National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic and Other Populations, 23944-23945 [2020-09180]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 84 / Thursday, April 30, 2020 / Notices
meeting. Written comments may be
emailed to Mallory Trachtenberg at Persons who
desire additional information may
contact the Regional Programs Unit at
(312) 353–8311. Records and documents
discussed during the meeting will be
available for public viewing as they
become available at https://
gzlgAAA; click the ‘‘Meeting Details’’
and ‘‘Documents’’ links. Records
generated from this meeting may also be
inspected and reproduced at the
Midwestern Regional Office, as they
become available, both before and after
the meetings. Persons interested in the
work of this advisory committee are
advised to go to the Commission’s
website,, or to contact
the Midwestern Regional Office at the
above phone number or email.
I. Roll Call
II. Approval of Minutes
III. Announcements and Updates
IV. Discussion Civil Rights Project: Lead
Poisoning and Environmental
V. Public Comment
VI. Adjournment
Dated: April 24, 2020.
David Mussatt,
Supervisory Chief, Regional Programs Unit.
[FR Doc. 2020–09159 Filed 4–29–20; 8:45 am]
Bureau of the Census
National Advisory Committee on
Racial, Ethnic and Other Populations
Bureau of the Census,
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of renewal of the
National Advisory Committee on Racial,
Ethnic and Other Populations.
Kimberly L. Leonard, External
Stakeholder Program Manager, Office of
Program, Performance and Stakeholder
Integration (PPSI), Room 2K137, U.S.
Census Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill Road,
Washington, DC 20233, by telephone at
301–763–7281 or by email at
Individuals who use telecommunication
devices for the deaf (TDD) may call the
Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339 between 8:00
a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard
Time, Monday through Friday.
In accordance with the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (FACA), the
Secretary of the Department of
Commerce renewed and filed the
charter for the NAC. The NAC will
operate under the provisions of FACA
and will report to the Secretary of the
Department of Commerce through the
Director of the Census Bureau. The NAC
will advise the Director of Census
Bureau on the full range of Census
Bureau programs and activities.
Objectives and Duties
SUMMARY: The Secretary of the
Department of Commerce renewed and
filed the charter for the National
Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic
and Other Populations (NAC). The
purpose of the NAC is to provide advice
to the Director of the Bureau of the
Census (Census Bureau) on the full
range of economic, housing,
demographic, socioeconomic, linguistic,
technological, methodological,
geographic, behaviorial and operational
variables affecting the cost, accuracy
and implementation of Census Bureau
programs and surveys, including the
decennial census. The Secretary has
VerDate Sep<11>2014
determined that the work of the NAC is
in the public interest and relevant to the
duties of the Census Bureau. Additional
information concerning the NAC can be
found by visiting the NAC’s website at:
18:56 Apr 29, 2020
Jkt 250001
1. The NAC addresses economic,
housing, demographic, socioeconomic,
linguistic, technological,
methodological, geographic, behavioral,
and operational variables affecting the
cost, accuracy, and implementation of
Census Bureau programs and surveys,
including the decennial census.
2. The NAC will provide feedback on
the identification of new strategies for
improved census operations, and survey
and data collection methods, including
identifying cost efficient ways to
increase response rates.
3. The NAC provides guidance on
census policies, research and
methodology, tests, operations,
communications/messaging, and other
activities to ascertain needs and best
practices to improve censuses, surveys,
operations, and programs.
4. The NAC reviews and provides
formal recommendations and feedback
on working papers, reports, and other
documents related to the design and
implementation of Census Bureau
programs and surveys.
5. In providing insight, perspectives,
and expertise on the full spectrum of
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Census Bureau surveys and programs,
the NAC examines such areas as hidden
households, language barriers, students
and youth, aging populations, American
Indian and Alaska Native tribal
considerations, new immigrant
populations, populations affected by
natural disasters, highly mobile and
migrant populations, complex
households, poverty, race/ethnic
distribution, privacy and
confidentiality, rural populations and
businesses, individuals and households
with limited access to information and
communications technologies, the
dynamic nature of new businesses,
minority ownership of businesses, as
well as other concerns impacting
Census Bureau survey design and
6. The NAC uses formal advisory
committee meetings, webinars, web
conferences, working groups, and other
methods to accomplish its goals,
consistent with the requirements of the
FACA. The NAC will consult with
regional office staff to help identify
regional, local, tribal and grass roots
issues, trends and perspectives related
to Census Bureau surveys and programs.
7. The NAC functions solely as an
advisory body under the FACA.
1. The NAC consists of up to 32
members who serve at the discretion of
the Director. The Census Bureau is
seeking eight qualified candidates to be
considered for appointment.
2. The NAC aims to have a balanced
representation among its members,
considering such factors as geography,
age, sex, race, ethnicity, technical
expertise, community involvement, and
knowledge of census programs and/or
3. The NAC aims to include members
from diverse backgrounds, including
state, local and tribal governments;
academia; research, national and
community-based organizations; and,
the private sector.
4. Members will be selected from the
public and private sectors. Members
may serve as Special Government
Employees (SGEs) or representatives
who are selected to represent specific
5. SGEs and representatives will be
selected based on their expertise in or
representation of specific areas to
include: Diverse populations (including
race and ethnic populations); national,
state, local, and tribal interest
organizations serving hard-to-count
populations; researchers; communitybased organizations; academia; business
interests; marketing and media
professionals; researchers; and,
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 84 / Thursday, April 30, 2020 / Notices
members of professional associations.
Members will be individually advised of
the capacity in which they will serve
through their appointment letters.
6. Membership is open to persons
who are not seated on other Census
Bureau stakeholder entities (i.e., State
Data Centers, Census Information
Centers, Federal State Cooperative on
Populations Estimates Program, other
Census Advisory Committees, etc.).
People who have already served one
full-term on a Census Bureau Advisory
Committee may not serve on any other
Census Bureau Advisory Committee for
three years from the termination of
previous service. No employee of the
federal government can serve as a
member of the NAC.
7. Members will serve for a three-year
term. All members will be reevaluated
at the conclusion of each term with the
prospect of renewal, pending NAC
needs. Active attendance and
participation in meetings and activities
(e.g., conference calls and assignments)
will be factors considered when
determining term renewal or
membership continuance. Members may
be appointed for a second three-year
term at the discretion of the Director.
8. Members will be selected on a
standardized basis, in accordance with
applicable Department of Commerce
1. Members of the NAC serve without
compensation, but receive
reimbursement for NAC-related travel
and lodging expenses.
2. The NAC meets once or twice a
year, budget permitting, but additional
meetings may be held as deemed
necessary by the Director or Designated
Federal Officer. NAC meetings are open
to the public in accordance with the
3. Members must be able to actively
participate in the tasks of the NAC,
including, but not limited to, regular
meeting attendance, NAC meeting
discussant responsibilities, review of
materials, as well as participation in
conference calls, webinars, working
groups, and/or special committee
4. The Department of Commerce is
committed to equal opportunity in the
workplace and seeks diverse NAC
Steven D. Dillingham, Director,
Bureau of the Census has approved the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:56 Apr 29, 2020
Jkt 250001
publication of this notice in the Federal
Sheleen Dumas,
Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of
the Chief Information Officer, Commerce
[FR Doc. 2020–09180 Filed 4–29–20; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
[A–201–845, C–201–846]
Sugar From Mexico: Continuation of
Suspension of Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Investigations
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: As a result of determinations
by the Department of Commerce
(Commerce) that termination of the
Agreements Suspending the
Antidumping (AD) and Countervailing
(CVD) Duty Investigations on Sugar
from Mexico, as amended (the
Agreements), and the suspended AD
and CVD investigations on sugar from
Mexico would likely lead to a
continuation or recurrence of dumping
and countervailable subsidies, and by
the International Trade Commission
(ITC) that termination of the suspended
AD and CVD investigations would likely
lead to material injury to an industry in
the United States, Commerce is
publishing this notice of continuation of
the AD and CVD Agreements on sugar
from Mexico.
DATES: Applicable April 30, 2020.
Sally C. Gannon or David Cordell,
Bilateral Agreements Unit, Enforcement
and Compliance, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone:
(202) 482–0162 or (202) 482–0408,
On December 3, 2019, Commerce
published the initiation of the first
sunset reviews of the AD and CVD
Agreements, pursuant to section 751(c)
of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended
(the Act).1 On December 18, 2019, we
received notices of intent to participate
in the sunset reviews from the following
1 See Initiation of Five-Year (Sunset) Reviews, 84
FR 58687 (November 1, 2019); Initiation of FiveYear (Sunset) Review; Correction, 84 FR 66153
(December 3, 2019).
PO 00000
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parties (both of which are domestic
interested parties) within the deadline
specified in 19 CFR 351.218(d)(1)(i):
Imperial Sugar Company (Imperial
Sugar) and the American Sugar
Coalition (ASC).2
On January 2, 2020, Commerce
received complete substantive responses
from the domestic interested parties
within the 30-day deadline specified in
19 CFR 351.218(d)(3)(i).3 Commerce
received no substantive responses from
respondent interested parties. Pursuant
to section 751(c)(3)(B) of the Act and 19
CFR 351.218(e)(1)(ii)(C)(2), Commerce
conducted expedited sunset reviews of
the AD and CVD Agreements.
As a result of its reviews, pursuant to
sections 751(c) and 752(b) and (c) of the
Act, Commerce determined that
termination of the AD and CVD
Agreements and suspended AD and
CVD investigations on sugar from
Mexico would likely lead to a
continuation or recurrence of dumping
and countervailable subsidies.
Therefore, Commerce notified the ITC of
the magnitude of the margin likely to
prevail and the net countervailable
subsidy rates likely to prevail should
the AD and CVD Agreements be
terminated, in accordance with sections
752(b)(3) and (c)(3) of the Act.4
On April 24, 2020, pursuant to section
751(c) of the Act, the ITC published its
determination that termination of the
suspended AD and CVD duty
investigations on sugar from Mexico
would be likely to lead to continuation
or recurrence of material injury to an
industry in the United States within a
reasonably foreseeable time pursuant to
sections 751(c) and 752(a) of the Act.5
2 See ASC’s Letter, ‘‘Sugar from Mexico: Notice of
Intent to Participate’’, dated December 18, 2019; see
also Imperial Sugar’s Letter, ‘‘Sugar from Mexico,
Case Nos. C–201–846 and A–201–845 (Five-Year
Sunset Reviews): Notice of Intent to Participate,’’
dated December 18, 2019.
3 See ASC’s Letter, ‘‘Sugar from Mexico:
Substantive Response to Notice of Initiation of FiveYear (Sunset) Reviews of the Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Suspension Agreements,’’
dated January 2, 2020; see also Imperial Sugar’s
Letter, ‘‘Sugar from Mexico: Substantive Response
of the Imperial Sugar Company to Commerce’s
Notice of Initiation of Five-Year (‘Sunset’)
Reviews,’’ dated January 2, 2020.
4 See Sugar From Mexico: Final Results of the
Expedited First Sunset Review of the Agreement
Suspending the Antidumping Duty Investigation, 85
FR 19438 (April 7, 2020); and Sugar From Mexico:
Final Results of the Expedited First Sunset Review
of the Agreement Suspending the Countervailing
Duty Investigation, 85 FR 9454 (April 7, 2020).
5 See Sugar from Mexico; Determination,
Investigation No. 701–TA–513 and 731–TA–1249
(Review), 85 FR 23063 (April 4, 2020); see also ITC
Publication, Sugar from Mexico (701–TA–513 and
731–TA–1249 (Review), USITC Publication 5045
(April 2020).
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 84 (Thursday, April 30, 2020)]
[Pages 23944-23945]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-09180]
Bureau of the Census
National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic and Other
AGENCY: Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of renewal of the National Advisory Committee on Racial,
Ethnic and Other Populations.
SUMMARY: The Secretary of the Department of Commerce renewed and filed
the charter for the National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic and
Other Populations (NAC). The purpose of the NAC is to provide advice to
the Director of the Bureau of the Census (Census Bureau) on the full
range of economic, housing, demographic, socioeconomic, linguistic,
technological, methodological, geographic, behaviorial and operational
variables affecting the cost, accuracy and implementation of Census
Bureau programs and surveys, including the decennial census. The
Secretary has determined that the work of the NAC is in the public
interest and relevant to the duties of the Census Bureau. Additional
information concerning the NAC can be found by visiting the NAC's
website at:
Stakeholder Program Manager, Office of Program, Performance and
Stakeholder Integration (PPSI), Room 2K137, U.S. Census Bureau, 4600
Silver Hill Road, Washington, DC 20233, by telephone at 301-763-7281 or
by email at [email protected]. Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 between 8:00 a.m.
and 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), the
Secretary of the Department of Commerce renewed and filed the charter
for the NAC. The NAC will operate under the provisions of FACA and will
report to the Secretary of the Department of Commerce through the
Director of the Census Bureau. The NAC will advise the Director of
Census Bureau on the full range of Census Bureau programs and
Objectives and Duties
1. The NAC addresses economic, housing, demographic, socioeconomic,
linguistic, technological, methodological, geographic, behavioral, and
operational variables affecting the cost, accuracy, and implementation
of Census Bureau programs and surveys, including the decennial census.
2. The NAC will provide feedback on the identification of new
strategies for improved census operations, and survey and data
collection methods, including identifying cost efficient ways to
increase response rates.
3. The NAC provides guidance on census policies, research and
methodology, tests, operations, communications/messaging, and other
activities to ascertain needs and best practices to improve censuses,
surveys, operations, and programs.
4. The NAC reviews and provides formal recommendations and feedback
on working papers, reports, and other documents related to the design
and implementation of Census Bureau programs and surveys.
5. In providing insight, perspectives, and expertise on the full
spectrum of Census Bureau surveys and programs, the NAC examines such
areas as hidden households, language barriers, students and youth,
aging populations, American Indian and Alaska Native tribal
considerations, new immigrant populations, populations affected by
natural disasters, highly mobile and migrant populations, complex
households, poverty, race/ethnic distribution, privacy and
confidentiality, rural populations and businesses, individuals and
households with limited access to information and communications
technologies, the dynamic nature of new businesses, minority ownership
of businesses, as well as other concerns impacting Census Bureau survey
design and implementation.
6. The NAC uses formal advisory committee meetings, webinars, web
conferences, working groups, and other methods to accomplish its goals,
consistent with the requirements of the FACA. The NAC will consult with
regional office staff to help identify regional, local, tribal and
grass roots issues, trends and perspectives related to Census Bureau
surveys and programs.
7. The NAC functions solely as an advisory body under the FACA.
1. The NAC consists of up to 32 members who serve at the discretion
of the Director. The Census Bureau is seeking eight qualified
candidates to be considered for appointment.
2. The NAC aims to have a balanced representation among its
members, considering such factors as geography, age, sex, race,
ethnicity, technical expertise, community involvement, and knowledge of
census programs and/or activities.
3. The NAC aims to include members from diverse backgrounds,
including state, local and tribal governments; academia; research,
national and community-based organizations; and, the private sector.
4. Members will be selected from the public and private sectors.
Members may serve as Special Government Employees (SGEs) or
representatives who are selected to represent specific organizations.
5. SGEs and representatives will be selected based on their
expertise in or representation of specific areas to include: Diverse
populations (including race and ethnic populations); national, state,
local, and tribal interest organizations serving hard-to-count
populations; researchers; community-based organizations; academia;
business interests; marketing and media professionals; researchers;
[[Page 23945]]
members of professional associations. Members will be individually
advised of the capacity in which they will serve through their
appointment letters.
6. Membership is open to persons who are not seated on other Census
Bureau stakeholder entities (i.e., State Data Centers, Census
Information Centers, Federal State Cooperative on Populations Estimates
Program, other Census Advisory Committees, etc.). People who have
already served one full-term on a Census Bureau Advisory Committee may
not serve on any other Census Bureau Advisory Committee for three years
from the termination of previous service. No employee of the federal
government can serve as a member of the NAC.
7. Members will serve for a three-year term. All members will be
reevaluated at the conclusion of each term with the prospect of
renewal, pending NAC needs. Active attendance and participation in
meetings and activities (e.g., conference calls and assignments) will
be factors considered when determining term renewal or membership
continuance. Members may be appointed for a second three-year term at
the discretion of the Director.
8. Members will be selected on a standardized basis, in accordance
with applicable Department of Commerce guidance.
1. Members of the NAC serve without compensation, but receive
reimbursement for NAC-related travel and lodging expenses.
2. The NAC meets once or twice a year, budget permitting, but
additional meetings may be held as deemed necessary by the Director or
Designated Federal Officer. NAC meetings are open to the public in
accordance with the FACA.
3. Members must be able to actively participate in the tasks of the
NAC, including, but not limited to, regular meeting attendance, NAC
meeting discussant responsibilities, review of materials, as well as
participation in conference calls, webinars, working groups, and/or
special committee activities.
4. The Department of Commerce is committed to equal opportunity in
the workplace and seeks diverse NAC membership.
Steven D. Dillingham, Director, Bureau of the Census has approved
the publication of this notice in the Federal Register.
Sheleen Dumas,
Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of the Chief Information
Officer, Commerce Department.
[FR Doc. 2020-09180 Filed 4-29-20; 8:45 am]