Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing and Supplemental Information, 68890-68900 [2020-23674]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 211 / Friday, October 30, 2020 / Notices
HRSA specifically requests comments
on: (1) The necessity and utility of the
proposed information collection for the
proper performance of the agency’s
functions; (2) the accuracy of the
estimated burden; (3) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (4) the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology to minimize the information
collection burden.
Maria G. Button,
Director, Executive Secretariat.
[FR Doc. 2020–24122 Filed 10–29–20; 8:45 am]
Ninth Meeting of the National Clinical
Care Commission
Office on Women’s Health,
Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Health, Office of the Secretary,
Department of Health and Human
ACTION: Notice.
The National Clinical Care
Commission (the Commission) will
conduct its ninth meeting virtually on
November 17, 2020. The Commission is
charged to evaluate and make
recommendations to the U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) Secretary and Congress
regarding improvements to the
coordination and leveraging of federal
programs related to diabetes and its
DATES: The meeting will take place on
November 17, 2020, from 1 p.m. to
approximately 5:30 p.m. Eastern
Standard time (EST).
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held
online via webinar. To register to attend
the meeting, please visit the registration
website at https://
Clydette Powell, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P.,
Designated Federal Officer, National
Clinical Care Commission, U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Services, Office on Women’s Health,
200 Independence Ave. SW 7th Floor,
Washington DC 20201. Phone: (240)
453–8239. Email:
National Clinical Care Commission Act
(Pub. L. 115–80) requires the HHS
Secretary to establish the National
Clinical Care Commission. The
Commission consists of representatives
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of specific federal agencies and nonfederal individuals who represent
diverse disciplines and views. The
Commission will evaluate and make
recommendations to the HHS Secretary
and Congress regarding improvements
to the coordination and leveraging of
federal programs related to diabetes and
its complications.
The ninth meeting will be held
virtually and will consist of updates
from the Commission’s three
subcommittees and a discussion of
public comments and outreach to
stakeholder organizations. Additionally,
the Commission will discuss the second
round of potential ‘‘action plans’’ from
the subcommittees (i.e.,
recommendations). The final meeting
agenda will be available prior to the
meeting at
Public Participation at Meeting: The
Commission invites public comment on
issues related to the Commission’s
charge. There will be an opportunity for
limited oral comments (each no more
than 3 minutes in length) at this virtual
meeting. Virtual attendees who plan to
provide oral comments at the
Commission meeting during a
designated time must register prior to
the meeting at https://
Written comments are welcome
throughout the entire development
process of the Commission’s work and
may be emailed to
Written comments should not exceed
three pages in length.
Individuals who need special
assistance, such as sign language
interpretation or other reasonable
accommodations, should indicate the
special accommodation when
registering online or by notifying
Jennifer Gillissen at jennifer.gillissen@ by November 9, 2020.
Authority: The National Clinical Care
Commission is required under the National
Clinical Care Commission Act (Pub. L. 115–
80). The Commission is governed by
provisions of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (FACA), Public Law 92–463,
as amended (5 U.S.C., App.) which sets forth
standards for the formation and use of federal
advisory committees.
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases; Notice of Closed
Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended, notice is hereby given of the
following meeting.
The meeting will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The contract proposals and
the discussions could disclose
confidential trade secrets or commercial
property such as patentable material,
and personal information concerning
individuals associated with the contract
proposals, the disclosure of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.
Name of Committee: National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases Special
Emphasis Panel; Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) Phase II Program Contract
Solicitation (PHS 2019–1) Topic 74.
Date: November 24, 2020.
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate contract
Place: National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of
Health, 5601 Fishers Lane, Room 3G62A,
Rockville, MD 20892, Bethesda, MD (Virtual
Contact Person: Eleazar Cohen, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Scientific Review
Program, Division of Extramural Activities,
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, National Institutes of Health, 5601
Fishers Lane, Room 3G62A, Bethesda, MD
20892, (240) 669–5081, ecohen@
(Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Nos. 93.855, Allergy, Immunology,
and Transplantation Research; 93.856,
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Research, National Institutes of Health, HHS)
Dated: October 26, 2020.
Tyeshia M. Roberson,
Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. 2020–24081 Filed 10–29–20; 8:45 am]
Dated: October 27, 2020.
Dorothy Fink,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Women’s
Health, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
National Institutes of Health
[FR Doc. 2020–24126 Filed 10–29–20; 8:45 am]
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Final NIH Policy for Data Management
and Sharing and Supplemental
National Institutes of Health,
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 211 / Friday, October 30, 2020 / Notices
Notice of final Policy.
The National Institutes of
Health (NIH) is issuing this final NIH
Policy for Data Management and
Sharing (DMS Policy) to promote the
management and sharing of scientific
data generated from NIH-funded or
conducted research. This Policy
establishes the requirements of
submission of Data Management and
Sharing Plans (hereinafter Plans) and
compliance with NIH Institute, Center,
or Office (ICO)-approved Plans. It also
emphasizes the importance of good data
management practices and establishes
the expectation for maximizing the
appropriate sharing of scientific data
generated from NIH-funded or
conducted research, with justified
limitations or exceptions. This Policy
applies to research funded or conducted
by NIH that results in the generation of
scientific data.
DATES: This final Policy is effective
January 25, 2023.
you have questions, or require
additional background information
about the DMS Policy, please contact
Dr. Lyric Jorgenson, by email at
(, or
telephone at 301–496–9838.
scientific data accelerates biomedical
research discovery, in part, by enabling
validation of research results, providing
accessibility to high-value datasets, and
promoting data reuse for future research
studies.1 As a steward of the nation’s
investment in biomedical research, and
in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 282, of the
Public Health Service Act, as amended,
NIH has long championed policies that
make research available to the public to
achieve these goals. For example, the
2003 NIH Data Sharing Policy
reinforced NIH’s commitment to data
sharing by requiring investigators to
address data sharing in applications for
large research awards. NIH’s 2014
Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy,
initially preceded by the 2008 GenomeWide Association Studies Policy, set the
expectation that researchers share largescale genomic data, regardless of
species, to enable the combination of
large and information-rich datasets. In
2016, the NIH Policy on the
Dissemination of NIH-Funded Clinical
Trial Information (Clinical Trials Policy)
further reinforced NIH’s commitment to
research participants and the research
community by making the results of
1 See also NIH Rigor and Reproducibility efforts
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clinical trials accessible in a timely
NIH recognizes that its data sharing
policy efforts must flexibly evolve to
keep pace with scientific and
technological opportunities and notes
that researchers’ ability to generate,
store, share, and combine data has never
been greater. To capitalize on these
advancements, NIH initiated the
development of a more comprehensive
data sharing policy alongside its efforts
to modernize data sharing infrastructure
in its 2015 Plan for Increasing Access to
Scientific Publications and Digital
Scientific Data from NIH Funded
Scientific Research. With policy and
infrastructure modernization efforts
working in tandem, NIH initiated a
stepwise process for seeking feedback
from the community to develop a robust
data sharing policy capable of reflecting
the diversity of its community’s data
sharing needs. In 2016, NIH requested
public comments on data management
and sharing strategies and priorities
(NOT–OD–17–015). In 2018, NIH
solicited public input on proposed key
provisions that could serve as a
foundation for a future NIH policy for
data management and sharing (NOT–
OD–19–014). Using public feedback to
inform its thinking, in 2019 NIH
released a draft proposal for a future
data management and sharing policy in
the Federal Register (84 FR 60398).
Along with the Draft Policy proposal,
NIH sought feedback on supplemental
materials that could help researchers
integrate effective data management and
sharing practices into research,
including ‘‘Elements of an NIH Data
Management and Sharing Plan’’ and
‘‘Allowable Costs for Data Management
and Sharing.’’ We note that a third
document, ‘‘Supplemental Information
to the NIH Policy for Data Management
and Sharing: Selecting a Repository for
Data Resulting from NIH-Supported
Research,’’ was developed in response
to public comments received on both
the Draft Policy and the ‘‘Request for
Public Comments on Draft Desirable
Characteristics of Repositories for
Managing and Sharing Data Resulting
From Federally Funded Research,’’
which was released for public comment
by the White House Office of Science
and Technology Policy (OSTP) to
promote consistency across federal
agencies and reduce researcher burden
(85 FR 3085).
In respect and recognition of Tribal
sovereignty, NIH also initiated Tribal
Consultation on its Draft Policy
proposal, in accordance with the HHS
Tribal Consultation Policy and the NIH
Guidance on the Implementation of the
HHS Tribal Consultation Policy. The
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NIH Tribal Consultation Report—NIH
Draft Policy for Data Management and
Sharing provides more detail on the
Tribal Consultation process relative to
the development of the final DMS
Policy and NIH’s response. Briefly, three
themes emerged from Tribal Nations’
input: (1) Strengthen engagement built
on trust between researchers and Tribal
Nations; (2) Train researchers to
responsibly and respectfully manage
and share American Indian and Alaska
Native (AI/AN) data; and (3) Ensure
research practices are aligned with the
laws, policies, and preferences of AI/AN
community partners. NIH intends to
continue discussions to ensure
appropriate implementation of the DMS
Policy as it relates to these
communities, and details about some of
the implementation planning follows in
the discussion below.
Overview of Public Comments
NIH incorporated feedback over the
course of several years to develop a data
management and sharing policy
proposal and released its Request for
Comments on the Draft NIH Policy for
Data Management and Sharing and Draft
Supplemental Guidance on November 8,
2019 (84 FR 60398, comment period
closing on January 10, 2020). NIH held
a public webinar on December 16, 2019,
with over 580 people participating. In
response to the Draft Policy, NIH
received 203 responses from both
domestic and international
stakeholders, and the comments are
publicly available.2 The largest group of
respondents reported affiliation with
universities, followed by nonprofit
research organizations, professional
associations (tied with ‘‘other’’), as well
as small percentages of respondents
affiliated with government agencies,
healthcare delivery organizations, and
patient advocacy organizations.
Respondents typically identified
themselves as scientific researchers,
while another sizeable section selfidentified as ‘‘other.’’ Remaining
respondents identified as institutional
officials, with smaller percentages selfidentified as bioethicists or social
science researchers, government
officials, patient advocates, and
members of the public. NIH considered
all feedback in the development of the
final DMS Policy, and a discussion of
the public comments on topics follows
2 Compiled Public Comments on a DRAFT NIH
Policy for Data Management and Sharing and
Supplemental DRAFT Guidance (February 2020)
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 211 / Friday, October 30, 2020 / Notices
validate and replicate research findings,
regardless of whether the data are used
to support scholarly publications.
Scientific data do not include laboratory
Clarifying Expectations for Sharing
notebooks, preliminary analyses,
Scientific Data
completed case report forms, drafts of
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy did not
scientific papers, plans for future
explicitly set a default expectation of
research, peer reviews, communications
data sharing. Rather, it focused on
with colleagues, or physical objects,
requiring submission of and compliance such as laboratory specimens. NIH
with a Data Management and Sharing
expects that reasonable efforts will be
Plan (Plan) that outlines how data will
made to digitize all scientific data.’’
be managed and shared. The Draft
Public Comments: Commenters
Policy also included recognition of that
focused on a variety of aspects of the
fact that certain factors (i.e., legal,
definition of ‘‘scientific data.’’ They
ethical, or technical) may limit the
suggested that the concept of data
ability to preserve and share data.
quality be included, as data that may
Public Comments: While commenters otherwise meet the definition but, if
were generally supportive of the overall uninterpretable, are not of value.
scope of the Draft Policy, many
Commenters also suggested the
requested NIH make an explicitly
definition address null or negative
stronger commitment to expecting data
findings (and indicate that these data
sharing from the research community.
should be shared). Commenters
Suggestions included requiring data
requested clarification about the
sharing and indicating that data sharing sentence that NIH expects reasonable
should be the default, with well
efforts will be made to digitize all
justified exceptions being permitted.
scientific data, including whether NIH
Final Policy: The final DMS Policy
would cover costs to digitize data that
does not create a uniform requirement
are not collected in digital form.
to share all scientific data. Unlike a
Final Policy: The final DMS Policy
requirement for submission of Plans,
defines Scientific Data as: ‘‘The
which can be implemented across
recorded factual material commonly
various funding mechanisms and types
accepted in the scientific community as
of research with little variation,
of sufficient quality to validate and
appropriate data sharing is likely to be
replicate research findings, regardless of
varied and contextual. Through the
whether the data are used to support
requirement to submit a Plan,
scholarly publications. Scientific data
researchers are prospectively planning
do not include laboratory notebooks,
for data sharing, which we anticipate
preliminary analyses, completed case
will increasingly lead researchers to
report forms, drafts of scientific papers,
integrate data sharing into the routine
plans for future research, peer reviews,
conduct of research. Accordingly, we
communications with colleagues, or
have included in the final DMS Policy
physical objects, such as laboratory
an expectation that researchers will
specimens.’’ We agree that data quality
maximize appropriate data sharing
is an important concept to convey to
when developing Plans. The final DMS
ensure that scientific data are useful and
to prevent data sharing from becoming
Policy retains the Draft Policy’s factors
(i.e., ethical, legal, or technical) that may a perfunctory administrative
requirement, but rather one that should
necessitate variations in the extent of
scientific data preservation and sharing, be done with the understanding that
these data are intended to be used by
and researchers should convey such
others. Therefore, we have added to the
factors in their Plans. The final DMS
definition that the data should be of
Policy has also been modified to clarify
sufficient quality to validate and
these factors are not limited to data
replicate research findings. Even those
derived from human research
scientific data not used to support a
participants. We believe this will
publication are considered scientific
provide the necessary flexibility for
data and within the final DMS Policy’s
researchers to accommodate the
scope. We understand that a lack of
substantial variety in research fields,
publication does not necessarily mean
projects, and data types that this
that the findings are null or negative;
expectation will encompass.
however, indicating that scientific data
Definition of ‘‘Scientific Data’’
are defined independent of publication
Draft Policy: The scope of which data is sufficient to cover data underlying
will be shared relies on the definition of null or negative findings.
We also note that while the final DMS
‘‘scientific data.’’ This term was defined
Policy states that scientific data are
in the Draft Policy as: ‘‘The recorded
those as of sufficient quality to ‘‘validate
factual material commonly accepted in
the scientific community as necessary to and replicate,’’ we anticipate that shared
Discussion of Public Comments on the
Draft NIH Policy for Data Management
and Sharing
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scientific data will be used for a variety
of purposes (consistent with applicable
laws, policies, and limitations)
including subsequent analyses, as
suggested in the Purpose section of the
final DMS Policy. Therefore, the
concepts of validation and replication
provide a standard for determining what
constitutes scientific data and are not
intended to limit uses of shared data.
Finally, we have removed the
expectation for digitizing scientific data.
We encourage reasonable efforts to
digitize data, recognizing that digitizing
data may be a technical factor that may
limit the sharing of data.
Timing of Submission of Data
Management and Sharing Plans
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy
proposed the submission of Plans at
Just-in-Time for grants.
Public Comments: While we received
a range of comments about timing of
Plan submission, the majority were
opposed to or requested further
clarification about Just-in-Time Plan
submission. Commenters were
concerned about not having sufficient
time to develop Plans and expressed
concerns about the Plan revision
process leading to delays in issuing
awards. Others indicated that
institutions would want to review Plans
because they would ultimately be
responsible for compliance, but a Justin-Time Plan submission would not
afford institutions sufficient time. A key
practical concern with Just-in-Time Plan
submission was difficulty submitting a
budget at application that included
requests for allowable data management
and sharing costs prior to actually
drafting the Plan. Commenters who
favored submitting Plans at Just-in-Time
frequently cited decreased burden on
applicants, because with Just-in-Time,
only those applicants likely to be
funded would be required to submit
Plans, rather than all applicants.
Final Policy: The final DMS Policy
requires submission of a Plan for
extramural grants at application. This
approach is more conducive to
achieving NIH’s goal of promoting a
culture in which data management and
sharing are recognized to be an integral
component of a biomedical research
project, rather than an administrative or
additive one. While NIH is aware that
this approach places the requirement on
the general pool of grant applicants
rather than on those likely to be funded,
it is precisely this approach of
prospective planning for data
management and sharing that NIH
hopes to promote and that a number of
commenters suggested is crucial for
ensuring more regular planning for data
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 211 / Friday, October 30, 2020 / Notices
management and sharing. We were
swayed by the logistical concerns
expressed in comments, namely how
applicants could submit budgets
appropriately reflective of data
management and sharing when not yet
required to submit the Plan that is
intended to help them consider these
issues. In addition, the concerns about
institutions having sufficient time to
review Plans and potential logistical
challenges in issuing timely awards was
persuasive. This approach is also
consistent with the 2018 Request for
Information on Proposed Provisions of a
Draft Data Management and Sharing
Policy for NIH Funded or Supported
Research, which proposed Plans be
submitted with extramural grant
applications. The responses to that
proposal generally favored Plan
submission at the time of application.
Assessment of Plans
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy
proposed that NIH Program Staff in the
funding NIH ICO assess Plans from
extramural grants.
Public Comments: Many commenters
supported peer review of Plans, noting
their skill and that peer review of Plans
would promote a cultural shift in favor
of data sharing. Commenters also
suggested that NIH Program Staff review
may lead to more consistent Plan
assessment and decrease peer reviewer
Final Policy: The final DMS Policy
maintains NIH Program Staff
assessments of Plans’ merits. However,
peer reviewers may comment on the
proposed budget for data management
and sharing, although these comments
will not impact the overall score. This
approach balances the benefit of
consistency afforded by NIH Program
Staff review of Plans, review of updates,
and compliance monitoring, with the
opportunity for peer reviewers to
comment on the requests for data
management and sharing costs. Over
time, and through these reviews, we
hope to learn more about what
constitutes reasonable costs for various
data management and sharing activities
across the NIH portfolio of research.
NIH ICO Consistency of Data Sharing
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy noted
that NIH ICOs may supplement the
Policy’s expectations for Plans with
their own complementary requirements
to further advance their specific
program or research goals. In addition,
the Draft Policy stated the funding NIH
ICOs may request additional or specific
information to be included within Plans
to meet expectations for data
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management and sharing in support of
programmatic priorities or to expand the
utility of the scientific data generated
from the research.
Public Comments: In light of various
existing NIH ICO data sharing policies,
commenters expressed confusion
around having potentially varying
expectations in data sharing policy
implementation across NIH. There were
concerns about insufficient direction to
NIH ICO and around a potentially
uncoordinated variety of approaches.
Commenters suggested guidance to
facilitate NIH ICO consistency and
suggested that NIH provide a centralized
location of NIH ICO-specific
expectations to help researchers
navigate variations, particularly when
subject to more than one NIH ICO’s data
sharing policies.
Final Policy: While the final DMS
Policy’s language on this issue has not
substantively changed from that of the
Draft Policy, we have heard the
concerns and intend to address them
during the period of implementation
planning prior to the DMS Policy’s
Effective Date. NIH ICOs can, within
certain bounds, meet their scientific,
policy, and programmatic goals in
different ways. As such, this Policy
affords NIH ICOs the opportunity to
meet the goals of this Policy in ways
that enhance their respective science.
However, we intend to promote
consistency on some key tenets of the
final DMS Policy, such as the
requirement for submission of Plans and
the timing of their submission. The
DMS Policy represents the minimum
requirements for the NIH, but NIH ICOs
may expect more specificity in Plans.
For example, NIH ICOs and Programs
may wish to promote, via specific
Funding Opportunity Announcements
(FOAs) or across their research
portfolios, the use of particular
standards to enable interoperability of
datasets and resources. We are
appreciative of the suggestion about
how to organize NIH ICO-specific
expectations and will be working to
ensure clear implementation materials
for applicants and awardees.
Data Derived From Human Participants
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy
acknowledged the applicability of laws,
regulations, guidance, and policies that
govern the conduct of research with
human participants and how data
derived from human participants should
be used. It also described that Plans
should indicate how human
participants and data derived from them
would be protected. Finally, the Draft
Policy acknowledged that certain factors
may limit the ability to share data and
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proposed that these factors be described
in the Plan. Importantly, the Draft
Policy did not propose any new
expectations for the conduct of research
with human participants.
Public Comments: Commenters
expressed concerns about how to
safeguard participant privacy and
confidentiality when sharing data, with
some requesting information on deidentification practices. Commenters
also requested guidance on best
practices in communicating data sharing
in informed consent. They also stressed
the importance of data sharing to
maximize the contributions of those
who volunteer to participate in NIHfunded studies. Some pointed to special
populations with preferences on data
sharing issues, such as AI/AN
populations, and asked how sharing of
data from these participant populations
is expected to be handled.
In addition to the public comments
submitted during the comment period,
NIH received input from the Secretary’s
Advisory Committee on Human
Research Protections (SACHRP).3
SACHRP provided a set of
recommendations relating to applying
the DMS Policy to research with human
participants, some of which we have
incorporated into the final DMS Policy
and are discussed below.
AI/AN communities provided input
through various channels, including
through letters sent to NIH as part of
communications. The Tribal
Consultation process also led to
valuable input that is informing NIH’s
implementation efforts, described
further below.
Final Policy: As with the Draft Policy,
the final DMS Policy does not introduce
new requirements for protections for
research with human participants.
Existing laws (e.g., Certificates of
Confidentiality), regulations (e.g., the
Common Rule), and policies (e.g., the
NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy)
continue to apply. However, through
this Policy and associated supplemental
information and other activities, NIH
promotes thoughtful practices regarding
the treatment of data derived from
human participants.
In response to public comments and
SACHRP’s recommendations on the
Draft Policy, we have included in the
final DMS Policy three concepts that we
believe are important to emphasize for
investigators as they think through how
to engage prospective participants
3 Attachment A—NIH Data Sharing Policy
(September 2020)
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 211 / Friday, October 30, 2020 / Notices
regarding what is expected to happen
with the data they contribute and,
downstream, how best to respect these
contributions. First, we encourage
investigators to consider, while
developing their Plans, how to address
data management and sharing in the
informed consent process, such that
prospective participants will
understand what is expected to happen
with their data. This planning will serve
investigators as they develop their
Plans, because some of the Plan
elements prompt investigators to outline
anticipated factors that might affect the
ability to share and preserve scientific
data, such as any limitations arising
from the informed consent process. NIH
also intends to develop resources to
help researchers and institutions in
communicating the intent to share data
with prospective research participants.
Second, we note that any limitations on
subsequent use of data (which may
apply to non-human data as well)
should be communicated to those
individuals or entities preserving and
sharing the scientific data. This ensures
that factors that may affect subsequent
use of data are properly communicated
and will travel with the data. Finally,
we highlight the importance of
researchers considering whether, in
choosing where and how to make their
data available (if not already specified
by an FOA or funding NIH ICO
expectation), access to scientific data
derived from humans should be
controlled, even if de-identified and
lacking explicit limitations on
subsequent use.
We note that data carrying explicit
limitations on subsequent use require
access controls to manage such
limitations. This approach honors the
wishes and autonomy of the
participants who contributed their data
and is important to uphold, even if the
data are de-identified. In addition,
investigators should consider whether
access to data even without such
limitations should be controlled.
SACHRP identified concerns regarding
re-identification of otherwise deidentified data, and indeed
technological advances and increasing
interoperability among data resources,
while providing opportunities for new
analyses, present identifiability
concerns that are widely acknowledged.
In response to concerns expressed in
public comments and by SACHRP, NIH
may support development of resources
to assist researchers and institutions in
determining how to appropriately deidentify data from human participants,
as well as for communicating data
sharing in informed consent.
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The final DMS Policy does not
preclude the open sharing of data from
human participants in ways that are
consistent with consent practices,
established norms, and applicable law.
For example, open sharing of a
compilation of a population’s genotype
at a particular locus may be an
acceptable and established practice if
consistent with informed consent. And
importantly, we are aware that some
patient communities prioritize openness
to speed scientific progress and
discovery. Nothing in the final DMS
Policy is intended to prevent these
approaches, as long as participants are
appropriately informed and
prospectively agree to them.
We emphasize that respecting
participant autonomy and maintaining
privacy of participants and
confidentiality of their data can be
consistent with data sharing. Through
the final DMS Policy, we outline a
balance that accommodates various
responsible approaches that meet data
sharing expectations and honor
appropriate limitations in sharing. In
addition, while the DMS Policy sets the
expectation that, through their Plans,
researchers maximize the appropriate
sharing of scientific data
(acknowledging factors that may limit
such sharing, as discussed above), the
DMS Policy does not expect that the
informed consent given by participants
to be obtained in any particular way,
such as through broad consent.
In response to input from Tribal
Nations, the final DMS Policy clarifies
agency respect for Tribal sovereignty in
the absence of written Tribal laws or
polices. To address some of the other
themes and comments we heard from
both AI/AN communities as well as
public commenters who expressed
interest in agency efforts to promote
responsible and respectful engagement
of AI/AN populations, we are
developing supplemental information
for researchers who wish to work with
AI/AN communities. Such guidance is
expected to encourage researchers to
(among other topics): thoughtfully
consider the unique data sharing
concerns of AI/AN communities;
respectfully negotiate agreements for
data use with Tribal Nations; and
enhance researcher awareness of
processes Tribal Nations use to review
prospective research. NIH will seek
input from AI/AN communities on the
development of the guidance, to ensure
it serves the goals of guiding researchers
while taking into account Tribal
preferences and values.
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When Data Are Expected To Be Shared
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy
proposed that shared scientific data
should be made accessible in a timely
manner for use by the research
community and the broader public.
Public Comments: While commenters
appreciated the flexibility afforded by
this approach, they also expressed
concern about its ambiguity. Some
suggested timing of data sharing be
connected to publication. Commenters
also suggested NIH should specify outer
bounds for timing of data sharing in the
absence of a publication. Overall,
commenters expressed the desire for
more clarity.
Final Policy: The final DMS Policy
states that ‘‘[s]hared scientific data
should be made accessible as soon as
possible, and no later than the time of
an associated publication, or the end of
the award/support period, whichever
comes first.’’ This statement provides
more clarity than the Draft Policy
through outer bounds to guide
researchers in when to make the
scientific data available. It clarifies that
publication triggers release of the data
that underlie that publication (indeed,
publishers often require the same). But
it also recognizes that research does not
always lead to a publication that would
itself trigger the release of data.
Importantly, the final DMS Policy is
designed to increase the sharing of
scientific data, regardless of whether a
publication is produced. Important
research may never be published for a
variety of reasons, not least of which
because the results did not prove the
hypothesis. However, we believe the
scientific data underlying all NIHfunded research to be of importance,
particularly to serve the purposes of
accountability and transparency. Data
that do not form the basis of a
publication produced during the award
period should be shared by the end of
the award period. A single research
project may take advantage of both
approaches. Namely, researchers may
share data underlying publication
during the period of award but may
share other data that have not yet led to
a publication by the end of the award
How Long Data Should Be Available
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy stated
that ‘‘NIH encourages shared scientific
data to be made available as long as it
is deemed useful to the research
community or the public.’’
Public Comments: Commenters
expressed uncertainty about how the
concept of usefulness would be
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 211 / Friday, October 30, 2020 / Notices
determined, and who would determine
Final Policy: We have indicated a
framework for helping researchers think
through a minimum time period for data
availability. Providing this framework is
anticipated to help researchers both
develop Plans and also budget
accordingly for data management and
sharing costs, when needed. Existing
requirements and expectations set forth
through, for example, applicable record
retention requirements, repository
policies, and journal policies may guide
researchers as they seek to define
minimal periods for data availability.
However, we encourage researchers to
propose longer time periods that may be
informed by other factors, such as
anticipated value of the dataset for the
scientific community and the public.
Where To Share Scientific Data
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy stated
that ‘‘NIH encourages the use of
established repositories for preserving
and sharing scientific data.’’
Public Comments: Commenters
supported the use of established
repositories for preserving and sharing
scientific data.
Final Policy: The final DMS Policy
strongly encourages the use of
established repositories to the extent
possible. This reflects NIH’s preference
that scientific data be shared and
preserved through repositories, rather
than kept only by the researcher or
institution and provided on request,
with the recognition that this is not
always a practical or even a preferred
approach. For example, we recognize
and respect that AI/AN communities, in
particular, may wish to manage,
preserve, and share their own data. We
support efforts that enable AI/AN
communities to prioritize research
opportunities and to ensure sufficient
protections on scientific data generated
from such research. In addition, we
have released the Supplemental
Information to the NIH Policy for Data
Management and Sharing: Selecting a
Repository for Data Resulting from NIHSupported Research, which will aid
researchers as they choose suitable
repositories for the preservation and
sharing of data. This supplemental
information is discussed in more detail
Discussion of Public Comments on the
Draft Supplemental Information:
Elements of an NIH Data Management
and Sharing Plan
Page Limit and Template for Plans
Draft Supplemental Information: The
Draft Supplemental Information
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suggested a limit for Plan length of two
pages or less. It did not indicate whether
template Plans would be provided.
Public Comments: Commenters
expressed that two pages is insufficient
to describe approaches for data
management and sharing, particularly
for larger, more complicated projects,
such as those involving consortia. In
addition, commenters suggested that
NIH provide a template for Plans, with
Plans being machine-readable.
Final Supplemental Information: We
understand the concern about
describing plans for data management
and sharing in two pages. In the final
supplemental information, we have
noted the elements to be addressed in
two pages or less, indicating that these
descriptions need not be long narratives.
In addition, short Plans are anticipated
to limit researcher burden.
citation. They also noted PIDs are a way
to track data sharing compliance.
Final Supplemental Information: The
final Supplemental Information asks
researchers to describe how the
scientific data will be findable and
identifiable, i.e., via a persistent unique
identifier or other standard indexing
tools. This wording change is meant to
highlight the importance of using a PID
or other standard indexing tool so the
data are findable, which is a key
component of the FAIR (Findable,
Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) Principles. PIDs are also listed
as a desirable characteristic of data
repositories in the Supplemental
Information to the NIH Policy for Data
Management and Sharing: Selecting a
Repository for Data Resulting from NIHSupported Research.
The Acceptability of ‘‘To Be
Determined’’ as a Response to Plan
Draft Supplemental Information: The
Draft Supplemental Information
proposed that if certain elements of a
Plan have not been determined by the
time of Plan submission, an entry of ‘‘to
be determined’’ may be acceptable if a
justification is provided along with a
timeline or appropriate milestone at
which a determination will be made.
Public Comments: Commenters
disagreed with allowing responses of
‘‘to be determined’’ at initial Plan
Final Supplemental Information: The
final Supplemental Information
eliminates the language that a response
of ‘‘to be determined’’ is acceptable. We
do not expect researchers to necessarily
have all details at the application stage,
but we encourage researchers to fill out
Plans to the best of their knowledge and
ability, so the Plans may be
appropriately assessed. We also note
that adherence with NIH ICO-approved
Plans is a requirement of the final DMS
Policy. As indicated in the final DMS
Policy, researchers will have
opportunities to update their Plans
throughout the course of their awards,
subject to NIH ICO approval.
Data Security
The Use of Persistent Unique Identifiers
Draft Supplemental Information: The
Draft Supplemental Information asked
for researchers to indicate how data will
be findable and whether a persistent
unique identifier or other standard
indexing tools will be used.
Public Comments: Commenters
expressed support for PIDs, explaining
that researchers are incentivized to use
PIDs because they enable effective
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Draft Supplemental Information: The
Draft Supplemental Information
proposed that researchers address
provisions for maintaining the security
and integrity of the scientific data, such
as through encryption and back-ups. It
also noted that data sharing should be
consistent with security as well as other
Public Comments: Commenters
emphasized the importance of data
Final Supplemental Information: We
have removed the prompt for
researchers to address provisions related
to the security of scientific data. While
we agree with the importance of
appropriate data security measures, we
believe that technical provisions
regarding data security are more
appropriately addressed by the
institutions and repositories preserving
and sharing the scientific data. The
Supplemental Information to the NIH
Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Selecting a Repository for Data
Resulting from NIH-Supported Research
(discussed in more detail below)
outlines characteristics of suitable
repositories, and we do not wish to
burden the funded community with
describing in-depth the data security
processes of the data repositories
preserving and sharing the data
generated by their research. While data
may remain with an institution prior to
submission to a data repository, the
DMS Policy is not designed to set any
new standards for institutional data
security practices.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 211 / Friday, October 30, 2020 / Notices
Discussion of Public Comments on the
Draft Supplemental Information:
Allowable Costs for Data Management
and Sharing
Timelines for Using Funds for Data
Management and Sharing Activities
Draft Supplemental Information: The
Draft Guidance noted that budget
requests to the NIH may include costs
for preserving and sharing data through
repositories that charge recurring fees,
however it did not specify timelines by
which funds allotted for data
management and sharing must be spent
or how to account for paying fees to data
repositories storing data after the end of
the performance period.
Public Comments: Commenters
generally supported the proposal but
sought clarification on whether funds
may be used to pre-pay fees for longterm data availability. Commenters also
asked whether these funds could cover
personnel expenses.
Final Supplemental Information:
Personnel costs required to perform the
types of data management and sharing
activities described in the final
Supplemental Information are
allowable. Regarding the availability of
data beyond the end of the project,
which is crucial to achieving the goals
of the DMS Policy, the final
Supplemental Information clarifies that
fees for long-term data preservation and
sharing are allowable, but funds for
these activities must be spent during the
performance period, even for scientific
data and metadata preserved and shared
beyond the award period. NIH funds
cannot legally be spent after the award
Discussion of Requests for Additional
Guidance and Information
Public commenters requested more
clarity not only on information in
provided materials, but about issues key
to implementation. One common theme
was a request for guidance about how to
choose a data repository, with some
requesting a list of suitable repositories.
NIH does not intend to provide a
comprehensive list of suitable
repositories outside of those supported
or stewarded by NIH.4 However, NIH
recognizes the need for providing a way
to help researchers determine what
characteristics make for a suitable
repository for the preservation and
sharing of data from NIH-funded
research. As such, we are releasing the
Supplemental Information to the NIH
4 For an example of NIH-supported or -stewarded
repositories see Open Domain-Specific Data Sharing
Repositories (September 2020) https://
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Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Selecting a Repository for Data
Resulting from NIH-Supported
Research. This document stems in part
from an interagency effort led by the
White House OSTP to outline desirable
characteristics of preserving and sharing
data from federally funded research,
released as the Request for Public
Comment on Draft Desirable
Characteristics of Repositories for
Managing and Sharing Data Resulting
From Federally Funded Research (85 FR
3085). The purpose was also to promote
consistency across federal agencies to
reduce researcher burden. The public
comments on this document also
informed the development of the
Supplemental Information.
The Supplemental Information to the
NIH Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Selecting a Repository for Data
Resulting from NIH-Supported Research
includes a process to help researchers
determine suitable repositories by
providing relevant characteristics,
noting that NIH ICOs may have
identified preferred repositories in
FOAs or through other announcements.
Concluding Points
As the DMS Policy is released, the
world is in the midst of the COVID–19
pandemic. The recognition that more
open sharing can lead to faster advances
and treatments has led to an
unprecedented worldwide effort to
openly share publications and data
related to both SARS–CoV–2 (the novel
coronavirus that causes COVID–19) and
coronaviruses more generally. While
this is a specific example of an urgent
public health need, patients, families,
and patient advocacy groups consider
the diseases and conditions that affect
them to be of equal urgency, as do those
who research these diseases and
conditions and treat affected patients.
With public input, NIH has worked to
develop and refine this DMS Policy, the
goal of which is to increase the sharing
of scientific data generated from NIHfunded research to ultimately enhance
health, lengthen life, and reduce illness
and disability.
In addition to the Supplemental
Information discussed here, we intend
to provide frequently asked questions
and other information to aid in
implementation, prior to the DMS
Policy’s Effective Date. We recognize
that some fields and researchers plan for
sharing and prepare data for
preservation and sharing as a regular
practice. For others, these activities may
be new. We anticipate a period of
learning and an evolution of
implementation practices. Further, it is
important to acknowledge that NIH
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recognizes that expectations for robust
data management and sharing practices
will need to be met with investments in
and evolution of accompanying data
infrastructure. We look forward to
working with applicants and the funded
community as they prepare to meet the
DMS Policy’s requirements and
expectations, as we all move toward a
future in which data sharing is a
community norm.
The final DMS policy is set forth
below. Upon its Effective Date, the DMS
Policy replaces the 2003 NIH Data
Sharing Policy.
NIH Policy for Data Management and
Section I. Purpose
The National Institutes of Health
(NIH) Policy for Data Management and
Sharing (herein referred to as the DMS
Policy) reinforces NIH’s longstanding
commitment to making the results and
outputs of NIH-funded research
available to the public through effective
and efficient data management and data
sharing practices. Data sharing enables
researchers to rigorously test the
validity of research findings,5
strengthen analyses through combined
datasets, reuse hard-to-generate data,
and explore new frontiers of discovery.
In addition, NIH emphasizes the
importance of good data management
practices, which provide the foundation
for effective data sharing and improve
the reproducibility and reliability of
research findings. NIH encourages data
management and data sharing practices
consistent with the FAIR data
Under the DMS Policy, NIH requires
researchers to prospectively plan for
how scientific data will be preserved
and shared through submission of a
Data Management and Sharing Plan
(Plan). Upon NIH approval of a Plan,
NIH expects researchers and institutions
to implement data management and
sharing practices as described. The DMS
Policy is intended to establish
expectations for Data Management and
Sharing Plans, which applicable NIH
Institutes, Centers and Offices (ICO)
may supplement as appropriate.
Section II. Definitions
For the purposes of the DMS Policy,
terms are defined as follows:
Scientific Data: The recorded factual
material commonly accepted in the
5 NIH Rigor and Reproducibility https://
6 Wilkinson, M., Dumontier, M. et al, The FAIR
Guiding Principles for Scientific Data Management
and Stewardship (March 2016) https://
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 211 / Friday, October 30, 2020 / Notices
scientific community as of sufficient
quality to validate and replicate
research findings, regardless of whether
the data are used to support scholarly
publications. Scientific data do not
include laboratory notebooks,
preliminary analyses, completed case
report forms, drafts of scientific papers,
plans for future research, peer reviews,
communications with colleagues, or
physical objects, such as laboratory
Data Management: The process of
validating, organizing, protecting,
maintaining, and processing scientific
data to ensure the accessibility,
reliability, and quality of the scientific
data for its users.
Data Sharing: The act of making
scientific data available for use by
others (e.g., the larger research
community, institutions, the broader
public), for example, via an established
Metadata: Data that provide
additional information intended to
make scientific data interpretable and
reusable (e.g., date, independent sample
and variable construction and
description, methodology, data
provenance, data transformations, any
intermediate or descriptive
observational variables).
Data Management and Sharing Plan
(Plan): A plan describing the data
management, preservation, and sharing
of scientific data and accompanying
Section III. Scope
The DMS Policy applies to all
research, funded or conducted in whole
or in part by NIH, that results in the
generation of scientific data. This
includes research funded or conducted
by extramural grants, contracts,
Intramural Research Projects, or other
funding agreements regardless of NIH
funding level or funding mechanism.
The DMS Policy does not apply to
research and other activities that do not
generate scientific data, including
training, infrastructure development,
and non-research activities.
Section IV. Effective Date(s)
The effective date of the DMS Policy
is January 25, 2023, including for:
• Competing grant applications that
are submitted to NIH for the January 25,
2023 and subsequent receipt dates;
• Proposals for contracts that are
submitted to NIH on or after January 25,
• NIH Intramural Research Projects
conducted on or after January 25, 2023;
• Other funding agreements (e.g.,
Other Transactions) that are executed on
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or after January 25, 2023, unless
otherwise stipulated by NIH.
Section V. Requirements
The DMS Policy requires:
• Submission of a Data Management
and Sharing Plan outlining how
scientific data and any accompanying
metadata will be managed and shared,
taking into account any potential
restrictions or limitations.
• Compliance with the awardee’s
plan as approved by the NIH ICO.
The NIH ICO may request additional
or specific information to be included
within the Plan in order to meet
expectations for data management and
data sharing in support of programmatic
priorities or to expand the utility of the
scientific data generated from the
research. Costs associated with data
management and data sharing may be
allowable under the budget for the
proposed project (see Supplemental
Information to the NIH Policy for Data
Management and Sharing: Allowable
Costs for Data Management and
Section VI. Data Management and
Sharing Plans
Researchers planning to generate
scientific data are required to submit a
Plan to the funding NIH ICO as part of
the Budget Justification section of the
application for extramural awards, as
part of the technical evaluation for
contracts, as determined by the
Intramural Research Program for
Intramural Research Projects consistent
with the objectives of this Policy, or
prior to release of funds for other
funding agreements. Plans should
explain how scientific data generated by
research projects will be managed and
which of these scientific data and
accompanying metadata will be shared.
If Plan revisions are necessary (e.g., new
scientific direction, a different data
repository, or a timeline revision), Plans
should be updated by researchers and
reviewed by the NIH ICO during regular
reporting intervals or sooner. Plans from
NIH-funded or conducted research may
be made publicly available and should
not include proprietary or private
Plan Elements: NIH has developed
Supplemental Information to the NIH
Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Elements of an NIH Data
Management and Sharing Plan that
describes recommended elements to
address in Plans.
7 NIH Grants Policy Statement 2.3.11 Availability
and Confidentiality of Information (October 2019)
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Plan Assessment: The NIH ICO will
assess the Plan, through the following
• Extramural Awards: Plans will
undergo programmatic assessment by
NIH as determined by the proposed NIH
ICO. NIH encourages potential awardees
to work with NIH staff to address any
potential questions regarding Plan
development prior to submission.
• Contracts: Plans will be included as
part of the technical evaluation
performed by NIH staff.
• Intramural Research Projects: Plans
will be assessed in a manner determined
to be appropriate by the Intramural
Research Program.
• Other funding agreements: Plans
will be assessed in the context of other
funding agreement mechanisms (e.g.,
Other Transactions).
Section VII. Managing and Sharing
Scientific Data
NIH expects that in drafting Plans,
researchers will maximize the
appropriate sharing of scientific data,
acknowledging certain factors (i.e.,
legal, ethical, or technical) that may
affect the extent to which scientific data
are preserved and shared. Any potential
limitations on subsequent data use
should be communicated to individuals
or entities (e.g., data repository
managers) that will preserve and share
the scientific data. The NIH ICO will
assess whether Plans appropriately
consider and describe these factors.
Considerations for Scientific Data
Derived from Human Participants: NIH
prioritizes the responsible management
and sharing of scientific data derived
from human participants. Applicable
federal, Tribal, state, and local laws,
regulations, statutes, guidance, and
institutional policies govern research
involving human participants and the
sharing and use of scientific data
derived from human participants. NIH
also respects Tribal sovereignty in the
absence of written Tribal laws or
polices. The DMS Policy is consistent
with federal regulations for the
protection of human research
participants and other NIH expectations
for the use and sharing of scientific data
derived from human participants,
including the NIH’s 2014 Genomic Data
Sharing (GDS) Policy, 2015 Intramural
Research Program Human Data Sharing
Policy, and 45 CFR 46. Researchers
proposing to generate scientific data
derived from human participants should
outline in their Plans how privacy,
rights, and confidentiality of human
research participants will be protected
(i.e., through de-identification,
Certificates of Confidentiality, and other
protective measures).
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 211 / Friday, October 30, 2020 / Notices
NIH strongly encourages researchers
to plan for how data management and
sharing will be addressed in the
informed consent process, including
communicating with prospective
participants how their scientific data are
expected to be used and shared.
Researchers should consider whether
access to scientific data derived from
humans, even if de-identified and
lacking explicit limitations on
subsequent use, should be controlled.
Data Repository Selection: NIH
strongly encourages the use of
established repositories to the extent
possible for preserving and sharing
scientific data.8 The Supplemental
Information to the NIH Policy for Data
Management and Sharing: Selecting a
Repository for Data Resulting from NIHSupported Research assists researchers
in selecting a suitable data
repository(ies) or cloud-computing
Data Preservation and Sharing
Timelines: Shared scientific data should
be made accessible as soon as possible,
and no later than the time of an
associated publication, or the end of
performance period, whichever comes
first. Researchers are encouraged to
consider relevant requirements and
expectations (e.g., data repository
policies, award record retention
requirements, journal policies) as
guidance for the minimum time frame
that scientific data should be made
available, which researchers may
Section VIII. Compliance and
During the Funding or Support Period
During the funding period,
compliance with the Plan will be
determined by the NIH ICO. Compliance
with the Plan, including any Plan
updates, may be reviewed during
regular reporting intervals (e.g., at the
time of annual Research Performance
Progress Reports (RPPRs)).
• Extramural Awards: The Plan will
become a Term and Condition of the
Notice of Award. Failure to comply with
the Terms and Conditions may result in
an enforcement action, including
additional special terms and conditions
or termination of the award, and may
affect future funding decisions.
• Contracts: The Plan will become a
Term and Condition of the Award, and
compliance with and enforcement of the
Plan will be consistent with the award
and the Federal Acquisition
Regulations, as applicable.
8 NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science (June 2018)
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• Intramural Research Projects:
Compliance with and enforcement of
the Plan will be consistent with
applicable NIH policies established by
the NIH Office of Intramural Research
and the NIH ICO.
• Other funding agreements:
Compliance with and enforcement of
the Plan will be consistent with
applicable NIH policies.
Post Funding or Support Period
After the end of the funding period,
non-compliance with the NIH ICOapproved Plan may be taken into
account by NIH for future funding
decisions for the recipient institution
(e.g., as authorized in the NIH Grants
Policy Statement, Section 8.5, Special
Award Conditions, and Remedies for
Noncompliance (Special Award
Conditions and Enforcement Actions)).
Supplemental Information to the NIH
Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Elements of an NIH Data
Management and Sharing Plan
The final NIH Policy for Data
Management and Sharing requires
applicants to submit a Data Management
and Sharing Plan (Plan) for any NIHfunded or conducted research that will
generate scientific data. This
supplemental information outlines the
elements to be addressed in a Plan
within two pages or less. A Plan should
reflect the proposed approach to data
management and sharing at the time it
is prepared and be updated during the
course of the award/support period to
reflect any changes in the management
and sharing of scientific data (e.g., new
scientific direction, new repository
option, timeline revision). For some
programs and data types, NIH and/or
NIH ICOs have developed specific data
sharing expectations (e.g., scientific data
to share, relevant standards, repository
selection, timelines) that apply and
should be reflected in a Plan. When no
additional NIH and/or NIH ICO data
sharing expectations apply, researchers
should propose their own approaches to
data management and sharing in a Plan.
NIH encourages data management and
sharing practices to be consistent with
the FAIR (Findable, Accessible,
Interoperable, and Reusable) data
principles and reflective of practices
within specific research communities.
NIH recommends addressing all
elements described below.
Data Type: Briefly describe the
scientific data to be managed, preserved,
and shared, including:
• A general summary of the types and
estimated amount of scientific data to be
generated and/or used in the research.
Describe data in general terms that
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address the type and amount/size of
scientific data expected to be collected
and used in the project (e.g., 256channel EEG data and fMRI images from
∼50 research participants). Descriptions
may indicate the data modality (e.g.,
imaging, genomic, mobile, survey), level
of aggregation (e.g., individual,
aggregated, summarized), and/or the
degree of data processing that has
occurred (i.e., how raw or processed the
data will be).
• A description of which scientific
data from the project will be preserved
and shared. NIH does not anticipate that
researchers will preserve and share all
scientific data generated in a study.
Researchers should decide which
scientific data to preserve and share
based on ethical, legal, and technical
factors that may affect the extent to
which scientific data are preserved and
shared. Provide the rationale for these
• A brief listing of the metadata, other
relevant data, and any associated
documentation (e.g., study protocols
and data collection instruments) that
will be made accessible to facilitate
interpretation of the scientific data.
Related Tools, Software and/or Code:
An indication of whether specialized
tools are needed to access or manipulate
shared scientific data to support
replication or reuse, and name(s) of the
needed tool(s) and software. If
applicable, specify how needed tools
can be accessed, (e.g., open source and
freely available, generally available for a
fee in the marketplace, available only
from the research team) and, if known,
whether such tools are likely to remain
available for as long as the scientific
data remain available.
Standards: An indication of what
standards will be applied to the
scientific data and associated metadata
(i.e., data formats, data dictionaries, data
identifiers, definitions, unique
identifiers, and other data
documentation). While many scientific
fields have developed and adopted
common data standards, others have
not. In such cases, the Plan may indicate
that no consensus data standards exist
for the scientific data and metadata to be
generated, preserved, and shared.
Data Preservation, Access, and
Associated Timelines: Plans and
timelines for data preservation and
access, including:
• The name of the repository(ies)
where scientific data and metadata
arising from the project will be
archived. NIH has provided additional
information to assist in selecting
suitable repositories for scientific data
resulting from funded research.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 211 / Friday, October 30, 2020 / Notices
• How the scientific data will be
findable and identifiable, i.e., via a
persistent unique identifier or other
standard indexing tools.
• When the scientific data will be
made available to other users (i.e., the
larger research community, institutions,
and/or the broader public) and for how
long. NIH encourages scientific data be
shared as soon as possible, and no later
than time of an associated publication
or end of the performance period,
whichever comes first. Researchers are
encouraged to consider relevant
requirements and expectations (e.g.,
data repository policies, award record
retention requirements, journal policies)
as guidance for the minimum time
frame scientific data should be made
available. NIH encourages researchers to
make scientific data available for as long
as they anticipate it being useful for the
larger research community, institutions,
and/or the broader public. Identify any
differences in timelines for different
subsets of scientific data to be shared.
Access, Distribution, or Reuse
Considerations: NIH expects that in
drafting Plans, researchers maximize the
appropriate sharing of scientific data
generated from NIH-funded or
conducted research, consistent with
privacy, security, informed consent, and
proprietary issues. Describe any
applicable factors affecting subsequent
access, distribution, or reuse of
scientific data related to:
• Informed consent (e.g., diseasespecific limitations, particular
communities’ concerns).
• Privacy and confidentiality
protections (i.e., de-identification,
Certificates of Confidentiality, and other
protective measures) consistent with
applicable federal, Tribal, state, and
local laws, regulations, and policies.
• Whether access to scientific data
derived from humans will be controlled
(i.e., made available by a data repository
only after approval).
• Any restrictions imposed by
federal, Tribal, or state laws,
regulations, or policies, or existing or
anticipated agreements (e.g., with third
party funders, with partners, with
Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) covered
entities that provide Protected Health
Information under a data use agreement,
through licensing limitations attached to
materials needed to conduct the
• Any other considerations that may
limit the extent of data sharing.
Oversight of Data Management and
Sharing: Indicate how compliance with
the Plan will be monitored and
managed, frequency of oversight, and by
whom (e.g., titles, roles).
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Supplemental Information to the NIH
Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Allowable Costs for Data
Management and Sharing
NIH recognizes that making data
accessible and reusable for other users
may incur costs. To assist individuals
and entities subject to the final NIH
Policy for Data Management and
Sharing, this supplemental information
outlines categories of allowable NIH
costs associated with data management
and sharing.
All allowable costs submitted in
budget requests must be incurred (e.g.,
curation fees, data repository fees)
during the performance period, even for
scientific data and metadata preserved
and shared beyond the award period.
Consistent with 45 CFR 75.403 and the
NIH Grants Policy Statement Section
7.4, budget requests must not include
infrastructure costs that are included in
institutional overhead (e.g., Facilities
and Administrative costs) or costs
associated with the routine conduct of
research. Costs associated with
collecting or otherwise gaining access to
research data (e.g., data access fees) are
considered costs of doing research and
should not be included in scientific data
management and sharing budgets. Costs
may not be double charged or
inconsistently charged as both direct
and indirect costs.
Reasonable, allowable costs may be
included in NIH budget requests when
associated with:
1. Curating data and developing
supporting documentation, including
formatting data according to accepted
community standards; de-identifying
data; preparing metadata to foster
discoverability, interpretation, and
reuse; and formatting data for
transmission to and storage at a selected
repository for long-term preservation
and access.
2. Local data management
considerations, such as unique and
specialized information infrastructure
necessary to provide local management
and preservation (e.g., before deposit
into an established repository).
3. Preserving and sharing data
through established repositories, such as
data deposit fees necessary for making
data available and accessible. For
example, if a Data Management and
Sharing Plan proposes preserving and
sharing scientific data for 10 years in an
established repository with a deposition
fee, the cost for the entire 10-year period
must be paid prior to the end of the
period of performance. If the Plan
proposes deposition to multiple
repositories, costs associated with each
proposed repository may be included.
PO 00000
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Supplemental Information to the NIH
Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Selecting a Repository for Data
Resulting from NIH-Supported
This supplemental information is
intended to help researchers choose
data repositories suitable for the
preservation and sharing of data (i.e.,
scientific data and metadata) resulting
from NIH-funded and conducted
research. NIH promotes the use of
established data repositories because
deposit in a quality data repository
generally improves the FAIRness
(Findable, Accessible, Interoperable,
and Re-usable) of the data.
While NIH supports many data
repositories, it will not necessarily
provide data repositories to preserve
and share all data resulting from the
research it funds. The broader
repository ecosystem for biomedical
data includes data repositories
supported by other organizations, both
public and private. NIH anticipates that
the broader repository ecosystem will
continue to evolve over time, providing
different options for researchers as their
data sharing needs continue to evolve.
Similarly, while discipline or datatype specific repositories may not exist
for every type of data resulting from
NIH-funded or conducted research, the
broader repository ecosystem provides
suitable data repositories to
accommodate scientific data generated
from all of NIH’s funded or conducted
research projects. Researchers may wish
to consult experts in their own
institutions (e.g., librarians, data
managers) for assistance in selecting
among data repositories.
NIH encourages researchers to select
data repositories that exemplify the
desired characteristics (see lists I. and II.
below relating to data repository
characteristics), including when a data
repository is supported or provided by
a cloud-computing or high-performance
computing platform. These desired
characteristics aim to ensure that data
are managed and shared in ways that are
consistent with FAIR data principles.
Selecting a Data Repository
1. For some programs and types of
data, NIH and/or NIH ICO policy(ies)
and FOAs identify particular data
repositories (or sets of repositories) to be
used to preserve and share data. For
data generated from research subject to
such policies or funded under such
FOAs, researchers should use the
designated data repository(ies).
2. For data generated from research
for which no data repository is specified
by NIH or the NIH ICO (as described
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 211 / Friday, October 30, 2020 / Notices
above), researchers are encouraged to
select a data repository that is
appropriate for the data generated from
the research project and is in
accordance with the desired
characteristics, taking into consideration
the following guidance:
A. Primary consideration should be
given to data repositories that are
discipline or data-type specific to
support effective data discovery and
reuse. NIH makes a list of such data
repositories available (see https://
B. If no appropriate discipline or datatype specific repository is available,
researchers should consider a variety of
other potentially suitable data sharing
i. Small datasets (up to 2 GB in size)
may be included as supplementary
material to accompany articles
submitted to PubMed Central (see
ii. Data repositories, including
generalist repositories (see https://
repositories.html) or institutional
repositories, that make data available to
the larger research community,
institutions, or the broader public.
iii. Large datasets may benefit from
cloud-based data repositories for data
access, preservation, and sharing.
I. Desirable Characteristics for All Data
The characteristics in this section are
relevant to all repositories that manage
and share data resulting from Federally
funded research:
A. Unique Persistent Identifiers:
Assigns datasets a citable, unique
persistent identifier (PID), such as a
digital object identifier (DOI) or
accession number, to support data
discovery, reporting (e.g., of research
progress), and research assessment (e.g.,
identifying the outputs of federally
funded research). The unique PID points
to a persistent landing page that remains
accessible even if the dataset is deaccessioned or no longer available.
B. Long-Term Sustainability: Has a
plan for long-term management of data,
including maintaining integrity,
authenticity, and availability of datasets;
building on a stable technical
infrastructure and funding plans; and
having contingency plans to ensure data
are available and maintained during and
after unforeseen events.
C. Metadata: Ensures datasets are
accompanied by metadata to enable
discovery, reuse, and citation of
datasets, using schema that are
appropriate to, and ideally widely used
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across, the community(ies) the
repository serves. Domain-specific
repositories would generally have more
detailed metadata than generalist
D. Curation and Quality Assurance:
Provides, or has a mechanism for others
to provide, expert curation and quality
assurance to improve the accuracy and
integrity of datasets and metadata.
E. Free and Easy Access: Provides
broad, equitable, and maximally open
access to datasets and their metadata
free of charge in a timely manner after
submission, consistent with legal and
ethical limits required to maintain
privacy and confidentiality, Tribal
sovereignty, and protection of other
sensitive data.
F. Broad and Measured Reuse: Makes
datasets and their metadata available
with broadest possible terms of reuse;
and provides the ability to measure
attribution, citation, and reuse of data
(e.g., through assignment of adequate
metadata, unique PIDs).
G. Clear Use Guidance: Provides
accompanying documentation
describing terms of dataset access and
use (e.g., particular licenses, need for
approval by a data use committee).
H. Security and Integrity: Has
documented measures in place to meet
generally accepted criteria for
preventing unauthorized access to,
modification of, or release of data, with
levels of security that are appropriate to
the sensitivity of data.
I. Confidentiality: Has documented
capabilities for ensuring that
administrative, technical, and physical
safeguards are employed to comply with
applicable confidentiality, risk
management, and continuous
monitoring requirements for sensitive
J. Common Format: Allows datasets
and metadata downloaded, accessed, or
exported from the repository to be in
widely used, preferably non-proprietary,
formats consistent with those used in
the community(ies) the repository
K. Provenance: Has mechanisms in
place to record the origin, chain of
custody, and any modifications to
submitted datasets and metadata.
L. Retention Policy: Provides
documentation on policies for data
retention within the repository.
II. Additional Considerations for
Repositories Storing Human Data (even
if de-identified)
The additional characteristics
outlined in this section are intended for
repositories storing human data, which
are also expected to exhibit the
characteristics outlined in Section I,
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
particularly with respect to
confidentiality, security, and integrity.
These characteristics also apply to
repositories that store only de-identified
human data, as preventing reidentification is often not possible, thus
requiring additional considerations to
protect privacy and security.
A. Fidelity to Consent: Employs
documented procedures to restrict
dataset access and use to those that are
consistent with participant consent
(such as for use only within the context
of research on a specific disease or
condition) and changes in consent.
B. Restricted Use Compliant: Employs
documented procedures to
communicate and enforce data use
restrictions, such as preventing
reidentification or redistribution to
unauthorized users.
C. Privacy: Implements and provides
documentation of appropriate
approaches (e.g., tiered access,
credentialing of data users, security
safeguards against potential breaches) to
protect human subjects’ data from
inappropriate access.
D. Plan for Breach: Has security
measures that include a response plan
for detected data breaches.
E. Download Control: Controls and
audits access to and download of
datasets (if download is permitted).
F. Violations: Has procedures for
addressing violations of terms-of-use by
users and data mismanagement by the
G. Request Review: Makes use of an
established and transparent process for
reviewing data access requests.
Dated: October 19, 2020.
Lawrence A. Tabak,
Principal Deputy Director, National Institutes
of Health.
[FR Doc. 2020–23674 Filed 10–29–20; 8:45 am]
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke; Notice of Closed
Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended, notice is hereby given of the
following meetings.
The meetings will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The grant applications and
the discussions could disclose
confidential trade secrets or commercial
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 211 (Friday, October 30, 2020)]
[Pages 68890-68900]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-23674]
National Institutes of Health
Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing and Supplemental
AGENCY: National Institutes of Health, HHS.
[[Page 68891]]
ACTION: Notice of final Policy.
SUMMARY: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is issuing this final
NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS Policy) to promote the
management and sharing of scientific data generated from NIH-funded or
conducted research. This Policy establishes the requirements of
submission of Data Management and Sharing Plans (hereinafter Plans) and
compliance with NIH Institute, Center, or Office (ICO)-approved Plans.
It also emphasizes the importance of good data management practices and
establishes the expectation for maximizing the appropriate sharing of
scientific data generated from NIH-funded or conducted research, with
justified limitations or exceptions. This Policy applies to research
funded or conducted by NIH that results in the generation of scientific
DATES: This final Policy is effective January 25, 2023.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions, or require
additional background information about the DMS Policy, please contact
Dr. Lyric Jorgenson, by email at ([email protected]), or
telephone at 301-496-9838.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Sharing scientific data accelerates
biomedical research discovery, in part, by enabling validation of
research results, providing accessibility to high-value datasets, and
promoting data reuse for future research studies.\1\ As a steward of
the nation's investment in biomedical research, and in accordance with
42 U.S.C. 282, of the Public Health Service Act, as amended, NIH has
long championed policies that make research available to the public to
achieve these goals. For example, the 2003 NIH Data Sharing Policy
reinforced NIH's commitment to data sharing by requiring investigators
to address data sharing in applications for large research awards.
NIH's 2014 Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy, initially preceded by the
2008 Genome-Wide Association Studies Policy, set the expectation that
researchers share large-scale genomic data, regardless of species, to
enable the combination of large and information-rich datasets. In 2016,
the NIH Policy on the Dissemination of NIH-Funded Clinical Trial
Information (Clinical Trials Policy) further reinforced NIH's
commitment to research participants and the research community by
making the results of clinical trials accessible in a timely fashion.
\1\ See also NIH Rigor and Reproducibility efforts at
NIH recognizes that its data sharing policy efforts must flexibly
evolve to keep pace with scientific and technological opportunities and
notes that researchers' ability to generate, store, share, and combine
data has never been greater. To capitalize on these advancements, NIH
initiated the development of a more comprehensive data sharing policy
alongside its efforts to modernize data sharing infrastructure in its
2015 Plan for Increasing Access to Scientific Publications and Digital
Scientific Data from NIH Funded Scientific Research. With policy and
infrastructure modernization efforts working in tandem, NIH initiated a
stepwise process for seeking feedback from the community to develop a
robust data sharing policy capable of reflecting the diversity of its
community's data sharing needs. In 2016, NIH requested public comments
on data management and sharing strategies and priorities (NOT-OD-17-
015). In 2018, NIH solicited public input on proposed key provisions
that could serve as a foundation for a future NIH policy for data
management and sharing (NOT-OD-19-014). Using public feedback to inform
its thinking, in 2019 NIH released a draft proposal for a future data
management and sharing policy in the Federal Register (84 FR 60398).
Along with the Draft Policy proposal, NIH sought feedback on
supplemental materials that could help researchers integrate effective
data management and sharing practices into research, including
``Elements of an NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan'' and ``Allowable
Costs for Data Management and Sharing.'' We note that a third document,
``Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Selecting a Repository for Data Resulting from NIH-Supported
Research,'' was developed in response to public comments received on
both the Draft Policy and the ``Request for Public Comments on Draft
Desirable Characteristics of Repositories for Managing and Sharing Data
Resulting From Federally Funded Research,'' which was released for
public comment by the White House Office of Science and Technology
Policy (OSTP) to promote consistency across federal agencies and reduce
researcher burden (85 FR 3085).
In respect and recognition of Tribal sovereignty, NIH also
initiated Tribal Consultation on its Draft Policy proposal, in
accordance with the HHS Tribal Consultation Policy and the NIH Guidance
on the Implementation of the HHS Tribal Consultation Policy. The NIH
Tribal Consultation Report--NIH Draft Policy for Data Management and
Sharing provides more detail on the Tribal Consultation process
relative to the development of the final DMS Policy and NIH's response.
Briefly, three themes emerged from Tribal Nations' input: (1)
Strengthen engagement built on trust between researchers and Tribal
Nations; (2) Train researchers to responsibly and respectfully manage
and share American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) data; and (3)
Ensure research practices are aligned with the laws, policies, and
preferences of AI/AN community partners. NIH intends to continue
discussions to ensure appropriate implementation of the DMS Policy as
it relates to these communities, and details about some of the
implementation planning follows in the discussion below.
Overview of Public Comments
NIH incorporated feedback over the course of several years to
develop a data management and sharing policy proposal and released its
Request for Comments on the Draft NIH Policy for Data Management and
Sharing and Draft Supplemental Guidance on November 8, 2019 (84 FR
60398, comment period closing on January 10, 2020). NIH held a public
webinar on December 16, 2019, with over 580 people participating. In
response to the Draft Policy, NIH received 203 responses from both
domestic and international stakeholders, and the comments are publicly
available.\2\ The largest group of respondents reported affiliation
with universities, followed by nonprofit research organizations,
professional associations (tied with ``other''), as well as small
percentages of respondents affiliated with government agencies,
healthcare delivery organizations, and patient advocacy organizations.
Respondents typically identified themselves as scientific researchers,
while another sizeable section self-identified as ``other.'' Remaining
respondents identified as institutional officials, with smaller
percentages self-identified as bioethicists or social science
researchers, government officials, patient advocates, and members of
the public. NIH considered all feedback in the development of the final
DMS Policy, and a discussion of the public comments on topics follows
\2\ Compiled Public Comments on a DRAFT NIH Policy for Data
Management and Sharing and Supplemental DRAFT Guidance (February
[[Page 68892]]
Discussion of Public Comments on the Draft NIH Policy for Data
Management and Sharing
Clarifying Expectations for Sharing Scientific Data
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy did not explicitly set a default
expectation of data sharing. Rather, it focused on requiring submission
of and compliance with a Data Management and Sharing Plan (Plan) that
outlines how data will be managed and shared. The Draft Policy also
included recognition of that fact that certain factors (i.e., legal,
ethical, or technical) may limit the ability to preserve and share
Public Comments: While commenters were generally supportive of the
overall scope of the Draft Policy, many requested NIH make an
explicitly stronger commitment to expecting data sharing from the
research community. Suggestions included requiring data sharing and
indicating that data sharing should be the default, with well justified
exceptions being permitted.
Final Policy: The final DMS Policy does not create a uniform
requirement to share all scientific data. Unlike a requirement for
submission of Plans, which can be implemented across various funding
mechanisms and types of research with little variation, appropriate
data sharing is likely to be varied and contextual. Through the
requirement to submit a Plan, researchers are prospectively planning
for data sharing, which we anticipate will increasingly lead
researchers to integrate data sharing into the routine conduct of
research. Accordingly, we have included in the final DMS Policy an
expectation that researchers will maximize appropriate data sharing
when developing Plans. The final DMS Policy retains the Draft Policy's
factors (i.e., ethical, legal, or technical) that may necessitate
variations in the extent of scientific data preservation and sharing,
and researchers should convey such factors in their Plans. The final
DMS Policy has also been modified to clarify these factors are not
limited to data derived from human research participants. We believe
this will provide the necessary flexibility for researchers to
accommodate the substantial variety in research fields, projects, and
data types that this expectation will encompass.
Definition of ``Scientific Data''
Draft Policy: The scope of which data will be shared relies on the
definition of ``scientific data.'' This term was defined in the Draft
Policy as: ``The recorded factual material commonly accepted in the
scientific community as necessary to validate and replicate research
findings, regardless of whether the data are used to support scholarly
publications. Scientific data do not include laboratory notebooks,
preliminary analyses, completed case report forms, drafts of scientific
papers, plans for future research, peer reviews, communications with
colleagues, or physical objects, such as laboratory specimens. NIH
expects that reasonable efforts will be made to digitize all scientific
Public Comments: Commenters focused on a variety of aspects of the
definition of ``scientific data.'' They suggested that the concept of
data quality be included, as data that may otherwise meet the
definition but, if uninterpretable, are not of value. Commenters also
suggested the definition address null or negative findings (and
indicate that these data should be shared). Commenters requested
clarification about the sentence that NIH expects reasonable efforts
will be made to digitize all scientific data, including whether NIH
would cover costs to digitize data that are not collected in digital
Final Policy: The final DMS Policy defines Scientific Data as:
``The recorded factual material commonly accepted in the scientific
community as of sufficient quality to validate and replicate research
findings, regardless of whether the data are used to support scholarly
publications. Scientific data do not include laboratory notebooks,
preliminary analyses, completed case report forms, drafts of scientific
papers, plans for future research, peer reviews, communications with
colleagues, or physical objects, such as laboratory specimens.'' We
agree that data quality is an important concept to convey to ensure
that scientific data are useful and to prevent data sharing from
becoming a perfunctory administrative requirement, but rather one that
should be done with the understanding that these data are intended to
be used by others. Therefore, we have added to the definition that the
data should be of sufficient quality to validate and replicate research
findings. Even those scientific data not used to support a publication
are considered scientific data and within the final DMS Policy's scope.
We understand that a lack of publication does not necessarily mean that
the findings are null or negative; however, indicating that scientific
data are defined independent of publication is sufficient to cover data
underlying null or negative findings.
We also note that while the final DMS Policy states that scientific
data are those as of sufficient quality to ``validate and replicate,''
we anticipate that shared scientific data will be used for a variety of
purposes (consistent with applicable laws, policies, and limitations)
including subsequent analyses, as suggested in the Purpose section of
the final DMS Policy. Therefore, the concepts of validation and
replication provide a standard for determining what constitutes
scientific data and are not intended to limit uses of shared data.
Finally, we have removed the expectation for digitizing scientific
data. We encourage reasonable efforts to digitize data, recognizing
that digitizing data may be a technical factor that may limit the
sharing of data.
Timing of Submission of Data Management and Sharing Plans
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy proposed the submission of Plans at
Just-in-Time for grants.
Public Comments: While we received a range of comments about timing
of Plan submission, the majority were opposed to or requested further
clarification about Just-in-Time Plan submission. Commenters were
concerned about not having sufficient time to develop Plans and
expressed concerns about the Plan revision process leading to delays in
issuing awards. Others indicated that institutions would want to review
Plans because they would ultimately be responsible for compliance, but
a Just-in-Time Plan submission would not afford institutions sufficient
time. A key practical concern with Just-in-Time Plan submission was
difficulty submitting a budget at application that included requests
for allowable data management and sharing costs prior to actually
drafting the Plan. Commenters who favored submitting Plans at Just-in-
Time frequently cited decreased burden on applicants, because with
Just-in-Time, only those applicants likely to be funded would be
required to submit Plans, rather than all applicants.
Final Policy: The final DMS Policy requires submission of a Plan
for extramural grants at application. This approach is more conducive
to achieving NIH's goal of promoting a culture in which data management
and sharing are recognized to be an integral component of a biomedical
research project, rather than an administrative or additive one. While
NIH is aware that this approach places the requirement on the general
pool of grant applicants rather than on those likely to be funded, it
is precisely this approach of prospective planning for data management
and sharing that NIH hopes to promote and that a number of commenters
suggested is crucial for ensuring more regular planning for data
[[Page 68893]]
management and sharing. We were swayed by the logistical concerns
expressed in comments, namely how applicants could submit budgets
appropriately reflective of data management and sharing when not yet
required to submit the Plan that is intended to help them consider
these issues. In addition, the concerns about institutions having
sufficient time to review Plans and potential logistical challenges in
issuing timely awards was persuasive. This approach is also consistent
with the 2018 Request for Information on Proposed Provisions of a Draft
Data Management and Sharing Policy for NIH Funded or Supported
Research, which proposed Plans be submitted with extramural grant
applications. The responses to that proposal generally favored Plan
submission at the time of application.
Assessment of Plans
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy proposed that NIH Program Staff in
the funding NIH ICO assess Plans from extramural grants.
Public Comments: Many commenters supported peer review of Plans,
noting their skill and that peer review of Plans would promote a
cultural shift in favor of data sharing. Commenters also suggested that
NIH Program Staff review may lead to more consistent Plan assessment
and decrease peer reviewer burden.
Final Policy: The final DMS Policy maintains NIH Program Staff
assessments of Plans' merits. However, peer reviewers may comment on
the proposed budget for data management and sharing, although these
comments will not impact the overall score. This approach balances the
benefit of consistency afforded by NIH Program Staff review of Plans,
review of updates, and compliance monitoring, with the opportunity for
peer reviewers to comment on the requests for data management and
sharing costs. Over time, and through these reviews, we hope to learn
more about what constitutes reasonable costs for various data
management and sharing activities across the NIH portfolio of research.
NIH ICO Consistency of Data Sharing Expectations
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy noted that NIH ICOs may supplement
the Policy's expectations for Plans with their own complementary
requirements to further advance their specific program or research
goals. In addition, the Draft Policy stated the funding NIH ICOs may
request additional or specific information to be included within Plans
to meet expectations for data management and sharing in support of
programmatic priorities or to expand the utility of the scientific data
generated from the research.
Public Comments: In light of various existing NIH ICO data sharing
policies, commenters expressed confusion around having potentially
varying expectations in data sharing policy implementation across NIH.
There were concerns about insufficient direction to NIH ICO and around
a potentially uncoordinated variety of approaches. Commenters suggested
guidance to facilitate NIH ICO consistency and suggested that NIH
provide a centralized location of NIH ICO-specific expectations to help
researchers navigate variations, particularly when subject to more than
one NIH ICO's data sharing policies.
Final Policy: While the final DMS Policy's language on this issue
has not substantively changed from that of the Draft Policy, we have
heard the concerns and intend to address them during the period of
implementation planning prior to the DMS Policy's Effective Date. NIH
ICOs can, within certain bounds, meet their scientific, policy, and
programmatic goals in different ways. As such, this Policy affords NIH
ICOs the opportunity to meet the goals of this Policy in ways that
enhance their respective science. However, we intend to promote
consistency on some key tenets of the final DMS Policy, such as the
requirement for submission of Plans and the timing of their submission.
The DMS Policy represents the minimum requirements for the NIH, but NIH
ICOs may expect more specificity in Plans. For example, NIH ICOs and
Programs may wish to promote, via specific Funding Opportunity
Announcements (FOAs) or across their research portfolios, the use of
particular standards to enable interoperability of datasets and
resources. We are appreciative of the suggestion about how to organize
NIH ICO-specific expectations and will be working to ensure clear
implementation materials for applicants and awardees.
Data Derived From Human Participants
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy acknowledged the applicability of
laws, regulations, guidance, and policies that govern the conduct of
research with human participants and how data derived from human
participants should be used. It also described that Plans should
indicate how human participants and data derived from them would be
protected. Finally, the Draft Policy acknowledged that certain factors
may limit the ability to share data and proposed that these factors be
described in the Plan. Importantly, the Draft Policy did not propose
any new expectations for the conduct of research with human
Public Comments: Commenters expressed concerns about how to
safeguard participant privacy and confidentiality when sharing data,
with some requesting information on de-identification practices.
Commenters also requested guidance on best practices in communicating
data sharing in informed consent. They also stressed the importance of
data sharing to maximize the contributions of those who volunteer to
participate in NIH-funded studies. Some pointed to special populations
with preferences on data sharing issues, such as AI/AN populations, and
asked how sharing of data from these participant populations is
expected to be handled.
In addition to the public comments submitted during the comment
period, NIH received input from the Secretary's Advisory Committee on
Human Research Protections (SACHRP).\3\ SACHRP provided a set of
recommendations relating to applying the DMS Policy to research with
human participants, some of which we have incorporated into the final
DMS Policy and are discussed below.
\3\ Attachment A--NIH Data Sharing Policy (September 2020)
AI/AN communities provided input through various channels,
including through letters sent to NIH as part of government-to-
government communications. The Tribal Consultation process also led to
valuable input that is informing NIH's implementation efforts,
described further below.
Final Policy: As with the Draft Policy, the final DMS Policy does
not introduce new requirements for protections for research with human
participants. Existing laws (e.g., Certificates of Confidentiality),
regulations (e.g., the Common Rule), and policies (e.g., the NIH
Genomic Data Sharing Policy) continue to apply. However, through this
Policy and associated supplemental information and other activities,
NIH promotes thoughtful practices regarding the treatment of data
derived from human participants.
In response to public comments and SACHRP's recommendations on the
Draft Policy, we have included in the final DMS Policy three concepts
that we believe are important to emphasize for investigators as they
think through how to engage prospective participants
[[Page 68894]]
regarding what is expected to happen with the data they contribute and,
downstream, how best to respect these contributions. First, we
encourage investigators to consider, while developing their Plans, how
to address data management and sharing in the informed consent process,
such that prospective participants will understand what is expected to
happen with their data. This planning will serve investigators as they
develop their Plans, because some of the Plan elements prompt
investigators to outline anticipated factors that might affect the
ability to share and preserve scientific data, such as any limitations
arising from the informed consent process. NIH also intends to develop
resources to help researchers and institutions in communicating the
intent to share data with prospective research participants. Second, we
note that any limitations on subsequent use of data (which may apply to
non-human data as well) should be communicated to those individuals or
entities preserving and sharing the scientific data. This ensures that
factors that may affect subsequent use of data are properly
communicated and will travel with the data. Finally, we highlight the
importance of researchers considering whether, in choosing where and
how to make their data available (if not already specified by an FOA or
funding NIH ICO expectation), access to scientific data derived from
humans should be controlled, even if de-identified and lacking explicit
limitations on subsequent use.
We note that data carrying explicit limitations on subsequent use
require access controls to manage such limitations. This approach
honors the wishes and autonomy of the participants who contributed
their data and is important to uphold, even if the data are de-
identified. In addition, investigators should consider whether access
to data even without such limitations should be controlled. SACHRP
identified concerns regarding re-identification of otherwise de-
identified data, and indeed technological advances and increasing
interoperability among data resources, while providing opportunities
for new analyses, present identifiability concerns that are widely
acknowledged. In response to concerns expressed in public comments and
by SACHRP, NIH may support development of resources to assist
researchers and institutions in determining how to appropriately de-
identify data from human participants, as well as for communicating
data sharing in informed consent.
The final DMS Policy does not preclude the open sharing of data
from human participants in ways that are consistent with consent
practices, established norms, and applicable law. For example, open
sharing of a compilation of a population's genotype at a particular
locus may be an acceptable and established practice if consistent with
informed consent. And importantly, we are aware that some patient
communities prioritize openness to speed scientific progress and
discovery. Nothing in the final DMS Policy is intended to prevent these
approaches, as long as participants are appropriately informed and
prospectively agree to them.
We emphasize that respecting participant autonomy and maintaining
privacy of participants and confidentiality of their data can be
consistent with data sharing. Through the final DMS Policy, we outline
a balance that accommodates various responsible approaches that meet
data sharing expectations and honor appropriate limitations in sharing.
In addition, while the DMS Policy sets the expectation that, through
their Plans, researchers maximize the appropriate sharing of scientific
data (acknowledging factors that may limit such sharing, as discussed
above), the DMS Policy does not expect that the informed consent given
by participants to be obtained in any particular way, such as through
broad consent.
In response to input from Tribal Nations, the final DMS Policy
clarifies agency respect for Tribal sovereignty in the absence of
written Tribal laws or polices. To address some of the other themes and
comments we heard from both AI/AN communities as well as public
commenters who expressed interest in agency efforts to promote
responsible and respectful engagement of AI/AN populations, we are
developing supplemental information for researchers who wish to work
with AI/AN communities. Such guidance is expected to encourage
researchers to (among other topics): thoughtfully consider the unique
data sharing concerns of AI/AN communities; respectfully negotiate
agreements for data use with Tribal Nations; and enhance researcher
awareness of processes Tribal Nations use to review prospective
research. NIH will seek input from AI/AN communities on the development
of the guidance, to ensure it serves the goals of guiding researchers
while taking into account Tribal preferences and values.
When Data Are Expected To Be Shared
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy proposed that shared scientific data
should be made accessible in a timely manner for use by the research
community and the broader public.
Public Comments: While commenters appreciated the flexibility
afforded by this approach, they also expressed concern about its
ambiguity. Some suggested timing of data sharing be connected to
publication. Commenters also suggested NIH should specify outer bounds
for timing of data sharing in the absence of a publication. Overall,
commenters expressed the desire for more clarity.
Final Policy: The final DMS Policy states that ``[s]hared
scientific data should be made accessible as soon as possible, and no
later than the time of an associated publication, or the end of the
award/support period, whichever comes first.'' This statement provides
more clarity than the Draft Policy through outer bounds to guide
researchers in when to make the scientific data available. It clarifies
that publication triggers release of the data that underlie that
publication (indeed, publishers often require the same). But it also
recognizes that research does not always lead to a publication that
would itself trigger the release of data. Importantly, the final DMS
Policy is designed to increase the sharing of scientific data,
regardless of whether a publication is produced. Important research may
never be published for a variety of reasons, not least of which because
the results did not prove the hypothesis. However, we believe the
scientific data underlying all NIH-funded research to be of importance,
particularly to serve the purposes of accountability and transparency.
Data that do not form the basis of a publication produced during the
award period should be shared by the end of the award period. A single
research project may take advantage of both approaches. Namely,
researchers may share data underlying publication during the period of
award but may share other data that have not yet led to a publication
by the end of the award period.
How Long Data Should Be Available
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy stated that ``NIH encourages shared
scientific data to be made available as long as it is deemed useful to
the research community or the public.''
Public Comments: Commenters expressed uncertainty about how the
concept of usefulness would be
[[Page 68895]]
determined, and who would determine usefulness.
Final Policy: We have indicated a framework for helping researchers
think through a minimum time period for data availability. Providing
this framework is anticipated to help researchers both develop Plans
and also budget accordingly for data management and sharing costs, when
needed. Existing requirements and expectations set forth through, for
example, applicable record retention requirements, repository policies,
and journal policies may guide researchers as they seek to define
minimal periods for data availability. However, we encourage
researchers to propose longer time periods that may be informed by
other factors, such as anticipated value of the dataset for the
scientific community and the public.
Where To Share Scientific Data
Draft Policy: The Draft Policy stated that ``NIH encourages the use
of established repositories for preserving and sharing scientific
Public Comments: Commenters supported the use of established
repositories for preserving and sharing scientific data.
Final Policy: The final DMS Policy strongly encourages the use of
established repositories to the extent possible. This reflects NIH's
preference that scientific data be shared and preserved through
repositories, rather than kept only by the researcher or institution
and provided on request, with the recognition that this is not always a
practical or even a preferred approach. For example, we recognize and
respect that AI/AN communities, in particular, may wish to manage,
preserve, and share their own data. We support efforts that enable AI/
AN communities to prioritize research opportunities and to ensure
sufficient protections on scientific data generated from such research.
In addition, we have released the Supplemental Information to the NIH
Policy for Data Management and Sharing: Selecting a Repository for Data
Resulting from NIH-Supported Research, which will aid researchers as
they choose suitable repositories for the preservation and sharing of
data. This supplemental information is discussed in more detail below.
Discussion of Public Comments on the Draft Supplemental Information:
Elements of an NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan
Page Limit and Template for Plans
Draft Supplemental Information: The Draft Supplemental Information
suggested a limit for Plan length of two pages or less. It did not
indicate whether template Plans would be provided.
Public Comments: Commenters expressed that two pages is
insufficient to describe approaches for data management and sharing,
particularly for larger, more complicated projects, such as those
involving consortia. In addition, commenters suggested that NIH provide
a template for Plans, with Plans being machine-readable.
Final Supplemental Information: We understand the concern about
describing plans for data management and sharing in two pages. In the
final supplemental information, we have noted the elements to be
addressed in two pages or less, indicating that these descriptions need
not be long narratives. In addition, short Plans are anticipated to
limit researcher burden.
The Acceptability of ``To Be Determined'' as a Response to Plan
Draft Supplemental Information: The Draft Supplemental Information
proposed that if certain elements of a Plan have not been determined by
the time of Plan submission, an entry of ``to be determined'' may be
acceptable if a justification is provided along with a timeline or
appropriate milestone at which a determination will be made.
Public Comments: Commenters disagreed with allowing responses of
``to be determined'' at initial Plan submission.
Final Supplemental Information: The final Supplemental Information
eliminates the language that a response of ``to be determined'' is
acceptable. We do not expect researchers to necessarily have all
details at the application stage, but we encourage researchers to fill
out Plans to the best of their knowledge and ability, so the Plans may
be appropriately assessed. We also note that adherence with NIH ICO-
approved Plans is a requirement of the final DMS Policy. As indicated
in the final DMS Policy, researchers will have opportunities to update
their Plans throughout the course of their awards, subject to NIH ICO
The Use of Persistent Unique Identifiers (PIDs)
Draft Supplemental Information: The Draft Supplemental Information
asked for researchers to indicate how data will be findable and whether
a persistent unique identifier or other standard indexing tools will be
Public Comments: Commenters expressed support for PIDs, explaining
that researchers are incentivized to use PIDs because they enable
effective citation. They also noted PIDs are a way to track data
sharing compliance.
Final Supplemental Information: The final Supplemental Information
asks researchers to describe how the scientific data will be findable
and identifiable, i.e., via a persistent unique identifier or other
standard indexing tools. This wording change is meant to highlight the
importance of using a PID or other standard indexing tool so the data
are findable, which is a key component of the FAIR (Findable,
Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable) Principles. PIDs are also
listed as a desirable characteristic of data repositories in the
Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Selecting a Repository for Data Resulting from NIH-Supported
Data Security
Draft Supplemental Information: The Draft Supplemental Information
proposed that researchers address provisions for maintaining the
security and integrity of the scientific data, such as through
encryption and back-ups. It also noted that data sharing should be
consistent with security as well as other factors.
Public Comments: Commenters emphasized the importance of data
Final Supplemental Information: We have removed the prompt for
researchers to address provisions related to the security of scientific
data. While we agree with the importance of appropriate data security
measures, we believe that technical provisions regarding data security
are more appropriately addressed by the institutions and repositories
preserving and sharing the scientific data. The Supplemental
Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing:
Selecting a Repository for Data Resulting from NIH-Supported Research
(discussed in more detail below) outlines characteristics of suitable
repositories, and we do not wish to burden the funded community with
describing in-depth the data security processes of the data
repositories preserving and sharing the data generated by their
research. While data may remain with an institution prior to submission
to a data repository, the DMS Policy is not designed to set any new
standards for institutional data security practices.
[[Page 68896]]
Discussion of Public Comments on the Draft Supplemental Information:
Allowable Costs for Data Management and Sharing
Timelines for Using Funds for Data Management and Sharing Activities
Draft Supplemental Information: The Draft Guidance noted that
budget requests to the NIH may include costs for preserving and sharing
data through repositories that charge recurring fees, however it did
not specify timelines by which funds allotted for data management and
sharing must be spent or how to account for paying fees to data
repositories storing data after the end of the performance period.
Public Comments: Commenters generally supported the proposal but
sought clarification on whether funds may be used to pre-pay fees for
long-term data availability. Commenters also asked whether these funds
could cover personnel expenses.
Final Supplemental Information: Personnel costs required to perform
the types of data management and sharing activities described in the
final Supplemental Information are allowable. Regarding the
availability of data beyond the end of the project, which is crucial to
achieving the goals of the DMS Policy, the final Supplemental
Information clarifies that fees for long-term data preservation and
sharing are allowable, but funds for these activities must be spent
during the performance period, even for scientific data and metadata
preserved and shared beyond the award period. NIH funds cannot legally
be spent after the award period.
Discussion of Requests for Additional Guidance and Information
Public commenters requested more clarity not only on information in
provided materials, but about issues key to implementation. One common
theme was a request for guidance about how to choose a data repository,
with some requesting a list of suitable repositories. NIH does not
intend to provide a comprehensive list of suitable repositories outside
of those supported or stewarded by NIH.\4\ However, NIH recognizes the
need for providing a way to help researchers determine what
characteristics make for a suitable repository for the preservation and
sharing of data from NIH-funded research. As such, we are releasing the
Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Selecting a Repository for Data Resulting from NIH-Supported
Research. This document stems in part from an interagency effort led by
the White House OSTP to outline desirable characteristics of preserving
and sharing data from federally funded research, released as the
Request for Public Comment on Draft Desirable Characteristics of
Repositories for Managing and Sharing Data Resulting From Federally
Funded Research (85 FR 3085). The purpose was also to promote
consistency across federal agencies to reduce researcher burden. The
public comments on this document also informed the development of the
Supplemental Information.
\4\ For an example of NIH-supported or -stewarded repositories
see Open Domain-Specific Data Sharing Repositories (September 2020)
The Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management
and Sharing: Selecting a Repository for Data Resulting from NIH-
Supported Research includes a process to help researchers determine
suitable repositories by providing relevant characteristics, noting
that NIH ICOs may have identified preferred repositories in FOAs or
through other announcements.
Concluding Points
As the DMS Policy is released, the world is in the midst of the
COVID-19 pandemic. The recognition that more open sharing can lead to
faster advances and treatments has led to an unprecedented worldwide
effort to openly share publications and data related to both SARS-CoV-2
(the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19) and coronaviruses more
generally. While this is a specific example of an urgent public health
need, patients, families, and patient advocacy groups consider the
diseases and conditions that affect them to be of equal urgency, as do
those who research these diseases and conditions and treat affected
patients. With public input, NIH has worked to develop and refine this
DMS Policy, the goal of which is to increase the sharing of scientific
data generated from NIH-funded research to ultimately enhance health,
lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.
In addition to the Supplemental Information discussed here, we
intend to provide frequently asked questions and other information to
aid in implementation, prior to the DMS Policy's Effective Date. We
recognize that some fields and researchers plan for sharing and prepare
data for preservation and sharing as a regular practice. For others,
these activities may be new. We anticipate a period of learning and an
evolution of implementation practices. Further, it is important to
acknowledge that NIH recognizes that expectations for robust data
management and sharing practices will need to be met with investments
in and evolution of accompanying data infrastructure. We look forward
to working with applicants and the funded community as they prepare to
meet the DMS Policy's requirements and expectations, as we all move
toward a future in which data sharing is a community norm.
The final DMS policy is set forth below. Upon its Effective Date,
the DMS Policy replaces the 2003 NIH Data Sharing Policy.
NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing
Section I. Purpose
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Policy for Data Management
and Sharing (herein referred to as the DMS Policy) reinforces NIH's
longstanding commitment to making the results and outputs of NIH-funded
research available to the public through effective and efficient data
management and data sharing practices. Data sharing enables researchers
to rigorously test the validity of research findings,\5\ strengthen
analyses through combined datasets, reuse hard-to-generate data, and
explore new frontiers of discovery. In addition, NIH emphasizes the
importance of good data management practices, which provide the
foundation for effective data sharing and improve the reproducibility
and reliability of research findings. NIH encourages data management
and data sharing practices consistent with the FAIR data principles.\6\
\5\ NIH Rigor and Reproducibility
\6\ Wilkinson, M., Dumontier, M. et al, The FAIR Guiding
Principles for Scientific Data Management and Stewardship (March
Under the DMS Policy, NIH requires researchers to prospectively
plan for how scientific data will be preserved and shared through
submission of a Data Management and Sharing Plan (Plan). Upon NIH
approval of a Plan, NIH expects researchers and institutions to
implement data management and sharing practices as described. The DMS
Policy is intended to establish expectations for Data Management and
Sharing Plans, which applicable NIH Institutes, Centers and Offices
(ICO) may supplement as appropriate.
Section II. Definitions
For the purposes of the DMS Policy, terms are defined as follows:
Scientific Data: The recorded factual material commonly accepted in
[[Page 68897]]
scientific community as of sufficient quality to validate and replicate
research findings, regardless of whether the data are used to support
scholarly publications. Scientific data do not include laboratory
notebooks, preliminary analyses, completed case report forms, drafts of
scientific papers, plans for future research, peer reviews,
communications with colleagues, or physical objects, such as laboratory
Data Management: The process of validating, organizing, protecting,
maintaining, and processing scientific data to ensure the
accessibility, reliability, and quality of the scientific data for its
Data Sharing: The act of making scientific data available for use
by others (e.g., the larger research community, institutions, the
broader public), for example, via an established repository.
Metadata: Data that provide additional information intended to make
scientific data interpretable and reusable (e.g., date, independent
sample and variable construction and description, methodology, data
provenance, data transformations, any intermediate or descriptive
observational variables).
Data Management and Sharing Plan (Plan): A plan describing the data
management, preservation, and sharing of scientific data and
accompanying metadata.
Section III. Scope
The DMS Policy applies to all research, funded or conducted in
whole or in part by NIH, that results in the generation of scientific
data. This includes research funded or conducted by extramural grants,
contracts, Intramural Research Projects, or other funding agreements
regardless of NIH funding level or funding mechanism. The DMS Policy
does not apply to research and other activities that do not generate
scientific data, including training, infrastructure development, and
non-research activities.
Section IV. Effective Date(s)
The effective date of the DMS Policy is January 25, 2023, including
Competing grant applications that are submitted to NIH for
the January 25, 2023 and subsequent receipt dates;
Proposals for contracts that are submitted to NIH on or
after January 25, 2023;
NIH Intramural Research Projects conducted on or after
January 25, 2023; and
Other funding agreements (e.g., Other Transactions) that
are executed on or after January 25, 2023, unless otherwise stipulated
by NIH.
Section V. Requirements
The DMS Policy requires:
Submission of a Data Management and Sharing Plan outlining
how scientific data and any accompanying metadata will be managed and
shared, taking into account any potential restrictions or limitations.
Compliance with the awardee's plan as approved by the NIH
The NIH ICO may request additional or specific information to be
included within the Plan in order to meet expectations for data
management and data sharing in support of programmatic priorities or to
expand the utility of the scientific data generated from the research.
Costs associated with data management and data sharing may be allowable
under the budget for the proposed project (see Supplemental Information
to the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing: Allowable Costs for
Data Management and Sharing).
Section VI. Data Management and Sharing Plans
Researchers planning to generate scientific data are required to
submit a Plan to the funding NIH ICO as part of the Budget
Justification section of the application for extramural awards, as part
of the technical evaluation for contracts, as determined by the
Intramural Research Program for Intramural Research Projects consistent
with the objectives of this Policy, or prior to release of funds for
other funding agreements. Plans should explain how scientific data
generated by research projects will be managed and which of these
scientific data and accompanying metadata will be shared. If Plan
revisions are necessary (e.g., new scientific direction, a different
data repository, or a timeline revision), Plans should be updated by
researchers and reviewed by the NIH ICO during regular reporting
intervals or sooner. Plans from NIH-funded or conducted research may be
made publicly available and should not include proprietary or private
\7\ NIH Grants Policy Statement 2.3.11 Availability and
Confidentiality of Information (October 2019)
Plan Elements: NIH has developed Supplemental Information to the
NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing: Elements of an NIH Data
Management and Sharing Plan that describes recommended elements to
address in Plans.
Plan Assessment: The NIH ICO will assess the Plan, through the
following processes:
Extramural Awards: Plans will undergo programmatic
assessment by NIH as determined by the proposed NIH ICO. NIH encourages
potential awardees to work with NIH staff to address any potential
questions regarding Plan development prior to submission.
Contracts: Plans will be included as part of the technical
evaluation performed by NIH staff.
Intramural Research Projects: Plans will be assessed in a
manner determined to be appropriate by the Intramural Research Program.
Other funding agreements: Plans will be assessed in the
context of other funding agreement mechanisms (e.g., Other
Section VII. Managing and Sharing Scientific Data
NIH expects that in drafting Plans, researchers will maximize the
appropriate sharing of scientific data, acknowledging certain factors
(i.e., legal, ethical, or technical) that may affect the extent to
which scientific data are preserved and shared. Any potential
limitations on subsequent data use should be communicated to
individuals or entities (e.g., data repository managers) that will
preserve and share the scientific data. The NIH ICO will assess whether
Plans appropriately consider and describe these factors.
Considerations for Scientific Data Derived from Human Participants:
NIH prioritizes the responsible management and sharing of scientific
data derived from human participants. Applicable federal, Tribal,
state, and local laws, regulations, statutes, guidance, and
institutional policies govern research involving human participants and
the sharing and use of scientific data derived from human participants.
NIH also respects Tribal sovereignty in the absence of written Tribal
laws or polices. The DMS Policy is consistent with federal regulations
for the protection of human research participants and other NIH
expectations for the use and sharing of scientific data derived from
human participants, including the NIH's 2014 Genomic Data Sharing (GDS)
Policy, 2015 Intramural Research Program Human Data Sharing Policy, and
45 CFR 46. Researchers proposing to generate scientific data derived
from human participants should outline in their Plans how privacy,
rights, and confidentiality of human research participants will be
protected (i.e., through de-identification, Certificates of
Confidentiality, and other protective measures).
[[Page 68898]]
NIH strongly encourages researchers to plan for how data management
and sharing will be addressed in the informed consent process,
including communicating with prospective participants how their
scientific data are expected to be used and shared. Researchers should
consider whether access to scientific data derived from humans, even if
de-identified and lacking explicit limitations on subsequent use,
should be controlled.
Data Repository Selection: NIH strongly encourages the use of
established repositories to the extent possible for preserving and
sharing scientific data.\8\ The Supplemental Information to the NIH
Policy for Data Management and Sharing: Selecting a Repository for Data
Resulting from NIH-Supported Research assists researchers in selecting
a suitable data repository(ies) or cloud-computing platform.
\8\ NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science (June 2018)
Data Preservation and Sharing Timelines: Shared scientific data
should be made accessible as soon as possible, and no later than the
time of an associated publication, or the end of performance period,
whichever comes first. Researchers are encouraged to consider relevant
requirements and expectations (e.g., data repository policies, award
record retention requirements, journal policies) as guidance for the
minimum time frame that scientific data should be made available, which
researchers may extend.
Section VIII. Compliance and Enforcement
During the Funding or Support Period
During the funding period, compliance with the Plan will be
determined by the NIH ICO. Compliance with the Plan, including any Plan
updates, may be reviewed during regular reporting intervals (e.g., at
the time of annual Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs)).
Extramural Awards: The Plan will become a Term and
Condition of the Notice of Award. Failure to comply with the Terms and
Conditions may result in an enforcement action, including additional
special terms and conditions or termination of the award, and may
affect future funding decisions.
Contracts: The Plan will become a Term and Condition of
the Award, and compliance with and enforcement of the Plan will be
consistent with the award and the Federal Acquisition Regulations, as
Intramural Research Projects: Compliance with and
enforcement of the Plan will be consistent with applicable NIH policies
established by the NIH Office of Intramural Research and the NIH ICO.
Other funding agreements: Compliance with and enforcement
of the Plan will be consistent with applicable NIH policies.
Post Funding or Support Period
After the end of the funding period, non-compliance with the NIH
ICO-approved Plan may be taken into account by NIH for future funding
decisions for the recipient institution (e.g., as authorized in the NIH
Grants Policy Statement, Section 8.5, Special Award Conditions, and
Remedies for Noncompliance (Special Award Conditions and Enforcement
Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Elements of an NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan
The final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing requires
applicants to submit a Data Management and Sharing Plan (Plan) for any
NIH-funded or conducted research that will generate scientific data.
This supplemental information outlines the elements to be addressed in
a Plan within two pages or less. A Plan should reflect the proposed
approach to data management and sharing at the time it is prepared and
be updated during the course of the award/support period to reflect any
changes in the management and sharing of scientific data (e.g., new
scientific direction, new repository option, timeline revision). For
some programs and data types, NIH and/or NIH ICOs have developed
specific data sharing expectations (e.g., scientific data to share,
relevant standards, repository selection, timelines) that apply and
should be reflected in a Plan. When no additional NIH and/or NIH ICO
data sharing expectations apply, researchers should propose their own
approaches to data management and sharing in a Plan. NIH encourages
data management and sharing practices to be consistent with the FAIR
(Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles and
reflective of practices within specific research communities. NIH
recommends addressing all elements described below.
Data Type: Briefly describe the scientific data to be managed,
preserved, and shared, including:
A general summary of the types and estimated amount of
scientific data to be generated and/or used in the research. Describe
data in general terms that address the type and amount/size of
scientific data expected to be collected and used in the project (e.g.,
256-channel EEG data and fMRI images from ~50 research participants).
Descriptions may indicate the data modality (e.g., imaging, genomic,
mobile, survey), level of aggregation (e.g., individual, aggregated,
summarized), and/or the degree of data processing that has occurred
(i.e., how raw or processed the data will be).
A description of which scientific data from the project
will be preserved and shared. NIH does not anticipate that researchers
will preserve and share all scientific data generated in a study.
Researchers should decide which scientific data to preserve and share
based on ethical, legal, and technical factors that may affect the
extent to which scientific data are preserved and shared. Provide the
rationale for these decisions.
A brief listing of the metadata, other relevant data, and
any associated documentation (e.g., study protocols and data collection
instruments) that will be made accessible to facilitate interpretation
of the scientific data.
Related Tools, Software and/or Code: An indication of whether
specialized tools are needed to access or manipulate shared scientific
data to support replication or reuse, and name(s) of the needed tool(s)
and software. If applicable, specify how needed tools can be accessed,
(e.g., open source and freely available, generally available for a fee
in the marketplace, available only from the research team) and, if
known, whether such tools are likely to remain available for as long as
the scientific data remain available.
Standards: An indication of what standards will be applied to the
scientific data and associated metadata (i.e., data formats, data
dictionaries, data identifiers, definitions, unique identifiers, and
other data documentation). While many scientific fields have developed
and adopted common data standards, others have not. In such cases, the
Plan may indicate that no consensus data standards exist for the
scientific data and metadata to be generated, preserved, and shared.
Data Preservation, Access, and Associated Timelines: Plans and
timelines for data preservation and access, including:
The name of the repository(ies) where scientific data and
metadata arising from the project will be archived. NIH has provided
additional information to assist in selecting suitable repositories for
scientific data resulting from funded research.
[[Page 68899]]
How the scientific data will be findable and identifiable,
i.e., via a persistent unique identifier or other standard indexing
When the scientific data will be made available to other
users (i.e., the larger research community, institutions, and/or the
broader public) and for how long. NIH encourages scientific data be
shared as soon as possible, and no later than time of an associated
publication or end of the performance period, whichever comes first.
Researchers are encouraged to consider relevant requirements and
expectations (e.g., data repository policies, award record retention
requirements, journal policies) as guidance for the minimum time frame
scientific data should be made available. NIH encourages researchers to
make scientific data available for as long as they anticipate it being
useful for the larger research community, institutions, and/or the
broader public. Identify any differences in timelines for different
subsets of scientific data to be shared.
Access, Distribution, or Reuse Considerations: NIH expects that in
drafting Plans, researchers maximize the appropriate sharing of
scientific data generated from NIH-funded or conducted research,
consistent with privacy, security, informed consent, and proprietary
issues. Describe any applicable factors affecting subsequent access,
distribution, or reuse of scientific data related to:
Informed consent (e.g., disease-specific limitations,
particular communities' concerns).
Privacy and confidentiality protections (i.e., de-
identification, Certificates of Confidentiality, and other protective
measures) consistent with applicable federal, Tribal, state, and local
laws, regulations, and policies.
Whether access to scientific data derived from humans will
be controlled (i.e., made available by a data repository only after
Any restrictions imposed by federal, Tribal, or state
laws, regulations, or policies, or existing or anticipated agreements
(e.g., with third party funders, with partners, with Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) covered entities that
provide Protected Health Information under a data use agreement,
through licensing limitations attached to materials needed to conduct
the research).
Any other considerations that may limit the extent of data
Oversight of Data Management and Sharing: Indicate how compliance
with the Plan will be monitored and managed, frequency of oversight,
and by whom (e.g., titles, roles).
Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Allowable Costs for Data Management and Sharing
NIH recognizes that making data accessible and reusable for other
users may incur costs. To assist individuals and entities subject to
the final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing, this supplemental
information outlines categories of allowable NIH costs associated with
data management and sharing.
All allowable costs submitted in budget requests must be incurred
(e.g., curation fees, data repository fees) during the performance
period, even for scientific data and metadata preserved and shared
beyond the award period. Consistent with 45 CFR 75.403 and the NIH
Grants Policy Statement Section 7.4, budget requests must not include
infrastructure costs that are included in institutional overhead (e.g.,
Facilities and Administrative costs) or costs associated with the
routine conduct of research. Costs associated with collecting or
otherwise gaining access to research data (e.g., data access fees) are
considered costs of doing research and should not be included in
scientific data management and sharing budgets. Costs may not be double
charged or inconsistently charged as both direct and indirect costs.
Reasonable, allowable costs may be included in NIH budget requests
when associated with:
1. Curating data and developing supporting documentation, including
formatting data according to accepted community standards; de-
identifying data; preparing metadata to foster discoverability,
interpretation, and reuse; and formatting data for transmission to and
storage at a selected repository for long-term preservation and access.
2. Local data management considerations, such as unique and
specialized information infrastructure necessary to provide local
management and preservation (e.g., before deposit into an established
3. Preserving and sharing data through established repositories,
such as data deposit fees necessary for making data available and
accessible. For example, if a Data Management and Sharing Plan proposes
preserving and sharing scientific data for 10 years in an established
repository with a deposition fee, the cost for the entire 10-year
period must be paid prior to the end of the period of performance. If
the Plan proposes deposition to multiple repositories, costs associated
with each proposed repository may be included.
Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and
Sharing: Selecting a Repository for Data Resulting from NIH-Supported
This supplemental information is intended to help researchers
choose data repositories suitable for the preservation and sharing of
data (i.e., scientific data and metadata) resulting from NIH-funded and
conducted research. NIH promotes the use of established data
repositories because deposit in a quality data repository generally
improves the FAIRness (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-
usable) of the data.
While NIH supports many data repositories, it will not necessarily
provide data repositories to preserve and share all data resulting from
the research it funds. The broader repository ecosystem for biomedical
data includes data repositories supported by other organizations, both
public and private. NIH anticipates that the broader repository
ecosystem will continue to evolve over time, providing different
options for researchers as their data sharing needs continue to evolve.
Similarly, while discipline or data-type specific repositories may
not exist for every type of data resulting from NIH-funded or conducted
research, the broader repository ecosystem provides suitable data
repositories to accommodate scientific data generated from all of NIH's
funded or conducted research projects. Researchers may wish to consult
experts in their own institutions (e.g., librarians, data managers) for
assistance in selecting among data repositories.
NIH encourages researchers to select data repositories that
exemplify the desired characteristics (see lists I. and II. below
relating to data repository characteristics), including when a data
repository is supported or provided by a cloud-computing or high-
performance computing platform. These desired characteristics aim to
ensure that data are managed and shared in ways that are consistent
with FAIR data principles.
Selecting a Data Repository
1. For some programs and types of data, NIH and/or NIH ICO
policy(ies) and FOAs identify particular data repositories (or sets of
repositories) to be used to preserve and share data. For data generated
from research subject to such policies or funded under such FOAs,
researchers should use the designated data repository(ies).
2. For data generated from research for which no data repository is
specified by NIH or the NIH ICO (as described
[[Page 68900]]
above), researchers are encouraged to select a data repository that is
appropriate for the data generated from the research project and is in
accordance with the desired characteristics, taking into consideration
the following guidance:
A. Primary consideration should be given to data repositories that
are discipline or data-type specific to support effective data
discovery and reuse. NIH makes a list of such data repositories
available (see
B. If no appropriate discipline or data-type specific repository is
available, researchers should consider a variety of other potentially
suitable data sharing options:
i. Small datasets (up to 2 GB in size) may be included as
supplementary material to accompany articles submitted to PubMed
Central (see
ii. Data repositories, including generalist repositories (see or
institutional repositories, that make data available to the larger
research community, institutions, or the broader public.
iii. Large datasets may benefit from cloud-based data repositories
for data access, preservation, and sharing.
I. Desirable Characteristics for All Data Repositories
The characteristics in this section are relevant to all
repositories that manage and share data resulting from Federally funded
A. Unique Persistent Identifiers: Assigns datasets a citable,
unique persistent identifier (PID), such as a digital object identifier
(DOI) or accession number, to support data discovery, reporting (e.g.,
of research progress), and research assessment (e.g., identifying the
outputs of federally funded research). The unique PID points to a
persistent landing page that remains accessible even if the dataset is
de-accessioned or no longer available.
B. Long-Term Sustainability: Has a plan for long-term management of
data, including maintaining integrity, authenticity, and availability
of datasets; building on a stable technical infrastructure and funding
plans; and having contingency plans to ensure data are available and
maintained during and after unforeseen events.
C. Metadata: Ensures datasets are accompanied by metadata to enable
discovery, reuse, and citation of datasets, using schema that are
appropriate to, and ideally widely used across, the community(ies) the
repository serves. Domain-specific repositories would generally have
more detailed metadata than generalist repositories.
D. Curation and Quality Assurance: Provides, or has a mechanism for
others to provide, expert curation and quality assurance to improve the
accuracy and integrity of datasets and metadata.
E. Free and Easy Access: Provides broad, equitable, and maximally
open access to datasets and their metadata free of charge in a timely
manner after submission, consistent with legal and ethical limits
required to maintain privacy and confidentiality, Tribal sovereignty,
and protection of other sensitive data.
F. Broad and Measured Reuse: Makes datasets and their metadata
available with broadest possible terms of reuse; and provides the
ability to measure attribution, citation, and reuse of data (e.g.,
through assignment of adequate metadata, unique PIDs).
G. Clear Use Guidance: Provides accompanying documentation
describing terms of dataset access and use (e.g., particular licenses,
need for approval by a data use committee).
H. Security and Integrity: Has documented measures in place to meet
generally accepted criteria for preventing unauthorized access to,
modification of, or release of data, with levels of security that are
appropriate to the sensitivity of data.
I. Confidentiality: Has documented capabilities for ensuring that
administrative, technical, and physical safeguards are employed to
comply with applicable confidentiality, risk management, and continuous
monitoring requirements for sensitive data.
J. Common Format: Allows datasets and metadata downloaded,
accessed, or exported from the repository to be in widely used,
preferably non-proprietary, formats consistent with those used in the
community(ies) the repository serves.
K. Provenance: Has mechanisms in place to record the origin, chain
of custody, and any modifications to submitted datasets and metadata.
L. Retention Policy: Provides documentation on policies for data
retention within the repository.
II. Additional Considerations for Repositories Storing Human Data (even
if de-identified)
The additional characteristics outlined in this section are
intended for repositories storing human data, which are also expected
to exhibit the characteristics outlined in Section I, particularly with
respect to confidentiality, security, and integrity. These
characteristics also apply to repositories that store only de-
identified human data, as preventing re-identification is often not
possible, thus requiring additional considerations to protect privacy
and security.
A. Fidelity to Consent: Employs documented procedures to restrict
dataset access and use to those that are consistent with participant
consent (such as for use only within the context of research on a
specific disease or condition) and changes in consent.
B. Restricted Use Compliant: Employs documented procedures to
communicate and enforce data use restrictions, such as preventing
reidentification or redistribution to unauthorized users.
C. Privacy: Implements and provides documentation of appropriate
approaches (e.g., tiered access, credentialing of data users, security
safeguards against potential breaches) to protect human subjects' data
from inappropriate access.
D. Plan for Breach: Has security measures that include a response
plan for detected data breaches.
E. Download Control: Controls and audits access to and download of
datasets (if download is permitted).
F. Violations: Has procedures for addressing violations of terms-
of-use by users and data mismanagement by the repository.
G. Request Review: Makes use of an established and transparent
process for reviewing data access requests.
Dated: October 19, 2020.
Lawrence A. Tabak,
Principal Deputy Director, National Institutes of Health.
[FR Doc. 2020-23674 Filed 10-29-20; 8:45 am]