Notice of Lodging of Proposed Consent Judgment Under The Clean Air Act, 61773 [2020-21548]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 190 / Wednesday, September 30, 2020 / Notices jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; —Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and/or —Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses. Overview of this information collection: 1. Type of Information Collection: New Optional Collection. 2. The Title of the Form/Collection: Certification and Release of Records. 3. The Agency Form Number: Form EOIR–59. The applicable component within the Department of Justice is the Office of the General Counsel, Executive Office for Immigration Review. 4. Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as well as a brief abstract: Primary: Individuals. Other: None. Abstract: This information collection is necessary to prevent unauthorized disclosure of records of individuals maintained by the Department of Justice, and allows parties who are, or were, in proceedings before EOIR to disclose or release their records to an attorney, accredited representative, qualified organization, or other third party. 5. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time estimated for an average respondent to respond: It is estimated that there are 50,596 respondents, 50,596 annual responses, and that each response takes 10 minutes to complete. 6. An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the collection: The estimated public burden associated with this collection is 8,433 hours. It is estimated that respondents will take 10 minutes to complete a questionnaire. The burden hours for collecting respondent data sum to 8,433 hours (50,596 respondents × 10 minutes per response = 8,433 hours). If additional information is required contact: Melody Braswell, Department Clearance Officer, United States Department of Justice, Justice Management Division, Policy and Planning Staff, Two Constitution Square, 145 N Street NE, 3E.405B, Washington, DC 20530. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:36 Sep 29, 2020 Jkt 250001 Dated: September 25, 2020. Melody Braswell, Department Clearance Officer for PRA, U.S. Department of Justice. To submit comments: Send them to: By mail ......... Assistant Attorney General, U.S. DOJ—ENRD, P.O. Box 7611, Washington, DC 20044–7611. [FR Doc. 2020–21618 Filed 9–29–20; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4410–30–P DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Notice of Lodging of Proposed Consent Judgment Under The Clean Air Act On September 24, 2020, the Department of Justice lodged a proposed consent judgment with the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York in the lawsuit entitled United States of America v. Town of Brookhaven, New York, Case No. 2:20–CV–4522. The United States filed this lawsuit to seek civil penalties and injunctive relief for violations of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq. (‘‘CAA’’). The alleged violations stem from the Town of Brookhaven’s (‘‘Brookhaven’’) failure to comply with the CAA’s New Source Performance Standards for landfills, the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for landfills, and provisions of the Town’s Title V operating permit. The Consent Judgment requires Brookhaven to implement injunctive relief that includes: (i) Proper operation of its landfill gas and sulfur dioxide control systems; (ii) installation and operation of a hydrogen sulfide gas monitoring system; (iii) conducting a survey of, and then addressing, high temperatures within the landfill; and (iv) installation and operation of a new taller flare. Further, Brookhaven will install a 350-panel solar energy conversion system. The Consent Judgment also requires Brookhaven to pay a civil penalty of $249,166. The publication of this notice opens a period for public comment on the proposed Consent Judgment. Comments should be addressed to the Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division, and should refer to Town of Brookhaven, New York, Civil Action No. 2:20–CV–4522, D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–2–1–09884/1. All comments must be submitted no later than thirty (30) days after the publication date of this notice. Comments may be submitted either by email or by mail: To submit comments: Send them to: By email ....... pubcomment-ees.enrd@ PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 61773 During the public comment period, the Consent Judgment may be examined and downloaded at this Justice Department website: https:// We will provide a paper copy of the Consent Judgment upon written request and payment of reproduction costs. Please mail your request and payment to: Consent Decree Library, U.S. DOJ— ENRD, P.O. Box 7611, Washington, DC 20044–7611. Please enclose a check or money order for $43.25 (25 cents per page reproduction cost) payable to the United States Treasury. Henry Friedman, Assistant Section Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, Environment and Natural Resources Division. [FR Doc. 2020–21548 Filed 9–29–20; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4410–15–P DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request; Generic Solution for ‘‘Touch-Base’’ Activities ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: Department of Labor. SUMMARY: The Department of Labor (DOL) is soliciting comments concerning a proposed extension for the authority to conduct the information collection request (ICR) titled, ‘‘Department of Labor Generic Solution for ‘‘Touch-Base’’ Activities.’’ This comment request is part of continuing Departmental efforts to reduce paperwork and respondent burden in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). DATES: Consideration will be given to all written comments received by November 30, 2020. ADDRESSES: A copy of this ICR with applicable supporting documentation; including a description of the likely respondents, proposed frequency of response, and estimated total burden may be obtained free by contacting Crystal Rennie by telephone at (202) 693–0456, TTY 202–693–8064, (these are not toll-free numbers) or by email at E:\FR\FM\30SEN1.SGM 30SEN1


[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 190 (Wednesday, September 30, 2020)]
[Page 61773]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-21548]



Notice of Lodging of Proposed Consent Judgment Under The Clean 
Air Act

    On September 24, 2020, the Department of Justice lodged a proposed 
consent judgment with the United States District Court for the Eastern 
District of New York in the lawsuit entitled United States of America 
v. Town of Brookhaven, New York, Case No. 2:20-CV-4522.
    The United States filed this lawsuit to seek civil penalties and 
injunctive relief for violations of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401 
et seq. (``CAA''). The alleged violations stem from the Town of 
Brookhaven's (``Brookhaven'') failure to comply with the CAA's New 
Source Performance Standards for landfills, the National Emission 
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for landfills, and provisions of 
the Town's Title V operating permit.
    The Consent Judgment requires Brookhaven to implement injunctive 
relief that includes: (i) Proper operation of its landfill gas and 
sulfur dioxide control systems; (ii) installation and operation of a 
hydrogen sulfide gas monitoring system; (iii) conducting a survey of, 
and then addressing, high temperatures within the landfill; and (iv) 
installation and operation of a new taller flare. Further, Brookhaven 
will install a 350-panel solar energy conversion system. The Consent 
Judgment also requires Brookhaven to pay a civil penalty of $249,166.
    The publication of this notice opens a period for public comment on 
the proposed Consent Judgment. Comments should be addressed to the 
Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division, 
and should refer to Town of Brookhaven, New York, Civil Action No. 
2:20-CV-4522, D.J. Ref. No. 90-5-2-1-09884/1. All comments must be 
submitted no later than thirty (30) days after the publication date of 
this notice. Comments may be submitted either by email or by mail:

         To submit comments:                     Send them to:
By email............................  [email protected].
By mail.............................  Assistant Attorney General,
                                      U.S. DOJ--ENRD,
                                      P.O. Box 7611,
                                      Washington, DC 20044-7611.

    During the public comment period, the Consent Judgment may be 
examined and downloaded at this Justice Department website: We will provide a paper copy of 
the Consent Judgment upon written request and payment of reproduction 
costs. Please mail your request and payment to: Consent Decree Library, 
U.S. DOJ--ENRD, P.O. Box 7611, Washington, DC 20044-7611.
    Please enclose a check or money order for $43.25 (25 cents per page 
reproduction cost) payable to the United States Treasury.

Henry Friedman,
Assistant Section Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, Environment 
and Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. 2020-21548 Filed 9-29-20; 8:45 am]

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