Industry Advisory Group: Notice of Open Meeting, 53059-53060 [2020-18890]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 167 / Thursday, August 27, 2020 / Notices
U.S. District Court—Southern District
of Ohio: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Oklahoma: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Denver (Region VIII).
U.S. District Court—Northern District
of Oklahoma: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Denver (Region VIII).
U.S. District Court—Western District
of Oklahoma: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Denver (Region VIII).
U.S. District Court—Oregon: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, Seattle
(Region X).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Pennsylvania: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court—Middle District of
Pennsylvania: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court—Western District
of Pennsylvania: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
Puerto Rico
U.S. District Court—Utah: Office of
the Regional Chief Counsel, Denver
(Region VIII).
U.S. District Court—Vermont: Office
of the Regional Chief Counsel, Boston
(Region I).
Virgin Islands
U.S. District Court—Virgin Islands:
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
New York (Region II).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Virginia: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court—Western District
of Virginia: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Washington: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Seattle (Region X).
U.S. District Court—Western District
of Washington: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Seattle (Region X).
U.S. District Court—Puerto Rico:
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
New York (Region II).
Rhode Island
U.S. District Court—Rhode Island:
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Boston (Region I).
West Virginia
U.S. District Court—South Carolina:
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court—Northern District
of West Virginia: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
U.S. District Court—Southern District
of West Virginia: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Philadelphia (Region III).
South Dakota
U.S. District Court—South Dakota:
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Wisconsin: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
U.S. District Court—Western District
of Wisconsin: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Chicago (Region V).
South Carolina
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
U.S. District Court—Southern District
of Texas: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Western District
of Texas: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Eastern District of
Tennessee: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court—Middle District of
Tennessee: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S. District Court—Western District
of Tennessee: Office of the Regional
Chief Counsel, Kansas City (Region VII).
U.S District Court—Eastern District of
Texas: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
U.S. District Court—Northern District
of Texas: Office of the Regional Chief
Counsel, Dallas (Region VI).
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U.S. District Court—Wyoming: Office
of the Regional Chief Counsel, Denver
(Region VIII).
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region I, Social Security
Administration, JFK Federal Building,
Room 625, 15 New Sudbury Street,
Boston, MA 02203–0002.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region II, Social Security
Administration, 26 Federal Plaza, Room
3904, New York, NY 10278–0004.
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Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region III, Social Security
Administration, 300 Spring Garden
Street, 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region IV, Social Security
Administration, Sam Nunn Atlanta
Federal Center, 61 Forsyth Street, SW,
Suite 20T45, Atlanta, GA 30303–8910.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region V, Social Security
Administration, Harold Washington
Social Security Center, 600 West
Madison Street, 6th Floor, Chicago, IL
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region VI, Social Security
Administration, 1301 Young Street, Ste.
340, Mailroom 104, Dallas, TX 75202–
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region VII, Social Security
Administration, Richard Bolling Federal
Building, 601 E. 12th Street, Room 965,
Kansas City, MO 64106–2898.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region VIII, Social Security
Administration, 1961 Stout Street, Suite
4169, Denver, CO 80294–4003.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region IX, Social Security
Administration, 160 Spear Street, Suite
800, San Francisco, CA 94105–1545.
Office of the Regional Chief Counsel,
Region X, Social Security
Administration, 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite
2900 M/S 221A, Seattle, WA 98104–
Office of Program Law, Office of the
General Counsel, Social Security
Administration, 6401 Security
Boulevard, Altmeyer Building, Room
617, Baltimore, MD 21235–6401.
The Commissioner of Social Security,
Andrew Saul, having reviewed and
approved this document, is delegating
the authority to electronically sign this
document to Faye I. Lipsky, who is the
primary Federal Register Liaison for
SSA, for purposes of publication in the
Federal Register.
Faye I. Lipsky,
Federal Register Liaison, Office of Legislation
and Congressional Affairs, Social Security
[FR Doc. 2020–18898 Filed 8–26–20; 8:45 am]
Addresses of OGC Offices
PO 00000
[Public Notice:11182]
Industry Advisory Group: Notice of
Open Meeting
The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) of
the Bureau of Overseas Buildings
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 167 / Thursday, August 27, 2020 / Notices
Operations (OBO) will meet on
Tuesday, September 22 from 10:00 a.m.
until 1:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
The meeting is open to the public and
will be held via WebEx Event.
This committee serves the U.S.
government in a solely advisory
capacity concerning industry and
academia’s latest concepts, methods,
best practices, innovations, and ideas
related to the OBO mission of providing
safe, secure, resilient and functional
facilities that represent the U.S.
government to the host nation and
support the Department’s achievement
of U.S. foreign policy objectives abroad.
The majority of the meeting will be
devoted to discussions between the
Department’s senior management and
IAG representatives with respect to
industry and academia’s latest concepts,
methods, best practices, innovations,
and ideas related to supporting OBO’s
vital mission. Additionally, time will be
provided for members of the public to
provide comment.
In order to register, please complete
the event registration form via WebEx.
Please forward any requests for
reasonable accommodation by
September 7. You can also visit the OBO
website at https://overseas for additional
information. Requests for reasonable
accommodation made after that date
will be considered but may not be able
to be fulfilled.
Please contact Christine Foushee at, (202) 431–6890 with
any questions.
Addison D. Davis, IV,
Director, Bureau of Overseas Buildings
Operations, Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2020–18890 Filed 8–26–20; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FD 36419]
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
New Orleans Public Belt Railroad
Commission for the Port of New
Orleans—Acquisition and Operation
Exemption—New Orleans Public Belt
Railroad Corporation
New Orleans Public Belt Railroad
Commission for the Port of New Orleans
(Railroad Commission), a noncarrier,
has filed a verified notice of exemption
under 49 CFR 1150.31 to acquire from
the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad
Corporation (NOPB) 1 and operate
approximately 29.3 miles of rail line
1 Railroad Commission states that NOPB is a
corporate subsidiary of the Board of Commissioners
of the Port of New Orleans (Port).
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and approximately 3.95 miles of
assigned trackage rights. Railroad
Commission states that it is a newly
formed political subdivision of the State
of Louisiana and is directed pursuant to
state legislation to acquire all of the
railroad operating assets of NOPB.
Railroad Commission describes the
lines and trackage rights it seeks to
acquire as follows: 2
1. The NOPB main line from the
connection with BNSF Railway
Company (BNSF) and Union Pacific
Railroad Company (UP) at milepost J8.3
at West Bridge Junction in Avondale,
La., to milepost J1.1 at Southport
Junction in Jefferson, La., and from
milepost J0.3 at Lampert Junction in
Jefferson to milepost J0.0 at the
Jefferson/Orleans Parish border, a total
distance of approximately 7.5 miles in
two sections connected by the overhead
trackage rights described in #7 below.
The West Bridge Junction-Southport
Junction section includes the Huey P.
Long Bridge.
2. The NOPB main line from a
milepost equation at the Jefferson/
Orleans Parish border where milepost
J0.0 = milepost 0.26 to the connection
with CSX Transportation, Inc. (CSXT) at
milepost 14.2 at Almonaster in New
Orleans, a distance of approximately
13.94 miles.
3. The Burma West Lead in New
Orleans from milepost 14.2 at
Almonaster to the end of track at
milepost 15.3, a distance of
approximately 1.1 miles.
4. The Burma East Lead in New
Orleans from the connection with CSXT
at milepost 14.4 east of the Industrial
Canal to the end of track at milepost
16.3, a distance of approximately 1.9
5. The Bulk Terminal Lead in New
Orleans from the connection with CSXT
at milepost G0.0 east of the Industrial
Canal to milepost G1.5, a distance of
approximately 1.5 miles.
6. Parallel line segments owned by
Illinois Central Railroad Company (IC)
and leased to NOPB extending (1)
between approximately IC milepost
906.1 at Central Avenue near East
Bridge Junction in Shrewsbury, La., and
the end of the track at approximately IC
milepost 908.8 in Jefferson Parish, La.;
and (2) between approximately IC
2 NOPB was authorized to acquire and operate the
segments described in #1 through #5 and #7
through #9 in New Orleans Public Belt Railroad—
Acquisition and Operation Exemption—Public Belt
Railroad Commission of the City of New Orleans,
FD 36149 (STB served Dec. 27, 2017). NOPB was
authorized to lease and operate the segments
described in #6 in New Orleans Public Belt
Railroad—Lease and Operation Exemption—Line of
Illinois Central Railroad, FD 36362 (STB served
Dec. 13, 2019).
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milepost 921.8 at Iris Avenue
(approximately IC milepost 908.5 on the
first segment) and approximately IC
milepost 921.14 at Dakin Street near
Lampert Junction in Jefferson Parish, a
total distance of approximately 3.36
miles. (Between East Bridge Junction
and Iris Avenue the leased lines consist
of parallel tracks known as the Main
Track and the A1 and A2 Track).
7. Overhead trackage rights on IC from
IC milepost 449.9 at East Bridge
Junction in Shrewsbury, La., through
Southport Junction (NOPB milepost
J1.1) to IC milepost 921.14 at Dakin
Street near Lampert Junction (NOPB
milepost J0.3), a distance of
approximately 2.6 miles.3 There is a
milepost equation at Southport
Junction, where IC milepost 451.7 = IC
milepost 921.9.4
8. Overhead trackage rights on IC from
IC Station 120+0.00 (NOPB milepost
3.4) at Nashville Avenue to IC Station
175+68.09 (NOPB milepost 4.4) at
Valence Street in New Orleans,
including the connection to the NOPB
locomotive maintenance facility lead
track at IC Station 163+80.0 (NOPB
milepost 4.2) near Upperline Street, a
distance of approximately 1.05 miles.5
9. Overhead trackage rights on CSXT
from the connection with the NOPB
main line described in #2 at CSXT
milepost 801.5 at Almonaster in New
Orleans across the Port-owned
Industrial Canal Bridge to the
connections with the Burma East Lead
and Bulk Terminal Lead described in #4
and #5, respectively, at CSXT milepost
801.2 in New Orleans, a distance of
approximately 0.3 miles.
3 See New Orleans Pub. Belt R.R.—Trackage
Rights Exemption—Ill. Cent. R.R., FD 33182 (STB
served Oct. 30, 1996). According to Railroad
Commission, the eastern segment of these trackage
rights, from Southport Junction to Lampert
Junction, connects the two sections of NOPB’s main
line described in #1 above. Railroad Commission
states that the western segment of the trackage
rights, from East Bridge Junction to Southport
Junction, is adjacent to and north of NOPB’s main
line between those points.
4 Railroad Commission states that the overhead
trackage rights described in #7 overlap with some
of the line segments that NOPB currently leases, as
described in #6, particularly with respect to the IC
lines extending between East Bridge Junction and
Dakin Street near Lampert Junction. According to
Railroad Commission, despite this overlap, it will
retain the overhead trackage rights described in #7,
which it would exercise if it and IC were to agree
to terminate the lease for the segments described in
5 See Ill. Cent. R.R.—Joint Relocation Project
Exemption—in New Orleans, La., FD 33533 (STB
served Jan. 16, 1998); Ill. Cent. R.R.—Joint
Relocation Project Exemption—in New Orleans, La.,
FD 32598 (ICC served Nov. 16, 1994). Railroad
Commission states that these trackage rights are
parallel to NOPB’s main line described in #2 above
and serve as a bypass around Cotton Warehouse
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 167 (Thursday, August 27, 2020)]
[Pages 53059-53060]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-18890]
[Public Notice:11182]
Industry Advisory Group: Notice of Open Meeting
The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) of the Bureau of Overseas
[[Page 53060]]
Operations (OBO) will meet on Tuesday, September 22 from 10:00 a.m.
until 1:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. The meeting is open to the
public and will be held via WebEx Event.
This committee serves the U.S. government in a solely advisory
capacity concerning industry and academia's latest concepts, methods,
best practices, innovations, and ideas related to the OBO mission of
providing safe, secure, resilient and functional facilities that
represent the U.S. government to the host nation and support the
Department's achievement of U.S. foreign policy objectives abroad.
The majority of the meeting will be devoted to discussions between
the Department's senior management and IAG representatives with respect
to industry and academia's latest concepts, methods, best practices,
innovations, and ideas related to supporting OBO's vital mission.
Additionally, time will be provided for members of the public to
provide comment.
In order to register, please complete the event registration form
via WebEx. Please forward any requests for reasonable accommodation by
September 7. You can also visit the OBO website at for additional information. Requests for
reasonable accommodation made after that date will be considered but
may not be able to be fulfilled.
Please contact Christine Foushee at [email protected], (202) 431-6890
with any questions.
Addison D. Davis, IV,
Director, Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations, Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2020-18890 Filed 8-26-20; 8:45 am]