Air Plan Approval; Pennsylvania; Attainment Plan for the Indiana, Pennsylvania Nonattainment Area for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard, 66240-66257 [2020-23037]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
appropriate procedures of the EPA, and
any suggestions contained in it will be
considered at the discretion of the
(g) Petition response timing. (1) The
EPA should respond to a petition in a
timely manner, but no later than 90
calendar days after receipt of the
(2) If, for any reason, the EPA needs
more than 90 calendar days to respond
to a petition, the EPA will inform the
petitioner that more time is needed and
indicate the reason why and an
estimated response date. The EPA will
only extend the response date one time
not to exceed 90 calendar days before
providing a response.
(h) Petition response. The EPA may
provide a single response to issues
raised by duplicative petitions and
petitions submitted as part of a mass
petitioning effort.
[FR Doc. 2020–20519 Filed 10–16–20; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R03–OAR–2017–0615; FRL–10015–
78–Region 3]
Air Plan Approval; Pennsylvania;
Attainment Plan for the Indiana,
Pennsylvania Nonattainment Area for
the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide Primary
National Ambient Air Quality Standard
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is approving a state
implementation plan (SIP) revision
submitted by the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. The revision is an
attainment plan for the 2010 sulfur
dioxide (SO2) primary national ambient
air quality standard (NAAQS) in the
Indiana County, Pennsylvania SO2
nonattainment area (hereafter referred to
as the ‘‘Indiana Area’’ or ‘‘Area’’). The
Indiana Area is comprised of Indiana
County and a portion of Armstrong
County (Plumcreek Township, South
Bend Township, and Elderton Borough)
in Pennsylvania. The attainment plan
includes the base year emissions
inventory, an analysis of the reasonably
available control technology (RACT)
and reasonably available control
measure (RACM) requirements, a
reasonable further progress (RFP) plan,
a modeling demonstration showing SO2
attainment, enforceable emission
limitations and control measures,
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conditions.1 Following promulgation of
a new or revised NAAQS, EPA is
required by the CAA to designate areas
throughout the United States as
attaining or not attaining the NAAQS;
this designation process is described in
section 107(d)(1)–(2) of the CAA. On
August 5, 2013, EPA promulgated initial
air quality designations for 29 areas for
the 2010 SO2 NAAQS (78 FR 47191),
which became effective on October 4,
2013, based on violating air quality
monitoring data for calendar years
2009–2011, where there was sufficient
data to support a nonattainment
designation.2 The Indiana Area was
designated as nonattainment in this
initial (first) round of designations. 78
FR 47191 (August 5, 2013).
The Indiana Area consists of all of
DATES: This final rule is effective on
Indiana County, Pennsylvania and also
November 18, 2020.
Plumcreek Township, South Bend
Township, and Elderton Borough in
ADDRESSES: EPA has established a
Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. The
docket for this action under Docket ID
Number EPA–R03–OAR–2017–0615. All boundaries of the nonattainment area
were defined in order to encompass the
documents in the docket are listed on
four primary SO2 emitting sources of
Keystone, Conemaugh, Homer City, and
website. Although listed in the index,
Seward. The October 4, 2013 effective
some information is not publicly
date of the final designation triggered a
available, e.g., confidential business
requirement for Pennsylvania to submit,
information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. by April 4, 2015, an attainment plan SIP
revision describing how the Area would
Certain other material, such as
attain the 2010 SO2 NAAQS as
copyrighted material, is not placed on
expeditiously as practicable, but no later
the internet and will be publicly
than October 4, 2018, in accordance
available only in hard copy form.
with CAA sections 172(c) and 191–192.
Publicly available docket materials are
For a number of areas, including the
available through https://
Indiana Area, EPA published a, or please contact
the person identified in the FOR FURTHER document on March 18, 2016, finding
that Pennsylvania and other states had
failed to submit the required SO2
additional availability of information.
attainment plan by the April 4, 2015
deadline. 81 FR 14736. This finding
Megan Goold, Planning &
triggered the CAA section 179(a)
Implementation Branch (3AD30), Air &
deadline for the potential imposition of
Radiation Division, U.S. Environmental new source review and highway
Protection Agency, Region III, 1650
funding sanctions. Pennsylvania
Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania submitted the attainment plan on
19103. The telephone number is (215)
October 11, 2017. EPA then sent a letter
814–2027. Ms. Goold can also be
to Pennsylvania, dated October 13,
reached via electronic mail at
2017, finding that the attainment plan
contingency measures for the Indiana
Area, and Pennsylvania’s new source
review (NSR) permitting program. As
part of approving the attainment plan,
EPA is approving into the Pennsylvania
SIP new SO2 emission limits and
associated compliance parameters for
Keystone Plant (hereafter referred to as
‘‘Keystone’’), and existing SO2 emission
limits and associated compliance
parameters for Conemaugh Plant, Homer
City Generation, and Seward Generation
Station (hereafter referred to as
‘‘Conemaugh,’’ ‘‘Homer City,’’ and
‘‘Seward’’). EPA is approving these
revisions that demonstrate attainment of
the SO2 NAAQS in the Indiana Area in
accordance with the requirements of the
Clean Air Act (CAA).
I. Background
On June 2, 2010, the EPA
Administrator signed a final rule
establishing a new SO2 primary NAAQS
as a 1-hour standard of 75 parts per
billion (ppb), based on a 3-year average
of the annual 99th percentile of daily
maximum 1-hour average
concentrations. 75 FR 35520 (June 22,
2010), codified at 40 CFR 50.17. This
action also provided for revocation of
the existing 1971 primary annual and
24-hour standards, subject to certain
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1 EPA’s June 22, 2010, final action provided for
revocation of the 1971 primary 24-hour standard of
140 ppb and the annual standard of 30 ppb because
they were determined not to add additional public
health protection given a 1-hour standard at 75 ppb.
75 FR 35520. However, the secondary 3-hour SO2
standard was retained. Currently, the 24-hour and
annual standards are only revoked for certain of
those areas the EPA has already designated for the
2010 1-hour SO2 NAAQS. 40 CFR 50.4(e).
2 EPA is continuing its designation efforts for the
2010 SO2 NAAQS. Pursuant to a court-order
entered on March 2, 2015, by the U.S. District Court
for the Northern District of California, EPA must
complete the remaining designations for the rest of
the country on a schedule that contains three
specific deadlines. Sierra Club, et al. v.
Environmental Protection Agency, 13–cv–03953–SI
(N.D. Cal. 2015).
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
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submittal was complete, and therefore
the sanctions under section 179(a)
would not be imposed as a consequence
of Pennsylvania having missed the April
4, 2015 deadline. Additionally, EPA’s
March 18, 2016 finding triggered a
requirement under CAA section 110(c)
that EPA promulgate a Federal
implementation plan (FIP) within two
years of the effective date of the finding
unless, by that time, the state has made
the necessary complete submittal and
EPA has approved the submittal as
meeting applicable requirements. This
FIP obligation will no longer apply as a
result of this action to finalize this SIP
Attainment plans for SO2 must meet
the applicable requirements of the CAA,
and specifically, CAA sections 110, 172,
191, and 192. The required components
of any attainment plan submittal are
listed in section 172(c) of Title I, part D
of the CAA, and additional
requirements specific to SO2 attainment
plans are found in CAA sections 191
and 192 and in EPA’s implementing
regulations at 40 CFR part 51. On April
23, 2014, EPA also issued guidance
(hereafter ‘‘2014 SO2 Nonattainment
Guidance’’) recommending how state
submissions could address the statutory
requirements for SO2 attainment plans.3
The 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance
describes the statutory requirements for
an attainment plan, which include: (1)
A comprehensive, accurate, current
inventory of actual emissions from all
sources of SO2 within the
nonattainment area (172(c)(3)); (2) an
attainment demonstration that includes
a modeling analysis showing that the
enforceable emissions limitations and
other control measures taken by the
state will provide for expeditious
attainment of the NAAQS (172(c)); (3)
demonstration of RFP (172(c)(2)); (4)
implementation of RACM, including
RACT (172(c)(1)); (5) Nonattainment
NSR requirements (172(c)(5)); and (6)
adequate contingency measures for the
affected area (172(c)(9)).
II. Summary of SIP Revision and EPA
In accordance with section 172(c) of
the CAA, the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania’s October 2017 attainment
plan for the Indiana Area includes: (1)
An emissions inventory for SO2 for the
plan’s base year (2011); and (2) an
attainment demonstration. The plan’s
attainment demonstration includes the
following: (1) Analyses that locate,
3 ‘‘Guidance for 1-Hour SO Nonattainment Area
SIP Submissions’’ (April 23, 2014), available at
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identify, and quantify sources of
emissions contributing to violations of
the 2010 SO2 NAAQS; (2) a
determination that the control strategy
for the primary SO2 sources within the
nonattainment areas constitutes RACM/
RACT; (3) a dispersion modeling
analysis of an emissions control strategy
for the primary SO2 sources (Keystone,
Conemaugh, Homer City, and Seward),
showing attainment of the SO2 NAAQS
by the October 4, 2018 attainment date;
(4) requirements for RFP toward
attaining the SO2 NAAQS in the Area;
(5) contingency measures; (6) the
assertion that Pennsylvania’s existing
SIP-approved NSR program meets the
applicable requirements for SO2; and (7)
the request that emission limitations
and compliance parameters for
Keystone, Conemaugh, Homer City, and
Seward be incorporated into the SIP.
On July 13, 2018 (83 FR 32606), EPA
published a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) in which EPA
proposed approval of Pennsylvania’s
Indiana, PA SO2 attainment plan and
SO2 emission limits and associated
compliance parameters for the
Keystone, Homer City, Conemaugh and
Seward sources. During the public
comment period, the Sierra Club (in
conjunction with the National Parks
Conservation Association, PennFuture,
Earthjustice, and Clean Air Council)
submitted a modeling analysis which
purported to show that the emission
limits in the attainment plan did not
assure attainment because one modeled
receptor within the nonattainment area
was above the SO2 NAAQS. Sierra
Club’s modeling also purported to show
exceedances of the SO2 NAAQS outside
of the nonattainment area.
In response to this comment, on
February 5, 2020, the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection
(PADEP) submitted supplemental
information in support of the attainment
plan. The February 5, 2020 submittal
includes: (1) A supplemental air
dispersion modeling report; (2)
supplemental air dispersion modeling
data; (3) a supplemental air dispersion
modeling protocol; (4) a meteorological
monitoring plan; (5) meteorological
monitoring data; (6) meteorological
monitoring quality assurance, quality
control, and audit reports; (7) Clean Air
Markets Division (CAMD) emissions
data for 2010–2018; and (8) Continuous
Emissions Monitoring (CEM) data for
2010–2019 (3rd Quarter). The
supplemental air dispersion modeling
used a more refined model receptor grid
than the original submittal,
meteorological data collected near the
controlling modeled source (Seward)
and more recent (2016–18) background
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concentrations from the South Fayette
SO2 monitor (the monitor used to
determine background concentrations in
the original modeling analysis). All of
these updates have been fully described
in the supplemental modeling report
from the February 5, 2020 submittal and
in four separate Technical Support
Documents (TSDs) written by EPA for
this action: (1) The TSD for the
Randomly Reassigned Emission (RRE)
Modeling Analysis in the Supplemental
Information to Address a Comment
Received by the EPA on Pennsylvania’s
1-hour Sulfur Dioxide Attainment
Demonstration for the Indiana,
Pennsylvania Nonattainment Area
submitted on February 5, 2020
(hereafter referred to as the RRE
Modeling TSD); (2) the TSD for the
Modeling Portions of the Document
Entitled ‘‘Supplemental Information to
Address a Comment Received by the
EPA on Pennsylvania’s 1-hour SO2
Attainment Demonstration for the
Indiana, Pennsylvania Nonattainment
Area’’ (hereafter referred to as the
Supplemental Modeling TSD); (3) the
TSD Addressing Modeled Concentration
Values for the Keystone Generating
Station Included in the Indiana, PA 1Hour SO2 Nonattainment Area (hereafter
referred to as the Keystone Modeling
TSD); and (4) the TSD For the Part 75
Source Emissions Contained in the
Supplemental Information to Address a
Comment Received by the EPA on
Pennsylvania’s 1-hour Sulfur Dioxide
Attainment Demonstration for the
Indiana, Pennsylvania Nonattainment
Area 2020 submitted on February 5,
2020 (hereafter referred to as the Part 75
Emissions TSD).
In order to allow for public comment
on this supplemental information and
modeling, on March 9, 2020 (85 FR
13602), EPA published a notice of data
availability (NODA) for the February 5,
2020 submittal. Sierra Club submitted
new comments raising issues with the
supplemental modeling, which are fully
discussed later in this preamble.
Other specific requirements of the
Indiana Area attainment plan and the
rationale for EPA’s proposed action are
explained in the NPRM and will not be
restated here. This final action
incorporates the rationale provided in
the NPRM and the NODA, except to the
extent necessary to reflect any changes
in the rationale in response to the public
III. Response to Comments
EPA received multiple comments on
the NPRM and adverse comments from
two commenters on the NODA. To
review the full set of comments
received, refer to the Docket for the
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
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rulemaking, as identified in the
ADDRESSES section of this document. A
summary of the comments and EPA’s
responses are provided below.
Comment 1. The commenter states
that the alternative limits for Homer
City are greater than the critical
emission value (CEV),4 with no
explanation given. The CEV for the
three units at Homer City are 6,360
pounds per hour (lb/hr) for all three
combined. There are multiple emissions
limits in the proposal for Homer City
that are higher than the CEV. There is
a start-up limit of 9,000 lb/hr, and an
alternative limit of 7,300 lb/hr for all
units in a transition phase. These limits
are higher than the CEV and the
commenter believes they would thus
lead to NAAQS violations. The
commenter argues that the modeling
shows that these additional limits
would violate the NAAQS.
Response 1. EPA agrees with the
commenter that there are multiple SO2
emission limits for Homer City.
However, EPA disagrees that the
modeling shows that the alternative
limits would result in SO2 emissions
concentrations that violate the NAAQS.
The modeling does not include the
alternative limits since they are
intermittent in nature, and, as explained
in more detail later in this preamble,
Pennsylvania correctly excluded them
from the modeling demonstration.
The Homer City emission limits for
start-up, shut down and the Novel
Integrated Desulfurization (NID) system
transitions are limited to 500 hours
combined in any 12-month rolling
period. As stated in EPA’s March 2011
Memorandum on Additional
Clarification Regarding Application of
Appendix W Modeling Guidance for the
1-hour NO2 National Ambient Air
Quality Standard (hereafter referred to
as the ‘‘March 2011 Clarification
Memo’’) 5 and as specifically referenced
in EPA’s August 2010 Memorandum on
the Applicability of Appendix W
Modeling Guidance for the 1-hour SO2
National Ambient Air Quality
Standard,6 EPA believes the most
4 The CEV is the continuous 1-hour emission rate
which modeling shows is expected to result in the
3-year average of annual 99th percentile daily
maximum 1-hour average concentrations being at or
below 75 ppb, which in a typical year means that
fewer than four days have maximum hourly
ambient SO2 concentrations exceeding 75 ppb.
5 Memorandum, Additional Clarification
Regarding Application of Appendix W Modeling
Guidance for the 1-hour NO2 National Ambient Air
Quality Standard. March 2011. https://
6 Memorandum, Applicability of Appendix W
Modeling Guidance for the 1-hour SO2 National
Ambient Air Quality Standard. August 2010.
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appropriate data to use for compliance
demonstrations for the 1-hour SO2
NAAQS are those based on emissions
scenarios that are continuous enough or
frequent enough to contribute
significantly to the annual distribution
of daily maximum 1-hour
concentrations. EPA’s modeling
recommendations involve a degree of
conservatism in the modeling
assumptions for demonstrating
compliance with the NAAQS by
recommending the use of maximum
allowable emissions. The intermittent
nature of the actual emissions
associated with these transitions, when
coupled with the probabilistic form of
the SO2 standard, could result in
modeled impacts being significantly
higher than actual impacts would
realistically be expected to be if the
maximum allowable emissions were
modeled continuously year round.
EPA is concerned that if emissions
occurring during intermittent operations
are assumed to be occurring
continuously, this would impose an
additional level of stringency beyond
that intended by the level of the
standard itself. EPA, therefore,
recommended that compliance
demonstrations for the 1-hour SO2
NAAQS be based on emission scenarios
that can logically be assumed to be
relatively continuous or which occur
frequently enough to contribute
significantly to the annual distribution
of daily maximum 1-hour
concentrations. Existing modeling
guidelines provide sufficient discretion
for states to exclude certain types of
intermittent emissions from compliance
demonstrations for the 1-hour SO2
standard under these circumstances.
Pennsylvania’s exclusion of the
alternative limits for Homer City (which
are limited to a combined 500 hours in
a 12-month rolling period) in the
modeling demonstration follows EPA’s
guidance regarding intermittent
emission scenarios. The modeling
demonstration provided by
Pennsylvania provides support that the
one-hour emission limit that was
adopted by Homer City provides for
attainment of the NAAQS.
Comment 2. The commenter asks EPA
to explain why there are numerous
values in micrograms per cubic meter
(mg/m3) that have been translated to 75
ppb. The commenter notes in this action
EPA is using 1 ppb = approximately
2.619 g/m3, 7 and in other EPA
7 The commenter erroneously claims that EPA is
using 1 ppb = 2.619 g/m3. EPA believes the
commenter meant to write 2.619 mg/m3.
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documents, the conversion factor of 2.62
was used. The commenter claims that
this use of multiple conversion factors
is a hindrance in determining if an area
has met the standard.
Response 2. The commenter is correct
in stating that historically EPA has
accepted a range of values for the mg/m3
equivalent to 75 ppb. In the Round 3
intended designations (82 FR 41903)
published September 5, 2017, EPA
recognized the need noted by the
commenter to identify and apply a
consistent value expressed in mg/m3 that
EPA considers equivalent to 75 ppb. At
that time, EPA endorsed a value of 196.4
mg/m3 (based on calculations using all
available significant figures). To avoid
confusion, EPA is expecting attainment
demonstrations to show achievement
with concentrations at or below
precisely 196.4 mg/m3.8
Comment 3. The commenter asserts
that the longer term limits applicable to
Seward and Keystone (1) do not follow
EPA’s 2014 SO2 Nonattainment
Guidance; (2) are not comparably
stringent to the one-hour CEV; and (3)
are not based on maximum allowable
emissions. The commenter argues that
approval of these longer term limits
would be arbitrary and capricious. The
commenter provides the following
reasons as to why the emission limits
have not followed EPA’s 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Guidance: (1) EPA is
proposing to approve longer term
emission limits that are higher than the
comparably stringent emission limits
that are calculated via Appendix C
methodology; and (2) EPA is proposing
to approve longer term emission limits
that were calculated using Appendix B
methodology, which was provided in
the 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance
to justify the Appendix C methodology.
The commenter therefore argues that
using Appendix B methodology to
calculate emission limits is contrary to
the purposes of that Appendix as
described in the 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Guidance. The
commenter continues that EPA is now
proposing to approve emission limits
that are based on a facility’s actual
historic emissions, instead of maximum
allowable emissions. This is
unprecedented and does not meet the
requirements of 40 CFR 51.112 and 40
CFR part 51 appendix W, which
8 While some Round 3 designation TSDs
explained that this value was ‘‘equivalent . . .
using a 2.619 mg/m3 conversion factor’’ (more
precisely, using a conversion factor of
approximately 2.6187), in fact EPA here was
determining the concentration value in mg/m3 that
is to be considered equivalent to 75 ppb, rather than
the precise value of the conversion factor.
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
mandates the use of allowable
Response 3. EPA agrees that
Pennsylvania did not employ EPA’s SO2
Nonattainment Guidance Appendix C
methodology in developing the longer
term emission limits for the Seward and
Keystone facilities. EPA also agrees that
the longer term emission limits for
Seward and Keystone are higher than
the emission limits would be if the state
used the Appendix C methodology.
However, that does not mean that the
longer term emission limits are not
protective of the NAAQS, nor does it
mean that the emission limits are
arbitrary and capricious.
EPA’s 2014 SO2 Nonattainment
guidance explains how state air agencies
might establish emissions limitations for
sources such as Seward and Keystone
that have averaging periods that are
longer than one hour in duration.
Appendix W to 40 CFR part 51—
Guideline on Air Quality Models,
requires modeling conducted in support
of SIP limits to be representative of
maximum allowable emission rates. In
most cases, EPA requires using the
American Meteorological Society
(AMS)/EPA Regulatory Model or
AERMOD near-field dispersion
modeling system. While uses of
AERMOD for attainment planning
purposes generally use a constant
emission rate for each source
throughout the duration of a simulation,
AERMOD can also be run with timevarying emissions, varying for example
by month or by hour.
In formulating its 2014 guidance, EPA
recognized the challenges of
representing allowable emissions for a
limit that reflects a longer-term average.
EPA recommended an approach which
did not require any development of
variable emission profiles to represent
allowable emissions. Instead, EPA’s
recommended approach relies on
traditional modeling of a constant
emission rate, for purposes of
determining the 1-hour average
emission rate that if adopted as a 1-hour
limit would provide for attainment. In
normal circumstances, a longer-term
average limit at a given level is
inherently less stringent than a 1-hour
limit at the same level. Therefore, EPA’s
recommended approach then uses
appropriate data, generally taken from
the historical record for the pertinent
source, to obtain a quantitative estimate
of the reduction of a one-hour limit’s
stringency arising from use of the
longer-term average. The ratio derived
in this approach (found by comparing
the 99th percentile among the longerterm average values in the data set
against the 99th percentile among the 1-
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hour values in the data set) serves as an
adjustment factor. In EPA’s
recommended approach, this
adjustment factor is applied to the
modeled (1-hour) attaining emission
rate, and the resulting, downward
adjusted longer-term average emission
limit is presumed to have comparable
stringency to a 1-hour limit at the
modeled emission rate. This approach is
described at length in the body of EPA’s
2014 guidance (see pages 22 to 39) and
delineated as a step-by-step procedure
in Appendix C of the guidance.
Appendix B of the guidance presents
analyses that support EPA’s view that
longer-term limits that are comparably
stringent to their 1-hour counterparts
may be expected to yield comparable air
EPA has approved several SIPs
relying on longer term average limits
derived according to these methods.
See, for example, 83 FR 4591 (February
1, 2018) (approval of Illinois SO2 SIP);
83 FR 25922 (June 5, 2018) (approval of
New Hampshire SO2 SIP); 84 FR 8813
(March 12, 2019) (approval of Arizona
SO2 SIP); 84 FR 30920 (June 28, 2019)
(approval of Kentucky SO2 SIP); 84 FR
51988 (October 1, 2019) (approval of
Pennsylvania SO2 SIP for the Beaver
County area); 85 FR 22593 (April 23,
2020 (approval of Pennsylvania SO2 SIP
for the Allegheny County area), and 85
FR 49967 (August 17, 2020) (approval of
Indiana SO2 SIP). As part of its 2014
SO2 Nonattainment Guidance, EPA
added that states are not precluded from
using other approaches to determine
appropriate longer-term average limits
(see page 26).
For the Indiana County area,
Pennsylvania did not use the methods
discussed in the 2014 guidance for
deriving its limits, but instead
developed a different approach.
Therefore, the validity of EPA’s
recommended approach in the 2014
guidance and the validity of the
resulting longer-term average limits
when using that approach, which are
issues in other rulemakings such as
those cited previously, are not at issue
in this rule. Instead, at issue in this rule
9 See also work done to supplement the work
described in appendix B. This supplemental work,
done to address a comment on rulemaking for the
Southwest Indiana SO2 nonattainment area
objecting that the appendix B analysis is not
comparable to an assessment of air quality with a
1-hour emission limit, provides further evidence
that longer term limits that are appropriately
determined can be expected to achieve comparable
air quality as comparably stringent 1-hour limits.
Documentation of this supplemental work is
available in the docket for the Southwest Indiana
rulemaking, at
document?D=EPA-R05-OAR-2015-0700-0023, as
discussed in the associated rulemaking at 85 FR
49969–49971 (August 17, 2020).
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is whether the particular approach
applied by Pennsylvania suffices to
demonstrate that its adopted and
submitted allowable emissions limits
provide for attainment as required in
CAA sections 110, 172, and 192.
Pennsylvania used conceptually
similar approaches for assessing the
adequacy of limits for Keystone and for
Seward, though selected features of
these analyses differ. Therefore, the
following first discusses the analysis for
Keystone and then discusses the
analysis for Seward.
Pennsylvania’s different approach for
Keystone (as for Seward) began at the
same starting point as EPA’s 2014
guidance’s recommended approach. As
recommended by EPA, Pennsylvania
determined the 1-hour CEV (9,711 lb/hr)
for Keystone using AERMOD. Then,
Pennsylvania provided modeling
addressing its proposed limit for
Keystone using an approach which
relies on a large number of AERMOD
simulations and an underlying data set
that represents recent hourly emissions
variability of the source (referred to as
RRE Modeling). This approach relies on
the expectation that future variability of
Keystone while meeting the limit is
likely to be similar or less than historic
variability given that no major changes
are planned for the source (i.e., no new
control equipment, fuel changes, etc.),
except for the imposition of a new 24hour emission limit based on this
attainment SIP. EPA analyzed 10 past
years of Keystone’s emissions and
operational data, and the regional
transmission organization PennsylvaniaNew Jersey-Maryland (PJM) forecasts for
future electric demand, which support
these suppositions (see the Part 75
Emissions TSD in the docket for this
The hourly modeled emission values
were based on actual emissions and
determined through a binning approach
further described in the RRE Modeling
TSD. Keystone has had highly variable
emissions in the past. Hourly emissions
are less variable in recent years. The
source’s historic emissions profile was
such that the actual emission rate for
15% of the hours per year were above
the CEV of 9,711 lb/hr, and those hours
fell within 15 days in each month.
Because of this pattern, where hourly
values above the CEV were clustered
together on a limited number of days
rather than individually dispersed
throughout the year, Pennsylvania
created a ‘‘rule’’ in the modeling,
whereby the hours over the CEV were
modeled in clusters which Pennsylvania
calls ‘‘high emission event days.’’ The
total amount of SO2 emissions each day,
however, are constrained by a limit
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
which restricts the total pounds of SO2
emissions, on a 24-hour block average
basis, to be at or below 9,600 lb/hr. The
hours for which the emissions were
modeled above the CEV were not
randomly dispersed individually
throughout the year because the plant
did not and likely will not operate that
way in order to meet the limit. Thus,
these high emission events were
modeled in a way that is representative
of the variability in the historic
emissions data and in compliance with
the allowable emissions limit.
The ‘‘rule’’ constrained the high
emission events days to not exceed
9,604 lb/hr on a 24-hour block average;
however, not every day was modeled
with hourly emission rates resulting in
a 24-hour block average at or near 9,604
lbs/hr. As previously described, the
historical emissions data demonstrate
that not every day is a high emission
event day based on the historic
variability of the source. Pennsylvania
modeled about 50% of the days in a
month where hourly SO2 emissions
were always below the CEV value and
about 50% of the days in a month as
high emission event days where there
were at least three hours over the CEV
during that 24 hours. The high emission
events days included nine days (30% of
the days) in a month where the 24-hour
averages were near 9,600 lb/hr. The
remaining six high emission event days
per month experienced three hours of
emissions above the CEV, yet emissions
during the remaining hours of the day
resulted in the 24-hour daily average
falling at 6,333 lb/hr for five of the six
days and at 8,964 lb/hr for one of the six
days. However, the other hours in these
days were assigned values at or below
the CEV, reflecting the predominance of
values below the CEV in the modeled
emissions distribution (which in turn
reflected the predominance of values
below the CEV in the historical record),
resulting in daily average emission rates
for these days below 9,600 lb/hr. The
remaining days (not categorized as high
emission events days) had 24-hour daily
average emissions between 5,000 lb/hr
and 6,200 lb/hr.
Pennsylvania developed 100 different
annual emission profiles using the
historic data of high emission event
days, and randomly assigning the other
hourly emissions such that the 24-hour
limit of 9,600 lbs/hr is modeled 30% of
the days across each month, which is
representative of the variation within
the historical emissions. These emission
files provide a large array of temporally
varying hourly emissions which take
into account the ‘‘rule’’ where hourly
emissions above the CEV are clustered
together into high emission event days,
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representative of the variability in the
historic emissions data and are
reflective of historic plant operations.
Each of the 100 emissions scenarios
(each reflecting compliance with the
emissions limit) were modeled with five
years of meteorological data using
AERMOD. For each of the 100 5-year
AERMOD simulations for Keystone, the
5-year average of the 99th percentile of
the daily maximum 1-hour SO2 modeled
concentrations were below the
EPA concludes that this modeling
provided enough permutations of
emissions and meteorology that we can
be reasonably confident that the longerterm limit is protective of the NAAQS.
This conclusion is based upon the large
number of emission distribution profiles
(100), the frequency and distribution of
high emission event days, the 9,600 lb/
hr 24-hour emission limit modeled 30%
of the days per month, emissions inputs
reflective of the variability in historic
plant operations, and meteorological
data (five years of National Weather
Service data).
Pennsylvania used the same general
modeling approach to support the 30day rolling average SO2 emission limit
for Seward. First, Pennsylvania
determined Seward’s CEV of 4,500 lb/hr
using AERMOD.11 Then, using 2016–
2018 emissions from Seward,
Pennsylvania developed a binned
emissions dataset to be used in
formulating the inventories modeled in
100 AERMOD simulations.
Pennsylvania used a total of 13 bins,
including five bins ranging from an
upper level of 2,000 lbs/hour to an
upper level of 4,500 lbs/hour and eight
bins at various ranges above the CEV.
Hours without operation were
represented as hours with 2,000 lbs/
hour, and other hours were represented
with the upper level of the applicable
bin. The dataset included 2.5% of
emissions above the CEV (or 220 hours).
This was based on how the plant
historically operated while complying
with this 30-day limit and how it is
expected to operate into the future
while in compliance with the 30-day
limit. The hours above the CEV were
distributed across four high emission
events, where the duration of each event
was 4, 7, 12, or 16 hours, with the
frequency of those events being twice
per month, monthly, every six months
and once per year, respectively, such
10 See EPA’s March 1, 2011 clarification memo
Additional Clarification Regarding Application of
Appendix W Modeling Guidance for the 1-hour NO2
National Ambient Air Quality Standard.
11 This CEV and the description provided are
based on Pennsylvania’s updated analysis which
was provided to EPA on February 5, 2020.
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that these 220 hours above the CEV
were spread across 39 days.
The remaining 97.5% of hourly
emissions were below the CEV and
randomly assigned throughout the
annual emission profile. EPA analyzed
10 past years of Seward’s emissions and
operational data and PJM forecasts for
future electric demand, and understands
that no major changes are planned for
the source (i.e., no new emission limits,
no new control equipment, fuel
changes, etc.) (See the Part 75 Emissions
TSD in the docket for this rulemaking).
Therefore, EPA believes that the future
variability of Seward while meeting the
limit is likely to be similar to historic
Pennsylvania calculated a weighted
average of the emissions in the binned
inventory by multiplying the bin level
times the percentage of hours in each
bin and summing the results. This sum,
representing the average of the modeled
emissions, equaled 3,088 lb/hr. Despite
minor variations resulting from the
random distribution process, each of the
100 AERMOD simulations had
approximately this average level of
Pennsylvania developed 100 different
annual emission profiles using the
historic data of high emission event
days, and randomly assigning the other
hourly emissions such that the average
of the 30-day averages of each
simulation was close to 3,088 lb/hr,
which is representative of the variation
within the historical emissions.
Seward’s SO2 emissions limit of 3,038.4
lb/hr on a 30-day rolling average basis
is approximately 50 lb/hr less than the
approximate average emissions value
used in the AERMOD simulations.
Each of the 100 emissions scenarios
(each with average emissions above the
limit level) were modeled with one year
of site specific meteorological data using
AERMOD. For each of the 100 AERMOD
simulations for Seward, the 99th
percentile of the daily maximum 1-hour
SO2 modeled concentrations were below
the NAAQS.
EPA concludes that this modeling
provided enough permutations of
emissions and meteorology that we can
be reasonably confident that Seward’s
longer-term limit is protective of the
NAAQS. This conclusion is based upon
the large number of emission
distribution profiles (100), the targeted
30-day emissions average value in each
simulation being set slightly above the
30-day average limit, model inputs
reflective of the variability in historic
plant operations (based on EPA’s review
of 10 years of emissions data) and one
year of site specific meteorological data.
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
Pennsylvania’s modeling process is
described in Appendix C–1 of the state
submittal, in the state’s February 5, 2020
supplemental modeling report, in EPA’s
TSD for the proposed rulemaking
entitled ‘‘State Implementation Plan
Revision: Attainment Demonstration
and Base Year Inventory Indiana, PA
Nonattainment Area for the 2010 1-Hour
SO2 NAAQS’’, dated October 2017
(hereafter referred to as the ‘‘October
2017 Modeling TSD’’), and EPA’s RRE
Modeling TSD, which are available in
the docket.12
In regard to the commenter’s concern
that Appendix B was not meant to
provide guidance on how to develop a
longer term limit, EPA agrees that
neither the Guidance nor Appendix B
stated that Appendix B was a
recommended approach to develop
longer term emission limits.
Nevertheless, EPA believes that
elements of the methodology used in
Appendix B may be used to assess
whether a longer term limit could be
protective of the NAAQS.
Although the analysis described in
Appendix B does not use allowable
emissions (insofar as only the maximum
30-day average emissions equal the 30day average limit), the analyses in
Pennsylvania’s submittal differ in some
respects from the analysis described in
Appendix B, and EPA must evaluate
Pennsylvania’s submittal on its own
merits. For reasons described
previously, EPA believes that
Pennsylvania’s modeling provides a
suitable demonstration that the plan
provides for attainment. Using actual
historic operations as a basis for
developing the emission rates used in
the modeling analysis is in EPA’s
opinion a reasonable approach. Past
actual operations provide the data
necessary to develop a representative
and realistic range of emission rates to
be used in the RRE simulations to assess
if Seward’s 30-day rolling average limit
provides for attainment. Without the
bounds of past operations, there are an
infinite number of emission scenarios
that could fit within Seward’s 30-day
rolling limit (and to a lesser extent
Keystone’s 24-hour block limit). For
example, Seward could emit 2,186,929
lbs between midnight and one in the
morning then 1 lb/hr for the next 719
hours and still meet its limit (it is
impossible that Seward can emit at this
rate, but this illustrates that there is a
wide range of numeric operating
scenarios which could still result in
compliance with the 30-day average
limit). On the other hand, Seward could
12 The analysis was updated in the February 5,
2020 submittal.
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emit 3,084 lb/hr for 720 hours with no
variability and meet its limit. Neither of
these scenarios are likely to occur, and
thus EPA believes that Pennsylvania has
appropriately used historical data to
develop a representative distribution of
potential future hourly emissions that
can be expected to occur when
complying with a longer term limit.
In summary, EPA has concluded that
Pennsylvania’s evaluation of longer
term limits using 100 AERMOD
simulations provides reasonable
confidence that the longer term limits
for Keystone and Seward are protective
of the NAAQS. Pennsylvania evaluated
the likelihood of violations based on
random reassignment of emission
profiles designed to reflect the historic
variability of emissions at each of these
plants, and modeled these emission
profiles using appropriate
meteorological data (1-year of site
specific meteorological data for Seward
and five years of representative
meteorological data for Keystone).
Because an hour with emissions above
the CEV will not necessarily experience
a NAAQS exceedance, Pennsylvania’s
analysis showing the source’s emissions
variability, when randomly reassigned
to different hours in the year, with a
percentage of hours modeled above the
CEV, provides evidence that the sources
complying with those longer term
emission limits will protect the NAAQS.
Comment 4. The commenter states
that the 30-day average limit for Seward
was calculated contrary to EPA
Guidance. The commenter notes that the
conversion factor AECOM presented in
worksheets of 0.47 was not used, and a
conversion factor of 0.60 was used. The
commenter asserts that the conversion
factors of 0.47 and 0.60 are both too
permissive. The commenter provided an
analysis which they claim demonstrates
that the conversion factor is dependent
on the time period used to analyze
Seward’s emission, and that the 0.47
and 0.60 conversion factors are
inconsistent with the actual variability
observed in Seward’s emissions.
A similar comment was received on
the NODA, where the commenter
asserted that AECOM failed to employ
a conversion factor that ‘‘properly
reflects the emissions variability’’ at
Seward and ignored EPA’s 2014
Nonattainment Guidance Appendix C
methodology. AECOM provided a
conversion factor of 0.47 that was not
used to calculate the longer term limit.
Rather, the commenter asserts, AECOM
used Appendix B methodology to
calculate longer term limits, and the
commenter asserts this is against the
stated purpose of Appendix B.
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Response 4. EPA agrees that the
adjustment factor (which the commenter
refers to as the ‘‘conversion’’ factor)
which was calculated by AECOM of
0.47 using Appendix C methodology
was not used to calculate the longer
term emission limit for Seward.
However, EPA does not agree that an
adjustment factor of 0.60 was used.
Adjustment factors were not used to
develop the emission limit for Seward.
In determining whether the longer term
limit at Seward was supportive of the
NAAQS, Pennsylvania considered
variability of the source in a different
manner than the recommended
Appendix C methodology. As described
in Response 3 of this preamble,
Pennsylvania used a modeling approach
which varied emissions and
meteorology in 100 AERMOD
simulations to evaluate the adequacy of
the 30-day rolling average SO2 emission
limit for Seward.
EPA acknowledges that if EPA’s
recommended adjustment factor
approach is used to convert a shorter
term emission limit into a longer term
emission limit, the calculated
adjustment factor can vary depending
on the time period used to analyze the
source’s emissions, though as a general
matter EPA expects that different
periods with suitably robust data sets
and similar control regimes will have
similar variability and calculated
adjustment factors. However, the state
did not use EPA’s recommended
approach for developing the longer term
emission limit for Seward. The
commenter did not explain why its
objections to an adjustment factor that
was not used are relevant. The question
is not whether Pennsylvania used the
correct adjustment factor to develop the
longer term limit, but whether the
longer term limit, which was developed
without an adjustment factor, is set at a
level which is protective of the NAAQS.
Based on the information provided in
Response 3 of this preamble, EPA
concludes that the 30-day limit for
Seward and the 24-hour block limit for
Keystone are protective of the NAAQS,
and that the commenter’s objections
related to the un-used adjustment factor
are not relevant to this determination.
Comment 5. The commenter asserts
that the longer term limits for Seward
and Keystone are fundamentally
incapable of protecting the 1-hour SO2
NAAQS. The commenter asserts that an
emission limit with an averaging period
longer than one hour is highly unlikely
to protect the short term standard, and
spikes in emissions could cause short
term elevations in ambient SO2 levels
sufficient to violate the NAAQS while
nonetheless averaging out over a longer
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jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES
period such that the source complies
with their longer term limit. The
commenter cites to previous EPA
documents stating that compliance with
emission limits should be determined
based on an averaging time consistent
with the NAAQS.13 The commenter
asserts that the 30-day emission limit
proposed for Seward is 720 times the
standard. The commenter provided an
assessment of historic hourly emissions
from 2011 to 2016 for Seward and
concluded that during this period, there
were 445 hours in which emissions
from the plant exceeded its CEV. The
commenter states that because
exceedances 14 of the NAAQS can occur
if as few as four hours over the course
of a year are above 75 ppb, the 30-day
proposed emission limit cannot be
protective of the NAAQS.
The commenter also states that the 24hour emission limit proposed for
Keystone is also inadequate to protect
against violations of the NAAQS. The
commenter provided an analysis of
historic hourly emissions data from
2011 to 2016 for Keystone 15 and
concluded that Keystone had exceeded
its CEV 12,830 total hours over the
examined period. The commenter
argues that given the Keystone and
Seward emissions limits are not new
requirements, it is questionable that
these limits will protect the NAAQS.
Response 5. The commenter is
incorrect in stating that Keystone does
not have new emission limit
requirements. Prior to the attainment
plan, the SO2 emission limit at Keystone
was set at 1.2 lb/MMBtu on a 30-day
rolling average basis. A new SO2 limit
was established in this attainment plan
for Keystone of 9,600 lb/hr average
calculated on a 24-hour block basis, a
limit which went into effect on October
1, 2018. Therefore, the commenter’s
reasoning that the Keystone limit will
not protect the NAAQS because the past
emissions exceeded the CEV 12,830
hours in a six-year period (prior to the
adoption of the limit) is based on faulty
information. Subsequent evidence
indicates, as expected, that imposition
of the limit has led to a significant
13 EPA Region 7 Comments re: Sunflower
Holcomb Station Expansion Project 4 (August 12,
2010); EPA Region 5 comments re: Monroe Power
Plant Construction Permit 1 (February 1, 2012).
14 For clarity, EPA notes that a violation of the
2010 SO2 NAAQS occurs when the 3-year average
of the 99th percentile of the yearly distribution of
daily maximum 1-hour average concentrations is
above 75 ppb. The 2010 SO2 NAAQS is not a single
exceedance based standard.
15 EPA notes that the graph provided on page 7
of the Comment document indicates the
commenter’s analysis is based on a CEV equal to
9600 lb/hr, however, the CEV for Keystone is 9711
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decline in the frequency of emissions
exceeding the CEV.
EPA disagrees with the commenter’s
statement that the proposed 30-day limit
for Seward and the 24-hour limit for
Keystone are fundamentally incapable
of protecting the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS.
Pennsylvania has conducted detailed
modeling supporting the view that the
distribution of emissions that can be
expected in compliance with its
requested SIP limits will provide for
attainment. The specific examples of
earlier EPA statements cited by the
commenter (i.e., those contained in
Exhibits 1 and 2 to Appendix A of the
comment submission) pre-date the
release of EPA’s 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Area Guidance. As such,
these examples only reflect the Agency’s
development of its policy for
implementing the 2010 SO2 NAAQS as
of the dates of the issuance of the
statements. At the time these statements
were issued, EPA had not yet addressed
the specific question of whether it might
be possible to devise an emission limit
with an averaging period longer than
one-hour, using appropriate adjustments
that would make it comparably stringent
to an emission limit shown to attain
one-hour emission levels or other
possible approaches, that could
adequately ensure attainment of the SO2
NAAQS. None of the pre-2014 EPA
documents cited by the commenter
address this question; consequently, it is
not reasonable to read any of them as
rejecting that possibility.
In contrast, EPA’s 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Area Guidance
specifically addressed this issue as it
pertains to SIP requirements for SO2
nonattainment areas under the 2010
NAAQS. EPA found that a longer term
average limit could be devised such that
it is likely to yield attaining air quality
under the one-hour NAAQS. See 2014
SO2 Nonattainment Guidance. While
EPA’s guidance focuses on a different
approach (involving establishment of a
longer term average limit that is
comparably stringent to the one-hour
limit that would otherwise be set), EPA
believes that Pennsylvania has made a
suitable demonstration that its limits are
adequate to provide for attainment.
Any analysis of whether a 30-day or
24-hour average limit provides for
attainment must consider factors for
reducing the likelihood of 1-hour
average concentrations that exceed the
NAAQS level as well as factors creating
a risk of additional concentrations that
exceed the NAAQS level. To facilitate
this analysis, EPA used the concept of
a CEV for the SO2-emitting facilities
which are being addressed in a
nonattainment SIP. The CEV is the
PO 00000
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continuous 1-hour emission rate which
modeling shows is expected to result in
the 3-year average of annual 99th
percentile daily maximum 1-hour
average concentrations being at or below
75 ppb, which in a typical year means
that fewer than four days have
maximum hourly ambient SO2
concentrations exceeding 75 ppb. See
2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance.
EPA recognizes that a 30-day or 24hour average limits can allow occasions
in which hourly emissions from the
source exceed the CEV, and such
occasions yield the possibility of
ambient concentrations exceeding the
NAAQS level that would not be
expected if emissions were always at the
CEV. At the same time, the
establishment of the longer term average
limit at a level below the CEV means
that emissions must routinely be lower
than they would be required to be with
a 1-hour emission limit set at the CEV.
As described in detail in Response 3
of this preamble, the RRE modeling runs
submitted by Pennsylvania specifically
modeled ‘‘high emission events’’ at
Keystone and Seward where the hourly
emissions exceeded the CEV. The RRE
modeling used the distribution of past
hourly SO2 emissions, with a certain
number of hours over the CEV (15% of
the hours at Keystone and 2.5% of the
hours at Seward were modeled with
emissions over the CEV). For each
facility, the emissions in the resulting
emission profiles were randomly
reassigned to develop 100 hourly
emission files for use in 100 AERMOD
simulations. The AERMOD simulations
were conducted with the same general
methodology as the air dispersion
modeling for the CEVs, except that the
hourly emission files, for either
Keystone or Seward, replaced the CEV
in AERMOD. All of these AERMOD
simulations resulted in maximum 1hour SO2 design concentrations equal to
or less than the NAAQS, which
provides sufficient support for EPA to
assert that the longer term emission
limits for Seward and Keystone are
protective of the NAAQS.
While the commenter claims that
emissions above the CEV will cause
NAAQS violations, no analysis has been
provided to support this assertion. In
contrast, Pennsylvania did provide a
detailed modeling analysis which
specifically showed that the longer term
limits for Seward and Keystone,
including a percentage of hours over the
CEV, provide for attainment. A more
detailed discussion of the hourly
emissions data for Seward and Keystone
and the RRE analysis is provided in the
Part 75 Emissions TSDs, the
Supplemental Modeling TSD and the
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RRE Modeling TSD found in the docket
for this action.
Comment 6. The commenter states
that EPA’s justification for
Pennsylvania’s use of the Appendix B
methodology for developing longer term
emission limits is nonsensical and
contrary to EPA’s 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Guidance. The
commenter cites EPA’s Guidance, which
suggests that longer term emission
limits are most appropriate where
periods of hourly emissions above the
CEV are a rare occurrence at a source,
particularly if the magnitude of the
emissions is not substantially higher
than the CEV. These periods of time
over the CEV would be unlikely to have
a significant impact on air quality,
because they would be very unlikely to
occur repeatedly at the times when the
meteorology is conducive for high
ambient concentrations of SO2.
However, the commenter indicates that
in the TSD for the NPRM, EPA states
that a survey of emissions from 2014–
2016 for Keystone showed hourly
emissions exceeded the CEV quite
frequently and therefore Appendix B
was chosen to model attainment. The
commenter argues that reasoning is
Response 6. EPA’s 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Guidance provides
recommendations, but does not require
states to follow the guidance in each
aspect of their submittal. The state may
decide to use a different approach than
recommended by EPA, and it is EPA’s
role to determine if that approach and
the result is reasonable and protective of
the NAAQS. In this case, the state used
elements of the methodology described
in Appendix B to demonstrate that the
longer term limits for Keystone are
protective of the NAAQS. Regardless of
the state’s reasoning for using that
approach, EPA must judge the state’s
EPA’s proposal that the SO2 emission
limits at Keystone are protective of the
NAAQS relies upon Pennsylvania’s RRE
modeling analysis. Pennsylvania’s SO2
limits with averaging periods of longer
than one-hour can provide sources
flexibility to deal with the inherent
variability in their SO2 emissions and
emission control systems.
Pennsylvania submitted RRE model
simulations that calculate design values
over the model receptor grid based on
varying hourly emissions that for
Keystone exceeded the 1-hour CEV
emission rate approximately 15% of the
hours in a year. The RRE simulations
allow the model to determine if the total
contribution to the averaged design
value by the hours exceeding the 1-hour
CEV, when considered along with the
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hours in which emissions are below the
1-hour CEV, and in compliance with the
target emission limit, would result in a
modeled NAAQS violation.
Pennsylvania developed 100 sets of
hourly emission data sets where
Keystone’s peak daily average emission
rate was equal to a target value of 9,600
lb/hr (the new SO2 24-hr emission
limit), 85% of the hours were modeled
below the CEV, and 15% of the hours
were modeled above the CEV. The RRE
evaluation shows compliance with the
NAAQS since all 100 simulations return
modeled design values less than or
equal to 75 ppb. If the modeled
emission limits were not protective, the
RRE test would show modeled design
values above the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS.
Because Pennsylvania did not follow
the approach in Appendix C from EPA’s
SO2 Nonattainment Guidance to
develop the longer term limit for
Keystone, this analysis was the evidence
EPA relied on to determine that the
longer term limit for Keystone was
protective of the NAAQS. In any case,
more recent evidence indicates that
Keystone’s compliance with its new
limit will result in substantially fewer
hours when emissions exceed the CEV.
For example, in 2019, after the limit
took effect, only 35 hours exceeded the
CEV, representing 0.4% of the 8,623
operating hours during the year.
Comment 7. The commenter asserts
that AECOM’s modeling erroneously
splits the nonattainment area into two
modeling domains, and thus does not
adequately assess the impacts of the
four electric generating units (EGUs)
together. The commenter points out that
the modeled peak impact for Armstrong
County of 192.3 mg/m3 is due to
Keystone impacts only, and does not
include impacts from the other three
EGUs. The commenter notes that the
maximum modeled concentration from
Seward 16 of 194.44 mg/m3 occurs just
over the border between Indiana and
Armstrong Counties on the Indiana
County side, and that simulation
includes all four EGUs. The commenter
thinks that both results cannot be true:
Either the maximum impact reported for
Seward is incorrect because it considers
all four EGUs or the modeling in
Armstrong County needs to include all
four EGUs. The commenter also argues
that EPA used an incorrect rationale for
approving the two separate modeling
domains. Specifically, the commenter is
concerned that the wind rose provided
peak model concentration of 196.44 mg/m3
is in the area surrounding Keystone, it is not in the
area surrounding Seward as the commenter wrote.
The peak model concentration around Seward was
reported at 192.75 mg/m3 in the original state
16 The
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in the TSD shows that winds having a
southeasterly component occur
approximately 15% of the time, which
they claim is not ‘‘infrequent,’’ as EPA
describes in that TSD. Also, the
commenter takes issue with the fact that
the background concentrations used in
the two modeling domains are
different—while the same monitor is
used, the dates from the monitoring
values are different (2014–2016 vs.
2013–2015). The commenter believes
that the same date range should be used.
Response 7. EPA disagrees that the
nonattainment area was erroneously
split into two modeling domains and
that this splitting of the nonattainment
area into separate modeling domains
would not correctly consider the joint
impacts of all four sources included in
the Indiana, PA SIP modeling
demonstration. EPA believes that
modeling two domains was warranted
in this case based on the justification
provided by Pennsylvania in Appendix
Compliance Modeling Report for the
Indiana, PA Non-Attainment Area:
Phase 1 Modeling (Revision No. 1)) of
the state’s submittal. EPA believes that
the commenter misunderstands the
model results for Seward and Keystone
based on the fact that the commenter
noted that the maximum modeled
concentration from Seward was 194.44
mg/m3, which is actually the peak
modeled concentration around
EPA will further explain the
reasoning for the use of the split
modeling domains and the reasons
supporting EPA’s conclusion that the
use of two modeling domains in this
case is appropriate. The nonattainment
area was divided into two modeling
domains; one covering portions of
Armstrong County surrounding
Keystone, and one covering all of
Indiana County. In the Armstrong
domain, Pennsylvania modeled
Keystone as the only source. In the
Indiana domain, Pennsylvania modeled
all four SIP sources. EPA agrees with
this approach because of the long aerial
transport distances (for SO2) between
Keystone and the remaining SIP sources
in Indiana County, and the prevailing
wind directions in the Area.
The distances between Keystone and
the remaining SIP sources are greater
than 10 kilometers. From EPA’s March
2011 Clarification Memo, ‘‘. . . the
17 EPA has included in the docket for this action
a TSD Addressing Modeled Concentration Values
for the Keystone Generating Station Included in the
Indiana, PA 1-Hour SO2 Nonattainment Area. The
TSD explains that using updated background
concentrations, the modeled maximum
concentration for Keystone is below 196.4 mg/m3.
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
emphasis on determining which nearby
sources to include in the modeling
analysis should focus on the area within
about 10 kilometers of the project
location in most cases.’’ The distance
between Keystone and Homer City is
approximately 20.5 kilometers, between
Keystone and Conemaugh is
approximately 38.9 kilometers and
between Keystone and Seward Station is
approximately 38.3 kilometers.
Therefore, it was reasonable for
Pennsylvania to model Keystone in a
separate modeling domain.
EPA’s clarification memo continues,
‘‘[T]he routine inclusion of all sources
within 50 kilometers of the project
location, the nominal distance for which
AERMOD is applicable, is likely to
produce an overly conservative result in
most cases.’’ EPA believes that
including all four sources in the
Keystone modeling domain would have
been overly conservative.
When modeling all four sources, the
peak model concentration is located
approximately four km northeast of
Keystone. This would be the result of
plant emissions being blown from
winds out of the southwest (from
Keystone’s stack towards the peak
model receptor). Emissions from
Conemaugh, Homer City and Seward
would be transported in a similar
direction, i.e. to locations far away from
the peak receptor near Keystone.
Evaluative modeling conducted by
AECOM (Appendix C1–a of the SIP
submittal) confirmed the minimal
impact of these three sources in the
vicinity of Keystone. Specifically, the
modeling shows that the peak modeled
concentration contains a fractional
contribution (0.6%) from the other three
SIP sources even under circumstances
where those plant’s emissions would
have been advected in an almost
opposite direction. Given this result,
and since it is logical to conclude that
when winds are blowing from the
southwest, emissions would not be
transported in the northwesterly
direction, EPA believes it was
appropriate to exclude contributions
from Conemaugh, Homer City and
Seward in modeling the area around the
Keystone plant.
In regard to the commenter’s concern
regarding the use of different
background concentrations in the two
modeling domains, EPA believes the
state’s use of a higher background
concentration in the Keystone only
modeling domain provides a level of
conservatism that, while not required,
provides additional assurances that the
Keystone limits are protective of the
NAAQS. The higher background
concentration was from a period of time
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from 2013–2015, prior to the installation
of SO2 controls on Homer City and
during a time with higher regional SO2
background concentrations. Homer City
is the closest of the three sources
outside the modeling domain. The
inclusion of these potential impacts was
considered to provide a more
conservative analysis. While
Pennsylvania could have used more
updated background concentrations
reflecting a decrease in impacts from
Homer City (and from all SO2 sources),
the state submitted a more conservative
analysis to show that even if the
background concentrations were higher
than recent background data, the
modeling results are within the NAAQS.
For model receptors in Indiana
County, all four sources were modeled
with newer regional background
reflecting reduced emissions from
Homer City due to new SO2 controls.
The use of newer background
concentrations (2014–2016) is
warranted since it provides a more
accurate depiction of reality. Current
background concentrations are even
lower 18 than in 2016 (mainly due to
reduced regional SO2 emissions),
providing additional support that the
plan provides for attainment.
Pennsylvania provided more recent
background values in the Supplemental
Submittal of February 5, 2020.
Comment 8. GenOn (owner and
operator of Conemaugh and Keystone)
was advised by EPA that the absence of
a site-specific study would not, in of
itself, preclude the use of AERMOIST
for the Indiana Area SIP provided that
other site-specific studies conducted
elsewhere demonstrated the
applicability and effectiveness of
AERMOIST in providing improved
model results. Consequently, based on
EPA’s guidance, GenOn and their
modeling contractor, AECOM,
proceeded with the companion
modeling effort that utilized
Response 8. EPA acknowledges the
detailed responses regarding
AERMOIST provided during the public
comment period (see next comment).
EPA’s analysis of possible shortcomings
of the AERMOIST plume module was
outlined in a December 27, 2017
response to Pennsylvania’s request to
use AERMOIST as an alternative model
under Appendix W. At that time, EPA
had determined that use of the
AERMOIST plume module was not
approvable under section 3.2.2 of
Appendix W and that the (higher) limits
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established using AERMOIST were not
protective of the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS.
EPA continues to believe that the use
of AERMOIST is not an appropriate
basis for evaluating emission limits in
the Indiana, PA nonattainment area.
Comment 9. The commenter asserts
that in an EPA White Paper, EPA agreed
with the physical and theoretical merits
of the AERMOIST hypothesis,
specifically that AERMOD does not
account for the effects of plume
moisture. Plume moisture tends to
increase plume rise over that for a ‘‘dry’’
plume because the condensation which
occurs when water vapor in a moist
plume condenses upon leaving the
stack, releasing heat as part of the
condensation process. The commenter
provided a presentation (which was
previously shared with EPA) that
responds to the deficiencies of
AERMOIST that EPA pointed out to
them. The commenter asserts that EPA
has acknowledged that AERMOD in
default mode is deficient in not
addressing the real effect of moisture in
the plume, so there is merit in pursuing
the AERMOIST approach. Therefore, the
commenter concludes that AERMOIST
should be considered as an ‘‘ALPHA’’
procedure, which means that as an
‘‘experimental’’ procedure, AERMOIST
has scientific merit, but is not yet ready
for regulatory applications.
Response 9. EPA acknowledges the
analysis provided by the commenter
regarding the AERMOIST plume
module. As noted previously,
application of AERMOIST in the
Indiana, PA modeling demonstration
has not been justified. The commenter
appears to acknowledge that
AERMOIST has not been demonstrated
to warrant being used in regulatory
applications such as in Pennsylvania’s
SO2 attainment plan. The comment
regarding designation of AERMOIST as
an alpha procedure is outside the scope
of this rulemaking.
Comment 10. The commenter asserts
that AECOM used erroneous
assumptions and methods in their
modeling analysis and EPA’s reliance
on this modeling would be arbitrary and
capricious. The commenter claims the
following aspects of the modeling
analysis are incorrect:
1. The receptor grid used by AECOM
has glaring areas of no coverage
including the area around Homer City
and the area across the Indiana County
border right next to Seward and
Conemaugh. This is a particular
problem for Seward and Conemaugh as
the emissions from those sources cause
attainment problems both inside the
nonattainment area and east and
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
southeast of the plants (outside the
nonattainment area).
2. The AECOM modeling used fixed
stack parameters and ignored
differences in the plume loft and
dispersion that would occur at different
gas exit temperatures and velocities.
AECOM plotted SO2 emissions vs.
temperature, and SO2 emissions vs. gas
velocity, and both data sets showed a
variation in the variables as a function
of emissions. Data from Conemaugh and
Homer City stacks are absent. In
addition, the data for Seward and
Keystone that are presented (SO2
emissions and temperature/velocity) are
not directly correlated, and the link that
would correlate them (boiler operation)
is not provided or taken into
3. The emissions modeled in the
randomized modeling for Keystone are
improper because they do not account
for the actual historic emissions
practices at the plant. The data provided
by the commenter show that
approximately 25% of the hours for
2011 through 2016 were above the CEV,
while the modeling only included
emissions over the CEV 15% of the
4. Only one meteorological data
source was used for modeling all four
EGUs, rather than selecting the most
appropriate meteorological data for each
source. EPA should have insisted on a
meteorological data sensitivity analysis
to ensure the model results were not
driven by the meteorological data source
selection. Johnston airport is not in the
nonattainment area and is a significant
distance from several coal-fired power
plants and the Strongstown monitor. It
lies 16 miles south-southeast of the
monitor. DEP could have considered the
Jimmy Stewart Airport which is located
in Indiana County. The model results
could be affected by the differences in
wind speed and direction at these
airports. Wind roses for each airport
were provided. EPA should do the
modeling again using the closer
meteorological data.
To summarize, the commenter states
that these modeling issues are not trivial
and notes that when these model
assumptions are used, each facility,
itself causes exceedances of the
Response 10. EPA disagrees with the
commenters’ points as follows:
1. Regarding model receptors
surrounding the Homer City power
plant, this item was brought up (and
fully addressed) during Pennsylvania’s
public comment period. EPA finds
Pennsylvania’s response fully adequate
(see response to comment 11 in
Pennsylvania’s Comment Response
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Document). The modeling analysis did
include model receptors ‘‘. . . along the
public roads which pass through the
facility, specifically, Coal Road, Power
Plant Road, Cherry Run Road, and
Quarter Center Road.’’ Homer City has
also properly established that it has
ownership and imposed proper public
access control protocols that support its
modeled ambient air boundary.
Additionally, due to Homer City’s tall
stacks, local peak model concentrations
occur well beyond the plant’s ambient
air boundary (see Figure 5–7 of
Appendix C–1a of the Commonwealth’s
submittal) indicating model receptors
within the area highlighted by the
commenters probably do not exceed the
source generated local concentration
peaks mainly due to the GEP oriented
stack height. GEP formula height for all
three stacks is 298.62 meters above local
ground elevations.
The commenter’s concern that no
model receptors outside of the Indiana
nonattainment area boundaries were
included in Pennsylvania’s modeling
demonstration showing SO2 attainment
within the nonattainment area is outside
the scope of this action. The boundaries
of the Indiana, PA nonattainment area
were set and made final in August 2013
in ‘‘Round One’’ of EPA’s designations
for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS, and these
boundaries were not challenged.19
Pennsylvania’s obligation under section
110(a) of the CAA is to submit ‘‘. . . a
plan which provides for
implementation, maintenance, and
enforcement of such primary standard
in each air quality control region (or
portion thereof) within such State.’’
CAA section 110(a)(1). Section 110
further provides that ‘‘[i]n the case of a
plan or plan revision for an area
designated as a nonattainment area,
meet the applicable requirements of part
D of this subchapter (relating to
nonattainment areas).’’ CAA section
110(a)(2)(I). Section 172(c)(6) then
requires the SIP for a nonattainment
area to include enforceable emission
limitations and control measures as
necessary or appropriate to provide for
NAAQS attainment ‘‘in such area.’’ CAA
section 172(c)(6). In this case,
Pennsylvania’s attainment plan for the
Indiana area includes limits on SO2
sources and a modeling demonstration
showing that SO2 concentrations
throughout the Indiana nonattainment
area are at or below the NAAQS. While
section 110(a)(2)(D) contains provisions
requiring that a state’s SIP contain
provisions to avoid causing or
19 See
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contributing to nonattainment or
maintenance in another state, the
Commenter does not cite any statutory
or regulatory requirements or EPA
guidance that a state must include
modeling receptors outside of a
nonattainment area in an attainment
plan. Further, EPA’s role is limited to
determining whether the submitted SIP
meets the requirements of the CAA, see
section 110(k), and Pennsylvania’s SIP
does not address areas outside the
defined nonattainment area. Absent a
clear requirement that Pennsylvania
must include model receptors outside of
the nonattainment area in its
submission, EPA will confine its
analysis to whether the attainment SIP
demonstrates attainment within the
designated nonattainment area.
Although some of the modeling
submitted by the commenter purports to
show SO2 concentrations outside of the
boundaries of the Indiana, PA
nonattainment area that are above the
SO2 NAAQS, primarily in Cambria and
Westmoreland Counties to the east,
Pennsylvania was required to develop
and submit an SO2 attainment
demonstration SIP only for the Indiana,
PA nonattainment area, which does not
include these counties. Prior to making
its final round one designations, EPA
invited interested parties other than the
states and Tribes to submit comments
on the proposed designations of these
areas, including the boundaries of these
areas. 78 FR 11124 (February 15, 2013).
2. The commenter’s concern regarding
not accounting for source variability in
stack temperatures and velocities was
also raised during the Pennsylvania
public comment period. EPA believes
Pennsylvania’s response is adequate for
the commenter’s concern and
information supporting their
conclusions was provided as part of
Pennsylvania’s SIP package (see
Comment Response Document, response
to comment 12). EPA generally agrees
with Pennsylvania’s observation that
while stack velocities (and sometimes
stack temperatures) decrease under
loads less than 100% or the facility’s
peak load, the emission reductions for
boiler loads lower than 100% more than
offset any reduction in stack plumeheight and dispersion caused by lower
plume lofting due to lower exit
velocities and lower temperatures.
Additional information included in
AECOM’s modeling reports clearly
show stack temperatures and exhaust
parameters are relatively uniform across
different emission ranges, which
supports using constant values in the
modeling analysis.
3. Pennsylvania analyzed the heat
input for years 2014 through 2016 for
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
Keystone. Station operations in 2016
represented the average of station
operations over the three-year period
from 2014 through 2016 (heat inputbased capacity factors of 74%, 64% and
69% for 2014, 2015 and 2016,
respectively), therefore the 2016
emission cumulative frequency plot was
used in the analysis to derive the
emissions input to the 100 AERMOD
simulations. EPA analyzed the last ten
years of heat input and notes that the
heat input has been relatively stable.
The commenter is evaluating the
likelihood of emissions exceeding the
CEV based on data before
Pennsylvania’s limit took effect. EPA
has analyzed the hours over the CEV for
the last 10 years and notes a downward
trend. More importantly, the newly
developed SIP limit for Keystone went
into effect on October 1, 2018, which
can be expected to cause a reduction in
the frequency of emissions exceeding
the CEV. Indeed, the available evidence
indicates that this has already occurred.
Data from 2018 and 2019 indicates that
Keystone emissions are now exceeding
the CEV for only about 1 percent of the
hours. EPA believes the new emission
limit provides a constraint that will
result in the frequency of hourly
emissions over the CEV being
considerably less than 15% of the time.
While EPA believes that the 2016 data
provide a good basis for formulating the
anticipated shape of the future
distribution of emissions, including
assessing the variability of emissions
(particularly as it pertains to the spread
among the emission rates in the upper
portion of the distribution, which are of
most interest for air quality planning
purposes), EPA does not believe that
modeling with 25 percent of hours
exceeding the CEV would appropriately
reflect emissions in compliance with
Pennsylvania’s limits. A more detailed
discussion of EPA’s analysis of
Keystone’s emissions and heat input is
included in the Part 75 Emissions TSD.
4. The use of the Johnstown-Cambria
County airport as the source of
meteorological data for the modeling
analysis has been adequately justified.
The possibility of using the Indiana
County (Jimmy Stewart) airport data
was addressed in Pennsylvania’s
comment response document (see
comment 9 and response). In addition to
Pennsylvania’s response, EPA asserts
that using a site in lower terrain, such
as the Indiana County airport, may
provide unrepresentative wind speeds
for the modeling analysis. The
Johnstown-Cambria County airport sits
in elevated terrain along the Allegheny
Front to the east of the Indiana, PA
nonattainment area. Due to its elevation,
the Johnstown-Cambria County airport
experiences relatively sustained wind
speeds. One of the reasons this airport
was chosen was because its elevation is
closer to the exit height of the elevated
stacks that are included in the Indiana,
PA modeling demonstration.
Pennsylvania submitted additional
site-specific meteorological data on
February 5, 2020 which was collected
near the Seward and Conemaugh
stations. This meteorological data is
called the Ash Landfill Tower data and
is more representative of the
meteorology in the vicinity of Seward
and Conemaugh. EPA compared the
new Ash Landfill Tower data 20 to the
Johnstown-Cambria County airport data
which demonstrated that more
sustained wind speeds aloft are clearly
evident. Ash Landfill Tower wind
speeds from the lowest level (10-meters)
tend to be lighter during the overnight
hours and suggest that wind speeds at
lower elevation sites, such as the Jimmy
Stewart airport the commenters
suggested, may not be representative of
wind speeds near the exit heights of the
stacks for the four coal and waste-coal
fired facilities in the SIP modeling
demonstration (see 500-m Ash Landfill
SODAR wind speeds vs the JohnstownCambria County Airport wind speeds).
Comment 11. The commenter
questions the purpose of EPA’s
Emissions Inventory Technical Support
Document and requests a robust
analysis and discussion of the emissions
so the public can understand why the
emissions information provided by the
state is acceptable.
Response 11. Pennsylvania submitted
their attainment and projection year
emission inventories in accordance with
EPA’s 2014 SO2 Nonattainment
Guidance. The guidance states that air
agencies should develop a
comprehensive, accurate and current
inventory of actual emissions from all
sources of SO2 in the nonattainment
area, as well as any sources located
outside the nonattainment area which
may affect attainment in the area as
required under the Clean Air Act
section 172(c)(3). EPA verified all
emissions that were submitted by
Pennsylvania against the 2011 National
Emissions Inventory (NEI) version 2 and
found them to be acceptable.
submitted SO2
tons per year
(tpy) *
Indiana nonattainment area emission source category
2011 NEI v2 SO2
tons per year
Stationary Point Sources .............................................................................................................................
Area Sources ...............................................................................................................................................
Non-road Sources ........................................................................................................................................
On-road Highway Sources ..........................................................................................................................
Total ......................................................................................................................................................
jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES
* Submitted with the Attainment Plan.
For the attainment year inventory,
EPA’s 2014 SO2 Nonattainment
Guidance explains that the inventory
should reflect projected emissions for
the attainment year for all SO2 sources
in the nonattainment area, taking into
account emission changes that are
expected after the base year. For point
sources, Pennsylvania projected
emissions from 2011 to 2018 based on
the anticipated 2018 operating scenario
for each facility. For the nonpoint and
nonroad emission projections,
Pennsylvania submitted projected
inventories developed by the Mid-
20 The Ash Landfill Tower Data was a site-specific
meteorological monitoring data collected at a site
located in southeast Indiana county along the
Conemaugh River between the Conemaugh and
Seward power plants. AECOM collected
meteorological data from a multi-level instrumented
tower and SODAR. A more complete description of
this site-specific data can be found in AECOM’s
Meteorological Monitoring Station Design and
Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Conemaugh
and Seward Generating Stations—Indiana County,
PA referenced in the NODA.
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Atlantic Regional Air Management
Association (MARAMA), which are
documented in the TSD found in
Appendix A–1 of the Attainment Plan.
Onroad emission projections were
developed by Michael Baker Corp. and
are also detailed in Appendix A of the
Attainment Plan. Point Source
emissions account for approximately
95% of the emissions in the NAA. EPA
compared the 2018 projected actual
emissions with the actual point source
emissions in the most recent 2017 NEI
for all point sources in the NAA, and
the projected emissions are conservative
(i.e. higher) when compared to actual
emissions from the NEI. EPA also
compared nonpoint, nonroad, and onroad emissions from the 2017 NEI and
found the 2018 projected emissions to
be conservative in comparison.
2018 Anticipated
actual SO2
(tpy) *
2017 NEI SO2
KEYSTONE STATION .................................................................................................................................
SEWARD GENERATING STATION/SEWARD ...........................................................................................
HOMER CITY GEN LP/CENTER TWP .......................................................................................................
CONEMAUGH STATION ............................................................................................................................
All other point Sources ................................................................................................................................
Total ......................................................................................................................................................
* Submitted with the Attainment Plan in 2016.
Comment 12. The commenter
provided modeling analyses of Seward
and Conemaugh’s emission limits using
the same meteorological data, the same
stack parameters, the same background
concentrations, and the same building
downwash data as did Pennsylvania/
AECOM. The commenter used
emissions inputs from actual historical
emissions from a variety of time periods
between 2013 through quarter one of
2018 (EPA’s Air Markets Program
Database) and used a finer receptor grid
around Seward and Conemaugh and
included receptors outside the Indiana
nonattainment area. The commenter
modeled the CEVs and asserts that EPA
cannot approve this SIP because the
commenter’s modeling demonstrates
emission limits for those facilities are
too lax and will not ensure attainment
of the NAAQS. Modeling results for four
separate date ranges were provided:
2013–2015, 2014–2016, 2015–2017, and
Response 12. EPA agrees with the
commenter that their modeling
demonstrated that the CEV for Seward
was too high because one receptor in the
southeast corner of the nonattainment
area exceeded the standard. However,
EPA does not agree that the
commenter’s modeling demonstrates
that the emission limits for Seward and
Conemaugh are too lax. As a result of
this comment, on February 5, 2020,
Pennsylvania submitted an additional
analysis showing compliance within the
southeast portion of the Indiana, PA
nonattainment area (near the
Conemaugh and Seward power plants)
where the commenter’s modeling
analysis had shown a modeled violation
of the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS at one
receptor. This new analysis used one
year (September 2015 through August
2016) of meteorological tower/SODAR
(Sonic Detection and Ranging) data
collected at the Ash Landfill site
(located in Indiana County between the
Conemaugh and Seward power plants),
which is more representative of local
conditions. The CEV model runs for
Seward and Conemaugh were updated
using this site-specific meteorological
data and updated, more accurate
background concentrations, plus a
refined modeling grid to better resolve
the commenter’s modeled violation. The
newly submitted CEV for Seward is
4,500 lbs/hr; the Conemaugh CEV did
not change.
To better understand the reduction in
Seward’s CEV, EPA analyzed the
changes in the model inputs for the
supplemental analysis through an
iterative process. A summary of the
changes and the resulting model
concentrations is provided in Table 3.
Run iteration description
jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES
Commenter’s Original Run .......................................
Change to Supplemental Grid ..................................
Change to Supplemental Grid and Ash Tower Meteorological data.
Change to Supplemental Grid, Ash Tower, Updated
Background Concentration.
All changes; Lower CEV until compliance ................
When EPA used the same inputs as
the commenter’s except replaced the
receptor grid with the Pennsylvania
supplemental grid, EPA’s analysis
produced a peak concentration over 300
mg/m3 as opposed to the commenter’s
concentration of 213 mg/m3. In the next
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Peak receptor location
Receptor grid
JST 2011–15
JST 2011–16
Ash Landfill ...
Laurel Ridge Terrain ..
Laurel Ridge Terrain ..
Robindale Heights ......
Commenter ...
Original SIP (2014–16)
Original SIP (2014–16)
Original SIP (2014–16)
Ash Landfill ...
Robindale Heights ......
Ash Landfill ...
Robindale Heights ......
Updated SIP (2016–
Updated SIP (2016–
iteration, EPA used the supplemental
grid, and the Ash Landfill
meteorological data, and the
concentrations in the area of the original
modeled violation went below the
NAAQS and the maximum modeled
concentration now occurred in a
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location north-northeast of the
Conemaugh and Seward power plants in
East Wheatfield Township near
Robindale Heights.
Finally, EPA completed a model run
with all the updates from the
supplemental modeling: The Ash
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
Landfill met data, supplemental
receptor grid, and updated background
concentration from 2016–18. When all
the updates were modeled, Seward’s 1hour modeled CEV (for the
supplemental run) had to be reduced
(about 11% from the original modeling
analysis) to show compliance with the
NAAQS. A detailed description of
EPA’s analysis can be found in the June
2020 Supplemental Modeling TSD
(Appendix B).
Based on the AERMOD simulations
provided which show that no receptors
in the nonattainment area exceed the
NAAQS, EPA believes the revised CEV
for Seward and the pre-existing CEV for
Conemaugh are protective of the 1-hour
Pennsylvania submitted updated RRE
model simulations using the sitespecific Ash Landfill meteorological
data, updated receptor grid, updated
background concentration, and updated
operating information (2016–2018) at
Seward. The 30-day emission limit for
Seward is below the newly submitted
CEV, and the updated RRE modeling
provides evidence that this limit is
protective of the NAAQS (as described
in Response 3). EPA solicited public
comments on this updated modeling in
a notice of data availability published
on March 9, 2020 at 85 FR 13602. A
more detailed analysis of the RRE
modeling for Seward is provided in the
February 2020 RRE Modeling TSD.
Comment 13. The commenter asserts
that the SIP is not approvable because
the AECOM modeling is improperly
based on ‘‘representative future
operations’’ that are not enforceable.
The modeling evaluated hourly
emissions from 2014 through 2016 and
assumed similar future operations in its
100 RRE model simulations. However,
the commenter argues that there is no
mechanism proposed (enforceable or
otherwise) to ensure future distribution
of emissions do not change such that a
NAAQS violation would occur.
Response 13. While the comment is
somewhat ambiguous, EPA interprets
this comment to express concerns that
the modeled emissions reflect a
variability that may not occur in the
future. Other comments by this
commenter discussed previously spoke
more precisely to maximum allowable
emissions; those comments were
answered previously. EPA is expecting
states to set limits that reflect expected
normal degrees of variability (at the 99th
percentile level).21 EPA does not believe
21 EPA uses the term ‘‘variability’’ to address the
shape of the distribution of a facility’s emissions,
in particular to be a measure of how much variation
exists between upper emission levels and more
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that the constraints on operation
inherent in restricting emissions
distributions are workable, warranted,
or appropriate. EPA believes that air
quality is likely to be relatively
insensitive to differences among normal
emission distributions. In addition, the
intention of allowing longer term SO2
limits was to provide sources some
degree of operating flexibility while still
attaining the 2010 SO2 NAAQS.
Requiring that the sources maintain a
specific emission profile would greatly
hamper any flexibility provided by a
longer term limit.
EPA believes the RRE modeling
provided by Pennsylvania in the
original submittal and supplemented on
February 5, 2020 provides the technical
evidence that the longer term emission
limits (i.e., 30 day rolling average and
24-hour average) at Seward and
Keystone are protective of the NAAQS.
EPA agrees that the future distribution
of hourly emissions for either source
will not be exactly the same as those
modeled in the RRE demonstration, but
does not agree that an enforceable
mechanism is required to ensure that
the future distribution of emissions do
not change. EPA believes that the longer
term limits provide the constraints
necessary to protect the NAAQS.
The commenter did not provide any
analysis, modeling or otherwise,
showing that adherence with these
limits with a different emissions
distribution would violate the NAAQS.
The commenter may be assuming that
future operations at Seward and
Keystone would change significantly in
a way that generates much higher
hourly SO2 emissions than those
observed over the RRE emission survey
years, even while complying with their
emission limits. If so, no justification or
analysis was provided to support such
an assumption. EPA believes that even
if this source operates at higher heat
inputs in the future, the emission limits
will constrain operations and continue
to provide protection of the NAAQS.
Nonetheless, EPA researched the
regional transmission organization’s
(PJM’s) projected electric demand and
analyzed historic emission trends at
Seward and Keystone to better
understand the potential for a change in
common emission levels. EPA’s guidance
recommends a specific procedure, delineated in
appendix C, for taking one measure of variability,
to obtain a quantitative indication of how the
typical range of emissions from a facility influences
the relative magnitude of long term average
emissions versus 1-hour values. While
Pennsylvania did not use this procedure, the
principle in EPA’s guidance that historic variability
may be used in many cases to predict future
variability, without the need for explicit limitations
on variability, nevertheless applies here.
PO 00000
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emissions in the future. Based on the
review of PJM forecasts, EPA contends
that it is highly unlikely that Seward or
Keystone will operate at much higher
levels in the future. Furthermore, hourly
operations and emissions data from
Keystone and Seward collected under
part 75 of the CAA also show no longterm increase in operating levels (total
hours of operation and MMBtu/hr) over
the past 10 years. Both of these sources
of information strongly suggest that the
plants will not increase their hours of
operation or level of operation. EPA
further finds no reason to believe that
the shape of the distribution of these
plants’ emissions will change in a way
that indicates greater variability. EPA’s
assessment of this data is available in
the Part 75 Emissions TSD available in
the docket for this action.
Comment 14. The commenter asserts
that EPA’s proposed approval fails to
meet the CAA statutory deadline for
issuing a Federal Implementation Plan
(FIP) because the SIP was not approved
by March 8, 2018 (two years after EPA
issued a finding of failure to submit),
and EPA must impose sanctions on
Pennsylvania for failing to submit a
lawful, approvable SIP.
Response 14. The comment raises
issues that are not relevant to the action
EPA must take here, which is to either
approve or disapprove the submitted
SIP. In regard to EPA’s failure to issue
a FIP, EPA believes that the most
expeditious way to bring this area into
attainment and maintain attainment is
to approve the submitted SIP with the
limits and restrictions adopted by the
Commonwealth, making those limits
and restrictions Federally enforceable
and obviating any need for EPA to issue
a FIP. We also note that neither the
commenter nor any other entity has
undertaken any effort to enforce a duty
to promulgate a FIP for this area.
EPA disagrees with the commenter
that sanctions should have been applied
in this case because, as discussed in the
NPRM, the sanctions clock that was
started by Pennsylvania not timely
submitting its SIP was turned off when
EPA determined that Pennsylvania
subsequently submitted a complete SIP
on October 13, 2017. See CAA 179(a);
see also 40 CFR 52.31(d)(5) (a sanctions
clock started by a finding of failure to
submit a required SIP will be
permanently stopped upon a final
finding that the deficiency forming the
basis of the finding of failure to submit
has been corrected).
The result of EPA’s final approval of
the Indiana, PA attainment plan will be
to make Federally enforceable the 24hour average SO2 limits at Keystone
Station and the contingency measures
jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
for all four sources. The emission limits
at Homer City, Conemaugh, and Seward
were already Federally enforceable, and
are also being incorporated into the SIP
for purposes of permanently attaining
the SO2 NAAQS.
Comment 15. The commenter
expresses concern with the RACM/
RACT and contingency measures,
questioning how EPA can incorporate
the unredacted portions of Homer City’s
Plan approval, which lists an expiration
date of August 28, 2017, and Seward’s
Title V Operating Permit, which lists an
expiration date of February 11, 2017.
The commenter asks EPA to explain
why not all of the consent orders have
compliance parameters and why the
contingency measures appear to be
compliance parameters.
Response 15. EPA acknowledges that
expiration dates were inadvertently
included in the unredacted portions of
Homer City’s Plan approval and
Seward’s Title V Operating Permit.
Pennsylvania has submitted corrected
redacted permits which redact the
expiration dates, such that the limits
may be considered permanent. These
corrected permits will be incorporated
into the SIP, and will remain in effect
unless and until Pennsylvania submits a
SIP revision seeking changes to these
incorporated permit terms and EPA
approves such revisions after evaluating
whether such a revision would interfere
with NAAQS attainment, as required by
CAA section 110(l). EPA also notes that
the SO2 emission limits listed in these
permits for Homer City and Seward did
not actually expire on the dates listed in
the originally submitted permits. Both
permits were properly extended per the
state permitting requirements and Title
V of the CAA.
Concerning the request for an
explanation of why contingency
measures appear to be compliance
parameters, EPA notes that the 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Guidance describes
special features of the pollutant SO2 and
therefore SO2 planning that warrant the
adoption of alternative means of
addressing the requirement in section
172(c)(9) for contingency measures. The
control efficiencies for SO2 control
measures are well understood and are
far less prone to uncertainty than for
other criteria pollutants. Because SO2
control measures are based on what is
directly and quantifiably necessary to
attain the SO2 NAAQS, it would be
unlikely for an area to implement the
necessary emission controls yet fail to
attain the NAAQS. See 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Area Guidance, page 41.
Therefore, for SO2 programs, EPA has
explained that contingency measures
can mean that the air agency has a
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comprehensive program to identify
sources of violations of the SO2 NAAQS
and to undertake an aggressive followup for compliance and enforcement,
including expedited procedures for
establishing enforceable consent
agreements pending the adoption of the
revised SIP. EPA believes that this
approach continues to be valid for the
implementation of contingency
measures to address the 2010 SO2
NAAQS, and consequently concludes
that Pennsylvania’s comprehensive
enforcement program, as discussed
later, satisfies the contingency measure
Pennsylvania has a comprehensive
enforcement program as specified in
Section 4(27) of the Pennsylvania Air
Pollution Control Act (APCA), 35 P.S.
§ 4004(27). Under this program,
Pennsylvania is authorized to take any
action it deems necessary or proper for
the effective enforcement of the Act and
the rules and regulations promulgated
under the Act. Such actions include the
issuance of orders (for example,
enforcement orders and orders to take
corrective action to address air pollution
or the danger of air pollution from a
source) and the assessment of civil
penalties. Sections 9.1 and 10.1 of the
APCA, 35 P.S. §§ 4009.1 and 4010.1,
also expressly authorize Pennsylvania to
issue orders to aid in the enforcement of
the APCA and to assess civil penalties.
Any person in violation of the APCA,
the rules and regulations, any order of
PADEP, or a plan approval or operating
permit conditions could also be subject
to criminal fines upon conviction under
Section 9, 35 P.S. § 4009. Section 7.1 of
the APCA, 35 P.S. § 4007.1, prohibits
PADEP from issuing plan approvals and
operating permits for any applicant,
permittee, or a general partner, parent or
subsidiary corporation of the applicant
or the permittee that is placed on
PADEP’s Compliance Docket until the
violations are corrected to the
satisfaction of PADEP.
In addition to having a fully approved
enforcement program, Pennsylvania has
included contingency measures that are
triggered when any of the four SIP
sources’ emissions reach a certain
percentage of the allowable emissions or
if the Strongstown monitor in the
nonattainment area registers a daily
maximum 1-hour average concentration
exceeding 75 ppb. These measures are
in line with the supplemental
contingency measure guidance EPA
mentions previously and are included
in the Homer City COA, Seward COA,
Conemaugh Order and the Keystone
Order, and thus will be fully approved
provisions within the SIP.
PO 00000
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EPA concludes, in accordance with
the 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance,
that Pennsylvania’s enforcement
program suffices to satisfy the
contingency measure requirements for
SO2. The magnitude of prospective
benefit from Pennsylvania’s
supplemental contingency measures is
unclear, but it is clear that these
measures can only improve, and will
not worsen, air quality. EPA believes
that Pennsylvania’s enforcement
program, which is enhanced by the
supplementary provisions in the COAs
and Orders, suffice to meet Section
172(c)(9) requirements as interpreted in
the 1992 General Preamble and the 2014
SO2 Nonattainment Guidance.
In regard to the commenter’s question
as to why all of the consent orders do
not contain compliance parameters, the
compliance parameters can be found in
either the COA, Orders or permits that
are being incorporated into the SIP. EPA
is interpreting the term ‘‘compliance
parameters’’ in the comment to mean
any specified method for determining
compliance with the emission limits.
The compliance parameters for Seward,
Homer City and Conemaugh are found
in the respective redacted permits, and
the compliance parameters for Keystone
are found in the Order. The COA or
Orders for Seward, Homer City and
Conemaugh do not have compliance
parameters, as they are contained in the
redacted permits.
Comment 1 on NODA. The
commenter expresses concern with the
idea that the newly calculated CEV for
Seward of 4,500 lbs/hr, which is less
than the original CEV of 5,079 lbs/hr,
still supports the 3,038 lbs/hr 30-day
average emission limit for Seward. The
commenter concludes that the prior
Seward CEV used to calculate the
emission limit in the original submittal
was too high and accordingly that the
3,038 lbs/hour emission limit itself is
too high.
Response 1 on NODA. EPA recognizes
the concern that the prior CEV
calculated for Seward was higher than
the newly calculated CEV, but the
longer term limit has not changed.
While this would not necessarily occur
if Pennsylvania had followed the
methodology described in Appendix C,
they did not. Pennsylvania opted to use
a different approach to calculate the
longer term limits (their approach was
the same in the original submittal as in
the supplemental submittal).
Pennsylvania did not rely on
adjustments from the CEV as set forth by
the approach in Appendix C. Therefore,
a reduction in the CEV does not
necessarily dictate a reduction in the
longer term limit. Instead, Pennsylvania
jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
provided an updated RRE modeling
analysis demonstrating that Seward’s
30-day average emission limit of 3,038
lbs/hr is protective of the NAAQS.22
The supplemental modeling analysis
provided on February 5, 2020 included
updated and more accurate
meteorological data, a more refined
receptor grid and updated emission
profiles. These updates were
incorporated into both the CEV
AERMOD simulations and the RRE
AERMOD simulations. EPA’s February
2020 RRE Modeling TSD located in the
docket for this rulemaking explains
EPA’s review of Pennsylvania’s updated
RRE analysis and is also addressed in
Response 3 of this preamble.
EPA reviewed Seward’s emissions
data which indicates a decline in
emissions variability.23 In particular,
while a comparison of 2014 to 2016 data
against 2016 to 2018 shows fairly
similar or even slightly increasing 99th
percentile 30-day average values, these
data also show a significant decline in
the 99th percentile 1-hour values. This
decreased difference between peak 1hour values and peak 30-day average
values, indicating a decline in this
critical measure of variability, appears
to be an important factor in
Pennsylvania’s supplemental modeling
(using emissions reflecting the more
recent, less variable emissions)
concluding that the same 30-day average
limit in the original modeling (using
emissions reflecting the older, more
variable emissions) still suffices to show
attainment. The 2017 to 2019 data
indicate that this trend toward less
variable emissions appears to be
Comment 2 on NODA. The
commenter states that AECOM justified
the conversion factor of 0.68 for Seward
by comparing it to Table 1 of Appendix
D of EPA’s 2014 SO2 Nonattainment
Guidance for sources with dry scrubbers
(which lists the conversion factor as
0.63). The commenter points out that
0.63 is significantly lower than 0.68, yet
significantly higher than the 0.47
conversion factor AECOM calculated
using Appendix C methodology for
Seward, but ultimately decided to not
use. The commenter states that Seward
is a waste coal plant and is less likely
to operate similarly to the coal fleet as
a whole, which may be why using
Appendix C methodology supports a
conversion factor of 0.47.
Response 2 on NODA. A conversion
factor was not used to calculate the
22 PADEP did not provide an updated RRE
analysis for Keystone, only for Seward.
23 Clean Air Market Division data submitted to
EPA from PADEP on February 5, 2020.
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longer term limit for Seward. While a
ratio between the 30-day average limit
for Seward and the CEV may be
calculated, and this ratio may be
compared to the adjustment factor that
would be derived using the procedures
in Appendix C, the concept of a
conversion factor is not directly relevant
to the calculation of Seward’s longer
term limit. EPA acknowledges that the
CEV provides an upper bound for the
value of a potential longer term limit
(i.e., the longer term limit cannot be
greater than the CEV). However, that is
the extent to which the CEV was used
in Pennsylvania’s development of
Seward’s 30-day limit. Instead,
Pennsylvania provided updated 100
RRE AERMOD simulations as
reasonable evidence that the longer-term
emission limit for Seward is protective
of the NAAQS. More details on
Pennsylvania’s methodology for
developing Seward’s longer term limit is
provided in Response 3 of this
preamble, and in the RRE Modeling
Comment 3 on NODA. The
commenter expressed concern that the
modeling analysis did not include areas
outside the nonattainment area
boundary. The commenter claims that
by hiding areas with peak impacts above
the NAAQS, the AECOM analysis
undercalculates CEVs, and thereby fails
to assess emission limits low enough to
protect the NAAQS.
Response 3 on NODA. As discussed in
more detail in Response 10 of this
preamble, absent a clear requirement
that Pennsylvania must include model
receptors outside of the nonattainment
area in its submission, EPA will confine
its analysis to whether the attainment
SIP demonstrates attainment within the
designated nonattainment area.
Comment 4 on NODA. The
commenter requested that EPA extend
this public comment period due to the
National Covid-19 Pandemic.
Specifically, the commenter requested
an additional 30 days after the
President’s National Emergency Order
or Governor Wolf’s State Emergency
Order are pulled back.
Response 4 on NODA. EPA is not able
to extend the public comment period for
this NODA, particularly when the
request seeks an additional 30 day
period after some unknown future date
when the President’s or Governor’s
Emergency Order is withdrawn. EPA is
under an October 30, 2020 courtordered deadline to take action on this
SIP, and therefore an indeterminate
delay would require an amendment of
that court order, and EPA could not be
assured that such an extension could be
obtained, particularly when the amount
PO 00000
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of time of the extension is tied to
Emergency Orders with indefinite end
dates. Also, EPA believes that issuance
of the President’s and Governor’s orders
did not significantly hamper the
public’s ability to comment because the
supplemental information and all
materials necessary to evaluate that
supplemental information were
available electronically in the docket or
by contacting EPA for this matter. For
these reasons, EPA did not grant the
commenter’s request for an indefinite
extension of the public comment period.
IV. Final Action
EPA is approving the attainment plan
for the Indiana, PA SO2 nonattainment
area as a revision to the Pennsylvania
SIP as submitted by PADEP to EPA on
October 11, 2017 and supplemented on
February 5, 2020. Specifically, EPA is
approving the base year emissions
inventory, a modeling demonstration of
SO2 attainment, an analysis of RACM/
RACT, an RFP plan, and contingency
measures for the Indiana Area and is
finding that the Pennsylvania SIP
revision has met the requirements for
NNSR for the 2010 1-hour SO2 NAAQS.
Additionally, EPA is approving into the
Pennsylvania SIP the SO2 emission
limits and compliance parameters in the
following Orders, Consent Order and
Agreements (COAs) and permits: the
unredacted portion of the Order
between Pennsylvania and Genon NE
Management Company, Conemaugh
Plant; the unredacted portions of the
Consent Order and COA between
Pennsylvania and Homer City
Generation, LP; the unredacted portions
of the Order between Pennsylvania and
Genon NE Management Company,
Keystone Plant; the unredacted portions
of the COA between Pennsylvania and
Seward Generation, LLC; the unredacted
portions of the Title V Permit for
Conemaugh Plant (provided to EPA on
May 13, 2020); the unredacted portions
of the Plan Approval for Homer City
(provided to EPA on May 13, 2020); and
the unredacted portion of the Title V
Operating Permit for Seward Station
(provided to EPA on May 13, 2020).
EPA has determined that
Pennsylvania’s SO2 attainment plan for
the 2010 1-hour SO2 NAAQS for the
Indiana Area meets the applicable
requirements of the CAA and is
consistent with EPA’s 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Guidance where
applicable. Thus, EPA is approving
Pennsylvania’s attainment plan for the
Indiana Area as submitted on October
11, 2017 and supplemented on February
5, 2020. This final action of this SIP
submittal removes EPA’s duty to
implement a FIP for this Area, and
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
discharges EPA’s requirement under the
court order entered in Center for
Biological Diversity, et al., v. Wheeler,
No. 4:18–cv–03544 (N.D. Cal., Nov. 26,
2019) to sign final action on the SIP by
October 30, 2020.
V. Incorporation by Reference
In this document, EPA is finalizing
regulatory text that includes
incorporation by reference. In
accordance with requirements of 1 CFR
51.5, EPA is finalizing the incorporation
by reference of the unredacted portions
of the Order between Pennsylvania and
Genon NE Management Company,
Conemaugh Plant; the unredacted
portions of the Consent Order and
Agreement (COA) between
Pennsylvania and Homer City
Generation, LP; the unredacted portions
of the Order between Pennsylvania and
Genon NE Management Company,
Keystone Plant; the unredacted portions
of the COA between Pennsylvania and
Seward Generation, LLC; the unredacted
portions of the Title V Permit for
Conemaugh Plant (provided to EPA on
May 13, 2020); the unredacted portions
of the Plan Approval for Homer City
(provided to EPA on May 13, 2020); and
the unredacted portion of the Title V
Operating Permit for Seward Station
(provided to EPA on May 13, 2020).
EPA has made, and will continue to
make, these materials generally
available through https:// and at the EPA
Region III Office (please contact the
person identified in the FOR FURTHER
preamble for more information).
Therefore, these materials have been
approved by EPA for inclusion in the
SIP, have been incorporated by
reference by EPA into that plan, are
fully Federally enforceable under
sections 110 and 113 of the CAA as of
the effective date of the final rulemaking
of EPA’s approval, and will be
incorporated by reference in the next
update to the SIP compilation.24
VI. Statutory and Executive Order
jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES
A. General Requirements
Under the CAA, the Administrator is
required to approve a SIP submission
that complies with the provisions of the
CAA and applicable Federal regulations.
42 U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a).
Thus, in reviewing SIP submissions,
EPA’s role is to approve state choices,
provided that they meet the criteria of
the CAA. Accordingly, this action
merely approves state law as meeting
24 62
FR 27968 (May 22, 1997).
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Federal requirements and does not
impose additional requirements beyond
those imposed by state law. For that
reason, this action:
• Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ subject to review by the Office
of Management and Budget under
Executive Orders 12866 (58 FR 51735,
October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821,
January 21, 2011);
• Is not an Executive Order 13771 (82
FR 9339, February 2, 2017) regulatory
action because it is not a significant
regulatory action under Executive Order
• Does not impose an information
collection burden under the provisions
of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
• Is certified as not having a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
• Does not contain any unfunded
mandate or significantly or uniquely
affect small governments, as described
in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4);
• Does not have Federalism
implications as specified in Executive
Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10,
• Is not an economically significant
regulatory action based on health or
safety risks subject to Executive Order
13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997);
• Is not a significant regulatory action
subject to Executive Order 13211 (66 FR
28355, May 22, 2001);
• Is not subject to requirements of
section 12(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement
Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) because
application of those requirements would
be inconsistent with the CAA; and
• Does not provide EPA with the
discretionary authority to address, as
appropriate, disproportionate human
health or environmental effects, using
practicable and legally permissible
methods, under Executive Order 12898
(59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
In addition, this rule does not have
tribal implications as specified by
Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249,
November 9, 2000), because the SIP is
not approved to apply in Indian country
located in the state, and EPA notes that
it will not impose substantial direct
costs on tribal governments or preempt
tribal law.
B. Submission to Congress and the
Comptroller General
The Congressional Review Act, 5
U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides
PO 00000
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that before a rule may take effect, the
agency promulgating the rule must
submit a rule report, which includes a
copy of the rule, to each House of the
Congress and to the Comptroller General
of the United States. EPA will submit a
report containing this action and other
required information to the U.S. Senate,
the U.S. House of Representatives, and
the Comptroller General of the United
States prior to publication of the rule in
the Federal Register. A major rule
cannot take effect until 60 days after it
is published in the Federal Register.
This action is not a ‘‘major rule’’ as
defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
C. Petitions for Judicial Review
Under section 307(b)(1) of the CAA,
petitions for judicial review of this
action must be filed in the United States
Court of Appeals for the appropriate
circuit by December 18, 2020. Filing a
petition for reconsideration by the
Administrator of this final rule does not
affect the finality of this action for the
purposes of judicial review nor does it
extend the time within which a petition
for judicial review may be filed, and
shall not postpone the effectiveness of
such rule or action. This action
approving the attainment plan for the
Indiana, PA SO2 nonattainment area
may not be challenged later in
proceedings to enforce its requirements.
(See CAA section 307(b)(2)).
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
Environmental protection, Air
pollution control, Incorporation by
reference, Intergovernmental relations,
Particulate matter, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur
Dated: October 13, 2020.
Cosmo Servidio,
Regional Administrator, Region III.
40 CFR part 52 is amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 52
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
Subpart NN—Pennsylvania
2. In § 52.2020:
a. The table in paragraph (d)(3) is
amended by adding entries for
‘‘Conemaugh Plant, Genon NE
Management Co.’’, ‘‘Title V permit 32–
00059’’; ‘‘Conemaugh Plant, Genon NE
Management Co.’’, ‘‘Order’’; ‘‘Homer
City Generation’’, ’’ Plan Approvals 32–
00055H and 32–00055I’’; ‘‘Homer City
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
Generation’’, ‘‘Consent Order and
Agreement’’; ‘‘Seward Station’’, ‘‘Title V
Permit 32–00040’’; ‘‘Seward Station’’,
‘‘Consent Order and Agreement’’; and
‘‘Keystone Station’’, ‘‘Consent Order and
Agreement’’ at the end of the table; and
Name of source
Permit No.
The additions read as follows:
§ 52.2020
10/19/20, [Insert
Federal Register
Conemaugh Plant,
Genon NE Management Co.
Homer City Generation.
Order ......................
Indiana ...........
Plan Approvals 32–
00055H and 32–
Indiana ...........
10/19/20, [Insert
Federal Register
10/19/20, [Insert
Federal Register
Homer City Generation.
Consent Order and
Indiana ...........
Seward Station ........
Title V Permit 32–
Indiana ...........
Seward Station ........
Consent Order and
Indiana ...........
Keystone Plant ........
Consent Order ........
Armstrong ......
Applicable geographic area
Attainment Plan for the Indiana,
Area for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide
Primary National Ambient Air
Quality Standard.
16:28 Oct 16, 2020
10/19/20, [Insert
Federal Register
10/19/20, [Insert
Federal Register
10/19/20, [Insert
Federal Register
10/19/20, [Insert
Federal Register
Sulfur dioxide emission limits and associated
unredacted portions of the Plan Approvals provided to EPA on May 13,
Contingency measures in unredacted
portion of Consent Order and Agreement.
Sulfur dioxide emission limits and associated
unredacted portions of the Title V permit provided to EPA on May 13, 2020.
Contingency measures in unredacted
portion of the Consent Order and
Sulfur dioxide emission limits established
with AERMOD modeling without
AERMOIST and related parameters in
unredacted portions of the Consent
Order dated 10/11/17.
(1) * * *
Name of non-regulatory SIP
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Sulfur dioxide emission limits and associated
unredacted portions of the Title V permit provided to EPA on May 13, 2020.
Contingency measures in unredacted
portion of the Order.
Additional explanation/
§ 52.2063 citation
Indiana ...........
(d) * * *
(3) * * *
EPA approval date
Title V permit 32–
(e) * * *
Identification of plan.
State effective
Conemaugh Plant,
Genon NE Management Co.
jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES
b. The table in paragraph (e)(1) is
amended by adding an entry for
‘‘Attainment Plan for the Indiana,
Pennsylvania Nonattainment Area for
the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide Primary
National Ambient Air Quality
Standard’’ at the end of the table.
EPA approval
State submittal date
Indiana County and portions of 10/11/17 Supplemental informaArmstrong County (Plumcreek
tion submitted 02/05/20, reTownship, South Bend Towndacted permits submitted on
ship, and Elderton Borough).
Jkt 253001
PO 00000
Frm 00056
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 9990
10/19/20, [Insert
Federal Register citation].
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 202 / Monday, October 19, 2020 / Rules and Regulations
3. Amend § 52.2033 by adding
paragraph (f) to read as follows:
§ 52.2033
Control strategy: Sulfur oxides.
(f) EPA approves the attainment
demonstration State Implementation
Plan for the Indiana, PA Nonattainment
Area submitted by the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection
on October 11, 2017, updated on
February 5, 2020, and corrected permits
and plan approvals submitted on May
13, 2020.
[FR Doc. 2020–23037 Filed 10–16–20; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R03–OAR–2020–0189; FRL–10014–
98–Region 3]
Approval and Promulgation of Air
Quality Implementation Plans;
Pennsylvania; Reasonably Available
Control Technology (RACT)
Determinations for Case-by-Case
Sources Under the 1997 and 2008 8Hour Ozone National Ambient Air
Quality Standards
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is approving multiple
state implementation plan (SIP)
revisions submitted by the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. These
revisions were submitted by the
Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection (PADEP) to
establish and require reasonably
available control technology (RACT) for
individual major sources of volatile
organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen
oxides (NOX) pursuant to the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s
conditionally approved RACT
regulations. In this action, EPA is only
approving source-specific (also referred
to as ‘‘case-by-case’’) RACT
determinations for four major sources.
These RACT evaluations were
submitted to meet RACT requirements
for the 1997 and 2008 8-hour ozone
national ambient air quality standards
(NAAQS). EPA is approving these
revisions to the Pennsylvania SIP in
accordance with the requirements of the
Clean Air Act (CAA) and EPA’s
implementing regulations.
DATES: This final rule is effective on
November 18, 2020.
jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:28 Oct 16, 2020
Jkt 253001
EPA has established a
docket for this action under Docket ID
Number EPA–R03–OAR–2020–0189. All
documents in the docket are listed on
website. Although listed in the index,
some information is not publicly
available, e.g., confidential business
information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, is not placed on
the internet and will be publicly
available only in hard copy form.
Publicly available docket materials are
available through https://, or please contact
the person identified in the FOR FURTHER
additional availability information.
Emily Bertram, Permits Branch (3AD10),
Air & Radiation Division, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
Region III, 1650 Arch Street,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. The
telephone number is (215) 814–5273.
Ms. Bertram can also be reached via
electronic mail at bertram.emily@
I. Background
On May 5, 2020, EPA published a
notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
85 FR 26647. In the NPRM, EPA
proposed approval of case-by-case
RACT determinations for four sources in
Pennsylvania for the 1997 and 2008 8hour ozone NAAQS. The case-by-case
RACT determinations for these four
sources were included in SIP revisions
submitted by PADEP on November 21,
2017, April 26, 2018, June 26, 2018, and
October 29, 2018.
Under certain circumstances, states
are required to submit SIP revisions to
address RACT requirements for major
sources of NOX and VOC or any source
category for which EPA has
promulgated control technique
guidelines (CTG) for each ozone
NAAQS. Which NOX and VOC sources
in Pennsylvania are considered ‘‘major,’’
and therefore to be addressed for RACT
revisions, is dependent on the location
of each source within the
Commonwealth. Sources located in
nonattainment areas would be subject to
the ‘‘major source’’ definitions
established under the CAA based on
their classification. In the case of
Pennsylvania, sources located in any
areas outside of moderate or above
nonattainment areas, as part of the
Ozone Transport Region (OTR), are
subject to source thresholds of 50 tons
per year (tpy). CAA section 184(b).
PO 00000
Frm 00057
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
On May 16, 2016, PADEP submitted
a SIP revision addressing RACT under
both the 1997 and 2008 8-hour ozone
NAAQS in Pennsylvania. PADEP’s May
16, 2016 SIP revision intended to
address certain outstanding non-CTG
NOX RACT requirements for both
standards. The SIP revision requested
approval of Pennsylvania’s 25 Pa. Code
129.96–100, Additional RACT
Requirements for Major Sources of NOX
and VOCs (the ‘‘presumptive’’ RACT II
rule). Prior to the adoption of the RACT
II rule, Pennsylvania relied on the NOX
and VOC control measures in 25 Pa.
Code 129.92–95, Stationary Sources of
NOX and VOCs, (the RACT I rule) to
meet RACT for non-CTG major VOC
sources and major NOX sources. The
requirements of the RACT I rule remain
approved into Pennsylvania’s SIP and
continue to be implemented.1 On
September 26, 2017, PADEP submitted
a supplemental SIP revision, dated
September 22, 2017, which committed
to address various deficiencies
identified by EPA in their May 16, 2016
‘‘presumptive’’ RACT II rule SIP
On May 9, 2019, EPA conditionally
approved the RACT II rule based on the
commitments PADEP made in its
September 22, 2017 supplemental SIP
revision. See 84 FR 20274. In EPA’s
final conditional approval, EPA noted
that PADEP would be required to
submit, for EPA’s approval, SIP
revisions to address any facility-wide or
system-wide averaging plan approved
under 25 Pa. Code 129.98 and any caseby-case RACT determinations under 25
Pa. Code 129.99. PADEP committed to
submitting these additional SIP
revisions within 12 months of EPA’s
final conditional approval, specifically
May 9, 2020. The SIP revisions
addressed in this rule are part of
PADEP’s efforts to meet the conditions
of its supplemental SIP revision and
EPA’s conditional approval of the RACT
II Rule.
II. Summary of SIP Revision and EPA
A. Summary of SIP Revision
To satisfy a requirement from EPA’s
May 9, 2019 conditional approval,
PADEP submitted to EPA SIP revisions
addressing case-by-case RACT
requirements for major sources in
Pennsylvania subject to 25 Pa. Code
1 The RACT I Rule was approved by EPA into the
Pennsylvania SIP on March 23, 1998. 63 FR 13789.
Through the current rule, certain source-specific
RACT I requirements will be superseded by more
stringent RACT II requirements. See Section II of
this preamble.
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 202 (Monday, October 19, 2020)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 66240-66257]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-23037]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA-R03-OAR-2017-0615; FRL-10015-78-Region 3]
Air Plan Approval; Pennsylvania; Attainment Plan for the Indiana,
Pennsylvania Nonattainment Area for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide Primary
National Ambient Air Quality Standard
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving a state
implementation plan (SIP) revision submitted by the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. The revision is an attainment plan for the 2010 sulfur
dioxide (SO2) primary national ambient air quality standard
(NAAQS) in the Indiana County, Pennsylvania SO2
nonattainment area (hereafter referred to as the ``Indiana Area'' or
``Area''). The Indiana Area is comprised of Indiana County and a
portion of Armstrong County (Plumcreek Township, South Bend Township,
and Elderton Borough) in Pennsylvania. The attainment plan includes the
base year emissions inventory, an analysis of the reasonably available
control technology (RACT) and reasonably available control measure
(RACM) requirements, a reasonable further progress (RFP) plan, a
modeling demonstration showing SO2 attainment, enforceable
emission limitations and control measures, contingency measures for the
Indiana Area, and Pennsylvania's new source review (NSR) permitting
program. As part of approving the attainment plan, EPA is approving
into the Pennsylvania SIP new SO2 emission limits and
associated compliance parameters for Keystone Plant (hereafter referred
to as ``Keystone''), and existing SO2 emission limits and
associated compliance parameters for Conemaugh Plant, Homer City
Generation, and Seward Generation Station (hereafter referred to as
``Conemaugh,'' ``Homer City,'' and ``Seward''). EPA is approving these
revisions that demonstrate attainment of the SO2 NAAQS in
the Indiana Area in accordance with the requirements of the Clean Air
Act (CAA).
DATES: This final rule is effective on November 18, 2020.
ADDRESSES: EPA has established a docket for this action under Docket ID
Number EPA-R03-OAR-2017-0615. All documents in the docket are listed on
the website. Although listed in the index,
some information is not publicly available, e.g., confidential business
information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted
by statute. Certain other material, such as copyrighted material, is
not placed on the internet and will be publicly available only in hard
copy form. Publicly available docket materials are available through, or please contact the person identified in
the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section for additional availability
of information.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Megan Goold, Planning & Implementation
Branch (3AD30), Air & Radiation Division, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Region III, 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103.
The telephone number is (215) 814-2027. Ms. Goold can also be reached
via electronic mail at [email protected].
I. Background
On June 2, 2010, the EPA Administrator signed a final rule
establishing a new SO2 primary NAAQS as a 1-hour standard of
75 parts per billion (ppb), based on a 3-year average of the annual
99th percentile of daily maximum 1-hour average concentrations. 75 FR
35520 (June 22, 2010), codified at 40 CFR 50.17. This action also
provided for revocation of the existing 1971 primary annual and 24-hour
standards, subject to certain conditions.\1\ Following promulgation of
a new or revised NAAQS, EPA is required by the CAA to designate areas
throughout the United States as attaining or not attaining the NAAQS;
this designation process is described in section 107(d)(1)-(2) of the
CAA. On August 5, 2013, EPA promulgated initial air quality
designations for 29 areas for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS (78 FR
47191), which became effective on October 4, 2013, based on violating
air quality monitoring data for calendar years 2009-2011, where there
was sufficient data to support a nonattainment designation.\2\ The
Indiana Area was designated as nonattainment in this initial (first)
round of designations. 78 FR 47191 (August 5, 2013).
\1\ EPA's June 22, 2010, final action provided for revocation of
the 1971 primary 24-hour standard of 140 ppb and the annual standard
of 30 ppb because they were determined not to add additional public
health protection given a 1-hour standard at 75 ppb. 75 FR 35520.
However, the secondary 3-hour SO2 standard was retained.
Currently, the 24-hour and annual standards are only revoked for
certain of those areas the EPA has already designated for the 2010
1-hour SO2 NAAQS. 40 CFR 50.4(e).
\2\ EPA is continuing its designation efforts for the 2010
SO2 NAAQS. Pursuant to a court-order entered on March 2,
2015, by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of
California, EPA must complete the remaining designations for the
rest of the country on a schedule that contains three specific
deadlines. Sierra Club, et al. v. Environmental Protection Agency,
13-cv-03953-SI (N.D. Cal. 2015).
The Indiana Area consists of all of Indiana County, Pennsylvania
and also Plumcreek Township, South Bend Township, and Elderton Borough
in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. The boundaries of the nonattainment
area were defined in order to encompass the four primary SO2
emitting sources of Keystone, Conemaugh, Homer City, and Seward. The
October 4, 2013 effective date of the final designation triggered a
requirement for Pennsylvania to submit, by April 4, 2015, an attainment
plan SIP revision describing how the Area would attain the 2010
SO2 NAAQS as expeditiously as practicable, but no later than
October 4, 2018, in accordance with CAA sections 172(c) and 191-192.
For a number of areas, including the Indiana Area, EPA published a
document on March 18, 2016, finding that Pennsylvania and other states
had failed to submit the required SO2 attainment plan by the
April 4, 2015 deadline. 81 FR 14736. This finding triggered the CAA
section 179(a) deadline for the potential imposition of new source
review and highway funding sanctions. Pennsylvania submitted the
attainment plan on October 11, 2017. EPA then sent a letter to
Pennsylvania, dated October 13, 2017, finding that the attainment plan
[[Page 66241]]
submittal was complete, and therefore the sanctions under section
179(a) would not be imposed as a consequence of Pennsylvania having
missed the April 4, 2015 deadline. Additionally, EPA's March 18, 2016
finding triggered a requirement under CAA section 110(c) that EPA
promulgate a Federal implementation plan (FIP) within two years of the
effective date of the finding unless, by that time, the state has made
the necessary complete submittal and EPA has approved the submittal as
meeting applicable requirements. This FIP obligation will no longer
apply as a result of this action to finalize this SIP approval.
Attainment plans for SO2 must meet the applicable
requirements of the CAA, and specifically, CAA sections 110, 172, 191,
and 192. The required components of any attainment plan submittal are
listed in section 172(c) of Title I, part D of the CAA, and additional
requirements specific to SO2 attainment plans are found in
CAA sections 191 and 192 and in EPA's implementing regulations at 40
CFR part 51. On April 23, 2014, EPA also issued guidance (hereafter
``2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance'') recommending how state
submissions could address the statutory requirements for SO2
attainment plans.\3\ The 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance
describes the statutory requirements for an attainment plan, which
include: (1) A comprehensive, accurate, current inventory of actual
emissions from all sources of SO2 within the nonattainment
area (172(c)(3)); (2) an attainment demonstration that includes a
modeling analysis showing that the enforceable emissions limitations
and other control measures taken by the state will provide for
expeditious attainment of the NAAQS (172(c)); (3) demonstration of RFP
(172(c)(2)); (4) implementation of RACM, including RACT (172(c)(1));
(5) Nonattainment NSR requirements (172(c)(5)); and (6) adequate
contingency measures for the affected area (172(c)(9)).
\3\ ``Guidance for 1-Hour SO2 Nonattainment Area SIP
Submissions'' (April 23, 2014), available at
II. Summary of SIP Revision and EPA Analysis
In accordance with section 172(c) of the CAA, the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania's October 2017 attainment plan for the Indiana Area
includes: (1) An emissions inventory for SO2 for the plan's
base year (2011); and (2) an attainment demonstration. The plan's
attainment demonstration includes the following: (1) Analyses that
locate, identify, and quantify sources of emissions contributing to
violations of the 2010 SO2 NAAQS; (2) a determination that
the control strategy for the primary SO2 sources within the
nonattainment areas constitutes RACM/RACT; (3) a dispersion modeling
analysis of an emissions control strategy for the primary
SO2 sources (Keystone, Conemaugh, Homer City, and Seward),
showing attainment of the SO2 NAAQS by the October 4, 2018
attainment date; (4) requirements for RFP toward attaining the
SO2 NAAQS in the Area; (5) contingency measures; (6) the
assertion that Pennsylvania's existing SIP-approved NSR program meets
the applicable requirements for SO2; and (7) the request
that emission limitations and compliance parameters for Keystone,
Conemaugh, Homer City, and Seward be incorporated into the SIP.
On July 13, 2018 (83 FR 32606), EPA published a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) in which EPA proposed approval of Pennsylvania's
Indiana, PA SO2 attainment plan and SO2 emission
limits and associated compliance parameters for the Keystone, Homer
City, Conemaugh and Seward sources. During the public comment period,
the Sierra Club (in conjunction with the National Parks Conservation
Association, PennFuture, Earthjustice, and Clean Air Council) submitted
a modeling analysis which purported to show that the emission limits in
the attainment plan did not assure attainment because one modeled
receptor within the nonattainment area was above the SO2
NAAQS. Sierra Club's modeling also purported to show exceedances of the
SO2 NAAQS outside of the nonattainment area.
In response to this comment, on February 5, 2020, the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) submitted supplemental
information in support of the attainment plan. The February 5, 2020
submittal includes: (1) A supplemental air dispersion modeling report;
(2) supplemental air dispersion modeling data; (3) a supplemental air
dispersion modeling protocol; (4) a meteorological monitoring plan; (5)
meteorological monitoring data; (6) meteorological monitoring quality
assurance, quality control, and audit reports; (7) Clean Air Markets
Division (CAMD) emissions data for 2010-2018; and (8) Continuous
Emissions Monitoring (CEM) data for 2010-2019 (3rd Quarter). The
supplemental air dispersion modeling used a more refined model receptor
grid than the original submittal, meteorological data collected near
the controlling modeled source (Seward) and more recent (2016-18)
background concentrations from the South Fayette SO2 monitor
(the monitor used to determine background concentrations in the
original modeling analysis). All of these updates have been fully
described in the supplemental modeling report from the February 5, 2020
submittal and in four separate Technical Support Documents (TSDs)
written by EPA for this action: (1) The TSD for the Randomly Reassigned
Emission (RRE) Modeling Analysis in the Supplemental Information to
Address a Comment Received by the EPA on Pennsylvania's 1-hour Sulfur
Dioxide Attainment Demonstration for the Indiana, Pennsylvania
Nonattainment Area submitted on February 5, 2020 (hereafter referred to
as the RRE Modeling TSD); (2) the TSD for the Modeling Portions of the
Document Entitled ``Supplemental Information to Address a Comment
Received by the EPA on Pennsylvania's 1-hour SO2 Attainment
Demonstration for the Indiana, Pennsylvania Nonattainment Area''
(hereafter referred to as the Supplemental Modeling TSD); (3) the TSD
Addressing Modeled Concentration Values for the Keystone Generating
Station Included in the Indiana, PA 1-Hour SO2 Nonattainment
Area (hereafter referred to as the Keystone Modeling TSD); and (4) the
TSD For the Part 75 Source Emissions Contained in the Supplemental
Information to Address a Comment Received by the EPA on Pennsylvania's
1-hour Sulfur Dioxide Attainment Demonstration for the Indiana,
Pennsylvania Nonattainment Area 2020 submitted on February 5, 2020
(hereafter referred to as the Part 75 Emissions TSD).
In order to allow for public comment on this supplemental
information and modeling, on March 9, 2020 (85 FR 13602), EPA published
a notice of data availability (NODA) for the February 5, 2020
submittal. Sierra Club submitted new comments raising issues with the
supplemental modeling, which are fully discussed later in this
Other specific requirements of the Indiana Area attainment plan and
the rationale for EPA's proposed action are explained in the NPRM and
will not be restated here. This final action incorporates the rationale
provided in the NPRM and the NODA, except to the extent necessary to
reflect any changes in the rationale in response to the public
III. Response to Comments
EPA received multiple comments on the NPRM and adverse comments
from two commenters on the NODA. To review the full set of comments
received, refer to the Docket for the
[[Page 66242]]
rulemaking, as identified in the ADDRESSES section of this document. A
summary of the comments and EPA's responses are provided below.
Comment 1. The commenter states that the alternative limits for
Homer City are greater than the critical emission value (CEV),\4\ with
no explanation given. The CEV for the three units at Homer City are
6,360 pounds per hour (lb/hr) for all three combined. There are
multiple emissions limits in the proposal for Homer City that are
higher than the CEV. There is a start-up limit of 9,000 lb/hr, and an
alternative limit of 7,300 lb/hr for all units in a transition phase.
These limits are higher than the CEV and the commenter believes they
would thus lead to NAAQS violations. The commenter argues that the
modeling shows that these additional limits would violate the NAAQS.
\4\ The CEV is the continuous 1-hour emission rate which
modeling shows is expected to result in the 3-year average of annual
99th percentile daily maximum 1-hour average concentrations being at
or below 75 ppb, which in a typical year means that fewer than four
days have maximum hourly ambient SO2 concentrations
exceeding 75 ppb.
Response 1. EPA agrees with the commenter that there are multiple
SO2 emission limits for Homer City. However, EPA disagrees
that the modeling shows that the alternative limits would result in
SO2 emissions concentrations that violate the NAAQS. The
modeling does not include the alternative limits since they are
intermittent in nature, and, as explained in more detail later in this
preamble, Pennsylvania correctly excluded them from the modeling
The Homer City emission limits for start-up, shut down and the
Novel Integrated Desulfurization (NID) system transitions are limited
to 500 hours combined in any 12-month rolling period. As stated in
EPA's March 2011 Memorandum on Additional Clarification Regarding
Application of Appendix W Modeling Guidance for the 1-hour
NO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (hereafter
referred to as the ``March 2011 Clarification Memo'') \5\ and as
specifically referenced in EPA's August 2010 Memorandum on the
Applicability of Appendix W Modeling Guidance for the 1-hour
SO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard,\6\ EPA believes
the most appropriate data to use for compliance demonstrations for the
1-hour SO2 NAAQS are those based on emissions scenarios that
are continuous enough or frequent enough to contribute significantly to
the annual distribution of daily maximum 1-hour concentrations. EPA's
modeling recommendations involve a degree of conservatism in the
modeling assumptions for demonstrating compliance with the NAAQS by
recommending the use of maximum allowable emissions. The intermittent
nature of the actual emissions associated with these transitions, when
coupled with the probabilistic form of the SO2 standard,
could result in modeled impacts being significantly higher than actual
impacts would realistically be expected to be if the maximum allowable
emissions were modeled continuously year round.
\5\ Memorandum, Additional Clarification Regarding Application
of Appendix W Modeling Guidance for the 1-hour NO2
National Ambient Air Quality Standard. March 2011.
\6\ Memorandum, Applicability of Appendix W Modeling Guidance
for the 1-hour SO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard.
August 2010.
EPA is concerned that if emissions occurring during intermittent
operations are assumed to be occurring continuously, this would impose
an additional level of stringency beyond that intended by the level of
the standard itself. EPA, therefore, recommended that compliance
demonstrations for the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS be based on emission
scenarios that can logically be assumed to be relatively continuous or
which occur frequently enough to contribute significantly to the annual
distribution of daily maximum 1-hour concentrations. Existing modeling
guidelines provide sufficient discretion for states to exclude certain
types of intermittent emissions from compliance demonstrations for the
1-hour SO2 standard under these circumstances.
Pennsylvania's exclusion of the alternative limits for Homer City
(which are limited to a combined 500 hours in a 12-month rolling
period) in the modeling demonstration follows EPA's guidance regarding
intermittent emission scenarios. The modeling demonstration provided by
Pennsylvania provides support that the one-hour emission limit that was
adopted by Homer City provides for attainment of the NAAQS.
Comment 2. The commenter asks EPA to explain why there are numerous
values in micrograms per cubic meter ([mu]g/m\3\) that have been
translated to 75 ppb. The commenter notes in this action EPA is using 1
ppb = approximately 2.619 g/m\3\, \7\ and in other EPA documents, the
conversion factor of 2.62 was used. The commenter claims that this use
of multiple conversion factors is a hindrance in determining if an area
has met the standard.
\7\ The commenter erroneously claims that EPA is using 1 ppb =
2.619 g/m\3\. EPA believes the commenter meant to write 2.619 [mu]g/
Response 2. The commenter is correct in stating that historically
EPA has accepted a range of values for the [mu]g/m\3\ equivalent to 75
ppb. In the Round 3 intended designations (82 FR 41903) published
September 5, 2017, EPA recognized the need noted by the commenter to
identify and apply a consistent value expressed in [mu]g/m\3\ that EPA
considers equivalent to 75 ppb. At that time, EPA endorsed a value of
196.4 [mu]g/m\3\ (based on calculations using all available significant
figures). To avoid confusion, EPA is expecting attainment
demonstrations to show achievement with concentrations at or below
precisely 196.4 [mu]g/m\3\.\8\
\8\ While some Round 3 designation TSDs explained that this
value was ``equivalent . . . using a 2.619 [mu]g/m\3\ conversion
factor'' (more precisely, using a conversion factor of approximately
2.6187), in fact EPA here was determining the concentration value in
[mu]g/m\3\ that is to be considered equivalent to 75 ppb, rather
than the precise value of the conversion factor.
Comment 3. The commenter asserts that the longer term limits
applicable to Seward and Keystone (1) do not follow EPA's 2014
SO2 Nonattainment Guidance; (2) are not comparably stringent
to the one-hour CEV; and (3) are not based on maximum allowable
emissions. The commenter argues that approval of these longer term
limits would be arbitrary and capricious. The commenter provides the
following reasons as to why the emission limits have not followed EPA's
2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance: (1) EPA is proposing to
approve longer term emission limits that are higher than the comparably
stringent emission limits that are calculated via Appendix C
methodology; and (2) EPA is proposing to approve longer term emission
limits that were calculated using Appendix B methodology, which was
provided in the 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance to justify
the Appendix C methodology. The commenter therefore argues that using
Appendix B methodology to calculate emission limits is contrary to the
purposes of that Appendix as described in the 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Guidance. The commenter continues that EPA is now
proposing to approve emission limits that are based on a facility's
actual historic emissions, instead of maximum allowable emissions. This
is unprecedented and does not meet the requirements of 40 CFR 51.112
and 40 CFR part 51 appendix W, which
[[Page 66243]]
mandates the use of allowable emissions.
Response 3. EPA agrees that Pennsylvania did not employ EPA's
SO2 Nonattainment Guidance Appendix C methodology in
developing the longer term emission limits for the Seward and Keystone
facilities. EPA also agrees that the longer term emission limits for
Seward and Keystone are higher than the emission limits would be if the
state used the Appendix C methodology. However, that does not mean that
the longer term emission limits are not protective of the NAAQS, nor
does it mean that the emission limits are arbitrary and capricious.
EPA's 2014 SO2 Nonattainment guidance explains how state
air agencies might establish emissions limitations for sources such as
Seward and Keystone that have averaging periods that are longer than
one hour in duration. Appendix W to 40 CFR part 51--Guideline on Air
Quality Models, requires modeling conducted in support of SIP limits to
be representative of maximum allowable emission rates. In most cases,
EPA requires using the American Meteorological Society (AMS)/EPA
Regulatory Model or AERMOD near-field dispersion modeling system. While
uses of AERMOD for attainment planning purposes generally use a
constant emission rate for each source throughout the duration of a
simulation, AERMOD can also be run with time-varying emissions, varying
for example by month or by hour.
In formulating its 2014 guidance, EPA recognized the challenges of
representing allowable emissions for a limit that reflects a longer-
term average. EPA recommended an approach which did not require any
development of variable emission profiles to represent allowable
emissions. Instead, EPA's recommended approach relies on traditional
modeling of a constant emission rate, for purposes of determining the
1-hour average emission rate that if adopted as a 1-hour limit would
provide for attainment. In normal circumstances, a longer-term average
limit at a given level is inherently less stringent than a 1-hour limit
at the same level. Therefore, EPA's recommended approach then uses
appropriate data, generally taken from the historical record for the
pertinent source, to obtain a quantitative estimate of the reduction of
a one-hour limit's stringency arising from use of the longer-term
average. The ratio derived in this approach (found by comparing the
99th percentile among the longer-term average values in the data set
against the 99th percentile among the 1-hour values in the data set)
serves as an adjustment factor. In EPA's recommended approach, this
adjustment factor is applied to the modeled (1-hour) attaining emission
rate, and the resulting, downward adjusted longer-term average emission
limit is presumed to have comparable stringency to a 1-hour limit at
the modeled emission rate. This approach is described at length in the
body of EPA's 2014 guidance (see pages 22 to 39) and delineated as a
step-by-step procedure in Appendix C of the guidance. Appendix B of the
guidance presents analyses that support EPA's view that longer-term
limits that are comparably stringent to their 1-hour counterparts may
be expected to yield comparable air quality.\9\
\9\ See also work done to supplement the work described in
appendix B. This supplemental work, done to address a comment on
rulemaking for the Southwest Indiana SO2 nonattainment
area objecting that the appendix B analysis is not comparable to an
assessment of air quality with a 1-hour emission limit, provides
further evidence that longer term limits that are appropriately
determined can be expected to achieve comparable air quality as
comparably stringent 1-hour limits. Documentation of this
supplemental work is available in the docket for the Southwest
Indiana rulemaking, at, as discussed in the associated rulemaking at
85 FR 49969-49971 (August 17, 2020).
EPA has approved several SIPs relying on longer term average limits
derived according to these methods. See, for example, 83 FR 4591
(February 1, 2018) (approval of Illinois SO2 SIP); 83 FR
25922 (June 5, 2018) (approval of New Hampshire SO2 SIP); 84
FR 8813 (March 12, 2019) (approval of Arizona SO2 SIP); 84
FR 30920 (June 28, 2019) (approval of Kentucky SO2 SIP); 84
FR 51988 (October 1, 2019) (approval of Pennsylvania SO2 SIP
for the Beaver County area); 85 FR 22593 (April 23, 2020 (approval of
Pennsylvania SO2 SIP for the Allegheny County area), and 85
FR 49967 (August 17, 2020) (approval of Indiana SO2 SIP). As
part of its 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance, EPA added that
states are not precluded from using other approaches to determine
appropriate longer-term average limits (see page 26).
For the Indiana County area, Pennsylvania did not use the methods
discussed in the 2014 guidance for deriving its limits, but instead
developed a different approach. Therefore, the validity of EPA's
recommended approach in the 2014 guidance and the validity of the
resulting longer-term average limits when using that approach, which
are issues in other rulemakings such as those cited previously, are not
at issue in this rule. Instead, at issue in this rule is whether the
particular approach applied by Pennsylvania suffices to demonstrate
that its adopted and submitted allowable emissions limits provide for
attainment as required in CAA sections 110, 172, and 192.
Pennsylvania used conceptually similar approaches for assessing the
adequacy of limits for Keystone and for Seward, though selected
features of these analyses differ. Therefore, the following first
discusses the analysis for Keystone and then discusses the analysis for
Pennsylvania's different approach for Keystone (as for Seward)
began at the same starting point as EPA's 2014 guidance's recommended
approach. As recommended by EPA, Pennsylvania determined the 1-hour CEV
(9,711 lb/hr) for Keystone using AERMOD. Then, Pennsylvania provided
modeling addressing its proposed limit for Keystone using an approach
which relies on a large number of AERMOD simulations and an underlying
data set that represents recent hourly emissions variability of the
source (referred to as RRE Modeling). This approach relies on the
expectation that future variability of Keystone while meeting the limit
is likely to be similar or less than historic variability given that no
major changes are planned for the source (i.e., no new control
equipment, fuel changes, etc.), except for the imposition of a new 24-
hour emission limit based on this attainment SIP. EPA analyzed 10 past
years of Keystone's emissions and operational data, and the regional
transmission organization Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM)
forecasts for future electric demand, which support these suppositions
(see the Part 75 Emissions TSD in the docket for this rule).
The hourly modeled emission values were based on actual emissions
and determined through a binning approach further described in the RRE
Modeling TSD. Keystone has had highly variable emissions in the past.
Hourly emissions are less variable in recent years. The source's
historic emissions profile was such that the actual emission rate for
15% of the hours per year were above the CEV of 9,711 lb/hr, and those
hours fell within 15 days in each month. Because of this pattern, where
hourly values above the CEV were clustered together on a limited number
of days rather than individually dispersed throughout the year,
Pennsylvania created a ``rule'' in the modeling, whereby the hours over
the CEV were modeled in clusters which Pennsylvania calls ``high
emission event days.'' The total amount of SO2 emissions
each day, however, are constrained by a limit
[[Page 66244]]
which restricts the total pounds of SO2 emissions, on a 24-
hour block average basis, to be at or below 9,600 lb/hr. The hours for
which the emissions were modeled above the CEV were not randomly
dispersed individually throughout the year because the plant did not
and likely will not operate that way in order to meet the limit. Thus,
these high emission events were modeled in a way that is representative
of the variability in the historic emissions data and in compliance
with the allowable emissions limit.
The ``rule'' constrained the high emission events days to not
exceed 9,604 lb/hr on a 24-hour block average; however, not every day
was modeled with hourly emission rates resulting in a 24-hour block
average at or near 9,604 lbs/hr. As previously described, the
historical emissions data demonstrate that not every day is a high
emission event day based on the historic variability of the source.
Pennsylvania modeled about 50% of the days in a month where hourly
SO2 emissions were always below the CEV value and about 50%
of the days in a month as high emission event days where there were at
least three hours over the CEV during that 24 hours. The high emission
events days included nine days (30% of the days) in a month where the
24-hour averages were near 9,600 lb/hr. The remaining six high emission
event days per month experienced three hours of emissions above the
CEV, yet emissions during the remaining hours of the day resulted in
the 24-hour daily average falling at 6,333 lb/hr for five of the six
days and at 8,964 lb/hr for one of the six days. However, the other
hours in these days were assigned values at or below the CEV,
reflecting the predominance of values below the CEV in the modeled
emissions distribution (which in turn reflected the predominance of
values below the CEV in the historical record), resulting in daily
average emission rates for these days below 9,600 lb/hr. The remaining
days (not categorized as high emission events days) had 24-hour daily
average emissions between 5,000 lb/hr and 6,200 lb/hr.
Pennsylvania developed 100 different annual emission profiles using
the historic data of high emission event days, and randomly assigning
the other hourly emissions such that the 24-hour limit of 9,600 lbs/hr
is modeled 30% of the days across each month, which is representative
of the variation within the historical emissions. These emission files
provide a large array of temporally varying hourly emissions which take
into account the ``rule'' where hourly emissions above the CEV are
clustered together into high emission event days, representative of the
variability in the historic emissions data and are reflective of
historic plant operations. Each of the 100 emissions scenarios (each
reflecting compliance with the emissions limit) were modeled with five
years of meteorological data using AERMOD. For each of the 100 5-year
AERMOD simulations for Keystone, the 5-year average of the 99th
percentile of the daily maximum 1-hour SO2 modeled
concentrations were below the NAAQS.\10\
\10\ See EPA's March 1, 2011 clarification memo Additional
Clarification Regarding Application of Appendix W Modeling Guidance
for the 1-hour NO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard.
EPA concludes that this modeling provided enough permutations of
emissions and meteorology that we can be reasonably confident that the
longer-term limit is protective of the NAAQS. This conclusion is based
upon the large number of emission distribution profiles (100), the
frequency and distribution of high emission event days, the 9,600 lb/hr
24-hour emission limit modeled 30% of the days per month, emissions
inputs reflective of the variability in historic plant operations, and
meteorological data (five years of National Weather Service data).
Pennsylvania used the same general modeling approach to support the
30-day rolling average SO2 emission limit for Seward. First,
Pennsylvania determined Seward's CEV of 4,500 lb/hr using AERMOD.\11\
Then, using 2016-2018 emissions from Seward, Pennsylvania developed a
binned emissions dataset to be used in formulating the inventories
modeled in 100 AERMOD simulations. Pennsylvania used a total of 13
bins, including five bins ranging from an upper level of 2,000 lbs/hour
to an upper level of 4,500 lbs/hour and eight bins at various ranges
above the CEV. Hours without operation were represented as hours with
2,000 lbs/hour, and other hours were represented with the upper level
of the applicable bin. The dataset included 2.5% of emissions above the
CEV (or 220 hours). This was based on how the plant historically
operated while complying with this 30-day limit and how it is expected
to operate into the future while in compliance with the 30-day limit.
The hours above the CEV were distributed across four high emission
events, where the duration of each event was 4, 7, 12, or 16 hours,
with the frequency of those events being twice per month, monthly,
every six months and once per year, respectively, such that these 220
hours above the CEV were spread across 39 days.
\11\ This CEV and the description provided are based on
Pennsylvania's updated analysis which was provided to EPA on
February 5, 2020.
The remaining 97.5% of hourly emissions were below the CEV and
randomly assigned throughout the annual emission profile. EPA analyzed
10 past years of Seward's emissions and operational data and PJM
forecasts for future electric demand, and understands that no major
changes are planned for the source (i.e., no new emission limits, no
new control equipment, fuel changes, etc.) (See the Part 75 Emissions
TSD in the docket for this rulemaking). Therefore, EPA believes that
the future variability of Seward while meeting the limit is likely to
be similar to historic variability.
Pennsylvania calculated a weighted average of the emissions in the
binned inventory by multiplying the bin level times the percentage of
hours in each bin and summing the results. This sum, representing the
average of the modeled emissions, equaled 3,088 lb/hr. Despite minor
variations resulting from the random distribution process, each of the
100 AERMOD simulations had approximately this average level of
Pennsylvania developed 100 different annual emission profiles using
the historic data of high emission event days, and randomly assigning
the other hourly emissions such that the average of the 30-day averages
of each simulation was close to 3,088 lb/hr, which is representative of
the variation within the historical emissions. Seward's SO2
emissions limit of 3,038.4 lb/hr on a 30-day rolling average basis is
approximately 50 lb/hr less than the approximate average emissions
value used in the AERMOD simulations.
Each of the 100 emissions scenarios (each with average emissions
above the limit level) were modeled with one year of site specific
meteorological data using AERMOD. For each of the 100 AERMOD
simulations for Seward, the 99th percentile of the daily maximum 1-hour
SO2 modeled concentrations were below the NAAQS.
EPA concludes that this modeling provided enough permutations of
emissions and meteorology that we can be reasonably confident that
Seward's longer-term limit is protective of the NAAQS. This conclusion
is based upon the large number of emission distribution profiles (100),
the targeted 30-day emissions average value in each simulation being
set slightly above the 30-day average limit, model inputs reflective of
the variability in historic plant operations (based on EPA's review of
10 years of emissions data) and one year of site specific
meteorological data.
[[Page 66245]]
Pennsylvania's modeling process is described in Appendix C-1 of the
state submittal, in the state's February 5, 2020 supplemental modeling
report, in EPA's TSD for the proposed rulemaking entitled ``State
Implementation Plan Revision: Attainment Demonstration and Base Year
Inventory Indiana, PA Nonattainment Area for the 2010 1-Hour
SO2 NAAQS'', dated October 2017 (hereafter referred to as
the ``October 2017 Modeling TSD''), and EPA's RRE Modeling TSD, which
are available in the docket.\12\
\12\ The analysis was updated in the February 5, 2020 submittal.
In regard to the commenter's concern that Appendix B was not meant
to provide guidance on how to develop a longer term limit, EPA agrees
that neither the Guidance nor Appendix B stated that Appendix B was a
recommended approach to develop longer term emission limits.
Nevertheless, EPA believes that elements of the methodology used in
Appendix B may be used to assess whether a longer term limit could be
protective of the NAAQS.
Although the analysis described in Appendix B does not use
allowable emissions (insofar as only the maximum 30-day average
emissions equal the 30-day average limit), the analyses in
Pennsylvania's submittal differ in some respects from the analysis
described in Appendix B, and EPA must evaluate Pennsylvania's submittal
on its own merits. For reasons described previously, EPA believes that
Pennsylvania's modeling provides a suitable demonstration that the plan
provides for attainment. Using actual historic operations as a basis
for developing the emission rates used in the modeling analysis is in
EPA's opinion a reasonable approach. Past actual operations provide the
data necessary to develop a representative and realistic range of
emission rates to be used in the RRE simulations to assess if Seward's
30-day rolling average limit provides for attainment. Without the
bounds of past operations, there are an infinite number of emission
scenarios that could fit within Seward's 30-day rolling limit (and to a
lesser extent Keystone's 24-hour block limit). For example, Seward
could emit 2,186,929 lbs between midnight and one in the morning then 1
lb/hr for the next 719 hours and still meet its limit (it is impossible
that Seward can emit at this rate, but this illustrates that there is a
wide range of numeric operating scenarios which could still result in
compliance with the 30-day average limit). On the other hand, Seward
could emit 3,084 lb/hr for 720 hours with no variability and meet its
limit. Neither of these scenarios are likely to occur, and thus EPA
believes that Pennsylvania has appropriately used historical data to
develop a representative distribution of potential future hourly
emissions that can be expected to occur when complying with a longer
term limit.
In summary, EPA has concluded that Pennsylvania's evaluation of
longer term limits using 100 AERMOD simulations provides reasonable
confidence that the longer term limits for Keystone and Seward are
protective of the NAAQS. Pennsylvania evaluated the likelihood of
violations based on random reassignment of emission profiles designed
to reflect the historic variability of emissions at each of these
plants, and modeled these emission profiles using appropriate
meteorological data (1-year of site specific meteorological data for
Seward and five years of representative meteorological data for
Keystone). Because an hour with emissions above the CEV will not
necessarily experience a NAAQS exceedance, Pennsylvania's analysis
showing the source's emissions variability, when randomly reassigned to
different hours in the year, with a percentage of hours modeled above
the CEV, provides evidence that the sources complying with those longer
term emission limits will protect the NAAQS.
Comment 4. The commenter states that the 30-day average limit for
Seward was calculated contrary to EPA Guidance. The commenter notes
that the conversion factor AECOM presented in worksheets of 0.47 was
not used, and a conversion factor of 0.60 was used. The commenter
asserts that the conversion factors of 0.47 and 0.60 are both too
permissive. The commenter provided an analysis which they claim
demonstrates that the conversion factor is dependent on the time period
used to analyze Seward's emission, and that the 0.47 and 0.60
conversion factors are inconsistent with the actual variability
observed in Seward's emissions.
A similar comment was received on the NODA, where the commenter
asserted that AECOM failed to employ a conversion factor that
``properly reflects the emissions variability'' at Seward and ignored
EPA's 2014 Nonattainment Guidance Appendix C methodology. AECOM
provided a conversion factor of 0.47 that was not used to calculate the
longer term limit. Rather, the commenter asserts, AECOM used Appendix B
methodology to calculate longer term limits, and the commenter asserts
this is against the stated purpose of Appendix B.
Response 4. EPA agrees that the adjustment factor (which the
commenter refers to as the ``conversion'' factor) which was calculated
by AECOM of 0.47 using Appendix C methodology was not used to calculate
the longer term emission limit for Seward. However, EPA does not agree
that an adjustment factor of 0.60 was used. Adjustment factors were not
used to develop the emission limit for Seward. In determining whether
the longer term limit at Seward was supportive of the NAAQS,
Pennsylvania considered variability of the source in a different manner
than the recommended Appendix C methodology. As described in Response 3
of this preamble, Pennsylvania used a modeling approach which varied
emissions and meteorology in 100 AERMOD simulations to evaluate the
adequacy of the 30-day rolling average SO2 emission limit
for Seward.
EPA acknowledges that if EPA's recommended adjustment factor
approach is used to convert a shorter term emission limit into a longer
term emission limit, the calculated adjustment factor can vary
depending on the time period used to analyze the source's emissions,
though as a general matter EPA expects that different periods with
suitably robust data sets and similar control regimes will have similar
variability and calculated adjustment factors. However, the state did
not use EPA's recommended approach for developing the longer term
emission limit for Seward. The commenter did not explain why its
objections to an adjustment factor that was not used are relevant. The
question is not whether Pennsylvania used the correct adjustment factor
to develop the longer term limit, but whether the longer term limit,
which was developed without an adjustment factor, is set at a level
which is protective of the NAAQS. Based on the information provided in
Response 3 of this preamble, EPA concludes that the 30-day limit for
Seward and the 24-hour block limit for Keystone are protective of the
NAAQS, and that the commenter's objections related to the un-used
adjustment factor are not relevant to this determination.
Comment 5. The commenter asserts that the longer term limits for
Seward and Keystone are fundamentally incapable of protecting the 1-
hour SO2 NAAQS. The commenter asserts that an emission limit
with an averaging period longer than one hour is highly unlikely to
protect the short term standard, and spikes in emissions could cause
short term elevations in ambient SO2 levels sufficient to
violate the NAAQS while nonetheless averaging out over a longer
[[Page 66246]]
period such that the source complies with their longer term limit. The
commenter cites to previous EPA documents stating that compliance with
emission limits should be determined based on an averaging time
consistent with the NAAQS.\13\ The commenter asserts that the 30-day
emission limit proposed for Seward is 720 times the standard. The
commenter provided an assessment of historic hourly emissions from 2011
to 2016 for Seward and concluded that during this period, there were
445 hours in which emissions from the plant exceeded its CEV. The
commenter states that because exceedances \14\ of the NAAQS can occur
if as few as four hours over the course of a year are above 75 ppb, the
30-day proposed emission limit cannot be protective of the NAAQS.
\13\ EPA Region 7 Comments re: Sunflower Holcomb Station
Expansion Project 4 (August 12, 2010); EPA Region 5 comments re:
Monroe Power Plant Construction Permit 1 (February 1, 2012).
\14\ For clarity, EPA notes that a violation of the 2010
SO2 NAAQS occurs when the 3-year average of the 99th
percentile of the yearly distribution of daily maximum 1-hour
average concentrations is above 75 ppb. The 2010 SO2
NAAQS is not a single exceedance based standard.
The commenter also states that the 24-hour emission limit proposed
for Keystone is also inadequate to protect against violations of the
NAAQS. The commenter provided an analysis of historic hourly emissions
data from 2011 to 2016 for Keystone \15\ and concluded that Keystone
had exceeded its CEV 12,830 total hours over the examined period. The
commenter argues that given the Keystone and Seward emissions limits
are not new requirements, it is questionable that these limits will
protect the NAAQS.
\15\ EPA notes that the graph provided on page 7 of the Comment
document indicates the commenter's analysis is based on a CEV equal
to 9600 lb/hr, however, the CEV for Keystone is 9711 lb/hr.
Response 5. The commenter is incorrect in stating that Keystone
does not have new emission limit requirements. Prior to the attainment
plan, the SO2 emission limit at Keystone was set at 1.2 lb/
MMBtu on a 30-day rolling average basis. A new SO2 limit was
established in this attainment plan for Keystone of 9,600 lb/hr average
calculated on a 24-hour block basis, a limit which went into effect on
October 1, 2018. Therefore, the commenter's reasoning that the Keystone
limit will not protect the NAAQS because the past emissions exceeded
the CEV 12,830 hours in a six-year period (prior to the adoption of the
limit) is based on faulty information. Subsequent evidence indicates,
as expected, that imposition of the limit has led to a significant
decline in the frequency of emissions exceeding the CEV.
EPA disagrees with the commenter's statement that the proposed 30-
day limit for Seward and the 24-hour limit for Keystone are
fundamentally incapable of protecting the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS.
Pennsylvania has conducted detailed modeling supporting the view that
the distribution of emissions that can be expected in compliance with
its requested SIP limits will provide for attainment. The specific
examples of earlier EPA statements cited by the commenter (i.e., those
contained in Exhibits 1 and 2 to Appendix A of the comment submission)
pre-date the release of EPA's 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Area
Guidance. As such, these examples only reflect the Agency's development
of its policy for implementing the 2010 SO2 NAAQS as of the
dates of the issuance of the statements. At the time these statements
were issued, EPA had not yet addressed the specific question of whether
it might be possible to devise an emission limit with an averaging
period longer than one-hour, using appropriate adjustments that would
make it comparably stringent to an emission limit shown to attain one-
hour emission levels or other possible approaches, that could
adequately ensure attainment of the SO2 NAAQS. None of the
pre-2014 EPA documents cited by the commenter address this question;
consequently, it is not reasonable to read any of them as rejecting
that possibility.
In contrast, EPA's 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Area Guidance
specifically addressed this issue as it pertains to SIP requirements
for SO2 nonattainment areas under the 2010 NAAQS. EPA found
that a longer term average limit could be devised such that it is
likely to yield attaining air quality under the one-hour NAAQS. See
2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance. While EPA's guidance
focuses on a different approach (involving establishment of a longer
term average limit that is comparably stringent to the one-hour limit
that would otherwise be set), EPA believes that Pennsylvania has made a
suitable demonstration that its limits are adequate to provide for
Any analysis of whether a 30-day or 24-hour average limit provides
for attainment must consider factors for reducing the likelihood of 1-
hour average concentrations that exceed the NAAQS level as well as
factors creating a risk of additional concentrations that exceed the
NAAQS level. To facilitate this analysis, EPA used the concept of a CEV
for the SO2-emitting facilities which are being addressed in
a nonattainment SIP. The CEV is the continuous 1-hour emission rate
which modeling shows is expected to result in the 3-year average of
annual 99th percentile daily maximum 1-hour average concentrations
being at or below 75 ppb, which in a typical year means that fewer than
four days have maximum hourly ambient SO2 concentrations
exceeding 75 ppb. See 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance.
EPA recognizes that a 30-day or 24-hour average limits can allow
occasions in which hourly emissions from the source exceed the CEV, and
such occasions yield the possibility of ambient concentrations
exceeding the NAAQS level that would not be expected if emissions were
always at the CEV. At the same time, the establishment of the longer
term average limit at a level below the CEV means that emissions must
routinely be lower than they would be required to be with a 1-hour
emission limit set at the CEV.
As described in detail in Response 3 of this preamble, the RRE
modeling runs submitted by Pennsylvania specifically modeled ``high
emission events'' at Keystone and Seward where the hourly emissions
exceeded the CEV. The RRE modeling used the distribution of past hourly
SO2 emissions, with a certain number of hours over the CEV
(15% of the hours at Keystone and 2.5% of the hours at Seward were
modeled with emissions over the CEV). For each facility, the emissions
in the resulting emission profiles were randomly reassigned to develop
100 hourly emission files for use in 100 AERMOD simulations. The AERMOD
simulations were conducted with the same general methodology as the air
dispersion modeling for the CEVs, except that the hourly emission
files, for either Keystone or Seward, replaced the CEV in AERMOD. All
of these AERMOD simulations resulted in maximum 1-hour SO2
design concentrations equal to or less than the NAAQS, which provides
sufficient support for EPA to assert that the longer term emission
limits for Seward and Keystone are protective of the NAAQS.
While the commenter claims that emissions above the CEV will cause
NAAQS violations, no analysis has been provided to support this
assertion. In contrast, Pennsylvania did provide a detailed modeling
analysis which specifically showed that the longer term limits for
Seward and Keystone, including a percentage of hours over the CEV,
provide for attainment. A more detailed discussion of the hourly
emissions data for Seward and Keystone and the RRE analysis is provided
in the Part 75 Emissions TSDs, the Supplemental Modeling TSD and the
[[Page 66247]]
RRE Modeling TSD found in the docket for this action.
Comment 6. The commenter states that EPA's justification for
Pennsylvania's use of the Appendix B methodology for developing longer
term emission limits is nonsensical and contrary to EPA's 2014
SO2 Nonattainment Guidance. The commenter cites EPA's
Guidance, which suggests that longer term emission limits are most
appropriate where periods of hourly emissions above the CEV are a rare
occurrence at a source, particularly if the magnitude of the emissions
is not substantially higher than the CEV. These periods of time over
the CEV would be unlikely to have a significant impact on air quality,
because they would be very unlikely to occur repeatedly at the times
when the meteorology is conducive for high ambient concentrations of
SO2. However, the commenter indicates that in the TSD for
the NPRM, EPA states that a survey of emissions from 2014-2016 for
Keystone showed hourly emissions exceeded the CEV quite frequently and
therefore Appendix B was chosen to model attainment. The commenter
argues that reasoning is nonsensical.
Response 6. EPA's 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance
provides recommendations, but does not require states to follow the
guidance in each aspect of their submittal. The state may decide to use
a different approach than recommended by EPA, and it is EPA's role to
determine if that approach and the result is reasonable and protective
of the NAAQS. In this case, the state used elements of the methodology
described in Appendix B to demonstrate that the longer term limits for
Keystone are protective of the NAAQS. Regardless of the state's
reasoning for using that approach, EPA must judge the state's
EPA's proposal that the SO2 emission limits at Keystone
are protective of the NAAQS relies upon Pennsylvania's RRE modeling
analysis. Pennsylvania's SO2 limits with averaging periods
of longer than one-hour can provide sources flexibility to deal with
the inherent variability in their SO2 emissions and emission
control systems.
Pennsylvania submitted RRE model simulations that calculate design
values over the model receptor grid based on varying hourly emissions
that for Keystone exceeded the 1-hour CEV emission rate approximately
15% of the hours in a year. The RRE simulations allow the model to
determine if the total contribution to the averaged design value by the
hours exceeding the 1-hour CEV, when considered along with the hours in
which emissions are below the 1-hour CEV, and in compliance with the
target emission limit, would result in a modeled NAAQS violation.
Pennsylvania developed 100 sets of hourly emission data sets where
Keystone's peak daily average emission rate was equal to a target value
of 9,600 lb/hr (the new SO2 24-hr emission limit), 85% of
the hours were modeled below the CEV, and 15% of the hours were modeled
above the CEV. The RRE evaluation shows compliance with the NAAQS since
all 100 simulations return modeled design values less than or equal to
75 ppb. If the modeled emission limits were not protective, the RRE
test would show modeled design values above the 1-hour SO2
Because Pennsylvania did not follow the approach in Appendix C from
EPA's SO2 Nonattainment Guidance to develop the longer term
limit for Keystone, this analysis was the evidence EPA relied on to
determine that the longer term limit for Keystone was protective of the
NAAQS. In any case, more recent evidence indicates that Keystone's
compliance with its new limit will result in substantially fewer hours
when emissions exceed the CEV. For example, in 2019, after the limit
took effect, only 35 hours exceeded the CEV, representing 0.4% of the
8,623 operating hours during the year.
Comment 7. The commenter asserts that AECOM's modeling erroneously
splits the nonattainment area into two modeling domains, and thus does
not adequately assess the impacts of the four electric generating units
(EGUs) together. The commenter points out that the modeled peak impact
for Armstrong County of 192.3 [mu]g/m\3\ is due to Keystone impacts
only, and does not include impacts from the other three EGUs. The
commenter notes that the maximum modeled concentration from Seward \16\
of 194.44 [mu]g/m\3\ occurs just over the border between Indiana and
Armstrong Counties on the Indiana County side, and that simulation
includes all four EGUs. The commenter thinks that both results cannot
be true: Either the maximum impact reported for Seward is incorrect
because it considers all four EGUs or the modeling in Armstrong County
needs to include all four EGUs. The commenter also argues that EPA used
an incorrect rationale for approving the two separate modeling domains.
Specifically, the commenter is concerned that the wind rose provided in
the TSD shows that winds having a southeasterly component occur
approximately 15% of the time, which they claim is not ``infrequent,''
as EPA describes in that TSD. Also, the commenter takes issue with the
fact that the background concentrations used in the two modeling
domains are different--while the same monitor is used, the dates from
the monitoring values are different (2014-2016 vs. 2013-2015). The
commenter believes that the same date range should be used.
\16\ The peak model concentration of 196.44 [mu]g/m\3\ is in the
area surrounding Keystone, it is not in the area surrounding Seward
as the commenter wrote. The peak model concentration around Seward
was reported at 192.75 [mu]g/m\3\ in the original state submittal.
Response 7. EPA disagrees that the nonattainment area was
erroneously split into two modeling domains and that this splitting of
the nonattainment area into separate modeling domains would not
correctly consider the joint impacts of all four sources included in
the Indiana, PA SIP modeling demonstration. EPA believes that modeling
two domains was warranted in this case based on the justification
provided by Pennsylvania in Appendix C-1a (AECOM's SO2 NAAQS
Compliance Modeling Report for the Indiana, PA Non-Attainment Area:
Phase 1 Modeling (Revision No. 1)) of the state's submittal. EPA
believes that the commenter misunderstands the model results for Seward
and Keystone based on the fact that the commenter noted that the
maximum modeled concentration from Seward was 194.44 [mu]g/m\3\, which
is actually the peak modeled concentration around Keystone.\17\
\17\ EPA has included in the docket for this action a TSD
Addressing Modeled Concentration Values for the Keystone Generating
Station Included in the Indiana, PA 1-Hour SO2
Nonattainment Area. The TSD explains that using updated background
concentrations, the modeled maximum concentration for Keystone is
below 196.4 [mu]g/m\3\.
EPA will further explain the reasoning for the use of the split
modeling domains and the reasons supporting EPA's conclusion that the
use of two modeling domains in this case is appropriate. The
nonattainment area was divided into two modeling domains; one covering
portions of Armstrong County surrounding Keystone, and one covering all
of Indiana County. In the Armstrong domain, Pennsylvania modeled
Keystone as the only source. In the Indiana domain, Pennsylvania
modeled all four SIP sources. EPA agrees with this approach because of
the long aerial transport distances (for SO2) between
Keystone and the remaining SIP sources in Indiana County, and the
prevailing wind directions in the Area.
The distances between Keystone and the remaining SIP sources are
greater than 10 kilometers. From EPA's March 2011 Clarification Memo,
``. . . the
[[Page 66248]]
emphasis on determining which nearby sources to include in the modeling
analysis should focus on the area within about 10 kilometers of the
project location in most cases.'' The distance between Keystone and
Homer City is approximately 20.5 kilometers, between Keystone and
Conemaugh is approximately 38.9 kilometers and between Keystone and
Seward Station is approximately 38.3 kilometers. Therefore, it was
reasonable for Pennsylvania to model Keystone in a separate modeling
EPA's clarification memo continues, ``[T]he routine inclusion of
all sources within 50 kilometers of the project location, the nominal
distance for which AERMOD is applicable, is likely to produce an overly
conservative result in most cases.'' EPA believes that including all
four sources in the Keystone modeling domain would have been overly
When modeling all four sources, the peak model concentration is
located approximately four km northeast of Keystone. This would be the
result of plant emissions being blown from winds out of the southwest
(from Keystone's stack towards the peak model receptor). Emissions from
Conemaugh, Homer City and Seward would be transported in a similar
direction, i.e. to locations far away from the peak receptor near
Keystone. Evaluative modeling conducted by AECOM (Appendix C1-a of the
SIP submittal) confirmed the minimal impact of these three sources in
the vicinity of Keystone. Specifically, the modeling shows that the
peak modeled concentration contains a fractional contribution (0.6%)
from the other three SIP sources even under circumstances where those
plant's emissions would have been advected in an almost opposite
direction. Given this result, and since it is logical to conclude that
when winds are blowing from the southwest, emissions would not be
transported in the northwesterly direction, EPA believes it was
appropriate to exclude contributions from Conemaugh, Homer City and
Seward in modeling the area around the Keystone plant.
In regard to the commenter's concern regarding the use of different
background concentrations in the two modeling domains, EPA believes the
state's use of a higher background concentration in the Keystone only
modeling domain provides a level of conservatism that, while not
required, provides additional assurances that the Keystone limits are
protective of the NAAQS. The higher background concentration was from a
period of time from 2013-2015, prior to the installation of
SO2 controls on Homer City and during a time with higher
regional SO2 background concentrations. Homer City is the
closest of the three sources outside the modeling domain. The inclusion
of these potential impacts was considered to provide a more
conservative analysis. While Pennsylvania could have used more updated
background concentrations reflecting a decrease in impacts from Homer
City (and from all SO2 sources), the state submitted a more
conservative analysis to show that even if the background
concentrations were higher than recent background data, the modeling
results are within the NAAQS.
For model receptors in Indiana County, all four sources were
modeled with newer regional background reflecting reduced emissions
from Homer City due to new SO2 controls. The use of newer
background concentrations (2014-2016) is warranted since it provides a
more accurate depiction of reality. Current background concentrations
are even lower \18\ than in 2016 (mainly due to reduced regional
SO2 emissions), providing additional support that the plan
provides for attainment. Pennsylvania provided more recent background
values in the Supplemental Submittal of February 5, 2020.
Comment 8. GenOn (owner and operator of Conemaugh and Keystone) was
advised by EPA that the absence of a site-specific study would not, in
of itself, preclude the use of AERMOIST for the Indiana Area SIP
provided that other site-specific studies conducted elsewhere
demonstrated the applicability and effectiveness of AERMOIST in
providing improved model results. Consequently, based on EPA's
guidance, GenOn and their modeling contractor, AECOM, proceeded with
the companion modeling effort that utilized AERMOIST.
Response 8. EPA acknowledges the detailed responses regarding
AERMOIST provided during the public comment period (see next comment).
EPA's analysis of possible shortcomings of the AERMOIST plume module
was outlined in a December 27, 2017 response to Pennsylvania's request
to use AERMOIST as an alternative model under Appendix W. At that time,
EPA had determined that use of the AERMOIST plume module was not
approvable under section 3.2.2 of Appendix W and that the (higher)
limits established using AERMOIST were not protective of the 1-hour
EPA continues to believe that the use of AERMOIST is not an
appropriate basis for evaluating emission limits in the Indiana, PA
nonattainment area.
Comment 9. The commenter asserts that in an EPA White Paper, EPA
agreed with the physical and theoretical merits of the AERMOIST
hypothesis, specifically that AERMOD does not account for the effects
of plume moisture. Plume moisture tends to increase plume rise over
that for a ``dry'' plume because the condensation which occurs when
water vapor in a moist plume condenses upon leaving the stack,
releasing heat as part of the condensation process. The commenter
provided a presentation (which was previously shared with EPA) that
responds to the deficiencies of AERMOIST that EPA pointed out to them.
The commenter asserts that EPA has acknowledged that AERMOD in default
mode is deficient in not addressing the real effect of moisture in the
plume, so there is merit in pursuing the AERMOIST approach. Therefore,
the commenter concludes that AERMOIST should be considered as an
``ALPHA'' procedure, which means that as an ``experimental'' procedure,
AERMOIST has scientific merit, but is not yet ready for regulatory
Response 9. EPA acknowledges the analysis provided by the commenter
regarding the AERMOIST plume module. As noted previously, application
of AERMOIST in the Indiana, PA modeling demonstration has not been
justified. The commenter appears to acknowledge that AERMOIST has not
been demonstrated to warrant being used in regulatory applications such
as in Pennsylvania's SO2 attainment plan. The comment
regarding designation of AERMOIST as an alpha procedure is outside the
scope of this rulemaking.
Comment 10. The commenter asserts that AECOM used erroneous
assumptions and methods in their modeling analysis and EPA's reliance
on this modeling would be arbitrary and capricious. The commenter
claims the following aspects of the modeling analysis are incorrect:
1. The receptor grid used by AECOM has glaring areas of no coverage
including the area around Homer City and the area across the Indiana
County border right next to Seward and Conemaugh. This is a particular
problem for Seward and Conemaugh as the emissions from those sources
cause attainment problems both inside the nonattainment area and east
[[Page 66249]]
southeast of the plants (outside the nonattainment area).
2. The AECOM modeling used fixed stack parameters and ignored
differences in the plume loft and dispersion that would occur at
different gas exit temperatures and velocities. AECOM plotted
SO2 emissions vs. temperature, and SO2 emissions
vs. gas velocity, and both data sets showed a variation in the
variables as a function of emissions. Data from Conemaugh and Homer
City stacks are absent. In addition, the data for Seward and Keystone
that are presented (SO2 emissions and temperature/velocity)
are not directly correlated, and the link that would correlate them
(boiler operation) is not provided or taken into consideration.
3. The emissions modeled in the randomized modeling for Keystone
are improper because they do not account for the actual historic
emissions practices at the plant. The data provided by the commenter
show that approximately 25% of the hours for 2011 through 2016 were
above the CEV, while the modeling only included emissions over the CEV
15% of the time.
4. Only one meteorological data source was used for modeling all
four EGUs, rather than selecting the most appropriate meteorological
data for each source. EPA should have insisted on a meteorological data
sensitivity analysis to ensure the model results were not driven by the
meteorological data source selection. Johnston airport is not in the
nonattainment area and is a significant distance from several coal-
fired power plants and the Strongstown monitor. It lies 16 miles south-
southeast of the monitor. DEP could have considered the Jimmy Stewart
Airport which is located in Indiana County. The model results could be
affected by the differences in wind speed and direction at these
airports. Wind roses for each airport were provided. EPA should do the
modeling again using the closer meteorological data.
To summarize, the commenter states that these modeling issues are
not trivial and notes that when these model assumptions are used, each
facility, itself causes exceedances of the NAAQS.
Response 10. EPA disagrees with the commenters' points as follows:
1. Regarding model receptors surrounding the Homer City power
plant, this item was brought up (and fully addressed) during
Pennsylvania's public comment period. EPA finds Pennsylvania's response
fully adequate (see response to comment 11 in Pennsylvania's Comment
Response Document). The modeling analysis did include model receptors
``. . . along the public roads which pass through the facility,
specifically, Coal Road, Power Plant Road, Cherry Run Road, and Quarter
Center Road.'' Homer City has also properly established that it has
ownership and imposed proper public access control protocols that
support its modeled ambient air boundary. Additionally, due to Homer
City's tall stacks, local peak model concentrations occur well beyond
the plant's ambient air boundary (see Figure 5-7 of Appendix C-1a of
the Commonwealth's submittal) indicating model receptors within the
area highlighted by the commenters probably do not exceed the source
generated local concentration peaks mainly due to the GEP oriented
stack height. GEP formula height for all three stacks is 298.62 meters
above local ground elevations.
The commenter's concern that no model receptors outside of the
Indiana nonattainment area boundaries were included in Pennsylvania's
modeling demonstration showing SO2 attainment within the
nonattainment area is outside the scope of this action. The boundaries
of the Indiana, PA nonattainment area were set and made final in August
2013 in ``Round One'' of EPA's designations for the 2010 SO2
NAAQS, and these boundaries were not challenged.\19\ Pennsylvania's
obligation under section 110(a) of the CAA is to submit ``. . . a plan
which provides for implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of such
primary standard in each air quality control region (or portion
thereof) within such State.'' CAA section 110(a)(1). Section 110
further provides that ``[i]n the case of a plan or plan revision for an
area designated as a nonattainment area, meet the applicable
requirements of part D of this subchapter (relating to nonattainment
areas).'' CAA section 110(a)(2)(I). Section 172(c)(6) then requires the
SIP for a nonattainment area to include enforceable emission
limitations and control measures as necessary or appropriate to provide
for NAAQS attainment ``in such area.'' CAA section 172(c)(6). In this
case, Pennsylvania's attainment plan for the Indiana area includes
limits on SO2 sources and a modeling demonstration showing
that SO2 concentrations throughout the Indiana nonattainment
area are at or below the NAAQS. While section 110(a)(2)(D) contains
provisions requiring that a state's SIP contain provisions to avoid
causing or contributing to nonattainment or maintenance in another
state, the Commenter does not cite any statutory or regulatory
requirements or EPA guidance that a state must include modeling
receptors outside of a nonattainment area in an attainment plan.
Further, EPA's role is limited to determining whether the submitted SIP
meets the requirements of the CAA, see section 110(k), and
Pennsylvania's SIP does not address areas outside the defined
nonattainment area. Absent a clear requirement that Pennsylvania must
include model receptors outside of the nonattainment area in its
submission, EPA will confine its analysis to whether the attainment SIP
demonstrates attainment within the designated nonattainment area.
\19\ See
Although some of the modeling submitted by the commenter purports
to show SO2 concentrations outside of the boundaries of the
Indiana, PA nonattainment area that are above the SO2 NAAQS,
primarily in Cambria and Westmoreland Counties to the east,
Pennsylvania was required to develop and submit an SO2
attainment demonstration SIP only for the Indiana, PA nonattainment
area, which does not include these counties. Prior to making its final
round one designations, EPA invited interested parties other than the
states and Tribes to submit comments on the proposed designations of
these areas, including the boundaries of these areas. 78 FR 11124
(February 15, 2013).
2. The commenter's concern regarding not accounting for source
variability in stack temperatures and velocities was also raised during
the Pennsylvania public comment period. EPA believes Pennsylvania's
response is adequate for the commenter's concern and information
supporting their conclusions was provided as part of Pennsylvania's SIP
package (see Comment Response Document, response to comment 12). EPA
generally agrees with Pennsylvania's observation that while stack
velocities (and sometimes stack temperatures) decrease under loads less
than 100% or the facility's peak load, the emission reductions for
boiler loads lower than 100% more than offset any reduction in stack
plume-height and dispersion caused by lower plume lofting due to lower
exit velocities and lower temperatures. Additional information included
in AECOM's modeling reports clearly show stack temperatures and exhaust
parameters are relatively uniform across different emission ranges,
which supports using constant values in the modeling analysis.
3. Pennsylvania analyzed the heat input for years 2014 through 2016
[[Page 66250]]
Keystone. Station operations in 2016 represented the average of station
operations over the three-year period from 2014 through 2016 (heat
input-based capacity factors of 74%, 64% and 69% for 2014, 2015 and
2016, respectively), therefore the 2016 emission cumulative frequency
plot was used in the analysis to derive the emissions input to the 100
AERMOD simulations. EPA analyzed the last ten years of heat input and
notes that the heat input has been relatively stable.
The commenter is evaluating the likelihood of emissions exceeding
the CEV based on data before Pennsylvania's limit took effect. EPA has
analyzed the hours over the CEV for the last 10 years and notes a
downward trend. More importantly, the newly developed SIP limit for
Keystone went into effect on October 1, 2018, which can be expected to
cause a reduction in the frequency of emissions exceeding the CEV.
Indeed, the available evidence indicates that this has already
occurred. Data from 2018 and 2019 indicates that Keystone emissions are
now exceeding the CEV for only about 1 percent of the hours. EPA
believes the new emission limit provides a constraint that will result
in the frequency of hourly emissions over the CEV being considerably
less than 15% of the time. While EPA believes that the 2016 data
provide a good basis for formulating the anticipated shape of the
future distribution of emissions, including assessing the variability
of emissions (particularly as it pertains to the spread among the
emission rates in the upper portion of the distribution, which are of
most interest for air quality planning purposes), EPA does not believe
that modeling with 25 percent of hours exceeding the CEV would
appropriately reflect emissions in compliance with Pennsylvania's
limits. A more detailed discussion of EPA's analysis of Keystone's
emissions and heat input is included in the Part 75 Emissions TSD.
4. The use of the Johnstown-Cambria County airport as the source of
meteorological data for the modeling analysis has been adequately
justified. The possibility of using the Indiana County (Jimmy Stewart)
airport data was addressed in Pennsylvania's comment response document
(see comment 9 and response). In addition to Pennsylvania's response,
EPA asserts that using a site in lower terrain, such as the Indiana
County airport, may provide unrepresentative wind speeds for the
modeling analysis. The Johnstown-Cambria County airport sits in
elevated terrain along the Allegheny Front to the east of the Indiana,
PA nonattainment area. Due to its elevation, the Johnstown-Cambria
County airport experiences relatively sustained wind speeds. One of the
reasons this airport was chosen was because its elevation is closer to
the exit height of the elevated stacks that are included in the
Indiana, PA modeling demonstration.
Pennsylvania submitted additional site-specific meteorological data
on February 5, 2020 which was collected near the Seward and Conemaugh
stations. This meteorological data is called the Ash Landfill Tower
data and is more representative of the meteorology in the vicinity of
Seward and Conemaugh. EPA compared the new Ash Landfill Tower data \20\
to the Johnstown-Cambria County airport data which demonstrated that
more sustained wind speeds aloft are clearly evident. Ash Landfill
Tower wind speeds from the lowest level (10-meters) tend to be lighter
during the overnight hours and suggest that wind speeds at lower
elevation sites, such as the Jimmy Stewart airport the commenters
suggested, may not be representative of wind speeds near the exit
heights of the stacks for the four coal and waste-coal fired facilities
in the SIP modeling demonstration (see 500-m Ash Landfill SODAR wind
speeds vs the Johnstown-Cambria County Airport wind speeds).
\20\ The Ash Landfill Tower Data was a site-specific
meteorological monitoring data collected at a site located in
southeast Indiana county along the Conemaugh River between the
Conemaugh and Seward power plants. AECOM collected meteorological
data from a multi-level instrumented tower and SODAR. A more
complete description of this site-specific data can be found in
AECOM's Meteorological Monitoring Station Design and Quality
Assurance Project Plan for the Conemaugh and Seward Generating
Stations--Indiana County, PA referenced in the NODA.
Comment 11. The commenter questions the purpose of EPA's Emissions
Inventory Technical Support Document and requests a robust analysis and
discussion of the emissions so the public can understand why the
emissions information provided by the state is acceptable.
Response 11. Pennsylvania submitted their attainment and projection
year emission inventories in accordance with EPA's 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Guidance. The guidance states that air agencies should
develop a comprehensive, accurate and current inventory of actual
emissions from all sources of SO2 in the nonattainment area,
as well as any sources located outside the nonattainment area which may
affect attainment in the area as required under the Clean Air Act
section 172(c)(3). EPA verified all emissions that were submitted by
Pennsylvania against the 2011 National Emissions Inventory (NEI)
version 2 and found them to be acceptable.
Table 1--Commonwealth Submitted SO2 Emissions Compared to 2011 NEI (tpy)
Indiana nonattainment area submitted SO2 2011 NEI v2 SO2
emission source category tons per year tons per year
(tpy) * (tpy)
Stationary Point Sources.......... 144,269.02 144,266.29
Area Sources...................... 555.61 555.597
Non[dash]road Sources............. 1.025 1.025
On[dash]road Highway Sources...... 7.73 7.319
Total......................... 144,833.38 144,830.23
* Submitted with the Attainment Plan.
For the attainment year inventory, EPA's 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Guidance explains that the inventory should reflect
projected emissions for the attainment year for all SO2
sources in the nonattainment area, taking into account emission changes
that are expected after the base year. For point sources, Pennsylvania
projected emissions from 2011 to 2018 based on the anticipated 2018
operating scenario for each facility. For the nonpoint and nonroad
emission projections, Pennsylvania submitted projected inventories
developed by the Mid-
[[Page 66251]]
Atlantic Regional Air Management Association (MARAMA), which are
documented in the TSD found in Appendix A-1 of the Attainment Plan.
Onroad emission projections were developed by Michael Baker Corp. and
are also detailed in Appendix A of the Attainment Plan. Point Source
emissions account for approximately 95% of the emissions in the NAA.
EPA compared the 2018 projected actual emissions with the actual point
source emissions in the most recent 2017 NEI for all point sources in
the NAA, and the projected emissions are conservative (i.e. higher)
when compared to actual emissions from the NEI. EPA also compared
nonpoint, nonroad, and on-road emissions from the 2017 NEI and found
the 2018 projected emissions to be conservative in comparison.
Table 2--Facility-Specific Comparison of 2018 Anticipated SO2 Emissions
and 2017 NEI SO2 Emissions
2018 Anticipated
Facility actual SO2 (tpy) 2017 NEI SO2
* (tpy)
KEYSTONE STATION.................. 32,459.53 23,248.09
HOMER CITY GEN LP/CENTER TWP...... 16,714.31 5,748.06
CONEMAUGH STATION................. 9,248.29 4,619.78
All other point Sources........... 4.24 7.93
Total......................... 68,545.30 40,889.72
* Submitted with the Attainment Plan in 2016.
Comment 12. The commenter provided modeling analyses of Seward and
Conemaugh's emission limits using the same meteorological data, the
same stack parameters, the same background concentrations, and the same
building downwash data as did Pennsylvania/AECOM. The commenter used
emissions inputs from actual historical emissions from a variety of
time periods between 2013 through quarter one of 2018 (EPA's Air
Markets Program Database) and used a finer receptor grid around Seward
and Conemaugh and included receptors outside the Indiana nonattainment
area. The commenter modeled the CEVs and asserts that EPA cannot
approve this SIP because the commenter's modeling demonstrates emission
limits for those facilities are too lax and will not ensure attainment
of the NAAQS. Modeling results for four separate date ranges were
provided: 2013-2015, 2014-2016, 2015-2017, and 2013-2017.
Response 12. EPA agrees with the commenter that their modeling
demonstrated that the CEV for Seward was too high because one receptor
in the southeast corner of the nonattainment area exceeded the
standard. However, EPA does not agree that the commenter's modeling
demonstrates that the emission limits for Seward and Conemaugh are too
lax. As a result of this comment, on February 5, 2020, Pennsylvania
submitted an additional analysis showing compliance within the
southeast portion of the Indiana, PA nonattainment area (near the
Conemaugh and Seward power plants) where the commenter's modeling
analysis had shown a modeled violation of the 1-hour SO2
NAAQS at one receptor. This new analysis used one year (September 2015
through August 2016) of meteorological tower/SODAR (Sonic Detection and
Ranging) data collected at the Ash Landfill site (located in Indiana
County between the Conemaugh and Seward power plants), which is more
representative of local conditions. The CEV model runs for Seward and
Conemaugh were updated using this site-specific meteorological data and
updated, more accurate background concentrations, plus a refined
modeling grid to better resolve the commenter's modeled violation. The
newly submitted CEV for Seward is 4,500 lbs/hr; the Conemaugh CEV did
not change.
To better understand the reduction in Seward's CEV, EPA analyzed
the changes in the model inputs for the supplemental analysis through
an iterative process. A summary of the changes and the resulting model
concentrations is provided in Table 3.
Table 3--Modeling Results for Seward CEV Model Runs
Peak Model
Seward Meteorological concentration
Run iteration description emissions data Peak receptor location Receptor grid Background concentration ([micro]g/
(lbs/hr) m3)
Commenter's Original Run...... 5,079 JST 2011-15...... Laurel Ridge Terrain...... Commenter........ Original SIP (2014-16).... 213.84551
Change to Supplemental Grid... 5,079 JST 2011-16...... Laurel Ridge Terrain...... Supplemental..... Original SIP (2014-16).... 304.07974
Change to Supplemental Grid 5,079 Ash Landfill..... Robindale Heights......... Supplemental..... Original SIP (2014-16).... 220.21861
and Ash Tower Meteorological
Change to Supplemental Grid, 5,079 Ash Landfill..... Robindale Heights......... Supplemental..... Updated SIP (2016-18)..... 217.81186
Ash Tower, Updated Background
All changes; Lower CEV until 4,500 Ash Landfill..... Robindale Heights......... Supplemental..... Updated SIP (2016-18)..... 191.85440
When EPA used the same inputs as the commenter's except replaced
the receptor grid with the Pennsylvania supplemental grid, EPA's
analysis produced a peak concentration over 300 [micro]g/m\3\ as
opposed to the commenter's concentration of 213 [micro]g/m\3\. In the
next iteration, EPA used the supplemental grid, and the Ash Landfill
meteorological data, and the concentrations in the area of the original
modeled violation went below the NAAQS and the maximum modeled
concentration now occurred in a location north-northeast of the
Conemaugh and Seward power plants in East Wheatfield Township near
Robindale Heights.
Finally, EPA completed a model run with all the updates from the
supplemental modeling: The Ash
[[Page 66252]]
Landfill met data, supplemental receptor grid, and updated background
concentration from 2016-18. When all the updates were modeled, Seward's
1-hour modeled CEV (for the supplemental run) had to be reduced (about
11% from the original modeling analysis) to show compliance with the
NAAQS. A detailed description of EPA's analysis can be found in the
June 2020 Supplemental Modeling TSD (Appendix B).
Based on the AERMOD simulations provided which show that no
receptors in the nonattainment area exceed the NAAQS, EPA believes the
revised CEV for Seward and the pre-existing CEV for Conemaugh are
protective of the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS.
Pennsylvania submitted updated RRE model simulations using the
site-specific Ash Landfill meteorological data, updated receptor grid,
updated background concentration, and updated operating information
(2016-2018) at Seward. The 30-day emission limit for Seward is below
the newly submitted CEV, and the updated RRE modeling provides evidence
that this limit is protective of the NAAQS (as described in Response
3). EPA solicited public comments on this updated modeling in a notice
of data availability published on March 9, 2020 at 85 FR 13602. A more
detailed analysis of the RRE modeling for Seward is provided in the
February 2020 RRE Modeling TSD.
Comment 13. The commenter asserts that the SIP is not approvable
because the AECOM modeling is improperly based on ``representative
future operations'' that are not enforceable. The modeling evaluated
hourly emissions from 2014 through 2016 and assumed similar future
operations in its 100 RRE model simulations. However, the commenter
argues that there is no mechanism proposed (enforceable or otherwise)
to ensure future distribution of emissions do not change such that a
NAAQS violation would occur.
Response 13. While the comment is somewhat ambiguous, EPA
interprets this comment to express concerns that the modeled emissions
reflect a variability that may not occur in the future. Other comments
by this commenter discussed previously spoke more precisely to maximum
allowable emissions; those comments were answered previously. EPA is
expecting states to set limits that reflect expected normal degrees of
variability (at the 99th percentile level).\21\ EPA does not believe
that the constraints on operation inherent in restricting emissions
distributions are workable, warranted, or appropriate. EPA believes
that air quality is likely to be relatively insensitive to differences
among normal emission distributions. In addition, the intention of
allowing longer term SO2 limits was to provide sources some
degree of operating flexibility while still attaining the 2010
SO2 NAAQS. Requiring that the sources maintain a specific
emission profile would greatly hamper any flexibility provided by a
longer term limit.
\21\ EPA uses the term ``variability'' to address the shape of
the distribution of a facility's emissions, in particular to be a
measure of how much variation exists between upper emission levels
and more common emission levels. EPA's guidance recommends a
specific procedure, delineated in appendix C, for taking one measure
of variability, to obtain a quantitative indication of how the
typical range of emissions from a facility influences the relative
magnitude of long term average emissions versus 1-hour values. While
Pennsylvania did not use this procedure, the principle in EPA's
guidance that historic variability may be used in many cases to
predict future variability, without the need for explicit
limitations on variability, nevertheless applies here.
EPA believes the RRE modeling provided by Pennsylvania in the
original submittal and supplemented on February 5, 2020 provides the
technical evidence that the longer term emission limits (i.e., 30 day
rolling average and 24-hour average) at Seward and Keystone are
protective of the NAAQS. EPA agrees that the future distribution of
hourly emissions for either source will not be exactly the same as
those modeled in the RRE demonstration, but does not agree that an
enforceable mechanism is required to ensure that the future
distribution of emissions do not change. EPA believes that the longer
term limits provide the constraints necessary to protect the NAAQS.
The commenter did not provide any analysis, modeling or otherwise,
showing that adherence with these limits with a different emissions
distribution would violate the NAAQS.
The commenter may be assuming that future operations at Seward and
Keystone would change significantly in a way that generates much higher
hourly SO2 emissions than those observed over the RRE
emission survey years, even while complying with their emission limits.
If so, no justification or analysis was provided to support such an
assumption. EPA believes that even if this source operates at higher
heat inputs in the future, the emission limits will constrain
operations and continue to provide protection of the NAAQS.
Nonetheless, EPA researched the regional transmission organization's
(PJM's) projected electric demand and analyzed historic emission trends
at Seward and Keystone to better understand the potential for a change
in emissions in the future. Based on the review of PJM forecasts, EPA
contends that it is highly unlikely that Seward or Keystone will
operate at much higher levels in the future. Furthermore, hourly
operations and emissions data from Keystone and Seward collected under
part 75 of the CAA also show no long-term increase in operating levels
(total hours of operation and MMBtu/hr) over the past 10 years. Both of
these sources of information strongly suggest that the plants will not
increase their hours of operation or level of operation. EPA further
finds no reason to believe that the shape of the distribution of these
plants' emissions will change in a way that indicates greater
variability. EPA's assessment of this data is available in the Part 75
Emissions TSD available in the docket for this action.
Comment 14. The commenter asserts that EPA's proposed approval
fails to meet the CAA statutory deadline for issuing a Federal
Implementation Plan (FIP) because the SIP was not approved by March 8,
2018 (two years after EPA issued a finding of failure to submit), and
EPA must impose sanctions on Pennsylvania for failing to submit a
lawful, approvable SIP.
Response 14. The comment raises issues that are not relevant to the
action EPA must take here, which is to either approve or disapprove the
submitted SIP. In regard to EPA's failure to issue a FIP, EPA believes
that the most expeditious way to bring this area into attainment and
maintain attainment is to approve the submitted SIP with the limits and
restrictions adopted by the Commonwealth, making those limits and
restrictions Federally enforceable and obviating any need for EPA to
issue a FIP. We also note that neither the commenter nor any other
entity has undertaken any effort to enforce a duty to promulgate a FIP
for this area.
EPA disagrees with the commenter that sanctions should have been
applied in this case because, as discussed in the NPRM, the sanctions
clock that was started by Pennsylvania not timely submitting its SIP
was turned off when EPA determined that Pennsylvania subsequently
submitted a complete SIP on October 13, 2017. See CAA 179(a); see also
40 CFR 52.31(d)(5) (a sanctions clock started by a finding of failure
to submit a required SIP will be permanently stopped upon a final
finding that the deficiency forming the basis of the finding of failure
to submit has been corrected).
The result of EPA's final approval of the Indiana, PA attainment
plan will be to make Federally enforceable the 24-hour average
SO2 limits at Keystone Station and the contingency measures
[[Page 66253]]
for all four sources. The emission limits at Homer City, Conemaugh, and
Seward were already Federally enforceable, and are also being
incorporated into the SIP for purposes of permanently attaining the
Comment 15. The commenter expresses concern with the RACM/RACT and
contingency measures, questioning how EPA can incorporate the
unredacted portions of Homer City's Plan approval, which lists an
expiration date of August 28, 2017, and Seward's Title V Operating
Permit, which lists an expiration date of February 11, 2017. The
commenter asks EPA to explain why not all of the consent orders have
compliance parameters and why the contingency measures appear to be
compliance parameters.
Response 15. EPA acknowledges that expiration dates were
inadvertently included in the unredacted portions of Homer City's Plan
approval and Seward's Title V Operating Permit. Pennsylvania has
submitted corrected redacted permits which redact the expiration dates,
such that the limits may be considered permanent. These corrected
permits will be incorporated into the SIP, and will remain in effect
unless and until Pennsylvania submits a SIP revision seeking changes to
these incorporated permit terms and EPA approves such revisions after
evaluating whether such a revision would interfere with NAAQS
attainment, as required by CAA section 110(l). EPA also notes that the
SO2 emission limits listed in these permits for Homer City
and Seward did not actually expire on the dates listed in the
originally submitted permits. Both permits were properly extended per
the state permitting requirements and Title V of the CAA.
Concerning the request for an explanation of why contingency
measures appear to be compliance parameters, EPA notes that the 2014
SO2 Nonattainment Guidance describes special features of the
pollutant SO2 and therefore SO2 planning that
warrant the adoption of alternative means of addressing the requirement
in section 172(c)(9) for contingency measures. The control efficiencies
for SO2 control measures are well understood and are far
less prone to uncertainty than for other criteria pollutants. Because
SO2 control measures are based on what is directly and
quantifiably necessary to attain the SO2 NAAQS, it would be
unlikely for an area to implement the necessary emission controls yet
fail to attain the NAAQS. See 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Area
Guidance, page 41. Therefore, for SO2 programs, EPA has
explained that contingency measures can mean that the air agency has a
comprehensive program to identify sources of violations of the
SO2 NAAQS and to undertake an aggressive follow-up for
compliance and enforcement, including expedited procedures for
establishing enforceable consent agreements pending the adoption of the
revised SIP. EPA believes that this approach continues to be valid for
the implementation of contingency measures to address the 2010
SO2 NAAQS, and consequently concludes that Pennsylvania's
comprehensive enforcement program, as discussed later, satisfies the
contingency measure requirement.
Pennsylvania has a comprehensive enforcement program as specified
in Section 4(27) of the Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Act (APCA),
35 P.S. Sec. 4004(27). Under this program, Pennsylvania is authorized
to take any action it deems necessary or proper for the effective
enforcement of the Act and the rules and regulations promulgated under
the Act. Such actions include the issuance of orders (for example,
enforcement orders and orders to take corrective action to address air
pollution or the danger of air pollution from a source) and the
assessment of civil penalties. Sections 9.1 and 10.1 of the APCA, 35
P.S. Sec. Sec. 4009.1 and 4010.1, also expressly authorize
Pennsylvania to issue orders to aid in the enforcement of the APCA and
to assess civil penalties.
Any person in violation of the APCA, the rules and regulations, any
order of PADEP, or a plan approval or operating permit conditions could
also be subject to criminal fines upon conviction under Section 9, 35
P.S. Sec. 4009. Section 7.1 of the APCA, 35 P.S. Sec. 4007.1,
prohibits PADEP from issuing plan approvals and operating permits for
any applicant, permittee, or a general partner, parent or subsidiary
corporation of the applicant or the permittee that is placed on PADEP's
Compliance Docket until the violations are corrected to the
satisfaction of PADEP.
In addition to having a fully approved enforcement program,
Pennsylvania has included contingency measures that are triggered when
any of the four SIP sources' emissions reach a certain percentage of
the allowable emissions or if the Strongstown monitor in the
nonattainment area registers a daily maximum 1-hour average
concentration exceeding 75 ppb. These measures are in line with the
supplemental contingency measure guidance EPA mentions previously and
are included in the Homer City COA, Seward COA, Conemaugh Order and the
Keystone Order, and thus will be fully approved provisions within the
EPA concludes, in accordance with the 2014 SO2
Nonattainment Guidance, that Pennsylvania's enforcement program
suffices to satisfy the contingency measure requirements for
SO2. The magnitude of prospective benefit from
Pennsylvania's supplemental contingency measures is unclear, but it is
clear that these measures can only improve, and will not worsen, air
quality. EPA believes that Pennsylvania's enforcement program, which is
enhanced by the supplementary provisions in the COAs and Orders,
suffice to meet Section 172(c)(9) requirements as interpreted in the
1992 General Preamble and the 2014 SO2 Nonattainment
In regard to the commenter's question as to why all of the consent
orders do not contain compliance parameters, the compliance parameters
can be found in either the COA, Orders or permits that are being
incorporated into the SIP. EPA is interpreting the term ``compliance
parameters'' in the comment to mean any specified method for
determining compliance with the emission limits. The compliance
parameters for Seward, Homer City and Conemaugh are found in the
respective redacted permits, and the compliance parameters for Keystone
are found in the Order. The COA or Orders for Seward, Homer City and
Conemaugh do not have compliance parameters, as they are contained in
the redacted permits.
Comment 1 on NODA. The commenter expresses concern with the idea
that the newly calculated CEV for Seward of 4,500 lbs/hr, which is less
than the original CEV of 5,079 lbs/hr, still supports the 3,038 lbs/hr
30-day average emission limit for Seward. The commenter concludes that
the prior Seward CEV used to calculate the emission limit in the
original submittal was too high and accordingly that the 3,038 lbs/hour
emission limit itself is too high.
Response 1 on NODA. EPA recognizes the concern that the prior CEV
calculated for Seward was higher than the newly calculated CEV, but the
longer term limit has not changed. While this would not necessarily
occur if Pennsylvania had followed the methodology described in
Appendix C, they did not. Pennsylvania opted to use a different
approach to calculate the longer term limits (their approach was the
same in the original submittal as in the supplemental submittal).
Pennsylvania did not rely on adjustments from the CEV as set forth by
the approach in Appendix C. Therefore, a reduction in the CEV does not
necessarily dictate a reduction in the longer term limit. Instead,
[[Page 66254]]
provided an updated RRE modeling analysis demonstrating that Seward's
30-day average emission limit of 3,038 lbs/hr is protective of the
\22\ PADEP did not provide an updated RRE analysis for Keystone,
only for Seward.
The supplemental modeling analysis provided on February 5, 2020
included updated and more accurate meteorological data, a more refined
receptor grid and updated emission profiles. These updates were
incorporated into both the CEV AERMOD simulations and the RRE AERMOD
simulations. EPA's February 2020 RRE Modeling TSD located in the docket
for this rulemaking explains EPA's review of Pennsylvania's updated RRE
analysis and is also addressed in Response 3 of this preamble.
EPA reviewed Seward's emissions data which indicates a decline in
emissions variability.\23\ In particular, while a comparison of 2014 to
2016 data against 2016 to 2018 shows fairly similar or even slightly
increasing 99th percentile 30-day average values, these data also show
a significant decline in the 99th percentile 1-hour values. This
decreased difference between peak 1-hour values and peak 30-day average
values, indicating a decline in this critical measure of variability,
appears to be an important factor in Pennsylvania's supplemental
modeling (using emissions reflecting the more recent, less variable
emissions) concluding that the same 30-day average limit in the
original modeling (using emissions reflecting the older, more variable
emissions) still suffices to show attainment. The 2017 to 2019 data
indicate that this trend toward less variable emissions appears to be
\23\ Clean Air Market Division data submitted to EPA from PADEP
on February 5, 2020.
Comment 2 on NODA. The commenter states that AECOM justified the
conversion factor of 0.68 for Seward by comparing it to Table 1 of
Appendix D of EPA's 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance for
sources with dry scrubbers (which lists the conversion factor as 0.63).
The commenter points out that 0.63 is significantly lower than 0.68,
yet significantly higher than the 0.47 conversion factor AECOM
calculated using Appendix C methodology for Seward, but ultimately
decided to not use. The commenter states that Seward is a waste coal
plant and is less likely to operate similarly to the coal fleet as a
whole, which may be why using Appendix C methodology supports a
conversion factor of 0.47.
Response 2 on NODA. A conversion factor was not used to calculate
the longer term limit for Seward. While a ratio between the 30-day
average limit for Seward and the CEV may be calculated, and this ratio
may be compared to the adjustment factor that would be derived using
the procedures in Appendix C, the concept of a conversion factor is not
directly relevant to the calculation of Seward's longer term limit. EPA
acknowledges that the CEV provides an upper bound for the value of a
potential longer term limit (i.e., the longer term limit cannot be
greater than the CEV). However, that is the extent to which the CEV was
used in Pennsylvania's development of Seward's 30-day limit. Instead,
Pennsylvania provided updated 100 RRE AERMOD simulations as reasonable
evidence that the longer-term emission limit for Seward is protective
of the NAAQS. More details on Pennsylvania's methodology for developing
Seward's longer term limit is provided in Response 3 of this preamble,
and in the RRE Modeling TSD.
Comment 3 on NODA. The commenter expressed concern that the
modeling analysis did not include areas outside the nonattainment area
boundary. The commenter claims that by hiding areas with peak impacts
above the NAAQS, the AECOM analysis undercalculates CEVs, and thereby
fails to assess emission limits low enough to protect the NAAQS.
Response 3 on NODA. As discussed in more detail in Response 10 of
this preamble, absent a clear requirement that Pennsylvania must
include model receptors outside of the nonattainment area in its
submission, EPA will confine its analysis to whether the attainment SIP
demonstrates attainment within the designated nonattainment area.
Comment 4 on NODA. The commenter requested that EPA extend this
public comment period due to the National Covid-19 Pandemic.
Specifically, the commenter requested an additional 30 days after the
President's National Emergency Order or Governor Wolf's State Emergency
Order are pulled back.
Response 4 on NODA. EPA is not able to extend the public comment
period for this NODA, particularly when the request seeks an additional
30 day period after some unknown future date when the President's or
Governor's Emergency Order is withdrawn. EPA is under an October 30,
2020 court-ordered deadline to take action on this SIP, and therefore
an indeterminate delay would require an amendment of that court order,
and EPA could not be assured that such an extension could be obtained,
particularly when the amount of time of the extension is tied to
Emergency Orders with indefinite end dates. Also, EPA believes that
issuance of the President's and Governor's orders did not significantly
hamper the public's ability to comment because the supplemental
information and all materials necessary to evaluate that supplemental
information were available electronically in the docket or by
contacting EPA for this matter. For these reasons, EPA did not grant
the commenter's request for an indefinite extension of the public
comment period.
IV. Final Action
EPA is approving the attainment plan for the Indiana, PA
SO2 nonattainment area as a revision to the Pennsylvania SIP
as submitted by PADEP to EPA on October 11, 2017 and supplemented on
February 5, 2020. Specifically, EPA is approving the base year
emissions inventory, a modeling demonstration of SO2
attainment, an analysis of RACM/RACT, an RFP plan, and contingency
measures for the Indiana Area and is finding that the Pennsylvania SIP
revision has met the requirements for NNSR for the 2010 1-hour
SO2 NAAQS. Additionally, EPA is approving into the
Pennsylvania SIP the SO2 emission limits and compliance
parameters in the following Orders, Consent Order and Agreements (COAs)
and permits: the unredacted portion of the Order between Pennsylvania
and Genon NE Management Company, Conemaugh Plant; the unredacted
portions of the Consent Order and COA between Pennsylvania and Homer
City Generation, LP; the unredacted portions of the Order between
Pennsylvania and Genon NE Management Company, Keystone Plant; the
unredacted portions of the COA between Pennsylvania and Seward
Generation, LLC; the unredacted portions of the Title V Permit for
Conemaugh Plant (provided to EPA on May 13, 2020); the unredacted
portions of the Plan Approval for Homer City (provided to EPA on May
13, 2020); and the unredacted portion of the Title V Operating Permit
for Seward Station (provided to EPA on May 13, 2020).
EPA has determined that Pennsylvania's SO2 attainment
plan for the 2010 1-hour SO2 NAAQS for the Indiana Area
meets the applicable requirements of the CAA and is consistent with
EPA's 2014 SO2 Nonattainment Guidance where applicable.
Thus, EPA is approving Pennsylvania's attainment plan for the Indiana
Area as submitted on October 11, 2017 and supplemented on February 5,
2020. This final action of this SIP submittal removes EPA's duty to
implement a FIP for this Area, and
[[Page 66255]]
discharges EPA's requirement under the court order entered in Center
for Biological Diversity, et al., v. Wheeler, No. 4:18-cv-03544 (N.D.
Cal., Nov. 26, 2019) to sign final action on the SIP by October 30,
V. Incorporation by Reference
In this document, EPA is finalizing regulatory text that includes
incorporation by reference. In accordance with requirements of 1 CFR
51.5, EPA is finalizing the incorporation by reference of the
unredacted portions of the Order between Pennsylvania and Genon NE
Management Company, Conemaugh Plant; the unredacted portions of the
Consent Order and Agreement (COA) between Pennsylvania and Homer City
Generation, LP; the unredacted portions of the Order between
Pennsylvania and Genon NE Management Company, Keystone Plant; the
unredacted portions of the COA between Pennsylvania and Seward
Generation, LLC; the unredacted portions of the Title V Permit for
Conemaugh Plant (provided to EPA on May 13, 2020); the unredacted
portions of the Plan Approval for Homer City (provided to EPA on May
13, 2020); and the unredacted portion of the Title V Operating Permit
for Seward Station (provided to EPA on May 13, 2020). EPA has made, and
will continue to make, these materials generally available through and at the EPA Region III Office (please
contact the person identified in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT
section of this preamble for more information). Therefore, these
materials have been approved by EPA for inclusion in the SIP, have been
incorporated by reference by EPA into that plan, are fully Federally
enforceable under sections 110 and 113 of the CAA as of the effective
date of the final rulemaking of EPA's approval, and will be
incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP
\24\ 62 FR 27968 (May 22, 1997).
VI. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. General Requirements
Under the CAA, the Administrator is required to approve a SIP
submission that complies with the provisions of the CAA and applicable
Federal regulations. 42 U.S.C. 7410(k); 40 CFR 52.02(a). Thus, in
reviewing SIP submissions, EPA's role is to approve state choices,
provided that they meet the criteria of the CAA. Accordingly, this
action merely approves state law as meeting Federal requirements and
does not impose additional requirements beyond those imposed by state
law. For that reason, this action:
Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' subject to
review by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Orders
12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821, January 21,
Is not an Executive Order 13771 (82 FR 9339, February 2,
2017) regulatory action because it is not a significant regulatory
action under Executive Order 12866.
Does not impose an information collection burden under the
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.);
Is certified as not having a significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small entities under the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
Does not contain any unfunded mandate or significantly or
uniquely affect small governments, as described in the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4);
Does not have Federalism implications as specified in
Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999);
Is not an economically significant regulatory action based
on health or safety risks subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR
19885, April 23, 1997);
Is not a significant regulatory action subject to
Executive Order 13211 (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001);
Is not subject to requirements of section 12(d) of the
National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272
note) because application of those requirements would be inconsistent
with the CAA; and
Does not provide EPA with the discretionary authority to
address, as appropriate, disproportionate human health or environmental
effects, using practicable and legally permissible methods, under
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
In addition, this rule does not have tribal implications as
specified by Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000),
because the SIP is not approved to apply in Indian country located in
the state, and EPA notes that it will not impose substantial direct
costs on tribal governments or preempt tribal law.
B. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General
The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally
provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating
the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule,
to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the
United States. EPA will submit a report containing this action and
other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of
Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior
to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. A major rule cannot
take effect until 60 days after it is published in the Federal
Register. This action is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C.
C. Petitions for Judicial Review
Under section 307(b)(1) of the CAA, petitions for judicial review
of this action must be filed in the United States Court of Appeals for
the appropriate circuit by December 18, 2020. Filing a petition for
reconsideration by the Administrator of this final rule does not affect
the finality of this action for the purposes of judicial review nor
does it extend the time within which a petition for judicial review may
be filed, and shall not postpone the effectiveness of such rule or
action. This action approving the attainment plan for the Indiana, PA
SO2 nonattainment area may not be challenged later in
proceedings to enforce its requirements. (See CAA section 307(b)(2)).
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Incorporation by
reference, Intergovernmental relations, Particulate matter, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur oxides.
Dated: October 13, 2020.
Cosmo Servidio,
Regional Administrator, Region III.
40 CFR part 52 is amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
Subpart NN--Pennsylvania
2. In Sec. 52.2020:
a. The table in paragraph (d)(3) is amended by adding entries for
``Conemaugh Plant, Genon NE Management Co.'', ``Title V permit 32-
00059''; ``Conemaugh Plant, Genon NE Management Co.'', ``Order'';
``Homer City Generation'', '' Plan Approvals 32-00055H and 32-00055I'';
``Homer City
[[Page 66256]]
Generation'', ``Consent Order and Agreement''; ``Seward Station'',
``Title V Permit 32-00040''; ``Seward Station'', ``Consent Order and
Agreement''; and ``Keystone Station'', ``Consent Order and Agreement''
at the end of the table; and
b. The table in paragraph (e)(1) is amended by adding an entry for
``Attainment Plan for the Indiana, Pennsylvania Nonattainment Area for
the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard''
at the end of the table.
The additions read as follows:
Sec. 52.2020 Identification of plan.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(3) * * *
State Additional explanation/
Name of source Permit No. County effective date EPA approval date Sec. 52.2063 citation
* * * * * * *
Conemaugh Plant, Genon NE Title V permit 32- Indiana................. 10/28/15 10/19/20, [Insert Sulfur dioxide emission
Management Co. 00059. Federal Register limits and associated
citation]. compliance parameters in
unredacted portions of
the Title V permit
provided to EPA on May
13, 2020.
Conemaugh Plant, Genon NE Order................. Indiana................. 10/11/17 10/19/20, [Insert Contingency measures in
Management Co. Federal Register unredacted portion of the
citation]. Order.
Homer City Generation.............. Plan Approvals 32- Indiana................. 2/28/17 10/19/20, [Insert Sulfur dioxide emission
00055H and 32-00055I. Federal Register limits and associated
citation]. compliance parameters in
unredacted portions of
the Plan Approvals
provided to EPA on May
13, 2020.
Homer City Generation.............. Consent Order and Indiana................. 10/3/17 10/19/20, [Insert Contingency measures in
Agreement. Federal Register unredacted portion of
citation]. Consent Order and
Seward Station..................... Title V Permit 32- Indiana................. 4/8/16 10/19/20, [Insert Sulfur dioxide emission
00040. Federal Register limits and associated
citation]. compliance parameters in
unredacted portions of
the Title V permit
provided to EPA on May
13, 2020.
Seward Station..................... Consent Order and Indiana................. 10/3/17 10/19/20, [Insert Contingency measures in
Agreement. Federal Register unredacted portion of the
citation]. Consent Order and
Keystone Plant..................... Consent Order......... Armstrong............... 10/1/18 10/19/20, [Insert Sulfur dioxide emission
Federal Register limits established with
citation]. AERMOD modeling without
AERMOIST and related
parameters in unredacted
portions of the Consent
Order dated 10/11/17.
* * * * *
(e) * * *
(1) * * *
Name of non-regulatory SIP Applicable State submittal Additional
revision geographic area date EPA approval date explanation
* * * * * * *
Attainment Plan for the Indiana County and 10/11/17 10/19/20, [Insert 52.2033(f).
Indiana, Pennsylvania portions of Supplemental Federal Register
Nonattainment Area for the Armstrong County information citation].
2010 Sulfur Dioxide Primary (Plumcreek submitted 02/05/
National Ambient Air Quality Township, South 20, redacted
Standard. Bend Township, permits submitted
and Elderton on 05/13/20.
[[Page 66257]]
* * * * *
3. Amend Sec. 52.2033 by adding paragraph (f) to read as follows:
Sec. 52.2033 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides.
* * * * *
(f) EPA approves the attainment demonstration State Implementation
Plan for the Indiana, PA Nonattainment Area submitted by the
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection on October 11,
2017, updated on February 5, 2020, and corrected permits and plan
approvals submitted on May 13, 2020.
[FR Doc. 2020-23037 Filed 10-16-20; 8:45 am]