Removal of Transferred OTS Regulations Regarding Certain Subordinate Organizations of State Savings Associations, 8098-8104 [2020-28454]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 21 / Wednesday, February 3, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1819.
Subpart Q also issued under 12 U.S.C.
1462; 1462a; 1463; 1464.
Subpart W also issued under 12 U.S.C.
1462a; 1463; 1464; 15 U.S.C. 78c; 78l; 78m;
78n; 78p; 78w.
Subpart F—[Removed and Reserved]
I. Policy Objective
8. Remove and reserve subpart F,
consisting of §§ 390.100 through
The policy objective of the final rule
is to simplify the FDIC’s regulations by
removing unnecessary regulations and
realigning existing regulations in order
to improve the public’s understanding
of the rules and to improve the ease of
the public’s reference to them. Thus, as
further detailed in this section, the FDIC
is rescinding and removing from the
CFR rules entitled Subordinate
Organizations (12 CFR part 390, subpart
O) applicable to State savings
associations.1 Pursuant to subpart O, the
FDIC may, at any time, limit a State
savings association’s investment in their
subordinate organizations, or may limit
or refuse to permit any activities of any
of these entities for supervisory, legal, or
safety and soundness reasons.2
Subpart O includes definitions related
to State savings association
subsidiaries,3 a requirement for the
parent State savings association and its
subsidiaries to maintain separate
corporate identities,4 a prior notice
requirement for a State savings
association seeking to establish or
acquire a new subsidiary or engage in
new activities through an existing
subsidiary,5 requirements related to the
issuance of securities by a subsidiary,6
and requirements for the exercise of
salvage power by a State savings
The FDIC has determined that the
requirements for State savings
association subordinate organizations
set forth in subpart O are substantially
similar to requirements of section 28 of
the FDI Act and its implementing
regulations, 12 CFR part 362 of the
FDIC’s Rules and Regulations; and
section 37 of the FDI Act.8 Therefore,
the FDIC is rescinding and removing
subpart O and will apply part 362,
subpart C and subpart D, as appropriate,
to achieve substantially similar
supervisory results for State savings
associations and subsidiaries as have
been obtained through the application
of subpart O.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
By order of the Board of Directors.
Dated at Washington, DC, on or about
December 15, 2020.
James P. Sheesley,
Assistant Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2020–28453 Filed 2–2–21; 8:45 am]
12 CFR Parts 362 and 390
RIN 3064–AF37
Removal of Transferred OTS
Regulations Regarding Certain
Subordinate Organizations of State
Savings Associations
Federal Deposit Insurance
ACTION: Final rule.
The Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is
adopting a final rule to rescind and
remove rules from the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) regulations titled
Subordinate Organizations that were
transferred to the FDIC from the Office
of Thrift Supervision (OTS) on July 21,
2011, in connection with the
implementation of Title III of the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act)
regarding subordinate organizations of
State savings associations because the
FDIC has determined that the
requirements for State savings
association subordinate organizations
included therein are substantially
similar to the requirements for State
savings associations and their
subsidiaries set forth by certain sections
of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act
(FDI Act) and its implementing
DATES: The final rule is effective on
March 5, 2021.
Donald Hamm, Special Advisor, (202)
898–3528,; or Shelli
Coffey, Review Examiner, (312) 382–
7539,, Risk
Management and Applications, Division
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of Risk Management Supervision;
Suzanne Dawley, Counsel, sudawley@; or Karlyn J. Hunter, Counsel,, Legal Division.
II. Background
The Dodd-Frank Act,9 signed into law
on July 21, 2010, provided for a
substantial reorganization of the
regulation of State and Federal savings
associations and their holding
companies.10 Beginning July 21, 2011,
the transfer date established by section
311 of the Dodd-Frank Act,11 the
powers, duties, and functions formerly
performed by the OTS were divided
among the FDIC, as to State savings
associations; the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), as to
Federal savings associations; and the
Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System (FRB), as to savings and
loan holding companies. Section 316(b)
of the Dodd-Frank Act 12 provides the
manner of treatment of all orders,
resolutions, determinations, regulations,
and advisory materials that had been
issued, made, prescribed, or allowed to
become effective by the OTS. The
section provides that if such materials
were in effect on the day before the
transfer date, they continue in effect and
are enforceable by or against the
appropriate successor agency until they
are modified, terminated, set aside, or
superseded in accordance with
applicable law by such successor
agency, by any court of competent
jurisdiction, or by operation of law.
Pursuant to section 316(c) of the
Dodd-Frank Act,13 on June 14, 2011, the
FDIC’s Board of Directors approved a
‘‘List of OTS Regulations to be Enforced
by the OCC and the FDIC Pursuant to
the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act.’’ This list was
published by the FDIC and the OCC as
a joint notice in the Federal Register on
July 6, 2011.14
Although section 312(b)(2)(B)(i)(II) of
the Dodd-Frank Act 15 granted the OCC
rulemaking authority relating to both
State and Federal savings associations,
nothing in the Dodd-Frank Act affected
the FDIC’s existing authority to issue
regulations under the FDI Act 16 and
other laws as the ‘‘appropriate Federal
banking agency’’ or under similar
statutory terminology. Section 312(c) of
the Dodd-Frank Act 17 revised the
definition of ‘‘appropriate Federal
banking agency’’ contained in section
3(q) of the FDI Act 18 to add State
9 12
1 12
CFR part 390, subpart O.
2 12 CFR 390.250.
3 12 CFR 390.251.
4 12 CFR 390.252.
5 12 CFR 390.253.
6 12 CFR 390.254.
7 12 CFR 390.255.
8 12 U.S.C. 1831e(a); 12 CFR part 362, subparts C
and D; 12 U.S.C. 1831n(a).
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U.S.C. 5301 et seq.
U.S.C. 5411.
11 Id.
12 12 U.S.C. 5414(b).
13 12 U.S.C. 5414(c).
14 76 FR 39246 (July 6, 2011).
15 12 U.S.C. 5412(b)(2)(B)(i)(II).
16 12 U.S.C. 1811 et seq.
17 12 U.S.C. 5412(c)(1).
18 12 U.S.C. 1813(q).
10 12
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 21 / Wednesday, February 3, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
savings associations to the list of entities
for which the FDIC is designated as the
‘‘appropriate Federal banking agency.’’
As a result, when the FDIC is designated
as the ‘‘appropriate Federal banking
agency’’ (or under similar terminology)
for State savings associations, the FDIC
is authorized to issue, modify, and
rescind regulations involving such
As noted, on July 14, 2011, operating
pursuant to this authority, the FDIC’s
Board of Directors reissued and redesignated certain transferring
regulations of the former OTS. These
transferred OTS regulations were
published as new FDIC regulations in
the Federal Register on August 5,
2011.19 When it republished the
transferred OTS regulations as new
FDIC regulations, the FDIC specifically
noted that its staff would evaluate the
transferred OTS rules and might later
recommend incorporating the
transferred OTS regulations into other
FDIC rules, amending them, or
rescinding them, as appropriate.20
The final rule adopts, without change,
the notice of proposed rulemaking
(NPR) published in the Federal Register
on October 26, 2020, which received no
III. The Proposed Rule
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On October 26, 2020, the FDIC
published an NPR regarding the removal
of part 390, subpart O (formerly OTS’s
12 CFR part 559),21 which generally
addresses subordinate organizations of
State savings associations.22 The OTS
adopted part 559, titled Subordinate
Organizations, in 1996 to update and
streamline its regulations and
statements of policy concerning
subsidiaries and other subordinate
organizations in which savings
associations have ownership interests
(including operating subsidiaries and
service corporations) and equity
investments (including pass-through
investments).23 Part 559 consolidated
all OTS regulations affecting thrift
subsidiaries in order to make it easier
for savings associations to find and use
these regulations. The former OTS rule
was transferred to the FDIC with only
nominal changes and is found in the
FDIC’s rules at subpart O, entitled
Subordinate Organizations.24
The NPR proposed removing subpart
O, because, after careful review and
consideration, the FDIC believes it is
19 76
FR 47652 (Aug. 5, 2011).
duplicative of substantially similar FDIC
statutory and regulatory provisions that
produce the same supervisory result for
an insured State savings association as
subpart O.25
Section 28 of the FDI Act prohibits a
State savings association from engaging
as principal in any type of activity, or
in any activity in an amount, that is not
permissible for a Federal savings
association unless the FDIC has
determined the activity would pose no
significant risk to the Deposit Insurance
Fund (DIF); and the State savings
association is, and continues to be, in
compliance with the capital standards
set forth in section 5(t) of the Home
Owners Loan Act (HOLA).26 Pursuant to
section 18(m) of the FDI Act, a State
savings association must file a notice
with the FDIC prior to establishing,
acquiring or engaging in new activities
of a subsidiary.27
The NPR proposed using 12 CFR part
362, Activities of Insured State Banks
and Insured Savings Associations, to
provide a substantially similar process
for an insured State savings association,
or its subsidiary, to apply for prior
consent from the FDIC to engage in
certain activities, that are not otherwise
prohibited by Federal or State law,
while reaching substantially the same
result as provided in subpart O without
the burden of referring to a duplicative
set of regulations. Part 362, which
includes subparts C and D, is issued
pursuant to several FDIC authorities,
including the FDIC’s general rulemaking
authority pursuant to section
9(a)(Tenth) and section 28 of the FDI
Act, the FDIC’s statutory authority over
the activities of State savings
associations and subsidiaries, that are
substantially similar to the authorizing
statutes pursuant to which subpart O
was issued.
Subpart C of part 362 governs the
activities of insured State savings
associations and implements section
28(a) of the FDI Act, which restricts and
prohibits insured State savings
associations and their service
corporations from engaging in activities
and investments of a type that are not
permissible for a Federal savings
association and their service
corporations. Subpart D of part 362
governs acquiring, establishing, or
conducting new activities through a
subsidiary by an insured State savings
association, and implements section
18(m) of the FDI Act, which requires
that prior notice be given to the FDIC
20 Id.
21 12
25 85
22 85
CFR part 390, subpart O.
FR 67684 (Oct. 26, 2020).
23 61 FR 66561, 66562 (Dec. 18, 1996).
24 12 CFR part 390, subpart O.
26 12
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FR 67684, 67686 (Oct. 26, 2020).
U.S.C. 1831e(a), referencing 12 U.S.C. 1463
et seq.
27 12 U.S.C. 1828(m).
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when an insured savings association
establishes or acquires a subsidiary or
engages in any new activity in a
subsidiary. In doing so it applies the
definitions of § 362.2 unless otherwise
indicated. The phrase ‘‘activity
permissible for a Federal savings
association’’ means any activity
authorized for a Federal savings
association under any statute including
HOLA,28 as well as activities recognized
as permissible for a Federal savings
association in regulations issued by the
OCC or in bulletins, orders or written
interpretations issued by the OCC, or by
the former OTS until modified,
terminated, set aside, or superseded by
the OCC.29
Rather than restate the rationale for
the rescission and removal of each
section of subpart O, the reader is
referred to the fulsome explanations for
the rescission and removal provided in
the NPR,30 which the FDIC references
here as the basis for finalizing the
regulations as proposed. The regulations
or statutes that the FDIC expects State
savings associations and subsidiaries to
refer to after the removal of subpart O
are briefly discussed below.
A. Section 390.251—Definitions
Section 390.251 is a definition section
related to subordinate organizations.
Included in the definitions section are:
Control, GAAP-consolidated subsidiary,
lower-tier entity, ownership interest,
subordinate organization, and,
subsidiary. The control definition is a
cross-reference to the removed OTS
§ 391.41 definition,31 which provided
that a controlling shareholder is any
person who, directly or indirectly, or
acting in concert with one or more
persons or companies, or together with
members of his or her immediate family,
owns, controls, or holds with power to
vote 10 percent or more of the voting
stock of a company, or controls in any
manner the election or appointment of
a majority of the company’s board of
directors.32 The FDIC proposed to apply
the § 362.2(e) control definition which
is consistent with the control definition
applicable to service companies of
Federal savings associations which
28 12
U.S.C. 1463 et seq.
CFR 362.9(a).
30 85 FR 67684 (Oct. 26, 2020).
31 The FDIC rescinded the control definition at
§ 391.41 as part of its 2015 Filing Requirements and
Processing Procedures for Changes in Control with
respect to State Nonmember Banks and State
Savings Associations rulemaking. 80 FR 65889 (Oct.
28, 2015).
32 12 CFR 391.41 (2015).
29 12
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 21 / Wednesday, February 3, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
references the FRB’s 12 CFR part 225,
Regulation Y.33
The definition of equity investment in
§ 362.2(g) is broader than the definition
of ownership interest in § 390.251,
which means any equity interest in a
business organization, limited or general
partnership interests, or shares in a
limited liability company. Similarly, the
definition of subsidiary pursuant to
§ 362.2(r) is substantially similar to the
subsidiary definition in § 390.251. The
distinction is that § 362.2(r) defines a
subsidiary as ‘‘any company that is
owned or controlled directly or
indirectly by one or more insured
depository institutions,’’ rather than
only by a State savings association.
Therefore, the State savings associations
would refer to those definitions in part
362 after subpart O was removed from
the CFR.
A separate definition for GAAPconsolidated subsidiary is unnecessary
as State savings association reports and
financial statements are required to be
uniform and consistent with U.S.
generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP) pursuant to section
37 of the FDI Act and section 4(b) of
HOLA.34 Further, the instructions to the
Consolidated Reports of Condition and
Income (Call Report) state that the
regulatory reporting requirements
applicable to the Call Report shall
conform to GAAP as set forth in the
Financial Accounting Standards Board’s
Accounting Standards Codification.35
Because State savings associations have
existing statutory directives to use
GAAP in reporting and financial
statements, eliminating a substantially
similar regulation regarding GAAPconsolidated subsidiaries likely would
not affect the quality of State savings
association reporting and financial
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B. Section 390.252—How must separate
corporate entities be maintained?
The core eligibility requirements in
§ 362.4(c) describe corporate
separateness in the context of the Statechartered depository institutionsubsidiary. The eligible subsidiary
requirements in § 362.4(c)(2)—which
are more detailed than eligible
subsidiary requirements of § 390.252—
are designed specifically for the bank/
subsidiary relationship, and provide for
separation between the State-chartered
depository institution and its subsidiary
33 12 CFR 5.59(d); 12 CFR part 225; 12 CFR
34 12 U.S.C. 1831n(a)(2); 12 U.S.C. 1463(b)(2).
35 Instructions for Preparation of Consolidated
Reports of Condition and Income, Form FFIEC 031
and 041
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to lessen the possibility of piercing the
corporate veil; deduction of the Statechartered depository institution
investment in the subsidiary to
segregate the capital supporting the
State-chartered depository institution
from the capital supporting the
subsidiary; and limitations on the Statechartered depository institution’s
investment in the subsidiary and on
transactions with the subsidiary to
ensure transactions are arms-length.36
The eligible subsidiary requirements are
also incorporated into § 362.13. Section
362.13 permits a State savings
association that previously filed an
application, and obtained the FDIC’s
consent to engage in an activity or to
acquire or retain an investment in a
service corporation engaging as
principal in an activity, to continue the
activity or retain the investment without
seeking the FDIC’s consent, provided
the State savings association and the
service corporation, if applicable,
continue to meet the conditions and
restrictions of approval if the insured
State savings association and any
applicable service corporation meet the
requirements of § 362.4(c)(2).37
The provisions of § 362.4(c)(2) that are
duplicative of § 390.252 require that an
eligible subsidiary: (1) Meet applicable
statutory or regulatory capital
requirements and have sufficient
operating capital for normal obligations
that are reasonably foreseeable for a
business of its size and character; (2) be
physically separate and distinct in its
operations from the operations of the
state-chartered depository institution;
(3) maintain separate accounting and
other business records; (4) observe
separate business entity formalities; (5)
conduct business pursuant to
independent policies and procedures
designed to inform customers and
prospective customers of the subsidiary
that the subsidiary is a separate
organization from the State-chartered
depository institution; and (6) that the
State-chartered depository institution is
not responsible for, and does not
guarantee, the obligations of the
State savings associations and service
corporations that qualify as eligible
depository institutions and eligible
subsidiaries pursuant to § 362.4(c)
maintain separate corporate identities,
which should sufficiently insulate State
savings associations from the liabilities
of subsidiaries.
36 12 CFR 362.4(c). See FIL–97–97. September 23,
37 12 CFR 362.13.
38 Section 362.4(c)(2)(vii) corresponds to
§ 390.252(a)(4) and (5).
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C. Section 390.253—What notices are
required to establish or acquire a new
subsidiary or engage in new activities
through a subsidiary?
This section provides that such a
notice must contain all of the
information required under § 362.15, is
subject to FDIC objection, and must be
filed at least 30 days prior to the
establishment or acquisition of a
subsidiary or commencement of a new
activity through a subsidiary. The notice
requirements of § 362.15 are
substantially similar to the transferred
OTS notice requirement in § 390.253.
The proposal included a technical
amendment to remove references to
Federal savings association notice
requirements in § 362.15. Section 18(m)
of the FDI Act, as amended by section
363(7) of the Dodd-Frank Act,39 no
longer requires Federal savings
associations to provide notice to the
FDIC prior to the establishment, or
acquisition, of a subsidiary, or prior to
commencement of a new activity in a
subsidiary controlled by a Federal
savings association.40 State savings
associations must continue to notify the
FDIC at least 30 days prior to
establishing or acquiring a subsidiary or
prior to commencement of a new
activity through a State savings
association-controlled subsidiary
pursuant to section 18(m) and § 362.15,
as described in the NPR.41
D. Section 390.254—How may a
subsidiary of a State savings association
issue securities?
State savings association subsidiaries
are permitted to issue securities
pursuant to section 28 of the FDI Act
because the operating subsidiaries and
service corporations of Federal savings
associations are permitted to issue
securities, subject to regulatory
limitations. State savings associations
and their subsidiaries are reminded that
subsidiary issuances, like other
permissible activities, are subject to the
same restrictions or conditions imposed
on the Federal savings association and
must be conducted in the same manner
in which an operating subsidiary or
service corporation is authorized to
issue such securities.42
Accordingly, a State savings
association subsidiary should not state
or imply that the securities it issues are
covered by Federal deposit insurance, or
issue any security the payment,
maturity, or redemption of which may
be accelerated upon the condition that
39 Public
Law 111–203, 124 Stat 1376 (2010).
U.S.C. 1828(m).
41 85 FR 67684, 67687 (Oct. 26, 2020).
42 85 FR 67684, 67688 (Oct. 26, 2020).
40 12
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 21 / Wednesday, February 3, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
the controlling State savings association
is insolvent or has been placed into
receivership, and for as long as any
securities are outstanding, the
controlling State savings association
must maintain all records generated
through each securities issuance in the
ordinary course of business, including
but not limited to a copy of the
prospectus, offering circular, or similar
document concerning such issuance,
and make such records available for
examination by the FDIC.43
E. Section 390.255—How may a State
savings association exercise its salvage
power in connection with a service
corporation or lower-tier entities?
In the NPR, staff proposed that State
savings associations apply to the FDIC
for prior approval pursuant to § 362.11
before making a contribution or a loan
to a lower-tier entity (salvage
investment) that exceeds the maximum
amount otherwise permitted under law
or regulation to exercise its power to
salvage the underlying asset to be
consistent with State law. The applicant
would be required to provide evidence
that the State approved any exception
over the loans to one borrower (LTOB)
As discussed in the NPR, these FDIC
statutory and regulatory provisions
provide a substantially similar process
for an insured State savings association,
or its subsidiary, to apply for prior
consent from the FDIC to engage in
certain activities, that are not otherwise
prohibited by Federal or State law,
while reaching substantially the same
result as provided in subpart O without
the burden of referring to a duplicative
set of regulations.45 The NPR concluded
the application of these FDIC statutory
and regulatory provisions provide
substantially similar results for the FDIC
to achieve substantially similar
supervisory results for State savings
associations and subsidiaries as would
be obtained through subpart O.46
IV. Comments
The FDIC issued the NPR with a 30day comment period, which closed on
November 25, 2020.47 The FDIC
received no comments on the NPR.
43 Id.
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limits are established by state law of
each chartering authority, and LTOB Limits are not
consistent from state to state. Some states allow
waivers or modifications, while others do not. Part
362 does not authorize any insured State savings
association to make investments or conduct
activities that are not authorized or that are
prohibited by either Federal or State law. 12 CFR
45 85 FR 67684, 67686 (Oct. 26, 2020).
46 Id.
47 85 FR 67684 (Oct. 26, 2020).
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Consequently, the proposed rule is
adopted as final without change, and
part 390, subpart O, will be rescinded in
its entirety.
V. The Final Rule
The final rule rescinds and removes
subpart O and amends § 362.15 to
remove references to Federal savings
associations made unnecessary because
of the amendment of Section 18(m) of
the FDI Act, as amended by section
363(7) of the Dodd-Frank Act which no
longer requires Federal savings
associations to provide notice to the
FDIC prior to the establishment, or
acquisition, of a subsidiary, or prior to
commencement of a new activity in a
subsidiary controlled by a Federal
savings association.48
As discussed in the NPR, the FDIC
statutory and regulatory provisions
applicable to State savings associations
and their subsidiaries provide a
substantially similar process for an
insured State savings association, or its
subsidiary, to apply for prior consent
from the FDIC to engage in certain
activities, that are not otherwise
prohibited by Federal or State law,
while reaching substantially the same
result as provided in subpart O without
the burden of referring to a duplicative
set of regulations.49 Under the final rule,
the application of part 362, which
implements section 28 and section
18(m) of the FDI Act, provides State
savings associations with substantially
similar procedures for notices and
applications related to State savings
association subsidiaries and
investments. Further, section 37 of the
FDI Act and section 4(b) of HOLA
already require that State savings
association reports and financial
statements are uniform and consistent
with U.S. generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP).50 By applying these
FDIC statutory and regulatory
provisions to State savings associations
and subsidiaries, the FDIC will achieve
substantially similar supervisory results
for State savings associations and
subsidiaries under the final rule as
would be obtained through subpart O.51
VI. Expected Effects
As of June 30, 2020, the FDIC
supervised 3,270 depository
48 Public Law 111–203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010); 12
U.S.C. 1828(m).
49 Section 28 (12 U.S.C. 1831e(a)), section 18(m)
(12 U.S.C. 1828(m)), and section 37 (12 U.S.C.
1831n(a)) of the FDI Act, and section 4(b) of the
Home Owners Loan Act (12 U.S.C. 1463(b)), govern
the activities of State savings associations and
50 12 U.S.C. 1831n(a)(2); 12 U.S.C. 1463(b)(2).
51 85 FR 67684 (Oct. 26, 2020).
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institutions, of which 35 (1.1 percent)
are State savings associations.52 The
final rule would affect regulations that
govern State savings associations. As
explained in the NPR, the final rule
would remove §§ 390.250, 390.251,
390.252, 390.253, 390.254, and 390.255
of part 390, subpart O, because most of
its provisions are duplicative of, or
substantially similar to the requirements
of section 28 of the FDI Act and its
implementing regulations, 12 CFR part
362 of the FDIC’s Rules and Regulations;
and section 37 of the FDI Act.
Additionally, the final rule amends
§ 362.15 to remove the references to
Federal savings association notice
requirements because Federal savings
associations are no longer required to
provide notice to the FDIC prior to the
establishment, or acquisition, of a
subsidiary, or prior to commencement
of a new activity in a subsidiary
controlled by a Federal savings
association.53 The FDIC does not believe
that the final rule will have substantive
effects on State savings associations. By
removing duplicative or unnecessary
regulations the FDIC believes that the
final rule will benefit State savings
associations by clarifying regulations
and improving the ease of references.
VII. Alternatives
The FDIC considered alternatives to
the final rule but believes that the
amendments represent the most
appropriate option for covered
institutions. As discussed previously,
the Dodd-Frank Act transferred certain
powers, duties, and functions formerly
performed by the OTS to the FDIC. The
FDIC’s Board reissued and redesignated
certain transferred regulations from the
OTS, but noted that it would evaluate
them and might later incorporate them
into other FDIC regulations, amend
them, or rescind them, as appropriate.
The FDIC has evaluated the existing
regulations relating to certain
subordinate organizations of State
savings associations. The FDIC
considered the alternative of retaining
the current regulations, but did not
choose to do so because it would be
needlessly complex and confusing for
its supervised institutions to continue to
have substantively similar regulations
regarding subordinate organizations of
State savings associations located in
different locations within the CFR. The
FDIC believes it would be unnecessarily
burdensome for FDIC-supervised
institutions to refer to these separate
sets of regulations, and, therefore, is
rescinding and removing subpart O and
52 Call
53 12
Report data, September 30, 2020.
U.S.C. 1828(m).
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 21 / Wednesday, February 3, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
making a technical amendment to
§ 362.15 to remove references to Federal
savings associations to streamline the
FDIC’s regulations.
VIII. Regulatory Analysis and
A. The Paperwork Reduction Act
In accordance with the requirements
of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), the FDIC may not conduct or
sponsor, and the respondent is not
required to respond to, an information
collection unless it displays a currently
valid Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) control number. The final rule
rescinds and removes from part 390,
subpart O, and makes a technical
amendment to § 362.15 to remove
references to Federal savings
associations to streamline the FDIC’s
regulations. The final rule will not
create any new or revise any existing
collections of information under the
PRA. Therefore, no information
collection request will be submitted to
the OMB for review.
B. The Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA),
requires that, in connection with a final
rule, an agency prepare a final
regulatory flexibility analysis that
describes the impact of a proposed rule
on small entities.54 However, a
regulatory flexibility analysis is not
required if the agency certifies that the
rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities, and publishes
its certification and a short explanatory
statement in the Federal Register
together with the rule. The Small
Business Administration (SBA) has
defined ‘‘small entities’’ to include
banking organizations with total assets
of less than or equal to $600 million.55
Generally, the FDIC considers a
significant effect to be a quantified effect
in excess of 5 percent of total annual
salaries and benefits per institution, or
2.5 percent of total non-interest
expenses. The FDIC believes that effects
in excess of these thresholds typically
54 5
U.S.C. 601, et seq.
SBA defines a ‘‘small banking
organization’’ as one having $600 million or less in
assets, where an organization’s ‘‘assets are
determined by averaging the assets reported on its
four quarterly financial statements for the preceding
year.’’ See 13 CFR 121.201 (as amended, by 84 FR
34261, effective August 19, 2019). ‘‘SBA counts the
receipts, employees, or other measure of size of the
concern whose size is at issue and all of its
domestic and foreign affiliates.’’ See 13 CFR
121.103. Following these regulations, the FDIC uses
a covered entity’s affiliated and acquired assets,
averaged over the preceding four quarters, to
determine whether the covered entity is ‘‘small’’ for
the purposes of RFA.
jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES2
55 The
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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represent significant effects for FDICsupervised institutions. For the reasons
provided below, the FDIC certifies that
the rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small banking organizations.
As of June 30, 2020, the FDIC
supervised 3,270 insured depository
institutions, of which 2,548 are
considered small banking organizations
for the purposes of RFA. The rule
primarily affects regulations that govern
State savings associations.56 There are
33 State savings associations considered
to be small banking organizations for the
purposes of the RFA.57
As previously discussed, the rule
rescinds part 390, subpart O, because
most of its elements are duplicative of,
or substantially similar to the
requirements of section 28 of the FDI
Act and its implementing regulations,
12 CFR part 362 of the FDIC’s Rules and
Regulations; and section 37 of the FDI
Additionally, the rule would amend
certain sections of part 362 to remove
the references to Federal savings
association notice requirements because
Federal savings associations are no
longer required to provide notice to the
FDIC prior to the establishment, or
acquisition, of a subsidiary, or prior to
commencement of a new activity in a
subsidiary controlled by a Federal
savings association.58 The FDIC does
not believe that the rule will have
substantive effects on small State
savings associations.
Section 390.250 sets forth the FDIC’s
general rulemaking and supervisory
authority under the FDI Act, its specific
authority under section 18(m) of the FDI
Act 59 and subpart O’s application to
subordinate organizations of State
savings associations. As previously
discussed, State savings associations are
subject to part 362, subparts C and D,
which has the same statutory basis as
§ 390.350. Therefore, the FDIC believes
that the practical application of part
362, subparts C and D, generally
achieves the same outcomes for State
savings associations as does subpart O.
Therefore, the FDIC believes that the
rescission of § 390.250 is unlikely to
have any substantive effects for small
State savings associations or their
subordinate organizations.
Section 390.251 is a definition section
related to subordinate organizations. As
previously discussed, the FDIC believes
that the definitions of subsidiary and
GAAP-consolidated subsidiary are
Call Report, June 30, 2020.
substantially similar to and redundant
to other statutory and regulatory
requirements to which State savings
associations are already subject. As
previously discussed, State savings
associations are already subject to a
definition of control in § 362.2(e), a
definition that is narrower, however,
than the one in § 390.251. Therefore, the
rescission of § 390.251 could benefit
State savings associations by narrowing
the scope of investments in subordinate
organizations that may be subject to
limitation for supervisory, legal, or
safety and soundness reasons asserted
by the FDIC. The rescission of the
definition of control in § 390.251 could
further benefit State savings associations
by creating parity with the control
definition applicable to service
companies of Federal savings
associations which references the FRB’s
12 CFR part 225, Regulation Y.60 As
previously discussed, State savings
associations are already subject to a
definition of equity investment in
§ 362.2(g), a definition that is broader,
however, than the one in § 390.251.
Therefore, the rescission of § 390.251 is
unlikely to pose additional costs for
State savings associations because they
are already subject to regulations with a
substantively similar and broader
defined scope of investments in
subordinate organizations. Finally, the
rescission of § 390.251 would remove
definitions of lower-tier entity and
second-tier service corporations or
service corporation subsidiaries for
which there is no corollary in FDIC
regulations. However, as previously
discussed, the FDIC does not believe
that the existence of these defined terms
enhance the quality of State savings
association supervision. Therefore, the
FDIC believes that the rescission of
these definitions is unlikely to have any
substantive effects on small State
savings associations.
Section 390.252 requires State savings
associations and their subordinate
organizations to operate in a manner
that demonstrates to the public that they
are separate corporate entities because
of concerns that a failure to maintain
separate corporate existences could
potentially result in a court, for
equitable reasons, holding the savings
association liable for the obligations of
the subordinate organization.61 As
discussed previously, FDIC-supervised
depository institutions, including State
savings associations and their
subsidiaries, are covered by §§ 362.4(c)
and 362.13, which are substantively
similar to or broader than the
57 Id.
58 12
59 12
PO 00000
U.S.C. 1828(m).
U.S.C. 1828(m).
Frm 00022
Fmt 4701
60 12
61 61
Sfmt 4700
CFR 5.59(d); 12 CFR part 225.
FR 66561, 66567 (Dec. 18, 1996).
jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 21 / Wednesday, February 3, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
obligations in § 390.252. Therefore, the
FDIC believes that the rescission of
§ 390.252 is unlikely to have any
substantive effect on small State savings
associations or their subsidiaries.
Section 390.253 establishes
notification requirements for State
savings associations prior to their
establishing, acquiring or engaging in
new activities of a subsidiary as
required under section 18(m) of the FDI
Act.62 As discussed previously, State
savings associations are already subject
to substantively similar requirements in
§ 362.15. Therefore, the FDIC believes
that the rescission of § 390.253 is
unlikely to pose any substantive effects
on small State savings associations.
Section 362.15 established
notification requirements for State and
Federal savings associations prior to
their establishing or acquiring a
subsidiary, or conducting any new
activity through a subsidiary. As
discussed previously, after the Dodd
Frank Act amendment of section 18(m)
of the FDI Act, Federal savings
associations are no longer required to
provide notice to the FDIC prior to the
establishment, or acquisition, of a
subsidiary, or prior to the
commencement of a new activity in a
subsidiary controlled by a Federal
savings association.63 Therefore, the
FDIC believes that the rescission of
references to Federal savings
associations from § 362.15 is unlikely to
have any substantive effect on small
insured depository institutions in that it
is simply consistent with existing law.
Section 390.254 permits a State
savings association subsidiary to issue,
either directly or through a third party
intermediary, any securities that its
parent State savings association is
permitted to issue. As discussed
previously, although there is no
corollary regulation for FDIC-supervised
depository institutions, State savings
association subsidiaries are permitted to
issue securities pursuant to section 28 of
the FDI Act because the operating
subsidiaries and service corporations of
Federal savings associations are
permitted to issue securities, subject to
regulatory limitations. Therefore, the
FDIC believes that the rescission of
§ 390.254, if adopted, is unlikely to have
any substantive effect on small State
savings associations or their
Section 390.255 generally permits a
State savings association to notify the
FDIC at least 30 days before making a
contribution or a loan (including a
guarantee of a loan made by any other
62 12
CFR 390.253. See 12 U.S.C. 1828(m)(1).
63 12 U.S.C. 1828(m).
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person) to a lower-tier entity (salvage
investment) that exceeds the maximum
amount otherwise permitted under law
or regulation to exercise its power to
salvage the underlying asset (typically,
an outstanding loan).64 As discussed
previously, State savings associations
are currently subject to § 362.11 which
requires State savings associations to
seek prior approval from the FDIC
before making a contribution or a loan
to a lower-tier entity (salvage
investment) that exceeds the maximum
amount otherwise permitted under law
or regulation to exercise its power to
salvage the underlying asset to be
consistent with State law. Therefore, the
FDIC believes that the rescission of
§ 390.255 is unlikely to substantively
affect small State savings associations.
By removing duplicative or
unnecessary regulations, the FDIC
believes that the rule will benefit small
State savings associations by clarifying
regulations and improving the ease of
C. The Congressional Review Act
For purposes of Congressional Review
Act, the OMB makes a determination as
to whether a final rule constitutes a
‘‘major’’ rule. If a rule is deemed a major
rule by the OMB, the Congressional
Review Act generally provides that the
rule may not take effect until at least 60
days following its publication.
The Congressional Review Act defines
a ‘‘major rule’’ as any rule that the
Administrator of the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs of
the OMB finds has resulted in or is
likely to result in: (A) An annual effect
on the economy of $100,000,000 or
more; (B) a major increase in costs or
prices for consumers, individual
industries, Federal, State, or local
government agencies or geographic
regions, or (C) significant adverse effects
on competition, employment,
investment, productivity, innovation, or
on the ability of United States-based
enterprises to compete with foreignbased enterprises in domestic and
export markets.
The OMB has determined that the
final rule is not a major rule for
purposes of the Congressional Review
Act and the FDIC will submit the final
rule and other appropriate reports to
Congress and the Government
Accountability Office for review.
64 Without the salvage power provision, the
maximum amount a State savings association
would be permitted would be related the LTOB
limit, which is equivalent to the applicable state’s
legal lending limit.
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
D. Plain Language
Section 722 of the Gramm-LeachBliley Act 65 requires each Federal
banking agency to use plain language in
all of its proposed and final rules
published after January 1, 2000. As a
Federal banking agency subject to the
provisions of this section, the FDIC has
sought to present the final rule in a
simple and straightforward manner and
did not receive any comments on the
use of plain language.
E. The Economic Growth and Regulatory
Paperwork Reduction Act
Under section 2222 of the Economic
Growth and Regulatory Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1996 (EGRPRA), the
FDIC is required to review all of its
regulations, at least once every 10 years,
in order to identify any outdated or
otherwise unnecessary regulations
imposed on insured institutions.66 The
FDIC, along with the other Federal
banking agencies, submitted a Joint
Report to Congress on March 21, 2017,
(EGRPRA Report) discussing how the
review was conducted, what has been
done to date to address regulatory
burdens, and further measures that will
be taken to address issues that were
identified. As noted in the EGRPRA
Report, the FDIC is continuing to
streamline and clarify its regulations
through the OTS rule integration
process. By removing outdated or
unnecessary regulations, such as
subpart O, this final rule complements
other actions the FDIC has taken,
separately and with the other Federal
banking agencies, to further the
EGRPRA mandate.
F. Riegle Community Development and
Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994
Pursuant to section 302(a) of the
Riegle Community Development and
Regulatory Improvement Act (RCDRIA),
in determining the effective date and
administrative compliance requirements
for new regulations that impose
additional reporting, disclosure, or other
requirements on insured depository
institutions (IDIs), each Federal banking
agency must consider, consistent with
principles of safety and soundness and
the public interest, any administrative
burdens that such regulations would
place on depository institutions,
including small depository institutions,
and customers of depository
institutions, as well as the benefits of
such regulations. In addition, section
302(b) of RCDRIA requires new
regulations and amendments to
65 Public Law 106–102, 113 Stat. 1338, 1471
(codified at 12 U.S.C. 4809).
66 Public Law 104–208, 110 Stat. 3009 (1996).
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 21 / Wednesday, February 3, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
regulations that impose additional
reporting, disclosures, or other new
requirements on IDIs generally to take
effect on the first day of a calendar
quarter that begins on or after the date
on which the regulations are published
in final form.
Because the final rule does not
impose additional reporting, disclosure,
or other requirements on IDIs, section
302 of RCDRIA does not apply.
List of Subjects
3. The authority citation for part 390
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1819.
Subpart Q also issued under 12 U.S.C.
1462; 1462a; 1463; 1464.
Subpart W also issued under 12 U.S.C.
1462a; 1463; 1464; 15 U.S.C. 78c; 78l; 78m;
78n; 78p; 78w.
Subpart O—[Removed and Reserved]
12 CFR Part 362
4. Remove and reserve subpart O,
consisting of §§ 390.250 through
Administrative practice and
procedure, Authority delegations
(Government agencies), Bank deposit
insurance, Banks, Banking, Investments,
Reporting and recordkeeping
12 CFR Part 390
Administrative practice and
procedure, Advertising, Aged, Civil
rights, Conflict of interests, Credit,
Crime, Equal employment opportunity,
Fair housing, Government employees,
Individuals with disabilities, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements,
Savings associations.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
By order of the Board of Directors.
Dated at Washington, DC, on December 15,
James P. Sheesley,
Assistant Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2020–28454 Filed 2–2–21; 8:45 am]
12 CFR Parts 308 and 390
Authority and Issuance
RIN 3064–AF38
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation amends 12 CFR parts 362
and 390 as follows:
Removal of Transferred OTS
Regulations Regarding Prompt
Corrective Action Directives and
Conforming Amendments to Other
1. The authority citation for part 362
continues to read as follows:
2. Revise § 362.15 to read as follows:
§ 362.15 Acquiring or establishing a
subsidiary; conducting new activities
through a subsidiary.
No state insured savings association
may establish or acquire a subsidiary, or
conduct any new activity through a
subsidiary, unless it files a notice in
compliance with § 303.142(c) of this
chapter at least 30 days prior to
establishment of the subsidiary or
commencement of the activity and the
FDIC does not object to the notice. This
section does not apply to any state
savings association that acquired its
principal assets from a Federal savings
bank that was chartered prior to October
15, 1982, as a savings bank under state
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Federal Deposit Insurance
ACTION: Final rule.
The Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is
adopting a final rule to rescind and
remove from the Code of Federal
Regulations rules entitled ‘‘Prompt
Corrective Action’’ that were transferred
to the FDIC from the Office of Thrift
Supervision (OTS) on July 21, 2011, in
connection with the implementation of
Title III of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protection Act
(Dodd-Frank Act) and amend certain
sections of existing FDIC regulations
governing the issuance and review of
orders pursuant to the prompt corrective
action provisions of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act to make it clear that such
rules apply to all insured depository
institutions for which the FDIC is the
appropriate Federal banking agency.
DATES: The final rule is effective on
March 5, 2021.
Robert Watkins, Review Examiner,, Division of Risk
PO 00000
Frm 00024
Fmt 4701
Management Supervision, (202) 898–
3865; Seth Rosebrock, Assistant General
Counsel, Legal Division, (202) 898–
6609,; or Kristine
Schmidt, Counsel, Legal Division, (202)
I. Policy Objective
The policy objective of the rule is to
remove unnecessary and duplicative
regulations in order to simplify them
and improve the public’s understanding
of them. Part 390, subpart Y, outlines
administrative procedures related to
prompt corrective action that are
equivalent to procedures outlined in
part 308, subpart Q, of the FDIC’s
existing regulations. Thus, the FDIC is
rescinding the regulations in part 390,
subpart Y, and reserving the subpart for
future use. In addition, the FDIC is
amending certain sections of part 308,
subpart Q, of the FDIC’s existing
regulations on the issuance and review
of orders pursuant to the prompt
corrective action provisions of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Act to make
it clear that part 308, subpart Q, applies
to all insured depository institutions for
which the FDIC is the appropriate
Federal banking agency.
II. Background
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1816, 1818,
1819(a)(Tenth), 1828(j), 1828(m), 1828a,
1831a, 1831e, 1831w, 1843(l).
jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES2
Sfmt 4700
Part 390, subpart Y, was included in
the regulations that were transferred to
the FDIC from the Office of Thrift
Supervision (OTS) on July 21, 2011, in
connection with the implementation of
applicable provisions of title III of the
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank
A. The Dodd-Frank Act
As of July 21, 2011, the transfer date
established by section 311 of the DoddFrank Act,2 the powers, duties, and
functions formerly performed by the
OTS were divided among the FDIC, as
to State savings associations, the Office
of the Comptroller of the Currency
(OCC), as to Federal savings
associations, and the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (FRB), as to savings and loan
holding companies. Section 316(b) of
the Dodd-Frank Act 3 provides the
manner of treatment for all orders,
resolutions, determinations, regulations,
and other advisory materials that had
been issued, made, prescribed, or
allowed to become effective by the OTS.
1 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act, Public Law 111–203, 124 Stat. 1376
(2010) (codified at 12 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.).
2 Codified at 12 U.S.C. 5411.
3 Codified at 12 U.S.C. 5414(b).
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 21 (Wednesday, February 3, 2021)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 8098-8104]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-28454]
12 CFR Parts 362 and 390
RIN 3064-AF37
Removal of Transferred OTS Regulations Regarding Certain
Subordinate Organizations of State Savings Associations
AGENCY: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is adopting a
final rule to rescind and remove rules from the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) regulations titled Subordinate Organizations that
were transferred to the FDIC from the Office of Thrift Supervision
(OTS) on July 21, 2011, in connection with the implementation of Title
III of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
(Dodd-Frank Act) regarding subordinate organizations of State savings
associations because the FDIC has determined that the requirements for
State savings association subordinate organizations included therein
are substantially similar to the requirements for State savings
associations and their subsidiaries set forth by certain sections of
the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (FDI Act) and its implementing
DATES: The final rule is effective on March 5, 2021.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Donald Hamm, Special Advisor, (202)
898-3528, [email protected]; or Shelli Coffey, Review Examiner, (312) 382-
7539, [email protected], Risk Management and Applications, Division of
Risk Management Supervision; Suzanne Dawley, Counsel,
[email protected]; or Karlyn J. Hunter, Counsel, [email protected],
Legal Division.
I. Policy Objective
The policy objective of the final rule is to simplify the FDIC's
regulations by removing unnecessary regulations and realigning existing
regulations in order to improve the public's understanding of the rules
and to improve the ease of the public's reference to them. Thus, as
further detailed in this section, the FDIC is rescinding and removing
from the CFR rules entitled Subordinate Organizations (12 CFR part 390,
subpart O) applicable to State savings associations.\1\ Pursuant to
subpart O, the FDIC may, at any time, limit a State savings
association's investment in their subordinate organizations, or may
limit or refuse to permit any activities of any of these entities for
supervisory, legal, or safety and soundness reasons.\2\
\1\ 12 CFR part 390, subpart O.
\2\ 12 CFR 390.250.
Subpart O includes definitions related to State savings association
subsidiaries,\3\ a requirement for the parent State savings association
and its subsidiaries to maintain separate corporate identities,\4\ a
prior notice requirement for a State savings association seeking to
establish or acquire a new subsidiary or engage in new activities
through an existing subsidiary,\5\ requirements related to the issuance
of securities by a subsidiary,\6\ and requirements for the exercise of
salvage power by a State savings association.\7\
\3\ 12 CFR 390.251.
\4\ 12 CFR 390.252.
\5\ 12 CFR 390.253.
\6\ 12 CFR 390.254.
\7\ 12 CFR 390.255.
The FDIC has determined that the requirements for State savings
association subordinate organizations set forth in subpart O are
substantially similar to requirements of section 28 of the FDI Act and
its implementing regulations, 12 CFR part 362 of the FDIC's Rules and
Regulations; and section 37 of the FDI Act.\8\ Therefore, the FDIC is
rescinding and removing subpart O and will apply part 362, subpart C
and subpart D, as appropriate, to achieve substantially similar
supervisory results for State savings associations and subsidiaries as
have been obtained through the application of subpart O.
\8\ 12 U.S.C. 1831e(a); 12 CFR part 362, subparts C and D; 12
U.S.C. 1831n(a).
II. Background
The Dodd-Frank Act,\9\ signed into law on July 21, 2010, provided
for a substantial reorganization of the regulation of State and Federal
savings associations and their holding companies.\10\ Beginning July
21, 2011, the transfer date established by section 311 of the Dodd-
Frank Act,\11\ the powers, duties, and functions formerly performed by
the OTS were divided among the FDIC, as to State savings associations;
the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), as to Federal
savings associations; and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (FRB), as to savings and loan holding companies. Section 316(b)
of the Dodd-Frank Act \12\ provides the manner of treatment of all
orders, resolutions, determinations, regulations, and advisory
materials that had been issued, made, prescribed, or allowed to become
effective by the OTS. The section provides that if such materials were
in effect on the day before the transfer date, they continue in effect
and are enforceable by or against the appropriate successor agency
until they are modified, terminated, set aside, or superseded in
accordance with applicable law by such successor agency, by any court
of competent jurisdiction, or by operation of law.
\9\ 12 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.
\10\ 12 U.S.C. 5411.
\11\ Id.
\12\ 12 U.S.C. 5414(b).
Pursuant to section 316(c) of the Dodd-Frank Act,\13\ on June 14,
2011, the FDIC's Board of Directors approved a ``List of OTS
Regulations to be Enforced by the OCC and the FDIC Pursuant to the
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.'' This list
was published by the FDIC and the OCC as a joint notice in the Federal
Register on July 6, 2011.\14\
\13\ 12 U.S.C. 5414(c).
\14\ 76 FR 39246 (July 6, 2011).
Although section 312(b)(2)(B)(i)(II) of the Dodd-Frank Act \15\
granted the OCC rulemaking authority relating to both State and Federal
savings associations, nothing in the Dodd-Frank Act affected the FDIC's
existing authority to issue regulations under the FDI Act \16\ and
other laws as the ``appropriate Federal banking agency'' or under
similar statutory terminology. Section 312(c) of the Dodd-Frank Act
\17\ revised the definition of ``appropriate Federal banking agency''
contained in section 3(q) of the FDI Act \18\ to add State
[[Page 8099]]
savings associations to the list of entities for which the FDIC is
designated as the ``appropriate Federal banking agency.'' As a result,
when the FDIC is designated as the ``appropriate Federal banking
agency'' (or under similar terminology) for State savings associations,
the FDIC is authorized to issue, modify, and rescind regulations
involving such associations.
\15\ 12 U.S.C. 5412(b)(2)(B)(i)(II).
\16\ 12 U.S.C. 1811 et seq.
\17\ 12 U.S.C. 5412(c)(1).
\18\ 12 U.S.C. 1813(q).
As noted, on July 14, 2011, operating pursuant to this authority,
the FDIC's Board of Directors reissued and re-designated certain
transferring regulations of the former OTS. These transferred OTS
regulations were published as new FDIC regulations in the Federal
Register on August 5, 2011.\19\ When it republished the transferred OTS
regulations as new FDIC regulations, the FDIC specifically noted that
its staff would evaluate the transferred OTS rules and might later
recommend incorporating the transferred OTS regulations into other FDIC
rules, amending them, or rescinding them, as appropriate.\20\
\19\ 76 FR 47652 (Aug. 5, 2011).
\20\ Id.
The final rule adopts, without change, the notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPR) published in the Federal Register on October 26, 2020,
which received no comments.
III. The Proposed Rule
On October 26, 2020, the FDIC published an NPR regarding the
removal of part 390, subpart O (formerly OTS's 12 CFR part 559),\21\
which generally addresses subordinate organizations of State savings
associations.\22\ The OTS adopted part 559, titled Subordinate
Organizations, in 1996 to update and streamline its regulations and
statements of policy concerning subsidiaries and other subordinate
organizations in which savings associations have ownership interests
(including operating subsidiaries and service corporations) and equity
investments (including pass-through investments).\23\ Part 559
consolidated all OTS regulations affecting thrift subsidiaries in order
to make it easier for savings associations to find and use these
regulations. The former OTS rule was transferred to the FDIC with only
nominal changes and is found in the FDIC's rules at subpart O, entitled
Subordinate Organizations.\24\
\21\ 12 CFR part 390, subpart O.
\22\ 85 FR 67684 (Oct. 26, 2020).
\23\ 61 FR 66561, 66562 (Dec. 18, 1996).
\24\ 12 CFR part 390, subpart O.
The NPR proposed removing subpart O, because, after careful review
and consideration, the FDIC believes it is duplicative of substantially
similar FDIC statutory and regulatory provisions that produce the same
supervisory result for an insured State savings association as subpart
\25\ 85 FR 67684, 67686 (Oct. 26, 2020).
Section 28 of the FDI Act prohibits a State savings association
from engaging as principal in any type of activity, or in any activity
in an amount, that is not permissible for a Federal savings association
unless the FDIC has determined the activity would pose no significant
risk to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF); and the State savings
association is, and continues to be, in compliance with the capital
standards set forth in section 5(t) of the Home Owners Loan Act
(HOLA).\26\ Pursuant to section 18(m) of the FDI Act, a State savings
association must file a notice with the FDIC prior to establishing,
acquiring or engaging in new activities of a subsidiary.\27\
\26\ 12 U.S.C. 1831e(a), referencing 12 U.S.C. 1463 et seq.
\27\ 12 U.S.C. 1828(m).
The NPR proposed using 12 CFR part 362, Activities of Insured State
Banks and Insured Savings Associations, to provide a substantially
similar process for an insured State savings association, or its
subsidiary, to apply for prior consent from the FDIC to engage in
certain activities, that are not otherwise prohibited by Federal or
State law, while reaching substantially the same result as provided in
subpart O without the burden of referring to a duplicative set of
regulations. Part 362, which includes subparts C and D, is issued
pursuant to several FDIC authorities, including the FDIC's general
rulemaking authority pursuant to section 9(a)(Tenth) and section 28 of
the FDI Act, the FDIC's statutory authority over the activities of
State savings associations and subsidiaries, that are substantially
similar to the authorizing statutes pursuant to which subpart O was
Subpart C of part 362 governs the activities of insured State
savings associations and implements section 28(a) of the FDI Act, which
restricts and prohibits insured State savings associations and their
service corporations from engaging in activities and investments of a
type that are not permissible for a Federal savings association and
their service corporations. Subpart D of part 362 governs acquiring,
establishing, or conducting new activities through a subsidiary by an
insured State savings association, and implements section 18(m) of the
FDI Act, which requires that prior notice be given to the FDIC when an
insured savings association establishes or acquires a subsidiary or
engages in any new activity in a subsidiary. In doing so it applies the
definitions of Sec. 362.2 unless otherwise indicated. The phrase
``activity permissible for a Federal savings association'' means any
activity authorized for a Federal savings association under any statute
including HOLA,\28\ as well as activities recognized as permissible for
a Federal savings association in regulations issued by the OCC or in
bulletins, orders or written interpretations issued by the OCC, or by
the former OTS until modified, terminated, set aside, or superseded by
the OCC.\29\
\28\ 12 U.S.C. 1463 et seq.
\29\ 12 CFR 362.9(a).
Rather than restate the rationale for the rescission and removal of
each section of subpart O, the reader is referred to the fulsome
explanations for the rescission and removal provided in the NPR,\30\
which the FDIC references here as the basis for finalizing the
regulations as proposed. The regulations or statutes that the FDIC
expects State savings associations and subsidiaries to refer to after
the removal of subpart O are briefly discussed below.
\30\ 85 FR 67684 (Oct. 26, 2020).
A. Section 390.251--Definitions
Section 390.251 is a definition section related to subordinate
organizations. Included in the definitions section are: Control, GAAP-
consolidated subsidiary, lower-tier entity, ownership interest,
subordinate organization, and, subsidiary. The control definition is a
cross-reference to the removed OTS Sec. 391.41 definition,\31\ which
provided that a controlling shareholder is any person who, directly or
indirectly, or acting in concert with one or more persons or companies,
or together with members of his or her immediate family, owns,
controls, or holds with power to vote 10 percent or more of the voting
stock of a company, or controls in any manner the election or
appointment of a majority of the company's board of directors.\32\ The
FDIC proposed to apply the Sec. 362.2(e) control definition which is
consistent with the control definition applicable to service companies
of Federal savings associations which
[[Page 8100]]
references the FRB's 12 CFR part 225, Regulation Y.\33\
\31\ The FDIC rescinded the control definition at Sec. 391.41
as part of its 2015 Filing Requirements and Processing Procedures
for Changes in Control with respect to State Nonmember Banks and
State Savings Associations rulemaking. 80 FR 65889 (Oct. 28, 2015).
\32\ 12 CFR 391.41 (2015).
\33\ 12 CFR 5.59(d); 12 CFR part 225; 12 CFR 362.2(e).
The definition of equity investment in Sec. 362.2(g) is broader
than the definition of ownership interest in Sec. 390.251, which means
any equity interest in a business organization, limited or general
partnership interests, or shares in a limited liability company.
Similarly, the definition of subsidiary pursuant to Sec. 362.2(r) is
substantially similar to the subsidiary definition in Sec. 390.251.
The distinction is that Sec. 362.2(r) defines a subsidiary as ``any
company that is owned or controlled directly or indirectly by one or
more insured depository institutions,'' rather than only by a State
savings association. Therefore, the State savings associations would
refer to those definitions in part 362 after subpart O was removed from
the CFR.
A separate definition for GAAP-consolidated subsidiary is
unnecessary as State savings association reports and financial
statements are required to be uniform and consistent with U.S.
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) pursuant to section 37
of the FDI Act and section 4(b) of HOLA.\34\ Further, the instructions
to the Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report) state
that the regulatory reporting requirements applicable to the Call
Report shall conform to GAAP as set forth in the Financial Accounting
Standards Board's Accounting Standards Codification.\35\ Because State
savings associations have existing statutory directives to use GAAP in
reporting and financial statements, eliminating a substantially similar
regulation regarding GAAP-consolidated subsidiaries likely would not
affect the quality of State savings association reporting and financial
\34\ 12 U.S.C. 1831n(a)(2); 12 U.S.C. 1463(b)(2).
\35\ Instructions for Preparation of Consolidated Reports of
Condition and Income, Form FFIEC 031 and 041
B. Section 390.252--How must separate corporate entities be maintained?
The core eligibility requirements in Sec. 362.4(c) describe
corporate separateness in the context of the State-chartered depository
institution-subsidiary. The eligible subsidiary requirements in Sec.
362.4(c)(2)--which are more detailed than eligible subsidiary
requirements of Sec. 390.252--are designed specifically for the bank/
subsidiary relationship, and provide for separation between the State-
chartered depository institution and its subsidiary to lessen the
possibility of piercing the corporate veil; deduction of the State-
chartered depository institution investment in the subsidiary to
segregate the capital supporting the State-chartered depository
institution from the capital supporting the subsidiary; and limitations
on the State-chartered depository institution's investment in the
subsidiary and on transactions with the subsidiary to ensure
transactions are arms-length.\36\ The eligible subsidiary requirements
are also incorporated into Sec. 362.13. Section 362.13 permits a State
savings association that previously filed an application, and obtained
the FDIC's consent to engage in an activity or to acquire or retain an
investment in a service corporation engaging as principal in an
activity, to continue the activity or retain the investment without
seeking the FDIC's consent, provided the State savings association and
the service corporation, if applicable, continue to meet the conditions
and restrictions of approval if the insured State savings association
and any applicable service corporation meet the requirements of Sec.
\36\ 12 CFR 362.4(c). See FIL-97-97. September 23, 1997.
\37\ 12 CFR 362.13.
The provisions of Sec. 362.4(c)(2) that are duplicative of Sec.
390.252 require that an eligible subsidiary: (1) Meet applicable
statutory or regulatory capital requirements and have sufficient
operating capital for normal obligations that are reasonably
foreseeable for a business of its size and character; (2) be physically
separate and distinct in its operations from the operations of the
state-chartered depository institution; (3) maintain separate
accounting and other business records; (4) observe separate business
entity formalities; (5) conduct business pursuant to independent
policies and procedures designed to inform customers and prospective
customers of the subsidiary that the subsidiary is a separate
organization from the State-chartered depository institution; and (6)
that the State-chartered depository institution is not responsible for,
and does not guarantee, the obligations of the subsidiary.\38\
\38\ Section 362.4(c)(2)(vii) corresponds to Sec. 390.252(a)(4)
and (5).
State savings associations and service corporations that qualify as
eligible depository institutions and eligible subsidiaries pursuant to
Sec. 362.4(c) maintain separate corporate identities, which should
sufficiently insulate State savings associations from the liabilities
of subsidiaries.
C. Section 390.253--What notices are required to establish or acquire a
new subsidiary or engage in new activities through a subsidiary?
This section provides that such a notice must contain all of the
information required under Sec. 362.15, is subject to FDIC objection,
and must be filed at least 30 days prior to the establishment or
acquisition of a subsidiary or commencement of a new activity through a
subsidiary. The notice requirements of Sec. 362.15 are substantially
similar to the transferred OTS notice requirement in Sec. 390.253.
The proposal included a technical amendment to remove references to
Federal savings association notice requirements in Sec. 362.15.
Section 18(m) of the FDI Act, as amended by section 363(7) of the Dodd-
Frank Act,\39\ no longer requires Federal savings associations to
provide notice to the FDIC prior to the establishment, or acquisition,
of a subsidiary, or prior to commencement of a new activity in a
subsidiary controlled by a Federal savings association.\40\ State
savings associations must continue to notify the FDIC at least 30 days
prior to establishing or acquiring a subsidiary or prior to
commencement of a new activity through a State savings association-
controlled subsidiary pursuant to section 18(m) and Sec. 362.15, as
described in the NPR.\41\
\39\ Public Law 111-203, 124 Stat 1376 (2010).
\40\ 12 U.S.C. 1828(m).
\41\ 85 FR 67684, 67687 (Oct. 26, 2020).
D. Section 390.254--How may a subsidiary of a State savings association
issue securities?
State savings association subsidiaries are permitted to issue
securities pursuant to section 28 of the FDI Act because the operating
subsidiaries and service corporations of Federal savings associations
are permitted to issue securities, subject to regulatory limitations.
State savings associations and their subsidiaries are reminded that
subsidiary issuances, like other permissible activities, are subject to
the same restrictions or conditions imposed on the Federal savings
association and must be conducted in the same manner in which an
operating subsidiary or service corporation is authorized to issue such
\42\ 85 FR 67684, 67688 (Oct. 26, 2020).
Accordingly, a State savings association subsidiary should not
state or imply that the securities it issues are covered by Federal
deposit insurance, or issue any security the payment, maturity, or
redemption of which may be accelerated upon the condition that
[[Page 8101]]
the controlling State savings association is insolvent or has been
placed into receivership, and for as long as any securities are
outstanding, the controlling State savings association must maintain
all records generated through each securities issuance in the ordinary
course of business, including but not limited to a copy of the
prospectus, offering circular, or similar document concerning such
issuance, and make such records available for examination by the
\43\ Id.
E. Section 390.255--How may a State savings association exercise its
salvage power in connection with a service corporation or lower-tier
In the NPR, staff proposed that State savings associations apply to
the FDIC for prior approval pursuant to Sec. 362.11 before making a
contribution or a loan to a lower-tier entity (salvage investment) that
exceeds the maximum amount otherwise permitted under law or regulation
to exercise its power to salvage the underlying asset to be consistent
with State law. The applicant would be required to provide evidence
that the State approved any exception over the loans to one borrower
(LTOB) limit.\44\
\44\ LTOB limits are established by state law of each chartering
authority, and LTOB Limits are not consistent from state to state.
Some states allow waivers or modifications, while others do not.
Part 362 does not authorize any insured State savings association to
make investments or conduct activities that are not authorized or
that are prohibited by either Federal or State law. 12 CFR 362.9(c).
As discussed in the NPR, these FDIC statutory and regulatory
provisions provide a substantially similar process for an insured State
savings association, or its subsidiary, to apply for prior consent from
the FDIC to engage in certain activities, that are not otherwise
prohibited by Federal or State law, while reaching substantially the
same result as provided in subpart O without the burden of referring to
a duplicative set of regulations.\45\ The NPR concluded the application
of these FDIC statutory and regulatory provisions provide substantially
similar results for the FDIC to achieve substantially similar
supervisory results for State savings associations and subsidiaries as
would be obtained through subpart O.\46\
\45\ 85 FR 67684, 67686 (Oct. 26, 2020).
\46\ Id.
IV. Comments
The FDIC issued the NPR with a 30-day comment period, which closed
on November 25, 2020.\47\ The FDIC received no comments on the NPR.
Consequently, the proposed rule is adopted as final without change, and
part 390, subpart O, will be rescinded in its entirety.
\47\ 85 FR 67684 (Oct. 26, 2020).
V. The Final Rule
The final rule rescinds and removes subpart O and amends Sec.
362.15 to remove references to Federal savings associations made
unnecessary because of the amendment of Section 18(m) of the FDI Act,
as amended by section 363(7) of the Dodd-Frank Act which no longer
requires Federal savings associations to provide notice to the FDIC
prior to the establishment, or acquisition, of a subsidiary, or prior
to commencement of a new activity in a subsidiary controlled by a
Federal savings association.\48\
\48\ Public Law 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010); 12 U.S.C.
As discussed in the NPR, the FDIC statutory and regulatory
provisions applicable to State savings associations and their
subsidiaries provide a substantially similar process for an insured
State savings association, or its subsidiary, to apply for prior
consent from the FDIC to engage in certain activities, that are not
otherwise prohibited by Federal or State law, while reaching
substantially the same result as provided in subpart O without the
burden of referring to a duplicative set of regulations.\49\ Under the
final rule, the application of part 362, which implements section 28
and section 18(m) of the FDI Act, provides State savings associations
with substantially similar procedures for notices and applications
related to State savings association subsidiaries and investments.
Further, section 37 of the FDI Act and section 4(b) of HOLA already
require that State savings association reports and financial statements
are uniform and consistent with U.S. generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP).\50\ By applying these FDIC statutory and regulatory
provisions to State savings associations and subsidiaries, the FDIC
will achieve substantially similar supervisory results for State
savings associations and subsidiaries under the final rule as would be
obtained through subpart O.\51\
\49\ Section 28 (12 U.S.C. 1831e(a)), section 18(m) (12 U.S.C.
1828(m)), and section 37 (12 U.S.C. 1831n(a)) of the FDI Act, and
section 4(b) of the Home Owners Loan Act (12 U.S.C. 1463(b)), govern
the activities of State savings associations and subsidiaries.
\50\ 12 U.S.C. 1831n(a)(2); 12 U.S.C. 1463(b)(2).
\51\ 85 FR 67684 (Oct. 26, 2020).
VI. Expected Effects
As of June 30, 2020, the FDIC supervised 3,270 depository
institutions, of which 35 (1.1 percent) are State savings
associations.\52\ The final rule would affect regulations that govern
State savings associations. As explained in the NPR, the final rule
would remove Sec. Sec. 390.250, 390.251, 390.252, 390.253, 390.254,
and 390.255 of part 390, subpart O, because most of its provisions are
duplicative of, or substantially similar to the requirements of section
28 of the FDI Act and its implementing regulations, 12 CFR part 362 of
the FDIC's Rules and Regulations; and section 37 of the FDI Act.
Additionally, the final rule amends Sec. 362.15 to remove the
references to Federal savings association notice requirements because
Federal savings associations are no longer required to provide notice
to the FDIC prior to the establishment, or acquisition, of a
subsidiary, or prior to commencement of a new activity in a subsidiary
controlled by a Federal savings association.\53\ The FDIC does not
believe that the final rule will have substantive effects on State
savings associations. By removing duplicative or unnecessary
regulations the FDIC believes that the final rule will benefit State
savings associations by clarifying regulations and improving the ease
of references.
\52\ Call Report data, September 30, 2020.
\53\ 12 U.S.C. 1828(m).
VII. Alternatives
The FDIC considered alternatives to the final rule but believes
that the amendments represent the most appropriate option for covered
institutions. As discussed previously, the Dodd-Frank Act transferred
certain powers, duties, and functions formerly performed by the OTS to
the FDIC. The FDIC's Board reissued and redesignated certain
transferred regulations from the OTS, but noted that it would evaluate
them and might later incorporate them into other FDIC regulations,
amend them, or rescind them, as appropriate. The FDIC has evaluated the
existing regulations relating to certain subordinate organizations of
State savings associations. The FDIC considered the alternative of
retaining the current regulations, but did not choose to do so because
it would be needlessly complex and confusing for its supervised
institutions to continue to have substantively similar regulations
regarding subordinate organizations of State savings associations
located in different locations within the CFR. The FDIC believes it
would be unnecessarily burdensome for FDIC-supervised institutions to
refer to these separate sets of regulations, and, therefore, is
rescinding and removing subpart O and
[[Page 8102]]
making a technical amendment to Sec. 362.15 to remove references to
Federal savings associations to streamline the FDIC's regulations.
VIII. Regulatory Analysis and Procedure
A. The Paperwork Reduction Act
In accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995 (PRA), the FDIC may not conduct or sponsor, and the respondent
is not required to respond to, an information collection unless it
displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
control number. The final rule rescinds and removes from part 390,
subpart O, and makes a technical amendment to Sec. 362.15 to remove
references to Federal savings associations to streamline the FDIC's
regulations. The final rule will not create any new or revise any
existing collections of information under the PRA. Therefore, no
information collection request will be submitted to the OMB for review.
B. The Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), requires that, in connection
with a final rule, an agency prepare a final regulatory flexibility
analysis that describes the impact of a proposed rule on small
entities.\54\ However, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not
required if the agency certifies that the rule will not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities,
and publishes its certification and a short explanatory statement in
the Federal Register together with the rule. The Small Business
Administration (SBA) has defined ``small entities'' to include banking
organizations with total assets of less than or equal to $600
million.\55\ Generally, the FDIC considers a significant effect to be a
quantified effect in excess of 5 percent of total annual salaries and
benefits per institution, or 2.5 percent of total non-interest
expenses. The FDIC believes that effects in excess of these thresholds
typically represent significant effects for FDIC-supervised
institutions. For the reasons provided below, the FDIC certifies that
the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small banking organizations.
\54\ 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.
\55\ The SBA defines a ``small banking organization'' as one
having $600 million or less in assets, where an organization's
``assets are determined by averaging the assets reported on its four
quarterly financial statements for the preceding year.'' See 13 CFR
121.201 (as amended, by 84 FR 34261, effective August 19, 2019).
``SBA counts the receipts, employees, or other measure of size of
the concern whose size is at issue and all of its domestic and
foreign affiliates.'' See 13 CFR 121.103. Following these
regulations, the FDIC uses a covered entity's affiliated and
acquired assets, averaged over the preceding four quarters, to
determine whether the covered entity is ``small'' for the purposes
of RFA.
As of June 30, 2020, the FDIC supervised 3,270 insured depository
institutions, of which 2,548 are considered small banking organizations
for the purposes of RFA. The rule primarily affects regulations that
govern State savings associations.\56\ There are 33 State savings
associations considered to be small banking organizations for the
purposes of the RFA.\57\
\56\ FDIC Call Report, June 30, 2020.
\57\ Id.
As previously discussed, the rule rescinds part 390, subpart O,
because most of its elements are duplicative of, or substantially
similar to the requirements of section 28 of the FDI Act and its
implementing regulations, 12 CFR part 362 of the FDIC's Rules and
Regulations; and section 37 of the FDI Act.
Additionally, the rule would amend certain sections of part 362 to
remove the references to Federal savings association notice
requirements because Federal savings associations are no longer
required to provide notice to the FDIC prior to the establishment, or
acquisition, of a subsidiary, or prior to commencement of a new
activity in a subsidiary controlled by a Federal savings
association.\58\ The FDIC does not believe that the rule will have
substantive effects on small State savings associations.
\58\ 12 U.S.C. 1828(m).
Section 390.250 sets forth the FDIC's general rulemaking and
supervisory authority under the FDI Act, its specific authority under
section 18(m) of the FDI Act \59\ and subpart O's application to
subordinate organizations of State savings associations. As previously
discussed, State savings associations are subject to part 362, subparts
C and D, which has the same statutory basis as Sec. 390.350.
Therefore, the FDIC believes that the practical application of part
362, subparts C and D, generally achieves the same outcomes for State
savings associations as does subpart O. Therefore, the FDIC believes
that the rescission of Sec. 390.250 is unlikely to have any
substantive effects for small State savings associations or their
subordinate organizations.
\59\ 12 U.S.C. 1828(m).
Section 390.251 is a definition section related to subordinate
organizations. As previously discussed, the FDIC believes that the
definitions of subsidiary and GAAP-consolidated subsidiary are
substantially similar to and redundant to other statutory and
regulatory requirements to which State savings associations are already
subject. As previously discussed, State savings associations are
already subject to a definition of control in Sec. 362.2(e), a
definition that is narrower, however, than the one in Sec. 390.251.
Therefore, the rescission of Sec. 390.251 could benefit State savings
associations by narrowing the scope of investments in subordinate
organizations that may be subject to limitation for supervisory, legal,
or safety and soundness reasons asserted by the FDIC. The rescission of
the definition of control in Sec. 390.251 could further benefit State
savings associations by creating parity with the control definition
applicable to service companies of Federal savings associations which
references the FRB's 12 CFR part 225, Regulation Y.\60\ As previously
discussed, State savings associations are already subject to a
definition of equity investment in Sec. 362.2(g), a definition that is
broader, however, than the one in Sec. 390.251. Therefore, the
rescission of Sec. 390.251 is unlikely to pose additional costs for
State savings associations because they are already subject to
regulations with a substantively similar and broader defined scope of
investments in subordinate organizations. Finally, the rescission of
Sec. 390.251 would remove definitions of lower-tier entity and second-
tier service corporations or service corporation subsidiaries for which
there is no corollary in FDIC regulations. However, as previously
discussed, the FDIC does not believe that the existence of these
defined terms enhance the quality of State savings association
supervision. Therefore, the FDIC believes that the rescission of these
definitions is unlikely to have any substantive effects on small State
savings associations.
\60\ 12 CFR 5.59(d); 12 CFR part 225.
Section 390.252 requires State savings associations and their
subordinate organizations to operate in a manner that demonstrates to
the public that they are separate corporate entities because of
concerns that a failure to maintain separate corporate existences could
potentially result in a court, for equitable reasons, holding the
savings association liable for the obligations of the subordinate
organization.\61\ As discussed previously, FDIC-supervised depository
institutions, including State savings associations and their
subsidiaries, are covered by Sec. Sec. 362.4(c) and 362.13, which are
substantively similar to or broader than the
[[Page 8103]]
obligations in Sec. 390.252. Therefore, the FDIC believes that the
rescission of Sec. 390.252 is unlikely to have any substantive effect
on small State savings associations or their subsidiaries.
\61\ 61 FR 66561, 66567 (Dec. 18, 1996).
Section 390.253 establishes notification requirements for State
savings associations prior to their establishing, acquiring or engaging
in new activities of a subsidiary as required under section 18(m) of
the FDI Act.\62\ As discussed previously, State savings associations
are already subject to substantively similar requirements in Sec.
362.15. Therefore, the FDIC believes that the rescission of Sec.
390.253 is unlikely to pose any substantive effects on small State
savings associations.
\62\ 12 CFR 390.253. See 12 U.S.C. 1828(m)(1).
Section 362.15 established notification requirements for State and
Federal savings associations prior to their establishing or acquiring a
subsidiary, or conducting any new activity through a subsidiary. As
discussed previously, after the Dodd Frank Act amendment of section
18(m) of the FDI Act, Federal savings associations are no longer
required to provide notice to the FDIC prior to the establishment, or
acquisition, of a subsidiary, or prior to the commencement of a new
activity in a subsidiary controlled by a Federal savings
association.\63\ Therefore, the FDIC believes that the rescission of
references to Federal savings associations from Sec. 362.15 is
unlikely to have any substantive effect on small insured depository
institutions in that it is simply consistent with existing law.
\63\ 12 U.S.C. 1828(m).
Section 390.254 permits a State savings association subsidiary to
issue, either directly or through a third party intermediary, any
securities that its parent State savings association is permitted to
issue. As discussed previously, although there is no corollary
regulation for FDIC-supervised depository institutions, State savings
association subsidiaries are permitted to issue securities pursuant to
section 28 of the FDI Act because the operating subsidiaries and
service corporations of Federal savings associations are permitted to
issue securities, subject to regulatory limitations. Therefore, the
FDIC believes that the rescission of Sec. 390.254, if adopted, is
unlikely to have any substantive effect on small State savings
associations or their subsidiaries.
Section 390.255 generally permits a State savings association to
notify the FDIC at least 30 days before making a contribution or a loan
(including a guarantee of a loan made by any other person) to a lower-
tier entity (salvage investment) that exceeds the maximum amount
otherwise permitted under law or regulation to exercise its power to
salvage the underlying asset (typically, an outstanding loan).\64\ As
discussed previously, State savings associations are currently subject
to Sec. 362.11 which requires State savings associations to seek prior
approval from the FDIC before making a contribution or a loan to a
lower-tier entity (salvage investment) that exceeds the maximum amount
otherwise permitted under law or regulation to exercise its power to
salvage the underlying asset to be consistent with State law.
Therefore, the FDIC believes that the rescission of Sec. 390.255 is
unlikely to substantively affect small State savings associations.
\64\ Without the salvage power provision, the maximum amount a
State savings association would be permitted would be related the
LTOB limit, which is equivalent to the applicable state's legal
lending limit.
By removing duplicative or unnecessary regulations, the FDIC
believes that the rule will benefit small State savings associations by
clarifying regulations and improving the ease of references.
C. The Congressional Review Act
For purposes of Congressional Review Act, the OMB makes a
determination as to whether a final rule constitutes a ``major'' rule.
If a rule is deemed a major rule by the OMB, the Congressional Review
Act generally provides that the rule may not take effect until at least
60 days following its publication.
The Congressional Review Act defines a ``major rule'' as any rule
that the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs of the OMB finds has resulted in or is likely to result in: (A)
An annual effect on the economy of $100,000,000 or more; (B) a major
increase in costs or prices for consumers, individual industries,
Federal, State, or local government agencies or geographic regions, or
(C) significant adverse effects on competition, employment, investment,
productivity, innovation, or on the ability of United States-based
enterprises to compete with foreign-based enterprises in domestic and
export markets.
The OMB has determined that the final rule is not a major rule for
purposes of the Congressional Review Act and the FDIC will submit the
final rule and other appropriate reports to Congress and the Government
Accountability Office for review.
D. Plain Language
Section 722 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act \65\ requires each
Federal banking agency to use plain language in all of its proposed and
final rules published after January 1, 2000. As a Federal banking
agency subject to the provisions of this section, the FDIC has sought
to present the final rule in a simple and straightforward manner and
did not receive any comments on the use of plain language.
\65\ Public Law 106-102, 113 Stat. 1338, 1471 (codified at 12
U.S.C. 4809).
E. The Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act
Under section 2222 of the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1996 (EGRPRA), the FDIC is required to review all of
its regulations, at least once every 10 years, in order to identify any
outdated or otherwise unnecessary regulations imposed on insured
institutions.\66\ The FDIC, along with the other Federal banking
agencies, submitted a Joint Report to Congress on March 21, 2017,
(EGRPRA Report) discussing how the review was conducted, what has been
done to date to address regulatory burdens, and further measures that
will be taken to address issues that were identified. As noted in the
EGRPRA Report, the FDIC is continuing to streamline and clarify its
regulations through the OTS rule integration process. By removing
outdated or unnecessary regulations, such as subpart O, this final rule
complements other actions the FDIC has taken, separately and with the
other Federal banking agencies, to further the EGRPRA mandate.
\66\ Public Law 104-208, 110 Stat. 3009 (1996).
F. Riegle Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994
Pursuant to section 302(a) of the Riegle Community Development and
Regulatory Improvement Act (RCDRIA), in determining the effective date
and administrative compliance requirements for new regulations that
impose additional reporting, disclosure, or other requirements on
insured depository institutions (IDIs), each Federal banking agency
must consider, consistent with principles of safety and soundness and
the public interest, any administrative burdens that such regulations
would place on depository institutions, including small depository
institutions, and customers of depository institutions, as well as the
benefits of such regulations. In addition, section 302(b) of RCDRIA
requires new regulations and amendments to
[[Page 8104]]
regulations that impose additional reporting, disclosures, or other new
requirements on IDIs generally to take effect on the first day of a
calendar quarter that begins on or after the date on which the
regulations are published in final form.
Because the final rule does not impose additional reporting,
disclosure, or other requirements on IDIs, section 302 of RCDRIA does
not apply.
List of Subjects
12 CFR Part 362
Administrative practice and procedure, Authority delegations
(Government agencies), Bank deposit insurance, Banks, Banking,
Investments, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
12 CFR Part 390
Administrative practice and procedure, Advertising, Aged, Civil
rights, Conflict of interests, Credit, Crime, Equal employment
opportunity, Fair housing, Government employees, Individuals with
disabilities, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings
Authority and Issuance
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation amends 12 CFR parts 362 and 390 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 362 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1816, 1818, 1819(a)(Tenth), 1828(j),
1828(m), 1828a, 1831a, 1831e, 1831w, 1843(l).
2. Revise Sec. 362.15 to read as follows:
Sec. 362.15 Acquiring or establishing a subsidiary; conducting new
activities through a subsidiary.
No state insured savings association may establish or acquire a
subsidiary, or conduct any new activity through a subsidiary, unless it
files a notice in compliance with Sec. 303.142(c) of this chapter at
least 30 days prior to establishment of the subsidiary or commencement
of the activity and the FDIC does not object to the notice. This
section does not apply to any state savings association that acquired
its principal assets from a Federal savings bank that was chartered
prior to October 15, 1982, as a savings bank under state law.
3. The authority citation for part 390 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1819.
Subpart Q also issued under 12 U.S.C. 1462; 1462a; 1463; 1464.
Subpart W also issued under 12 U.S.C. 1462a; 1463; 1464; 15
U.S.C. 78c; 78l; 78m; 78n; 78p; 78w.
Subpart O--[Removed and Reserved]
4. Remove and reserve subpart O, consisting of Sec. Sec. 390.250
through 390.255.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
By order of the Board of Directors.
Dated at Washington, DC, on December 15, 2020.
James P. Sheesley,
Assistant Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2020-28454 Filed 2-2-21; 8:45 am]