Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Washington, 2448-2449 [2021-00340]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 7 / Tuesday, January 12, 2021 / Notices
3. 2% of the retail selling price on all
liquor sold and delivered within the
Reservation by a company that
manufactured, distilled, rectified,
bottled, or processed and that sold not
more than 50,000 proof gallons of liquor
nationwide in the calendar year
preceding imposition of tax pursuant to
this section;
4. The license tax must be charged
and collected on all liquor produced in
or brought within the Reservation and
taxed by the Tribe. The retail selling
price must be computed by adding to
the cost of the liquor the Tribe markup
of 40.5% for all liquor other than
sacramental wine, for which the markup
must be 20% and fortified wine
containing more than 16% but not more
than 24% alcohol by volume, for which
markup must be 51%. The license tax
must be figured in the same manner as
the Tribe excise tax and is in addition
to the Tribe excise tax.
5. The licensee tax imposed in this
subsection shall be collected by the
Tribe (with the assistance by the State
pursuant to the Agreement).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Sec. 105. Beer Exercise Tax
1. A tax is imposed on each barrel of
31 gallons of beer sold on the
Reservation by a wholesaler. A barrel of
beer equals 31 gallons. The tax is based
upon the total number of barrels of beer
produced by a brewer in a year. A
brewer who produces less than 10,000
barrels of beer a year is taxed on the
following increments of production:
a. up to 5,000 barrels, $1.30;
b. 5,001 barrels to 10,000 barrels,
c. The tax on beer sold for a brewer
who produces over 10,000 barrels is
2. The Tribe shall compute the tax
due on beer sold in containers other
than barrels or in barrels of more or less
capacity than 31 gallons.
3. The tax imposed pursuant to
subsection (1) is due at the end of each
month from the wholesaler upon beer
sold by the wholesaler during the
4. The tax imposed in this subsection
shall be collected by the Tribe (with the
assistance by the State pursuant to the
Sec. 106. Wine and Hard Cider Tax
1. A tax of 27 cents per liter is
imposed on sacramental wine and table
wine, except hard cider, imported by a
table wine distributor and on table wine
shipped directly to consumers or
licensed retailers by a winery registered
or licensed.
2. A tax of 3.7 cents per liter is
imposed on hard cider imported by a
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table wine distributor and on hard cider
shipped directly to licensed retailers by
a winery licensed.
3. The tax imposed pursuant to
subsection (1) is due on or before the
15th day of each month for sales in the
previous month.
4. The tax imposed in this subsection
shall be collected by the Tribe (with the
assistance by the State pursuant to the
Sec. 107. Uniformed Penalty and
Interest Assessments for Violation of
A person who fails to pay an imposed
tax by due date, including any extension
of time allowed, shall be assessed a late
filing penalty. The penalty is greater of
$50 or 5% of the tax due for each month
during which there is a failure to file
return or report, not to exceed an
amount up to 25% of the tax due. The
late filing penalty is calculated from the
due date or extended due date. The
penalty is computed only on the net
amount of tax due, if any, as of the
original due date or extended due date,
after credit has been given for amounts
paid through withholding, estimated tax
payments, or other credits claimed on
the return. The penalty and interest
imposed in this subsection shall be
collected by the Tribe (with the
assistance by the State pursuant to the
Sec. 108. Powers Reserved to Chippewa
Cree Business Committee
Nothing in this Ordinance is intended
to restrict the Tribe from prohibiting the
sale and consumption of liquor or of all
alcoholic beverages within the exterior
boundaries of the Rocky Boy’s Indian
Reservation. Furthermore all powers
relating to regulation and control over
alcoholic beverages which are not
expressly delegated in this Ordinance
shall be retained by the Chippewa Cree
Business Committee.
Nothing in this Ordinance restricts
the Chippewa Cree Business Committee
from establishing exemptions within
this Ordinance. Any exemptions shall
be adopted by Resolution.
Sec. 110. Sovereign Immunity Preserved
Nothing in this Ordinance is intended
or shall be construed as a waiver of
sovereign immunity of the Chippewa
Cree Tribe.
Sec. 111. Enforcement
The Tribe may commence and
prosecute to final determination in the
Chippewa Cree Tribal Court or any
court of competent jurisdiction an
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Sec. 112. Application of Federal Laws
Federal law currently prohibits the
introduction of alcoholic beverages into
Indian country (18 U.S.C. 1154), and
expressly delegates to the Tribes the
decision regarding when and to what
extent liquor transactions shall be
permitted (18 U.S.C § 1661). Persons
involved in acts and transactions not
authorized by this Chapter shall be
subject to federal criminal prosecution,
as well as civil legal action in the courts
of the United States.
Sec. 113. Severability
Should any section, clause, sentence,
or provision of this Ordinance be held
invalid for any reason, such hold or
decree shall not be construed as
affecting the validity of any of the
remaining portions hereof, it being
declared that the Chippewa Cree
Business Committee would have
adopted the remainder of this
Ordinance, notwithstanding the
invalidity of any such Section, clause,
sentence, or provision.
Sec. 114. Amendment
Amendments to this Ordinance may
be made only the Chippewa Cree
Business Committee of the Chippewa
Cree Tribe.
Sec. 115. Effective Date
This Ordinance was adopted by the
Chippewa Cree Business by Resolution
No. 52–20 and is effective on the 6th
day of June, 2020.
Tara Sweeney,
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2021–00347 Filed 1–11–21; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Sec. 109. Exemptions
PO 00000
action to collect taxes and penalties
pursuant to this Ordinance.
Sfmt 4703
Indian Gaming; Approval of TribalState Class III Gaming Compact in the
State of Washington
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice.
This notice publishes the
approval of the Second Amendment to
the Tribal-State Compact for Class III
Gaming between the Cowlitz Indian
Tribe (Tribe) and the State of
Washington (State).
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 7 / Tuesday, January 12, 2021 / Notices
The compact takes effect on
January 12, 2021.
Paula L. Hart, Director, Office of Indian
Gaming, Office of the Deputy Assistant
Secretary—Policy and Economic
Development, Washington, DC 20240,
(202) 219–4066.
section 11 of the Indian Gaming
Regulatory Act (IGRA), Public Law 100–
497, 25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq., the
Secretary of the Interior shall publish in
the Federal Register notice of approved
Tribal-State compacts for the purpose of
engaging in Class III gaming activities
on Indian lands. As required by 25 CFR
293.4, all compacts and amendments are
subject to review and approval by the
Secretary. The Compact increases the
number of player terminals the Tribe
may operate, increases the Tribe’s
contribution to combat problem
gambling, permits the Tribe’s gaming
facilities to accept additional forms of
payment, designates the Cowlitz Tribal
Court as a jurisdictional forum for
certain purposes, adopts certain state
law provisions related to gaming
regulation, and adopts rules governing
wide area progressives. The Compact is
Tara Sweeney,
Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2021–00340 Filed 1–11–21; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Proclaiming Certain Lands as
Reservation for the Shakopee
Mdewakanton Sioux Community of
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice of reservation
This notice informs the public
that the Acting Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs proclaimed two parcels as
additions to the reservation of the
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
These proclamations were made
on January 6, 2021.
Sharlene M. Round Face, Bureau of
Indian Affairs, Division of Real Estate
Services, 1001 Indian School Road, NW,
Box #44, Albuquerque, New Mexico
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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(505) 563–3132.
notice is published in the exercise of
authority delegated by the Secretary of
the Interior to the Assistant Secretary—
Indian Affairs by part 209 of the
Departmental Manual.
Proclamations were issued according
to the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984;
25 U.S.C. 5110) for the lands described
below, known as the Tinta Otunwe
Parcel, consisting of 109.12 acres, more
or less; and the Group E Parcel,
consisting of 166.13 acres, more or less.
The lands were proclaimed to be part of
the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux
Community of Minnesota Reservation in
Scott County, Minnesota.
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
of Minnesota, 1 Parcel, Fifth Principal
Meridian, Scott County, Minnesota, Legal
Descriptions Containing 109.12 Acres, More
or Less
Tinta Otunwe Parcel, 411 T 1026
Parcel 1: All that part of the Northwest
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 21,
Township 115 North, Range 22 West of the
5th P.M., Scott County, Minnesota, described
as follows: Beginning at a point on the North
and South Quarter line of said Section 21,
distant 900.75 feet south of the North Quarter
corner; thence south along said Quarter line
a distance of 240.0 feet; thence west a
distance of 544.5 feet to the point of
beginning according to the United States
Government Survey thereof.
Parcel 2: The Northwest 1⁄4 of the Northeast
1⁄4 of Section 21, Township 115 North, Range
22 West of the 5th P.M., Scott County,
Minnesota, excepting therefrom the following
described tract of land: All that part of the
Northwest 1⁄4 of the Northeast 1⁄4 of Section
21, Township 115 North, Range 22 West of
the 5th P.M., Scott County, Minnesota
described as follows: Beginning at a point on
the North and South Quarter line of said
section 21 distant 900.75 feet south of the
North Quarter corner; thence south along
said Quarter line a distance of 240.0 feet;
thence east a distance of 544.5 feet; thence
north a distance if 240.0 feet; thence west a
distance of 544.5 feet to a point of beginning,
according to the United States Government
Survey thereof.
Parcel 3: The north half of the south half
of the Northeast Quarter (N1⁄2 of S1⁄2 of NE1⁄4)
of Section 21, Township 115 North, Range 22
West of the 5th P.M., Scott County,
Minnesota, according to the United States
Government Survey thereof.
Parcel 4: The south 1⁄2 of the south 1⁄2 of
the Northeast 1⁄4 except the west 1448.80 feet
of the south 1⁄2 of the south 1⁄2 of the south
1⁄2 of the Northeast 1⁄4, Section 21, Township
115 North, Range 22 west of the 5th P.M.,
Scott County, Minnesota, according to the
United States Government Survey thereof.
The above described lands contain a
total of 109.12 acres, more or less,
which are subject to all valid rights,
PO 00000
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reservations, rights-of-way, and
easements of record.
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
of Minnesota, 1 Parcel, Fifth Principal
Meridian, Scott County, Minnesota, Legal
Descriptions Containing 166.13 Acres, More
or Less
Group E Parcel, 411 T 1025
Parcel 1: All that part of the following
described PARCEL A, lying westerly of a line
parallel with and 1086.40 feet easterly from
the west line of the Northwest Quarter of
Section 29, Township 115 North, Range 22
West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Scott
County, Minnesota, as measured at a right
angle, and its extensions.
PARCEL A: All that land lying and being
in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota
described as follows, to-wit:
The North Half of the Northwest Quarter
(N 1⁄2 of NW 1⁄4), the Southwest Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter (SW 1⁄4 of NW 1⁄4) and
all that part of the Southeast Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter, lying North and West of
a line commencing at the Northeast corner of
said tract and running through the center
thereof in a direct course to the Southwest
corner thereof, of Section Twenty-nine (29),
and all of the above described land being in
Township One Hundred Fifteen (115) North,
Range Twenty-two (22) West of the 5th
Principal Meridian, Scott County, Minnesota,
according to the Government Survey thereof,
excepting the East two (2) rods of the above
described land being subject to a road
and excepting therefrom: The Northwest
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section
29, Township 115 North, Range 22 West of
the 5th Principal Meridian, Scott County,
Minnesota. Together with that part of the
Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter
of said Section 29, lying South of the North
363.00 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter;
and excepting therefrom: The East 400.00
feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter of Section 29, Township 115 North,
Range 22 West of the 5th Principal Meridian,
Scott County, Minnesota. Subject to an
easement for Highway purposes over the
North 75.00 feet as designated in Document
No. 148471. Together with that part of the
East 400.00 feet of the Southeast Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter of said Section 29,
lying Northwesterly of a line drawn from the
Northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter, Southwesterly to the
Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter
of the Northwest Quarter;
and excepting therefrom: A tract of land in
the Northwest Quarter (NW 1⁄4) of Section 29,
Township 115 North, Range 22 West of the
5th Principal Meridian; Scott County,
Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at
the Southwest corner of said Northwest
Quarter (NW 1⁄4) and thence East along the
South line thereof a distance of 160.2 feet to
the center line of County Road No. 17; thence
Northwesterly along said center line to its
intersection with the West line of said
Northwest Quarter (NW 1⁄4); thence South
along said West line to the point of
beginning; subject to said road right-of-way.
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 7 (Tuesday, January 12, 2021)]
[Pages 2448-2449]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-00340]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact
in the State of Washington
AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice publishes the approval of the Second Amendment to
the Tribal-State Compact for Class III Gaming between the Cowlitz
Indian Tribe (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State).
[[Page 2449]]
DATES: The compact takes effect on January 12, 2021.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Paula L. Hart, Director, Office of
Indian Gaming, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary--Policy and
Economic Development, Washington, DC 20240, (202) 219-4066.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under section 11 of the Indian Gaming
Regulatory Act (IGRA), Public Law 100-497, 25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq., the
Secretary of the Interior shall publish in the Federal Register notice
of approved Tribal-State compacts for the purpose of engaging in Class
III gaming activities on Indian lands. As required by 25 CFR 293.4, all
compacts and amendments are subject to review and approval by the
Secretary. The Compact increases the number of player terminals the
Tribe may operate, increases the Tribe's contribution to combat problem
gambling, permits the Tribe's gaming facilities to accept additional
forms of payment, designates the Cowlitz Tribal Court as a
jurisdictional forum for certain purposes, adopts certain state law
provisions related to gaming regulation, and adopts rules governing
wide area progressives. The Compact is approved.
Tara Sweeney,
Assistant Secretary--Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2021-00340 Filed 1-11-21; 8:45 am]