lessons can be learned from
successful deployments, previous failed
deployments, and development efforts
being undertaken in other countries.
What has been learned about deploying
Open RAN systems using existing
generations of networks and in lowincome and rural environments? What
challenges have these operators faced in
developing and deploying Open RAN
systems? Is there anything about the
U.S. wireless network industry,
spectrum policies (e.g., availability of
greenfield spectrum), or geographical or
other factors that present unique
challenges to Open RAN deployment?
What steps can the Commission take to
encourage timely and secure domestic
deployments? What implications do
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international efforts like the European
Memorandum of Understanding have
for U.S. leadership in this area?
B. Potential Public Interest Benefits in
Promoting Development and
Deployment of Open RAN
Increased Competition and Network
Vendor Diversity. We seek comment
generally on the effect of Open RAN on
market entry, vendor diversity, and
competition in the wireless network
equipment industry. We seek comment
on the current state of competition in
the wireless network equipment
industry generally and in the markets
for various components and
applications. In particular, we seek
comment on whether and how the
current market structure in the
traditional RAN sector may impact or
affect the deployment and adoption of
Open RAN solutions. How many
options are available to carriers in
selecting equipment manufacturers?
How interoperable is this RAN
equipment, if at all, with other hardware
and software? Is this equipment or
software proprietary? What restrictions,
if any, do equipment manufacturers
place on wireless carriers’ equipment
choices or options? Similarly, do
equipment manufacturers place any
restrictions on their upstream suppliers
in terms of dealing with Open RAN
providers? What affect do such
restrictions have on competition and
Open RAN deployment and adoption?
What are the effects of competition in
the industry, and would transitioning to
Open RAN resolve, ameliorate, or
worsen these issues? Specifically,
would increased competition in the
wireless network equipment
marketplace result in lower costs for
operators? Commenters advocating this
position should explain why and should
estimate the likely cost reductions. For
instance, does Open RAN eliminate or
minimize the costs associated with
developing a proprietary end-to-end
network or deploying and maintaining
single-vendor hardware? What benefits
can be gained by access to interoperable
networks? On the other hand, would
there be any additional costs to
operators from having to use Open RAN
versus alternative technologies? For
example, are there any additional costs
required for integrating the Open RAN
We also seek this information on the
firms that supply various network
components and applications of 5G
RAN networks and their market shares
in each of the segments. We seek
comment on the relationships between
and among firms in this industry,
including but not limited to supplier
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 58 / Monday, March 29, 2021 / Notices
relationships, equity investments, and
joint ventures or partnerships.
Commenters should also describe the
extent to which the cost, quality, and/
or capabilities of competing components
and applications differ. We seek
comment on vertical supply chain
relationships in the telecommunications
networking equipment market, and on
the potential effects of current market
conditions on the demand for and
deployment of Open RAN solutions.
Commenters should identify barriers to
entry or market conditions that may
affect or impede the deployment and
adoption of Open RAN solutions now or
in the future. Do current market
conditions or barriers to entry warrant
specific regulatory intervention? If so,
commenters should describe what
measures the Commission should take,
as well as the legal basis for
Commission action.
We seek comment on the current and
projected demand for Open RAN and its
expected market share, as a proxy for
predicting the level of competition in
the Open RAN supply chain. By some
estimates, Open RAN currently captures
9.4% of the total 4G and 5G market. Is
the current market share a reflection of
actual demand, or is it the result of
regulatory or other barriers that may be
impeding or delaying widespread
adoption and deployment? Is market
share likely to change in the future? Is
there a threshold for market share at
which the effectiveness of diffusion of
Open RAN would rapidly increase?
What are the anticipated diffusion rates
over the next 5 years under current
market conditions? We seek comment
on whether the pace of Open RAN
adoption should influence policies the
Commission adopts, or whether the
Commission should adopt policies to
accelerate the pace of adoption. We also
seek comment on any adverse effects
and costs of policies advocated by
commenters, such as the extra burden
on network operations that the policies
may cause.
What factors may incentivize or
disincentivize operators from adopting
Open RAN technologies? How would
adoption by one firm impact adoption
by other firms? To what extent does
Open RAN technology exhibit
economies of scale, network effects, or
learning curves? If the benefits of Open
RAN can only be realized by economies
of scale, should the Commission
provide funding or incentives to
operators that choose to implement such
systems in their wireless networks? To
what extent might government-funded
incentives or other regulatory
intervention ease any of the costs or
barriers to adopting Open RAN? For
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example, the Indian government is
currently drafting procurement
regulations for its next generation
networks and is expected to offer
preference to domestic suppliers. In
Japan, the government is providing tax
incentives to products with open and
interoperable interfaces, and the UK
government announced a 28 million
euro investment in 5G products, with
more than one-half utilizing Open RAN.
Should we adopt similar regulatory
measures or incentives? Are other
actions necessary to level the playing
field for new Open RAN suppliers that
are competing against entrenched
traditional vendors with decades of
experience? For instance, should we
amend, forbear from applying, or
eliminate any of our rules that
inadvertently support a single-vendor
approach, a specific technology (e.g.,
closed radio access networks), or
otherwise inhibit the development and
adoption of Open RAN solutions? Are
there any components or factors of an
Open RAN system that are or could be
hindered by a single or limited vendor
supply? How can we facilitate a
competitive marketplace where
essential pieces of an Open RAN
architecture are not controlled by a
limited number of entities?
We seek comment on whether Open
RAN is likely to create opportunities for
new entrants in the original equipment
manufacturer markets. Specifically, we
seek comment on whether and, if so,
which aspects of, the Open RAN
architecture promote vendor diversity
and competition. Open RAN works by
disaggregating software applications
from the underlying hardware
infrastructure and replacing proprietary
interfaces between baseband
components with open, standards-based
interfaces. Would the disaggregated
nature of Open RAN lower the costs of
entry by allowing vendors to develop
distinct components of the network
(e.g., hardware, software, silicon), rather
than having to build the integrated endto-end system, which can be a costly
undertaking? Does the interoperable
nature of Open RAN facilitate market
entry by allowing vendors to develop
specific components of the network for
use by multiple operators rather than
creating unique one-off solutions for
specific operators? What specific firms
or what kind of firms would be likely
entrants, and how are they likely to
perform as competitors against
incumbents? Which segments are they
likely to enter, and what kind of
products are they likely to develop? Are
there likely to be international entrants
in addition to domestic entrants?
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Commenters should discuss other
aspects of the Open RAN architecture
that may lower the barriers to entry and
otherwise facilitate market entry.
We also seek comment on how Open
RAN could encourage innovation by
American companies, and how to
anticipate, identify, and evaluate
potential issues that might stifle
innovation, manufacturing, and
deployment. For example, is there a
sufficient workforce in place with the
training to safely and efficiently install
Open RAN equipment? If not, how
quickly could such workers be trained?
Are there steps the Commission or other
federal agencies should take to address
an increase in the supply of trained
workers needed to close such a gap?
Under an open-source or open-interface
model, will businesses be able to stay
financially viable? How will access to
intellectual property and patents
influence the ability to innovate? Can
U.S. operators continue to achieve the
same level of features and performance
at scale with Open RAN that customers
currently enjoy with existing
infrastructure? Will technological
developments in Open RAN benefit
innovation in other technologies? We
seek comment on these questions as
well as comment generally on whether
the Commission or other entities could
or should plan for and mitigate
foreseeable roadblocks.
Affordability of Services and Products
for Consumers. We seek comment on
the potential costs and benefits of Open
RAN on consumers in the nextgeneration wireless network
marketplace. If Open RAN lowers the
overall hardware and deployment costs
for operators, are those cost savings
likely to pass through to consumers in
the form of lower, more competitive
prices for next-generation wireless
services? How might Open RAN affect
the price of services and products for
consumers, if at all? If the federal
government provides incentives for a
transition in architecture, how can we
ensure these cost savings find their way
to the consumer? Commenters should
discuss the potential effect of Open
RAN on the affordability of end-user
services and products. In particular,
commenters should discuss how Open
RAN might affect the affordability of
services and products for the most
vulnerable consumers, including rural
and low-income Americans.
Network Security and Public Safety.
Several countries have recognized Open
RAN as a potential solution to the
increasing security threats posed to their
nation’s communications supply chains.
For example, as previously discussed,
the German government is expected to
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 58 / Monday, March 29, 2021 / Notices
spend two billion euros to reduce its
dependency on Huawei by prioritizing
Open RAN research, development, and
deployments. France has adopted a
similar policy. Through open
disaggregation of the RAN, Open RAN is
intended to enable the use of
interchangeable modular technologies,
as well as AI/ML, to promote, among
other things, network security and
public safety. O–RAN Alliance argues
that the design of Open RAN, along with
the potential for leveraging open-source
software, should improve supply chain
To what extent does Open RAN
address supply chain risk management
issues and enable the deployment of
secure and reliable networks in the
United States? Does the disaggregated
nature of Open RAN facilitate market
entry by additional vendors and
therefore offer viable alternatives to the
use of equipment from untrusted
vendors in the telecommunications
supply chain (e.g., Huawei and ZTE)?
Would Open RAN mitigate operators’
reliance on specific vendors, allowing
them to secure a back-up supplier or
otherwise eliminate lock-in problems
resulting from a consolidated equipment
marketplace? How would an increase in
the number of vendors supplying
components for Open RAN affect the 5G
vendor management ecosystem? Would
the use of Open RAN software facilitate
the rapid removal of vendors’
equipment when they were identified as
untrusted? Would a supply chain of
Open RAN software vendors that
excludes untrusted entities obviate
concerns of that software running over
hardware of an untrusted vendor? Can
additional criteria be defined to assist in
identifying what is an untrusted vendor,
beyond frameworks such as the Prague
Proposals, EU Toolbox for 5G Security,
or the Center for Strategic and
International Studies Criteria? We seek
information on the risk of security
breaches, including the frequency of
such breaches and the magnitude of
potential economic damages on closed
RAN networks, and how this security
risk could be addressed by Open RAN.
We seek comment on the potential
impact of Open RAN on public safety
communications. What potential
benefits would Open RAN provide for
public safety communications and
emergency communications, such as
911 or wireless emergency alerting
overall? To what extent would Open
RAN impact the required location
accuracy of 911 calls? How and to what
extent would Open RAN facilitate
interoperability for public safety
communications, especially as state and
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local 911 systems transition to IP-based
networks, such as Next Generation 911
(NG 911)? Similarly, how would Open
RAN enhance interoperability with
respect to NG 911, the First Responder
Network (FirstNet), or priority services,
such as wireless priority services? How
could Open RAN reduce the overall
frequency and duration of
communications outages on networks
that carry 911 and other emergency
communications? What impact, if any,
will the deployment of Open RAN
systems have on existing signal boosters
used to ensure adequate in-building
Open-Source Software. Open-source
software ‘‘includes operating systems,
applications, and programs in which the
source code is published and made
available to the public, enabling anyone
to copy, modify and redistribute that
code.’’ Open RAN can leverage opensource software for network functions
and network management. Open-source
software draws from a larger and more
diverse set of reviewers compared to
that of a closed RAN architecture. What
are the potential benefits or advantages
associated with the use of open-source
software in Open RAN environments?
For instance, does open-source software
result in a well-vetted, more secure
finished product? How can these
benefits be most effectively realized,
and what role can the Commission play
in maximizing these benefits? What are
the disadvantages to using open-source
software in Open RAN environments
and how can they be mitigated?
Potential Technological Benefits of
Open RAN Deployment. Proponents of
Open RAN argue that features such as
end-to-end network slicing, edge
computing, and machine learning-based
network optimization methods may be
better enabled by standards-based
architectures. Further, they contend that
an open architecture could improve the
controllability and overall performance
of cellular networks that are
increasingly heterogenous and
distributed, aggregate spectrum in
different frequency bands, and use
small-cell architectures. We seek
comment on these views, and
specifically on quantifying the
improvement in spectral efficiency and
performance under the Open RAN
architecture as compared with a closed
One of the promised benefits of an
Open RAN architecture is the ability to
apply AI/ML techniques to optimizing
radio resource management, since the
interfaces between different elements of
the network will be available for realtime control. Proponents argue this
would be especially beneficial in
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network slicing to guarantee end-to-end
Quality-of-Service to disparate
applications that are allocated resources
over the network. The complexity of
wireless networks makes manual
control and optimization inefficient,
leading to wasted resources along
multiple axes—spectrum, computing,
and infrastructure. Open RAN
proponents claim that AI/ML algorithms
are increasingly being used even in the
current RAN, and that an Open RAN
architecture may enable improved
performance by offering improved
visibility to intermediate nodes within
the RAN.
Advanced wireless networks,
including 5G, may be used for ‘‘vertical’’
applications outside of traditional
telecommunications networking, such
as smart cities, automotive, telehealth,
and energy. The network slicing and
other features of an Open RAN
architecture could better enable very
different application suites to run on the
same hardware stack. We seek comment
on the benefits outlined above and what
role the Commission should play in
facilitating these benefits. We also seek
comment on the status and viability of
these benefits and ask commenters to
quantify the value of such benefits. Are
they available now, and if not, how long
until the various benefits outlined above
become viable? Are these benefits
primarily (or exclusively) the result of
Open RAN architecture or will they also
result from 5G or other advanced
wireless networks deployed using
traditional network equipment? What
are the potential obstacles or
disadvantages of the technologies and
approaches discussed above?
Radiofrequency spectrum is
anticipated to be a key enabler for a
variety of public ecosystems including
aviation, marine, and land-based
transportation infrastructure. Private
sector initiatives are being organized
that focus on advancing 5G innovation,
such as MITRE Engenuity, which has
created the Open Generation
Consortium to drive 5G innovation,
with an initial focus on 5G-equipped
drones. The advancement of 5G use
cases for drones and other applications
may face technological and regulatory
barriers, and we seek comment on the
barriers to the emerging ecosystem of
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) as
it relates to network equipment and
architecture. MITRE suggested at the
FCC’s September 2020 Forum on 5G
Open Radio Access Networks that the
UAS industry could be an attractive
focus for Open RAN. Furthermore, the
TAC has recommended a pilot program
focused on the evolving UAS use case.
We seek comment on what network
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 58 / Monday, March 29, 2021 / Notices
architecture issues need to be addressed
to meet these challenges and how we
might address any such challenges. We
seek comment on this topic generally
and, in particular, on the steps that the
Commission could take to promote and
advance the application of 5G Open
RAN to the emerging UAS ecosystem.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning. Using Open RAN may also
enable providers to take advantage of AI
and ML from sources other than a
proprietary RAN vendor. The O–RAN
Alliance contends that AI and ML
enable the optimization of RAN
configurations in real-time based on
learning technologies that accumulate
information over time. We seek
comment on what steps industry, the
Commission, or other organizations can
take to promote the development and
use of AI and ML to support and
enhance the security features of an
Open RAN deployment. Can AI and ML
be harnessed to identify and remediate
malicious changes in configuration or
otherwise detect intrusions and
vulnerabilities in an Open RAN
platform? Are additional standards and
Application Layer Interfaces (API)
needed to ensure the development of
security-based AI/ML features in Open
RAN technologies? What other benefits
and challenges exist regarding the use of
AI and ML in our communications
infrastructure and how do we balance
those with potential privacy issues?
Virtualized Operating Environment.
Proponents argue that Open RAN’s use
of virtualized environments with
containers offers additional operational
and security advantages. Software
virtualization could enable applications
and operating environments to be
isolated from each other.
Containerization could allow multiple
vendors to develop their products for
the same Open RAN platform, and
could encourage competition between
vendors, thus driving down costs for the
provider. Are there other advantages of
virtualization in the context of security
(e.g., data privacy, or protection of
computer resources assigned to an Open
RAN application)? What are the
disadvantages and can they be
addressed? We note that the Distributed
Management Task Force is a standards
body focusing on emerging IT
infrastructures like cloud computing
and virtualization. Are additional
industry standards needed to facilitate
various virtualization platforms for
different hardware used to support
Open RAN functionality and security?
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C. Additional Considerations Regarding
Open RAN Development and
Disaggregation/Need for a System
Integrator. If the flexibility created by
disaggregation of the RAN has potential
benefits, would it also make the
deployment of the Open RAN more
complex than deployment of a closed
RAN because different components
must be seamlessly integrated? Since
the different Open RAN components
may be supplied by different vendors,
how would operators resolve
compatibility problems that arise during
deployment, in spite of standardized
interfaces being specified?
We seek information on the practical
implications of the disaggregation of the
components of the RAN. How difficult
will it be to ensure that the components
of the Open RAN seamlessly operate
together? Will testing of the Open RAN
deployment be a time-consuming and
complicated process compared to a
proprietary closed RAN? Have Open
RAN deployments to date demonstrated
comparable performance to 4G and 5G
systems employing a traditional RAN
architecture? Is the performance of
Open RAN systems likely to be
impacted due to the multi-vendor
environment? Will network operators
have the resources to manage the
deployment of Open RAN technology
into their networks? Is this a task that
smaller network operators can
successfully manage? What institutional
requirements and associated costs are
required to support system integration?
What role will system integrators
perform in deployment of Open RAN
Network Security and Public Safety.
Could Open RAN architecture expose
new security vulnerabilities that might
not otherwise exist in a more closed
architecture? If open-source software
fosters collaborative development
among many stakeholders, does this
enable a greater number of stakeholders
to potentially discover vulnerabilities
that might not otherwise be exposed and
mitigated in closed systems? Or would
the introduction of a greater number of
stakeholders introduce vulnerabilities if
appropriate care is not taken and
software is not fully vetted by vendors
or operators that choose to use opensoftware? Does Open RAN introduce
further issues raised by compromised
trusted vendors, such as those that
occurred during the SolarWinds breach?
Does Open RAN introduce any risks
to the security and integrity of public
safety communications? We seek
comment on whether public facing
infrastructures, like the RAN, are or may
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become an ideal target for bad actors to
disrupt vital communications that rely
on interoperability, such as 911, E–911,
and NG 911 services (collectively
referred to as 911). Similarly, is there a
risk that prioritized public safety
communications, such as those
provided by FirstNet or the Wireless
Priority Service, could also be subject to
disruption from bad actors exploiting
vulnerabilities in Open RAN that may
not exist in a proprietary traditional
RAN? Conversely, can Open RAN
solutions remediate known
vulnerabilities, such as False Base
Stations, in proprietary RANs? We seek
comment on whether and, if so, how the
use of Open RAN may introduce new
and heightened security risks to the 911
system. Are these risks particularly
heightened by the 911 system’s
interdependence with originating
service providers, the continued
operation of legacy public safety access
points or emergency communications
centers, and the ongoing migration of
911 services to NG 911? For example, it
is commonly understood that security
functions (like data encryption) to
protect data traversing through the IPbased networks do not function or are
unavailable as the data travel through
legacy network elements. Does the use
of Open RAN exacerbate these
concerns? Specifically, what other ways
might the enhanced interconnectedness
fostered by Open RAN increase the
cyberthreat attack surface to 911
services? To what extent might Open
RAN exacerbate the potential cyber
threat from legacy public safety
answering points that operate in hybrid
environments? To the extent Open RAN
introduces risks to public safety
communications, what steps can be
taken by stakeholders or the
Commission to eliminate or mitigate
these concerns? We also ask
commenters to estimate the potential
costs associated with the risk mitigation
related to public safety arising from
Open RAN development.
Do the attributes of Open RAN that
support its versatility to identify,
isolate, and remediate security risks or
threats in the service architecture also
highlight its potential security
vulnerabilities? To what extent could
use of Open RAN make the network
more vulnerable to cyberthreats or
unanticipated failures compared to a
traditional mobile networking
approach? Is there a risk that Open RAN
vendors may not yet have the processes
in place to address quickly and
efficiently possible gaps or bugs that
could otherwise be exploited by bad
actors? Are accountability and trust
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 58 / Monday, March 29, 2021 / Notices
reduced in environments with multiple
vendors? What steps should we take to
promote the diversity of vendors, while
ensuring a high standard of security and
trust similar to that provided by
proprietary end-to-end solutions? Is
there a heightened or new security risk
introduced by relying on a few
established and new suppliers with
shorter track records? Technologies
associated with Open RAN impact
stakeholders across the supply chain, as
well as in industries that rely on safe
and reliable communications networks.
What industry guidelines or standards
are in place to ensure vendors remain
accountable for their products and
service? Beyond industry standards,
what role, if any, does the Commission
have in holding vendors accountable for
their products, especially in systems
with components sourced from multiple
vendors? Are the Commission’s existing
equipment authorization rules sufficient
to perform this role? We seek comment
on these issues.
Moreover, does the disaggregated
nature of Open RAN emphasize the
importance of adhering to 5G security
specifications in both open and closed
systems, since security considerations of
these components already are defined in
the 3GPP standards? Although use of
open-source software may be a
prominent feature of Open RAN, many
5G vendors and operators already rely
on open-source software to accelerate
delivery of digital innovation. We seek
comment on the effects of open-source
software on network security from
entities that have already deployed
some variation of open-source software.
Open-Source Software Vulnerabilities.
As noted earlier, the source code for
open-source software is made available
to the public, enabling anyone to copy,
modify, or redistribute that code. Does
this openness also introduce new risks
to the network? Does the variety and
diversity of open-source software
options increase the possibility of
incompatibilities in the system or make
it more vulnerable to hacking or other
vulnerabilities? To what extent are
stakeholders applying inventory
management of open-source
components, code management systems,
testing of open-source code, and
security frameworks to mitigate opensource risks as recommended by CSRIC?
We seek comment on whether the
process for reviewing and accepting
contributions to open-source software
platforms may affect the security of
Open RAN. For example, who verifies
the integrity of those who seek to
change the code? Are there existing
criteria or processes used to select
reviewers, and what processes are there
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to ensure that contributions made to
change or edit the source code comport
with existing security standards? For
example, to what extent are Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)
against open-source software
components monitored? What
safeguards and protocols are in place to
thwart bad actors? To the extent that
safeguards exist, are they implemented
to meet the security standards expected
by enterprises and service providers?
Are there other risk factors we should be
considering? An analysis of the benefits
and challenges coupled with ideas on
how the Commission can support more
secure, efficient, and resilient
architectures should be provided while
addressing this topic.
Risks of a Virtualized Operating
Environment. Virtualization isolates
applications from each other, thus
minimizing or even eliminating their
disruption on other applications
running in other isolated containers. Is
there a risk, however, that actors with
unrestricted access to the operating
system of the device, often referred to as
root access, can bypass the intrinsic
security virtualization and can access
and/or alter any file, data, applications
running on that hardware platform? We
seek comment on the security
vulnerabilities of the operating
environment of virtualized software.
Can vendors or providers protect against
impermissible root access to the
operating system if the hardware is
produced by an untrusted source? What
credentialing, safeguards, or general
operating standards exist to ensure that
an actor with root access cannot abuse
root access for malicious means.
Another attack vector created by
virtualization is side-channel attacks,
where one container can learn
information from an unrelated
container. Are there mitigations to sidechannel attacks? Are these mitigations
in common use? If not, what is
inhibiting their use? We ask
commenters to estimate the costs
associated with risk mitigation related
to commercial applicants arising from
Open RAN deployment.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning. Some entities claim that using
AI and ML in any product present the
risk of false positives (i.e., an indication
that a condition, such as a network
intrusion or malware, exists when in
fact it does not). Correcting false
positives requires the input of time and
human resources to investigate, and the
remediation of a false problem or
incorrectly configured optimization
scheme might result in a service outage
or other denial of service. Should AI/ML
be leveraged to support and enhance the
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security features of an Open RAN
deployment? If so, how?
Barriers to Adoption by Established
Operators. Are the potential benefits of
Open RAN, described above, available
only in a greenfield deployment?
Commenters should discuss the relative
and absolute costs of incorporating
Open RAN components into an
established network. How can
established RANs incorporate elements
of Open RAN without replacing the
entire network? Are there any obstacles
that overlaying an Open RAN network
on top of an existing early-generation
closed network create? How scalable is
the Open RAN concept to multi-gigabit
wireless networks, such as nonstandalone, millimeter-wave 5G cellular
networks deployed in the U.S. that rely
upon legacy, 4G LTE components? Do
the potential cost reductions and
performance enhancements due to
disaggregation disappear once the costs
of end-to-end multi-vendor
interoperability testing are accounted
for? Will this innovation and flexibility
also maintain the stable operating
environment that suppliers and
consumers expect and demand of the
nation’s communications infrastructure?
Other Considerations. Are there any
other factors to take into account when
considering the viability and extent of
open and virtualized RAN
deployments? Will the fronthaul and
midhaul between disaggregated units in
the radio access network limit the
deployment of Open RAN cell sites to
areas where fiber or other high-capacity
connections are available? Will the
availability of fronthaul and midhaul
options limit deployment of Open RAN
networks to more densely populated
areas? According to press reports, some
original equipment manufacturers have
expressed concerns regarding the energy
efficiency of Open RAN equipment. Are
these concerns valid? If so, what steps
could potentially be taken to reduce the
energy consumption associated with
this equipment? Are there other issues
associated with deployment of open
and/or virtualized RAN equipment that
we should be aware of?
D. Potential Commission Efforts To
Promote Development and Deployment
Identify Potential Barriers. Assuming
we find that Open RAN could provide
substantial public interest benefits, and
subject to the cost-benefit
considerations outlined below, we seek
comment on whether we should enact
rules, consistent with the Commission’s
rulemaking authority under current
statutes, to promote reliability,
interoperability, and adoption of Open
RAN systems. Are Commission actions
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 58 / Monday, March 29, 2021 / Notices
warranted to support the development
of Open RAN standards? How can the
Commission best harness industry
experts to understand regulatory
constraints impacting Open RAN
deployments and the most appropriate
regulatory approach moving forward?
Commenters should identify aspects of
the Open RAN system that require
streamlined rules and a harmonized
regulatory framework.
We seek comment on whether any of
our existing rules impede Open RAN
investment and development.
Commenters should identify existing
regulatory barriers hindering the
continued development and
proliferation of Open RAN solutions.
We ask commenters to identify
regulations that are outdated or
unnecessarily burdensome to the
development and deployment of Open
RAN technologies, and whether the
Commission should update, forbear
from applying, or eliminate any of our
existing rules in order to best serve the
public interest. We also seek comment
on whether there are any market
inefficiencies that could be addressed
by changes to the Commission’s rules.
Testbeds and Demonstration Projects.
In 2013, the Commission adopted rules
creating the opportunity for expanded
experimentation through Program
experimental licenses and Innovation
Zones. Under a Program experimental
license, qualified institutions may
conduct testing for multiple non-related
experiments under a single
authorization within a defined
geographic area under control of the
licensee and where the licensee has
institutional processes to manage and
oversee experiments. The Innovation
Zone takes this concept a step further by
effectively providing an extension of a
Program Experimental License’s
authorized area of operation. Such
licensees are permitted to operate
within an Innovation Zone, under the
parameters set for that particular Zone,
without having to modify their licenses
to cover the new location. Innovation
Zones can be created in response to a
particular request or on the
Commission’s own motion. The
Commission has established two
Innovation Zones—in New York City
and Salt Lake City—to test new
advanced technologies and prototype
networks outside a traditional small
campus or laboratory setting, including
those that can support 5G technologies.
These Innovation Zones permit
experimentation across a wide variety of
spectrum bands encompassing both
non-federal and federal or shared
allocations at power levels
commensurate with commercial service.
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Could these Innovation Zones, either
the two already created or new zones,
provide opportunities to test and verify
the security and operational benefits
associated with Open RAN technology?
Could Innovation Zones also be used to
test and adjust various Open RAN
parameters to optimize its
implementation? We seek comment on
these issues. Are there adjustments that
we might need to make to these
Innovation Zones to better enable Open
RAN technology testing? Should other
testbeds be established for this purpose?
Should the Commission encourage or
require the interconnection of testbeds
to better simulate the challenges of
actual network deployments? Are there
other features of Open RAN technology
that should be explored through such
testbeds or demonstration projects? For
example, can such testbeds be used to
evaluate system integration issues in
mixed vendor environments both in
terms of different Open RAN vendor
equipment and a mix of Open RAN and
more traditional network equipment
operating in close proximity? Are there
funding mechanisms in place for
researchers to conduct the testing
needed to advance Open RAN
technology to a maturity level sufficient
for widespread commercial
deployment? How can the Commission
incentivize stakeholder participation in
testbeds and/or demonstration projects?
What features of such programs would
attract stakeholder participation by
increasing potential gains and reducing
potential risks of participation? What
other steps can the Commission take or
programs can it establish to encourage
and enable development and testing of
Open RAN technology?
Moreover, should the Commission
have any role in promoting, developing,
or testing of Open RAN equipment? Are
there any actions that the Commission
should take to facilitate the integration
and testing of Open RAN technology?
How can the Commission encourage the
development of Open RAN security and
reliability? Could this involve the
adoption of performance standards or
other rules for Open RAN equipment?
Should the Commission support
research and development of
technologies useful for Open RAN
development? If so, how? If the
Commission were to support Open RAN
research and development activities,
what types of technologies would be
most useful to facilitate Open RAN
adoption? Should the Commission
sponsor Open RAN plugfests, either on
its own or in partnership with other
organizations, to encourage the
development of interoperable Open
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RAN equipment and demonstrate its
capabilities? What other actions can the
Commission take to demonstrate and
test the functionality of Open RAN
network equipment? Finally, what
timeframes are realistic for the
completion of any study or analysis
conducted as part of Open RAN network
equipment being deployed in a testbed
USF/Rip and Replace. The Supply
Chain Second R&O created the
Reimbursement Program, which will
‘‘reimburse the costs reasonably
incurred by providers of advanced
communications services . . . to
permanently remove, replace, and
dispose of covered communications
equipment and services from their
networks.’’ In adopting the
Reimbursement Program, the
Commission recognized that ‘‘a certain
level of technological upgrade is
inevitable . . .’’ when replacing older
technology. Thus, the Commission’s
Reimbursement Program permits
‘‘participants to obtain reimbursement
for reasonable costs incurred for
replacing older mobile wireless
networks with fourth generation Long
Term Evolution (4G LTE) equipment or
services that are 5G ready.’’ While the
Commission expected providers to
‘‘obtain the lowest-cost equipment that
most closely replaces their existing
equipment . . . , ’’ it recognized that
‘‘replacement of older legacy technology
will inevitably require the use of newer
equipment and services that have
additional capabilities.’’ This position is
consistent with both Congressional
intent, which ‘‘expects there to be a
transition from 3G to 4G or even 5Gready equipment in instances where
equipment being replaced was initially
deployed several years ago,’’ and with
market developments which indicate
‘‘new equipment supporting older,
second- and third[-]generation wireless
technology services is unavailable, and
even acquiring such equipment and
services on the secondary market is
proving increasingly difficult and in
some instances impossible.’’ Thus,
providers may have an opportunity to
replace the non-secure equipment and
services, consistent with the Supply
Chain Second R&O, with Open RAN
equipment and services that could work
in a multi-vendor network and
architecture. Given the potential
advantages of Open RAN technology
and virtualized components in a multivendor network solution, we seek
comment on whether we should take
additional steps to support this
Section 4(d)(1) of the Secure
Networks Act directs the Commission to
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 58 / Monday, March 29, 2021 / Notices
create a list of suggested replacements
(Replacement List) for the equipment
and services being removed, replaced,
and destroyed. The Replacement List
must include ‘‘both physical and virtual
communications equipment,
applications and management software,
and services or categories of
replacements of both physical and
virtual communications equipment,
application and management software
and services.’’ Importantly, this list
must be ‘‘technology neutral.’’ In the
Secure Networks Act, Congress
explicitly supported the potential
inclusion of services such as Open RAN
and virtualized network equipment on
the Replacement List ‘‘to the extent that
the Commission determines that
communications services can serve as
an adequate substitute for the
installation of communications
equipment.’’ The Commission made
such a finding in the Supply Chain
Second R&O. Thus, Open RAN and
other services are eligible to be included
on the Replacement List and the
Commission encouraged ‘‘providers
participating in the Reimbursement
Program to consider this promising
technology’’ along with other
technologies as they make their
procurement decisions.
While the Replacement List is only a
‘‘suggested’’ list for the types of
equipment and services providers may
use to secure their networks, we believe
including Open RAN and other
virtualized equipment and services
could help promote Open RAN
development and deployment. Are there
additional actions the Commission
could take to encourage deployment and
development of Open RAN through the
Replacement List? If so, what precise
actions should the Commission take?
What would be the likely outcome?
How can the Commission support and
encourage the deployment and
development of Open RAN through the
Replacement List while also complying
with the obligation in the Secure
Networks Act that the Replacement List
be technology neutral? Specifically, we
seek comment on whether it is possible
to comply with the requirement that the
Replacement List be technologically
neutral, while also supporting the
growth and development of new
technologies. In the event the
Commission took additional steps to
encourage the deployment and
development of Open RAN through the
Replacement List, what are the potential
impacts to the Reimbursement Program?
How would these steps impact the
deployment and development of Open
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The Supply Chain Second R&O
allowed providers of advanced
communications service to begin
removing non-secure equipment now
while being reimbursed once the
Reimbursement Program is ready to
accept applications. We seek comment
on whether providers of advanced
communications services, especially
small providers, are adopting Open
RAN or virtualized solutions as they
replace covered equipment in their
networks. We also seek comment on
whether providers that have not begun
the remove and replace process are
considering or deploying equipment
that could support or be upgraded to
support Open RAN or virtualized
equipment in the future? We seek
comment on what steps the Commission
could take to encourage providers to
deploy Open RAN technology. If
providers are not considering Open
RAN, or are hesitant to deploy Open
RAN and virtualized technology, we
seek comment on why and on what
steps the Commission could and should
take to encourage providers of advanced
communications service, especially
small providers, to consider or select
Open RAN as part of the technological
offerings available for replacement going
forward. The Secure Networks Act
imposes short deadlines to make certain
the remove and replace process is
completed expeditiously. However, the
Secure Networks Act also allows for an
individual extension of a provider’s
deadline in limited circumstances.
Could the Commission grant an
extension for providers seeking to
deploy Open RAN or virtualized
network equipment and services?
Would such an extension incentivize
providers to deploy Open RAN? We
seek comment on whether granting
extensions in this manner would be
consistent with the Secure Networks
Act. We also seek comment on whether
the Reimbursement Program affords us
any other opportunities to encourage the
deployment or development of Open
RAN technology beyond the
Replacement List. The Secure Networks
Act does not expressly prohibit the
Commission from encouraging
providers who choose to replace the
covered equipment and services in their
networks with any particular type of
replacement equipment. The
technological neutrality obligation is
expressly limited to the items included
in the Replacement List. Can the
Commission offer any additional
incentives to Reimbursement Program
participants who choose to replace their
covered equipment or services with
Open RAN technology? If so, what types
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of incentives would most benefit such
providers? Is the Open RAN technology
sufficiently developed where providers
of advanced communications services
can purchase this equipment or services
on the open market? Does the cost to
providers make this equipment or these
services competitive with other types of
equipment or services? We expect that
providers may incur increased upfront
costs for this equipment. Would any
increased upfront purchase costs be
offset by reduced costs elsewhere, such
as reduced maintenance costs needed to
support a virtualized network? Are there
other costs that could be covered by the
Reimbursement Program? Can the
Reimbursement Program cover the
expenses for system integrators to
configure the network infrastructure for
many carriers? What other expenses will
providers deploying Open RAN
encounter? We also seek comment on
whether this technology simply would
replace the non-secure equipment and
services being removed from
communications networks, or whether it
would require different infrastructure
that would further burden providers or
the Reimbursement Program.
Finally, we seek comment on whether
other Universal Service Fund support
can be used to incentivize the
development and deployment of Open
RAN or virtualized systems. One of the
Commission’s central missions is to
make ‘‘available . . . to all the people of
the United States . . . a rapid, efficient,
Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and
radio communication service with
adequate facilities at reasonable
charges.’’ As the Commission has
observed, with the passage of the
Telecommunications Act of 1996,
Congress ‘‘directed the Commission and
states to take steps necessary to
establish support mechanisms to ensure
delivery of affordable
telecommunications services to all
Americans, including low-income
consumers, eligible schools and
libraries, and rural health care
providers.’’ Specifically, Congress set
forth certain specific principles for
universal service advancement. The
Commission has followed these
principles in establishing and
occasionally reforming its Universal
Service policies, including efforts to
‘‘ensure[ ] that all consumers . . .
benefit from the historic transitions that
are transforming our nation’s
communications services.’’ How would
supporting Open RAN further the
section 254(b) principles, upon which
the Commission must base its universal
service policies? For example, would
Open RAN technologies increase the
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 58 / Monday, March 29, 2021 / Notices
economic incentives for carriers to
deploy 5G services in underserved
communities, such as rural areas and
low-income neighborhoods?
Operational/Service Rules. We note
that the Commission has traditionally
adopted a policy of technology
neutrality and we seek comment on
whether changes are necessary to ensure
our rules remain technologically and
competitively neutral as Open RAN
technologies are integrated into wireless
networks. Commenters should identify
whether any of our existing rules
unfairly advantage or disadvantage one
RAN technology over another. For
example, do our rules favor or
disadvantage either a single vendor or
multi-vendor approach? We ask
commenters to identify these rules and
suggest changes that would address
these concerns. What changes are
necessary to ensure our rules remain
technologically neutral?
A Commission licensee is responsible
for ensuring that its network complies
with the Communications Act and
Commission rules. Would a licensee
that chooses to incorporate Open RAN
technology, which is comprised of
multiple components supplied by
multiple vendors, into its network face
different challenges than a licensee that
has multiple vendors for non-RAN
components or different RAN vendors
today? We seek comment on ways to
ensure that licensees maintain
responsibility for each element of their
network in accordance with the
Communications Act and Commission
rules. Does Open RAN present unique
challenges in this regard? For example,
does Open RAN present any unique
challenges in identifying transmission
sources (and their operators) compared
to traditional RAN? If so, how should
we account for those challenges in the
service rules for each band?
We also seek comment on how testing
of Open RAN equipment for compliance
with the Commission’s technical rules
could be accomplished as part of the
equipment certification process. Are the
Commission’s existing equipment
authorization rules that require
manufacturers to test whether their
products contribute to harmful
interference sufficient in the context of
Open RAN systems comprised of
components from multiple vendors? If
not, how should testing responsibilities
be allocated between manufacturers and
operators to ensure that specific
combinations of equipment do not cause
harmful interference to other spectrum
users? Should the Commission or other
Federal agencies have a role in
evaluating, auditing, or ensuring that
vendors purporting to offer Open RAN
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systems do actually provide an open
and interoperable solution? Commenters
should identify other challenges that
entities deploying Open RAN
technologies may face in complying
with existing operational and service
Commission Outreach and
Information Gathering. As discussed,
the Commission has previously
promoted industry and public
involvement in Open RAN discussions.
The Commission’s Technological
Advisory Committee provides technical
advice to the Commission, and one of its
four working groups recently studied
virtualized radio access networks as
well as 5G technology and the Internet
of Things applications. We seek
comment on the recommendations of
this working group. We seek further
comment on how best to harness the
work of the TAC or other groups that the
Commission could potentially establish,
in order to engage government, industry,
and academia stakeholders in
developing and deploying Open RAN
As discussed above, CSRIC has
previously examined security issues in
5G networks. To what extent should
potential future iterations of CSRIC be
used to promote Open RAN technology
without endorsing a particular
technology or company? What other
roles might CSRIC serve to foster Open
RAN development and security?
Relationship to Other Federal
Agencies. The National Science
Foundation has funded fundamental
research on open architectures for many
years. Its most recent program,
Platforms for Advanced Wireless
Research (PAWR), is a public-private
partnership that seeks to develop
experimental testbeds for innovative
research into the next generation of
wireless systems. One such testbed is
the Platform for Open Wireless Datadriven Experimental Research
(POWDER), a facility for Open RAN
experimentation, by both academia and
industry, in a city-scale ‘‘living
laboratory’’ run by the University of
Utah in partnership with Salt Lake City
and the Utah Education and Telehealth
Network. POWDER will deploy and test
both off-the-shelf equipment and radio
hardware and software being developed
by RENEW (Reconfigurable Eco-system
for Next Generation End-to-end
Wireless), a partnership of Rice
University, University of Michigan, and
Texas Southern University focused on
developing a fully programmable and
observable wireless radio network.
Likewise, the Cloud Enhanced Open
Software-Defined Mobile Wireless
Testbed in New York City provides city-
PO 00000
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scale wireless experimentation for ultrahigh bandwidth and low latency
technologies and applications.
The Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) recently
started the Open, Programmable, Secure
5G (OPS–5G) program to address
security challenges that will confront
future wireless networks. OPS–5G aims
to reduce reliance on potentially
untrusted providers of technology by
developing a secure-by-design stack for
mobile, wireless networks using opensource software and interoperable,
standard-compliant hardware and
software components. NTIA recently
announced a 5G Challenge Notice of
Inquiry in collaboration with the
Department of Defense (DoD) 5G
initiative, seeking feedback on the
creation of a 5G Challenge that will spur
stakeholders into accelerating
deployment of Open RAN architectures
in the recently announced DoD 5G
testbeds. The Notice of Inquiry is
structured around three main categories
of questions: (i) Challenge structure and
goals, (ii) incentives and scope, and (iii)
timeframe and infrastructure support.
The DoD has awarded $600M in the
first phase of funding (called Tranche 1)
to 15 prime contractors to evaluate 5G
technologies in five military
installations across the United States.
Each will investigate a specific
application such as AR/VR based
training, ‘‘smart warehousing’’
capability, and spectrum sharing
between radar and cellular services. In
addition, seven sites have been chosen
for Tranche 2. The solicitation period
for white papers for four of the sites in
Tranche 2 closed on December 15, 2020,
and the process of evaluating these has
begun. Request for Proposals for all
seven sites in Tranche 2 are expected in
early 2021.
Is there a role for the FCC in helping
to advance the objectives of these
various federal efforts to promote and
streamline Open RAN development and
deployment? How can the Commission
ensure that it is not duplicating efforts
of other federal agencies or contribute to
these ongoing initiatives? Should the
FCC help to facilitate industry
engagement in these processes to ensure
that the interests of non-federal
operators and equipment manufacturers
are adequately represented?
Role in International Open RAN
Efforts. The Commission’s regulatory
counterparts around the world are
exploring Open RAN within the context
of their respective domestic regulatory
policy. The United Kingdom, for
example, is creating a SmartRAN Open
Network Interoperability Centre as a
part of its national 5G Diversification
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 58 / Monday, March 29, 2021 / Notices
Strategy. The center is a joint program
between the UK regulator Ofcom and
UK innovation agency Digital Catapult,
and it will serve as a testbed for Open
RAN solutions. Likewise, in Japan, the
Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Communications has outlined plans to
pursue international collaboration in
order to promote the implementation
and standardization of open architecture
and network virtualization. Germany
has begun to consider providing funding
for Open RAN research and
development, as the United States has
International fora have also
increasingly begun to engage in dialogue
on Open RAN. For instance, in February
2021, the United States co-sponsored a
workshop on open architectures and
network virtualization within the
Telecommunications & Information
Working Group of the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation forum (APEC).
The European Commission has also
launched a study into the status of 5G
supply markets and Open RAN and has
held workshops with stakeholders to
gather information.
These initiatives lead us to ask
broadly whether the experiences of
other telecommunications regulators
provide any best practices or lessons
learned that the Commission should
consider, especially keeping in mind the
international nature of current and
planned Open RAN deployments. Are
there lessons we should learn from our
counterparts abroad about how an
independent regulator can best support
national research and development
efforts? With which specific
organizations or events should the
Commission consider participating in
order to have productive international
discussions on Open RAN? As one of
many U.S. agencies working alongside
the Department of State to engage with
organizations like APEC and the OECD,
what specific role can the Commission
play to ensure any OECD principles or
best practices identified by those
organizations serve the public interest?
Is there information that we should be
gathering from, or sharing with,
international stakeholders on Open
RAN, and, if so, what is the most
appropriate avenue by which we should
gather or share this information?
Finally, are there any steps the
Commission can or should take to
support industry-led efforts
internationally and help avoid
fragmentation or duplication? How can
the Commission encourage U.S.
stakeholders to participate in these fora?
Role in Advancing Open-Architecture
Network Solutions Generally. While this
Notice of Inquiry primarily examines
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the potential of open and virtualized
radio access networks in promoting U.S.
network security and 5G leadership, we
also seek comment on whether there is
a similar need for or interest in
advancing open-architecture network
solutions generally (e.g., open and
disaggregated optical and packet
transport and open cloud-native core).
How do RAN and non-RAN elements of
the network differ in terms of their need
for or feasibility of disaggregated,
interoperable solutions? Are the issues
and/or market conditions that prompted
development of Open RAN solutions
similarly prevalent in the market for
other, non-RAN elements of the system?
What efforts, if any, have been made to
develop and deploy open-architecture
network solutions for other elements of
the system? What are the costs, benefits,
and challenges of open-architecture
network solutions generally (i.e., for
non-RAN elements of the system). For
example, open and disaggregated
Transport requires more nodes for the
orchestration layers to manage.
Accordingly, we seek comment on
challenges associated with open and
disaggregated Transport specifically and
other elements more generally. What, if
any, actions can or should be taken by
the Commission to advance open
network solutions for non-RAN
elements of the network?
Legal Issues. The Commission has
broad authority under Title III of the Act
to manage the use of radio spectrum, to
prescribe the nature of wireless services
to be rendered, and to modify existing
licenses when doing so would promote
the public interest. We seek comment
on what additional legal obligations
may incentivize and support the
development and deployment of more
secure Open RAN. For example, in
adopting the Commission’s prohibition
on the use of USF funds to purchase,
operate, or maintain covered
communications equipment and
services, the Commission found that the
rule implicated section 105 of CALEA.
Section 105 requires every
telecommunications provider to ‘‘ensure
that any interception of
communications or access to callidentifying information effected within
its switching premises can be activated
only in accordance with a court order or
other lawful authorization and with the
affirmative intervention of an individual
officer of employee of the carrier.’’ The
Commission found that, therefore,
telecommunications carriers ‘‘appear to
have a duty’’ to avoid the risk that an
untrusted supplier could illegally
intercept or provide remote
unauthorized network access by the
PO 00000
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insertion of malicious hardware or
software implants. We seek comment on
the impact of virtualized and
interoperable network components on a
carrier’s ability to comply with this
statutory obligation. Would
disaggregation of the RAN functionality
and an enhanced ability to use network
elements from different vendors help
network operators ensure that carriers
can prevent access to their networks by
untrusted entities?
In addition to the statutory obligation,
the Commission is authorized to
‘‘prescribe such rules as are necessary to
implement the requirements of’’ CALEA
and to require carriers to establish
policies to prevent unauthorized
surveillance. When adopting section
54.9, the Commission found that that
rule directly implements section 105 of
CALEA by reducing the likelihood that
ETCs use USF support to facilitate
unauthorized surveillance. Can the
Commission rely upon CALEA
obligations and its associated
rulemaking authority to encourage
deployment of secure equipment,
including Open RAN? We also seek
comment on whether CALEA provides
authority to support the development
and deployment of Open RAN. For
example, section 106 directs
manufacturers to make available to
carriers, ‘‘on a reasonable and timely
basis and at a reasonable charge, . . .
such features or modifications as are
necessary to permit such carriers to
comply with the capability
requirements’’ of section 103; those
capability requirements include the
ability to facilitate authorized
surveillance ‘‘in a manner that protects
. . . the privacy and security of
communications and call-identifying
information not authorized to be
intercepted’’ and ‘‘information regarding
the government’s interception of
communications and access to callidentifying information.’’
Congress has directed the
Commission to ‘‘encourage the
deployment on a reasonable and timely
basis of advanced telecommunications
capability to all Americans . . . by
utilizing, in a manner consistent with
the public interest, convenience, and
necessity, price cap regulation,
regulatory forbearance, measures that
promote competition in the local
telecommunications market, or other
regulating methods that remove barriers
to infrastructure investment.’’ What
sources of authority could the
Commission consider invoking to
encourage or incentivize development
and deployment of Open RAN and
virtualized networks? In the Supply
Chain Second Report and Order, the
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 58 / Monday, March 29, 2021 / Notices
Commission relied upon sections 201(b)
and 254, among other sections, for
authority to require USF recipients to
remove and replace covered equipment.
Do those sections provide the
Commission with authority to
encourage and incentivize development
and deployment of Open RAN and
virtualized networks? If so, should the
Commission rely upon these sections to
do so? Commenters should explain in
detail why or why not they believe we
have authority to act, if the Commission
chooses to do so.
E. Costs and Benefits of Open RAN
We seek comment on the likely costs
and benefits of Open RAN deployment
for mobile network operators. The
Office of Economics and Analytics plans
to undertake an economic study that
would evaluate the likely benefits and
costs of Open RAN deployment. In
particular, we ask that commenters
provide information and data that
quantify both the potential costs and
benefits of Open RAN deployment, and
we seek comment on the issues that
should be studied and likely promising
methodologies to carry out such studies.
For example, to what extent will mobile
network operators benefit from open
interfaces and standards? How would
the Commission’s actions impact the
development of Open RAN and related
technologies in comparison to what
industry participants currently expect?
Specifically, are there any obstacles
preventing the industry from optimally
investing in the Open RAN technologies
that could be eliminated by Commission
actions? Are there any spillover social
benefits arising from the Open RAN
deployment not internalized by the
wireless network industry in its
investment decisions? For example,
does one firm’s investment in the Open
RAN system result in any spillover
benefits to other Open RAN component
vendors network operators, consumers,
or public safety without such benefiting
entities paying for the cost of
development either directly or
indirectly? We ask commenters to
quantify the potential spillover social
benefits that may be lost if the Open
RAN development and deployment
decisions are made by the wireless
network firms, without Commission
We seek comment on the relative and
absolute costs of Open RAN deployment
and interoperability. How do the costs
of Open RAN equipment compare with
the costs of equipment from proprietary
equipment manufacturers? How do the
operating expenses of an Open RAN
network compare to those of a
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proprietary network? Are there any
costs to using multiple equipment
vendors in constructing networks, such
as the costs of network design and
integration? If so, we ask commenters to
provide information on the magnitude
of these costs, and the underlying
methodology for quantifying these costs.
We also seek information on how
interoperability between the various
equipment vendors can be ensured. In
particular, does it require specific
integration platforms or institutions to
monitor and coordinate the
development and maintenance of
standards and integration of the Open
RAN technologies? If such institutions
exist, are there Commission rules that
would affect their operations? If such
institutions do not exist, what are the
associated costs to set up and maintain
such platforms and institutions?
Further, we seek information on Open
RAN performance compared to existing
networks or potential alternative
technologies, and how the cost of
deployment and relative benefits of
performance differ. Do such differences
depend on market characteristics such
as whether areas are sparsely or densely
populated or whether expanding
geographic coverage or expanding
capacity in a fixed geography is the
more important consideration? To the
extent that performance differs, we ask
commenters to quantify the effect of
those performance differences on
In addition, we seek comment on the
likely costs and benefits of Open RAN
for the broader economy. Could
adopting Open RAN reduce the
probability of security breaches
compared with existing and alternative
technologies? What are the economic
costs of these breaches, including costs
associated with breach prevention, that
may vary across Open RAN and other
technologies? How much additional
consumer value and utilization of
services would there be once networks
implement Open RAN? How much
would consumers value reduction in
security risk from Open RAN
deployment? How much would
consumers value improvement in speed,
additional capacity, or improvements in
use cases such as drone operation? We
seek comment on the costs of addressing
security concerns raised elsewhere in
this document.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene Dortch,
[FR Doc. 2021–06430 Filed 3–26–21; 8:45 am]
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[OMB 3060–1282; FRS 17590]
Information Collection Approved by
the Office of Management and Budget
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice.
The Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) has received Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
approval for the following public
information collection pursuant to the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. An
agency may not conduct or sponsor a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number, and no person is required to
respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid
control number. Comments concerning
the accuracy of the burden estimates
and any suggestions for reducing the
burden should be directed to the person
listed below.
Kerry Murray, Satellite Division,
International Bureau, at (202) 418–0734,
or email:
OMB Control No.: 3060–1282.
OMB Approval Date: March 16, 2021.
Expiration Date: March 31, 2024.
Title: Telemetry, Tracking and
Command Earth Station Operators.
Form No.: N/A.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit entities.
Number of Respondents: 4
respondents; 4 responses.
Estimated Time per Response: 12
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement and Third-party
disclosure requirement.
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. The
Commission has statutory authority for
the information collection requirements
under 47 U.S.C. 151, 152, 154(i), 154(j),
155(c), 201, 302, 303, 304, 307(e), 309,
and 316.
Total Annual Burden: 48 hours.
Total Annual Cost: $2,200.
Privacy Impact Assessment: No
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
There is no need for confidentiality
pertaining to the information collection
requirements in this collection.
Needs and Uses: On March 3, 2020,
the Commission released a Report and
Order and Order of Proposed
Modification titled, ‘‘In the Matter of
Expanding Flexible Use of the 3.7 to 4.2
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 58 (Monday, March 29, 2021)]
[Pages 16349-16360]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-06430]
[GN Docket No. 21-63; FCC 21-31; FRS 17848]
Promoting the Deployment of 5G Open Radio Access Networks
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Notice of Inquiry.
SUMMARY: This Notice of Inquiry (NOI) examines the potential of open
and virtualized Radio Access Networks in securing America's
communications networks and the communications supply chain, and in
driving 5G innovation. Specifically, this NOI seeks comment on what
steps, if any, the Commission should take to accelerate the development
and deployment of Open Radio Access Networks (Open RAN); any challenges
or other considerations related to the testing, deployment, and
integration of Open RAN systems and equipment; and the costs and
benefits associated with Open RAN development and deployment.
DATES: Interested parties may file comments on or before April 28,
2021; and reply comments on or before May 28, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties may submit comments, identified by GN
Docket No. 21-63, by any of the following methods:
Federal Communications Commission's Website: Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
People With Disabilities: Contact the FCC to request reasonable
accommodations (accessible format documents, sign language
interpreters, CART, etc.) by email: [email protected] or phone: 202-418-
0530 or TTY: 202-418-0432.
For detailed instructions for submitting comments and additional
information on the rulemaking process, see the Supplementary
Information section of this document.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jaclyn Rosen, Mobility Division,
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at (202) 418-0154 or
[email protected], or Mary Claire York, Mobility Division, Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau, at (202) 418-2205 or
[email protected].
Comment Filing Procedures
Pursuant to sections 1.415 and 1.419 of the Commission's rules, 47
CFR 1.415, 1.419, interested parties may file comments and reply
comments on or before the dates indicated on the first page of this
document. Comments may be filed using the Commission's Electronic
Comment Filing System (ECFS). See Electronic Filing of Documents in
Rulemaking Proceedings, 63 FR 24121 (1998).
Electronic Filers: Comments may be filed electronically using the
internet by accessing the ECFS:
Paper Filers: Parties who choose to file by paper must file an
original and one copy of each filing. Paper filings can be sent by
commercial overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S.
Postal Service mail.
Effective March 19, 2020, and until further notice, the Commission
no longer accepts any hand or messenger delivered filings. This is a
temporary measure taken to help protect the health
[[Page 16350]]
and safety of individuals, and to mitigate the transmission of COVID-
\1\ See FCC Announces Closure of FCC Headquarters Open Window
and Change in Hand-Delivery Policy, Public Notice, 35 FCC Rcd 2788
Commercial overnight mail (other than U.S. Postal Service Express
Mail and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9050 Junction Drive, Annapolis
Junction, MD 20701.
U.S. Postal Service first-class, Express, and Priority mail must be
addressed to 45 L Street NE, Washington, DC 20554.
Ex Parte Rules
This proceeding shall be treated as a ``permit-but-disclose''
proceeding in accordance with the Commission's ex parte rules.\2\
Persons making ex parte presentations must file a copy of any written
presentation or a memorandum summarizing any oral presentation within
two business days after the presentation (unless a different deadline
applicable to the Sunshine period applies). Persons making oral ex
parte presentations are reminded that memoranda summarizing the
presentation must (1) list all persons attending or otherwise
participating in the meeting at which the ex parte presentation was
made, and (2) summarize all data presented and arguments made during
the presentation. If the presentation consisted in whole or in part of
the presentation of data or arguments already reflected in the
presenter's written comments, memoranda, or other filings in the
proceeding, the presenter may provide citations to such data or
arguments in his or her prior comments, memoranda, or other filings
(specifying the relevant page and/or paragraph numbers where such data
or arguments can be found) in lieu of summarizing them in the
memorandum. Documents shown or given to Commission staff during ex
parte meetings are deemed to be written ex parte presentations and must
be filed consistent with Rule 1.1206(b), 47 CFR 1.1206(b). Participants
in this proceeding should familiarize themselves with the Commission's
ex parte rules.
\2\ 47 CFR 1.1200(a). Although the Rules do not generally
require ex parte presentations to be treated as ``permit but
disclose'' in Notice of Inquiry proceedings, see 47 CFR
1.1204(b)(1), we exercise our discretion in this instance, and find
that the public interest is served by making ex parte presentations
available to the public, in order to encourage a robust record. See
id. Sec. 1.1200(a).
In creating the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or
Commission), Congress charged the agency with protecting the safety of
life and property and promoting the national defense through wire and
radio communication. Over the last decade, actions by Congress, the
Executive Branch, and the Commission have repeatedly stressed and
prioritized supply chain risk management and the deployment of secure
and reliable networks in the United States. The Commission has worked
closely with its federal partners on this critical issue and has acted
decisively to secure our communications networks and the communications
supply chain. Congress has also established that it is ``the policy of
the United States to encourage the provision of new technologies and
services to the public.''
Open and virtualized radio access networks have the potential to
address national security and other concerns that the Commission and
other federal stakeholders have raised in recent years about network
integrity and supply chain reliability. New startups are entering the
original equipment manufacturer marketplace, and many of these
companies are located in trusted-partner countries that do not pose
national security risks. Network function virtualization and tools like
artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) have the potential
to allow for smarter, more efficient network security monitoring.
Below, we summarize recent federal actions taken to help secure the
communications supply chain and communications networks, either before
the emergence of Open RAN or in parallel with these efforts.
A. State of Development and Deployment of Open RAN Solutions
Current Standards and Specifications. We seek comment on the
current state of standards and specifications development for 5G and
Open RAN. During the last few years, there has been a concerted effort
among some organizations to advance the Open RAN model. For example, in
2016 and 2018, respectively, several companies launched the Telecom
Infra Project (TIP) and global carriers established the O-RAN Alliance
to develop and promote Open RAN reference architectures and protocols
that foster vendor interoperability. In May 2020, several major global
companies formed the Open RAN Policy Coalition to promote government
policies that advance the adoption of open and interoperable RAN
technologies. In August 2020, the Open Networking Foundation (ONF), an
operator-led consortium advancing innovation in network infrastructure
and carrier business models, announced several new initiatives in the
Open RAN domain. We seek comment on the state of Open RAN standards
development generally and, specifically, on the challenges inherent in
developing Open RAN standards and specifications. To what extent are
these standard-setting efforts being driven by established large
manufacturers, and to what extent are these efforts enabling
participation by smaller equipment vendors, smaller mobile network
operators, and newer entrants to the marketplace? Are specifications
such as eCPRI, the Common Public Radio Interface, a sufficient
alternative to Open RAN? Are there any known interoperable multivendor
implementations of eCPRI? Are there substantive differences between the
eCPRI and Open RAN approaches for disaggregating the network? What
steps, if any, should be taken by the Commission to help resolve
standard-setting challenges, bolster these efforts, and accelerate the
timeline for Open RAN standards and specifications development?
Open RAN Ecosystem. We seek comment on the current state of the
Open RAN ecosystem. For example, which companies are offering baseband
hardware, network virtualization, packet core functionality, or other
network components? How large are each of these companies, in sales or
revenues, in each of these applications? How scalable is manufacturing
of each of these components to allow for ramp up in production? And how
many companies are competing to supply each of the components and
applications? What role (if any) will systems integrators play in
advancing the deployment of Open RAN systems and what systems
integrators are operating in the marketplace today? Will carriers
execute their own integration, as Rakuten has done, or buy hosted
solutions from other providers? Commenters should identify any gaps or
potential bottlenecks in the Open RAN ecosystem. What factors
incentivize or disincentivize vendors from developing Open RAN
solutions? What are the financial capabilities and funding sources of
current or potential vendors to develop such solutions? To what extent
does the development of Open RAN solutions by one firm depend on the
development of Open RAN by other firms? We seek comment on the current
and future opportunities that Open RAN generates for the U.S. wireless
infrastructure industry. While U.S. companies do not currently offer an
integrated end-to-end network at scale, several U.S. companies supply
[[Page 16351]]
components of wireless networks, including semiconductors, end user
devices, and core network elements. Does this suggest that U.S.
companies are well positioned to compete in a modular market? More
specifically, we seek comment and data on whether and, if so, how many
U.S. companies or vendors can manufacture and/or supply Open RAN sub-
components, including radios, at the scale necessary to compete both
domestically and internationally with traditional network equipment
vendors. How many U.S. companies have the knowledge and resources to
begin manufacturing Open RAN components and applications in the near
future? What are the projected market shares of the U.S. companies at
the aggregate level in the U.S. wireless network equipment market if
Open RAN were widely adopted? Are there any components or applications
for which there currently are no U.S. suppliers?
Domestic Deployments. We seek comment on the current state of Open
RAN deployments in the U.S. To what extent are these solutions
commercially available today? While DISH has not announced a launch
date, it is currently building the first nationwide cloud-native, Open
RAN-based 5G broadband network. Inland Cellular, a rural mobile
wireless service provider that serves more than 35,000 subscribers in
Idaho and Washington, is reportedly deploying an Open RAN system that
will cut per site cost by approximately 40 percent. Verizon Wireless
has reportedly deployed vRAN equipment as part of its 5G network. What
other U.S. companies are planning or otherwise participating in Open
RAN deployments? How close is the U.S. to being ready for large-scale
deployments? Has Open RAN delivered an integrated and truly
interoperable end-to-end process in the United States yet? Commenters
should discuss previous and current efforts to deploy Open RAN in the
U.S., as well as any expected plans to deploy in the future, including
information on the costs of any deployments considered. We seek comment
on which mobile network operators or original equipment manufacturers
are likely and not likely to adopt Open RAN. What factors are
preventing, impeding, or discouraging Open RAN deployments? What steps
should be taken by the Commission, other federal partners, industry,
academia, or others to resolve these issues, address these concerns,
and accelerate the timeline for Open RAN deployment?
International Deployments. Similarly to the United States, several
countries have stressed the importance of securing their communications
networks and communications supply chains. The United Kingdom has
established a 5G Supply Chain Diversification Strategy to ensure the
telecom supply chain remains resilient to future trends and threats,
and French suppliers are being prioritized to help the French
government reduce its dependence on Huawei. Several countries believe
that Open RAN can offer a solution to security issues affecting the
communications network supply chain. The German government, for
example, is expected to spend 2 billion euros to reduce dependency on
Huawei and to prioritize Open RAN research, development, and
In response to government policies and demand for more secure
solutions, operators worldwide are developing and deploying Open RAN
architectures at an increasing rate. For example, in Asia, Rakuten
maintains it was one of the first companies to utilize Open RAN as part
of its new fully virtualized cloud network in Japan, and Bharti Airtel
and Vodafone Idea have been at the forefront of Open RAN deployments in
India. In Europe, four major carriers--Vodafone Group Plc, Telefonica
S.A., Deutsche Telekom AG, and Orange S.A.--signed a Memorandum of
Understanding signaling their commitment to deploy Open RAN solutions
across Europe. In Africa, Vodafone has conducted early field trials,
and, in July 2020, Orange announced a multi-country program to extend
their current coverage with Open RAN solutions, including to the
Central African Republic. In Latin America, the TIP, Instituto Nacional
de Telecomunicacoes (Inatel), and Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM) Brasil
launched the Open Field program in Brazil to develop and test Open RAN
solutions in the field.
As countries and operators worldwide are beginning to coalesce
around the Open RAN model, we seek comment on what lessons can be
learned from successful deployments, previous failed deployments, and
development efforts being undertaken in other countries. What has been
learned about deploying Open RAN systems using existing generations of
networks and in low-income and rural environments? What challenges have
these operators faced in developing and deploying Open RAN systems? Is
there anything about the U.S. wireless network industry, spectrum
policies (e.g., availability of greenfield spectrum), or geographical
or other factors that present unique challenges to Open RAN deployment?
What steps can the Commission take to encourage timely and secure
domestic deployments? What implications do international efforts like
the European Memorandum of Understanding have for U.S. leadership in
this area?
B. Potential Public Interest Benefits in Promoting Development and
Deployment of Open RAN
Increased Competition and Network Vendor Diversity. We seek comment
generally on the effect of Open RAN on market entry, vendor diversity,
and competition in the wireless network equipment industry. We seek
comment on the current state of competition in the wireless network
equipment industry generally and in the markets for various components
and applications. In particular, we seek comment on whether and how the
current market structure in the traditional RAN sector may impact or
affect the deployment and adoption of Open RAN solutions. How many
options are available to carriers in selecting equipment manufacturers?
How interoperable is this RAN equipment, if at all, with other hardware
and software? Is this equipment or software proprietary? What
restrictions, if any, do equipment manufacturers place on wireless
carriers' equipment choices or options? Similarly, do equipment
manufacturers place any restrictions on their upstream suppliers in
terms of dealing with Open RAN providers? What affect do such
restrictions have on competition and Open RAN deployment and adoption?
What are the effects of competition in the industry, and would
transitioning to Open RAN resolve, ameliorate, or worsen these issues?
Specifically, would increased competition in the wireless network
equipment marketplace result in lower costs for operators? Commenters
advocating this position should explain why and should estimate the
likely cost reductions. For instance, does Open RAN eliminate or
minimize the costs associated with developing a proprietary end-to-end
network or deploying and maintaining single-vendor hardware? What
benefits can be gained by access to interoperable networks? On the
other hand, would there be any additional costs to operators from
having to use Open RAN versus alternative technologies? For example,
are there any additional costs required for integrating the Open RAN
We also seek this information on the firms that supply various
network components and applications of 5G RAN networks and their market
shares in each of the segments. We seek comment on the relationships
between and among firms in this industry, including but not limited to
[[Page 16352]]
relationships, equity investments, and joint ventures or partnerships.
Commenters should also describe the extent to which the cost, quality,
and/or capabilities of competing components and applications differ. We
seek comment on vertical supply chain relationships in the
telecommunications networking equipment market, and on the potential
effects of current market conditions on the demand for and deployment
of Open RAN solutions. Commenters should identify barriers to entry or
market conditions that may affect or impede the deployment and adoption
of Open RAN solutions now or in the future. Do current market
conditions or barriers to entry warrant specific regulatory
intervention? If so, commenters should describe what measures the
Commission should take, as well as the legal basis for Commission
We seek comment on the current and projected demand for Open RAN
and its expected market share, as a proxy for predicting the level of
competition in the Open RAN supply chain. By some estimates, Open RAN
currently captures 9.4% of the total 4G and 5G market. Is the current
market share a reflection of actual demand, or is it the result of
regulatory or other barriers that may be impeding or delaying
widespread adoption and deployment? Is market share likely to change in
the future? Is there a threshold for market share at which the
effectiveness of diffusion of Open RAN would rapidly increase? What are
the anticipated diffusion rates over the next 5 years under current
market conditions? We seek comment on whether the pace of Open RAN
adoption should influence policies the Commission adopts, or whether
the Commission should adopt policies to accelerate the pace of
adoption. We also seek comment on any adverse effects and costs of
policies advocated by commenters, such as the extra burden on network
operations that the policies may cause.
What factors may incentivize or disincentivize operators from
adopting Open RAN technologies? How would adoption by one firm impact
adoption by other firms? To what extent does Open RAN technology
exhibit economies of scale, network effects, or learning curves? If the
benefits of Open RAN can only be realized by economies of scale, should
the Commission provide funding or incentives to operators that choose
to implement such systems in their wireless networks? To what extent
might government-funded incentives or other regulatory intervention
ease any of the costs or barriers to adopting Open RAN? For example,
the Indian government is currently drafting procurement regulations for
its next generation networks and is expected to offer preference to
domestic suppliers. In Japan, the government is providing tax
incentives to products with open and interoperable interfaces, and the
UK government announced a 28 million euro investment in 5G products,
with more than one-half utilizing Open RAN. Should we adopt similar
regulatory measures or incentives? Are other actions necessary to level
the playing field for new Open RAN suppliers that are competing against
entrenched traditional vendors with decades of experience? For
instance, should we amend, forbear from applying, or eliminate any of
our rules that inadvertently support a single-vendor approach, a
specific technology (e.g., closed radio access networks), or otherwise
inhibit the development and adoption of Open RAN solutions? Are there
any components or factors of an Open RAN system that are or could be
hindered by a single or limited vendor supply? How can we facilitate a
competitive marketplace where essential pieces of an Open RAN
architecture are not controlled by a limited number of entities?
We seek comment on whether Open RAN is likely to create
opportunities for new entrants in the original equipment manufacturer
markets. Specifically, we seek comment on whether and, if so, which
aspects of, the Open RAN architecture promote vendor diversity and
competition. Open RAN works by disaggregating software applications
from the underlying hardware infrastructure and replacing proprietary
interfaces between baseband components with open, standards-based
interfaces. Would the disaggregated nature of Open RAN lower the costs
of entry by allowing vendors to develop distinct components of the
network (e.g., hardware, software, silicon), rather than having to
build the integrated end-to-end system, which can be a costly
undertaking? Does the interoperable nature of Open RAN facilitate
market entry by allowing vendors to develop specific components of the
network for use by multiple operators rather than creating unique one-
off solutions for specific operators? What specific firms or what kind
of firms would be likely entrants, and how are they likely to perform
as competitors against incumbents? Which segments are they likely to
enter, and what kind of products are they likely to develop? Are there
likely to be international entrants in addition to domestic entrants?
Commenters should discuss other aspects of the Open RAN architecture
that may lower the barriers to entry and otherwise facilitate market
We also seek comment on how Open RAN could encourage innovation by
American companies, and how to anticipate, identify, and evaluate
potential issues that might stifle innovation, manufacturing, and
deployment. For example, is there a sufficient workforce in place with
the training to safely and efficiently install Open RAN equipment? If
not, how quickly could such workers be trained? Are there steps the
Commission or other federal agencies should take to address an increase
in the supply of trained workers needed to close such a gap? Under an
open-source or open-interface model, will businesses be able to stay
financially viable? How will access to intellectual property and
patents influence the ability to innovate? Can U.S. operators continue
to achieve the same level of features and performance at scale with
Open RAN that customers currently enjoy with existing infrastructure?
Will technological developments in Open RAN benefit innovation in other
technologies? We seek comment on these questions as well as comment
generally on whether the Commission or other entities could or should
plan for and mitigate foreseeable roadblocks.
Affordability of Services and Products for Consumers. We seek
comment on the potential costs and benefits of Open RAN on consumers in
the next-generation wireless network marketplace. If Open RAN lowers
the overall hardware and deployment costs for operators, are those cost
savings likely to pass through to consumers in the form of lower, more
competitive prices for next-generation wireless services? How might
Open RAN affect the price of services and products for consumers, if at
all? If the federal government provides incentives for a transition in
architecture, how can we ensure these cost savings find their way to
the consumer? Commenters should discuss the potential effect of Open
RAN on the affordability of end-user services and products. In
particular, commenters should discuss how Open RAN might affect the
affordability of services and products for the most vulnerable
consumers, including rural and low-income Americans.
Network Security and Public Safety. Several countries have
recognized Open RAN as a potential solution to the increasing security
threats posed to their nation's communications supply chains. For
example, as previously discussed, the German government is expected to
[[Page 16353]]
spend two billion euros to reduce its dependency on Huawei by
prioritizing Open RAN research, development, and deployments. France
has adopted a similar policy. Through open disaggregation of the RAN,
Open RAN is intended to enable the use of interchangeable modular
technologies, as well as AI/ML, to promote, among other things, network
security and public safety. O-RAN Alliance argues that the design of
Open RAN, along with the potential for leveraging open-source software,
should improve supply chain security.
To what extent does Open RAN address supply chain risk management
issues and enable the deployment of secure and reliable networks in the
United States? Does the disaggregated nature of Open RAN facilitate
market entry by additional vendors and therefore offer viable
alternatives to the use of equipment from untrusted vendors in the
telecommunications supply chain (e.g., Huawei and ZTE)? Would Open RAN
mitigate operators' reliance on specific vendors, allowing them to
secure a back-up supplier or otherwise eliminate lock-in problems
resulting from a consolidated equipment marketplace? How would an
increase in the number of vendors supplying components for Open RAN
affect the 5G vendor management ecosystem? Would the use of Open RAN
software facilitate the rapid removal of vendors' equipment when they
were identified as untrusted? Would a supply chain of Open RAN software
vendors that excludes untrusted entities obviate concerns of that
software running over hardware of an untrusted vendor? Can additional
criteria be defined to assist in identifying what is an untrusted
vendor, beyond frameworks such as the Prague Proposals, EU Toolbox for
5G Security, or the Center for Strategic and International Studies
Criteria? We seek information on the risk of security breaches,
including the frequency of such breaches and the magnitude of potential
economic damages on closed RAN networks, and how this security risk
could be addressed by Open RAN. We seek comment on the potential impact
of Open RAN on public safety communications. What potential benefits
would Open RAN provide for public safety communications and emergency
communications, such as 911 or wireless emergency alerting overall? To
what extent would Open RAN impact the required location accuracy of 911
calls? How and to what extent would Open RAN facilitate
interoperability for public safety communications, especially as state
and local 911 systems transition to IP-based networks, such as Next
Generation 911 (NG 911)? Similarly, how would Open RAN enhance
interoperability with respect to NG 911, the First Responder Network
(FirstNet), or priority services, such as wireless priority services?
How could Open RAN reduce the overall frequency and duration of
communications outages on networks that carry 911 and other emergency
communications? What impact, if any, will the deployment of Open RAN
systems have on existing signal boosters used to ensure adequate in-
building coverage?
Open-Source Software. Open-source software ``includes operating
systems, applications, and programs in which the source code is
published and made available to the public, enabling anyone to copy,
modify and redistribute that code.'' Open RAN can leverage open-source
software for network functions and network management. Open-source
software draws from a larger and more diverse set of reviewers compared
to that of a closed RAN architecture. What are the potential benefits
or advantages associated with the use of open-source software in Open
RAN environments? For instance, does open-source software result in a
well-vetted, more secure finished product? How can these benefits be
most effectively realized, and what role can the Commission play in
maximizing these benefits? What are the disadvantages to using open-
source software in Open RAN environments and how can they be mitigated?
Potential Technological Benefits of Open RAN Deployment. Proponents
of Open RAN argue that features such as end-to-end network slicing,
edge computing, and machine learning-based network optimization methods
may be better enabled by standards-based architectures. Further, they
contend that an open architecture could improve the controllability and
overall performance of cellular networks that are increasingly
heterogenous and distributed, aggregate spectrum in different frequency
bands, and use small-cell architectures. We seek comment on these
views, and specifically on quantifying the improvement in spectral
efficiency and performance under the Open RAN architecture as compared
with a closed system.
One of the promised benefits of an Open RAN architecture is the
ability to apply AI/ML techniques to optimizing radio resource
management, since the interfaces between different elements of the
network will be available for real-time control. Proponents argue this
would be especially beneficial in network slicing to guarantee end-to-
end Quality-of-Service to disparate applications that are allocated
resources over the network. The complexity of wireless networks makes
manual control and optimization inefficient, leading to wasted
resources along multiple axes--spectrum, computing, and infrastructure.
Open RAN proponents claim that AI/ML algorithms are increasingly being
used even in the current RAN, and that an Open RAN architecture may
enable improved performance by offering improved visibility to
intermediate nodes within the RAN.
Advanced wireless networks, including 5G, may be used for
``vertical'' applications outside of traditional telecommunications
networking, such as smart cities, automotive, telehealth, and energy.
The network slicing and other features of an Open RAN architecture
could better enable very different application suites to run on the
same hardware stack. We seek comment on the benefits outlined above and
what role the Commission should play in facilitating these benefits. We
also seek comment on the status and viability of these benefits and ask
commenters to quantify the value of such benefits. Are they available
now, and if not, how long until the various benefits outlined above
become viable? Are these benefits primarily (or exclusively) the result
of Open RAN architecture or will they also result from 5G or other
advanced wireless networks deployed using traditional network
equipment? What are the potential obstacles or disadvantages of the
technologies and approaches discussed above?
Radiofrequency spectrum is anticipated to be a key enabler for a
variety of public ecosystems including aviation, marine, and land-based
transportation infrastructure. Private sector initiatives are being
organized that focus on advancing 5G innovation, such as MITRE
Engenuity, which has created the Open Generation Consortium to drive 5G
innovation, with an initial focus on 5G-equipped drones. The
advancement of 5G use cases for drones and other applications may face
technological and regulatory barriers, and we seek comment on the
barriers to the emerging ecosystem of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs)
as it relates to network equipment and architecture. MITRE suggested at
the FCC's September 2020 Forum on 5G Open Radio Access Networks that
the UAS industry could be an attractive focus for Open RAN.
Furthermore, the TAC has recommended a pilot program focused on the
evolving UAS use case. We seek comment on what network
[[Page 16354]]
architecture issues need to be addressed to meet these challenges and
how we might address any such challenges. We seek comment on this topic
generally and, in particular, on the steps that the Commission could
take to promote and advance the application of 5G Open RAN to the
emerging UAS ecosystem.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Using Open RAN may
also enable providers to take advantage of AI and ML from sources other
than a proprietary RAN vendor. The O-RAN Alliance contends that AI and
ML enable the optimization of RAN configurations in real-time based on
learning technologies that accumulate information over time. We seek
comment on what steps industry, the Commission, or other organizations
can take to promote the development and use of AI and ML to support and
enhance the security features of an Open RAN deployment. Can AI and ML
be harnessed to identify and remediate malicious changes in
configuration or otherwise detect intrusions and vulnerabilities in an
Open RAN platform? Are additional standards and Application Layer
Interfaces (API) needed to ensure the development of security-based AI/
ML features in Open RAN technologies? What other benefits and
challenges exist regarding the use of AI and ML in our communications
infrastructure and how do we balance those with potential privacy
Virtualized Operating Environment. Proponents argue that Open RAN's
use of virtualized environments with containers offers additional
operational and security advantages. Software virtualization could
enable applications and operating environments to be isolated from each
other. Containerization could allow multiple vendors to develop their
products for the same Open RAN platform, and could encourage
competition between vendors, thus driving down costs for the provider.
Are there other advantages of virtualization in the context of security
(e.g., data privacy, or protection of computer resources assigned to an
Open RAN application)? What are the disadvantages and can they be
addressed? We note that the Distributed Management Task Force is a
standards body focusing on emerging IT infrastructures like cloud
computing and virtualization. Are additional industry standards needed
to facilitate various virtualization platforms for different hardware
used to support Open RAN functionality and security?
C. Additional Considerations Regarding Open RAN Development and
Disaggregation/Need for a System Integrator. If the flexibility
created by disaggregation of the RAN has potential benefits, would it
also make the deployment of the Open RAN more complex than deployment
of a closed RAN because different components must be seamlessly
integrated? Since the different Open RAN components may be supplied by
different vendors, how would operators resolve compatibility problems
that arise during deployment, in spite of standardized interfaces being
We seek information on the practical implications of the
disaggregation of the components of the RAN. How difficult will it be
to ensure that the components of the Open RAN seamlessly operate
together? Will testing of the Open RAN deployment be a time-consuming
and complicated process compared to a proprietary closed RAN? Have Open
RAN deployments to date demonstrated comparable performance to 4G and
5G systems employing a traditional RAN architecture? Is the performance
of Open RAN systems likely to be impacted due to the multi-vendor
environment? Will network operators have the resources to manage the
deployment of Open RAN technology into their networks? Is this a task
that smaller network operators can successfully manage? What
institutional requirements and associated costs are required to support
system integration? What role will system integrators perform in
deployment of Open RAN technology?
Network Security and Public Safety. Could Open RAN architecture
expose new security vulnerabilities that might not otherwise exist in a
more closed architecture? If open-source software fosters collaborative
development among many stakeholders, does this enable a greater number
of stakeholders to potentially discover vulnerabilities that might not
otherwise be exposed and mitigated in closed systems? Or would the
introduction of a greater number of stakeholders introduce
vulnerabilities if appropriate care is not taken and software is not
fully vetted by vendors or operators that choose to use open-software?
Does Open RAN introduce further issues raised by compromised trusted
vendors, such as those that occurred during the SolarWinds breach?
Does Open RAN introduce any risks to the security and integrity of
public safety communications? We seek comment on whether public facing
infrastructures, like the RAN, are or may become an ideal target for
bad actors to disrupt vital communications that rely on
interoperability, such as 911, E-911, and NG 911 services (collectively
referred to as 911). Similarly, is there a risk that prioritized public
safety communications, such as those provided by FirstNet or the
Wireless Priority Service, could also be subject to disruption from bad
actors exploiting vulnerabilities in Open RAN that may not exist in a
proprietary traditional RAN? Conversely, can Open RAN solutions
remediate known vulnerabilities, such as False Base Stations, in
proprietary RANs? We seek comment on whether and, if so, how the use of
Open RAN may introduce new and heightened security risks to the 911
system. Are these risks particularly heightened by the 911 system's
interdependence with originating service providers, the continued
operation of legacy public safety access points or emergency
communications centers, and the ongoing migration of 911 services to NG
911? For example, it is commonly understood that security functions
(like data encryption) to protect data traversing through the IP-based
networks do not function or are unavailable as the data travel through
legacy network elements. Does the use of Open RAN exacerbate these
concerns? Specifically, what other ways might the enhanced
interconnectedness fostered by Open RAN increase the cyberthreat attack
surface to 911 services? To what extent might Open RAN exacerbate the
potential cyber threat from legacy public safety answering points that
operate in hybrid environments? To the extent Open RAN introduces risks
to public safety communications, what steps can be taken by
stakeholders or the Commission to eliminate or mitigate these concerns?
We also ask commenters to estimate the potential costs associated with
the risk mitigation related to public safety arising from Open RAN
Do the attributes of Open RAN that support its versatility to
identify, isolate, and remediate security risks or threats in the
service architecture also highlight its potential security
vulnerabilities? To what extent could use of Open RAN make the network
more vulnerable to cyberthreats or unanticipated failures compared to a
traditional mobile networking approach? Is there a risk that Open RAN
vendors may not yet have the processes in place to address quickly and
efficiently possible gaps or bugs that could otherwise be exploited by
bad actors? Are accountability and trust
[[Page 16355]]
reduced in environments with multiple vendors? What steps should we
take to promote the diversity of vendors, while ensuring a high
standard of security and trust similar to that provided by proprietary
end-to-end solutions? Is there a heightened or new security risk
introduced by relying on a few established and new suppliers with
shorter track records? Technologies associated with Open RAN impact
stakeholders across the supply chain, as well as in industries that
rely on safe and reliable communications networks. What industry
guidelines or standards are in place to ensure vendors remain
accountable for their products and service? Beyond industry standards,
what role, if any, does the Commission have in holding vendors
accountable for their products, especially in systems with components
sourced from multiple vendors? Are the Commission's existing equipment
authorization rules sufficient to perform this role? We seek comment on
these issues.
Moreover, does the disaggregated nature of Open RAN emphasize the
importance of adhering to 5G security specifications in both open and
closed systems, since security considerations of these components
already are defined in the 3GPP standards? Although use of open-source
software may be a prominent feature of Open RAN, many 5G vendors and
operators already rely on open-source software to accelerate delivery
of digital innovation. We seek comment on the effects of open-source
software on network security from entities that have already deployed
some variation of open-source software.
Open-Source Software Vulnerabilities. As noted earlier, the source
code for open-source software is made available to the public, enabling
anyone to copy, modify, or redistribute that code. Does this openness
also introduce new risks to the network? Does the variety and diversity
of open-source software options increase the possibility of
incompatibilities in the system or make it more vulnerable to hacking
or other vulnerabilities? To what extent are stakeholders applying
inventory management of open-source components, code management
systems, testing of open-source code, and security frameworks to
mitigate open-source risks as recommended by CSRIC? We seek comment on
whether the process for reviewing and accepting contributions to open-
source software platforms may affect the security of Open RAN. For
example, who verifies the integrity of those who seek to change the
code? Are there existing criteria or processes used to select
reviewers, and what processes are there to ensure that contributions
made to change or edit the source code comport with existing security
standards? For example, to what extent are Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures (CVEs) against open-source software components monitored?
What safeguards and protocols are in place to thwart bad actors? To the
extent that safeguards exist, are they implemented to meet the security
standards expected by enterprises and service providers? Are there
other risk factors we should be considering? An analysis of the
benefits and challenges coupled with ideas on how the Commission can
support more secure, efficient, and resilient architectures should be
provided while addressing this topic.
Risks of a Virtualized Operating Environment. Virtualization
isolates applications from each other, thus minimizing or even
eliminating their disruption on other applications running in other
isolated containers. Is there a risk, however, that actors with
unrestricted access to the operating system of the device, often
referred to as root access, can bypass the intrinsic security
virtualization and can access and/or alter any file, data, applications
running on that hardware platform? We seek comment on the security
vulnerabilities of the operating environment of virtualized software.
Can vendors or providers protect against impermissible root access to
the operating system if the hardware is produced by an untrusted
source? What credentialing, safeguards, or general operating standards
exist to ensure that an actor with root access cannot abuse root access
for malicious means. Another attack vector created by virtualization is
side-channel attacks, where one container can learn information from an
unrelated container. Are there mitigations to side-channel attacks? Are
these mitigations in common use? If not, what is inhibiting their use?
We ask commenters to estimate the costs associated with risk mitigation
related to commercial applicants arising from Open RAN deployment.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Some entities claim
that using AI and ML in any product present the risk of false positives
(i.e., an indication that a condition, such as a network intrusion or
malware, exists when in fact it does not). Correcting false positives
requires the input of time and human resources to investigate, and the
remediation of a false problem or incorrectly configured optimization
scheme might result in a service outage or other denial of service.
Should AI/ML be leveraged to support and enhance the security features
of an Open RAN deployment? If so, how?
Barriers to Adoption by Established Operators. Are the potential
benefits of Open RAN, described above, available only in a greenfield
deployment? Commenters should discuss the relative and absolute costs
of incorporating Open RAN components into an established network. How
can established RANs incorporate elements of Open RAN without replacing
the entire network? Are there any obstacles that overlaying an Open RAN
network on top of an existing early-generation closed network create?
How scalable is the Open RAN concept to multi-gigabit wireless
networks, such as non-standalone, millimeter-wave 5G cellular networks
deployed in the U.S. that rely upon legacy, 4G LTE components? Do the
potential cost reductions and performance enhancements due to
disaggregation disappear once the costs of end-to-end multi-vendor
interoperability testing are accounted for? Will this innovation and
flexibility also maintain the stable operating environment that
suppliers and consumers expect and demand of the nation's
communications infrastructure?
Other Considerations. Are there any other factors to take into
account when considering the viability and extent of open and
virtualized RAN deployments? Will the fronthaul and midhaul between
disaggregated units in the radio access network limit the deployment of
Open RAN cell sites to areas where fiber or other high-capacity
connections are available? Will the availability of fronthaul and
midhaul options limit deployment of Open RAN networks to more densely
populated areas? According to press reports, some original equipment
manufacturers have expressed concerns regarding the energy efficiency
of Open RAN equipment. Are these concerns valid? If so, what steps
could potentially be taken to reduce the energy consumption associated
with this equipment? Are there other issues associated with deployment
of open and/or virtualized RAN equipment that we should be aware of?
D. Potential Commission Efforts To Promote Development and Deployment
Identify Potential Barriers. Assuming we find that Open RAN could
provide substantial public interest benefits, and subject to the cost-
benefit considerations outlined below, we seek comment on whether we
should enact rules, consistent with the Commission's rulemaking
authority under current statutes, to promote reliability,
interoperability, and adoption of Open RAN systems. Are Commission
[[Page 16356]]
warranted to support the development of Open RAN standards? How can the
Commission best harness industry experts to understand regulatory
constraints impacting Open RAN deployments and the most appropriate
regulatory approach moving forward? Commenters should identify aspects
of the Open RAN system that require streamlined rules and a harmonized
regulatory framework.
We seek comment on whether any of our existing rules impede Open
RAN investment and development. Commenters should identify existing
regulatory barriers hindering the continued development and
proliferation of Open RAN solutions. We ask commenters to identify
regulations that are outdated or unnecessarily burdensome to the
development and deployment of Open RAN technologies, and whether the
Commission should update, forbear from applying, or eliminate any of
our existing rules in order to best serve the public interest. We also
seek comment on whether there are any market inefficiencies that could
be addressed by changes to the Commission's rules.
Testbeds and Demonstration Projects. In 2013, the Commission
adopted rules creating the opportunity for expanded experimentation
through Program experimental licenses and Innovation Zones. Under a
Program experimental license, qualified institutions may conduct
testing for multiple non-related experiments under a single
authorization within a defined geographic area under control of the
licensee and where the licensee has institutional processes to manage
and oversee experiments. The Innovation Zone takes this concept a step
further by effectively providing an extension of a Program Experimental
License's authorized area of operation. Such licensees are permitted to
operate within an Innovation Zone, under the parameters set for that
particular Zone, without having to modify their licenses to cover the
new location. Innovation Zones can be created in response to a
particular request or on the Commission's own motion. The Commission
has established two Innovation Zones--in New York City and Salt Lake
City--to test new advanced technologies and prototype networks outside
a traditional small campus or laboratory setting, including those that
can support 5G technologies. These Innovation Zones permit
experimentation across a wide variety of spectrum bands encompassing
both non-federal and federal or shared allocations at power levels
commensurate with commercial service. Could these Innovation Zones,
either the two already created or new zones, provide opportunities to
test and verify the security and operational benefits associated with
Open RAN technology? Could Innovation Zones also be used to test and
adjust various Open RAN parameters to optimize its implementation? We
seek comment on these issues. Are there adjustments that we might need
to make to these Innovation Zones to better enable Open RAN technology
testing? Should other testbeds be established for this purpose? Should
the Commission encourage or require the interconnection of testbeds to
better simulate the challenges of actual network deployments? Are there
other features of Open RAN technology that should be explored through
such testbeds or demonstration projects? For example, can such testbeds
be used to evaluate system integration issues in mixed vendor
environments both in terms of different Open RAN vendor equipment and a
mix of Open RAN and more traditional network equipment operating in
close proximity? Are there funding mechanisms in place for researchers
to conduct the testing needed to advance Open RAN technology to a
maturity level sufficient for widespread commercial deployment? How can
the Commission incentivize stakeholder participation in testbeds and/or
demonstration projects? What features of such programs would attract
stakeholder participation by increasing potential gains and reducing
potential risks of participation? What other steps can the Commission
take or programs can it establish to encourage and enable development
and testing of Open RAN technology?
Moreover, should the Commission have any role in promoting,
developing, or testing of Open RAN equipment? Are there any actions
that the Commission should take to facilitate the integration and
testing of Open RAN technology? How can the Commission encourage the
development of Open RAN security and reliability? Could this involve
the adoption of performance standards or other rules for Open RAN
equipment? Should the Commission support research and development of
technologies useful for Open RAN development? If so, how? If the
Commission were to support Open RAN research and development
activities, what types of technologies would be most useful to
facilitate Open RAN adoption? Should the Commission sponsor Open RAN
plugfests, either on its own or in partnership with other
organizations, to encourage the development of interoperable Open RAN
equipment and demonstrate its capabilities? What other actions can the
Commission take to demonstrate and test the functionality of Open RAN
network equipment? Finally, what timeframes are realistic for the
completion of any study or analysis conducted as part of Open RAN
network equipment being deployed in a testbed environment?
USF/Rip and Replace. The Supply Chain Second R&O created the
Reimbursement Program, which will ``reimburse the costs reasonably
incurred by providers of advanced communications services . . . to
permanently remove, replace, and dispose of covered communications
equipment and services from their networks.'' In adopting the
Reimbursement Program, the Commission recognized that ``a certain level
of technological upgrade is inevitable . . .'' when replacing older
technology. Thus, the Commission's Reimbursement Program permits
``participants to obtain reimbursement for reasonable costs incurred
for replacing older mobile wireless networks with fourth generation
Long Term Evolution (4G LTE) equipment or services that are 5G ready.''
While the Commission expected providers to ``obtain the lowest-cost
equipment that most closely replaces their existing equipment . . . ,
'' it recognized that ``replacement of older legacy technology will
inevitably require the use of newer equipment and services that have
additional capabilities.'' This position is consistent with both
Congressional intent, which ``expects there to be a transition from 3G
to 4G or even 5G-ready equipment in instances where equipment being
replaced was initially deployed several years ago,'' and with market
developments which indicate ``new equipment supporting older, second-
and third[-]generation wireless technology services is unavailable, and
even acquiring such equipment and services on the secondary market is
proving increasingly difficult and in some instances impossible.''
Thus, providers may have an opportunity to replace the non-secure
equipment and services, consistent with the Supply Chain Second R&O,
with Open RAN equipment and services that could work in a multi-vendor
network and architecture. Given the potential advantages of Open RAN
technology and virtualized components in a multi-vendor network
solution, we seek comment on whether we should take additional steps to
support this deployment.
Section 4(d)(1) of the Secure Networks Act directs the Commission
[[Page 16357]]
create a list of suggested replacements (Replacement List) for the
equipment and services being removed, replaced, and destroyed. The
Replacement List must include ``both physical and virtual
communications equipment, applications and management software, and
services or categories of replacements of both physical and virtual
communications equipment, application and management software and
services.'' Importantly, this list must be ``technology neutral.'' In
the Secure Networks Act, Congress explicitly supported the potential
inclusion of services such as Open RAN and virtualized network
equipment on the Replacement List ``to the extent that the Commission
determines that communications services can serve as an adequate
substitute for the installation of communications equipment.'' The
Commission made such a finding in the Supply Chain Second R&O. Thus,
Open RAN and other services are eligible to be included on the
Replacement List and the Commission encouraged ``providers
participating in the Reimbursement Program to consider this promising
technology'' along with other technologies as they make their
procurement decisions.
While the Replacement List is only a ``suggested'' list for the
types of equipment and services providers may use to secure their
networks, we believe including Open RAN and other virtualized equipment
and services could help promote Open RAN development and deployment.
Are there additional actions the Commission could take to encourage
deployment and development of Open RAN through the Replacement List? If
so, what precise actions should the Commission take? What would be the
likely outcome? How can the Commission support and encourage the
deployment and development of Open RAN through the Replacement List
while also complying with the obligation in the Secure Networks Act
that the Replacement List be technology neutral? Specifically, we seek
comment on whether it is possible to comply with the requirement that
the Replacement List be technologically neutral, while also supporting
the growth and development of new technologies. In the event the
Commission took additional steps to encourage the deployment and
development of Open RAN through the Replacement List, what are the
potential impacts to the Reimbursement Program? How would these steps
impact the deployment and development of Open RAN?
The Supply Chain Second R&O allowed providers of advanced
communications service to begin removing non-secure equipment now while
being reimbursed once the Reimbursement Program is ready to accept
applications. We seek comment on whether providers of advanced
communications services, especially small providers, are adopting Open
RAN or virtualized solutions as they replace covered equipment in their
networks. We also seek comment on whether providers that have not begun
the remove and replace process are considering or deploying equipment
that could support or be upgraded to support Open RAN or virtualized
equipment in the future? We seek comment on what steps the Commission
could take to encourage providers to deploy Open RAN technology. If
providers are not considering Open RAN, or are hesitant to deploy Open
RAN and virtualized technology, we seek comment on why and on what
steps the Commission could and should take to encourage providers of
advanced communications service, especially small providers, to
consider or select Open RAN as part of the technological offerings
available for replacement going forward. The Secure Networks Act
imposes short deadlines to make certain the remove and replace process
is completed expeditiously. However, the Secure Networks Act also
allows for an individual extension of a provider's deadline in limited
circumstances. Could the Commission grant an extension for providers
seeking to deploy Open RAN or virtualized network equipment and
services? Would such an extension incentivize providers to deploy Open
RAN? We seek comment on whether granting extensions in this manner
would be consistent with the Secure Networks Act. We also seek comment
on whether the Reimbursement Program affords us any other opportunities
to encourage the deployment or development of Open RAN technology
beyond the Replacement List. The Secure Networks Act does not expressly
prohibit the Commission from encouraging providers who choose to
replace the covered equipment and services in their networks with any
particular type of replacement equipment. The technological neutrality
obligation is expressly limited to the items included in the
Replacement List. Can the Commission offer any additional incentives to
Reimbursement Program participants who choose to replace their covered
equipment or services with Open RAN technology? If so, what types of
incentives would most benefit such providers? Is the Open RAN
technology sufficiently developed where providers of advanced
communications services can purchase this equipment or services on the
open market? Does the cost to providers make this equipment or these
services competitive with other types of equipment or services? We
expect that providers may incur increased upfront costs for this
equipment. Would any increased upfront purchase costs be offset by
reduced costs elsewhere, such as reduced maintenance costs needed to
support a virtualized network? Are there other costs that could be
covered by the Reimbursement Program? Can the Reimbursement Program
cover the expenses for system integrators to configure the network
infrastructure for many carriers? What other expenses will providers
deploying Open RAN encounter? We also seek comment on whether this
technology simply would replace the non-secure equipment and services
being removed from communications networks, or whether it would require
different infrastructure that would further burden providers or the
Reimbursement Program.
Finally, we seek comment on whether other Universal Service Fund
support can be used to incentivize the development and deployment of
Open RAN or virtualized systems. One of the Commission's central
missions is to make ``available . . . to all the people of the United
States . . . a rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and
radio communication service with adequate facilities at reasonable
charges.'' As the Commission has observed, with the passage of the
Telecommunications Act of 1996, Congress ``directed the Commission and
states to take steps necessary to establish support mechanisms to
ensure delivery of affordable telecommunications services to all
Americans, including low-income consumers, eligible schools and
libraries, and rural health care providers.'' Specifically, Congress
set forth certain specific principles for universal service
advancement. The Commission has followed these principles in
establishing and occasionally reforming its Universal Service policies,
including efforts to ``ensure[ ] that all consumers . . . benefit from
the historic transitions that are transforming our nation's
communications services.'' How would supporting Open RAN further the
section 254(b) principles, upon which the Commission must base its
universal service policies? For example, would Open RAN technologies
increase the
[[Page 16358]]
economic incentives for carriers to deploy 5G services in underserved
communities, such as rural areas and low-income neighborhoods?
Operational/Service Rules. We note that the Commission has
traditionally adopted a policy of technology neutrality and we seek
comment on whether changes are necessary to ensure our rules remain
technologically and competitively neutral as Open RAN technologies are
integrated into wireless networks. Commenters should identify whether
any of our existing rules unfairly advantage or disadvantage one RAN
technology over another. For example, do our rules favor or
disadvantage either a single vendor or multi-vendor approach? We ask
commenters to identify these rules and suggest changes that would
address these concerns. What changes are necessary to ensure our rules
remain technologically neutral?
A Commission licensee is responsible for ensuring that its network
complies with the Communications Act and Commission rules. Would a
licensee that chooses to incorporate Open RAN technology, which is
comprised of multiple components supplied by multiple vendors, into its
network face different challenges than a licensee that has multiple
vendors for non-RAN components or different RAN vendors today? We seek
comment on ways to ensure that licensees maintain responsibility for
each element of their network in accordance with the Communications Act
and Commission rules. Does Open RAN present unique challenges in this
regard? For example, does Open RAN present any unique challenges in
identifying transmission sources (and their operators) compared to
traditional RAN? If so, how should we account for those challenges in
the service rules for each band?
We also seek comment on how testing of Open RAN equipment for
compliance with the Commission's technical rules could be accomplished
as part of the equipment certification process. Are the Commission's
existing equipment authorization rules that require manufacturers to
test whether their products contribute to harmful interference
sufficient in the context of Open RAN systems comprised of components
from multiple vendors? If not, how should testing responsibilities be
allocated between manufacturers and operators to ensure that specific
combinations of equipment do not cause harmful interference to other
spectrum users? Should the Commission or other Federal agencies have a
role in evaluating, auditing, or ensuring that vendors purporting to
offer Open RAN systems do actually provide an open and interoperable
solution? Commenters should identify other challenges that entities
deploying Open RAN technologies may face in complying with existing
operational and service rules.
Commission Outreach and Information Gathering. As discussed, the
Commission has previously promoted industry and public involvement in
Open RAN discussions. The Commission's Technological Advisory Committee
provides technical advice to the Commission, and one of its four
working groups recently studied virtualized radio access networks as
well as 5G technology and the Internet of Things applications. We seek
comment on the recommendations of this working group. We seek further
comment on how best to harness the work of the TAC or other groups that
the Commission could potentially establish, in order to engage
government, industry, and academia stakeholders in developing and
deploying Open RAN solutions.
As discussed above, CSRIC has previously examined security issues
in 5G networks. To what extent should potential future iterations of
CSRIC be used to promote Open RAN technology without endorsing a
particular technology or company? What other roles might CSRIC serve to
foster Open RAN development and security?
Relationship to Other Federal Agencies. The National Science
Foundation has funded fundamental research on open architectures for
many years. Its most recent program, Platforms for Advanced Wireless
Research (PAWR), is a public-private partnership that seeks to develop
experimental testbeds for innovative research into the next generation
of wireless systems. One such testbed is the Platform for Open Wireless
Data-driven Experimental Research (POWDER), a facility for Open RAN
experimentation, by both academia and industry, in a city-scale
``living laboratory'' run by the University of Utah in partnership with
Salt Lake City and the Utah Education and Telehealth Network. POWDER
will deploy and test both off-the-shelf equipment and radio hardware
and software being developed by RENEW (Reconfigurable Eco-system for
Next Generation End-to-end Wireless), a partnership of Rice University,
University of Michigan, and Texas Southern University focused on
developing a fully programmable and observable wireless radio network.
Likewise, the Cloud Enhanced Open Software-Defined Mobile Wireless
Testbed in New York City provides city-scale wireless experimentation
for ultra-high bandwidth and low latency technologies and applications.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently
started the Open, Programmable, Secure 5G (OPS-5G) program to address
security challenges that will confront future wireless networks. OPS-5G
aims to reduce reliance on potentially untrusted providers of
technology by developing a secure-by-design stack for mobile, wireless
networks using open-source software and interoperable, standard-
compliant hardware and software components. NTIA recently announced a
5G Challenge Notice of Inquiry in collaboration with the Department of
Defense (DoD) 5G initiative, seeking feedback on the creation of a 5G
Challenge that will spur stakeholders into accelerating deployment of
Open RAN architectures in the recently announced DoD 5G testbeds. The
Notice of Inquiry is structured around three main categories of
questions: (i) Challenge structure and goals, (ii) incentives and
scope, and (iii) timeframe and infrastructure support.
The DoD has awarded $600M in the first phase of funding (called
Tranche 1) to 15 prime contractors to evaluate 5G technologies in five
military installations across the United States. Each will investigate
a specific application such as AR/VR based training, ``smart
warehousing'' capability, and spectrum sharing between radar and
cellular services. In addition, seven sites have been chosen for
Tranche 2. The solicitation period for white papers for four of the
sites in Tranche 2 closed on December 15, 2020, and the process of
evaluating these has begun. Request for Proposals for all seven sites
in Tranche 2 are expected in early 2021.
Is there a role for the FCC in helping to advance the objectives of
these various federal efforts to promote and streamline Open RAN
development and deployment? How can the Commission ensure that it is
not duplicating efforts of other federal agencies or contribute to
these ongoing initiatives? Should the FCC help to facilitate industry
engagement in these processes to ensure that the interests of non-
federal operators and equipment manufacturers are adequately
Role in International Open RAN Efforts. The Commission's regulatory
counterparts around the world are exploring Open RAN within the context
of their respective domestic regulatory policy. The United Kingdom, for
example, is creating a SmartRAN Open Network Interoperability Centre as
a part of its national 5G Diversification
[[Page 16359]]
Strategy. The center is a joint program between the UK regulator Ofcom
and UK innovation agency Digital Catapult, and it will serve as a
testbed for Open RAN solutions. Likewise, in Japan, the Ministry of
Internal Affairs and Communications has outlined plans to pursue
international collaboration in order to promote the implementation and
standardization of open architecture and network virtualization.
Germany has begun to consider providing funding for Open RAN research
and development, as the United States has done.
International fora have also increasingly begun to engage in
dialogue on Open RAN. For instance, in February 2021, the United States
co-sponsored a workshop on open architectures and network
virtualization within the Telecommunications & Information Working
Group of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC). The
European Commission has also launched a study into the status of 5G
supply markets and Open RAN and has held workshops with stakeholders to
gather information.
These initiatives lead us to ask broadly whether the experiences of
other telecommunications regulators provide any best practices or
lessons learned that the Commission should consider, especially keeping
in mind the international nature of current and planned Open RAN
deployments. Are there lessons we should learn from our counterparts
abroad about how an independent regulator can best support national
research and development efforts? With which specific organizations or
events should the Commission consider participating in order to have
productive international discussions on Open RAN? As one of many U.S.
agencies working alongside the Department of State to engage with
organizations like APEC and the OECD, what specific role can the
Commission play to ensure any OECD principles or best practices
identified by those organizations serve the public interest? Is there
information that we should be gathering from, or sharing with,
international stakeholders on Open RAN, and, if so, what is the most
appropriate avenue by which we should gather or share this information?
Finally, are there any steps the Commission can or should take to
support industry-led efforts internationally and help avoid
fragmentation or duplication? How can the Commission encourage U.S.
stakeholders to participate in these fora?
Role in Advancing Open-Architecture Network Solutions Generally.
While this Notice of Inquiry primarily examines the potential of open
and virtualized radio access networks in promoting U.S. network
security and 5G leadership, we also seek comment on whether there is a
similar need for or interest in advancing open-architecture network
solutions generally (e.g., open and disaggregated optical and packet
transport and open cloud-native core). How do RAN and non-RAN elements
of the network differ in terms of their need for or feasibility of
disaggregated, interoperable solutions? Are the issues and/or market
conditions that prompted development of Open RAN solutions similarly
prevalent in the market for other, non-RAN elements of the system? What
efforts, if any, have been made to develop and deploy open-architecture
network solutions for other elements of the system? What are the costs,
benefits, and challenges of open-architecture network solutions
generally (i.e., for non-RAN elements of the system). For example, open
and disaggregated Transport requires more nodes for the orchestration
layers to manage. Accordingly, we seek comment on challenges associated
with open and disaggregated Transport specifically and other elements
more generally. What, if any, actions can or should be taken by the
Commission to advance open network solutions for non-RAN elements of
the network?
Legal Issues. The Commission has broad authority under Title III of
the Act to manage the use of radio spectrum, to prescribe the nature of
wireless services to be rendered, and to modify existing licenses when
doing so would promote the public interest. We seek comment on what
additional legal obligations may incentivize and support the
development and deployment of more secure Open RAN. For example, in
adopting the Commission's prohibition on the use of USF funds to
purchase, operate, or maintain covered communications equipment and
services, the Commission found that the rule implicated section 105 of
CALEA. Section 105 requires every telecommunications provider to
``ensure that any interception of communications or access to call-
identifying information effected within its switching premises can be
activated only in accordance with a court order or other lawful
authorization and with the affirmative intervention of an individual
officer of employee of the carrier.'' The Commission found that,
therefore, telecommunications carriers ``appear to have a duty'' to
avoid the risk that an untrusted supplier could illegally intercept or
provide remote unauthorized network access by the insertion of
malicious hardware or software implants. We seek comment on the impact
of virtualized and interoperable network components on a carrier's
ability to comply with this statutory obligation. Would disaggregation
of the RAN functionality and an enhanced ability to use network
elements from different vendors help network operators ensure that
carriers can prevent access to their networks by untrusted entities?
In addition to the statutory obligation, the Commission is
authorized to ``prescribe such rules as are necessary to implement the
requirements of'' CALEA and to require carriers to establish policies
to prevent unauthorized surveillance. When adopting section 54.9, the
Commission found that that rule directly implements section 105 of
CALEA by reducing the likelihood that ETCs use USF support to
facilitate unauthorized surveillance. Can the Commission rely upon
CALEA obligations and its associated rulemaking authority to encourage
deployment of secure equipment, including Open RAN? We also seek
comment on whether CALEA provides authority to support the development
and deployment of Open RAN. For example, section 106 directs
manufacturers to make available to carriers, ``on a reasonable and
timely basis and at a reasonable charge, . . . such features or
modifications as are necessary to permit such carriers to comply with
the capability requirements'' of section 103; those capability
requirements include the ability to facilitate authorized surveillance
``in a manner that protects . . . the privacy and security of
communications and call-identifying information not authorized to be
intercepted'' and ``information regarding the government's interception
of communications and access to call-identifying information.''
Congress has directed the Commission to ``encourage the deployment
on a reasonable and timely basis of advanced telecommunications
capability to all Americans . . . by utilizing, in a manner consistent
with the public interest, convenience, and necessity, price cap
regulation, regulatory forbearance, measures that promote competition
in the local telecommunications market, or other regulating methods
that remove barriers to infrastructure investment.'' What sources of
authority could the Commission consider invoking to encourage or
incentivize development and deployment of Open RAN and virtualized
networks? In the Supply Chain Second Report and Order, the
[[Page 16360]]
Commission relied upon sections 201(b) and 254, among other sections,
for authority to require USF recipients to remove and replace covered
equipment. Do those sections provide the Commission with authority to
encourage and incentivize development and deployment of Open RAN and
virtualized networks? If so, should the Commission rely upon these
sections to do so? Commenters should explain in detail why or why not
they believe we have authority to act, if the Commission chooses to do
E. Costs and Benefits of Open RAN Deployment
We seek comment on the likely costs and benefits of Open RAN
deployment for mobile network operators. The Office of Economics and
Analytics plans to undertake an economic study that would evaluate the
likely benefits and costs of Open RAN deployment. In particular, we ask
that commenters provide information and data that quantify both the
potential costs and benefits of Open RAN deployment, and we seek
comment on the issues that should be studied and likely promising
methodologies to carry out such studies. For example, to what extent
will mobile network operators benefit from open interfaces and
standards? How would the Commission's actions impact the development of
Open RAN and related technologies in comparison to what industry
participants currently expect? Specifically, are there any obstacles
preventing the industry from optimally investing in the Open RAN
technologies that could be eliminated by Commission actions? Are there
any spillover social benefits arising from the Open RAN deployment not
internalized by the wireless network industry in its investment
decisions? For example, does one firm's investment in the Open RAN
system result in any spillover benefits to other Open RAN component
vendors network operators, consumers, or public safety without such
benefiting entities paying for the cost of development either directly
or indirectly? We ask commenters to quantify the potential spillover
social benefits that may be lost if the Open RAN development and
deployment decisions are made by the wireless network firms, without
Commission action.
We seek comment on the relative and absolute costs of Open RAN
deployment and interoperability. How do the costs of Open RAN equipment
compare with the costs of equipment from proprietary equipment
manufacturers? How do the operating expenses of an Open RAN network
compare to those of a proprietary network? Are there any costs to using
multiple equipment vendors in constructing networks, such as the costs
of network design and integration? If so, we ask commenters to provide
information on the magnitude of these costs, and the underlying
methodology for quantifying these costs. We also seek information on
how interoperability between the various equipment vendors can be
ensured. In particular, does it require specific integration platforms
or institutions to monitor and coordinate the development and
maintenance of standards and integration of the Open RAN technologies?
If such institutions exist, are there Commission rules that would
affect their operations? If such institutions do not exist, what are
the associated costs to set up and maintain such platforms and
institutions? Further, we seek information on Open RAN performance
compared to existing networks or potential alternative technologies,
and how the cost of deployment and relative benefits of performance
differ. Do such differences depend on market characteristics such as
whether areas are sparsely or densely populated or whether expanding
geographic coverage or expanding capacity in a fixed geography is the
more important consideration? To the extent that performance differs,
we ask commenters to quantify the effect of those performance
differences on consumers.
In addition, we seek comment on the likely costs and benefits of
Open RAN for the broader economy. Could adopting Open RAN reduce the
probability of security breaches compared with existing and alternative
technologies? What are the economic costs of these breaches, including
costs associated with breach prevention, that may vary across Open RAN
and other technologies? How much additional consumer value and
utilization of services would there be once networks implement Open
RAN? How much would consumers value reduction in security risk from
Open RAN deployment? How much would consumers value improvement in
speed, additional capacity, or improvements in use cases such as drone
operation? We seek comment on the costs of addressing security concerns
raised elsewhere in this document.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene Dortch,
[FR Doc. 2021-06430 Filed 3-26-21; 8:45 am]