Inviting Applications for the Delta Health Care Services Grant Program, 41524-41531 [2020-14849]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 133 / Friday, July 10, 2020 / Notices
Performance period
Form SF–425, Federal Financial Report and Progress Report (Due Quarterly).
1 October thru 31 December ......
1 January thru 31 March .............
1 April thru 30 June 1 .................
July thru 30 September ...............
Annual (for multi-year project) and Final Progress and Financial Reports ...
Due date
Grace period
Earlier of December 30, 2021, or 90 days after project completion.
* Dates subject to change at the discretion of the OPPE.
Signed this 26 day of June 2020.
Jacqueline Davis-Slay,
Deputy Director, Office of Partnerships and
Public Engagement.
[FR Doc. 2020–14325 Filed 7–9–20; 8:45 am]
Rural Business-Cooperative Service
[Docket #: RBS–20–CO–OP–0021]
Inviting Applications for the Delta
Health Care Services Grant Program
Rural Business-Cooperative
Service, Department of Agriculture
ACTION: Notice of Funding Availability.
This Notice of Funding
Availability (Notice) announces that the
Rural Business-Cooperative Service
(Agency) is accepting fiscal year (FY)
2020 applications for the Delta Health
Care Services (DHCS) grant program.
Approximately $6.0 million is currently
available for FY 2020. The Agency will
publish the program funding level on
the Rural Development website https://
delta-health-care-services-grants. The
purpose of this program is to provide
financial assistance to address the
continued unmet health needs in the
Delta Region through cooperation
among health care professionals,
institutions of higher education,
research institutions, and economic
development entities in the Delta
DATES: Completed applications for
grants must be submitted electronically
by no later than midnight Eastern
Standard Time August 24, 2020 through to be eligible for
grant funding. Please review the website at https://
organization-registration.html for
instructions on the process of registering
your organization as soon as possible to
ensure you are able to meet the
electronic application deadline. Late
applications are not eligible for funding
under this Notice and will not be
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You are encouraged to
contact your USDA Rural Development
State Office well in advance of the
application deadline to discuss your
Project and ask any questions about the
application process. Contact
information for State Offices can be
found at
Program guidance as well as
application templates may be obtained
at or by contacting your State
Office. To submit an electronic
application, follow the instructions for
the DHCS funding announcement
located at Please
review the website at https://
organization-registration.html for
instructions on the process of registering
your organization as soon as possible to
ensure you are able to meet the
electronic application deadline. You are
strongly encouraged to file your
application early and allow sufficient
time to manage any technical issues that
may arise.
Honie Turner, Program Management
Division, Rural Business-Cooperative
Service, United States Department of
Agriculture, 1400 Independence Avenue
SW, Mail Stop 3226, Room 4204-South,
Washington, DC 20250–3226, 202–720–
1400 or email
The Agency encourages applications
that will support recommendations
made in the Rural Prosperity Task Force
report to help improve life in rural
rural/rural-prosperity. Applicants are
encouraged to consider projects that
provide measurable results in helping
rural communities build robust and
sustainable economies through strategic
investments in infrastructure,
partnerships and innovation. Key
strategies include:
• Achieving e-Connectivity for Rural
• Developing the Rural Economy
• Harnessing Technological Innovation
• Supporting a Rural Workforce
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• Improving Quality of Life
Federal Agency Name: USDA Rural
Business-Cooperative Service.
Funding Opportunity Title: Delta
Health Care Services Grant Program.
Announcement Type: Initial Notice.
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance (CFDA) Number: 10.874.
Dates: Application Deadline. Your
electronic application must be received
by no later than
Midnight Eastern Standard Time August
24, 2020, or it will not be considered for
Hemp Related Projects
Funding cannot be provided to a
project involving hemp unless the
Agency can verify that the hemp
producer providing hemp to the project
has a valid license issued from an
approved State, Tribal or Federal plan
as defined by the Agriculture
Improvement Act of 2018, Public Law
115–334. Verification will occur at the
time of award.
Persistent Poverty Counties
The Further Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2020, SEC. 740
designates funding for projects in
Persistent Poverty Counties. Persistent
Poverty Counties as defined in
SEC. 740 is ‘‘any county that has had
20 percent or more of its population
living in poverty over the past 30 years,
as measured by the 1990 and 2000
decennial censuses, and 2007–2011
American Community Survey 5-year
average, or any territory or possession of
the United States’’. Another provision in
Section 740 expands the eligible
population in Persistent Poverty
Counties to include any county seat of
such a Persistent Poverty County that
has a population that does not exceed
the authorized population limit by more
than 10 percent. Therefore, applications
for projects in Persistent Poverty County
seats with populations up to 55,000 (per
the 2010 Census) are eligible. Funding
of approximately $4.5 million is
available to support Persistent Poverty
COVID–19 Administrative Relief
Exceptions: The Agency reviewed the
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 133 / Friday, July 10, 2020 / Notices
Office of Budget and Management’s
(OMB) Memoranda M–20–11,
‘‘Administrative Relief for Recipients
and Applicants of Federal Financial
Assistance directly impacted by the
novel coronavirus (COVID–19)’’ and M–
20–26, ‘‘Extension of Administrative
Relief for Recipients and Applicants of
Federal Financial Assistance Directly
Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus
(COVID–19) due to Loss of Operations’’
and has made every attempt to reduce
administrative burden with in our
authority. Any reduction in burden will
be discussed within the requirement.
The Agency will not solicit or
consider new scoring or eligibility
information that is submitted after the
application deadline. The Agency
reserves the right to contact applicants
to seek clarification on materials
contained in the submitted application.
See the Application Guide for a full
discussion of each item. For
requirements of completed grant
applications, refer to Section D of this
Executive Order (E.O.) 13175
Consultation and Coordination With
Indian Tribal Governments
This Executive order imposes
requirements on Rural Development in
the development of regulatory policies
that have tribal implications or preempt
tribal laws. Rural Development has
determined that this Notice does not
have a substantial direct effect on one or
more Indian tribe(s) or on either the
relationship or the distribution of
powers and responsibilities between the
Federal Government and the Indian
tribes. Thus, this Notice is not subject to
the requirements of Executive Order
13175. Tribal Consultation inquiries and
comments should be directed to RD’s
Native American Coordinator at aian@ or (720) 544–2911.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act
requires Federal agencies to seek and
obtain Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) approval before
undertaking a collection of information
directed to ten or more persons. In
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
chapter 35), the Agency conducted an
analysis to determine the number of
applications the Agency estimates that it
will receive under the DHCS grant
program. It was determined that the
estimated number of applications was
fewer than nine and in accordance with
5 CFR part 1320, thus OMB approval is
not necessary at this time.
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A. Program Description
The DHCS program is authorized by
Section 379G of the Consolidated Farm
and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C.
2008u), as amended by the Agriculture
Improvement Act of 2018 (Pub. L. 115–
334). The primary objective of the
program is to provide financial
assistance to address the continued
unmet health needs in the Delta Region
through cooperation among health care
professionals, institutions of higher
education, research institutions, and
other individuals and entities in the
Delta Region. Grants are awarded on a
competitive basis. The maximum award
amount per grant is $1,000,000.
The definitions you need to
understand are as follows:
Academic Health and Research
Institute—A combination of a medical
school, one or more other health
profession schools or educational
training programs (such as allied health,
dentistry, graduate studies, nursing,
pharmacy, public health), and one or
more owned or affiliated teaching
hospitals or health systems; or a health
care nonprofit organization or health
system, including nonprofit medical
and surgical hospitals, that conduct
health related research.
Conflict of Interest—A situation in
which a person or entity has competing
personal, professional, or financial
interests that make it difficult for the
person or business to act impartially.
Federal procurement standards prohibit
transactions that involve a real or
apparent conflict of interest for owners,
employees, officers, agents, or their
immediate family members having a
financial or other interest in the
outcome of the Project; or that restrict
open and free competition for
unrestrained trade. Specifically, Project
Funds may not be used for services or
goods going to, or coming from, a person
or entity with a real or apparent conflict
of interest, including, but not limited to,
owner(s) and their immediate family
members. An example of conflict of
interest occurs when the consortium
member’s employees, board of directors,
or the immediate family of either, have
the appearance of a professional or
personal financial interest in the
recipients receiving the benefits or
services of the grant.
Consortium—A group of three or
more entities that are regional
Institutions of Higher Education,
Academic Health and Research
Institutes, and/or Economic
Development Entities located in the
Delta Region that have at least one year
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of prior experience in addressing the
health care issues in the region. At least
one of the consortium members must be
legally organized as an incorporated
organization or other legal entity and
have legal authority to contract with the
Federal Government.
Delta Region—The 252 counties and
parishes within the states of Alabama,
Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee
that are served by the Delta Regional
Authority. (The Delta Region may be
adjusted by future Federal statute.) To
view the areas identified within the
Delta Region, visit
Economic Development Entity—Any
public or non-profit organization whose
primary mission is to stimulate local
and regional economies within the Delta
Region by increasing employment
opportunities and duration of
employment, expanding or retaining
existing employers, increasing labor
rates or wage levels, reducing
outmigration, and/or creating gains in
other economic development-related
variables such as land values. These
activities shall primarily benefit lowand moderate-income individuals in the
Delta Region.
Health System—The complete
network of agencies, facilities, and all
providers of health care to meet the
health needs of a specific geographical
area or target populations.
Institution of Higher Education—A
postsecondary (post-high school)
educational institution that awards a
bachelor’s degree or provides not less
than a two year program that is
acceptable for full credit toward such a
degree, or a postsecondary vocational
institution that provides a program of
training to prepare students for gainful
employment in a recognized
Nonprofit Organization—An
organization or institution, including an
accredited institution of higher
education, where no part of the net
earnings of which may inure, to the
benefit of any private shareholder or
Project—All activities funded by the
DHCS grant.
Project Funds—Grant funds requested
plus any other contributions to the
proposed Project.
Rural and rural area—Any area of a
• Not in a city or town that has a
population of more than 50,000
inhabitants, according to the latest
decennial census of the United States;
• The contiguous and adjacent
urbanized area,
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 133 / Friday, July 10, 2020 / Notices
• Urbanized areas that are rural in
character as defined by 7 U.S.C.
• For the purposes of this definition,
cities and towns are incorporated
population centers with definite
boundaries, local self-government, and
legal powers set forth in a charter
granted by the State.
State—Includes each of the 50 States,
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
Virgin Islands of the United States,
Guam, American Samoa, the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, and, as may be determined by
the Secretary to be feasible, appropriate
and lawful, the Federated States of
Micronesia, the Republic of the
Marshall Islands, and the Republic of
B. Federal Award Information
Type of Award: Competitive Grant.
Total Funding: $6,112,667.
Maximum Award: $1,000,000.
Minimum Award: $50,000.
Project Period: Up to 24 months.
Anticipated Award Date: September
30, 2020.
C. Eligibility Information
Applicants must meet all the
following eligibility requirements. Your
application will not be considered for
funding if it does not provide sufficient
information to determine eligibility or is
missing required elements. Applicants
that fail to submit the required elements
by the application deadline will be
deemed ineligible and will not be
evaluated further. Information
submitted after the application deadline
will not be accepted.
1. Eligible Applicants
Grants funded through DHCS may be
made to a Consortium as defined in
Paragraph A of this Notice. One member
of the Consortium must be designated as
the lead entity by the other members of
the Consortium and have legal authority
to contract with the Federal
The lead entity is the recipient (see 2
CFR 200.86) of the DHCS grant funds
and accountable for monitoring and
reporting on the Project performance
and financial management of the grant.
It is expected that the recipient will
make subawards in the form of a grant,
cooperative agreement, or contract, as
appropriate, to the other members of the
Consortium. If a grant or cooperative
agreement is awarded, the organization
receiving the subaward is a subrecipient
(see 2 CFR 200.93), and the recipient is
responsible for complying with all
applicable requirements of 2 CFR part
200, including provisions for making
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and monitoring an award. If a contract
is awarded, the organization receiving
the subaward is a contractor, and the
recipient is responsible for following its
written procurement procedures and
complying with the Federal Acquisition
Regulation. Both subrecipients and
contractors are required to comply with
all applicable laws and regulations,
including performance and financial
reporting, as described in their award
(a) An applicant is ineligible if they
do not submit ‘‘Evidence of Eligibility’’
and ‘‘Consortium Agreements’’ as
described in Section D.2. of this Notice.
(b) An applicant is ineligible if they
have been debarred or suspended or
otherwise excluded from or ineligible
for participation in Federal assistance
programs under Executive Order 12549,
‘‘Debarment and Suspension.’’ The
Agency will check the System for
Award Management (SAM) to determine
if the applicant has been debarred or
suspended. In addition, an applicant
will be considered ineligible for a grant
due to an outstanding judgment
obtained by the U.S. in a Federal Court
(other than U.S. Tax Court), is
delinquent on the payment of Federal
income taxes, or is delinquent on
Federal debt. The applicant must certify
as part of the application that they do
not have an outstanding judgment
against them. The Agency will check the
DO NOT PAY System to verify this
(c) Any corporation (i) that has been
convicted of a felony criminal violation
under any Federal law within the past
24 months or (ii) that has any unpaid
Federal tax liability that has been
assessed, for which all judicial and
administrative remedies have been
exhausted or have lapsed, and that is
not being paid in a timely manner
pursuant to an agreement with the
authority responsible for collecting the
tax liability, is not eligible for financial
assistance provided with funds
appropriated by the Further
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020
(Pub. L. 116–94), unless a Federal
agency has considered suspension or
debarment of the corporation and has
made a determination that this further
action is not necessary to protect the
interests of the Government.
(d) Applications will be deemed
ineligible if the application includes any
funding restrictions identified under
Section D.6.
(e) Applications will be deemed
ineligible if the application is not
complete in accordance with the
requirements stated in Section C.3.
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2. Cost Sharing or Matching
Matching funds are not required.
However, if you are adding any other
contributions to the proposed Project,
you must provide documentation
indicating who will be providing the
matching funds, the amount of funds,
when those funds will be provided, and
how the funds will be used in the
Project budget. Examples of acceptable
documentation include: A signed letter
from the source of funds stating the
amount of funds, when the funds will
be provided, and what the funds can be
used for or a signed resolution from
your governing board authorizing the
use of a specified amount of funds for
specific components of the Project. The
matching funds you identify must be for
eligible purposes and included in your
work plan and budget. Additionally,
expected program income may not be
used as matching funds at the time you
submit your application. If you choose,
you may use a template to summarize
the matching funds. The template is
available either from your State Office
or the program website at: https://
3. Other Eligibility Requirements
(a) Use of Funds. Your application
must propose to use Project Funds for
eligible purposes. Eligible Project
purposes include the development of:
• Health care services;
• health education programs;
• health care job training programs;
• the development and expansion of
public health-related facilities in the
Delta Region.
(b) Project Eligibility. The proposed
Project must take place within the Delta
Region as defined in this Notice.
However, the applicant need not
propose to serve the entire Delta Region.
(c) Project Input. Your proposed
Project must be developed based on
input from local governments, public
health care providers, and other entities
in the Delta Region.
(d) Grant Period Eligibility. All awards
are limited to up to a 24-month grant
period based upon the complexity of the
Project. Your proposed grant period
should begin no earlier than October 1,
2020 and should end no later than 24
months following that date. If you
receive an award, your grant period will
be revised to begin on the actual date of
award—the date the grant agreement is
executed by the Agency—and your grant
period end date will be adjusted
accordingly. Your Project activities must
begin within 90 days of the date of
award. If you request funds for a time
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 133 / Friday, July 10, 2020 / Notices
period beginning before October 1,
2020, and/or ending later than 24
months from that date, your application
will be ineligible. The length of your
grant period should be based on your
Project’s complexity, as indicated in
your application work plan. The Agency
understands that fiscal year 2018 and
fiscal year 2019 recipients may have had
loss of operations due to COVID–19 and
will work with them to determine an
acceptable grant period if they are
awarded in fiscal year 2020 in
accordance with OMB Memoranda M–
20–11, M–20–26 and 2 CFR 200.308.
(e) Multiple Application Eligibility.
The Consortium, including its members,
is limited to submitting one application
for funding under this Notice. We will
not accept applications from
Consortiums that include members who
are also members of other Consortiums
that have submitted applications for
funding under this Notice. If we
discover that a Consortium member is a
member of multiple Consortiums with
applications submitted for funding
under this Notice, all applications will
be considered ineligible for funding.
(f) Satisfactory Performance
Eligibility. If you have an existing DHCS
award, you must be performing
satisfactorily to be considered eligible
for a new DHCS award. Satisfactory
performance includes being up to date
on all financial and performance reports
as prescribed in the grant award, and
current on tasks and timeframes for
utilizing grant and matching funds as
approved in the work plan and budget.
If you have any unspent grant funds on
DHCS awards prior to FY 2017, your
application will not be considered for
funding. If your FY 2018 or FY 2019
award has unspent funds of 50 percent
or more than what your approved work
plan and budget projected at the time
your FY 2020 application is evaluated,
your application may not be considered
for funding. The Agency will verify the
performance status of FY 2018 and 2019
awards and make a determination after
the FY 2020 application period closes.
The Agency understands that fiscal year
2019 recipients may have had a loss of
operations due to COVID–19 and will
consider providing flexibility in terms
of fund utilization on FY 19 awards
with acceptable justification of delays
resulting from the COVID–19 pandemic
in accordance with OMB Memorandum
M–20–26 and 2 CFR 200.343.
(g) Completeness Eligibility. Your
application must provide all the
information requested in Section D.2. of
this Notice. Applications lacking
sufficient information to determine
eligibility and scoring will be deemed
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ineligible and will not be considered for
(h) Indirect Costs. Your negotiated
indirect cost rate approval does not
need to be included in your application,
but you will be required to provide it if
a grant is awarded. Approval for
indirect costs that are requested in an
application without an approved
indirect cost rate agreement is at the
discretion of the Agency.
D. Application and Submission
1. Address To Request Application
The application template for this
funding opportunity is located at https://
delta-health-care-services-grants. Use of
the application template is strongly
recommended to assist you with the
application process. You may also
contact your State Office for more
information. Contact information for
State Offices is located at https://
2. Content and Form of Application
You must submit your application
electronically through Your
application must contain all required
To apply electronically, you must
follow the instructions for this funding
announcement at https:// Please note that we
cannot accept applications through
mail, courier delivery, in-person
delivery, email or fax.
You can locate the
downloadable application package for
this program by using a keyword, the
program name, or the CFDA number for
this program.
When you enter the
website, you will find information about
applying electronically through the site,
as well as the hours of operation.
To use, you must already
have a DUNS number and you must also
be registered and maintain registration
in SAM. We strongly recommend that
you do not wait until the application
deadline date to begin the application
process through
You must submit all application
documents electronically through Applications must include
electronic signatures. Original
signatures may be required if funds are
After applying electronically through, you will receive an
automatic acknowledgement from that contains a
tracking number.
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The organization submitting the
application will be considered the lead
entity. The Contact/Program Manager
must be associated with the lead entity
submitting the application.
Your application must also contain
the following required forms and
proposal elements:
(a) Form SF–424, ‘‘Application for
Federal Assistance.’’ The application for
Federal assistance must be completed
by the lead entity as described in
Section C.1. of this Notice. Your
application must include your DUNS
number and SAM Commercial and
Government Entity (CAGE) code and
expiration date (or evidence that you
have begun the SAM registration
process). Because there are no specific
fields for a CAGE code and expiration
date, you may identify them anywhere
you want to on the form. If you do not
include the CAGE code and expiration
date and the DUNS number in your
application, it will not be considered for
funding. The form must be signed by an
authorized representative. In accordance
with OMB Memoranda M–20–11 and
M–20–26, the Agency can accept an
application without an active SAM
registration. However, the registration
must be completed before an award is
made. Current registrants in SAM with
active registrations expiring before May
16, 2020 will be afforded a one-time
extension of 60 days.
(b) Form SF–424A, ‘‘Budget
Programs.’’ This form must be
completed and submitted as part of the
application package. You no longer
must complete the Form SF 424B,
Programs’’ as a part of your application.
This information is now collected
through your registration or annual
recertification in through the
Financial Assistance General
Certifications and Representation.
(c) Form SF–424C, ‘‘Budget
Information—Construction Programs.’’
This form must be completed, signed,
and submitted as part of the application
package for construction Projects. You
no longer must complete the Form SF
424D, ‘‘Assurances—Construction
Programs’’ as a part of your application.
This information is now collected
through your registration or annual
recertification in
(d) Executive Summary. A summary
of the proposal, not to exceed one page,
briefly describing the Project, tasks to be
completed, and other relevant
information that provides a general
overview of the Project must be
(e) Evidence of Eligibility. Evidence of
the Consortium’s eligibility to apply
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 133 / Friday, July 10, 2020 / Notices
under this Notice must be provided.
This section must include a detailed
summary demonstrating how each
Consortium member meets the
definition of an eligible entity as
defined under Definitions of this Notice.
(f) Consortium Agreements. The
application must include a formal
written agreement with each
Consortium member that addresses the
negotiated arrangements for
administering the Project to meet Project
goals, the Consortium member’s
responsibilities to comply with
administrative, financial, and reporting
requirements of the grant, including
those necessary to ensure compliance
with all applicable Federal regulations
and policies, and facilitate a smooth
functioning collaborative venture.
Under the agreement, each Consortium
member must perform a substantive role
in the Project and not merely serve as
a conduit of funds to another party or
parties. This agreement must be signed
by an authorized representative of the
lead entity and an authorized
representative of each partnering
consortium entity.
(g) Scoring Criteria. Each of the
scoring criteria in this Notice must be
addressed in narrative form. Failure to
address each scoring criterion will
result in the application being
determined ineligible.
(h) Performance Measures. The
Agency has established annual
performance measures to evaluate the
DHCS program. Estimates on the
following performance measures, as part
of your application, must be provided:
• Number of businesses assisted;
• Number of jobs created;
• Number of jobs saved;
• Number of individuals assisted/
It is permissible to have a zero in a
performance element. When calculating
jobs created, estimates should be based
upon actual jobs to be created by your
organization as a result of the DHCS
funding or actual jobs to be created by
businesses as a result of assistance from
your organization. When calculating
jobs saved, estimates should be based
only on actual jobs that would have
been lost if your organization did not
receive DHCS funding or actual jobs that
would have been lost without assistance
from your organization.
You can also suggest additional
performance elements for example
where job creation or jobs saved may
not be a relevant indicator. These
additional elements should be specific,
measurable performance elements that
could be included in an award
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(i) Financial Information and
Sustainability. Current financial
statements and a narrative description
demonstrating sustainability of the
Project, all of which show sufficient
resources and expertise to undertake
and complete the Project and how the
Project will be sustained following
completion must be provided.
Applicants must provide three years of
pro-forma financial statements for the
(j) Evidence of Legal Authority and
Existence. The lead entity must provide
evidence of its legal existence and
authority to enter into a grant agreement
with the Agency and perform the
activities proposed under the grant
(k) Service Area Maps. Maps with
sufficient detail to show the area that
will benefit from the proposed facilities
and services and the location of the
facilities improved or purchased with
grant funds, if applicable, must be
(l) You must certify that there are no
current outstanding Federal judgments
against your property and that you will
not use grant funds to pay for any
judgment obtained by the United States.
You must also certify that you are not
delinquent on the payment of Federal
income taxes, or any Federal debt. To
satisfy the Certification requirement,
you should include this statement in
your application: ‘‘[INSERT NAME OF
APPLICANT] certifies that the United
States has not obtained an unsatisfied
judgment against its property, is not
delinquent on the payment of Federal
income taxes, or any Federal debt, and
will not use grant funds to pay any
judgments obtained by the United
States.’’ A separate signature is not
(m) Environmental information
necessary to support the Agency’s
environmental finding. Required
information can be found in 7 CFR part
1970, specifically in subpart B, Exhibit
C, and subpart C, Exhibit B. These
documents can be found here: https://
Non-construction Projects applying
under this Notice are hereby classified
as Categorical Exclusions according to 7
CFR 1970.53(b), the award of financial
assistance for planning purposes,
management and feasibility studies, or
environmental impact analyses, which
do not require any additional
3. DUNS Number and SAM Registration
To be eligible (unless you are
exempted under 2 CFR 25.110(b), (c) or
(d)), you are required to:
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(a) Provide a valid DUNS number in
your application, which can be obtained
at no cost via a toll-free request line at
(866) 705–5711;
(b) Register in SAM before submitting
your application. You may register in
SAM at no cost at
SAM/. You must provide your SAM
CAGE Code and expiration date. When
registering in SAM, you must indicate
you are applying for a Federal financial
assistance project or program or are
currently the recipient of funding under
any Federal financial assistance project
or program; and
(c) The SAM registration must remain
active with current information at all
times while the Agency is considering
an application or while a Federal grant
award or loan is active. To maintain the
registration in the SAM database the
applicant must review and update the
information in the SAM database
annually from date of initial registration
or from the date of the last update. The
applicant must ensure that the
information in the database is current,
accurate, and complete. Applicants
must ensure they complete the
Financial Assistance General
Certifications and Representations in
• If you have not fully complied with
all applicable DUNS and SAM
requirements, the Agency may
determine that the applicant is not
qualified to receive a Federal award and
the Agency may use that determination
as a basis for making an award to
another applicant. Please refer to
Section F.2 for additional submission
requirements that apply to grantees
selected for this program. In accordance
with OMB Memoranda M–20–11 and
M–20–26, the Agency can accept an
application without an active SAM
registration. However, the registration
must be completed before an award is
made. Current registrants in SAM with
active registrations expiring before May
16, 2020 will be afforded a one-time
extension of 60 days.
4. Submission Date and Time
Application Deadline Date. August
24, 2020.
Explanation of Deadline: Electronic
applications must be received by https:// by midnight Eastern
Standard Time August 24, 2020, to be
eligible for funding. Please review the website at https://
organization-registration.html for
instructions on the process of registering
your organization as soon as possible to
ensure you can meet the electronic
application deadline. will
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 133 / Friday, July 10, 2020 / Notices
not accept applications submitted after
the deadline.
5. Intergovernmental Review
Executive Order (E.O.) 12372,
Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs, applies to this program. This
E.O. requires that Federal agencies
provide opportunities for consultation
on proposed assistance with State and
local governments. Many States have
established a Single Point of Contact
(SPOC) to facilitate this consultation.
For a list of States that maintain a SPOC,
please see the White House website: If your State has a SPOC, you
may submit your application directly for
review. Any comments obtained
through the SPOC must be provided to
your State Office for consideration as
part of your application. If your State
has not established a SPOC or you do
not want to submit your application to
the SPOC, your State Office will submit
your application to the SPOC or other
appropriate agency or agencies.
You are also encouraged to contact
Honie Turner, Program Management
Division at 202–720–1400 or CPgrants@ if you have questions about
this process.
6. Funding Restrictions
Project Funds may not be used for
ineligible purposes. In addition, you
may not use Project Funds for the
(a) To duplicate current services or to
replace or to substitute support
previously provided. However, Project
Funds may be used to expand the level
of effort or a service beyond what is
currently being provided;
(b) To pay for costs to prepare the
application for funding under this
(c) To pay for costs of the Project
incurred prior to the effective date of the
period of performance;
(d) To pay expenses for applicant
employee training not directly related to
the Project;
(e) Fund political activities;
(f) To pay for assistance to any private
business enterprise which does not have
at least 51 percent ownership by those
who are either citizens of the United
States or reside in the United States
after being legally admitted for
permanent residence;
(g) To pay any judgment or debt owed
to the United States;
(h) Engage in any activities that are
considered a Conflict of Interest, as
defined by this Notice; or
(i) Fund any activities prohibited by
2 CFR part 200;
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In addition, your application will not
be considered for funding if it does any
of the following:
i. Requests more than the maximum
grant amount: or
ii. Proposes ineligible costs that equal
more than 10 percent of the Project
We will consider your application for
funding if it includes ineligible costs of
10 percent or less of total Project Funds,
if it is determined eligible otherwise.
However, if your application is
successful, those ineligible costs must
be removed and replaced with eligible
costs before the Agency will make the
grant award or the amount of the grant
award will be reduced accordingly. If
we cannot determine the percentage of
ineligible costs, your application will
not be considered for funding.
7. Other Submission Requirements
(a) Applications will not be accepted
if the text is less than 11-point font. You
must submit your application
electronically, through You
can find State Office contact
information at:
contact-us/state-offices. You must
follow the instructions for this funding
announcement at https:// A password is not
required to access the website.
(b) National Environmental Policy
Act. This Notice has been reviewed in
accordance with 7 CFR part 1970,
‘‘Environmental Policies and
Procedures.’’ We have determined that
an Environmental Impact Statement is
not required because the issuance of
regulations and instructions, as well as
amendments to them, describing
administrative and financial procedures
for processing, approving, and
implementing the Agency’s financial
programs is categorically excluded in
the Agency’s National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA) regulation found at 7
CFR 1970.53(f). We have determined
that this Notice does not constitute a
major Federal action significantly
affecting the quality of the human
The Agency will review each grant
application to determine its compliance
with 7 CFR part 1970. The applicant
may be asked to provide additional
information or documentation to assist
the Agency with this determination.
(c) Civil Rights Compliance
Requirements. All grants made under
this Notice are subject to Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 as required by
the USDA (7 CFR part 15, subpart A)
and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973.
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E. Application Review Information
The State Offices will review
applications to determine if they are
eligible for assistance based on
requirements in this Notice, and other
applicable Federal regulations. If
determined eligible, your application
will be scored by a panel of USDA
employees in accordance with the point
allocation specified in this Notice.
Applications will be funded in rank
order until the funding limitation has
been reached. Applications that cannot
be fully funded may be offered partial
funding at the Agency’s discretion.
1. Scoring Criteria
All eligible and complete applications
will be evaluated based on the following
criteria. Evaluators will base scores only
on the information provided or crossreferenced by page number in each
individual scoring criterion. DHCS is a
competitive program, so you will
receive scores based on the quality of
your responses. Simply addressing the
criteria will not guarantee higher scores.
The total points possible for the criteria
are 110. The minimum score
requirement for funding is 60 points. It
is at the Agency’s discretion to fund
applications with a score of 59 points or
less if it is in the best interest of the
Federal Government.
(a) Community Needs and Benefits
Derived from the Project (maximum of
30 points). A panel of USDA employees
will assess how the Project will benefit
the residents in the Delta Region. This
criterion will be scored based on the
documentation in support of the
community needs for health services
and public health-related facilities and
the benefits to people living in the Delta
Region derived from the
implementation of the proposed Project.
It should lead clearly to the
identification of the Project participant
pool and the target population for the
Project and provide convincing links
between the Project and the benefits to
the community to address its health
needs. You must discuss the:
(1) Health care needs/issues/
challenges facing the service area and
explain how the identified needs/
issues/challenges were determined.
Discussion should also identify
problems faced by the residents in the
(2) Proposed assistance to be provided
to the service area and how the Project
will benefit the residents in the region.
(3) Implementation plan for the
Project and provide milestones which
are well-defined and can be realistically
(4) Expected outcomes of the
proposed Project and how they will be
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 133 / Friday, July 10, 2020 / Notices
tracked and monitored. You should
attempt to quantify benefits in terms of
outcomes from the Project; that is, ways
in which peoples’ lives, or the
community, will be improved. Provide
estimates of the number of people
affected by the benefits arising from the
(b) The Project Management and
Organization Capability (maximum of
30 points). A panel of USDA employees
will evaluate the Consortium’s
experience, past performance, and
accomplishments addressing health care
issues to ensure effective Project
implementation. This criterion will be
scored based on the documentation of
the Project’s management and
organizational capability. You must
(1) Your organization’s management
and fiscal structure including welldefined roles for administrators, staff,
and established financial management
(2) Relevant qualifications,
capabilities, and educational
background of the identified key
personnel (at a minimum the Project
Manager) who will manage and
implement programs.
(3) Your organization’s current
successful and effective experience (or
demonstrated experience within the
past five years) addressing the health
care issues in the Delta Region.
(4) Your organization’s experience
managing grant-funded programs.
(5) The extent to which
administrative/management costs are
balanced with funds designated for the
provision of programs and services.
(6) The extent and diversity of eligible
entity types within the applicant’s
Consortium of regional institutions of
higher education, academic health and
research institutes, and economic
development entities located in the
Delta Region.
(c) Work Plan and Budget (maximum
of 30 points). You must provide a work
plan and budget that includes the
following: (1) The specific activities,
such as programs, services, trainings,
and/or construction-related activities for
a facility to be performed under the
Project; (2) the estimated line item costs
associated with each activity, including
grant funds and other necessary sources
of funds; (3) the key personnel who will
carry out each activity (including each
Consortium member’s role); and (4) the
specific time frames for completion of
each activity.
An eligible start and end date for the
Project and for individual Project tasks
must be clearly shown and may not
exceed Agency specified timeframes for
the grant period. You must show the
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source and use of both grant and other
contributions for all tasks. Other
contributions must be spent at a rate
equal to, or in advance of, grant funds.
A panel of USDA employees will
evaluate your work plan for detailed
actions and an accompanying timetable
for implementing the proposal. Clear
and comprehensive work plans
detailing all project goals, tasks,
timelines, costs, and responsible
personnel in a logical and realistic
manner will result in a higher score.
(d) Local Support (maximum 10
points). A panel of USDA employees
will evaluate your application for local
support of the proposed Project. The
application must include
documentation detailing support
solicited from local government, public
health care providers, and other entities
in the Delta Region. Evidence of support
can include; but is not limited to
surveys conducted amongst Delta
Region residents and stakeholders, notes
from focus groups, or letters of support
from local entities.
(e) Administrator Discretionary Points
(maximum of 10 points). The
Administrator may choose to award:
i. Up to 5 points for projects with a
primary purpose of providing treatment
and counseling services for opioid
abuse. Applicants who want to be
considered for discretionary points must
discuss how their workplan and budget
addresses opioid misuse in the Delta
Region; and
ii. up to 5 points for projects that seek
to help rural communities build robust
and sustainable economies through
strategic investment in infrastructure,
partnerships and innovation. Eligible
applicants who want to be considered
for discretionary points must discuss
how their workplan and budget
supports one or more of the five
following key strategies:
• Achieving e-Connectivity for Rural
• Improving Quality of Life;
• Supporting a Rural Workforce;
• Harnessing Technological
Innovation; and
• Economic Development.
2. Review and Selection Process
The State Offices will review
applications to determine if they are
eligible for assistance based on
requirements in this Notice, and other
applicable Federal regulations. If
determined eligible, your application
will be scored by a panel of USDA
employees in accordance with the point
allocation specified in this Notice. The
review panel will convene to reach a
consensus on the scores for each of the
eligible applications. The Administrator
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may choose to award up to 10
Administrator discretionary points
based on criterion (e) in section E.1. of
this Notice. These points will be added
to the cumulative score for a total
possible score of 110. Applications will
be funded in highest ranking order until
the funding limitation has been reached.
Applications that cannot be fully
funded may be offered partial funding at
the Agency’s discretion. If your
application is ranked and not funded, it
will not be carried forward into the next
F. Federal Award Administration
1. Federal Award Notices
If you are selected for funding, you
will receive a signed notice of Federal
award by postal or electronic mail,
containing instructions on requirements
necessary to proceed with execution
and performance of the award.
If you are not selected for funding,
you will be notified in writing via postal
or electronic mail and informed of any
review and appeal rights. Funding of
successfully appealed applications will
be limited to available FY 2020 funding.
2. Administrative and National Policy
Additional requirements that apply to
grantees selected for this in program can
be found in 2 CFR parts 25, 170, 180,
200, 400, 415, 417, 418, and 421; and 48
CFR 31.2, and successor regulations to
these parts. All recipients of Federal
financial assistance are required to
report information about first tier
subawards and executive compensation
(see 2 CFR part 170). You will be
required to have the necessary processes
and systems in place to comply with the
Federal Funding Accountability and
Transparency Act reporting
requirements (see 2 CFR 170.200(b),
unless you are exempt under 2 CFR
170.110(b)). These regulations may be
obtained at
The following additional
requirements apply to grantees selected
for this program:
• Execution of an Agency approved
Grant Agreement.
• Acceptance of a written Letter of
• Submission of Form RD 1940–1,
‘‘Request for Obligation of Funds.’’
• Submission of Form RD 1942–46,
‘‘Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions.’’
• RD Instruction 1940–Q, Exhibit A–
1, ‘‘Certification for Contracts, Grants
and Loans.’’
• SF–LLL, ‘‘Disclosure of Lobbying
Activities’’ if applicable.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 133 / Friday, July 10, 2020 / Notices
You no longer must complete the
following five forms for acceptance of a
Federal award. This information is now
collected through your registration or
annual recertification in in the
Financial Assistance General
Certifications and Representations
• Form AD–1047, ‘‘Certification
Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and
Other Responsibility Matters-Primary
Covered Transactions.’’
• Form AD–1048, ‘‘Certification
Regarding Debarment, Suspension,
Ineligibility and Voluntary ExclusionLower Tier Covered Transactions.’’
• Form AD–1049, ‘‘Certification
Regarding a Drug-Free Workplace
Requirement (Grants).’’
• Form AD–3031, ‘‘Assurance
Regarding Felony Conviction or Tax
Delinquent Status for Corporate
Applicants.’’ Must be signed by
corporate applicants who receive an
award under this Notice.
• Form RD 400–4 ‘‘Assurance
3. Reporting
After grant approval and through
grant completion, you will be required
to provide the following:
a. A SF–425, ‘‘Federal Financial
Report,’’ and a project performance
report will be required on a semiannual
basis (due 30 working days after end of
the semiannual period). For the
purposes of this grant, semiannual
periods end on June 30th and December
31st. The project performance reports
shall include a comparison of actual
accomplishments to the objectives
established for that period;
b. Reasons why established objectives
were not met, if applicable;
c. Reasons for any problems, delays,
or adverse conditions, if any, which
have affected or will affect attainment of
overall project objectives, prevent
meeting time schedules or objectives, or
preclude the attainment of particular
objectives during established time
periods. This disclosure shall be
accompanied by a statement of the
action taken or planned to resolve the
situation; and
d. Objectives and timetable
established for the next reporting
e. Provide a final project and financial
status report within 90 days after the
expiration or termination of the grant.
f. Provide outcome project
performance reports and final
G. Agency Contacts
For general questions about this
announcement and for program
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Technical Assistance, please contact the
appropriate State Office at https:// You may also contact Honie
Turner, Program Management Division,
Direct Programs Branch, Rural BusinessCooperative Service, USDA at (202)
720–1400 or email
You are also encouraged to visit the
application website for application
tools, including an application template.
The website address is: https://
H. Other Information
Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal civil
rights law and U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) civil rights
regulations and policies, the USDA, its
Agencies, offices, and employees, and
institutions participating in or
administering USDA programs are
prohibited from discriminating based on
race, color, national origin, religion, sex,
gender identity (including gender
expression), sexual orientation,
disability, age, marital status, family/
parental status, income derived from a
public assistance program, political
beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior
civil rights activity, in any program or
activity conducted or funded by USDA
(not all bases apply to all programs).
Remedies and complaint filing
deadlines vary by program or incident.
Persons with disabilities who require
alternative means of communication for
program information (e.g., braille, large
print, audiotape, American Sign
Language, etc.) should contact the
responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET
Center at (202) 720–2600 (voice and
TTY) or contact USDA through the
Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–8339.
Additionally, program information may
be made available in languages other
than English.
To file a program discrimination
complaint, complete the USDA Program
Discrimination Complaint Form, AD–
3027, found online at https://
cust.html and at any USDA office or
write a letter addressed to USDA and
provide in the letter all the information
requested in the form. To request a copy
of the complaint form, call (866) 632–
9992. Submit your completed form or
letter to USDA by:
(1) Mail: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20250–9410;
(2) Fax: (202) 690–7442; or
PO 00000
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(3) Email:
Mark Brodziski,
Acting Administrator, Rural BusinessCooperative Service.
[FR Doc. 2020–14849 Filed 7–9–20; 8:45 am]
Rural Utilities Service
[Docket No. RUS–20–ELECTRIC–0029]
Notice of Request for Extension of a
Currently Approved Information
Rural Utilities Service, USDA.
Notice; comment requested.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Rural Utilities Service (RUS) invites
comments on this information
collection for which approval from the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) will be requested. The intention
is to request an extension for a currently
approved information collection in
support of the RUS Electric Loan
Application and Related Reporting
DATES: Comments on this notice must be
received by September 8, 2020 to be
assured of consideration.
Robin M. Jones, Rural Development
Innovation Center—Regulations
Management Division, USDA, 1400
Independence Avenue SW, Room 2445,
South Building, Washington, DC 20250.
Telephone: (202) 772–1172. email
of Management and Budget’s (OMB)
regulation (5 CFR 1320) implementing
provisions of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13) requires
that interested members of the public
and affected agencies have an
opportunity to comment on information
collection and recordkeeping activities
(see 5 CFR 1320.8(d)). This notice
identifies an information collection that
RHS is submitting to OMB for
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the Agency,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of
the Agency’s estimate of the burden of
the proposed collection of information
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information to be
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 133 (Friday, July 10, 2020)]
[Pages 41524-41531]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-14849]
Rural Business-Cooperative Service
[Docket #: RBS-20-CO-OP-0021]
Inviting Applications for the Delta Health Care Services Grant
AGENCY: Rural Business-Cooperative Service, Department of Agriculture
ACTION: Notice of Funding Availability.
SUMMARY: This Notice of Funding Availability (Notice) announces that
the Rural Business-Cooperative Service (Agency) is accepting fiscal
year (FY) 2020 applications for the Delta Health Care Services (DHCS)
grant program. Approximately $6.0 million is currently available for FY
2020. The Agency will publish the program funding level on the Rural
Development website The purpose of this program is to provide
financial assistance to address the continued unmet health needs in the
Delta Region through cooperation among health care professionals,
institutions of higher education, research institutions, and economic
development entities in the Delta Region.
DATES: Completed applications for grants must be submitted
electronically by no later than midnight Eastern Standard Time August
24, 2020 through to be eligible for grant
funding. Please review the website at for
instructions on the process of registering your organization as soon as
possible to ensure you are able to meet the electronic application
deadline. Late applications are not eligible for funding under this
Notice and will not be evaluated.
ADDRESSES: You are encouraged to contact your USDA Rural Development
State Office well in advance of the application deadline to discuss
your Project and ask any questions about the application process.
Contact information for State Offices can be found at
Program guidance as well as application templates may be obtained
at or by contacting your State Office. To submit an electronic
application, follow the instructions for the DHCS funding announcement
located at Please review the website
at for instructions on the process of registering your
organization as soon as possible to ensure you are able to meet the
electronic application deadline. You are strongly encouraged to file
your application early and allow sufficient time to manage any
technical issues that may arise.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Honie Turner, Program Management
Division, Rural Business-Cooperative Service, United States Department
of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Mail Stop 3226, Room 4204-
South, Washington, DC 20250-3226, 202-720-1400 or email
[email protected].
The Agency encourages applications that will support
recommendations made in the Rural Prosperity Task Force report to help
improve life in rural America. Applicants are encouraged to consider projects that provide
measurable results in helping rural communities build robust and
sustainable economies through strategic investments in infrastructure,
partnerships and innovation. Key strategies include:
Achieving e-Connectivity for Rural America
Developing the Rural Economy
Harnessing Technological Innovation
Supporting a Rural Workforce
Improving Quality of Life
Federal Agency Name: USDA Rural Business-Cooperative Service.
Funding Opportunity Title: Delta Health Care Services Grant
Announcement Type: Initial Notice.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 10.874.
Dates: Application Deadline. Your electronic application must be
received by no later than Midnight Eastern
Standard Time August 24, 2020, or it will not be considered for
Hemp Related Projects
Funding cannot be provided to a project involving hemp unless the
Agency can verify that the hemp producer providing hemp to the project
has a valid license issued from an approved State, Tribal or Federal
plan as defined by the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, Public Law
115-334. Verification will occur at the time of award.
Persistent Poverty Counties
The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, SEC. 740
designates funding for projects in Persistent Poverty Counties.
Persistent Poverty Counties as defined in
SEC. 740 is ``any county that has had 20 percent or more of its
population living in poverty over the past 30 years, as measured by the
1990 and 2000 decennial censuses, and 2007-2011 American Community
Survey 5-year average, or any territory or possession of the United
States''. Another provision in Section 740 expands the eligible
population in Persistent Poverty Counties to include any county seat of
such a Persistent Poverty County that has a population that does not
exceed the authorized population limit by more than 10 percent.
Therefore, applications for projects in Persistent Poverty County seats
with populations up to 55,000 (per the 2010 Census) are eligible.
Funding of approximately $4.5 million is available to support
Persistent Poverty Counties.
COVID-19 Administrative Relief Exceptions: The Agency reviewed the
[[Page 41525]]
Office of Budget and Management's (OMB) Memoranda M-20-11,
``Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal
Financial Assistance directly impacted by the novel coronavirus (COVID-
19)'' and M-20-26, ``Extension of Administrative Relief for Recipients
and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations'' and has made
every attempt to reduce administrative burden with in our authority.
Any reduction in burden will be discussed within the requirement.
The Agency will not solicit or consider new scoring or eligibility
information that is submitted after the application deadline. The
Agency reserves the right to contact applicants to seek clarification
on materials contained in the submitted application. See the
Application Guide for a full discussion of each item. For requirements
of completed grant applications, refer to Section D of this document.
Executive Order (E.O.) 13175 Consultation and Coordination With Indian
Tribal Governments
This Executive order imposes requirements on Rural Development in
the development of regulatory policies that have tribal implications or
preempt tribal laws. Rural Development has determined that this Notice
does not have a substantial direct effect on one or more Indian
tribe(s) or on either the relationship or the distribution of powers
and responsibilities between the Federal Government and the Indian
tribes. Thus, this Notice is not subject to the requirements of
Executive Order 13175. Tribal Consultation inquiries and comments
should be directed to RD's Native American Coordinator at [email protected]
or (720) 544-2911.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act requires Federal agencies to seek and
obtain Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval before
undertaking a collection of information directed to ten or more
persons. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. chapter 35), the Agency conducted an analysis to determine the
number of applications the Agency estimates that it will receive under
the DHCS grant program. It was determined that the estimated number of
applications was fewer than nine and in accordance with 5 CFR part
1320, thus OMB approval is not necessary at this time.
A. Program Description
The DHCS program is authorized by Section 379G of the Consolidated
Farm and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. 2008u), as amended by the
Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (Pub. L. 115-334). The primary
objective of the program is to provide financial assistance to address
the continued unmet health needs in the Delta Region through
cooperation among health care professionals, institutions of higher
education, research institutions, and other individuals and entities in
the Delta Region. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. The
maximum award amount per grant is $1,000,000.
The definitions you need to understand are as follows:
Academic Health and Research Institute--A combination of a medical
school, one or more other health profession schools or educational
training programs (such as allied health, dentistry, graduate studies,
nursing, pharmacy, public health), and one or more owned or affiliated
teaching hospitals or health systems; or a health care nonprofit
organization or health system, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals, that conduct health related research.
Conflict of Interest--A situation in which a person or entity has
competing personal, professional, or financial interests that make it
difficult for the person or business to act impartially. Federal
procurement standards prohibit transactions that involve a real or
apparent conflict of interest for owners, employees, officers, agents,
or their immediate family members having a financial or other interest
in the outcome of the Project; or that restrict open and free
competition for unrestrained trade. Specifically, Project Funds may not
be used for services or goods going to, or coming from, a person or
entity with a real or apparent conflict of interest, including, but not
limited to, owner(s) and their immediate family members. An example of
conflict of interest occurs when the consortium member's employees,
board of directors, or the immediate family of either, have the
appearance of a professional or personal financial interest in the
recipients receiving the benefits or services of the grant.
Consortium--A group of three or more entities that are regional
Institutions of Higher Education, Academic Health and Research
Institutes, and/or Economic Development Entities located in the Delta
Region that have at least one year of prior experience in addressing
the health care issues in the region. At least one of the consortium
members must be legally organized as an incorporated organization or
other legal entity and have legal authority to contract with the
Federal Government.
Delta Region--The 252 counties and parishes within the states of
Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi,
Missouri, and Tennessee that are served by the Delta Regional
Authority. (The Delta Region may be adjusted by future Federal
statute.) To view the areas identified within the Delta Region, visit
Economic Development Entity--Any public or non-profit organization
whose primary mission is to stimulate local and regional economies
within the Delta Region by increasing employment opportunities and
duration of employment, expanding or retaining existing employers,
increasing labor rates or wage levels, reducing outmigration, and/or
creating gains in other economic development-related variables such as
land values. These activities shall primarily benefit low- and
moderate-income individuals in the Delta Region.
Health System--The complete network of agencies, facilities, and
all providers of health care to meet the health needs of a specific
geographical area or target populations.
Institution of Higher Education--A postsecondary (post-high school)
educational institution that awards a bachelor's degree or provides not
less than a two year program that is acceptable for full credit toward
such a degree, or a postsecondary vocational institution that provides
a program of training to prepare students for gainful employment in a
recognized occupation.
Nonprofit Organization--An organization or institution, including
an accredited institution of higher education, where no part of the net
earnings of which may inure, to the benefit of any private shareholder
or individual.
Project--All activities funded by the DHCS grant.
Project Funds--Grant funds requested plus any other contributions
to the proposed Project.
Rural and rural area--Any area of a State:
Not in a city or town that has a population of more than
50,000 inhabitants, according to the latest decennial census of the
United States; and
The contiguous and adjacent urbanized area,
[[Page 41526]]
Urbanized areas that are rural in character as defined by
7 U.S.C. 1991(a)(13).
For the purposes of this definition, cities and towns are
incorporated population centers with definite boundaries, local self-
government, and legal powers set forth in a charter granted by the
State--Includes each of the 50 States, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, the Virgin Islands of the United States, Guam, American Samoa,
the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and, as may be
determined by the Secretary to be feasible, appropriate and lawful, the
Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands,
and the Republic of Palau.
B. Federal Award Information
Type of Award: Competitive Grant.
Total Funding: $6,112,667.
Maximum Award: $1,000,000.
Minimum Award: $50,000.
Project Period: Up to 24 months.
Anticipated Award Date: September 30, 2020.
C. Eligibility Information
Applicants must meet all the following eligibility requirements.
Your application will not be considered for funding if it does not
provide sufficient information to determine eligibility or is missing
required elements. Applicants that fail to submit the required elements
by the application deadline will be deemed ineligible and will not be
evaluated further. Information submitted after the application deadline
will not be accepted.
1. Eligible Applicants
Grants funded through DHCS may be made to a Consortium as defined
in Paragraph A of this Notice. One member of the Consortium must be
designated as the lead entity by the other members of the Consortium
and have legal authority to contract with the Federal Government.
The lead entity is the recipient (see 2 CFR 200.86) of the DHCS
grant funds and accountable for monitoring and reporting on the Project
performance and financial management of the grant. It is expected that
the recipient will make subawards in the form of a grant, cooperative
agreement, or contract, as appropriate, to the other members of the
Consortium. If a grant or cooperative agreement is awarded, the
organization receiving the subaward is a subrecipient (see 2 CFR
200.93), and the recipient is responsible for complying with all
applicable requirements of 2 CFR part 200, including provisions for
making and monitoring an award. If a contract is awarded, the
organization receiving the subaward is a contractor, and the recipient
is responsible for following its written procurement procedures and
complying with the Federal Acquisition Regulation. Both subrecipients
and contractors are required to comply with all applicable laws and
regulations, including performance and financial reporting, as
described in their award document.
(a) An applicant is ineligible if they do not submit ``Evidence of
Eligibility'' and ``Consortium Agreements'' as described in Section
D.2. of this Notice.
(b) An applicant is ineligible if they have been debarred or
suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in
Federal assistance programs under Executive Order 12549, ``Debarment
and Suspension.'' The Agency will check the System for Award Management
(SAM) to determine if the applicant has been debarred or suspended. In
addition, an applicant will be considered ineligible for a grant due to
an outstanding judgment obtained by the U.S. in a Federal Court (other
than U.S. Tax Court), is delinquent on the payment of Federal income
taxes, or is delinquent on Federal debt. The applicant must certify as
part of the application that they do not have an outstanding judgment
against them. The Agency will check the DO NOT PAY System to verify
this information.
(c) Any corporation (i) that has been convicted of a felony
criminal violation under any Federal law within the past 24 months or
(ii) that has any unpaid Federal tax liability that has been assessed,
for which all judicial and administrative remedies have been exhausted
or have lapsed, and that is not being paid in a timely manner pursuant
to an agreement with the authority responsible for collecting the tax
liability, is not eligible for financial assistance provided with funds
appropriated by the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (Pub.
L. 116-94), unless a Federal agency has considered suspension or
debarment of the corporation and has made a determination that this
further action is not necessary to protect the interests of the
(d) Applications will be deemed ineligible if the application
includes any funding restrictions identified under Section D.6.
(e) Applications will be deemed ineligible if the application is
not complete in accordance with the requirements stated in Section C.3.
2. Cost Sharing or Matching
Matching funds are not required. However, if you are adding any
other contributions to the proposed Project, you must provide
documentation indicating who will be providing the matching funds, the
amount of funds, when those funds will be provided, and how the funds
will be used in the Project budget. Examples of acceptable
documentation include: A signed letter from the source of funds stating
the amount of funds, when the funds will be provided, and what the
funds can be used for or a signed resolution from your governing board
authorizing the use of a specified amount of funds for specific
components of the Project. The matching funds you identify must be for
eligible purposes and included in your work plan and budget.
Additionally, expected program income may not be used as matching funds
at the time you submit your application. If you choose, you may use a
template to summarize the matching funds. The template is available
either from your State Office or the program website at:
3. Other Eligibility Requirements
(a) Use of Funds. Your application must propose to use Project
Funds for eligible purposes. Eligible Project purposes include the
development of:
Health care services;
health education programs;
health care job training programs; and
the development and expansion of public health-related
facilities in the Delta Region.
(b) Project Eligibility. The proposed Project must take place
within the Delta Region as defined in this Notice. However, the
applicant need not propose to serve the entire Delta Region.
(c) Project Input. Your proposed Project must be developed based on
input from local governments, public health care providers, and other
entities in the Delta Region.
(d) Grant Period Eligibility. All awards are limited to up to a 24-
month grant period based upon the complexity of the Project. Your
proposed grant period should begin no earlier than October 1, 2020 and
should end no later than 24 months following that date. If you receive
an award, your grant period will be revised to begin on the actual date
of award--the date the grant agreement is executed by the Agency--and
your grant period end date will be adjusted accordingly. Your Project
activities must begin within 90 days of the date of award. If you
request funds for a time
[[Page 41527]]
period beginning before October 1, 2020, and/or ending later than 24
months from that date, your application will be ineligible. The length
of your grant period should be based on your Project's complexity, as
indicated in your application work plan. The Agency understands that
fiscal year 2018 and fiscal year 2019 recipients may have had loss of
operations due to COVID-19 and will work with them to determine an
acceptable grant period if they are awarded in fiscal year 2020 in
accordance with OMB Memoranda M-20-11, M-20-26 and 2 CFR 200.308.
(e) Multiple Application Eligibility. The Consortium, including its
members, is limited to submitting one application for funding under
this Notice. We will not accept applications from Consortiums that
include members who are also members of other Consortiums that have
submitted applications for funding under this Notice. If we discover
that a Consortium member is a member of multiple Consortiums with
applications submitted for funding under this Notice, all applications
will be considered ineligible for funding.
(f) Satisfactory Performance Eligibility. If you have an existing
DHCS award, you must be performing satisfactorily to be considered
eligible for a new DHCS award. Satisfactory performance includes being
up to date on all financial and performance reports as prescribed in
the grant award, and current on tasks and timeframes for utilizing
grant and matching funds as approved in the work plan and budget. If
you have any unspent grant funds on DHCS awards prior to FY 2017, your
application will not be considered for funding. If your FY 2018 or FY
2019 award has unspent funds of 50 percent or more than what your
approved work plan and budget projected at the time your FY 2020
application is evaluated, your application may not be considered for
funding. The Agency will verify the performance status of FY 2018 and
2019 awards and make a determination after the FY 2020 application
period closes. The Agency understands that fiscal year 2019 recipients
may have had a loss of operations due to COVID-19 and will consider
providing flexibility in terms of fund utilization on FY 19 awards with
acceptable justification of delays resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic
in accordance with OMB Memorandum M-20-26 and 2 CFR 200.343.
(g) Completeness Eligibility. Your application must provide all the
information requested in Section D.2. of this Notice. Applications
lacking sufficient information to determine eligibility and scoring
will be deemed ineligible and will not be considered for scoring.
(h) Indirect Costs. Your negotiated indirect cost rate approval
does not need to be included in your application, but you will be
required to provide it if a grant is awarded. Approval for indirect
costs that are requested in an application without an approved indirect
cost rate agreement is at the discretion of the Agency.
D. Application and Submission Information
1. Address To Request Application Package
The application template for this funding opportunity is located at Use of the application template is strongly recommended to
assist you with the application process. You may also contact your
State Office for more information. Contact information for State
Offices is located at
2. Content and Form of Application Submission
You must submit your application electronically through
Your application must contain all required information.
To apply electronically, you must follow the instructions for this
funding announcement at Please note that we
cannot accept applications through mail, courier delivery, in-person
delivery, email or fax.
You can locate the downloadable application package for
this program by using a keyword, the program name, or the CFDA number
for this program.
When you enter the website, you will find information
about applying electronically through the site, as well as the hours of
To use, you must already have a DUNS number and you must
also be registered and maintain registration in SAM. We strongly
recommend that you do not wait until the application deadline date to
begin the application process through
You must submit all application documents electronically through Applications must include electronic signatures. Original
signatures may be required if funds are awarded.
After applying electronically through, you will receive
an automatic acknowledgement from that contains a
tracking number.
The organization submitting the application will be considered the
lead entity. The Contact/Program Manager must be associated with the
lead entity submitting the application.
Your application must also contain the following required forms and
proposal elements:
(a) Form SF-424, ``Application for Federal Assistance.'' The
application for Federal assistance must be completed by the lead entity
as described in Section C.1. of this Notice. Your application must
include your DUNS number and SAM Commercial and Government Entity
(CAGE) code and expiration date (or evidence that you have begun the
SAM registration process). Because there are no specific fields for a
CAGE code and expiration date, you may identify them anywhere you want
to on the form. If you do not include the CAGE code and expiration date
and the DUNS number in your application, it will not be considered for
funding. The form must be signed by an authorized representative. In
accordance with OMB Memoranda M-20-11 and M-20-26, the Agency can
accept an application without an active SAM registration. However, the
registration must be completed before an award is made. Current
registrants in SAM with active registrations expiring before May 16,
2020 will be afforded a one-time extension of 60 days.
(b) Form SF-424A, ``Budget Information--Non-Construction
Programs.'' This form must be completed and submitted as part of the
application package. You no longer must complete the Form SF 424B,
``Assurances--Non-Construction Programs'' as a part of your
application. This information is now collected through your
registration or annual recertification in through the Financial
Assistance General Certifications and Representation.
(c) Form SF-424C, ``Budget Information--Construction Programs.''
This form must be completed, signed, and submitted as part of the
application package for construction Projects. You no longer must
complete the Form SF 424D, ``Assurances--Construction Programs'' as a
part of your application. This information is now collected through
your registration or annual recertification in
(d) Executive Summary. A summary of the proposal, not to exceed one
page, briefly describing the Project, tasks to be completed, and other
relevant information that provides a general overview of the Project
must be provided.
(e) Evidence of Eligibility. Evidence of the Consortium's
eligibility to apply
[[Page 41528]]
under this Notice must be provided. This section must include a
detailed summary demonstrating how each Consortium member meets the
definition of an eligible entity as defined under Definitions of this
(f) Consortium Agreements. The application must include a formal
written agreement with each Consortium member that addresses the
negotiated arrangements for administering the Project to meet Project
goals, the Consortium member's responsibilities to comply with
administrative, financial, and reporting requirements of the grant,
including those necessary to ensure compliance with all applicable
Federal regulations and policies, and facilitate a smooth functioning
collaborative venture. Under the agreement, each Consortium member must
perform a substantive role in the Project and not merely serve as a
conduit of funds to another party or parties. This agreement must be
signed by an authorized representative of the lead entity and an
authorized representative of each partnering consortium entity.
(g) Scoring Criteria. Each of the scoring criteria in this Notice
must be addressed in narrative form. Failure to address each scoring
criterion will result in the application being determined ineligible.
(h) Performance Measures. The Agency has established annual
performance measures to evaluate the DHCS program. Estimates on the
following performance measures, as part of your application, must be
Number of businesses assisted;
Number of jobs created;
Number of jobs saved;
Number of individuals assisted/trained.
It is permissible to have a zero in a performance element. When
calculating jobs created, estimates should be based upon actual jobs to
be created by your organization as a result of the DHCS funding or
actual jobs to be created by businesses as a result of assistance from
your organization. When calculating jobs saved, estimates should be
based only on actual jobs that would have been lost if your
organization did not receive DHCS funding or actual jobs that would
have been lost without assistance from your organization.
You can also suggest additional performance elements for example
where job creation or jobs saved may not be a relevant indicator. These
additional elements should be specific, measurable performance elements
that could be included in an award document.
(i) Financial Information and Sustainability. Current financial
statements and a narrative description demonstrating sustainability of
the Project, all of which show sufficient resources and expertise to
undertake and complete the Project and how the Project will be
sustained following completion must be provided. Applicants must
provide three years of pro-forma financial statements for the Project.
(j) Evidence of Legal Authority and Existence. The lead entity must
provide evidence of its legal existence and authority to enter into a
grant agreement with the Agency and perform the activities proposed
under the grant application.
(k) Service Area Maps. Maps with sufficient detail to show the area
that will benefit from the proposed facilities and services and the
location of the facilities improved or purchased with grant funds, if
applicable, must be provided.
(l) You must certify that there are no current outstanding Federal
judgments against your property and that you will not use grant funds
to pay for any judgment obtained by the United States. You must also
certify that you are not delinquent on the payment of Federal income
taxes, or any Federal debt. To satisfy the Certification requirement,
you should include this statement in your application: ``[INSERT NAME
OF APPLICANT] certifies that the United States has not obtained an
unsatisfied judgment against its property, is not delinquent on the
payment of Federal income taxes, or any Federal debt, and will not use
grant funds to pay any judgments obtained by the United States.'' A
separate signature is not required.
(m) Environmental information necessary to support the Agency's
environmental finding. Required information can be found in 7 CFR part
1970, specifically in subpart B, Exhibit C, and subpart C, Exhibit B.
These documents can be found here: Non-construction Projects applying
under this Notice are hereby classified as Categorical Exclusions
according to 7 CFR 1970.53(b), the award of financial assistance for
planning purposes, management and feasibility studies, or environmental
impact analyses, which do not require any additional documentation.
3. DUNS Number and SAM Registration
To be eligible (unless you are exempted under 2 CFR 25.110(b), (c)
or (d)), you are required to:
(a) Provide a valid DUNS number in your application, which can be
obtained at no cost via a toll-free request line at (866) 705-5711;
(b) Register in SAM before submitting your application. You may
register in SAM at no cost at You must
provide your SAM CAGE Code and expiration date. When registering in
SAM, you must indicate you are applying for a Federal financial
assistance project or program or are currently the recipient of funding
under any Federal financial assistance project or program; and
(c) The SAM registration must remain active with current
information at all times while the Agency is considering an application
or while a Federal grant award or loan is active. To maintain the
registration in the SAM database the applicant must review and update
the information in the SAM database annually from date of initial
registration or from the date of the last update. The applicant must
ensure that the information in the database is current, accurate, and
complete. Applicants must ensure they complete the Financial Assistance
General Certifications and Representations in SAM.
If you have not fully complied with all applicable DUNS
and SAM requirements, the Agency may determine that the applicant is
not qualified to receive a Federal award and the Agency may use that
determination as a basis for making an award to another applicant.
Please refer to Section F.2 for additional submission requirements that
apply to grantees selected for this program. In accordance with OMB
Memoranda M-20-11 and M-20-26, the Agency can accept an application
without an active SAM registration. However, the registration must be
completed before an award is made. Current registrants in SAM with
active registrations expiring before May 16, 2020 will be afforded a
one-time extension of 60 days.
4. Submission Date and Time
Application Deadline Date. August 24, 2020.
Explanation of Deadline: Electronic applications must be received
by by midnight Eastern Standard Time August 24,
2020, to be eligible for funding. Please review the website
at for instructions on the process of registering your
organization as soon as possible to ensure you can meet the electronic
application deadline. will
[[Page 41529]]
not accept applications submitted after the deadline.
5. Intergovernmental Review
Executive Order (E.O.) 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs, applies to this program. This E.O. requires that Federal
agencies provide opportunities for consultation on proposed assistance
with State and local governments. Many States have established a Single
Point of Contact (SPOC) to facilitate this consultation. For a list of
States that maintain a SPOC, please see the White House website: If your State has a SPOC, you may submit your application
directly for review. Any comments obtained through the SPOC must be
provided to your State Office for consideration as part of your
application. If your State has not established a SPOC or you do not
want to submit your application to the SPOC, your State Office will
submit your application to the SPOC or other appropriate agency or
You are also encouraged to contact Honie Turner, Program Management
Division at 202-720-1400 or [email protected] if you have questions
about this process.
6. Funding Restrictions
Project Funds may not be used for ineligible purposes. In addition,
you may not use Project Funds for the following:
(a) To duplicate current services or to replace or to substitute
support previously provided. However, Project Funds may be used to
expand the level of effort or a service beyond what is currently being
(b) To pay for costs to prepare the application for funding under
this Notice;
(c) To pay for costs of the Project incurred prior to the effective
date of the period of performance;
(d) To pay expenses for applicant employee training not directly
related to the Project;
(e) Fund political activities;
(f) To pay for assistance to any private business enterprise which
does not have at least 51 percent ownership by those who are either
citizens of the United States or reside in the United States after
being legally admitted for permanent residence;
(g) To pay any judgment or debt owed to the United States;
(h) Engage in any activities that are considered a Conflict of
Interest, as defined by this Notice; or
(i) Fund any activities prohibited by 2 CFR part 200;
In addition, your application will not be considered for funding if
it does any of the following:
i. Requests more than the maximum grant amount: or
ii. Proposes ineligible costs that equal more than 10 percent of
the Project Funds.
We will consider your application for funding if it includes
ineligible costs of 10 percent or less of total Project Funds, if it is
determined eligible otherwise. However, if your application is
successful, those ineligible costs must be removed and replaced with
eligible costs before the Agency will make the grant award or the
amount of the grant award will be reduced accordingly. If we cannot
determine the percentage of ineligible costs, your application will not
be considered for funding.
7. Other Submission Requirements
(a) Applications will not be accepted if the text is less than 11-
point font. You must submit your application electronically, through You can find State Office contact information at: You must follow the
instructions for this funding announcement at A
password is not required to access the website.
(b) National Environmental Policy Act. This Notice has been
reviewed in accordance with 7 CFR part 1970, ``Environmental Policies
and Procedures.'' We have determined that an Environmental Impact
Statement is not required because the issuance of regulations and
instructions, as well as amendments to them, describing administrative
and financial procedures for processing, approving, and implementing
the Agency's financial programs is categorically excluded in the
Agency's National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulation found at 7
CFR 1970.53(f). We have determined that this Notice does not constitute
a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human
The Agency will review each grant application to determine its
compliance with 7 CFR part 1970. The applicant may be asked to provide
additional information or documentation to assist the Agency with this
(c) Civil Rights Compliance Requirements. All grants made under
this Notice are subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as
required by the USDA (7 CFR part 15, subpart A) and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
E. Application Review Information
The State Offices will review applications to determine if they are
eligible for assistance based on requirements in this Notice, and other
applicable Federal regulations. If determined eligible, your
application will be scored by a panel of USDA employees in accordance
with the point allocation specified in this Notice. Applications will
be funded in rank order until the funding limitation has been reached.
Applications that cannot be fully funded may be offered partial funding
at the Agency's discretion.
1. Scoring Criteria
All eligible and complete applications will be evaluated based on
the following criteria. Evaluators will base scores only on the
information provided or cross-referenced by page number in each
individual scoring criterion. DHCS is a competitive program, so you
will receive scores based on the quality of your responses. Simply
addressing the criteria will not guarantee higher scores. The total
points possible for the criteria are 110. The minimum score requirement
for funding is 60 points. It is at the Agency's discretion to fund
applications with a score of 59 points or less if it is in the best
interest of the Federal Government.
(a) Community Needs and Benefits Derived from the Project (maximum
of 30 points). A panel of USDA employees will assess how the Project
will benefit the residents in the Delta Region. This criterion will be
scored based on the documentation in support of the community needs for
health services and public health-related facilities and the benefits
to people living in the Delta Region derived from the implementation of
the proposed Project. It should lead clearly to the identification of
the Project participant pool and the target population for the Project
and provide convincing links between the Project and the benefits to
the community to address its health needs. You must discuss the:
(1) Health care needs/issues/challenges facing the service area and
explain how the identified needs/issues/challenges were determined.
Discussion should also identify problems faced by the residents in the
(2) Proposed assistance to be provided to the service area and how
the Project will benefit the residents in the region.
(3) Implementation plan for the Project and provide milestones
which are well-defined and can be realistically completed.
(4) Expected outcomes of the proposed Project and how they will be
[[Page 41530]]
tracked and monitored. You should attempt to quantify benefits in terms
of outcomes from the Project; that is, ways in which peoples' lives, or
the community, will be improved. Provide estimates of the number of
people affected by the benefits arising from the Project.
(b) The Project Management and Organization Capability (maximum of
30 points). A panel of USDA employees will evaluate the Consortium's
experience, past performance, and accomplishments addressing health
care issues to ensure effective Project implementation. This criterion
will be scored based on the documentation of the Project's management
and organizational capability. You must discuss:
(1) Your organization's management and fiscal structure including
well-defined roles for administrators, staff, and established financial
management systems.
(2) Relevant qualifications, capabilities, and educational
background of the identified key personnel (at a minimum the Project
Manager) who will manage and implement programs.
(3) Your organization's current successful and effective experience
(or demonstrated experience within the past five years) addressing the
health care issues in the Delta Region.
(4) Your organization's experience managing grant-funded programs.
(5) The extent to which administrative/management costs are
balanced with funds designated for the provision of programs and
(6) The extent and diversity of eligible entity types within the
applicant's Consortium of regional institutions of higher education,
academic health and research institutes, and economic development
entities located in the Delta Region.
(c) Work Plan and Budget (maximum of 30 points). You must provide a
work plan and budget that includes the following: (1) The specific
activities, such as programs, services, trainings, and/or construction-
related activities for a facility to be performed under the Project;
(2) the estimated line item costs associated with each activity,
including grant funds and other necessary sources of funds; (3) the key
personnel who will carry out each activity (including each Consortium
member's role); and (4) the specific time frames for completion of each
An eligible start and end date for the Project and for individual
Project tasks must be clearly shown and may not exceed Agency specified
timeframes for the grant period. You must show the source and use of
both grant and other contributions for all tasks. Other contributions
must be spent at a rate equal to, or in advance of, grant funds.
A panel of USDA employees will evaluate your work plan for detailed
actions and an accompanying timetable for implementing the proposal.
Clear and comprehensive work plans detailing all project goals, tasks,
timelines, costs, and responsible personnel in a logical and realistic
manner will result in a higher score.
(d) Local Support (maximum 10 points). A panel of USDA employees
will evaluate your application for local support of the proposed
Project. The application must include documentation detailing support
solicited from local government, public health care providers, and
other entities in the Delta Region. Evidence of support can include;
but is not limited to surveys conducted amongst Delta Region residents
and stakeholders, notes from focus groups, or letters of support from
local entities.
(e) Administrator Discretionary Points (maximum of 10 points). The
Administrator may choose to award:
i. Up to 5 points for projects with a primary purpose of providing
treatment and counseling services for opioid abuse. Applicants who want
to be considered for discretionary points must discuss how their
workplan and budget addresses opioid misuse in the Delta Region; and
ii. up to 5 points for projects that seek to help rural communities
build robust and sustainable economies through strategic investment in
infrastructure, partnerships and innovation. Eligible applicants who
want to be considered for discretionary points must discuss how their
workplan and budget supports one or more of the five following key
Achieving e-Connectivity for Rural America;
Improving Quality of Life;
Supporting a Rural Workforce;
Harnessing Technological Innovation; and
Economic Development.
2. Review and Selection Process
The State Offices will review applications to determine if they are
eligible for assistance based on requirements in this Notice, and other
applicable Federal regulations. If determined eligible, your
application will be scored by a panel of USDA employees in accordance
with the point allocation specified in this Notice. The review panel
will convene to reach a consensus on the scores for each of the
eligible applications. The Administrator may choose to award up to 10
Administrator discretionary points based on criterion (e) in section
E.1. of this Notice. These points will be added to the cumulative score
for a total possible score of 110. Applications will be funded in
highest ranking order until the funding limitation has been reached.
Applications that cannot be fully funded may be offered partial funding
at the Agency's discretion. If your application is ranked and not
funded, it will not be carried forward into the next competition.
F. Federal Award Administration Information
1. Federal Award Notices
If you are selected for funding, you will receive a signed notice
of Federal award by postal or electronic mail, containing instructions
on requirements necessary to proceed with execution and performance of
the award.
If you are not selected for funding, you will be notified in
writing via postal or electronic mail and informed of any review and
appeal rights. Funding of successfully appealed applications will be
limited to available FY 2020 funding.
2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements
Additional requirements that apply to grantees selected for this in
program can be found in 2 CFR parts 25, 170, 180, 200, 400, 415, 417,
418, and 421; and 48 CFR 31.2, and successor regulations to these
parts. All recipients of Federal financial assistance are required to
report information about first tier subawards and executive
compensation (see 2 CFR part 170). You will be required to have the
necessary processes and systems in place to comply with the Federal
Funding Accountability and Transparency Act reporting requirements (see
2 CFR 170.200(b), unless you are exempt under 2 CFR 170.110(b)). These
regulations may be obtained at
The following additional requirements apply to grantees selected
for this program:
Execution of an Agency approved Grant Agreement.
Acceptance of a written Letter of Conditions.
Submission of Form RD 1940-1, ``Request for Obligation of
Submission of Form RD 1942-46, ``Letter of Intent to Meet
RD Instruction 1940-Q, Exhibit A-1, ``Certification for
Contracts, Grants and Loans.''
SF-LLL, ``Disclosure of Lobbying Activities'' if
[[Page 41531]]
You no longer must complete the following five forms for acceptance
of a Federal award. This information is now collected through your
registration or annual recertification in in the Financial
Assistance General Certifications and Representations section:
Form AD-1047, ``Certification Regarding Debarment,
Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters-Primary Covered
Form AD-1048, ``Certification Regarding Debarment,
Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered
Form AD-1049, ``Certification Regarding a Drug-Free
Workplace Requirement (Grants).''
Form AD-3031, ``Assurance Regarding Felony Conviction or
Tax Delinquent Status for Corporate Applicants.'' Must be signed by
corporate applicants who receive an award under this Notice.
Form RD 400-4 ``Assurance Statement.''
3. Reporting
After grant approval and through grant completion, you will be
required to provide the following:
a. A SF-425, ``Federal Financial Report,'' and a project
performance report will be required on a semiannual basis (due 30
working days after end of the semiannual period). For the purposes of
this grant, semiannual periods end on June 30th and December 31st. The
project performance reports shall include a comparison of actual
accomplishments to the objectives established for that period;
b. Reasons why established objectives were not met, if applicable;
c. Reasons for any problems, delays, or adverse conditions, if any,
which have affected or will affect attainment of overall project
objectives, prevent meeting time schedules or objectives, or preclude
the attainment of particular objectives during established time
periods. This disclosure shall be accompanied by a statement of the
action taken or planned to resolve the situation; and
d. Objectives and timetable established for the next reporting
e. Provide a final project and financial status report within 90
days after the expiration or termination of the grant.
f. Provide outcome project performance reports and final
G. Agency Contacts
For general questions about this announcement and for program
Technical Assistance, please contact the appropriate State Office at You may also contact
Honie Turner, Program Management Division, Direct Programs Branch,
Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA at (202) 720-1400 or email
[email protected]. You are also encouraged to visit the application
website for application tools, including an application template. The
website address is:
H. Other Information
Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its
Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or
administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on
race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including
gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital
status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance
program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil
rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA
(not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing
deadlines vary by program or incident.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of
communication for program information (e.g., braille, large print,
audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible
Agency or USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or
contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
Additionally, program information may be made available in languages
other than English.
To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA
Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at and at any USDA office or
write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all the
information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint
form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA
(1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC
(2) Fax: (202) 690-7442; or
(3) Email: [email protected].
Mark Brodziski,
Acting Administrator, Rural Business-Cooperative Service.
[FR Doc. 2020-14849 Filed 7-9-20; 8:45 am]