Dutchtown Southern Railroad, L.L.C.-Lease and Operation Exemption-Illinois Central Railroad Company, 84092-84093 [2020-28274]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 247 / Wednesday, December 23, 2020 / Notices
[SEC File No. 270–418, OMB Control No.
Proposed Collection; Comment
Upon Written Request, Copies Available
From:, Securities and Exchange
Commission, Office of FOIA Services,
100 F Street NE, Washington, DC
Rule 15c2–1
Notice is hereby given that pursuant
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(‘‘PRA’’) (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), the
Securities and Exchange Commission
(‘‘Commission’’) is soliciting comments
on the existing collection of information
provided for in Rule 15c2–1, (17 CFR
240.15c2–1), under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78a et
seq.). The Commission plans to submit
this existing collection of information to
the Office of Management and Budget
(‘‘OMB’’) for extension and approval.
Rule 15c2–1 prohibits the
commingling under the same lien of
securities of margin customers (a) with
other customers without their written
consent, and (b) with the broker-dealer.
The rule also prohibits the rehypothecation of customers’ margin
securities for a sum in excess of the
customer’s aggregate indebtedness.
Pursuant to Rule 15c2–1, respondents
must collect information necessary to
prevent the re-hypothecation of
customer securities in contravention of
the rule, issue and retain copies of
notices of hypothecation of customer
securities in accordance with the rule,
and collect written consents from
customers in accordance with the rule.
The information is necessary to ensure
compliance with the rule, and to advise
customers of the rule’s protections.
There are approximately 48
respondents (i.e., broker-dealers that
conducted business with the public,
filed Part II or Part IICSE of the FOCUS
Report, did not claim an exemption
from the Rule 15c3–3 reserve formula
computation, and reported that they had
a bank loan during at least one quarter
of the current year) that require an
aggregate total of approximately 1,080
hours to comply with the rule. Each of
these approximately 48 registered
broker-dealers makes an estimated 45
annual responses. Each response takes
approximately 0.5 hours to complete.
Thus, the total burden per year is
approximately 1,080 hours.
Written comments are invited on: (a)
Whether the proposed collection of
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information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the Commission’s
estimates of the burden of the proposed
collection of information; (c) ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information collected; and (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Consideration will be given to
comments and suggestions submitted in
writing within 60 days of this
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
under the PRA unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
Please direct your written comments
to: David Bottom, Director/Chief
Information Officer, Securities and
Exchange Commission, c/o Cynthia
Roscoe, 100 F Street NE Washington, DC
20549, or send an email to: PRA_
Dated: December 18, 2020.
J. Matthew DeLesDernier,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2020–28424 Filed 12–22–20; 8:45 am]
[Public Notice: 11287]
Sudan; Determination Under
Presidential Proclamation
I hereby determine, in accordance
with section 5 of Presidential
Proclamation No. 6958, of November 22,
1996, that the suspension of entry into
the United States of members or officials
of the Government of Sudan (GOS) and
members of the Sudanese armed forces
is no longer necessary and should be
terminated given the termination of the
restrictive measures in UN Security
Council Resolution 1054 and its
successor resolution UNSCR 1070, and
the significant shift in U.S. foreign
policy toward Sudan following the
installation of the new Sudanese
Civilian-Led Transitional Government.
Restrictions imposed in said
proclamation, pursuant to Section 212(f)
and 215 of the Immigration and
Nationality Act of 1952 as amended (8
U.S.C. 1182(f) and section 301 of title 3,
United States Code shall therefore lapse,
and said proclamation shall terminate
effective immediately.
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This determination will be reported to
Congress and published in the Federal
Dated: December 15, 2020.
Michael R. Pompeo,
Secretary of State.
[FR Doc. 2020–28271 Filed 12–22–20; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FD 36456]
Dutchtown Southern Railroad, L.L.C.—
Lease and Operation Exemption—
Illinois Central Railroad Company
Dutchtown Southern Railroad, L.L.C.
(DUSR), a noncarrier, has filed a verified
notice of exemption under 49 CFR
1150.31 to lease from Illinois Central
Railroad Company (IC) and operate
approximately 9,285 feet of track known
as the Rubber Lead Track, extending
from a point on the Line roughly
adjacent to milepost 386 + 1636.15’ on
IC’s parallel main line, extending
southeastward to a point proximate to
milepost 388 + 357’ on the
aforementioned, parallel-running IC
main line in Geismar, Ascension Parish,
La. (the Line).1
This transaction is related to a
concurrently filed verified notice of
exemption in Watco Holdings, Inc.—
Continuance in Control Exemption—
Dutchtown Southern Railroad, L.L.C.,
Docket No. FD 36457, in which Watco
Holdings, Inc., seeks to continue in
control of DUSR upon DUSR’s becoming
a Class III rail carrier.
DUSR states that it and IC will shortly
execute agreements pursuant to which
DUSR will lease the Line from IC and
will be the operator of the Line. DUSR
further states that the proposed
agreements between DUSR and IC do
not contain any provision limiting
DUSR’s future interchange of traffic on
the Line with a third-party connecting
DUSR certifies that its projected
annual revenues as a result of this
transaction will not result in DUSR’s
becoming a Class II or Class I rail
carrier. DUSR further certifies that its
projected annual revenue will not
exceed $5 million.
The transaction may be consummated
on or after January 8, 2021, the effective
date of the exemption (30 days after the
verified notice was filed).
If the verified notice contains false or
misleading information, the exemption
1 The verified notice indicates that DUSR also
will secure rights to operate into IC’s Geismar
storage yard for purposes of interchanging rail cars
there with IC.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 247 / Wednesday, December 23, 2020 / Notices
is void ab initio. Petitions to revoke the
exemption under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d)
may be filed at any time. The filing of
a petition to revoke will not
automatically stay the effectiveness of
the exemption. Petitions for stay must
be filed no later than December 31, 2020
(at least seven days before the
exemption becomes effective).
All pleadings, referring to Docket No.
FD 36456, should be filed with the
Surface Transportation Board via efiling on the Board’s website. In
addition, a copy of each pleading must
be served on DUSR’s representative,
Robert A. Wimbish, Fletcher & Sippel
LLC, 29 North Wacker Drive, Suite 800,
Chicago, IL 60606–3208.
According to DUSR, this action is
categorically excluded from
environmental review under 49 CFR
1105.6(c) and from historic reporting
requirements under 49 CFR 1105.8(b).
Board decisions and notices are
available at www.stb.gov.
Decided: December 17, 2020.
By the Board, Allison C. Davis, Director,
Office of Proceedings.
Kenyatta Clay,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2020–28274 Filed 12–22–20; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FD 36452]
Wisconsin & Southern Railroad,
L.L.C.—Acquisition and Operation
Exemption—Soo Line Railroad
On November 17, 2020, Wisconsin &
Southern Railroad, L.L.C. (WSOR), a
Class II rail carrier, filed a petition
under 49 U.S.C. 10502 for an exemption
from the prior approval requirements of
49 U.S.C. 10902 to acquire and operate
over approximately 4.79 miles of rail
line owned by Soo Line Railroad
Company (Soo Line). The rail line
extends from milepost 93.20 (at
Hampton Avenue) to milepost 88.41
(south of State Street) in the City of
Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis.
(the Line). WSOR concurrently filed a
petition for waiver of the 60-day
advance notice requirement of 49 CFR
1121.4(h). For the reasons discussed
below, the Board will grant the petition
for exemption and the petition for
In 2007, WSOR received Board
authority to lease and operate over the
Line. Wis. & S. R.R.—Lease & Operation
Exemption—Soo Line R.R. (Lease
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Decision), FD 35012, slip op. at 1, 3
(STB served July 17, 2007).1 According
to WSOR, it has continued to lease,
maintain, dispatch, and operate over the
Line since 2007, but now seeks to
purchase the Line from Soo Line.2 (Pet.
for Exemption 1–2.) WSOR states that,
through ownership of the Line, it ‘‘will
be able to exercise more complete
control over investment decisions, and
will be better positioned to offer
responsive and efficient rail service into
the future.’’ (Id. at 3.) WSOR states that
the parties hope to close on their
transaction before the end of the year
and asks the Board, at Soo Line’s
request, for expedited consideration of
its petition for exemption. (Id. at 2.)
WSOR also petitions the Board for a
waiver of the 60-day notice requirement
under 49 CFR 1121.4(h). Unless waived,
section 1121.4(h) would require WSOR,
at least 60 days before the exemption
becomes effective, to post a notice of its
intent to undertake the proposed
transaction setting forth certain
information at the workplace of the
employees on the affected lines, serve a
copy of the notice on the national
offices of the labor unions with
employees on the affected lines, and
certify to the Board that it has done so.
WSOR argues that the notice
requirement would serve no useful
purpose under the circumstances,
pointing out that no Soo Line employees
have worked on the Line for more than
13 years and that, because WSOR has
operated the Line during that time, there
is no new carrier. (Pet. for Waiver 3.)
WSOR states that it ‘‘has no plans to
modify its operation of the Line once its
leasehold interest is converted to
ownership,’’ and, therefore, no
employees would be adversely affected
by the proposed acquisition. (Id. at 2.)
No opposition to either the petition
for exemption or the petition for waiver
has been filed.
Discussion and Conclusions
Exemption from 49 U.S.C. 10902.
Under 49 U.S.C. 10902, the acquisition
of a rail line by a Class II rail carrier
requires the prior approval of the Board.
Under 49 U.S.C. 10502(a), however, the
1 The petition for exemption notes that the Lease
Decision listed the Line’s southern limit as milepost
88.4, whereas the Asset Purchase Agreement
governing the sale of the Line here lists it as
milepost 88.41. WSOR states that this ‘‘minimal
difference in mileposts—less than 53 feet—is
believed to be a rounding error, and was not
intended to signify a different point on the Line.’’
(Pet. for Exemption 1 n.1.)
2 WSOR states that its proposed transaction with
Soo Line also includes the transfer of a portion of
Soo Line’s Glendale Yard known as the ‘‘B’’ yard.
(Pet. for Exemption 1.) The 2007 transaction also
included the ‘‘B’’ yard. Lease Decision, FD 35012,
slip op. at 1.
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Board must exempt a transaction or
service from regulation when it finds
that: (1) Regulation is not necessary to
carry out the rail transportation policy
(RTP) of 49 U.S.C. 10101; and (2) either
(a) the transaction or service is of
limited scope, or (b) regulation is not
needed to protect shippers from the
abuse of market power.
In this case, an exemption from the
prior approval requirements of section
10902 is consistent with section
10502(a). Detailed scrutiny of the
proposed transaction under section
10902 is not necessary to carry out the
RTP. An exemption from the
application process would minimize the
need for federal regulatory control,
reduce regulatory barriers to entry, and
result in the expeditious handling of
this proceeding. See 49 U.S.C. 10101(2),
(7), (15). Other aspects of the RTP would
not be adversely affected by use of the
exemption process.
Moreover, regulation of the proposed
transaction under section 10902 is not
needed to protect shippers from the
abuse of market power.3 There would be
no loss of rail competition and no
adverse change in the competitive
balance in the transportation market, as
WSOR has been the carrier providing
service over the Line since 2007. Nor
would there be a change in the level of
service to any shippers because ‘‘WSOR
does not intend as a result of the
proposed transaction to change
materially its existing operations over
the Line.’’ (Pet. for Exemption 3.)
Waiver of 49 CFR 1121.4(h). As noted,
WSOR has petitioned for waiver of the
60-day notification requirement under
49 CFR 1121.4(h). The purpose of that
requirement is to ensure that rail labor
unions and employees who would be
affected by the transfer of a line are
given sufficient notice of the transaction
before consummation. The Board takes
seriously the requirements of the
regulation, but it does not appear that
the purpose behind the notice
requirement would be thwarted if the
requested waiver is granted in this case.
The record indicates that no railroad
employees would be adversely affected
by waiver of the requirement here. As
WSOR explains, ‘‘[n]o Soo [Line]
employees have worked on any portion
of the Line in more than 13 years, and
they (and the unions representing them)
were advised of the transition to WSOR
operation of the Line in connection with
the Lease Decision transaction as of May
24, 2007.’’ (Pet. for Waiver 3.) WSOR
3 Because the Board concludes that regulation is
not needed to protect shippers from the abuse of
market power, it is unnecessary to determine
whether the proposed transaction is limited in
scope. See 49 U.S.C. 10502(a).
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 247 (Wednesday, December 23, 2020)]
[Pages 84092-84093]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-28274]
[Docket No. FD 36456]
Dutchtown Southern Railroad, L.L.C.--Lease and Operation
Exemption--Illinois Central Railroad Company
Dutchtown Southern Railroad, L.L.C. (DUSR), a noncarrier, has filed
a verified notice of exemption under 49 CFR 1150.31 to lease from
Illinois Central Railroad Company (IC) and operate approximately 9,285
feet of track known as the Rubber Lead Track, extending from a point on
the Line roughly adjacent to milepost 386 + 1636.15' on IC's parallel
main line, extending southeastward to a point proximate to milepost 388
+ 357' on the aforementioned, parallel-running IC main line in Geismar,
Ascension Parish, La. (the Line).\1\
\1\ The verified notice indicates that DUSR also will secure
rights to operate into IC's Geismar storage yard for purposes of
interchanging rail cars there with IC.
This transaction is related to a concurrently filed verified notice
of exemption in Watco Holdings, Inc.--Continuance in Control
Exemption--Dutchtown Southern Railroad, L.L.C., Docket No. FD 36457, in
which Watco Holdings, Inc., seeks to continue in control of DUSR upon
DUSR's becoming a Class III rail carrier.
DUSR states that it and IC will shortly execute agreements pursuant
to which DUSR will lease the Line from IC and will be the operator of
the Line. DUSR further states that the proposed agreements between DUSR
and IC do not contain any provision limiting DUSR's future interchange
of traffic on the Line with a third-party connecting carrier.
DUSR certifies that its projected annual revenues as a result of
this transaction will not result in DUSR's becoming a Class II or Class
I rail carrier. DUSR further certifies that its projected annual
revenue will not exceed $5 million.
The transaction may be consummated on or after January 8, 2021, the
effective date of the exemption (30 days after the verified notice was
If the verified notice contains false or misleading information,
the exemption
[[Page 84093]]
is void ab initio. Petitions to revoke the exemption under 49 U.S.C.
10502(d) may be filed at any time. The filing of a petition to revoke
will not automatically stay the effectiveness of the exemption.
Petitions for stay must be filed no later than December 31, 2020 (at
least seven days before the exemption becomes effective).
All pleadings, referring to Docket No. FD 36456, should be filed
with the Surface Transportation Board via e-filing on the Board's
website. In addition, a copy of each pleading must be served on DUSR's
representative, Robert A. Wimbish, Fletcher & Sippel LLC, 29 North
Wacker Drive, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60606-3208.
According to DUSR, this action is categorically excluded from
environmental review under 49 CFR 1105.6(c) and from historic reporting
requirements under 49 CFR 1105.8(b).
Board decisions and notices are available at www.stb.gov.
Decided: December 17, 2020.
By the Board, Allison C. Davis, Director, Office of Proceedings.
Kenyatta Clay,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2020-28274 Filed 12-22-20; 8:45 am]