Improving Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHZ Band, 28627-28633 [2020-10163]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 93 / Wednesday, May 13, 2020 / Notices section, CMRS providers shall provide with wireless 911 calls that have dispatchable location or z-axis (vertical) information the C/U data required under paragraph (j)(1) of this section. Where available to the CMRS provider, floor level information must be provided with associated C/U data in addition to z-axis location information. Section 9.10(k) requires that CMRS providers must record information on all live 911 calls, including, but not limited to, the positioning source method used to provide a location fix associated with the call, as well as confidence and uncertainty data. This information must be made available to PSAPs upon request, as a measure to promote transparency and accountability for this set of rules. Federal Communications Commission. Cecilia Sigmund, Federal Register Liaison Officer. [FR Doc. 2020–10158 Filed 5–12–20; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6712–01–P FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [OMB 3060–0760; FRS 16728] Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission Under Delegated Authority Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Notice and request for comments. AGENCY: As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or the Commission) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection. Comments are requested concerning: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission’s burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:53 May 12, 2020 Jkt 250001 The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. DATES: Written PRA comments should be submitted on or before July 13, 2020. If you anticipate that you will be submitting comments, but find it difficult to do so within the period of time allowed by this notice, you should advise the contact listed below as soon as possible. ADDRESSES: Direct all PRA comments to Nicole Ongele, FCC, via email PRA@ and to FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information about the information collection, contact Nicole Ongele at (202) 418–2991. OMB Control Number: 3060–0760. Title: 272 Sunset Order, WC Docket No. 06–120; Access Charge Reform, CC Docket No. 96–262, First Report and Order; Second Order on Reconsideration and Memorandum Opinion and Order; and Fifth Report and Order; Business Data Services Report and Order, WC Docket No. 16– 143 et al. Form Number: N/A. Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection. Respondents: Business or other forprofit. Number of Respondents and Responses: 13 respondents; 66 responses. Estimated Time per Response: 3–80 hours. Frequency of Response: One-time reporting requirement; on-occasion reporting requirement; third-party disclosure requirement. Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits. Statutory authority for this information collection is contained in 47 U.S.C. 1, 4(i)–(j), 201– 205, and 303(r) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i)–(j), 201–205, and 303(r). Total Annual Burden: 1,256 hours. Total Annual Cost: $63,360. Privacy Act Impact Assessment: No impact(s). Nature and Extent of Confidentiality: The information requested is not of a confidential nature. However, respondents may request materials or information submitted to the Commission be withheld from public inspection under 47 CFR 0.459 of the Commission’s rules. Needs and Uses: On April 28, 2017, the Commission released the Business PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 28627 Data Services Order, WC Docket No. 16– 143 et al., FCC 17–43, reforming the business data services/special access regulations for incumbent and competitive LECs. The Commission’s reforms included replacing the application-based pricing flexibility rules with a new framework under which: (a) Packet-based services, time division multiplexing (TDM) services with bandwidth greater than 45 mbps, and TDM transport services are not subject to ex ante pricing regulation; (b) a new standard is applied to determine the extent to which the Commission regulates price cap LECs’ TDM end user channel terminations with bandwidth less than 45 mbps and certain other low bandwidth business data services. Under this standard, a price cap LEC is not subject to ex ante pricing regulation in the provision of these services in counties deemed competitive under the Commission’s competitive market test or for which the price cap LEC previously obtained Phase II pricing flexibility; (c) the price cap LEC is subject to ex ante pricing regulation in other counties where it is the incumbent LEC, but in these counties the price cap LEC has downward pricing flexibility (i.e., the equivalent of Phase I pricing flexibility under the prior rules); and (d) the Commission will update the competitive market test results every three years using data already collected in FCC Form 477. Among other rules changes, the Business Data Services Report and Order repealed section 1.774, which set forth requirements for pricing flexibility applications, and added section 1.776, which limits the circumstances under which price cap LECs must file their business data services contracts as contract-based tariffs. The Commission also amended section 69.701 of its rules to specify that its pricing flexibility rules no longer apply to business data services. Federal Communications Commission. Marlene Dortch, Secretary, Office of the Secretary. [FR Doc. 2020–10161 Filed 5–12–20; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6712–01–P FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [WT Docket No. 02–55; DA 20–321; FRS 16716] Improving Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHZ Band Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: E:\FR\FM\13MYN1.SGM 13MYN1 28628 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 93 / Wednesday, May 13, 2020 / Notices In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) takes steps to accelerate the successful conclusion of the Commission’s 800 MHz band reconfiguration program, or rebanding. Specifically, this Order declares a list of licensees that have completed physical rebanding but, because they (a) have failed timely to complete the closing process dictated by the Commission’s 800 MHz Orders or (b) timely filed notification that they have a remaining dispute with Sprint, are deemed to have completed rebanding and have no further rights under the Commission’s 800 MHz orders, including recourse to the dispute resolution or other services of the 800 MHz Transition Administrator. SUMMARY: DATES: Effective June 12, 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Roberto Mussenden, Policy and Licensing Division, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, (202) 418– 1428. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau’s Order in WT Docket No. 02–55, DA 20–321, released on March 23, 2020. The document is available for download at The complete text of this document is also available for inspection and copying during normal business hours in the FCC Reference Information Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street SW, Room CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554. To request materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities (Braille, large print, electronic files, audio format), send an email to or call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202– 418–0530 (voice), 202–418–0432 (TTY). 1. In the Order, the Bureau, after consultation with Sprint and the Transition Administrator, has determined each of the licensees listed below has: (a) Completed physical reconfiguration, (b) has not submitted a timely, accurate completion certification, and (c) has not timely advised that it has an outstanding dispute with Sprint. The Bureau is satisfied, therefore, that the listed licensees have been successfully rebanded and that Sprint has satisfied its rebanding obligations to them. 2. Pursuant to the authority delegated to it, the Bureau deems the licensees listed below to have completed rebanding. Consequently, the Bureau terminates each listed licensee’s rights under the Commission’s 800 MHz rebanding orders, including the right to the TA’s dispute resolution process and further reimbursement of costs. Procedural Matters A. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis 3. The Order document does not contains new or modified information collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104–13. B. Report to Congress 4. The Commission will not send a copy of this Order to Congress and the Government Accountability Office pursuant to the Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A), because the Commission did not adopt any rules of particular applicability. Ordering Clause 5. Accordingly, it is ordered that, pursuant to sections 4(i), 4(j), 301, 303, and 403 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 154(j), 301, 303, and 403, the Order is hereby adopted. 6. This action is taken under delegated authority pursuant to Sections 0.191 and 0.392 of the Commission’s rules, 47 CFR 0.191 and 0.392. Appendix—Listing by Licensee Name LISTING OF LICENSEES BY LICENSEE NAME THAT HAVE COMPLETED PHYSICAL RECONFIGURATION, HAVE NOT TIMELY SUBMITTED AN ACCEPTABLE COMPLETION CERTIFICATION TO SPRINT, AND HAVE NOT ADVISED THE TA THAT THE LICENSEE HAS A DISPUTE WITH SPRINT Licensee name Call sign(s) 3KFA, LLC ...................................................................... ACTION COMMUNICATIONS INC ................................ ARAPAHOE, COUNTY OF ............................................ ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc ............................................. ARMIJO, DONALD ......................................................... BACA, COUNTY OF ...................................................... BAYAMON, MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF ............... KNJH406 ....................................................................... WPGY701 ..................................................................... WPFH510, WPKM930, WQCZ740 ............................... WNLH463, WNXG931 .................................................. WPGY705 ..................................................................... WPNP223, WQDZ548 .................................................. WPHZ368 ...................................................................... DL8910460127 DL8910458167 DL8910427769 DL8910447621 DL8910458167 DL8910427769 DL8910427603 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... BELL, COUNTY OF ....................................................... BIBB, COUNTY OF ........................................................ BIRMINGHAM, CITY OF ................................................ BLANCO, COUNTY OF ................................................. BOSSIER, CITY OF ....................................................... Boston Public Health Commission, City of .................... BOSTON, CITY OF ........................................................ WPML265, WPML266, WQHS400 ............................... WNVR832 ..................................................................... WPZE311 ...................................................................... WQGB437 ..................................................................... WNBU589 ..................................................................... WPHZ634 ...................................................................... WNGY708, WPFF631, WPFF645, WPHY940, WQBA899, WQBB424. KKR520, KNJA565, WPYH902, WQDU213 ................. WPHZ904, WPLZ982, WPMD613 ................................ WPRG380 ..................................................................... WPRG378 ..................................................................... WPGR394, WPGT607, WQLR527 ............................... WQDC490 ..................................................................... WNVL281, WQMH572 .................................................. WPLX453 ...................................................................... DL8910427609 DL8904418967 DL8910427624 DL8910437765 DL8910427637 DL8910427665 DL8904426344 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... DL8910427639 DL8910432845 DL8910427769 DL8910427769 DL8910427656 DL8910427676 DL8910458177 DL8910427680 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... WNVF998 ...................................................................... KNJU868 ....................................................................... WPZH908, WPZI729, WPZR834, WPZR835, WQCL724, WQFY836, WQFY838, WQLG538. WPUN602, WQHB874, WQHB875 .............................. WPRI877, WPRI907 ..................................................... WNAJ329 ...................................................................... WPPB793 ...................................................................... DL8910427915 .......... DL8910427686 .......... DL8910427695 .......... BOSTON, CITY OF, MA PH II—Trunked System. BOSTON, CITY OF, MA PH II—POLICE. Colorado, State of PH II. Colorado, State of PH II. BROWNSVILLE, CITY OF, TX PH II. CAMDEN, CITY OF, NJ PH II. Cameron, County of, TX. CAPITAL REGION AIRPORT COMMISSION, VA PH II. HAMILTON, COUNTY OF, IN PH II. CARROLLTON, CITY OF, TX PH II. CHARLES, COUNTY OF, MD PH II. DL8910428114 DL8910427707 DL8910434745 DL8910428350 MECKLENBURG, COUNTY OF, NC PH II. CHERRY HILL, TOWNSHIP OF, NJ PH II. Chicago, City of, IL PH II Aviation. RICHMOND, CITY OF, VA PH II. BOSTON, CITY OF ........................................................ BOSTON, CITY OF ........................................................ BOULDER, CITY OF ...................................................... BOULDER, COUNTY OF ............................................... BROWNSVILLE, CITY OF ............................................. CAMDEN, CITY OF ........................................................ Cameron, County of ....................................................... CAPITAL REGION AIRPORT COMMISSION ............... jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES CARMEL, CITY OF ........................................................ CARROLLTON, CITY OF ............................................... CHARLES, COUNTY OF ............................................... Charlotte, City of ............................................................. CHERRY HILL, TOWNSHIP OF .................................... CHICAGO, CITY OF ...................................................... City of Richmond ............................................................ VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:53 May 12, 2020 Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4703 FRA ID Sfmt 4703 FRA name .......... .......... .......... .......... 3KFA, LLC. Action Communications Inc. Colorado, State of PH II. ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc. Action Communications Inc. Colorado, State of PH II. BAYAMON, MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF, PR PH II. BELL, COUNTY OF, TX PH II. BIBB, COUNTY OF, GA. BIRMINGHAM, CITY OF, AL PH II. Blanco County, TX PH II. Bossier, City of, LA PH II. Boston Public Health Commission, City of, MA PH II. Boston, City of—Police (MA). E:\FR\FM\13MYN1.SGM 13MYN1 28629 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 93 / Wednesday, May 13, 2020 / Notices LISTING OF LICENSEES BY LICENSEE NAME THAT HAVE COMPLETED PHYSICAL RECONFIGURATION, HAVE NOT TIMELY SUBMITTED AN ACCEPTABLE COMPLETION CERTIFICATION TO SPRINT, AND HAVE NOT ADVISED THE TA THAT THE LICENSEE HAS A DISPUTE WITH SPRINT—Continued Licensee name Call sign(s) FRA ID COLORADO, STATE OF ............................................... WNXN848, WPAZ640, WPCJ843, WPFQ225, WPFQ267, WPHK881, WPJU925, WPKK592, WPMF617, WPNT769, WPPU345, WPPU346, WPPU347, WPPU371, WPPU372, WPRR696, WPRR740, WPRR756, WPRV777, WPRV815, WPRV816, WPRZ828, WPSG917, WPSH437, WPSH613, WPSK325, WPSK701, WPSM559, WPSQ525, WPTL723, WPTL725, WPTM601, WPTN359, WPTP867, WPTW329, WPUJ277, WPUJ668, WPUP350, WPUP354, WPUP356, WPUP357, WPUP362, WPUP364, WPUP366, WPUQ367, WPUS321, WPUU423, WPVU788, WPVU791, WPVU792, WPVW302, WPVW304, WPVW306, WPVW559, WPVW563, WPWK919, WPWK921, WPXA400, WPXA401, WPXA402, WPXA403, WPXA404, WPXA405, WPXC444, WPXC445, WPXH324, WPXY514, WPYS738, WPYS800, WPYT630, WPYT677, WPZR719, WPZR730, WPZR732, WPZS494, WQAM345, WQAW727, WQAW901, WQAX736, WQAY630, WQAZ298, WQBM307, WQBM309, WQBM311, WQBM312, WQBM328, WQBM329, WQBM330, WQBM331, WQBM336, WQBM791, WQBM793, WQCT916, WQCU591, WQDA801, WQDF397, WQDG483, WQDJ818, WQDK721, WQDL740, WQDM887, WQDT629, WQDW783, WQDX507, WQDY458, WQDY462, WQEA389, WQEA390, WQEA391, WQEA635, WQED556, WQEE615, WQEE616, WQEE617. WYQ556 ........................................................................ WPPB228, WPUP680, WQAF343 ................................ WNSK462 ..................................................................... WQAH913 ..................................................................... WPTR976 ...................................................................... WPPA535 ...................................................................... N/A ................................................................................ KNAN828, KR9746, WZC779 ....................................... WNXQ289, WNZY833 .................................................. WPGY693 ..................................................................... WPLW647, WQDE613, WQDG482, WQHK854 .......... WPDU516, WPGR930, WQET932, WQET935, WQJL506, WQMQ368, WQOI770, WQOI771. WPTY454 ...................................................................... WPTX256, WQCL942, WQHK876 ............................... KNBX891, WPHX763, WQGB480 ................................ WPHY873 ..................................................................... WPYJ962 ...................................................................... WNLK950, WPFQ241, WPJJ239 ................................. WPJT938 ...................................................................... WNGS649, WQNC532 ................................................. WPVV494 ...................................................................... WNFV258, WPFF376 ................................................... WPBP275 ...................................................................... WPAQ935 ..................................................................... WNNM890, WPMA766 ................................................. WNSD453 ..................................................................... WQGM640, WRAP892 ................................................. WQCH480 ..................................................................... WPHS504 ..................................................................... WPTE909, WPTN982 ................................................... DL8910427769 .......... Colorado, State of PH II. DL8910419021 .......... CERT050 ................... DL8910447661 .......... DL8910427743 .......... DL8910428210 .......... DL8910458228 .......... DL8910463987 .......... DL8904419062 .......... DL8904419804 .......... DL8910458167 .......... DL8910427769 .......... DL8910427818 .......... COLTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. Comanche Communications. Continental Airlines, Inc. COPPERAS COVE, CITY OF, TX PH II. NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF PH II. CPC Arizona Holdings, Inc. Creative Communications—Interop Only. DeKalb County Police Department, GA. DeLasaux, Thomas. Action Communications Inc. Colorado, State of PH II. Eastside Public Safety Comm Agency, WA. DL8910427820 .......... DL8910427822 .......... DL8910427826 .......... DL8904419269 .......... CERT019 ................... DL8910427849 .......... DL8910427769 .......... DL8910447690 .......... DL8910427883 .......... DL8910427891 .......... DL8910427769 .......... DL8910433485 .......... DL8910427903 .......... DL8910427915 .......... DL8910458248 .......... DL8910464147 .......... DL8904419125 .......... DL8910427946 .......... WQDZ774 ..................................................................... WPTJ977 ...................................................................... WPHI451, WPPD898, WQAU729, WQER591 ............. WPHY365, WPKG583, WPKP764, WPKX703, WPSP557, WPXM784. WPJQ645, WQCJ480 ................................................... KQG497 ........................................................................ WPTC288 ...................................................................... WNRE827 ..................................................................... KNNJ873, WNHV507, WQDX703, WQEA798, WQIV850. WPAP649, WPMI204, WQGX351 ................................ KNHH513, KNJA737 ..................................................... WQCD531 ..................................................................... WNHS767 ..................................................................... WNQL811 ..................................................................... WPXB342 ...................................................................... KNNP960, KNNP962, WNZU211 ................................. KNIQ708, WPBI305, WPDQ841, WPIT419, WPJW341, WPKJ959, WPLS383, WPLS406, WPXP611, WPXP955, WPXP958. WPWD493 .................................................................... WPKT699 ...................................................................... WZA814 ........................................................................ DL8910427769 DL8910427953 DL8910427953 DL8910434725 .......... .......... .......... .......... EDINBURG CISD POLICE DEPARTMENT, TX PH II. EDMOND, CITY OF, OK PH II. ELGIN, CITY OF, IL PH II. PENSACOLA, CITY OF, FL. Falcon Trucking Company. FAYETTEVILLE, CITY OF, NC PH II. Colorado, State of PH II. Geauga, County of, OH. GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY, AZ PH II. GRAND PRAIRIE, CITY OF, TX PH II. Colorado, State of PH II. Green, City of OH. GREENWICH, TOWN OF, CT PH II. HAMILTON, COUNTY OF, IN PH II. Hidalgo, City of. William Holland. HOOPER, STEVEN E. HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, TX PH II. Colorado, State of PH II. HUNTSVILLE, CITY OF, AL PH II. HUNTSVILLE, CITY OF, AL PH II. Illinois, State of, PH II Public Safety Agency Network. DL8910427974 DL8910419140 DL8910427624 DL8904419147 DL8910427624 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... IRVING, CITY OF, TX PH II. J. Paul Getty Trust. BIRMINGHAM, CITY OF, AL PH II. JEFFERSON, PARISH OF, LA. BIRMINGHAM, CITY OF, AL PH II. DL8910427769 DL8904419147 DL8910427769 DL8910458272 DL8910419169 DL8910428033 DL8910428043 DL8904419190 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Colorado, State of PH II. JEFFERSON, PARISH OF, LA. Colorado, State of PH II. La Mesa Spring Valley School District. LAKE ELSINORE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, CA. LAKE HAVASU CITY, CITY OF, AZ PH II. LAS CRUCES, CITY OF, NM PH II. Liberty Communications, Inc. DL8910428061 .......... DL8910428070 .......... CERT047 ................... LIVE OAK, CITY OF, TX PH II. LONGVIEW, CITY OF, TX PH II. Los Angeles County Office of Education. WPMT690, WPYU757, WQDF255 ............................... WPPA500 ...................................................................... WQES955 ..................................................................... WPXX405 ...................................................................... DL8910428078 DL8910458275 DL8910458275 DL8904418967 LOWNDES, COUNTY OF, GA PH II. Loya, Carmen G. Loya, Carmen G. BIBB, COUNTY OF, GA. COLTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ....................... COMANCHE COMMUNICATIONS ................................ Continental Airlines, Inc .................................................. COPPERAS COVE, CITY OF ........................................ County of Catawba ......................................................... CPC Arizona Holdings, Inc ............................................. Creative Communications—Interop Only ....................... DeKalb County Police Department ................................ DeLasaux, Thomas G .................................................... DILLON, RICHARD ........................................................ DOUGLAS, COUNTY OF ............................................... EASTSIDE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY. EDINBURG CISD POLICE DEPARTMENT ................... EDMOND, CITY OF ....................................................... ELGIN, CITY OF ............................................................ ESCAMBIA, COUNTY OF .............................................. Falcon Trucking Company ............................................. FAYETTEVILLE, CITY OF ............................................. Fort Collins, City of ......................................................... GEAUGA, COUNTY OF ................................................. GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY ............................... GRAND PRAIRIE, CITY OF ........................................... GREELEY, CITY OF ...................................................... GREEN, CITY OF .......................................................... GREENWICH, TOWN OF .............................................. HAMILTON, COUNTY OF .............................................. HIDALGO, CITY OF ....................................................... Holland, William M .......................................................... Hooper, Dennisse B ....................................................... HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ......... HUERFANO, COUNTY OF ............................................ HUNTSVILLE UTILITIES ................................................ HUNTSVILLE, CITY OF ................................................. ILLINOIS PUBLIC SAFETY AGENCY NETWORK ........ IRVING, CITY OF ........................................................... J. PAUL GETTY TRUST ................................................ Jefferson County Commission ....................................... JEFFERSON PARISH FIRE DISTRICT 1 ..................... JEFFERSON, COUNTY OF ........................................... jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES JEFFERSON, COUNTY OF ........................................... JEFFERSON, PARISH OF ............................................. LA JUNTA, CITY OF ...................................................... LA MESA SPRING VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT ........ LAKE ELSINORE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ......... LAKE HAVASU CITY, CITY OF ..................................... Las Cruces, City of ......................................................... LIBERTY COMMUNICATIONS INC ............................... LIVE OAK, CITY OF ....................................................... LONGVIEW, CITY OF .................................................... Los Angeles County Office of Education, Transportation Section. LOWNDES, COUNTY OF .............................................. Loya, Carmen G ............................................................. LOYA, LUCILDA ............................................................. MACON, CITY OF .......................................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:53 May 12, 2020 Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 FRA name .......... .......... .......... .......... E:\FR\FM\13MYN1.SGM 13MYN1 28630 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 93 / Wednesday, May 13, 2020 / Notices LISTING OF LICENSEES BY LICENSEE NAME THAT HAVE COMPLETED PHYSICAL RECONFIGURATION, HAVE NOT TIMELY SUBMITTED AN ACCEPTABLE COMPLETION CERTIFICATION TO SPRINT, AND HAVE NOT ADVISED THE TA THAT THE LICENSEE HAS A DISPUTE WITH SPRINT—Continued Licensee name Call sign(s) MANSFIELD, CITY OF ................................................... MARION, COUNTY OF .................................................. MARYLAND, STATE OF—DPSCS ................................ MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY ....................... MC NAMARA, ALICE J .................................................. MCALLEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT .......... MEARS DESTINATION SERVICES INC ....................... MECKLENBURG, COUNTY OF .................................... WNXC886 ..................................................................... WQDH468, WQDH497, WQGX541 .............................. WPTX572 ...................................................................... WPAQ455 ..................................................................... WPGY689 ..................................................................... WPRT853 ...................................................................... WNNO864 ..................................................................... WPEN288, WPUV635, WQEX452, WQFR285, WQFR286. WPSE229 ...................................................................... WQBZ553, WQCN601 .................................................. MED CARE EMS INC .................................................... METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY. METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (MWAA). Mobile Relay Associates ................................................ MOBILE RELAY PARTNERS LTD ................................ MOFFAT, COUNTY OF ................................................. MONTROSE, CITY OF .................................................. NASSAU, COUNTY OF ................................................. NEW HANOVER, COUNTY OF ..................................... NEW ORLEANS, CITY OF ............................................ NEW ORLEANS, PORT OF ........................................... NORFOLK, COUNTY OF ............................................... NORTH CAROLINA STATE HIGHWAY PATROL ......... NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF ................................... NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY ........................... Northern Colorado Radio Communications Network ..... NORWALK, CITY OF ..................................................... NOXUBEE, COUNTY OF ............................................... Onslow County of ........................................................... ORANGE, CITY OF ........................................................ ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD .......................... Oxy USA Inc ................................................................... Parma Heights, City of ................................................... PASCUA YAQUI TRIBE ................................................. Pennington, Agnes ......................................................... PENSACOLA, CITY OF ................................................. PINELLAS, COUNTY OF ............................................... PLANTATION, CITY OF ................................................. POLK, COUNTY OF ....................................................... PORTLAND, CITY OF .................................................... jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES PORTSMOUTH, CITY OF .............................................. Puerto Rico State Police ................................................ PUERTO RICO, COMMONWEALTH OF ...................... RADIO SERVICE COMPANY ........................................ RANKIN, COUNTY OF ................................................... RAPIDES, PARISH OF .................................................. RENSSELAER, COUNTY OF ........................................ RIO GRANDE CITY C.I.S.D. POLICE DEPARTMENT RIO GRANDE, CITY OF ................................................ Roma I.S.D. Transportation Department ........................ SAINT PETERSBURG, CITY OF ................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:53 May 12, 2020 Jkt 250001 FRA ID DL8910428092 DL8910428096 DL8910428102 DL8910428105 DL8910458167 DL8910458291 DL8904419130 DL8910428114 FRA name .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... CERT055 ................... DL8910428179 .......... WPAY961, WQID395, WQID396, WQJE989 ............... DL8910428126 .......... WQLD477 ..................................................................... WPTA416 ...................................................................... WQCP257 ..................................................................... WPYI943 ....................................................................... WNNM884, WNNM885 ................................................. WNUX409, WPHZ633, WQAQ374 ............................... WPDT285, WQDF937 .................................................. WPHY866 ..................................................................... WPXP591 ...................................................................... WPHM257, WPMU588, WPMU769, WPMW363, WPQY486, WPQY584, WPUT647, WPXZ637, WQBB953, WQBK307, WQBK492, WQBK493, WQBK495, WQBK496, WQBK498, WQCQ970, WQCQ971, WQCQ972, WQCQ973, WQCR583, WQCR608, WQCS267, WQCS278, WQCS279, WQCS642, WQCS907, WQCS908, WQCS909, WQCS910, WQCS911, WQCT414, WQCT415, WQCT913, WQCT914, WQCU592, WQCV475, WQCV476, WQCV477, WQCV811, WQCV812, WQCV814, WQCW513, WQCW514, WQCW868, WQCX285, WQCX286, WQCX444, WQCX446, WQCX999, WQCZ372, WQCZ376, WQCZ378, WQCZ390, WQDE964, WQDE967, WQDE973, WQDE975, WQDE978, WQDE982, WQDE986, WQDE987, WQDE988, WQDE989, WQDE990, WQDE992, WQDE993, WQDE994, WQDE995, WQDE997, WQDE999, WQDF200, WQDF202, WQDF204, WQDF207, WQDF208, WQDF209, WQDF211, WQDF212, WQDF214, WQDF215, WQDG264, WQDJ700, WQDL934, WQDN676, WQDW238, WQEE271, WQEE297, WQEE298, WQEE299, WQEF260, WQEF742, WQEQ547, WQET821, WQET823, WQET824, WQFJ228, WQFJ585, WQFJ586, WQFK579, WQFK581, WQFK582, WQFK718, WQFK758, WQFK759, WQFK761, WQFN452, WQFN734, WQFN735, WQFN736, WQFP534, WQFQ491, WQFQ496, WQHJ334, WQHJ335. WPMU550, WPMU554, WPMU562, WPMU583, WPMU584, WPMU585, WPMU587, WPMU592, WPMU593, WPMU594, WPMU596, WPMU763, WPMU764, WPMU767, WPMU768, WPNY211, WPNZ303, WPRV578, WPSM549, WPSM605, WPUS216, WPUS587, WPUS984, WPUS985, WPUS986, WPUT648, WPUU518, WPUV349, WPUV498, WPXZ639. WQOM679 .................................................................... WPOY442, WPSM706, WPXC683, WQHH604 ........... WNQS468 ..................................................................... WQCB473, WQCC270 ................................................. WPSI475, WPSJ690, WQIT613 ................................... WNVP234 ..................................................................... KNBT295, KNJU690 ..................................................... WNLS488 ...................................................................... WPIQ583 ....................................................................... WPQJ764 ...................................................................... WPMQ450, WPPX541, WQTF798 ............................... WPUB901 ..................................................................... KNJH386, WPJR956, WPWU779, WPWX247, WPWX249, WQFQ771, WQIU920. KNGK462 ...................................................................... WPTG316 ..................................................................... WPMW699, WPVJ264, WPXJ988, WQGU307, WQIK759, WQIP906. WNFV945, WQDZ868 .................................................. WPEM247, WQER853, WQEY620, WQFG484, WQFU672, WQJU730, WQJU731, WQJX789. WPPX592 ...................................................................... WNXZ684, WNXZ686, WPBB209 ................................ WPHY524, WQKK325 .................................................. WNKE392 ..................................................................... WPJS218, WPWY908 .................................................. WPWE568 ..................................................................... WPIR759, WPPF750, WPUN575 ................................. WQSH219 ..................................................................... KNJU726 ....................................................................... DL8910459907 DL8910458298 DL8910427769 DL8910427769 DL8910428185 DL8910428222 DL8910428196 DL8910435965 DL8910428206 DL8910428210 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... MANSFIELD, CITY OF, TX PH II. MARION, COUNTY OF, FL PH II. MARYLAND, STATE OF PH II. MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY, MA PH II. Action Communications Inc. McAllen Independent School District. Hubbard Construction Company #3. MECKLENBURG, COUNTY OF, NC PH II. Med Care EMS Inc. Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, GA PH II. METRO WASHINGTON AIRPORTS AUTH (MWAA) PH II. Mobile Relay Associates Rebanding. Mobile Relay Partners Ltd. Colorado, State of PH II. Colorado, State of PH II. NASSAU, COUNTY OF, NY PH II. New Hanover, County of, NC PH II. New Orleans, City of, LA PH II. NEW ORLEANS, PORT OF PH II. NORFOLK, COUNTY OF, MA PH II. NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF PH II. DL8910428210 .......... NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF PH II. DL8910459767 .......... DL8910427769 .......... DL8910428219 .......... DL8910428220 .......... DL8910428244 .......... DL8910428250 .......... DL8904419251 .......... CERT036 ................... DL8910428326 .......... DL8910458310 .......... DL8910458168 .......... DL8904419269 .......... DL8910428295 .......... Northern Arizona University. Colorado, State of PH II. NORWALK, CITY OF, CT PH II. NOXUBEE, COUNTY OF, MS PH II. ONSLOW COUNTY OF, NC PH II. Orange, City of, TX Ph II. Orleans Parish School Board, LA. Oxy USA Inc. Parma Heights, City of, OH. Pascua Yaqui Tribe. Agnes Pennington. PENSACOLA, CITY OF, FL. PINELLAS, COUNTY OF, FL PH II. DL8910428302 .......... DL8910428305 .......... DL8910428310 .......... PLANTATION, CITY OF, FL PH II. POLK, COUNTY OF, IA PH II. PORTLAND, CITY OF, ME PH II. DL8910428312 .......... DL8910428329 .......... PORTSMOUTH, CITY OF, VA PH II. Puerto Rico State Police, PR PH II. DL8910428323 DL8910447758 DL8904419287 DL8910428333 DL8910428341 DL8910460147 DL8910458327 DL8910458329 DL8910428295 PUERTO RICO, COMMONWEALTH OF PH II. Radio Service Company Canadian Rebanding. RANKIN, COUNTY OF, MS. RAPIDES, PARISH OF, LA. RENSSELAER, COUNTY OF, NY PH II. Rio Grande Police Department. Rio Grande, City of. Roma CISD Transportation Dept. PINELLAS, COUNTY OF, FL PH II. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... E:\FR\FM\13MYN1.SGM 13MYN1 28631 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 93 / Wednesday, May 13, 2020 / Notices LISTING OF LICENSEES BY LICENSEE NAME THAT HAVE COMPLETED PHYSICAL RECONFIGURATION, HAVE NOT TIMELY SUBMITTED AN ACCEPTABLE COMPLETION CERTIFICATION TO SPRINT, AND HAVE NOT ADVISED THE TA THAT THE LICENSEE HAS A DISPUTE WITH SPRINT—Continued Licensee name Call sign(s) FRA ID FRA name SAN BENITO C.I.S.D. POLICE DEPARTMENT ............ WPWX324 ..................................................................... DL8910428387 .......... San Diego Gas & Electric Company .............................. SANTA CLARA, CITY OF .............................................. SANTA FE, CITY OF ..................................................... SANTA MONICA, CITY OF ............................................ Schull, Erik D .................................................................. Snohomish County Emergency Radio System (SERS) WNKV831, WNKV832, WQBB624 ............................... WPCP221, WPDS577, WPGR698, WPRS440 ............ WQJQ630, WQLD772 .................................................. WNVF968 ...................................................................... WPJU842 ...................................................................... WPUP506, WPWA883, WPWC441, WPYP801, WPYP950, WPYQ414, WPYQ910, WPYQ911, WPYQ915, WPYR857, WPYR879. WPLZ450 ...................................................................... N/A ................................................................................ WPLP821, WPLP822, WQID747, WQJW792 .............. WPGY697 ..................................................................... WNMJ688, WPDS262 .................................................. KNHA498, KRR904, KRT844, KWH855, WGI554, WNXG570, WNXG582, WNXG598, WNXG637, WPGZ423, WPZZ380, WYK281. WPMI908, WPPW562, WQCL429, WQCL652, WQCN440, WQDA552, WQDA809, WQDB448, WQDB450, WQDB555, WQDK538, WQDK723, WQDK724, WQDK726, WQDK890, WQDK894. WNCE526, WNLH288, WNSC912, WNXG504, WNXU325, WPAV310, WPKB712, WPKB714, WPKB743, WPLS291, WPMV414, WQMJ390. KKV815, KNIV764, WNGC552, WNPP680, WNVQ272, WNWB345, WNWQ646, WNXS451, WPFP295, WPHU589, WQDA729, WQDA740, WYA205. WPLT955 ...................................................................... WXD691 ........................................................................ WPQY686, WPVZ418, WPVZ419, WPVZ421, WPVZ422, WPVZ423, WPVZ424, WPVZ426, WPVZ427, WPVZ428, WPVZ429, WPVZ432, WPWJ533, WPWZ427, WPXX380, WPZW901, WPZW902, WQBC298, WQHQ562, WQHQ563, WQHX370, WQIC798. WPWN762 .................................................................... WQDN602 ..................................................................... WPDQ377, WQBH536, WQBH540, WQGP982, WQGP996, WQGR279, WQJZ866, WQLE636. WPWH823, WQEM728, WQFQ340 ............................. WNQP592 ..................................................................... KNNH519, WQDD646, WQDL328, WQPD352, WQPD353. WPKM221 ..................................................................... WNSM914 ..................................................................... WPLY800, WPQD288 ................................................... WPRZ902, WPSF779, WPST269, WPST587, WQGZ431. WQOD855 ..................................................................... WPAR399 ..................................................................... WQCN429, WQCP396 ................................................. WPQA229, WQQE444 .................................................. DL8910458348 .......... DL8910428403 .......... DL8910440585 .......... CERT048 ................... DL8910464387 .......... DL8910428437 .......... SAN BENITO C.I.S.D. POLICE DEPARTMENT, TX PH II. San Diego Gas & Electric Mexican Rebanding. Santa Clara, City of, CA PH II. Santa Fe, City of, NM PH II. SANTA MONICA, CITY OF. Schull, Erik D. Snohomish County Emergency Radio System, WA. CERT054 ................... DL8910428439 .......... DL8910428459 .......... DL8910458167 .......... DL8910428469 .......... DL8910458393 .......... Socorro Independent School District. SOMERSET, COUNTY OF, MD PH II. Stark, County of, OH. Action Communications Inc. SUFFOLK, CITY OF, VA PH II. Telephone Connection. DL8910428495 .......... Tennessee, State of PH II (TEMA). DL8910447790 .......... The Boeing Company. DL8910458407 .......... Third District Enterprises. DL8910458409 .......... DL8910419361 .......... DL8910428508 .......... Tohono Oodham Nation of Arizona. TORRANCE, CITY OF, CA. TRAVIS, COUNTY OF, TX PH II. DL8910428518 .......... DL8910458416 .......... DL8910428532 .......... UNION CITY, CITY OF, NJ II. Valley Communications. Valley Communications Center, WA. DL8910458416 .......... DL8910428535 .......... DL8910428539 .......... Valley Communications. VANDERBURGH, COUNTY OF, IN PH II. VICKSBURG, CITY OF, MS PH II. DL8910428555 DL8910447799 DL8910428539 DL8910427769 .......... .......... .......... .......... Warren, City of, OH. Warren, City of, MI. VICKSBURG, CITY OF, MS PH II. Colorado, State of PH II. DL8910458432 DL8904416193 DL8910428609 DL8910428620 .......... .......... .......... .......... Willacy, County of. Worcester, City of. WORCESTER, COUNTY OF, MD PH II. YSLETA DEL SUR PUEBLO, TX PH II. SOCORRO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ........ SOMERSET, COUNTY OF, MD PH II ........................... STARK, COUNTY OF .................................................... STEEN, DIRK B ............................................................. SUFFOLK, CITY OF ....................................................... Telephone Connection, LLC ........................................... TENNESSEE, STATE OF .............................................. THE BOEING COMPANY .............................................. Third District Enterprises, LLC ....................................... TOHONO OODHAM NATION OF ARIZONA ................ TORRANCE, CITY OF ................................................... TRAVIS, COUNTY OF ................................................... UNION CITY, CITY OF .................................................. Valley Communications .................................................. VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER ....................... Valley Radio Center ....................................................... VANDERBURGH, COUNTY OF .................................... VICKSBURG, CITY OF .................................................. WARREN, CITY OF ....................................................... WARREN, CITY OF ....................................................... WARREN, COUNTY OF ................................................ WELD, COUNTY OF ...................................................... WILLACY, COUNTY OF ................................................ WORCESTER, CITY OF ................................................ WORCESTER, COUNTY OF ......................................... YSLETA DEL SUR PUEBLO ......................................... Appendix—Same Licensees—Listing by FRA Number SAME LICENSEES LISTED BY FRA NUMBER THAT HAVE COMPLETED PHYSICAL RECONFIGURATION, HAVE NOT SUBMITTED TIMELY AN ACCEPTABLE COMPLETION CERTIFICATION TO SPRINT, AND HAVE NOT ADVISED THE TA THAT THE LICENSEE HAS A DISPUTE WITH SPRINT jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES FRA ID DL8904416193 DL8904418967 DL8904419062 DL8904419125 DL8904419130 DL8904419147 DL8904419190 DL8904419251 DL8904419269 DL8904419287 DL8904419804 DL8904426344 DL8910419021 DL8910419140 DL8910419169 DL8910419361 VerDate Sep<11>2014 FRA name ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ 19:53 May 12, 2020 WORCESTER, CITY OF. BIBB, COUNTY OF, GA. DeKalb County Police Department, GA. HOOPER, STEVEN E. Hubbard Construction Company #3. JEFFERSON, PARISH OF, LA. Liberty Communications, Inc. ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD, LA. PENSACOLA, CITY OF, FL. RANKIN, COUNTY OF, MS. DeLasaux Thomas. Boston, City of—Police (MA). COLTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. J. Paul Getty Trust. LAKE ELSINORE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, CA. TORRANCE, CITY OF, CA. Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\13MYN1.SGM 13MYN1 28632 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 93 / Wednesday, May 13, 2020 / Notices SAME LICENSEES LISTED BY FRA NUMBER THAT HAVE COMPLETED PHYSICAL RECONFIGURATION, HAVE NOT SUBMITTED TIMELY AN ACCEPTABLE COMPLETION CERTIFICATION TO SPRINT, AND HAVE NOT ADVISED THE TA THAT THE LICENSEE HAS A DISPUTE WITH SPRINT—Continued jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES FRA ID DL8910427603 DL8910427609 DL8910427624 DL8910427637 DL8910427639 DL8910427656 DL8910427665 DL8910427676 DL8910427680 DL8910427686 DL8910427695 DL8910427707 DL8910427743 DL8910427769 DL8910427818 DL8910427820 DL8910427822 DL8910427826 DL8910427849 DL8910427883 DL8910427891 DL8910427903 DL8910427915 DL8910427946 DL8910427953 DL8910427974 DL8910428033 DL8910428043 DL8910428061 DL8910428070 DL8910428078 DL8910428092 DL8910428096 DL8910428102 DL8910428105 DL8910428114 DL8910428126 DL8910428179 DL8910428185 DL8910428196 DL8910428206 DL8910428210 DL8910428219 DL8910428220 DL8910428222 DL8910428244 DL8910428250 DL8910428295 DL8910428302 DL8910428305 DL8910428310 DL8910428312 DL8910428323 DL8910428326 DL8910428329 DL8910428333 DL8910428341 DL8910428350 DL8910428387 DL8910428403 DL8910428437 DL8910428439 DL8910428459 DL8910428469 DL8910428495 DL8910428508 DL8910428518 DL8910428532 DL8910428535 DL8910428539 VerDate Sep<11>2014 FRA name ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ 19:53 May 12, 2020 BAYAMON, MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF, PR PH II. BELL, COUNTY OF, TX PH II. BIRMINGHAM, CITY OF, AL PH II. BOSSIER, CITY OF, LA PH II. BOSTON, CITY OF, MA PH II. BROWNSVILLE, CITY OF, TX PH II. Boston Public Health Commission, City of, MA PH II. CAMDEN, CITY OF, NJ PH II. CAPITAL REGION AIRPORT COMMISSION, VA PH II. CARROLLTON, CITY OF, TX PH II. CHARLES, COUNTY OF, MD PH II. CHERRY HILL, TOWNSHIP OF, NJ PH II. COPPERAS COVE, CITY OF, TX PH II. Colorado, State of PH II. EASTSIDE PUBLIC SAFETY COMM AGY, WA PH II. EDINBURG CISD POLICE DEPARTMENT, TX PH II. EDMOND, CITY OF, OK PH II. ELGIN, CITY OF, IL PH II. FAYETTEVILLE, CITY OF, NC PH II. GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY, AZ PH II. GRAND PRAIRIE, CITY OF, TX PH II. GREENWICH, TOWN OF, CT PH II. HAMILTON, COUNTY OF, IN PH II. HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, TX PH II. HUNTSVILLE, CITY OF, AL PH II. IRVING, CITY OF, TX PH II. LAKE HAVASU CITY, CITY OF, AZ PH II. LAS CRUCES, CITY OF, NM PH II. LIVE OAK, CITY OF, TX PH II. LONGVIEW, CITY OF, TX PH II. LOWNDES, COUNTY OF, GA PH II. MANSFIELD, CITY OF, TX PH II. MARION, COUNTY OF, FL PH II. MARYLAND, STATE OF PH II. MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY, MA PH II. MECKLENBURG, COUNTY OF, NC PH II. METRO WASHINGTON AIRPORTS AUTH (MWAA) PH II. Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, GA PH II. NASSAU, COUNTY OF, NY PH II. NEW ORLEANS, CITY OF, LA PH II. NORFOLK, COUNTY OF, MA PH II. NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF PH II. NORWALK, CITY OF, CT PH II. NOXUBEE, COUNTY OF, MS PH II. New Hanover, County of, NC PH II. ONSLOW COUNTY OF, NC PH II. ORANGE, CITY OF, TX PH II. PINELLAS, COUNTY OF, FL PH II. PLANTATION, CITY OF, FL PH II. POLK, COUNTY OF, IA PH II. PORTLAND, CITY OF, ME PH II. PORTSMOUTH, CITY OF, VA PH II. PUERTO RICO, COMMONWEALTH OF PH II. Parma Heights, City of, OH PH II. Puerto Rico State Police, PR PH II. RAPIDES, PARISH OF, LA PH II. RENSSELAER, COUNTY OF, NY PH II. RICHMOND, CITY OF, VA PH II. SAN BENITO C.I.S.D. POLICE DEPARTMENT, TX PH II. SANTA CLARA, CITY OF, CA PH II. SNOHOMISH COUNTY EMERGENCY RADIO SYSTEM PH II. SOMERSET, COUNTY OF, MD PH II. STARK, COUNTY OF, OH PH II. SUFFOLK, CITY OF, VA PH II. TENNESSEE, STATE OF PH II. TRAVIS, COUNTY OF, TX PH II. UNION CITY, CITY OF, NJ PH II. VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER, WA PH II. VANDERBURGH, COUNTY OF, IN PH II. VICKSBURG, CITY OF, MS PH II. Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\13MYN1.SGM 13MYN1 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 93 / Wednesday, May 13, 2020 / Notices 28633 SAME LICENSEES LISTED BY FRA NUMBER THAT HAVE COMPLETED PHYSICAL RECONFIGURATION, HAVE NOT SUBMITTED TIMELY AN ACCEPTABLE COMPLETION CERTIFICATION TO SPRINT, AND HAVE NOT ADVISED THE TA THAT THE LICENSEE HAS A DISPUTE WITH SPRINT—Continued FRA ID FRA name DL8910428555 ................................ DL8910428609 ................................ DL8910428620 ................................ DL8910432845 ................................ DL8910433485 ................................ DL8910434725 ................................ DL8910434745 ................................ DL8910435965 ................................ DL8910437765 ................................ DL8910440585 ................................ DL8910447621 ................................ DL8910447661 ................................ DL8910447690 ................................ DL8910447758 ................................ DL8910447790 ................................ DL8910447799 ................................ DL8910458167 ................................ DL8910458168 ................................ DL8910458177 ................................ DL8910458228 ................................ DL8910458248 ................................ DL8910458272 ................................ DL8910428620 ................................ DL8910458291 ................................ DL8910458298 ................................ DL8910458310 ................................ DL8910458327 ................................ DL8910458329 ................................ DL8910458348 ................................ DL8910458393 ................................ DL8910458407 ................................ DL8910458409 ................................ DL8910458416 ................................ DL8910458432 ................................ DL8910459767 ................................ DL8910459907 ................................ DL8910460127 ................................ DL8910460147 ................................ DL8910463987 ................................ DL8910464147 ................................ DL8910464387 ................................ CERT019 ........................................ CERT036 ........................................ CERT047 ........................................ CERT048 ........................................ CERT050 ........................................ CERT054 ........................................ CERT055 ........................................ Warren, City of, OH. WORCESTER, COUNTY OF, MD PH II. YSLETA DEL SUR PUEBLO, TX PH II. BOSTON, CITY OF, MA PH II—POLICE. Green, City of OH. Illinois, State of, PH II Criminal Justice Auth. Chicago, City of, IL PH II Aviation. NEW ORLEANS, PORT OF PH II. BLANCO, COUNTY OF, TX PH II. Santa Fe, City of, NM PH II. ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc. Continental Airlines, Inc. Geauga, County of, OH. Radio Service Company Canadian Rebanding. The Boeing Company. Warren, City of, MI. Action Communications Inc. Agnes Pennington. Cameron, County of, TX. CPC Arizona Holdings, Inc. Hidalgo, City of. La Mesa Spring Valley School District. YSLETA DEL SUR PUEBLO, TX PH II. McAllen Independent School District. Mobile Relay Partners Ltd. Pascua Yaqui Tribe. Rio Grande, City of. Roma CISD Transportation Dept. San Diego Gas & Electric Mexican Rebanding. Telephone Connection. Third District Enterprises. Tohono Oodham Nation of Arizona. Valley Communications. Willacy, County of. Northern Arizona University. Mobile Relay Associates Rebanding. 3KFA, LLC. Rio Grande Police Department. Creative Communications—Interop Only. William Holland. Schull, Erik D. FALCON TRUCKING COMPANY. OXY USA INC. LOS ANGELES COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION. SANTA MONICA, CITY OF. COMANCHE COMMUNICATIONS. SOCORRO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. MEDCARE EMS INC. Federal Communications Commission. Marlene Dortch, Secretary. Notice of establishment of a matching program. ACTION: BILLING CODE 6712–01–P jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [FRS 16731] Privacy Act of 1974; Matching Program Federal Communications Commission. AGENCY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:53 May 12, 2020 Jkt 250001 In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (‘‘Privacy Act’’), this document announces the establishment of a computer matching program the Federal Communications Commission (‘‘FCC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’ or ‘‘Agency’’) and the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) will conduct with the State of Nevada, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS). The purpose of this matching program is to verify the eligibility of SUMMARY: [FR Doc. 2020–10163 Filed 5–12–20; 8:45 am] PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 applicants to and subscribers of the Universal Service Fund (USF) Lifeline program, which is administered by USAC under the direction of the FCC. More information about this program is provided in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section below. DATES: Written comments are due on or before June 12, 2020. This computer matching program will commence on June 12, 2020, unless written comments are received that require a contrary determination, and will conclude on December 13, 2021. ADDRESSES: Send comments to Mr. Leslie F. Smith, Privacy Manager, E:\FR\FM\13MYN1.SGM 13MYN1


[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 93 (Wednesday, May 13, 2020)]
[Pages 28627-28633]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-10163]



[WT Docket No. 02-55; DA 20-321; FRS 16716]

Improving Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHZ Band

AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.

ACTION: Notice.


[[Page 28628]]

SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal Communications Commission 
(Commission) takes steps to accelerate the successful conclusion of the 
Commission's 800 MHz band reconfiguration program, or rebanding. 
Specifically, this Order declares a list of licensees that have 
completed physical rebanding but, because they (a) have failed timely 
to complete the closing process dictated by the Commission's 800 MHz 
Orders or (b) timely filed notification that they have a remaining 
dispute with Sprint, are deemed to have completed rebanding and have no 
further rights under the Commission's 800 MHz orders, including 
recourse to the dispute resolution or other services of the 800 MHz 
Transition Administrator.

DATES: Effective June 12, 2020.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Roberto Mussenden, Policy and 
Licensing Division, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, (202) 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Public Safety and 
Homeland Security Bureau's Order in WT Docket No. 02-55, DA 20-321, 
released on March 23, 2020. The document is available for download at The complete text of this 
document is also available for inspection and copying during normal 
business hours in the FCC Reference Information Center, Portals II, 445 
12th Street SW, Room CY-A257, Washington, DC 20554. To request 
materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities (Braille, 
large print, electronic files, audio format), send an email to 
[email protected] or call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 
202-418-0530 (voice), 202-418-0432 (TTY).
    1. In the Order, the Bureau, after consultation with Sprint and the 
Transition Administrator, has determined each of the licensees listed 
below has: (a) Completed physical reconfiguration, (b) has not 
submitted a timely, accurate completion certification, and (c) has not 
timely advised that it has an outstanding dispute with Sprint. The 
Bureau is satisfied, therefore, that the listed licensees have been 
successfully rebanded and that Sprint has satisfied its rebanding 
obligations to them.
    2. Pursuant to the authority delegated to it, the Bureau deems the 
licensees listed below to have completed rebanding. Consequently, the 
Bureau terminates each listed licensee's rights under the Commission's 
800 MHz rebanding orders, including the right to the TA's dispute 
resolution process and further reimbursement of costs.

Procedural Matters

A. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis

    3. The Order document does not contains new or modified information 
collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 
(PRA), Public Law 104-13.

B. Report to Congress

    4. The Commission will not send a copy of this Order to Congress 
and the Government Accountability Office pursuant to the Congressional 
Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A), because the Commission did not 
adopt any rules of particular applicability.

Ordering Clause

    5. Accordingly, it is ordered that, pursuant to sections 4(i), 
4(j), 301, 303, and 403 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 
47 U.S.C. 154(i), 154(j), 301, 303, and 403, the Order is hereby 
    6. This action is taken under delegated authority pursuant to 
Sections 0.191 and 0.392 of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 0.191 and 

Appendix--Listing by Licensee Name

Listing of Licensees by Licensee Name That Have Completed Physical Reconfiguration, Have Not Timely Submitted an
 Acceptable Completion Certification to Sprint, and Have Not Advised the TA That the Licensee Has a Dispute With
          Licensee name                   Call sign(s)                 FRA ID                   FRA name
3KFA, LLC........................  KNJH406..................  DL8910460127............  3KFA, LLC.
ACTION COMMUNICATIONS INC........  WPGY701..................  DL8910458167............  Action Communications
ARAPAHOE, COUNTY OF..............  WPFH510, WPKM930, WQCZ740  DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc......  WNLH463, WNXG931.........  DL8910447621............  ArcelorMittal Cleveland
ARMIJO, DONALD...................  WPGY705..................  DL8910458167............  Action Communications
BACA, COUNTY OF..................  WPNP223, WQDZ548.........  DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
BAYAMON, MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF.  WPHZ368..................  DL8910427603............  BAYAMON, MUNICIPAL
                                                                                         GOVERNMENT OF, PR PH
BELL, COUNTY OF..................  WPML265, WPML266, WQHS400  DL8910427609............  BELL, COUNTY OF, TX PH
BIBB, COUNTY OF..................  WNVR832..................  DL8904418967............  BIBB, COUNTY OF, GA.
BIRMINGHAM, CITY OF..............  WPZE311..................  DL8910427624............  BIRMINGHAM, CITY OF, AL
                                                                                         PH II.
BLANCO, COUNTY OF................  WQGB437..................  DL8910437765............  Blanco County, TX PH II.
BOSSIER, CITY OF.................  WNBU589..................  DL8910427637............  Bossier, City of, LA PH
Boston Public Health Commission,   WPHZ634..................  DL8910427665............  Boston Public Health
 City of.                                                                                Commission, City of, MA
                                                                                         PH II.
BOSTON, CITY OF..................  WNGY708, WPFF631,          DL8904426344............  Boston, City of--Police
                                    WPFF645, WPHY940,                                    (MA).
                                    WQBA899, WQBB424.
BOSTON, CITY OF..................  KKR520, KNJA565, WPYH902,  DL8910427639............  BOSTON, CITY OF, MA PH
                                    WQDU213.                                             II--Trunked System.
BOSTON, CITY OF..................  WPHZ904, WPLZ982, WPMD613  DL8910432845............  BOSTON, CITY OF, MA PH
BOULDER, CITY OF.................  WPRG380..................  DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
BOULDER, COUNTY OF...............  WPRG378..................  DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
BROWNSVILLE, CITY OF.............  WPGR394, WPGT607, WQLR527  DL8910427656............  BROWNSVILLE, CITY OF, TX
                                                                                         PH II.
CAMDEN, CITY OF..................  WQDC490..................  DL8910427676............  CAMDEN, CITY OF, NJ PH
Cameron, County of...............  WNVL281, WQMH572.........  DL8910458177............  Cameron, County of, TX.
                                                                                         COMMISSION, VA PH II.
CARMEL, CITY OF..................  WNVF998..................  DL8910427915............  HAMILTON, COUNTY OF, IN
                                                                                         PH II.
CARROLLTON, CITY OF..............  KNJU868..................  DL8910427686............  CARROLLTON, CITY OF, TX
                                                                                         PH II.
CHARLES, COUNTY OF...............  WPZH908, WPZI729,          DL8910427695............  CHARLES, COUNTY OF, MD
                                    WPZR834, WPZR835,                                    PH II.
                                    WQCL724, WQFY836,
                                    WQFY838, WQLG538.
Charlotte, City of...............  WPUN602, WQHB874, WQHB875  DL8910428114............  MECKLENBURG, COUNTY OF,
                                                                                         NC PH II.
CHERRY HILL, TOWNSHIP OF.........  WPRI877, WPRI907.........  DL8910427707............  CHERRY HILL, TOWNSHIP
                                                                                         OF, NJ PH II.
CHICAGO, CITY OF.................  WNAJ329..................  DL8910434745............  Chicago, City of, IL PH
                                                                                         II Aviation.
City of Richmond.................  WPPB793..................  DL8910428350............  RICHMOND, CITY OF, VA PH

[[Page 28629]]

COLORADO, STATE OF...............  WNXN848, WPAZ640,          DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
                                    WPCJ843, WPFQ225,                                    II.
                                    WPFQ267, WPHK881,
                                    WPJU925, WPKK592,
                                    WPMF617, WPNT769,
                                    WPPU345, WPPU346,
                                    WPPU347, WPPU371,
                                    WPPU372, WPRR696,
                                    WPRR740, WPRR756,
                                    WPRV777, WPRV815,
                                    WPRV816, WPRZ828,
                                    WPSG917, WPSH437,
                                    WPSH613, WPSK325,
                                    WPSK701, WPSM559,
                                    WPSQ525, WPTL723,
                                    WPTL725, WPTM601,
                                    WPTN359, WPTP867,
                                    WPTW329, WPUJ277,
                                    WPUJ668, WPUP350,
                                    WPUP354, WPUP356,
                                    WPUP357, WPUP362,
                                    WPUP364, WPUP366,
                                    WPUQ367, WPUS321,
                                    WPUU423, WPVU788,
                                    WPVU791, WPVU792,
                                    WPVW302, WPVW304,
                                    WPVW306, WPVW559,
                                    WPVW563, WPWK919,
                                    WPWK921, WPXA400,
                                    WPXA401, WPXA402,
                                    WPXA403, WPXA404,
                                    WPXA405, WPXC444,
                                    WPXC445, WPXH324,
                                    WPXY514, WPYS738,
                                    WPYS800, WPYT630,
                                    WPYT677, WPZR719,
                                    WPZR730, WPZR732,
                                    WPZS494, WQAM345,
                                    WQAW727, WQAW901,
                                    WQAX736, WQAY630,
                                    WQAZ298, WQBM307,
                                    WQBM309, WQBM311,
                                    WQBM312, WQBM328,
                                    WQBM329, WQBM330,
                                    WQBM331, WQBM336,
                                    WQBM791, WQBM793,
                                    WQCT916, WQCU591,
                                    WQDA801, WQDF397,
                                    WQDG483, WQDJ818,
                                    WQDK721, WQDL740,
                                    WQDM887, WQDT629,
                                    WQDW783, WQDX507,
                                    WQDY458, WQDY462,
                                    WQEA389, WQEA390,
                                    WQEA391, WQEA635,
                                    WQED556, WQEE615,
                                    WQEE616, WQEE617.
COLTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT...  WYQ556...................  DL8910419021............  COLTON UNIFIED SCHOOL
COMANCHE COMMUNICATIONS..........  WPPB228, WPUP680, WQAF343  CERT050.................  Comanche Communications.
Continental Airlines, Inc........  WNSK462..................  DL8910447661............  Continental Airlines,
COPPERAS COVE, CITY OF...........  WQAH913..................  DL8910427743............  COPPERAS COVE, CITY OF,
                                                                                         TX PH II.
County of Catawba................  WPTR976..................  DL8910428210............  NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF
                                                                                         PH II.
CPC Arizona Holdings, Inc........  WPPA535..................  DL8910458228............  CPC Arizona Holdings,
Creative Communications--Interop   N/A......................  DL8910463987............  Creative Communications--
 Only.                                                                                   Interop Only.
DeKalb County Police Department..  KNAN828, KR9746, WZC779..  DL8904419062............  DeKalb County Police
                                                                                         Department, GA.
DeLasaux, Thomas G...............  WNXQ289, WNZY833.........  DL8904419804............  DeLasaux, Thomas.
DILLON, RICHARD..................  WPGY693..................  DL8910458167............  Action Communications
DOUGLAS, COUNTY OF...............  WPLW647, WQDE613,          DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
                                    WQDG482, WQHK854.                                    II.
EASTSIDE PUBLIC SAFETY             WPDU516, WPGR930,          DL8910427818............  Eastside Public Safety
 COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY.             WQET932, WQET935,                                    Comm Agency, WA.
                                    WQJL506, WQMQ368,
                                    WQOI770, WQOI771.
EDINBURG CISD POLICE DEPARTMENT..  WPTY454..................  DL8910427820............  EDINBURG CISD POLICE
                                                                                         DEPARTMENT, TX PH II.
EDMOND, CITY OF..................  WPTX256, WQCL942, WQHK876  DL8910427822............  EDMOND, CITY OF, OK PH
ELGIN, CITY OF...................  KNBX891, WPHX763, WQGB480  DL8910427826............  ELGIN, CITY OF, IL PH
ESCAMBIA, COUNTY OF..............  WPHY873..................  DL8904419269............  PENSACOLA, CITY OF, FL.
Falcon Trucking Company..........  WPYJ962..................  CERT019.................  Falcon Trucking Company.
FAYETTEVILLE, CITY OF............  WNLK950, WPFQ241, WPJJ239  DL8910427849............  FAYETTEVILLE, CITY OF,
                                                                                         NC PH II.
Fort Collins, City of............  WPJT938..................  DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
GEAUGA, COUNTY OF................  WNGS649, WQNC532.........  DL8910447690............  Geauga, County of, OH.
GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY......  WPVV494..................  DL8910427883............  GILA RIVER INDIAN
                                                                                         COMMUNITY, AZ PH II.
GRAND PRAIRIE, CITY OF...........  WNFV258, WPFF376.........  DL8910427891............  GRAND PRAIRIE, CITY OF,
                                                                                         TX PH II.
GREELEY, CITY OF.................  WPBP275..................  DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
GREEN, CITY OF...................  WPAQ935..................  DL8910433485............  Green, City of OH.
GREENWICH, TOWN OF...............  WNNM890, WPMA766.........  DL8910427903............  GREENWICH, TOWN OF, CT
                                                                                         PH II.
HAMILTON, COUNTY OF..............  WNSD453..................  DL8910427915............  HAMILTON, COUNTY OF, IN
                                                                                         PH II.
HIDALGO, CITY OF.................  WQGM640, WRAP892.........  DL8910458248............  Hidalgo, City of.
Holland, William M...............  WQCH480..................  DL8910464147............  William Holland.
Hooper, Dennisse B...............  WPHS504..................  DL8904419125............  HOOPER, STEVEN E.
HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL         WPTE909, WPTN982.........  DL8910427946............  HOUSTON INDEPENDENT
 DISTRICT.                                                                               SCHOOL DISTRICT, TX PH
HUERFANO, COUNTY OF..............  WQDZ774..................  DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
HUNTSVILLE UTILITIES.............  WPTJ977..................  DL8910427953............  HUNTSVILLE, CITY OF, AL
                                                                                         PH II.
HUNTSVILLE, CITY OF..............  WPHI451, WPPD898,          DL8910427953............  HUNTSVILLE, CITY OF, AL
                                    WQAU729, WQER591.                                    PH II.
ILLINOIS PUBLIC SAFETY AGENCY      WPHY365, WPKG583,          DL8910434725............  Illinois, State of, PH
 NETWORK.                           WPKP764, WPKX703,                                    II Public Safety Agency
                                    WPSP557, WPXM784.                                    Network.
IRVING, CITY OF..................  WPJQ645, WQCJ480.........  DL8910427974............  IRVING, CITY OF, TX PH
J. PAUL GETTY TRUST..............  KQG497...................  DL8910419140............  J. Paul Getty Trust.
Jefferson County Commission......  WPTC288..................  DL8910427624............  BIRMINGHAM, CITY OF, AL
                                                                                         PH II.
JEFFERSON PARISH FIRE DISTRICT 1.  WNRE827..................  DL8904419147............  JEFFERSON, PARISH OF,
JEFFERSON, COUNTY OF.............  KNNJ873, WNHV507,          DL8910427624............  BIRMINGHAM, CITY OF, AL
                                    WQDX703, WQEA798,                                    PH II.
JEFFERSON, COUNTY OF.............  WPAP649, WPMI204, WQGX351  DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
JEFFERSON, PARISH OF.............  KNHH513, KNJA737.........  DL8904419147............  JEFFERSON, PARISH OF,
LA JUNTA, CITY OF................  WQCD531..................  DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
LA MESA SPRING VALLEY SCHOOL       WNHS767..................  DL8910458272............  La Mesa Spring Valley
 DISTRICT.                                                                               School District.
LAKE ELSINORE UNIFIED SCHOOL       WNQL811..................  DL8910419169............  LAKE ELSINORE UNIFIED
 DISTRICT.                                                                               SCHOOL DISTRICT, CA.
LAKE HAVASU CITY, CITY OF........  WPXB342..................  DL8910428033............  LAKE HAVASU CITY, CITY
                                                                                         OF, AZ PH II.
Las Cruces, City of..............  KNNP960, KNNP962, WNZU211  DL8910428043............  LAS CRUCES, CITY OF, NM
                                                                                         PH II.
LIBERTY COMMUNICATIONS INC.......  KNIQ708, WPBI305,          DL8904419190............  Liberty Communications,
                                    WPDQ841, WPIT419,                                    Inc.
                                    WPJW341, WPKJ959,
                                    WPLS383, WPLS406,
                                    WPXP611, WPXP955,
LIVE OAK, CITY OF................  WPWD493..................  DL8910428061............  LIVE OAK, CITY OF, TX PH
LONGVIEW, CITY OF................  WPKT699..................  DL8910428070............  LONGVIEW, CITY OF, TX PH
Los Angeles County Office of       WZA814...................  CERT047.................  Los Angeles County
 Education, Transportation                                                               Office of Education.
LOWNDES, COUNTY OF...............  WPMT690, WPYU757, WQDF255  DL8910428078............  LOWNDES, COUNTY OF, GA
                                                                                         PH II.
Loya, Carmen G...................  WPPA500..................  DL8910458275............  Loya, Carmen G.
LOYA, LUCILDA....................  WQES955..................  DL8910458275............  Loya, Carmen G.
MACON, CITY OF...................  WPXX405..................  DL8904418967............  BIBB, COUNTY OF, GA.

[[Page 28630]]

MANSFIELD, CITY OF...............  WNXC886..................  DL8910428092............  MANSFIELD, CITY OF, TX
                                                                                         PH II.
MARION, COUNTY OF................  WQDH468, WQDH497, WQGX541  DL8910428096............  MARION, COUNTY OF, FL PH
MARYLAND, STATE OF--DPSCS........  WPTX572..................  DL8910428102............  MARYLAND, STATE OF PH
MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY.....  WPAQ455..................  DL8910428105............  MASSACHUSETTS PORT
                                                                                         AUTHORITY, MA PH II.
MC NAMARA, ALICE J...............  WPGY689..................  DL8910458167............  Action Communications
MCALLEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL         WPRT853..................  DL8910458291............  McAllen Independent
 DISTRICT.                                                                               School District.
MEARS DESTINATION SERVICES INC...  WNNO864..................  DL8904419130............  Hubbard Construction
                                                                                         Company #3.
MECKLENBURG, COUNTY OF...........  WPEN288, WPUV635,          DL8910428114............  MECKLENBURG, COUNTY OF,
                                    WQEX452, WQFR285,                                    NC PH II.
MED CARE EMS INC.................  WPSE229..................  CERT055.................  Med Care EMS Inc.
METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPID         WQBZ553, WQCN601.........  DL8910428179............  Metropolitan Atlanta
 TRANSIT AUTHORITY.                                                                      Rapid Transit
                                                                                         Authority, GA PH II.
 AUTHORITY (MWAA).                  WQID396, WQJE989.                                    AIRPORTS AUTH (MWAA) PH
Mobile Relay Associates..........  WQLD477..................  DL8910459907............  Mobile Relay Associates
MOBILE RELAY PARTNERS LTD........  WPTA416..................  DL8910458298............  Mobile Relay Partners
MOFFAT, COUNTY OF................  WQCP257..................  DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
MONTROSE, CITY OF................  WPYI943..................  DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
NASSAU, COUNTY OF................  WNNM884, WNNM885.........  DL8910428185............  NASSAU, COUNTY OF, NY PH
NEW HANOVER, COUNTY OF...........  WNUX409, WPHZ633, WQAQ374  DL8910428222............  New Hanover, County of,
                                                                                         NC PH II.
NEW ORLEANS, CITY OF.............  WPDT285, WQDF937.........  DL8910428196............  New Orleans, City of, LA
                                                                                         PH II.
NEW ORLEANS, PORT OF.............  WPHY866..................  DL8910435965............  NEW ORLEANS, PORT OF PH
NORFOLK, COUNTY OF...............  WPXP591..................  DL8910428206............  NORFOLK, COUNTY OF, MA
                                                                                         PH II.
NORTH CAROLINA STATE HIGHWAY       WPHM257, WPMU588,          DL8910428210............  NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF
 PATROL.                            WPMU769, WPMW363,                                    PH II.
                                    WPQY486, WPQY584,
                                    WPUT647, WPXZ637,
                                    WQBB953, WQBK307,
                                    WQBK492, WQBK493,
                                    WQBK495, WQBK496,
                                    WQBK498, WQCQ970,
                                    WQCQ971, WQCQ972,
                                    WQCQ973, WQCR583,
                                    WQCR608, WQCS267,
                                    WQCS278, WQCS279,
                                    WQCS642, WQCS907,
                                    WQCS908, WQCS909,
                                    WQCS910, WQCS911,
                                    WQCT414, WQCT415,
                                    WQCT913, WQCT914,
                                    WQCU592, WQCV475,
                                    WQCV476, WQCV477,
                                    WQCV811, WQCV812,
                                    WQCV814, WQCW513,
                                    WQCW514, WQCW868,
                                    WQCX285, WQCX286,
                                    WQCX444, WQCX446,
                                    WQCX999, WQCZ372,
                                    WQCZ376, WQCZ378,
                                    WQCZ390, WQDE964,
                                    WQDE967, WQDE973,
                                    WQDE975, WQDE978,
                                    WQDE982, WQDE986,
                                    WQDE987, WQDE988,
                                    WQDE989, WQDE990,
                                    WQDE992, WQDE993,
                                    WQDE994, WQDE995,
                                    WQDE997, WQDE999,
                                    WQDF200, WQDF202,
                                    WQDF204, WQDF207,
                                    WQDF208, WQDF209,
                                    WQDF211, WQDF212,
                                    WQDF214, WQDF215,
                                    WQDG264, WQDJ700,
                                    WQDL934, WQDN676,
                                    WQDW238, WQEE271,
                                    WQEE297, WQEE298,
                                    WQEE299, WQEF260,
                                    WQEF742, WQEQ547,
                                    WQET821, WQET823,
                                    WQET824, WQFJ228,
                                    WQFJ585, WQFJ586,
                                    WQFK579, WQFK581,
                                    WQFK582, WQFK718,
                                    WQFK758, WQFK759,
                                    WQFK761, WQFN452,
                                    WQFN734, WQFN735,
                                    WQFN736, WQFP534,
                                    WQFQ491, WQFQ496,
                                    WQHJ334, WQHJ335.
NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF.........  WPMU550, WPMU554,          DL8910428210............  NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF
                                    WPMU562, WPMU583,                                    PH II.
                                    WPMU584, WPMU585,
                                    WPMU587, WPMU592,
                                    WPMU593, WPMU594,
                                    WPMU596, WPMU763,
                                    WPMU764, WPMU767,
                                    WPMU768, WPNY211,
                                    WPNZ303, WPRV578,
                                    WPSM549, WPSM605,
                                    WPUS216, WPUS587,
                                    WPUS984, WPUS985,
                                    WPUS986, WPUT648,
                                    WPUU518, WPUV349,
                                    WPUV498, WPXZ639.
NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY......  WQOM679..................  DL8910459767............  Northern Arizona
Northern Colorado Radio            WPOY442, WPSM706,          DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
 Communications Network.            WPXC683, WQHH604.                                    II.
NORWALK, CITY OF.................  WNQS468..................  DL8910428219............  NORWALK, CITY OF, CT PH
NOXUBEE, COUNTY OF...............  WQCB473, WQCC270.........  DL8910428220............  NOXUBEE, COUNTY OF, MS
                                                                                         PH II.
Onslow County of.................  WPSI475, WPSJ690, WQIT613  DL8910428244............  ONSLOW COUNTY OF, NC PH
ORANGE, CITY OF..................  WNVP234..................  DL8910428250............  Orange, City of, TX Ph
ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD......  KNBT295, KNJU690.........  DL8904419251............  Orleans Parish School
                                                                                         Board, LA.
Oxy USA Inc......................  WNLS488..................  CERT036.................  Oxy USA Inc.
Parma Heights, City of...........  WPIQ583..................  DL8910428326............  Parma Heights, City of,
PASCUA YAQUI TRIBE...............  WPQJ764..................  DL8910458310............  Pascua Yaqui Tribe.
Pennington, Agnes................  WPMQ450, WPPX541, WQTF798  DL8910458168............  Agnes Pennington.
PENSACOLA, CITY OF...............  WPUB901..................  DL8904419269............  PENSACOLA, CITY OF, FL.
PINELLAS, COUNTY OF..............  KNJH386, WPJR956,          DL8910428295............  PINELLAS, COUNTY OF, FL
                                    WPWU779, WPWX247,                                    PH II.
                                    WPWX249, WQFQ771,
PLANTATION, CITY OF..............  KNGK462..................  DL8910428302............  PLANTATION, CITY OF, FL
                                                                                         PH II.
POLK, COUNTY OF..................  WPTG316..................  DL8910428305............  POLK, COUNTY OF, IA PH
PORTLAND, CITY OF................  WPMW699, WPVJ264,          DL8910428310............  PORTLAND, CITY OF, ME PH
                                    WPXJ988, WQGU307,                                    II.
                                    WQIK759, WQIP906.
PORTSMOUTH, CITY OF..............  WNFV945, WQDZ868.........  DL8910428312............  PORTSMOUTH, CITY OF, VA
                                                                                         PH II.
Puerto Rico State Police.........  WPEM247, WQER853,          DL8910428329............  Puerto Rico State
                                    WQEY620, WQFG484,                                    Police, PR PH II.
                                    WQFU672, WQJU730,
                                    WQJU731, WQJX789.
PUERTO RICO, COMMONWEALTH OF.....  WPPX592..................  DL8910428323............  PUERTO RICO,
                                                                                         COMMONWEALTH OF PH II.
RADIO SERVICE COMPANY............  WNXZ684, WNXZ686, WPBB209  DL8910447758............  Radio Service Company
                                                                                         Canadian Rebanding.
RANKIN, COUNTY OF................  WPHY524, WQKK325.........  DL8904419287............  RANKIN, COUNTY OF, MS.
RAPIDES, PARISH OF...............  WNKE392..................  DL8910428333............  RAPIDES, PARISH OF, LA.
RENSSELAER, COUNTY OF............  WPJS218, WPWY908.........  DL8910428341............  RENSSELAER, COUNTY OF,
                                                                                         NY PH II.
RIO GRANDE CITY C.I.S.D. POLICE    WPWE568..................  DL8910460147............  Rio Grande Police
 DEPARTMENT.                                                                             Department.
RIO GRANDE, CITY OF..............  WPIR759, WPPF750, WPUN575  DL8910458327............  Rio Grande, City of.
Roma I.S.D. Transportation         WQSH219..................  DL8910458329............  Roma CISD Transportation
 Department.                                                                             Dept.
SAINT PETERSBURG, CITY OF........  KNJU726..................  DL8910428295............  PINELLAS, COUNTY OF, FL
                                                                                         PH II.

[[Page 28631]]

SAN BENITO C.I.S.D. POLICE         WPWX324..................  DL8910428387............  SAN BENITO C.I.S.D.
 DEPARTMENT.                                                                             POLICE DEPARTMENT, TX
                                                                                         PH II.
San Diego Gas & Electric Company.  WNKV831, WNKV832, WQBB624  DL8910458348............  San Diego Gas & Electric
                                                                                         Mexican Rebanding.
SANTA CLARA, CITY OF.............  WPCP221, WPDS577,          DL8910428403............  Santa Clara, City of, CA
                                    WPGR698, WPRS440.                                    PH II.
SANTA FE, CITY OF................  WQJQ630, WQLD772.........  DL8910440585............  Santa Fe, City of, NM PH
SANTA MONICA, CITY OF............  WNVF968..................  CERT048.................  SANTA MONICA, CITY OF.
Schull, Erik D...................  WPJU842..................  DL8910464387............  Schull, Erik D.
Snohomish County Emergency Radio   WPUP506, WPWA883,          DL8910428437............  Snohomish County
 System (SERS).                     WPWC441, WPYP801,                                    Emergency Radio System,
                                    WPYP950, WPYQ414,                                    WA.
                                    WPYQ910, WPYQ911,
                                    WPYQ915, WPYR857,
SOCORRO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL         WPLZ450..................  CERT054.................  Socorro Independent
 DISTRICT.                                                                               School District.
SOMERSET, COUNTY OF, MD PH II....  N/A......................  DL8910428439............  SOMERSET, COUNTY OF, MD
                                                                                         PH II.
STARK, COUNTY OF.................  WPLP821, WPLP822,          DL8910428459............  Stark, County of, OH.
                                    WQID747, WQJW792.
STEEN, DIRK B....................  WPGY697..................  DL8910458167............  Action Communications
SUFFOLK, CITY OF.................  WNMJ688, WPDS262.........  DL8910428469............  SUFFOLK, CITY OF, VA PH
Telephone Connection, LLC........  KNHA498, KRR904, KRT844,   DL8910458393............  Telephone Connection.
                                    KWH855, WGI554, WNXG570,
                                    WNXG582, WNXG598,
                                    WNXG637, WPGZ423,
                                    WPZZ380, WYK281.
TENNESSEE, STATE OF..............  WPMI908, WPPW562,          DL8910428495............  Tennessee, State of PH
                                    WQCL429, WQCL652,                                    II (TEMA).
                                    WQCN440, WQDA552,
                                    WQDA809, WQDB448,
                                    WQDB450, WQDB555,
                                    WQDK538, WQDK723,
                                    WQDK724, WQDK726,
                                    WQDK890, WQDK894.
THE BOEING COMPANY...............  WNCE526, WNLH288,          DL8910447790............  The Boeing Company.
                                    WNSC912, WNXG504,
                                    WNXU325, WPAV310,
                                    WPKB712, WPKB714,
                                    WPKB743, WPLS291,
                                    WPMV414, WQMJ390.
Third District Enterprises, LLC..  KKV815, KNIV764, WNGC552,  DL8910458407............  Third District
                                    WNPP680, WNVQ272,                                    Enterprises.
                                    WNWB345, WNWQ646,
                                    WNXS451, WPFP295,
                                    WPHU589, WQDA729,
                                    WQDA740, WYA205.
TOHONO OODHAM NATION OF ARIZONA..  WPLT955..................  DL8910458409............  Tohono Oodham Nation of
TORRANCE, CITY OF................  WXD691...................  DL8910419361............  TORRANCE, CITY OF, CA.
TRAVIS, COUNTY OF................  WPQY686, WPVZ418,          DL8910428508............  TRAVIS, COUNTY OF, TX PH
                                    WPVZ419, WPVZ421,                                    II.
                                    WPVZ422, WPVZ423,
                                    WPVZ424, WPVZ426,
                                    WPVZ427, WPVZ428,
                                    WPVZ429, WPVZ432,
                                    WPWJ533, WPWZ427,
                                    WPXX380, WPZW901,
                                    WPZW902, WQBC298,
                                    WQHQ562, WQHQ563,
                                    WQHX370, WQIC798.
UNION CITY, CITY OF..............  WPWN762..................  DL8910428518............  UNION CITY, CITY OF, NJ
Valley Communications............  WQDN602..................  DL8910458416............  Valley Communications.
VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER.....  WPDQ377, WQBH536,          DL8910428532............  Valley Communications
                                    WQBH540, WQGP982,                                    Center, WA.
                                    WQGP996, WQGR279,
                                    WQJZ866, WQLE636.
Valley Radio Center..............  WPWH823, WQEM728, WQFQ340  DL8910458416............  Valley Communications.
VANDERBURGH, COUNTY OF...........  WNQP592..................  DL8910428535............  VANDERBURGH, COUNTY OF,
                                                                                         IN PH II.
VICKSBURG, CITY OF...............  KNNH519, WQDD646,          DL8910428539............  VICKSBURG, CITY OF, MS
                                    WQDL328, WQPD352,                                    PH II.
WARREN, CITY OF..................  WPKM221..................  DL8910428555............  Warren, City of, OH.
WARREN, CITY OF..................  WNSM914..................  DL8910447799............  Warren, City of, MI.
WARREN, COUNTY OF................  WPLY800, WPQD288.........  DL8910428539............  VICKSBURG, CITY OF, MS
                                                                                         PH II.
WELD, COUNTY OF..................  WPRZ902, WPSF779,          DL8910427769............  Colorado, State of PH
                                    WPST269, WPST587,                                    II.
WILLACY, COUNTY OF...............  WQOD855..................  DL8910458432............  Willacy, County of.
WORCESTER, CITY OF...............  WPAR399..................  DL8904416193............  Worcester, City of.
WORCESTER, COUNTY OF.............  WQCN429, WQCP396.........  DL8910428609............  WORCESTER, COUNTY OF, MD
                                                                                         PH II.
YSLETA DEL SUR PUEBLO............  WPQA229, WQQE444.........  DL8910428620............  YSLETA DEL SUR PUEBLO,
                                                                                         TX PH II.

Appendix--Same Licensees--Listing by FRA Number

    Same Licensees Listed by FRA Number That Have Completed Physical
   Reconfiguration, Have Not Submitted Timely an Acceptable Completion
 Certification to Sprint, and Have Not Advised the TA That the Licensee
                        Has a Dispute With Sprint
              FRA ID                              FRA name
DL8904416193......................  WORCESTER, CITY OF.
DL8904418967......................  BIBB, COUNTY OF, GA.
DL8904419062......................  DeKalb County Police Department, GA.
DL8904419125......................  HOOPER, STEVEN E.
DL8904419130......................  Hubbard Construction Company #3.
DL8904419147......................  JEFFERSON, PARISH OF, LA.
DL8904419190......................  Liberty Communications, Inc.
DL8904419251......................  ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD, LA.
DL8904419269......................  PENSACOLA, CITY OF, FL.
DL8904419287......................  RANKIN, COUNTY OF, MS.
DL8904419804......................  DeLasaux Thomas.
DL8904426344......................  Boston, City of--Police (MA).
DL8910419021......................  COLTON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT.
DL8910419140......................  J. Paul Getty Trust.
DL8910419169......................  LAKE ELSINORE UNIFIED SCHOOL
                                     DISTRICT, CA.
DL8910419361......................  TORRANCE, CITY OF, CA.

[[Page 28632]]

DL8910427603......................  BAYAMON, MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF, PR
                                     PH II.
DL8910427609......................  BELL, COUNTY OF, TX PH II.
DL8910427624......................  BIRMINGHAM, CITY OF, AL PH II.
DL8910427637......................  BOSSIER, CITY OF, LA PH II.
DL8910427639......................  BOSTON, CITY OF, MA PH II.
DL8910427656......................  BROWNSVILLE, CITY OF, TX PH II.
DL8910427665......................  Boston Public Health Commission,
                                     City of, MA PH II.
DL8910427676......................  CAMDEN, CITY OF, NJ PH II.
DL8910427680......................  CAPITAL REGION AIRPORT COMMISSION,
                                     VA PH II.
DL8910427686......................  CARROLLTON, CITY OF, TX PH II.
DL8910427695......................  CHARLES, COUNTY OF, MD PH II.
DL8910427707......................  CHERRY HILL, TOWNSHIP OF, NJ PH II.
DL8910427743......................  COPPERAS COVE, CITY OF, TX PH II.
DL8910427769......................  Colorado, State of PH II.
DL8910427818......................  EASTSIDE PUBLIC SAFETY COMM AGY, WA
                                     PH II.
DL8910427820......................  EDINBURG CISD POLICE DEPARTMENT, TX
                                     PH II.
DL8910427822......................  EDMOND, CITY OF, OK PH II.
DL8910427826......................  ELGIN, CITY OF, IL PH II.
DL8910427849......................  FAYETTEVILLE, CITY OF, NC PH II.
DL8910427883......................  GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY, AZ PH
DL8910427891......................  GRAND PRAIRIE, CITY OF, TX PH II.
DL8910427903......................  GREENWICH, TOWN OF, CT PH II.
DL8910427915......................  HAMILTON, COUNTY OF, IN PH II.
DL8910427946......................  HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT,
                                     TX PH II.
DL8910427953......................  HUNTSVILLE, CITY OF, AL PH II.
DL8910427974......................  IRVING, CITY OF, TX PH II.
DL8910428033......................  LAKE HAVASU CITY, CITY OF, AZ PH II.
DL8910428043......................  LAS CRUCES, CITY OF, NM PH II.
DL8910428061......................  LIVE OAK, CITY OF, TX PH II.
DL8910428070......................  LONGVIEW, CITY OF, TX PH II.
DL8910428078......................  LOWNDES, COUNTY OF, GA PH II.
DL8910428092......................  MANSFIELD, CITY OF, TX PH II.
DL8910428096......................  MARION, COUNTY OF, FL PH II.
DL8910428102......................  MARYLAND, STATE OF PH II.
DL8910428105......................  MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY, MA PH
DL8910428114......................  MECKLENBURG, COUNTY OF, NC PH II.
DL8910428126......................  METRO WASHINGTON AIRPORTS AUTH
                                     (MWAA) PH II.
DL8910428179......................  Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit
                                     Authority, GA PH II.
DL8910428185......................  NASSAU, COUNTY OF, NY PH II.
DL8910428196......................  NEW ORLEANS, CITY OF, LA PH II.
DL8910428206......................  NORFOLK, COUNTY OF, MA PH II.
DL8910428210......................  NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF PH II.
DL8910428219......................  NORWALK, CITY OF, CT PH II.
DL8910428220......................  NOXUBEE, COUNTY OF, MS PH II.
DL8910428222......................  New Hanover, County of, NC PH II.
DL8910428244......................  ONSLOW COUNTY OF, NC PH II.
DL8910428250......................  ORANGE, CITY OF, TX PH II.
DL8910428295......................  PINELLAS, COUNTY OF, FL PH II.
DL8910428302......................  PLANTATION, CITY OF, FL PH II.
DL8910428305......................  POLK, COUNTY OF, IA PH II.
DL8910428310......................  PORTLAND, CITY OF, ME PH II.
DL8910428312......................  PORTSMOUTH, CITY OF, VA PH II.
DL8910428323......................  PUERTO RICO, COMMONWEALTH OF PH II.
DL8910428326......................  Parma Heights, City of, OH PH II.
DL8910428329......................  Puerto Rico State Police, PR PH II.
DL8910428333......................  RAPIDES, PARISH OF, LA PH II.
DL8910428341......................  RENSSELAER, COUNTY OF, NY PH II.
DL8910428350......................  RICHMOND, CITY OF, VA PH II.
DL8910428387......................  SAN BENITO C.I.S.D. POLICE
                                     DEPARTMENT, TX PH II.
DL8910428403......................  SANTA CLARA, CITY OF, CA PH II.
DL8910428437......................  SNOHOMISH COUNTY EMERGENCY RADIO
                                     SYSTEM PH II.
DL8910428439......................  SOMERSET, COUNTY OF, MD PH II.
DL8910428459......................  STARK, COUNTY OF, OH PH II.
DL8910428469......................  SUFFOLK, CITY OF, VA PH II.
DL8910428495......................  TENNESSEE, STATE OF PH II.
DL8910428508......................  TRAVIS, COUNTY OF, TX PH II.
DL8910428518......................  UNION CITY, CITY OF, NJ PH II.
DL8910428532......................  VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER, WA PH
DL8910428535......................  VANDERBURGH, COUNTY OF, IN PH II.
DL8910428539......................  VICKSBURG, CITY OF, MS PH II.

[[Page 28633]]

DL8910428555......................  Warren, City of, OH.
DL8910428609......................  WORCESTER, COUNTY OF, MD PH II.
DL8910428620......................  YSLETA DEL SUR PUEBLO, TX PH II.
DL8910432845......................  BOSTON, CITY OF, MA PH II--POLICE.
DL8910433485......................  Green, City of OH.
DL8910434725......................  Illinois, State of, PH II Criminal
                                     Justice Auth.
DL8910434745......................  Chicago, City of, IL PH II Aviation.
DL8910435965......................  NEW ORLEANS, PORT OF PH II.
DL8910437765......................  BLANCO, COUNTY OF, TX PH II.
DL8910440585......................  Santa Fe, City of, NM PH II.
DL8910447621......................  ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.
DL8910447661......................  Continental Airlines, Inc.
DL8910447690......................  Geauga, County of, OH.
DL8910447758......................  Radio Service Company Canadian
DL8910447790......................  The Boeing Company.
DL8910447799......................  Warren, City of, MI.
DL8910458167......................  Action Communications Inc.
DL8910458168......................  Agnes Pennington.
DL8910458177......................  Cameron, County of, TX.
DL8910458228......................  CPC Arizona Holdings, Inc.
DL8910458248......................  Hidalgo, City of.
DL8910458272......................  La Mesa Spring Valley School
DL8910428620......................  YSLETA DEL SUR PUEBLO, TX PH II.
DL8910458291......................  McAllen Independent School District.
DL8910458298......................  Mobile Relay Partners Ltd.
DL8910458310......................  Pascua Yaqui Tribe.
DL8910458327......................  Rio Grande, City of.
DL8910458329......................  Roma CISD Transportation Dept.
DL8910458348......................  San Diego Gas & Electric Mexican
DL8910458393......................  Telephone Connection.
DL8910458407......................  Third District Enterprises.
DL8910458409......................  Tohono Oodham Nation of Arizona.
DL8910458416......................  Valley Communications.
DL8910458432......................  Willacy, County of.
DL8910459767......................  Northern Arizona University.
DL8910459907......................  Mobile Relay Associates Rebanding.
DL8910460127......................  3KFA, LLC.
DL8910460147......................  Rio Grande Police Department.
DL8910463987......................  Creative Communications--Interop
DL8910464147......................  William Holland.
DL8910464387......................  Schull, Erik D.
CERT019...........................  FALCON TRUCKING COMPANY.
CERT036...........................  OXY USA INC.
CERT047...........................  LOS ANGELES COUNTY OFFICE OF
CERT048...........................  SANTA MONICA, CITY OF.
CERT050...........................  COMANCHE COMMUNICATIONS.
CERT054...........................  SOCORRO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT.
CERT055...........................  MEDCARE EMS INC.

Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene Dortch,
[FR Doc. 2020-10163 Filed 5-12-20; 8:45 am]

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