Arms Sales Notification, 80069-80076 [2020-27295]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 239 / Friday, December 11, 2020 / Notices
assistance, engineering and logistics
support services, and other related
elements of logistics support.
(vi) Military Department: Navy (TW–
(v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None
(vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid,
Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: None
(vii) Sensitivity of Technology
Contained in the Defense Article or
Defense Services Proposed to be Sold:
See Attached Annex
(viii) Date Report Delivered to
Congress: October 21, 2020
*As defined in Section 47(6) of the
Arms Export Control Act.
Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the United
States (TECRO)—AGM–84H Standoff
Land Attack Missile-Expanded
Response (SLAM–ER) Missiles
TECRO has requested to buy one
hundred thirty-five (135) AGM–84H
Standoff Land Attack Missile Expanded
Response (SLAM–ER) Missiles; four (4)
ATM–84H SLAM–ER Telemetry
Missiles; and twelve (12) CATM–84H
Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM).
Also included are one hundred fifty-one
(151) containers, spare and repair parts,
support and test equipment,
publications and technical
documentation, personnel training and
training equipment, U.S. Government
and contractor representatives’ technical
assistance, engineering and logistics
support services, and other related
elements of logistics support. The total
estimated program cost is $1.008 billion.
This proposed sale is consistent with
U.S. law and policy as expressed in
Public Law 96–8.
This proposed sale serves U.S.
national, economic, and security
interests by supporting the recipient’s
continuing efforts to modernize its
armed forces and to maintain a credible
defensive capability. The proposed sale
will help improve the security of the
recipient and assist in maintaining
political stability, military balance,
economic and progress in the region.
This proposed sale will improve the
recipient’s capability to meet current
and future threats as it provides allweather, day and night, precision attack
capabilities against both moving and
stationary targets. The recipient will be
able to employ a highly reliable and
effective system to increase their
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warfighting effectiveness as needed,
which can counter or deter aggressions
by demonstrated precision against
surface targets. This capability will
easily integrate into existing force
infrastructure as it will only improve
defense against opposing threats. The
recipient will have no difficulty
absorbing these systems into its armed
The proposed sale of this equipment
and support will not alter the basic
military balance in the region.
The principal contractor will be the
Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO. There
are no known offset agreements
proposed in connection with this
potential sale.
Implementation of this proposed sale
will require the assignment of two (2)
U.S. contractor representatives to the
recipient for a duration of 8 years to
support technical reviews, support, and
There will be no adverse impact on
U.S. defense readiness as a result of this
proposed sale.
2. The highest level of classification of
defense articles, components, and
services included in this potential sale
3. If a technologically advanced
adversary were to obtain knowledge of
the hardware and software elements, the
information could be used to develop
countermeasures or equivalent systems,
which might reduce system
effectiveness or be used in the
development of a system with similar or
advanced capabilities.
4. A determination has been made
that the recipient can provide
substantially the same degree of
protection for the sensitive technology
being released as the U.S. Government.
This sale is necessary in furtherance of
the U.S. foreign policy and national
security objectives outlined in the
Policy Justification.
5. All defense articles and services
listed in this transmittal have been
authorized for release and export to the
[FR Doc. 2020–27298 Filed 12–10–20; 8:45 am]
Transmittal No. 20–69
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of
Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the
Arms Export Control Act
Office of the Secretary
Item No. vii
[Transmittal No. 20–67]
(vii) Sensitivity of Technology:
1. The AGM–84H Standoff Land
Attack Missile-Expanded Response
(SLAM–ER) is a non-nuclear tactical
weapon system currently in service in
the U.S. Navy and three other foreign
nations. SLAM–ER is a follow on to the
SLAM missile that is no longer in
production. It is a variant of the
Harpoon missile that uses an Imaging
Infrared (IIR) seeker, planar wings, and
a penetrating warhead. SLAM–ER is
effective against a wide range of landbased targets and has a secondary antiship mission capability. The following
components are being conveyed by the
proposed sale and are essential to the
ability of the SLAM–ER missile to
selectively engage hostile targets under
a wide range of operations, tactical and
environmental conditions.
• The Imaging Infrared Seeker,
• The GPS/INS System,
• Operational Flight Program
Software, and
• Missile operational characteristics
and performance data.
PO 00000
Frm 00080
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Arms Sales Notification
Defense Security Cooperation
Agency, Department of Defense.
ACTION: Arms sales notice.
The Department of Defense is
publishing the unclassified text of an
arms sales notification.
Karma Job at
or (703) 697–8976.
36(b)(1) arms sales notification is
published to fulfill the requirements of
section 155 of Public Law 104–164
dated July 21, 1996. The following is a
copy of a letter to the Speaker of the
House of Representatives, Transmittal
20–67 with attached Policy Justification
and Sensitivity of Technology.
Dated: December 8, 2020.
Kayyonne T. Marston,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 239 / Friday, December 11, 2020 / Notices
Transmittal No. 20–67
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of
Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the
Arms Export Control Act, as amended
(i) Prospective Purchaser: Government
of Finland
(ii) Total Estimated Value:
Major Defense Equipment * .......
Other ...........................................
$ 9.2 billion
$ 5.5 billion
Total .........................................
$14.7 billion
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(iii) Description and Quantity or
Quantities of Articles or Services under
Consideration for Purchase:
Major Defense Equipment (MDE):
Fifty (50) F/A-18E Super Hornet
Eight (8) F/A-18F Super Hornet
Fourteen (14) EA-18G Growler
One hundred sixty-six (166) F414-GE400 Engines (144 installed and 22
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Five hundred (500) GBU-53/B Small
Diameter Bomb II (SDB II) All-Up
Round (AUR)
Twelve (12) GBU-53/B SDB II Guided
Test Vehicles (GTV)
Twelve (12) GBU-53/B SDB II Captive
Carry Reliability Trainers
One hundred fifty (150) AIM-9X
Block II Sidewinder Tactical
Thirty-two (32) AIM-9X Block II
Sidewinder Captive Air Training
Missiles (CATMs)
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 239 / Friday, December 11, 2020 / Notices
Thirty (30) AIM-9X Block II
Sidewinder Tactical Guidance
Eight (8) AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder
CATM Guidance Units
One hundred sixty (160) AGM-154C1 Joint Stand Off Weapons (JSOW)
Two Hundred (200) AGM-158B-2B
Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff
Missile Extended Range All Up
Two (2) AGM-158B-2 JASSM
Separation Test Vehicles (STV)
Two (2) AGM-158B-2 JASSM
Instrumented Test Vehicles (ITV)
Two (2) AGM-158B-2 JASSM Jettison
Test Vehicles (JTV)
Two (2) AGM-158B-2 Inert Joint Airto-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)
with Telemetry Instrumental Kits
Two (2) AGM-158B-2 JASSM
Maintenance Training Missiles
One hundred twenty (120) BLU-117B/
B 2000LB GP Bombs
One hundred twenty (120) KMU556F/B Bomb Tail Kits (JDAM)
Three hundred (300) FMU-139D/B
Two (2) KMU-556(D-2)/B Trainers
Thirty (30) BLU-109C/B 2000LB
Thirty (30) KMU-557F/B Bomb Tail
Kits (JDAM)
Two (2) BLU-109(D-1)/B 2000LB
One hundred two (102) BLU-111B/B
500LB General Purpose Bombs
One hundred two (102) KMU-572F/B
JDAM Bomb Tail Kits
Six (6) MK-82-0,1 500LB, General
Purpose Bombs, Inert
Fifty-one (51) BLU-110B/B 1000LB
General Purpose Bombs
Fifty (50) KMU-559F/B Bomb Tail
Fifty-eight (58) M61A2 20MM Gun
Thirty-two (32) Advanced Targeting
Forward-Looking Infrared (ATFLIR)
Thirty-two (32) Sniper Targeting Pods
Fourteen (14) Advanced Electronic
Attack Kit for EA-18G
Sixty-five (65) AN/ALR-67(V)3
Electric Warfare Countermeasures
Receiving Sets
Sixty-five (65) AN/ALQ-214
Integrated Countermeasures
Seventy-four (74) Multifunctional
Information Distribution Systems –
Joint Tactical Radio Systems (MIDS
Eighty-nine (89) Joint Helmet
Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
Three hundred seventy-seven (377)
LAU-127E/A Guided Missile
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Seventy-four (74) AN/AYK-29
Distributed Targeting Processor –
Networked (DTP-N)
Twenty-five (25) Infrared Search and
Track (IRST) Systems
Eight (8) Next Generation Jammer
Mid-Band (NGJ-MB) Sets
Also included are AN/APG-79 Active
Electronically Scanned Array
(AESA) radars; High Speed Video
Network (HSVN) Digital Video
Recorder (HDVR); AN/AVS-9 Night
Vision Goggles (NVG); AN/AVS-11
Night Vision Cueing Devices
(NVCD); AN/ALE-47 Electronic
Warfare Countermeasures Systems;
AN/ARC-210 Communication
System; AN/APX-111 Combined
Interrogator Transponder; AN/ALE55 Towed Decoys; Launchers (LAU115D/A, LAU-116B/A, LAU118A);
AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening Targeting
Pod; Joint Mission Planning System
(JMPS); Accurate Navigation
(ANAV) Global Positioning System
(GPS) Navigation; Aircraft
Armament Equipment (AAE);
Aircraft Ferry transportation;
Foreign Liaison Officer (FLO)
Support; Auxiliary Fuel Tanks,
FMU-139D(D-2)/B fuzes; MK84–4
2000LB General Purpose Inert
Bombs, MK83 Bomb General
Purpose Inert Bombs; KMU-557C(D2)/B tail kits; KMU-572C(D-2)/B tail
kits; Detector Laser DSU-38A/B,
Detector Laser DSU-38A(D-2)/B,
KMU-559C(D-2)/B load trainer;
Wing Release Lanyard Assemblies;
AGM-154C-1 JSOW Captive Flight
Vehicles, Dummy Air Training
Missiles, AGM-154C-1 JSOW
mission planning, integration
support and testing, munitions
storage security and training,
weapon operational flight program
software development; weapons
containers; aircraft and munitions
support and test equipment;
communications equipment;
provisioning, spares and repair
parts; weapons repair and return
support; personnel training and
training equipment; weapon
systems software, publications and
technical documents; U.S.
Government and contractor
engineering, technical, and logistics
support services; and other related
elements of logistical and program
(iv) Military Department: Navy (FI-PSAC; FI-P-AAN; FI-P-AAO); Air Force
(v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None
(vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid,
Offered, or Agreed to be Paid: None
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
(vii) Sensitivity of Technology
Contained in the Defense Article or
Defense Services Proposed to be Sold:
See Attached Annex
(viii) Date Report Delivered to
Congress: October 9, 2020
* As defined in Section 47(6) of the
Arms Export Control Act.
Finland — F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
Aircraft and Weapons
The Government of Finland has
requested to buy fifty (50) F/A-18E
Super Hornet aircraft; eight (8) F/A-18F
Super Hornet aircraft; fourteen (14) EA18G Growler aircraft; one hundred sixtysix (166) F414-GE-400 engines (144
installed and 22 spares); five hundred
(500) GBU-53/B Small Diameter Bomb II
(SDB II) All-Up Round (AUR); twelve
(12) GBU-53/B SDB II Guided Test
Vehicles (GTV); twelve (12) GBU-53/B
SDB II Captive Carry Reliability
Trainers; one hundred fifty (150) AIM9X Block II Sidewinder Tactical
Missiles; thirty-two (32) AIM-9X Block
II Sidewinder Captive Air Training
Missiles (CATMs); thirty (30) AIM-9X
Block II Sidewinder Tactical Guidance
Units; eight (8) AIM-9X Block II
Sidewinder CATM Guidance Units; one
hundred sixty (160) AGM-154C-1 Joint
Stand Off Weapons (JSOW); two
hundred (200) AGM-158B-2B Joint Airto-Surface Standoff Missile Extended
Range All Up Rounds (JASSM ER AUR);
two (2) AGM-158B-2 JASSM Separation
Test Vehicles (STV); two (2) AGM-158B2 JASSM Instrumented Test Vehicles
(ITV); two (2) AGM-158B-2 JASSM
Jettison Test Vehicles (JTV); two (2)
AGM-158B-2 Inert Joint Air-to-Surface
Standoff Missile (JASSM) with
Telemetry Instrumental Kits; two (2)
AGM-158B-2 JASSM Maintenance
Training Missiles (DATM); one hundred
twenty (120) BLU-117B/B 2000LB GP
Bombs; one hundred twenty (120) KMU556F/B Bomb Tail Kits (JDAM); three
hundred (300) FMU-139D/B Fuzes; two
(2) KMU-556(D-2)/B Trainers (JDAM);
thirty (30) BLU-109C/B 2000LB Bombs;
thirty (30) KMU-557F/B Bomb Tail Kits
(JDAM); two (2) BLU-109(D-1)/B 2000LB
Bombs; one hundred two (102) BLU111B/B 500LB General Purpose Bombs;
one hundred two (102) KMU-572F/B
JDAM Bomb Tail Kits; six (6) MK-82–0,1
500LB, General Purpose Bombs, Inert;
fifty-one (51) BLU-110B/B 1000LB
General Purpose Bombs; fifty (50) KMU559F/B Bomb Tail Kits; fifty-eight (58)
M61A2 20MM Gun Systems; thirty-two
(32) Advanced Targeting ForwardLooking Infrared (ATFLIR); thirty-two
(32) Sniper Targeting Pods; fourteen (14)
Advanced Electronic Attack Kit for EA-
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 239 / Friday, December 11, 2020 / Notices
18G; sixty-five (65) AN/ALR-67(V)3
Electric Warfare Countermeasures
Receiving Sets; sixty-five (65) AN/ALQ214 Integrated Countermeasures
Systems; seventy-four (74)
Multifunctional Information
Distribution Systems – Joint Tactical
Radio Systems (MIDS JTRS); eighty-nine
(89) Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing
Systems (JHMCS); three hundred
seventy-seven (377) LAU-127E/A
Guided Missile Launchers; seventy-four
(74) AN/AYK-29 Distributed Targeting
Processor – Networked (DTP-N); twentyfive (25) Infrared Search and Track
(IRST) Systems; and eight (8) Next
Generation Jammer Mid-Band (NGJ-MB)
sets. Also included are AN/APG-79
Active Electronically Scanned Array
(AESA) radars; High Speed Video
Network (HSVN) Digital Video Recorder
(HDVR); AN/AVS-9 Night Vision
Goggles (NVG); AN/AVS-11 Night
Vision Cueing Devices (NVCD); AN/
ALE-47 Electronic Warfare
Countermeasures Systems; AN/ARC-210
Communication System; AN/APX-111
Combined Interrogator Transponder;
AN/ALE-55 Towed Decoys; Launchers
(LAU-115D/A, LAU-116B/A,
LAU118A); AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening
Targeting Pod; Joint Mission Planning
System (JMPS); Accurate Navigation
(ANAV) Global Positioning System
(GPS) Navigation; Aircraft Armament
Equipment (AAE); Aircraft Ferry
transportation; Foreign Liaison Officer
(FLO) Support; Auxiliary Fuel Tanks,
FMU-139D(D-2)/B fuzes; MK84–4
2000LB General Purpose Inert Bombs,
MK83 Bomb General Purpose Inert
Bombs; KMU-557C(D-2)/B tail kits;
KMU-572C(D-2)/B tail kits; Detector
Laser DSU-38A/B, Detector Laser DSU38A(D-2)/B, KMU-559C(D-2)/B load
trainer; Wing Release Lanyard
Assemblies; AGM-154C-1 JSOW Captive
Flight Vehicles, Dummy Air Training
Missiles, AGM-154C-1 JSOW mission
planning, integration support and
testing, munitions storage security and
training, weapon operational flight
program software development;
weapons containers; aircraft and
munitions support and test equipment;
communications equipment;
provisioning, spares and repair parts;
weapons repair and return support;
personnel training and training
equipment; weapon systems software,
publications and technical documents;
U.S. Government and contractor
engineering, technical, and logistics
support services; and other related
elements of logistical and program
support. The total estimated cost is
$14.7 billion.
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This proposed sale will support the
foreign policy and national security of
the United States by improving the
security of a trusted partner which is an
important force for political stability
and economic progress in Europe. It is
vital to the U.S. national interest to
assist Finland in developing and
maintaining a strong and ready selfdefense capability.
The proposed sale of F/A-18E/Fs and
EA-18Gs and associated weapons will
provide Finland with a credible defense
capability to deter aggression in the
region and ensure interoperability with
U.S. Forces. The proposed sale will
replace Finland’s retiring F/A-18C/Ds
and enhance its air-to-air and air-toground self-defense capability. Finland
will have no difficulty absorbing these
aircraft into its armed forces.
The proposed sale of this equipment
and support will not alter the basic
military balance in the region.
The principal contractors will be The
Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO;
Northrop Grumman, Los Angeles, CA;
Raytheon Company, El Segundo, CA;
Raytheon Missile Systems Company,
Tucson, AZ; General Electric, Lynn,
MA; and Lockheed Martin, Troy, AL.
This proposal is being offered in the
context of a competition. If the proposal
is accepted, it is expected that offset
agreements will be required. Any offset
agreement will be defined in
negotiations between the purchaser and
the contractor(s).
Implementation of this proposed sale
will require the assignment of six (6)
additional U.S. contractor
representatives to Finland on an
intermittent basis for a duration of the
life of the case to support delivery of the
F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18G
Growler aircraft and provide supply
support management, inventory control,
and equipment familiarization.
There will be no adverse impact on
U.S. defense readiness as a result of this
proposed sale.
Transmittal No. 20–67
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of
Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the
Arms Export Control Act
Item No. vii
(vii) Sensitivity of Technology:
1. The F/A-18E Super Hornet (single
seat) and F/A-18F Super Hornet and EA18G Growler (dual seat), twin engine,
multi-mission fighter/attack aircraft that
can operate from either aircraft carriers
or land bases. The F/A-18E/F Super
Hornet and EA-18G Growler fills a
variety of roles and provides air
superiority, fighter escort, suppression
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of enemy air defenses, reconnaissance,
forward air control, close and deep air
support, and day and night strike
a. The AN/APG-79 Active
Electronically Scanned Array (AESA)
Radar System provides the F/A-18E/F
Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler
aircraft with all-weather, multi-mission
capability for performing Air-to-Air and
Air-to-Ground targeting and attack. Airto-Air modes provide the capability for
all-aspect target detection, long-range
search and track, automatic target
acquisition, and tracking of multiple
targets. Air-to-Surface attack modes
provide high-resolution ground
mapping navigation, weapon delivery,
and sensor cueing.
b. The AN/ALR-67(V)3 Electric
Warfare Countermeasures Receiving Set
provides the F/A-18E/F aircrew with
radar threat warnings by detecting and
evaluating friendly and hostile radar
frequency threat emitters and providing
identification and status information
about the emitters to on-board
Electronic Warfare (EW) equipment and
the aircrew. The Operational Flight
Program (OFP) and User Data Files
(UDF) used in the AN/ALR-67(V)3
contain threat parametric data used to
identify and establish priority of
detected radar emitters.
c. The AN/ALE-47 Countermeasures
Dispensing System is a threat-adaptive
dispensing system that dispenses chaff,
flares, and expendable jammers for selfprotection against airborne and groundbased Radio Frequency (RF) and
Infrared threats. The Operational Flight
Program (OFP) and Mission Data Files
(MDF) used in the AN/ALE-47 contain
algorithms used to calculate the best
defense against specific threats.
d. The AN/ALQ-214 is an advanced
airborne Integrated Defensive Electronic
Countermeasures (IDECM)
programmable modular automated
system capable of intercepting,
identifying, processing received radar
signals (pulsed and continuous) and
applying an optimum countermeasures
technique in the direction of the radar
signal, thereby improving individual
aircraft probability of survival from a
variety of Surface-to-Air and Air-to-Air
Radio Frequency (RF) threats. The
system operates in a standalone or
Electronic Warfare (EW) suite mode. In
the EW suite mode, the AN/ALQ-214
operates in a fully coordinated mode
with the towed dispensable decoy,
Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), and the
onboard radar in the F/A-18E/F Super
Hornet in a coordinated, noninterference manner sharing information
for enhanced information. The AN/
ALQ-214 was designed to operate in a
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 239 / Friday, December 11, 2020 / Notices
high-density Electromagnetic Hostile
Environment with the ability to identify
and counter a wide variety of multiple
threats, including those with Doppler
e. The AN/APX-111 Combined
Interrogator/Transponder (CIT) with the
Conformal Antenna System (CAS) is a
complete MARK-XII identification
system compatible with Identification
Friend or Foe (IFF) Modes 1, 2, 3/A, C
and 4 (secure). A single slide-in module
that can be customized to the unique
cryptographic functions for a specific
country provides the systems secure
mode capabilities. As a transponder, the
CIT is capable or replying to
interrogation modes 1, 2, 3/A C
(altitude) and secure mode 4. The
requirement is to upgrade Finland’s
Combined Interrogator Transponder
(CIT) AN/APX-111 (V) IFF system
software to implement Mode Select
(Mode S) capabilities. Beginning in
early 2005 EUROCONTROL mandated
the civil community in Europe to
transition to a Mode S only system and
for all aircraft to be compliant by 2009.
The Mode S Beacon System is a
combined data link and Secondary
Surveillance Radar (SSR) system that
was standardized in 1985 by the
International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO). Mode S provides
air surveillance using a data link with
a permanent unique aircraft address.
Selective Interrogation provides higher
data integrity, reduced Radio Frequency
(RF) interference levels, increased air
traffic capacity, and adds air-to-ground
data link.
f. The Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing
System (JHMCS) is a modified HGU-55/
P helmet that incorporates a visorprojected Heads-Up Display (HUD) to
cue weapons and aircraft sensors to air
and ground targets. In close combat, a
pilot must currently align the aircraft to
shoot at a target. JHMCS allows the pilot
to simply look at a target to shoot. This
system projects visual targeting and
aircraft performance information on the
back of the helmet’s visor, enabling the
pilot to monitor this information
without interrupting his field of view
through the cockpit canopy, the system
uses a magnetic transmitter unit fixed to
the pilot’s seat and a magnetic field
probe mounted on the helmet to define
helmet pointing positioning. A Helmet
Vehicle Interface (HVI) interacts with
the aircraft system bus to provide signal
generation for the helmet display. This
provides significant improvement for
close combat targeting and engagement.
g. The Joint Mission Planning System
(JMPS) will provide mission planning
capability for support of military
aviation operations. It will also provide
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support for unit-level mission planning
for all phases of military flight
operations and have the capability to
provide necessary mission data for the
aircrew. JMPS will support the
downloading of data to electronics data
transfer devices for transfer to aircraft
and weapon systems. A JMPS for a
specific aircraft type will consist of
basic planning tools called the Joint
Mission Planning Environment (JMPE)
mated with a Unique Planning
Component (UPC) provided by the
aircraft program. In addition, UPCs will
be required for specific weapons,
communication devices, and moving
map displays. The JMPS will be tailored
to the specific releasable configuration
for the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA18G Growler.
h. The AN/AVS-9 Night Vision
Goggles (NVG) provide imagery
sufficient for an aviator to complete
night time missions down to starlight
and extreme low light conditions. The
AN/AVS-9 is designed to satisfy the F/
A-18E/F mission requirements for
covert night combat, engagement, and
support. The third generation light
amplification tubes provide a highperformance, image-intensification
system for optimized F/A-18E/F and
EA-18G night flying at terrain-masking
i. The AN/AVS-11 Night Vision
Goggles (NVG) is capable of high
resolution imaging. This capability
allows reduced visibility weapon
delivery. While the NVCD hardware is
UNCLASSIFIED, this item requires
Enhanced End Use Monitoring (EEUM).
j. The AN/ALE-55 Towed Decoy
improves aircraft survivability by
providing an enhanced, coordinated
onboard/off-board countermeasure
response to enemy threats.
k. The Multifunctional Informational
Distribution System (MIDS) Joint
Tactical Radio System (JTRS) a secure
data and voice communication network
using Link-16 architecture. The system
provides enhanced situational
awareness, positive identification of
participants within the network, secure
fighter-to-fighter connectivity, secure
voice capability, and ARN-118 TACAN
functionality. It provides three major
functions: Air Control, Wide Area
Surveillance, and Fighter-to-Fighter.
The MIDS JTRS can be used to transfer
data in Air-to-Air, Air-to-Surface, and
Air-to-Ground scenarios. The MIDS
Enhanced Interference Blanking Unit
(EIBU) provides validation and
verification of equipment and concept.
EIBU enhances input/output signal
capacity of the MIDS JTRS and
addresses parts obsolescence.
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l. LAU-127E/A Guided Missile
Launchers designed to enable F/A-18E/
F Super Hornet aircraft to carry and
launch missiles. It provides the
electrical and mechanical interface
between the missile and launch aircraft
as well as the two-way data transfer
between missile and cockpit controls
and displays to support preflight
orientation and control circuits to
prepare and launch the missile.
m. Accurate Navigation (ANAV)
Global Positioning System (GPS) also
includes Key Loading Installation and
Facility Charges. The ANAV is a 24channel SAASM based pulse-persecond GPS receiver built for next
generation GPS technology.
n. The AN/ARC-210 Radio’s Line-ofsight data transfer rates up to 80 kb/s in
a 25 kHz channel creating high-speed
communication of critical situational
awareness information for increased
mission effectiveness. Software that is
reprogrammable in the field via Memory
Loader/Verifier Software making
flexible use for multiple missions. The
AN/ARC-210 has embedded software
with programmable cryptography for
secure communications.
o. AN/PYQ-10(C) is the next
generation of the currently fielded AN/
CYZ-10 Data Transfer Device (DTD).
The AN/PYQ-10(C) provides automated,
secure and user-friendly methods for
managing and distributing
cryptographic key material, Signal
Operating Instructions (SOI), and
Electronic Protection data. This course
introduces some of the basic
components and activities associated
with the AN/PYQ-10(C) in addition to
hands-on training. Learners will become
familiar with the security features of the
SKL, practice the initial setup of the
SKL, and will receive and distribute
electronic keys using the SKL.
p. KIV-78 Dual Channel Encryptor
Mode 4/Mode 5 Identify Friend or Foe
(IFF) Crypto applique includes aircraft
installs and initial spares, to ensure
proper identification of aircraft during
coalition efforts. The KIV-78 provides
cryptographic and time-of-day services
for a Mark XIIA (Mode 4 and Mode 5)
IFF Combined Interrogator/Transponder
(CIT), individual interrogator, and
individual transponder.
q. Data Transfer Unit (DTU) with
CRYPTO Type 1 and Ground
Encryption Device (GED). The DTU
(MU-1164(C)/A) has an embedded DAR400EX and the GED (DI-12(C)/A) has an
embedded DAR-400ES. Both versions of
the DAR-400 are Type 1 devices.
r. High Speed Video Network (HSVN)
Digital Video Recorder (HDVR) with
CRYPTO Type 1 and Ground
Encryption Device (GED). The HDVR
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 239 / Friday, December 11, 2020 / Notices
has an embedded DAR-400EX and the
GED has an embedded DAR-400ES.
Both versions of the DAR-400 are Type
1 devices.
s. The Advanced Targeting Forward
Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) pod is a
multi-sensor, electro-optical targeting
pod incorporating infrared, low-light
television camera, laser range finder/
target designator, and laser spot tracker.
It is used to provide navigation and
targeting for military aircraft in adverse
weather and using precision-guided
weapons such as laser-guided bombs. It
offers much greater target resolution and
imagery accuracy than previous
t. The Infrared Search and Track
(IRST) is a long wave infrared targeting
pod in an external fuel tank outer mold
and carried on the centerline station.
The IRST has an upgraded infrared
receiver and processor to provide full
system capability.
u. The Distributed Targeting Processor
– Networked (DTP-N) will host the geolocation capability previously resident
in the DTS, providing increased
memory and speed, improving overall
functionality. DTP-N enabled georegistration and targeting enhancements,
when used in conjunction with the
advanced networking capabilities, will
provide near real-time dissemination of
actionable warfighting data thereby
reducing kill chain times.
v. The M61A2 20MM Gun is a
hydraulically, electrically or
pneumatically driven, six-barrel, aircooled, electrically fired Gatling-style
rotary cannon which fires 20MM rounds
at an extremely high rate. The M61 and
its derivatives have been the principal
cannon armament of United States
military fixed-wing aircraft.
w. The F414-GE-400 Engines is a
22,000-pound class afterburning
turbofan engine. The engine features an
axial compressor with 3 fan stages and
7 high-pressure compressor stages, and
1 high-pressure and 1 low-pressure
turbine stage. It incorporates advanced
technology with the proven design base
and features a Full Authority Digital
Engine Control (FADEC) system - to
provide the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
with a durable, reliable, and easy-tomaintain engine.
x. LAU-115D/A is a rail Launcher
designed to enable F/A-18E/F Super
Hornet aircraft to carry and launch
missiles. The launcher is suspended
from the bomb rack on wing stations.
The LAU-127 launchers may be
attached to the sides of the LAU-115 for
carriage missiles.
y. LAU-116B/A Guided Missile
Launchers designed to enable F/A-18E/
F Super Hornet aircraft to carry and
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launch missiles. Two launchers, one left
hand and one right hand, are installed
in the underside of the aircraft fuselage
at stations 4 and 6. The launchers are
recessed in cavities within the aircraft
fuselage, allowing the missiles to be
semi recessed for aerodynamic
purposes. Both versions of the LAU-116
are ejection launchers.
z. LAU-118A Guided Missile
Launchers designed to enable F/A-18E/
F Super Hornet aircraft to carry and
launch missiles. It provides the
electrical and mechanical interface
between the missile and launch aircraft,
as well as the two-way data transfer
between missile and cockpit controls
and displays to support preflight
orientation and control circuits to
prepare and launch the missile.
aa. The Advanced Electronic Attack
Kit for the EA-18G Growler consists of
the ALQ-218(V)2 Tactical Jamming
Receiver, ALQ-227(V)1 Communication
Countermeasure Set, CN-1717/A
Interference Cancellation System, CP2640/ALQ Electronic Attack Unit, R2674(C)/A Joint Tactical Terminal
Receiver (JTTR) and associated
hardware required for installation.
bb. Next Generation Jammer MidBand (NGJ-MB) Sets provides a midband jamming capability for the EA18G. On aircraft, two NGJ-MB pods,
referred to as a shipset, work in
conjunction with one another to provide
full-uninterrupted azimuth coverage.
NGJ-MB is designed to operate as a
symmetric loadout, with one each on
stations 3 and 9.
cc. The SNIPER Pod is a multi-sensor,
electro-optical targeting pod
incorporating infrared, low-light
television camera, laser rangefinder/
target designator, and laser spot tracker.
It is used to provide navigation and
targeting for military aircraft in adverse
weather and using precision-guided
weapons such as laser-guided bombs. It
offers much greater target resolution and
imagery accuracy than previous
dd. AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening Targeting
Pod is a multi-sensor, electro-optical
targeting pod incorporating infrared,
low-light television camera, laser
rangefinder/target designator, and laser
spot tracker. It significantly increases
the combat effectiveness of the aircraft
curing day night and other weather
conditions in the attack of air and
ground missions. The targeting pod
contains high resolution forward
looking infrared sensors that displays
and infrared image of the target to the
ee. Cartridge Actuated Devices (CADs)
are designed for the F/A-18E/F Super
Hornet as small explosive devices used
PO 00000
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to eject stores from launched devices,
actuate other explosive systems, or
provide initiation for aircrew escape
devices. Propellant Actuated Devices
(PADs) are a tool or specialized
mechanized device or gas generator
system that is activated by a propellant
or releases or directs work through a
propellant charge. Weapons release,
aircraft ejection, life support, and firesuppression systems are some facets
that rely heavily on CADs and PADs.
ff. Books and Other Publications
includes flight manuals, technical
manuals and support of technical data
and updates, release and distribution of
classified publications for the operation
and/or maintenance of the F/A-18E/F
aircraft or systems.
gg. Software provides for initial
design and development of the
Electronic Warfare Software suite which
encompasses AN/ALQ-214, AN/ALE-47,
ALE-55, ALR-67, as part of the System
Configuration Set (SCS) builds.
hh. Technical Data provides for the F/
A-18E/F post-production of classified
test reports and other related
ii. Training Aide and Devices
provides for upgraded classified lessons,
hardware and installation for the
Tactical Operational Flight Trainers
(TOFT), Low Cost Trainers (LCT),
Aircrew courseware and spares for
delivery and installation of Systems
Configuration Sets (SCS).
2. The AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder
Missile is a supersonic, short-range Airto-Air (A/A) guided missile which
employs a passive Infrared (IR) target
acquisition system, proportional
navigational guidance, and a closedloop position servo Fin Actuator Unit
(FAU). It represents a substantial
increase in missile acquisition and
kinematics performance over the AIM9M and replaces the AIM-9X Block I
Missile configuration. The missile
includes a high off-boresight seeker,
enhanced countermeasure rejection
capability, low drag/high angle of attack
airframe and the ability to integrate the
Helmet Mounted Cueing System. The
software algorithms are the most
sensitive portion of the AIM-9X missile.
The software continues to be modified
via a pre-planned product improvement
(P3I) program in order to improve its
counter-countermeasure capabilities. No
software source code or algorithms will
be released.
a. AIM-9X BLK II Captive Air
Training Missile (CATM) is a flight
certified inert mass simulator with a
functioning Guidance Unit (GU). The
CATM is the primary aircrew training
device providing all pre-launch
functions as well as realistic
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 239 / Friday, December 11, 2020 / Notices
aerodynamic performance that equate to
carrying a tactical missile. The CATM
provides pilot training in aerial target
acquisition and use of aircraft controls/
b. AIM-9X BLK II Tactical GU, WGU57/B, provides the missile tracking,
guidance, and control signals. The GU
provides counter-countermeasures,
improved reliability and maintainability
over earlier Sidewinder models.
Improvements include: (1) upgrade/
redesign to the Electronics Unit Circuit
Card Assemblies, (2) a redesigned center
section harnessing, and (3) a larger
capacity missile battery.
c. AIM-9X BLK II CATM GU, WGU57/B, is identical to the tactical GU
except the GU and Control Actuation
System (CAS) batteries are inert and the
software Captive. The software switch
tells the missile processor that it is
attached to a CATM and to ignore
missile launch commands. The switch
also signals software to not enter abort
mode because there is no FAU
connected to the GU.
d. AIM-9X BLK II Multi-Purpose
Training Missile (MPTM) is a ground
training device used to train ground
personnel in aircraft loading,
sectionalization, maintenance,
transportation, storage procedures, and
techniques. The missile replicates
external appearance and features of a
tactical AIM-9X-2 missile. The MPTM
will physically interface with loading
equipment, maintenance equipment,
launchers, and test equipment. The
missile is explosively and electrically
inert and is NOT flight certified.
e. AIM-9X BLK II Dummy Air
Training Missile (DATM) is used to
train ground personnel in missile
maintenance, loading, transportation,
and storage procedures. All components
are completely inert. The missile
contains no programmable electrical
components and is not approved for
f. AIM-9X BLK II Active Optical
Target Detector (AOTD) is newly
designed for Block II. The AOTD/Data
Link (AOTD/DL) uses the latest laser
technology allowing significant
increases in sensitivity, aerosol
performance, low altitude performance,
and Pk (Probability of Kill). The AOTD/
DL design includes a DL for 2-way
platform communication. The AOTD/
DL communicates with the GU over a
serial interface which allows the GU to
receive and transmit data so that a target
position and status communication with
a launching platform is possible during
missile flight.
3. The GBU-53/B Small Diameter
Bomb Increment II (SDB II) is a 250-lb
class precision-guided, semi-
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autonomous, conventional, air-toground munition used to defeat moving
targets through adverse weather from
standoff range. The SDB II has
deployable wings and fins and uses
GPS/INS guidance, network-enabled
datalink (Link-16 and UHF), and a
multi-mode seeker (millimeter wave
radar, imaging infrared, semi-active
laser) to autonomously search, acquire,
track, and defeat targets. The SDB II
employs a multi-effects warhead (Blast,
Fragmentation, and Shaped Charge) for
maximum lethality against armored and
soft targets. The SDB II weapon system
consists of the tactical all-up round
(AUR) weapon, a 4-place common
carriage system, and mission planning
system munitions application program
(MAP). The carriage system is the BRU61B/A. The BRU and the MAP are not
further described here. Two other
operable configurations, two
maintenance training configurations,
and two containers of the system are
described as follows:
a. SDB II Guided Test Vehicle (GTV)
is an SDB II configuration used for land
or sea range-based testing of the SDB II
weapon system. The GTV has common
flight characteristics of an SDB II AUR,
but in place of the multi-effects warhead
is a Flight Termination, Tracking, and
Telemetry (FTTT) subassembly that
mirrors the AUR multi-effects warhead’s
size and mass properties, but provides
safe flight termination, free flight
tracking and telemetry of encrypted data
from the GTV to the data receivers. The
SDB II GTV can have either inert or live
fuzes. All other flight control, guidance,
data-link, and seeker functions are
representative of the SDB II AUR.
b. SDB II Captive Carry Vehicles
(CCVs), formerly known as Captive
Carry Reliability Test (CCRT) vehicles
are an SDB II configuration primarily
used for reliability data collection
during carriage. The CCV has common
characteristics of an SDB II AUR but
with an inert warhead and fuze. The
CCV has an inert mass in place of the
warhead that mimics the warhead’s
mass properties. The CCV is a flight
capable representative of the SDB II
AUR but has not yet been approved for
release from any aircraft. Since all other
flight control, guidance, data-link, and
seeker functions are representative of
the SDB II AUR, with flight release
approval, this configuration could be
used for any purpose where an inert
round without telemetry or termination
capability would be useful.
c. The SDB II Weapon Load Crew
Trainer (WLCT) is a mass mockup of the
tactical AUR used for load crew and
maintenance training. It does not
PO 00000
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contain energetics, a live fuze, or any
classified or hazardous material. It is not
flight certified.
d. The SDB II Practical Explosive
Ordinance Disposal Trainer (PEST) is an
EOD training unit with sections and
internal subassemblies which are
identical to, or correlate to, the external
hardware, sections and internal
subassemblies of the tactical AUR. The
PEST does not contain energetics, a live
fuze, classified or hazardous material. It
is not flight certified.
e. The SDB II single round container,
nomenclature CNU-714/U, is airtight
sealable and contains a BIT harness
assembly that allows for BIT testing and
software reprogramming without the
need for removing the cover assembly.
The base assembly contains a humidity
indicator, a breather valve, and a
desiccant port/BIT access cover on the
aft side of the container. There are also
two forklift pockets located on the base
assembly. Internally, the CNU-714/U
contains separate upper and lower
cradle assemblies. The lower cradle
assembly is attached to the base
assembly on top of four wire rope shock
insulators, which provide shock
isolation during transport. The upper
cradle assembly provides an interface
with standard Air Force loading
equipment. The CNU-714/U lower
cradle assembly contains indexing
blocks that allow multiple lower cradle
assemblies to be placed on the ground,
side-by-side, for quick loading of a BRU61.
f. The SDB II dual round container,
nomenclature CNU-715/U, is airtight
sealable and contains two BIT harness
assemblies that allow for BIT testing and
software reprogramming without the
need for removing the cover assembly.
The base assembly contains a breather
valve and a desiccant port/BIT access
cover on the aft side of the container.
The dual container has two separate
lower cradle assemblies. Each lower
cradle assembly is attached to the base
assembly on top of four wire rope shock
insulators, which provide shock
isolation during transport. The lower
cradles of the CNU-715/U are not
detachable from the base assembly. The
cover assembly contains a humidity
indicator and four latch assemblies to
aid in the stacking of CNU-715/U
containers on top of each other. There
are also two sets of forklift pockets,
laterally and longitudinally, located on
the base assembly.
4. The AGM-158B Joint Air-to-Surface
Standoff Missile Extended Range
(JASSM ER) is an extended range lowobservable, highly survivable subsonic
cruise missile designed to penetrate
next generation air defense systems en-
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 239 / Friday, December 11, 2020 / Notices
route to target. It is designed to kill
hard, medium-hardened, soft and area
type targets. The extended range over
the baseline was obtained by going from
a turbo jet to a turbo-fan engine and by
reconfiguring the fuel tanks for added
capacity. Classification of the technical
data and information on the AGM-158’s
performance, capabilities, systems,
subsystems, operations, and
maintenance will range from
a. The AGM-158B Joint Air-to-Surface
Standoff Missile (JASSM) software-inthe-Loop (SIL) testing assets are
required for software development,
integration, and test in the lab
environment as well as ground mount
operations before STV or Live Fire
assets can be loaded on the aircraft to
execute Airworthiness, Flight Test, and
Live Fire events. These assets are for
testing in the contiguous United States
and will not be exported. Software
development will be to the extent
necessary to produce Engineering
Releases needed to conduct
airworthiness, integration and live fire
testing. Testing equipment is
b. The AGM-158B-2 JASSM
Separation Test Vehicle (STV) is
equipped with Intelligent Test
Instrumentation Kit (iTIK). These assets
will be used as part of the airworthiness
data collection process to ensure safe
separation of the munition from the
aircraft. These missiles will be handled
and stored in custom individual
containers. These two (2) missiles are
for testing in the contiguous United
States and will not be exported.
Software development will be to the
extent necessary to produce Engineering
Releases needed to conduct
airworthiness, integration and live fire
c. The AGM-158B-2 (JASSM)
Instrumented Test Vehicle (ITV) is
equipped with iTIK. This asset will be
utilized to capture flight data
information in a ‘‘Captive Carry‘‘
configuration. The information collected
will ensure the munition can be safely
carried and is required as part of the
airworthiness process prior to launch of
the STV, JTV, and the Live Fire asset.
These missiles will be handled and
stored in custom individual containers.
This missile is for testing in the
contiguous United States and will not
be exported. Software development will
be to the extent necessary to produce
Engineering Releases needed to conduct
airworthiness, integration and live fire
d. The AGM-158B-2 JASSM Jettison
Test Vehicle (JTV) is not equipped with
an iTIK. These assets will be used as
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part of the airworthiness data collection
process to ensure safe jettison of the
munition from the aircraft. These
missiles will be handled and stored in
custom individual containers. These
two (2) missiles are for testing in the
contiguous United States and will not
be exported. Software development will
be to the extent necessary to produce
Engineering Releases needed to conduct
airworthiness, integration and live fire
e. The AGM-158B-2 JASSM
Maintenance Training Missile (DATM)
is a missile for maintenance (Weapon
Load Crew) training with container.
5. The GBU-31 Joint Direct Attack
Munition (JDAM) is a 2,000-lb Internal
Navigation System/Global Positioning
System (INS/GPS) guided precision airto-ground munition. The GBU-31
consists of a KMU-556 warhead specific
tail kit, and MK-84 bomb body.
6. The GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack
Munition (JDAM) is a 500-lb Internal
Navigation System/Global Positioning
System (INS/GPS) guided precision airto-ground munition. The GBU-38
consists of a KMU-572 warhead specific
tail kit, and MK-82 bomb body.
7. The GBU-54 Laser Joint Direct
Attack Munition (LJDAM) is a 500-lb
JDAM which incorporates all the
capabilities of the JDAM guidance tail it
and adds a precision laser guidance set.
The LJDAM gives the weapon system an
optional semi-active laser guidance in
addition to the Internal Navigation
System/Global Positioning System (INS/
GPS) guidance. This provides the
optional capability to strike moving
targets. The GBU-54 consists of a laser
guidance set, KMU-572 warhead
specific tail kit, and MK-82 bomb body.
8. The AGM-154 JSOW is used by
Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force, and
allows aircraft to attack well-defended
targets in day, night, and adverse
weather conditions. The JSOW C and C1 utilize GPS/INS guidance and an
uncooled imaging infrared seeker for
terminal guidance, Autonomous
Acquisition, and provides a precision
targeting, 500-lb-class tandem warhead
that is the Navy’s primary standoff
weapon against hardened targets. The
JSOW C-1 added the Link-16 datalink
enabling a robust and flexible capability
against high-value stationary land
targets and moving maritime target
capability. JSOW C-1 can fly via two
dimensional and three dimensional
waypoints to the target, offering the
optimal path around Integrated Air
Defense Systems (IADS).
The JSOW incorporates components,
software, and technical design
information that are considered
sensitive. The following JSOW-C
PO 00000
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components being conveyed by the
proposed sale include the GPS/INS, IIR
seeker, INS OFP software and missile
operational characteristics and
performance data. These elements are
essential to the ability of the JSOW-C
missile to selectively engage hostile
targets under a wide range of
operational, tactical, and environmental
9. The highest level of classification of
defense articles, components, and
services included in this potential sale
10. If a technologically advanced
adversary were to obtain knowledge of
the specific hardware or software
elements, the information could be used
to develop countermeasures that might
reduce weapon system effectiveness or
be used in the development of a system
with similar or advanced capabilities.
11. A determination has been made
that Finland can provide substantially
the same degree of protection for the
sensitive technology being released as
the U.S. Government. This sale is
necessary in furtherance of the U.S.
foreign policy and national security
objectives outlined in the Policy
12. All defense articles and services
listed in this transmittal have been
authorized for release and export to
[FR Doc. 2020–27295 Filed 12–10–20; 8:45 am]
Department of the Navy
Notice of Virtual Public Meetings for
the Draft Supplemental Environmental
Impact Statement/Overseas
Environmental Impact Statement for
Gulf of Alaska Navy Training Activities
Department of the Navy,
Department of Defense.
ACTION: Notice of availability; notice of
public meeting.
Pursuant of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
1969, as implemented by the Council on
Environmental Quality, and Presidential
Executive Order 12114, the Department
of the Navy (DON) has prepared and
filed with the United States
Environmental Protection Agency a
draft supplement to the 2011 Gulf of
Alaska (GOA) Navy Training Activities
Final Environmental Impact Statement/
Overseas Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS/OEIS) (referred to as the
2011 GOA Final EIS/OEIS) and the 2016
GOA Navy Training Activities Final
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 239 (Friday, December 11, 2020)]
[Pages 80069-80076]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-27295]
Office of the Secretary
[Transmittal No. 20-67]
Arms Sales Notification
AGENCY: Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Department of Defense.
ACTION: Arms sales notice.
SUMMARY: The Department of Defense is publishing the unclassified text
of an arms sales notification.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Karma Job at [email protected]
or (703) 697-8976.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This 36(b)(1) arms sales notification is
published to fulfill the requirements of section 155 of Public Law 104-
164 dated July 21, 1996. The following is a copy of a letter to the
Speaker of the House of Representatives, Transmittal 20-67 with
attached Policy Justification and Sensitivity of Technology.
Dated: December 8, 2020.
Kayyonne T. Marston,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[[Page 80070]]
Transmittal No. 20-67
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section
36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
(i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of Finland
(ii) Total Estimated Value:
Major Defense Equipment *............... $ 9.2 billion
Other................................... $ 5.5 billion
Total................................. $14.7 billion
(iii) Description and Quantity or Quantities of Articles or
Services under Consideration for Purchase:
Major Defense Equipment (MDE):
Fifty (50) F/A-18E Super Hornet Aircraft
Eight (8) F/A-18F Super Hornet Aircraft
Fourteen (14) EA-18G Growler Aircraft
One hundred sixty-six (166) F414-GE-400 Engines (144 installed and
22 spares)
Five hundred (500) GBU-53/B Small Diameter Bomb II (SDB II) All-Up
Round (AUR)
Twelve (12) GBU-53/B SDB II Guided Test Vehicles (GTV)
Twelve (12) GBU-53/B SDB II Captive Carry Reliability Trainers
One hundred fifty (150) AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder Tactical
Thirty-two (32) AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder Captive Air Training
Missiles (CATMs)
[[Page 80071]]
Thirty (30) AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder Tactical Guidance Units
Eight (8) AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder CATM Guidance Units
One hundred sixty (160) AGM-154C-1 Joint Stand Off Weapons (JSOW)
Two Hundred (200) AGM-158B-2B Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile
Extended Range All Up Rounds (JASSM ER AUR)
Two (2) AGM-158B-2 JASSM Separation Test Vehicles (STV)
Two (2) AGM-158B-2 JASSM Instrumented Test Vehicles (ITV)
Two (2) AGM-158B-2 JASSM Jettison Test Vehicles (JTV)
Two (2) AGM-158B-2 Inert Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile
(JASSM) with Telemetry Instrumental Kits
Two (2) AGM-158B-2 JASSM Maintenance Training Missiles (DATM)
One hundred twenty (120) BLU-117B/B 2000LB GP Bombs
One hundred twenty (120) KMU-556F/B Bomb Tail Kits (JDAM)
Three hundred (300) FMU-139D/B Fuzes
Two (2) KMU-556(D-2)/B Trainers (JDAM)
Thirty (30) BLU-109C/B 2000LB Bombs
Thirty (30) KMU-557F/B Bomb Tail Kits (JDAM)
Two (2) BLU-109(D-1)/B 2000LB Bombs
One hundred two (102) BLU-111B/B 500LB General Purpose Bombs
One hundred two (102) KMU-572F/B JDAM Bomb Tail Kits
Six (6) MK-82-0,1 500LB, General Purpose Bombs, Inert
Fifty-one (51) BLU-110B/B 1000LB General Purpose Bombs
Fifty (50) KMU-559F/B Bomb Tail Kits
Fifty-eight (58) M61A2 20MM Gun Systems
Thirty-two (32) Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infrared
Thirty-two (32) Sniper Targeting Pods
Fourteen (14) Advanced Electronic Attack Kit for EA-18G
Sixty-five (65) AN/ALR-67(V)3 Electric Warfare Countermeasures
Receiving Sets
Sixty-five (65) AN/ALQ-214 Integrated Countermeasures Systems
Seventy-four (74) Multifunctional Information Distribution Systems
- Joint Tactical Radio Systems (MIDS JTRS)
Eighty-nine (89) Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
Three hundred seventy-seven (377) LAU-127E/A Guided Missile
Seventy-four (74) AN/AYK-29 Distributed Targeting Processor -
Networked (DTP-N)
Twenty-five (25) Infrared Search and Track (IRST) Systems
Eight (8) Next Generation Jammer Mid-Band (NGJ-MB) Sets
Also included are AN/APG-79 Active Electronically Scanned Array
(AESA) radars; High Speed Video Network (HSVN) Digital Video Recorder
(HDVR); AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVG); AN/AVS-11 Night Vision
Cueing Devices (NVCD); AN/ALE-47 Electronic Warfare Countermeasures
Systems; AN/ARC-210 Communication System; AN/APX-111 Combined
Interrogator Transponder; AN/ALE-55 Towed Decoys; Launchers (LAU-115D/
A, LAU-116B/A, LAU118A); AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening Targeting Pod; Joint
Mission Planning System (JMPS); Accurate Navigation (ANAV) Global
Positioning System (GPS) Navigation; Aircraft Armament Equipment (AAE);
Aircraft Ferry transportation; Foreign Liaison Officer (FLO) Support;
Auxiliary Fuel Tanks, FMU-139D(D-2)/B fuzes; MK84-4 2000LB General
Purpose Inert Bombs, MK83 Bomb General Purpose Inert Bombs; KMU-557C(D-
2)/B tail kits; KMU-572C(D-2)/B tail kits; Detector Laser DSU-38A/B,
Detector Laser DSU-38A(D-2)/B, KMU-559C(D-2)/B load trainer; Wing
Release Lanyard Assemblies; AGM-154C-1 JSOW Captive Flight Vehicles,
Dummy Air Training Missiles, AGM-154C-1 JSOW mission planning,
integration support and testing, munitions storage security and
training, weapon operational flight program software development;
weapons containers; aircraft and munitions support and test equipment;
communications equipment; provisioning, spares and repair parts;
weapons repair and return support; personnel training and training
equipment; weapon systems software, publications and technical
documents; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical, and
logistics support services; and other related elements of logistical
and program support.
(iv) Military Department: Navy (FI-P-SAC; FI-P-AAN; FI-P-AAO); Air
(v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None
(vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Offered, or Agreed to be
Paid: None
(vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained in the Defense Article or
Defense Services Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex
(viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: October 9, 2020
* As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms Export Control Act.
Finland -- F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Aircraft and Weapons
The Government of Finland has requested to buy fifty (50) F/A-18E
Super Hornet aircraft; eight (8) F/A-18F Super Hornet aircraft;
fourteen (14) EA-18G Growler aircraft; one hundred sixty-six (166)
F414-GE-400 engines (144 installed and 22 spares); five hundred (500)
GBU-53/B Small Diameter Bomb II (SDB II) All-Up Round (AUR); twelve
(12) GBU-53/B SDB II Guided Test Vehicles (GTV); twelve (12) GBU-53/B
SDB II Captive Carry Reliability Trainers; one hundred fifty (150) AIM-
9X Block II Sidewinder Tactical Missiles; thirty-two (32) AIM-9X Block
II Sidewinder Captive Air Training Missiles (CATMs); thirty (30) AIM-9X
Block II Sidewinder Tactical Guidance Units; eight (8) AIM-9X Block II
Sidewinder CATM Guidance Units; one hundred sixty (160) AGM-154C-1
Joint Stand Off Weapons (JSOW); two hundred (200) AGM-158B-2B Joint
Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile Extended Range All Up Rounds (JASSM ER
AUR); two (2) AGM-158B-2 JASSM Separation Test Vehicles (STV); two (2)
AGM-158B-2 JASSM Instrumented Test Vehicles (ITV); two (2) AGM-158B-2
JASSM Jettison Test Vehicles (JTV); two (2) AGM-158B-2 Inert Joint Air-
to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) with Telemetry Instrumental Kits;
two (2) AGM-158B-2 JASSM Maintenance Training Missiles (DATM); one
hundred twenty (120) BLU-117B/B 2000LB GP Bombs; one hundred twenty
(120) KMU-556F/B Bomb Tail Kits (JDAM); three hundred (300) FMU-139D/B
Fuzes; two (2) KMU-556(D-2)/B Trainers (JDAM); thirty (30) BLU-109C/B
2000LB Bombs; thirty (30) KMU-557F/B Bomb Tail Kits (JDAM); two (2)
BLU-109(D-1)/B 2000LB Bombs; one hundred two (102) BLU-111B/B 500LB
General Purpose Bombs; one hundred two (102) KMU-572F/B JDAM Bomb Tail
Kits; six (6) MK-82-0,1 500LB, General Purpose Bombs, Inert; fifty-one
(51) BLU-110B/B 1000LB General Purpose Bombs; fifty (50) KMU-559F/B
Bomb Tail Kits; fifty-eight (58) M61A2 20MM Gun Systems; thirty-two
(32) Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infrared (ATFLIR); thirty-two
(32) Sniper Targeting Pods; fourteen (14) Advanced Electronic Attack
Kit for EA-
[[Page 80072]]
18G; sixty-five (65) AN/ALR-67(V)3 Electric Warfare Countermeasures
Receiving Sets; sixty-five (65) AN/ALQ-214 Integrated Countermeasures
Systems; seventy-four (74) Multifunctional Information Distribution
Systems - Joint Tactical Radio Systems (MIDS JTRS); eighty-nine (89)
Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS); three hundred seventy-
seven (377) LAU-127E/A Guided Missile Launchers; seventy-four (74) AN/
AYK-29 Distributed Targeting Processor - Networked (DTP-N); twenty-five
(25) Infrared Search and Track (IRST) Systems; and eight (8) Next
Generation Jammer Mid-Band (NGJ-MB) sets. Also included are AN/APG-79
Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radars; High Speed Video
Network (HSVN) Digital Video Recorder (HDVR); AN/AVS-9 Night Vision
Goggles (NVG); AN/AVS-11 Night Vision Cueing Devices (NVCD); AN/ALE-47
Electronic Warfare Countermeasures Systems; AN/ARC-210 Communication
System; AN/APX-111 Combined Interrogator Transponder; AN/ALE-55 Towed
Decoys; Launchers (LAU-115D/A, LAU-116B/A, LAU118A); AN/AAQ-28(V)
Litening Targeting Pod; Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS); Accurate
Navigation (ANAV) Global Positioning System (GPS) Navigation; Aircraft
Armament Equipment (AAE); Aircraft Ferry transportation; Foreign
Liaison Officer (FLO) Support; Auxiliary Fuel Tanks, FMU-139D(D-2)/B
fuzes; MK84-4 2000LB General Purpose Inert Bombs, MK83 Bomb General
Purpose Inert Bombs; KMU-557C(D-2)/B tail kits; KMU-572C(D-2)/B tail
kits; Detector Laser DSU-38A/B, Detector Laser DSU-38A(D-2)/B, KMU-
559C(D-2)/B load trainer; Wing Release Lanyard Assemblies; AGM-154C-1
JSOW Captive Flight Vehicles, Dummy Air Training Missiles, AGM-154C-1
JSOW mission planning, integration support and testing, munitions
storage security and training, weapon operational flight program
software development; weapons containers; aircraft and munitions
support and test equipment; communications equipment; provisioning,
spares and repair parts; weapons repair and return support; personnel
training and training equipment; weapon systems software, publications
and technical documents; U.S. Government and contractor engineering,
technical, and logistics support services; and other related elements
of logistical and program support. The total estimated cost is $14.7
This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national
security of the United States by improving the security of a trusted
partner which is an important force for political stability and
economic progress in Europe. It is vital to the U.S. national interest
to assist Finland in developing and maintaining a strong and ready
self-defense capability.
The proposed sale of F/A-18E/Fs and EA-18Gs and associated weapons
will provide Finland with a credible defense capability to deter
aggression in the region and ensure interoperability with U.S. Forces.
The proposed sale will replace Finland's retiring F/A-18C/Ds and
enhance its air-to-air and air-to-ground self-defense capability.
Finland will have no difficulty absorbing these aircraft into its armed
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the
basic military balance in the region.
The principal contractors will be The Boeing Company, St. Louis,
MO; Northrop Grumman, Los Angeles, CA; Raytheon Company, El Segundo,
CA; Raytheon Missile Systems Company, Tucson, AZ; General Electric,
Lynn, MA; and Lockheed Martin, Troy, AL. This proposal is being offered
in the context of a competition. If the proposal is accepted, it is
expected that offset agreements will be required. Any offset agreement
will be defined in negotiations between the purchaser and the
Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of
six (6) additional U.S. contractor representatives to Finland on an
intermittent basis for a duration of the life of the case to support
delivery of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler aircraft and
provide supply support management, inventory control, and equipment
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a
result of this proposed sale.
Transmittal No. 20-67
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section
36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act
Item No. vii
(vii) Sensitivity of Technology:
1. The F/A-18E Super Hornet (single seat) and F/A-18F Super Hornet
and EA-18G Growler (dual seat), twin engine, multi-mission fighter/
attack aircraft that can operate from either aircraft carriers or land
bases. The F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler fills a variety of
roles and provides air superiority, fighter escort, suppression of
enemy air defenses, reconnaissance, forward air control, close and deep
air support, and day and night strike missions.
a. The AN/APG-79 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar
System provides the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler aircraft
with all-weather, multi-mission capability for performing Air-to-Air
and Air-to-Ground targeting and attack. Air-to-Air modes provide the
capability for all-aspect target detection, long-range search and
track, automatic target acquisition, and tracking of multiple targets.
Air-to-Surface attack modes provide high-resolution ground mapping
navigation, weapon delivery, and sensor cueing.
b. The AN/ALR-67(V)3 Electric Warfare Countermeasures Receiving Set
provides the F/A-18E/F aircrew with radar threat warnings by detecting
and evaluating friendly and hostile radar frequency threat emitters and
providing identification and status information about the emitters to
on-board Electronic Warfare (EW) equipment and the aircrew. The
Operational Flight Program (OFP) and User Data Files (UDF) used in the
AN/ALR-67(V)3 contain threat parametric data used to identify and
establish priority of detected radar emitters.
c. The AN/ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispensing System is a threat-
adaptive dispensing system that dispenses chaff, flares, and expendable
jammers for self-protection against airborne and ground-based Radio
Frequency (RF) and Infrared threats. The Operational Flight Program
(OFP) and Mission Data Files (MDF) used in the AN/ALE-47 contain
algorithms used to calculate the best defense against specific threats.
d. The AN/ALQ-214 is an advanced airborne Integrated Defensive
Electronic Countermeasures (IDECM) programmable modular automated
system capable of intercepting, identifying, processing received radar
signals (pulsed and continuous) and applying an optimum countermeasures
technique in the direction of the radar signal, thereby improving
individual aircraft probability of survival from a variety of Surface-
to-Air and Air-to-Air Radio Frequency (RF) threats. The system operates
in a standalone or Electronic Warfare (EW) suite mode. In the EW suite
mode, the AN/ALQ-214 operates in a fully coordinated mode with the
towed dispensable decoy, Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), and the onboard
radar in the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet in a coordinated, non-interference
manner sharing information for enhanced information. The AN/ALQ-214 was
designed to operate in a
[[Page 80073]]
high-density Electromagnetic Hostile Environment with the ability to
identify and counter a wide variety of multiple threats, including
those with Doppler characteristics.
e. The AN/APX-111 Combined Interrogator/Transponder (CIT) with the
Conformal Antenna System (CAS) is a complete MARK-XII identification
system compatible with Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Modes 1, 2,
3/A, C and 4 (secure). A single slide-in module that can be customized
to the unique cryptographic functions for a specific country provides
the systems secure mode capabilities. As a transponder, the CIT is
capable or replying to interrogation modes 1, 2, 3/A C (altitude) and
secure mode 4. The requirement is to upgrade Finland's Combined
Interrogator Transponder (CIT) AN/APX-111 (V) IFF system software to
implement Mode Select (Mode S) capabilities. Beginning in early 2005
EUROCONTROL mandated the civil community in Europe to transition to a
Mode S only system and for all aircraft to be compliant by 2009. The
Mode S Beacon System is a combined data link and Secondary Surveillance
Radar (SSR) system that was standardized in 1985 by the International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Mode S provides air surveillance
using a data link with a permanent unique aircraft address. Selective
Interrogation provides higher data integrity, reduced Radio Frequency
(RF) interference levels, increased air traffic capacity, and adds air-
to-ground data link.
f. The Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) is a modified
HGU-55/P helmet that incorporates a visor-projected Heads-Up Display
(HUD) to cue weapons and aircraft sensors to air and ground targets. In
close combat, a pilot must currently align the aircraft to shoot at a
target. JHMCS allows the pilot to simply look at a target to shoot.
This system projects visual targeting and aircraft performance
information on the back of the helmet's visor, enabling the pilot to
monitor this information without interrupting his field of view through
the cockpit canopy, the system uses a magnetic transmitter unit fixed
to the pilot's seat and a magnetic field probe mounted on the helmet to
define helmet pointing positioning. A Helmet Vehicle Interface (HVI)
interacts with the aircraft system bus to provide signal generation for
the helmet display. This provides significant improvement for close
combat targeting and engagement.
g. The Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS) will provide mission
planning capability for support of military aviation operations. It
will also provide support for unit-level mission planning for all
phases of military flight operations and have the capability to provide
necessary mission data for the aircrew. JMPS will support the
downloading of data to electronics data transfer devices for transfer
to aircraft and weapon systems. A JMPS for a specific aircraft type
will consist of basic planning tools called the Joint Mission Planning
Environment (JMPE) mated with a Unique Planning Component (UPC)
provided by the aircraft program. In addition, UPCs will be required
for specific weapons, communication devices, and moving map displays.
The JMPS will be tailored to the specific releasable configuration for
the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler.
h. The AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVG) provide imagery
sufficient for an aviator to complete night time missions down to
starlight and extreme low light conditions. The AN/AVS-9 is designed to
satisfy the F/A-18E/F mission requirements for covert night combat,
engagement, and support. The third generation light amplification tubes
provide a high-performance, image-intensification system for optimized
F/A-18E/F and EA-18G night flying at terrain-masking altitudes.
i. The AN/AVS-11 Night Vision Goggles (NVG) is capable of high
resolution imaging. This capability allows reduced visibility weapon
delivery. While the NVCD hardware is UNCLASSIFIED, this item requires
Enhanced End Use Monitoring (EEUM).
j. The AN/ALE-55 Towed Decoy improves aircraft survivability by
providing an enhanced, coordinated onboard/off-board countermeasure
response to enemy threats.
k. The Multifunctional Informational Distribution System (MIDS)
Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) a secure data and voice
communication network using Link-16 architecture. The system provides
enhanced situational awareness, positive identification of participants
within the network, secure fighter-to-fighter connectivity, secure
voice capability, and ARN-118 TACAN functionality. It provides three
major functions: Air Control, Wide Area Surveillance, and Fighter-to-
Fighter. The MIDS JTRS can be used to transfer data in Air-to-Air, Air-
to-Surface, and Air-to-Ground scenarios. The MIDS Enhanced Interference
Blanking Unit (EIBU) provides validation and verification of equipment
and concept. EIBU enhances input/output signal capacity of the MIDS
JTRS and addresses parts obsolescence.
l. LAU-127E/A Guided Missile Launchers designed to enable F/A-18E/F
Super Hornet aircraft to carry and launch missiles. It provides the
electrical and mechanical interface between the missile and launch
aircraft as well as the two-way data transfer between missile and
cockpit controls and displays to support preflight orientation and
control circuits to prepare and launch the missile.
m. Accurate Navigation (ANAV) Global Positioning System (GPS) also
includes Key Loading Installation and Facility Charges. The ANAV is a
24-channel SAASM based pulse-per-second GPS receiver built for next
generation GPS technology.
n. The AN/ARC-210 Radio's Line-of-sight data transfer rates up to
80 kb/s in a 25 kHz channel creating high-speed communication of
critical situational awareness information for increased mission
effectiveness. Software that is reprogrammable in the field via Memory
Loader/Verifier Software making flexible use for multiple missions. The
AN/ARC-210 has embedded software with programmable cryptography for
secure communications.
o. AN/PYQ-10(C) is the next generation of the currently fielded AN/
CYZ-10 Data Transfer Device (DTD). The AN/PYQ-10(C) provides automated,
secure and user-friendly methods for managing and distributing
cryptographic key material, Signal Operating Instructions (SOI), and
Electronic Protection data. This course introduces some of the basic
components and activities associated with the AN/PYQ-10(C) in addition
to hands-on training. Learners will become familiar with the security
features of the SKL, practice the initial setup of the SKL, and will
receive and distribute electronic keys using the SKL.
p. KIV-78 Dual Channel Encryptor Mode 4/Mode 5 Identify Friend or
Foe (IFF) Crypto applique includes aircraft installs and initial
spares, to ensure proper identification of aircraft during coalition
efforts. The KIV-78 provides cryptographic and time-of-day services for
a Mark XIIA (Mode 4 and Mode 5) IFF Combined Interrogator/Transponder
(CIT), individual interrogator, and individual transponder.
q. Data Transfer Unit (DTU) with CRYPTO Type 1 and Ground
Encryption Device (GED). The DTU (MU-1164(C)/A) has an embedded DAR-
400EX and the GED (DI-12(C)/A) has an embedded DAR-400ES. Both versions
of the DAR-400 are Type 1 devices.
r. High Speed Video Network (HSVN) Digital Video Recorder (HDVR)
with CRYPTO Type 1 and Ground Encryption Device (GED). The HDVR
[[Page 80074]]
has an embedded DAR-400EX and the GED has an embedded DAR-400ES. Both
versions of the DAR-400 are Type 1 devices.
s. The Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) pod is
a multi-sensor, electro-optical targeting pod incorporating infrared,
low-light television camera, laser range finder/target designator, and
laser spot tracker. It is used to provide navigation and targeting for
military aircraft in adverse weather and using precision-guided weapons
such as laser-guided bombs. It offers much greater target resolution
and imagery accuracy than previous systems.
t. The Infrared Search and Track (IRST) is a long wave infrared
targeting pod in an external fuel tank outer mold and carried on the
centerline station. The IRST has an upgraded infrared receiver and
processor to provide full system capability.
u. The Distributed Targeting Processor - Networked (DTP-N) will
host the geo-location capability previously resident in the DTS,
providing increased memory and speed, improving overall functionality.
DTP-N enabled geo-registration and targeting enhancements, when used in
conjunction with the advanced networking capabilities, will provide
near real-time dissemination of actionable warfighting data thereby
reducing kill chain times.
v. The M61A2 20MM Gun is a hydraulically, electrically or
pneumatically driven, six-barrel, air-cooled, electrically fired
Gatling-style rotary cannon which fires 20MM rounds at an extremely
high rate. The M61 and its derivatives have been the principal cannon
armament of United States military fixed-wing aircraft.
w. The F414-GE-400 Engines is a 22,000-pound class afterburning
turbofan engine. The engine features an axial compressor with 3 fan
stages and 7 high-pressure compressor stages, and 1 high-pressure and 1
low-pressure turbine stage. It incorporates advanced technology with
the proven design base and features a Full Authority Digital Engine
Control (FADEC) system - to provide the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet with a
durable, reliable, and easy-to-maintain engine.
x. LAU-115D/A is a rail Launcher designed to enable F/A-18E/F Super
Hornet aircraft to carry and launch missiles. The launcher is suspended
from the bomb rack on wing stations. The LAU-127 launchers may be
attached to the sides of the LAU-115 for carriage missiles.
y. LAU-116B/A Guided Missile Launchers designed to enable F/A-18E/F
Super Hornet aircraft to carry and launch missiles. Two launchers, one
left hand and one right hand, are installed in the underside of the
aircraft fuselage at stations 4 and 6. The launchers are recessed in
cavities within the aircraft fuselage, allowing the missiles to be semi
recessed for aerodynamic purposes. Both versions of the LAU-116 are
ejection launchers.
z. LAU-118A Guided Missile Launchers designed to enable F/A-18E/F
Super Hornet aircraft to carry and launch missiles. It provides the
electrical and mechanical interface between the missile and launch
aircraft, as well as the two-way data transfer between missile and
cockpit controls and displays to support preflight orientation and
control circuits to prepare and launch the missile.
aa. The Advanced Electronic Attack Kit for the EA-18G Growler
consists of the ALQ-218(V)2 Tactical Jamming Receiver, ALQ-227(V)1
Communication Countermeasure Set, CN-1717/A Interference Cancellation
System, CP-2640/ALQ Electronic Attack Unit, R-2674(C)/A Joint Tactical
Terminal Receiver (JTTR) and associated hardware required for
bb. Next Generation Jammer Mid-Band (NGJ-MB) Sets provides a mid-
band jamming capability for the EA-18G. On aircraft, two NGJ-MB pods,
referred to as a shipset, work in conjunction with one another to
provide full-uninterrupted azimuth coverage. NGJ-MB is designed to
operate as a symmetric loadout, with one each on stations 3 and 9.
cc. The SNIPER Pod is a multi-sensor, electro-optical targeting pod
incorporating infrared, low-light television camera, laser rangefinder/
target designator, and laser spot tracker. It is used to provide
navigation and targeting for military aircraft in adverse weather and
using precision-guided weapons such as laser-guided bombs. It offers
much greater target resolution and imagery accuracy than previous
dd. AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening Targeting Pod is a multi-sensor, electro-
optical targeting pod incorporating infrared, low-light television
camera, laser rangefinder/target designator, and laser spot tracker. It
significantly increases the combat effectiveness of the aircraft curing
day night and other weather conditions in the attack of air and ground
missions. The targeting pod contains high resolution forward looking
infrared sensors that displays and infrared image of the target to the
ee. Cartridge Actuated Devices (CADs) are designed for the F/A-18E/
F Super Hornet as small explosive devices used to eject stores from
launched devices, actuate other explosive systems, or provide
initiation for aircrew escape devices. Propellant Actuated Devices
(PADs) are a tool or specialized mechanized device or gas generator
system that is activated by a propellant or releases or directs work
through a propellant charge. Weapons release, aircraft ejection, life
support, and fire-suppression systems are some facets that rely heavily
on CADs and PADs.
ff. Books and Other Publications includes flight manuals, technical
manuals and support of technical data and updates, release and
distribution of classified publications for the operation and/or
maintenance of the F/A-18E/F aircraft or systems.
gg. Software provides for initial design and development of the
Electronic Warfare Software suite which encompasses AN/ALQ-214, AN/ALE-
47, ALE-55, ALR-67, as part of the System Configuration Set (SCS)
hh. Technical Data provides for the F/A-18E/F post-production of
classified test reports and other related documentation.
ii. Training Aide and Devices provides for upgraded classified
lessons, hardware and installation for the Tactical Operational Flight
Trainers (TOFT), Low Cost Trainers (LCT), Aircrew courseware and spares
for delivery and installation of Systems Configuration Sets (SCS).
2. The AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder Missile is a supersonic, short-
range Air-to-Air (A/A) guided missile which employs a passive Infrared
(IR) target acquisition system, proportional navigational guidance, and
a closed-loop position servo Fin Actuator Unit (FAU). It represents a
substantial increase in missile acquisition and kinematics performance
over the AIM-9M and replaces the AIM-9X Block I Missile configuration.
The missile includes a high off-boresight seeker, enhanced
countermeasure rejection capability, low drag/high angle of attack
airframe and the ability to integrate the Helmet Mounted Cueing System.
The software algorithms are the most sensitive portion of the AIM-9X
missile. The software continues to be modified via a pre-planned
product improvement (P3I) program in order to improve its counter-
countermeasure capabilities. No software source code or algorithms will
be released.
a. AIM-9X BLK II Captive Air Training Missile (CATM) is a flight
certified inert mass simulator with a functioning Guidance Unit (GU).
The CATM is the primary aircrew training device providing all pre-
launch functions as well as realistic
[[Page 80075]]
aerodynamic performance that equate to carrying a tactical missile. The
CATM provides pilot training in aerial target acquisition and use of
aircraft controls/displays.
b. AIM-9X BLK II Tactical GU, WGU-57/B, provides the missile
tracking, guidance, and control signals. The GU provides counter-
countermeasures, improved reliability and maintainability over earlier
Sidewinder models. Improvements include: (1) upgrade/redesign to the
Electronics Unit Circuit Card Assemblies, (2) a redesigned center
section harnessing, and (3) a larger capacity missile battery.
c. AIM-9X BLK II CATM GU, WGU-57/B, is identical to the tactical GU
except the GU and Control Actuation System (CAS) batteries are inert
and the software Captive. The software switch tells the missile
processor that it is attached to a CATM and to ignore missile launch
commands. The switch also signals software to not enter abort mode
because there is no FAU connected to the GU.
d. AIM-9X BLK II Multi-Purpose Training Missile (MPTM) is a ground
training device used to train ground personnel in aircraft loading,
sectionalization, maintenance, transportation, storage procedures, and
techniques. The missile replicates external appearance and features of
a tactical AIM-9X-2 missile. The MPTM will physically interface with
loading equipment, maintenance equipment, launchers, and test
equipment. The missile is explosively and electrically inert and is NOT
flight certified.
e. AIM-9X BLK II Dummy Air Training Missile (DATM) is used to train
ground personnel in missile maintenance, loading, transportation, and
storage procedures. All components are completely inert. The missile
contains no programmable electrical components and is not approved for
f. AIM-9X BLK II Active Optical Target Detector (AOTD) is newly
designed for Block II. The AOTD/Data Link (AOTD/DL) uses the latest
laser technology allowing significant increases in sensitivity, aerosol
performance, low altitude performance, and Pk (Probability of Kill).
The AOTD/DL design includes a DL for 2-way platform communication. The
AOTD/DL communicates with the GU over a serial interface which allows
the GU to receive and transmit data so that a target position and
status communication with a launching platform is possible during
missile flight.
3. The GBU-53/B Small Diameter Bomb Increment II (SDB II) is a 250-
lb class precision-guided, semi-autonomous, conventional, air-to-ground
munition used to defeat moving targets through adverse weather from
standoff range. The SDB II has deployable wings and fins and uses GPS/
INS guidance, network-enabled datalink (Link-16 and UHF), and a multi-
mode seeker (millimeter wave radar, imaging infrared, semi-active
laser) to autonomously search, acquire, track, and defeat targets. The
SDB II employs a multi-effects warhead (Blast, Fragmentation, and
Shaped Charge) for maximum lethality against armored and soft targets.
The SDB II weapon system consists of the tactical all-up round (AUR)
weapon, a 4-place common carriage system, and mission planning system
munitions application program (MAP). The carriage system is the BRU-
61B/A. The BRU and the MAP are not further described here. Two other
operable configurations, two maintenance training configurations, and
two containers of the system are described as follows:
a. SDB II Guided Test Vehicle (GTV) is an SDB II configuration used
for land or sea range-based testing of the SDB II weapon system. The
GTV has common flight characteristics of an SDB II AUR, but in place of
the multi-effects warhead is a Flight Termination, Tracking, and
Telemetry (FTTT) subassembly that mirrors the AUR multi-effects
warhead's size and mass properties, but provides safe flight
termination, free flight tracking and telemetry of encrypted data from
the GTV to the data receivers. The SDB II GTV can have either inert or
live fuzes. All other flight control, guidance, data-link, and seeker
functions are representative of the SDB II AUR.
b. SDB II Captive Carry Vehicles (CCVs), formerly known as Captive
Carry Reliability Test (CCRT) vehicles are an SDB II configuration
primarily used for reliability data collection during carriage. The CCV
has common characteristics of an SDB II AUR but with an inert warhead
and fuze. The CCV has an inert mass in place of the warhead that mimics
the warhead's mass properties. The CCV is a flight capable
representative of the SDB II AUR but has not yet been approved for
release from any aircraft. Since all other flight control, guidance,
data-link, and seeker functions are representative of the SDB II AUR,
with flight release approval, this configuration could be used for any
purpose where an inert round without telemetry or termination
capability would be useful.
c. The SDB II Weapon Load Crew Trainer (WLCT) is a mass mockup of
the tactical AUR used for load crew and maintenance training. It does
not contain energetics, a live fuze, or any classified or hazardous
material. It is not flight certified.
d. The SDB II Practical Explosive Ordinance Disposal Trainer (PEST)
is an EOD training unit with sections and internal subassemblies which
are identical to, or correlate to, the external hardware, sections and
internal subassemblies of the tactical AUR. The PEST does not contain
energetics, a live fuze, classified or hazardous material. It is not
flight certified.
e. The SDB II single round container, nomenclature CNU-714/U, is
airtight sealable and contains a BIT harness assembly that allows for
BIT testing and software reprogramming without the need for removing
the cover assembly. The base assembly contains a humidity indicator, a
breather valve, and a desiccant port/BIT access cover on the aft side
of the container. There are also two forklift pockets located on the
base assembly. Internally, the CNU-714/U contains separate upper and
lower cradle assemblies. The lower cradle assembly is attached to the
base assembly on top of four wire rope shock insulators, which provide
shock isolation during transport. The upper cradle assembly provides an
interface with standard Air Force loading equipment. The CNU-714/U
lower cradle assembly contains indexing blocks that allow multiple
lower cradle assemblies to be placed on the ground, side-by-side, for
quick loading of a BRU-61.
f. The SDB II dual round container, nomenclature CNU-715/U, is
airtight sealable and contains two BIT harness assemblies that allow
for BIT testing and software reprogramming without the need for
removing the cover assembly. The base assembly contains a breather
valve and a desiccant port/BIT access cover on the aft side of the
container. The dual container has two separate lower cradle assemblies.
Each lower cradle assembly is attached to the base assembly on top of
four wire rope shock insulators, which provide shock isolation during
transport. The lower cradles of the CNU-715/U are not detachable from
the base assembly. The cover assembly contains a humidity indicator and
four latch assemblies to aid in the stacking of CNU-715/U containers on
top of each other. There are also two sets of forklift pockets,
laterally and longitudinally, located on the base assembly.
4. The AGM-158B Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile Extended
Range (JASSM ER) is an extended range low-observable, highly survivable
subsonic cruise missile designed to penetrate next generation air
defense systems en-
[[Page 80076]]
route to target. It is designed to kill hard, medium-hardened, soft and
area type targets. The extended range over the baseline was obtained by
going from a turbo jet to a turbo-fan engine and by reconfiguring the
fuel tanks for added capacity. Classification of the technical data and
information on the AGM-158's performance, capabilities, systems,
subsystems, operations, and maintenance will range from UNCLASSIFIED to
a. The AGM-158B Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)
software-in-the-Loop (SIL) testing assets are required for software
development, integration, and test in the lab environment as well as
ground mount operations before STV or Live Fire assets can be loaded on
the aircraft to execute Airworthiness, Flight Test, and Live Fire
events. These assets are for testing in the contiguous United States
and will not be exported. Software development will be to the extent
necessary to produce Engineering Releases needed to conduct
airworthiness, integration and live fire testing. Testing equipment is
b. The AGM-158B-2 JASSM Separation Test Vehicle (STV) is equipped
with Intelligent Test Instrumentation Kit (iTIK). These assets will be
used as part of the airworthiness data collection process to ensure
safe separation of the munition from the aircraft. These missiles will
be handled and stored in custom individual containers. These two (2)
missiles are for testing in the contiguous United States and will not
be exported. Software development will be to the extent necessary to
produce Engineering Releases needed to conduct airworthiness,
integration and live fire testing.
c. The AGM-158B-2 (JASSM) Instrumented Test Vehicle (ITV) is
equipped with iTIK. This asset will be utilized to capture flight data
information in a ``Captive Carry`` configuration. The information
collected will ensure the munition can be safely carried and is
required as part of the airworthiness process prior to launch of the
STV, JTV, and the Live Fire asset. These missiles will be handled and
stored in custom individual containers. This missile is for testing in
the contiguous United States and will not be exported. Software
development will be to the extent necessary to produce Engineering
Releases needed to conduct airworthiness, integration and live fire
d. The AGM-158B-2 JASSM Jettison Test Vehicle (JTV) is not equipped
with an iTIK. These assets will be used as part of the airworthiness
data collection process to ensure safe jettison of the munition from
the aircraft. These missiles will be handled and stored in custom
individual containers. These two (2) missiles are for testing in the
contiguous United States and will not be exported. Software development
will be to the extent necessary to produce Engineering Releases needed
to conduct airworthiness, integration and live fire testing.
e. The AGM-158B-2 JASSM Maintenance Training Missile (DATM) is a
missile for maintenance (Weapon Load Crew) training with container.
5. The GBU-31 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is a 2,000-lb
Internal Navigation System/Global Positioning System (INS/GPS) guided
precision air-to-ground munition. The GBU-31 consists of a KMU-556
warhead specific tail kit, and MK-84 bomb body.
6. The GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is a 500-lb
Internal Navigation System/Global Positioning System (INS/GPS) guided
precision air-to-ground munition. The GBU-38 consists of a KMU-572
warhead specific tail kit, and MK-82 bomb body.
7. The GBU-54 Laser Joint Direct Attack Munition (LJDAM) is a 500-
lb JDAM which incorporates all the capabilities of the JDAM guidance
tail it and adds a precision laser guidance set. The LJDAM gives the
weapon system an optional semi-active laser guidance in addition to the
Internal Navigation System/Global Positioning System (INS/GPS)
guidance. This provides the optional capability to strike moving
targets. The GBU-54 consists of a laser guidance set, KMU-572 warhead
specific tail kit, and MK-82 bomb body.
8. The AGM-154 JSOW is used by Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force,
and allows aircraft to attack well-defended targets in day, night, and
adverse weather conditions. The JSOW C and C-1 utilize GPS/INS guidance
and an uncooled imaging infrared seeker for terminal guidance,
Autonomous Acquisition, and provides a precision targeting, 500-lb-
class tandem warhead that is the Navy's primary standoff weapon against
hardened targets. The JSOW C-1 added the Link-16 datalink enabling a
robust and flexible capability against high-value stationary land
targets and moving maritime target capability. JSOW C-1 can fly via two
dimensional and three dimensional waypoints to the target, offering the
optimal path around Integrated Air Defense Systems (IADS).
The JSOW incorporates components, software, and technical design
information that are considered sensitive. The following JSOW-C
components being conveyed by the proposed sale include the GPS/INS, IIR
seeker, INS OFP software and missile operational characteristics and
performance data. These elements are essential to the ability of the
JSOW-C missile to selectively engage hostile targets under a wide range
of operational, tactical, and environmental conditions.
9. The highest level of classification of defense articles,
components, and services included in this potential sale is SECRET.
10. If a technologically advanced adversary were to obtain
knowledge of the specific hardware or software elements, the
information could be used to develop countermeasures that might reduce
weapon system effectiveness or be used in the development of a system
with similar or advanced capabilities.
11. A determination has been made that Finland can provide
substantially the same degree of protection for the sensitive
technology being released as the U.S. Government. This sale is
necessary in furtherance of the U.S. foreign policy and national
security objectives outlined in the Policy Justification.
12. All defense articles and services listed in this transmittal
have been authorized for release and export to Finland.
[FR Doc. 2020-27295 Filed 12-10-20; 8:45 am]