International Fisheries; Western and Central Pacific Fisheries for Highly Migratory Species; Requirements to Safeguard Fishery Observers, 66513-66519 [2020-23162]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 203 / Tuesday, October 20, 2020 / Proposed Rules
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Federal Communications Commission.
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[FR Doc. 2020–22564 Filed 10–19–20; 8:45 am]
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WC Docket No. 12–375
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Party Representing: lllll llll
Telephone: lllll lllllll
Jkt 253001
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 300
[Docket No. 201013–0269]
RIN 0648–BG66
International Fisheries; Western and
Central Pacific Fisheries for Highly
Migratory Species; Requirements to
Safeguard Fishery Observers
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for
This proposed rule would
establish requirements to safeguard
fishery observers and would establish
prior notification procedures for
observer placement. NMFS seeks
comments on this proposed rule issued
under authority of the Western and
Central Pacific Fisheries Convention
Implementation Act (WCPFC
Implementation Act). This action is
necessary to satisfy the obligations of
the United States under the Convention
on the Conservation and Management of
Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the
Western and Central Pacific Ocean
(Convention), to which it is a
Contracting Party.
DATES: Comments on the proposed rule
must be submitted in writing by
November 19, 2020.
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You may submit comments
on the proposed rule and the regulatory
impact review (RIR) prepared for the
proposed rule, identified by NOAA–
NMFS–2020–0125, by either of the
following methods:
• Electronic submission: Submit all
electronic public comments via the
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal.
1. Go to
2. Click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,
complete the required fields, and
3. Enter or attach your comments.
- OR • Mail: Submit written comments to
Michael D. Tosatto, Regional
Administrator, NMFS, Pacific Islands
Regional Office (PIRO), 1845 Wasp
Blvd., Building 176, Honolulu, HI
Instructions: Comments sent by any
other method, to any other address or
individual, or received after the end of
the comment period, might not be
considered by NMFS. All comments
received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted for public
viewing on
without change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name and address),
confidential business information, or
otherwise sensitive information
submitted voluntarily by the sender will
be publicly accessible. NMFS will
accept anonymous comments (enter ‘‘N/
A’’ in the required fields if you wish to
remain anonymous).
An initial regulatory flexibility
analysis (IRFA) prepared under
authority of the Regulatory Flexibility
Act is included in the Classification
section of the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section of this document.
Copies of the RIR are available at or may be obtained
from Michael D. Tosatto, Regional
Administrator, NMFS PIRO (see address
Valerie Post, NMFS PIRO, 808–725–
Background on the Convention
The Convention focuses on the
conservation and management of
fisheries for highly migratory species
(HMS). The objective of the Convention
is to ensure, through effective
management, the long-term
conservation and sustainable use of
HMS in the WCPO. To accomplish this
objective, the Convention established
the Commission on the Conservation of
Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the
Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 203 / Tuesday, October 20, 2020 / Proposed Rules
(WCPFC or Commission), which
includes Members, Cooperating Nonmembers, and Participating Territories
(collectively referred to here as
‘‘members’’). The United States of
America is a Member. American Samoa,
Guam, and the Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) are
Participating Territories.
As a Contracting Party to the
Convention and a Member of the
Commission, the United States
implements conservation and
management measures and other
decisions adopted by the Commission.
The WCPFC Implementation Act (16
U.S.C. 6901 et seq.), authorizes the
Secretary of Commerce, in consultation
with the Secretary of State and the
Secretary of the Department in which
the United States Coast Guard is
operating (currently the Department of
Homeland Security), to promulgate such
regulations as may be necessary to carry
out the obligations of the United States
under the Convention, including the
decisions of the Commission. The
WCPFC Implementation Act further
provides that the Secretary of Commerce
shall ensure consistency, to the extent
practicable, of fishery management
programs administered under the
WCPFC Implementation Act and the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
(MSA; 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.), as well
as other specific laws (see 16 U.S.C.
6905(b)). The Secretary of Commerce
has delegated the authority to
promulgate regulations under the
WCPFC Implementation Act to NMFS.
A map showing the boundaries of the
area of application of the Convention
(Convention Area), which comprises the
majority of the WCPO, can be found on
the WCPFC website at:
Background on Conservation and
Management Measure (CMM) 2017–03
CMM 2017–03, ‘‘Conservation and
Management Measure for WCPFC
Regional Programme Observers,’’ was
adopted by the Commission to
strengthen protections for observers on
fishing trips operating under the
WCPFC Regional Observer Programme
(ROP). This proposed rule would
implement provisions of CMM 2017–03.
The CMM includes provisions that
detail responsibilities for vessel owners
and operators, responsibilities for
WCPFC members to which fishing
vessels are flagged, responsibilities for
members that have jurisdiction over
ports, and responsibilities for observer
providers. These provisions include (1)
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provisions for when a WCPFC observer 1
dies, is missing or presumed to have
fallen overboard; (2) provisions for
when a WCPFC observer suffers from a
serious illness or injury that threatens
his or her health or safety; and (3)
provisions for when there are reasonable
grounds to believe a WCPFC observer
has been assaulted, intimidated,
threatened or harassed.
In the event that a WCPFC observer
on a fishing vessel of the United States
dies, is missing or presumed fallen
overboard, CMM 2017–03 contains a
number of requirements for an owner
and operator of the fishing vessel to
follow including: (1) Immediately cease
all fishing operations; (2) immediately
commence search and rescue if the
observer is missing or presumed fallen
overboard; (3) immediately notify the
flag state of the vessel; (4) immediately
alert other vessels in the vicinity by
using all available means of
communication; (5) cooperate fully in
any search and rescue operation; (6)
return the vessel for further
investigation to the nearest port whether
the search is successful or not; (7)
provide a report to the observer
provider; (8) cooperate fully in any
official investigations; and (9) ensure
the body is well preserved if an observer
In the event that a WCPFC observer
on a fishing vessel of the United States
suffers from a serious illness or injury
that threatens his or her health or safety,
CMM 2017–03 contains a number of
requirements for an owner or operator to
follow including: (1) Immediately cease
all fishing operations; (2) immediately
notify the flag state of the vessel; (3) take
all reasonable actions to care for the
observer and provide any medical
treatment available and possible on
board the vessel; (4) facilitate the
disembarkation of the observer; and (5)
cooperate fully in any investigations
into the cause of illness or injury.
In the event that there are reasonable
grounds to believe a WCPFC observer on
a fishing vessel of the United States has
been assaulted, intimidated, threatened,
or harassed, CMM 2017–03 contains a
number of requirements for an owner
and operator of the fishing vessel to
follow including: (1) Immediately take
action to preserve the safety of the
observer and mitigate and resolve the
1 A WCPFC observer is a person authorized by the
Commission in accordance with any procedures
established by the Commission to undertake vessel
observer duties as part of the Commission’s ROP,
including an observer deployed as part of a NMFSadministered observer program or as part of another
national or sub-regional observer program, provided
that such program is authorized by the Commission
to be part of the Commission’s ROP (see 50 CFR
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situation on board; (2) notify the flag
state of the vessel and observer
provider; (3) facilitate the safe
disembarkation where requested; and
(4) cooperate fully into any
investigations into the incident.
As stated above, CMM 2017–03
applies to WCPFC observers on fishing
trips operating under the WCPFC ROP.
Paragraph 2 of the CMM also notes that
the measure shall not prejudice the
rights of members to enforce their laws
with respect to the safety of observers
consistent with international law.
Under CMM 2017–03, members are to
require vessel owners and operators to
take specific actions in the event of
death, injury, serious illness, or
harassment of a WCPFC observer, or
when a WCPFC observer is missing or
presumed fallen overboard. The
requirements relate to vessel operations,
notifications to the U.S. government,
search and rescue procedures, and
investigations. Some of the U.S.
obligations are satisfied by existing
regulations. Specifically, the United
States already requires U.S. vessel
owners or operators to notify the U.S.
Coast Guard for marine casualties,
including the death, loss, or serious
injury of an observer. The regulations
set forth at at 46 CFR 4 specify
requirements for notifications,
reporting, and investigations of marine
casualties. Because these regulations
already satisfy the provisions of CMM
2017–03 for cases of death, or serious
injury of an observer, or when an
observer is missing or presumed fallen
overboard, NMFS would not promulgate
additional regulations for these
instances. Serious injury is defined at 46
CFR 4.05–1 (6) as an injury that requires
professional medical treatment
(treatment beyond first aid).
This proposed rule would implement
the provisions of CMM 2017–03 for
cases of serious illness, assault,
intimidation, threats, interference, or
harassment of a WCPFC observer.
Background on the Observer
Notification Scheme
The proposed rule would also
implement specific prior notification
procedures related to WCPFC observers
that vessel owners and operators of U.S.
vessels fishing for HMS in the
Convention Area would need to follow.
Currently, U.S. commercial vessels
fishing for HMS in the Convention Area
provide prior notification only to obtain
WCPFC observers for fishing trips when
transshipments will be conducted at sea
in the Convention Area (see 50 CFR
300.215(b)). Notifications must be
provided at least 72 hours (exclusive of
weekends and Federal holidays) before
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 203 / Tuesday, October 20, 2020 / Proposed Rules
the vessel leaves port on the fishing trip
and must include specific information.
This requirement does not apply to U.S.
purse seine vessels; U.S. purse seine
vessels are prohibited from conducting
at-sea transshipments (see 50 CFR
300.216(b)). However, U.S. purse seine
vessels are required to carry WCPFC
observers on all fishing trips within the
Convention Area, unless the fishing trip
takes place exclusively in the
jurisdiction of a single nation other than
the United States or unless no fishing
occurs between 20° N latitude and 20°
S latitude (50 CFR 300.223(e)).
Pursuant to the South Pacific Tuna
Treaty (SPTT) and through a separate
contractual agreement between the
American Tunaboat Association and the
Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency
(FFA), U.S. purse seine vessels carry
observers deployed by the FFA Observer
Program. FFA observers are authorized
WCPFC observers, are nationals of
Pacific island countries, and are at
present the only observers placed on
U.S. purse seine vessels operating in the
Convention Area. Currently, NMFS
coordinates with FFA and places
WCPFC observers on U.S. purse seine
vessels departing from American
Samoa. NMFS also collects information
required for nominating WCPFC and
Inter-American Tropical Tuna
Commission (IATTC) cross-endorsed
observers 2 for U.S. purse seine vessels
intending to operate in both RFMOs on
a single trip.
After reviewing the current
administrative process regarding FFA
observer placements on U.S. purse seine
vessels under the WCPFC and SPTT,
NMFS believes that prior notification by
U.S. purse seine vessel owners and
operators of their request for a WCPFC
observer is needed to facilitate observer
placement for trips departing from
American Samoa. NMFS believes that a
request for a WCPFC observer, including
cross-endorsed observers, for a U.S.
purse seine vessel departing from
American Samoa should provide
sufficient time for NMFS to complete
the necessary administrative tasks,
including coordinating international
logistics for FFA observers traveling
from other Pacific islands to American
Samoa. NMFS proposes such observer
requests be made at least five business
days prior to the expected departure
date from American Samoa.
Although the U.S. purse seine fleet is
the only U.S. fleet that uses cross2 A cross-endorsed observer is an observer that is
‘‘cross-endorsed’’ pursuant to a Memorandum of
Cooperation between the WCPFC and the IATTC
that specifies a process to allow the observer to
meet the observer requirements of both
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endorsed observers, other fleets, such as
the U.S. longline or albacore troll fleets
that also operate in the Convention Area
and the IATTC’s area of competence
(IATTC Area), could request the
placement of a cross-endorsed observer
for trips that take place in both the
Convention Area and the IATTC Area in
the future. To date, no requests for
cross-endorsed observers have been
received from U.S. longline or albacore
troll vessels. NMFS believes that
notification requesting cross-endorsed
observers for vessels of all gear types
commercially fishing for HMS would
aid in efficient placement of crossendorsed observers as it would allow
time for NMFS to complete the
appropriate administrative steps, and
notify the Secretariats for the WCPFC
and IATTC of the placement prior to
departure. As previously discussed in
the context of purse seine vessels,
NMFS believes that receiving notice of
the need for a cross-endorsed observer
for vessels of all gear types at least five
business days prior to the expected
departure date of the vessel on a fishing
trip would be appropriate, as travel
arrangements may need to be made if a
cross-endorsed observer is not located at
the port of departure.
Proposed Action
The specific elements of the proposed
rule are detailed below.
1. Observer Safety Requirements
This proposed rule would implement
specific requirements for vessel owners
and operators to help ensure the safety
of WCPFC observers. CMM 2017–03
describes requirements for vessel
owners and operators specifically
related to vessel operations, notification,
search and rescue procedures, and
investigations in the event of death,
injury, serious illness, missing
overboard, or harassment of a WCPFC
NMFS is not proposing additional
regulations in the event of death, loss or
serious injury as they would be
duplicative of U.S. Coast Guard
regulations on marine casualty incidents
at 46 CFR 4.
Under the proposed rule, vessel
owners and operators would be required
to notify the designated authorities as
specified by the Regional Administrator
western-and-central-pacific-longlineand-purse-seine-vessels in the event of
serious illness, assault, intimidation,
threats, interference, or harassment of a
WCPFC observer. NMFS plans to create
a website that would provide specific
contact information of the designated
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authorities, including emails and phone
numbers. At this time, NMFS has
identified the observer provider and
NOAA Office of Law Enforcement
Pacific Islands Division Duty Officer as
contacts in the event of serious assault,
intimidation, threats, interference or
harassment of a WCPFC observer, and
the NOAA Office of Law Enforcement in
the event of serious illness. Any changes
or updates to these contacts will be
posted on the website. Owners and
operators would be required to
immediately notify the contacts of the
situation and the status and location of
the observer.
NMFS notes that the nearest U.S.
Coast Guard office would be the point
of contact for emergency situations that
would necessitate an immediate U.S.
Coast Guard search and rescue, or law
enforcement response. NMFS does not
maintain a 24-hour hotline to handle
such emergencies. Thus, in emergency
situations that need an immediate
response, vessel owners and operators
are encouraged to contact the nearest
U.S. Coast Guard Rescue Coordination
Center (RCC) that can help coordinate
with the closest Search and Rescue
(SAR) facility in the area of the vessel:
In addition, under the proposed rule,
the vessel owner or operator would be
required to follow certain procedures in
the event of serious illness, assault,
intimidation, threats, interference or
harassment of a WCPFC observer. The
rule would require that, in these cases,
the owner or operator of the fishing
vessel must: (1) Immediately cease
fishing operations; (2) take all
reasonable actions to care for the
observer and provide any medical
treatment available and possible on
board the vessel; (3) where directed by
the observer provider, if not already
directed by the appropriate U.S.
government contact, facilitate the
disembarkation and transport of the
observer to a medical facility equipped
to provide the required care, as soon as
practicable; and (4) cooperate fully in
any official investigations into the cause
of the illness. The proposed rule would
specify that the owner or operator of the
fishing vessel must ‘‘immediately cease
fishing operations.’’ NMFS anticipates
that there may be circumstances where
‘‘immediately cease’’ could allow for
gear to be retrieved and NMFS does not
encourage abandoning fishing gear.
Although a vessel is required to
immediately cease fishing operations,
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 203 / Tuesday, October 20, 2020 / Proposed Rules
this rule would not prohibit reasonable
steps to recover gear and catch, if
appropriate under the circumstances.
2. Prior Notification Procedures for
Vessels Requiring a WCPFC Observer
For placement of WCPFC observers on
U.S. purse seine vessels when departing
from American Samoa and for
placement of cross-endorsed observers
on U.S. purse seine vessels when
requested, NMFS proposes requiring
U.S. purse seine vessel owners and
operators to submit such requests at
least five business days before expected
departure. The WCPFC observer request
would need to provide the name of the
vessel, name of the operator of the
vessel, telephone number or email at
which the owner or operator may be
contacted, intended departure date,
intended port of departure, and whether
the owner or operator requests a
WCPFC–IATTC cross-endorsed
observer. NMFS also proposes requiring
all other U.S. commercial fishing vessels
fishing for HMS in the Convention Area
to submit WCPFC–IATTC crossendorsed observer requests at least five
business days before departure. The
request would need to provide the name
of the vessel, name of the operator of the
vessel, a telephone number or email at
which the owner or operator may be
contacted, expected departure date,
intended port of departure and identify
the need for a WCPFC–IATTC crossendorsed observer.
The Administrator, Pacific Islands
Region, NMFS, has determined that this
proposed rule is consistent with the
WCPFC Implementation Act and other
applicable laws, subject to further
consideration after public comment.
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)
NMFS determined that this action is
consistent to the maximum extent
practicable with the enforceable policies
of the approved coastal management
program of American Samoa, the CNMI,
Guam, and the State of Hawaii. NMFS
submitted determinations to Hawaii and
each of the Territories on March 16,
2020, for review by the responsible state
and territorial agencies under section
307 of the CZMA. Hawaii replied by
letter dated March 19, 2020, stating that,
because the proposed rule is outside of
the jurisdiction of the Hawaii Coastal
Zone Management Program’s
enforceable policies, it would not be
responding to the consistency
determination. The CNMI replied by
letter dated May 12, 2020, stating that
based on the information provided, it
has determined that the action will be
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undertaken in a manner that is
consistent to the maximum extent
practicable with the enforceable policies
of the CNMI’s coastal management
program. Guam replied by letter dated
May 27, 2020, stating that based on the
information provided, it has determined
that the action will be consistent with
the enforceable policies of Guarm’s
Coastal Management Program. No
response was received from American
Samoa, and thus, concurrence with the
respective consistency determinations is
presumed (15 CFR 930.41).
Executive Order 12866
This proposed rule has been
determined to be not significant for
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
This proposed rule is not expected to be
an Executive Order 13771 regulatory
action because this proposed rule is not
significant under Executive Order
Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
An initial regulatory flexibility
analysis (IRFA) was prepared, as
required by section 603 of the RFA. The
IRFA describes the economic impact
this proposed rule, if adopted, would
have on small entities. A description of
the action, why it is being considered,
and the legal basis for this action are
contained in the SUMMARY section of the
preamble. The analysis follows:
Estimated Number of Small Entities
For RFA purposes only, NMFS has
established a small business size
standard for businesses, including their
affiliates, whose primary industry is
commercial fishing (50 CFR 200.2). A
business primarily engaged in
commercial fishing (NAICS code
114111) is classified as a small business
if it is independently owned and
operated, is not dominant in its field of
operation (including its affiliates), and
has combined annual receipts not in
excess of $11 million for all its affiliated
operations worldwide.
The proposed rule would apply to
owners and operators of U.S.
commercial fishing vessels that fish for
HMS in the Convention Area that: (1)
Carry a WCPFC Observer or (2) purse
seine for HMS in the Convention Area.
This includes vessels in the purse seine,
longline, and albacore troll fleets. The
estimated number of affected fishing
vessels is as follows based on the
number of vessels on the WCPFC
Record of Fishing Vessels as of March
25, 2020: 26 Purse seine vessels, 168
longline vessels, and 12 albacore troll
vessels. Thus, the total estimated
number of commercial fishing vessels
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that would be subject to the rule is 206.
The purse seine vessels operating in the
Convention Area generally land in
American Samoa and other ports in
Pacific Islands, the longline vessels
operating in the Convention Area
generally land in American Samoa and
Hawaii, and the albacore troll vessels
operating in the Convention Area
generally land their catch in California,
Oregon, Washington or Canada.
Based on (limited) financial
information about the affected fishing
fleets, and using individual vessels as
proxies for individual businesses,
NMFS believes that all the affected fish
harvesting businesses in all the fleets,
except the purse seine fleet, are small
entities as defined by the RFA; that is,
they are independently owned and
operated and not dominant in their
fields of operation, and have annual
receipts of no more than $11.0 million.
Within the purse seine fleet, analysis of
average revenue, by vessel, for 2017–
2019 reveals that average fleet revenue
was $8,890,000 (NMFS unpublished
data combined with price data from and
accessed on July 27, 2020); however, 17
participating vessels qualified as small
entities with their average of the most
recent three years of vessel revenue for
which data is available of less than $11
million. Within the Hawaii based
longline fleet, an average of 146 vessels
recorded landings during 2017–2019
with a average vessel revenue of
approximately $828,000 per vessel
(estimate calculated using data from the
2019 Pelagic Fishery Ecosystem Plan
Stock Assessment and Fishery
Evaluation Report and Annual Reports
of the Hawaii Longline Fishery). For the
American Samoa based longline fleet,
an average of 15 vessels recorded
landings during 2017–2019 with average
vessel revenue of approximately
$339,000 per vessel (estimate calculated
using data from the 2019 Pelagic Fishery
Ecosystem Plan Stock Assessment and
Fishery Evaluation Report and Annual
Reports of the American Samoa
Longline Fishery). None of the other
potentially directly regulated fishing
sectors had total fishery revenue of all
vessels combined that exceeded the
small entity threshold.
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Other
Compliance Requirements
The reporting, recordkeeping and
other compliance requirements of this
proposed rule are described earlier in
the preamble. The classes of small
entities subject to the requirements and
the types of professional skills necessary
to fulfill the requirements are as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 203 / Tuesday, October 20, 2020 / Proposed Rules
(1) Reporting requirements when
carrying a WCPFC observer: This
requirement is part of a proposed
collection of information subject to
approval by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) under the PRA. It
would apply to about 199 small
business entities, (derived from
subtracting the seven vessels that do not
qualify as small business entities from
206, the number of fishing vessels
affected by this rule as estimated from
vessels with WCPFC area
endorsements). Complying would
require that owners and operators of
purse seine, longline and troll vessels to
contact NMFS in the event of serious
illness, assault, intimidation, threats,
interference, or harassment of a WCPFC
observer. NMFS estimates the cost of
compliance as the cost of a five minute
phone call though the cost of
compliance could vary depending on
the directions given by NMFS. NMFS
cannot project how many calls would
occur, but from 2015–2019, NOAA
Office of Law Enforcement charged a
total of six cases of harassment against
purse seine and longline vessels in the
Pacific Islands Region. Thus, NMFS
expects events of serious illness, assault,
intimidation, threats, interference, or
harassment of a WCPFC observer to
occur very rarely (average of one per
year) and thus the cost of reporting to
be very small. The Commission has
indefinitely deferred implementation of
placing WCPFC observers on troll
vessels, and for the foreseeable future,
NMFS does not believe that this
requirement would add any new
compliance costs for troll vessels. If the
Commission were to change its position
on placing WCPFC observers on troll
vessels, troll operators may incur
compliance costs similar to those
described above. Fulfillment of this
requirement is not expected to require
any professional skills that the vessel
owners and operators do not already
(2) Requirement to ensure observer
safety: This requirement is outside of
the proposed collection of information
under the PRA. In the event of serious
illness, assault, intimidation, threats,
interference or harassment of a WCPFC
observer, the proposed rule would
require the owner or operator of the
fishing vessel to: (1) Immediately cease
fishing operations; (2) take all
reasonable actions to care for the
observer and provide any medical
treatment available and possible on
board the vessel; (3) where directed by
the observer provider, if not already
directed by the appropriate U.S.
government contact, facilitate the
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disembarkation and transport of the
observer to a medical facility equipped
to provide the required care, as soon as
practicable; and (4) cooperate fully in
any official investigations into the cause
of the illness. NMFS cannot project how
often this would occur, but anticipates
these events to occur rarely. As
mentioned above, NOAA Office of Law
Enforcement has charged six cases of
harassment against purse seine and
longline vessels over 2015–2019 in the
Pacific Islands Region, which equates to
approximately one per year. If such an
event does occur, the impacts could
vary depending on when the event
occurs and what foregone opportunity is
lost. For illustrative purposes, the
average gross revenue of a U.S. purse
seine fishing trip from 2017–2019 was a
little under $1.4 million per trip
(calculated by multiplying Bangkok fish
prices by average catch per trip using
NMFS data) so if an event occurred near
the start of a fishing trip, the vessel
could potentially forgo much of that
revenue along with any trip costs
already incurred. For U.S. longline
vessels the average gross revenue from
2017–2019 (calculated using nominal
revenue and trip information from the
2019 Pelagic Fishery Ecosystem Plan
Stock Assessment and Fishery
Evaluation Report) was around $664,000
per Hawaii-based deep-set trip, $64,000
per Hawaii-based shallow-set trip, and
$39,000 per American Samoa-based trip
so if an event occurred near the start of
a fishing trip, the vessel could
potentially forgo much of that revenue
along with any trip costs already
(3) Notification requesting a WCPFC
Observer: This requirement is part of a
proposed collection of information
subject to approval by OMB under the
PRA. It would apply to about 199 small
business entities. Vessels are already
required to provide notification prior to
trip departure if they intend to transship
at sea, and this proposed requirement
would expand notification requirements
to all vessels requesting a WCPFC–
IATTC cross-endorsed observer and to
purse seine vessels requesting a WCPFC
observer and departing from American
Samoa. Longline vessels are already
required to notify NMFS at least 72
hours before departure on a fishing trip,
and this requirement would not add any
new compliance costs for those vessels.
The additional 48 hours advanced
notice might reduce operational
flexibility for longline vessels, but to
date, there have been no requests from
longliners for WCPFC–IATTC crossendorsed observers, so this would be
expected to occur very rarely if at all.
PO 00000
Frm 00027
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
The WCPFC has indefinitely deferred
implementation of placing ROP
observers on troll vessels, and for the
foreseeable future, NMFS does not
believe that this requirement would add
any new compliance costs for troll
vessels. If the WCPFC were to change its
position on placing ROP observers on
troll vessels, troll operators may incur
minor compliance costs similar to those
outlined below for purse seine vessels.
The proposed requirement may result
in compliance costs for vessels
requesting a WCPFC–IATTC crossendorsed observer. It is estimated that
each pre-trip notification would require
1 minute of labor and about $1 in
communication costs. The value of the
required labor is estimated to be $24.42
per hour. The estimated cost of
compliance is less than $2 per
notification. The number of pre-trip
notifications for a cross-endorsed
observer cannot be predicted with any
certainty, but for the purpose of this
analysis, each vessel is expected to
make 0.23 pre-trip notifications per year
requesting a WCPFC–IATTC crossendorsed observer (estimate based on
the average number of WCPFC–IATTC
notifications NMFS made in 2018–2019
divided by 221, the number of potential
respondents including (1) 40 purse
seine vessels, which is the maximum
number of licenses available under the
South Pacific Tuna Treaty; (2) 164
longline vessels, which is the maximum
number of Hawaii longline limited entry
permits available; and (3) 17 troll
vessels, which is the maximum number
of West Coast-based albacore vessels
that fished in the Convention Area in
any one year from 2016–2019). The
estimated cost of compliance for all
vessels is expected to be $70.35 for 50
pre-trip notifications requesting a
WCPFC–IATTC cross-endorsed observer
per year.
The proposed requirement may also
result in compliance costs for purse
seine vessels requesting a WCPFC
observer when departing from American
Samoa. It is estimated that each
notification would require 1 minute of
labor and about $1 in communication
costs. The value of the required labor is
estimated to be $24.42 per hour. The
estimated cost of compliance is less
than $2 per notification. The number of
requests and notifications cannot be
predicted with any certainty, but for the
purpose of this analysis, each purse
seine vessel is expected to make 2.34
requests or notifications per year related
to WCPFC observers (estimate based on
the average number of trips per year
from 2014–2018 divided by 40, the
number of potential respondents). The
estimated cost of compliance is
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 203 / Tuesday, October 20, 2020 / Proposed Rules
therefore expected to be $3.29 for a
vessel that makes 2.34 pre-trip
notifications per year.
Duplicating, Overlapping, and
Conflicting Federal Regulations
NMFS has identified Federal
regulations that could overlap with the
proposed rule for each of its two
(1) Observer Safety
As mentioned above, the U.S. Coast
Guard has regulations at 46 CFR part 4
relating to marine casualties. This
proposed regulation would implement
the requirements of CMM 2017–03 that
are not marine casualties covered by the
existing U.S. Coast Guard regulations.
IATTC adopted Resolution C 18–07
on Observer Safety, and NMFS
published a final rule on May 18, 2020
(85 FR 29666) related to observer safety
notification for observers on vessels that
are on fishing trips in the IATTC Area.
The regulations in the proposed rule
and the regulations applicable to the
IATTC Area would apply to WCPFC
observers that are on vessels that are
fishing in the IATTC Area, such as
WCPFC observers that are also crossendorsed observers. In this case, there
would be overlapping regulations, but
NMFS intends to ensure consistency in
the contacts for the observer safety
notification such that both requirements
would be satisfied with one notification.
(2) Notification To Request Observer
Vessels with a Hawaii or American
Samoa longline limited access permit
are required at 50 CFR 665.803 to notify
NMFS at least 72 hours (excluding
weekends and Federal holidays) before
the vessel leaves port on a fishing trip
wherein any part occurs in the U.S.
exclusive economic zone around the
Hawaiian Archipelago or American
Samoa. Purse seine vessels operating in
the Eastern Pacific Ocean are also
required at 50 CFR 216.24 to notify
NMFS or the IATTC contact designated
by NMFS at least five days before the
vessel leaves port for observer
placement reasons. This regulation
potentially overlaps with the proposed
regulation for those trips that include a
request for placement of a crossendorsed observer.
Alternatives to the Proposed Rule
NMFS has not been able to identify
any alternatives that would minimize
any significant economic impact of the
proposed rule on small entities. The
alternative of taking no action at all was
rejected because it would be
inconsistent with the United States’
obligations under the Convention. As a
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Contracting Party to the Convention, the
United States is required to implement
the decisions of the WCPFC.
Consequently, NMFS has limited
discretion as to how to implement those
Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed rule contains a
collection-of-information requirement
subject to review and approval by the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA). This rule revises the existing
requirements for the collection of
information 0648–0649,
‘‘Transshipment Requirements Under
the WCPFC’’ by requiring reporting in
the event of serious illness, assault,
intimidation, threats, interference, or
harassment of a WCPFC observer on
purse seine vessels and troll vessels as
well as requiring pre-trip notificaitons
for purse seine vessels requesting a
purse seine observer and departing from
American Samoa, and requiring pre-trip
notifications for vessels requesting a
WCPFC–IATTC cross endorsed
observer. Notifications related to
observer safety on purse seine vessels
and troll vessels are expected to be rare,
and the public burden is estimated to
average five minutes per reporting
incident. NMFS estimates that the
public reporting burden would be one
minute for pre-trip notifications for
purse seine vessels requesting a WCPFC
observer and departing from American
Samoa and one minute for pre-trip
notifications for vessel requesting a
WCPFC–IATTC cross endorsed
NMFS is also revising the existing
requirements for the collection of
information 0648–0214, ‘‘Pacific Islands
Region Logbook Family of Forms’’ by
requiring reporting in the event of
serious illness, assault, intimidation,
threats, interference, or harassment of a
WCPFC observer on longline vessels.
Notifications related to observer safety
on longline vessels are expected to be
rare, and the public burden is estimated
to average five minutes per reporting
NMFS requests any comments on the
PRA requirements under this proposed
rule, including whether the paperwork
would unnecessarily burden any vessel
owners and operators. Public comment
is sought regarding: Whether this
proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; the accuracy of the
burden estimate; ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and ways to
PO 00000
Frm 00028
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
minimize the burden of the collection of
information, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Send comments on these or any other
aspects of the collection of information
to the ADDRESSES above, and by email to
Notwithstanding any other provision
of the law, no person is required to
respond to, nor shall any person be
subject to a penalty for failure to comply
with, a collection of information subject
to the requirements of the PRA, unless
that collection of information displays a
currently valid OMB Control Number.
All currently approved NOAA
collections of information may be
viewed at:
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 300
Administrative practice and
procedure, Fish, Fisheries, Fishing,
Marine resources, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Treaties.
Dated: October 14, 2020.
Samuel D. Rauch III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, 50 CFR part 300 is proposed
to be amended as follows:
Subpart O—Western and Central
Pacific Fisheries for Highly Migratory
1. The authority citation for 50 CFR
part 300, subpart O, continues to read as
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.
2. In § 300.211, add a definition for
‘‘WCPFC–IATTC cross-endorsed
observer’’ in alphabetical order to read
as follows:
§ 300.211
WCPFC–IATTC cross-endorsed
observer means an observer who is
‘‘cross endorsed’’ pursuant to a
Memorandum of Cooperation between
the Commission and the Inter-American
Tropical Tuna Commission that
specifies a process to allow the observer
to meet the observer requirements of
both organizations.
■ 3. In § 300.215, revise paragraph (b)
and add paragraph (f) to read as follows:
§ 300.215
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 203 / Tuesday, October 20, 2020 / Proposed Rules
(b) Notifications. (1) If a fishing vessel
of the United States used for
commercial fishing for HMS in the
Convention Area intends to conduct
transshipments at sea, the owner or
operator of that fishing vessel is
required to carry a WCPFC observer
under paragraph (d) of this section
during the fishing trip and shall notify
the Pacific Islands Regional
Administrator of the need for a WCPFC
observer at least 72 hours (exclusive of
weekends and Federal holidays) before
the vessel leaves port on the fishing trip.
The notice shall be provided to the
Observer Placement Contact specified
by the Pacific Islands Regional
Administrator and must include the
official number of the vessel, the name
of the vessel, the expected departure
date, time, and location, the name of the
operator of the vessel, and a telephone
number at which the owner, operator, or
a designated agent may be contacted
during the business day (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Hawaii Standard Time). If applicable,
this notice may be provided in
conjunction with the notice required
under § 665.803(a) of this title.
(2) In order to obtain a WCPFC–
IATTC cross-endorsed observer for a
particular fishing trip, the owner or
operator of a fishing vessel of the United
States that is used for commercial
fishing for HMS in the Convention Area
shall provide the Pacific Islands
Regional Administrator with the
following information at least five days
(exclusive of weekends and Federal
holidays) before the vessel leaves port
on the fishing trip: The name of the
vessel; name of the operator of the
vessel; a telephone number or email at
which the owner or operator may be
contacted; expected departure date;
intended port of departure; and that the
owner or operator requests a WCPFC–
IATTC cross-endorsed observer. This
information shall be provided to the
address specified by the Pacific Islands
Regional Administrator and may be
provided in conjunction with the notice
required under § 216.24(b)(8)(iv)(A) of
this title, if applicable.
(3) In order to obtain a WCPFC
observer on a fishing trip departing from
American Samoa, the owner or operator
of a fishing vessel of the United States
equipped with purse seine gear shall
provide the Pacific Islands Regional
Administrator with the following
information at least five days (exclusive
of weekends and Federal holidays)
before the vessel leaves port on the
fishing trip: The name of the vessel;
name of the operator of the vessel a
telephone number or email at which the
owner or operator may be contacted
expected departure date; intended port
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of departure and; whether the owner or
operator requests a WCPFC–IATTC
cross-endorsed observer. This
information shall be provided to the
address specified by the Pacific Islands
Regional Administrator and may be
provided in conjunction with the
information required under
§ 300.215(b)(2) of this title.
(f) Observer safety. The following
requirements apply when a WCPFC
observer is on a fishing trip operating
under the Commission’s Regional
Observer Program.
(1) The owner or operator of a fishing
vessel of the United States shall
immediately report the serious illness
that threatens the health or safety of a
WCPFC observer to the U.S government
contact on the list provided by the
Pacific Islands Regional Administrator
western-and-central-pacific-longlineand-purse-seine-vessels. In addition, the
owner or operator of the fishing vessel
(i) Immediately cease fishing
(ii) Take all reasonable actions to care
for the observer and provide any
medical treatment available and
possible on board the vessel, and where
appropriate seek external medical
(iii) Where directed by the observer
provider, if not already directed by the
appropriate U.S. government contact,
facilitate the disembarkation and
transport of the observer to a medical
facility equipped to provide the
required care, as soon as practicable;
(iv) Cooperate fully in any official
investigations into the cause of the
(2) In the event that a WCPFC
observer on a fishing vessel of the
United States has been assaulted,
intimidated, threatened or harassed, the
owner or operator of the fishing vessel
shall immediately notify the U.S.
government contact and observer
program contact on the list provided by
the Pacific Islands Regional
Administrator at https://
commercial-fishing/western-andcentral-pacific-longline-and-purseseine-vessels of the situation and the
status and location of the observer. In
addition, the owner or operator of the
fishing vessel must:
(i) Immediately take action to preserve
the safety of the observer and mitigate
and resolve the situation on board;
(ii) If the observer or the observer
provider indicate that they wish to be
PO 00000
Frm 00029
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
removed from the vessel, facilitate the
safe disembarkation of the observer in a
manner and place, as agreed by the
observer provider and a U.S.
government contact, that facilitates
access to any needed medical treatment;
(iii) Cooperate fully in any official
investigations into the incident.
■ 4. In § 300.222, add paragraph (yy) to
read as follows:
§ 300.222
(yy) Fail to comply with the observer
safety requirements in § 300.215(f).
[FR Doc. 2020–23162 Filed 10–19–20; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 660
[Docket No. 200929–0258]
RIN 0648–BJ50
Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions;
Fisheries Off West Coast States;
Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery;
Salmon Bycatch Minimization
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Proposed rule, request for
This rule proposes salmon
bycatch minimization measures to
minimize incidental take of Endangered
Species Act-listed salmon by vessels in
the Pacific Coast groundfish fishery. The
proposed rule would establish
additional management tools to
minimize incidental Chinook and coho
salmon bycatch to keep fishery sectors
within guidelines, establish rules to
allow industry to access the Chinook
salmon bycatch reserve, and create
Chinook salmon bycatch closure
thresholds for the trawl fishery. This
proposed rule fulfills the terms and
conditions of a 2017 National Marine
Fisheries Service Biological Opinion.
This proposed rule is intended to
promote the goals and objectives of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act, the
Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery
Management Plan, and other applicable
laws, including the Endangered Species
DATES: Comments must be received by
November 19, 2020.
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 203 (Tuesday, October 20, 2020)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 66513-66519]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-23162]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 300
[Docket No. 201013-0269]
RIN 0648-BG66
International Fisheries; Western and Central Pacific Fisheries
for Highly Migratory Species; Requirements to Safeguard Fishery
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.
SUMMARY: This proposed rule would establish requirements to safeguard
fishery observers and would establish prior notification procedures for
observer placement. NMFS seeks comments on this proposed rule issued
under authority of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Convention
Implementation Act (WCPFC Implementation Act). This action is necessary
to satisfy the obligations of the United States under the Convention on
the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the
Western and Central Pacific Ocean (Convention), to which it is a
Contracting Party.
DATES: Comments on the proposed rule must be submitted in writing by
November 19, 2020.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments on the proposed rule and the
regulatory impact review (RIR) prepared for the proposed rule,
identified by NOAA-NMFS-2020-0125, by either of the following methods:
Electronic submission: Submit all electronic public
comments via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal.
1. Go to!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2020-0125,
2. Click the ``Comment Now!'' icon, complete the required fields,
3. Enter or attach your comments.
- OR -
Mail: Submit written comments to Michael D. Tosatto,
Regional Administrator, NMFS, Pacific Islands Regional Office (PIRO),
1845 Wasp Blvd., Building 176, Honolulu, HI 96818.
Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period,
might not be considered by NMFS. All comments received are a part of
the public record and will generally be posted for public viewing on without change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name and address), confidential business
information, or otherwise sensitive information submitted voluntarily
by the sender will be publicly accessible. NMFS will accept anonymous
comments (enter ``N/A'' in the required fields if you wish to remain
An initial regulatory flexibility analysis (IRFA) prepared under
authority of the Regulatory Flexibility Act is included in the
Classification section of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this
Copies of the RIR are available at or may be
obtained from Michael D. Tosatto, Regional Administrator, NMFS PIRO
(see address above).
Background on the Convention
The Convention focuses on the conservation and management of
fisheries for highly migratory species (HMS). The objective of the
Convention is to ensure, through effective management, the long-term
conservation and sustainable use of HMS in the WCPO. To accomplish this
objective, the Convention established the Commission on the
Conservation of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central
Pacific Ocean
[[Page 66514]]
(WCPFC or Commission), which includes Members, Cooperating Non-members,
and Participating Territories (collectively referred to here as
``members''). The United States of America is a Member. American Samoa,
Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) are
Participating Territories.
As a Contracting Party to the Convention and a Member of the
Commission, the United States implements conservation and management
measures and other decisions adopted by the Commission. The WCPFC
Implementation Act (16 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.), authorizes the Secretary
of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the
Secretary of the Department in which the United States Coast Guard is
operating (currently the Department of Homeland Security), to
promulgate such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the
obligations of the United States under the Convention, including the
decisions of the Commission. The WCPFC Implementation Act further
provides that the Secretary of Commerce shall ensure consistency, to
the extent practicable, of fishery management programs administered
under the WCPFC Implementation Act and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act (MSA; 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.), as well
as other specific laws (see 16 U.S.C. 6905(b)). The Secretary of
Commerce has delegated the authority to promulgate regulations under
the WCPFC Implementation Act to NMFS. A map showing the boundaries of
the area of application of the Convention (Convention Area), which
comprises the majority of the WCPO, can be found on the WCPFC website
Background on Conservation and Management Measure (CMM) 2017-03
CMM 2017-03, ``Conservation and Management Measure for WCPFC
Regional Programme Observers,'' was adopted by the Commission to
strengthen protections for observers on fishing trips operating under
the WCPFC Regional Observer Programme (ROP). This proposed rule would
implement provisions of CMM 2017-03. The CMM includes provisions that
detail responsibilities for vessel owners and operators,
responsibilities for WCPFC members to which fishing vessels are
flagged, responsibilities for members that have jurisdiction over
ports, and responsibilities for observer providers. These provisions
include (1) provisions for when a WCPFC observer \1\ dies, is missing
or presumed to have fallen overboard; (2) provisions for when a WCPFC
observer suffers from a serious illness or injury that threatens his or
her health or safety; and (3) provisions for when there are reasonable
grounds to believe a WCPFC observer has been assaulted, intimidated,
threatened or harassed.
\1\ A WCPFC observer is a person authorized by the Commission in
accordance with any procedures established by the Commission to
undertake vessel observer duties as part of the Commission's ROP,
including an observer deployed as part of a NMFS-administered
observer program or as part of another national or sub-regional
observer program, provided that such program is authorized by the
Commission to be part of the Commission's ROP (see 50 CFR 300.211).
In the event that a WCPFC observer on a fishing vessel of the
United States dies, is missing or presumed fallen overboard, CMM 2017-
03 contains a number of requirements for an owner and operator of the
fishing vessel to follow including: (1) Immediately cease all fishing
operations; (2) immediately commence search and rescue if the observer
is missing or presumed fallen overboard; (3) immediately notify the
flag state of the vessel; (4) immediately alert other vessels in the
vicinity by using all available means of communication; (5) cooperate
fully in any search and rescue operation; (6) return the vessel for
further investigation to the nearest port whether the search is
successful or not; (7) provide a report to the observer provider; (8)
cooperate fully in any official investigations; and (9) ensure the body
is well preserved if an observer dies.
In the event that a WCPFC observer on a fishing vessel of the
United States suffers from a serious illness or injury that threatens
his or her health or safety, CMM 2017-03 contains a number of
requirements for an owner or operator to follow including: (1)
Immediately cease all fishing operations; (2) immediately notify the
flag state of the vessel; (3) take all reasonable actions to care for
the observer and provide any medical treatment available and possible
on board the vessel; (4) facilitate the disembarkation of the observer;
and (5) cooperate fully in any investigations into the cause of illness
or injury.
In the event that there are reasonable grounds to believe a WCPFC
observer on a fishing vessel of the United States has been assaulted,
intimidated, threatened, or harassed, CMM 2017-03 contains a number of
requirements for an owner and operator of the fishing vessel to follow
including: (1) Immediately take action to preserve the safety of the
observer and mitigate and resolve the situation on board; (2) notify
the flag state of the vessel and observer provider; (3) facilitate the
safe disembarkation where requested; and (4) cooperate fully into any
investigations into the incident.
As stated above, CMM 2017-03 applies to WCPFC observers on fishing
trips operating under the WCPFC ROP. Paragraph 2 of the CMM also notes
that the measure shall not prejudice the rights of members to enforce
their laws with respect to the safety of observers consistent with
international law.
Under CMM 2017-03, members are to require vessel owners and
operators to take specific actions in the event of death, injury,
serious illness, or harassment of a WCPFC observer, or when a WCPFC
observer is missing or presumed fallen overboard. The requirements
relate to vessel operations, notifications to the U.S. government,
search and rescue procedures, and investigations. Some of the U.S.
obligations are satisfied by existing regulations. Specifically, the
United States already requires U.S. vessel owners or operators to
notify the U.S. Coast Guard for marine casualties, including the death,
loss, or serious injury of an observer. The regulations set forth at at
46 CFR 4 specify requirements for notifications, reporting, and
investigations of marine casualties. Because these regulations already
satisfy the provisions of CMM 2017-03 for cases of death, or serious
injury of an observer, or when an observer is missing or presumed
fallen overboard, NMFS would not promulgate additional regulations for
these instances. Serious injury is defined at 46 CFR 4.05-1 (6) as an
injury that requires professional medical treatment (treatment beyond
first aid).
This proposed rule would implement the provisions of CMM 2017-03
for cases of serious illness, assault, intimidation, threats,
interference, or harassment of a WCPFC observer.
Background on the Observer Notification Scheme
The proposed rule would also implement specific prior notification
procedures related to WCPFC observers that vessel owners and operators
of U.S. vessels fishing for HMS in the Convention Area would need to
Currently, U.S. commercial vessels fishing for HMS in the
Convention Area provide prior notification only to obtain WCPFC
observers for fishing trips when transshipments will be conducted at
sea in the Convention Area (see 50 CFR 300.215(b)). Notifications must
be provided at least 72 hours (exclusive of weekends and Federal
holidays) before
[[Page 66515]]
the vessel leaves port on the fishing trip and must include specific
information. This requirement does not apply to U.S. purse seine
vessels; U.S. purse seine vessels are prohibited from conducting at-sea
transshipments (see 50 CFR 300.216(b)). However, U.S. purse seine
vessels are required to carry WCPFC observers on all fishing trips
within the Convention Area, unless the fishing trip takes place
exclusively in the jurisdiction of a single nation other than the
United States or unless no fishing occurs between 20[deg] N latitude
and 20[deg] S latitude (50 CFR 300.223(e)).
Pursuant to the South Pacific Tuna Treaty (SPTT) and through a
separate contractual agreement between the American Tunaboat
Association and the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), U.S.
purse seine vessels carry observers deployed by the FFA Observer
Program. FFA observers are authorized WCPFC observers, are nationals of
Pacific island countries, and are at present the only observers placed
on U.S. purse seine vessels operating in the Convention Area.
Currently, NMFS coordinates with FFA and places WCPFC observers on U.S.
purse seine vessels departing from American Samoa. NMFS also collects
information required for nominating WCPFC and Inter-American Tropical
Tuna Commission (IATTC) cross-endorsed observers \2\ for U.S. purse
seine vessels intending to operate in both RFMOs on a single trip.
\2\ A cross-endorsed observer is an observer that is ``cross-
endorsed'' pursuant to a Memorandum of Cooperation between the WCPFC
and the IATTC that specifies a process to allow the observer to meet
the observer requirements of both organizations.
After reviewing the current administrative process regarding FFA
observer placements on U.S. purse seine vessels under the WCPFC and
SPTT, NMFS believes that prior notification by U.S. purse seine vessel
owners and operators of their request for a WCPFC observer is needed to
facilitate observer placement for trips departing from American Samoa.
NMFS believes that a request for a WCPFC observer, including cross-
endorsed observers, for a U.S. purse seine vessel departing from
American Samoa should provide sufficient time for NMFS to complete the
necessary administrative tasks, including coordinating international
logistics for FFA observers traveling from other Pacific islands to
American Samoa. NMFS proposes such observer requests be made at least
five business days prior to the expected departure date from American
Although the U.S. purse seine fleet is the only U.S. fleet that
uses cross-endorsed observers, other fleets, such as the U.S. longline
or albacore troll fleets that also operate in the Convention Area and
the IATTC's area of competence (IATTC Area), could request the
placement of a cross-endorsed observer for trips that take place in
both the Convention Area and the IATTC Area in the future. To date, no
requests for cross-endorsed observers have been received from U.S.
longline or albacore troll vessels. NMFS believes that notification
requesting cross-endorsed observers for vessels of all gear types
commercially fishing for HMS would aid in efficient placement of cross-
endorsed observers as it would allow time for NMFS to complete the
appropriate administrative steps, and notify the Secretariats for the
WCPFC and IATTC of the placement prior to departure. As previously
discussed in the context of purse seine vessels, NMFS believes that
receiving notice of the need for a cross-endorsed observer for vessels
of all gear types at least five business days prior to the expected
departure date of the vessel on a fishing trip would be appropriate, as
travel arrangements may need to be made if a cross-endorsed observer is
not located at the port of departure.
Proposed Action
The specific elements of the proposed rule are detailed below.
1. Observer Safety Requirements
This proposed rule would implement specific requirements for vessel
owners and operators to help ensure the safety of WCPFC observers. CMM
2017-03 describes requirements for vessel owners and operators
specifically related to vessel operations, notification, search and
rescue procedures, and investigations in the event of death, injury,
serious illness, missing overboard, or harassment of a WCPFC observer.
NMFS is not proposing additional regulations in the event of death,
loss or serious injury as they would be duplicative of U.S. Coast Guard
regulations on marine casualty incidents at 46 CFR 4.
Under the proposed rule, vessel owners and operators would be
required to notify the designated authorities as specified by the
Regional Administrator at in the event of serious illness, assault,
intimidation, threats, interference, or harassment of a WCPFC observer.
NMFS plans to create a website that would provide specific contact
information of the designated authorities, including emails and phone
numbers. At this time, NMFS has identified the observer provider and
NOAA Office of Law Enforcement Pacific Islands Division Duty Officer as
contacts in the event of serious assault, intimidation, threats,
interference or harassment of a WCPFC observer, and the NOAA Office of
Law Enforcement in the event of serious illness. Any changes or updates
to these contacts will be posted on the website. Owners and operators
would be required to immediately notify the contacts of the situation
and the status and location of the observer.
NMFS notes that the nearest U.S. Coast Guard office would be the
point of contact for emergency situations that would necessitate an
immediate U.S. Coast Guard search and rescue, or law enforcement
response. NMFS does not maintain a 24-hour hotline to handle such
emergencies. Thus, in emergency situations that need an immediate
response, vessel owners and operators are encouraged to contact the
nearest U.S. Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) that can help
coordinate with the closest Search and Rescue (SAR) facility in the
area of the vessel:
In addition, under the proposed rule, the vessel owner or operator
would be required to follow certain procedures in the event of serious
illness, assault, intimidation, threats, interference or harassment of
a WCPFC observer. The rule would require that, in these cases, the
owner or operator of the fishing vessel must: (1) Immediately cease
fishing operations; (2) take all reasonable actions to care for the
observer and provide any medical treatment available and possible on
board the vessel; (3) where directed by the observer provider, if not
already directed by the appropriate U.S. government contact, facilitate
the disembarkation and transport of the observer to a medical facility
equipped to provide the required care, as soon as practicable; and (4)
cooperate fully in any official investigations into the cause of the
illness. The proposed rule would specify that the owner or operator of
the fishing vessel must ``immediately cease fishing operations.'' NMFS
anticipates that there may be circumstances where ``immediately cease''
could allow for gear to be retrieved and NMFS does not encourage
abandoning fishing gear. Although a vessel is required to immediately
cease fishing operations,
[[Page 66516]]
this rule would not prohibit reasonable steps to recover gear and
catch, if appropriate under the circumstances.
2. Prior Notification Procedures for Vessels Requiring a WCPFC Observer
For placement of WCPFC observers on U.S. purse seine vessels when
departing from American Samoa and for placement of cross-endorsed
observers on U.S. purse seine vessels when requested, NMFS proposes
requiring U.S. purse seine vessel owners and operators to submit such
requests at least five business days before expected departure. The
WCPFC observer request would need to provide the name of the vessel,
name of the operator of the vessel, telephone number or email at which
the owner or operator may be contacted, intended departure date,
intended port of departure, and whether the owner or operator requests
a WCPFC-IATTC cross-endorsed observer. NMFS also proposes requiring all
other U.S. commercial fishing vessels fishing for HMS in the Convention
Area to submit WCPFC-IATTC cross-endorsed observer requests at least
five business days before departure. The request would need to provide
the name of the vessel, name of the operator of the vessel, a telephone
number or email at which the owner or operator may be contacted,
expected departure date, intended port of departure and identify the
need for a WCPFC-IATTC cross-endorsed observer.
The Administrator, Pacific Islands Region, NMFS, has determined
that this proposed rule is consistent with the WCPFC Implementation Act
and other applicable laws, subject to further consideration after
public comment.
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)
NMFS determined that this action is consistent to the maximum
extent practicable with the enforceable policies of the approved
coastal management program of American Samoa, the CNMI, Guam, and the
State of Hawaii. NMFS submitted determinations to Hawaii and each of
the Territories on March 16, 2020, for review by the responsible state
and territorial agencies under section 307 of the CZMA. Hawaii replied
by letter dated March 19, 2020, stating that, because the proposed rule
is outside of the jurisdiction of the Hawaii Coastal Zone Management
Program's enforceable policies, it would not be responding to the
consistency determination. The CNMI replied by letter dated May 12,
2020, stating that based on the information provided, it has determined
that the action will be undertaken in a manner that is consistent to
the maximum extent practicable with the enforceable policies of the
CNMI's coastal management program. Guam replied by letter dated May 27,
2020, stating that based on the information provided, it has determined
that the action will be consistent with the enforceable policies of
Guarm's Coastal Management Program. No response was received from
American Samoa, and thus, concurrence with the respective consistency
determinations is presumed (15 CFR 930.41).
Executive Order 12866
This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for
purposes of Executive Order 12866. This proposed rule is not expected
to be an Executive Order 13771 regulatory action because this proposed
rule is not significant under Executive Order 12866.
Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
An initial regulatory flexibility analysis (IRFA) was prepared, as
required by section 603 of the RFA. The IRFA describes the economic
impact this proposed rule, if adopted, would have on small entities. A
description of the action, why it is being considered, and the legal
basis for this action are contained in the SUMMARY section of the
preamble. The analysis follows:
Estimated Number of Small Entities Affected
For RFA purposes only, NMFS has established a small business size
standard for businesses, including their affiliates, whose primary
industry is commercial fishing (50 CFR 200.2). A business primarily
engaged in commercial fishing (NAICS code 114111) is classified as a
small business if it is independently owned and operated, is not
dominant in its field of operation (including its affiliates), and has
combined annual receipts not in excess of $11 million for all its
affiliated operations worldwide.
The proposed rule would apply to owners and operators of U.S.
commercial fishing vessels that fish for HMS in the Convention Area
that: (1) Carry a WCPFC Observer or (2) purse seine for HMS in the
Convention Area. This includes vessels in the purse seine, longline,
and albacore troll fleets. The estimated number of affected fishing
vessels is as follows based on the number of vessels on the WCPFC
Record of Fishing Vessels as of March 25, 2020: 26 Purse seine vessels,
168 longline vessels, and 12 albacore troll vessels. Thus, the total
estimated number of commercial fishing vessels that would be subject to
the rule is 206. The purse seine vessels operating in the Convention
Area generally land in American Samoa and other ports in Pacific
Islands, the longline vessels operating in the Convention Area
generally land in American Samoa and Hawaii, and the albacore troll
vessels operating in the Convention Area generally land their catch in
California, Oregon, Washington or Canada.
Based on (limited) financial information about the affected fishing
fleets, and using individual vessels as proxies for individual
businesses, NMFS believes that all the affected fish harvesting
businesses in all the fleets, except the purse seine fleet, are small
entities as defined by the RFA; that is, they are independently owned
and operated and not dominant in their fields of operation, and have
annual receipts of no more than $11.0 million. Within the purse seine
fleet, analysis of average revenue, by vessel, for 2017-2019 reveals
that average fleet revenue was $8,890,000 (NMFS unpublished data
combined with price data from and accessed on July 27, 2020); however, 17
participating vessels qualified as small entities with their average of
the most recent three years of vessel revenue for which data is
available of less than $11 million. Within the Hawaii based longline
fleet, an average of 146 vessels recorded landings during 2017-2019
with a average vessel revenue of approximately $828,000 per vessel
(estimate calculated using data from the 2019 Pelagic Fishery Ecosystem
Plan Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report and Annual Reports
of the Hawaii Longline Fishery). For the American Samoa based longline
fleet, an average of 15 vessels recorded landings during 2017-2019 with
average vessel revenue of approximately $339,000 per vessel (estimate
calculated using data from the 2019 Pelagic Fishery Ecosystem Plan
Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report and Annual Reports of
the American Samoa Longline Fishery). None of the other potentially
directly regulated fishing sectors had total fishery revenue of all
vessels combined that exceeded the small entity threshold.
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Other Compliance Requirements
The reporting, recordkeeping and other compliance requirements of
this proposed rule are described earlier in the preamble. The classes
of small entities subject to the requirements and the types of
professional skills necessary to fulfill the requirements are as
[[Page 66517]]
(1) Reporting requirements when carrying a WCPFC observer: This
requirement is part of a proposed collection of information subject to
approval by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the PRA. It
would apply to about 199 small business entities, (derived from
subtracting the seven vessels that do not qualify as small business
entities from 206, the number of fishing vessels affected by this rule
as estimated from vessels with WCPFC area endorsements). Complying
would require that owners and operators of purse seine, longline and
troll vessels to contact NMFS in the event of serious illness, assault,
intimidation, threats, interference, or harassment of a WCPFC observer.
NMFS estimates the cost of compliance as the cost of a five minute
phone call though the cost of compliance could vary depending on the
directions given by NMFS. NMFS cannot project how many calls would
occur, but from 2015-2019, NOAA Office of Law Enforcement charged a
total of six cases of harassment against purse seine and longline
vessels in the Pacific Islands Region. Thus, NMFS expects events of
serious illness, assault, intimidation, threats, interference, or
harassment of a WCPFC observer to occur very rarely (average of one per
year) and thus the cost of reporting to be very small. The Commission
has indefinitely deferred implementation of placing WCPFC observers on
troll vessels, and for the foreseeable future, NMFS does not believe
that this requirement would add any new compliance costs for troll
vessels. If the Commission were to change its position on placing WCPFC
observers on troll vessels, troll operators may incur compliance costs
similar to those described above. Fulfillment of this requirement is
not expected to require any professional skills that the vessel owners
and operators do not already possess.
(2) Requirement to ensure observer safety: This requirement is
outside of the proposed collection of information under the PRA. In the
event of serious illness, assault, intimidation, threats, interference
or harassment of a WCPFC observer, the proposed rule would require the
owner or operator of the fishing vessel to: (1) Immediately cease
fishing operations; (2) take all reasonable actions to care for the
observer and provide any medical treatment available and possible on
board the vessel; (3) where directed by the observer provider, if not
already directed by the appropriate U.S. government contact, facilitate
the disembarkation and transport of the observer to a medical facility
equipped to provide the required care, as soon as practicable; and (4)
cooperate fully in any official investigations into the cause of the
illness. NMFS cannot project how often this would occur, but
anticipates these events to occur rarely. As mentioned above, NOAA
Office of Law Enforcement has charged six cases of harassment against
purse seine and longline vessels over 2015-2019 in the Pacific Islands
Region, which equates to approximately one per year. If such an event
does occur, the impacts could vary depending on when the event occurs
and what foregone opportunity is lost. For illustrative purposes, the
average gross revenue of a U.S. purse seine fishing trip from 2017-2019
was a little under $1.4 million per trip (calculated by multiplying
Bangkok fish prices by average catch per trip using NMFS data) so if an
event occurred near the start of a fishing trip, the vessel could
potentially forgo much of that revenue along with any trip costs
already incurred. For U.S. longline vessels the average gross revenue
from 2017-2019 (calculated using nominal revenue and trip information
from the 2019 Pelagic Fishery Ecosystem Plan Stock Assessment and
Fishery Evaluation Report) was around $664,000 per Hawaii-based deep-
set trip, $64,000 per Hawaii-based shallow-set trip, and $39,000 per
American Samoa-based trip so if an event occurred near the start of a
fishing trip, the vessel could potentially forgo much of that revenue
along with any trip costs already incurred.
(3) Notification requesting a WCPFC Observer: This requirement is
part of a proposed collection of information subject to approval by OMB
under the PRA. It would apply to about 199 small business entities.
Vessels are already required to provide notification prior to trip
departure if they intend to transship at sea, and this proposed
requirement would expand notification requirements to all vessels
requesting a WCPFC-IATTC cross-endorsed observer and to purse seine
vessels requesting a WCPFC observer and departing from American Samoa.
Longline vessels are already required to notify NMFS at least 72 hours
before departure on a fishing trip, and this requirement would not add
any new compliance costs for those vessels. The additional 48 hours
advanced notice might reduce operational flexibility for longline
vessels, but to date, there have been no requests from longliners for
WCPFC-IATTC cross-endorsed observers, so this would be expected to
occur very rarely if at all. The WCPFC has indefinitely deferred
implementation of placing ROP observers on troll vessels, and for the
foreseeable future, NMFS does not believe that this requirement would
add any new compliance costs for troll vessels. If the WCPFC were to
change its position on placing ROP observers on troll vessels, troll
operators may incur minor compliance costs similar to those outlined
below for purse seine vessels.
The proposed requirement may result in compliance costs for vessels
requesting a WCPFC-IATTC cross-endorsed observer. It is estimated that
each pre-trip notification would require 1 minute of labor and about $1
in communication costs. The value of the required labor is estimated to
be $24.42 per hour. The estimated cost of compliance is less than $2
per notification. The number of pre-trip notifications for a cross-
endorsed observer cannot be predicted with any certainty, but for the
purpose of this analysis, each vessel is expected to make 0.23 pre-trip
notifications per year requesting a WCPFC-IATTC cross-endorsed observer
(estimate based on the average number of WCPFC-IATTC notifications NMFS
made in 2018-2019 divided by 221, the number of potential respondents
including (1) 40 purse seine vessels, which is the maximum number of
licenses available under the South Pacific Tuna Treaty; (2) 164
longline vessels, which is the maximum number of Hawaii longline
limited entry permits available; and (3) 17 troll vessels, which is the
maximum number of West Coast-based albacore vessels that fished in the
Convention Area in any one year from 2016-2019). The estimated cost of
compliance for all vessels is expected to be $70.35 for 50 pre-trip
notifications requesting a WCPFC-IATTC cross-endorsed observer per
The proposed requirement may also result in compliance costs for
purse seine vessels requesting a WCPFC observer when departing from
American Samoa. It is estimated that each notification would require 1
minute of labor and about $1 in communication costs. The value of the
required labor is estimated to be $24.42 per hour. The estimated cost
of compliance is less than $2 per notification. The number of requests
and notifications cannot be predicted with any certainty, but for the
purpose of this analysis, each purse seine vessel is expected to make
2.34 requests or notifications per year related to WCPFC observers
(estimate based on the average number of trips per year from 2014-2018
divided by 40, the number of potential respondents). The estimated cost
of compliance is
[[Page 66518]]
therefore expected to be $3.29 for a vessel that makes 2.34 pre-trip
notifications per year.
Duplicating, Overlapping, and Conflicting Federal Regulations
NMFS has identified Federal regulations that could overlap with the
proposed rule for each of its two elements:
(1) Observer Safety
As mentioned above, the U.S. Coast Guard has regulations at 46 CFR
part 4 relating to marine casualties. This proposed regulation would
implement the requirements of CMM 2017-03 that are not marine
casualties covered by the existing U.S. Coast Guard regulations.
IATTC adopted Resolution C 18-07 on Observer Safety, and NMFS
published a final rule on May 18, 2020 (85 FR 29666) related to
observer safety notification for observers on vessels that are on
fishing trips in the IATTC Area. The regulations in the proposed rule
and the regulations applicable to the IATTC Area would apply to WCPFC
observers that are on vessels that are fishing in the IATTC Area, such
as WCPFC observers that are also cross-endorsed observers. In this
case, there would be overlapping regulations, but NMFS intends to
ensure consistency in the contacts for the observer safety notification
such that both requirements would be satisfied with one notification.
(2) Notification To Request Observer
Vessels with a Hawaii or American Samoa longline limited access
permit are required at 50 CFR 665.803 to notify NMFS at least 72 hours
(excluding weekends and Federal holidays) before the vessel leaves port
on a fishing trip wherein any part occurs in the U.S. exclusive
economic zone around the Hawaiian Archipelago or American Samoa. Purse
seine vessels operating in the Eastern Pacific Ocean are also required
at 50 CFR 216.24 to notify NMFS or the IATTC contact designated by NMFS
at least five days before the vessel leaves port for observer placement
reasons. This regulation potentially overlaps with the proposed
regulation for those trips that include a request for placement of a
cross-endorsed observer.
Alternatives to the Proposed Rule
NMFS has not been able to identify any alternatives that would
minimize any significant economic impact of the proposed rule on small
entities. The alternative of taking no action at all was rejected
because it would be inconsistent with the United States' obligations
under the Convention. As a Contracting Party to the Convention, the
United States is required to implement the decisions of the WCPFC.
Consequently, NMFS has limited discretion as to how to implement those
Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed rule contains a collection-of-information requirement
subject to review and approval by the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). This rule revises the
existing requirements for the collection of information 0648-0649,
``Transshipment Requirements Under the WCPFC'' by requiring reporting
in the event of serious illness, assault, intimidation, threats,
interference, or harassment of a WCPFC observer on purse seine vessels
and troll vessels as well as requiring pre-trip notificaitons for purse
seine vessels requesting a purse seine observer and departing from
American Samoa, and requiring pre-trip notifications for vessels
requesting a WCPFC-IATTC cross endorsed observer. Notifications related
to observer safety on purse seine vessels and troll vessels are
expected to be rare, and the public burden is estimated to average five
minutes per reporting incident. NMFS estimates that the public
reporting burden would be one minute for pre-trip notifications for
purse seine vessels requesting a WCPFC observer and departing from
American Samoa and one minute for pre-trip notifications for vessel
requesting a WCPFC-IATTC cross endorsed observer.
NMFS is also revising the existing requirements for the collection
of information 0648-0214, ``Pacific Islands Region Logbook Family of
Forms'' by requiring reporting in the event of serious illness,
assault, intimidation, threats, interference, or harassment of a WCPFC
observer on longline vessels. Notifications related to observer safety
on longline vessels are expected to be rare, and the public burden is
estimated to average five minutes per reporting incident.
NMFS requests any comments on the PRA requirements under this
proposed rule, including whether the paperwork would unnecessarily
burden any vessel owners and operators. Public comment is sought
regarding: Whether this proposed collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of
the burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information to be collected; and ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information, including through the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Send
comments on these or any other aspects of the collection of information
to the ADDRESSES above, and by email to
Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is
required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty
for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the
requirements of the PRA, unless that collection of information displays
a currently valid OMB Control Number. All currently approved NOAA
collections of information may be viewed at:
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 300
Administrative practice and procedure, Fish, Fisheries, Fishing,
Marine resources, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Treaties.
Dated: October 14, 2020.
Samuel D. Rauch III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 300 is
proposed to be amended as follows:
Subpart O--Western and Central Pacific Fisheries for Highly
Migratory Species
1. The authority citation for 50 CFR part 300, subpart O, continues to
read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.
2. In Sec. 300.211, add a definition for ``WCPFC-IATTC cross-endorsed
observer'' in alphabetical order to read as follows:
Sec. 300.211 Definitions.
* * * * *
WCPFC-IATTC cross-endorsed observer means an observer who is
``cross endorsed'' pursuant to a Memorandum of Cooperation between the
Commission and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission that
specifies a process to allow the observer to meet the observer
requirements of both organizations.
* * * * *
3. In Sec. 300.215, revise paragraph (b) and add paragraph (f) to read
as follows:
Sec. 300.215 Observers.
* * * * *
[[Page 66519]]
(b) Notifications. (1) If a fishing vessel of the United States
used for commercial fishing for HMS in the Convention Area intends to
conduct transshipments at sea, the owner or operator of that fishing
vessel is required to carry a WCPFC observer under paragraph (d) of
this section during the fishing trip and shall notify the Pacific
Islands Regional Administrator of the need for a WCPFC observer at
least 72 hours (exclusive of weekends and Federal holidays) before the
vessel leaves port on the fishing trip. The notice shall be provided to
the Observer Placement Contact specified by the Pacific Islands
Regional Administrator and must include the official number of the
vessel, the name of the vessel, the expected departure date, time, and
location, the name of the operator of the vessel, and a telephone
number at which the owner, operator, or a designated agent may be
contacted during the business day (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hawaii Standard
Time). If applicable, this notice may be provided in conjunction with
the notice required under Sec. 665.803(a) of this title.
(2) In order to obtain a WCPFC-IATTC cross-endorsed observer for a
particular fishing trip, the owner or operator of a fishing vessel of
the United States that is used for commercial fishing for HMS in the
Convention Area shall provide the Pacific Islands Regional
Administrator with the following information at least five days
(exclusive of weekends and Federal holidays) before the vessel leaves
port on the fishing trip: The name of the vessel; name of the operator
of the vessel; a telephone number or email at which the owner or
operator may be contacted; expected departure date; intended port of
departure; and that the owner or operator requests a WCPFC-IATTC cross-
endorsed observer. This information shall be provided to the address
specified by the Pacific Islands Regional Administrator and may be
provided in conjunction with the notice required under Sec.
216.24(b)(8)(iv)(A) of this title, if applicable.
(3) In order to obtain a WCPFC observer on a fishing trip departing
from American Samoa, the owner or operator of a fishing vessel of the
United States equipped with purse seine gear shall provide the Pacific
Islands Regional Administrator with the following information at least
five days (exclusive of weekends and Federal holidays) before the
vessel leaves port on the fishing trip: The name of the vessel; name of
the operator of the vessel a telephone number or email at which the
owner or operator may be contacted expected departure date; intended
port of departure and; whether the owner or operator requests a WCPFC-
IATTC cross-endorsed observer. This information shall be provided to
the address specified by the Pacific Islands Regional Administrator and
may be provided in conjunction with the information required under
Sec. 300.215(b)(2) of this title.
* * * * *
(f) Observer safety. The following requirements apply when a WCPFC
observer is on a fishing trip operating under the Commission's Regional
Observer Program.
(1) The owner or operator of a fishing vessel of the United States
shall immediately report the serious illness that threatens the health
or safety of a WCPFC observer to the U.S government contact on the list
provided by the Pacific Islands Regional Administrator at In addition, the
owner or operator of the fishing vessel must:
(i) Immediately cease fishing operations;
(ii) Take all reasonable actions to care for the observer and
provide any medical treatment available and possible on board the
vessel, and where appropriate seek external medical advice;
(iii) Where directed by the observer provider, if not already
directed by the appropriate U.S. government contact, facilitate the
disembarkation and transport of the observer to a medical facility
equipped to provide the required care, as soon as practicable; and
(iv) Cooperate fully in any official investigations into the cause
of the illness.
(2) In the event that a WCPFC observer on a fishing vessel of the
United States has been assaulted, intimidated, threatened or harassed,
the owner or operator of the fishing vessel shall immediately notify
the U.S. government contact and observer program contact on the list
provided by the Pacific Islands Regional Administrator at of the situation and
the status and location of the observer. In addition, the owner or
operator of the fishing vessel must:
(i) Immediately take action to preserve the safety of the observer
and mitigate and resolve the situation on board;
(ii) If the observer or the observer provider indicate that they
wish to be removed from the vessel, facilitate the safe disembarkation
of the observer in a manner and place, as agreed by the observer
provider and a U.S. government contact, that facilitates access to any
needed medical treatment; and
(iii) Cooperate fully in any official investigations into the
4. In Sec. 300.222, add paragraph (yy) to read as follows:
Sec. 300.222 Prohibitions.
* * * * *
(yy) Fail to comply with the observer safety requirements in Sec.
[FR Doc. 2020-23162 Filed 10-19-20; 8:45 am]