Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection Renewal; Comment Request, 59797-59800 [2020-21003]

Download as PDF 59797 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 185 / Wednesday, September 23, 2020 / Notices and Marina Discharges: A Guide for State and Local Officials, August 1994), the estimated number of vessels requiring pumpout facilities in Sarah Creek and Perrin River during peak occupancy is 221. For these vessels, EPA guidance recommends at least one pumpout facility each for Sarah Creek and Perrin River. In the application, the Commonwealth certified that Sarah Creek and Perrin River require greater environmental protection than provided by currently applicable federal regulations. Sarah Creek and Perrin River are tributaries of the York River, which drains into the Chesapeake Bay. All or portions of the proposed waters are listed by the Commonwealth on current or previous Clean Water Act section 303(d) lists of impaired waters as impaired for shellfish harvesting due to fecal coliform. As such, many shellfish beds are restricted or closed. Both waterbodies are also impaired for dissolved oxygen and aquatic plants (macrophytes). Establishing a nodischarge zone will contribute to: (1) Protecting the tidal ecosystem; (2) restoring the restricted and closed shellfish beds in these areas; and (3) preventing further water quality degradation and loss of beneficial uses in these tributaries as well as in the York River. Sarah Creek and Perrin River are used for a variety of activities, including boating, fishing, shellfish harvesting, oyster gardening, crabbing, water skiing, swimming, and more. There are marinas, private piers, numerous vessel anchorages, public and private boat launch facilities, commercial seafood docks, and a waterside restaurant. Local watermen are interwoven with the unique identity of the Chesapeake Bay, influencing its history, culture, and economy. Furthermore, these waterbodies provide food, spawning grounds, and/or habitat to approximately 33 threatened, endangered, and rare species of plants and animals, including the Atlantic sturgeon, loggerhead sea turtle, and the northern diamond-backed terrapin. The EPA made a final determination that adequate pumpout facilities are reasonably available in both Sarah Creek and Perrin River and that the use of these facilities imposes minimal costs. In Sarah Creek, there is no charge to use the available pumpout facilities, while in Perrin River there is a $5.00 fee per pumpout for non-slip holders, though the fee is waived with a small purchase at the marina store. Depth at low tide at the pumpout facilities is between five and eight feet, which is comparable to the depths at the entrances to Sarah Creek and Perrin River. Therefore, vessels requiring greater depths than provided at the pumpout station would have difficulty entering Sarah Creek or Perrin River. Following publication of the Tentative Affirmative Determination in the Federal Register on March 11, 2020, a 30-day public comment period was opened (85 FR 14195). The EPA did not receive any comments regarding the EPA’s intent to issue an affirmative determination on Virginia’s application to designate Sarah Creek and Perrin River as a no-discharge zone. Based on the information above, the EPA hereby makes a final affirmative determination that adequate facilities for the safe and sanitary removal and treatment of sewage from all vessels are reasonably available for Sarah Creek and Perrin River and its tributaries such that the Commonwealth may establish a vessel sewage no-discharge zone. Cosmo Servidio, Regional Administrator, EPA Region III. [FR Doc. 2020–20956 Filed 9–22–20; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6560–50–P FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the renewal of the existing information collections described below (OMB Control No. 3064–0083;–0085;– 0137;–0148;–0182–0194). DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before November 23, 2020. ADDRESSES: Interested parties are invited to submit written comments to the FDIC by any of the following methods: • laws/federal. • Email: Include the name and number of the collection in the subject line of the message. • Mail: Manny Cabeza (202–898– 3767), Regulatory Counsel, MB–3128, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20429. • Hand Delivery: Comments may be hand-delivered to the guard station at the rear of the 17th Street building (located on F Street), on business days between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. All comments should refer to the relevant OMB control number. A copy of the comments may also be submitted to the OMB desk officer for the FDIC: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Manny Cabeza, Regulatory Counsel, 202–898–3767,, MB– 3128, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20429. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Proposal To Renew the Following Currently Approved Collections of Information [OMB No. 3064–0083;–0085;–0137;–0148; –0182;–0194] Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection Renewal; Comment Request Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). ACTION: Notice and request for comment. AGENCY: The FDIC, as part of its obligations under the Paperwork SUMMARY: 1. Title: Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements in Connection with Regulation M (Consumer Leasing) OMB Number: 3064–0083. Form Number: None. Affected Public: State nonmember banks and state savings associations engaging in consumer leasing. Burden Estimate: khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY OF ANNUAL BURDEN Estimated number of respondents Estimated frequency of responses Estimated time per response Estimated annual burden (hours) Information collection description Type of burden Obligation to respond Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements in Connection with Regulation M (Consumer Leasing). Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements in Connection with Regulation M (Consumer Leasing). Recordkeeping. Third-Party Disclosure. Mandatory ......... 52 On Occasion ..... 0.375 1,950 Mandatory ......... 52 On Occasion ..... 0.375 1,950 VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:02 Sep 22, 2020 Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\23SEN1.SGM 23SEN1 59798 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 185 / Wednesday, September 23, 2020 / Notices Total Estimated Annual Burden: 3,900 hours. General Description of Collection: Regulation M (12 CFR 1013), issued by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, implements the consumer leasing provisions of the Truth in Lending Act. Regulation M requires lessors of personal property to provide consumers with meaningful disclosures Connection with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act Regulation B. OMB Number: 3064–0085. Form Number: None. Affected Public: Insured state nonmember banks and state savings associations. Burden Estimate: about the costs and terms of the leases for personal property. Lessors are required to retain evidence of compliance with Regulation M for twenty-four months. There is no change in the methodology or substance of this information collection. The estimated annual burden is unchanged. 2. Title: Record Keeping, Reporting and Disclosure Requirements in SUMMARY OF ANNUAL BURDEN Estimated number of respondents Estimated average annual frequency of responses Estimated total annual responses Information collection description Type of burden Obligation to respond Credit Reporting History (1002.10) .............. Reporting Mandatory ......... 3,309 850 2,812,650 Total Reporting Burden ......................... Estimated time per response Estimated annual burden (hours) 2 minutes ........... 93,755 ................. ........................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................... 93,755 ThirdParty Disclosure. ThirdParty Disclosure. ThirdParty Disclosure. ThirdParty Disclosure. Voluntary ........... 972 2,500 2,430,000 1 minute ............ 40,500 Mandatory ......... 3,309 1,715 5,674,935 2 minutes ........... 189,165 Mandatory ......... 3,309 190 628,710 1 minute ............ 10,479 Mandatory ......... 3,309 1,650 5,459,850 1 minute ............ 90,998 Total Third-Party Disclosure Burden .... ................. ........................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................... 331,142 Record Retention (Applications, Actions, Pre-Screened Solicitations) (1002.12). Record Retention (Self-Testing) (1002.12) .. Mandatory ......... 3,309 360 1,191,240 1 minute ............ 19,854 Mandatory ......... 972 1 972 2 hours .............. 1,944 Record Retention (Self-Testing Self-Correction) (1002.15). Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping. Mandatory ......... 243 1 243 8 hours .............. 1,944 Total Recordkeeping Burden ................ ................. ........................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................... 23,742 Disclosure for Optional Self-Test (1002.5) .. Notifications (1002.9) ................................... Appraisal Report (1002.12(a)(1)). Upon Request Notice of Right to Appraisal (1002.14(a)(2)) Total Estimated Annual Burden: 448,639 hours. General Description of Collection: Regulation B (12 CFR part 1002) issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, prohibits creditors from discriminating against applicants on any bases specified by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act; imposes, reporting, record keeping and disclosure estimated time per response remain the same. 3. Title: Interagency Guidance on Asset Securitization Activities. OMB Number: 3064–0137. Form Number: None. Affected Public: Insured State Nonmember Banks and State Savings Associations. Burden Estimate: requirements; establishes guidelines for gathering and evaluating credit information; and requires creditors to give applicants certain written notices. There is no change in the method or substance of the collection. The overall reduction in burden hours is a result of economic fluctuation. In particular, the number of respondents has decreased while the reporting frequency and the SUMMARY OF ANNUAL BURDEN Type of burden khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Information collection description Documentation of Fair Value .............................................. Asset Securitization Policies—New Entrant ....................... Asset Securitization Policies—Upgrades of Policies ......... MIS Improvements—New Entrant ...................................... MIS Improvements—Systems Upgrades ........................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 20:59 Sep 22, 2020 Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping. Frm 00064 Obligation to respond Estimated number of respondents Estimated frequency of responses Estimated time per response (hours) Estimated annual burden (hours) Mandatory ......... 20 On Occasion ..... 4 80 Mandatory ......... 6 On Occasion ..... 32 192 Mandatory ......... 2 On Occasion ..... 3 6 Mandatory ......... 6 On Occasion ..... 21 126 Mandatory ......... 2 On Occasion ..... 5 10 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\23SEN1.SGM 23SEN1 59799 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 185 / Wednesday, September 23, 2020 / Notices Total Estimated Annual Burden: 414 hours. General Description of Collection: The Interagency Guidance on Asset Securitization Activities informs bankers and examiners of safe and sound practices regarding asset Securitization. The information collections contained in the Interagency Guidance are needed by institutions to manage their asset Securitization activities in a safe and sound manner. respondents has increased while the reporting frequency and the estimated time per response remain the same. 4. Title: Interagency Statement on Sound Practices Concerning Complex Structured Finance Transactions. OMB Number: 3064–0148. Form Number: None. Affected Public: Insured state nonmember banks and state savings associations. Burden Estimate: Bank management uses this information as the basis for the safe and sound operation of their asset securitization activities and to ensure that they minimize operational risk in these activities. There is no change in the method or substance of the information collection. The overall 257-hour increase in estimated annual burden (from 157 hours in 2017 to 414 hours currently) is the result of economic fluctuation. In particular, the number of SUMMARY OF ANNUAL BURDEN Type of burden Information collection description Complex Structured Finance Transactions ........................ Total Estimated Annual Burden: 100 hours. General Description of Collection: The Interagency Statement on Sound Practices Concerning Complex Structured Finance Transactions describes the types of internal controls and risk management procedures that the Agencies believe are particularly effective in assisting financial institutions to identify, evaluate, assess, Estimated number of respondents Obligation to respond Recordkeeping. Mandatory ......... Estimated time per response (hours) Estimated frequency of responses 4 document, and control the full range of credit, market, operational, legal and reputation al risks. A financial institution that engages in complex structured finance transactions should maintain a set of formal, written, firmwide policies and procedures that are designed to allow the institution to identify and assess these risks. There is no change in the methodology or substance of this information collection. On Occasion ..... Estimated annual burden (hours) 25 100 The estimated annual burden is unchanged. 5. Title: Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions. OMB Number: 3064–0182. Form Number: None. Affected Public: Insured state nonmember banks and state savings associations. Burden Estimate: SUMMARY OF ANNUAL BURDEN Estimated time per response (hours) Estimated total annual responses Obligation to respond Reporting Requirements .............................. Reporting Mandatory ......... 1 On Occasion ..... 1 16 16 ................. ........................... ........................ ........................... ........................ ........................ 16 Third-Party Disclosure Requirements .......... ThirdParty Disclosure. Mandatory ......... 1 On Occasion ..... 1 166 166 Total Third-Party Disclosure Burden .... Recordkeeping Requirements ...................... ................. Recordkeeping. ........................... Mandatory ......... ........................ 1 ........................... On Occasion ..... ........................ 1 ........................ 1,332 16 1,332 Total Recordkeeping Burden ................ ................. ........................... ........................ ........................... ........................ ........................ 1,332 Total Estimated Annual Burden: 1,514 hours. General Description of Collection: This information collection implements section 742(c)(2) of the Dodd-Frank Act (7 U.S.C. 2(c)(2)(E) and FDIC regulations governing retail foreign exchange transactions as set forth at 12 CFR part 349, subpart B. The regulation allows banking organizations under FDIC supervision to engage in off-exchange transactions in foreign currency with retail customers provided they comply with various reporting, recordkeeping and third-party disclosure requirements specified in the rule. If an institution VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:13 Sep 22, 2020 Jkt 250001 Frequency of response Estimated annual burden (hours) Type of burden Total Reporting Burden ......................... khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Estimated number of respondents Information collection description elects to conduct such transactions, compliance with the information collection is mandatory. Reporting Requirements—Part 349, subpart B requires that, prior to initiating a retail foreign exchange business; a banking institution must provide the FDIC with a notice certifying that the institution has written policies and procedures, and risk measurement and management systems and controls in place to ensure that retail foreign exchange transactions are conducted in a safe and sound manner. The institution must also provide information about how it PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 intends to manage customer due diligence, new product approvals and haircuts applied to noncash margin. Recordkeeping Requirements—Part 349 subpart B requires that institutions engaging in retail foreign exchange transactions keep full, complete and systematic records of account, financial ledger, transaction, memorandum orders and post execution allocations of bunched orders. In addition, institutions are required to maintain records regarding their ratio of profitable accounts, possible violations of law, records of noncash margin and monthly statements and confirmations issued. E:\FR\FM\23SEN1.SGM 23SEN1 59800 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 185 / Wednesday, September 23, 2020 / Notices Disclosure Requirements—The regulation requires that, before opening an account that will engage in retail foreign exchange transactions, a banking institution must obtain from each retail foreign exchange customer an acknowledgement of receipt and understanding of a written disclosure specified in the rule and of disclosures about the banking institution’s fees and other charges and of its profitable accounts ratio. The institution must also provide monthly statements to each retail foreign exchange customer and must send confirmation statements following every transaction. The customer dispute resolution provisions of the regulation require 6. Title: Covered Financial Company Asset Purchaser Eligibility Certification. certain endorsements, acknowledgements and signature language as well as the timely provision of a list of persons qualified to handle a customer’s request for arbitration. There is no change in the method or substance of the collection. At present no FDIC-supervised institution is engaging in activities that would make them subject to the information collection requirements. The agency is keeping the estimated number of respondents to one (1) as a placeholder in case an institution elects to engage in covered activities in the future. There has been no change in the frequency of response or in the estimated number of hours required to respond. OMB Number: 3064–0194. Form Number: 7300/10. Affected Public: Any individual or entity that is a potential purchaser of assets from (1) the FDIC as receiver for a Covered Financial Company (CFC); or (2) a bridge financial company (BFC) which requires the approval of the FDIC, as receiver for the predecessor CFC and as the sole shareholder of the BFC (e.g., the BFC’s sale of a significant business line). Burden Estimates: khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY OF ANNUAL BURDEN Information collection description Type of burden Obligation to respond Covered Financial Company Asset Sales Purchaser Eligibility Certification. Reporting ...... Mandatory ......... Total Estimated Annual Burden: 5 hours. General Description of Collection: Assets held by the FDIC in the course of liquidating any covered financial company must not be sold to persons who contributed to the demise of a covered financial company in specified ways (e.g., individuals who profited or engaged in wrongdoing at the expense of the failed institution, or seriously mismanaged the failed institution). 12 CFR part 380 requires prospective purchasers to complete and submit a Purchaser Eligibility Certification (PEC) to the FDIC. The PEC is a self certification by a prospective purchaser that it does not fall into any of the categories of individuals or entities that are prohibited by statute or regulation from purchasing the assets of covered financial companies. The PEC will be required in connection with the sale of assets by the FDIC, as receiver for a CFC, or the sale of assets by a BFC which requires the approval of the FDIC, as receiver for the predecessor CFC and as the sole shareholder of the BFC. There is no change in the methodology or substance of this information collection. The estimated annual burden is unchanged. Request for Comment Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the collection of information is VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:02 Sep 22, 2020 Jkt 250001 Estimated number of respondents 10 necessary for the proper performance of the FDIC’s functions, including whether the information has practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the estimates of the burden of the information collection, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. All comments will become a matter of public record. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Dated at Washington, DC, on September 17, 2020. James P. Sheesley, Assistant Executive Secretary. [FR Doc. 2020–21003 Filed 9–22–20; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6714–01–P FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION Notice of Agreements Filed The Commission hereby gives notice of the filing of the following agreements under the Shipping Act of 1984. Interested parties may submit comments, relevant information, or documents regarding the agreements to PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Estimated frequency of responses Estimated time per response (minutes) On Occasion ..... Estimated annual burden (hours) 30 the Secretary by email at Secretary@, or by mail, Federal Maritime Commission, Washington, DC 20573. Comments will be most helpful to the Commission if received within 12 days of the date this notice appears in the Federal Register. Copies of agreements are available through the Commission’s website ( or by contacting the Office of Agreements at (202)-523– 5793 or Agreement No.: 201347. Agreement Name: Sallaum/Hyundai Glovis Space Charter Agreement. Parties: Sallaum Lines Switzerland AS and Hyundai Glovis Co., Ltd. Filing Party: Wayne Rohde; Cozen O’Connor. Synopsis: The agreement authorizes Sallaum to charter space to Hyundai Glovis on an ‘‘as needed/as available’’ basis in the trade from ports in Mexico to ports on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States. Proposed Effective Date: 9/14/2020. Location: FMC.Agreements.Web/Public/ AgreementHistory/33505. Dated: September 18, 2020. Rachel Dickon, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2020–20969 Filed 9–22–20; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6730–02–P E:\FR\FM\23SEN1.SGM 23SEN1 5


[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 185 (Wednesday, September 23, 2020)]
[Pages 59797-59800]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-21003]



[OMB No. 3064-0083;-0085;-0137;-0148; -0182;-0194]

Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection 
Renewal; Comment Request

AGENCY: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

ACTION: Notice and request for comment.


SUMMARY: The FDIC, as part of its obligations under the Paperwork 
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), invites the general public and other 
Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the renewal of 
the existing information collections described below (OMB Control No. 

DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before November 23, 2020.

ADDRESSES: Interested parties are invited to submit written comments to 
the FDIC by any of the following methods:
     Email: [email protected]. Include the name and number of 
the collection in the subject line of the message.
     Mail: Manny Cabeza (202-898-3767), Regulatory Counsel, MB-
3128, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street NW, 
Washington, DC 20429.
     Hand Delivery: Comments may be hand-delivered to the guard 
station at the rear of the 17th Street building (located on F Street), 
on business days between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
    All comments should refer to the relevant OMB control number. A 
copy of the comments may also be submitted to the OMB desk officer for 
the FDIC: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of 
Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Manny Cabeza, Regulatory Counsel, 202-
898-3767, [email protected], MB-3128, Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corporation, 550 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20429.


Proposal To Renew the Following Currently Approved Collections of 

    1. Title: Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements in Connection 
with Regulation M (Consumer Leasing)
    OMB Number: 3064-0083.
    Form Number: None.
    Affected Public: State nonmember banks and state savings 
associations engaging in consumer leasing.
    Burden Estimate:

                                                                Summary of Annual Burden
                                                                                     Estimated                               Estimated       Estimated
      Information collection          Type of burden      Obligation  to respond     number of     Estimated  frequency      time per     annual  burden
           description                                                              respondents        of responses          response         (hours)
Recordkeeping and Disclosure       Recordkeeping.......  Mandatory..............              52  On Occasion...........           0.375           1,950
 Requirements in Connection with
 Regulation M (Consumer Leasing).
Recordkeeping and Disclosure       Third-Party           Mandatory..............              52  On Occasion...........           0.375           1,950
 Requirements in Connection with    Disclosure.
 Regulation M (Consumer Leasing).

[[Page 59798]]

    Total Estimated Annual Burden: 3,900 hours.
    General Description of Collection: Regulation M (12 CFR 1013), 
issued by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, implements the 
consumer leasing provisions of the Truth in Lending Act. Regulation M 
requires lessors of personal property to provide consumers with 
meaningful disclosures about the costs and terms of the leases for 
personal property. Lessors are required to retain evidence of 
compliance with Regulation M for twenty-four months. There is no change 
in the methodology or substance of this information collection. The 
estimated annual burden is unchanged.
    2. Title: Record Keeping, Reporting and Disclosure Requirements in 
Connection with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act Regulation B.
    OMB Number: 3064-0085.
    Form Number: None.
    Affected Public: Insured state nonmember banks and state savings 
    Burden Estimate:

                                                                Summary of Annual Burden
                                                                         Estimated        average        Estimated                           Estimated
    Information collection      Type of burden      Obligation to       number  of        annual       total annual   Estimated time per   annual burden
         description                                   respond          respondents    frequency  of     responses          response          (hours)
Credit Reporting History       Reporting.......  Mandatory..........           3,309             850       2,812,650  2 minutes.........          93,755
    Total Reporting Burden...  ................  ...................  ..............  ..............  ..............  ..................          93,755
Disclosure for Optional Self-  Third-Party       Voluntary..........             972           2,500       2,430,000  1 minute..........          40,500
 Test (1002.5).                 Disclosure.
Notifications (1002.9).......  Third-Party       Mandatory..........           3,309           1,715       5,674,935  2 minutes.........         189,165
Appraisal Report Upon Request  Third-Party       Mandatory..........           3,309             190         628,710  1 minute..........          10,479
 (1002.12(a)(1)).               Disclosure.
Notice of Right to Appraisal   Third-Party       Mandatory..........           3,309           1,650       5,459,850  1 minute..........          90,998
 (1002.14(a)(2)).               Disclosure.
    Total Third-Party          ................  ...................  ..............  ..............  ..............  ..................         331,142
     Disclosure Burden.
Record Retention               Recordkeeping...  Mandatory..........           3,309             360       1,191,240  1 minute..........          19,854
 (Applications, Actions, Pre-
 Screened Solicitations)
Record Retention (Self-        Recordkeeping...  Mandatory..........             972               1             972  2 hours...........           1,944
 Testing) (1002.12).
Record Retention (Self-        Recordkeeping...  Mandatory..........             243               1             243  8 hours...........           1,944
 Testing Self-Correction)
    Total Recordkeeping        ................  ...................  ..............  ..............  ..............  ..................          23,742

    Total Estimated Annual Burden: 448,639 hours.
    General Description of Collection: Regulation B (12 CFR part 1002) 
issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, prohibits creditors 
from discriminating against applicants on any bases specified by the 
Equal Credit Opportunity Act; imposes, reporting, record keeping and 
disclosure requirements; establishes guidelines for gathering and 
evaluating credit information; and requires creditors to give 
applicants certain written notices. There is no change in the method or 
substance of the collection. The overall reduction in burden hours is a 
result of economic fluctuation. In particular, the number of 
respondents has decreased while the reporting frequency and the 
estimated time per response remain the same.
    3. Title: Interagency Guidance on Asset Securitization Activities.
    OMB Number: 3064-0137.
    Form Number: None.
    Affected Public: Insured State Nonmember Banks and State Savings 
    Burden Estimate:

                                                                Summary of Annual Burden
      Information collection                                                         Estimated     Estimated  frequency      time per        Estimated
           description                Type of burden      Obligation  to respond     number of         of responses          response     annual  burden
                                                                                    respondents                               (hours)         (hours)
Documentation of Fair Value......  Recordkeeping.......  Mandatory..............              20  On Occasion...........               4              80
Asset Securitization Policies--    Recordkeeping.......  Mandatory..............               6  On Occasion...........              32             192
 New Entrant.
Asset Securitization Policies--    Recordkeeping.......  Mandatory..............               2  On Occasion...........               3               6
 Upgrades of Policies.
MIS Improvements--New Entrant....  Recordkeeping.......  Mandatory..............               6  On Occasion...........              21             126
MIS Improvements--Systems          Recordkeeping.......  Mandatory..............               2  On Occasion...........               5              10

[[Page 59799]]

    Total Estimated Annual Burden: 414 hours.
    General Description of Collection: The Interagency Guidance on 
Asset Securitization Activities informs bankers and examiners of safe 
and sound practices regarding asset Securitization. The information 
collections contained in the Interagency Guidance are needed by 
institutions to manage their asset Securitization activities in a safe 
and sound manner. Bank management uses this information as the basis 
for the safe and sound operation of their asset securitization 
activities and to ensure that they minimize operational risk in these 
activities. There is no change in the method or substance of the 
information collection. The overall 257-hour increase in estimated 
annual burden (from 157 hours in 2017 to 414 hours currently) is the 
result of economic fluctuation. In particular, the number of 
respondents has increased while the reporting frequency and the 
estimated time per response remain the same.
    4. Title: Interagency Statement on Sound Practices Concerning 
Complex Structured Finance Transactions.
    OMB Number: 3064-0148.
    Form Number: None.
    Affected Public: Insured state nonmember banks and state savings 
    Burden Estimate:

                                                                Summary of Annual Burden
      Information collection                                                         Estimated     Estimated  frequency      time per        Estimated
           description                Type of burden      Obligation  to respond     number of         of responses          response     annual  burden
                                                                                    respondents                               (hours)         (hours)
Complex Structured Finance         Recordkeeping.......  Mandatory..............               4  On Occasion...........              25             100

    Total Estimated Annual Burden: 100 hours.
    General Description of Collection: The Interagency Statement on 
Sound Practices Concerning Complex Structured Finance Transactions 
describes the types of internal controls and risk management procedures 
that the Agencies believe are particularly effective in assisting 
financial institutions to identify, evaluate, assess, document, and 
control the full range of credit, market, operational, legal and 
reputation al risks. A financial institution that engages in complex 
structured finance transactions should maintain a set of formal, 
written, firm-wide policies and procedures that are designed to allow 
the institution to identify and assess these risks. There is no change 
in the methodology or substance of this information collection. The 
estimated annual burden is unchanged.
    5. Title: Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions.
    OMB Number: 3064-0182.
    Form Number: None.
    Affected Public: Insured state nonmember banks and state savings 
    Burden Estimate:

                                                                Summary of Annual Burden
    Information collection                          Obligation  to       Estimated       Frequency of        Estimated       time per        Estimated
         description            Type of burden         respond           number of         response        total annual      response     annual  burden
                                                                        respondents                          responses        (hours)         (hours)
Reporting Requirements.......  Reporting.......  Mandatory..........               1  On Occasion.......               1              16              16
    Total Reporting Burden...  ................  ...................  ..............  ..................  ..............  ..............              16
Third-Party Disclosure         Third-Party       Mandatory..........               1  On Occasion.......               1             166             166
 Requirements.                  Disclosure.
    Total Third-Party          ................  ...................  ..............  ..................  ..............  ..............              16
     Disclosure Burden.
Recordkeeping Requirements...  Recordkeeping...  Mandatory..........               1  On Occasion.......               1           1,332           1,332
    Total Recordkeeping        ................  ...................  ..............  ..................  ..............  ..............           1,332

    Total Estimated Annual Burden: 1,514 hours.
    General Description of Collection: This information collection 
implements section 742(c)(2) of the Dodd-Frank Act (7 U.S.C. 2(c)(2)(E) 
and FDIC regulations governing retail foreign exchange transactions as 
set forth at 12 CFR part 349, subpart B. The regulation allows banking 
organizations under FDIC supervision to engage in off-exchange 
transactions in foreign currency with retail customers provided they 
comply with various reporting, recordkeeping and third-party disclosure 
requirements specified in the rule. If an institution elects to conduct 
such transactions, compliance with the information collection is 
    Reporting Requirements--Part 349, subpart B requires that, prior to 
initiating a retail foreign exchange business; a banking institution 
must provide the FDIC with a notice certifying that the institution has 
written policies and procedures, and risk measurement and management 
systems and controls in place to ensure that retail foreign exchange 
transactions are conducted in a safe and sound manner. The institution 
must also provide information about how it intends to manage customer 
due diligence, new product approvals and haircuts applied to noncash 
    Recordkeeping Requirements--Part 349 subpart B requires that 
institutions engaging in retail foreign exchange transactions keep 
full, complete and systematic records of account, financial ledger, 
transaction, memorandum orders and post execution allocations of 
bunched orders. In addition, institutions are required to maintain 
records regarding their ratio of profitable accounts, possible 
violations of law, records of noncash margin and monthly statements and 
confirmations issued.

[[Page 59800]]

    Disclosure Requirements--The regulation requires that, before 
opening an account that will engage in retail foreign exchange 
transactions, a banking institution must obtain from each retail 
foreign exchange customer an acknowledgement of receipt and 
understanding of a written disclosure specified in the rule and of 
disclosures about the banking institution's fees and other charges and 
of its profitable accounts ratio. The institution must also provide 
monthly statements to each retail foreign exchange customer and must 
send confirmation statements following every transaction.
    The customer dispute resolution provisions of the regulation 
require certain endorsements, acknowledgements and signature language 
as well as the timely provision of a list of persons qualified to 
handle a customer's request for arbitration.
    There is no change in the method or substance of the collection. At 
present no FDIC-supervised institution is engaging in activities that 
would make them subject to the information collection requirements. The 
agency is keeping the estimated number of respondents to one (1) as a 
placeholder in case an institution elects to engage in covered 
activities in the future. There has been no change in the frequency of 
response or in the estimated number of hours required to respond.
    6. Title: Covered Financial Company Asset Purchaser Eligibility 
    OMB Number: 3064-0194.
    Form Number: 7300/10.
    Affected Public: Any individual or entity that is a potential 
purchaser of assets from (1) the FDIC as receiver for a Covered 
Financial Company (CFC); or (2) a bridge financial company (BFC) which 
requires the approval of the FDIC, as receiver for the predecessor CFC 
and as the sole shareholder of the BFC (e.g., the BFC's sale of a 
significant business line).
    Burden Estimates:

                                                                Summary of Annual Burden
      Information collection                                                         Estimated     Estimated  frequency      time per        Estimated
           description                Type of burden      Obligation  to respond     number of         of responses          response     annual  burden
                                                                                    respondents                              (minutes)        (hours)
Covered Financial Company Asset    Reporting...........  Mandatory..............              10  On Occasion...........              30               5
 Sales Purchaser Eligibility

    Total Estimated Annual Burden: 5 hours.
    General Description of Collection: Assets held by the FDIC in the 
course of liquidating any covered financial company must not be sold to 
persons who contributed to the demise of a covered financial company in 
specified ways (e.g., individuals who profited or engaged in wrongdoing 
at the expense of the failed institution, or seriously mismanaged the 
failed institution). 12 CFR part 380 requires prospective purchasers to 
complete and submit a Purchaser Eligibility Certification (PEC) to the 
FDIC. The PEC is a self certification by a prospective purchaser that 
it does not fall into any of the categories of individuals or entities 
that are prohibited by statute or regulation from purchasing the assets 
of covered financial companies. The PEC will be required in connection 
with the sale of assets by the FDIC, as receiver for a CFC, or the sale 
of assets by a BFC which requires the approval of the FDIC, as receiver 
for the predecessor CFC and as the sole shareholder of the BFC. There 
is no change in the methodology or substance of this information 
collection. The estimated annual burden is unchanged.

Request for Comment

    Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the collection of information 
is necessary for the proper performance of the FDIC's functions, 
including whether the information has practical utility; (b) the 
accuracy of the estimates of the burden of the information collection, 
including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) 
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to 
be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of 
information on respondents, including through the use of automated 
collection techniques or other forms of information technology. All 
comments will become a matter of public record.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

    Dated at Washington, DC, on September 17, 2020.
James P. Sheesley,
Assistant Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2020-21003 Filed 9-22-20; 8:45 am]

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