2021 Rate Changes for the Basetime, Overtime, Holiday, Laboratory Services, and Export Application Fees, 79992-79994 [2020-27347]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 239 / Friday, December 11, 2020 / Notices
Estimated annual number of
respondents: 14,000.
Estimated annual number of
responses per respondent: 1.
Estimated annual number of
responses: 14,000.
Estimated total annual burden on
respondents (hours): 14,000.
Estimate of Burden: The public
reporting burden of the insurance
companies for the Appendix I collection
of Controlled Business information is
estimated to average 24 hours per
Respondents/Affected Entities:
Insurance companies reinsured by FCIC.
Estimated annual number of
respondents: 14.
Estimated annual number of
responses per respondent: 1.
Estimated annual number of
responses: 14.
Estimated total annual burden on
respondents (hours): 336.
Appendix II—Plan of Operations
Estimate of Burden: The public
reporting burden of the insurance
companies for the collection of
Appendix II information is estimated to
average 128 hours per response.
Respondents/Affected Entities:
Insurance companies reinsured by FCIC.
Estimated annual number of
respondents: 14.
Estimated annual number of
responses per respondent: 1.
Estimated annual number of
responses: 14.
Estimated total annual burden on
respondents (hours): 1,792.
Quality Control and Training Plan and
Estimate of Burden: The public
reporting burden of the insurance
companies for the collection of
Appendix IV information is estimated to
average 74 hours per response.
Respondents/Affected Entities:
Insurance companies reinsured by FCIC.
Estimated annual number of
respondents: 14.
Estimated annual number of
responses per respondent: 1.
Estimated annual number of
responses: 14.
Estimated total annual burden on
respondents (hours): 1,036.
Estimate of Burden: The public
reporting burden of agents the
Appendix IV training requirements is
estimated to average 4 hours per
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Jkt 253001
Loss Adjuster Training Requirements
Estimate of Burden: The public
reporting burden of loss adjusters for the
Appendix IV training requirements is
estimated to average 17 hours per
Respondents/Affected Entities:
Insurance company loss adjusters.
Estimated annual number of
respondents: 5,500.
Estimated annual number of
responses per respondent: 1.
Estimated annual number of
responses: 5,500.
Estimated total annual burden on
respondents (hours): 93,500.
All responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for OMB approval. All comments will
also become a matter of public record.
Martin R. Barbre,
Manager, Federal Crop Insurance
[FR Doc. 2020–27348 Filed 12–10–20; 8:45 am]
FSIS will charge the rates
announced in this notice beginning
January 3, 2021.
further information contact Michael
Toner, Director, Budget Division, Office
of the Chief Financial Officer, FSIS, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Room 2159,
South Building, 1400 Independence
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250–
3700; Telephone: (202) 690–8398, Fax:
(202) 690–4155.
On April 12, 2011, FSIS published a
final rule amending its regulations to
establish formulas for calculating the
rates it charges meat and poultry
establishments, egg products plants, and
importers and exporters for providing
voluntary, overtime, and holiday
inspection and identification,
certification, and laboratory services (76
FR 20220).
In the final rule, FSIS stated that it
would use the formulas to calculate the
annual rates, publish the rates in
Federal Register notices prior to the
start of each calendar year, and apply
the rates on the first FSIS pay period at
the beginning of the calendar year. This
notice provides the 2021 rates, which
will be applied starting on January 3,
Public Health Information System
Export Application Fee
Food Safety and Inspection Service
[Docket Number FSIS–2020–0033]
Appendix IV—Quality Control and
Program Integrity
Agent Training Requirements
Respondents/Affected Entities:
Insurance company agents.
Estimated annual number of
respondents: 14,000.
Estimated annual number of
responses per respondent: 1.
Estimated annual number of
responses: 14,000.
Estimated total annual burden on
respondents (hours): 56,000.
2021 Rate Changes for the Basetime,
Overtime, Holiday, Laboratory
Services, and Export Application Fees
Food Safety and Inspection
Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice.
The Food Safety and
Inspection Service (FSIS) is announcing
the 2021 rates it will charge meat and
poultry establishments, egg products
plants, and importers and exporters for
providing voluntary, overtime, and
holiday inspection and identification,
certification, and laboratory services.
Additionally, FSIS is announcing that
there will be no changes to the fee FSIS
assesses to exporters that choose to
apply for export certificates
electronically through the export
component of the Agency’s Public
Health Information System.
The 2021 basetime, overtime, holiday,
and laboratory services rates will be
applied on January 3, 2021.
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On June 29, 2016, FSIS published the
final rule, ‘‘Electronic Export
Application and Certification Charge;
Flexibility in the Requirements for
Export Inspection Marks, Devices, and
Certificates; Egg Products Export
Certification’’ (81 FR 42225). The
preamble to the final rule explained that
FSIS would implement an electronic
export application and certification
system available through the Agency’s
Public Health Information System
(PHIS) export component.
The electronic export application and
certification process provides service
options to U.S. exporters, enabling them
to electronically submit, track, and
manage their export applications. To
cover the costs of providing this service,
the final rule established a formulabased fee for electronic export
applications. The final rule stated that,
on an annual basis, the Agency would
update the fee and publish the new fee
in the Federal Register.
On September 6, 2017, FSIS
published a Federal Register notice,
‘‘Public Health Information System
(PHIS) Export Component Country
Implementation’’ (FR 82 42056). The
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 239 / Friday, December 11, 2020 / Notices
hours, plus the quotient multiplied by
the calendar year’s percentage of cost of
living increase, plus the benefits rate,
plus the travel and operating rate, plus
the overhead rate, plus the allowance
for bad debt rate.
The calculation for the 2021 basetime
rate per hour per program employee is:
[FY 2020 OFO Regular Direct Pay
divided by the previous fiscal year’s
Regular Hours ($434,649,264/
14,468,095)] = $30.04 + ($30.04 * 1.0%
(calendar year 2020 Cost of Living
Increase)) = $30.34 + $11.15 (benefits
rate) + $2.67 (travel and operating rate)
+ $22.39 (overhead rate) + $0.00 (bad
debt allowance rate) = $66.55, rounded
up to $66.56, so that it is divisible by
Overtime Rate = The quotient of
dividing the Office of Field Operations
(OFO) inspection program personnel’s
previous fiscal year’s regular direct pay
by the previous fiscal year’s regular
hours, plus that quotient multiplied by
the calendar year’s percentage of cost of
living increase, multiplied by 1.5 (for
2021 Rates and Calculations
overtime), plus the benefits rate, plus
The following table lists the 2021
the travel and operating rate, plus the
Rates per hour, per employee, by type
overhead rate, plus the allowance for
of service:
bad debt rate.
The calculation for the 2021 overtime
2021 Rate
per hour per program employee is:
[FY 2020 OFO Regular Direct Pay
rounded to redivided by previous fiscal year’s Regular
flect billable
Hours ($434,649,264/14,468,065)] =
$30.04 + ($30.04 * 1.0% (calendar year
Basetime ...............................
2021 Cost of Living Increase)) = $30.34
Overtime ...............................
Holiday ..................................
96.88 * 1.5 = $45.51 + $11.15 (benefits rate)
Laboratory .............................
84.64 + $2.67 (travel and operating rate) +
Export Application .................
* 4.01 $22.39 (overhead rate) + $0.00(bad debt
allowance rate) = $81.72, which is
* Per application
divisible by 4.
Holiday Rate = The quotient of
The regulations that cover these fees
dividing the Office of Field Operations
(other than the export application fee)
(OFO) inspection program personnel’s
state that FSIS will calculate the rates
using formulas that include the Office of previous fiscal year’s regular direct pay
by the previous fiscal year’s regular
Field Operations (OFO) inspection
hours, plus that quotient multiplied by
program personnel’s previous fiscal
the calendar year’s percentage of cost of
year’s regular direct pay and regular
living increase, multiplied by 2 (for
hours (9 CFR 391.2, 391.3, 391.4,
590.126, 590.128, 592.510, 592.520, and holiday pay), plus the benefits rate, plus
the travel and operating rate, plus the
592.530). In 2013, an Agency
overhead rate, plus the allowance for
reorganization eliminated the Office of
International Affairs program office and bad debt rate.
transferred all of its inspection program
The calculation for the 2021 holiday
personnel to OFO. Therefore, inspection rate per hour per program employee
program personnel’s pay and hours are
calculation is:
identified in the calculations as ‘‘OFO
[FY 2020 OFO Regular Direct Pay
inspection program personnel’s’’ pay
divided by Regular Hours
and hours.
($434,649,264/14,468,095)] = $30.04 +
FSIS determined the 2021 rates using
($30.04 * 1.0% (calendar year 2020 Cost
the following calculations:
of Living Increase)) = $30.34 * 2 =
Basetime Rate = The quotient of
$60.68 + $11.15(benefits rate) + $2.67
dividing the Office of Field Operations
(travel and operating rate) + $22.39
(OFO) inspection program personnel’s
(overhead rate) + $0.00 (bad debt
previous fiscal year’s regular direct pay
allowance rate) = $96.89, rounded down
by the previous fiscal year’s regular
to 96.88, so that it is divisible by 4.
notice announced the delayed
implementation of the export
component to ensure sufficient testing
and outreach to stakeholders and that
the application fee would be
recalculated based on available costs
and number of applications, but would
not be assessed prior to January 1, 2019.
In addition, FSIS announced that it
would implement the PHIS Export
Component with a limited number of
countries and gradually expand
implementation to additional countries.
On April 29, 2019, FSIS published a
Federal Register notice, ‘‘Public Health
Information System Export Component
Fee’’ (84 FR 17999). This notice
announced that starting June 1, 2019,
FSIS would assess a fee of $4.01 to
exporters that chose to apply for export
certificates electronically through the
export component of PHIS. As noted
below, that fee remains unchanged since
2019. The 2021 export component fee
will be applied starting on January 3,
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Laboratory Services Rate = The
quotient of dividing the Office of Public
Health Science (OPHS) previous fiscal
year’s regular direct pay by the OPHS
previous fiscal year’s regular hours, plus
the quotient multiplied by the calendar
year’s percentage cost of living increase,
plus the benefits rate, plus the travel
and operating rate, plus the overhead
rate, plus the allowance for bad debt
The calculation for the 2021
laboratory services rate per hour per
program employee is:
[FY 2020 OPHS Regular Direct Pay/
OPHS Regular hours ($24,151,169/
503,692)] = $47.95 + ($47.95 * 1.0%
(calendar year 2020 Cost of Living
Increase)) = $48.43 + $11.15 (benefits
rate) + $2.67 (travel and operating rate)
+ $22.39 (overhead rate) + $0.00 (bad
debt allowance rate) = $84.64, which is
already divisible by 4.
Calculations for the Benefits, Travel
and Operating, Overhead, and
Allowance for Bad Debt Rates
These rates are components of the
basetime, overtime, holiday, and
laboratory services rates formulas.
Benefits Rate: The quotient of
dividing the previous fiscal year’s direct
benefits costs by the previous fiscal
year’s total hours (regular, overtime, and
holiday), plus that quotient multiplied
by the calendar year’s percentage cost of
living increase. Some examples of direct
benefits are health insurance,
retirement, life insurance, and Thrift
Savings Plan basic and matching
The calculation for the 2021 benefits
rate per hour per program employee is:
[FY 2020 Direct Benefits/(Total
Regular hours + Total Overtime hours +
Total Holiday hours) ($197,034,144/
17,848,090)] = $11.04 + ($11.04* 1.0%
(calendar year 2020 Cost of Living
Increase)) = $11.15.
Travel and Operating Rate: The
quotient of dividing the previous fiscal
year’s total direct travel and operating
costs by the previous fiscal year’s total
hours (regular, overtime, and holiday),
plus that quotient multiplied by the
calendar year’s percentage of inflation.
The calculation for the 2021 travel
and operating rate per hour per program
employee is:
[FY 2020 Total Direct Travel and
Operating Costs/(Total Regular hours +
Total Overtime hours + Total Holiday
hours) ($46,500,647/17,848,090)] =
$2.61 + ($2.61 * 2.3% (2021 Inflation)
= $2.67.
Overhead Rate: The quotient of
dividing the previous fiscal year’s
indirect costs plus the previous fiscal
year’s information technology (IT) costs
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 239 / Friday, December 11, 2020 / Notices
in the Public Health Data
Communication Infrastructure System
Fund plus the provision for the
operating balance less any Greenbook
costs (i.e., costs of USDA support
services prorated to the service
component for which fees are charged)
that are not related to food inspection by
the previous fiscal year’s total hours
(regular, overtime, and holiday) worked
across all funds, plus the quotient
multiplied by the calendar year’s
percentage of inflation.
The calculation for the 2021 overhead
rate per hour per program employee is:
[FY 2020 Total Overhead/(Total
Regular hours + Total Overtime hours +
Total Holiday hours) ($ 390,719,959/
17,848,090)] = $21.89 + ($21.89 * 2.3%
(2020 Inflation) = $22.39.
Allowance for Bad Debt Rate =
Previous fiscal year’s total allowance for
bad debt (for example, debt owed that
is not paid in full by plants and
establishments that declare bankruptcy)
divided by previous fiscal year’s total
hours (regular, overtime, and holiday)
The 2021 calculation for bad debt rate
per hour per program employee is:
[FY 2020 Total Bad Debt/(Total
Regular hours + Total Overtime hours +
Total Holiday hours) = ($49,837/
17,848,090)] = $0.00.
2021 Electronic Export Application
Fee The 2021 Electronic Export
Application Fee:
Labor Cost ($560,901.60+ ($337,369))+ IT Cost ($1,414,285.60+$0)
= $4.01
As published in the 2016 final rule,
the Electronic Export Application Fee
Formula is:
Labor Cost (Technical Support + Export Library Maintenance) + IT Cost (Ongoing Operations and Maintenance + eAuthentication)
Number of Export Applications
The 2021 electronic export
application fee remains unchanged
since 2019. FSIS stated in the 2016 final
rule (81 FR 42225) and the 2017 Federal
Register notice (FR 82 42056) that it
would update and recalculate the fee
based on the best available estimates for
costs and number of applications;
however, the number of export
applications (the denominator in the
formula) cannot be accurately assessed
until a majority of countries are
included in the export component.
Therefore, because a majority of
countries are not yet included in the
PHIS Export component, the cost
estimates and projected export
applications in the final rule remain the
best estimate for 2021, leaving the
electronic export application fee
Additional Public Notification
FSIS will make copies of this Federal
Register publication available through
the FSIS Constituent Update, which is
used to provide information regarding
FSIS policies, procedures, regulations,
Federal Register notices, FSIS public
meetings, and other types of information
that could affect or would be of interest
to our constituents and stakeholders.
The Constituent Update is available on
the FSIS web page. Through the web
page, FSIS can provide information to a
much broader, more diverse audience.
In addition, FSIS offers an email
subscription service which provides
automatic and customized access to
selected food safety news and
information. This service is available at:
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Options range from recalls to export
information, regulations, directives, and
notices. Customers can add or delete
subscriptions themselves and have the
option to password protect their
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
No agency, officer, or employee of the
USDA shall, on the grounds of race,
color, national origin, religion, sex,
gender identity, sexual orientation,
disability, age, marital status, family/
parental status, income derived from a
public assistance program, or political
beliefs, exclude from participation in,
deny the benefits of, or subject to
discrimination any person in the United
States under any program or activity
conducted by the USDA.
How to File a Complaint of
Frm 00005
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Done at Washington, DC.
Paul Kiecker,
[FR Doc. 2020–27347 Filed 12–10–20; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
4th Tier Cigarettes From the Republic
of Korea: Final Affirmative
Determination of Sales at Less Than
Fair Value, and Final Negative
Determination of Critical
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
(Commerce) determines that 4th tier
cigarettes from the Republic of Korea
(Korea) are being, or are likely to be,
sold in the United States at less than fair
value (LTFV) during the period of
investigation (POI), October 1, 2018
through September 30, 2019. The final
weighted-average dumping margins are
listed below in the section entitled
‘‘Final Determination.’’
DATES: Applicable December 11, 2020.
Thomas Martin, AD/CVD Operations,
Office IV, Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401
To file a complaint of discrimination,
complete the USDA Program
Discrimination Complaint Form, which
may be accessed online at https://
12.pdf, or write a letter signed by you
or your authorized representative.
Send your completed complaint form
or letter to USDA by mail, fax, or email:
Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20250–9410, Fax: (202) 690–7442.
Email: program.intake@usda.gov.
Persons with disabilities who require
alternative means for communication
(Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.),
PO 00000
should contact USDA’s TARGET Center
at (202) 720–2600 (voice and TDD).
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 239 (Friday, December 11, 2020)]
[Pages 79992-79994]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-27347]
Food Safety and Inspection Service
[Docket Number FSIS-2020-0033]
2021 Rate Changes for the Basetime, Overtime, Holiday, Laboratory
Services, and Export Application Fees
AGENCY: Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is announcing
the 2021 rates it will charge meat and poultry establishments, egg
products plants, and importers and exporters for providing voluntary,
overtime, and holiday inspection and identification, certification, and
laboratory services. Additionally, FSIS is announcing that there will
be no changes to the fee FSIS assesses to exporters that choose to
apply for export certificates electronically through the export
component of the Agency's Public Health Information System.
The 2021 basetime, overtime, holiday, and laboratory services rates
will be applied on January 3, 2021.
DATES: FSIS will charge the rates announced in this notice beginning
January 3, 2021.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information contact
Michael Toner, Director, Budget Division, Office of the Chief Financial
Officer, FSIS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Room 2159, South
Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-3700;
Telephone: (202) 690-8398, Fax: (202) 690-4155.
On April 12, 2011, FSIS published a final rule amending its
regulations to establish formulas for calculating the rates it charges
meat and poultry establishments, egg products plants, and importers and
exporters for providing voluntary, overtime, and holiday inspection and
identification, certification, and laboratory services (76 FR 20220).
In the final rule, FSIS stated that it would use the formulas to
calculate the annual rates, publish the rates in Federal Register
notices prior to the start of each calendar year, and apply the rates
on the first FSIS pay period at the beginning of the calendar year.
This notice provides the 2021 rates, which will be applied starting on
January 3, 2021.
Public Health Information System Export Application Fee
On June 29, 2016, FSIS published the final rule, ``Electronic
Export Application and Certification Charge; Flexibility in the
Requirements for Export Inspection Marks, Devices, and Certificates;
Egg Products Export Certification'' (81 FR 42225). The preamble to the
final rule explained that FSIS would implement an electronic export
application and certification system available through the Agency's
Public Health Information System (PHIS) export component.
The electronic export application and certification process
provides service options to U.S. exporters, enabling them to
electronically submit, track, and manage their export applications. To
cover the costs of providing this service, the final rule established a
formula-based fee for electronic export applications. The final rule
stated that, on an annual basis, the Agency would update the fee and
publish the new fee in the Federal Register.
On September 6, 2017, FSIS published a Federal Register notice,
``Public Health Information System (PHIS) Export Component Country
Implementation'' (FR 82 42056). The
[[Page 79993]]
notice announced the delayed implementation of the export component to
ensure sufficient testing and outreach to stakeholders and that the
application fee would be recalculated based on available costs and
number of applications, but would not be assessed prior to January 1,
2019. In addition, FSIS announced that it would implement the PHIS
Export Component with a limited number of countries and gradually
expand implementation to additional countries.
On April 29, 2019, FSIS published a Federal Register notice,
``Public Health Information System Export Component Fee'' (84 FR
17999). This notice announced that starting June 1, 2019, FSIS would
assess a fee of $4.01 to exporters that chose to apply for export
certificates electronically through the export component of PHIS. As
noted below, that fee remains unchanged since 2019. The 2021 export
component fee will be applied starting on January 3, 2021.
2021 Rates and Calculations
The following table lists the 2021 Rates per hour, per employee, by
type of service:
2021 Rate
rounded to
Service reflect
Basetime................................................ $66.56
Overtime................................................ 81.72
Holiday................................................. 96.88
Laboratory.............................................. 84.64
Export Application...................................... * 4.01
* Per application
The regulations that cover these fees (other than the export
application fee) state that FSIS will calculate the rates using
formulas that include the Office of Field Operations (OFO) inspection
program personnel's previous fiscal year's regular direct pay and
regular hours (9 CFR 391.2, 391.3, 391.4, 590.126, 590.128, 592.510,
592.520, and 592.530). In 2013, an Agency reorganization eliminated the
Office of International Affairs program office and transferred all of
its inspection program personnel to OFO. Therefore, inspection program
personnel's pay and hours are identified in the calculations as ``OFO
inspection program personnel's'' pay and hours.
FSIS determined the 2021 rates using the following calculations:
Basetime Rate = The quotient of dividing the Office of Field
Operations (OFO) inspection program personnel's previous fiscal year's
regular direct pay by the previous fiscal year's regular hours, plus
the quotient multiplied by the calendar year's percentage of cost of
living increase, plus the benefits rate, plus the travel and operating
rate, plus the overhead rate, plus the allowance for bad debt rate.
The calculation for the 2021 basetime rate per hour per program
employee is:
[FY 2020 OFO Regular Direct Pay divided by the previous fiscal
year's Regular Hours ($434,649,264/14,468,095)] = $30.04 + ($30.04 *
1.0% (calendar year 2020 Cost of Living Increase)) = $30.34 + $11.15
(benefits rate) + $2.67 (travel and operating rate) + $22.39 (overhead
rate) + $0.00 (bad debt allowance rate) = $66.55, rounded up to $66.56,
so that it is divisible by 4.
Overtime Rate = The quotient of dividing the Office of Field
Operations (OFO) inspection program personnel's previous fiscal year's
regular direct pay by the previous fiscal year's regular hours, plus
that quotient multiplied by the calendar year's percentage of cost of
living increase, multiplied by 1.5 (for overtime), plus the benefits
rate, plus the travel and operating rate, plus the overhead rate, plus
the allowance for bad debt rate.
The calculation for the 2021 overtime rate per hour per program
employee is:
[FY 2020 OFO Regular Direct Pay divided by previous fiscal year's
Regular Hours ($434,649,264/14,468,065)] = $30.04 + ($30.04 * 1.0%
(calendar year 2021 Cost of Living Increase)) = $30.34 * 1.5 = $45.51 +
$11.15 (benefits rate) + $2.67 (travel and operating rate) + $22.39
(overhead rate) + $0.00(bad debt allowance rate) = $81.72, which is
divisible by 4.
Holiday Rate = The quotient of dividing the Office of Field
Operations (OFO) inspection program personnel's previous fiscal year's
regular direct pay by the previous fiscal year's regular hours, plus
that quotient multiplied by the calendar year's percentage of cost of
living increase, multiplied by 2 (for holiday pay), plus the benefits
rate, plus the travel and operating rate, plus the overhead rate, plus
the allowance for bad debt rate.
The calculation for the 2021 holiday rate per hour per program
employee calculation is:
[FY 2020 OFO Regular Direct Pay divided by Regular Hours
($434,649,264/14,468,095)] = $30.04 + ($30.04 * 1.0% (calendar year
2020 Cost of Living Increase)) = $30.34 * 2 = $60.68 + $11.15(benefits
rate) + $2.67 (travel and operating rate) + $22.39 (overhead rate) +
$0.00 (bad debt allowance rate) = $96.89, rounded down to 96.88, so
that it is divisible by 4.
Laboratory Services Rate = The quotient of dividing the Office of
Public Health Science (OPHS) previous fiscal year's regular direct pay
by the OPHS previous fiscal year's regular hours, plus the quotient
multiplied by the calendar year's percentage cost of living increase,
plus the benefits rate, plus the travel and operating rate, plus the
overhead rate, plus the allowance for bad debt rate.
The calculation for the 2021 laboratory services rate per hour per
program employee is:
[FY 2020 OPHS Regular Direct Pay/OPHS Regular hours ($24,151,169/
503,692)] = $47.95 + ($47.95 * 1.0% (calendar year 2020 Cost of Living
Increase)) = $48.43 + $11.15 (benefits rate) + $2.67 (travel and
operating rate) + $22.39 (overhead rate) + $0.00 (bad debt allowance
rate) = $84.64, which is already divisible by 4.
Calculations for the Benefits, Travel and Operating, Overhead, and
Allowance for Bad Debt Rates
These rates are components of the basetime, overtime, holiday, and
laboratory services rates formulas.
Benefits Rate: The quotient of dividing the previous fiscal year's
direct benefits costs by the previous fiscal year's total hours
(regular, overtime, and holiday), plus that quotient multiplied by the
calendar year's percentage cost of living increase. Some examples of
direct benefits are health insurance, retirement, life insurance, and
Thrift Savings Plan basic and matching contributions.
The calculation for the 2021 benefits rate per hour per program
employee is:
[FY 2020 Direct Benefits/(Total Regular hours + Total Overtime
hours + Total Holiday hours) ($197,034,144/17,848,090)] = $11.04 +
($11.04* 1.0% (calendar year 2020 Cost of Living Increase)) = $11.15.
Travel and Operating Rate: The quotient of dividing the previous
fiscal year's total direct travel and operating costs by the previous
fiscal year's total hours (regular, overtime, and holiday), plus that
quotient multiplied by the calendar year's percentage of inflation.
The calculation for the 2021 travel and operating rate per hour per
program employee is:
[FY 2020 Total Direct Travel and Operating Costs/(Total Regular
hours + Total Overtime hours + Total Holiday hours) ($46,500,647/
17,848,090)] = $2.61 + ($2.61 * 2.3% (2021 Inflation) = $2.67.
Overhead Rate: The quotient of dividing the previous fiscal year's
indirect costs plus the previous fiscal year's information technology
(IT) costs
[[Page 79994]]
in the Public Health Data Communication Infrastructure System Fund plus
the provision for the operating balance less any Greenbook costs (i.e.,
costs of USDA support services prorated to the service component for
which fees are charged) that are not related to food inspection by the
previous fiscal year's total hours (regular, overtime, and holiday)
worked across all funds, plus the quotient multiplied by the calendar
year's percentage of inflation.
The calculation for the 2021 overhead rate per hour per program
employee is:
[FY 2020 Total Overhead/(Total Regular hours + Total Overtime hours
+ Total Holiday hours) ($ 390,719,959/17,848,090)] = $21.89 + ($21.89 *
2.3% (2020 Inflation) = $22.39.
Allowance for Bad Debt Rate = Previous fiscal year's total
allowance for bad debt (for example, debt owed that is not paid in full
by plants and establishments that declare bankruptcy) divided by
previous fiscal year's total hours (regular, overtime, and holiday)
The 2021 calculation for bad debt rate per hour per program
employee is:
[FY 2020 Total Bad Debt/(Total Regular hours + Total Overtime hours
+ Total Holiday hours) = ($49,837/17,848,090)] = $0.00.
2021 Electronic Export Application Fee The 2021 Electronic Export
Application Fee:
Labor Cost ($560,901.60+ ($337,369))+ IT Cost ($1,414,285.60+$0)
= $4.01
As published in the 2016 final rule, the Electronic Export
Application Fee Formula is:
Labor Cost (Technical Support + Export Library Maintenance) + IT Cost
(Ongoing Operations and Maintenance + eAuthentication)
Number of Export Applications
The 2021 electronic export application fee remains unchanged since
2019. FSIS stated in the 2016 final rule (81 FR 42225) and the 2017
Federal Register notice (FR 82 42056) that it would update and
recalculate the fee based on the best available estimates for costs and
number of applications; however, the number of export applications (the
denominator in the formula) cannot be accurately assessed until a
majority of countries are included in the export component. Therefore,
because a majority of countries are not yet included in the PHIS Export
component, the cost estimates and projected export applications in the
final rule remain the best estimate for 2021, leaving the electronic
export application fee unchanged.
Additional Public Notification
FSIS will make copies of this Federal Register publication
available through the FSIS Constituent Update, which is used to provide
information regarding FSIS policies, procedures, regulations, Federal
Register notices, FSIS public meetings, and other types of information
that could affect or would be of interest to our constituents and
stakeholders. The Constituent Update is available on the FSIS web page.
Through the web page, FSIS can provide information to a much broader,
more diverse audience. In addition, FSIS offers an email subscription
service which provides automatic and customized access to selected food
safety news and information. This service is available at: https://www.fsis.usda.gov/subscribe. Options range from recalls to export
information, regulations, directives, and notices. Customers can add or
delete subscriptions themselves and have the option to password protect
their accounts.
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
No agency, officer, or employee of the USDA shall, on the grounds
of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual
orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status,
income derived from a public assistance program, or political beliefs,
exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject to
discrimination any person in the United States under any program or
activity conducted by the USDA.
How to File a Complaint of Discrimination
To file a complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program
Discrimination Complaint Form, which may be accessed online at https://www.ocio.usda.gov/sites/default/files/docs/2012/Complain_combined_6_8_12.pdf, or write a letter signed by you or your
authorized representative.
Send your completed complaint form or letter to USDA by mail, fax,
or email:
Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of
Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410,
Fax: (202) 690-7442.
Email: [email protected].
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for
communication (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.), should contact
USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD).
Done at Washington, DC.
Paul Kiecker,
[FR Doc. 2020-27347 Filed 12-10-20; 8:45 am]