Hours of Service of Drivers: Application for Exemption; Werner Enterprises, 40731-40733 [2020-14496]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 130 / Tuesday, July 7, 2020 / Notices
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
[Docket No. FMCSA–2020–0114]
Hours of Service of Drivers:
Application for Exemption; Werner
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA),
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of final disposition; grant
of exemption.
The Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration (FMCSA)
announces its decision to grant Werner
Enterprises’ (Werner) application for an
exemption from the requirement that
certain data fields be included in
electronic records of duty status (RODS)
files presented by electronic logging
devices (ELDs). Due to incompatibility
issues between Werner’s current ELD
supplier and its new supplier, Platform
Science, Werner requests that, during
the first eight days that each of its
drivers transitions to Platform Science,
the company be permitted to leave
blank five specific data fields in the
RODS file. The Agency has determined
that the limited exemption would likely
achieve a level of safety equivalent to or
greater than the level that would be
obtained in the absence of the
This exemption is effective July
7, 2020 and expires July 7, 2021.
Pearlie Robinson, FMCSA Driver and
Carrier Operations Division; Office of
Carrier, Driver and Vehicle Safety
Standards; Telephone: (202) 366–4325;
Email: MCPSD@dot.gov. If you have
questions on viewing or submitting
material to the docket, contact Docket
Services, telephone (202) 366–9826.
Viewing Comments and Documents
To view comments, as well as
documents mentioned in this preamble
as being available in the docket, go to
www.regulations.gov and insert the
docket number, ‘‘FMCSA–2020–0114’’
in the ‘‘Keyword’’ box and click
‘‘Search.’’ Next, click the ‘‘Open Docket
Folder’’ button and choose the
document to review. If you do not have
access to the internet, you may view the
docket by visiting the Docket
Management Facility in Room W12–140
on the ground floor of the DOT West
Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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except Federal holidays. To be sure
someone is there to help you, please call
(202) 366–9317 or (202) 366–9826
before visiting Docket Operations.
II. Legal Basis
FMCSA has authority under 49 U.S.C.
31315(b) to grant exemptions from
certain parts of the Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs).
FMCSA must publish a notice of each
exemption request in the Federal
Register (49 CFR 381.315(a)). The
Agency must provide the public an
opportunity to inspect the information
relevant to the application, including
any safety analyses that have been
conducted. The Agency must also
provide an opportunity for public
comment on the request.
The Agency reviews safety analyses
and public comments submitted, and
determines whether granting the
exemption would likely achieve a level
of safety equivalent to, or greater than,
the level that would be achieved by the
current regulation (49 CFR 381.305).
The decision of the Agency must be
published in the Federal Register (49
CFR 381.315(b)) with the reasons for
denying or granting the application and,
if granted, the name of the person or
class of persons receiving the
exemption, and the regulatory provision
from which the exemption is granted.
The notice must also specify the
effective period and explain the terms
and conditions of the exemption. The
exemption may be renewed (49 CFR
III. Background
On December 16, 2015 (80 FR 78292),
FMCSA published a final rule requiring
most drivers who are required to
prepare hours-of-service (HOS) RODS to
use ELDs instead of paper logs to
document their RODS. The final rule
also established minimum performance
and technical design standards for
ELDs. Appendix A to subpart B of 49
CFR part 395 (appendix A) provides
requirements for data fields that must be
included in electronic RODS files
generated by ELDs. Generally, if more
than one ELD is used to record a driver’s
records, the ELD in the vehicle the
driver most recently operates must
produce a complete ELD report for the
driver on demand, reflecting the current
24-hour period and the previous 7
consecutive days.
IV. Werner’s Exemption Application
Werner requests that during the first
eight days that each of its drivers makes
the transition from Werner’s current
ELD supplier to its new supplier,
Platform Science, five specific data
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fields required within the ELD Outputs,
as listed in Section 4.8 of appendix A
be excluded in the RODS files accessed
through the in-cab ELD unit. The files
generated by the current ELDs used by
Werner include all the required
information. The files generated by the
Platform Science ELDs that Werner
began using in 2020 include all the
required information. Due to
incompatibilities between Werner’s
current ELD supplier and its new
supplier, 5 data elements will not be
available on the ELD during the
transition, which will last no more than
the first 8 days each driver uses the new
ELD system. The affected fields in
section 4.8 of appendix A are as follows:
• Co-driver information;
• Odometer Elapsed—vehicle elapsed
miles/kilometers in given ignition
power on cycle;
• Engine Hours Elapsed—elapsed
time of engine operation in the given
ignition power on cycle;
• Engine Hours Total—total engine
hours at time of event; and
• Odometer Total (decimal)—total at
time of the event.
Consequently, during the first eight
days a driver is operating a Werner
vehicle equipped with the new Platform
Science ELD, the electronic RODS file
accessible in the vehicle will not
include the five data elements specified
for the full required time prior to the
installation of the new ELD; however,
all other information needed to
determine compliance with the HOS
rules will be available. The inspector
would review the electronic RODS via
FMCSA’s eRODS software which would
detect the missing data elements in the
Platform Science ELD presentation of
the previous eight days of RODS. This
problem will affect Werner’s entire fleet
which consists of roughly 10,000 drivers
and 8,000 power units as the transition
takes place.
Werner notes that its drivers would
have electronic RODS files available for
review using FMCSA’s eRODS software
providing accurate duty status
information for the current day and the
previous seven days at any inspection
location. While the files would not
include the five data elements listed,
HOS information can still be verified at
the roadside, and the information would
be available for an on-site investigation
conducted at a Werner facility. The
remaining data elements would provide
a means for identifying non-compliance
with the underlying HOS requirements.
Werner is requesting a one-year
exemption to complete the transition.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 130 / Tuesday, July 7, 2020 / Notices
V. Method To Ensure an Equivalent or
Greater Level of Safety
According to Werner’s application,
‘‘[p]aper logbooks can be lost, falsified,
illegible, etc. We know due to our
extensive log audit system, which
includes 100% real-time monitoring of
hours of service records, that the
Omnitracs hours of service records are
accurate. Having the ability to upload
this electronic data for the 8 days
preceding the transition to the new
Platform Science system is a safer
option for our drivers to prevent fatigue
and helps roadside enforcement be
assured that the information is
accurate.’’ However, certain fields
identified by Werner cannot be
accurately transferred onto the new
devices from its prior ELD data.
A copy of the exemption application
is included in the docket referenced at
the beginning of this notice.
VI. Public Comments
On April 13, 2020 (85 FR 20566),
FMCSA published a Federal Register
notice requesting public comment on
Werner’s exemption application. The
Agency received 19 comments from the
public, six in favor and 12 in
The six supporters were: The
American Trucking Associations (ATA),
California Trucking Association,
Commercial Vehicle Training
Association (CVTA), Florida Trucking
Association, Nebraska Trucking
Association and Truckload Carriers
Association. For example, ATA wrote:
The application merely presents a specific
means to allow the interoperability of two
ELD systems—not to exempt its drivers from
the broader ELD requirements that ATA has
long supported. Consequently, ATA believes
this application meets FMCSA’s requirement
under 49 CFR 381.210(c)(4) to establish an
equivalent or greater level of safety. As
discussed, the application’s limited time and
scope provide Werner with the flexibility its
staff and engineers need to monitor fleet
compliance with HOS rules. Werner’s desire
to use RODS generated from an ELD—as
compared to reverting to manually created
paper records—will also undoubtedly
eliminate the ability for falsification and
inaccurate records.
CVTA said:
For the reasons as outlined by the
American Trucking Associations, Truckload
Carriers Association, the Florida Trucking
Association, California Trucking Association,
and Nebraska Trucking Association, CVTA
also believes that granting this exemption
makes sense. Because we believe granting
this exemption poses no risk to highway
safety, we encourage the FMCSA to move
forward and grant the application for
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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The 12 opponents were: Jesse Cole,
Mark Rawn, Michael Groff, Larry Gump,
Michael Glenn, George Thornton, David
Battiest, Darrin Atkinson, Michael
Crites, John Smith, John Haynes, and
Caelan Helsel. Larry Gump stated,
‘‘[p]lease deny this request it is
unnecessary and [sic] Werner can afford
to ensure the fields are provided.’’ Mr.
Michael Crites wrote, ‘‘[a]bsolutely no
exemption should be granted to any
carrier. Especially one that pushed for
the ELD mandate. They need to be held
responsible for not having their act
together. If this was any other carrier
they would be held liable. Many other
outfits have done exactly what was
required of them. This is a [multimillion] dollar company. They have no
excuse for this.’’
VII. FMCSA Safety Analysis and
FMCSA has evaluated the application
for exemption and the public comments
Based on the information presented in
Werner’s request, the Agency believes it
is appropriate to grant the exemption
covering the appendix A requirement
for the specific data fields discussed
above during the 8-day period following
the installation of the Platform Science
ELD. We have determined, as required
by 49 U.S.C. 31315(b)(1) and the
implementing regulations under 49 CFR
part 381, that the exemption is likely to
achieve a level of safety that is
equivalent to, or greater than, the level
of safety that would be obtained in the
absence of the exemption.
From a safety equivalency
perspective, all of Werner’s drivers
would have electronic RODS files
available for review at any inspection
location using FMCSA’s eRODS
software providing accurate duty status
information for the current day and the
previous seven days. While the files
would not include the specific data
elements discussed above, HOS
information can still be verified at the
roadside, and the information would be
available for an on-site investigation
conducted at a Werner facility. The
remaining data elements would provide
more than sufficient means for
identifying non-compliance with the
underlying hours-of-service
For the reasons cited above, we grant
Werner Enterprises a limited waiver
from the appendix A requirements for
the specific data elements listed above
with terms and conditions provided
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VIII. Terms and Conditions for the
This exemption is limited to Section
4.8 of appendix A to subpart B of part
395 concerning the requirements for the
following data fields in electronic RODS
files generated by Omnitracs ELDs and
retrieved via a Platform Science ELD:
• Information to be included in the
Print/Display as required by
Æ Co-Driver: Co-Driver’s Last Name, CoDriver’s First Name
Æ Co-Driver ID: ELD username for the
Æ Total Vehicle Miles
Æ Total Engine Hours
Æ Accumulated Vehicle Miles, and
Æ Elapsed Engine Hours;
• Co-driver information as required in of the Header Segment;
• ELD Event List records data
elements required by and the
ELD Event Log List for the Unidentified
Driver Profile
Æ Accumulated Vehicle Miles, and
Æ Elapsed Engine Hours;
• Data elements for Malfunction and
Data Diagnostic Events, ELD
Login/Logout Report and
CMV’s Power-Up and Shut Down
Æ Total Vehicle Miles, and
Æ Total Engine Hours.
During the period of the exemption:
1. Werner must ensure that each of its
drivers continues to use ELDs that meet
all the technical specifications required
by 49 CFR part 395;
2. Each driver operating under the
exemption must maintain a copy of this
notice and documentation of the date of
installation of the Platform Science ELD
to establish the 8-day period for which
the exemption is applicable;
3. Werner must maintain all
electronic files generated by Omnitracs
ELDs for each of its drivers for at least
6 months from the date the records were
created and ensure that each of those
files contains all the data elements
specified by Section 4.8 of appendix A
to subpart B of part 395.
Preemption of State Laws and
During the period this exemption is in
effect, no State shall enforce any law or
regulation that conflicts with or is
inconsistent with this exemption with
respect to a firm or person operating
under the exemption (49 U.S.C.
Notification to FMCSA
Werner must notify FMCSA within 5
business days of any accident (as
defined in 49 CFR 390.5), involving any
of the motor carrier’s CMVs operating
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 130 / Tuesday, July 7, 2020 / Notices
under the terms of this exemption. The
notification must include the following
(a) Identity of the exemption: ‘‘Werner
(b) Name of operating motor carrier;
(c) Date of the accident;
(d) City or town, and State, in which
the accident occurred, or closest to the
accident scene;
(e) Driver’s name and license number;
(f) Vehicle number and State license
(g) Number of individuals suffering
physical injury;
(h) Number of fatalities;
(i) The police-reported cause of the
(j) Whether the driver was cited for
violation of any traffic laws, motor
carrier safety regulations; and
(k) The driver’s total driving time and
total on-duty time period prior to the
Reports filed under this provision
shall be emailed to MCPSD@DOT.GOV.
FMCSA does not believe the drivers
covered by this exemption will
experience any deterioration of their
safety record. Interested parties or
organizations possessing information
that would otherwise show that Werner
is not achieving the requisite statutory
level of safety should immediately
notify FMCSA.
The Agency will evaluate any
information submitted and, if safety is
being compromised or if the
continuation of this exemption is
inconsistent with 49 U.S.C. 31315(b)(4)
and 31136(e), FMCSA will immediately
take steps to revoke the exemption.
James A. Mullen,
Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2020–14496 Filed 7–6–20; 8:45 am]
National Highway Traffic Safety
[Docket No. NHTSA–2019–0113]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Notice and Request for
Comment; Vehicle Information for the
General Public
National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice and request for
comments on a reinstatement of a
previously approved collection of
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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The National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA) seeks
public comment about our intention to
request the Office of Management and
Budget’s approval on the reinstatement
of a previously approved information
collection. Before a Federal agency can
collect certain information from the
public, it must receive approval from
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB). Under procedures established
by the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995, before seeking OMB approval,
Federal agencies must solicit public
comment on proposed collections of
information, including extensions and
reinstatement of previously approved
collections. This document describes
one collection of information
concerning vehicle safety features for
consumer information purposes for
which NHTSA intends to seek OMB
approval (OMB Control number 2127–
Comments should be submitted
on or before September 8, 2020.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
[identified by Docket No. NHTSA–
2019–0113] through one of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
online instructions for submitting
comments. Mail: Docket Management
Facility; M–30, U.S. Department of
Transportation, West Building Ground
Floor, Rm. W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
• Hand Delivery or Courier: West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
Washington, DC 20590 between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
• Fax: (202) 493–2251.
Regardless of how you submit your
comments, please be sure to mention
the docket number of this document and
identify the proposed collection of
information for which a comment is
provided, by referencing its OMB
clearance number.
Note: All comments received will be
posted without change to https://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided. Anyone
is able to search the electronic form of
all comments received into any of our
dockets by the name of the individual
submitting the comment (or signing the
comment, if submitted on behalf of an
association, business, labor union, etc.).
You may review DOT’s complete
Privacy Act Statement in the Federal
Register published on April 11, 2000
(65 FR 19477–78).
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
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comments received, go to https://
www.regulations.gov or the street
address listed above. Follow the online
instructions for accessing the dockets.
Complete copies of each request for
collection of information may be
obtained at no charge from Ms. Johanna
Lowrie, U.S. Department of
Transportation, NHTSA, Room W43–
410, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE,
Washington, DC 20590. Ms. Lowrie’s
telephone number is (202) 366–5269.
Please identify the relevant collection of
information by referring to its OMB
Control Number.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
before an agency submits a proposed
collection of information to OMB for
approval, it must first publish a
document in the Federal Register
providing a 60-day comment period and
otherwise consult with members of the
public and affected agencies concerning
each proposed collection of information.
In compliance with these requirements,
NHTSA asks for public comment on the
following proposed collection of
Title: Vehicle Information for the
General Public.
OMB Control Number: 2127–0629.
Type of Request: Reinstatement of a
previously approved collection.
Type of Review Requested: Regular.
Length of Approval Requested: Three
Abstract: NHTSA’s mission is to save
lives, prevent injury, and reduce motor
vehicle crashes. Consumer information
programs are an important tool for
improving vehicle safety through market
forces. Pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 32302, the
Secretary of Transportation (NHTSA by
delegation) is directed to provide to the
public the following information about
passenger motor vehicles: Damage
susceptibility; crashworthiness, crash
avoidance, and any other areas the
Secretary determines will improve
safety of passenger motor vehicles; and
the degree of difficulty of diagnosis and
repair of damage to, or failure of,
mechanical and electrical systems. For
more than 40 years, under its New Car
Assessment Program (NCAP), NHTSA
has been providing consumers with
vehicle safety information such as
frontal and side crash results, crash
avoidance performance test results,
rollover propensity, and the availability
of a wide array of safety features
provided on new model year vehicles.
Additionally, the agency uses this safety
feature information when responding to
consumer inquiries and analyzing
rulemaking petitions and the regulatory
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 130 (Tuesday, July 7, 2020)]
[Pages 40731-40733]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-14496]
[[Page 40731]]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
[Docket No. FMCSA-2020-0114]
Hours of Service of Drivers: Application for Exemption; Werner
AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA),
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of final disposition; grant of exemption.
SUMMARY: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
announces its decision to grant Werner Enterprises' (Werner)
application for an exemption from the requirement that certain data
fields be included in electronic records of duty status (RODS) files
presented by electronic logging devices (ELDs). Due to incompatibility
issues between Werner's current ELD supplier and its new supplier,
Platform Science, Werner requests that, during the first eight days
that each of its drivers transitions to Platform Science, the company
be permitted to leave blank five specific data fields in the RODS file.
The Agency has determined that the limited exemption would likely
achieve a level of safety equivalent to or greater than the level that
would be obtained in the absence of the exemption.
DATES: This exemption is effective July 7, 2020 and expires July 7,
Carrier Operations Division; Office of Carrier, Driver and Vehicle
Safety Standards; Telephone: (202) 366-4325; Email: [email protected]. If
you have questions on viewing or submitting material to the docket,
contact Docket Services, telephone (202) 366-9826.
Viewing Comments and Documents
To view comments, as well as documents mentioned in this preamble
as being available in the docket, go to www.regulations.gov and insert
the docket number, ``FMCSA-2020-0114'' in the ``Keyword'' box and click
``Search.'' Next, click the ``Open Docket Folder'' button and choose
the document to review. If you do not have access to the internet, you
may view the docket by visiting the Docket Management Facility in Room
W12-140 on the ground floor of the DOT West Building, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., e.t.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. To be sure someone is
there to help you, please call (202) 366-9317 or (202) 366-9826 before
visiting Docket Operations.
II. Legal Basis
FMCSA has authority under 49 U.S.C. 31315(b) to grant exemptions
from certain parts of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
(FMCSRs). FMCSA must publish a notice of each exemption request in the
Federal Register (49 CFR 381.315(a)). The Agency must provide the
public an opportunity to inspect the information relevant to the
application, including any safety analyses that have been conducted.
The Agency must also provide an opportunity for public comment on the
The Agency reviews safety analyses and public comments submitted,
and determines whether granting the exemption would likely achieve a
level of safety equivalent to, or greater than, the level that would be
achieved by the current regulation (49 CFR 381.305). The decision of
the Agency must be published in the Federal Register (49 CFR
381.315(b)) with the reasons for denying or granting the application
and, if granted, the name of the person or class of persons receiving
the exemption, and the regulatory provision from which the exemption is
granted. The notice must also specify the effective period and explain
the terms and conditions of the exemption. The exemption may be renewed
(49 CFR 381.300(b)).
III. Background
On December 16, 2015 (80 FR 78292), FMCSA published a final rule
requiring most drivers who are required to prepare hours-of-service
(HOS) RODS to use ELDs instead of paper logs to document their RODS.
The final rule also established minimum performance and technical
design standards for ELDs. Appendix A to subpart B of 49 CFR part 395
(appendix A) provides requirements for data fields that must be
included in electronic RODS files generated by ELDs. Generally, if more
than one ELD is used to record a driver's records, the ELD in the
vehicle the driver most recently operates must produce a complete ELD
report for the driver on demand, reflecting the current 24-hour period
and the previous 7 consecutive days.
IV. Werner's Exemption Application
Werner requests that during the first eight days that each of its
drivers makes the transition from Werner's current ELD supplier to its
new supplier, Platform Science, five specific data fields required
within the ELD Outputs, as listed in Section 4.8 of appendix A be
excluded in the RODS files accessed through the in-cab ELD unit. The
files generated by the current ELDs used by Werner include all the
required information. The files generated by the Platform Science ELDs
that Werner began using in 2020 include all the required information.
Due to incompatibilities between Werner's current ELD supplier and its
new supplier, 5 data elements will not be available on the ELD during
the transition, which will last no more than the first 8 days each
driver uses the new ELD system. The affected fields in section 4.8 of
appendix A are as follows:
Co-driver information;
Odometer Elapsed--vehicle elapsed miles/kilometers in
given ignition power on cycle;
Engine Hours Elapsed--elapsed time of engine operation in
the given ignition power on cycle;
Engine Hours Total--total engine hours at time of event;
Odometer Total (decimal)--total at time of the event.
Consequently, during the first eight days a driver is operating a
Werner vehicle equipped with the new Platform Science ELD, the
electronic RODS file accessible in the vehicle will not include the
five data elements specified for the full required time prior to the
installation of the new ELD; however, all other information needed to
determine compliance with the HOS rules will be available. The
inspector would review the electronic RODS via FMCSA's eRODS software
which would detect the missing data elements in the Platform Science
ELD presentation of the previous eight days of RODS. This problem will
affect Werner's entire fleet which consists of roughly 10,000 drivers
and 8,000 power units as the transition takes place.
Werner notes that its drivers would have electronic RODS files
available for review using FMCSA's eRODS software providing accurate
duty status information for the current day and the previous seven days
at any inspection location. While the files would not include the five
data elements listed, HOS information can still be verified at the
roadside, and the information would be available for an on-site
investigation conducted at a Werner facility. The remaining data
elements would provide a means for identifying non-compliance with the
underlying HOS requirements. Werner is requesting a one-year exemption
to complete the transition.
[[Page 40732]]
V. Method To Ensure an Equivalent or Greater Level of Safety
According to Werner's application, ``[p]aper logbooks can be lost,
falsified, illegible, etc. We know due to our extensive log audit
system, which includes 100% real-time monitoring of hours of service
records, that the Omnitracs hours of service records are accurate.
Having the ability to upload this electronic data for the 8 days
preceding the transition to the new Platform Science system is a safer
option for our drivers to prevent fatigue and helps roadside
enforcement be assured that the information is accurate.'' However,
certain fields identified by Werner cannot be accurately transferred
onto the new devices from its prior ELD data.
A copy of the exemption application is included in the docket
referenced at the beginning of this notice.
VI. Public Comments
On April 13, 2020 (85 FR 20566), FMCSA published a Federal Register
notice requesting public comment on Werner's exemption application. The
Agency received 19 comments from the public, six in favor and 12 in
The six supporters were: The American Trucking Associations (ATA),
California Trucking Association, Commercial Vehicle Training
Association (CVTA), Florida Trucking Association, Nebraska Trucking
Association and Truckload Carriers Association. For example, ATA wrote:
The application merely presents a specific means to allow the
interoperability of two ELD systems--not to exempt its drivers from
the broader ELD requirements that ATA has long supported.
Consequently, ATA believes this application meets FMCSA's
requirement under 49 CFR 381.210(c)(4) to establish an equivalent or
greater level of safety. As discussed, the application's limited
time and scope provide Werner with the flexibility its staff and
engineers need to monitor fleet compliance with HOS rules. Werner's
desire to use RODS generated from an ELD--as compared to reverting
to manually created paper records--will also undoubtedly eliminate
the ability for falsification and inaccurate records.
CVTA said:
For the reasons as outlined by the American Trucking
Associations, Truckload Carriers Association, the Florida Trucking
Association, California Trucking Association, and Nebraska Trucking
Association, CVTA also believes that granting this exemption makes
sense. Because we believe granting this exemption poses no risk to
highway safety, we encourage the FMCSA to move forward and grant the
application for exemption.
The 12 opponents were: Jesse Cole, Mark Rawn, Michael Groff, Larry
Gump, Michael Glenn, George Thornton, David Battiest, Darrin Atkinson,
Michael Crites, John Smith, John Haynes, and Caelan Helsel. Larry Gump
stated, ``[p]lease deny this request it is unnecessary and [sic] Werner
can afford to ensure the fields are provided.'' Mr. Michael Crites
wrote, ``[a]bsolutely no exemption should be granted to any carrier.
Especially one that pushed for the ELD mandate. They need to be held
responsible for not having their act together. If this was any other
carrier they would be held liable. Many other outfits have done exactly
what was required of them. This is a [multi-million] dollar company.
They have no excuse for this.''
VII. FMCSA Safety Analysis and Decision
FMCSA has evaluated the application for exemption and the public
comments submitted.
Based on the information presented in Werner's request, the Agency
believes it is appropriate to grant the exemption covering the appendix
A requirement for the specific data fields discussed above during the
8-day period following the installation of the Platform Science ELD. We
have determined, as required by 49 U.S.C. 31315(b)(1) and the
implementing regulations under 49 CFR part 381, that the exemption is
likely to achieve a level of safety that is equivalent to, or greater
than, the level of safety that would be obtained in the absence of the
From a safety equivalency perspective, all of Werner's drivers
would have electronic RODS files available for review at any inspection
location using FMCSA's eRODS software providing accurate duty status
information for the current day and the previous seven days. While the
files would not include the specific data elements discussed above, HOS
information can still be verified at the roadside, and the information
would be available for an on-site investigation conducted at a Werner
facility. The remaining data elements would provide more than
sufficient means for identifying non-compliance with the underlying
hours-of-service requirements.
For the reasons cited above, we grant Werner Enterprises a limited
waiver from the appendix A requirements for the specific data elements
listed above with terms and conditions provided below.
VIII. Terms and Conditions for the Exemption
This exemption is limited to Section 4.8 of appendix A to subpart B
of part 395 concerning the requirements for the following data fields
in electronic RODS files generated by Omnitracs ELDs and retrieved via
a Platform Science ELD:
Information to be included in the Print/Display as
required by
[cir] Co-Driver: Co-Driver's Last Name, Co-Driver's First Name
[cir] Co-Driver ID: ELD username for the co-driver
[cir] Total Vehicle Miles
[cir] Total Engine Hours
[cir] Accumulated Vehicle Miles, and
[cir] Elapsed Engine Hours;
Co-driver information as required in of the
Header Segment;
ELD Event List records data elements required by
and the ELD Event Log List for the Unidentified Driver Profile
[cir] Accumulated Vehicle Miles, and
[cir] Elapsed Engine Hours;
Data elements for Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Events, ELD Login/Logout Report and CMV's Power-Up and
Shut Down Activity
[cir] Total Vehicle Miles, and
[cir] Total Engine Hours.
During the period of the exemption:
1. Werner must ensure that each of its drivers continues to use
ELDs that meet all the technical specifications required by 49 CFR part
2. Each driver operating under the exemption must maintain a copy
of this notice and documentation of the date of installation of the
Platform Science ELD to establish the 8-day period for which the
exemption is applicable;
3. Werner must maintain all electronic files generated by Omnitracs
ELDs for each of its drivers for at least 6 months from the date the
records were created and ensure that each of those files contains all
the data elements specified by Section 4.8 of appendix A to subpart B
of part 395.
Preemption of State Laws and Regulations
During the period this exemption is in effect, no State shall
enforce any law or regulation that conflicts with or is inconsistent
with this exemption with respect to a firm or person operating under
the exemption (49 U.S.C. 31315(d)).
Notification to FMCSA
Werner must notify FMCSA within 5 business days of any accident (as
defined in 49 CFR 390.5), involving any of the motor carrier's CMVs
[[Page 40733]]
under the terms of this exemption. The notification must include the
following information:
(a) Identity of the exemption: ``Werner Enterprises'';
(b) Name of operating motor carrier;
(c) Date of the accident;
(d) City or town, and State, in which the accident occurred, or
closest to the accident scene;
(e) Driver's name and license number;
(f) Vehicle number and State license number;
(g) Number of individuals suffering physical injury;
(h) Number of fatalities;
(i) The police-reported cause of the accident;
(j) Whether the driver was cited for violation of any traffic laws,
motor carrier safety regulations; and
(k) The driver's total driving time and total on-duty time period
prior to the accident.
Reports filed under this provision shall be emailed to
[email protected]
FMCSA does not believe the drivers covered by this exemption will
experience any deterioration of their safety record. Interested parties
or organizations possessing information that would otherwise show that
Werner is not achieving the requisite statutory level of safety should
immediately notify FMCSA.
The Agency will evaluate any information submitted and, if safety
is being compromised or if the continuation of this exemption is
inconsistent with 49 U.S.C. 31315(b)(4) and 31136(e), FMCSA will
immediately take steps to revoke the exemption.
James A. Mullen,
Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2020-14496 Filed 7-6-20; 8:45 am]