Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records, 49369-49371 [2020-17737]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 157 / Thursday, August 13, 2020 / Notices
determines a pesticide may affect a
listed species or its designated critical
habitat, EPA must initiate consultation
with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
and/or the National Marine Fisheries
Service (collectively referred to as the
Service), as appropriate.
B. Background
Cupron Cuprous Iodide Masterbatch
(EPA Reg. No. 84542–9) containing the
new active ingredient, cuprous iodide,
was registered October 6, 2015. Cuprous
Iodide Masterbatch is a material
preservative that is incorporated into
manufactured products to suppress the
growth of algae, mold, mildew, fungi,
and bacteria which may cause
unpleasant odors, discoloration,
staining, deterioration, or corrosion.
This product is mixed with a
compatible polymer used to create
fibers, plastics, and films. Cuprous
iodide is incorporated at a rate not
exceed 5.0% by weight and is evenly
distributed throughout the final article.
The Cupron Cuprous Iodide
Masterbatch label allows a myriad of
uses including but not limited to
bedding, apparel, outerwear,
undergarments, hosiery, carpets, plastic
composites, floor coverings, carpet,
draperies, upholstery, plumbing
supplies, tiles, wallboard, shoes, sails,
and awnings. As the cuprous iodide is
expected to be tightly bound within the
polymer matrices, environmental
exposure to cuprous iodide from these
uses is extremely limited and is not
reasonably expected to reach
concentrations high enough to cause
any discernible effects.
On March 4, 2019, the Center of
Biological Diversity (CBD) filed a
lawsuit against the Agency alleging that
EPA violated the ESA by failing to
ensure that the registration of Cupron
Cuprous Iodide Masterbatch would not
jeopardize any listed species or destroy
or modify their critical habitat, and by
failing to consult with the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service and the National
Marine Fisheries Service as required
under the ESA.
The primary pathway by which
cuprous iodide would be expected to be
released to the aquatic environment is
from down-the-drain discharges by
leaching during in-service use of
manufactured products via fabric
washing at institutional facilities,
commercial establishments, and
residences. In order to facilitate
settlement of the lawsuit, Cupron
submitted a label amendment removing
from its label approved uses in articles
that could be frequently washed such as
bedding, mattress covers, apparel,
outerwear, undergarments, and hosiery.
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The Agency conducted an ecological
risk assessment for federally listed
species for cuprous iodide for the subset
of uses that would remain on the
revised label. The proposed label
includes uses for fibers (fiberfill for
quilts and pillows, vacuum cleaner
bags, sleeping bags, brush bristles, air
and dust filters, book covers, carpets,
rugs, mats, carpet underlay, carpet
backing, broadloom and tile carpeting,
conveyor belts that do not come in
contact with any type of food,
automotive and truck upholstery,
automotive and truck carpeting and
interior liners, shoes, gloves and
helmets, sails, ropes, canvas, ducking,
awnings, umbrellas) and for plastics and
films (automotive and vehicular parts,
brush handles, building materials and
components (excluding shingles), wood
composites, non-food contact plastic
composites, conveyor belts that do not
come in contact with any type of food,
floor covering, flooring, footwear
including boots, furniture, gaskets,
glazing for cement tile and for toilets,
indoor furniture, insulation for wire and
cable, insulators, kitchen and bathroom
hardware, plumbing supplies and
fixtures including sinks, indoor sports
equipment, tape, tiles, tubing, vacuum
cleaner bags, wallboard, walls, waste
containers, personal hygiene devices
such as combs, brushes, and hairclips).
The Cupron Cuprous Iodide
Masterbatch label would specify that it
may not be used as a coating, film, or
laminate on any other product than
those listed on the label.
The draft ecological risk assessment
for federally listed species for cuprous
iodide shows that the potential
exposures to terrestrial and aquatic
organisms (including listed species)
from cuprous iodide are not reasonably
expected to occur at levels that would
result in a discernible effect from the
uses that would be allowed on the
revised Cupron Cuprous Iodide
Masterbatch label. The Agency proposes
to make a No Effects (NE) determination
for all Federally-listed-threatened/
endangered species and critical habitats
for the narrowed set of uses of cuprous
iodide that would be allowed under the
proposed label amendments.
C. Public Comments Sought
After reviewing public comments on
the draft ecological risk assessment for
federally listed species for cuprous
iodide, EPA will issue, if necessary, a
revised ecological risk assessment and a
response to comments document before
amending the registration. If EPA
determines that this set of pesticide uses
may affect listed species and/or their
designated critical habitat, EPA will
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initiate consultation with the Services,
as appropriate.
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.
Dated: August 7, 2020.
Alexandra Dapolito Dunn,
Assistant Administrator, Office of Chemical
Safety and Pollution Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2020–17702 Filed 8–12–20; 8:45 am]
Privacy Act of 1974; System of
Farm Credit Administration.
Notice of a modified system of
Pursuant to the provisions of
the Privacy Act of 1974, notice is hereby
given that the Farm Credit
Administration (FCA or Agency) is
amending an existing system of records,
FCA–13—Correspondence Files—FCA.
The Correspondence Files—FCA system
is used to track incoming and outgoing
correspondence and to draft
correspondence and other memoranda.
The Agency is updating the notice to
include more details in the categories of
individuals and categories of records in
the system, and to make administrative
updates and non-substantive changes to
conform to the SORN template
requirements prescribed in the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
Circular No. A–108.
DATES: You may send written comments
on or before September 14, 2020. FCA
filed an amended System Report with
Congress and the Office of Management
and Budget on May 29, 2020. This
notice will become effective without
further publication on September 22,
2020 unless modified by a subsequent
notice to incorporate comments
received from the public.
ADDRESSES: We offer a variety of
methods for you to submit your
comments. For accuracy and efficiency,
commenters are encouraged to submit
comments by email or through the
FCA’s website. As facsimiles (fax) are
difficult for us to process and achieve
compliance with section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act, we are no longer
accepting comments submitted by fax.
Regardless of the method you use,
please do not submit your comment
multiple times via different methods.
You may submit comments by any of
the following methods:
• Email: Send us an email at
• FCA Website:
Click inside the ‘‘I want to . . .’’ field,
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 157 / Thursday, August 13, 2020 / Notices
near the top of the page; select
‘‘comment on a pending regulation’’
from the dropdown menu; and click
‘‘Go.’’ This takes you to an electronic
public comment form.
• Mail: David Grahn, Director, Office
of Regulatory Policy, Farm Credit
Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive,
McLean, VA 22102–5090.
You may review copies of comments
we receive at our office in McLean,
Virginia, or from our website at https:// Once you are in the
website, click inside the ‘‘I want to
. . .’’ field, near the top of the page;
select ‘‘find comments on a pending
regulation’’ from the dropdown menu;
and click ‘‘Go.’’ This will take you to the
Comment Letters page, where you can
select the SORN for which you would
like to read public comments. The
comments will be posted as submitted
but, for technical reasons, items such as
logos and special characters may be
omitted. Identifying information that
you provide, such as phone numbers
and addresses, will be publicly
available. However, we will attempt to
remove email addresses to help reduce
internet spam.
Autumn R. Agans, Privacy Act Officer,
Farm Credit Administration, McLean,
Virginia 22102–5090, (703) 883–4020,
TTY (703) 883–4019.
publication satisfies the requirement of
the Privacy Act of 1974 that agencies
publish a system of records notice in the
Federal Register when there is a
revision, change, or addition to the
system of records. The substantive
changes and modifications to the
currently published version of FCA–
13—Correspondence Files—FCA
1. Identifying the records in the
system as unclassified.
2. Updating the system location to
reflect the system’s current location.
3. Updating the system managers to
reflect the system’s current owner.
4. Expanding and clarifying the
categories of individuals and categories
of records to ensure they are consistent
with the intended purpose for which the
records are collected.
5. Clarifying the record source
6. Revising the retention and disposal
section to reflect updated guidance from
the National Archives and Records
7. Revising the safeguards section to
reflect updated cybersecurity guidance
and practices.
Additionally, non-substantive
changes have been made to the notice to
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align with the latest guidance from
The amended system of records is:
FCA–13—Correspondence Files—FCA.
As required by 5 U.S.C. 552a(r) of the
Privacy Act, as amended, FCA sent
notice of this proposed system of
records to the Office of Management and
Budget, the Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform of the House of
Representatives, and the Committee on
Homeland Security and Governmental
Affairs of the Senate. The notice is
published in its entirety below.
FCA–13—Correspondence Files—
See the ‘‘General Statement of Routine
Uses’’ (64 FR 8175).
Office of Congressional and Public
Affairs, Farm Credit Administration,
1501 Farm Credit Drive, McLean, VA
Director, Office of Congressional and
Public Affairs, Farm Credit
Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive,
McLean, VA 22102–5090.
12 U.S.C. 2243, 2252.
We use information in this system of
records to track incoming and outgoing
correspondence and to draft
correspondence and other memoranda.
Individuals who have correspondence
with FCA and the Farm Credit System
Insurance Corporation (FCSIC) and
current and former FCA and FCSIC
employees assigned to process review
and/or respond to the correspondence.
This system contains incoming and
outgoing correspondence and internal
reports and memoranda, which are part
of a general correspondence file
maintained by the office(s) involved.
Additionally, information about the
correspondence is captured, including,
but not limited to: (1) The type of
correspondence (letter, fax, email); (2)
dates and times received or sent; (3)
name and office of FCA or FCSIC
employee assigned to the
correspondence; and (4) basic contact
information (name, address, email
address, phone number) related to the
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Records are retrieved by name.
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Persons corresponding with FCA and
FCISC and FCA and FCSIC employees.
Records are maintained in file folders
and on a computerized database.
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Records are retained in accordance
with the National Archives and Records
Administration’s General Records
Schedule, and with the FCA
Comprehensive Records Schedule.
FCA implements multiple layers of
security to ensure access to records is
limited to those with a need-to-know in
support of their official duties. Records
are physically safeguarded in a secured
environment using locked file rooms,
file cabinets, or locked offices and other
physical safeguards. Computerized
records are safeguarded through use of
user roles, passwords, firewalls,
encryption, and other information
technology security measures. Only
personnel with a need-to-know in
support of their duties have access to
the records.
To obtain a record, contact: Privacy
Act Officer, Farm Credit
Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive,
McLean, VA 22102–5090, as provided
in 12 CFR part 603.
Direct requests for amendments to a
record to: Privacy Act Officer, Farm
Credit Administration, 1501 Farm
Credit Drive, McLean, VA 22102–5090,
as provided in 12 CFR part 603.
Address inquiries about this system of
records to: Privacy Act Officer, Farm
Credit Administration, McLean, VA
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 157 / Thursday, August 13, 2020 / Notices
Federal Register Vol. 64, No. 100/
Tuesday, May 25, 1999 page 21875.
Vol. 70, No. 183/Thursday, September
22, 2005, page 55621.
Dated: August 10, 2020.
Dale Aultman,
Secretary, Farm Credit Administration Board.
[FR Doc. 2020–17737 Filed 8–12–20; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. AS20–08]
Appraisal Subcommittee; Order
Extending Commercial Real Estate
Transaction Temporary Waiver Relief
Appraisal Subcommittee,
Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council.
ACTION: Order extending, with specified
terms and conditions, commercial real
estate transaction temporary waiver
The Appraisal Subcommittee
(ASC) of the Federal Financial
Institutions Examination Council
(FFIEC), with approval of the FFIEC, is
issuing an Order pursuant to section
1119(b) of Title XI of the Financial
Institutions Reform, Recovery, and
Enforcement Act of 1989, as amended
(Title XI) and the rules promulgated
thereunder, extending temporary waiver
relief of appraiser credentialing
requirements for appraisals of federally
related transactions (FRTs) under
$1,000,000 for commercial real estate
transactions throughout the State of
North Dakota for an additional one-year
period and subject to specified terms
and conditions.
DATES: Applicable August 7, 2020.
James R. Park, Executive Director, at
(202) 595–7575, or Alice M. Ritter,
General Counsel, at (202) 595–7577,
ASC, 1325 G Street NW, Suite 500,
Washington, DC 20005.
1119(b) of Title XI authorizes the ASC
to waive, on a temporary basis and
subject to the approval of the FFIEC,
‘‘any requirement relating to
certification or licensing of a person to
perform appraisals under [Title XI]’’
upon ‘‘a written determination that
there is a scarcity of certified or licensed
appraisers to perform appraisals in
connection with [FRTs] 1 in a State, or
1 ‘‘Federally related transaction’’ (FRT) refers to
any real estate related financial transaction which:
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in any geographical political
subdivision of a State, leading to
significant delays in the performance of
such appraisals.’’ 2 The ASC has
promulgated regulations that set forth
procedures 3 that govern the processing
of temporary waiver requests.
On August 1, 2018, the Governor of
North Dakota, the North Dakota
Department of Financial Institutions,
and the North Dakota Bankers
Association (Requesters) submitted a
temporary waiver request to the ASC.
The Requesters sought a temporary
waiver of not less than five years of
appraiser credentialing requirements for
appraisals for FRTs under $500,000 for
1-to-4 family residential real estate
transactions and under $1,000,000 for
agricultural and commercial real estate
transactions throughout the State of
North Dakota.4
On July 9, 2019, the ASC convened a
Special Meeting to consider the request.
Based on the information provided by
the Requester, the North Dakota Real
Estate Appraiser Qualifications and
Ethics Board (Appraiser Board), and by
the public through comment letter
submissions, the ASC issued an Order
(2019 Order) approving a limited
version of the waiver request.5 The 2019
Order was published in the Federal
Register,6 and in pertinent part 7
included a temporary waiver of
appraiser credentialing requirements for
appraisals of FRTs under $1,000,000 for
commercial real estate transactions
(a) A federal financial institutions regulatory agency
engages in, contracts for, or regulates; and (b)
requires the services of an appraiser. (Title XI
§ 1121 (4), 12 U.S.C. 3350.)
2 12 U.S.C. 3348(b).
3 12 CFR part 1102, subpart A.
4 On September 7, 2018, ASC staff responded
with a request for clarification and additional
information, and on April 10, 2019, the Requesters
submitted an additional letter with a clarification of
the request and additional information.
5 An approval of a temporary waiver by the ASC
is subject to the approval of the FFIEC. (See 12
U.S.C. 3348(b); 12 CFR 1102.5.) On July 12, 2019,
the FFIEC approved the temporary waiver granted
by the ASC on July 9, 2019.
6 84 FR 38630 (August 7, 2019).
7 The Order also included a temporary waiver of
appraiser credentialing requirements for appraisals
of FRTs under $500,000 for 1-to-4 family residential
real estate transactions throughout the State of
North Dakota for a period of one year, subject to
earlier termination in the event the federal banking
agencies issued a rule increasing appraisal
exemption threshold limits for residential real
estate transactions, in which case the residential
waiver would terminate 60 days after the effective
date of that threshold increase. The federal banking
agencies issued a final rule increasing the appraisal
exemption threshold for residential real estate
transactions with an effective date of October 9,
2019. 83 FR 63110 (December 7, 2018). The
temporary waiver for residential real estate
transactions terminated by its own terms 60 days
after the effective date of that rule on December 8,
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throughout the State of North Dakota for
a period of one year. The 2019 Order
also provided that, among other things,
the parties requesting the waiver should
submit certain information to the ASC at
least 30 days prior to the expiration of
the one-year period and the ASC would
consider the information submitted and
by vote in open session may extend the
temporary waiver for an additional oneyear period.
On July 6, 2020, Requesters submitted
certain information and as amended on
July 8, 2020, sought extension of the
commercial real estate transaction
temporary waiver relief for an
additional one-year period.8 On July 29,
2020, the ASC convened a Special
Meeting via teleconference to consider
the information as presented by the
Requesters and voted to extend the
commercial real estate transaction
temporary waiver relief in North Dakota
for an additional one-year period,
subject to specified terms and
conditions, and subject to FFIEC
approval. The FFIEC met on August 7,
2020, via WebEx, and a quorum of the
Council being present, took the
following action: Pursuant to § 1119(b)
of the Financial Institutions Reform,
Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989,
as amended, the Council approved the
attached waiver extension that was
approved by the ASC on July 29, 2020.
ASC Discussion
In order to extend the commercial real
estate transaction temporary waiver
relief in North Dakota for an additional
one-year period, the 2019 Order set
forth the following specified terms and
1. During the one-year period, the
Requester is expected to develop a plan
through continued dialogue with North
Dakota stakeholders, including the Appraiser
Board, to identify potential solutions to
address appraiser scarcity and appraisal
2. At least 30 days prior to the expiration
of the one-year period, the Requester should
provide (1) a status report to the ASC on the
plan that was developed in collaboration
with stakeholders and any implementation
progress made on that plan toward
identifying meaningful solutions to resolve
appraiser scarcity and delay issues faced in
North Dakota; and (2) supporting data
showing that appraiser scarcity leading to
significant delays continues to exist, which
may include information to identify specific
localities affected by appraiser scarcity. The
ASC will consider the information as
presented by the Requester, and by vote in
open session, may extend the temporary
waiver for an additional one-year period.
8 Requesters were joined in their July 6
submission by the Credit Union Association of the
Dakotas and the Independent Community Banks of
North Dakota.
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 157 (Thursday, August 13, 2020)]
[Pages 49369-49371]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-17737]
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
AGENCY: Farm Credit Administration.
ACTION: Notice of a modified system of records.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, notice
is hereby given that the Farm Credit Administration (FCA or Agency) is
amending an existing system of records, FCA-13--Correspondence Files--
FCA. The Correspondence Files--FCA system is used to track incoming and
outgoing correspondence and to draft correspondence and other
memoranda. The Agency is updating the notice to include more details in
the categories of individuals and categories of records in the system,
and to make administrative updates and non-substantive changes to
conform to the SORN template requirements prescribed in the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-108.
DATES: You may send written comments on or before September 14, 2020.
FCA filed an amended System Report with Congress and the Office of
Management and Budget on May 29, 2020. This notice will become
effective without further publication on September 22, 2020 unless
modified by a subsequent notice to incorporate comments received from
the public.
ADDRESSES: We offer a variety of methods for you to submit your
comments. For accuracy and efficiency, commenters are encouraged to
submit comments by email or through the FCA's website. As facsimiles
(fax) are difficult for us to process and achieve compliance with
section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, we are no longer accepting
comments submitted by fax. Regardless of the method you use, please do
not submit your comment multiple times via different methods. You may
submit comments by any of the following methods:
Email: Send us an email at [email protected].
FCA Website: Click inside the ``I want
to . . .'' field,
[[Page 49370]]
near the top of the page; select ``comment on a pending regulation''
from the dropdown menu; and click ``Go.'' This takes you to an
electronic public comment form.
Mail: David Grahn, Director, Office of Regulatory Policy,
Farm Credit Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive, McLean, VA 22102-
You may review copies of comments we receive at our office in
McLean, Virginia, or from our website at Once you
are in the website, click inside the ``I want to . . .'' field, near
the top of the page; select ``find comments on a pending regulation''
from the dropdown menu; and click ``Go.'' This will take you to the
Comment Letters page, where you can select the SORN for which you would
like to read public comments. The comments will be posted as submitted
but, for technical reasons, items such as logos and special characters
may be omitted. Identifying information that you provide, such as phone
numbers and addresses, will be publicly available. However, we will
attempt to remove email addresses to help reduce internet spam.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Autumn R. Agans, Privacy Act Officer,
Farm Credit Administration, McLean, Virginia 22102-5090, (703) 883-
4020, TTY (703) 883-4019.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This publication satisfies the requirement
of the Privacy Act of 1974 that agencies publish a system of records
notice in the Federal Register when there is a revision, change, or
addition to the system of records. The substantive changes and
modifications to the currently published version of FCA-13--
Correspondence Files--FCA include:
1. Identifying the records in the system as unclassified.
2. Updating the system location to reflect the system's current
3. Updating the system managers to reflect the system's current
4. Expanding and clarifying the categories of individuals and
categories of records to ensure they are consistent with the intended
purpose for which the records are collected.
5. Clarifying the record source categories.
6. Revising the retention and disposal section to reflect updated
guidance from the National Archives and Records Administration.
7. Revising the safeguards section to reflect updated cybersecurity
guidance and practices.
Additionally, non-substantive changes have been made to the notice
to align with the latest guidance from OMB.
The amended system of records is: FCA-13--Correspondence Files--
FCA. As required by 5 U.S.C. 552a(r) of the Privacy Act, as amended,
FCA sent notice of this proposed system of records to the Office of
Management and Budget, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Homeland Security
and Governmental Affairs of the Senate. The notice is published in its
entirety below.
System Name and Number:
FCA-13--Correspondence Files--FCA.
Security Classification:
System Location:
Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, Farm Credit
Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive, McLean, VA 22102-5090.
System Manager:
Director, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, Farm Credit
Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive, McLean, VA 22102-5090.
Authority for Maintenance of the System:
12 U.S.C. 2243, 2252.
Purposes of the System:
We use information in this system of records to track incoming and
outgoing correspondence and to draft correspondence and other
Categories of Individuals Covered by the System:
Individuals who have correspondence with FCA and the Farm Credit
System Insurance Corporation (FCSIC) and current and former FCA and
FCSIC employees assigned to process review and/or respond to the
Categories of Records in the System:
This system contains incoming and outgoing correspondence and
internal reports and memoranda, which are part of a general
correspondence file maintained by the office(s) involved. Additionally,
information about the correspondence is captured, including, but not
limited to: (1) The type of correspondence (letter, fax, email); (2)
dates and times received or sent; (3) name and office of FCA or FCSIC
employee assigned to the correspondence; and (4) basic contact
information (name, address, email address, phone number) related to the
Record Source Categories:
Persons corresponding with FCA and FCISC and FCA and FCSIC
Routine uses of Records Maintained in the System, Including Categories
of Users and Purposes of Such Uses:
See the ``General Statement of Routine Uses'' (64 FR 8175).
Disclosure to consumer reporting agencies: None.
Policies and Practices for Storage of Records:
Records are maintained in file folders and on a computerized
Policies and Practices for Retrieval of Records:
Records are retrieved by name.
Policies and Procedures for Retention and Disposal of Records:
Records are retained in accordance with the National Archives and
Records Administration's General Records Schedule, and with the FCA
Comprehensive Records Schedule.
Administrative, Technical, and Physical Safeguards:
FCA implements multiple layers of security to ensure access to
records is limited to those with a need-to-know in support of their
official duties. Records are physically safeguarded in a secured
environment using locked file rooms, file cabinets, or locked offices
and other physical safeguards. Computerized records are safeguarded
through use of user roles, passwords, firewalls, encryption, and other
information technology security measures. Only personnel with a need-
to-know in support of their duties have access to the records.
Record Access Procedures:
To obtain a record, contact: Privacy Act Officer, Farm Credit
Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive, McLean, VA 22102-5090, as
provided in 12 CFR part 603.
Contesting Record Procedures:
Direct requests for amendments to a record to: Privacy Act Officer,
Farm Credit Administration, 1501 Farm Credit Drive, McLean, VA 22102-
5090, as provided in 12 CFR part 603.
Notification Procedure:
Address inquiries about this system of records to: Privacy Act
Officer, Farm Credit Administration, McLean, VA 22102-5090.
Exemptions Promulgated for the System:
[[Page 49371]]
Federal Register Vol. 64, No. 100/Tuesday, May 25, 1999 page 21875.
Vol. 70, No. 183/Thursday, September 22, 2005, page 55621.
Dated: August 10, 2020.
Dale Aultman,
Secretary, Farm Credit Administration Board.
[FR Doc. 2020-17737 Filed 8-12-20; 8:45 am]