Applicability Determination Index Data System Posting: EPA Formal Responses to Inquiries Concerning Compliance With the Clean Air Act Stationary Source Program, 10567-10581 [2021-03489]
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tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
responses. EPA will consider the
comments received and amend the ICR
as appropriate. The final ICR package
will then be submitted to OMB for
review and approval. At that time, EPA
will issue another Federal Register
notice to announce the submission of
the ICR to OMB and the opportunity to
submit additional comments to OMB.
Abstract: Section 1414(c)(3)(A) of the
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
requires that each state (a term that
includes states, commonwealths, tribes
and territories) that has primary
enforcement authority under the SDWA
shall prepare, make readily available to
the public, and submit to the
Administrator of EPA, an annual report
of violations of national primary
drinking water regulations in the state.
These Annual State Public Water
System Compliance Reports are to
include violations of maximum
contaminant levels, treatment
requirements, variances and
exemptions, and monitoring
requirements determined to be
significant by the Administrator after
consultation with the states. To
minimize a state’s burden in preparing
its annual statutorily required report,
EPA issued guidance that explains what
Section 1414(c)(3)(A) requires and
provides model language and reporting
templates. EPA also annually makes
available to the states a computer query
that generates for each state (from
information states are already separately
required to submit to EPA’s national
database on a quarterly basis) the
required violations information in a
table consistent with the reporting
template in EPA’s guidance.
Form Numbers: None.
Respondents/affected entities: Entities
that are potentially affected by this
action are States that have primacy
enforcement authority and meet the
definition of ‘‘state’’ under the SDWA.
Respondent’s obligation to respond:
Mandatory under Section 1414 (c)(3)(A)
of SDWA.
Estimated number of respondents: 55
Frequency of response: Annually.
Total estimated burden: 4,400 hours
(per year). Burden is defined at 5 CFR
Total estimated cost: $530,000(per
year), includes $0 annualized capital or
operation & maintenance costs.
Changes in Estimates: There is no
change in burden from the most recently
approved ICR as currently identified in
the OMB Inventory of Approved
Burdens. This is due to two
considerations. First, the regulations
have not changed over the past three
years and are not anticipated to change
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over the next three years. Second, the
growth rate for this industry is very low
or non-existent, so there is no
significant change in the overall burden.
Since there are no changes in the
regulatory requirements and there is no
significant industry growth, there are
also no changes in the capital/startup or
operation and maintenance (O&M)
costs. There is a slight increase in costs,
which is wholly due to the use of
updated labor rates. This ICR uses labor
rates from the most recent Bureau of
Labor Statistics report (September 2020)
to calculate respondent burden costs.
John Dombrowski,
Deputy Director, Office of Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2021–03480 Filed 2–19–21; 8:45 am]
[FRL–10017–01–OECA ]
Applicability Determination Index Data
System Posting: EPA Formal
Responses to Inquiries Concerning
Compliance With the Clean Air Act
Stationary Source Program
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of availability.
This notice announces the
availability of applicability
determinations, alternative monitoring
decisions, and regulatory interpretations
made by EPA with regard to the New
Source Performance Standards (NSPS);
the National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP);
the Emission Guidelines and Federal
Plan Requirements for existing sources;
and/or the Stratospheric Ozone
Protection Program.
electronic copy of each complete
document posted on the Applicability
Determination Index (ADI) data system
is available on the internet through the
Resources and Guidance Documents for
Compliance Assistance page of the
Clean Air Act Compliance Monitoring
Website under ‘‘Air’’ at: https:// The letters and memoranda
on the ADI may be located by author,
date, office of issuance, subpart,
citation, control number, or by string
word searches. For questions about the
ADI or this notice, contact Maria
Malave, Monitoring, Assistance and
Media Programs Division by phone at:
(202) 564–7027, or by email at: For technical
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questions about individual applicability
determinations, monitoring decisions,
or regulatory interpretations, refer to the
contact person identified in each
individual document, or in the absence
of a contact person, refer to the author
of the document.
The General Provisions of the NSPS
in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
part 60 and the General Provisions of
the NESHAP in 40 CFR part 61 provide
that a source owner or operator may
request a determination of whether
certain intended actions constitute the
commencement of construction,
reconstruction, or modification. 40 CFR
60.5 and 61.06. The General Provisions
in part 60 also apply to Federal and
EPA-approved state plans for existing
sources in 40 CFR part 62. See 40 CFR
62.02(b)(2). The EPA’s written responses
to source or facility-specific inquiries on
provisions in parts 60, 61 and 62 are
commonly referred to as applicability
determinations. Although the NESHAP
part 63 regulations [which include
Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) standards and/or
Generally Available Control Technology
(GACT) standards] contain no specific
regulatory provision providing that
sources may request applicability
determinations, the EPA also responds
to written inquiries regarding
applicability for the part 63 regulations.
In addition, the General Provisions in
part 60 and 63 allow sources to seek
permission to use monitoring or
recordkeeping that is different from the
promulgated requirements. See 40 CFR
60.13(i), 61.14(g), 63.8(b)(1), 63.8(f), and
63.10(f). The EPA’s written responses to
these inquiries are commonly referred to
as alternative monitoring decisions.
Furthermore, the EPA responds to
written inquiries about the broad range
of regulatory requirements in 40 CFR
parts 60 through 63 as they pertain to
a whole source category. These inquiries
may pertain, for example, to the type of
sources to which the regulation applies,
or to the testing, monitoring,
recordkeeping, or reporting
requirements contained in the
regulation. The EPA’s written responses
to these inquiries are commonly referred
to as regulatory interpretations.
The EPA currently compiles EPAissued NSPS and NESHAP applicability
determinations, alternative monitoring
decisions, and regulatory
interpretations, and posts them to the
ADI on a regular basis. In addition, the
ADI contains EPA-issued responses to
requests pursuant to the stratospheric
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
ozone regulations contained in 40 CFR
part 82. The ADI is a data system
accessed via the internet, with over
three thousand EPA letters and
memoranda pertaining to the
applicability, monitoring,
recordkeeping, and reporting
requirements of the NSPS, NESHAP,
emission guidelines and Federal Plans
for existing sources, and stratospheric
ozone regulations. Users can search for
letters and memoranda by author, date,
office of issuance, subpart, citation,
control number, or by string word
Today’s notice comprises a summary
of 59 such documents added to the ADI
on October 22, 2020. This notice lists
the subject and header of each letter and
memorandum, as well as a brief abstract
of the content. Complete copies of these
documents may be obtained from the
ADI on the internet through the
Resources and Guidance Documents for
Compliance Assistance page of the
Clean Air Act Compliance Monitoring
website under ‘‘Air’’ at: https://
Summary of Headers and Abstracts
The following table identifies the
database control number for each
document posted on October 22, 2020 to
the ADI data system; the applicable
category; the section(s) and/or subpart(s)
of 40 CFR part 60, 61, 62, 63 and 82 (as
applicable) addressed in the document;
and the title of the document, which
provides a brief description of the
subject matter.
Also included in this notice, is an
abstract of each document identified
with its control number. These abstracts
are being provided to the public as
possible items of interest and are not
intended as substitutes for the contents
of the original documents. This notice
does not change the status of any
document with respect to whether it is
‘‘of nationwide scope or effect’’ for
purposes of CAA section 307(b)(1). For
example, this notice does not convert an
applicability determination for a
particular source into a nationwide rule.
Neither does it purport to make a
previously non-binding document
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Control No.
1900024 .......
1900025 .......
NSPS .............................
NSPS, NESHAP ............
OOOOa .........................
1900026 .......
NSPS .............................
Ja ...................................
1900027 .......
NSPS .............................
J, Ja ...............................
1900028 .......
NESHAP, NSPS ............
J, Ja, UUU .....................
1900030 .......
NSPS .............................
J .....................................
1900031 .......
NESHAP, NSPS ............
J, Ja, UUU .....................
1900032 .......
NSPS .............................
J .....................................
1900033 .......
NESHAP, NSPS ............
J, UUU ...........................
1900034 .......
1900035 .......
NSPS .............................
NSPS .............................
XXX ...............................
J, Ja ...............................
1900036 .......
NSPS .............................
Db ..................................
1900037 .......
NSPS .............................
Db ..................................
1900038 .......
NSPS .............................
Ja ...................................
1900039 .......
NSPS .............................
UUU ...............................
NSPS .............................
NSPS .............................
NESHAP, NSPS ............
NSPS .............................
OOO ..............................
EEEE .............................
Db, DDDDD ...................
A, J, Ja ..........................
2000007 .......
NESHAP, NSPS ............
Db, DDDDD ...................
2000013 .......
NSPS .............................
A ....................................
FP00008 ......
Federal Plan ..................
LLL .................................
Applicability Determination for Mainline Valve at a Compressor Station.
Applicability Determination for Sweetening Units Installed on a Natural
Gas Processing Plant.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Span Gas Concentration for Total Reduced
Sulfur Continuous Emissions Monitoring System for Flares at Petroleum
Alternative Monitoring Plan and Performance Test Waiver for Hydrogen
Sulfide Monitoring of Tank Degassing Operations Controlled by Portable
Fuel Gas Combustion Devices at Petroleum Refineries.
Modification of Operating Parameter Limits in Alternative Monitoring Plan
for a Wet Gas Scrubber installed on Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Units
at a Refinery.
Waiver Request of the Frequency Particulate Matter Testing for Fluidized
Catalytic Cracking Unit at a Refinery.
Modification of Alternative Monitoring Plan to Allow Parametric Monitoring
In lieu of Continuous Opacity Monitoring of a Wet Gas Scrubber Installed on a Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit at a Refinery.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Delayed Coking Unit Installed on Disulfide
Oil Oxidation Tower at a Refinery.
Modification of Alternative Monitoring Plan to Allow Parametric Monitoring
In lieu of Continuous Opacity Monitoring of a Wet Gas Scrubber Installed on a Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit at a Refinery.
Applicability Determination for Expansion of a Landfill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring of Storage
Tank, Process Unit Vessel, and Piping Degassing Operations Controlled
by Portable Fuel Gas Combustion Devices at Petroleum Refineries.
Alternative Monitoring Plan to Allow Predictive Emissions Monitoring In
lieu of Continuous Emission Monitoring of NOX Emissions from a Boiler
at a Packaging Facility.
Extension Due to Force Majeure Events of Initial Performance Test of
NOX Emissions from a Boiler at a Mining Company.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Span Gas Range for NOX Continuous
Emissions Monitoring System for Heaters at a Petroleum Refinery.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Wet Scrubbers on Fluidized Bed Dryers at
Non-metallic Mineral Processing Facilities.
Regulatory Interpretation for Vibratory Feeders at a Limestone Quarry.
Applicability Determination for Rural Institutional Waste Incinerators.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Biomass Boiler at Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan and Performance Testing Waiver for Hydrogen
Sulfide Monitoring of Tank Degassing Operations Controlled by Portable
Fuel Gas Combustion Devices at Petroleum Refineries.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Wood-Residue Fueled Boilers at a Paperboard Mill.
Regulatory Interpretation of the use of Part 60, Appendix F- Quality Assurance Procedures.
Modification to Alternative Monitoring Plan for Fluidized Bed Sewage
Sludge Incinerator at a Wastewater Treatment Plant.
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
ADI ON OCTOBER 22, 2020—Continued
Control No.
FP00009 ......
Federal Plan ..................
LLL .................................
FP00010 ......
Federal Plan ..................
LLL .................................
FP00011 ......
Federal Plan ..................
LLL .................................
FP00012 ......
Federal Plan ..................
LLL .................................
FP00013 ......
Federal Plan ..................
LLL .................................
M190004 ......
NESHAP, NSPS ............
F, LLL ............................
M190005 ......
NESHAP ........................
S ....................................
M190006 ......
NESHAP ........................
DDDDD ..........................
M190007 ......
NESHAP ........................
MM .................................
M190008 ......
NESHAP ........................
MM .................................
M190009 ......
NESHAP ........................
MM .................................
M190010 ......
NESHAP ........................
MM .................................
M190011 ......
NESHAP ........................
MM .................................
M190012 ......
NESHAP ........................
MM .................................
M190013 ......
NESHAP ........................
MM .................................
M190014 ......
NESHAP ........................
GGG ..............................
M190015 ......
NESHAP, NSPS ............
BB, MM ..........................
M190016 ......
NESHAP, NSPS ............
BB, MM ..........................
M190017 ......
NESHAP ........................
CC .................................
M190018 ......
M190019 ......
NESHAP ........................
NESHAP ........................
JJJJJJ ............................
FFFF, HHHHH ...............
M190020 ......
NESHAP ........................
EEE ...............................
M190021 ......
NESHAP ........................
RRR ...............................
M200001 ......
NESHAP ........................
CCC ...............................
M200002 ......
NESHAP, NSPS ............
BB, BBa, MM .................
M200003 ......
NESHAP ........................
G, S ...............................
M200004 ......
M200005 ......
M200006 ......
NESHAP ........................
NESHAP ........................
NESHAP ........................
UUUUU ..........................
DDDDD ..........................
M200007 ......
NESHAP ........................
RRR ...............................
M200008 ......
NESHAP ........................
MM .................................
M200009 ......
NESHAP ........................
MM .................................
M200015 ......
MACT ............................
CC .................................
Z190001 .......
NESHAP ........................
ZZZZ ..............................
Z200002 .......
NESHAP ........................
MM .................................
Z200003 .......
NESHAP ........................
LLLLL .............................
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Fluidized Bed Sewage Sludge Incinerator
at a Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Fluidized Bed Sewage Sludge Incinerator
at a Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Fluidized Bed Sewage Sludge Incinerator
Installed at a Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Multiple Hearth Sewage Sludge Incinerators Installed at a Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Multiple Hearth Sewage Sludge Incinerator
Installed at a Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Parametrically Monitoring Sulfur Dioxide
Emissions at a Portland Cement Plant.
Modification of Alternative Monitoring Plan for Steam Stripper Installed on
a Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Combination Boilers at a Packaging Manufacturing Facility.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on Smelt Dissolving Tanks at Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Verifying Flow to Control System Installed
on Batch-Operated Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Facility.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Dynamic Scrubber Installed on Smelt Dissolving Tanks at Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on Smelt Dissolving Tanks at Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for a Cascading Flare System Installed at a
Petroleum Refinery.
Performance Test Waiver for Carbon Monoxide for Boilers.
Applicability Determination for Separation Activity at a Coatings Manufacturing Facility.
Approval of Minor Test Method Modifications for Hazardous Waste Incinerators.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Intermittent Lime Addition to Baghouse Installed on Aluminum Melting Furnaces at a Secondary Aluminum Production Facility.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Wet Scrubber Installed on a Steel Pickle
Line at a Steel Pickling Facility.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Electrostatic Precipitator and Wet Scrubber
Installed on a Lime Kiln at a Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Equipment that is Unsafe or Difficult to
Monitor at a Pulp and Paper Mill.
Applicability Determination for Electric Utility Steam Generating Units.
Applicability Determination for a Lithium Ion Battery Manufacturing Facility.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Chlorine and Mercury Monitoring for Combination Boiler Installed at a Pulp and Paper Mill.
Applicability Determination for Thermal Chip Dryer Installed at a Secondary Aluminum Production Facility.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft Pulp Mill.
Regulatory Interpretation of Petroleum Refinery Regulations for Flaring
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Installed at Natural Gas Compressor Stations.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft Pulp Mill.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Group 2 Storage Tanks at an Asphalt
Roofing Manufacturing Facility.
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
ADI ON OCTOBER 22, 2020—Continued
Control No.
Z200004 .......
NESHAP ........................
Z200005 .......
NESHAP ........................
ZZZZ ..............................
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Abstract for [1900024]
Q: Does EPA determine that Mainline
Valve 29 (MLV 29) installed at the
Southern Natural Gas Company
compressor station in Thomaston,
Georgia (TCS) is part of the affected
facility subject to the fugitive emission
monitoring requirements in NSPS
subpart OOOOa?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA determines that when
the modification to TCS occurred in
March 2017, MLV 29 became part of the
affected facility subject to the fugitive
emissions monitoring requirements of
subpart OOOOa. According to 40 CFR
60.5397a, ’’the collection of fugitive
emissions components at a compressor
station, as defined in § 60.5430a, is an
affected facility,’’ and MLV 29 meets the
definition of ‘‘fugitive emissions
components’’ because it is a component
located within the fence line of a
compressor station and potentially
emits fugitive emissions of methane and
volatile organic compounds.
Abstract for [1900025]
Q: Does EPA determine that the
sweetening units and sweetening units
followed by a sulfur recovery unit
(hereinafter referred to collectively as
‘‘sweetening units’’) at the Lost Cabin
Gas Plant in Lysite, Wyoming are
affected facilities under NSPS subpart
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided and our analysis of subpart
LLL, EPA determines that the
sweetening units are affected facilities
under NSPS subpart LLL because
subpart LLL applies to sweetening units
that ‘‘process natural gas,’’ and although
subpart LLL does not define ‘‘process
natural gas,’’ the preambles to the
proposed and final subpart LLL
rulemakings (49 FR 2656, January 20,
1984 and 50 FR 40158, October 1, 1985)
clarify that gas processing in subpart
LLL refers to sweetening and sulfur
Abstract for [1900026]
Q: Does EPA approve alternate span
gas concentration values for hydrogen
sulfide (H2S) on the total reduced sulfur
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Applicability Determination for Frit Manufacturing Facility.
Alternative Monitoring Plan for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
at a Natural Gas Plant.
(TRS) continuous emissions monitoring
system (CEMS) for the Fluor and
Cumene flares at the Citgo Refining and
Chemicals Company (CITGO) Corpus
Christi East petroleum refinery and the
West Plant Process flare at the CITGO
Corpus Christi West Plant petroleum
refinery in Corpus Christi, Texas
covered under NSPS subpart Ja?
A: Yes. Based on the process data and
analyzer information submitted by
CITGO, EPA conditionally approves the
request to reduce the concentration
ranges of the calibration gas to specified
ranges and validation standards on the
TRS CEMS for the three flares. As
conditions of this approval, CITGO must
meet all other requirements of the
monitoring procedures of NSPS Subpart
Ja for H2S and TRS, and must also
conduct linearity analyses on each
Extrel MAX300–IGTM mass spectrometer
once every three years to determine
each detector’s linearity across the
entire range of expected sulfur
concentrations. A report of each
completed linearity analysis shall be
submitted to EPA Region 6 and the
Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality and maintained in each
facility’s on-site records.
Abstract for [1900027]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) and
performance test waiver request for
ProAct Services Corporation (ProAct) to
conduct monitoring of hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) emissions in lieu of installing a
continuous emission monitoring system,
when performing degassing for tanks,
vessels, and pipes controlled by
portable temporary thermal oxidizers
and internal combustion engines at
various refineries located in EPA Region
6 that are subject to NSPS subparts J and
A: Yes. Based on the description of
the process, the vent gas streams, the
design of the vent gas controls, and the
proposed H2S monitoring and data
collection methods furnished by ProAct
Services Corporation, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP. In addition, based
on ProAct’s proposed alternate testing
protocols used during each degassing
event, EPA waives performance testing
pursuant to 40 CFR 60.8(b)(4). The
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approved AMP and performance test
waiver are only for refineries located in
EPA Region 6. EPA includes proposed
operating parameter limits and data that
the refineries must furnish as part of the
conditional approval.
Abstract for [1900028]
Q: Does EPA approve a modification
of a previously approved alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) for Phillips 66
Company to revise the parametric
monitoring limits for the wet gas
scrubbers (WGS) installed on Nos. 4 and
5 fluidized catalytic cracking units
(FCCU) at the Ponca City Refinery in
Ponca City, Oklahoma covered by NSPS
subpart J and NESHAP subpart UUU?
A: Yes. Based upon the design of the
WGS units and the process specific
supplemental information provided by
Phillips 66 Company, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP modification for the
two FCCU WGS at the Ponca City
Refinery. EPA reviewed the recent
performance test results provided by
Phillips 66 Company and found the data
supportive for modifying the values of
the established final operating
parameter limits (OPLs). The OPLs
approved for demonstrating compliance
with the AMP included minimum
liquid-to-gas ratio, minimum water
pressure to quench/spray tower,
minimum slurry liquid circulation
pump discharge pressure, and minimum
pressure drop across filter modules/
Abstract for [1900030]
Q: Does EPA approve ExxonMobil
Refining and Supply Company’s
(ExxonMobil’s) waiver of the frequency
of particulate matter (PM) emission rate
testing for one fluidized catalytic
cracking unit (FCCU) at the Beaumont
Refinery, Beaumont, Texas, which is
subject to NSPS subpart J and annual
testing PM testing under consent decree,
Civil Action No. 05–C–5809?
A: Yes. EPA conditionally approves
ExxonMobil ’s request to reduce the
frequency of PM testing for the one
FCCU at the Beaumont Refinery from
annually to once every five years, with
the limitation that ExxonMobil shall
resume annual PM testing for the FCCU
any time the NSPS subpart J emission
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
limit of 1.0 pound of PM per 1000
pounds of coke burned (on a 3-hour
average basis) is exceeded.
Abstract for [1900031]
Q: Does EPA approve a modification
of a previously issued alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) for the wet gas
scrubber (WGS) on one fluidized
catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) at the
Marathon El Paso Refinery in El Paso,
Texas, subject to NSPS subparts J and Ja
and NESHAP subpart UUU, for
parametric monitoring of opacity at the
WGS in lieu of a continuous opacity
monitoring system (COMS), due to
changes in operating conditions at the
units when moisture levels are high in
the stacks?
A: Yes. Based upon the design of the
WGS unit and the process specific
supplemental information provided,
EPA approves the AMP modification to
use parametric monitoring in lieu of
COMS for the WGS on one FCCU at the
Marathon El Paso Refinery. EPA
reviewed the recent performance test
results and found the data supportive
for modifying the final operating
parameter limits (OPLs). The OPLs that
EPA approves for demonstrating
compliance with the AMP included
minimum Liquid-to-Gas Ratio and the
minimum pressure drop across the
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Abstract for [1900032]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) if delayed
coking unit (DCU) 843 is rerouted from
Flare #23 to the Merichem Flare, to
exempt Valero Port Arthur Refinery
(Valero) in Port Arthur, Texas subject to
NSPS subpart J from monitoring
hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the DCU 843
overhead vapor stream from the
disulfide oxidation tower T–6750?
A: Yes. Based on the description of
the vent gas stream, the process
parameters to be monitored, the design
of the vent gas controls, and H2S
monitoring data, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP. The fuel gas stream
from the disulfide oxidation tower T–
6750 is inherently low in sulfur as
demonstrated by H2S monitoring data
previously furnished to EPA for a
previously issued AMP exempting H2S
monitoring for oxidation tower T–6750
when DCU 843 was previously routed to
Flare #23. Valero must continue to meet
all other applicable NSPS requirements,
and the DCU 843 overhead vapor stream
from disulfide oil oxidation tower T–
6750 must be combusted in the
Merichem Flare.
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Abstract for [1900033]
Q: Does EPA approve a modification
of a previously issued alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) for the wet gas
scrubber (WGS) on one fluidized
catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) at the
Shell Chemical, LP Deer Park Refinery
in Deer Park, Texas (Shell Chemical,
LP), subject to NSPS subpart J and
NESHAP subpart UUU, for parametric
monitoring of opacity at the WGS in lieu
of a continuous opacity monitoring
system (COMS)?
A: Yes. Based upon the design of the
WGS unit and the process specific data
and supplemental information provided
by Shell Chemical, LP, EPA approves an
AMP modification to use parametric
monitoring in lieu of COMS for the
WGS on one FCCU at the Deer Park
Refinery. EPA reviewed the recent
performance test results and found the
data supportive for modifying the final
operating parameter limits (OPLs). The
OPLs that EPA approves for
demonstrating compliance with the
AMP included minimum Liquid-to-Gas
Ratio, minimum liquid side pressure at
the filter module nozzles, and minimum
pressure drop at the quench nozzle.
Abstract for [1900034]
Q: Does EPA determine that an
expansion to the Advanced Disposal
Services Glacier Ridge Landfill, LLC
(GRL) in Horicon, Wisconsin meets the
applicability criteria of NSPS subpart
XXX, if the expansion was approved
under a solid waste permit and
construction had commenced prior to
July 17, 2014?
A: No. EPA determines that GRL
landfill expansion has not triggered
subpart XXX applicability because a
modification as defined in under 40
CFR 60.761 has not occurred. GRL’s
current design capacity of 20,269,000
cubic yards was permitted by the
Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources prior to July 17, 2014 and
construction on that permitted
expansion was commenced prior to July
17, 2014, the effective date of NSPS
subpart XXX.
Abstract for [1900035]
Q: Does EPA approve the alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) request from
PSC Industrial Outsourcing, LP
(HydroChemPSC) to conduct monitoring
of hydrogen sulfide emissions, in lieu of
installing a continuous emission
monitoring system, when performing
degassing for storage tanks, process unit
vessels, and piping controlled by
temporary portable fuel gas combustion
devices (FGCDs) at petroleum refineries
located in EPA Region 5 that are subject
to NSPS subparts J and Ja?
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A: Yes. Since the storage tank, process
unit vessel and piping degassing
operations are infrequent and
temporary, EPA conditionally approves
an AMP when HydroChemPSC uses a
portable FGCD to control emissions
from these processes. EPA included in
the response letter specifications
regarding sampling procedures,
frequency of sampling, methods to
determine compliance, recordkeeping,
and data that the refineries must furnish
as part of the conditional approval.
Abstract for [1900036]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) request from
Packaging Corporation of America
(PCA) to use a predictive emission
monitoring system (PEMS) in lieu of a
NOx continuous emission monitoring
system (CEMS) on Boiler B24 at the PCA
facility in Tomahawk, Wisconsin,
subject to NSPS subpart Db?
A: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA denies PCA’s AMP
request for use of a PEMs in lieu of a
Nox CEMS because the heat input
capacity of Boiler B24 (352.9 MMBtu/
hr) significantly exceeds the 250
MMBtu/hr capacity limit in 40 CFR
60.49b(c) for allowing use of PEMS and
Boiler B24. Additionally, Boiler B24
may burn types of solid fuels (e.g.,
biomass, tire-derived fuel, paper
recycling residuals, and paper pellets)
not identified in 40 CFR 60.48b(g)(2).
Finally, Boiler B24 was constructed in
1977 and has been in operation since
that time.
Abstract for [1900037]
Q: Does EPA approve an extension of
the deadline from April 2, 2019 to July
31, 2019 for the initial performance test
for nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions for
Boiler No. 4 at the Tilden Mining
Company, LLC, (Tilden) facility in
Ishpeming, Michigan, covered by NSPS
subpart Db, due to force majeure events
including a series of equipment failures
that delayed achieving the maximum
production rate?
A: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA denies the request for an
extension of the performance test
deadline. Based on the information
provided, Tilden’s Boiler No. 4 achieved
maximum production rate on February
1, 2019, providing the 60-day testing
period specified in 40 CFR 60.8(a).
Because Tilden had 60 days to complete
testing prior to April 2, 2019, the
equipment failures do not qualify as
force majeure events, which are defined
by 40 CFR 60.2 as ‘‘prevent[ing] the
owner or operator from complying with
the regulatory requirement to conduct
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
performance tests within the specified
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Abstract for [1900038]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternate
span gas concentration range equal to 1
to 3 times the NSPS subpart Ja limit for
the nitrogen oxides (NOx) continuous
emission monitoring system (CEMS) for
heaters 25H–3, 25H–4, 37H–3/4/5, and
30H–401 at the Flint Hills Resources
Pine Bend Refinery (FHR) in Saint Paul,
Minnesota covered under NSPS subpart
A: Yes. Based on the process data and
analyzer information submitted by FHR,
EPA conditionally approves the request
to change the span gas range to 1 to 3
times the NSPS Subpart Ja limit for the
NOx CEMS for the four heaters because
a lower span should provide more
accurate measurement of NOx emissions
from these heaters during typical
operations. The conditions for approval
are specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [1900039]
Q: Does EPA approve Covia Holdings
Corporation’s (Covia’s) alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) request to
establish pressure drop and liquid flow
rate parametric limits for monitoring
particulate matter (PM) emissions from
wet scrubbers on fluidized bed dryers at
its two non-metallic mineral processing
facilities located in Ottawa, Minnesota
and Kasota, Minnesota, subject to NSPS
subpart UUU, by using for each
scrubber, the results of multiple
performance tests conducted 2012
through the most recent performance
test, as opposed to using only the most
recent performance test?
A: Yes. Based on the performance test
and process data submitted by Covia, as
well as Covia’s statement that there have
been no modifications to any of the
processes or control devices since the
earliest test, EPA conditionally approves
the request. The conditions for the
approval are specified in the EPA
response letter and exclude use of any
test older than 12 years or conducted
prior to modifications to the dryer or
scrubber, and any test that resulted in
PM emissions above ten percent of the
emissions limit that would lower the
minimum pressure drop or expand the
liquid flow rate range. Additionally, all
future test results for the wet scrubbers
must be shared with EPA Region 5 and
the Minnesota Pollution Control
Abstract for [2000001]
Q: Does EPA determine that two
vibratory feeders at the Blue Waters
Industries’ limestone quarry in Lebanon,
Tennessee meet the definition of
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affected facilities under NSPS subpart
A: No. Based upon the design and
operation of the vibratory feeders, EPA
determines that the feeders do not fit the
definitions of any of the facilities
subject to subpart OOO. Although the
feeders are not affected facilities under
subpart OOO, the transfer points from
the feeders onto two downstream
conveyor belts would be subject to an
opacity limit in Table 3 to subpart OOO
for fugitive emissions sources, if the
conveyors were constructed, modified,
or reconstructed after August 13, 1983.
Abstract for [2000003]
Q: Does EPA determine that the
institutional waste incinerators operated
at four United States Air Force (USAF)
Long Range Radar Sites (LRRS) located
in Point Barrow, Barter Island, Cold
Bay, and Oliktok, Alaska qualify under
40 CFR 60.2887(h) to be excluded from
NSPS subpart EEEE?
A: No. EPA determines that the USAF
LRRS institutional waste incinerators do
not qualify for the ‘‘rural institutional
waste incinerators’’ exclusion under 40
CFR 60.2887(h) under subpart EEEE
because the application for exclusion
was not submitted prior to the initial
startup of the incinerators and
information was not provided
demonstrating that alternative disposal
options are unavailable or economically
Abstract for [2000004]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to continuously
monitor pressure drop and liquid flow
rate of the venturi scrubber installed on
the No. 1 bark boiler at the Foley
Cellulose LLC Kraft pulp mill (Foley
Mill) in Perry, Florida subject to NSPS
Subpart Db, in lieu of continuously
monitoring opacity or particulate matter
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA approves the AMP. EPA
agrees with the technical concerns
raised by Foley Mill regarding using a
PM continuous emission monitoring
system or continuous opacity
monitoring system on biomass-fired
boilers, due to water droplets in the flue
downstream of the scrubbers. The
approved AMP is equivalent to the PM
monitoring requirements for a 300
MMBtu/hour biomass boiler subject to
NESHAP subpart DDDDD, and the
requirements of the AMP are detailed in
the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [2000005]
Q: Does EPA approve an Alternative
Monitoring Plan (AMP) and
performance test waiver request for USA
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DeBusk, LLC (Debusk) to conduct
monitoring of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
emissions, in lieu of installing a
continuous emission monitoring system,
when performing degassing for tanks,
vessels, and piping controlled by
temporary portable fuel gas combustion
devices (FGCDs) at petroleum refineries
located in Region 4 that are subject to
NSPS subparts J and Ja?
A: Yes. Based on the description of
the process, the vent gas streams, the
design of the vent gas controls, and the
proposed H2S monitoring and data
collection methods furnished by
Debusk, EPA conditionally approves the
AMP for H2S emissions from degassing
and cleaning of tanks, vessels, and
piping. In addition, based on Debusk’s
proposed alternate testing protocols
used during each degassing event, EPA
waives performance testing pursuant to
40 CFR 60.8(b)(4). EPA includes in the
response letter conditions regarding
sampling procedures, re-sampling
requirements, methods for determining
compliance, FGCD operation,
recordkeeping, and reporting.
Abstract for [2000007]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to continuously
monitor scrubber operating parameter
limits (OPLs) to demonstrate
compliance with the opacity limit for
the No. 2 and No. 3 wood-residue fueled
boilers equipped, respectively, with a
wet electrostatic precipitator (WESP)
and a venturi scrubber, at the WestRock
Coated Board, LLC Mahrt Mill in Phenix
City, Alabama subject to NSPS subpart
A: Yes. EPA approves the AMP as
proposed to continuously monitor the
operating load or steam generation for
both boilers, the total secondary electric
power input of the WESP for the No. 2
boiler, and the pressure drop and liquid
flow rate of the scrubber for the No. 3
boiler. EPA agrees with the technical
concerns raised by Mahrt Mill regarding
using a PM continuous emission
monitoring system or continuous
opacity monitoring system on biomassfired boilers, due to water droplets in
the flue downstream of the scrubbers.
The approved AMP is equivalent to the
PM monitoring requirements for
biomass boilers of equivalent size
subject to NESHAP subpart DDDDD,
and the requirements of the AMP are
detailed in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [2000013]
Q: Does EPA agreed with the
Oklahoma Department of Environmental
Quality (ODEQ) that all affected sources
subject to any NSPS are required to
comply with the requirements specified
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
in appendix F to 40 CFR part 60, which
is used for continuous emission
monitoring systems (CEMS) in
determining compliance with emissions
limits as specified in the NSPS General
A: No. Each subpart should be
reviewed for applicable references to
appendix F and portions of the General
Provisions (GP) to 40 CFR part 60 for
affected facilities specified in the
subpart. Due consideration should be
given to the applicability sections
provided within each subpart and
appendix F (Quality Assurance
Abstract for [FP00008]
Q: Does EPA approve a modification
of a previously approved alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) for establishing
operating limits (OPLs) for the sewage
sludge incinerator (SSI) using a
VenturiPakTM wet scrubber with
mercury modules at the City of
Anacortes Wastewater Treatment Plant
(Anacortes) in Anacortes, Washington
subject to 40 CFR part 62, subpart LLL?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP modification. EPA agrees with
establishing the sand bed temperature of
the SSI as the operating parameter for
monitoring dioxins/furans in lieu of the
exhaust gas temperature, and Anacortes
must limit the maximum dry sludge
feed rate to no greater than 110 percent
of the average dry sludge feed rate
achieved during the most recent
performance test demonstrating
compliance with the dioxins/furans
emission limits. EPA agrees with
replacing the 12-hour block averaging
time for OPLs specified in table 4 to
subpart LLL with an ‘‘operating day
block average’’ averaging time because
Anacortes typically operates only 6 to 8
hours per day. EPA also agrees that the
reduced performance testing frequency
provided in 40 CFR 62.16000(a)(3)
should apply to Anacortes. The
approved operating parameters and
conditions for establishing OPLs are
specified in the EPA approval letter.
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Abstract for [FP00009]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) for establishing
and monitoring operating parameters to
demonstrate compliance with the
mercury (Hg) emission limit applicable
to the fluidized bed sewage sludge
incinerator (SSI) equipped with a
control equipment not specified in 40
CFR 62.15965 at the Edmonds
Wastewater Treatment Plant (Edmonds)
in Edmonds, Washington subject to 40
CFR part 62 subpart LLL?
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A1: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA approves the AMP for
demonstrating compliance with the Hg
emission limit by monitoring and
recording continuously the pressure
drop across the Hg control system (i.e.,
W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc./
EnviroCare International Sorbent
Polymer Composite technology Hg
control system in combination with a
mist eliminator) and the inlet
temperature to the system, and by
monitoring on a quarterly basis the Hg
concentrations in the flue gas at the
inlet and outlet of the system.
Q2: Does EPA approve an AMP to use
a wet scrubber system and to practice
good combustion practices for
demonstrating compliance with the
dioxins/furans emission limit applicable
to Edmonds’ SSI?
A2: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because it does not propose to
monitor any operating parameters or
establish operating parameter limits
(OPLs) for Edmunds’ SSI to demonstrate
compliance with the dioxins/furans
emissions limit. Edmonds should
submit a revised petition in accordance
with 40 CFR 62.15965(b)(2)(i) through
(v) that addresses dioxins/furansspecific operating parameters and OPLs
associated with good combustion
Q3: Does EPA approve Edmonds’
AMP for its VenturiPakTM scrubber
system to demonstrate compliance with
the three OPLs for scrubbers in table 4
to subpart LLL, by monitoring the OPLs
only at the drain that receives the total
scrubber water discharge from the
scrubber system?
A3: No. EPA does not approve the
AMP because Edmunds did not provide
the information specified by 40 CFR
62.15995(e)(1) through (6). Edmunds’
scrubber system generally consists of
five different scrubbers operated in
series, and the Federal Plan requires
monitoring pressure drop, liquid flow
rate, and pH of each wet scrubber in a
scrubber system. Edmonds may revise
and resubmit their AMP.
Q4: Does EPA approve Edmonds’
AMP changing the location for
monitoring the minimum combustion
chamber operating temperature of the
SSI from the exhaust gas to the fluidized
sand bed?
A4: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA approves the AMP since
the alternative location will enable
accurate and representative
Q5: Does EPA approve Edmonds’
AMP specifying the facility’s ash
handling system monitoring
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A5: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because Edmonds’ AMP does not
include operating procedures to address
the complete ash conveying system
(including conveyor transfer points) or
sufficient information for EPA to
evaluate whether daily inspections of
the ash handling system and
observation of the loadout activities will
be adequate to meet the requirements of
40 CFR 62.15955 and 62.15995 on an
ongoing basis. Edmonds may revise and
resubmit their AMP.
Abstract for [FP00010]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to demonstrate
compliance with the mercury (Hg)
emission limit applicable to the
fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator
(SSI) equipped with a W.L. Gore and
Associates, Inc./EnviroCare
International Sorbent Polymer
Composite technology Hg control
system at the Lynnwood Wastewater
Treatment Plant (Lynnwood) in
Lynnwood, Washington subject to 40
CFR part 62 subpart LLL?
A1: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA approves the AMP for
demonstrating compliance with the Hg
emission limit by monitoring and
recording continuously the pressure
drop across the Hg control system and
the inlet temperature to the system, and
by monitoring on a quarterly basis the
Hg concentrations in the flue gas at the
inlet and outlet of the system.
Q2: Does EPA approve an AMP to use
a wet scrubber system and to practice
good combustion practices for
demonstrating compliance with the
dioxins/furans emission limit applicable
to Lynnwood’s SSI?
A2: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because it does not propose to
monitor any operating parameters or
establish operating parameter limits
(OPLs) for Lynnwood’s SSI to
demonstrate compliance with the
dioxins/furans emissions limit.
Lynnwood should submit a revised
petition in accordance with 40 CFR
62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v) that
addresses dioxins/furans-specific
operating parameters and OPLs
associated with good combustion
Q3: Does EPA approve Lynnwood’s
AMP for its wet scrubber system to
demonstrate compliance with the OPLs
for scrubbers in table 4 to subpart LLL
by monitoring the pressure drop across
the venturi scrubber, the total scrubber
water flow rates not including the mist
eliminator, and the pH of the scrubber
discharge from the impingement tray
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
scrubber and associated tray irrigation
water flow?
A3: No. EPA does not approve the
AMP because Lynnwood did not
provide the information specified by 40
CFR 62.15995(e)(1) through (6).
Lynnwood’s scrubber system generally
consists of five different scrubbers
operated in series, and the Federal Plan
requires monitoring pressure drop,
liquid flow rate, and pH of each wet
scrubber in a scrubber system.
Lynnwood may revise and resubmit
their AMP.
Q4: Does EPA approve Lynnwood’s
AMP for monitoring the minimum
combustion chamber operating
temperature of the SSI using the average
reading of three thermocouples that
measure the combustion temperature
within the fluidized sand bed of the
A4: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA approves the AMP for
the SSI because it meets the 40 CFR
62.15960 requirements.
Q5: Does EPA approve Lynnwood’s
AMP specifying the facility’s ash
handling system monitoring
A5: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because Lynnwood’s AMP does
not include operating procedures to
address the complete ash conveying
system (including conveyor transfer
points) or sufficient information for EPA
to evaluate whether daily observations
of the filter cake and observation of the
loadout activities will be adequate to
meet the requirements of 40 CFR
62.15955 and 62.15995 on an ongoing
basis. Lynnwood may revise and
resubmit their AMP.
Abstract for [FP00011]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to demonstrate
compliance with the mercury (Hg)
emission limit applicable to the
fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator
(SSI) equipped with a W.L. Gore and
Associates, Inc./EnviroCare
International Sorbent Polymer
Composite technology Hg control
system in combination with a mist
eliminator at the Vancouver Wastewater
Treatment Plant (Vancouver) in
Vancouver, Washington subject to 40
CFR part 62 subpart LLL?
A1: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA does not approve
Vancouver’s AMP to monitor the Hg
concentrations collected on the sorption
media modules within the Hg control
system because Vancouver was unable
to establish an operating parameter limit
(OPL) and averaging time for this
operating parameter. EPA approves
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monitoring and recording continuously
the inlet temperature to the Hg control
system and monitoring on a quarterly
basis the Hg concentrations in the flue
gas at the inlet and outlet of the system.
Vancouver should submit a revised
petition proposing Hg-specific OPLs
that meet the requirements of 40 CFR
62.15965(b)(2)(iii), and Vancouver
should consider whether the pressure
drop across the Hg control system
should be included as an OPL.
Q2: Does EPA approve an AMP to use
a wet scrubber system and to practice
good combustion practices for
demonstrating compliance with the
dioxins/furans emission limit applicable
to Vancouver’s SSI?
A2: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because it does not propose to
monitor any operating parameters or
establish OPLs for Vancouver’s SSI to
demonstrate compliance with the
dioxins/furans emissions limit.
Vancouver should submit a revised
petition in accordance with 40 CFR
62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v) to propose
dioxins/furans OPLs associated with
good combustion practices.
Q3: Does EPA approve Vancouver’s
AMP for its quench/venturi wet
scrubber system to demonstrate
compliance with the OPLs for scrubbers
in table 4 to subpart LLL by monitoring
the pressure drop across the tray
scrubber, the total scrubber water flow
rate from the quench, venturi, and tray
scrubbers, and the pH of the tray
scrubber effluent?
A3: No. EPA does not approve the
AMP because Vancouver did not
provide the information specified by 40
CFR 62.15995(e)(1) through (6).
Vancouver’s scrubber system consists of
multiple scrubbers operated in series,
and subpart LLL requires monitoring
pressure drop, liquid flow rate, and pH
of each wet scrubber in a scrubber
system. Vancouver may revise and
resubmit their AMP.
Q4: Does EPA approve Vancouver’s
AMP for monitoring the minimum
combustion chamber operating
temperature of the SSI using the average
reading of three thermocouples that
measure the combustion temperature
within the fluidized sand bed of the
A4: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA approves the AMP for
the SSI because it meets the 40 CFR
62.15960 requirements.
Q5: Does EPA approve Vancouver’s
AMP for the facility’s ash handling
system monitoring procedures?
A5: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because it does not include
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operating procedures to address the
complete ash conveying system or
sufficient information for EPA to
evaluate whether daily observations of
the ash filter cake to the roll-off bins and
the weekly sampling of the moisture
content of the ash filter cake will be
adequate to meet the requirements of 40
CFR 62.15955 and 62.15995 on an
ongoing basis. Vancouver may revise
and resubmit their AMP.
Abstract for [FP00012]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to demonstrate
compliance with the mercury (Hg)
emission limit applicable to two
multiple hearth sewage sludge
incinerators (SSIs) equipped with a wet
venturi scrubber and wet electrostatic
precipitator (WESP) at the Bellingham
Wastewater Treatment Plant
(Bellingham) in Bellingham,
Washington subject to 40 CFR part 62
subpart LLL?
A1: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because it proposes no monitoring
of Hg-specific operating parameter
limits (OPLs) and provides no
information on the influence of the wet
scrubber and WESP on Hg emissions.
Bellingham should submit a revised
petition proposing Hg-specific OPLs
that adequately address 40 CFR
62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v).
Q2: Does EPA approve an AMP to use
an afterburner (thermal oxidizer), wet
scrubber, WESP, and good combustion
practices to comply with the dioxins/
furans emission limit applicable to
Bellingham’s SSIs?
A2: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because it does not propose to
monitor any OPLs to demonstrate
compliance with the dioxins/furans
emission limit, and it does not provide
any information on the afterburner’s
influence on dioxins/furans emissions.
Bellingham should submit a revised
petition to adequately address 40 CFR
62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v), including
proposing dioxins/furans-specific OPLs
associated with good combustion
Q3: Does EPA approve Bellingham’s
AMP for its WESPs to demonstrate
compliance with the OPLs for scrubbers
in table 4 to subpart LLL by monitoring
the secondary voltage, amperage, and
hourly inlet water flow to the WESP?
A3: No. EPA does not approve
monitoring hourly inlet water flow to
the WESP in lieu of hourly outlet water
flow from the WESP because
Bellingham did not provide the
information specified by 40 CFR
62.15995(e)(1) through (6). EPA
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
approves monitoring of the secondary
voltage and amperage of the WESPs.
Q4: Does EPA approve Bellingham’s
AMP for its wet scrubber systems, to
demonstrate compliance with the OPLs
for scrubbers in table 4 to subpart LLL
by monitoring the combined pressure
drop across the venturi and tray wet
scrubbers, the total scrubber water flow
rate to both venturi and tray wet
scrubbers, and the pH of the tray
scrubber influent?
A4: No. EPA does not approve the
AMP because Bellingham did not
provide the information specified by 40
CFR 62.15995(e)(1) through (6).
Bellingham’s scrubber systems consist
of multiple scrubbers operated in series,
and subpart LLL requires parameter
monitoring of each wet scrubber in a
scrubber system.
Q5: Does EPA approve Bellingham’s
AMP for monitoring the minimum
temperature of the afterburner
combustion chamber of the SSIs using a
temperature sensor located near the exit
from the afterburner chamber upstream
of the entry of the venturi scrubber?
A5: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because EPA needs more
information regarding the design and
performance specifications of the
afterburner and supplemental burner to
determine whether the temperature
sensor provides a representative
temperature of the afterburner
combustion chamber.
Q6: Does EPA approve Bellingham’s
AMP for the facility’s ash handling
system monitoring procedures?
A6: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP. The AMP must be revised to
include the upstream portion of the ash
handling system during Method 22
testing and to explain how Bellingham
will properly conduct the Method 22
test during ash filling. Further, the AMP
must provide information for EPA to
evaluate if the ash handling units used
to capture and control fugitive ash
emissions, equipment inspections,
visible fugitive ash emission checks,
and monitoring of the fabric filter
pressure drop and water usage in the
ash handling system will meet on an
ongoing basis the requirements of 40
CFR 62.15955 and 62.15995.
Abstract for [FP00013]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to demonstrate
compliance with the operating
parameter limits (OPLs) for the
VenturiPakTM scrubber system for the
multiple hearth sewage sludge
incinerator (SSI) at the Anchorage Water
& Wastewater Utility (Anchorage) in
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Anchorage, Washington subject to 40
CFR part 62 subpart LLL?
A1: No. EPA does not approve the
AMP to monitor the combined pressure
drop across the impingement tray
scrubber, venturi scrubber, separator
tray scrubber, and mist eliminator; the
combined liquid flow rate of all the
scrubbers, and the combined pH of all
scrubber liquid effluent. Anchorage’s
scrubber systems consist of multiple
scrubbers operated in series, and
subpart LLL requires monitoring
pressure drop, liquid flow rate, and pH
of each wet scrubber in a scrubber
system; however, the AMP did not
provide the information specified by 40
CFR 62.15995(e)(1) through (6).
Anchorage may revise and resubmit
their AMP.
Q2: Does EPA approve Anchorage’s
AMP for monitoring the minimum
temperature of the afterburner
combustion chamber of the SSIs using
three temperature sensors in the
afterburner combustion chamber?
A2: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because the AMP does not address
how the temperature sensors are
representative of control of the SSI
exhaust emissions as specified in 40
CFR 62.15995(a)(1) or how the sensor
locations are representative as specified
in 40 CFR 62.15995(a)(3)(ii)(D)(1).
Anchorage must resubmit a revised
AMP that addresses all requirements in
40 CFR 62.15995(a)(1) through (8).
Q3: Does EPA approve Anchorage’s
AMP for the facility’s ash handling
system monitoring procedures?
A3: No. EPA does not approve the
AMP because it does not provide
sufficient detail to determine whether
the ash handling system operating
procedures meet the requirements of 40
CFR 62.15955 and 62.15995 or whether
the visible emission limit is met on an
ongoing basis. Further, the AMP does
not clearly indicate whether all
components of the ash handling system
are included in the operating
procedures and whether the Method 22
compliance testing will be performed on
the entire ash handling system.
Q4: Does EPA approve Anchorage’s
AMP for to demonstrate compliance
with the mercury (Hg) emission limit
without the use of Hg-specific controls?
A4: No. EPA does not approve the
AMP. Anchorage’s AMP does not
propose any Hg-specific OPLs or
provide any information on how it
controls Hg emissions from the SSI,
including the extent to which
Anchorage relies on maintaining the Hg
concentration in the dry sludge feed
below a certain level to comply with the
Hg emission limit. Anchorage should
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submit a revised petition regarding Hgspecific OPLs that adequately addresses
40 CFR 62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v).
Q5: Does EPA approve Anchorage’s
AMP to demonstrate compliance with
the dioxins/furans emission limit using
good combustion practices and a series
of wet scrubbers, but without the use of
dioxins/furans-specific controls?
A5: No. EPA does not approve the
AMP because it does not propose to
monitor dioxins/furans-specific OPLs
for its SSI to demonstrate compliance
with the dioxins/furans emission limit,
or to provide any information on the
control of dioxins/furans from the SSI,
such as the extent to which it relies on
maintaining the temperature in the
combustion zone above a certain level to
comply with the dioxins/furans
emission limit. Anchorage should
submit a revised petition to propose
dioxins/furans OPLs associated with
good combustion practices that
adequately addresses 40 CFR
62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v).
Abstract for [M190004]
Q. Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan to change the sulfur
dioxide (SO2) operating limit to 300
ppm and monitor stack emissions with
an SO2 continuous emissions
monitoring system (CEMS) that has a
range of 0–300 ppm and a span of 0–200
ppm at Holcim (US) Inc.’s Portland
cement plant (Portland Plant) in
Florence, Colorado subject to NESHAP
subpart LLL?
A: Yes. Based on the process
information and test data submitted by
Portland Plant, EPA conditionally
approves an SO2 operating limit of 300
ppm, which is more stringent than the
369 ppm SO2 operating level
determined by Portland Plant’s 2018
hydrogen chloride (HCl) compliance
test, and using an SO2 CEMS with a
range of 0–300 ppm and a span of 0–200
ppm. If future HCl performance testing
indicates the SO2 operating parameter
limit should be less than 300 ppm,
Portland Plant must establish a lower
SO2 operating parameter limit, and the
SO2 operating limit must be set, and
later monitored, in the same units
(PPMVD or PPMV). Further, should SO2
levels increase above the 30-day rolling
average SO2 operating limit by 10
percent or more, then Portland Plant
must undertake the actions required by
40 CFR 63.1349(b)(8)(x)(A) and (B) and
40 CFR 63.1350(l)(3)(i) and (ii).
Abstract for [M190005]
Q: Does EPA approve a modification
of a previously approved Alternative
Monitoring Plan (AMP) for Foley
Cellulose LLC (Foley Mill) to revise the
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
location for methanol flow rate and
density monitoring for measuring steam
stripper treatment of pulping
condensates at the Foley Mill in Perry,
Florida covered by NESHAP subpart S?
A: Yes. Based upon flow rate and
density monitoring data provided by
Foley Mill, and supplemental
information provided by Foley Mill
regarding the size of the methanol
storage tank and average amount of
methanol burned on a normal
production day, EPA approves the AMP
modification for revising the location for
methanol flow rate and density
monitoring. The monitoring location
would move from the current
monitoring location for methanol flow
rate and density where the rectified
methanol stream enters the methanol
storage tank to the outlet of the
methanol storage tank for monitoring
density and to the inlet of the methanol
burners in the No. 2 and No. 4 recovery
furnaces for monitoring flow rate.
Because the average residence time for
the tank contents is just under 8 days
and the averaging period for
determining compliance is based on a
15-day rolling average, EPA considers
this method adequate for measuring the
density and flow of the rectified
methanol stream.
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Abstract for [M190006]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) request from
Packaging Corporation of America
(PCA), for periods when the wet
scrubber is not engaged due to
maintenance activities, to monitor on an
hourly basis the natural gas and bark
feed rates to the Riley Combination
Boiler and the Combustion Engineering
Combination Boiler at PCA’s facility in
Valdosta, Georgia subject to NESHAP
subpart DDDDD, in lieu of monitoring
wet scrubber flow rate, pressure drop,
and pH?
A: Yes. EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for periods when only natural
gas is fired in the boilers, provided that
PCA demonstrates through existing data
or emissions testing that the two boilers
comply with the applicable particulate
matter, mercury,and hydrogen chloride
emission standards in NESHAP subpart
DDDDD when the wet scrubber is not
Abstract for [M190007]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to establish the
fan amperage operating limits for the
Ducon scrubbers installed on the smelt
dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP
subpart MM at International Paper’s
Kraft pulp mill in Prattville, Alabama
(Prattville Mill) as the midpoint
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between the no-load amperage value
and the lowest of the 1-hour average fan
amperage values determined during
compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for Prattville Mill. EPA agrees
that fluctuations in amperage for a
constant speed fan are a function of
atmospheric conditions, rather than of
scrubber performance; therefore, setting
the fan amperage limit at the lowest
one-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in
accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting
of deviations that do not represent
exceedances of the applicable emission
limits. The AMP conditions applicable
to each of Prattville Mill’s scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M190008]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to establish the
fan amperage operating limits for the
Ducon scrubbers installed on the smelt
dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP
subpart MM at International Paper’s
Kraft pulp mill (Savannah Mill) as the
midpoint between the no-load amperage
value and the lowest of the 1-hour
average fan amperage values determined
during compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for Savannah Mill. EPA agrees
that fluctuations in amperage for a
constant speed fan are a function of
atmospheric conditions, rather than of
scrubber performance; therefore, setting
the fan amperage limit at the lowest
one-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in
accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting
of deviations that do not represent
exceedances of the applicable emission
limits. The AMP conditions applicable
to each of Savannah Mill’s scrubbers are
addressed in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M190009]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to establish the
fan amperage operating limits for the
Ducon scrubbers installed on the smelt
dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP
subpart MM at International Paper’s
Kraft pulp mill in Selma, Alabama
(Riverdale Mill) as the midpoint
between the no-load amperage value
and the lowest of the 1-hour average fan
amperage values determined during
compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for Riverdale Mill. EPA agrees
that fluctuations in amperage for a
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constant speed fan are a function of
atmospheric conditions, rather than of
scrubber performance; therefore, setting
the fan amperage limit at the lowest
one-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in
accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting
of deviations that do not represent
exceedances of the applicable emission
limits. The AMP conditions applicable
to each of Riverdale Mill’s scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M190010]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to establish the
fan amperage operating limits for the
Ducon scrubbers installed on the smelt
dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP
subpart MM at International Paper’s
Kraft pulp mill in Redwood, Mississippi
(Vicksburg Mill) as the midpoint
between the no-load amperage value
and the lowest of the 1-hour average fan
amperage values determined during
compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for Vicksburg Mill. EPA agrees
that fluctuations in amperage for a
constant speed fan are a function of
atmospheric conditions, rather than of
scrubber performance; therefore, setting
the fan amperage limit at the lowest
one-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in
accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting
of deviations that do not represent
exceedances of the applicable emission
limits. The AMP conditions applicable
to each of Vicksburg Mill’s scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M190011]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to establish the
fan amperage operating limits for the
Ducon scrubbers installed on the smelt
dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP
subpart MM at International Paper’s
Kraft pulp mill in Eastover, South
Carolina (Eastover Mill) as the midpoint
between the no-load amperage value
and the lowest of the 1-hour average fan
amperage values determined during
compliance testing, for IP’s Eastover
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for Eastover Mill. EPA agrees
that fluctuations in amperage for a
constant speed fan are a function of
atmospheric conditions, rather than of
scrubber performance; therefore, setting
the fan amperage limit at the lowest
one-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting
of deviations that do not represent
exceedances of the applicable emission
limits. The AMP conditions applicable
to each of Eastover Mill’s scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Abstract for [M190012]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to establish the
fan amperage operating limits for the
Ducon scrubbers installed on the smelt
dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP
subpart MM at International Paper’s
Kraft pulp mill in Georgetown, South
Carolina (Georgetown Mill) as the
midpoint between the no-load amperage
value and the lowest of the 1-hour
average fan amperage values determined
during compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for Georgetown Mill. EPA
agrees that fluctuations in amperage for
a constant speed fan are a function of
atmospheric conditions, rather than of
scrubber performance; therefore, setting
the fan amperage limit at the lowest
one-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in
accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting
of deviations that do not represent
exceedances of the applicable emission
limits. The AMP conditions applicable
to each of Georgetown Mill’s scrubbers
are specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M190013]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to establish the
fan amperage operating limits for the
Ducon scrubbers installed on the smelt
dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP
subpart MM at International Paper’s
Kraft pulp mill in Franklin, Virginia
(Franklin Mill) as the midpoint between
the no-load amperage value and the
lowest of the 1-hour average fan
amperage values determined during
compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for Franklin Mill. EPA agrees
that fluctuations in fan amperage for a
constant speed fan are a function of
atmospheric conditions, rather than of
scrubber performance; therefore, setting
the fan amperage limit at the lowest 1hour average fan amperage value based
on compliance testing in accordance
with 40 CFR 63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could
cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable
emission limits. The AMP conditions
applicable to each of Franklin Mill’s
scrubbers are specified in the EPA
response letter.
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Abstract for [M190014]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to identify
periods of no flow to the regenerative
thermal oxidizer and packed-bed
scrubber by using process data regarding
the end and start of batch production
runs in lieu of monitoring flow at the
inlet or outlet of this control system
installed on UPM Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
(UPM’s) batch-operated pharmaceuticals
manufacturing facility in Bristol,
Tennessee subject to NESHAP subpart
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA approves UPM’s AMP for
determining periods of no flow of
emissions to the control system for the
batch operation, for the purpose of
removing periods of no flow when
calculating daily average values of
operating parameter averages for the
control system. Because of the ductwork
configuration at the facility, both
process air and room air are collected
and sent to the control system for
reducing hazardous air pollutant (HAP)
emissions; therefore, the air flow data at
the inlet or outlet of the control system
is not a reliable indicator of periods
when there are no HAP emissions. EPA
agrees with UPM’s rationale for starting
each period of no flow 15 minutes after
the end of a batch, and UPM’s plan to
end each period of no flow when the
next batch begins.
Abstract for [M190015]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to establish the
fan amperage operating limits for the
Ducon scrubbers installed on the smelt
dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP
subpart MM at International Paper’s
Kraft pulp mill in Columbus, Georgia
(Columbus Mill) as the midpoint
between the no-load amperage value
and the lowest of the 1-hour average fan
amperage values determined during
compliance testing?
A1: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for Columbus Mill. EPA agrees
that fluctuations in fan amperage for a
constant speed fan are a function of
atmospheric conditions, rather than of
scrubber performance; therefore, setting
the fan amperage limit at the lowest 1hour average fan amperage value based
on compliance testing in accordance
with 40 CFR 63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could
cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable
emission limits. The AMP conditions
applicable to each of Columbus Mill’s
scrubbers are specified in the EPA
response letter.
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Q2: Does EPA also approve the AMP
at Columbus Mill as an alternative to
monitoring the pressure differential of
the gas stream through the Ducon
scrubbers installed on the smelt
dissolving tanks which are also subject
to NSPS subpart BB?
A2: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA approves the AMP in
lieu of monitoring differential pressure
monitoring required in 40 CFR
60.282(b)(2)(i). Based on the operation
of the Ducon scrubbers, fan amps are an
appropriate alternative to pressure
differential. The other requirements of
subpart BB continue to apply.
Abstract for [M190016]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to establish the
fan amperage operating limits for the
Ducon UW–4 scrubbers installed on the
smelt dissolving tanks subject to
NESHAP subpart MM at International
Paper’s Kraft pulp mill in Riegelwood,
North Carolina (Riegelwood Mill) as the
midpoint between the no-load amperage
value and the lowest of the 1-hour
average fan amperage values determined
during compliance testing?
A1: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for Riegelwood Mill. EPA
agrees that fluctuations in fan amperage
for a constant speed fan are a function
of atmospheric conditions, rather than
of scrubber performance; therefore,
setting the fan amperage limit at the
lowest 1-hour average fan amperage
value based on compliance testing in
accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting
of deviations that do not represent
exceedances of the applicable emission
limits. The AMP conditions applicable
to each of Riegelwood Mill’s scrubbers
are specified in the EPA response letter.
Q2: Does EPA also approve the AMP
at Riegelwood Mill as an alternative to
monitoring the pressure differential of
the gas stream through the Ducon
scrubbers installed on the smelt
dissolving tanks, which are also subject
to NSPS subpart BB?
A2: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA approves the AMP in
lieu of monitoring differential pressure
monitoring required in 40 CFR
60.282(b)(2)(i). Based on the operation
of the Ducon scrubbers, fan amps are an
appropriate alternative to pressure
differential. The other requirements of
subpart BB continue to apply.
Abstract for [M190017]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to determine
compliance with net heating value
requirements of a cascading flare system
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
at CITGO Petroleum Corporation’s Lake
Charles Manufacturing Complex (CITGO
LCMC) in Lake Charles, Louisiana
subject to NESHAP subpart CC, to
monitor the net heating value of the
primary flare in lieu of monitoring the
net heating value of secondary flare B–
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA approves the AMP since
monitoring the net heating value (NHV)
at the primary flare will be comparable
to monitoring the NHV at the secondary
flare because the two flares are
connected to a single flare gas header
system such that discharges will be
directed first to the primary flare. In
addition, CITGO LCMC has elected to
directly monitor the net heating value of
the primary flare’s vent gas following
the methods provided in 40 CFR
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Abstract for [M190018]
Q: Does EPA approve a waiver of the
requirement to conduct triennial carbon
monoxide (CO) performance tests under
NESHAP subpart JJJJJJ due to the
permanent cessation of coal use, for 18
boilers at nine facilities owned by
Wisconsin Department of
Administration (DOA) in Wisconsin
subject to NESHAP subpart JJJJJJ?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, the applicable regulations,
and pursuant to 40 CFR 63.7(h), EPA
conditionally approves the performance
testing waiver for each of the 18 boilers
identified in the EPA response letter.
For each boiler that no longer fires coal,
DOA must continue to monitor the
excess oxygen level in the flue gas, and
if the 30-day rolling average oxygen
level is below the minimum oxygen
level determined from the performance
tests conducted in 2017, DOA must
report the exceedance to EPA. If DOA
combusts coal in any of the boilers after
April 30, 2020, then DOA must conduct
the CO performance test required by
subpart JJJJ within 30 days and
thereafter as required by subpart JJJJJJ.
Abstract for [M190019]
Q1: Does EPA determine that the final
filtering step of a coating product to
remove lumps/gels from the final
product (epoxy dispersion process),
which The Dow Chemical Company
(Dow) is planning to start up at its
facility in Midland, Michigan, meets the
definition of ‘‘separation activity’’ in
NESHAP subpart HHHHH, such that
NESHAP subpart HHHHH would not
apply and the epoxy dispersion process
would potentially be subject to NESHAP
subpart FFFF?
A1: No. Based on the information
provided by Dow regarding the planned
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epoxy dispersion process, EPA
determines that the specific epoxy
dispersion process that Dow plans for
its Midland, Michigan facility is not
considered a ‘‘separation activity’’
under subpart HHHHH, therefore
subpart HHHHH would potentially
apply to Dow’s planned epoxy
dispersion process, and NESHAP
subpart FFFF would not apply. If Dow
uses HAP-containing materials in the
process, or uses HAP-containing
cleaning solvents, the requirements of
Subpart HHHHH would apply to the
epoxy dispersion process.
Q2: What is meant by ‘‘separation
activity’’ in subpart HHHHH?
A2: EPA is unable to answer Dow’s
broad question in this response
regarding what is meant by ‘‘separation
activity’’ in subpart HHHHH.
Abstract for [M190020]
Q1: Does EPA approve test method
modifications for EPA Reference
Methods 5, 26A, and 29 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A to use a Teflon® transfer
line between the filter and the first
impinger of the sampling train during
comprehensive performance tests
conducted using the three reference
methods on Veolia ES Technical
Solutions, LLC’s (Veolia’s) three
hazardous waste incinerators (Unit #2,
Unit #3, and Unit #4) in Illinois covered
under NESHAP subpart EEE?
A1: Yes. EPA conditionally approves
Veolia’s test method modifications for
EPA Reference Methods 5, 26A, and 29,
provided that Veolia takes certain
precautions to preserve the samples’
integrity as specified in the EPA
response letter.
Q2: Does EPA continue to approve
Veolia’s use of the fifteen test method
modifications previously approved by
EPA on November 16, 2009 and June 15,
A2: Yes. Because these test methods
were previously approved by EPA, the
methods may be used at Veolia’s
hazardous waste incinerators without
any further action from EPA.
Abstract for [M190021]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) for monitoring
intermittent lime addition to Baghouse
#1 installed on two Group 1
reverberatory aluminum melting
furnaces (RMF #1 and RMF #2) in lieu
of using a pulse jet fabric filter with
continuous lime injection at Huntington
Aluminum Incorporated’s (HAI’s)
facility in Huntington, Indiana covered
under NESHAP subpart RRR?
A: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA denies HAI’s request for
an AMP for intermittent lime injection
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because HAI did not provide
assurances, through data and
information, that the proposed
intermittent lime addition monitoring
procedure is adequate to ensure that all
relevant emissions standards will be
met on a continuous basis. Additionally,
the emissions testing data that is
available to the Agency is insufficient to
support the proposed alternative.
Abstract for [M200001]
Q: Does EPA approve the alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) request from
Nucor Steel Gallatin (Nucor) for the wet
scrubber that controls hydrochloric acid
emissions from a steel pickling line at
the Nucor’s facility in Ghent, Kentucky
subject to NESHAP subpart CCC,
because water is not provided at a
continuous rate to this ‘‘water-efficient’’
A: Yes. EPA conditionally approves
Nucor’s AMP for the scrubber because
conductivity is determined to be an
acceptable indicator for acid strength in
a wet scrubber. Because temperature
fluctuations can interfere with accurate
conductivity measurement, Nucor must
coordinate with the Kentucky
Department of Air Quality to ensure that
the accuracy of conductivity
measurements can be assured if there
are any temperature variations and, if
needed, additional assurance
requirements to account for temperature
fluctuations be included in Nucor’s
Abstract for [M200002]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) for International
Paper (IP) to conduct monitoring of
opacity using a continuous opacity
monitoring system (COMS) at a point in
between the electrostatic precipitator
(ESP) and wet scrubber in lieu of
continuous parameter monitoring of the
differential pressure, liquid flow rate,
and scrubbing liquid supply pressure,
for the wet scrubber installed to control
particulate matter (PM) emissions for
Lime Kiln No. 4 at IP’s Riegelwood Mill
in Riegelwood, North Carolina that is
subject to NESHAP subpart MM and
NSPS subpart BB, because the wet
scrubber is not used to control
emissions of PM?
A1: Yes. Based on the description of
the process, the vent gas streams, the
design of the vent gas controls, and the
proposed opacity monitoring furnished
by IP, EPA conditionally approves the
AMP. Since the wet scrubber is not
serving as a PM control device and
compliance is demonstrated before the
wet scrubber, it is not necessary to
monitor the PM operating parameters
for the wet scrubber per NESHAP
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
subpart MM and NSPS subpart BB. IP
must maintain proper operation of the
ESP automatic voltage controller per the
requirements of NESHAP subpart MM,
perform compliance testing after the
ESP and prior to the wet scrubber, and
continue to conduct PM testing per the
requirements of NESHAP subpart MM
and NSPS subpart BB.
Q2: Does EPA also approve under this
AMP an alternative to the excess
emissions criteria of NSPS Subpart BB,
whereby excess emissions occur when
the 6-minute average opacity measured
by this COMS is greater than 20 percent
and that a violation occurs when
opacity exceeds 20 percent for one
percent or more of the operating time in
a semi-annual period?
A2: Yes. Based on the excess
emissions criteria furnished by IP, the
EPA agrees that these are the conditions
where excess emissions will occur.
to-inspect periods, as described in 40
CFR 63.148(i)(1) and (2).
Abstract for [M200003]
Abstract for [M200005]
Q: Does EPA determine that the
lithium ion battery manufacturing
process at LG Chem Michigan (Holland)
in Holland, Michigan is subject to
A: No. Based on the information that
was provided, EPA determines that the
lithium ion battery manufacturing
process is an area source subject to
accordance with 40 CFR 63.11607,
Holland’s description of their cathode
mixing line meets the definition of
‘‘paint and allied product
manufacturing,’’ the cathode slurry
mixture produced by Holland meets the
definition of ‘‘paints and allied
products,’’ and the nickel used in the
process meets the definition of
‘‘material containing hazardous air
pollutant (HAP).’’
Q: Does EPA approve use of an
alternative monitoring plan (AMP) for
New-Indy Catawba, LLC (New-Indy) to
reduce the frequency of conducting leak
detection and repair monitoring of any
closed vent system, fixed roof cover, or
enclosure that is characterized as unsafe
or difficult to monitor at New-Indy’s
paper mill in Catawba, South Carolina
that is subject to NESHAP subpart S?
A: Yes. EPA conditionally approves
use of an AMP if the owner or operator
determines that personnel performing
the inspections and monitoring would
be exposed to an imminent or potential
danger, or if the equipment could not be
inspected without elevating the
inspection or monitoring personnel
more than two meters above a support
surface. In lieu of the current 30-day
visual inspections of closed vent system
components and pulping condensate
closed-collection system and annual
inspections to verify there are no
detectable emissions from closed vent
system components and condensate
storage tanks, the AMP requires
monitoring or inspections to be
conducted at least once every five years,
or more frequently if possible. New-Indy
must submit a site-specific monitoring
and inspection plan that identifies the
equipment that are classified as unsafe
or difficult to monitor and are therefore
subject to the AMP, which we
understand includes 0.4 percent of the
leak detection and repair (LDAR)
inspection points subject to Subpart S,
including an explanation of why the
component is unsafe to monitor or
inspect and a description of how the
equipment will be monitored or
inspected during safe-to-monitor or safe-
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Abstract for [M200004]
Q: Does EPA determine that operation
of boilers SR4 and SR6 at the GSP
Schiller LLC Station in Portsmouth,
New Hampshire (GSP) to produce
auxiliary steam (i.e., not producing
electricity) qualifies as a startup
operation under NESHAP subpart
A: No. EPA determines that units SR4
and SR6 are not operating under startup
conditions while burning residual fuel
oil to produce auxiliary steam. For units
SR4 and SR6, ‘‘startup’’ (as defined in
subpart UUUUU) ends when steam is
generated for any purpose, such as
burning residual fuel oil to heat on-site
residual fuel oil tanks or burning
bituminous coal to generate electricity
for sale.
Abstract for [M200006]
Q: Does EPA approve an Alternative
Monitoring Plan (AMP) for mercury (Hg)
and chlorine (Cl) compliance testing to
supplement the fuel types that result in
worst-case Hg and Cl emissions (i.e.,
wood and tire-derived fuel (TDF)) with
No. 6 fuel oil in order to reach
maximum operating load during the
performance test, but remove the heat
input of the No. 6 fuel oil when
calculating the maximum Hg and Cl
concentrations on a lb/MMBtu basis as
required in 40 CFR 63.7530(b)(1), for the
No. 2 Combination Boiler at New-Indy
Catawba, LLC (New-Indy’s) paper mill
in Catawba, South Carolina that is
subject to NESHAP subpart DDDDD?
A: Yes. Based on New-Indy’s
description of the process, equations for
demonstrating compliance, and plans to
maintain records of fuel usage following
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the performance test according to 40
CFR 63.7540(a)(2), EPA approves the
AMP for New-Indy’s No. 2 Combination
Boiler only. The proposed calculations
will conservatively represent the highest
input amounts of Cl and Hg during the
compliance testing while firing bark,
TDF. and No. 6 fuel oil because they
account for the emissions resulting from
the combustion of No. 6 fuel oil without
providing credit for the heat input
associated with No. 6 fuel oil.
Abstract for [M200007]
Q: Does EPA determine that a thermal
chip dryer operated at 660 degrees
Fahrenheit in order to remove water
from aluminum shreds containing paint
is not an affected source under NESHAP
subpart RRR at Matalco (US), Inc.’s
(Matalco’s) secondary aluminum
production facility in Lordstown, Ohio?
A: No. Based on the information
provided, EPA determines that the
thermal chip dryer operated in the
proposed manner would be an affected
source under NESHAP subpart RRR,
consistent with the operations of a
‘‘scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/
decoating kiln’’ as defined under
subpart RRR and according to the record
of subpart RRR. Further, Matalco does
not sufficiently address the temperature
level that would assure no emissions of
hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), to
support their belief that no hydrocarbon
or dioxins/furans emissions would be
produced while operating the dryer at
660 degrees Fahrenheit. During periods
when the thermal chip dryer is
processing aluminum shreds containing
paint at or near 660 °F, the dryer must
comply with the major source
requirements in subpart RRR for a scrap
dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kiln.
Abstract for [M200008]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
plan (AMP) to establish the fan
amperage operating limits for the Ducon
scrubbers installed on the smelt
dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP
subpart MM at International Paper
Company’s Kraft pulp mill in Bogalusa,
Louisiana (Bogalusa Mill) as the
midpoint between the no-load amperage
value and the lowest of the 1-hour
average fan amperage values determined
during compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for Bogalusa Mill. EPA agrees
that fluctuations in fan amperage for a
constant speed fan are a function of
atmospheric conditions, rather than of
scrubber performance; therefore, setting
the fan amperage limit at the lowest 1hour average fan amperage value based
on compliance testing in accordance
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
with 40 CFR 63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could
cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable
emission limits. The AMP conditions
applicable to each of Bogalusa Mill’s
scrubbers are specified in the EPA
response letter.
especially if the event starts late in the
15-minute block.
Abstract for [M200009]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to establish the
fan amperage operating limits for the
Ducon scrubbers installed on the smelt
dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP
subpart MM at International Paper
Company’s Kraft pulp mill in Mansfield,
Louisiana (Mansfield Mill) as the
midpoint between the no-load amperage
value and the lowest of the 1-hour
average fan amperage values determined
during compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for Mansfield Mill. EPA agrees
that fluctuations in fan amperage for a
constant speed fan are a function of
atmospheric conditions, rather than of
scrubber performance; therefore, setting
the fan amperage limit at the lowest 1hour average fan amperage value based
on compliance testing in accordance
with 40 CFR 63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could
cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable
emission limits. The AMP conditions
applicable to each of Mansfield Mill’s
scrubbers are specified in the EPA
response letter.
Abstract for [Z190001]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to conduct
performance testing at the highest
achievable engine load and demonstrate
continuous compliance via pressure
differential (i.e. pressure drop)
measurements across the catalyst at plus
or minus 10 percent of the highest
achievable engine load established
during the performance test, for twentyfour of Red Cedar Gathering Company’s
(Red Cedar’s) stationary reciprocating
internal combustion engines installed at
five compressor stations (i.e., Midway,
Ponderosa, Spring Creek, Sambrito, and
Trail Canyon) located on the Southern
Ute Indian Reservation in Colorado
subject to NESHAP subpart ZZZZ?
A: Yes. Based on information
provided by Red Cedar regarding
declining field conditions that
necessitate engine operation at lower
loads, EPA conditionally approves the
AMP for the twenty-four engines
identified in Table 1 of the EPA
response letter. For each of the twentyfour engines, Red Cedar must maintain
records on a daily basis of the engine
load, and if an engine load increases or
decreases by 10 percent from the highest
achievable engine load during the
performance test, Red Cedar must re-test
and re-establish the baseline pressure
drop across the catalyst.
Abstract for [M200015]
Q: Does EPA agree with the American
Petroleum Institute (API) that the
Petroleum Refinery MACT Subpart CC,
paragraphs 63.670 (d) and (e) mean that
the NHVcz requirements only apply
starting with the block that contains the
15th minute of a flare event and do not
apply to the previous 15-minute block
during which the event started which
would not include more than a fraction
of flow in that period?
A: Yes. The MACT CC regulation,
paragraphs 63.670 (d) and (e) both state
that the source must comply with
applicable limits of combustion zone
heat content and velocity when
regulated materials are routed to the
flare for at least 15 minutes. Therefore,
the limits apply starting with the 15minute block that includes a full 15
minutes of the flaring event. EPA
recognizes that compliance with limits
during the first 15-minute block of a
flaring event could be problematic, at
least for meeting the NHVcz minimum
because if the release is of low BTU gas,
a source might not have time to adjust
supplement natural gas and/or adjust
steam or air to correct the NHVcz,
Abstract for [Z200002]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) to establish the
fan amperage operating limits for the
Ducon UW–4 scrubbers installed on the
smelt dissolving tanks subject to
NESHAP subpart MM at GeorgiaPacific’s Kraft pulp mill in Cedar
Springs, Georgia (Cedar Springs Mill) as
the midpoint between the no-load
amperage value and the lowest of the 1hour average fan amperage values
determined during compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
the AMP for Cedar Springs Mill. EPA
agrees that fluctuations in amperage for
a constant speed fan are a function of
atmospheric conditions, rather than of
scrubber performance; therefore, setting
the fan amperage limit at the lowest 1hour average fan amperage value based
on compliance testing in accordance
with 40 CFR 63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could
cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable
emission limits. The AMP conditions
for each of Cedar Springs Mill’s
scrubbers are specified in the EPA
response letter.
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Abstract for [Z200003]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) during periods
of annual regenerative thermal oxidizer
(RTO) shut down for maintenance and
production curtailment for Group 2
asphalt storage tanks at CertainTeed’s
asphalt roofing manufacturing facility in
Shakopee, Minnesota subject to
NESHAP subpart LLLLL, to use a digital
camera opacity technique (DCOT) or
conduct EPA Method 9 and 22 testing
on mist eliminators in lieu of parametric
monitoring of mist eliminators or
regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs)?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
an AMP for Group 2 asphalt storage
tanks 1 through 6 and 11 (hereafter
referred to as ‘‘AMP tanks’’) for periods
up to 1,000 hours of RTO shutdown due
to maintenance outage or production
curtailment (where only AMP tanks are
in operation) if no parametric
monitoring is conducted on the mist
eliminator; otherwise, CertainTeed must
use a mist eliminator in series with an
RTO and monitor RTO operating
parameters to comply with the
particulate matter standards in subpart
LLLLL for the AMP tanks. Specifically,
for RTO shutdown periods up to 750
hours, CertainTeed must use EPA
Method 9 and/or EPA Method 22; and
for RTO shutdown periods between 751
and 1,000 hours, CertainTeed must use
the DCOT method outlined in Section
9.2 of the ASTM D7520–2016.
Alternatively, CertainTeed may use the
DCOT method for an entire shutdown
period up to 1,000 hours. If DCOT is
used, CertainTeed must monitor once a
shift or twice daily for a continuous 6minute period and retain records for 5
years of the date, start time, end time,
operator’s name, and results for the
readings and pictures. Otherwise,
CertainTeed must conduct a six-minute
Method 9 reading on the first day of
shutdown and for each subsequent day
a six-minute Method 9 or 22 reading
once a shift or twice during daylight
hours, and retain the original copies of
the Method 9 and/or Method 22 sheets
for 5 years. Any readings indicating
emissions above the zero-opacity
standard must be reported as deviations.
The number of hours of RTO shutdown
time must be tracked on a 12-month
rolling sum. Further, during RTO
shutdown periods, there may be no
loading or unloading of AMP tanks, and
the temperature of AMP tanks may not
exceed 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
Abstract for [Z200004]
Q: Does EPA determine that frit
production processes owned by Prince
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 33 / Monday, February 22, 2021 / Notices
Minerals, LLC (Prince) in Leesburg,
Alabama meet the applicability criteria
of NESHAP subparts BBBBBBB,
A: Based on the information provided,
EPA determines that Prince’s frit
production processes meet the
applicability criteria of subpart
CCCCCCC and do not meet the
applicability criteria for subparts
CCCCCCC is applicable to Prince’s
facility because the subpart lists NAICS
code 3255 and defines ‘‘paints and
allied products manufacturing’’ as the
production of paints and allied products
(e.g., coatings) intended to ‘‘leave a
dried film of solid material on a
substrate,’’ and the subpart defines
‘‘material containing HAP’’ as including
any material containing nickel in
amounts greater than 0.1 percent by
weight. Subpart BBBBBBB defines
‘‘chemical preparation’’ as being
manufactured in a process described by
the NAICS code 325998, so subpart
BBBBBBB is not applicable. Subpart
VVVVVV includes an applicability
exclusion for sources subject to Subpart
CCCCCCC, so subpart VVVVVV is not
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Abstract for [Z200005]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative
monitoring plan (AMP) for six
reciprocating internal combustion
engines (RICEs) operating at less than
100 percent maximum load during
compliance testing at Kinder Morgan
Natural Gas Pipeline’s Houston Central
Gas Plant in Sheridan, Texas subject to
NESHAP subpart ZZZZ?
A: Yes. Based on the information
provided, EPA conditionally approves
an AMP to conduct performance testing
for engines COMP–1, COMP–35, and
COMP–13C at a maximum engine load
of 85 percent with subsequent
monitoring required at 85 percent plus
or minus 10 percent load, and for
engines COMP–349, COMP–350, and
COMP–8 at a maximum engine load of
90 percent with subsequent monitoring
required at 90 percent plus or minus 10
percent load. EPA agrees that these six
RICEs cannot operate at 100 percent
plus or minus 10 percent operational
load during compliance testing as
specified in 40 CFR 63.6620(b)(2) due to
site-specific operations. If operations
change such that the maximum load of
the engines exceeds these alternative
lower maximum loads, the AMP will
become null and void and retesting at
the higher engine load will be required
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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to demonstrate compliance with subpart
John Dombrowski,
Deputy Director, Office of Compliance, Office
of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance.
[FR Doc. 2021–03489 Filed 2–19–21; 8:45 am]
Audit Division Recommendation
Memorandum on Dr. Raul Ruiz for
Congress (A19–03)
Management and Administrative
Judith Ingram, Press Officer. Telephone:
(202) 694–1220.
Authority: Government in the Sunshine
Act, 5 U.S.C. 552b
Sunshine Act Meetings
Laura E. Sinram,
Acting Secretary and Clerk of the
Thursday, February 25,
2021 at 10:00 a.m.
PLACE: Virtual hearing. Note: Because of
the covid-19 pandemic, we will conduct
the hearing virtually. If you would like
to access the hearing, see the
instructions below.
STATUS: This hearing will be open to the
public. To access the virtual hearing, go
to the commission’s website and click on the banner to
be taken to the hearing page.
Hearing: Jill Stein for President.
Judith Ingram, Press Officer. Telephone:
(202) 694–1220.
[FR Doc. 2021–03694 Filed 2–18–21; 4:15 pm]
Authority: Government in the Sunshine
Act, 5 U.S.C. 552b.
Laura E. Sinram,
Acting Secretary and Clerk of the
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA–2020–N–1652]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for Office of
Management and Budget Review;
Comment Request; Dispute Resolution
Procedures for Science-Based
Decisions on Products by the Center
for Veterinary Medicine
Food and Drug Administration,
The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA, Agency, or we) is
announcing that a proposed collection
[FR Doc. 2021–03692 Filed 2–18–21; 4:15 pm]
of information has been submitted to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and clearance under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Submit written comments
Sunshine Act Meetings
(including recommendations) on the
collection of information by March 24,
TIME AND DATE: Thursday, February 25,
2021 following the conclusion of the
ADDRESSES: To ensure that comments on
repayment hearing.
the information collection are received,
PLACE: Virtual meeting. Note: Because of OMB recommends that written
the covid-19 pandemic, we will conduct comments be submitted to https://
the open meeting virtually. If you would
like to access the meeting, see the
Find this particular information
instructions below.
collection by selecting ‘‘Currently under
STATUS: This meeting will be open to the Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or
public. To access the virtual meeting, go by using the search function. The OMB
control number for this information
to the commission’s website
collection is 0910–0566. Also include and click on the banner to
the FDA docket number found in
be taken to the meeting page.
brackets in the heading of this
Draft Advisory Opinion 2021–02: Full
Employment Now-Political Action
Committee (FEC–PAC)
S. Mizrachi, Office of Operations, Food
Draft Advisory Opinion 2021–03:
and Drug Administration, Three White
National Republican Senatorial
Flint North, 10A–12M, 11601
Committee (NRSC) and National
Landsdown St., North Bethesda, MD
Republican Congressional Committee 20852, 301–796–7726, PRAStaff@
PO 00000
Frm 00052
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 33 (Monday, February 22, 2021)]
[Pages 10567-10581]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-03489]
[FRL-10017-01-OECA ]
Applicability Determination Index Data System Posting: EPA Formal
Responses to Inquiries Concerning Compliance With the Clean Air Act
Stationary Source Program
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: This notice announces the availability of applicability
determinations, alternative monitoring decisions, and regulatory
interpretations made by EPA with regard to the New Source Performance
Standards (NSPS); the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants (NESHAP); the Emission Guidelines and Federal Plan
Requirements for existing sources; and/or the Stratospheric Ozone
Protection Program.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: An electronic copy of each complete
document posted on the Applicability Determination Index (ADI) data
system is available on the internet through the Resources and Guidance
Documents for Compliance Assistance page of the Clean Air Act
Compliance Monitoring Website under ``Air'' at: The
letters and memoranda on the ADI may be located by author, date, office
of issuance, subpart, citation, control number, or by string word
searches. For questions about the ADI or this notice, contact Maria
Malave, Monitoring, Assistance and Media Programs Division by phone at:
(202) 564-7027, or by email at: [email protected]. For technical
questions about individual applicability determinations, monitoring
decisions, or regulatory interpretations, refer to the contact person
identified in each individual document, or in the absence of a contact
person, refer to the author of the document.
The General Provisions of the NSPS in 40 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) part 60 and the General Provisions of the NESHAP in
40 CFR part 61 provide that a source owner or operator may request a
determination of whether certain intended actions constitute the
commencement of construction, reconstruction, or modification. 40 CFR
60.5 and 61.06. The General Provisions in part 60 also apply to Federal
and EPA-approved state plans for existing sources in 40 CFR part 62.
See 40 CFR 62.02(b)(2). The EPA's written responses to source or
facility-specific inquiries on provisions in parts 60, 61 and 62 are
commonly referred to as applicability determinations. Although the
NESHAP part 63 regulations [which include Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) standards and/or Generally Available Control
Technology (GACT) standards] contain no specific regulatory provision
providing that sources may request applicability determinations, the
EPA also responds to written inquiries regarding applicability for the
part 63 regulations. In addition, the General Provisions in part 60 and
63 allow sources to seek permission to use monitoring or recordkeeping
that is different from the promulgated requirements. See 40 CFR
60.13(i), 61.14(g), 63.8(b)(1), 63.8(f), and 63.10(f). The EPA's
written responses to these inquiries are commonly referred to as
alternative monitoring decisions. Furthermore, the EPA responds to
written inquiries about the broad range of regulatory requirements in
40 CFR parts 60 through 63 as they pertain to a whole source category.
These inquiries may pertain, for example, to the type of sources to
which the regulation applies, or to the testing, monitoring,
recordkeeping, or reporting requirements contained in the regulation.
The EPA's written responses to these inquiries are commonly referred to
as regulatory interpretations.
The EPA currently compiles EPA-issued NSPS and NESHAP applicability
determinations, alternative monitoring decisions, and regulatory
interpretations, and posts them to the ADI on a regular basis. In
addition, the ADI contains EPA-issued responses to requests pursuant to
the stratospheric
[[Page 10568]]
ozone regulations contained in 40 CFR part 82. The ADI is a data system
accessed via the internet, with over three thousand EPA letters and
memoranda pertaining to the applicability, monitoring, recordkeeping,
and reporting requirements of the NSPS, NESHAP, emission guidelines and
Federal Plans for existing sources, and stratospheric ozone
regulations. Users can search for letters and memoranda by author,
date, office of issuance, subpart, citation, control number, or by
string word searches.
Today's notice comprises a summary of 59 such documents added to
the ADI on October 22, 2020. This notice lists the subject and header
of each letter and memorandum, as well as a brief abstract of the
content. Complete copies of these documents may be obtained from the
ADI on the internet through the Resources and Guidance Documents for
Compliance Assistance page of the Clean Air Act Compliance Monitoring
website under ``Air'' at:
Summary of Headers and Abstracts
The following table identifies the database control number for each
document posted on October 22, 2020 to the ADI data system; the
applicable category; the section(s) and/or subpart(s) of 40 CFR part
60, 61, 62, 63 and 82 (as applicable) addressed in the document; and
the title of the document, which provides a brief description of the
subject matter.
Also included in this notice, is an abstract of each document
identified with its control number. These abstracts are being provided
to the public as possible items of interest and are not intended as
substitutes for the contents of the original documents. This notice
does not change the status of any document with respect to whether it
is ``of nationwide scope or effect'' for purposes of CAA section
307(b)(1). For example, this notice does not convert an applicability
determination for a particular source into a nationwide rule. Neither
does it purport to make a previously non-binding document binding.
Applicability Determinations, Alternative Monitoring Plans and Regulatory Interpretations Uploaded to ADI on
October 22, 2020
Control No. Categories Subparts Title
1900024.......................... NSPS................ OOOOa.............. Applicability Determination for
Mainline Valve at a Compressor
1900025.......................... NSPS, NESHAP........ LLL, KKK, OOOO HH.. Applicability Determination for
Sweetening Units Installed on a
Natural Gas Processing Plant.
1900026.......................... NSPS................ Ja................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Span Gas Concentration for Total
Reduced Sulfur Continuous
Emissions Monitoring System for
Flares at Petroleum Refineries.
1900027.......................... NSPS................ J, Ja.............. Alternative Monitoring Plan and
Performance Test Waiver for
Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring of
Tank Degassing Operations
Controlled by Portable Fuel Gas
Combustion Devices at Petroleum
1900028.......................... NESHAP, NSPS........ J, Ja, UUU......... Modification of Operating
Parameter Limits in Alternative
Monitoring Plan for a Wet Gas
Scrubber installed on Fluidized
Catalytic Cracking Units at a
1900030.......................... NSPS................ J.................. Waiver Request of the Frequency
Particulate Matter Testing for
Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit
at a Refinery.
1900031.......................... NESHAP, NSPS........ J, Ja, UUU......... Modification of Alternative
Monitoring Plan to Allow
Parametric Monitoring In lieu of
Continuous Opacity Monitoring of
a Wet Gas Scrubber Installed on a
Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit
at a Refinery.
1900032.......................... NSPS................ J.................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Delayed Coking Unit Installed on
Disulfide Oil Oxidation Tower at
a Refinery.
1900033.......................... NESHAP, NSPS........ J, UUU............. Modification of Alternative
Monitoring Plan to Allow
Parametric Monitoring In lieu of
Continuous Opacity Monitoring of
a Wet Gas Scrubber Installed on a
Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit
at a Refinery.
1900034.......................... NSPS................ XXX................ Applicability Determination for
Expansion of a Landfill.
1900035.......................... NSPS................ J, Ja.............. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring of
Storage Tank, Process Unit
Vessel, and Piping Degassing
Operations Controlled by Portable
Fuel Gas Combustion Devices at
Petroleum Refineries.
1900036.......................... NSPS................ Db................. Alternative Monitoring Plan to
Allow Predictive Emissions
Monitoring In lieu of Continuous
Emission Monitoring of NOX
Emissions from a Boiler at a
Packaging Facility.
1900037.......................... NSPS................ Db................. Extension Due to Force Majeure
Events of Initial Performance
Test of NOX Emissions from a
Boiler at a Mining Company.
1900038.......................... NSPS................ Ja................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Span Gas Range for NOX Continuous
Emissions Monitoring System for
Heaters at a Petroleum Refinery.
1900039.......................... NSPS................ UUU................ Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Wet Scrubbers on Fluidized Bed
Dryers at Non-metallic Mineral
Processing Facilities.
2000001.......................... NSPS................ OOO................ Regulatory Interpretation for
Vibratory Feeders at a Limestone
2000003.......................... NSPS................ EEEE............... Applicability Determination for
Rural Institutional Waste
2000004.......................... NESHAP, NSPS........ Db, DDDDD.......... Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Biomass Boiler at Kraft Pulp
2000005.......................... NSPS................ A, J, Ja........... Alternative Monitoring Plan and
Performance Testing Waiver for
Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring of
Tank Degassing Operations
Controlled by Portable Fuel Gas
Combustion Devices at Petroleum
2000007.......................... NESHAP, NSPS........ Db, DDDDD.......... Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Wood-Residue Fueled Boilers at a
Paperboard Mill.
2000013.......................... NSPS................ A.................. Regulatory Interpretation of the
use of Part 60, Appendix F-
Quality Assurance Procedures.
FP00008.......................... Federal Plan........ LLL................ Modification to Alternative
Monitoring Plan for Fluidized Bed
Sewage Sludge Incinerator at a
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
[[Page 10569]]
FP00009.......................... Federal Plan........ LLL................ Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Fluidized Bed Sewage Sludge
Incinerator at a Wastewater
Treatment Plant.
FP00010.......................... Federal Plan........ LLL................ Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Fluidized Bed Sewage Sludge
Incinerator at a Wastewater
Treatment Plant.
FP00011.......................... Federal Plan........ LLL................ Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Fluidized Bed Sewage Sludge
Incinerator Installed at a
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
FP00012.......................... Federal Plan........ LLL................ Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Multiple Hearth Sewage Sludge
Incinerators Installed at a
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
FP00013.......................... Federal Plan........ LLL................ Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Multiple Hearth Sewage Sludge
Incinerator Installed at a
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
M190004.......................... NESHAP, NSPS........ F, LLL............. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Parametrically Monitoring Sulfur
Dioxide Emissions at a Portland
Cement Plant.
M190005.......................... NESHAP.............. S.................. Modification of Alternative
Monitoring Plan for Steam
Stripper Installed on a Kraft
Pulp Mill.
M190006.......................... NESHAP.............. DDDDD.............. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Combination Boilers at a
Packaging Manufacturing Facility.
M190007.......................... NESHAP.............. MM................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on
Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft
Pulp Mill.
M190008.......................... NESHAP.............. MM................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on
Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft
Pulp Mill.
M190009.......................... NESHAP.............. MM................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on
Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft
Pulp Mill.
M190010.......................... NESHAP.............. MM................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on
Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft
Pulp Mill.
M190011.......................... NESHAP.............. MM................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on
Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft
Pulp Mill.
M190012.......................... NESHAP.............. MM................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on
Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft
Pulp Mill.
M190013.......................... NESHAP.............. MM................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on
Smelt Dissolving Tanks at Kraft
Pulp Mill.
M190014.......................... NESHAP.............. GGG................ Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Verifying Flow to Control System
Installed on Batch-Operated
Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing
M190015.......................... NESHAP, NSPS........ BB, MM............. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Dynamic Scrubber Installed on
Smelt Dissolving Tanks at Kraft
Pulp Mill.
M190016.......................... NESHAP, NSPS........ BB, MM............. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on
Smelt Dissolving Tanks at Kraft
Pulp Mill.
M190017.......................... NESHAP.............. CC................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for a
Cascading Flare System Installed
at a Petroleum Refinery.
M190018.......................... NESHAP.............. JJJJJJ............. Performance Test Waiver for Carbon
Monoxide for Boilers.
M190019.......................... NESHAP.............. FFFF, HHHHH........ Applicability Determination for
Separation Activity at a Coatings
Manufacturing Facility.
M190020.......................... NESHAP.............. EEE................ Approval of Minor Test Method
Modifications for Hazardous Waste
M190021.......................... NESHAP.............. RRR................ Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Intermittent Lime Addition to
Baghouse Installed on Aluminum
Melting Furnaces at a Secondary
Aluminum Production Facility.
M200001.......................... NESHAP.............. CCC................ Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Wet Scrubber Installed on a Steel
Pickle Line at a Steel Pickling
M200002.......................... NESHAP, NSPS........ BB, BBa, MM........ Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Electrostatic Precipitator and
Wet Scrubber Installed on a Lime
Kiln at a Kraft Pulp Mill.
M200003.......................... NESHAP.............. G, S............... Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Equipment that is Unsafe or
Difficult to Monitor at a Pulp
and Paper Mill.
M200004.......................... NESHAP.............. UUUUU.............. Applicability Determination for
Electric Utility Steam Generating
M200005.......................... NESHAP.............. VVVVVV, CCCCCCC.... Applicability Determination for a
Lithium Ion Battery Manufacturing
M200006.......................... NESHAP.............. DDDDD.............. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Chlorine and Mercury Monitoring
for Combination Boiler Installed
at a Pulp and Paper Mill.
M200007.......................... NESHAP.............. RRR................ Applicability Determination for
Thermal Chip Dryer Installed at a
Secondary Aluminum Production
M200008.......................... NESHAP.............. MM................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on
Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft
Pulp Mill.
M200009.......................... NESHAP.............. MM................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on
Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft
Pulp Mill.
M200015.......................... MACT................ CC................. Regulatory Interpretation of
Petroleum Refinery Regulations
for Flaring Events.
Z190001.......................... NESHAP.............. ZZZZ............... Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Stationary Reciprocating Internal
Combustion Engines Installed at
Natural Gas Compressor Stations.
Z200002.......................... NESHAP.............. MM................. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Dynamic Scrubbers Installed on
Smelt Dissolving Tanks at a Kraft
Pulp Mill.
Z200003.......................... NESHAP.............. LLLLL.............. Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Group 2 Storage Tanks at an
Asphalt Roofing Manufacturing
[[Page 10570]]
Z200004.......................... NESHAP.............. VVVVVV, BBBBBBB, Applicability Determination for
CCCCCCC. Frit Manufacturing Facility.
Z200005.......................... NESHAP.............. ZZZZ............... Alternative Monitoring Plan for
Reciprocating Internal Combustion
Engines at a Natural Gas Plant.
Abstract for [1900024]
Q: Does EPA determine that Mainline Valve 29 (MLV 29) installed at
the Southern Natural Gas Company compressor station in Thomaston,
Georgia (TCS) is part of the affected facility subject to the fugitive
emission monitoring requirements in NSPS subpart OOOOa?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA determines that when
the modification to TCS occurred in March 2017, MLV 29 became part of
the affected facility subject to the fugitive emissions monitoring
requirements of subpart OOOOa. According to 40 CFR 60.5397a, ''the
collection of fugitive emissions components at a compressor station, as
defined in Sec. 60.5430a, is an affected facility,'' and MLV 29 meets
the definition of ``fugitive emissions components'' because it is a
component located within the fence line of a compressor station and
potentially emits fugitive emissions of methane and volatile organic
Abstract for [1900025]
Q: Does EPA determine that the sweetening units and sweetening
units followed by a sulfur recovery unit (hereinafter referred to
collectively as ``sweetening units'') at the Lost Cabin Gas Plant in
Lysite, Wyoming are affected facilities under NSPS subpart LLL?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided and our analysis of
subpart LLL, EPA determines that the sweetening units are affected
facilities under NSPS subpart LLL because subpart LLL applies to
sweetening units that ``process natural gas,'' and although subpart LLL
does not define ``process natural gas,'' the preambles to the proposed
and final subpart LLL rulemakings (49 FR 2656, January 20, 1984 and 50
FR 40158, October 1, 1985) clarify that gas processing in subpart LLL
refers to sweetening and sulfur recovery.
Abstract for [1900026]
Q: Does EPA approve alternate span gas concentration values for
hydrogen sulfide (H2S) on the total reduced sulfur (TRS) continuous
emissions monitoring system (CEMS) for the Fluor and Cumene flares at
the Citgo Refining and Chemicals Company (CITGO) Corpus Christi East
petroleum refinery and the West Plant Process flare at the CITGO Corpus
Christi West Plant petroleum refinery in Corpus Christi, Texas covered
under NSPS subpart Ja?
A: Yes. Based on the process data and analyzer information
submitted by CITGO, EPA conditionally approves the request to reduce
the concentration ranges of the calibration gas to specified ranges and
validation standards on the TRS CEMS for the three flares. As
conditions of this approval, CITGO must meet all other requirements of
the monitoring procedures of NSPS Subpart Ja for H2S and TRS, and must
also conduct linearity analyses on each Extrel MAX300-IGTM
mass spectrometer once every three years to determine each detector's
linearity across the entire range of expected sulfur concentrations. A
report of each completed linearity analysis shall be submitted to EPA
Region 6 and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and
maintained in each facility's on-site records.
Abstract for [1900027]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) and
performance test waiver request for ProAct Services Corporation
(ProAct) to conduct monitoring of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions in
lieu of installing a continuous emission monitoring system, when
performing degassing for tanks, vessels, and pipes controlled by
portable temporary thermal oxidizers and internal combustion engines at
various refineries located in EPA Region 6 that are subject to NSPS
subparts J and Ja?
A: Yes. Based on the description of the process, the vent gas
streams, the design of the vent gas controls, and the proposed H2S
monitoring and data collection methods furnished by ProAct Services
Corporation, EPA conditionally approves the AMP. In addition, based on
ProAct's proposed alternate testing protocols used during each
degassing event, EPA waives performance testing pursuant to 40 CFR
60.8(b)(4). The approved AMP and performance test waiver are only for
refineries located in EPA Region 6. EPA includes proposed operating
parameter limits and data that the refineries must furnish as part of
the conditional approval.
Abstract for [1900028]
Q: Does EPA approve a modification of a previously approved
alternative monitoring plan (AMP) for Phillips 66 Company to revise the
parametric monitoring limits for the wet gas scrubbers (WGS) installed
on Nos. 4 and 5 fluidized catalytic cracking units (FCCU) at the Ponca
City Refinery in Ponca City, Oklahoma covered by NSPS subpart J and
NESHAP subpart UUU?
A: Yes. Based upon the design of the WGS units and the process
specific supplemental information provided by Phillips 66 Company, EPA
conditionally approves the AMP modification for the two FCCU WGS at the
Ponca City Refinery. EPA reviewed the recent performance test results
provided by Phillips 66 Company and found the data supportive for
modifying the values of the established final operating parameter
limits (OPLs). The OPLs approved for demonstrating compliance with the
AMP included minimum liquid-to-gas ratio, minimum water pressure to
quench/spray tower, minimum slurry liquid circulation pump discharge
pressure, and minimum pressure drop across filter modules/cyclolabs.
Abstract for [1900030]
Q: Does EPA approve ExxonMobil Refining and Supply Company's
(ExxonMobil's) waiver of the frequency of particulate matter (PM)
emission rate testing for one fluidized catalytic cracking unit (FCCU)
at the Beaumont Refinery, Beaumont, Texas, which is subject to NSPS
subpart J and annual testing PM testing under consent decree, Civil
Action No. 05-C-5809?
A: Yes. EPA conditionally approves ExxonMobil 's request to reduce
the frequency of PM testing for the one FCCU at the Beaumont Refinery
from annually to once every five years, with the limitation that
ExxonMobil shall resume annual PM testing for the FCCU any time the
NSPS subpart J emission
[[Page 10571]]
limit of 1.0 pound of PM per 1000 pounds of coke burned (on a 3-hour
average basis) is exceeded.
Abstract for [1900031]
Q: Does EPA approve a modification of a previously issued
alternative monitoring plan (AMP) for the wet gas scrubber (WGS) on one
fluidized catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) at the Marathon El Paso
Refinery in El Paso, Texas, subject to NSPS subparts J and Ja and
NESHAP subpart UUU, for parametric monitoring of opacity at the WGS in
lieu of a continuous opacity monitoring system (COMS), due to changes
in operating conditions at the units when moisture levels are high in
the stacks?
A: Yes. Based upon the design of the WGS unit and the process
specific supplemental information provided, EPA approves the AMP
modification to use parametric monitoring in lieu of COMS for the WGS
on one FCCU at the Marathon El Paso Refinery. EPA reviewed the recent
performance test results and found the data supportive for modifying
the final operating parameter limits (OPLs). The OPLs that EPA approves
for demonstrating compliance with the AMP included minimum Liquid-to-
Gas Ratio and the minimum pressure drop across the WGS.
Abstract for [1900032]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) if delayed
coking unit (DCU) 843 is rerouted from Flare #23 to the Merichem Flare,
to exempt Valero Port Arthur Refinery (Valero) in Port Arthur, Texas
subject to NSPS subpart J from monitoring hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the
DCU 843 overhead vapor stream from the disulfide oxidation tower T-
A: Yes. Based on the description of the vent gas stream, the
process parameters to be monitored, the design of the vent gas
controls, and H2S monitoring data, EPA conditionally approves the AMP.
The fuel gas stream from the disulfide oxidation tower T-6750 is
inherently low in sulfur as demonstrated by H2S monitoring data
previously furnished to EPA for a previously issued AMP exempting H2S
monitoring for oxidation tower T-6750 when DCU 843 was previously
routed to Flare #23. Valero must continue to meet all other applicable
NSPS requirements, and the DCU 843 overhead vapor stream from disulfide
oil oxidation tower T-6750 must be combusted in the Merichem Flare.
Abstract for [1900033]
Q: Does EPA approve a modification of a previously issued
alternative monitoring plan (AMP) for the wet gas scrubber (WGS) on one
fluidized catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) at the Shell Chemical, LP Deer
Park Refinery in Deer Park, Texas (Shell Chemical, LP), subject to NSPS
subpart J and NESHAP subpart UUU, for parametric monitoring of opacity
at the WGS in lieu of a continuous opacity monitoring system (COMS)?
A: Yes. Based upon the design of the WGS unit and the process
specific data and supplemental information provided by Shell Chemical,
LP, EPA approves an AMP modification to use parametric monitoring in
lieu of COMS for the WGS on one FCCU at the Deer Park Refinery. EPA
reviewed the recent performance test results and found the data
supportive for modifying the final operating parameter limits (OPLs).
The OPLs that EPA approves for demonstrating compliance with the AMP
included minimum Liquid-to-Gas Ratio, minimum liquid side pressure at
the filter module nozzles, and minimum pressure drop at the quench
Abstract for [1900034]
Q: Does EPA determine that an expansion to the Advanced Disposal
Services Glacier Ridge Landfill, LLC (GRL) in Horicon, Wisconsin meets
the applicability criteria of NSPS subpart XXX, if the expansion was
approved under a solid waste permit and construction had commenced
prior to July 17, 2014?
A: No. EPA determines that GRL landfill expansion has not triggered
subpart XXX applicability because a modification as defined in under 40
CFR 60.761 has not occurred. GRL's current design capacity of
20,269,000 cubic yards was permitted by the Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources prior to July 17, 2014 and construction on that
permitted expansion was commenced prior to July 17, 2014, the effective
date of NSPS subpart XXX.
Abstract for [1900035]
Q: Does EPA approve the alternative monitoring plan (AMP) request
from PSC Industrial Outsourcing, LP (HydroChemPSC) to conduct
monitoring of hydrogen sulfide emissions, in lieu of installing a
continuous emission monitoring system, when performing degassing for
storage tanks, process unit vessels, and piping controlled by temporary
portable fuel gas combustion devices (FGCDs) at petroleum refineries
located in EPA Region 5 that are subject to NSPS subparts J and Ja?
A: Yes. Since the storage tank, process unit vessel and piping
degassing operations are infrequent and temporary, EPA conditionally
approves an AMP when HydroChemPSC uses a portable FGCD to control
emissions from these processes. EPA included in the response letter
specifications regarding sampling procedures, frequency of sampling,
methods to determine compliance, recordkeeping, and data that the
refineries must furnish as part of the conditional approval.
Abstract for [1900036]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) request
from Packaging Corporation of America (PCA) to use a predictive
emission monitoring system (PEMS) in lieu of a NOx continuous emission
monitoring system (CEMS) on Boiler B24 at the PCA facility in Tomahawk,
Wisconsin, subject to NSPS subpart Db?
A: No. Based on the information provided, EPA denies PCA's AMP
request for use of a PEMs in lieu of a Nox CEMS because the heat input
capacity of Boiler B24 (352.9 MMBtu/hr) significantly exceeds the 250
MMBtu/hr capacity limit in 40 CFR 60.49b(c) for allowing use of PEMS
and Boiler B24. Additionally, Boiler B24 may burn types of solid fuels
(e.g., biomass, tire-derived fuel, paper recycling residuals, and paper
pellets) not identified in 40 CFR 60.48b(g)(2). Finally, Boiler B24 was
constructed in 1977 and has been in operation since that time.
Abstract for [1900037]
Q: Does EPA approve an extension of the deadline from April 2, 2019
to July 31, 2019 for the initial performance test for nitrogen oxides
(NOx) emissions for Boiler No. 4 at the Tilden Mining Company, LLC,
(Tilden) facility in Ishpeming, Michigan, covered by NSPS subpart Db,
due to force majeure events including a series of equipment failures
that delayed achieving the maximum production rate?
A: No. Based on the information provided, EPA denies the request
for an extension of the performance test deadline. Based on the
information provided, Tilden's Boiler No. 4 achieved maximum production
rate on February 1, 2019, providing the 60-day testing period specified
in 40 CFR 60.8(a). Because Tilden had 60 days to complete testing prior
to April 2, 2019, the equipment failures do not qualify as force
majeure events, which are defined by 40 CFR 60.2 as ``prevent[ing] the
owner or operator from complying with the regulatory requirement to
[[Page 10572]]
performance tests within the specified timeframe.''
Abstract for [1900038]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternate span gas concentration range equal
to 1 to 3 times the NSPS subpart Ja limit for the nitrogen oxides (NOx)
continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) for heaters 25H-3, 25H-4,
37H-3/4/5, and 30H-401 at the Flint Hills Resources Pine Bend Refinery
(FHR) in Saint Paul, Minnesota covered under NSPS subpart Ja?
A: Yes. Based on the process data and analyzer information
submitted by FHR, EPA conditionally approves the request to change the
span gas range to 1 to 3 times the NSPS Subpart Ja limit for the NOx
CEMS for the four heaters because a lower span should provide more
accurate measurement of NOx emissions from these heaters during typical
operations. The conditions for approval are specified in the EPA
response letter.
Abstract for [1900039]
Q: Does EPA approve Covia Holdings Corporation's (Covia's)
alternative monitoring plan (AMP) request to establish pressure drop
and liquid flow rate parametric limits for monitoring particulate
matter (PM) emissions from wet scrubbers on fluidized bed dryers at its
two non-metallic mineral processing facilities located in Ottawa,
Minnesota and Kasota, Minnesota, subject to NSPS subpart UUU, by using
for each scrubber, the results of multiple performance tests conducted
2012 through the most recent performance test, as opposed to using only
the most recent performance test?
A: Yes. Based on the performance test and process data submitted by
Covia, as well as Covia's statement that there have been no
modifications to any of the processes or control devices since the
earliest test, EPA conditionally approves the request. The conditions
for the approval are specified in the EPA response letter and exclude
use of any test older than 12 years or conducted prior to modifications
to the dryer or scrubber, and any test that resulted in PM emissions
above ten percent of the emissions limit that would lower the minimum
pressure drop or expand the liquid flow rate range. Additionally, all
future test results for the wet scrubbers must be shared with EPA
Region 5 and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Abstract for [2000001]
Q: Does EPA determine that two vibratory feeders at the Blue Waters
Industries' limestone quarry in Lebanon, Tennessee meet the definition
of affected facilities under NSPS subpart OOO?
A: No. Based upon the design and operation of the vibratory
feeders, EPA determines that the feeders do not fit the definitions of
any of the facilities subject to subpart OOO. Although the feeders are
not affected facilities under subpart OOO, the transfer points from the
feeders onto two downstream conveyor belts would be subject to an
opacity limit in Table 3 to subpart OOO for fugitive emissions sources,
if the conveyors were constructed, modified, or reconstructed after
August 13, 1983.
Abstract for [2000003]
Q: Does EPA determine that the institutional waste incinerators
operated at four United States Air Force (USAF) Long Range Radar Sites
(LRRS) located in Point Barrow, Barter Island, Cold Bay, and Oliktok,
Alaska qualify under 40 CFR 60.2887(h) to be excluded from NSPS subpart
A: No. EPA determines that the USAF LRRS institutional waste
incinerators do not qualify for the ``rural institutional waste
incinerators'' exclusion under 40 CFR 60.2887(h) under subpart EEEE
because the application for exclusion was not submitted prior to the
initial startup of the incinerators and information was not provided
demonstrating that alternative disposal options are unavailable or
economically infeasible.
Abstract for [2000004]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
continuously monitor pressure drop and liquid flow rate of the venturi
scrubber installed on the No. 1 bark boiler at the Foley Cellulose LLC
Kraft pulp mill (Foley Mill) in Perry, Florida subject to NSPS Subpart
Db, in lieu of continuously monitoring opacity or particulate matter
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA approves the AMP.
EPA agrees with the technical concerns raised by Foley Mill regarding
using a PM continuous emission monitoring system or continuous opacity
monitoring system on biomass-fired boilers, due to water droplets in
the flue downstream of the scrubbers. The approved AMP is equivalent to
the PM monitoring requirements for a 300 MMBtu/hour biomass boiler
subject to NESHAP subpart DDDDD, and the requirements of the AMP are
detailed in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [2000005]
Q: Does EPA approve an Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) and
performance test waiver request for USA DeBusk, LLC (Debusk) to conduct
monitoring of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions, in lieu of installing a
continuous emission monitoring system, when performing degassing for
tanks, vessels, and piping controlled by temporary portable fuel gas
combustion devices (FGCDs) at petroleum refineries located in Region 4
that are subject to NSPS subparts J and Ja?
A: Yes. Based on the description of the process, the vent gas
streams, the design of the vent gas controls, and the proposed H2S
monitoring and data collection methods furnished by Debusk, EPA
conditionally approves the AMP for H2S emissions from degassing and
cleaning of tanks, vessels, and piping. In addition, based on Debusk's
proposed alternate testing protocols used during each degassing event,
EPA waives performance testing pursuant to 40 CFR 60.8(b)(4). EPA
includes in the response letter conditions regarding sampling
procedures, re-sampling requirements, methods for determining
compliance, FGCD operation, recordkeeping, and reporting.
Abstract for [2000007]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
continuously monitor scrubber operating parameter limits (OPLs) to
demonstrate compliance with the opacity limit for the No. 2 and No. 3
wood-residue fueled boilers equipped, respectively, with a wet
electrostatic precipitator (WESP) and a venturi scrubber, at the
WestRock Coated Board, LLC Mahrt Mill in Phenix City, Alabama subject
to NSPS subpart Db?
A: Yes. EPA approves the AMP as proposed to continuously monitor
the operating load or steam generation for both boilers, the total
secondary electric power input of the WESP for the No. 2 boiler, and
the pressure drop and liquid flow rate of the scrubber for the No. 3
boiler. EPA agrees with the technical concerns raised by Mahrt Mill
regarding using a PM continuous emission monitoring system or
continuous opacity monitoring system on biomass-fired boilers, due to
water droplets in the flue downstream of the scrubbers. The approved
AMP is equivalent to the PM monitoring requirements for biomass boilers
of equivalent size subject to NESHAP subpart DDDDD, and the
requirements of the AMP are detailed in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [2000013]
Q: Does EPA agreed with the Oklahoma Department of Environmental
Quality (ODEQ) that all affected sources subject to any NSPS are
required to comply with the requirements specified
[[Page 10573]]
in appendix F to 40 CFR part 60, which is used for continuous emission
monitoring systems (CEMS) in determining compliance with emissions
limits as specified in the NSPS General Provisions?
A: No. Each subpart should be reviewed for applicable references to
appendix F and portions of the General Provisions (GP) to 40 CFR part
60 for affected facilities specified in the subpart. Due consideration
should be given to the applicability sections provided within each
subpart and appendix F (Quality Assurance Procedures).
Abstract for [FP00008]
Q: Does EPA approve a modification of a previously approved
alternative monitoring plan (AMP) for establishing operating limits
(OPLs) for the sewage sludge incinerator (SSI) using a
VenturiPakTM wet scrubber with mercury modules at the City
of Anacortes Wastewater Treatment Plant (Anacortes) in Anacortes,
Washington subject to 40 CFR part 62, subpart LLL?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP modification. EPA agrees with establishing the sand
bed temperature of the SSI as the operating parameter for monitoring
dioxins/furans in lieu of the exhaust gas temperature, and Anacortes
must limit the maximum dry sludge feed rate to no greater than 110
percent of the average dry sludge feed rate achieved during the most
recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the dioxins/
furans emission limits. EPA agrees with replacing the 12-hour block
averaging time for OPLs specified in table 4 to subpart LLL with an
``operating day block average'' averaging time because Anacortes
typically operates only 6 to 8 hours per day. EPA also agrees that the
reduced performance testing frequency provided in 40 CFR 62.16000(a)(3)
should apply to Anacortes. The approved operating parameters and
conditions for establishing OPLs are specified in the EPA approval
Abstract for [FP00009]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) for
establishing and monitoring operating parameters to demonstrate
compliance with the mercury (Hg) emission limit applicable to the
fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (SSI) equipped with a control
equipment not specified in 40 CFR 62.15965 at the Edmonds Wastewater
Treatment Plant (Edmonds) in Edmonds, Washington subject to 40 CFR part
62 subpart LLL?
A1: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA approves the AMP
for demonstrating compliance with the Hg emission limit by monitoring
and recording continuously the pressure drop across the Hg control
system (i.e., W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc./EnviroCare International
Sorbent Polymer Composite technology Hg control system in combination
with a mist eliminator) and the inlet temperature to the system, and by
monitoring on a quarterly basis the Hg concentrations in the flue gas
at the inlet and outlet of the system.
Q2: Does EPA approve an AMP to use a wet scrubber system and to
practice good combustion practices for demonstrating compliance with
the dioxins/furans emission limit applicable to Edmonds' SSI?
A2: No. Based on the information provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because it does not propose to monitor any operating parameters or
establish operating parameter limits (OPLs) for Edmunds' SSI to
demonstrate compliance with the dioxins/furans emissions limit. Edmonds
should submit a revised petition in accordance with 40 CFR
62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v) that addresses dioxins/furans-specific
operating parameters and OPLs associated with good combustion
Q3: Does EPA approve Edmonds' AMP for its VenturiPakTM scrubber
system to demonstrate compliance with the three OPLs for scrubbers in
table 4 to subpart LLL, by monitoring the OPLs only at the drain that
receives the total scrubber water discharge from the scrubber system?
A3: No. EPA does not approve the AMP because Edmunds did not
provide the information specified by 40 CFR 62.15995(e)(1) through (6).
Edmunds' scrubber system generally consists of five different scrubbers
operated in series, and the Federal Plan requires monitoring pressure
drop, liquid flow rate, and pH of each wet scrubber in a scrubber
system. Edmonds may revise and resubmit their AMP.
Q4: Does EPA approve Edmonds' AMP changing the location for
monitoring the minimum combustion chamber operating temperature of the
SSI from the exhaust gas to the fluidized sand bed?
A4: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA approves the AMP
since the alternative location will enable accurate and representative
Q5: Does EPA approve Edmonds' AMP specifying the facility's ash
handling system monitoring procedures?
A5: No. Based on the information provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because Edmonds' AMP does not include operating procedures to
address the complete ash conveying system (including conveyor transfer
points) or sufficient information for EPA to evaluate whether daily
inspections of the ash handling system and observation of the loadout
activities will be adequate to meet the requirements of 40 CFR 62.15955
and 62.15995 on an ongoing basis. Edmonds may revise and resubmit their
Abstract for [FP00010]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
demonstrate compliance with the mercury (Hg) emission limit applicable
to the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (SSI) equipped with a
W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc./EnviroCare International Sorbent Polymer
Composite technology Hg control system at the Lynnwood Wastewater
Treatment Plant (Lynnwood) in Lynnwood, Washington subject to 40 CFR
part 62 subpart LLL?
A1: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA approves the AMP
for demonstrating compliance with the Hg emission limit by monitoring
and recording continuously the pressure drop across the Hg control
system and the inlet temperature to the system, and by monitoring on a
quarterly basis the Hg concentrations in the flue gas at the inlet and
outlet of the system.
Q2: Does EPA approve an AMP to use a wet scrubber system and to
practice good combustion practices for demonstrating compliance with
the dioxins/furans emission limit applicable to Lynnwood's SSI?
A2: No. Based on the information provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because it does not propose to monitor any operating parameters or
establish operating parameter limits (OPLs) for Lynnwood's SSI to
demonstrate compliance with the dioxins/furans emissions limit.
Lynnwood should submit a revised petition in accordance with 40 CFR
62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v) that addresses dioxins/furans-specific
operating parameters and OPLs associated with good combustion
Q3: Does EPA approve Lynnwood's AMP for its wet scrubber system to
demonstrate compliance with the OPLs for scrubbers in table 4 to
subpart LLL by monitoring the pressure drop across the venturi
scrubber, the total scrubber water flow rates not including the mist
eliminator, and the pH of the scrubber discharge from the impingement
[[Page 10574]]
scrubber and associated tray irrigation water flow?
A3: No. EPA does not approve the AMP because Lynnwood did not
provide the information specified by 40 CFR 62.15995(e)(1) through (6).
Lynnwood's scrubber system generally consists of five different
scrubbers operated in series, and the Federal Plan requires monitoring
pressure drop, liquid flow rate, and pH of each wet scrubber in a
scrubber system. Lynnwood may revise and resubmit their AMP.
Q4: Does EPA approve Lynnwood's AMP for monitoring the minimum
combustion chamber operating temperature of the SSI using the average
reading of three thermocouples that measure the combustion temperature
within the fluidized sand bed of the SSI?
A4: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA approves the AMP
for the SSI because it meets the 40 CFR 62.15960 requirements.
Q5: Does EPA approve Lynnwood's AMP specifying the facility's ash
handling system monitoring procedures?
A5: No. Based on the information provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because Lynnwood's AMP does not include operating procedures to
address the complete ash conveying system (including conveyor transfer
points) or sufficient information for EPA to evaluate whether daily
observations of the filter cake and observation of the loadout
activities will be adequate to meet the requirements of 40 CFR 62.15955
and 62.15995 on an ongoing basis. Lynnwood may revise and resubmit
their AMP.
Abstract for [FP00011]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
demonstrate compliance with the mercury (Hg) emission limit applicable
to the fluidized bed sewage sludge incinerator (SSI) equipped with a
W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc./EnviroCare International Sorbent Polymer
Composite technology Hg control system in combination with a mist
eliminator at the Vancouver Wastewater Treatment Plant (Vancouver) in
Vancouver, Washington subject to 40 CFR part 62 subpart LLL?
A1: No. Based on the information provided, EPA does not approve
Vancouver's AMP to monitor the Hg concentrations collected on the
sorption media modules within the Hg control system because Vancouver
was unable to establish an operating parameter limit (OPL) and
averaging time for this operating parameter. EPA approves monitoring
and recording continuously the inlet temperature to the Hg control
system and monitoring on a quarterly basis the Hg concentrations in the
flue gas at the inlet and outlet of the system. Vancouver should submit
a revised petition proposing Hg-specific OPLs that meet the
requirements of 40 CFR 62.15965(b)(2)(iii), and Vancouver should
consider whether the pressure drop across the Hg control system should
be included as an OPL.
Q2: Does EPA approve an AMP to use a wet scrubber system and to
practice good combustion practices for demonstrating compliance with
the dioxins/furans emission limit applicable to Vancouver's SSI?
A2: No. Based on the information provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because it does not propose to monitor any operating parameters or
establish OPLs for Vancouver's SSI to demonstrate compliance with the
dioxins/furans emissions limit. Vancouver should submit a revised
petition in accordance with 40 CFR 62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v) to
propose dioxins/furans OPLs associated with good combustion practices.
Q3: Does EPA approve Vancouver's AMP for its quench/venturi wet
scrubber system to demonstrate compliance with the OPLs for scrubbers
in table 4 to subpart LLL by monitoring the pressure drop across the
tray scrubber, the total scrubber water flow rate from the quench,
venturi, and tray scrubbers, and the pH of the tray scrubber effluent?
A3: No. EPA does not approve the AMP because Vancouver did not
provide the information specified by 40 CFR 62.15995(e)(1) through (6).
Vancouver's scrubber system consists of multiple scrubbers operated in
series, and subpart LLL requires monitoring pressure drop, liquid flow
rate, and pH of each wet scrubber in a scrubber system. Vancouver may
revise and resubmit their AMP.
Q4: Does EPA approve Vancouver's AMP for monitoring the minimum
combustion chamber operating temperature of the SSI using the average
reading of three thermocouples that measure the combustion temperature
within the fluidized sand bed of the SSI?
A4: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA approves the AMP
for the SSI because it meets the 40 CFR 62.15960 requirements.
Q5: Does EPA approve Vancouver's AMP for the facility's ash
handling system monitoring procedures?
A5: No. Based on the information provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because it does not include operating procedures to address the
complete ash conveying system or sufficient information for EPA to
evaluate whether daily observations of the ash filter cake to the roll-
off bins and the weekly sampling of the moisture content of the ash
filter cake will be adequate to meet the requirements of 40 CFR
62.15955 and 62.15995 on an ongoing basis. Vancouver may revise and
resubmit their AMP.
Abstract for [FP00012]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
demonstrate compliance with the mercury (Hg) emission limit applicable
to two multiple hearth sewage sludge incinerators (SSIs) equipped with
a wet venturi scrubber and wet electrostatic precipitator (WESP) at the
Bellingham Wastewater Treatment Plant (Bellingham) in Bellingham,
Washington subject to 40 CFR part 62 subpart LLL?
A1: No. Based on the information provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because it proposes no monitoring of Hg-specific operating
parameter limits (OPLs) and provides no information on the influence of
the wet scrubber and WESP on Hg emissions. Bellingham should submit a
revised petition proposing Hg-specific OPLs that adequately address 40
CFR 62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v).
Q2: Does EPA approve an AMP to use an afterburner (thermal
oxidizer), wet scrubber, WESP, and good combustion practices to comply
with the dioxins/furans emission limit applicable to Bellingham's SSIs?
A2: No. Based on the information provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because it does not propose to monitor any OPLs to demonstrate
compliance with the dioxins/furans emission limit, and it does not
provide any information on the afterburner's influence on dioxins/
furans emissions. Bellingham should submit a revised petition to
adequately address 40 CFR 62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v), including
proposing dioxins/furans-specific OPLs associated with good combustion
Q3: Does EPA approve Bellingham's AMP for its WESPs to demonstrate
compliance with the OPLs for scrubbers in table 4 to subpart LLL by
monitoring the secondary voltage, amperage, and hourly inlet water flow
to the WESP?
A3: No. EPA does not approve monitoring hourly inlet water flow to
the WESP in lieu of hourly outlet water flow from the WESP because
Bellingham did not provide the information specified by 40 CFR
62.15995(e)(1) through (6). EPA
[[Page 10575]]
approves monitoring of the secondary voltage and amperage of the WESPs.
Q4: Does EPA approve Bellingham's AMP for its wet scrubber systems,
to demonstrate compliance with the OPLs for scrubbers in table 4 to
subpart LLL by monitoring the combined pressure drop across the venturi
and tray wet scrubbers, the total scrubber water flow rate to both
venturi and tray wet scrubbers, and the pH of the tray scrubber
A4: No. EPA does not approve the AMP because Bellingham did not
provide the information specified by 40 CFR 62.15995(e)(1) through (6).
Bellingham's scrubber systems consist of multiple scrubbers operated in
series, and subpart LLL requires parameter monitoring of each wet
scrubber in a scrubber system.
Q5: Does EPA approve Bellingham's AMP for monitoring the minimum
temperature of the afterburner combustion chamber of the SSIs using a
temperature sensor located near the exit from the afterburner chamber
upstream of the entry of the venturi scrubber?
A5: No. Based on the information provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because EPA needs more information regarding the design and
performance specifications of the afterburner and supplemental burner
to determine whether the temperature sensor provides a representative
temperature of the afterburner combustion chamber.
Q6: Does EPA approve Bellingham's AMP for the facility's ash
handling system monitoring procedures?
A6: No. Based on the information provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP. The AMP must be revised to include the upstream portion of the ash
handling system during Method 22 testing and to explain how Bellingham
will properly conduct the Method 22 test during ash filling. Further,
the AMP must provide information for EPA to evaluate if the ash
handling units used to capture and control fugitive ash emissions,
equipment inspections, visible fugitive ash emission checks, and
monitoring of the fabric filter pressure drop and water usage in the
ash handling system will meet on an ongoing basis the requirements of
40 CFR 62.15955 and 62.15995.
Abstract for [FP00013]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
demonstrate compliance with the operating parameter limits (OPLs) for
the VenturiPakTM scrubber system for the multiple hearth sewage sludge
incinerator (SSI) at the Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility
(Anchorage) in Anchorage, Washington subject to 40 CFR part 62 subpart
A1: No. EPA does not approve the AMP to monitor the combined
pressure drop across the impingement tray scrubber, venturi scrubber,
separator tray scrubber, and mist eliminator; the combined liquid flow
rate of all the scrubbers, and the combined pH of all scrubber liquid
effluent. Anchorage's scrubber systems consist of multiple scrubbers
operated in series, and subpart LLL requires monitoring pressure drop,
liquid flow rate, and pH of each wet scrubber in a scrubber system;
however, the AMP did not provide the information specified by 40 CFR
62.15995(e)(1) through (6). Anchorage may revise and resubmit their
Q2: Does EPA approve Anchorage's AMP for monitoring the minimum
temperature of the afterburner combustion chamber of the SSIs using
three temperature sensors in the afterburner combustion chamber?
A2: No. Based on the information provided, EPA does not approve the
AMP because the AMP does not address how the temperature sensors are
representative of control of the SSI exhaust emissions as specified in
40 CFR 62.15995(a)(1) or how the sensor locations are representative as
specified in 40 CFR 62.15995(a)(3)(ii)(D)(1). Anchorage must resubmit a
revised AMP that addresses all requirements in 40 CFR 62.15995(a)(1)
through (8).
Q3: Does EPA approve Anchorage's AMP for the facility's ash
handling system monitoring procedures?
A3: No. EPA does not approve the AMP because it does not provide
sufficient detail to determine whether the ash handling system
operating procedures meet the requirements of 40 CFR 62.15955 and
62.15995 or whether the visible emission limit is met on an ongoing
basis. Further, the AMP does not clearly indicate whether all
components of the ash handling system are included in the operating
procedures and whether the Method 22 compliance testing will be
performed on the entire ash handling system.
Q4: Does EPA approve Anchorage's AMP for to demonstrate compliance
with the mercury (Hg) emission limit without the use of Hg-specific
A4: No. EPA does not approve the AMP. Anchorage's AMP does not
propose any Hg-specific OPLs or provide any information on how it
controls Hg emissions from the SSI, including the extent to which
Anchorage relies on maintaining the Hg concentration in the dry sludge
feed below a certain level to comply with the Hg emission limit.
Anchorage should submit a revised petition regarding Hg-specific OPLs
that adequately addresses 40 CFR 62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v).
Q5: Does EPA approve Anchorage's AMP to demonstrate compliance with
the dioxins/furans emission limit using good combustion practices and a
series of wet scrubbers, but without the use of dioxins/furans-specific
A5: No. EPA does not approve the AMP because it does not propose to
monitor dioxins/furans-specific OPLs for its SSI to demonstrate
compliance with the dioxins/furans emission limit, or to provide any
information on the control of dioxins/furans from the SSI, such as the
extent to which it relies on maintaining the temperature in the
combustion zone above a certain level to comply with the dioxins/furans
emission limit. Anchorage should submit a revised petition to propose
dioxins/furans OPLs associated with good combustion practices that
adequately addresses 40 CFR 62.15965(b)(2)(i) through (v).
Abstract for [M190004]
Q. Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan to change the
sulfur dioxide (SO2) operating limit to 300 ppm and monitor
stack emissions with an SO2 continuous emissions monitoring
system (CEMS) that has a range of 0-300 ppm and a span of 0-200 ppm at
Holcim (US) Inc.'s Portland cement plant (Portland Plant) in Florence,
Colorado subject to NESHAP subpart LLL?
A: Yes. Based on the process information and test data submitted by
Portland Plant, EPA conditionally approves an SO2 operating
limit of 300 ppm, which is more stringent than the 369 ppm
SO2 operating level determined by Portland Plant's 2018
hydrogen chloride (HCl) compliance test, and using an SO2
CEMS with a range of 0-300 ppm and a span of 0-200 ppm. If future HCl
performance testing indicates the SO2 operating parameter
limit should be less than 300 ppm, Portland Plant must establish a
lower SO2 operating parameter limit, and the SO2
operating limit must be set, and later monitored, in the same units
(PPMVD or PPMV). Further, should SO2 levels increase above
the 30-day rolling average SO2 operating limit by 10 percent
or more, then Portland Plant must undertake the actions required by 40
CFR 63.1349(b)(8)(x)(A) and (B) and 40 CFR 63.1350(l)(3)(i) and (ii).
Abstract for [M190005]
Q: Does EPA approve a modification of a previously approved
Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) for Foley Cellulose LLC (Foley Mill)
to revise the
[[Page 10576]]
location for methanol flow rate and density monitoring for measuring
steam stripper treatment of pulping condensates at the Foley Mill in
Perry, Florida covered by NESHAP subpart S?
A: Yes. Based upon flow rate and density monitoring data provided
by Foley Mill, and supplemental information provided by Foley Mill
regarding the size of the methanol storage tank and average amount of
methanol burned on a normal production day, EPA approves the AMP
modification for revising the location for methanol flow rate and
density monitoring. The monitoring location would move from the current
monitoring location for methanol flow rate and density where the
rectified methanol stream enters the methanol storage tank to the
outlet of the methanol storage tank for monitoring density and to the
inlet of the methanol burners in the No. 2 and No. 4 recovery furnaces
for monitoring flow rate. Because the average residence time for the
tank contents is just under 8 days and the averaging period for
determining compliance is based on a 15-day rolling average, EPA
considers this method adequate for measuring the density and flow of
the rectified methanol stream.
Abstract for [M190006]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) request
from Packaging Corporation of America (PCA), for periods when the wet
scrubber is not engaged due to maintenance activities, to monitor on an
hourly basis the natural gas and bark feed rates to the Riley
Combination Boiler and the Combustion Engineering Combination Boiler at
PCA's facility in Valdosta, Georgia subject to NESHAP subpart DDDDD, in
lieu of monitoring wet scrubber flow rate, pressure drop, and pH?
A: Yes. EPA conditionally approves the AMP for periods when only
natural gas is fired in the boilers, provided that PCA demonstrates
through existing data or emissions testing that the two boilers comply
with the applicable particulate matter, mercury,and hydrogen chloride
emission standards in NESHAP subpart DDDDD when the wet scrubber is not
Abstract for [M190007]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
establish the fan amperage operating limits for the Ducon scrubbers
installed on the smelt dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP subpart MM at
International Paper's Kraft pulp mill in Prattville, Alabama
(Prattville Mill) as the midpoint between the no-load amperage value
and the lowest of the 1-hour average fan amperage values determined
during compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP for Prattville Mill. EPA agrees that fluctuations in
amperage for a constant speed fan are a function of atmospheric
conditions, rather than of scrubber performance; therefore, setting the
fan amperage limit at the lowest one-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable emission limits. The AMP
conditions applicable to each of Prattville Mill's scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M190008]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
establish the fan amperage operating limits for the Ducon scrubbers
installed on the smelt dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP subpart MM at
International Paper's Kraft pulp mill (Savannah Mill) as the midpoint
between the no-load amperage value and the lowest of the 1-hour average
fan amperage values determined during compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP for Savannah Mill. EPA agrees that fluctuations in
amperage for a constant speed fan are a function of atmospheric
conditions, rather than of scrubber performance; therefore, setting the
fan amperage limit at the lowest one-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable emission limits. The AMP
conditions applicable to each of Savannah Mill's scrubbers are
addressed in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M190009]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
establish the fan amperage operating limits for the Ducon scrubbers
installed on the smelt dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP subpart MM at
International Paper's Kraft pulp mill in Selma, Alabama (Riverdale
Mill) as the midpoint between the no-load amperage value and the lowest
of the 1-hour average fan amperage values determined during compliance
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP for Riverdale Mill. EPA agrees that fluctuations in
amperage for a constant speed fan are a function of atmospheric
conditions, rather than of scrubber performance; therefore, setting the
fan amperage limit at the lowest one-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable emission limits. The AMP
conditions applicable to each of Riverdale Mill's scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M190010]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
establish the fan amperage operating limits for the Ducon scrubbers
installed on the smelt dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP subpart MM at
International Paper's Kraft pulp mill in Redwood, Mississippi
(Vicksburg Mill) as the midpoint between the no-load amperage value and
the lowest of the 1-hour average fan amperage values determined during
compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP for Vicksburg Mill. EPA agrees that fluctuations in
amperage for a constant speed fan are a function of atmospheric
conditions, rather than of scrubber performance; therefore, setting the
fan amperage limit at the lowest one-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable emission limits. The AMP
conditions applicable to each of Vicksburg Mill's scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M190011]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
establish the fan amperage operating limits for the Ducon scrubbers
installed on the smelt dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP subpart MM at
International Paper's Kraft pulp mill in Eastover, South Carolina
(Eastover Mill) as the midpoint between the no-load amperage value and
the lowest of the 1-hour average fan amperage values determined during
compliance testing, for IP's Eastover Mill?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP for Eastover Mill. EPA agrees that fluctuations in
amperage for a constant speed fan are a function of atmospheric
conditions, rather than of scrubber performance; therefore, setting the
fan amperage limit at the lowest one-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in
[[Page 10577]]
accordance with 40 CFR 63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting of
deviations that do not represent exceedances of the applicable emission
limits. The AMP conditions applicable to each of Eastover Mill's
scrubbers are specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M190012]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
establish the fan amperage operating limits for the Ducon scrubbers
installed on the smelt dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP subpart MM at
International Paper's Kraft pulp mill in Georgetown, South Carolina
(Georgetown Mill) as the midpoint between the no-load amperage value
and the lowest of the 1-hour average fan amperage values determined
during compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP for Georgetown Mill. EPA agrees that fluctuations in
amperage for a constant speed fan are a function of atmospheric
conditions, rather than of scrubber performance; therefore, setting the
fan amperage limit at the lowest one-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable emission limits. The AMP
conditions applicable to each of Georgetown Mill's scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M190013]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
establish the fan amperage operating limits for the Ducon scrubbers
installed on the smelt dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP subpart MM at
International Paper's Kraft pulp mill in Franklin, Virginia (Franklin
Mill) as the midpoint between the no-load amperage value and the lowest
of the 1-hour average fan amperage values determined during compliance
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP for Franklin Mill. EPA agrees that fluctuations in fan
amperage for a constant speed fan are a function of atmospheric
conditions, rather than of scrubber performance; therefore, setting the
fan amperage limit at the lowest 1-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable emission limits. The AMP
conditions applicable to each of Franklin Mill's scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M190014]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
identify periods of no flow to the regenerative thermal oxidizer and
packed-bed scrubber by using process data regarding the end and start
of batch production runs in lieu of monitoring flow at the inlet or
outlet of this control system installed on UPM Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
(UPM's) batch-operated pharmaceuticals manufacturing facility in
Bristol, Tennessee subject to NESHAP subpart GGG?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA approves UPM's AMP
for determining periods of no flow of emissions to the control system
for the batch operation, for the purpose of removing periods of no flow
when calculating daily average values of operating parameter averages
for the control system. Because of the ductwork configuration at the
facility, both process air and room air are collected and sent to the
control system for reducing hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions;
therefore, the air flow data at the inlet or outlet of the control
system is not a reliable indicator of periods when there are no HAP
emissions. EPA agrees with UPM's rationale for starting each period of
no flow 15 minutes after the end of a batch, and UPM's plan to end each
period of no flow when the next batch begins.
Abstract for [M190015]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
establish the fan amperage operating limits for the Ducon scrubbers
installed on the smelt dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP subpart MM at
International Paper's Kraft pulp mill in Columbus, Georgia (Columbus
Mill) as the midpoint between the no-load amperage value and the lowest
of the 1-hour average fan amperage values determined during compliance
A1: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP for Columbus Mill. EPA agrees that fluctuations in fan
amperage for a constant speed fan are a function of atmospheric
conditions, rather than of scrubber performance; therefore, setting the
fan amperage limit at the lowest 1-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable emission limits. The AMP
conditions applicable to each of Columbus Mill's scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
Q2: Does EPA also approve the AMP at Columbus Mill as an
alternative to monitoring the pressure differential of the gas stream
through the Ducon scrubbers installed on the smelt dissolving tanks
which are also subject to NSPS subpart BB?
A2: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA approves the AMP in
lieu of monitoring differential pressure monitoring required in 40 CFR
60.282(b)(2)(i). Based on the operation of the Ducon scrubbers, fan
amps are an appropriate alternative to pressure differential. The other
requirements of subpart BB continue to apply.
Abstract for [M190016]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
establish the fan amperage operating limits for the Ducon UW-4
scrubbers installed on the smelt dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP
subpart MM at International Paper's Kraft pulp mill in Riegelwood,
North Carolina (Riegelwood Mill) as the midpoint between the no-load
amperage value and the lowest of the 1-hour average fan amperage values
determined during compliance testing?
A1: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP for Riegelwood Mill. EPA agrees that fluctuations in
fan amperage for a constant speed fan are a function of atmospheric
conditions, rather than of scrubber performance; therefore, setting the
fan amperage limit at the lowest 1-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable emission limits. The AMP
conditions applicable to each of Riegelwood Mill's scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
Q2: Does EPA also approve the AMP at Riegelwood Mill as an
alternative to monitoring the pressure differential of the gas stream
through the Ducon scrubbers installed on the smelt dissolving tanks,
which are also subject to NSPS subpart BB?
A2: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA approves the AMP in
lieu of monitoring differential pressure monitoring required in 40 CFR
60.282(b)(2)(i). Based on the operation of the Ducon scrubbers, fan
amps are an appropriate alternative to pressure differential. The other
requirements of subpart BB continue to apply.
Abstract for [M190017]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
determine compliance with net heating value requirements of a cascading
flare system
[[Page 10578]]
at CITGO Petroleum Corporation's Lake Charles Manufacturing Complex
(CITGO LCMC) in Lake Charles, Louisiana subject to NESHAP subpart CC,
to monitor the net heating value of the primary flare in lieu of
monitoring the net heating value of secondary flare B-107?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA approves the AMP
since monitoring the net heating value (NHV) at the primary flare will
be comparable to monitoring the NHV at the secondary flare because the
two flares are connected to a single flare gas header system such that
discharges will be directed first to the primary flare. In addition,
CITGO LCMC has elected to directly monitor the net heating value of the
primary flare's vent gas following the methods provided in 40 CFR
Abstract for [M190018]
Q: Does EPA approve a waiver of the requirement to conduct
triennial carbon monoxide (CO) performance tests under NESHAP subpart
JJJJJJ due to the permanent cessation of coal use, for 18 boilers at
nine facilities owned by Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA)
in Wisconsin subject to NESHAP subpart JJJJJJ?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, the applicable
regulations, and pursuant to 40 CFR 63.7(h), EPA conditionally approves
the performance testing waiver for each of the 18 boilers identified in
the EPA response letter. For each boiler that no longer fires coal, DOA
must continue to monitor the excess oxygen level in the flue gas, and
if the 30-day rolling average oxygen level is below the minimum oxygen
level determined from the performance tests conducted in 2017, DOA must
report the exceedance to EPA. If DOA combusts coal in any of the
boilers after April 30, 2020, then DOA must conduct the CO performance
test required by subpart JJJJ within 30 days and thereafter as required
by subpart JJJJJJ.
Abstract for [M190019]
Q1: Does EPA determine that the final filtering step of a coating
product to remove lumps/gels from the final product (epoxy dispersion
process), which The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) is planning to start up
at its facility in Midland, Michigan, meets the definition of
``separation activity'' in NESHAP subpart HHHHH, such that NESHAP
subpart HHHHH would not apply and the epoxy dispersion process would
potentially be subject to NESHAP subpart FFFF?
A1: No. Based on the information provided by Dow regarding the
planned epoxy dispersion process, EPA determines that the specific
epoxy dispersion process that Dow plans for its Midland, Michigan
facility is not considered a ``separation activity'' under subpart
HHHHH, therefore subpart HHHHH would potentially apply to Dow's planned
epoxy dispersion process, and NESHAP subpart FFFF would not apply. If
Dow uses HAP-containing materials in the process, or uses HAP-
containing cleaning solvents, the requirements of Subpart HHHHH would
apply to the epoxy dispersion process.
Q2: What is meant by ``separation activity'' in subpart HHHHH?
A2: EPA is unable to answer Dow's broad question in this response
regarding what is meant by ``separation activity'' in subpart HHHHH.
Abstract for [M190020]
Q1: Does EPA approve test method modifications for EPA Reference
Methods 5, 26A, and 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A to use a
Teflon[supreg] transfer line between the filter and the first impinger
of the sampling train during comprehensive performance tests conducted
using the three reference methods on Veolia ES Technical Solutions,
LLC's (Veolia's) three hazardous waste incinerators (Unit #2, Unit #3,
and Unit #4) in Illinois covered under NESHAP subpart EEE?
A1: Yes. EPA conditionally approves Veolia's test method
modifications for EPA Reference Methods 5, 26A, and 29, provided that
Veolia takes certain precautions to preserve the samples' integrity as
specified in the EPA response letter.
Q2: Does EPA continue to approve Veolia's use of the fifteen test
method modifications previously approved by EPA on November 16, 2009
and June 15, 2011?
A2: Yes. Because these test methods were previously approved by
EPA, the methods may be used at Veolia's hazardous waste incinerators
without any further action from EPA.
Abstract for [M190021]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) for
monitoring intermittent lime addition to Baghouse #1 installed on two
Group 1 reverberatory aluminum melting furnaces (RMF #1 and RMF #2) in
lieu of using a pulse jet fabric filter with continuous lime injection
at Huntington Aluminum Incorporated's (HAI's) facility in Huntington,
Indiana covered under NESHAP subpart RRR?
A: No. Based on the information provided, EPA denies HAI's request
for an AMP for intermittent lime injection because HAI did not provide
assurances, through data and information, that the proposed
intermittent lime addition monitoring procedure is adequate to ensure
that all relevant emissions standards will be met on a continuous
basis. Additionally, the emissions testing data that is available to
the Agency is insufficient to support the proposed alternative.
Abstract for [M200001]
Q: Does EPA approve the alternative monitoring plan (AMP) request
from Nucor Steel Gallatin (Nucor) for the wet scrubber that controls
hydrochloric acid emissions from a steel pickling line at the Nucor's
facility in Ghent, Kentucky subject to NESHAP subpart CCC, because
water is not provided at a continuous rate to this ``water-efficient''
A: Yes. EPA conditionally approves Nucor's AMP for the scrubber
because conductivity is determined to be an acceptable indicator for
acid strength in a wet scrubber. Because temperature fluctuations can
interfere with accurate conductivity measurement, Nucor must coordinate
with the Kentucky Department of Air Quality to ensure that the accuracy
of conductivity measurements can be assured if there are any
temperature variations and, if needed, additional assurance
requirements to account for temperature fluctuations be included in
Nucor's permit.
Abstract for [M200002]
Q1: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) for
International Paper (IP) to conduct monitoring of opacity using a
continuous opacity monitoring system (COMS) at a point in between the
electrostatic precipitator (ESP) and wet scrubber in lieu of continuous
parameter monitoring of the differential pressure, liquid flow rate,
and scrubbing liquid supply pressure, for the wet scrubber installed to
control particulate matter (PM) emissions for Lime Kiln No. 4 at IP's
Riegelwood Mill in Riegelwood, North Carolina that is subject to NESHAP
subpart MM and NSPS subpart BB, because the wet scrubber is not used to
control emissions of PM?
A1: Yes. Based on the description of the process, the vent gas
streams, the design of the vent gas controls, and the proposed opacity
monitoring furnished by IP, EPA conditionally approves the AMP. Since
the wet scrubber is not serving as a PM control device and compliance
is demonstrated before the wet scrubber, it is not necessary to monitor
the PM operating parameters for the wet scrubber per NESHAP
[[Page 10579]]
subpart MM and NSPS subpart BB. IP must maintain proper operation of
the ESP automatic voltage controller per the requirements of NESHAP
subpart MM, perform compliance testing after the ESP and prior to the
wet scrubber, and continue to conduct PM testing per the requirements
of NESHAP subpart MM and NSPS subpart BB.
Q2: Does EPA also approve under this AMP an alternative to the
excess emissions criteria of NSPS Subpart BB, whereby excess emissions
occur when the 6-minute average opacity measured by this COMS is
greater than 20 percent and that a violation occurs when opacity
exceeds 20 percent for one percent or more of the operating time in a
semi-annual period?
A2: Yes. Based on the excess emissions criteria furnished by IP,
the EPA agrees that these are the conditions where excess emissions
will occur.
Abstract for [M200003]
Q: Does EPA approve use of an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) for
New-Indy Catawba, LLC (New-Indy) to reduce the frequency of conducting
leak detection and repair monitoring of any closed vent system, fixed
roof cover, or enclosure that is characterized as unsafe or difficult
to monitor at New-Indy's paper mill in Catawba, South Carolina that is
subject to NESHAP subpart S?
A: Yes. EPA conditionally approves use of an AMP if the owner or
operator determines that personnel performing the inspections and
monitoring would be exposed to an imminent or potential danger, or if
the equipment could not be inspected without elevating the inspection
or monitoring personnel more than two meters above a support surface.
In lieu of the current 30-day visual inspections of closed vent system
components and pulping condensate closed-collection system and annual
inspections to verify there are no detectable emissions from closed
vent system components and condensate storage tanks, the AMP requires
monitoring or inspections to be conducted at least once every five
years, or more frequently if possible. New-Indy must submit a site-
specific monitoring and inspection plan that identifies the equipment
that are classified as unsafe or difficult to monitor and are therefore
subject to the AMP, which we understand includes 0.4 percent of the
leak detection and repair (LDAR) inspection points subject to Subpart
S, including an explanation of why the component is unsafe to monitor
or inspect and a description of how the equipment will be monitored or
inspected during safe-to-monitor or safe-to-inspect periods, as
described in 40 CFR 63.148(i)(1) and (2).
Abstract for [M200004]
Q: Does EPA determine that operation of boilers SR4 and SR6 at the
GSP Schiller LLC Station in Portsmouth, New Hampshire (GSP) to produce
auxiliary steam (i.e., not producing electricity) qualifies as a
startup operation under NESHAP subpart UUUUU?
A: No. EPA determines that units SR4 and SR6 are not operating
under startup conditions while burning residual fuel oil to produce
auxiliary steam. For units SR4 and SR6, ``startup'' (as defined in
subpart UUUUU) ends when steam is generated for any purpose, such as
burning residual fuel oil to heat on-site residual fuel oil tanks or
burning bituminous coal to generate electricity for sale.
Abstract for [M200005]
Q: Does EPA determine that the lithium ion battery manufacturing
process at LG Chem Michigan (Holland) in Holland, Michigan is subject
to NESHAP subpart VVVVVV?
A: No. Based on the information that was provided, EPA determines
that the lithium ion battery manufacturing process is an area source
subject to NESHAP subpart CCCCCCC. In accordance with 40 CFR 63.11607,
Holland's description of their cathode mixing line meets the definition
of ``paint and allied product manufacturing,'' the cathode slurry
mixture produced by Holland meets the definition of ``paints and allied
products,'' and the nickel used in the process meets the definition of
``material containing hazardous air pollutant (HAP).''
Abstract for [M200006]
Q: Does EPA approve an Alternative Monitoring Plan (AMP) for
mercury (Hg) and chlorine (Cl) compliance testing to supplement the
fuel types that result in worst-case Hg and Cl emissions (i.e., wood
and tire-derived fuel (TDF)) with No. 6 fuel oil in order to reach
maximum operating load during the performance test, but remove the heat
input of the No. 6 fuel oil when calculating the maximum Hg and Cl
concentrations on a lb/MMBtu basis as required in 40 CFR 63.7530(b)(1),
for the No. 2 Combination Boiler at New-Indy Catawba, LLC (New-Indy's)
paper mill in Catawba, South Carolina that is subject to NESHAP subpart
A: Yes. Based on New-Indy's description of the process, equations
for demonstrating compliance, and plans to maintain records of fuel
usage following the performance test according to 40 CFR 63.7540(a)(2),
EPA approves the AMP for New-Indy's No. 2 Combination Boiler only. The
proposed calculations will conservatively represent the highest input
amounts of Cl and Hg during the compliance testing while firing bark,
TDF. and No. 6 fuel oil because they account for the emissions
resulting from the combustion of No. 6 fuel oil without providing
credit for the heat input associated with No. 6 fuel oil.
Abstract for [M200007]
Q: Does EPA determine that a thermal chip dryer operated at 660
degrees Fahrenheit in order to remove water from aluminum shreds
containing paint is not an affected source under NESHAP subpart RRR at
Matalco (US), Inc.'s (Matalco's) secondary aluminum production facility
in Lordstown, Ohio?
A: No. Based on the information provided, EPA determines that the
thermal chip dryer operated in the proposed manner would be an affected
source under NESHAP subpart RRR, consistent with the operations of a
``scrap dryer/delacquering kiln/decoating kiln'' as defined under
subpart RRR and according to the record of subpart RRR. Further,
Matalco does not sufficiently address the temperature level that would
assure no emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), to support
their belief that no hydrocarbon or dioxins/furans emissions would be
produced while operating the dryer at 660 degrees Fahrenheit. During
periods when the thermal chip dryer is processing aluminum shreds
containing paint at or near 660 [deg]F, the dryer must comply with the
major source requirements in subpart RRR for a scrap dryer/delacquering
kiln/decoating kiln.
Abstract for [M200008]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative plan (AMP) to establish the fan
amperage operating limits for the Ducon scrubbers installed on the
smelt dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP subpart MM at International
Paper Company's Kraft pulp mill in Bogalusa, Louisiana (Bogalusa Mill)
as the midpoint between the no-load amperage value and the lowest of
the 1-hour average fan amperage values determined during compliance
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP for Bogalusa Mill. EPA agrees that fluctuations in fan
amperage for a constant speed fan are a function of atmospheric
conditions, rather than of scrubber performance; therefore, setting the
fan amperage limit at the lowest 1-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in accordance
[[Page 10580]]
with 40 CFR 63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting of deviations that
do not represent exceedances of the applicable emission limits. The AMP
conditions applicable to each of Bogalusa Mill's scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M200009]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
establish the fan amperage operating limits for the Ducon scrubbers
installed on the smelt dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP subpart MM at
International Paper Company's Kraft pulp mill in Mansfield, Louisiana
(Mansfield Mill) as the midpoint between the no-load amperage value and
the lowest of the 1-hour average fan amperage values determined during
compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP for Mansfield Mill. EPA agrees that fluctuations in
fan amperage for a constant speed fan are a function of atmospheric
conditions, rather than of scrubber performance; therefore, setting the
fan amperage limit at the lowest 1-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable emission limits. The AMP
conditions applicable to each of Mansfield Mill's scrubbers are
specified in the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [M200015]
Q: Does EPA agree with the American Petroleum Institute (API) that
the Petroleum Refinery MACT Subpart CC, paragraphs 63.670 (d) and (e)
mean that the NHVcz requirements only apply starting with the block
that contains the 15th minute of a flare event and do not apply to the
previous 15-minute block during which the event started which would not
include more than a fraction of flow in that period?
A: Yes. The MACT CC regulation, paragraphs 63.670 (d) and (e) both
state that the source must comply with applicable limits of combustion
zone heat content and velocity when regulated materials are routed to
the flare for at least 15 minutes. Therefore, the limits apply starting
with the 15-minute block that includes a full 15 minutes of the flaring
event. EPA recognizes that compliance with limits during the first 15-
minute block of a flaring event could be problematic, at least for
meeting the NHVcz minimum because if the release is of low BTU gas, a
source might not have time to adjust supplement natural gas and/or
adjust steam or air to correct the NHVcz, especially if the event
starts late in the 15-minute block.
Abstract for [Z190001]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to conduct
performance testing at the highest achievable engine load and
demonstrate continuous compliance via pressure differential (i.e.
pressure drop) measurements across the catalyst at plus or minus 10
percent of the highest achievable engine load established during the
performance test, for twenty-four of Red Cedar Gathering Company's (Red
Cedar's) stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines installed
at five compressor stations (i.e., Midway, Ponderosa, Spring Creek,
Sambrito, and Trail Canyon) located on the Southern Ute Indian
Reservation in Colorado subject to NESHAP subpart ZZZZ?
A: Yes. Based on information provided by Red Cedar regarding
declining field conditions that necessitate engine operation at lower
loads, EPA conditionally approves the AMP for the twenty-four engines
identified in Table 1 of the EPA response letter. For each of the
twenty-four engines, Red Cedar must maintain records on a daily basis
of the engine load, and if an engine load increases or decreases by 10
percent from the highest achievable engine load during the performance
test, Red Cedar must re-test and re-establish the baseline pressure
drop across the catalyst.
Abstract for [Z200002]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) to
establish the fan amperage operating limits for the Ducon UW-4
scrubbers installed on the smelt dissolving tanks subject to NESHAP
subpart MM at Georgia-Pacific's Kraft pulp mill in Cedar Springs,
Georgia (Cedar Springs Mill) as the midpoint between the no-load
amperage value and the lowest of the 1-hour average fan amperage values
determined during compliance testing?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves the AMP for Cedar Springs Mill. EPA agrees that fluctuations
in amperage for a constant speed fan are a function of atmospheric
conditions, rather than of scrubber performance; therefore, setting the
fan amperage limit at the lowest 1-hour average fan amperage value
based on compliance testing in accordance with 40 CFR
63.864(j)(5)(i)(A) could cause reporting of deviations that do not
represent exceedances of the applicable emission limits. The AMP
conditions for each of Cedar Springs Mill's scrubbers are specified in
the EPA response letter.
Abstract for [Z200003]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) during
periods of annual regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) shut down for
maintenance and production curtailment for Group 2 asphalt storage
tanks at CertainTeed's asphalt roofing manufacturing facility in
Shakopee, Minnesota subject to NESHAP subpart LLLLL, to use a digital
camera opacity technique (DCOT) or conduct EPA Method 9 and 22 testing
on mist eliminators in lieu of parametric monitoring of mist
eliminators or regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs)?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves an AMP for Group 2 asphalt storage tanks 1 through 6 and 11
(hereafter referred to as ``AMP tanks'') for periods up to 1,000 hours
of RTO shutdown due to maintenance outage or production curtailment
(where only AMP tanks are in operation) if no parametric monitoring is
conducted on the mist eliminator; otherwise, CertainTeed must use a
mist eliminator in series with an RTO and monitor RTO operating
parameters to comply with the particulate matter standards in subpart
LLLLL for the AMP tanks. Specifically, for RTO shutdown periods up to
750 hours, CertainTeed must use EPA Method 9 and/or EPA Method 22; and
for RTO shutdown periods between 751 and 1,000 hours, CertainTeed must
use the DCOT method outlined in Section 9.2 of the ASTM D7520-2016.
Alternatively, CertainTeed may use the DCOT method for an entire
shutdown period up to 1,000 hours. If DCOT is used, CertainTeed must
monitor once a shift or twice daily for a continuous 6-minute period
and retain records for 5 years of the date, start time, end time,
operator's name, and results for the readings and pictures. Otherwise,
CertainTeed must conduct a six-minute Method 9 reading on the first day
of shutdown and for each subsequent day a six-minute Method 9 or 22
reading once a shift or twice during daylight hours, and retain the
original copies of the Method 9 and/or Method 22 sheets for 5 years.
Any readings indicating emissions above the zero-opacity standard must
be reported as deviations. The number of hours of RTO shutdown time
must be tracked on a 12-month rolling sum. Further, during RTO shutdown
periods, there may be no loading or unloading of AMP tanks, and the
temperature of AMP tanks may not exceed 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
Abstract for [Z200004]
Q: Does EPA determine that frit production processes owned by
[[Page 10581]]
Minerals, LLC (Prince) in Leesburg, Alabama meet the applicability
criteria of NESHAP subparts BBBBBBB, CCCCCCC, and/or VVVVVV?
A: Based on the information provided, EPA determines that Prince's
frit production processes meet the applicability criteria of subpart
CCCCCCC and do not meet the applicability criteria for subparts BBBBBBB
and VVVVVV. Subpart CCCCCCC is applicable to Prince's facility because
the subpart lists NAICS code 3255 and defines ``paints and allied
products manufacturing'' as the production of paints and allied
products (e.g., coatings) intended to ``leave a dried film of solid
material on a substrate,'' and the subpart defines ``material
containing HAP'' as including any material containing nickel in amounts
greater than 0.1 percent by weight. Subpart BBBBBBB defines ``chemical
preparation'' as being manufactured in a process described by the NAICS
code 325998, so subpart BBBBBBB is not applicable. Subpart VVVVVV
includes an applicability exclusion for sources subject to Subpart
CCCCCCC, so subpart VVVVVV is not applicable.
Abstract for [Z200005]
Q: Does EPA approve an alternative monitoring plan (AMP) for six
reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICEs) operating at less
than 100 percent maximum load during compliance testing at Kinder
Morgan Natural Gas Pipeline's Houston Central Gas Plant in Sheridan,
Texas subject to NESHAP subpart ZZZZ?
A: Yes. Based on the information provided, EPA conditionally
approves an AMP to conduct performance testing for engines COMP-1,
COMP-35, and COMP-13C at a maximum engine load of 85 percent with
subsequent monitoring required at 85 percent plus or minus 10 percent
load, and for engines COMP-349, COMP-350, and COMP-8 at a maximum
engine load of 90 percent with subsequent monitoring required at 90
percent plus or minus 10 percent load. EPA agrees that these six RICEs
cannot operate at 100 percent plus or minus 10 percent operational load
during compliance testing as specified in 40 CFR 63.6620(b)(2) due to
site-specific operations. If operations change such that the maximum
load of the engines exceeds these alternative lower maximum loads, the
AMP will become null and void and retesting at the higher engine load
will be required to demonstrate compliance with subpart ZZZZ.
John Dombrowski,
Deputy Director, Office of Compliance, Office of Enforcement and
Compliance Assurance.
[FR Doc. 2021-03489 Filed 2-19-21; 8:45 am]