Notice of 90-Day Period To Submit Affirmation of Continued Operation of the Identified Earth Station Antennas and of Intent To Participate in the C-Band Transition, 10280-10281 [2021-03408]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 32 / Friday, February 19, 2021 / Notices
In this document, the
International Bureau (Bureau) provides
the following notice to (1) operators of
incumbent Fixed Satellite Service (FSS)
C-band earth station antennas that have
been reported as no longer operational
and (2) incumbent FSS C-band earth
station operators that have not
responded to communications from
RSM US LLP (RSM), the C-band
Relocation Coordinator, and/or
incumbent C-band satellite operators:
Failure to submit a filing to the Bureau
by no later than 90 days after the release
of the Bureau’s Notice (April 19, 2021)
affirming the continued operation of the
identified earth station antennas and the
intent to participate in the C-band
transition will result in a Bureau
announcement that the authorizations
identified in the attached documents
filed by RSM in IB Docket No. 20–205
on January 14, 2021 have automatically
terminated by operation of rule, and that
those authorizations will be terminated
in the International Bureau Filing
System (IBFS) and removed from the
incumbent earth station list.
DATES: Identified earth station operators
must provide notice of operational
status by April 19, 2021.
Kerry Murray, International Bureau,
Satellite Division, at (202) 418–0734, or IBFSINFO@
is responsible for coordinating with the
five incumbent C-band satellite
operators—Eutelsat, Intelsat, SES,
StarOne, and Telesat—to ensure that all
incumbent earth stations are accounted
for in the transition.1 The overwhelming
majority of incumbent earth stations
have been claimed by the satellite
operator from which they receive
service and will be transitioned to the
upper 200 megahertz of the band.
Because the incumbent satellite
operators do not necessarily have a
direct customer relationship with each
earth station receiving from their
satellites, the satellite operators have
conducted significant outreach to earth
station operators to build, refine, and
maintain their lists of claimed stations,
which have been identified in each of
the satellite operators’ transition plans
to the Commission.2 A limited number
of incumbent earth stations, however,
remain unclaimed by any of the satellite
operators. In these cases, RSM, as the
C-band Relocation Coordinator, has
conducted outreach and research to
determine whether the earth station is
still active and, if so, the satellite(s)
from which the earth station receives its
service so that it may assign, if possible,
that earth station to a satellite operator
for transition purposes.3 RSM states that
it and the incumbent satellite operators
regularly share the results of their
respective outreach efforts to better
coordinate the transition of incumbent
earth stations.
On January 14, 2021, RSM submitted
an ex parte filing that includes two lists
of incumbent earth stations. The ex
parte letter is provided as Attachment C
to DA 21–81. In one list, Attachment A
to DA 21–81, RSM identifies various
individual earth station antennas that it
reports, based on communications with
earth station operators by RSM or
satellite operators or both, as no longer
operational at the site address and GPS
coordinates provided in the latest
incumbent earth station list.4 In the
This is a
summary of the Commission’s
document, DA 21–81, released January
19, 2021. The full text of this document,
along with the attachments identifying
the specific earth station antennas
subject to automatic termination, is
available for public inspection and can
be downloaded at
document/ib-identifiesinactiveunresponsive-c-bandincumbent-earth-stations or by using the
search function for Docket No. 20–205
on the Commission’s ECFS page at
Background. Under the Commission’s
3.7 GHz Band Report and Order, RSM
1 See Expanding Flexible Use of the 3.7 to 4.2
GHz Band, Report and Order and Order of Proposed
Modification, 35 FCC Rcd 2343, 2391, paras. 116–
23 (2020) (3.7 GHz Band Report and Order).
2 See 47 CFR 27.1412(d) (transition plan
requirements). The most recent status information
on the satellite operators’ transitions plans can be
found in their respective quarterly reports filed in
GN Docket No. 20–173 on December 31, 2020.
3 3.7 GHz Band Report and Order, 35 FCC Rcd
2343, 2460, para. 313. To the extent an earth station
antenna cannot be assigned to a satellite operator,
RSM is ultimately responsible for recommending an
earth station transition plan for that antenna and to
assist, when necessary, the earth station by
installing filters or hiring third parties to install
such filters. 47 CFR 27.1413(c)(3)(ii).
4 See International Bureau Releases Updated List
of Incumbent Earth Stations in the 3.7–4.2 GHz
Band in the Contiguous United States, Public
[IB Docket No. 20–205; DA 21–81; FRS
Notice of 90-Day Period To Submit
Affirmation of Continued Operation of
the Identified Earth Station Antennas
and of Intent To Participate in the
C-Band Transition
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice.
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
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other list, Attachment B to DA 21–81,
RSM identifies earth station operators
(and associated antennas) that it reports
as unresponsive to multiple and varied
C-band transition outreach efforts by
RSM, the satellite operators, or both, via
email, phone, and, in some cases,
certified mail.
Reported inactive earth station
antennas. RSM and/or the incumbent
satellite operators have reported that,
based on their communications with the
relevant earth station operators, the
incumbent earth station antennas
identified in Attachment A are no
longer operational. Under the
Commission’s rules, antennas must
continue to be operational to qualify for
incumbent status.5
We hereby presume that earth station
antennas reported to us as inactive on
Attachment A are no longer operational.
Section 25.161(c) of the Commission’s
rules provides that an earth station
authorization is automatically
terminated if the station is not
operational for more than 90 days.6 We
also note that the Commission’s rules
require earth station operators to take
the steps necessary to remove nonoperational antennas from the active
records in the International Bureau
Filing System (IBFS).7
We direct earth station operators with
incumbent earth station antennas
reported to Commission staff as inactive
to make either of two filings no later
than 90 days after release of this Notice
(April 19, 2021): (1) File to remove those
antennas from IBFS as no longer
operational as required by Commission
rule, or (2) file in Electronic Comment
Filing System (ECFS) IB Docket No. 20–
205 to assert that those antennas are still
operational. An earth station operator
may contact Bureau staff at IBFSINFO@ if it wants advice on how to
make a filing in ECFS, if it needs
instructions on how to surrender entire
Callsigns in IBFS or how to remove an
inactive earth station antenna from a
Callsign that includes other operational
earth station antennas, or if it has other
questions about the above.
Notice, DA 20–1424, IB Docket No. 20–205 (rel.
Nov. 30, 2020) and Erratum to International Bureau
Releases Updated List of Incumbent Earth Stations
in the 3.7–4.2 GHz Band in the Contiguous United
States, Public Notice, DA 20–1448, IB Docket No.
20–205 (rel. Dec. 3, 2020) for the current incumbent
earth station list and an explanation of the criteria
applied to be included on the list.
5 47 CFR 25.138(c)(1).
6 See 47 CFR 25.161(c). The Bureau has delegated
authority to enforce the Part 25 rules. 47 CFR
7 47 CFR 25.115(b)(8).
tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 32 / Friday, February 19, 2021 / Notices
Earth station operators that do not
respond by April 19, 2021 to affirm the
continued operation of the identified
earth station antennas will be deemed to
have had the authorizations for those
antennas automatically terminated by
rule. Those authorizations will be
terminated in IBFS, i.e., the IBFS
records for those antennas will be
shown with a terminated status. Such
terminated earth stations will also be
removed from the incumbent earth
station list and will not be entitled to
protection from interference from the
network deployments of new wireless
licenses or be eligible for reimbursement
of any transition costs, including the
cost of any filters, that those earth
stations may decide to incur.
Unresponsive earth station operators
(and associated antennas). Based on
their failure to respond to multiple
contact attempts by RSM and the
incumbent satellite operators, we hereby
presume that the incumbent earth
station antennas identified in
Attachment B as associated with
unresponsive earth station operators
have ceased operations. Section
25.161(c) of the Commission’s rules
provide that an earth station
authorization is automatically
terminated if the station is not
operational for more than 90 days.8
To confirm whether or not these
unresponsive station operators have
discontinued the operation of these
earth station antennas, we direct the
operators of earth stations on the list
whose facilities continue to be
operational to submit a notification, by
no later than 90 days after release of this
Public Notice (i.e., no later than April
19, 2021), affirming that these facilities
remain operational and that they intend
to participate in the C-band transition.
Operators should submit this
notification to the Bureau in ECFS IB
Docket No. 20–205. In providing this
response, an earth station operator
affirming that the identified earth
station antennas remain operational
should identify the satellite from which
each antenna is receiving service.
Commission staff will forward all
affirmations of continued operation to
the Relocation Coordinator and/or
relevant satellite operator(s), who will
contact affirming earth station operators
directly to initiate the transition. An
earth station operator may contact
Bureau staff at if it
wants advice on how to make a filing in
Earth station operators that do not
respond by April 19, 2021 to affirm the
continued operation of the identified
8 47
CFR 25.161(c).
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:07 Feb 18, 2021
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earth station antennas will be deemed to
have had the authorizations for those
antennas automatically terminated by
rule. Those authorizations will be
terminated in IBFS. Such terminated
earth stations will also be removed from
the incumbent earth station list and will
not be entitled to protection from
interference from the network
deployments of new wireless licenses or
be eligible for reimbursement of any
transition costs, including the cost of
any filters, that those earth stations may
decide to incur.
Federal Communications Commission.
Troy Tanner,
Deputy Chief, International Bureau.
[FR Doc. 2021–03408 Filed 2–18–21; 8:45 am]
[OMB 3060–0678; FRS 17488]
Information Collection Being
Submitted for Review and Approval to
Office of Management and Budget
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice and request for
As part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork burdens, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) of 1995, the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC or
the Commission) invites the general
public and other Federal Agencies to
take this opportunity to comment on the
following information collection.
Pursuant to the Small Business
Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, the FCC
seeks specific comment on how it can
further reduce the information
collection burden for small business
concerns with fewer than 25 employees.
DATES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be
submitted on or before March 22, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to
Find this particular information
collection by selecting ‘‘Currently under
30-day Review—Open for Public
Comments’’ or by using the search
function. Your comment must be
submitted into per the
above instructions for it to be
considered. In addition to submitting in also send a copy of
your comment on the proposed
information collection to Cathy
Williams, FCC, via email to PRA@ and to
PO 00000
Frm 00049
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Include in the comments the OMB
control number as shown in the
additional information or copies of the
information collection, contact Cathy
Williams at (202) 418–2918. To view a
copy of this information collection
request (ICR) submitted to OMB: (1) Go
to the web page
public/do/PRAMain, (2) look for the
section of the web page called
‘‘Currently Under Review,’’ (3) click on
the downward-pointing arrow in the
‘‘Select Agency’’ box below the
‘‘Currently Under Review’’ heading, (4)
select ‘‘Federal Communications
Commission’’ from the list of agencies
presented in the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box,
(5) click the ‘‘Submit’’ button to the
right of the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box, (6)
when the list of FCC ICRs currently
under review appears, look for the Title
of this ICR and then click on the ICR
Reference Number. A copy of the FCC
submission to OMB will be displayed.
Commission may not conduct or
sponsor a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) control number. No person shall
be subject to any penalty for failing to
comply with a collection of information
subject to the PRA that does not display
a valid OMB control number.
As part of its continuing effort to
reduce paperwork burdens, as required
by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520), the FCC
invited the general public and other
Federal Agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on the
following information collection.
Comments are requested concerning: (a)
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the Commission’s
burden estimates; (c) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; and (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology. Pursuant to the
Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of
2002, Public Law 107–198, see 44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(4), the FCC seeks specific
comment on how it might ‘‘further
reduce the information collection
burden for small business concerns with
fewer than 25 employees.’’
OMB Control No.: 3060–0678.
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 32 (Friday, February 19, 2021)]
[Pages 10280-10281]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-03408]
[[Page 10280]]
[IB Docket No. 20-205; DA 21-81; FRS 17434]
Notice of 90-Day Period To Submit Affirmation of Continued
Operation of the Identified Earth Station Antennas and of Intent To
Participate in the C-Band Transition
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In this document, the International Bureau (Bureau) provides
the following notice to (1) operators of incumbent Fixed Satellite
Service (FSS) C-band earth station antennas that have been reported as
no longer operational and (2) incumbent FSS C-band earth station
operators that have not responded to communications from RSM US LLP
(RSM), the C-band Relocation Coordinator, and/or incumbent C-band
satellite operators: Failure to submit a filing to the Bureau by no
later than 90 days after the release of the Bureau's Notice (April 19,
2021) affirming the continued operation of the identified earth station
antennas and the intent to participate in the C-band transition will
result in a Bureau announcement that the authorizations identified in
the attached documents filed by RSM in IB Docket No. 20-205 on January
14, 2021 have automatically terminated by operation of rule, and that
those authorizations will be terminated in the International Bureau
Filing System (IBFS) and removed from the incumbent earth station list.
DATES: Identified earth station operators must provide notice of
operational status by April 19, 2021.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kerry Murray, International Bureau,
Satellite Division, at (202) 418-0734, [email protected] or
[email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's
document, DA 21-81, released January 19, 2021. The full text of this
document, along with the attachments identifying the specific earth
station antennas subject to automatic termination, is available for
public inspection and can be downloaded at or by using the search function for Docket No. 20-205 on the
Commission's ECFS page at
Background. Under the Commission's 3.7 GHz Band Report and Order,
RSM is responsible for coordinating with the five incumbent C-band
satellite operators--Eutelsat, Intelsat, SES, StarOne, and Telesat--to
ensure that all incumbent earth stations are accounted for in the
transition.\1\ The overwhelming majority of incumbent earth stations
have been claimed by the satellite operator from which they receive
service and will be transitioned to the upper 200 megahertz of the
band. Because the incumbent satellite operators do not necessarily have
a direct customer relationship with each earth station receiving from
their satellites, the satellite operators have conducted significant
outreach to earth station operators to build, refine, and maintain
their lists of claimed stations, which have been identified in each of
the satellite operators' transition plans to the Commission.\2\ A
limited number of incumbent earth stations, however, remain unclaimed
by any of the satellite operators. In these cases, RSM, as the C-band
Relocation Coordinator, has conducted outreach and research to
determine whether the earth station is still active and, if so, the
satellite(s) from which the earth station receives its service so that
it may assign, if possible, that earth station to a satellite operator
for transition purposes.\3\ RSM states that it and the incumbent
satellite operators regularly share the results of their respective
outreach efforts to better coordinate the transition of incumbent earth
\1\ See Expanding Flexible Use of the 3.7 to 4.2 GHz Band,
Report and Order and Order of Proposed Modification, 35 FCC Rcd
2343, 2391, paras. 116-23 (2020) (3.7 GHz Band Report and Order).
\2\ See 47 CFR 27.1412(d) (transition plan requirements). The
most recent status information on the satellite operators'
transitions plans can be found in their respective quarterly reports
filed in GN Docket No. 20-173 on December 31, 2020.
\3\ 3.7 GHz Band Report and Order, 35 FCC Rcd 2343, 2460, para.
313. To the extent an earth station antenna cannot be assigned to a
satellite operator, RSM is ultimately responsible for recommending
an earth station transition plan for that antenna and to assist,
when necessary, the earth station by installing filters or hiring
third parties to install such filters. 47 CFR 27.1413(c)(3)(ii).
On January 14, 2021, RSM submitted an ex parte filing that includes
two lists of incumbent earth stations. The ex parte letter is provided
as Attachment C to DA 21-81. In one list, Attachment A to DA 21-81, RSM
identifies various individual earth station antennas that it reports,
based on communications with earth station operators by RSM or
satellite operators or both, as no longer operational at the site
address and GPS coordinates provided in the latest incumbent earth
station list.\4\ In the other list, Attachment B to DA 21-81, RSM
identifies earth station operators (and associated antennas) that it
reports as unresponsive to multiple and varied C-band transition
outreach efforts by RSM, the satellite operators, or both, via email,
phone, and, in some cases, certified mail.
\4\ See International Bureau Releases Updated List of Incumbent
Earth Stations in the 3.7-4.2 GHz Band in the Contiguous United
States, Public Notice, DA 20-1424, IB Docket No. 20-205 (rel. Nov.
30, 2020) and Erratum to International Bureau Releases Updated List
of Incumbent Earth Stations in the 3.7-4.2 GHz Band in the
Contiguous United States, Public Notice, DA 20-1448, IB Docket No.
20-205 (rel. Dec. 3, 2020) for the current incumbent earth station
list and an explanation of the criteria applied to be included on
the list.
Reported inactive earth station antennas. RSM and/or the incumbent
satellite operators have reported that, based on their communications
with the relevant earth station operators, the incumbent earth station
antennas identified in Attachment A are no longer operational. Under
the Commission's rules, antennas must continue to be operational to
qualify for incumbent status.\5\
\5\ 47 CFR 25.138(c)(1).
We hereby presume that earth station antennas reported to us as
inactive on Attachment A are no longer operational. Section 25.161(c)
of the Commission's rules provides that an earth station authorization
is automatically terminated if the station is not operational for more
than 90 days.\6\ We also note that the Commission's rules require earth
station operators to take the steps necessary to remove non-operational
antennas from the active records in the International Bureau Filing
System (IBFS).\7\
\6\ See 47 CFR 25.161(c). The Bureau has delegated authority to
enforce the Part 25 rules. 47 CFR 0.261(a)(15).
\7\ 47 CFR 25.115(b)(8).
We direct earth station operators with incumbent earth station
antennas reported to Commission staff as inactive to make either of two
filings no later than 90 days after release of this Notice (April 19,
2021): (1) File to remove those antennas from IBFS as no longer
operational as required by Commission rule, or (2) file in Electronic
Comment Filing System (ECFS) IB Docket No. 20-205 to assert that those
antennas are still operational. An earth station operator may contact
Bureau staff at [email protected] if it wants advice on how to make a
filing in ECFS, if it needs instructions on how to surrender entire
Callsigns in IBFS or how to remove an inactive earth station antenna
from a Callsign that includes other operational earth station antennas,
or if it has other questions about the above.
[[Page 10281]]
Earth station operators that do not respond by April 19, 2021 to
affirm the continued operation of the identified earth station antennas
will be deemed to have had the authorizations for those antennas
automatically terminated by rule. Those authorizations will be
terminated in IBFS, i.e., the IBFS records for those antennas will be
shown with a terminated status. Such terminated earth stations will
also be removed from the incumbent earth station list and will not be
entitled to protection from interference from the network deployments
of new wireless licenses or be eligible for reimbursement of any
transition costs, including the cost of any filters, that those earth
stations may decide to incur.
Unresponsive earth station operators (and associated antennas).
Based on their failure to respond to multiple contact attempts by RSM
and the incumbent satellite operators, we hereby presume that the
incumbent earth station antennas identified in Attachment B as
associated with unresponsive earth station operators have ceased
operations. Section 25.161(c) of the Commission's rules provide that an
earth station authorization is automatically terminated if the station
is not operational for more than 90 days.\8\
\8\ 47 CFR 25.161(c).
To confirm whether or not these unresponsive station operators have
discontinued the operation of these earth station antennas, we direct
the operators of earth stations on the list whose facilities continue
to be operational to submit a notification, by no later than 90 days
after release of this Public Notice (i.e., no later than April 19,
2021), affirming that these facilities remain operational and that they
intend to participate in the C-band transition. Operators should submit
this notification to the Bureau in ECFS IB Docket No. 20-205. In
providing this response, an earth station operator affirming that the
identified earth station antennas remain operational should identify
the satellite from which each antenna is receiving service. Commission
staff will forward all affirmations of continued operation to the
Relocation Coordinator and/or relevant satellite operator(s), who will
contact affirming earth station operators directly to initiate the
transition. An earth station operator may contact Bureau staff at
[email protected] if it wants advice on how to make a filing in ECFS.
Earth station operators that do not respond by April 19, 2021 to
affirm the continued operation of the identified earth station antennas
will be deemed to have had the authorizations for those antennas
automatically terminated by rule. Those authorizations will be
terminated in IBFS. Such terminated earth stations will also be removed
from the incumbent earth station list and will not be entitled to
protection from interference from the network deployments of new
wireless licenses or be eligible for reimbursement of any transition
costs, including the cost of any filters, that those earth stations may
decide to incur.
Federal Communications Commission.
Troy Tanner,
Deputy Chief, International Bureau.
[FR Doc. 2021-03408 Filed 2-18-21; 8:45 am]