FTA Fiscal Year 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Supplemental Apportionments, Allocations, Program Information and Guidance, 39971-39975 [2020-14249]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 128 / Thursday, July 2, 2020 / Notices
Issued in Washington, DC.
John Karl Alexy,
Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety,
Chief Safety Officer.
[FR Doc. 2020–14274 Filed 7–1–20; 8:45 am]
I. Overview
This notice provides program
information and guidance for
implementation of the supplemental
fiscal year (FY) 2020 apportionments
and allocations appropriated in the
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic
Security (CARES) Act.
general information about this notice,
contact Kimberly Sledge, Deputy
Associate Administrator, Office of
Program Management, at (202) 366–
2053. Please contact the appropriate
FTA Regional Office for any specific
requests for information or technical
assistance. FTA Regional Office contact
information is available on FTA’s
website: www.transit.dot.gov. An FTA
headquarters contact for each program
area is included in this notice. FTA
recommends stakeholders subscribe on
FTA’s website: www.transit.dot.gov to
receive email notifications when new
information is available.
This document provides notice to
stakeholders that FTA is apportioning
supplemental Fiscal Year (FY) 2020
Transit Infrastructure Grants (TIG)
funding made available by the CARES
Act, 2020 (Pub. L. 116–136). In addition,
this document contains important
information about statutory
requirements and policy priorities for
the Transit Infrastructure Grants
program. FTA previously posted
frequently asked questions and
apportionment tables identifying
funding amounts to States, urbanized
areas and tribes on FTA’s website.
For the Transit Infrastructure Grants
program, this notice provides
information on the FY 2020
supplemental appropriations funding
levels, funding availability, and the
period of availability of funds. A
separate section provides information
on pre-award authority as well as other
requirements applicable to the Transit
Infrastructure Grants program and grant
administration. Finally, the notice
includes a reference to the
apportionment tables on FTA’s website
that show the amount of funding made
available until the funds are expended.
Information in this document
includes references to existing FTA
program guidance and circulars. Some
information in FTA’s guidance
documents and circulars that were
issued prior to passage of the Fixing
America’s Surface Transportation
(FAST) Act (Pub. L. 114–94) may have
been superseded by the FAST Act, but
these guidance documents and circulars
remain a resource for program
management in most areas.
Table of Contents
II. FY 2020 Funding for FTA Programs
I. Overview
II. FY 2020 Funding for FTA Programs
A. Funding Available Under CARES Act,
B. Oversight Takedown
C. CARES Act Apportionments: Data and
III. FY 2020 Program Highlights
A. Emergency Relief Docket
B. New Eligibilities and Increased Federal
IV. FY 2020 Program-Specific Information
Under CARES Act
A. Urbanized Area Formula Program (49
U.S.C. 5307)
B. Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program
(49 U.S.C. 5311)
C. Public Transportation Emergency Relief
Program (49 U.S.C. 5324)
V. Grant Requirements and Administration
A. Automatic Pre-Award Authority To
Incur Project Costs
A. Funding Available Under the CARES
Federal Transit Administration
FTA Fiscal Year 2020 Coronavirus Aid,
Relief, and Economic Security
(CARES) Act Supplemental
Apportionments, Allocations, Program
Information and Guidance
Federal Transit Administration
ACTION: Notice.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
B. Federal Requirements
C. Insurance and Other Federal Funds
D. Grant Application Procedures
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The CARES Act, 2020 (Pub. L. 116–
136) makes $25 billion in supplemental
funding available for FTA grantees to
prevent, prepare for, and respond to the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19).
The CARES Act provides $25 billion in
funding from the General Fund,
including $22,696,291,664 for Section
5307 Urbanized Area Formula Grants
(Urbanized Area Program) and
$2,228,708,336 for Section 5311
Formula Grants for Rural Areas (Rural
Area Program). Current funding
availability for each program is
identified in Section IV of this notice
and in Table 1 located on FTA’s FY
2020 Apportionment web page:
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B. Oversight Takedown
The CARES Act provides that not
more than three-quarters of 1 percent,
but not to exceed $75 million, of the
funds shall be available until expended
for administrative expenses and ongoing
program management oversight and to
generally provide technical assistance
and correct deficiencies identified in
compliance reviews and audits as
authorized under sections 5334 and
5338(f)(2) of title 49, United States
C. CARES Act Apportionments: Data
and Methodology
1. Apportionment Tables
FTA has posted tables displaying the
funds available to eligible states, tribes,
and urbanized areas to
apportionments. This website contains a
page with the apportionment tables for
the CARES Act, links to prior year
formula apportionment notices and
tables, and the National Transit
Database (NTD) and Census data used to
calculate the apportionments.
2. Funding Assignment to Urbanized
Area and Rural Area Formula Grant
The CARES Act provides for the
apportionment of funds via the
Urbanized Area formula, the Rural Area
formula, the State of Good Repair
formula, and the Growing States and
High Density States formula factors. The
CARES Act also stipulates that the
funding apportioned via the formulas be
made available under the existing
Urbanized Area and Rural Area Formula
programs and procedures. Details on the
apportionment for both programs are
found in the program specific sections
3. NTD and Census Data Used in the
CARES Act Apportionments
Consistent with past practices, the
apportionments calculations for
Sections 5307, 5311, and 5337 rely on
the most-recent transit service data
reported to the NTD, which for FY 2020
is the 2018 report year. In some cases,
where an apportionment is based on the
age of the system, the age is calculated
as of September 30, 2019, the last day
before FY 2020 began. Recipients or
beneficiaries of either Section 5307 or
5311 funds are required to report to the
NTD. Additionally, several transit
operators report to the FTA’s NTD on a
voluntary basis. For the 2018 report
year, the NTD includes data from 941
reporters in urbanized areas, 925 of
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 128 / Thursday, July 2, 2020 / Notices
which reported operating transit service.
The NTD also includes data from 1,475
providers of rural transit service, which
includes 134 Indian Tribes providing
transit service.
The 2010 Census data is used to
determine population and population
density for Section 5307 as well as rural
population and rural land area for the
Section 5311 program. The formulas for
Sections 5307, 5311, and 5311(c)(1)
include tiers where funding is allocated
based on the number of persons living
in poverty. The Census Bureau no
longer publishes decennial census data
on persons living in poverty. As a result,
since FY 2013, FTA has used the data
for this population available via the
Census’ American Community Survey
(ACS). The NTD and Census data that
FTA used to calculate the
apportionments associated with this
notice can be found on FTA’s website:
The FY 2020 CARES Act
apportionments use data on low-income
persons, persons with disabilities, and
older adults from the 2013–2017 ACS
five-year data set, which was published
in December 2018. This data represents
the most recent five-year ACS estimates
that are available as of October 1 for the
year being apportioned. As was the case
in prior years, data on low-income
persons comes from ACS Table B17024,
‘‘Age by Ratio of Income to Poverty in
the Last Twelve Months.’’
III. FY 2020 Program Highlights
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A. Emergency Relief Docket
Pursuant to 49 CFR 601.42, on
January 15, 2020 FTA announced the
establishment of an Emergency Relief
Docket for calendar year 2020. See
for more information. After an
emergency or major disaster, if FTA
requirements impede a grantee or
subgrantee’s ability to respond to the
emergency or major disaster, a grantee
or subgrantee may submit a request for
temporary relief from FTA
administrative and statutory
requirements. A grantee or subgrantee
seeking relief must submit a petition for
waiver of FTA requirements at https://
www.regulations.gov for posting in the
docket (FTA–2020–0001). FTA
encourages grantees, prior to submitting
a request to the docket, to review
existing requests and responses already
posted, as well as FTA’s COVID–19
Frequently Asked Questions web page,
at https://www.transit.dot.gov/cares-act.
In addition to the docket, FTA has
established an email address by which
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grantees may ask questions about FTA
requirements: FTAResponse@dot.gov.
For additional information on the
Emergency Relief Docket, please contact
the appropriate FTA Regional Office.
B. New Eligibilities and Increased
Federal Share
Activities eligible under the CARES
Act include all activities typically
eligible under the Urbanized Area and
Rural Area Formula Programs
undertaken beginning on January 20,
2020. Funds appropriated through the
CARES Act are also available for all
funding recipients in large urban, small
urban, and rural areas for operating
expenses (net fare revenues) in response
to the COVID–19 public health
emergency as described in Section 319
of the Public Health Service Act,
including, beginning on January 20,
2020, reimbursement for operating costs
to maintain service, purchase of
personal protective equipment, and
paying for administrative leave of
operations personnel due to reductions
in service and quarantining after
potential exposure to COVID–19.
The Federal share for Transportation
Infrastructure Grants is, at the option of
the recipient, up to 100 percent for all
eligible expenses.
Formula (49 U.S.C. 5336),
$7,485,374,559 is apportioned according
to the State of Good Repair formula (49
U.S.C. 5337), $862,846,477 is
apportioned according to the High
Density States formula, and
$599,348,387 according to the Growing
States formula. FTA apportioned funds
do not include a take-down for the
competitive Passenger Ferry Grant
Program or the State Safety Oversight
Urbanized Area Formula
State of Good Repair ......
High Density States .........
Growing States ................
Total Apportioned ....................
2. Period of Availability
Funds made available under the
Urbanized Area Formula Program are
available until expended, though FTA
encourages recipients to obligate and
expend CARES Act funds expeditiously
in response to the coronavirus public
health emergency.
3. Operating Expenses Under the
All FTA recipients, including those in
urbanized areas of 200,000 or more in
IV. FY 2020 Program Specific
population, may utilize funds made
Information Under CARES Act
available under the CARES Act for
A. Urbanized Area Formula Program (49 operating expenses incurred to maintain
service on or after January 20, 2020.
U.S.C. 5307)
Such expenses include any operating
Funds made available under this
expenses (net fare revenues) incurred in
notice for the Transit Infrastructure
response to the COVID–19 public health
Grants program, apportioned through
emergency, as well as paying for
the Urbanized Area Formula Program,
administrative leave for operations
provide financial assistance to
personnel due to reductions in service.
designated recipients in urbanized areas Additionally, such funds may be used to
(UZAs) for all projects normally eligible pay for leave for employees who are
under the Urbanized Area Formula
placed on administrative leave due to
program such as capital investments in
quarantine or for employees placed on
public transportation systems, planning, sick leave due to COVID–19 infection.
job access and reverse commute
See Chapter IV of the Urbanized Area
projects, and operating under limited
Formula Program Guidance (FTA
circumstances. Under the CARES Act,
Circular 9030.1E) for details on eligible
funds are available for operating
operating assistance activities.
Note that service that might otherwise
assistance in both large and small
urbanized areas. There is no limit on the be characterized as charter service, such
as exclusive, closed door transportation
amount of CARES funds that may be
of children to meal sites, or of homeless
spent on operating activities.
individuals to shelters, paid for by a
For more information about the
third party, is eligible for
Urbanized Area Formula Program,
reimbursement (net payment by a third
contact John Bodnar at (202) 366–9091
party) if the service is in direct response
or john.bodnar@dot.gov.
to COVID–19. For charter operations
1. Funding Availability
lasting more than 90 days after the date
The CARES Act provides a total of
a Governor declared a state of
$22,696,291,664 of supplemental FY
emergency, the recipient should submit
2020 funding for the Urbanized Area
a waiver request to the Emergency Relief
Formula program. Of that amount,
Recipients are not required to incur
$13,748,722,241 is apportioned
operating expenses (or preventive
according to the Urbanized Area
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 128 / Thursday, July 2, 2020 / Notices
maintenance expenses, which are
operating expenses that may be
capitalized for the purposes of FTA
grants) prior to grant award. A recipient,
at its discretion, may use operating
expenses submitted, accepted, and
published by the NTD for the 2018
report year as justification for its request
for operating assistance, along with a
description of operations included in
the grant. Draw down of funds must
reflect actual expenses. There is no limit
on the amount of funds made available
under the CARES Act that may be used
for operating assistance.
B. Formula Grants for Rural Areas
Program (49 U.S.C. 5311)
The Formula Grants for Rural Areas
Program provides formula funding to
States and Indian tribes for supporting
public transportation in areas with a
population of less than 50,000. Funding
under this notice may be used for all
activities typically eligible under the
Rural Areas Program, including
reimbursement for operating costs to
maintain service during the COVID–19
public health emergency, the purchase
of personal protective equipment, and
paying the administrative leave of
operations personnel due to reduction
in service. Eligible subrecipients
include State and local governmental
authorities, Indian Tribes, private nonprofit organizations, and private
intercity bus companies. Indian Tribes
also are eligible direct recipients under
the Formula Grants for Rural Areas
Program, both for funds apportioned to
the States and for projects apportioned
with funds set aside for the Tribal
Transit Program.
For more information about the
Formula Grants for Rural Areas
program, contact E´lan Flippin at (202)
366–3800 or elan.flippin@dot.gov.
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1. Funding Availability
The CARES Act provides a total of
$2,178,708,336 of supplemental FY
2020 funding for the Rural Area
Formula Program. Of that amount
$1,989,462,090 is apportioned according
to the Rural Area formula and
$239,246,246 is apportioned according
to the Growing States formula. Of the
amount appropriated, $20 million is
made available for the Appalachian
Development Public Transportation
Assistance Program and $30 million is
made available for the Public
Transportation on Indian Reservations
formula program. FTA-apportioned
funds do not include a take-down for
the Rural Transit Assistance Program or
the Public Transportation on Indian
Reservations competitive program.
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5311 Rural Area Formula .........
5311(c)(2) Appalachian Development .....................................
5311(c)(1) Public
Transportation on Indian Res ................
5340 Growing States ................
Total Apportioned ....................
2. Period of Availability
The Formula Grants for Rural Areas
Program funds apportioned in this
notice are available until expended,
though FTA encourages recipients to
obligate and expend CARES Act funds
expeditiously in response to the
coronavirus public health emergency.
3. Operating Expenses Under the
All FTA recipients may utilize funds
made available under the CARES Act for
operating expenses incurred as of
January 20, 2020, at a 100 percent
Federal share. Such expenses include
any expenses incurred in response to
the COVID–19 public health emergency,
as well as paying for administrative
leave for operations personnel due to
reductions in service. Additionally,
such funds may be used to pay for leave
for employees who are placed on
administrative leave due to quarantine
or for employees on sick leave due to
COVID–19 infection. Additional
information on eligible operating
assistance projects can be found in
Chapter III of Formula Grants for Rural
Areas: Program Guidance and
Application Instructions.
Note that service that might otherwise
be characterized as charter service, such
as exclusive, closed door transportation
of children to meal sites, or of homeless
individuals to shelters, paid for by a
third party, is eligible for
reimbursement (net payment by a third
party) if the operations are in direct
response to COVID–19. For charter
operations lasting more than 90 days
after the date a Governor declared a
state of emergency, the recipient should
submit a waiver request to the
Emergency Relief docket.
Recipients are not required to incur
operating expenses (or preventive
maintenance expenses, which are
operating expenses that may be
capitalized for the purposes of FTA
grants) prior to grant award. A recipient,
at its discretion, may use operating
expenses submitted, accepted, and
published by the NTD for the 2018
report year as justification for its request
for operating assistance, along with a
description of operations included in
the grant. Draw down of funds must
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reflect actual expenses. There is no limit
on the amount of funds made available
under the CARES Act that may be used
for operating assistance.
States may use methods other than
those identified in their State
Management Plans to allocate CARES
Act funds.
4. Appalachian Development Public
Transportation Assistance Program (49
U.S.C. 5311(c)(2))
This program is a take-down under
the Formula Grants for Rural Areas
Program to provide additional funding
to support public transportation in the
Appalachian region. There are thirteen
eligible States that receive an allocation
under this provision. The State
allocations are shown in the Formula
Grants for Rural Areas Program table
posted on FTA’s website at
apportionments . A total of $20 million
is available until expended through the
For more information about the
Appalachian Development Public
Transportation Assistance Program,
contact E´lan Flippin at (202) 366–3800
or elan.flippin@dot.gov.
4. Public Transportation on Indian
Reservations Program (49 U.S.C.
The Public Transportation on Indian
Reservations Program, or Tribal Transit
Program (TTP), is funded as a takedown from funds made available for the
Formula Grants for Rural Areas
program. Formula factors include
vehicle revenue miles and the number
of low-income individuals residing on
tribal lands (defined as American Indian
Areas and Alaska Native Areas). Eligible
direct recipients are federally
recognized Indian tribes and Alaskan
Native Villages providing public
transportation in rural areas. The TTP
funds are allocated for grants to eligible
recipients for any purpose eligible
under Formula Grants for Rural Areas
program or the CARES Act, which
includes capital, operating, planning,
and job access and reverse commute
projects. Allocations are shown in the
Public Transportation on Indian
Reservations Formula Program table
posted on FTA’s website at
apportionments. A total of $30 million
is available until expended through the
For more information about the Tribal
Transit Program, contact Amy Fong at
(202) 366–0876 or amy.fong@dot.gov.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 128 / Thursday, July 2, 2020 / Notices
C. Public Transportation Emergency
Relief Program (49 U.S.C. 5324)
In addition to the funds appropriated
under the CARES Act, on March 13,
2020, FTA announced that all recipients
in large urban, small urban, and rural
areas that operate in states that have
declared a State of Emergency related to
COVID–19 may use their existing
Urbanized Area and Rural Area Formula
funding for both capital and operating
expenses related to COVID–19 response
at an increased Federal share, as
authorized by the Public Transportation
Emergency Relief Program (49 U.S.C.
5324). For information on how to use
funds previously apportioned under the
Urbanized Area and Rural Area Formula
programs for COVID–19 response,
please visit transit.dot.gov/coronavirus.
For more information about the
Emergency Relief Program, contact
Thomas Wilson at (202) 366–5279 or
V. Transit Infrastructure Grants
A. Automatic Pre-Award Authority To
Incur Project Costs
Recipients have pre-award authority
to incur project costs as of January 20,
2020. Recipients should review the most
recent version of FTA’s Apportionments
Notice for further guidance on preaward authority.
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B. Federal Requirements
Except as noted otherwise in this
notice, all statutory and administrative
requirements pertaining to Urbanized
Area and Rural Area formula funds
apply to grants utilizing funding made
available through the CARES Act,
including the requirements for
Department of Labor certification found
in Federal public transportation law (49
U.S.C. 5333(b)).
CARES Act funds used to pay for
operating expenses in response to
COVID–19 do not need to be included
in a Transportation Improvement Plan
(TIP) and/or Statewide Transportation
Improvement Plan (STIP). CARES Act
funds used to pay for capital expenses
for emergency relief in response to
COVID–19 do not need to be included
in the TIP and/or STIP unless the
projects are for substantial functional,
locational, or capacity changes per
Federal planning and assistance
standards regulations (23 CFR
450.326(e)(5), 23 CFR 450.218(g)(5)).
Accordingly, capital projects to prevent,
prepare for, and respond to COVID–19
that involve substantial functional,
locational, or capacity changes must be
included in the TIP and/or STIP.
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C. Insurance and Other Federal Funds
FTA funds may not be used to
reimburse expenses that have
previously been reimbursed by
insurance proceeds or other Federal
funds. Recipients are required to pursue
claims for any losses covered by
insurance policies that are also eligible
expenses under FTA’s programs. The
recipient must report to FTA any
insurance proceeds or Federal funds
received before or after FTA grant
obligation that duplicate any funding
received through an FTA grant and
make subsequent adjustments to the
grant prior to disbursement or return to
FTA the amount of funding determined
to be duplicative. This includes any
proceeds from insurance policies that
include applicable business interruption
coverage and funding received from the
Federal Emergency Management
Agency. Any such funds returned to
FTA will remain available to the
recipient for obligation in another grant
for eligible expenses.
D. Grant Application Procedures
All applications for FTA funds should
be submitted to the appropriate FTA
Office. All applications must be filed
electronically. FTA continues to award
and manage grants and cooperative
agreements using the Transit Award
Management System (TrAMS). To
access TrAMS, contact your FTA Office.
Resources on using TrAMS can be
found on FTA’s website at https://
FTA regional staff are responsible for
working with grantees to review and
process grant applications. For an
application to be considered complete
and ready for FTA to assign a Federal
Award Identification Number (FAIN),
enabling submission in TrAMS, and
submission to the Department of Labor,
when applicable, the following
requirements must be met:
a. Recipient has registered in the
System for Award Management (SAM)
and its registration is current with an
active status. To register an entity or
check the status and renew registration,
visit the SAM website at https://
b. Recipient’s contact information,
including Dun and Bradstreet Data
Universal Numbering System (DUNS), is
correct. To request a DUNS number, call
Dun & Bradstreet at 1–866–705–5711 or
visit the website at https://
c. Recipient has properly submitted
its annual certifications and assurances.
d. Recipient’s Civil Rights
submissions are current.
e. After October 1, 2018, the grantee
has a Transit Asset Management plan in
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place that meets the requirements of the
Transit Asset Management regulation
(49 CFR part 625), or is covered by a
compliant Group Plan.
f. Documentation is on file to support
recipient’s status as either a designated
recipient for the program and area or a
direct recipient.
g. Funding is available, including any
flexible funds included in the budget,
and split letters or sub allocation letters
on file, where applicable, to support the
amount requested in the grant
h. The activity is listed in a currently
approved Transportation Improvement
Program (TIP); Statewide Transportation
Improvement Program (STIP), or
Unified Planning Work Program
(UPWP) if applicable.
i. All eligibility issues are resolved.
j. Required environmental findings
are made.
k. The application contains a welldefined scope of work, including at least
one project with accompanying project
narratives, at least one budget scope
code and one activity line item, Federal
and non-Federal funding amounts, and
l. Milestone information is complete.
FTA will also review status of other
open award reports to confirm financial
and milestone information is current on
other open awards.
Other important issues that impact
FTA grant processing activities in
addition to the list above are discussed
a. Award Budgets—Scope Codes and
Activity Line Items (ALI) Codes;
Financial Purpose Codes
FTA uses Scope and ALI Codes in the
award budgets to track disbursements,
monitor program trends, report to
Congress, and to respond to requests
from the Inspector General and the
Government Accountability Office, as
well as to manage grants. The accuracy
of the data is dependent on the careful
and correct use of codes.
b. Designated and Direct Recipients
For its formula programs, FTA
primarily apportions funds to the
designated recipient in large UZAs
(areas over 200,000), or for areas under
200,000 (small UZAs and rural areas), it
apportions the funds to the Governor, or
its designee (e.g., State DOT).
Depending on the program, as described
in the individual program sections
found in Section IV of this notice,
further suballocation of funds may be
permitted to eligible recipients who may
then apply directly to FTA for the
funding as direct recipients.
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 128 / Thursday, July 2, 2020 / Notices
For the programs in which FTA may
make grants to eligible direct recipients,
other than the designated recipient(s),
recipients are reminded that
documentation must be on file to
support: (1) The status of the recipient
either as a designated recipient or direct
recipient; and (2) the allocation of funds
to the direct recipient.
Documentation to support existing
designated recipients for the UZA must
also be on file at the time of the first
application in FY 2020. Split letters
and/or suballocation letters (Governor’s
Apportionment letters), must also be on
file to support grant applications for
direct recipients. Split and/or
suballocation letters must be updated to
include funds apportioned via this
notice. Once suballocation letters for FY
2020 funding are finalized, recipients
should upload them as part of the
application into TrAMS.
The Direct Recipient is required to
upload to TrAMS a copy of the
suballocation letter (Letter) indicating
their allocation of funding, for the
appropriate fund program, when the
applicant transmits their application for
initial review. The Letter must be signed
by the Designated Recipient, or as
applicable in accordance with planning
requirements. If there are two
Designated Recipients, both entities
must sign the Letter. The Letter must:
(1) Indicate the allocations to the
respective Direct Recipients listed in the
letter; (2) incorporate language above
the signatories to reflect this agreement;
and (3) make clear that the Direct
Recipient will assume any/all
responsibility associated with the award
for the funds. When drafting the Letter,
Designated Recipients may use the
template language below:
‘‘As identified in this Letter, the
Designated Recipient(s) authorize the
reassignment/reallocation of [enter fund
source; e.g., CARES Act funds] to the
Direct Recipient(s) named herein. The
undersigned agree to the amounts
allocated/reassigned to each Direct
Recipient. Each Direct Recipient is
responsible for its application to the
Federal Transit Administration to
receive such funds and assumes the
responsibilities associated with any
award for these funds.’’
The contents of this document do not
have the force and effect of law and are
not meant to bind the public in any way.
This document is intended only to
provide clarity to the public regarding
existing requirements under the law or
agency policies.
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Grantees should refer to applicable
regulations and statutes referenced in
this document.
K. Jane Williams,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2020–14249 Filed 7–1–20; 8:45 am]
National Highway Traffic Safety
[Docket No. DOT–NHTSA–2020–0070]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Notice and Request for
Comment; Automated Vehicle
Transparency and Engagement for
Safe Testing (AV TEST) Initiative
National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice and request for
comments on a request for approval of
a new information collection.
The National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA) invites
public comments about our intention to
request approval from the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for a
new information collection. Before a
Federal agency can collect certain
information from the public, it must
receive approval from OMB. Under
procedures established by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
before seeking OMB approval, Federal
agencies must solicit public comment
on proposed collections of information.
This document describes a collection of
information for NHTSA’s planned
Automated Vehicle Transparency and
Engagement for Safe Testing (AV TEST)
Initiative for which NHTSA intends to
seek OMB approval. The AV TEST
Initiative involves the voluntary
collection of information from entities
testing vehicles equipped with
automated driving systems (ADS) and
from States and local authorities
involved in the regulation of ADS
testing. The purpose of this collection is
to provide information to the public
about ADS testing operations in the U.S.
and applicable State and local laws,
regulations, and guidelines.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before August 31, 2020.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by the Docket No. DOT–
NHTSA–2020–0070 through any of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
PO 00000
Frm 00107
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building,
Room W12–140, Washington, DC 20590,
between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except on
Federal holidays.
• Hand Delivery or Courier: West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
Washington, DC 20590–0001 between
9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
To be sure someone is there to help you,
please call (202) 366–9322 before
• Instructions: All submissions must
include the agency name and docket
number for this proposed collection of
information. Note that all comments
received will be posted without change
to https://www.regulations.gov, including
any personal information provided.
Please see the Privacy Act heading
• Privacy Act: Anyone is able to
search the electronic form of all
comments received into any of our
dockets by the name of the individual
submitting the comment (or signing the
comment, if submitted on behalf of an
association, business, labor union, etc.).
You may review DOT’s complete
Privacy Act Statement in the Federal
Register published on April 11, 2000
(65 FR 19477–78) or you may visit
• Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https://
www.regulations.gov or the street
address listed above. To be sure
someone is there to help you, please call
(202) 366–9322 before coming. Follow
the online instructions for accessing the
dockets via internet.
additional information or access to
background documents, contact Michael
Frenchik, Office of Data Acquisition,
Safety Systems Management Division
(NSA–0130), Room W53–303, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC
20590. Mr. Frenchik’s telephone
number is (202) 366–0641.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
before an agency submits a proposed
collection of information to OMB for
approval, it must first publish a
document in the Federal Register
providing a 60-day comment period and
otherwise consult with members of the
public and affected agencies concerning
each proposed collection of information.
The OMB has promulgated regulations
describing what must be included in
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 128 (Thursday, July 2, 2020)]
[Pages 39971-39975]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-14249]
Federal Transit Administration
FTA Fiscal Year 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic
Security (CARES) Act Supplemental Apportionments, Allocations, Program
Information and Guidance
AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice provides program information and guidance for
implementation of the supplemental fiscal year (FY) 2020 apportionments
and allocations appropriated in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security (CARES) Act.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information about this
notice, contact Kimberly Sledge, Deputy Associate Administrator, Office
of Program Management, at (202) 366-2053. Please contact the
appropriate FTA Regional Office for any specific requests for
information or technical assistance. FTA Regional Office contact
information is available on FTA's website: www.transit.dot.gov. An FTA
headquarters contact for each program area is included in this notice.
FTA recommends stakeholders subscribe on FTA's website:
www.transit.dot.gov to receive email notifications when new information
is available.
Table of Contents
I. Overview
II. FY 2020 Funding for FTA Programs
A. Funding Available Under CARES Act, 2020
B. Oversight Takedown
C. CARES Act Apportionments: Data and Methodology
III. FY 2020 Program Highlights
A. Emergency Relief Docket
B. New Eligibilities and Increased Federal Share
IV. FY 2020 Program-Specific Information Under CARES Act
A. Urbanized Area Formula Program (49 U.S.C. 5307)
B. Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program (49 U.S.C. 5311)
C. Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program (49 U.S.C.
V. Grant Requirements and Administration
A. Automatic Pre-Award Authority To Incur Project Costs
B. Federal Requirements
C. Insurance and Other Federal Funds
D. Grant Application Procedures
I. Overview
This document provides notice to stakeholders that FTA is
apportioning supplemental Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Transit Infrastructure
Grants (TIG) funding made available by the CARES Act, 2020 (Pub. L.
116-136). In addition, this document contains important information
about statutory requirements and policy priorities for the Transit
Infrastructure Grants program. FTA previously posted frequently asked
questions and apportionment tables identifying funding amounts to
States, urbanized areas and tribes on FTA's website.
For the Transit Infrastructure Grants program, this notice provides
information on the FY 2020 supplemental appropriations funding levels,
funding availability, and the period of availability of funds. A
separate section provides information on pre-award authority as well as
other requirements applicable to the Transit Infrastructure Grants
program and grant administration. Finally, the notice includes a
reference to the apportionment tables on FTA's website that show the
amount of funding made available until the funds are expended.
Information in this document includes references to existing FTA
program guidance and circulars. Some information in FTA's guidance
documents and circulars that were issued prior to passage of the Fixing
America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (Pub. L. 114-94) may have
been superseded by the FAST Act, but these guidance documents and
circulars remain a resource for program management in most areas.
II. FY 2020 Funding for FTA Programs
A. Funding Available Under the CARES Act
The CARES Act, 2020 (Pub. L. 116-136) makes $25 billion in
supplemental funding available for FTA grantees to prevent, prepare
for, and respond to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The CARES
Act provides $25 billion in funding from the General Fund, including
$22,696,291,664 for Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Grants
(Urbanized Area Program) and $2,228,708,336 for Section 5311 Formula
Grants for Rural Areas (Rural Area Program). Current funding
availability for each program is identified in Section IV of this
notice and in Table 1 located on FTA's FY 2020 Apportionment web page:
B. Oversight Takedown
The CARES Act provides that not more than three-quarters of 1
percent, but not to exceed $75 million, of the funds shall be available
until expended for administrative expenses and ongoing program
management oversight and to generally provide technical assistance and
correct deficiencies identified in compliance reviews and audits as
authorized under sections 5334 and 5338(f)(2) of title 49, United
States Code.
C. CARES Act Apportionments: Data and Methodology
1. Apportionment Tables
FTA has posted tables displaying the funds available to eligible
states, tribes, and urbanized areas to www.transit.dot.gov/funding/apportionments. This website contains a page with the apportionment
tables for the CARES Act, links to prior year formula apportionment
notices and tables, and the National Transit Database (NTD) and Census
data used to calculate the apportionments.
2. Funding Assignment to Urbanized Area and Rural Area Formula Grant
The CARES Act provides for the apportionment of funds via the
Urbanized Area formula, the Rural Area formula, the State of Good
Repair formula, and the Growing States and High Density States formula
factors. The CARES Act also stipulates that the funding apportioned via
the formulas be made available under the existing Urbanized Area and
Rural Area Formula programs and procedures. Details on the
apportionment for both programs are found in the program specific
sections below.
3. NTD and Census Data Used in the CARES Act Apportionments
Consistent with past practices, the apportionments calculations for
Sections 5307, 5311, and 5337 rely on the most-recent transit service
data reported to the NTD, which for FY 2020 is the 2018 report year. In
some cases, where an apportionment is based on the age of the system,
the age is calculated as of September 30, 2019, the last day before FY
2020 began. Recipients or beneficiaries of either Section 5307 or 5311
funds are required to report to the NTD. Additionally, several transit
operators report to the FTA's NTD on a voluntary basis. For the 2018
report year, the NTD includes data from 941 reporters in urbanized
areas, 925 of
[[Page 39972]]
which reported operating transit service. The NTD also includes data
from 1,475 providers of rural transit service, which includes 134
Indian Tribes providing transit service.
The 2010 Census data is used to determine population and population
density for Section 5307 as well as rural population and rural land
area for the Section 5311 program. The formulas for Sections 5307,
5311, and 5311(c)(1) include tiers where funding is allocated based on
the number of persons living in poverty. The Census Bureau no longer
publishes decennial census data on persons living in poverty. As a
result, since FY 2013, FTA has used the data for this population
available via the Census' American Community Survey (ACS). The NTD and
Census data that FTA used to calculate the apportionments associated
with this notice can be found on FTA's website: www.transit.dot.gov/funding/apportionments.
The FY 2020 CARES Act apportionments use data on low-income
persons, persons with disabilities, and older adults from the 2013-2017
ACS five-year data set, which was published in December 2018. This data
represents the most recent five-year ACS estimates that are available
as of October 1 for the year being apportioned. As was the case in
prior years, data on low-income persons comes from ACS Table B17024,
``Age by Ratio of Income to Poverty in the Last Twelve Months.''
III. FY 2020 Program Highlights
A. Emergency Relief Docket
Pursuant to 49 CFR 601.42, on January 15, 2020 FTA announced the
establishment of an Emergency Relief Docket for calendar year 2020. See
https://federalregister.gov/d/2020-00539 for more information. After an
emergency or major disaster, if FTA requirements impede a grantee or
subgrantee's ability to respond to the emergency or major disaster, a
grantee or subgrantee may submit a request for temporary relief from
FTA administrative and statutory requirements. A grantee or subgrantee
seeking relief must submit a petition for waiver of FTA requirements at
https://www.regulations.gov for posting in the docket (FTA-2020-0001).
FTA encourages grantees, prior to submitting a request to the docket,
to review existing requests and responses already posted, as well as
FTA's COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions web page, at https://www.transit.dot.gov/cares-act. In addition to the docket, FTA has
established an email address by which grantees may ask questions about
FTA requirements: [email protected].
For additional information on the Emergency Relief Docket, please
contact the appropriate FTA Regional Office.
B. New Eligibilities and Increased Federal Share
Activities eligible under the CARES Act include all activities
typically eligible under the Urbanized Area and Rural Area Formula
Programs undertaken beginning on January 20, 2020. Funds appropriated
through the CARES Act are also available for all funding recipients in
large urban, small urban, and rural areas for operating expenses (net
fare revenues) in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency as
described in Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act, including,
beginning on January 20, 2020, reimbursement for operating costs to
maintain service, purchase of personal protective equipment, and paying
for administrative leave of operations personnel due to reductions in
service and quarantining after potential exposure to COVID-19.
The Federal share for Transportation Infrastructure Grants is, at
the option of the recipient, up to 100 percent for all eligible
IV. FY 2020 Program Specific Information Under CARES Act
A. Urbanized Area Formula Program (49 U.S.C. 5307)
Funds made available under this notice for the Transit
Infrastructure Grants program, apportioned through the Urbanized Area
Formula Program, provide financial assistance to designated recipients
in urbanized areas (UZAs) for all projects normally eligible under the
Urbanized Area Formula program such as capital investments in public
transportation systems, planning, job access and reverse commute
projects, and operating under limited circumstances. Under the CARES
Act, funds are available for operating assistance in both large and
small urbanized areas. There is no limit on the amount of CARES funds
that may be spent on operating activities.
For more information about the Urbanized Area Formula Program,
contact John Bodnar at (202) 366-9091 or [email protected].
1. Funding Availability
The CARES Act provides a total of $22,696,291,664 of supplemental
FY 2020 funding for the Urbanized Area Formula program. Of that amount,
$13,748,722,241 is apportioned according to the Urbanized Area Formula
(49 U.S.C. 5336), $7,485,374,559 is apportioned according to the State
of Good Repair formula (49 U.S.C. 5337), $862,846,477 is apportioned
according to the High Density States formula, and $599,348,387
according to the Growing States formula. FTA apportioned funds do not
include a take-down for the competitive Passenger Ferry Grant Program
or the State Safety Oversight Program.
Urbanized Area Formula Program
5307 Urbanized Area Formula........................... $13,748,722,241
5337 State of Good Repair............................. 7,485,374,559
5340 High Density States.............................. 862,846,477
5340 Growing States................................... 599,348,387
Total Apportioned................................... 22,696,291,664
2. Period of Availability
Funds made available under the Urbanized Area Formula Program are
available until expended, though FTA encourages recipients to obligate
and expend CARES Act funds expeditiously in response to the coronavirus
public health emergency.
3. Operating Expenses Under the CARES Act
All FTA recipients, including those in urbanized areas of 200,000
or more in population, may utilize funds made available under the CARES
Act for operating expenses incurred to maintain service on or after
January 20, 2020. Such expenses include any operating expenses (net
fare revenues) incurred in response to the COVID-19 public health
emergency, as well as paying for administrative leave for operations
personnel due to reductions in service. Additionally, such funds may be
used to pay for leave for employees who are placed on administrative
leave due to quarantine or for employees placed on sick leave due to
COVID-19 infection. See Chapter IV of the Urbanized Area Formula
Program Guidance (FTA Circular 9030.1E) for details on eligible
operating assistance activities.
Note that service that might otherwise be characterized as charter
service, such as exclusive, closed door transportation of children to
meal sites, or of homeless individuals to shelters, paid for by a third
party, is eligible for reimbursement (net payment by a third party) if
the service is in direct response to COVID-19. For charter operations
lasting more than 90 days after the date a Governor declared a state of
emergency, the recipient should submit a waiver request to the
Emergency Relief docket.
Recipients are not required to incur operating expenses (or
[[Page 39973]]
maintenance expenses, which are operating expenses that may be
capitalized for the purposes of FTA grants) prior to grant award. A
recipient, at its discretion, may use operating expenses submitted,
accepted, and published by the NTD for the 2018 report year as
justification for its request for operating assistance, along with a
description of operations included in the grant. Draw down of funds
must reflect actual expenses. There is no limit on the amount of funds
made available under the CARES Act that may be used for operating
B. Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program (49 U.S.C. 5311)
The Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program provides formula funding
to States and Indian tribes for supporting public transportation in
areas with a population of less than 50,000. Funding under this notice
may be used for all activities typically eligible under the Rural Areas
Program, including reimbursement for operating costs to maintain
service during the COVID-19 public health emergency, the purchase of
personal protective equipment, and paying the administrative leave of
operations personnel due to reduction in service. Eligible
subrecipients include State and local governmental authorities, Indian
Tribes, private non-profit organizations, and private intercity bus
companies. Indian Tribes also are eligible direct recipients under the
Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program, both for funds apportioned to
the States and for projects apportioned with funds set aside for the
Tribal Transit Program.
For more information about the Formula Grants for Rural Areas
program, contact [Eacute]lan Flippin at (202) 366-3800 or
[email protected].
1. Funding Availability
The CARES Act provides a total of $2,178,708,336 of supplemental FY
2020 funding for the Rural Area Formula Program. Of that amount
$1,989,462,090 is apportioned according to the Rural Area formula and
$239,246,246 is apportioned according to the Growing States formula. Of
the amount appropriated, $20 million is made available for the
Appalachian Development Public Transportation Assistance Program and
$30 million is made available for the Public Transportation on Indian
Reservations formula program. FTA-apportioned funds do not include a
take-down for the Rural Transit Assistance Program or the Public
Transportation on Indian Reservations competitive program.
Grants for Rural Areas Formula Program
5311 Rural Area Formula............................... $1,989,462,090
5311(c)(2) Appalachian Development.................... (20,000,000)
5311(c)(1) Public Transportation on Indian Res........ (30,000,000)
5340 Growing States................................... 239,246,246
Total Apportioned................................... 2,178,708,336
2. Period of Availability
The Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program funds apportioned in
this notice are available until expended, though FTA encourages
recipients to obligate and expend CARES Act funds expeditiously in
response to the coronavirus public health emergency.
3. Operating Expenses Under the CARES Act
All FTA recipients may utilize funds made available under the CARES
Act for operating expenses incurred as of January 20, 2020, at a 100
percent Federal share. Such expenses include any expenses incurred in
response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, as well as paying for
administrative leave for operations personnel due to reductions in
service. Additionally, such funds may be used to pay for leave for
employees who are placed on administrative leave due to quarantine or
for employees on sick leave due to COVID-19 infection. Additional
information on eligible operating assistance projects can be found in
Chapter III of Formula Grants for Rural Areas: Program Guidance and
Application Instructions.
Note that service that might otherwise be characterized as charter
service, such as exclusive, closed door transportation of children to
meal sites, or of homeless individuals to shelters, paid for by a third
party, is eligible for reimbursement (net payment by a third party) if
the operations are in direct response to COVID-19. For charter
operations lasting more than 90 days after the date a Governor declared
a state of emergency, the recipient should submit a waiver request to
the Emergency Relief docket.
Recipients are not required to incur operating expenses (or
preventive maintenance expenses, which are operating expenses that may
be capitalized for the purposes of FTA grants) prior to grant award. A
recipient, at its discretion, may use operating expenses submitted,
accepted, and published by the NTD for the 2018 report year as
justification for its request for operating assistance, along with a
description of operations included in the grant. Draw down of funds
must reflect actual expenses. There is no limit on the amount of funds
made available under the CARES Act that may be used for operating
States may use methods other than those identified in their State
Management Plans to allocate CARES Act funds.
4. Appalachian Development Public Transportation Assistance Program (49
U.S.C. 5311(c)(2))
This program is a take-down under the Formula Grants for Rural
Areas Program to provide additional funding to support public
transportation in the Appalachian region. There are thirteen eligible
States that receive an allocation under this provision. The State
allocations are shown in the Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program
table posted on FTA's website at www.transit.dot.gov/funding/apportionments . A total of $20 million is available until expended
through the CARES Act.
For more information about the Appalachian Development Public
Transportation Assistance Program, contact [Eacute]lan Flippin at (202)
366-3800 or [email protected].
4. Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program (49 U.S.C.
The Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program, or Tribal
Transit Program (TTP), is funded as a take-down from funds made
available for the Formula Grants for Rural Areas program. Formula
factors include vehicle revenue miles and the number of low-income
individuals residing on tribal lands (defined as American Indian Areas
and Alaska Native Areas). Eligible direct recipients are federally
recognized Indian tribes and Alaskan Native Villages providing public
transportation in rural areas. The TTP funds are allocated for grants
to eligible recipients for any purpose eligible under Formula Grants
for Rural Areas program or the CARES Act, which includes capital,
operating, planning, and job access and reverse commute projects.
Allocations are shown in the Public Transportation on Indian
Reservations Formula Program table posted on FTA's website at
www.transit.dot.gov/funding/apportionments. A total of $30 million is
available until expended through the CARES Act.
For more information about the Tribal Transit Program, contact Amy
Fong at (202) 366-0876 or [email protected].
[[Page 39974]]
C. Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program (49 U.S.C. 5324)
In addition to the funds appropriated under the CARES Act, on March
13, 2020, FTA announced that all recipients in large urban, small
urban, and rural areas that operate in states that have declared a
State of Emergency related to COVID-19 may use their existing Urbanized
Area and Rural Area Formula funding for both capital and operating
expenses related to COVID-19 response at an increased Federal share, as
authorized by the Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program (49
U.S.C. 5324). For information on how to use funds previously
apportioned under the Urbanized Area and Rural Area Formula programs
for COVID-19 response, please visit transit.dot.gov/coronavirus.
For more information about the Emergency Relief Program, contact
Thomas Wilson at (202) 366-5279 or [email protected].
V. Transit Infrastructure Grants
A. Automatic Pre-Award Authority To Incur Project Costs
Recipients have pre-award authority to incur project costs as of
January 20, 2020. Recipients should review the most recent version of
FTA's Apportionments Notice for further guidance on pre-award
B. Federal Requirements
Except as noted otherwise in this notice, all statutory and
administrative requirements pertaining to Urbanized Area and Rural Area
formula funds apply to grants utilizing funding made available through
the CARES Act, including the requirements for Department of Labor
certification found in Federal public transportation law (49 U.S.C.
CARES Act funds used to pay for operating expenses in response to
COVID-19 do not need to be included in a Transportation Improvement
Plan (TIP) and/or Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP).
CARES Act funds used to pay for capital expenses for emergency relief
in response to COVID-19 do not need to be included in the TIP and/or
STIP unless the projects are for substantial functional, locational, or
capacity changes per Federal planning and assistance standards
regulations (23 CFR 450.326(e)(5), 23 CFR 450.218(g)(5)). Accordingly,
capital projects to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19 that
involve substantial functional, locational, or capacity changes must be
included in the TIP and/or STIP.
C. Insurance and Other Federal Funds
FTA funds may not be used to reimburse expenses that have
previously been reimbursed by insurance proceeds or other Federal
funds. Recipients are required to pursue claims for any losses covered
by insurance policies that are also eligible expenses under FTA's
programs. The recipient must report to FTA any insurance proceeds or
Federal funds received before or after FTA grant obligation that
duplicate any funding received through an FTA grant and make subsequent
adjustments to the grant prior to disbursement or return to FTA the
amount of funding determined to be duplicative. This includes any
proceeds from insurance policies that include applicable business
interruption coverage and funding received from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency. Any such funds returned to FTA will remain available
to the recipient for obligation in another grant for eligible expenses.
D. Grant Application Procedures
All applications for FTA funds should be submitted to the
appropriate FTA Office. All applications must be filed electronically.
FTA continues to award and manage grants and cooperative agreements
using the Transit Award Management System (TrAMS). To access TrAMS,
contact your FTA Office. Resources on using TrAMS can be found on FTA's
website at https://www.transit.dot.gov/TrAMS.
FTA regional staff are responsible for working with grantees to
review and process grant applications. For an application to be
considered complete and ready for FTA to assign a Federal Award
Identification Number (FAIN), enabling submission in TrAMS, and
submission to the Department of Labor, when applicable, the following
requirements must be met:
a. Recipient has registered in the System for Award Management
(SAM) and its registration is current with an active status. To
register an entity or check the status and renew registration, visit
the SAM website at https://www.sam.gov/SAM/.
b. Recipient's contact information, including Dun and Bradstreet
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS), is correct. To request a DUNS
number, call Dun & Bradstreet at 1-866-705-5711 or visit the website at
c. Recipient has properly submitted its annual certifications and
d. Recipient's Civil Rights submissions are current.
e. After October 1, 2018, the grantee has a Transit Asset
Management plan in place that meets the requirements of the Transit
Asset Management regulation (49 CFR part 625), or is covered by a
compliant Group Plan.
f. Documentation is on file to support recipient's status as either
a designated recipient for the program and area or a direct recipient.
g. Funding is available, including any flexible funds included in
the budget, and split letters or sub allocation letters on file, where
applicable, to support the amount requested in the grant application.
h. The activity is listed in a currently approved Transportation
Improvement Program (TIP); Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
(STIP), or Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) if applicable.
i. All eligibility issues are resolved.
j. Required environmental findings are made.
k. The application contains a well-defined scope of work, including
at least one project with accompanying project narratives, at least one
budget scope code and one activity line item, Federal and non-Federal
funding amounts, and milestones.
l. Milestone information is complete. FTA will also review status
of other open award reports to confirm financial and milestone
information is current on other open awards.
Other important issues that impact FTA grant processing activities
in addition to the list above are discussed below.
a. Award Budgets--Scope Codes and Activity Line Items (ALI) Codes;
Financial Purpose Codes
FTA uses Scope and ALI Codes in the award budgets to track
disbursements, monitor program trends, report to Congress, and to
respond to requests from the Inspector General and the Government
Accountability Office, as well as to manage grants. The accuracy of the
data is dependent on the careful and correct use of codes.
b. Designated and Direct Recipients Documentation
For its formula programs, FTA primarily apportions funds to the
designated recipient in large UZAs (areas over 200,000), or for areas
under 200,000 (small UZAs and rural areas), it apportions the funds to
the Governor, or its designee (e.g., State DOT). Depending on the
program, as described in the individual program sections found in
Section IV of this notice, further suballocation of funds may be
permitted to eligible recipients who may then apply directly to FTA for
the funding as direct recipients.
[[Page 39975]]
For the programs in which FTA may make grants to eligible direct
recipients, other than the designated recipient(s), recipients are
reminded that documentation must be on file to support: (1) The status
of the recipient either as a designated recipient or direct recipient;
and (2) the allocation of funds to the direct recipient.
Documentation to support existing designated recipients for the UZA
must also be on file at the time of the first application in FY 2020.
Split letters and/or suballocation letters (Governor's Apportionment
letters), must also be on file to support grant applications for direct
recipients. Split and/or suballocation letters must be updated to
include funds apportioned via this notice. Once suballocation letters
for FY 2020 funding are finalized, recipients should upload them as
part of the application into TrAMS.
The Direct Recipient is required to upload to TrAMS a copy of the
suballocation letter (Letter) indicating their allocation of funding,
for the appropriate fund program, when the applicant transmits their
application for initial review. The Letter must be signed by the
Designated Recipient, or as applicable in accordance with planning
requirements. If there are two Designated Recipients, both entities
must sign the Letter. The Letter must: (1) Indicate the allocations to
the respective Direct Recipients listed in the letter; (2) incorporate
language above the signatories to reflect this agreement; and (3) make
clear that the Direct Recipient will assume any/all responsibility
associated with the award for the funds. When drafting the Letter,
Designated Recipients may use the template language below:
``As identified in this Letter, the Designated Recipient(s)
authorize the reassignment/reallocation of [enter fund source; e.g.,
CARES Act funds] to the Direct Recipient(s) named herein. The
undersigned agree to the amounts allocated/reassigned to each Direct
Recipient. Each Direct Recipient is responsible for its application to
the Federal Transit Administration to receive such funds and assumes
the responsibilities associated with any award for these funds.''
The contents of this document do not have the force and effect of
law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is
intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing
requirements under the law or agency policies.
Grantees should refer to applicable regulations and statutes
referenced in this document.
K. Jane Williams,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2020-14249 Filed 7-1-20; 8:45 am]