Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the NMFS Saltonstall-Kennedy Research and Development Program, 10941-10942 [2021-03626]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 34 / Tuesday, February 23, 2021 / Notices
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XA866]
Programmatic Environmental Impact
Statement for the NMFS SaltonstallKennedy Research and Development
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of intent; announcement
of public scoping meetings; request for
written comments.
NOAA announces its intent to
prepare a Programmatic Environmental
Impact Statement (PEIS) for the
implementation of projects that foster
the promotion, marketing, research, and
development of U.S. Fisheries and their
associated fishing sectors, as consistent
with NOAA’s Saltonstall-Kennedy
Research and Development Program (S–
K Program). The focus of this action will
be activities and projects under the S–
K Program, which interfaces with
numerous programs within NOAA, and
it is NOAA’s intention that this PEIS
may also cover those activities and
projects implemented by other NOAA
programs and offices that are consistent
with the scope of the S–K Program. The
S–K Program funds projects that address
the needs of fishing communities,
optimize economic benefits by building
and maintaining sustainable fisheries
(where the term ‘‘fisheries’’ includes
commercial wild capture, recreational
fishing, cultural and subsistence fishing,
and marine aquaculture), and increase
other opportunities to keep working
waterfronts viable. This notice of intent
(NOI) to prepare a PEIS initiates the
public scoping process and invites
interested parties to provide comments
on the proposed project, its potential to
affect the human environment, means
for avoiding, minimizing, or mitigating
those effects, the preliminary range of
alternatives, and any additional
reasonable alternatives that should be
Written comments on this
scoping process must be received no
later than March 25, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments on
this scoping notice by Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to https:// Click the ‘‘Comment
Now!’’ icon, complete the required
fields, and enter or attach your
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:36 Feb 22, 2021
Jkt 253001
Instructions: Comments sent by any
other method, to any other address or
individual, or received after the end of
the comment period, may not be
considered by NOAA. All comments
received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted for public
viewing on
without change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.),
confidential business information, or
otherwise sensitive information
submitted voluntarily by the sender will
be publicly accessible. NOAA will
accept anonymous comments (enter
‘‘N/A’’ in the required fields if you wish
to remain anonymous).
Comments will also be accepted at
public scoping meetings. The webinar
and telephone information for the
public scoping meetings is provided
below in the Scoping Process section.
Cosgrove, Saltonstall-Kennedy Program
Manager, telephone: (301–427–8736);; or visit the S–K
Program website: https://
required by the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA), the PEIS will
analyze the environmental impacts of
implementing each of the alternatives, if
carried forward for full review following
public scoping, by assessing the effects
of each alternative on the human
Project Scope
The purpose of this PEIS is to identify
and evaluate the general impacts, issues
and concerns related to the
implementation of the types of projects
that are consistent with the scope of the
S–K Program. The PEIS will be used to
support site- and project-specific NEPA
reviews, as necessary. The PEIS will
address all of the priorities, and their
associated project types, that the S–K
Program has funded to date, which
cover the range of priorities and project
types that fall under the S–K Program.
The affected environment associated
with the proposed action includes all
coastal, estuarine, and marine habitats
in the United States and its territories.
It also includes inland habitats that
influence or affect rivers, streams, and
creeks affecting marine or estuarine
waters, or that support migratory fish
populations. It may also include
adjacent or continuous habitats in
Canada or Mexico that support living
coastal and marine resources under
NOAA trusteeship.
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
To ensure consideration of input from
interested parties in each region, NOAA
will conduct three public scoping
meetings. Each meeting will be focused
on a region or combination of regions
based on time zone proximity. More
information about each meeting,
including meeting dates and times, can
be found in the Scoping Process section
In 1954, the Saltonstall-Kennedy Act
(15 U.S.C. 713c–3) was passed to
address the needs of U.S. fisheries and
their associated fishing sectors, and
thereby established the S–K Program.
The Saltonstall-Kennedy Act states that
The Secretary shall make grants to assist
persons in carrying out research and
development projects addressed to any
aspect of United States fisheries,
including, but not limited to, harvesting,
processing, marketing, and associated
The S–K Program provides funding to
projects that benefit fishing
communities through the promotion,
marketing, research, and development,
of U.S. fisheries and their associated
fishing sectors. Since its inception,
grants have been provided to fishers,
individuals, private businesses, fishing
organizations, universities, states,
research institutes, non-governmental
organizations, and others.
The S–K Program is composed of a
competitive grant program and a
national program. Grants and
cooperative agreements are provided
under both programs and can occur in
any of NMFS’s five fisheries regions.
The national program is designed to
fund needed fishery industry projects
that are not addressed through the
competitive grants program. Funding for
the S–K Program is determined through
annual congressional appropriations.
Historically, the S–K Program has had a
diverse set of priorities, selecting
between two and seven projects each
year for funding. The primary priority
has been projects that meet the purpose
of promotion, development, and
marketing (PDM) of U.S. fisheries and
their associated fishing sectors, and
NMFS anticipates that will continue to
be the primary priority, but priorities
can change annually and additional
priorities can be chosen.
For more information about the S–K
Program, please use the link provided in
section above.
Proposed Action, Purpose, and Need
The proposed Federal action is to
fund projects that are consistent with
the scope of the S–K Program. The
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 34 / Tuesday, February 23, 2021 / Notices
purpose of the proposed action is
threefold: (1) Address the needs of
fishing communities, consistent with
NOAA’s mandate through the
Saltonstall-Kennedy Act; (2) ensure
NOAA continues to meet the
requirements of the Saltonstall-Kennedy
Act; and (3) assist NOAA in meeting its
mission, ‘‘To understand and predict
changes in climate, weather, oceans,
and coasts, to share that knowledge and
information with others, and to
conserve and manage coastal and
marine ecosystems and resources’’. The
Proposed Action is needed to address
the needs of fishing communities by
building and maintaining sustainable
fisheries, optimizing economic benefits,
and increasing other opportunities to
keep working waterfronts viable.
Types of projects funded by the S–K
Program include, but are not limited to,
promotion and marketing; aquaculture;
gear testing; bycatch reduction
engineering; research and monitoring;
stock assessments; data collection;
socioeconomic research; climate change;
and workshops and conferences.
NOAA is preliminarily preparing to
analyze two program-level alternatives:
(1) A No Action Alternative, and (2) the
proposed action, which NOAA is
referring to as the Promotion, Marketing,
Research and Development Alternative.
Under the No Action Alternative, the S–
K Program would not fund projects that
address the needs of fishing
communities, optimize economic
benefits by building and maintaining
sustainable fisheries, and increase other
opportunities to keep working
waterfronts viable. Although the No
Action Alternative would not meet the
purpose and need, it serves as a baseline
against which the impacts of the
Promotion, Marketing, Research and
Development Alternative will be
compared and contrasted.
Implementation of the Promotion,
Marketing, Research and Development
Alternative, will allow for funding
actions through federal financial
assistance for all possible types of
projects that meet the needs of U.S.
fishing communities, consistent with
the scope of the S–K Program. This
alternative would provide the S–K
Program with flexibility in choosing
priorities each year while also
considering the funding environment.
We invite public comments on the
proposed scope of the alternatives and
are particularly interested in comments
regarding potential additional
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:36 Feb 22, 2021
Jkt 253001
Scoping Process
This notice initiates a public scoping
period for the PEIS. Please review the
information in this notice and
additional information about the S–K
Program, located on the NOAA S–K
Program website (see the FOR FURTHER
NOAA is particularly interested in
receiving comments regarding
biological, cultural, or ecological issues
that the analysis should address. We
also encourage comments that assist us
in further delineating the proposed
project, its potential to affect the human
environment, means for avoiding,
minimizing, or mitigating those effects,
the preliminary range of alternatives,
any additional reasonable alternatives
that should be considered, and other
issues of public concern. To promote
informed decision-making, we
especially encourage commenters to
submit any scientific data, studies, or
research that you feel is relevant to the
To facilitate the public and agency
involvement in the PEIS process, NOAA
will hold three public-scoping meetings
during the scoping period. The meetings
will be virtual in format. The scoping
meetings will solicit input from the
public and interested public agencies
regarding the scope of environmental
impacts to be addressed in the draft
PEIS. Three virtual public scoping
meetings (in webinar format only) will
be held in each of three regions, as
• Eastern and Gulf of Mexico Region
(includes Atlantic States, Gulf of
Mexico States, U.S. Virgin Islands,
and Puerto Rico)—March 9, 2021
Æ 12:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Central
Standard Time (CST)
Æ 1:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m. Eastern
Standard Time (EST)
• Western Region (includes Pacific
States, Idaho, Alaska)—March 10,
Æ 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Pacific
Standard Time (PST)
Æ 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Alaska
Standard Time (AKST)
• Western Pacific Region (includes
Hawaii and Pacific Territories)—
March 11, 2021, March 12, 2021
Æ March 11, 2021, 2:00 p.m.–5:00
p.m. Hawaii-Aleutian Standard
Time (HST)
Æ March 12, 2021, 10:00 a.m.–1:00
p.m. Chamorro Standard Time
Use the webinar link and dial-in
information below to join one of the
public scoping meetings:
PO 00000
Frm 00024
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Webinar Link: https://
Access Code: 146 622 5582
Dial-in Information: 1–844–621–3956
(U.S. Toll Free) | +1–415–655–0001
(U.S. Toll)
Participants are encouraged to
download the Webex Meetings app
ahead of the meetings, using this link:
downloads.html. Then use the meeting
link above to join a public scoping
meeting at the appropriate time. You
may also participate by phone toll-free
by calling 1–844–621–3956, then
entering the Access Code above when
After the comment period closes,
NOAA will review and consider all
comments received during the comment
period and any other relevant
information when developing the draft
PEIS. Upon completion of the draft
PEIS, a document announcing its
availability and an opportunity to
comment will be published in the
Federal Register.
Authority: This PEIS will be prepared
under the authority of, and in accordance
with, the requirements of NEPA,
implementing regulations published by the
Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR
1500–1508), other applicable regulations, and
NOAA’s policies and procedures for
compliance with those regulations.
Dated: February 16, 2021.
Daniel A. Namur,
Director of the NMFS Financial Assistance
Division, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2021–03626 Filed 2–22–21; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Notice of Waiver of the Referral
Requirement for TRICARE Prime
Enrollees, Not Including Active Duty
Service Members (ADSMs), So They
May Receive COVID–19 Vaccines From
Any TRICARE-Authorized Non-Network
Provider Without Incurring Point-ofService Charges Where Applicable
Office of the Secretary,
Department of Defense (DoD).
ACTION: Notice of waiver.
This notice is to advise
TRICARE Prime enrollees, not including
ADSMs, of a waiver to the referral
requirement so they may receive
COVID–19 vaccines, a clinical
preventive service, from any TRICARE
authorized non-network provider
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 34 (Tuesday, February 23, 2021)]
[Pages 10941-10942]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-03626]
[[Page 10941]]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
[RTID 0648-XA866]
Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the NMFS
Saltonstall-Kennedy Research and Development Program
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of intent; announcement of public scoping meetings;
request for written comments.
SUMMARY: NOAA announces its intent to prepare a Programmatic
Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the implementation of
projects that foster the promotion, marketing, research, and
development of U.S. Fisheries and their associated fishing sectors, as
consistent with NOAA's Saltonstall-Kennedy Research and Development
Program (S-K Program). The focus of this action will be activities and
projects under the S-K Program, which interfaces with numerous programs
within NOAA, and it is NOAA's intention that this PEIS may also cover
those activities and projects implemented by other NOAA programs and
offices that are consistent with the scope of the S-K Program. The S-K
Program funds projects that address the needs of fishing communities,
optimize economic benefits by building and maintaining sustainable
fisheries (where the term ``fisheries'' includes commercial wild
capture, recreational fishing, cultural and subsistence fishing, and
marine aquaculture), and increase other opportunities to keep working
waterfronts viable. This notice of intent (NOI) to prepare a PEIS
initiates the public scoping process and invites interested parties to
provide comments on the proposed project, its potential to affect the
human environment, means for avoiding, minimizing, or mitigating those
effects, the preliminary range of alternatives, and any additional
reasonable alternatives that should be considered.
DATES: Written comments on this scoping process must be received no
later than March 25, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments on this scoping notice by Federal e-
Rulemaking Portal: Go to Click the ``Comment Now!'' icon, complete the required
fields, and enter or attach your comments.
Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period,
may not be considered by NOAA. All comments received are a part of the
public record and will generally be posted for public viewing on without change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.), confidential business
information, or otherwise sensitive information submitted voluntarily
by the sender will be publicly accessible. NOAA will accept anonymous
comments (enter ``N/A'' in the required fields if you wish to remain
Comments will also be accepted at public scoping meetings. The
webinar and telephone information for the public scoping meetings is
provided below in the Scoping Process section.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cliff Cosgrove, Saltonstall-Kennedy
Program Manager, telephone: (301-427-8736); [email protected]; or
visit the S-K Program website:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: As required by the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA), the PEIS will analyze the environmental impacts of
implementing each of the alternatives, if carried forward for full
review following public scoping, by assessing the effects of each
alternative on the human environment.
Project Scope
The purpose of this PEIS is to identify and evaluate the general
impacts, issues and concerns related to the implementation of the types
of projects that are consistent with the scope of the S-K Program. The
PEIS will be used to support site- and project-specific NEPA reviews,
as necessary. The PEIS will address all of the priorities, and their
associated project types, that the S-K Program has funded to date,
which cover the range of priorities and project types that fall under
the S-K Program. The affected environment associated with the proposed
action includes all coastal, estuarine, and marine habitats in the
United States and its territories. It also includes inland habitats
that influence or affect rivers, streams, and creeks affecting marine
or estuarine waters, or that support migratory fish populations. It may
also include adjacent or continuous habitats in Canada or Mexico that
support living coastal and marine resources under NOAA trusteeship.
To ensure consideration of input from interested parties in each
region, NOAA will conduct three public scoping meetings. Each meeting
will be focused on a region or combination of regions based on time
zone proximity. More information about each meeting, including meeting
dates and times, can be found in the Scoping Process section below.
In 1954, the Saltonstall-Kennedy Act (15 U.S.C. 713c-3) was passed
to address the needs of U.S. fisheries and their associated fishing
sectors, and thereby established the S-K Program. The Saltonstall-
Kennedy Act states that The Secretary shall make grants to assist
persons in carrying out research and development projects addressed to
any aspect of United States fisheries, including, but not limited to,
harvesting, processing, marketing, and associated infrastructures.
The S-K Program provides funding to projects that benefit fishing
communities through the promotion, marketing, research, and
development, of U.S. fisheries and their associated fishing sectors.
Since its inception, grants have been provided to fishers, individuals,
private businesses, fishing organizations, universities, states,
research institutes, non-governmental organizations, and others.
The S-K Program is composed of a competitive grant program and a
national program. Grants and cooperative agreements are provided under
both programs and can occur in any of NMFS's five fisheries regions.
The national program is designed to fund needed fishery industry
projects that are not addressed through the competitive grants program.
Funding for the S-K Program is determined through annual congressional
appropriations. Historically, the S-K Program has had a diverse set of
priorities, selecting between two and seven projects each year for
funding. The primary priority has been projects that meet the purpose
of promotion, development, and marketing (PDM) of U.S. fisheries and
their associated fishing sectors, and NMFS anticipates that will
continue to be the primary priority, but priorities can change annually
and additional priorities can be chosen.
For more information about the S-K Program, please use the link
provided in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section above.
Proposed Action, Purpose, and Need
The proposed Federal action is to fund projects that are consistent
with the scope of the S-K Program. The
[[Page 10942]]
purpose of the proposed action is threefold: (1) Address the needs of
fishing communities, consistent with NOAA's mandate through the
Saltonstall-Kennedy Act; (2) ensure NOAA continues to meet the
requirements of the Saltonstall-Kennedy Act; and (3) assist NOAA in
meeting its mission, ``To understand and predict changes in climate,
weather, oceans, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information
with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems
and resources''. The Proposed Action is needed to address the needs of
fishing communities by building and maintaining sustainable fisheries,
optimizing economic benefits, and increasing other opportunities to
keep working waterfronts viable.
Types of projects funded by the S-K Program include, but are not
limited to, promotion and marketing; aquaculture; gear testing; bycatch
reduction engineering; research and monitoring; stock assessments; data
collection; socioeconomic research; climate change; and workshops and
NOAA is preliminarily preparing to analyze two program-level
alternatives: (1) A No Action Alternative, and (2) the proposed action,
which NOAA is referring to as the Promotion, Marketing, Research and
Development Alternative. Under the No Action Alternative, the S-K
Program would not fund projects that address the needs of fishing
communities, optimize economic benefits by building and maintaining
sustainable fisheries, and increase other opportunities to keep working
waterfronts viable. Although the No Action Alternative would not meet
the purpose and need, it serves as a baseline against which the impacts
of the Promotion, Marketing, Research and Development Alternative will
be compared and contrasted. Implementation of the Promotion, Marketing,
Research and Development Alternative, will allow for funding actions
through federal financial assistance for all possible types of projects
that meet the needs of U.S. fishing communities, consistent with the
scope of the S-K Program. This alternative would provide the S-K
Program with flexibility in choosing priorities each year while also
considering the funding environment. We invite public comments on the
proposed scope of the alternatives and are particularly interested in
comments regarding potential additional alternatives.
Scoping Process
This notice initiates a public scoping period for the PEIS. Please
review the information in this notice and additional information about
the S-K Program, located on the NOAA S-K Program website (see the FOR
FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section above). NOAA is particularly
interested in receiving comments regarding biological, cultural, or
ecological issues that the analysis should address. We also encourage
comments that assist us in further delineating the proposed project,
its potential to affect the human environment, means for avoiding,
minimizing, or mitigating those effects, the preliminary range of
alternatives, any additional reasonable alternatives that should be
considered, and other issues of public concern. To promote informed
decision-making, we especially encourage commenters to submit any
scientific data, studies, or research that you feel is relevant to the
To facilitate the public and agency involvement in the PEIS
process, NOAA will hold three public-scoping meetings during the
scoping period. The meetings will be virtual in format. The scoping
meetings will solicit input from the public and interested public
agencies regarding the scope of environmental impacts to be addressed
in the draft PEIS. Three virtual public scoping meetings (in webinar
format only) will be held in each of three regions, as follows:
Eastern and Gulf of Mexico Region (includes Atlantic States,
Gulf of Mexico States, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico)--March 9,
[cir] 12:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (CST)
[cir] 1:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Western Region (includes Pacific States, Idaho, Alaska)--March
10, 2021
[cir] 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[cir] 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Alaska Standard Time (AKST)
Western Pacific Region (includes Hawaii and Pacific
Territories)--March 11, 2021, March 12, 2021
[cir] March 11, 2021, 2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Hawaii-Aleutian Standard
Time (HST)
[cir] March 12, 2021, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Chamorro Standard Time
Use the webinar link and dial-in information below to join one of
the public scoping meetings:
Webinar Link:
Access Code: 146 622 5582
Dial-in Information: 1-844-621-3956 (U.S. Toll Free) [bond] +1-415-655-
0001 (U.S. Toll)
Participants are encouraged to download the Webex Meetings app
ahead of the meetings, using this link: Then use the meeting link above to join a public
scoping meeting at the appropriate time. You may also participate by
phone toll-free by calling 1-844-621-3956, then entering the Access
Code above when prompted.
After the comment period closes, NOAA will review and consider all
comments received during the comment period and any other relevant
information when developing the draft PEIS. Upon completion of the
draft PEIS, a document announcing its availability and an opportunity
to comment will be published in the Federal Register.
Authority: This PEIS will be prepared under the authority of,
and in accordance with, the requirements of NEPA, implementing
regulations published by the Council on Environmental Quality (40
CFR 1500-1508), other applicable regulations, and NOAA's policies
and procedures for compliance with those regulations.
Dated: February 16, 2021.
Daniel A. Namur,
Director of the NMFS Financial Assistance Division, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2021-03626 Filed 2-22-21; 8:45 am]