Sabine Neches Navigation District User Fee Notice, 7369-7372 [2021-01828]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 17 / Thursday, January 28, 2021 / Notices
Dated: January 22, 2021.
Robert Sidman,
Deputy Secretary of the Commission.
Office of the Secretary
[FR Doc. 2021–01839 Filed 1–27–21; 8:45 am]
[Docket ID: DOD–2020–OS–0109]
Proposed Collection; Comment
Office of the Secretary
[Docket ID: DOD–2020–OS–0106]
Proposed Collection; Comment
In Notice Document 2020–29209,
appearing on page 526, in the issue of
Wednesday, January 6, 2021, make the
following correction:
On page 526, in the first column, in
the heading titled DATES, the entry
‘‘April 1, 2021’’ should read ‘‘March 8,
[FR Doc. C1–2020–29209 Filed 1–27–21; 8:45 am]
In Notice Document 2020–29208,
appearing on pages 529–530, in the
issue of Wednesday, January 6, 2021,
make the following correction:
On page 529, in the third column, in
the heading titled DATES, the entry
‘‘April 1, 2021’’ should read ‘‘March 8,
[FR Doc. C1–2020–29208 Filed 1–27–21; 8:45 am]
Department of the Army, Corps of
Sabine Neches Navigation District
User Fee Notice
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Office of the Secretary
[Docket ID: DOD–2020–OS–0108]
Proposed Collection; Comment
The Water Resources Reform
and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014
authorizes a non-federal interest to levy
port or harbor dues in the form of
tonnage duties or fees in conjunction
with a harbor navigation project whose
usable increment of the project is
complete to finance the cost,
construction or maintenance of the
project. The Sabine-Neches Navigation
District (SNND) is a political
subdivision of the State of Texas and the
non-federal sponsor of the SabineNeches Waterway Channel
Improvement Project (SNWW CIP). The
SNND anticipates completion of the first
usable increment of the SNWW CIP in
early 2021. Upon completion of the first
usable increment, SNND intends to levy
port or harbor dues pursuant to 33
U.S.C. 2236. Notification in the Federal
Register prior to an initial levy of port
or harbor dues is required by the statute.
DATES: A public hearing on the
proposed user fee ordinance will be
held at 3:30 p.m. on March 15, 2021, in
the manner and location specified in the
ADDRESSES section of this Notice.
The public comment period will end
upon the close of business at 5 p.m.
(CST), March 29, 2021. Written
comments must be received by the
District on or before that date to be
considered before the user fee ordinance
becomes effective.
In Notice Document 2020–29193,
appearing on pages 530–531, in the
issue of Wednesday, January 6, 2021,
make the following correction:
On page 530, in the third column, in
the heading titled DATES the entry
‘‘April 1, 2021’’ should read ‘‘March 8,
[FR Doc. C1–2020–29193 Filed 1–27–21; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket ID: DOD–2020–OS–0107]
Proposed Collection; Comment
In Notice Document 2020–29210,
appearing on page 531, in the issue of
Wednesday, January 6, 2021, make the
following correction:
On page 531, in the first column, in
the heading titled DATES, the entry
‘‘April 1, 2021’’ should read ‘‘March 8,
[FR Doc. C1–2020–29210 Filed 1–27–21; 8:45 am]
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The public hearing will be
held at 8180 Anchor Drive, Port Arthur,
TX 77642. Pursuant to orders issued by
the Governor of Texas related to
combatting the spread of Covid-19,
arrangements will be made for
attendance at the public meeting by
electronic means. Details regarding
participation by electronic means will
be posted on SNND’s website:
Public comments concerning the
proposed users’ fee ordinance should be
directed in writing to Mr. Randall Reese,
Executive Director and CEO SabineNeches Navigation District, 8180
Anchor Drive, Port Arthur, TX 77642,
with a copy to Ms. Franchelle Nealy,
Galveston District, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, 2000 Fort Point Road,
Galveston, TX 77550.
comments and requests for further
information on the proposal must be
directed in writing to the Executive
Director and CEO of SNND. His contact
information follows: Mr. Randall Reese,
Executive Director and CEO SabineNeches Navigation District, 8180
Anchor Drive, Port Arthur, TX 77642;
Telephone: 409–729–4588; email:
Alternatively, contact Ms. Franchelle
Nealy, in writing at the Galveston
District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
ATTN: Ms. Franchelle Nealy, 2000 Fort
Point Road, Galveston, TX 77550;
Telephone: 409–766–3817; and by email
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Galveston District published the Final
Feasibility Report/Final Environmental
Impact Statement for SNWW CIP
(USACE, 2011) in March 2011, the Chief
of Engineers Report (Chief’s Report) was
signed in July 2011, and the Record of
Decision was signed in February 2012.
The Congressional approval of the
construction of the SNWW CIP
(authorization for construction) was
provided in Section 7002(1)1 of the
Water Resources Reform and
Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014,
Public Law 113–121. The SNWW CIP’s
new start construction was funded in
Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 by the Army Civil
Works Program FY 2019 Work Plan. The
SNND and the USACE signed the
Project Partnership Agreement for
SNWW CIP on or about July 27, 2019.
Additional funding for construction of
the SNWW CIP was provided in the FY
2020 Work Plan.
Construction of the first usable
increment of SNWW CIP, an anchorage
basin, has begun. Upon completion of
this anchorage basin, SNND intends to
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 17 / Thursday, January 28, 2021 / Notices
begin to levy port or harbor dues
pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 2236. 33 U.S.C.
2236(a)(5)(A) requires that SNND, as the
non-federal sponsor, transmit to the
Secretary of the Army for public notice
the proposed ordinance before the
initial levy of port or harbor dues. A
previous notice was published on June
23, 2020 (85 FR 37634) with a draft user
fee ordinance for public comment on
which several comments were received.
The comments resulted in the SNND
modifying the proposed levy of port or
harbor dues. The revised proposed levy
is stated below for public comment.
Proposed Ordinance
Sabine Neches Navigtion District User
Fee Ordinance. An Ordinance Setting
Out the Need for and Levying of a User
Service Fee on Vessels and Owners of
Cargo, Placing Responsibility for
Providing Required Documentation and
Providing Penalties
Whereas the Sabine Neches
Navigation District (‘‘Navigation
District’’) is the designated non-federal
sponsor (‘‘sponsor’’) for the Sabine
Neches Waterway Channel
Improvement Project for the Sabine
Neches Waterway authorized in the
Water Resources Reform and
Development Act of 2014 (‘‘Project’’);
Whereas the Texas Legislature
implemented Senate Bill 1137
authorizing the Navigation District to
serve as the sponsor for the Project and
perform all necessary duties as the
sponsor to satisfy its obligations as the
local sponsor; and
Whereas the Project is projected to
generate an additional $57 billion in
gross product and 465,000 US jobs; and
Whereas the Navigation District will
be responsible for funding its required
cost share of the total Project as set out
in the Project Partnership Agreement
between the United States Army Corps
of Engineers and the Navigation District,
including payment of the Navigation
District’s 40 percent share of the
construction cost; and
Whereas 33 U.S.C. 2236 authorizes a
non-federal interest to levy port or
harbor dues on vessels and the owner of
the cargo in the form of tonnage duties
or fees in conjunction with a port or
harbor navigation project whose usable
increment of the project is complete to
finance the cost, construction or
maintenance of the Project; and
Whereas the first usable increment of
the Project, a new anchorage basin,
located on the Neches River and
referenced in section VI page 16 of the
March 11, 2011, Final Feasibility has
been completed and benefits all vessels
whose design draft exceed 20 feet; and
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Whereas the levy of port or harbor
dues authorized by 33 U.S.C. 2236 may
be applied to all vessels comparable in
size to those vessels used to justify the
completed construction of a usable
increment of the Project; and
Whereas the Board of Commissioners
of the Navigation District has
considered matters such as elapsed time
of passage, safety of passengers and
cargo, vessel economy of scale, under
keel clearance, vessel draft, vessel squat,
speed, sinkage and the cost of
construction, operations, the value of
the services of the vessel and cargo; and
Whereas all vessels comparable in
size to those vessels used to justify the
completed construction of the useable
increment anchorage basin benefit from
the anchorage basin as a usable
increment of the Project, a User Fee as
set out below reflects the benefits
provided by the Project to vessels whose
design draft exceeds 20 feet.
Now Be It Ordained by the Navigation
and Canal Commissioners of the Sabine
Neches Navigation District
Authority and Jurisdiction
The geographical boundaries of the
Navigation District include an area that
is co-extensive with Jefferson County,
Texas, and the Navigation District
exercises jurisdiction over the adjacent
waterways, the nonpublic terminals and
all vessels using the Sabine Neches
Waterway Channel (‘‘Waterway’’).
The Navigation District has the power
and authority to regulate and fix charges
for the use of the Waterway. The
Navigation District is authorized to
make and enforce rules and regulations
to facilitate navigation and commerce,
to every User. All vessels whose design
draft exceeds 20 feet using the
Waterway shall conform to this User Fee
Ordinance (‘‘Ordinance’’), which
establishes a user fee for the financing
of the improvement Project (‘‘User
Fee’’). All Users of the Waterway, by
their use, consent to be bound by this
Ordinance including these rules and
regulations as they exist or may be
amended from time to time.
The Board of Commissioners of the
Sabine Neches Navigation District is
authorized by Article 16, Section 59, of
the Constitution of the State of Texas,
Chapter 60 of the Texas Water Code,
and the Acts of the 83rd Legislature
Regular Session HB 1137 to act as the
local sponsor for the Project.
Refusal or failure to comply with
these rules and regulations may result in
any action deemed appropriate or
advisable by the Navigation District in
consultation with the United States
Coast Guard Captain of the Port of Port
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Arthur and other relevant authorities, if
any. The Navigation District may
employ all legal means within its power
to impose penalties and collect fees
including the use and recovery of liens
as permitted by 33 U.S.C. 2236.
General Application
The use of the Sabine Neches
Waterway constitutes an acceptance by
the User of all charges, rules, and
regulations published in this Ordinance.
The charges, rules, and regulations
published in this Ordinance apply on
all cargo moving to and from terminals
on the Waterway in vessels with a
design draft exceeding 20 feet and shall
apply to cargos transferred at all
facilities and terminals on the
Waterway User Fee
A User Fee will be assessed against
vessels whose design draft exceeds 20
feet and owners of all cargos transiting
on vessels whose design draft exceeds
20 feet and loading or discharging at
terminals or facilities on the Sabine
Neches Waterway, beginning on a date
15 calendar days after final approval of
this Ordinance by the Board of
Commissioners of the Navigation
District. The purpose of the User Fee is
to finance construction costs associated
with the Project. Although the User Fee
is assessed against both subject vessels
carrying the cargo and the owner of the
cargo carried by subject vessels, the
User Fee will be collected only once on
each cargo loaded or unloaded onto a
subject vessel but may be collected from
either the subject vessel or the cargo
owner. To avoid any confusion, ‘‘subject
vessel’’ means a vessel whose design
draft exceeds 20 feet.
The User Fee authorized by this
resolution does not apply to (i) vessels
owned, chartered, or operated by the
United States Government, a foreign
country, a state, or a political
subdivision of a country or State, unless
engaged in commercial services; (ii)
vessels engaged in towing, dredging or
channel maintenance activities, (iii)
vessels engaged in intra-port
movements; or (iv) vessels with design
drafts of 20 feet or less.
For purposes of this Ordinance,
‘‘hydrocarbon’’ means oil, gas, ethanol,
methanol, a commodity or thing made
or manufactured-in whole or part-from
oil or gas, and derivatives or byproducts or fractions of oil or gas all
regardless of their physical form and
including mixtures of any or all of the
The User Fee authorized by this
ordinance will expire on January 1,
2049, or upon final payment of all
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 17 / Thursday, January 28, 2021 / Notices
construction and construction financing
costs associated with the Project,
whichever occurs first.
The User Fee is assessed for services
including, but not limited to, meeting
the financial responsibility of acting as
the local sponsor for the Project.
The User Fee will be assessed as a
tonnage fee on cargo loaded or
discharged through a terminal. The User
Fee will be assessed as follows:
Hydrocarbon Cargo
The Initial User Fee on hydrocarbon
cargo is set forth below and will be
identical to the schedule to be filed with
the Secretary of the Treasury and the
Federal Maritime Commission. The
amount of the User Fee will be reviewed
by the Navigation District at 12-month
intervals and adjusted up, down or
remain unchanged as required by the
construction cost financing
requirements of the Project, provided
that the User Fee will not exceed the
Maximum User Fee set forth below. If
any change is made to the User Fee a
new schedule will be filed with the
Secretary of the Treasury and the
Federal Maritime Commission
indicating the new User Fee rate and the
effective date of the rate change:
Break-bulk: Initial $0.20 per short ton;
Maximum $0.35 per short ton.
Bulk: Initial $0.20 per short ton;
Maximum $0.35 per short ton.
Liquid Bulk: Initial $0.20 per short
ton; Maximum $0.35 per short ton.
Non-Hydrocarbon Cargo
The Initial User Fee on nonhydrocarbon cargo is set forth below
and will be identical to the schedule to
be filed with the Secretary of the
Treasury and the Federal Maritime
Commission. The amount of the User
Fee will be reviewed by the Navigation
District at 12-month intervals and
adjusted up, down or remain unchanged
as required by the construction cost
financing requirements of the Project,
provided that the User Fee will not
exceed the Maximum User Fee set forth
below. If any change is made to the User
Fee a new schedule will be filed with
the Secretary of the Treasury and the
Federal Maritime Commission
indicating the new User Fee rate and the
effective date of the rate change:
Break-bulk: Initial $0.02 per short ton;
Maximum $0.035 per short ton.
Bulk: Initial $0.02 per short ton;
Maximum $0.035 per short ton.
Liquid Bulk: Initial $0.02 per short
ton; Maximum $0.035 per short ton.
Provision of Records
The Navigation District will designate
an officer or authorized representative
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to receive tonnage certificates and cargo
manifests from vessels which may be
subject to the levy of port or harbor
dues, export declarations from terminal
operators, and such other documents as
the non-Federal interest may by law,
regulation, or ordinance require for the
imposition, computation, and collection
of port or harbor dues. Terminal
operators having custody of any cargo to
be loaded on board a vessel while the
vessel is on the Waterway shall, within
forty-eight hours before departure of
that vessel, deliver to the appropriate
appointed authorized representative an
export declaration specifying the cargo
to be loaded on board each such vessel.
Upon the arrival of a vessel on the
Waterway, which the vessel may be
subject to the levy of port or harbor dues
under this Ordinance, the master of that
vessel shall, within forty-eight hours
after arrival and before any cargo is
unloaded from that vessel, deliver to the
appropriate appointed authorized
representative a tonnage certificate for
the vessel and a manifest of the cargo
aboard that vessel or, if the vessel is in
ballast, a declaration to that effect. The
Navigation District may enter into
memoranda of understanding with
terminal operators or others
individually or collectively to facilitate
the efficacious provision of records and
to modify these requirements as deemed
appropriate by the Navigation District.
Responsibility for Payment of User Fee
The vessel and owner of the cargo are
each jointly responsible for payment of
the entire User Fee to a representative
authorized and designated by the
Navigation District. Subject to
procedures memorialized in memoranda
of understanding, if applicable, invoices
for payment of the User Fee will be
delivered to vessels and cargo owners
from whom User Fees are due or
delivered to their respective agents.
Those invoices will contain payment
instructions. The Navigation District
will not make any duplicate collection
of the User Fee.
Payment Procedure
On the 15th of the month following
transfer of the cargo either to or from a
terminal on the Waterway, the terminal
involved will forward to the Navigation
District any funds paid to the terminal
by the vessel or the owner of the cargo
toward the User Fees upon cargo that
crossed the terminal’s dock for the
preceding month, along with a verified
statement of the amount owed for the
incurred User Fees for the preceding
month. Any vessel or cargo owner who
fails to pay the full User Fee shall be
identified on the monthly verified
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statement. This verified statement will
be submitted to the Navigation District
on a form promulgated by the
Navigation District and the accuracy of
the information provided on the form
shall be certified under penalties of
Terminals shall keep records of the
amounts owed and paid for the User Fee
for a period of three years and make
them available for audit by the
Navigation District. The data and fees
paid are subject to audit by the
Navigation District or other authorities
and the terminal will cooperate with the
Navigation District’s audit.
All users and owners of private
facilities and terminals shall be required
to permit Navigation District
representatives reasonable access to
manifests of cargo, receiving reports and
all other documents necessary to audit
and ascertain the correctness of User
Fees remitted or to be collected.
The procedures outlined in the
foregoing Provision of Records and
Payment Procedure sections of the
Ordinance may be modified by the
terms of a Memorandum of
Understanding (‘‘MOU’’) between an
individual terminal operator and the
Navigation District. In such case, the
terms of the MOU shall control the
obligations of the terminal operator
under the Provisions of Records and
Payment Procedure sections of this
Finance Charge
All fees are due and payable upon the
15th of the month following the use of
the Waterway. Any User Fee incurred,
which is unpaid thirty (30) days from
that date, shall be deemed to be
Any amount that is unpaid on or after
thirty (30) days from the date due will
be assessed an interest charge of twelve
percent (12%) per annum of the amount
of the fee due, and shall be due and
owing from the date of delinquency
until paid. Such interest charges shall
be calculated on a per annum basis of
three hundred sixty-five (365) days.
Venue and Attorney Fees
Additionally, should it become
necessary for the Navigation District to
file suit to collect any delinquent User
Fees or to enforce any provision of this
Ordinance, the party obligated herein to
pay such User Fees under this section
or the party against whom enforcement
of the User Fee is sought consents to
such suit being filed in the appropriate
Federal District Court in Jefferson
County, Texas. The Navigation District
shall be entitled to seek all relief
permitted by 33 U.S.C. 2236.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 17 / Thursday, January 28, 2021 / Notices
If any provision of this Ordinance or
its application to any person or
circumstance is held invalid, the
invalidity does not affect other
provisions or applications of this
Ordinance that can be given effect
without the invalid provision or
application, and to this end the
provisions of this Ordinance are
Pursuant to § 60.075(c) of the Texas
Water Code, a descriptive caption
stating the purpose of this Ordinance
and penalty for its violation will be
published for a ten (10) day period
following the passage in every issue of
the Beaumont Enterprise, a newspaper
of general circulation in the Navigation
This User Fee Ordinance was passed
at a Regular Meeting of the
Commissioners of the Sabine Neches
Navigation District.
Vance F. Stewart, III,
Senior Official Performing the Duties of the
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works).
[FR Doc. 2021–01828 Filed 1–27–21; 8:45 am]
Notice of Public Hearing and Business
Meeting; February 10 and March 10,
Notice is hereby given that the
Delaware River Basin Commission will
hold a public hearing on Wednesday,
February 10, 2021. A business meeting
will be held the following month on
Wednesday, March 10, 2021. Both the
hearing and the business meeting are
open to the public. In light of COVID–
19 mitigation measures in effect for
DRBC member states, both meetings will
be conducted remotely. Details about
the remote platform and how to attend
will be posted on the Commission’s
website,, on or after
January 27, 2021 for the public hearing
and no later than February 28, 2021 for
the business meeting.
Public Hearing. The Commission will
conduct the public hearing remotely on
February 10, 2021, commencing at 1:30
p.m. Hearing items will include draft
dockets for withdrawals, discharges,
and other projects that could have a
substantial effect on the basin’s water
resources. The list of projects scheduled
for hearing, including project
descriptions, will be posted on the
Commission’s website,,
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in a long form of this notice at least ten
days before the hearing date.
Written comments on matters
scheduled for hearing on February 10,
2021 will be accepted through 5:00 p.m.
on February 16, 2021.
The public is advised to check the
Commission’s website periodically prior
to the hearing date, as items scheduled
for hearing may be postponed if
additional time is needed to complete
the Commission’s review, and items
may be added up to ten days prior to the
hearing date. In reviewing docket
descriptions, the public is also asked to
be aware that the details of projects may
change during the Commission’s review,
which is ongoing.
Public Meeting. The public business
meeting on March 10, 2021 will begin
at 10:30 a.m. and will include: Adoption
of the Minutes of the Commission’s
December 9, 2020 Business Meeting;
announcements of upcoming meetings
and events; a report on hydrologic
conditions; reports by the Executive
Director and the Commission’s General
Counsel; and consideration of any items
for which a hearing has been completed
or is not required.
After all scheduled business has been
completed and as time allows, the
Business Meeting will be followed by
up to one hour of Open Public
Comment, an opportunity to address the
Commission on any topic concerning
management of the basin’s water
resources outside the context of a duly
noticed, on-the-record public hearing.
There will be no opportunity for
additional public comment for the
record at the March 10 Business
Meeting on items for which a hearing
was completed on February 10 or a
previous date. Commission
consideration on March 10 of items for
which the public hearing is closed may
result in approval of the item (by docket
or resolution) as proposed, approval
with changes, denial, or deferral. When
the Commissioners defer an action, they
may announce an additional period for
written comment on the item, with or
without an additional hearing date, or
they may take additional time to
consider the input they have already
received without requesting further
public input. Any deferred items will be
considered for action at a public
meeting of the Commission on a future
Advance Sign-Up for Oral Comment.
Individuals who wish to comment on
the record during the public hearing on
February 10 or to address the
Commissioners informally during the
Open Public Comment portion of the
meeting on March 10 as time allows, are
asked to sign up in advance through
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EventBrite. Links to EventBrite for the
Public Hearing and the Business
Meeting are posted at For
assistance, please contact Ms. Patricia
Hausler of the Commission staff, at
Addresses for Written Comment.
Written comment on items scheduled
for hearing may be made through the
Commission’s web-based comment
system, a link to which is provided at Use of the web-based
system ensures that all submissions are
captured in a single location and their
receipt is acknowledged. Exceptions to
the use of this system are available
based on need, by writing to the
attention of the Commission Secretary,
DRBC, P.O. Box 7360, 25 Cosey Road,
West Trenton, NJ 08628–0360. For
assistance, please contact Patricia
Hausler at
Accommodations for Special Needs.
Individuals in need of an
accommodation as provided for in the
Americans with Disabilities Act who
wish to attend the meeting or hearing
should contact the Commission
Secretary directly at 609–883–9500 ext.
203 or through the Telecommunications
Relay Services (TRS) at 711, to discuss
how we can accommodate your needs.
Additional Information, Contacts.
Additional public records relating to
hearing items may be examined at the
Commission’s offices by appointment by
contacting Denise McHugh, 609–883–
9500, ext. 240. For other questions
concerning hearing items, please contact
David Kovach, Project Review Section
Manager at 609–883–9500, ext. 264.
Dated: January 21, 2021.
Pamela M. Bush,
Commission Secretary and Assistant General
[FR Doc. 2021–01937 Filed 1–27–21; 8:45 am]
[Docket No.: ED–2021–SCC–0014]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget for Review
and Approval; Comment Request;
Asian American and Native American
Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions
(AANAPISI) Program Application
Office of Postsecondary
Education (OPE), Department of
Education (ED).
ACTION: Notice.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, ED is
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 17 (Thursday, January 28, 2021)]
[Pages 7369-7372]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-01828]
Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers
Sabine Neches Navigation District User Fee Notice
AGENCY: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014
authorizes a non-federal interest to levy port or harbor dues in the
form of tonnage duties or fees in conjunction with a harbor navigation
project whose usable increment of the project is complete to finance
the cost, construction or maintenance of the project. The Sabine-Neches
Navigation District (SNND) is a political subdivision of the State of
Texas and the non-federal sponsor of the Sabine-Neches Waterway Channel
Improvement Project (SNWW CIP). The SNND anticipates completion of the
first usable increment of the SNWW CIP in early 2021. Upon completion
of the first usable increment, SNND intends to levy port or harbor dues
pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 2236. Notification in the Federal Register prior
to an initial levy of port or harbor dues is required by the statute.
DATES: A public hearing on the proposed user fee ordinance will be held
at 3:30 p.m. on March 15, 2021, in the manner and location specified in
the ADDRESSES section of this Notice.
The public comment period will end upon the close of business at 5
p.m. (CST), March 29, 2021. Written comments must be received by the
District on or before that date to be considered before the user fee
ordinance becomes effective.
ADDRESSES: The public hearing will be held at 8180 Anchor Drive, Port
Arthur, TX 77642. Pursuant to orders issued by the Governor of Texas
related to combatting the spread of Covid-19, arrangements will be made
for attendance at the public meeting by electronic means. Details
regarding participation by electronic means will be posted on SNND's
Public comments concerning the proposed users' fee ordinance should
be directed in writing to Mr. Randall Reese, Executive Director and CEO
Sabine-Neches Navigation District, 8180 Anchor Drive, Port Arthur, TX
77642, with a copy to Ms. Franchelle Nealy, Galveston District, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, 2000 Fort Point Road, Galveston, TX 77550.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: All comments and requests for further
information on the proposal must be directed in writing to the
Executive Director and CEO of SNND. His contact information follows:
Mr. Randall Reese, Executive Director and CEO Sabine-Neches Navigation
District, 8180 Anchor Drive, Port Arthur, TX 77642; Telephone: 409-729-
4588; email: [email protected]. Alternatively, contact Ms.
Franchelle Nealy, in writing at the Galveston District, U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, ATTN: Ms. Franchelle Nealy, 2000 Fort Point Road,
Galveston, TX 77550; Telephone: 409-766-3817; and by email at
[email protected].
Galveston District published the Final Feasibility Report/Final
Environmental Impact Statement for SNWW CIP (USACE, 2011) in March
2011, the Chief of Engineers Report (Chief's Report) was signed in July
2011, and the Record of Decision was signed in February 2012. The
Congressional approval of the construction of the SNWW CIP
(authorization for construction) was provided in Section 7002(1)1 of
the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014, Public
Law 113-121. The SNWW CIP's new start construction was funded in Fiscal
Year (FY) 2019 by the Army Civil Works Program FY 2019 Work Plan. The
SNND and the USACE signed the Project Partnership Agreement for SNWW
CIP on or about July 27, 2019. Additional funding for construction of
the SNWW CIP was provided in the FY 2020 Work Plan.
Construction of the first usable increment of SNWW CIP, an
anchorage basin, has begun. Upon completion of this anchorage basin,
SNND intends to
[[Page 7370]]
begin to levy port or harbor dues pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 2236. 33 U.S.C.
2236(a)(5)(A) requires that SNND, as the non-federal sponsor, transmit
to the Secretary of the Army for public notice the proposed ordinance
before the initial levy of port or harbor dues. A previous notice was
published on June 23, 2020 (85 FR 37634) with a draft user fee
ordinance for public comment on which several comments were received.
The comments resulted in the SNND modifying the proposed levy of port
or harbor dues. The revised proposed levy is stated below for public
Proposed Ordinance
Sabine Neches Navigtion District User Fee Ordinance. An Ordinance
Setting Out the Need for and Levying of a User Service Fee on Vessels
and Owners of Cargo, Placing Responsibility for Providing Required
Documentation and Providing Penalties
Whereas the Sabine Neches Navigation District (``Navigation
District'') is the designated non-federal sponsor (``sponsor'') for the
Sabine Neches Waterway Channel Improvement Project for the Sabine
Neches Waterway authorized in the Water Resources Reform and
Development Act of 2014 (``Project''); and
Whereas the Texas Legislature implemented Senate Bill 1137
authorizing the Navigation District to serve as the sponsor for the
Project and perform all necessary duties as the sponsor to satisfy its
obligations as the local sponsor; and
Whereas the Project is projected to generate an additional $57
billion in gross product and 465,000 US jobs; and
Whereas the Navigation District will be responsible for funding its
required cost share of the total Project as set out in the Project
Partnership Agreement between the United States Army Corps of Engineers
and the Navigation District, including payment of the Navigation
District's 40 percent share of the construction cost; and
Whereas 33 U.S.C. 2236 authorizes a non-federal interest to levy
port or harbor dues on vessels and the owner of the cargo in the form
of tonnage duties or fees in conjunction with a port or harbor
navigation project whose usable increment of the project is complete to
finance the cost, construction or maintenance of the Project; and
Whereas the first usable increment of the Project, a new anchorage
basin, located on the Neches River and referenced in section VI page 16
of the March 11, 2011, Final Feasibility has been completed and
benefits all vessels whose design draft exceed 20 feet; and
Whereas the levy of port or harbor dues authorized by 33 U.S.C.
2236 may be applied to all vessels comparable in size to those vessels
used to justify the completed construction of a usable increment of the
Project; and
Whereas the Board of Commissioners of the Navigation District has
considered matters such as elapsed time of passage, safety of
passengers and cargo, vessel economy of scale, under keel clearance,
vessel draft, vessel squat, speed, sinkage and the cost of
construction, operations, the value of the services of the vessel and
cargo; and
Whereas all vessels comparable in size to those vessels used to
justify the completed construction of the useable increment anchorage
basin benefit from the anchorage basin as a usable increment of the
Project, a User Fee as set out below reflects the benefits provided by
the Project to vessels whose design draft exceeds 20 feet.
Now Be It Ordained by the Navigation and Canal Commissioners of the
Sabine Neches Navigation District
Authority and Jurisdiction
The geographical boundaries of the Navigation District include an
area that is co-extensive with Jefferson County, Texas, and the
Navigation District exercises jurisdiction over the adjacent waterways,
the nonpublic terminals and all vessels using the Sabine Neches
Waterway Channel (``Waterway'').
The Navigation District has the power and authority to regulate and
fix charges for the use of the Waterway. The Navigation District is
authorized to make and enforce rules and regulations to facilitate
navigation and commerce, to every User. All vessels whose design draft
exceeds 20 feet using the Waterway shall conform to this User Fee
Ordinance (``Ordinance''), which establishes a user fee for the
financing of the improvement Project (``User Fee''). All Users of the
Waterway, by their use, consent to be bound by this Ordinance including
these rules and regulations as they exist or may be amended from time
to time.
The Board of Commissioners of the Sabine Neches Navigation District
is authorized by Article 16, Section 59, of the Constitution of the
State of Texas, Chapter 60 of the Texas Water Code, and the Acts of the
83rd Legislature Regular Session HB 1137 to act as the local sponsor
for the Project.
Refusal or failure to comply with these rules and regulations may
result in any action deemed appropriate or advisable by the Navigation
District in consultation with the United States Coast Guard Captain of
the Port of Port Arthur and other relevant authorities, if any. The
Navigation District may employ all legal means within its power to
impose penalties and collect fees including the use and recovery of
liens as permitted by 33 U.S.C. 2236.
General Application
The use of the Sabine Neches Waterway constitutes an acceptance by
the User of all charges, rules, and regulations published in this
Ordinance. The charges, rules, and regulations published in this
Ordinance apply on all cargo moving to and from terminals on the
Waterway in vessels with a design draft exceeding 20 feet and shall
apply to cargos transferred at all facilities and terminals on the
Waterway User Fee
A User Fee will be assessed against vessels whose design draft
exceeds 20 feet and owners of all cargos transiting on vessels whose
design draft exceeds 20 feet and loading or discharging at terminals or
facilities on the Sabine Neches Waterway, beginning on a date 15
calendar days after final approval of this Ordinance by the Board of
Commissioners of the Navigation District. The purpose of the User Fee
is to finance construction costs associated with the Project. Although
the User Fee is assessed against both subject vessels carrying the
cargo and the owner of the cargo carried by subject vessels, the User
Fee will be collected only once on each cargo loaded or unloaded onto a
subject vessel but may be collected from either the subject vessel or
the cargo owner. To avoid any confusion, ``subject vessel'' means a
vessel whose design draft exceeds 20 feet.
The User Fee authorized by this resolution does not apply to (i)
vessels owned, chartered, or operated by the United States Government,
a foreign country, a state, or a political subdivision of a country or
State, unless engaged in commercial services; (ii) vessels engaged in
towing, dredging or channel maintenance activities, (iii) vessels
engaged in intra-port movements; or (iv) vessels with design drafts of
20 feet or less.
For purposes of this Ordinance, ``hydrocarbon'' means oil, gas,
ethanol, methanol, a commodity or thing made or manufactured-in whole
or part-from oil or gas, and derivatives or by-products or fractions of
oil or gas all regardless of their physical form and including mixtures
of any or all of the above.
The User Fee authorized by this ordinance will expire on January 1,
2049, or upon final payment of all
[[Page 7371]]
construction and construction financing costs associated with the
Project, whichever occurs first.
The User Fee is assessed for services including, but not limited
to, meeting the financial responsibility of acting as the local sponsor
for the Project.
The User Fee will be assessed as a tonnage fee on cargo loaded or
discharged through a terminal. The User Fee will be assessed as
Hydrocarbon Cargo
The Initial User Fee on hydrocarbon cargo is set forth below and
will be identical to the schedule to be filed with the Secretary of the
Treasury and the Federal Maritime Commission. The amount of the User
Fee will be reviewed by the Navigation District at 12-month intervals
and adjusted up, down or remain unchanged as required by the
construction cost financing requirements of the Project, provided that
the User Fee will not exceed the Maximum User Fee set forth below. If
any change is made to the User Fee a new schedule will be filed with
the Secretary of the Treasury and the Federal Maritime Commission
indicating the new User Fee rate and the effective date of the rate
Break-bulk: Initial $0.20 per short ton; Maximum $0.35 per short
Bulk: Initial $0.20 per short ton; Maximum $0.35 per short ton.
Liquid Bulk: Initial $0.20 per short ton; Maximum $0.35 per short
Non-Hydrocarbon Cargo
The Initial User Fee on non-hydrocarbon cargo is set forth below
and will be identical to the schedule to be filed with the Secretary of
the Treasury and the Federal Maritime Commission. The amount of the
User Fee will be reviewed by the Navigation District at 12-month
intervals and adjusted up, down or remain unchanged as required by the
construction cost financing requirements of the Project, provided that
the User Fee will not exceed the Maximum User Fee set forth below. If
any change is made to the User Fee a new schedule will be filed with
the Secretary of the Treasury and the Federal Maritime Commission
indicating the new User Fee rate and the effective date of the rate
Break-bulk: Initial $0.02 per short ton; Maximum $0.035 per short
Bulk: Initial $0.02 per short ton; Maximum $0.035 per short ton.
Liquid Bulk: Initial $0.02 per short ton; Maximum $0.035 per short
Provision of Records
The Navigation District will designate an officer or authorized
representative to receive tonnage certificates and cargo manifests from
vessels which may be subject to the levy of port or harbor dues, export
declarations from terminal operators, and such other documents as the
non-Federal interest may by law, regulation, or ordinance require for
the imposition, computation, and collection of port or harbor dues.
Terminal operators having custody of any cargo to be loaded on board a
vessel while the vessel is on the Waterway shall, within forty-eight
hours before departure of that vessel, deliver to the appropriate
appointed authorized representative an export declaration specifying
the cargo to be loaded on board each such vessel. Upon the arrival of a
vessel on the Waterway, which the vessel may be subject to the levy of
port or harbor dues under this Ordinance, the master of that vessel
shall, within forty-eight hours after arrival and before any cargo is
unloaded from that vessel, deliver to the appropriate appointed
authorized representative a tonnage certificate for the vessel and a
manifest of the cargo aboard that vessel or, if the vessel is in
ballast, a declaration to that effect. The Navigation District may
enter into memoranda of understanding with terminal operators or others
individually or collectively to facilitate the efficacious provision of
records and to modify these requirements as deemed appropriate by the
Navigation District.
Responsibility for Payment of User Fee
The vessel and owner of the cargo are each jointly responsible for
payment of the entire User Fee to a representative authorized and
designated by the Navigation District. Subject to procedures
memorialized in memoranda of understanding, if applicable, invoices for
payment of the User Fee will be delivered to vessels and cargo owners
from whom User Fees are due or delivered to their respective agents.
Those invoices will contain payment instructions. The Navigation
District will not make any duplicate collection of the User Fee.
Payment Procedure
On the 15th of the month following transfer of the cargo either to
or from a terminal on the Waterway, the terminal involved will forward
to the Navigation District any funds paid to the terminal by the vessel
or the owner of the cargo toward the User Fees upon cargo that crossed
the terminal's dock for the preceding month, along with a verified
statement of the amount owed for the incurred User Fees for the
preceding month. Any vessel or cargo owner who fails to pay the full
User Fee shall be identified on the monthly verified statement. This
verified statement will be submitted to the Navigation District on a
form promulgated by the Navigation District and the accuracy of the
information provided on the form shall be certified under penalties of
Terminals shall keep records of the amounts owed and paid for the
User Fee for a period of three years and make them available for audit
by the Navigation District. The data and fees paid are subject to audit
by the Navigation District or other authorities and the terminal will
cooperate with the Navigation District's audit.
All users and owners of private facilities and terminals shall be
required to permit Navigation District representatives reasonable
access to manifests of cargo, receiving reports and all other documents
necessary to audit and ascertain the correctness of User Fees remitted
or to be collected.
The procedures outlined in the foregoing Provision of Records and
Payment Procedure sections of the Ordinance may be modified by the
terms of a Memorandum of Understanding (``MOU'') between an individual
terminal operator and the Navigation District. In such case, the terms
of the MOU shall control the obligations of the terminal operator under
the Provisions of Records and Payment Procedure sections of this
Finance Charge
All fees are due and payable upon the 15th of the month following
the use of the Waterway. Any User Fee incurred, which is unpaid thirty
(30) days from that date, shall be deemed to be delinquent.
Any amount that is unpaid on or after thirty (30) days from the
date due will be assessed an interest charge of twelve percent (12%)
per annum of the amount of the fee due, and shall be due and owing from
the date of delinquency until paid. Such interest charges shall be
calculated on a per annum basis of three hundred sixty-five (365) days.
Venue and Attorney Fees
Additionally, should it become necessary for the Navigation
District to file suit to collect any delinquent User Fees or to enforce
any provision of this Ordinance, the party obligated herein to pay such
User Fees under this section or the party against whom enforcement of
the User Fee is sought consents to such suit being filed in the
appropriate Federal District Court in Jefferson County, Texas. The
Navigation District shall be entitled to seek all relief permitted by
33 U.S.C. 2236.
[[Page 7372]]
If any provision of this Ordinance or its application to any person
or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other
provisions or applications of this Ordinance that can be given effect
without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the
provisions of this Ordinance are severable.
Pursuant to Sec. 60.075(c) of the Texas Water Code, a descriptive
caption stating the purpose of this Ordinance and penalty for its
violation will be published for a ten (10) day period following the
passage in every issue of the Beaumont Enterprise, a newspaper of
general circulation in the Navigation District.
This User Fee Ordinance was passed at a Regular Meeting of the
Commissioners of the Sabine Neches Navigation District.
Vance F. Stewart, III,
Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of the
Army (Civil Works).
[FR Doc. 2021-01828 Filed 1-27-21; 8:45 am]