Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board Approval Under Delegated Authority and Submission to OMB, 86560-86566 [2020-28788]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 250 / Wednesday, December 30, 2020 / Notices
manner that is consistent with the
requirements in TSCA for the use of the
best available science, and ensure
decisions are based on the weight of the
scientific evidence.
The specific risk evaluation process
that EPA has established by rule to
implement the statutory process is set
out in 40 CFR part 702 and summarized
on EPA’s website at https:// As
explained in the preamble to EPA’s final
rule on procedures for risk evaluation
(82 FR 33726, July 20, 2017) (FRL–
9964–38), the specific regulatory
process set out in 40 CFR part 702,
subpart B is being followed for the first
ten chemical substances undergoing risk
evaluation to the maximum extent
Prior to the publication of this final
risk evaluation, a draft risk evaluation
was subject to peer review and public
comment. EPA reviewed the report from
the peer review committee and public
comments and has amended the risk
evaluation in response to these
comments as appropriate. The public
comments, peer review report, and
EPA’s response to comments is in
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–
0236. Prior to the publication of the
draft risk evaluation, EPA made
available the scope and problem
formulation, and solicited public input
on uses and exposure. EPA’s documents
and the public comments are in Docket
ID No. EPA–HQ–OPPT–2016–0743.
Additionally, information about the
scope, problem formulation, and draft
risk evaluation phases of the TSCA risk
evaluation for this chemical is available
at EPA’s website at https://
B. What is n-Methylpyrrolidone (NMP)?
n-Methylpyrrolidone (CASRN 872–
50–4), also called n-methyl-2pyrrolidone, or 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone,
is a water-miscible, organic solvent that
is often used as a substitute for
halogenated solvents. NMP is widely
used in the chemical manufacturing,
petrochemical processing and
electronics industries, and in
semiconductor fabrication and lithium
ion battery manufacturing {FMI, 2015,
3827469}. In the commercial sector,
NMP is primarily used for producing
and removing paints, coatings and
adhesives. Other applications include
use in solvents, reagents, sealers, inks
and grouts, industrial, commercial and
consumer uses and disposal. CDR data
shows that the total aggregate
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production volume for NMP decreased
slightly from 164 to 160 million pounds
between 2012 and 2015.
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.
Andrew Wheeler,
[FR Doc. 2020–28872 Filed 12–29–20; 8:45 am]
Change in Bank Control Notices;
Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or
Bank Holding Company
The notificants listed below have
applied under the Change in Bank
Control Act (Act) (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and
§ 225.41 of the Board’s Regulation Y (12
CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank
or bank holding company. The factors
that are considered in acting on the
applications are set forth in paragraph 7
of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(7)).
The public portions of the
applications listed below, as well as
other related filings required by the
Board, if any, are available for
immediate inspection at the Federal
Reserve Bank(s) indicated below and at
the offices of the Board of Governors.
This information may also be obtained
on an expedited basis, upon request, by
contacting the appropriate Federal
Reserve Bank and from the Board’s
Freedom of Information Office at
request.htm. Interested persons may
express their views in writing on the
standards enumerated in paragraph 7 of
the Act.
Comments regarding each of these
applications must be received at the
Reserve Bank indicated or the offices of
the Board of Governors, Ann E.
Misback, Secretary of the Board, 20th
Street and Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20551–0001, not later
than January 14, 2021.
A. Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis (Chris P. Wangen,
Assistant Vice President), 90 Hennepin
Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota
1. Teresa L. Kuhn, Dilworth,
Minnesota; to acquire control of voting
shares of Bankshares of Hawley, Inc.
(Bankshares), by becoming a trustee of
Valley Premier Bank Employee Stock
Ownership Plan and Trust, which owns
Bankshares, and thereby indirectly
owns Valley Premier Bank, all of
Hawley, Minnesota.
B. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
(Colette A. Fried, Assistant Vice
President) 230 South LaSalle Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60690–1414:
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1. The Lynette G. Drake Trust, Lynette
G. Drake and Alan D. Drake, as cotrustees, L Drake Commons LLC, Jeffrey
Roberts, as manager, J Roberts
Commons LLC, Lynette Drake, as
manager; all of Bad Axe, Michigan; to
join the Roberts Family Control Group,
a group acting in concert, to retain
voting shares of Northstar Financial
Group, Inc., and thereby indirectly
retain voting shares of Northstar Bank,
both of Bad Axe, Michigan, and West
Michigan Community Bank,
Hudsonville, Michigan.
In addition, The Jerry A. Peplinski
Trust, Jerry A. Peplinski, as trustee, F
Peplinski Commons LLC, Lynda
Watchowski, as manager, J Peplinski
Commons LLC, Frank A. Peplinski, as
manager, D Peplinski Commons LLC,
Jerry Peplinski, as manager, T Peplinski
Commons LLC, David Peplinski, as
manager, and L Watchowski Commons
LLC, Terry Peplinski, as manager; all of
Bad Axe, Michigan, to join the Peplinski
Family Control Group, a group acting in
concert, to retain voting shares of
Northstar Financial Group, Inc., and
thereby indirectly retain voting shares of
Northstar Bank and West Michigan
Community Bank.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, December 23, 2020.
Margaret McCloskey Shanks,
Deputy Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2020–28857 Filed 12–29–20; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Announcement of Board
Approval Under Delegated Authority
and Submission to OMB
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.
ACTION: Approval of information
The Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System (Board) has
adopted two proposals to extend for
three years, with revision, the Capital
Assessments and Stress Testing Reports
(FR Y–14A/Q/M; OMB No. 7100–0341).
The revisions are effective for the
December 31, 2020, as of date.
Federal Reserve Board Clearance
Officer—Nuha Elmaghrabi—Office of
the Chief Data Officer, Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, Washington, DC 20551, (202)
452–3829. Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) Desk Officer—Shagufta
Ahmed—Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 250 / Wednesday, December 30, 2020 / Notices
Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building, Room 10235,
725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
20503, or by fax to (202) 395–6974.
15, 1984, OMB delegated to the Board
authority under the PRA to approve and
assign OMB control numbers to
collections of information conducted or
sponsored by the Board. Boardapproved collections of information are
incorporated into the official OMB
inventory of currently approved
collections of information. The OMB
inventory, as well as copies of the PRA
Submission, supporting statements, and
approved collection of information
instrument(s) are available at https://
These documents are also available on
the Federal Reserve Board’s public
website at https://
reportforms/review.aspx or may be
requested from the agency clearance
officer, whose name appears above.
Final Approval Under OMB Delegated
Authority of the Extension for Three
Years, With Revision, of the Following
Information Collection
Report title: Capital Assessments and
Stress Testing Reports.
Agency form number: FR Y–14A/Q/
OMB control number: 7100–0341.
Frequency: Annually, quarterly, and
Respondents: These collections of
information are applicable to bank
holding companies (BHCs), U.S.
intermediate holding companies (IHCs),
and savings and loan holding
companies (SLHCs) 1 with $100 billion
or more in total consolidated assets, as
based on: (i) The average of the firm’s
total consolidated assets in the four
most recent quarters as reported
quarterly on the firm’s Consolidated
Financial Statements for Holding
Companies (FR Y–9C); or (ii) if the firm
has not filed an FR Y–9C for each of the
most recent four quarters, then the
average of the firm’s total consolidated
assets in the most recent consecutive
quarters as reported quarterly on the
firm’s FR Y–9Cs. Reporting is required
as of the first day of the quarter
immediately following the quarter in
which the respondent meets this asset
threshold, unless otherwise directed by
the Board.
1 SLHCs with $100 billion or more in total
consolidated assets became members of the FR Y–
14Q and FR Y–14M panels effective June 30, 2020,
and become members of the FR Y–14A panel
effective December 31, 2020. See 84 FR 59032
(November 1, 2019).
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Estimated number of respondents: FR
Y–14A/Q: 36; FR Y–14M: 34.2
Estimated average hours per response:
FR Y–14A: 1,186 hours; FR Y–14Q:
2,203 hours; FR Y–14M: 1,072 hours; FR
Y–14 On-going Automation Revisions:
480 hours; FR Y–14 Attestation Ongoing Attestation: 2,560 hours.
Estimated annual burden hours: FR
Y–14A: 42,696 hours; FR Y–14Q:
317,232 hours; FR Y–14M: 437,376
hours; FR Y–14 On-going Automation
Revisions: 17,280 hours; FR Y–14
Attestation On-going Attestation: 33,280
General description of report: This
family of information collections is
composed of the following three reports:
• The annual FR Y–14A collects
quantitative projections of balance
sheet, income, losses, and capital across
a range of macroeconomic scenarios and
qualitative information on
methodologies used to develop internal
projections of capital across scenarios.3
• The quarterly FR Y–14Q collects
granular data on various asset classes,
including loans, securities, trading
assets, and PPNR for the reporting
• The monthly FR Y–14M is
comprised of three retail portfolio- and
loan-level schedules, and one detailed
address-matching schedule to
supplement two of the portfolio and
loan-level schedules.
The data collected through the FR Y–
14A/Q/M reports (FR Y–14 reports)
provide the Board with the information
needed to help ensure that large firms
have strong, firm-wide risk
measurement and management
processes supporting their internal
2 The estimated number of respondents for the FR
Y–14M is lower than for the FR Y–14Q and FR Y–
14A because, in recent years, certain respondents to
the FR Y–14A and FR Y–14Q have not met the
materiality thresholds to report the FR Y–14M due
to their lack of mortgage and credit activities. The
Board expects this situation to continue for the
foreseeable future.
3 On October 10, 2019, the Board issued a final
rule that eliminated the requirement for firms
subject to Category IV standards to conduct and
publicly disclose the results of a company-run
stress test. See 84 FR 59032 (Nov. 1, 2019). That
final rule maintained the existing FR Y–14
substantive reporting requirements for these firms
in order to provide the Board with the data it needs
to conduct supervisory stress testing and inform the
Board’s ongoing monitoring and supervision of its
supervised firms. However, as noted in the final
rule, the Board intends to provide greater flexibility
to banking organizations subject to Category IV
standards in developing their annual capital plans
and consider further change to the FR Y–14 reports.
See 84 FR 59032, 59063. In October 2020, the Board
invited comment on a proposal that would relieve
firms subject to Category IV standards of the
requirement to report their company-run stress test
results on the FR Y–14A and would make certain
other revisions to the FR Y–14 reports. 85 FR 63222
(Oct. 7, 2020).
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assessments of capital adequacy and
that their capital resources are sufficient
given their business focus, activities,
and resulting risk exposures. The
reports are used to support the Board’s
annual Comprehensive Capital Analysis
and Review (CCAR) and Dodd-Frank
Act Stress Test (DFAST) exercises,
which complement other Board
supervisory efforts aimed at enhancing
the continued viability of large firms,
including continuous monitoring of
firms’ planning and management of
liquidity and funding resources, as well
as regular assessments of credit, market
and operational risks, and associated
risk management practices. Information
gathered in this data collection is also
used in the supervision and regulation
of respondent financial institutions.
Respondent firms are currently required
to complete and submit up to 17 filings
each year: One annual FR Y–14A filing,
four quarterly FR Y–14Q filings, and 12
monthly FR Y–14M filings. Compliance
with the information collection is
Current actions: On July 8, 2020, the
Board published a notice in the Federal
Register,4 which temporarily revised
and requested public comment for 60
days on the extension, with revision, of
the FR Y–14 reports. The temporary
revisions captured data pertaining to
certain aspects of the Coronavirus Aid,
Relief, and Economic Security Act,
information on firm activity associated
with various Federal Reserve lending
facilities, and information regarding
emerging risks arising from the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID)
event. In addition to a proposal to
extend these temporary revisions, the
notice proposed revisions to the FR Y–
14 reports intended to address questions
related to the reporting of certain
current expected credit losses (CECL)
and capital data. The comment period
for this notice expired on September 8,
2020. The Board received two comment
letters from banking industry groups
and one comment letter from a banking
On September 17, 2020, the Board
published another notice in the Federal
Register,5 which temporarily revised
and requested public comment for 60
days on the extension, with revision, of
the FR Y–14 reports. The temporary
revisions implemented changes
necessary to collect information used to
conduct additional analysis in
connection with the resubmission of
firms’ capital plans, including
consideration of the global market shock
(GMS) component, using data as of June
4 See
5 See
85 FR 41040 (July 8, 2020).
85 FR 58048 (September 17, 2020).
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 250 / Wednesday, December 30, 2020 / Notices
30, 2020. In addition to these temporary
revisions, the notice proposed revisions
to the FR Y–14 reports that would have
allowed the Board to require the
submission of additional FR Y–14A and
FR Y–14Q data in connection with a
firm’s resubmission of its capital plan.
The comment period for this notice
expired on November 16, 2020. The
Board did not receive any comments on
this notice.
The Board has approved the extension
of the FR Y–14 reports for three years,
with revision. These revisions include
adopting most of the temporary
revisions announced in the July 8, 2020,
with minor changes in response to
public comments, for three additional
months. The temporary revisions will
automatically expire following the
March 31, 2021, as of date. In addition,
the Board has adopted the revisions
related to CECL and capital data that
were proposed in the July 8, 2020,
notice, as well as the revisions related
to FR Y–14 submission requirements in
connection with a firm’s resubmission
of its capital plan that were proposed in
the September 17, 2020, notice. All
revisions are effective beginning with
the December 31, 2020, as of date.
facilities that are set to expire at the end
of December 2020, including the Main
Street Lending Program (MSLP), will
only remain in place through the
December 31, 2020, as of date. All other
temporary revisions will remain in
place through the reports as of March
31, 2021.
Detailed Discussion of Public
FR Y–14 Reporting Questions
Adoption of Temporary Revisions
The Board solicited comment on a
proposal to extend the temporary
revisions included in the July 8, 2020,
notice for three years, while noting that
the temporary revisions would
automatically expire following the
December 31, 2020, as of date, unless
explicitly reauthorized by the Board.
Two commenters recommended that the
Board only reauthorize specific
temporary revisions to the extent those
revisions are critical, and to keep in
mind firm resource constraints during
the COVID event when deciding
whether to reauthorize any temporary
revisions. Additionally, two
commenters recommended the Board
provide reporting firms and the public
as much notice as possible, preferably at
least three months, before requiring
firms to continue to report any
reauthorized revisions, in order to ease
the reporting burden.
Given ongoing economic uncertainty
surrounding the COVID event, the Board
has adopted the proposal to extend the
FR Y–14 reports with most of these
revisions with certain changes that are
effective for the December 31, 2020, as
of date. However, in order to reduce
reporting burden, temporary revisions
associated with Federal Reserve lending
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Submission Frequency
The Board temporarily revised the FR
Y–14Q instructions to indicate that in
times of crisis, the Board may
temporarily request submissions of
schedules more frequently than firms
are generally required to submit the
schedules. One commenter stated that
requiring FR Y–14Q schedules more
frequently would cause reporting
burden on firms, and requested that any
more frequent submission of schedules
be required only if firms are given at
least 60 days’ notice and if possible, an
opportunity to provide comments.
The Board notes that requiring any FR
Y–14Q schedules more frequently than
firms generally are required to submit
them would only be done in times of
crisis, and the Board would provide
firms with as much notice as possible
given the circumstances.
The Board did not temporarily revise
or propose to revise its current process
for responding to FR Y–14 reporting
questions. One commenter requested
that the Board expedite its responses to
reporting questions associated the FR
Y–14 temporary revisions given that the
temporary revisions were implemented
prior to the public comment period.
The Board strives to respond to all FR
Y–14 reporting questions it receives
from firms as soon as possible. Some
questions require significant time to
research. The Board notes that it has
responded promptly to many questions
regarding the temporary revisions to the
FR Y–14.
Supplemental Collections
At times, the Board has requested that
certain firms submit supplemental
collections that provide alternative
breakouts of FR Y–14 data that are not
available from other sources in
conjunction with the FR Y–14 data
submitted for use in the DFAST and
CCAR exercises. One commenter
requested that the Board incorporate all
supplemental collections into the FR Y–
14 report so firms can adequately plan
for the data requirements surrounding a
given FR Y–14 submission.
The Board has incorporated several
supplemental collections into the FR Y–
14 report. For example, as finalized on
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September 14, 2020,6 the Board
incorporated three supplemental
collections into the FR Y–14Q report
(two were incorporated into Schedule F
(Trading) and one was incorporated into
Schedule M (Balances)). Where
appropriate, the Board will continue to
incorporate supplemental collections
into the FR Y–14 report.
Submission Frequency
The Board temporarily revised FR Y–
14Q, Schedule H (Wholesale) to be
reported monthly instead of quarterly
for firms subject to Category I–III
standards. Two commenters stated that
certain items on Schedule H are not
available or are not collected by firms
from third parties on a monthly basis,
and that firm resources are already
constrained as a result of the COVID
event. Per the commenter, firms have
not been able to make permanent
technological changes and have not
been able to put adequate resources
towards a more streamlined solution to
obtain and verify data on a monthly
basis due to the fact that this reporting
frequency change went into effect prior
to the public comment period, as well
as the fact that this revision could have
expired following the December 31,
2020, as of date (i.e., Schedule H would
revert to being reported quarterly for all
As indicated in the Schedule H
instructions, the Board has identified
certain items that are not required for
the monthly Schedule H submissions
that do not coincide with quarter ends
(e.g., as of July 31). The remaining items
are needed on a monthly basis in order
to assess the current economic status
and to better understand potential shifts
in the risk profiles of firms. The Board
acknowledges that some items are not
collected by third parties or are not
available on a monthly basis. In those
cases, firms should report the
information available to the firm on a
given as of date. In addition, the
instructions for several items allow
firms to report the most recently
updated data or ‘‘NA’’ if updated
information is not available.
Data Quality Checks
The Board performs quality checks on
data submitted through regulatory
reports, such as the FR Y–14 reports.
Two commenters suggested that the
Board should exclude certain quality
checks for FR Y–14Q, Schedule H
(Wholesale) data submitted on a
monthly basis, as certain quality checks
6 See
85 FR 56607 (September 14, 2020).
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 250 / Wednesday, December 30, 2020 / Notices
are tied to other regulatory reports that
are submitted quarterly (e.g., FR Y–9C).
The commenters went on to say that
responding to these quality checks on a
monthly basis is particularly
challenging as firm resources are
constrained by the COVID event. One
commenter stated that in some cases,
values reported in certain ‘‘Obligor
Financial Data’’ items (items 52 through
82) of Schedule H.1 (Corporate) do not
factor into the credit decision for a given
exposure, such as in cases of startup
companies with limited or no available
financial data. In these cases, the
commenter recommends that in order to
reduce burden, firms should be allowed
to report ‘‘NA’’ for certain ‘‘Obligor
Financial Data’’ items and not be
required to address any associated data
quality checks.
In order to facilitate the monthly
Schedule H submission process, the
Board has reduced the number of edit
responses required for non-quarter end
submissions. For example, the Board
has not been running data quality
checks for non-quarter end monthly
Schedule H submissions that compare
values to the FR Y–9C.
Main Street Lending Program
The Board temporarily revised FR Y–
14Q, Schedule H (Wholesale) to require
firms to report only their exposures to
loans associated with the MSLP (i.e., not
include the amount participated to third
parties or the unused portion of loan
commitments). For other exposures
reported on Schedule H, firms are
required to include the amount
participated to third parties, as well as
the unused portion of loan
commitments, as part of the reporting
firm’s total lending commitment. One
commenter expressed concern that this
divergence would cause an issue when
comparing commitments on Schedule H
to those reported on the FR Y–9C,
which is referenced in the instructions
for several Schedule H items. The
commenter stated that this different
treatment for commitment reporting is
causing operational burden for firms,
and recommends that loans associated
with the MSLP be reported consistently
with other loans reported on Schedule
The Board did not intend to require
different treatment for loans associated
with the MSLP compared to other
commitments reported on Schedule H.
In light of the concerns raised by the
commenter, the Board has revised the
Schedule H instructions to align the
reporting of commitments to loans
associated with the MSLP with other
commitments reported on the schedule,
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effective for the December 31, 2020, as
of date.
Internal Risk Rating Schedule
The Board did not temporarily revise
or propose to revise FR Y–14Q,
Schedule H.4 (Internal Risk Rating). One
commenter suggested that the Board
expand Schedule H.4 to require
additional items, such as probability of
default information, which would
provide the Board with better context
for understanding firms’ internal risk
ratings. The commenter also suggested
that the Board revise Schedule H.4 to
correspond with FR Y–14Q, Schedule L
(Counterparty), as both schedules
require an internal and external rating
equivalent factor.
The Board notes that firms are
currently allowed to provide as much
detail as possible in the free text
description of Schedule H.4, item 1
(‘‘Internal Risk Rating’’). For example,
firms can provide information that
would provide a better understanding
their internal ratings, such as external
rating equivalent data points. The Board
intends to consider adding items to
Schedule H.4 that would provide more
context to the data submitted as part of
a future notice. However, the Board has
not expanded Schedule H.4 to
correspond with Schedule L, as the data
between the two schedules does not
readily align.
Collateral Market Value
The current FR Y–14Q, Schedule H.1
(Corporate), item 93, ‘‘Collateral Market
Value,’’ instructions require firms to
report the market value of collateral as
of the reporting date, and to report
‘‘NA’’ if the value of the collateral has
not been updated since reported on the
previous Schedule H.1 submission. The
Board did not temporarily revise or
propose to revise Schedule H.1, item 93.
One commenter pointed out that the
instructions for Schedule H.1, item 93
do not specify how to report the value
of collateral that is typically recorded at
book value, such as receivables and
inventory comprising a borrowing base
for asset-based lending. To ensure
consistent reporting across firms, the
commenter recommended that the
Board clarify how item 93 should be
reported for types of collateral that not
typically recorded at market value.
For consistency across exposures,
firms should continue to report in line
with the current instructions. The Board
has not revised the Schedule H.1, item
93 instructions to allow for reporting at
book value.
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Past Due Reporting
The Board did not temporarily revise
or propose to revise the reporting of past
due exposures in the ‘‘# Days Principal
or Interest Past Due’’ items (Schedule
H.1, item 32; Schedule H.2, item 37).
One commenter noted that while
Schedule H is reported at the facility
level, there could be cases where only
some of the multiple loans under a
given facility are past due. Per the
commenter, this creates ambiguity for
reporting the number of days past due
for an entire facility. The commenter
recommended that the Board revise
Schedule H to add more granular
delinquency buckets or an item to
capture the total balance past due
within a given facility.
Per the instructions for the ‘‘# Days
Principal or Interest Past Due’’ items,
firms are required to report the longest
number of days principal or interest are
past due for any loan within the facility.
Given the different uses of the collected
data on the FR Y–14 and FR Y–9C, the
Board has not revised the FR Y–14 to
have similar delinquency buckets as the
FR Y–9C. In addition, the Board does
not currently need to capture the total
balance of loans past due within a
facility to conduct its analysis, and so
has not added an item to collect this
Capital Call Subscriptions
The Board did not temporarily revise
or propose to revise the reporting of
capital call subscriptions on FR Y–14Q,
Schedule H (Wholesale). One
commenter noted that the Board
previously revised Schedule H.1
(Corporate), items 20 (‘‘Credit Facility’’)
and 22 (‘‘Credit Facility Purpose’’) to
require firms to indicate which facilities
are capital call subscriptions, effective
for the September 30, 2020, as of date.7
Per the commenter, the Board should
also revise Schedule H.1 item 36
(‘‘Security Type’’) to allow firms to
identify the collateral associated with
capital call subscriptions. The
commenter noted that this additional
collateral information would enable the
Board to better capture information
regarding a firm’s ability to require a
fund manager to inject capital into a
fund that is declining in value, which
would more accurately reflect the true
risk of these exposures. Relatedly, one
commenter requested that the Board
provide definitions for the allowable
values to be reported in Schedule H.1,
items 20 and 22, as there could be a
divergence in practice across firms.
7 See
85 FR 56607 (September 14, 2020).
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 250 / Wednesday, December 30, 2020 / Notices
As indicated in the instructions, the
values for the descriptions and codes
used in Schedule H.1, items 20 and 22
relate to the requirements referenced in
the reporting for Shared National Credit
data.8 Please note that while the listing
referenced in the reporting for Shared
National Credit data is not the entirety
of the types and purposes possible for
Schedule H reporting, it does cover a
majority of them. The Board intends to
consider adding definitions to the FR Y–
14Q, Schedule H instructions as part of
a future notice.
Disposed Loans
The Board did not temporarily revise
or propose to revise the reporting of
disposed loans on FR Y–14Q, Schedule
H (Wholesale). However, one
commenter suggested that the Board
revise the Schedule H instructions to
allow disposed facilities to be reported
with data as of the prior reporting cycle
rather than as of the day of disposition.
The Board believes collecting loan
disposition information as it existed at
the point of disposition is critical, and
accordingly has not revised the current
requirements for disposed loans on
Schedule H.
Par and Fair Value Items
The Board did not temporarily revise
or propose to revise the reporting of par
value and fair value exposure items on
FR Y–14Q, Schedule H (Wholesale).
However, one commenter noted that
previous FR Y–14 questions and
answers (Q&As) have clarified that firms
should report certain fair value
exposure items based on the
predominate share of the committed
balance. Per the commenter, the
reporting based on these Q&As would
enable the Board to derive the value for
two par/fair value exposure items
(‘‘Lower of Cost or Market (LOCOM)
Flag,’’ Schedule H.1, item 86 and
Schedule H.2, item 56 and ‘‘Target
Hold’’ Schedule H.1, item 101) from the
four par/fair value exposure items
(‘‘Committed Exposure Global Par
Value’’, Schedule H.1, item 105’’,
Schedule H.2, item 66; ‘‘Utilized
Exposure Global Par Value’’, Schedule
H.1, item 106; ‘‘Committed Exposure
Global Fair Value’’, Schedule H.1, item
107, Schedule H.2, item 68; ‘‘Utilized
Exposure Global Fair Value’’, Schedule
H.1, item 108; ‘‘Outstanding Balance Par
Value’’, Schedule H.2, item 67; and
‘‘Outstanding Balance Fair Value’’,
Schedule H.2, item 69) that were added
8 See
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for the March 31, 2020, as of date.9
Therefore, the commenter recommends
that the ‘‘LOCOM Flag’’ and ‘‘Target
Hold’’ items be removed from Schedule
H. The commenter further stated that if
the ‘‘LOCOM Flag’’ item is retained,
then it is unclear how exposures should
be reported in the par/fair value
exposure items.
The Board notes that each par/fair
value exposure item on Schedule H
provides a different perspective on the
exposures and gives a more holistic
view of the valuation of exposures. The
‘‘LOCOM Flag’’ and ‘‘Target Hold’’
items allow for validation and
categorization of loan data. Per the
instructions, firms should report
appropriate values of the entire credit
facility for held for sale loans and loans
accounted for under a fair value option
for the par/fair value items. The Board
further notes that reporting guidance
based on FR Y–14 Q&As issued prior to
the addition of the par/fair value
exposure items (i.e., prior to March 31,
2020) should not be applied to the par/
fair value exposure items that were
added for the March 31, 2020, as of date.
Firms should report these items based
on the Schedule H instructions.
Obligor and Guarantor Reporting
The Board did not temporarily revise
or propose to revise the reporting of the
legal entity that provides the primary
source of repayment for a credit facility
on FR Y–14Q, Schedule H (Wholesale).
The current FR Y–14Q, Schedule H.1
(Corporate) instructions require firms to
report the obligor in the ‘‘Obligor
Financial Data’’ items (items 52 through
82) as the legal entity that provides the
primary source of repayment for a credit
facility identified in item 15 (‘‘Internal
Credit Facility ID’’). The instructions
further state that the legal entity that
provides the primary source of
repayment will generally be different
than the guarantor, which provides
secondary support for repayment. Per
one commenter, the instructions
regarding the obligor and guarantor
create ambiguity as it is not clear
whether the guarantor could ever be
viewed as the primary source of
repayment, which the commenter states
could happen in cases where the
guarantor is used in underwriting as a
primary source of repayment.
Per the instructions, Schedule H.1,
item 15 should reflect the legal entity
providing the primary source of
repayment or, if different, the legal
entity used by underwriting as the
primary source of repayment identified.
Information surrounding the guarantor,
9 See
PO 00000
84 FR 70529 (December 23, 2019).
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or secondary source of repayment, is
outlined and differentiated in Schedule
H.1, items 44 through 48 (‘‘Guarantor
Flag’’, ‘‘Guarantor Internal ID’’,
‘‘Guarantor Name’’, ‘‘Guarantor TIN’’,
and ‘‘Guarantor Internal Risk Rating’’,
Loss Mitigation
Loss Mitigation Item Reporting
The Board temporarily added items
and options to existing items to capture
loans in forbearance or other loss
mitigation programs on several FR Y–14
schedules, such as FR Y–14Q, Schedule
H (Wholesale) and FR Y–14M, Schedule
B (Home Equity). One commenter
recommended that these items and
options to existing items only be
reported quarterly so that the firms
would not be required to recode systems
for potentially temporary changes to the
FR Y–14 report. Per the commenter,
quarterly reporting of these items would
reduce reporting burden.
Given that these loans in forbearance
or other loss mitigation programs have
different risk characteristics than loans
not in these programs, receiving this
information on a monthly basis is
critical to enable the Board to more
accurately assess current banking
The Board temporarily added items to
FR Y–14Q, Schedule A (Retail) and
Schedule J (Retail FVO/HFS) to require
firms to report loans that have
completed loss mitigation or for which
mitigation has expired during the
reporting period. One commenter stated
that it is burdensome for firms and may
not provide valuable insight to
commingle loans no longer in loss
mitigation programs with loans
currently in loss mitigation programs.
The commenter recommends that the
requirement to include loans no longer
in loss mitigation be removed.
Given the reporting burden and
commingling effect of reporting loans no
longer in loss mitigation programs with
loans currently in loss mitigation
programs, the Board has revised the
Schedule A and Schedule J instructions
to require firms to exclude the balances
of loans that completed their loss
mitigation programs in the current
month from these added items. In
addition, due to questions from
reporting firms, the Board has revised
the loss mitigation item on Schedule J
to capture the carrying value of loans in
loss mitigation, as opposed to the
unpaid principal balance. Both of these
revisions are effective for the December
31, 2020, as of date.
The Board temporarily added items to
FR Y–14Q, Schedule H (Wholesale) to
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 250 / Wednesday, December 30, 2020 / Notices
capture loans currently in loss
mitigation programs or forbearance as a
result of the COVID event. One
commenter pointed out that the
instructions for these new items does
not capture loans that were classified as
troubled debt restructurings (TDRs)
prior to the onset of the COVID event
that have been subsequently modified as
a result of the COVID event. The
commenter requested that the Board
clarify how these modified loans should
be reported on Schedule H.
To remove ambiguity, the Board has
revised the instructions to the
‘‘Modifications Flag’’ items (Schedule
H.1, item 109; Schedule H.2, item 70) to
clarify that loans that were classified as
TDRs prior to the onset of the COVID
event and have been subsequently
modified should be reported under
Option 3 (‘‘Other’’), effective for the
December 31, 2020, as of date.
Risk Mitigation Activities
The Board did not temporarily revise
or propose to revise the reporting of risk
mitigation activities (e.g., subordinated
credit protection from third parties
referencing an on-balance sheet
portfolio of loans) on the FR Y–14
report. However, one commenter noted
that the existing FR Y–14 report does
not capture the data necessary to allow
risk mitigation activities to be taken into
consideration by supervisory models.
Per the commenter, the inclusion of risk
mitigation activity data on the FR Y–14
report would allow the Board to more
accurately reflect the exposure risks to
firms as part of the stress test.
The Board intends to consider
revising the FR Y–14 reports to capture
risk mitigation activities as part of a
future notice.
Paycheck Protection Program Loans
The Board temporarily added an item
to FR Y–14Q, Schedule A.9 (U.S. Small
Business) to capture loans fully
guaranteed by the United States
government, which would include
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
loans. One commenter stated that per
the Schedule A.9 instructions, only
‘‘scored’’ or ‘‘delinquency managed’’
loans should be reported, and neither of
those criteria apply to PPP loans.
Schedule A.9 requires certain variables
(e.g., product type, available credit
bureau score, etc.) to be reported for
loans reported on the schedule.
According to two commenters, many of
these variables do not apply to PPP
loans because they are originated
outside of the typical process for firms
given that they are fully guaranteed by
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the Small Business Association (SBA).
Additionally, one commenter raised that
Schedule A.9 is only supposed to
capture retail exposures, but the current
instructions for the new item require
reporting of both retail and wholesale
exposures. Given these concerns, two
commenters recommend that the Board
exclude PPP loans from Schedule A.9
and instead have them reported on FR
Y–14Q, Schedule K (Supplemental),
similar to how loans associated with the
MSLP are reported.
In response, the Board notes that it is
important to capture PPP loans in a
consistent manner across FR Y–14
submissions for purposes of data
comparability. If certain variables
required for Schedule A are not
available for PPP loans, then firms
should only report the variables for PPP
loans that they have available. The
Board has not revised the reporting of
PPP loans.
Historical Data Requirement
One commenter noted that the
inclusion of PPP loans in Schedule A.9
has caused some firms to exceed the
quantitative threshold for reporting this
schedule.10 With the initial submission
of this schedule, firms are required to
report historical data going back to
January of 2007. One commenter stated
that PPP loans are only expected to be
on a firm’s books for a short period of
time (i.e., less than one year), and that
once the PPP loans are no longer
reported on Schedule A.9, some firms
will drop back below the reporting
threshold. The commenter further stated
that firms face operational challenges
with gathering and validating 13 years
of historical data. The commenter
recommended that if the Board
continues to require PPP loans to be
reported on Schedule A.9, then firms
should not be required to submit
historical data for Schedule A.9 if they
exceed the reporting threshold as a
result of including PPP loans in this
The Board believes that the required
historical data on Schedule A.9 are
critical to adequately monitor ongoing
10 Large and complex firms, Large Institution
Supervision Coordinating Committee (LISCC) firms,
and SLHCs subject to Category II–III standards with
a portfolio of U.S. small business (retail) loans with
an asset balance greater than $5 billion or greater
than ten percent of Tier 1 capital on average for four
quarters preceding the reporting quarter are
required to file FR Y–14Q, Schedule A.9. Large and
noncomplex firms and SLHCs subject to Category
IV standards with a portfolio of U.S. small business
(retail) loans with an asset balance greater than $5
billion or greater than ten percent of Tier 1 capital
on average for four quarters preceding the reporting
quarter are required to file FR Y–14Q, Schedule
PO 00000
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risks, and accordingly has not revised
this requirement.
Private Equity Investments
The Board did not temporarily revise
or propose to revise the reporting of
non-fair value private equity
investments on FR Y–14Q, Schedule F
(Trading). However, on December 23,
2019,11 the Board indicated that it
would assess whether the macro
scenario is more appropriate than the
global market shock for evaluating
losses associated with non-fair value
private equity investment exposures.
One commenter inquired about the
status of this assessment.
At this time, the Board believes the
macro scenario is more appropriate than
the global market shock for evaluating
losses associated with non-fair value
private equity investment exposures,
but will continue to analyze the issue.
Separately, in an FR Y–14 question
and answer (Q&A) published in March
of 2020,12 the Board clarified that firms
could exclude tax oriented investments
held under the equity method of
accounting from the ‘‘Other Fair Value
Assets’’ portion of FR Y–1Q, Schedule
F (Trading). The Board further clarified
that tax oriented investments held
under the equity method of accounting
should only be reported on Schedule F
if they are included in the included in
other portions of Schedule F (i.e., not
the ‘‘Other Fair Value Assets’’ portion).
One commenter suggested that this
same treatment should be applied to
non-fair value private equity
investments, as non-fair value private
equity investments share many
characteristics with fair value private
equity investments, such as an illiquid
nature, expected multi-year holding
period, as well as the timing and
amount of associated losses.
The exclusion of non-fair value tax
oriented investments from Schedule F
was not based on an assessment of their
risk characteristics, but rather on the
fact that they are neither trading
positions, private equity positions, nor
fair value assets, and so do not fall
under the scope of Schedule F. The
same rationale does not apply to nonfair value private equity positions,
which do fall under the scope of
Schedule F, as they are private equity
positions. Given this, the Board has not
revised the reporting for non-fair value
private equity positions.
11 See
84 FR 70529 (December 23, 2019).
12 See
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 250 / Wednesday, December 30, 2020 / Notices
Seed Capital Invested in Mutual Funds
The Board did not temporarily revise
or propose to revise the reporting of
seed capital invested in mutual funds.
The current FR Y–14Q, Schedule F
(Trading) instructions require firms to
report seed capital invested in mutual
funds as private equity exposures. One
commenter noted that this treatment
may subject firms to unfavorable
stressed losses, as the underlying
investments of seed capital invested in
mutual funds are in liquid, marketable
securities across multiple asset classes,
including fixed income and equity.
Given the liquid, marketable nature of
these underlying investments, the
commenter recommended that these
exposures should not be reported as
private equity exposures, but rather
reported within the respective subschedules of Schedule F, according to
the underlying exposure.
The Board intends to consider
revising the reporting of seed capital
invested in mutual funds as part of a
future notice.
Legal authorization and
confidentiality: The Board has the
authority to require BHCs to file the FR
Y–14 reports pursuant to section 5(c) of
the Bank Holding Company Act (‘‘BHC
Act’’), 12 U.S.C. 1844(c), and pursuant
to section 165(i) of the Dodd-Frank Wall
Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act (Dodd-Frank Act), 12 U.S.C. 5365(i),
as amended by section 401(a) and (e) of
the Economic Growth, Regulatory
Relief, and Consumer Protection Act
(EGRRCPA).13 The Board has authority
to require SLHCs to file the FR Y–14
reports pursuant to section 10(b) of the
Home Owners’ Loan Act (12 U.S.C.
1467a(b)), as amended by section 369(8)
and 604(h)(2) of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Lastly, the Board has authority to
require U.S. IHCs of FBOs to file the FR
Y–14 reports pursuant to section 5 of
the BHC Act, as well as pursuant to
sections 102(a)(1) and 165 of the DoddFrank Act, 12 U.S.C. 5311(a)(1) and
5365.14 In addition, section 401(g) of
13 Public Law 115–174, Title IV 401(a) and (e),
132 Stat. 1296, 1356–59 (2018).
14 Section 165(b)(2) of the Dodd-Frank Act, 12
U.S.C. 5365(b)(2), refers to ‘‘foreign-based bank
holding company.’’ Section 102(a)(1) of the DoddFrank Act, 12 U.S.C. 5311(a)(1), defines ‘‘bank
holding company’’ for purposes of Title I of the
Dodd-Frank Act to include foreign banking
organizations that are treated as bank holding
companies under section 8(a) of the International
Banking Act of 1978, 12 U.S.C. 3106(a). The Board
has required, pursuant to section 165(b)(1)(B)(iv) of
the Dodd-Frank Act, 12 U.S.C. 5365(b)(1)(B)(iv),
certain foreign banking organizations subject to
section 165 of the Dodd-Frank Act to form U.S.
intermediate holding companies. Accordingly, the
parent foreign-based organization of a U.S. IHC is
treated as a BHC for purposes of the BHC Act and
section 165 of the Dodd-Frank Act. Because Section
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EGRRCPA, 12 U.S.C. 5365 note,
provides that the Board has the
authority to establish enhanced
prudential standards for foreign banking
organizations with total consolidated
assets of $100 billion or more, and
clarifies that nothing in section 401
‘‘shall be construed to affect the legal
effect of the final rule of the Board . . .
entitled ‘Enhanced Prudential Standard
for [BHCs] and Foreign Banking
Organizations’ (79 FR 17240 (March 27,
2014)), as applied to foreign banking
organizations with total consolidated
assets equal to or greater than $100
million.’’ 15 The FR Y–14 reports are
mandatory. The information collected in
the FR Y–14 reports is collected as part
of the Board’s supervisory process, and
therefore, such information is afforded
confidential treatment pursuant to
exemption 8 of the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C.
552(b)(8). In addition, confidential
commercial or financial information,
which a submitter actually and
customarily treats as private, and which
has been provided pursuant to an
express assurance of confidentiality by
the Board, is considered exempt from
disclosure under exemption 4 of the
FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4).16
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, December 22, 2020.
Margaret Shanks,
Deputy Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2020–28788 Filed 12–29–20; 8:45 am]
5(c) of the BHC Act authorizes the Board to require
reports from subsidiaries of BHCs, section 5(c)
provides additional authority to require U.S. IHCs
to report the information contained in the FR Y–
14 reports.
15 The Board’s Final Rule referenced in section
401(g) of EGRRCPA specifically stated that the
Board would require IHCs to file the FR Y–14
reports. See 79 FR 17240, 17304 (March 27, 2014).
16 Please note that the Board publishes a summary
of the results of the Board’s CCAR testing pursuant
to 12 CFR 225.8(f)(2)(v), and publishes a summary
of the results of the Board’s DFAST stress testing
pursuant to 12 CFR 252.46(b) and 12 CFR 238.134,
which includes aggregate data. In addition, under
the Board’s regulations, covered companies must
also publicly disclose a summary of the results of
the Board’s DFAST stress testing. See 12 CFR
252.58; 12 CFR 238.146. The public disclosure
requirement contained in 12 CFR 252.58 for
covered BHCs and covered IHCs is separately
accounted for by the Board in the Paperwork
Reduction Act clearance for FR YY (OMB No. 7100–
0350) and the public disclosure requirement for
covered SLHCs is separately accounted for in by the
Board in the Paperwork Reduction Act clearance for
FR LL (OMB No. 7100–0380).
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Corporation To Do Business Under
Section 25A of the Federal Reserve Act
The companies listed in this notice
have applied to the Board for approval,
pursuant to Section 25A of the Federal
Reserve Act (Edge Corporation) (12
U.S.C. 611 et seq.), and all other
applicable statutes and regulations to
establish an Edge Corporation. The Edge
Corporation will operate as a subsidiary
of the applicant, First-Citizens Bank &
Trust Company, Raleigh, North
Carolina. The factors that are to be
considered in acting on the application
are set forth in the Board’s Regulation K
(12 CFR 211.5).
The public portions of the
applications listed below, as well as
other related filings required by the
Board, if any, are available for
immediate inspection at the Federal
Reserve Bank(s) indicated below and at
the offices of the Board of Governors.
This information may also be obtained
on an expedited basis, upon request, by
contacting the appropriate Federal
Reserve Bank and from the Board’s
Freedom of Information Office at
request.htm. Interested persons may
express their views in writing on the
standards enumerated in Section 25A of
the Federal Reserve Act.
Comments regarding each of these
applications must be received at the
Reserve Bank indicated or the offices of
the Board of Governors, Ann E.
Misback, Secretary of the Board, 20th
Street and Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20551–0001, not later
than January 14, 2021.
A. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
(Adam M. Drimer, Assistant Vice
President) 701 East Byrd Street,
Richmond, Virginia 23219. Comments
can also be sent electronically to or
1. First-Citizens Bank & Trust
Company, Raleigh, North Carolina; to
establish FC International, Inc., Raleigh,
North Carolina, as an Edge Corporation.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, December 23, 2020.
Margaret McCloskey Shanks,
Deputy Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2020–28854 Filed 12–29–20; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 250 (Wednesday, December 30, 2020)]
[Pages 86560-86566]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-28788]
Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Board
Approval Under Delegated Authority and Submission to OMB
AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
ACTION: Approval of information collection.
SUMMARY: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board)
has adopted two proposals to extend for three years, with revision, the
Capital Assessments and Stress Testing Reports (FR Y-14A/Q/M; OMB No.
7100-0341). The revisions are effective for the December 31, 2020, as
of date.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Federal Reserve Board Clearance
Officer--Nuha Elmaghrabi--Office of the Chief Data Officer, Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551, (202)
452-3829. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Desk Officer--Shagufta
Ahmed--Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of
[[Page 86561]]
Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Room 10235, 725
17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20503, or by fax to (202) 395-6974.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On June 15, 1984, OMB delegated to the Board
authority under the PRA to approve and assign OMB control numbers to
collections of information conducted or sponsored by the Board. Board-
approved collections of information are incorporated into the official
OMB inventory of currently approved collections of information. The OMB
inventory, as well as copies of the PRA Submission, supporting
statements, and approved collection of information instrument(s) are
available at These documents
are also available on the Federal Reserve Board's public website at or may be
requested from the agency clearance officer, whose name appears above.
Final Approval Under OMB Delegated Authority of the Extension for Three
Years, With Revision, of the Following Information Collection
Report title: Capital Assessments and Stress Testing Reports.
Agency form number: FR Y-14A/Q/M.
OMB control number: 7100-0341.
Frequency: Annually, quarterly, and monthly.
Respondents: These collections of information are applicable to
bank holding companies (BHCs), U.S. intermediate holding companies
(IHCs), and savings and loan holding companies (SLHCs) \1\ with $100
billion or more in total consolidated assets, as based on: (i) The
average of the firm's total consolidated assets in the four most recent
quarters as reported quarterly on the firm's Consolidated Financial
Statements for Holding Companies (FR Y-9C); or (ii) if the firm has not
filed an FR Y-9C for each of the most recent four quarters, then the
average of the firm's total consolidated assets in the most recent
consecutive quarters as reported quarterly on the firm's FR Y-9Cs.
Reporting is required as of the first day of the quarter immediately
following the quarter in which the respondent meets this asset
threshold, unless otherwise directed by the Board.
\1\ SLHCs with $100 billion or more in total consolidated assets
became members of the FR Y-14Q and FR Y-14M panels effective June
30, 2020, and become members of the FR Y-14A panel effective
December 31, 2020. See 84 FR 59032 (November 1, 2019).
Estimated number of respondents: FR Y-14A/Q: 36; FR Y-14M: 34.\2\
\2\ The estimated number of respondents for the FR Y-14M is
lower than for the FR Y-14Q and FR Y-14A because, in recent years,
certain respondents to the FR Y-14A and FR Y-14Q have not met the
materiality thresholds to report the FR Y-14M due to their lack of
mortgage and credit activities. The Board expects this situation to
continue for the foreseeable future.
Estimated average hours per response: FR Y-14A: 1,186 hours; FR Y-
14Q: 2,203 hours; FR Y-14M: 1,072 hours; FR Y-14 On-going Automation
Revisions: 480 hours; FR Y-14 Attestation On-going Attestation: 2,560
Estimated annual burden hours: FR Y-14A: 42,696 hours; FR Y-14Q:
317,232 hours; FR Y-14M: 437,376 hours; FR Y-14 On-going Automation
Revisions: 17,280 hours; FR Y-14 Attestation On-going Attestation:
33,280 hours.
General description of report: This family of information
collections is composed of the following three reports:
The annual FR Y-14A collects quantitative projections of
balance sheet, income, losses, and capital across a range of
macroeconomic scenarios and qualitative information on methodologies
used to develop internal projections of capital across scenarios.\3\
\3\ On October 10, 2019, the Board issued a final rule that
eliminated the requirement for firms subject to Category IV
standards to conduct and publicly disclose the results of a company-
run stress test. See 84 FR 59032 (Nov. 1, 2019). That final rule
maintained the existing FR Y-14 substantive reporting requirements
for these firms in order to provide the Board with the data it needs
to conduct supervisory stress testing and inform the Board's ongoing
monitoring and supervision of its supervised firms. However, as
noted in the final rule, the Board intends to provide greater
flexibility to banking organizations subject to Category IV
standards in developing their annual capital plans and consider
further change to the FR Y-14 reports. See 84 FR 59032, 59063. In
October 2020, the Board invited comment on a proposal that would
relieve firms subject to Category IV standards of the requirement to
report their company-run stress test results on the FR Y-14A and
would make certain other revisions to the FR Y-14 reports. 85 FR
63222 (Oct. 7, 2020).
The quarterly FR Y-14Q collects granular data on various
asset classes, including loans, securities, trading assets, and PPNR
for the reporting period.
The monthly FR Y-14M is comprised of three retail
portfolio- and loan-level schedules, and one detailed address-matching
schedule to supplement two of the portfolio and loan-level schedules.
The data collected through the FR Y-14A/Q/M reports (FR Y-14
reports) provide the Board with the information needed to help ensure
that large firms have strong, firm[hyphen]wide risk measurement and
management processes supporting their internal assessments of capital
adequacy and that their capital resources are sufficient given their
business focus, activities, and resulting risk exposures. The reports
are used to support the Board's annual Comprehensive Capital Analysis
and Review (CCAR) and Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test (DFAST) exercises,
which complement other Board supervisory efforts aimed at enhancing the
continued viability of large firms, including continuous monitoring of
firms' planning and management of liquidity and funding resources, as
well as regular assessments of credit, market and operational risks,
and associated risk management practices. Information gathered in this
data collection is also used in the supervision and regulation of
respondent financial institutions. Respondent firms are currently
required to complete and submit up to 17 filings each year: One annual
FR Y-14A filing, four quarterly FR Y-14Q filings, and 12 monthly FR Y-
14M filings. Compliance with the information collection is mandatory.
Current actions: On July 8, 2020, the Board published a notice in
the Federal Register,\4\ which temporarily revised and requested public
comment for 60 days on the extension, with revision, of the FR Y-14
reports. The temporary revisions captured data pertaining to certain
aspects of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act,
information on firm activity associated with various Federal Reserve
lending facilities, and information regarding emerging risks arising
from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID) event. In addition to a
proposal to extend these temporary revisions, the notice proposed
revisions to the FR Y-14 reports intended to address questions related
to the reporting of certain current expected credit losses (CECL) and
capital data. The comment period for this notice expired on September
8, 2020. The Board received two comment letters from banking industry
groups and one comment letter from a banking organization.
\4\ See 85 FR 41040 (July 8, 2020).
On September 17, 2020, the Board published another notice in the
Federal Register,\5\ which temporarily revised and requested public
comment for 60 days on the extension, with revision, of the FR Y-14
reports. The temporary revisions implemented changes necessary to
collect information used to conduct additional analysis in connection
with the resubmission of firms' capital plans, including consideration
of the global market shock (GMS) component, using data as of June
[[Page 86562]]
30, 2020. In addition to these temporary revisions, the notice proposed
revisions to the FR Y-14 reports that would have allowed the Board to
require the submission of additional FR Y-14A and FR Y-14Q data in
connection with a firm's resubmission of its capital plan. The comment
period for this notice expired on November 16, 2020. The Board did not
receive any comments on this notice.
\5\ See 85 FR 58048 (September 17, 2020).
The Board has approved the extension of the FR Y-14 reports for
three years, with revision. These revisions include adopting most of
the temporary revisions announced in the July 8, 2020, with minor
changes in response to public comments, for three additional months.
The temporary revisions will automatically expire following the March
31, 2021, as of date. In addition, the Board has adopted the revisions
related to CECL and capital data that were proposed in the July 8,
2020, notice, as well as the revisions related to FR Y-14 submission
requirements in connection with a firm's resubmission of its capital
plan that were proposed in the September 17, 2020, notice. All
revisions are effective beginning with the December 31, 2020, as of
Detailed Discussion of Public Comments
Adoption of Temporary Revisions
The Board solicited comment on a proposal to extend the temporary
revisions included in the July 8, 2020, notice for three years, while
noting that the temporary revisions would automatically expire
following the December 31, 2020, as of date, unless explicitly
reauthorized by the Board. Two commenters recommended that the Board
only reauthorize specific temporary revisions to the extent those
revisions are critical, and to keep in mind firm resource constraints
during the COVID event when deciding whether to reauthorize any
temporary revisions. Additionally, two commenters recommended the Board
provide reporting firms and the public as much notice as possible,
preferably at least three months, before requiring firms to continue to
report any reauthorized revisions, in order to ease the reporting
Given ongoing economic uncertainty surrounding the COVID event, the
Board has adopted the proposal to extend the FR Y-14 reports with most
of these revisions with certain changes that are effective for the
December 31, 2020, as of date. However, in order to reduce reporting
burden, temporary revisions associated with Federal Reserve lending
facilities that are set to expire at the end of December 2020,
including the Main Street Lending Program (MSLP), will only remain in
place through the December 31, 2020, as of date. All other temporary
revisions will remain in place through the reports as of March 31,
Submission Frequency
The Board temporarily revised the FR Y-14Q instructions to indicate
that in times of crisis, the Board may temporarily request submissions
of schedules more frequently than firms are generally required to
submit the schedules. One commenter stated that requiring FR Y-14Q
schedules more frequently would cause reporting burden on firms, and
requested that any more frequent submission of schedules be required
only if firms are given at least 60 days' notice and if possible, an
opportunity to provide comments.
The Board notes that requiring any FR Y-14Q schedules more
frequently than firms generally are required to submit them would only
be done in times of crisis, and the Board would provide firms with as
much notice as possible given the circumstances.
FR Y-14 Reporting Questions
The Board did not temporarily revise or propose to revise its
current process for responding to FR Y-14 reporting questions. One
commenter requested that the Board expedite its responses to reporting
questions associated the FR Y-14 temporary revisions given that the
temporary revisions were implemented prior to the public comment
The Board strives to respond to all FR Y-14 reporting questions it
receives from firms as soon as possible. Some questions require
significant time to research. The Board notes that it has responded
promptly to many questions regarding the temporary revisions to the FR
Supplemental Collections
At times, the Board has requested that certain firms submit
supplemental collections that provide alternative breakouts of FR Y-14
data that are not available from other sources in conjunction with the
FR Y-14 data submitted for use in the DFAST and CCAR exercises. One
commenter requested that the Board incorporate all supplemental
collections into the FR Y-14 report so firms can adequately plan for
the data requirements surrounding a given FR Y-14 submission.
The Board has incorporated several supplemental collections into
the FR Y-14 report. For example, as finalized on September 14, 2020,\6\
the Board incorporated three supplemental collections into the FR Y-14Q
report (two were incorporated into Schedule F (Trading) and one was
incorporated into Schedule M (Balances)). Where appropriate, the Board
will continue to incorporate supplemental collections into the FR Y-14
\6\ See 85 FR 56607 (September 14, 2020).
Submission Frequency
The Board temporarily revised FR Y-14Q, Schedule H (Wholesale) to
be reported monthly instead of quarterly for firms subject to Category
I-III standards. Two commenters stated that certain items on Schedule H
are not available or are not collected by firms from third parties on a
monthly basis, and that firm resources are already constrained as a
result of the COVID event. Per the commenter, firms have not been able
to make permanent technological changes and have not been able to put
adequate resources towards a more streamlined solution to obtain and
verify data on a monthly basis due to the fact that this reporting
frequency change went into effect prior to the public comment period,
as well as the fact that this revision could have expired following the
December 31, 2020, as of date (i.e., Schedule H would revert to being
reported quarterly for all firms).
As indicated in the Schedule H instructions, the Board has
identified certain items that are not required for the monthly Schedule
H submissions that do not coincide with quarter ends (e.g., as of July
31). The remaining items are needed on a monthly basis in order to
assess the current economic status and to better understand potential
shifts in the risk profiles of firms. The Board acknowledges that some
items are not collected by third parties or are not available on a
monthly basis. In those cases, firms should report the information
available to the firm on a given as of date. In addition, the
instructions for several items allow firms to report the most recently
updated data or ``NA'' if updated information is not available.
Data Quality Checks
The Board performs quality checks on data submitted through
regulatory reports, such as the FR Y-14 reports. Two commenters
suggested that the Board should exclude certain quality checks for FR
Y-14Q, Schedule H (Wholesale) data submitted on a monthly basis, as
certain quality checks
[[Page 86563]]
are tied to other regulatory reports that are submitted quarterly
(e.g., FR Y-9C). The commenters went on to say that responding to these
quality checks on a monthly basis is particularly challenging as firm
resources are constrained by the COVID event. One commenter stated that
in some cases, values reported in certain ``Obligor Financial Data''
items (items 52 through 82) of Schedule H.1 (Corporate) do not factor
into the credit decision for a given exposure, such as in cases of
startup companies with limited or no available financial data. In these
cases, the commenter recommends that in order to reduce burden, firms
should be allowed to report ``NA'' for certain ``Obligor Financial
Data'' items and not be required to address any associated data quality
In order to facilitate the monthly Schedule H submission process,
the Board has reduced the number of edit responses required for non-
quarter end submissions. For example, the Board has not been running
data quality checks for non-quarter end monthly Schedule H submissions
that compare values to the FR Y-9C.
Main Street Lending Program
The Board temporarily revised FR Y-14Q, Schedule H (Wholesale) to
require firms to report only their exposures to loans associated with
the MSLP (i.e., not include the amount participated to third parties or
the unused portion of loan commitments). For other exposures reported
on Schedule H, firms are required to include the amount participated to
third parties, as well as the unused portion of loan commitments, as
part of the reporting firm's total lending commitment. One commenter
expressed concern that this divergence would cause an issue when
comparing commitments on Schedule H to those reported on the FR Y-9C,
which is referenced in the instructions for several Schedule H items.
The commenter stated that this different treatment for commitment
reporting is causing operational burden for firms, and recommends that
loans associated with the MSLP be reported consistently with other
loans reported on Schedule H.
The Board did not intend to require different treatment for loans
associated with the MSLP compared to other commitments reported on
Schedule H. In light of the concerns raised by the commenter, the Board
has revised the Schedule H instructions to align the reporting of
commitments to loans associated with the MSLP with other commitments
reported on the schedule, effective for the December 31, 2020, as of
Internal Risk Rating Schedule
The Board did not temporarily revise or propose to revise FR Y-14Q,
Schedule H.4 (Internal Risk Rating). One commenter suggested that the
Board expand Schedule H.4 to require additional items, such as
probability of default information, which would provide the Board with
better context for understanding firms' internal risk ratings. The
commenter also suggested that the Board revise Schedule H.4 to
correspond with FR Y-14Q, Schedule L (Counterparty), as both schedules
require an internal and external rating equivalent factor.
The Board notes that firms are currently allowed to provide as much
detail as possible in the free text description of Schedule H.4, item 1
(``Internal Risk Rating''). For example, firms can provide information
that would provide a better understanding their internal ratings, such
as external rating equivalent data points. The Board intends to
consider adding items to Schedule H.4 that would provide more context
to the data submitted as part of a future notice. However, the Board
has not expanded Schedule H.4 to correspond with Schedule L, as the
data between the two schedules does not readily align.
Collateral Market Value
The current FR Y-14Q, Schedule H.1 (Corporate), item 93,
``Collateral Market Value,'' instructions require firms to report the
market value of collateral as of the reporting date, and to report
``NA'' if the value of the collateral has not been updated since
reported on the previous Schedule H.1 submission. The Board did not
temporarily revise or propose to revise Schedule H.1, item 93. One
commenter pointed out that the instructions for Schedule H.1, item 93
do not specify how to report the value of collateral that is typically
recorded at book value, such as receivables and inventory comprising a
borrowing base for asset-based lending. To ensure consistent reporting
across firms, the commenter recommended that the Board clarify how item
93 should be reported for types of collateral that not typically
recorded at market value.
For consistency across exposures, firms should continue to report
in line with the current instructions. The Board has not revised the
Schedule H.1, item 93 instructions to allow for reporting at book
Past Due Reporting
The Board did not temporarily revise or propose to revise the
reporting of past due exposures in the ``# Days Principal or Interest
Past Due'' items (Schedule H.1, item 32; Schedule H.2, item 37). One
commenter noted that while Schedule H is reported at the facility
level, there could be cases where only some of the multiple loans under
a given facility are past due. Per the commenter, this creates
ambiguity for reporting the number of days past due for an entire
facility. The commenter recommended that the Board revise Schedule H to
add more granular delinquency buckets or an item to capture the total
balance past due within a given facility.
Per the instructions for the ``# Days Principal or Interest Past
Due'' items, firms are required to report the longest number of days
principal or interest are past due for any loan within the facility.
Given the different uses of the collected data on the FR Y-14 and FR Y-
9C, the Board has not revised the FR Y-14 to have similar delinquency
buckets as the FR Y-9C. In addition, the Board does not currently need
to capture the total balance of loans past due within a facility to
conduct its analysis, and so has not added an item to collect this
Capital Call Subscriptions
The Board did not temporarily revise or propose to revise the
reporting of capital call subscriptions on FR Y-14Q, Schedule H
(Wholesale). One commenter noted that the Board previously revised
Schedule H.1 (Corporate), items 20 (``Credit Facility'') and 22
(``Credit Facility Purpose'') to require firms to indicate which
facilities are capital call subscriptions, effective for the September
30, 2020, as of date.\7\ Per the commenter, the Board should also
revise Schedule H.1 item 36 (``Security Type'') to allow firms to
identify the collateral associated with capital call subscriptions. The
commenter noted that this additional collateral information would
enable the Board to better capture information regarding a firm's
ability to require a fund manager to inject capital into a fund that is
declining in value, which would more accurately reflect the true risk
of these exposures. Relatedly, one commenter requested that the Board
provide definitions for the allowable values to be reported in Schedule
H.1, items 20 and 22, as there could be a divergence in practice across
\7\ See 85 FR 56607 (September 14, 2020).
[[Page 86564]]
As indicated in the instructions, the values for the descriptions
and codes used in Schedule H.1, items 20 and 22 relate to the
requirements referenced in the reporting for Shared National Credit
data.\8\ Please note that while the listing referenced in the reporting
for Shared National Credit data is not the entirety of the types and
purposes possible for Schedule H reporting, it does cover a majority of
them. The Board intends to consider adding definitions to the FR Y-14Q,
Schedule H instructions as part of a future notice.
\8\ See
Disposed Loans
The Board did not temporarily revise or propose to revise the
reporting of disposed loans on FR Y-14Q, Schedule H (Wholesale).
However, one commenter suggested that the Board revise the Schedule H
instructions to allow disposed facilities to be reported with data as
of the prior reporting cycle rather than as of the day of disposition.
The Board believes collecting loan disposition information as it
existed at the point of disposition is critical, and accordingly has
not revised the current requirements for disposed loans on Schedule H.
Par and Fair Value Items
The Board did not temporarily revise or propose to revise the
reporting of par value and fair value exposure items on FR Y-14Q,
Schedule H (Wholesale). However, one commenter noted that previous FR
Y-14 questions and answers (Q&As) have clarified that firms should
report certain fair value exposure items based on the predominate share
of the committed balance. Per the commenter, the reporting based on
these Q&As would enable the Board to derive the value for two par/fair
value exposure items (``Lower of Cost or Market (LOCOM) Flag,''
Schedule H.1, item 86 and Schedule H.2, item 56 and ``Target Hold''
Schedule H.1, item 101) from the four par/fair value exposure items
(``Committed Exposure Global Par Value'', Schedule H.1, item 105'',
Schedule H.2, item 66; ``Utilized Exposure Global Par Value'', Schedule
H.1, item 106; ``Committed Exposure Global Fair Value'', Schedule H.1,
item 107, Schedule H.2, item 68; ``Utilized Exposure Global Fair
Value'', Schedule H.1, item 108; ``Outstanding Balance Par Value'',
Schedule H.2, item 67; and ``Outstanding Balance Fair Value'', Schedule
H.2, item 69) that were added for the March 31, 2020, as of date.\9\
Therefore, the commenter recommends that the ``LOCOM Flag'' and
``Target Hold'' items be removed from Schedule H. The commenter further
stated that if the ``LOCOM Flag'' item is retained, then it is unclear
how exposures should be reported in the par/fair value exposure items.
\9\ See 84 FR 70529 (December 23, 2019).
The Board notes that each par/fair value exposure item on Schedule
H provides a different perspective on the exposures and gives a more
holistic view of the valuation of exposures. The ``LOCOM Flag'' and
``Target Hold'' items allow for validation and categorization of loan
data. Per the instructions, firms should report appropriate values of
the entire credit facility for held for sale loans and loans accounted
for under a fair value option for the par/fair value items. The Board
further notes that reporting guidance based on FR Y-14 Q&As issued
prior to the addition of the par/fair value exposure items (i.e., prior
to March 31, 2020) should not be applied to the par/fair value exposure
items that were added for the March 31, 2020, as of date. Firms should
report these items based on the Schedule H instructions.
Obligor and Guarantor Reporting
The Board did not temporarily revise or propose to revise the
reporting of the legal entity that provides the primary source of
repayment for a credit facility on FR Y-14Q, Schedule H (Wholesale).
The current FR Y-14Q, Schedule H.1 (Corporate) instructions require
firms to report the obligor in the ``Obligor Financial Data'' items
(items 52 through 82) as the legal entity that provides the primary
source of repayment for a credit facility identified in item 15
(``Internal Credit Facility ID''). The instructions further state that
the legal entity that provides the primary source of repayment will
generally be different than the guarantor, which provides secondary
support for repayment. Per one commenter, the instructions regarding
the obligor and guarantor create ambiguity as it is not clear whether
the guarantor could ever be viewed as the primary source of repayment,
which the commenter states could happen in cases where the guarantor is
used in underwriting as a primary source of repayment.
Per the instructions, Schedule H.1, item 15 should reflect the
legal entity providing the primary source of repayment or, if
different, the legal entity used by underwriting as the primary source
of repayment identified. Information surrounding the guarantor, or
secondary source of repayment, is outlined and differentiated in
Schedule H.1, items 44 through 48 (``Guarantor Flag'', ``Guarantor
Internal ID'', ``Guarantor Name'', ``Guarantor TIN'', and ``Guarantor
Internal Risk Rating'', respectively).
Loss Mitigation
Loss Mitigation Item Reporting
The Board temporarily added items and options to existing items to
capture loans in forbearance or other loss mitigation programs on
several FR Y-14 schedules, such as FR Y-14Q, Schedule H (Wholesale) and
FR Y-14M, Schedule B (Home Equity). One commenter recommended that
these items and options to existing items only be reported quarterly so
that the firms would not be required to recode systems for potentially
temporary changes to the FR Y-14 report. Per the commenter, quarterly
reporting of these items would reduce reporting burden.
Given that these loans in forbearance or other loss mitigation
programs have different risk characteristics than loans not in these
programs, receiving this information on a monthly basis is critical to
enable the Board to more accurately assess current banking conditions.
The Board temporarily added items to FR Y-14Q, Schedule A (Retail)
and Schedule J (Retail FVO/HFS) to require firms to report loans that
have completed loss mitigation or for which mitigation has expired
during the reporting period. One commenter stated that it is burdensome
for firms and may not provide valuable insight to commingle loans no
longer in loss mitigation programs with loans currently in loss
mitigation programs. The commenter recommends that the requirement to
include loans no longer in loss mitigation be removed.
Given the reporting burden and commingling effect of reporting
loans no longer in loss mitigation programs with loans currently in
loss mitigation programs, the Board has revised the Schedule A and
Schedule J instructions to require firms to exclude the balances of
loans that completed their loss mitigation programs in the current
month from these added items. In addition, due to questions from
reporting firms, the Board has revised the loss mitigation item on
Schedule J to capture the carrying value of loans in loss mitigation,
as opposed to the unpaid principal balance. Both of these revisions are
effective for the December 31, 2020, as of date.
The Board temporarily added items to FR Y-14Q, Schedule H
(Wholesale) to
[[Page 86565]]
capture loans currently in loss mitigation programs or forbearance as a
result of the COVID event. One commenter pointed out that the
instructions for these new items does not capture loans that were
classified as troubled debt restructurings (TDRs) prior to the onset of
the COVID event that have been subsequently modified as a result of the
COVID event. The commenter requested that the Board clarify how these
modified loans should be reported on Schedule H.
To remove ambiguity, the Board has revised the instructions to the
``Modifications Flag'' items (Schedule H.1, item 109; Schedule H.2,
item 70) to clarify that loans that were classified as TDRs prior to
the onset of the COVID event and have been subsequently modified should
be reported under Option 3 (``Other''), effective for the December 31,
2020, as of date.
Risk Mitigation Activities
The Board did not temporarily revise or propose to revise the
reporting of risk mitigation activities (e.g., subordinated credit
protection from third parties referencing an on-balance sheet portfolio
of loans) on the FR Y-14 report. However, one commenter noted that the
existing FR Y-14 report does not capture the data necessary to allow
risk mitigation activities to be taken into consideration by
supervisory models. Per the commenter, the inclusion of risk mitigation
activity data on the FR Y-14 report would allow the Board to more
accurately reflect the exposure risks to firms as part of the stress
The Board intends to consider revising the FR Y-14 reports to
capture risk mitigation activities as part of a future notice.
Paycheck Protection Program Loans
The Board temporarily added an item to FR Y-14Q, Schedule A.9 (U.S.
Small Business) to capture loans fully guaranteed by the United States
government, which would include Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
loans. One commenter stated that per the Schedule A.9 instructions,
only ``scored'' or ``delinquency managed'' loans should be reported,
and neither of those criteria apply to PPP loans. Schedule A.9 requires
certain variables (e.g., product type, available credit bureau score,
etc.) to be reported for loans reported on the schedule. According to
two commenters, many of these variables do not apply to PPP loans
because they are originated outside of the typical process for firms
given that they are fully guaranteed by the Small Business Association
(SBA). Additionally, one commenter raised that Schedule A.9 is only
supposed to capture retail exposures, but the current instructions for
the new item require reporting of both retail and wholesale exposures.
Given these concerns, two commenters recommend that the Board exclude
PPP loans from Schedule A.9 and instead have them reported on FR Y-14Q,
Schedule K (Supplemental), similar to how loans associated with the
MSLP are reported.
In response, the Board notes that it is important to capture PPP
loans in a consistent manner across FR Y-14 submissions for purposes of
data comparability. If certain variables required for Schedule A are
not available for PPP loans, then firms should only report the
variables for PPP loans that they have available. The Board has not
revised the reporting of PPP loans.
Historical Data Requirement
One commenter noted that the inclusion of PPP loans in Schedule A.9
has caused some firms to exceed the quantitative threshold for
reporting this schedule.\10\ With the initial submission of this
schedule, firms are required to report historical data going back to
January of 2007. One commenter stated that PPP loans are only expected
to be on a firm's books for a short period of time (i.e., less than one
year), and that once the PPP loans are no longer reported on Schedule
A.9, some firms will drop back below the reporting threshold. The
commenter further stated that firms face operational challenges with
gathering and validating 13 years of historical data. The commenter
recommended that if the Board continues to require PPP loans to be
reported on Schedule A.9, then firms should not be required to submit
historical data for Schedule A.9 if they exceed the reporting threshold
as a result of including PPP loans in this schedule.
\10\ Large and complex firms, Large Institution Supervision
Coordinating Committee (LISCC) firms, and SLHCs subject to Category
II-III standards with a portfolio of U.S. small business (retail)
loans with an asset balance greater than $5 billion or greater than
ten percent of Tier 1 capital on average for four quarters preceding
the reporting quarter are required to file FR Y-14Q, Schedule A.9.
Large and noncomplex firms and SLHCs subject to Category IV
standards with a portfolio of U.S. small business (retail) loans
with an asset balance greater than $5 billion or greater than ten
percent of Tier 1 capital on average for four quarters preceding the
reporting quarter are required to file FR Y-14Q, Schedule A.9.
The Board believes that the required historical data on Schedule
A.9 are critical to adequately monitor ongoing risks, and accordingly
has not revised this requirement.
Private Equity Investments
The Board did not temporarily revise or propose to revise the
reporting of non-fair value private equity investments on FR Y-14Q,
Schedule F (Trading). However, on December 23, 2019,\11\ the Board
indicated that it would assess whether the macro scenario is more
appropriate than the global market shock for evaluating losses
associated with non-fair value private equity investment exposures. One
commenter inquired about the status of this assessment.
\11\ See 84 FR 70529 (December 23, 2019).
At this time, the Board believes the macro scenario is more
appropriate than the global market shock for evaluating losses
associated with non-fair value private equity investment exposures, but
will continue to analyze the issue.
Separately, in an FR Y-14 question and answer (Q&A) published in
March of 2020,\12\ the Board clarified that firms could exclude tax
oriented investments held under the equity method of accounting from
the ``Other Fair Value Assets'' portion of FR Y-1Q, Schedule F
(Trading). The Board further clarified that tax oriented investments
held under the equity method of accounting should only be reported on
Schedule F if they are included in the included in other portions of
Schedule F (i.e., not the ``Other Fair Value Assets'' portion). One
commenter suggested that this same treatment should be applied to non-
fair value private equity investments, as non-fair value private equity
investments share many characteristics with fair value private equity
investments, such as an illiquid nature, expected multi-year holding
period, as well as the timing and amount of associated losses.
\12\ See
The exclusion of non-fair value tax oriented investments from
Schedule F was not based on an assessment of their risk
characteristics, but rather on the fact that they are neither trading
positions, private equity positions, nor fair value assets, and so do
not fall under the scope of Schedule F. The same rationale does not
apply to non-fair value private equity positions, which do fall under
the scope of Schedule F, as they are private equity positions. Given
this, the Board has not revised the reporting for non-fair value
private equity positions.
[[Page 86566]]
Seed Capital Invested in Mutual Funds
The Board did not temporarily revise or propose to revise the
reporting of seed capital invested in mutual funds. The current FR Y-
14Q, Schedule F (Trading) instructions require firms to report seed
capital invested in mutual funds as private equity exposures. One
commenter noted that this treatment may subject firms to unfavorable
stressed losses, as the underlying investments of seed capital invested
in mutual funds are in liquid, marketable securities across multiple
asset classes, including fixed income and equity. Given the liquid,
marketable nature of these underlying investments, the commenter
recommended that these exposures should not be reported as private
equity exposures, but rather reported within the respective sub-
schedules of Schedule F, according to the underlying exposure.
The Board intends to consider revising the reporting of seed
capital invested in mutual funds as part of a future notice.
Legal authorization and confidentiality: The Board has the
authority to require BHCs to file the FR Y-14 reports pursuant to
section 5(c) of the Bank Holding Company Act (``BHC Act''), 12 U.S.C.
1844(c), and pursuant to section 165(i) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act), 12 U.S.C. 5365(i),
as amended by section 401(a) and (e) of the Economic Growth, Regulatory
Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (EGRRCPA).\13\ The Board has
authority to require SLHCs to file the FR Y-14 reports pursuant to
section 10(b) of the Home Owners' Loan Act (12 U.S.C. 1467a(b)), as
amended by section 369(8) and 604(h)(2) of the Dodd-Frank Act. Lastly,
the Board has authority to require U.S. IHCs of FBOs to file the FR Y-
14 reports pursuant to section 5 of the BHC Act, as well as pursuant to
sections 102(a)(1) and 165 of the Dodd-Frank Act, 12 U.S.C. 5311(a)(1)
and 5365.\14\ In addition, section 401(g) of EGRRCPA, 12 U.S.C. 5365
note, provides that the Board has the authority to establish enhanced
prudential standards for foreign banking organizations with total
consolidated assets of $100 billion or more, and clarifies that nothing
in section 401 ``shall be construed to affect the legal effect of the
final rule of the Board . . . entitled `Enhanced Prudential Standard
for [BHCs] and Foreign Banking Organizations' (79 FR 17240 (March 27,
2014)), as applied to foreign banking organizations with total
consolidated assets equal to or greater than $100 million.'' \15\ The
FR Y-14 reports are mandatory. The information collected in the FR Y-14
reports is collected as part of the Board's supervisory process, and
therefore, such information is afforded confidential treatment pursuant
to exemption 8 of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C.
552(b)(8). In addition, confidential commercial or financial
information, which a submitter actually and customarily treats as
private, and which has been provided pursuant to an express assurance
of confidentiality by the Board, is considered exempt from disclosure
under exemption 4 of the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4).\16\
\13\ Public Law 115-174, Title IV 401(a) and (e), 132 Stat.
1296, 1356-59 (2018).
\14\ Section 165(b)(2) of the Dodd-Frank Act, 12 U.S.C.
5365(b)(2), refers to ``foreign-based bank holding company.''
Section 102(a)(1) of the Dodd-Frank Act, 12 U.S.C. 5311(a)(1),
defines ``bank holding company'' for purposes of Title I of the
Dodd-Frank Act to include foreign banking organizations that are
treated as bank holding companies under section 8(a) of the
International Banking Act of 1978, 12 U.S.C. 3106(a). The Board has
required, pursuant to section 165(b)(1)(B)(iv) of the Dodd-Frank
Act, 12 U.S.C. 5365(b)(1)(B)(iv), certain foreign banking
organizations subject to section 165 of the Dodd-Frank Act to form
U.S. intermediate holding companies. Accordingly, the parent
foreign-based organization of a U.S. IHC is treated as a BHC for
purposes of the BHC Act and section 165 of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Because Section 5(c) of the BHC Act authorizes the Board to require
reports from subsidiaries of BHCs, section 5(c) provides additional
authority to require U.S. IHCs to report the information contained
in the FR Y-14 reports.
\15\ The Board's Final Rule referenced in section 401(g) of
EGRRCPA specifically stated that the Board would require IHCs to
file the FR Y-14 reports. See 79 FR 17240, 17304 (March 27, 2014).
\16\ Please note that the Board publishes a summary of the
results of the Board's CCAR testing pursuant to 12 CFR
225.8(f)(2)(v), and publishes a summary of the results of the
Board's DFAST stress testing pursuant to 12 CFR 252.46(b) and 12 CFR
238.134, which includes aggregate data. In addition, under the
Board's regulations, covered companies must also publicly disclose a
summary of the results of the Board's DFAST stress testing. See 12
CFR 252.58; 12 CFR 238.146. The public disclosure requirement
contained in 12 CFR 252.58 for covered BHCs and covered IHCs is
separately accounted for by the Board in the Paperwork Reduction Act
clearance for FR YY (OMB No. 7100-0350) and the public disclosure
requirement for covered SLHCs is separately accounted for in by the
Board in the Paperwork Reduction Act clearance for FR LL (OMB No.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, December 22,
Margaret Shanks,
Deputy Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2020-28788 Filed 12-29-20; 8:45 am]