Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Marine Site Characterization Surveys Off of Coastal Virginia, 81879-81886 [2020-27761]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 243 / Thursday, December 17, 2020 / Notices
of its requirements for serving
documents containing business
proprietary information until further
notice.13 Pursuant to 19 CFR
351.309(c)(2) and (d)(2), parties who
submit case briefs or rebuttal briefs in
this investigation are encouraged to
submit with each argument: (1) A
statement of the issue; (2) a brief
summary of the argument; and (3) a
table of authorities.
Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.310(c),
interested parties who wish to request a
hearing, limited to issues raised in the
case and rebuttal briefs, must submit a
written request to the Assistant
Secretary for Enforcement and
Compliance, U.S. Department of
Commerce, within 30 days after the date
of publication of this notice. Requests
should contain the party’s name,
address, and telephone number, the
number of participants, whether any
participant is a foreign national, and a
list of the issues to be discussed. If a
request for a hearing is made, Commerce
intends to hold the hearing at a date and
time to be determined. Parties should
confirm by telephone the date, time, and
location of the hearing two days before
the scheduled date.
An electronically-filed document
must be received successfully in its
entirety via Enforcement and
Compliance’s Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Centralized
Electronic Service System (ACCESS) by
5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the
established deadline.
Final Results
Commerce intends to issue the final
results of this administrative review,
including the results of its analysis of
issues raised in any written briefs, not
later than 120 days after the date of
publication of this notice, unless
otherwise extended.14
If Commerce proceeds to a final
rescission of this administrative review,
Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs
and Border Protection (CBP) to liquidate
any suspended entries for the 18
companies listed in Appendix I at the
rate in effect at the time of entry. We
intend to issue liquidation instructions
to CBP 15 days after publication of the
final results of this review. If Commerce
proceeds to a final deferral with respect
to Cimtas’s suspended entries during
the POR, they will remain suspended
until parties have an opportunity to
13 See Temporary Rule Modifying AD/CVD
Service Requirements Due to COVID–19; Extension
of Effective Period, 85 FR 41363 (July 10, 2020).
14 See section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act.
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Cash Deposit Requirements
If Commerce proceeds to a final
rescission, in part, and final deferral, in
part, of this administrative review, no
cash deposit rates will change.
Accordingly, the current cash deposit
requirements shall remain in effect until
further notice.
Notification to Importers
This notice serves as a reminder to
importers of their responsibility under
19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate
regarding the reimbursement of
antidumping duties prior to liquidation
of the relevant entries during this
review period. Failure to comply with
this requirement could result in
Commerce’s presumption that
reimbursement of antidumping duties
occurred and the subsequent assessment
of double antidumping duties.
Notification Regarding Administrative
Protective Orders
VerDate Sep<11>2014
request a review of the antidumping
duty order of welded line pipe from
Turkey for the period December 1, 2019,
through November 30, 2020. If
Commerce does not receive a timely
request to review Cimtas for the period
December 1, 2019, through November
30, 2020, Commerce will instruct CBP to
assess antidumping duties on and
liquidate Cimtas’ suspended entries
during the POR at the cash deposit rate
in effect at the time of entry. If
Commerce receives a timely request to
review Cimtas for the period December
1, 2019, through November 30, 2020,
Cimtas’s suspended entries during the
POR will remain suspended until the
completion of the review and will be
liquidated based on the final results for
This notice also serves as a reminder
to parties subject to administrative
protective order (APO) of their
responsibility concerning the return or
destruction of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.305. Timely written
notification of the return/destruction of
APO materials or conversion to judicial
protective order is hereby requested.
Failure to comply with the regulations
and terms of an APO is a violation
which is subject to sanction.
Notification to Interested Parties
We are issuing and publishing these
results in accordance with sections
751(a)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR
PO 00000
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Dated: December 11, 2020.
James Maeder,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping
and Countervailing Duty Operations.
Borusan Istikbal Ticaret
Borusan Mannesmann Boru Sanayi ve Ticaret
Cayirova Boru Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
Emek Boru Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
Erbosan Erciyas Tube Industry and Trade Co.
Erciyas Celik Boru Sanayii A.S.
Guven Celik Boru Sanayii ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti.
Has Altinyagmur celik Boru Sanayii ve
Ticaret Ltd. Sti.
HDM Steel Pipe Industry & Trade Co. Ltd.
Metalteks Celik Urunleri Sanayii
MMZ Onur Boru Profil Uretim Sanayii ve
Ticaret A.S.
Noksel Steel Pipe Co. Inc.
Ozbal Celik Boru
Toscelik Profile and Sheet Industry, Co.
Tosyali Dis Ticaret A.S.
Umran Celik Boru Sanayii
YMS Pipe & Metal Sanayii A.S.
Yucel Boru Ithalat-Ihracat ve Pazarlama A.S.
[FR Doc. 2020–27791 Filed 12–16–20; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XA716]
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to
Specified Activities; Taking Marine
Mammals Incidental to Marine Site
Characterization Surveys Off of
Coastal Virginia
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Issuance of a modified
incidental harassment authorization;
request for comments.
In accordance with the
regulations implementing the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), as
amended, notification is hereby given
that NMFS has issued a modified
incidental harassment authorization
(IHA) to Dominion Energy Virginia
(Dominion) to incidentally harass
marine mammals incidental to marine
site characterization surveys conducted
in the areas of the Commercial Lease of
Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy
Development on the Outer Continental
Shelf (OCS) Offshore Virginia (Lease No.
OCS–A–0483) as well as in coastal
waters where an export cable corridor
will be established in support of the
Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 243 / Thursday, December 17, 2020 / Notices
Commercial (CVOW Commercial)
DATES: This modified IHA is valid from
the date of issuance through August 27,
Robert Pauline, Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427–8401.
Electronic copies of the original
application and supporting documents
(including NMFS Federal Register
notices of the original proposed and
final authorizations, and the previous
IHA), as well as a list of the references
cited in this document, may be obtained
online at: https://
incidental-take-authorizations-undermarine-mammal-protection-act. In case
of problems accessing these documents,
please call the contact listed above.
The MMPA prohibits the ‘‘take’’ of
marine mammals, with certain
exceptions. Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and
(D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et
seq.) direct the Secretary of Commerce
(as delegated to NMFS) to allow, upon
request, the incidental, but not
intentional, taking of small numbers of
marine mammals by U.S. citizens who
engage in a specified activity (other than
commercial fishing) within a specified
geographical region if certain findings
are made and either regulations are
issued or, if the taking is limited to
harassment, a notice of a proposed
incidental take authorization may be
provided to the public for review.
Authorization for incidental takings
shall be granted if NMFS finds that the
taking will have a negligible impact on
the species or stock(s) and will not have
an unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of the species or stock(s) for
taking for subsistence uses (where
relevant). Further, NMFS must prescribe
the permissible methods of taking and
other ‘‘means of effecting the least
practicable adverse impact’’ on the
affected species or stocks and their
habitat, paying particular attention to
rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of
similar significance, and on the
availability of such species or stocks for
taking for certain subsistence uses
(referred to in shorthand as
‘‘mitigation’’); and requirements
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring
and reporting of such takings are set
History of Request
On February 7, 2020, NMFS received
a request from Dominion for an IHA to
take marine mammals incidental to
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marine site characterization surveys in
the areas of the Commercial Lease of
Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy
Development on the OCS Offshore
Virginia (Lease No. OCS–A–0483) as
well as in coastal waters where an
export cable corridor will be established
in support of the offshore wind project.
Dominion’s planned marine site
characterization surveys include highresolution geophysical (HRG) and
geotechnical survey activities.
Geophysical and shallow geotechnical
survey activities are anticipated to be
supported by up to four vessels. The
vessels will transit a combined
estimated total of 121.54 kilometers
(km) of survey lines per day.
Dominion’s request was for incidental
take of small numbers of nine marine
mammal species by Level B harassment
only. The application was deemed
adequate and complete on May 12,
2020. We published a notice of
proposed IHA and request for comments
in the Federal Register on June 17, 2020
(85 FR 36562). We subsequently
published the final notice of our
issuance of the IHA in the Federal
Register on September 8, 2020 (85 FR
55415), with effective dates from August
28, 2020, to August 27, 2021. The
specified activities were expected to
result in the take by Level B harassment
of 9 species (10 stocks) of marine
mammals including bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus), pilot whale
(Globicephala spp.), common dolphin
(Delphinus delphis), Atlantic white
sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus),
Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella
frontalis), Risso’s dolphin (Grampus
griseus), harbor porpoise (Phocoena
phocoena), harbor seal (Phoca vitulina),
and gray seal (Halichoerus grypus).
On September 29, 2020, NMFS
received a request from Dominion for a
modification to the IHA that was issued
on August 28, 2020 (85 FR 55415;
September 8, 2020). Since the issuance
of the initial IHA, Dominion has been
recording large pods of Atlantic spotted
dolphin within the Level B harassment
zone such that they were approaching
the authorized take limit for this
species. Dominion determined that
without an increase in authorized take
of spotted dolphins they would be
forced to repeatedly shut down
whenever animals entered into specified
Level B harassment zones. This would
likely prolong the duration of survey
and add increased costs to the project.
Therefore, Dominion requested a
modification of the IHA to increase
authorized take of spotted dolphin by
Level B harassment. NMFS published
the notice of the proposed IHA
modification in the Federal Register on
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November 12, 2020 (85 FR 71881). The
mitigation, monitoring, and reporting
measures remain the same as prescribed
in the initial IHA and no additional take
is authorized for species other than
spotted dolphin. Moreover, the IHA
would still expire on August 27, 2021.
Description of the Specified Activity
and Anticipated Impacts
The modified IHA includes the same
HRG and geotechnical surveys in the
same locations that were described in
the initial IHA. The mitigation,
monitoring, and reporting measures
remain the same as prescribed in the
initial IHA. NMFS refers the reader to
the documents related to the initial IHA
issued on August 28, 2020, for more
detailed description of the project
activities. These previous documents
include the notice of proposed IHA and
request for comments (85 FR 36562;
June 17, 2020), notice of our issuance of
the initial IHA in the Federal Register
(85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020), and
notice of proposed IHA modification in
the Federal Register (85 FR 71881;
November 12, 2020).
Detailed Description of the Action
A detailed description of the survey
activities is found in these previous
documents. The location, timing, and
nature of the activities, including the
types of HRG equipment planned for
use, daily trackline distances and
number of survey vessels (four) are
identical to those described in the
previous notices.
Public Comments
A notice of proposed IHA
modification was published in the
Federal Register on November 12, 2020
(85 FR 71881). During the 15-day public
comment period, NMFS received
comments from the Southern
Environmental Law Center (SELC),
which submitted comments on behalf of
the Conservation Law Foundation,
Defenders of Wildlife, Natural
Resources Defense Council, Whale and
Dolphin Conservation, Sierra Club
Virginia Chapter, Assateague Coastal
Trust, Inland Ocean Coalition, the
International Marine Mammal Project of
Earth Island Institute, and
NY4WHALES. NMFS has posted the
comments online at:
marine-mammal-protection/incidentaltake-authorizations-other-energyactivities-renewable. A summary of the
comments as well as NMFS’ responses
are below.
Comment 1: SELC indicated that
NMFS’s interpretation of small numbers
is contrary to the purpose of the MMPA
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 243 / Thursday, December 17, 2020 / Notices
and that the agency failed to consider
the unique conservation status of
individual populations. Instead of
applying a 30% ceiling for all species,
SELC recommended that NMFS revisit
its small numbers interpretation to
consider whether the specific take
percentage for Atlantic spotted dolphin
will ensure that population levels are
maintained at or restored to healthy
population numbers.
Response: SELC’s suggestion would
import biological considerations into
the term ‘‘small numbers,’’ which NMFS
has determined are more properly
considered in a ‘‘negligible impact’’
evaluation. Note that MMPA does not
define ‘‘small numbers.’’ NMFS’s and
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s
1989 implementing regulations defined
small numbers as a portion of a marine
mammal species or stock whose taking
would have a negligible impact on that
species or stock. This definition was
invalidated in Natural Resources
Defense Council v. Evans, 279
F.Supp.2d 1129 (2003) (N.D. Cal. 2003),
based on the court’s determination that
the regulatory definition of small
numbers was improperly conflated with
the regulatory definition of ‘‘negligible
impact,’’ which rendered the small
numbers standard superfluous. As the
court observed, ‘‘the plain language
indicates that small numbers is a
separate requirement from negligible
impact.’’ Since that time, NMFS has not
applied the definition found in its
regulations. Rather, consistent with
Congress’ pronouncement that small
numbers is not a concept that can be
expressed in absolute terms (House
Committee on Merchant Marine and
Fisheries Report No. 97–228 (September
16, 1981)), NMFS makes its small
numbers findings based on an analysis
of whether the number of individuals
authorized to be taken annually from a
specified activity is small relative to the
stock or population size. The Ninth
Circuit has upheld a similar approach.
See Center for Biological Diversity v.
Salazar, No. 10–35123, 2012 WL
3570667 (9th Cir. Aug. 21, 2012).
However, we have not historically
indicated what we believe the upper
limit of small numbers is.
To maintain an interpretation of small
numbers as a proportion of a species or
stock that does not conflate with
negligible impact, we use the following
framework. A plain reading of ‘‘small’’
implies as corollary that there also
could be ‘‘medium’’ or ‘‘large’’ numbers
of animals from the species or stock
taken. We therefore use a simple
approach that establishes equal bins
corresponding to small, medium, and
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large proportions of the population
NMFS’s practice for making small
numbers determinations is to compare
the number of individuals estimated
and authorized to be taken (often using
estimates of total instances of take,
without regard to whether individuals
are exposed more than once) against the
best available abundance estimate for
that species or stock. We note, however,
that although NMFS’s implementing
regulations require applications for
incidental take to include an estimate of
the marine mammals to be taken, there
is nothing in section 101(a)(5)(D) (or the
similar provision in section 101(a)(5)(A)
that requires NMFS to quantify or
estimate numbers of marine mammals to
be taken for purposes of evaluating
whether the number is small. (See CBD
v. Salazar.) While it can be challenging
to predict the numbers of individual
marine mammals that will be taken by
an activity (again, many models
calculate instances of take and are
unable to account for repeated
exposures of individuals), in some cases
we are able to generate a reasonable
estimate utilizing a combination of
quantitative tools and qualitative
information. When it is possible to
predict with relative confidence the
number of individual marine mammals
of each species or stock that are likely
to be taken, the small numbers
determination should be based directly
upon whether or not these estimates
exceed one third of the stock
abundance. In other words, consistent
with past practice, when the estimated
number of individual animals taken
(which may or may not be assumed as
equal to the total number of takes,
depending on the available information)
is up to, but not greater than, one third
of the species or stock abundance,
NMFS will determine that the numbers
of marine mammals taken of a species
or stock are small.
In contrast, a negligible impact
finding is based on the lack of likely
adverse effects on annual rates of
recruitment or survival (i.e., populationlevel effects). An estimate of the number
of takes alone is not enough information
on which to base an impact
determination. In addition to
considering estimates of the number of
marine mammals that might be taken
through harassment, NMFS considers
other factors, such as the likely nature
of any responses (e.g., intensity,
duration), the context of any responses
(e.g., critical reproductive time or
location, migration), as well as effects
on habitat, and the likely effectiveness
of the mitigation. We also assess the
number, intensity, and context of
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estimated takes by evaluating this
information relative to population
Given the definitions present above,
establishment of a small numbers
threshold based on a stock-specific
context is unnecessarily duplicative of
the required negligible impact finding.
Comment 2: SELC stated that NMFS’
updated negligible impact analysis
underestimates the potential impacts of
HRG surveys on small cetaceans like the
Atlantic spotted dolphin. The MMPA
authorizes NMFS to issue an IHA only
if the agency finds that the authorized
harassment caused by a ‘‘specified
activity’’ will have a ‘‘negligible impact’’
on marine mammals. SELC stated that
NMFS’ negligible impact analysis is
inadequate given the increased level of
take that the agency proposed. SELC
referenced several scientific research
papers which indicated that Atlantic
spotted dolphin is a particularly
acoustically sensitive species, has the
potential to be displaced, shift their
behavioral state and stop or alter in
response to a variety of anthropogenic
noises, with potentially adverse
energetic effects even from minor
Response: Most of the scientific
papers referenced by SELC describe the
responses of various cetacean species to
underwater noise associated with the
use of seismic airguns, which are among
the loudest anthropogenic sounds
introduced into the marine
environment. The HRG equipment used
by Dominion radiates out less energy
than seismic airguns and also operates
in smaller areas. Therefore, the size of
the area impacted by sound is much
smaller. None of the references cited by
SELC investigated potential impacts of
HRG equipment to cetaceans. It should
not be assumed that potential impacts to
marine mammals from seismic airguns
and from HRG equipment are similar,
given the differences between the
Even with the increase in authorized
take numbers, the impacts of these
lower severity exposures associated
with HRG equipment are not expected
to accrue to the degree that the fitness
of any individuals is impacted, and,
therefore no impacts on annual rates of
recruitment or survival will result.
Furthermore, the authorized take
amount of spotted dolphin would be of
small numbers relative to the
population size (less than 5 percent).
Comment 3: SELC reiterated that
NMFS’s use of the 160 decibel (dB)
threshold for behavioral harassment is
not supported by the best available
scientific information and results in an
inaccurate negligible impact analysis.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 243 / Thursday, December 17, 2020 / Notices
Note that NMFS addressed this
comment in the Federal Register notice
of issue of the initial IHA (85 FR 55415;
September 8, 2020).
Response: NMFS acknowledges that
the 160-dB root mean-square (rms) stepfunction approach is simplistic, and that
an approach reflecting a more complex
probabilistic function may more
effectively represent the known
variation in responses at different levels
due to differences in the receivers, the
context of the exposure, and other
factors. We recognize the potential for
Level B harassment at exposures to
received levels (RLs) below 160 dB rms,
and conversely the potential that
animals exposed to RLs above 160 dB
rms will not respond in ways
constituting behavioral harassment (e.g.,
Malme et al., 1983, 1984, 1985, 1988;
McCauley et al., 1998, 2000a, 2000b;
Barkaszi et al., 2012; Stone, 2015a;
Gailey et al., 2016; Barkaszi and Kelly,
2018). While in practice the 160-dB
threshold works as a step-function, i.e.,
animals exposed to RLs above the
threshold are considered to be ‘‘taken’’
and those exposed to levels below the
threshold are not, it represents a sort of
mid-point of likely behavioral responses
(which are extremely complex
depending on many factors including
species, noise source, individual
experience, and behavioral context).
What this means is that, conceptually,
the function recognizes that some
animals exposed to levels below the
threshold will in fact react in ways that
are appropriately considered take, while
others that are exposed to levels above
the threshold will not. Use of the 160dB threshold allows for a simplistic
quantitative estimate of take, while we
can qualitatively address the variation
in responses across different RLs in our
discussion and analysis.
As behavioral responses to sound
depend on the context in which an
animal receives the sound, including
the animal’s behavioral mode when it
hears sounds, prior experience,
additional biological factors, and other
contextual factors, defining sound levels
that disrupt behavioral patterns is
extremely difficult. Even experts have
not previously been able to suggest
specific new criteria due to these
difficulties (e.g., Southall et al. 2007;
Gomez et al., 2016). NMFS
acknowledges the limitations of the
current system and is in the process of
developing an updated approach to
more accurately predict under what
circumstances take is likely to result
from sound exposure.
Comment 4: SELC recommended that
HRG surveys should commence, with
ramp-up, during daylight hours only, to
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maximize the chance that marine
mammals are detected and confirmed
clear of the exclusion zone.
Response: NMFS acknowledges the
limitations inherent in detection of
marine mammals at night. However, no
injury is expected to result even in the
absence of mitigation, given the very
small estimated Level A harassment
zones. Any potential impacts to marine
mammals authorized for take would be
limited to short-term behavioral
responses. Restricting surveys in the
manner suggested by the commenters
may reduce marine mammal exposures
by some degree in the short term, but
would not result in any significant
reduction in either intensity or duration
of noise exposure. The restrictions
recommended by the commenters could
result in the surveys spending increased
time on the water, which may result in
greater overall exposure to sound for
marine mammals and increase the risk
of a vessel strike; thus the commenters
have not demonstrated that such a
requirement would result in a net
benefit. Restricting the applicant to
ramp-up only during daylight hours
would have the potential to result in
lengthy shutdowns of the survey
equipment, which could result in the
applicant failing to collect the data they
have determined is necessary and,
subsequently, the need to conduct
additional surveys the following year.
This would result in significantly
increased costs incurred by the
applicant. Thus, the restriction
suggested by the commenters would not
be practicable for the applicant to
implement. In consideration of potential
effectiveness of the recommended
measure and its practicability for the
applicant, NMFS has determined that
restricting survey start-ups to daylight
hours when visibility is unimpeded is
not warranted or practicable in this
case. Note that NMFS addressed this
comment in the Federal Register notice
of issue of the initial IHA (85 FR 55415;
September 8, 2020).
Comment 5: SELC recommended that
a standard 500-meter exclusion zone be
established for all marine mammal
species around survey vessels.
Response: NMFS has determined that,
with the exception of right whales, a
500-m exclusion zone is not warranted.
The largest calculated Level B
harassment distance for all marine
mammals is calculated to be 100 m. We
note that a 500-m exclusion zone would
exceed the modeled distance to the
largest Level B harassment isopleth
distance (100 m) by a factor of five.
Thus, NMFS is not requiring shutdown
if marine mammals are sighted within
500 m of survey vessels. NMFS
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addressed this comment previously in
the Federal Register notice of issue of
the initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September
8, 2020).
Comment 6: SELC recommended that
combination of visual monitoring—by
four protected species observers
adhering to ‘‘two-on/two-off’’
schedule—and passive acoustic
monitoring (PAM) should be used at all
times that survey work is underway,
and, for efforts that continue into the
nighttime, night vision or infrared
technology should also be used.
Response: NMFS does not agree with
the commenters that a minimum of four
protected species observers (PSOs)
should be required. The relatively small
size of the exclusion means that a single
PSO stationed at the highest vantage
point and engaged in general 360-degree
scanning during daylight hours is able
to effectively observe the necessary area.
Additionally, PSOs must be on duty 30
minutes prior to and during nighttime
ramp-ups for HRG surveys. Dominion
has also committed to employing a
minimum of two NMFS-approved PSOs
when HRG equipment is in use at night.
There are several reasons why we do
not agree that use of PAM is warranted
for 24-hour HRG surveys. While NMFS
agrees that PAM can be an important
tool for augmenting detection
capabilities in certain circumstances, its
utility in further reducing impact for
Dominion’s HRG survey activities is
limited. First, for this activity, the area
expected to be ensonified above the
Level B harassment threshold is
relatively small (a maximum of 100 m).
This reflects the fact that the source
level is comparatively low and the
intensity of any resulting impacts would
also be low. Further, inasmuch as PAM
will only detect a portion of any animals
exposed within a zone (see below), the
overall probability of PAM detecting an
animal in the harassment zone is low.
Together these factors support the
limited value of PAM for use in
reducing take in small impact zones.
PAM is only capable of detecting
animals that are actively vocalizing,
while many marine mammal species
vocalize infrequently or during certain
activities, which means that only a
subset of the animals within the range
of the PAM would be detected (and
potentially have reduced impacts).
Additionally, localization and range
detection can be challenging under
certain scenarios. For example,
odontocetes are fast moving and often
travel in large or dispersed groups
which makes localization difficult. In
addition, the ability of PAM to detect
baleen whale vocalizations is further
limited due to its deployment from the
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 243 / Thursday, December 17, 2020 / Notices
stern of a vessel, which puts the PAM
hydrophones in proximity to propeller
noise and low frequency engine noise,
which can mask the low frequency
sounds emitted by baleen whales,
including North Atlantic right whales.
We also note that the effects to all
marine mammals, including spotted
dolphins, from the types of surveys
authorized in this IHA are expected to
be limited to low level behavioral
harassment even in the absence of
mitigation; no injury is expected or
authorized. In consideration of the
limited additional benefit anticipated by
adding this detection method and the
cost and impracticability of
implementing a full-time PAM program,
we have determined the current
requirements for visual monitoring are
sufficient to ensure the least practicable
adverse impact on the affected species
or stocks and their habitat. Note that the
initial IHA contained a requirement,
retained in the modified IHA, that nightvision equipment (i.e., night-vision
goggles and infrared technology) must
be available for use for PSOs. NMFS
previously addressed this comment in
the Federal Register notice of issue of
the initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September
8, 2020).
Comment 7: SELC reiterated some of
the recommendations they submitted in
response to our initial Notice of
proposed IHA published in Federal
Register on June 17, 2020 (85 FR 36537)
which focused on the need for stronger
mitigation measures for North Atlantic
right whale.
Response: Comments submitted by
SELC pertaining to the North Atlantic
right whale are outside the scope of this
action, which only addresses increased
take of dolphins and, further, were
already addressed in previously in the
Federal Register notice of issue of the
initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8,
Comment 8: SELC recommended that
all vessels traveling to and from the
project area maintain a speed of 10
knots (18.5 km/hour) or less throughout
the survey period.
Response: NMFS does not concur
with this measure. NMFS has analyzed
the potential for ship strike resulting
from Dominion’s activity and has
determined that the mitigation measures
specific to ship strike avoidance are
sufficient to avoid the potential for ship
strike. These include: A requirement
that all vessel operators comply with 10
knot (18.5 km/hour) or less speed
restrictions in any established dynamic
management area (DMA) or seasonal
management area (SMA); a requirement
that all vessel operators reduce vessel
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speed to 10 knots (18.5 km/hour) or less
when any large whale, any mother/calf
pairs, pods, or large assemblages of nondelphinoid cetaceans are observed
within 100 m of an underway vessel; a
requirement that all survey vessels
maintain a separation distance of 500-m
or greater from any sighted North
Atlantic right whale; a requirement that,
if underway, vessels must steer a course
away from any sighted North Atlantic
right whale at 10 knots or less until the
500-m minimum separation distance
has been established; and a requirement
that, if a North Atlantic right whale is
sighted in a vessel’s path, or within 500
m of an underway vessel, the underway
vessel must reduce speed and shift the
engine to neutral. We have determined
that the ship strike avoidance measures
are sufficient to ensure the least
practicable adverse impact on species or
stocks and their habitat. Furthermore,
no documented vessel strikes have
occurred for any HRG surveys which
were issued IHAs from NMFS. NMFS
addressed this comment previously in
the Federal Register notice of issue of
the initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September
8, 2020).
Comment 10: SELC recommended
that NMFS consider activating Dynamic
Management Areas (DMAs) whenever a
single North Atlantic right whale is
sighted or acoustically detected neat the
project area, not just an aggregation of
three or more whales.
Response: DMAs are a component of
the 2008 NOAA Ship Strike Rule to
minimize lethal ship strikes of North
Atlantic right whales. Note that the
trigger of three or more whales is taken
from a NOAA Northeast Fisheries
Science Center (NEFSC) analysis of
sightings data from Cape Cod Bay and
Stellwagen Bank from 1980 to 1996
(Clapham & Pace 2001). This analysis
found that an initial sighting of three or
more North Atlantic right whales was a
reasonably good indicator that whales
would persist in the area, and the
average duration of the whale’s presence
based on these sightings data was two
Description of Marine Mammals
A description of the marine mammals
in the area of the activities is found in
these previous documents, which
remains applicable to this modified IHA
as well. In addition, NMFS has
reviewed recent Stock Assessment
Reports, information on relevant
Unusual Mortality Events, and recent
scientific literature, and determined that
no new information affects our original
analysis of impacts under the initial
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Potential Effects of Specified Activities
on Marine Mammals and Their Habitat
A description of the potential effects
of the specified activities on marine
mammals and their habitat may be
found in the documents supporting the
initial IHA, which remains applicable to
the issuance of this modified IHA. There
is no new information on potential
Estimated Take
A detailed description of the methods
and inputs used to estimate take for the
specified activity are found in the notice
of IHA for the initial authorization (85
FR 55415; September 8, 2020). The HRG
equipment that may result in take, as
well as the source levels, marine
mammal stocks taken, marine mammal
density data and the methods of take
estimation applicable to this
authorization remain unchanged from
the previously issued IHA. The number
of authorized takes is also identical with
the exception of spotted dolphin.
During the one month period from the
effective date of the initial IHA (August
28, 2020) through September 29, 2020,
a total of 19 spotted dolphins had been
observed within the Level B harassment
zone distances and recorded as takes.
This was largely due to a single pod of
15 dolphins sighted in the zone.
Another 24 dolphins were observed
over three survey days but they were not
located in the Level B harassment zone.
Prior to the issuance of the initial IHA,
Dominion operated only during daylight
hours under a Letter of Concurrence
(LoC) issued by NMFS. As such,
Dominion committed to shutting down
whenever a marine mammal
approached or entered a Level B
harassment zone in order to avoid all
incidental take. In the weeks prior to the
issuance of the initial IHA, Dominion
had observed pods containing up to 17
individuals in the Level B harassment
zone. However, these pods were not
recorded as incidental takes since
mitigation measures were employed,
i.e., the acoustic source was shut down
and the animals were not exposed to
source levels associated with
harassment. The estimated take in the
initial IHA was based on the best
available density data from Roberts et
al. (2016, 2017, 2018), however, the
multiple occurrences of the large pod in
the vicinity of the survey was
unexpected and not reflected in the take
estimate. Table 1 shows spotted dolphin
detection events when Dominion was
operating under both the LoC (before
August 28, 2020) as well as during the
initial IHA (on or after August 28, 2020).
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 243 / Thursday, December 17, 2020 / Notices
Date of
Vessel name
Sarah Bordelon ............................................................................................................................
Marcelle Bordelon ........................................................................................................................
Marcelle Bordelon ........................................................................................................................
Sarah Bordelon ............................................................................................................................
Sarah Bordelon ............................................................................................................................
Marcelle Bordelon ........................................................................................................................
Sarah Bordelon ............................................................................................................................
Given that large pods of spotted
dolphin were recorded on multiple
occasions, Dominion became concerned
that the authorized number of takes by
Level B harassment would be exceeded,
necessitating the frequent shutdown of
HRG survey equipment to avoid
additional take of this species. On
October 3, 2020, Dominion reached the
authorized take amount for spotted
dolphins. Since that time, they have
been shutting down whenever spotted
dolphins are sighted approaching or
entering the harassment zone. Dominion
requested and NMFS has authorized
additional take of this species to
conservatively allow 20 authorized
takes per day. NMFS concurs that this
take amount is reasonable in case
observed dolphin pods are larger than
what has been recorded to date. While
NMFS does not expect that larger
spotted dolphin pods would occur every
day, it cannot be ruled out. With
approximately 120 survey days
remaining, NMFS has authorized
increased take by Level B harassment
from 27 to 2,427 ((20 animals/day * 120
Number of
in the group
Level B
survey days) + initial 27 authorized
takes). This represents 4.38 percent of
the western North Atlantic stock of
spotted dolphin. Take by Level A
harassment was not requested, and has
not been authorized by NMFS (or
The total numbers of incidental takes
by Level B harassment, including the
authorized update in spotted dolphin
takes, and as a percentage of population,
is shown in Table 2 below.
Short-finned pilot whale ...........................................................................................................................................
Bottlenose dolphin (Offshore) ..................................................................................................................................
Bottlenose dolphin (Southern Migratory Coastal) ...................................................................................................
Common dolphin ......................................................................................................................................................
Atlantic white-sided dolphin .....................................................................................................................................
Spotted dolphin (adjusted) .......................................................................................................................................
Risso’s dolphin .........................................................................................................................................................
Harbor porpoise .......................................................................................................................................................
Harbor seal 2 ............................................................................................................................................................
Gray Seal 2 ...............................................................................................................................................................
of take as
percentage of
population 1
1 Calculations of percentage of stock taken are based on the best available abundance estimate as shown in Table 2 in Federal Register final
notice of issuance of the IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020). In most cases the best available abundance estimate is provided by Roberts et
al. (2016, 2017, 2018), when available, to maintain consistency with density estimates derived from Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018. For
bottlenose dolphins, Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018) provides only a single abundance estimate and does not provide abundance estimates at
the stock or species level (respectively), so abundance estimates used to estimate percentage of stock taken for bottlenose dolphins are derived
from NMFS SARs (Hayes et al. 2019).
2 Pinniped density values reported as ‘‘seals’’ and not species-specific.
Description of Mitigation, Monitoring
and Reporting Measures
The mitigation, monitoring, and
reporting measures included in this
modified IHA are identical to those
included in the Federal Register notice
announcing the initial IHA and the
discussion of the least practicable
adverse impact included in that
document remains accurate (85 FR
55415; September 8, 2020).
Establishment of Exclusion Zones
(EZs)—Marine mammal EZs must be
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established around the HRG survey
equipment and monitored by protected
species observers (PSOs) during HRG
surveys as follows:
• 500-m EZ is required for North
Atlantic right whales;
• During use of the GeoMarine Dual
400 Sparker 800J, a 100-m EZ is
required for all other marine mammals
except delphinid(s) from the genera
Delphinus, Lagenorhynchus, Stenella or
Tursiops and seals; and
• When only the Triple Plate Boomer
1000J is in use, a 25-m EZ is required
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for all other marine mammals except
delphinid(s) from the genera Delphinus,
Lagenorhynchus, Stenella or Tursiops
and seals; a 200-m buffer zone is
required for all marine mammals except
those species otherwise excluded (i.e.,
North Atlantic right whale).
If a marine mammal is detected
approaching or entering the EZs during
the survey, the vessel operator must
adhere to the shutdown procedures
described below. In addition to the EZs
described above, PSOs must visually
monitor a 200-m buffer zone for the
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 243 / Thursday, December 17, 2020 / Notices
purposes of pre-clearance. During use of
acoustic sources with the potential to
result in marine mammal harassment
(i.e., anytime the acoustic source is
active, including ramp-up), occurrences
of marine mammals within the
monitoring zone (but outside the EZs)
must be communicated to the vessel
operator to prepare for potential
shutdown of the acoustic source. The
buffer zone is not applicable when the
EZ is greater than 100 m. PSOs are also
required to observe a 500-m monitoring
zone and record the presence of all
marine mammals within this zone.
Visual Monitoring—Monitoring must
be conducted by qualified protected
PSOs who are trained biologists, with
minimum qualifications described in
the Federal Register notice of the
issuance of the initial IHA (85 FR 55415;
September 8, 2020). Dominion must
have one PSO on duty during the day
and has committed that a minimum of
two NMFS-approved PSOs must be on
duty and conducting visual observations
when HRG equipment is in use at night.
Visual monitoring must begin no less
than 30 minutes prior to ramp-up of
HRG equipment and continue until 30
minutes after use of the acoustic source.
PSOs must establish and monitor the
applicable EZs, Buffer Zone and
Monitoring Zone as described above.
PSOs must coordinate to ensure 360°
visual coverage around the vessel from
the most appropriate observation posts,
and must conduct observations while
free from distractions and in a
consistent, systematic, and diligent
manner. PSOs are required to estimate
distances to observed marine mammals.
It is the responsibility of the Lead PSO
on duty to communicate the presence of
marine mammals as well as to
communicate action(s) that are
necessary to ensure mitigation and
monitoring requirements are
implemented as appropriate.
Pre-Clearance of the Exclusion
Zones—Prior to initiating HRG survey
activities, Dominion must implement a
30-minute pre-clearance period. During
pre-clearance monitoring (i.e., before
ramp-up of HRG equipment begins), the
Buffer Zone also acts as an extension of
the 100-m EZ in that observations of
marine mammals within the 200-m
Buffer Zone would also preclude HRG
operations from beginning. During this
period, PSOs must ensure that no
marine mammals are observed within
200 m of the survey equipment (500 m
in the case of North Atlantic right
whales). HRG equipment must not start
up until this 200-m zone (or, 500-m
zone in the case of North Atlantic right
whales) is clear of marine mammals for
at least 30 minutes. The vessel operator
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must notify a designated PSO of the
proposed start of HRG survey
equipment as agreed upon with the lead
PSO; the notification time must not be
less than 30 minutes prior to the
planned initiation of HRG equipment in
order to allow the PSOs time to monitor
the EZs and Buffer Zone for the 30
minutes of pre-clearance.
If a marine mammal is observed
within the relevant EZs or Buffer Zone
during the pre-clearance period,
initiation of HRG survey equipment
must not begin until the animal(s) has
been observed exiting the respective EZ
or Buffer Zone, or, until an additional
time period has elapsed with no further
sighting (i.e., minimum 15 minutes for
porpoises, and 30 minutes for all other
species). The pre-clearance requirement
includes small delphinoids. PSOs must
also continue to monitor the zone for 30
minutes after survey equipment is shut
down or survey activity has concluded.
Ramp-Up of Survey Equipment—
When technically feasible, a ramp-up
procedure must be used for geophysical
survey equipment capable of adjusting
energy levels at the start or re-start of
survey activities. The ramp-up
procedure must be used at the beginning
of HRG survey activities in order to
provide additional protection to marine
mammals near the Survey Area by
allowing them to detect the presence of
the survey and vacate the area prior to
the commencement of survey
equipment operation at full power.
Ramp-up of the survey equipment must
not begin until the relevant EZs and
Buffer Zone has been cleared by the
PSOs, as described above. HRG
equipment must be initiated at their
lowest power output and would be
incrementally increased to full power. If
any marine mammals are detected
within the EZs or Buffer Zone prior to
or during ramp-up, the HRG equipment
must be shut down (as described
Shutdown Procedures—If an HRG
source is active and a marine mammal
is observed within or entering a relevant
EZ (as described above) an immediate
shutdown of the HRG survey equipment
is required. When shutdown is called
for by a PSO, the acoustic source must
be immediately deactivated and any
dispute resolved only following
deactivation. Any PSO on duty has the
authority to delay the start of survey
operations or to call for shutdown of the
acoustic source if a marine mammal is
detected within the applicable EZ. The
vessel operator must establish and
maintain clear lines of communication
directly between PSOs on duty and
crew controlling the HRG source(s) to
ensure that shutdown commands are
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conveyed swiftly while allowing PSOs
to maintain watch. Subsequent restart of
the HRG equipment must only occur
after the marine mammal has either
been observed exiting the relevant EZ,
or, until an additional time period has
elapsed with no further sighting of the
animal within the relevant EZ.
Upon implementation of shutdown,
the HRG source may be reactivated after
the marine mammal that triggered the
shutdown has been observed exiting the
applicable EZ (i.e., the animal is not
required to fully exit the Buffer Zone
where applicable) or, following a
clearance period of 15 minutes for small
odontocetes and seals and 30 minutes
for all other species with no further
observation of the marine mammal(s)
within the relevant EZ. If the HRG
equipment shuts down for brief periods
(i.e., less than 30 minutes) for reasons
other than mitigation (e.g., mechanical
or electronic failure) the equipment may
be re-activated as soon as is practicable
at full operational level, without 30
minutes of pre-clearance, only if PSOs
have maintained constant visual
observation during the shutdown and
no visual detections of marine mammals
occurred within the applicable EZs and
Buffer Zone during that time. For a
shutdown of 30 minutes or longer, or if
visual observation was not continued
diligently during the pause, preclearance observation is required, as
described above.
The shutdown requirement is waived
for certain genera of small delphinids
(i.e., Delphinus, Lagenorhynchus,
Stenella (which includes Atlantic
spotted dolphins), or Tursiops) under
certain circumstances. If a delphinid(s)
from these genera is visually detected
within the EZ shutdown would not be
required. If there is uncertainty
regarding identification of a marine
mammal species (i.e., whether the
observed marine mammal(s) belongs to
one of the delphinid genera for which
shutdown is waived), PSOs must use
best professional judgment in making
the decision to call for a shutdown.
If a species for which authorization
has not been granted, or a species for
which authorization has been granted
but the authorized number of takes have
been met, approaches or is observed
within the area encompassing the Level
B harassment isopleth (100 m or 25 m),
shutdown must occur.
Vessel Strike Avoidance—Dominion
must comply with vessel strike
avoidance measures as described in the
Federal Register notice of the issuance
of the initial IHA (85 FR 55415;
September 8, 2020).
Seasonal Operating Requirements—
Dominion will conduct HRG survey
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 243 / Thursday, December 17, 2020 / Notices
activities in the vicinity of the North
Atlantic right whale Mid-Atlantic SMA
near Norfolk and the mouth of the
Chesapeake Bay. Activities conducted
prior to May 1 must comply with the
seasonal mandatory speed restriction
period for this SMA (November 1
through April 30) for any survey work
or transit within this area.
Throughout all phases of the survey
activities, Dominion must monitor
NOAA Fisheries North Atlantic right
whale reporting systems for the
establishment of a DMA. If NMFS
establishes a DMA in the Lease Area or
cable route corridor being surveyed,
within 24 hours of the establishment of
the DMA, Dominion is required to work
with NMFS to shut down and/or alter
activities to avoid the DMA.
Training—Project-specific training is
required for all vessel crew prior to the
start of survey activities. Confirmation
of the training and understanding of the
requirements must be documented on a
training course log sheet. Signing the log
sheet will certify that the crew members
understand and will comply with the
necessary requirements throughout the
survey activities.
Reporting—PSOs must record specific
information on the sighting forms as
described in the Federal Register notice
of the issuance of the initial IHA (85 FR
55415; September 8, 2020). Within 90
days after completion of survey
activities, Dominion must provide
NMFS with a monitoring report which
includes summaries of recorded takes
and estimates of the number of marine
mammals that may have been harassed.
In the event of a ship strike or
discovery of an injured or dead marine
mammal, Dominion must report the
incident to the Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS and to the New
England/Mid-Atlantic Regional
Stranding Coordinator as soon as
feasible. The report must include the
information listed in the Federal
Register notice of the issuance of the
initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8,
Based on our evaluation of the
applicant’s measures in consideration of
the increased estimated take for spotted
dolphins, NMFS has re-affirmed the
determination that the required
mitigation measures provide the means
effecting the least practicable impact on
spotted dolphins and their habitat.
Dominion’s HRG survey activities and
the mitigation, monitoring, and
reporting requirements are unchanged
from those covered in the initial IHA.
The effects of the activity, taking into
consideration the mitigation and related
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monitoring measures, remain
unchanged from those stated in the
initial IHA, notwithstanding the
increase to the authorized amount of
spotted dolphin take. Specifically, the
Level B harassment authorized for
spotted dolphins is expected to be of
low severity, predominantly in the form
of avoidance of the sound source and
potential occasional interruption of
foraging. With approximately 120
survey days remaining, NMFS has
increased authorized spotted dolphin
take by Level B harassment to 2,427.
Even in consideration of the increased
estimated numbers of take by Level B
harassment, the impacts of these lower
severity exposures are not expected to
accrue to the degree that the fitness of
any individuals is impacted, and,
therefore no impacts on annual rates of
recruitment or survival will result.
Further, and separately, the authorized
take amount of spotted dolphin would
be of small numbers of spotted dolphins
relative to the population size (less than
5 percent), as take that is less than one
third of the species or stock abundance
is considered by NMFS to be small
numbers. In conclusion, there is no new
information suggesting that our effects
analysis or negligible impact finding for
Atlantic spotted dolphins should
Based on the information contained
here and in the referenced documents,
NMFS has reaffirmed the following: (1)
The required mitigation measures will
effect the least practicable impact on
marine mammal species or stocks and
their habitat; (2) the authorized takes
will have a negligible impact on the
affected marine mammal species or
stocks; (3) the authorized takes
represent small numbers of marine
mammals relative to the affected stock
abundances; (4) Dominion’s activities
will not have an unmitigable adverse
impact on taking for subsistence
purposes as no relevant subsistence uses
of marine mammals are implicated by
this action, and (5) appropriate
monitoring and reporting requirements
are included.
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
No incidental take of ESA-listed
species is authorized or expected to
result from this activity. Therefore,
NMFS has determined that formal
consultation under section 7 of the ESA
is not required for this action.
National Environmental Policy Act
To comply with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and
NOAA Administrative Order (NAO)
216–6A, NMFS must review our
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proposed action (i.e., the modification
of an IHA) with respect to potential
impacts on the human environment.
This action is consistent with
categories of activities identified in
Categorical Exclusion B4 (IHAs with no
anticipated serious injury or mortality)
of the Companion Manual for NOAA
Administrative Order 216–6A, which do
not individually or cumulatively have
the potential for significant impacts on
the quality of the human environment
and for which we have not identified
any extraordinary circumstances that
would preclude this categorical
exclusion. Accordingly, NMFS has
determined that the issuance of the
modified IHA qualifies to be
categorically excluded from further
NEPA review.
NMFS has issued a modified IHA to
Dominion for conducting marine site
characterization surveys in the areas of
the Commercial Lease of Submerged
Lands for Renewable Energy
Development on the Outer Continental
Shelf Offshore Virginia (Lease No. OCS–
A–0483) as well as in coastal waters
where an export cable corridor will be
established in support of the CVOW
Commercial Project effective from the
date of issuance until August 27, 2021.
Dated: December 14, 2020.
Donna S. Wieting,
Director, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2020–27761 Filed 12–16–20; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XA694]
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental
To Specified Activities; Taking Marine
Mammals Incidental to Washington
State Department of Transportation
Purdy Bridge Rehabilitation Project,
Pierce County, WA
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; proposed incidental
harassment authorization; request for
comments on proposed authorization
and possible renewal.
NMFS has received a request
from the Washington State Department
of Transportation (WADOT) for
authorization to take marine mammals
incidental to the Purdy Bridge
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 243 (Thursday, December 17, 2020)]
[Pages 81879-81886]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-27761]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
[RTID 0648-XA716]
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities;
Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Marine Site Characterization
Surveys Off of Coastal Virginia
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Issuance of a modified incidental harassment authorization;
request for comments.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the regulations implementing the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), as amended, notification is hereby given
that NMFS has issued a modified incidental harassment authorization
(IHA) to Dominion Energy Virginia (Dominion) to incidentally harass
marine mammals incidental to marine site characterization surveys
conducted in the areas of the Commercial Lease of Submerged Lands for
Renewable Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
Offshore Virginia (Lease No. OCS-A-0483) as well as in coastal waters
where an export cable corridor will be established in support of the
Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind
[[Page 81880]]
Commercial (CVOW Commercial) Project.
DATES: This modified IHA is valid from the date of issuance through
August 27, 2021.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Pauline, Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401. Electronic copies of the original
application and supporting documents (including NMFS Federal Register
notices of the original proposed and final authorizations, and the
previous IHA), as well as a list of the references cited in this
document, may be obtained online at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/permit/incidental-take-authorizations-under-marine-mammal-protection-act. In case of problems accessing these documents, please call the
contact listed above.
The MMPA prohibits the ``take'' of marine mammals, with certain
exceptions. Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361
et seq.) direct the Secretary of Commerce (as delegated to NMFS) to
allow, upon request, the incidental, but not intentional, taking of
small numbers of marine mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a
specified activity (other than commercial fishing) within a specified
geographical region if certain findings are made and either regulations
are issued or, if the taking is limited to harassment, a notice of a
proposed incidental take authorization may be provided to the public
for review.
Authorization for incidental takings shall be granted if NMFS finds
that the taking will have a negligible impact on the species or
stock(s) and will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of the species or stock(s) for taking for subsistence uses
(where relevant). Further, NMFS must prescribe the permissible methods
of taking and other ``means of effecting the least practicable adverse
impact'' on the affected species or stocks and their habitat, paying
particular attention to rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of similar
significance, and on the availability of such species or stocks for
taking for certain subsistence uses (referred to in shorthand as
``mitigation''); and requirements pertaining to the mitigation,
monitoring and reporting of such takings are set forth.
History of Request
On February 7, 2020, NMFS received a request from Dominion for an
IHA to take marine mammals incidental to marine site characterization
surveys in the areas of the Commercial Lease of Submerged Lands for
Renewable Energy Development on the OCS Offshore Virginia (Lease No.
OCS-A-0483) as well as in coastal waters where an export cable corridor
will be established in support of the offshore wind project. Dominion's
planned marine site characterization surveys include high-resolution
geophysical (HRG) and geotechnical survey activities. Geophysical and
shallow geotechnical survey activities are anticipated to be supported
by up to four vessels. The vessels will transit a combined estimated
total of 121.54 kilometers (km) of survey lines per day. Dominion's
request was for incidental take of small numbers of nine marine mammal
species by Level B harassment only. The application was deemed adequate
and complete on May 12, 2020. We published a notice of proposed IHA and
request for comments in the Federal Register on June 17, 2020 (85 FR
36562). We subsequently published the final notice of our issuance of
the IHA in the Federal Register on September 8, 2020 (85 FR 55415),
with effective dates from August 28, 2020, to August 27, 2021. The
specified activities were expected to result in the take by Level B
harassment of 9 species (10 stocks) of marine mammals including
bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), pilot whale (Globicephala
spp.), common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), Atlantic white sided dolphin
(Lagenorhynchus acutus), Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis),
Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena),
harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), and gray seal (Halichoerus grypus).
On September 29, 2020, NMFS received a request from Dominion for a
modification to the IHA that was issued on August 28, 2020 (85 FR
55415; September 8, 2020). Since the issuance of the initial IHA,
Dominion has been recording large pods of Atlantic spotted dolphin
within the Level B harassment zone such that they were approaching the
authorized take limit for this species. Dominion determined that
without an increase in authorized take of spotted dolphins they would
be forced to repeatedly shut down whenever animals entered into
specified Level B harassment zones. This would likely prolong the
duration of survey and add increased costs to the project.
Therefore, Dominion requested a modification of the IHA to increase
authorized take of spotted dolphin by Level B harassment. NMFS
published the notice of the proposed IHA modification in the Federal
Register on November 12, 2020 (85 FR 71881). The mitigation,
monitoring, and reporting measures remain the same as prescribed in the
initial IHA and no additional take is authorized for species other than
spotted dolphin. Moreover, the IHA would still expire on August 27,
Description of the Specified Activity and Anticipated Impacts
The modified IHA includes the same HRG and geotechnical surveys in
the same locations that were described in the initial IHA. The
mitigation, monitoring, and reporting measures remain the same as
prescribed in the initial IHA. NMFS refers the reader to the documents
related to the initial IHA issued on August 28, 2020, for more detailed
description of the project activities. These previous documents include
the notice of proposed IHA and request for comments (85 FR 36562; June
17, 2020), notice of our issuance of the initial IHA in the Federal
Register (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020), and notice of proposed IHA
modification in the Federal Register (85 FR 71881; November 12, 2020).
Detailed Description of the Action
A detailed description of the survey activities is found in these
previous documents. The location, timing, and nature of the activities,
including the types of HRG equipment planned for use, daily trackline
distances and number of survey vessels (four) are identical to those
described in the previous notices.
Public Comments
A notice of proposed IHA modification was published in the Federal
Register on November 12, 2020 (85 FR 71881). During the 15-day public
comment period, NMFS received comments from the Southern Environmental
Law Center (SELC), which submitted comments on behalf of the
Conservation Law Foundation, Defenders of Wildlife, Natural Resources
Defense Council, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Sierra Club Virginia
Chapter, Assateague Coastal Trust, Inland Ocean Coalition, the
International Marine Mammal Project of Earth Island Institute, and
NY4WHALES. NMFS has posted the comments online at:
www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental-take-authorizations-other-energy-activities-renewable. A summary of the
comments as well as NMFS' responses are below.
Comment 1: SELC indicated that NMFS's interpretation of small
numbers is contrary to the purpose of the MMPA
[[Page 81881]]
and that the agency failed to consider the unique conservation status
of individual populations. Instead of applying a 30% ceiling for all
species, SELC recommended that NMFS revisit its small numbers
interpretation to consider whether the specific take percentage for
Atlantic spotted dolphin will ensure that population levels are
maintained at or restored to healthy population numbers.
Response: SELC's suggestion would import biological considerations
into the term ``small numbers,'' which NMFS has determined are more
properly considered in a ``negligible impact'' evaluation. Note that
MMPA does not define ``small numbers.'' NMFS's and the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service's 1989 implementing regulations defined small numbers
as a portion of a marine mammal species or stock whose taking would
have a negligible impact on that species or stock. This definition was
invalidated in Natural Resources Defense Council v. Evans, 279
F.Supp.2d 1129 (2003) (N.D. Cal. 2003), based on the court's
determination that the regulatory definition of small numbers was
improperly conflated with the regulatory definition of ``negligible
impact,'' which rendered the small numbers standard superfluous. As the
court observed, ``the plain language indicates that small numbers is a
separate requirement from negligible impact.'' Since that time, NMFS
has not applied the definition found in its regulations. Rather,
consistent with Congress' pronouncement that small numbers is not a
concept that can be expressed in absolute terms (House Committee on
Merchant Marine and Fisheries Report No. 97-228 (September 16, 1981)),
NMFS makes its small numbers findings based on an analysis of whether
the number of individuals authorized to be taken annually from a
specified activity is small relative to the stock or population size.
The Ninth Circuit has upheld a similar approach. See Center for
Biological Diversity v. Salazar, No. 10-35123, 2012 WL 3570667 (9th
Cir. Aug. 21, 2012). However, we have not historically indicated what
we believe the upper limit of small numbers is.
To maintain an interpretation of small numbers as a proportion of a
species or stock that does not conflate with negligible impact, we use
the following framework. A plain reading of ``small'' implies as
corollary that there also could be ``medium'' or ``large'' numbers of
animals from the species or stock taken. We therefore use a simple
approach that establishes equal bins corresponding to small, medium,
and large proportions of the population abundance.
NMFS's practice for making small numbers determinations is to
compare the number of individuals estimated and authorized to be taken
(often using estimates of total instances of take, without regard to
whether individuals are exposed more than once) against the best
available abundance estimate for that species or stock. We note,
however, that although NMFS's implementing regulations require
applications for incidental take to include an estimate of the marine
mammals to be taken, there is nothing in section 101(a)(5)(D) (or the
similar provision in section 101(a)(5)(A) that requires NMFS to
quantify or estimate numbers of marine mammals to be taken for purposes
of evaluating whether the number is small. (See CBD v. Salazar.) While
it can be challenging to predict the numbers of individual marine
mammals that will be taken by an activity (again, many models calculate
instances of take and are unable to account for repeated exposures of
individuals), in some cases we are able to generate a reasonable
estimate utilizing a combination of quantitative tools and qualitative
information. When it is possible to predict with relative confidence
the number of individual marine mammals of each species or stock that
are likely to be taken, the small numbers determination should be based
directly upon whether or not these estimates exceed one third of the
stock abundance. In other words, consistent with past practice, when
the estimated number of individual animals taken (which may or may not
be assumed as equal to the total number of takes, depending on the
available information) is up to, but not greater than, one third of the
species or stock abundance, NMFS will determine that the numbers of
marine mammals taken of a species or stock are small.
In contrast, a negligible impact finding is based on the lack of
likely adverse effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival
(i.e., population-level effects). An estimate of the number of takes
alone is not enough information on which to base an impact
determination. In addition to considering estimates of the number of
marine mammals that might be taken through harassment, NMFS considers
other factors, such as the likely nature of any responses (e.g.,
intensity, duration), the context of any responses (e.g., critical
reproductive time or location, migration), as well as effects on
habitat, and the likely effectiveness of the mitigation. We also assess
the number, intensity, and context of estimated takes by evaluating
this information relative to population status.
Given the definitions present above, establishment of a small
numbers threshold based on a stock-specific context is unnecessarily
duplicative of the required negligible impact finding.
Comment 2: SELC stated that NMFS' updated negligible impact
analysis underestimates the potential impacts of HRG surveys on small
cetaceans like the Atlantic spotted dolphin. The MMPA authorizes NMFS
to issue an IHA only if the agency finds that the authorized harassment
caused by a ``specified activity'' will have a ``negligible impact'' on
marine mammals. SELC stated that NMFS' negligible impact analysis is
inadequate given the increased level of take that the agency proposed.
SELC referenced several scientific research papers which indicated that
Atlantic spotted dolphin is a particularly acoustically sensitive
species, has the potential to be displaced, shift their behavioral
state and stop or alter in response to a variety of anthropogenic
noises, with potentially adverse energetic effects even from minor
Response: Most of the scientific papers referenced by SELC describe
the responses of various cetacean species to underwater noise
associated with the use of seismic airguns, which are among the loudest
anthropogenic sounds introduced into the marine environment. The HRG
equipment used by Dominion radiates out less energy than seismic
airguns and also operates in smaller areas. Therefore, the size of the
area impacted by sound is much smaller. None of the references cited by
SELC investigated potential impacts of HRG equipment to cetaceans. It
should not be assumed that potential impacts to marine mammals from
seismic airguns and from HRG equipment are similar, given the
differences between the devices.
Even with the increase in authorized take numbers, the impacts of
these lower severity exposures associated with HRG equipment are not
expected to accrue to the degree that the fitness of any individuals is
impacted, and, therefore no impacts on annual rates of recruitment or
survival will result. Furthermore, the authorized take amount of
spotted dolphin would be of small numbers relative to the population
size (less than 5 percent).
Comment 3: SELC reiterated that NMFS's use of the 160 decibel (dB)
threshold for behavioral harassment is not supported by the best
available scientific information and results in an inaccurate
negligible impact analysis.
[[Page 81882]]
Note that NMFS addressed this comment in the Federal Register notice of
issue of the initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020).
Response: NMFS acknowledges that the 160-dB root mean-square (rms)
step-function approach is simplistic, and that an approach reflecting a
more complex probabilistic function may more effectively represent the
known variation in responses at different levels due to differences in
the receivers, the context of the exposure, and other factors. We
recognize the potential for Level B harassment at exposures to received
levels (RLs) below 160 dB rms, and conversely the potential that
animals exposed to RLs above 160 dB rms will not respond in ways
constituting behavioral harassment (e.g., Malme et al., 1983, 1984,
1985, 1988; McCauley et al., 1998, 2000a, 2000b; Barkaszi et al., 2012;
Stone, 2015a; Gailey et al., 2016; Barkaszi and Kelly, 2018). While in
practice the 160-dB threshold works as a step-function, i.e., animals
exposed to RLs above the threshold are considered to be ``taken'' and
those exposed to levels below the threshold are not, it represents a
sort of mid-point of likely behavioral responses (which are extremely
complex depending on many factors including species, noise source,
individual experience, and behavioral context). What this means is
that, conceptually, the function recognizes that some animals exposed
to levels below the threshold will in fact react in ways that are
appropriately considered take, while others that are exposed to levels
above the threshold will not. Use of the 160-dB threshold allows for a
simplistic quantitative estimate of take, while we can qualitatively
address the variation in responses across different RLs in our
discussion and analysis.
As behavioral responses to sound depend on the context in which an
animal receives the sound, including the animal's behavioral mode when
it hears sounds, prior experience, additional biological factors, and
other contextual factors, defining sound levels that disrupt behavioral
patterns is extremely difficult. Even experts have not previously been
able to suggest specific new criteria due to these difficulties (e.g.,
Southall et al. 2007; Gomez et al., 2016). NMFS acknowledges the
limitations of the current system and is in the process of developing
an updated approach to more accurately predict under what circumstances
take is likely to result from sound exposure.
Comment 4: SELC recommended that HRG surveys should commence, with
ramp-up, during daylight hours only, to maximize the chance that marine
mammals are detected and confirmed clear of the exclusion zone.
Response: NMFS acknowledges the limitations inherent in detection
of marine mammals at night. However, no injury is expected to result
even in the absence of mitigation, given the very small estimated Level
A harassment zones. Any potential impacts to marine mammals authorized
for take would be limited to short-term behavioral responses.
Restricting surveys in the manner suggested by the commenters may
reduce marine mammal exposures by some degree in the short term, but
would not result in any significant reduction in either intensity or
duration of noise exposure. The restrictions recommended by the
commenters could result in the surveys spending increased time on the
water, which may result in greater overall exposure to sound for marine
mammals and increase the risk of a vessel strike; thus the commenters
have not demonstrated that such a requirement would result in a net
benefit. Restricting the applicant to ramp-up only during daylight
hours would have the potential to result in lengthy shutdowns of the
survey equipment, which could result in the applicant failing to
collect the data they have determined is necessary and, subsequently,
the need to conduct additional surveys the following year. This would
result in significantly increased costs incurred by the applicant.
Thus, the restriction suggested by the commenters would not be
practicable for the applicant to implement. In consideration of
potential effectiveness of the recommended measure and its
practicability for the applicant, NMFS has determined that restricting
survey start-ups to daylight hours when visibility is unimpeded is not
warranted or practicable in this case. Note that NMFS addressed this
comment in the Federal Register notice of issue of the initial IHA (85
FR 55415; September 8, 2020).
Comment 5: SELC recommended that a standard 500-meter exclusion
zone be established for all marine mammal species around survey
Response: NMFS has determined that, with the exception of right
whales, a 500-m exclusion zone is not warranted. The largest calculated
Level B harassment distance for all marine mammals is calculated to be
100 m. We note that a 500-m exclusion zone would exceed the modeled
distance to the largest Level B harassment isopleth distance (100 m) by
a factor of five. Thus, NMFS is not requiring shutdown if marine
mammals are sighted within 500 m of survey vessels. NMFS addressed this
comment previously in the Federal Register notice of issue of the
initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020).
Comment 6: SELC recommended that combination of visual monitoring--
by four protected species observers adhering to ``two-on/two-off''
schedule--and passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) should be used at all
times that survey work is underway, and, for efforts that continue into
the nighttime, night vision or infrared technology should also be used.
Response: NMFS does not agree with the commenters that a minimum of
four protected species observers (PSOs) should be required. The
relatively small size of the exclusion means that a single PSO
stationed at the highest vantage point and engaged in general 360-
degree scanning during daylight hours is able to effectively observe
the necessary area. Additionally, PSOs must be on duty 30 minutes prior
to and during nighttime ramp-ups for HRG surveys. Dominion has also
committed to employing a minimum of two NMFS-approved PSOs when HRG
equipment is in use at night.
There are several reasons why we do not agree that use of PAM is
warranted for 24-hour HRG surveys. While NMFS agrees that PAM can be an
important tool for augmenting detection capabilities in certain
circumstances, its utility in further reducing impact for Dominion's
HRG survey activities is limited. First, for this activity, the area
expected to be ensonified above the Level B harassment threshold is
relatively small (a maximum of 100 m). This reflects the fact that the
source level is comparatively low and the intensity of any resulting
impacts would also be low. Further, inasmuch as PAM will only detect a
portion of any animals exposed within a zone (see below), the overall
probability of PAM detecting an animal in the harassment zone is low.
Together these factors support the limited value of PAM for use in
reducing take in small impact zones. PAM is only capable of detecting
animals that are actively vocalizing, while many marine mammal species
vocalize infrequently or during certain activities, which means that
only a subset of the animals within the range of the PAM would be
detected (and potentially have reduced impacts). Additionally,
localization and range detection can be challenging under certain
scenarios. For example, odontocetes are fast moving and often travel in
large or dispersed groups which makes localization difficult. In
addition, the ability of PAM to detect baleen whale vocalizations is
further limited due to its deployment from the
[[Page 81883]]
stern of a vessel, which puts the PAM hydrophones in proximity to
propeller noise and low frequency engine noise, which can mask the low
frequency sounds emitted by baleen whales, including North Atlantic
right whales.
We also note that the effects to all marine mammals, including
spotted dolphins, from the types of surveys authorized in this IHA are
expected to be limited to low level behavioral harassment even in the
absence of mitigation; no injury is expected or authorized. In
consideration of the limited additional benefit anticipated by adding
this detection method and the cost and impracticability of implementing
a full-time PAM program, we have determined the current requirements
for visual monitoring are sufficient to ensure the least practicable
adverse impact on the affected species or stocks and their habitat.
Note that the initial IHA contained a requirement, retained in the
modified IHA, that night-vision equipment (i.e., night-vision goggles
and infrared technology) must be available for use for PSOs. NMFS
previously addressed this comment in the Federal Register notice of
issue of the initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020).
Comment 7: SELC reiterated some of the recommendations they
submitted in response to our initial Notice of proposed IHA published
in Federal Register on June 17, 2020 (85 FR 36537) which focused on the
need for stronger mitigation measures for North Atlantic right whale.
Response: Comments submitted by SELC pertaining to the North
Atlantic right whale are outside the scope of this action, which only
addresses increased take of dolphins and, further, were already
addressed in previously in the Federal Register notice of issue of the
initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020).
Comment 8: SELC recommended that all vessels traveling to and from
the project area maintain a speed of 10 knots (18.5 km/hour) or less
throughout the survey period.
Response: NMFS does not concur with this measure. NMFS has analyzed
the potential for ship strike resulting from Dominion's activity and
has determined that the mitigation measures specific to ship strike
avoidance are sufficient to avoid the potential for ship strike. These
include: A requirement that all vessel operators comply with 10 knot
(18.5 km/hour) or less speed restrictions in any established dynamic
management area (DMA) or seasonal management area (SMA); a requirement
that all vessel operators reduce vessel speed to 10 knots (18.5 km/
hour) or less when any large whale, any mother/calf pairs, pods, or
large assemblages of non-delphinoid cetaceans are observed within 100 m
of an underway vessel; a requirement that all survey vessels maintain a
separation distance of 500-m or greater from any sighted North Atlantic
right whale; a requirement that, if underway, vessels must steer a
course away from any sighted North Atlantic right whale at 10 knots or
less until the 500-m minimum separation distance has been established;
and a requirement that, if a North Atlantic right whale is sighted in a
vessel's path, or within 500 m of an underway vessel, the underway
vessel must reduce speed and shift the engine to neutral. We have
determined that the ship strike avoidance measures are sufficient to
ensure the least practicable adverse impact on species or stocks and
their habitat. Furthermore, no documented vessel strikes have occurred
for any HRG surveys which were issued IHAs from NMFS. NMFS addressed
this comment previously in the Federal Register notice of issue of the
initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020).
Comment 10: SELC recommended that NMFS consider activating Dynamic
Management Areas (DMAs) whenever a single North Atlantic right whale is
sighted or acoustically detected neat the project area, not just an
aggregation of three or more whales.
Response: DMAs are a component of the 2008 NOAA Ship Strike Rule to
minimize lethal ship strikes of North Atlantic right whales. Note that
the trigger of three or more whales is taken from a NOAA Northeast
Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) analysis of sightings data from Cape
Cod Bay and Stellwagen Bank from 1980 to 1996 (Clapham & Pace 2001).
This analysis found that an initial sighting of three or more North
Atlantic right whales was a reasonably good indicator that whales would
persist in the area, and the average duration of the whale's presence
based on these sightings data was two weeks.
Description of Marine Mammals
A description of the marine mammals in the area of the activities
is found in these previous documents, which remains applicable to this
modified IHA as well. In addition, NMFS has reviewed recent Stock
Assessment Reports, information on relevant Unusual Mortality Events,
and recent scientific literature, and determined that no new
information affects our original analysis of impacts under the initial
Potential Effects of Specified Activities on Marine Mammals and Their
A description of the potential effects of the specified activities
on marine mammals and their habitat may be found in the documents
supporting the initial IHA, which remains applicable to the issuance of
this modified IHA. There is no new information on potential effects.
Estimated Take
A detailed description of the methods and inputs used to estimate
take for the specified activity are found in the notice of IHA for the
initial authorization (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020). The HRG
equipment that may result in take, as well as the source levels, marine
mammal stocks taken, marine mammal density data and the methods of take
estimation applicable to this authorization remain unchanged from the
previously issued IHA. The number of authorized takes is also identical
with the exception of spotted dolphin.
During the one month period from the effective date of the initial
IHA (August 28, 2020) through September 29, 2020, a total of 19 spotted
dolphins had been observed within the Level B harassment zone distances
and recorded as takes. This was largely due to a single pod of 15
dolphins sighted in the zone. Another 24 dolphins were observed over
three survey days but they were not located in the Level B harassment
zone. Prior to the issuance of the initial IHA, Dominion operated only
during daylight hours under a Letter of Concurrence (LoC) issued by
NMFS. As such, Dominion committed to shutting down whenever a marine
mammal approached or entered a Level B harassment zone in order to
avoid all incidental take. In the weeks prior to the issuance of the
initial IHA, Dominion had observed pods containing up to 17 individuals
in the Level B harassment zone. However, these pods were not recorded
as incidental takes since mitigation measures were employed, i.e., the
acoustic source was shut down and the animals were not exposed to
source levels associated with harassment. The estimated take in the
initial IHA was based on the best available density data from Roberts
et al. (2016, 2017, 2018), however, the multiple occurrences of the
large pod in the vicinity of the survey was unexpected and not
reflected in the take estimate. Table 1 shows spotted dolphin detection
events when Dominion was operating under both the LoC (before August
28, 2020) as well as during the initial IHA (on or after August 28,
[[Page 81884]]
Table 1--Atlantic Spotted Dolphin Observations During Dominion Energy HRG Survey Activities
Number of
Date of animals Level B takes
Vessel name detection observed in accumulated
the group
Sarah Bordelon.................................................. 9/16/2020 15 15
Marcelle Bordelon............................................... 9/9/2020 4 4
Marcelle Bordelon............................................... 9/7/2020 6 ..............
Sarah Bordelon.................................................. 9/4/2020 7 ..............
Sarah Bordelon.................................................. 9/4/2020 11 ..............
Marcelle Bordelon............................................... 8/23/2020 5 ..............
Sarah Bordelon.................................................. 8/17/2020 17 ..............
Given that large pods of spotted dolphin were recorded on multiple
occasions, Dominion became concerned that the authorized number of
takes by Level B harassment would be exceeded, necessitating the
frequent shutdown of HRG survey equipment to avoid additional take of
this species. On October 3, 2020, Dominion reached the authorized take
amount for spotted dolphins. Since that time, they have been shutting
down whenever spotted dolphins are sighted approaching or entering the
harassment zone. Dominion requested and NMFS has authorized additional
take of this species to conservatively allow 20 authorized takes per
day. NMFS concurs that this take amount is reasonable in case observed
dolphin pods are larger than what has been recorded to date. While NMFS
does not expect that larger spotted dolphin pods would occur every day,
it cannot be ruled out. With approximately 120 survey days remaining,
NMFS has authorized increased take by Level B harassment from 27 to
2,427 ((20 animals/day * 120 survey days) + initial 27 authorized
takes). This represents 4.38 percent of the western North Atlantic
stock of spotted dolphin. Take by Level A harassment was not requested,
and has not been authorized by NMFS (or anticipated).
The total numbers of incidental takes by Level B harassment,
including the authorized update in spotted dolphin takes, and as a
percentage of population, is shown in Table 2 below.
Table 2--Total Numbers of Authorized Takes by Level B Harassment and as
a Percentage of Population
Instances of
Species Take take as
authorization percentage of
(number) population \1\
Short-finned pilot whale................ 12 0.06
Bottlenose dolphin (Offshore)........... 511 0.81
Bottlenose dolphin (Southern Migratory 224 6.5
Common dolphin.......................... 68 0.08
Atlantic white-sided dolphin............ 44 0.12
Spotted dolphin (adjusted).............. 2,427 4.38
Risso's dolphin......................... 6 0.08
Harbor porpoise......................... 39 0.09
Harbor seal \2\......................... 35 0.02
Gray Seal \2\........................... .............. 0.06
\1\ Calculations of percentage of stock taken are based on the best
available abundance estimate as shown in Table 2 in Federal Register
final notice of issuance of the IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020).
In most cases the best available abundance estimate is provided by
Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018), when available, to maintain
consistency with density estimates derived from Roberts et al. (2016,
2017, 2018. For bottlenose dolphins, Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018)
provides only a single abundance estimate and does not provide
abundance estimates at the stock or species level (respectively), so
abundance estimates used to estimate percentage of stock taken for
bottlenose dolphins are derived from NMFS SARs (Hayes et al. 2019).
\2\ Pinniped density values reported as ``seals'' and not species-
Description of Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Measures
The mitigation, monitoring, and reporting measures included in this
modified IHA are identical to those included in the Federal Register
notice announcing the initial IHA and the discussion of the least
practicable adverse impact included in that document remains accurate
(85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020).
Establishment of Exclusion Zones (EZs)--Marine mammal EZs must be
established around the HRG survey equipment and monitored by protected
species observers (PSOs) during HRG surveys as follows:
500-m EZ is required for North Atlantic right whales;
During use of the GeoMarine Dual 400 Sparker 800J, a 100-m
EZ is required for all other marine mammals except delphinid(s) from
the genera Delphinus, Lagenorhynchus, Stenella or Tursiops and seals;
When only the Triple Plate Boomer 1000J is in use, a 25-m
EZ is required for all other marine mammals except delphinid(s) from
the genera Delphinus, Lagenorhynchus, Stenella or Tursiops and seals; a
200-m buffer zone is required for all marine mammals except those
species otherwise excluded (i.e., North Atlantic right whale).
If a marine mammal is detected approaching or entering the EZs
during the survey, the vessel operator must adhere to the shutdown
procedures described below. In addition to the EZs described above,
PSOs must visually monitor a 200-m buffer zone for the
[[Page 81885]]
purposes of pre-clearance. During use of acoustic sources with the
potential to result in marine mammal harassment (i.e., anytime the
acoustic source is active, including ramp-up), occurrences of marine
mammals within the monitoring zone (but outside the EZs) must be
communicated to the vessel operator to prepare for potential shutdown
of the acoustic source. The buffer zone is not applicable when the EZ
is greater than 100 m. PSOs are also required to observe a 500-m
monitoring zone and record the presence of all marine mammals within
this zone.
Visual Monitoring--Monitoring must be conducted by qualified
protected PSOs who are trained biologists, with minimum qualifications
described in the Federal Register notice of the issuance of the initial
IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020). Dominion must have one PSO on
duty during the day and has committed that a minimum of two NMFS-
approved PSOs must be on duty and conducting visual observations when
HRG equipment is in use at night. Visual monitoring must begin no less
than 30 minutes prior to ramp-up of HRG equipment and continue until 30
minutes after use of the acoustic source. PSOs must establish and
monitor the applicable EZs, Buffer Zone and Monitoring Zone as
described above. PSOs must coordinate to ensure 360[deg] visual
coverage around the vessel from the most appropriate observation posts,
and must conduct observations while free from distractions and in a
consistent, systematic, and diligent manner. PSOs are required to
estimate distances to observed marine mammals. It is the responsibility
of the Lead PSO on duty to communicate the presence of marine mammals
as well as to communicate action(s) that are necessary to ensure
mitigation and monitoring requirements are implemented as appropriate.
Pre-Clearance of the Exclusion Zones--Prior to initiating HRG
survey activities, Dominion must implement a 30-minute pre-clearance
period. During pre-clearance monitoring (i.e., before ramp-up of HRG
equipment begins), the Buffer Zone also acts as an extension of the
100-m EZ in that observations of marine mammals within the 200-m Buffer
Zone would also preclude HRG operations from beginning. During this
period, PSOs must ensure that no marine mammals are observed within 200
m of the survey equipment (500 m in the case of North Atlantic right
whales). HRG equipment must not start up until this 200-m zone (or,
500-m zone in the case of North Atlantic right whales) is clear of
marine mammals for at least 30 minutes. The vessel operator must notify
a designated PSO of the proposed start of HRG survey equipment as
agreed upon with the lead PSO; the notification time must not be less
than 30 minutes prior to the planned initiation of HRG equipment in
order to allow the PSOs time to monitor the EZs and Buffer Zone for the
30 minutes of pre-clearance.
If a marine mammal is observed within the relevant EZs or Buffer
Zone during the pre-clearance period, initiation of HRG survey
equipment must not begin until the animal(s) has been observed exiting
the respective EZ or Buffer Zone, or, until an additional time period
has elapsed with no further sighting (i.e., minimum 15 minutes for
porpoises, and 30 minutes for all other species). The pre-clearance
requirement includes small delphinoids. PSOs must also continue to
monitor the zone for 30 minutes after survey equipment is shut down or
survey activity has concluded.
Ramp-Up of Survey Equipment--When technically feasible, a ramp-up
procedure must be used for geophysical survey equipment capable of
adjusting energy levels at the start or re-start of survey activities.
The ramp-up procedure must be used at the beginning of HRG survey
activities in order to provide additional protection to marine mammals
near the Survey Area by allowing them to detect the presence of the
survey and vacate the area prior to the commencement of survey
equipment operation at full power. Ramp-up of the survey equipment must
not begin until the relevant EZs and Buffer Zone has been cleared by
the PSOs, as described above. HRG equipment must be initiated at their
lowest power output and would be incrementally increased to full power.
If any marine mammals are detected within the EZs or Buffer Zone prior
to or during ramp-up, the HRG equipment must be shut down (as described
Shutdown Procedures--If an HRG source is active and a marine mammal
is observed within or entering a relevant EZ (as described above) an
immediate shutdown of the HRG survey equipment is required. When
shutdown is called for by a PSO, the acoustic source must be
immediately deactivated and any dispute resolved only following
deactivation. Any PSO on duty has the authority to delay the start of
survey operations or to call for shutdown of the acoustic source if a
marine mammal is detected within the applicable EZ. The vessel operator
must establish and maintain clear lines of communication directly
between PSOs on duty and crew controlling the HRG source(s) to ensure
that shutdown commands are conveyed swiftly while allowing PSOs to
maintain watch. Subsequent restart of the HRG equipment must only occur
after the marine mammal has either been observed exiting the relevant
EZ, or, until an additional time period has elapsed with no further
sighting of the animal within the relevant EZ.
Upon implementation of shutdown, the HRG source may be reactivated
after the marine mammal that triggered the shutdown has been observed
exiting the applicable EZ (i.e., the animal is not required to fully
exit the Buffer Zone where applicable) or, following a clearance period
of 15 minutes for small odontocetes and seals and 30 minutes for all
other species with no further observation of the marine mammal(s)
within the relevant EZ. If the HRG equipment shuts down for brief
periods (i.e., less than 30 minutes) for reasons other than mitigation
(e.g., mechanical or electronic failure) the equipment may be re-
activated as soon as is practicable at full operational level, without
30 minutes of pre-clearance, only if PSOs have maintained constant
visual observation during the shutdown and no visual detections of
marine mammals occurred within the applicable EZs and Buffer Zone
during that time. For a shutdown of 30 minutes or longer, or if visual
observation was not continued diligently during the pause, pre-
clearance observation is required, as described above.
The shutdown requirement is waived for certain genera of small
delphinids (i.e., Delphinus, Lagenorhynchus, Stenella (which includes
Atlantic spotted dolphins), or Tursiops) under certain circumstances.
If a delphinid(s) from these genera is visually detected within the EZ
shutdown would not be required. If there is uncertainty regarding
identification of a marine mammal species (i.e., whether the observed
marine mammal(s) belongs to one of the delphinid genera for which
shutdown is waived), PSOs must use best professional judgment in making
the decision to call for a shutdown.
If a species for which authorization has not been granted, or a
species for which authorization has been granted but the authorized
number of takes have been met, approaches or is observed within the
area encompassing the Level B harassment isopleth (100 m or 25 m),
shutdown must occur.
Vessel Strike Avoidance--Dominion must comply with vessel strike
avoidance measures as described in the Federal Register notice of the
issuance of the initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020).
Seasonal Operating Requirements--Dominion will conduct HRG survey
[[Page 81886]]
activities in the vicinity of the North Atlantic right whale Mid-
Atlantic SMA near Norfolk and the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.
Activities conducted prior to May 1 must comply with the seasonal
mandatory speed restriction period for this SMA (November 1 through
April 30) for any survey work or transit within this area.
Throughout all phases of the survey activities, Dominion must
monitor NOAA Fisheries North Atlantic right whale reporting systems for
the establishment of a DMA. If NMFS establishes a DMA in the Lease Area
or cable route corridor being surveyed, within 24 hours of the
establishment of the DMA, Dominion is required to work with NMFS to
shut down and/or alter activities to avoid the DMA.
Training--Project-specific training is required for all vessel crew
prior to the start of survey activities. Confirmation of the training
and understanding of the requirements must be documented on a training
course log sheet. Signing the log sheet will certify that the crew
members understand and will comply with the necessary requirements
throughout the survey activities.
Reporting--PSOs must record specific information on the sighting
forms as described in the Federal Register notice of the issuance of
the initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020). Within 90 days after
completion of survey activities, Dominion must provide NMFS with a
monitoring report which includes summaries of recorded takes and
estimates of the number of marine mammals that may have been harassed.
In the event of a ship strike or discovery of an injured or dead
marine mammal, Dominion must report the incident to the Office of
Protected Resources, NMFS and to the New England/Mid-Atlantic Regional
Stranding Coordinator as soon as feasible. The report must include the
information listed in the Federal Register notice of the issuance of
the initial IHA (85 FR 55415; September 8, 2020).
Based on our evaluation of the applicant's measures in
consideration of the increased estimated take for spotted dolphins,
NMFS has re-affirmed the determination that the required mitigation
measures provide the means effecting the least practicable impact on
spotted dolphins and their habitat.
Dominion's HRG survey activities and the mitigation, monitoring,
and reporting requirements are unchanged from those covered in the
initial IHA. The effects of the activity, taking into consideration the
mitigation and related monitoring measures, remain unchanged from those
stated in the initial IHA, notwithstanding the increase to the
authorized amount of spotted dolphin take. Specifically, the Level B
harassment authorized for spotted dolphins is expected to be of low
severity, predominantly in the form of avoidance of the sound source
and potential occasional interruption of foraging. With approximately
120 survey days remaining, NMFS has increased authorized spotted
dolphin take by Level B harassment to 2,427. Even in consideration of
the increased estimated numbers of take by Level B harassment, the
impacts of these lower severity exposures are not expected to accrue to
the degree that the fitness of any individuals is impacted, and,
therefore no impacts on annual rates of recruitment or survival will
result. Further, and separately, the authorized take amount of spotted
dolphin would be of small numbers of spotted dolphins relative to the
population size (less than 5 percent), as take that is less than one
third of the species or stock abundance is considered by NMFS to be
small numbers. In conclusion, there is no new information suggesting
that our effects analysis or negligible impact finding for Atlantic
spotted dolphins should change.
Based on the information contained here and in the referenced
documents, NMFS has reaffirmed the following: (1) The required
mitigation measures will effect the least practicable impact on marine
mammal species or stocks and their habitat; (2) the authorized takes
will have a negligible impact on the affected marine mammal species or
stocks; (3) the authorized takes represent small numbers of marine
mammals relative to the affected stock abundances; (4) Dominion's
activities will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on taking for
subsistence purposes as no relevant subsistence uses of marine mammals
are implicated by this action, and (5) appropriate monitoring and
reporting requirements are included.
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
No incidental take of ESA-listed species is authorized or expected
to result from this activity. Therefore, NMFS has determined that
formal consultation under section 7 of the ESA is not required for this
National Environmental Policy Act
To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA;
42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 216-6A,
NMFS must review our proposed action (i.e., the modification of an IHA)
with respect to potential impacts on the human environment.
This action is consistent with categories of activities identified
in Categorical Exclusion B4 (IHAs with no anticipated serious injury or
mortality) of the Companion Manual for NOAA Administrative Order 216-
6A, which do not individually or cumulatively have the potential for
significant impacts on the quality of the human environment and for
which we have not identified any extraordinary circumstances that would
preclude this categorical exclusion. Accordingly, NMFS has determined
that the issuance of the modified IHA qualifies to be categorically
excluded from further NEPA review.
NMFS has issued a modified IHA to Dominion for conducting marine
site characterization surveys in the areas of the Commercial Lease of
Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy Development on the Outer
Continental Shelf Offshore Virginia (Lease No. OCS-A-0483) as well as
in coastal waters where an export cable corridor will be established in
support of the CVOW Commercial Project effective from the date of
issuance until August 27, 2021.
Dated: December 14, 2020.
Donna S. Wieting,
Director, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries
[FR Doc. 2020-27761 Filed 12-16-20; 8:45 am]