Advisory Committee Charter Renewals, 20810 [2020-07853]
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[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 72 (Tuesday, April 14, 2020)] [Notices] [Page 20810] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2020-07853] ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Advisory Committee Charter Renewals AGENCY: Department of Veterans Affairs. ACTION: Notice of Advisory Committee charter renewals. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee ACT (FACA) and after consultation with the General Services Administration, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has determined that the following Federal advisory committee is vital to the mission of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and renewing its charter would be in the public interest. Consequently, the charter for the following Federal advisory committee is renewed for a two-year period, beginning on the dates listed below: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Committee name Committee description Charter renewed on ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VA National Academic Affiliations Provides advice regarding March 13, 2020. Council. partnerships between VA and its academic affiliates. Genomic Medical Program Advisory Provides advice on the March 23, 2020. Committee. scientific and ethical issues related to the establishment, development, and operation of a genomic medicine program within VA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Secretary has also renewed the charter for the following statutorily authorized Federal advisory committee for a two-year period, beginning on the date listed below: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Committee name Committee description Charter renewed on ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advisory Committee on Women Veterans... Provides advice on the needs of October 15, 2019. women Veterans regarding health care, rehabilitation benefits, compensation, outreach, and other programs administered by VA. Veterans' Advisory Committee on Provides advice on the November 18, 2019. Rehabilitation. rehabilitation needs of disabled Veterans and the administration of VA's rehabilitation programs. Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans Provides advice on the March 25, 2020. administration of VA benefits for Veterans who are minority group members in the areas of compensation, health care, rehabilitation, outreach, and other services. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jeffrey Moragne, Committee Management Office, Department of Veterans Affairs, Advisory Committee Management Office (00AC), 810 Vermont Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20420; telephone (202) 266-4660 or (202) 714-1578; or via email at [email protected]. To view a copy of a VA Federal advisory committee charters, please visit Dated: April 9, 2020. Jelessa M. Burney, Federal Advisory Committee Management Officer. [FR Doc. 2020-07853 Filed 4-13-20; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 8320-01-P
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