Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Greater Amberjack Management Measures, 20611-20615 [2020-07253]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 72 / Tuesday, April 14, 2020 / Rules and Regulations (b) Maximum exhalation resistance must be less than 89 mm of watercolumn height. § 84.179 Silica dust loading test—PAPR series HE filtration. (a) Three powered air-purifying particulate respirators will be tested for a period of 4 hours each at a flowrate not less than 115 liters per minute for tight-fitting facepieces, and not less than 170 liters per minute for loose-fitting hoods and helmets. (b) The relative humidity in the test chamber will be 20–80 percent, and the room temperature approximately 25 °C. (c) The test suspension in the chamber will not be less than 50 nor more than 60 mg of flint (99 + percent free silica) per m3 of air. (d) The flint in suspension will be 99 + percent through a 270-mesh sieve. (e) The particle-size distribution of the test suspension will have a geometric mean of 0.4 to 0.6 mm and the standard geometric deviation will not exceed 2. (f) The total amount of unretained test suspension in samples taken during testing must not exceed 14.4 mg for a powered air-purifying particulate respirator with tight-fitting facepiece, and 21.3 mg for a powered air-purifying particulate respirator with loose-fitting hood or helmet. jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES § 84.180 Particulate loading test—PAPR series PAPR100–N and PAPR100–P filtration. (a) Twenty filters of each powered airpurifying particulate respirator design will be tested for filter efficiency against: (1) A solid sodium chloride particulate aerosol, in accordance with paragraph (d)(1) of this section, if series PAPR100–N approval is requested by the applicant. (2) A dioctyl phthalate or equivalent liquid particulate aerosol, in accordance with paragraph (d)(2) of this section, if series PAPR100–P approval is requested by the applicant. (b) Prior to filter efficiency testing of 20 series PAPR100–N filters, the 20 to be tested will be taken out of their packaging and placed in an environment of 85 ±5 percent relative humidity at 38 ±2.5 °C for 25 ±1 hours. Following the pre-conditioning, filters will be sealed in a gas-tight container and tested within 10 hours. (c) For powered air-purifying particulate respirators with a single filter, filters will be tested at a continuous airflow rate of 85 ±4 liters per minute. Where filters are to be used in pairs, the test-aerosol airflow rate will be 42.5 ±2 liters per minute through each filter. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:06 Apr 13, 2020 Jkt 250001 (d) Filter efficiency test aerosols: (1) Series PAPR100–N filters: (i) A sodium chloride or equivalent solid aerosol at 25 ±5 °C and relative humidity of 30 ±10 percent that has been neutralized to the Boltzmann equilibrium state will be used. Each filter will be challenged with a concentration not exceeding 200 mg/m3. (ii) The sodium chloride test aerosol will have a particle size distribution with count median diameter of 0.075 ±0.020 mm and a standard geometric deviation not exceeding 1.86 at the specified test conditions as determined with a scanning mobility particle sizer or equivalent. (2) Series PAPR100–P filters: (i) A neat cold-nebulized dioctyl phthalate (DOP) or equivalent aerosol at 25 ± 5 °C that has been neutralized to the Boltzmann equilibrium state will be used. Each filter will be challenged with a concentration not exceeding 200 mg/ m3. (ii) The DOP aerosol shall have a particle size distribution with count median diameter of 0.185 ±0.020 mm and a standard geometric deviation not exceeding 1.60 at the specified test conditions as determined with a scanning mobility particle sizer or equivalent. (e) The test will continue until minimum efficiency is achieved or until an aerosol mass of at least 200 ±5 mg has contacted the filter. For PAPR100–P series filters, if the filter efficiency is decreasing when the 200 ±5 mg challenge point is reached, the test will be continued until there is no further decrease in efficiency. (f) The efficiency of the filter will be monitored and recorded throughout the test period by a suitable forward-light scattering photometer or equivalent instrumentation. (g) The minimum efficiency for each of the 20 filters will be determined and recorded and must be equal to or greater than the filter efficiency criterion for PAPR100–N and PAPR100–P, efficiency ≥99.97 percent, pursuant to § 84.170(b). § 84.181 Communication performance test—PAPR class PAPR100. (a) Powered air-purifying respirators must be designed to allow for proper communication while worn. (b) A Modified Rhyme Test 7 will be used to test the wearer’s ability to communicate efficiently. (c) The communications requirement is met if the overall performance rating is greater than or equal to 70 percent. 7 The Modified Rhyme Test is used in speech intelligibility experiments. See https:// PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 20611 Subpart KK [Removed] 12. Subpart KK, consisting of §§ 84.1100 through 84.1158 and the tables, is removed. ■ Dated: April 7, 2020. Eric D. Hargan, Deputy Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services. [FR Doc. 2020–07804 Filed 4–9–20; 4:15 pm] BILLING CODE 4150–18–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 50 CFR Part 622 [Docket No. 200401–0096] RIN 0648–BJ08 Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Greater Amberjack Management Measures National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce. ACTION: Final rule. AGENCY: NMFS issues regulations to implement management measures described in a framework action to the Fishery Management Plan for the Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico (FMP). This final rule revises the commercial trip limit in the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) exclusive economic zone (EEZ) for greater amberjack. In addition, this final rule revises the boundaries of several Gulf reef fish management areas to reflect a change in the seaward boundary of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. The purpose of this final rule is to extend the commercial fishing season for greater amberjack by constraining the harvest rate while continuing to prevent overfishing and rebuild the stock in the Gulf, and to update the boundaries of reef fish management areas to reflect the current state water’s boundaries for reef fish management. DATES: This final rule is effective on May 14, 2020. ADDRESSES: Electronic copies of the framework action, which includes an environmental assessment, a regulatory impact review, and a Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) analysis may be obtained from the Southeast Regional Office website at https:// framework-action-greater-amberjackcommercial-trip-limits. SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\14APR1.SGM 14APR1 20612 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 72 / Tuesday, April 14, 2020 / Rules and Regulations FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kelli O’Donnell, Southeast Regional Office, NMFS, telephone: 727–824– 5305, email: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf reef fish fishery includes greater amberjack and is managed under the FMP. The FMP was prepared by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Council) and is implemented by NMFS through regulations at 50 CFR part 622 under the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act). On December 19, 2019, NMFS published a proposed rule in the Federal Register for the framework action and requested public comment (84 FR 69715, December 19, 2019). The proposed rule and the framework action outline the rationale for the actions contained in this final rule. A summary of the management measures described in the framework action and implemented by this final rule is provided below. jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES Management Measure Contained in This Final Rule This final rule reduces the Gulf greater amberjack commercial trip limit from 1,500 lb gutted weight (680 kg; 1,560 lb (708 kg) round weight) to 1,000 lb gutted weight (454 kg; 1,040 lb (472 kg) round weight). Additionally, this final rule reduces the commercial trip limit to 250 lb gutted weight (113 kg; 260 lb (118 kg) round weight) when 75 percent of the commercial annual catch target (commercial quota) has been landed. This commercial trip limit reduction is expected to extend the length of the commercial fishing season while continuing to allow enough harvest per trip to support vessels that engage in directed trips for greater amberjack. An in-season closure of the commercial sector for greater amberjack is still expected to occur as a result of the commercial quota being reached, but will likely occur later in the January through December fishing year than has occurred in recent years. Changes in This Final Rule Not in the Framework Action This final rule revises the boundaries of three Gulf reef fish management areas to reflect a change in the seaward boundaries of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama for purposes of management under the FMP. Language included in the 2016 and 2017 Consolidated Appropriations Acts (Pub. L. 114–113, December 18, 2015, and Pub. L. 115–31, May 5, 2017), changed the state and Federal boundary for VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:06 Apr 13, 2020 Jkt 250001 management of the Gulf reef fish fishery to 9 nautical miles (nm; 16.7 km) off the Gulf coasts of all the Gulf States. Therefore, some existing Federal reef fish management areas that were exclusively in Federal waters now extend into state managed areas. This final rule updates the FMP regulations by revising the coordinates of the inshore boundaries for the reef fish stressed area (Table 2 of appendix B to 50 CFR part 622), the reef fish longline and buoy gear restricted area (Table 1 of appendix B to 50 CFR part 622), and the recreational shallow-water grouper closure (50 CFR 622.34(d)). This rule also updates the terminology in the coordinate tables to reflect that this boundary is specific to Gulf reef fish management. This rule does not change the management measures associated with each area. Comments and Responses NMFS received a total of 20 comments on the proposed rule for the framework action. Most commenters supported the measures for Gulf greater amberjack in the proposed rule. Other comments suggested changes to management measures that were outside the scope of the proposed rule, such as gear restrictions and a prohibition on commercial harvest, and therefore, are not addressed further. Specific comments related to the framework action and the proposed rule are grouped by topic and summarized below, followed by NMFS’ respective responses. Comment 1: The commercial trip limit for Gulf greater amberjack should be reduced further than 1,000 lb gutted weight (454 kg) with a trip limit reduction to 250 lb gutted weight (113 kg) when 75 percent of the commercial quota is harvested. Response: NMFS disagrees that the trip limit should be reduced more than specified in this final rule. The Council considered three other alternatives for a commercial trip limit that ranged from 750 lb to 250 lb gutted weight (340 kg to 113 kg). However, the Council determined that these trip limits were too small to allow for directed commercial trips for Gulf greater amberjack based on public testimony by commercial fishermen, who indicated that they needed to harvest at least as 1,000 lb gutted weight (454 kg) or more per trip. Additionally, the alternative trip limits of 250 lb gutted weight (113 kg) year-round, or 500 lb gutted weight (227-kg; 520-lb (236-kg) round weight) with a reduction to 250 lb gutted weight (113 kg) at 75 percent of the commercial quota, were not expected to allow fishermen to harvest all of the PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 commercial quota during a fishing year. Therefore, the Council determined, and NMFS agrees, that the reduction in the trip limit to 1,000 lb gutted weight (454 kg), and a further reduction to 250 lb gutted weight (113 kg) when 75 percent of the commercial quota is harvested, best balances the need of fishermen who rely on directed trips for Gulf greater amberjack and fishermen who rely on having a longer season. Comment 2: The commercial trip limit for greater amberjack in the Gulf should remain the same or be increased. Response: NMFS disagrees. The previous commercial trip limit of 1,500 lb gutted weight (680 kg) has been in effect since 2016 (80 FR 75432; December 2, 2015). From 2013 to 2016, a 2,000-lb round weight (907-kg) commercial trip limit was in effect (77 FR 67574; November 13, 2012). These commercial trip limits did not reduce harvest of Gulf greater amberjack enough to prevent yearly in-season commercial closures. Therefore, maintaining the previous trip limit or increasing the trip limit would not help achieve the purpose of this rule, which is to extend the Gulf greater amberjack commercial fishing season. Analysis included in the framework action predicted that, when compared to the alternatives considered, the shortest commercial fishing season would occur under the 1,500-lb gutted weight (680kg) commercial trip limit, even with the current March through May seasonal closure. A larger commercial trip limit would result in an even shorter commercial fishing season. While NMFS still predicts that an in-season closure will occur with the reduced trip limit implemented through this final rule, the closure should occur later in the fishing year, thereby extending the opportunity for commercial harvest. Comment 3: If commercial harvest for greater amberjack in the Gulf extends into the summer spawning season, the stock will be harmed. Response: NMFS disagrees. This final rule does not change the commercial seasonal closure for greater amberjack of March 1 through May 31, which is in place to protect the stock during the majority of spawning activity in the Gulf. In addition, the harvest by the commercial sector will still be constrained by the commercial quota, which will not change through this final rule. Furthermore, extending the commercial season may help to reduce discards and discard mortality because it will allow harvest later in the year. Comment 4: The greater amberjack commercial trip limit of 1,000 lb gutted weight (454 kg) will negatively impact business owners harvesting more than E:\FR\FM\14APR1.SGM 14APR1 20613 jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 72 / Tuesday, April 14, 2020 / Rules and Regulations this amount per trip. In addition, the further reduction in the trip limit to 250 lb gutted weight (113 kg) when 75 percent of the commercial quota is harvested will not allow fishermen on directed commercial trips for greater amberjack to effectively harvest the remaining 25 percent of the commercial quota. Response: NMFS agrees that the reduction in the trip limit may have negative economic impacts on Gulf commercial reef fish permit holders who have historically harvested more than 1,000 lb gutted weight (454 kg) of greater amberjack per trip. The economic analysis in the framework action estimated that the 1,000-lb gutted weight (454-kg) commercial trip limit will reduce the catch per trip by approximately 18 percent, and on average, greater amberjack accounts for about 1.7 percent of total revenues from commercial Gulf reef fish trips. Therefore, the potential revenue reduction from the reduced commercial trip limit will be approximately 0.3 percent. However, the 1,000-lb gutted weight (454-kg) trip limit in combination with the 250-lb gutted weight (113-kg) trip limit reduction when 75 percent of the commercial quota is harvested is estimated to extend the fishing season from 85 days to 170 days. This may allow commercial vessels to recoup revenue losses from reduced trip limits. Further, as noted in response to Comment 1, the commercial trip limit in this final rule balances the need of fishermen who rely on directed trips and fishermen who rely on having a longer season. Comment 5: Reducing the commercial trip limit for Gulf greater amberjack will increase discards and will be bad for the stock. Response: NMFS disagrees. As explained in the framework action, studies have documented low bycatch and bycatch mortality of greater amberjack because fishermen who want to target the species are able to find schools when the season is open and avoid them when there is a closure. For fishermen who incidentally catch greater amberjack when targeting other species, extending the commercial season may help reduce discards and discard mortality by allowing those fish to be kept later in the year. Comment 6: Moving the boundary between state and Federal waters off Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama could cause confusion. Response: This rule does not change the boundary between state and Federal waters off Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. The 2016 and 2017 Appropriations Acts moved state and VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:06 Apr 13, 2020 Jkt 250001 Federal boundary off Louisiana, Mississippi, and Louisiana to 9 nm (16.7 km) for Gulf reef fish management only. This rule revises the boundaries of three Gulf reef fish management areas to reflect the change in the seaward boundary of these states for management purposes under the FMP. As previously codified, the boundaries for these Federal management areas extended into state managed areas. NMFS expects that updating the boundaries for the affected Gulf reef fish management areas will reduce confusion because these regulatory boundaries will be consistent with the boundaries specified in the Appropriations Acts. Classification The Regional Administrator for the NMFS Southeast Region has determined that this final rule is consistent with the framework action, the FMP, the Magnuson-Stevens Act, and other applicable laws. This final rule has been determined to be not significant for purposes of Executive Order 12866. This final rule is not an Executive Order 13771 regulatory action because this action is not significant under Executive Order 12866. The Magnuson-Stevens Act provides the statutory basis for this final rule. No duplicative, overlapping, or conflicting Federal rules have been identified. In addition, no new reporting, recordkeeping, or other compliance requirements are introduced by this final rule. The Chief Counsel for Regulation of the Department of Commerce certified to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration (SBA) during the proposed rule stage that this rule, if adopted, would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The factual basis for this determination was published in the proposed rule and is not repeated here. One comment from the public on economic impacts was received, and is addressed in the Comments and Responses section in the response to Comment 4. No comments from the public or the SBA’s Chief Counsel for Advocacy were received regarding the certification, and NMFS has not received any new information that would affect its determination. As a result, a final regulatory flexibility analysis is not required and none has been prepared. List of subjects in 50 CFR Part 622 Boundary, Commercial, Coordinates, Fisheries, Fishing, Greater amberjack, Gulf of Mexico, Reef fish, Trip limits. PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Dated: April 1, 2020. Samuel D. Rauch III, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine Fisheries Service. For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 622 is amended as follows: PART 622—FISHERIES OF THE CARIBBEAN, GULF OF MEXICO, AND SOUTH ATLANTIC 1. The authority citation for part 622 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq. 2. In § 622.34, revise paragraph (d) to read as follows: ■ § 622.34 Seasonal and area closures designed to protect Gulf reef fish. * * * * * (d) Seasonal closure of the recreational sector for shallow-water grouper (SWG). The recreational sector for SWG in or from the Gulf EEZ is closed each year from February 1 through March 31 in the portion of the Gulf EEZ seaward of rhumb lines connecting the following points in order. During the closure, the bag and possession limits for SWG in or from the Gulf EEZ seaward of the following rhumb lines are zero. TABLE 4 TO PARAGRAPH (d) Point North lat. 1 ........ 2 ........ 3 ........ 4 ........ 5 ........ 6 ........ 7 ........ 8 ........ 9 ........ 10 ...... 11 ...... 12 ...... 13 ...... 14 ...... 15 ...... 16 ...... 17 ...... 18 ...... 19 ...... 24°48.0′ 25°07.5′ 26°26.0′ 27°30.0′ 28°10.0′ 28°11.0′ 28°11.0′ 28°26.6′ 28°42.5′ 29°05.0′ 29°02.5′ 29°21.0′ 29°27.9′ 29°45.8′ 30°05.6′ 30°07.5′ 29°43.9′ 29°43.0′ 29°18.9′ 20 ...... 28°58.98′ ........... 21 ...... 29°02.0′ ............. E:\FR\FM\14APR1.SGM 14APR1 ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. West long. 82°48.0′ 82°34.0′ 82°59.0′ 83°21.5′ 83°45.0′ 84°00.0′ 84°07.0′ 84°24.8′ 84°24.8′ 84°47.0′ 85°09.0′ 85°30.0′ 85°51.7′ 85°51.0′ 86°18.5′ 86°56.5′ 87°33.8′ 88°18.5′ 88°50.7′ at State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary, follow Reef Fish Management Boundary to point 20 89°35.1′ at State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary 89°45.5′ 20614 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 72 / Tuesday, April 14, 2020 / Rules and Regulations TABLE 4 TO PARAGRAPH (d)— Continued Point North lat. West long. * * * * * 3. In § 622.43, revise paragraph (a) to read as follows: ■ § 622.43 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 28°32.7′ ............. 28°24.8′ ............. 28°42.3′ ............. 28°34.2′ ............. 28°27.6′ ............. 28°20.0′ ............. 28°02.2′ ............. 27°46.5′ ............. 27°15.0′ ............. 26°45.5′ ............. At EEZ boundary 90°21.5′ 90°52.7′ 92°14.4′ 92°30.4′ 95°00.0′ 95°06.9′ 96°11.1′ 96°38.1′ 97°00.0′ 97°01.4′ 96°51.0′ Commercial trip limits. * * * * * (a) Gulf greater amberjack. (1) Until 75 percent of the quota specified in § 622.39(a)(1)(v) is reached, 1,000 lb (454 kg), gutted weight; 1,040 lb (472 kg), round weight. (2) After 75 percent of the quota is reached or projected to be reached, 250 lb (113 kg), gutted weight; 260 lb (118 kg), round weight. See § 622.39(b) for the limitations regarding greater amberjack after the quota is reached. When the conditions in this paragraph (a)(2) have been reached, the Assistant Administrator will implement this trip limit change by filing a notification with the Office of the Federal Register. * * * * * 4. Revise appendix B to read as follows: ■ Appendix B to Part 622—Gulf Areas TABLE 1 OF APPENDIX B TO PART 622—SEAWARD COORDINATES OF THE LONGLINE AND BUOY GEAR RESTRICTED AREA Point number and reference location 1 North lat. 1 Seaward limit of State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary north of Dry Tortugas. 2 North of Rebecca Shoal ...................................................................... 3 Off Sanibel Island—Offshore .............................................................. 4 West of Egmont Key ........................................................................... 5 Off Anclote Keys—Offshore ................................................................ 6 Southeast corner of Florida Middle Ground ........................................ 7 Southwest corner of Florida Middle Ground ....................................... 8 West corner of Florida Middle Ground ................................................ 9 Northwest corner of Florida Middle Ground ........................................ 10 South of Carrabelle ........................................................................... 11 South of Cape St. George ................................................................ 12 South of Cape San Blas lighted bell buoy—20 fathoms .................. 13 South of Cape San Blas lighted bell buoy—50 fathoms .................. 14 De Soto Canyon ................................................................................ 15 South of Pensacola ........................................................................... 16 South of Perdido Bay ........................................................................ 17 East of North Pass of Mississippi River ............................................ 18 East of South Pass of Mississippi River ........................................... 24°48.0′ ......................................... 82°48.0′ 25°07.5′ 26°26.0′ 27°30.0′ 28°10.0′ 28°11.0′ 28°11.0′ 28°26.6′ 28°42.5′ 29°05.0′ 29°02.5′ 29°21.0′ 28°58.7′ 30°06.0′ 29°46.0′ 29°29.0′ 29°14.5′ 29°04.0′ ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... 82°34.0′ 82°59.0′ 83°21.5′ 83°45.0′ 84°00.0′ 84°07.0′ 84°24.8′ 84°24.8′ 84°47.0′ 85°09.0′ 85°30.0′ 85°30.0′ 86°55.0′ 87°19.0′ 87°27.5′ 88°28.0′ 88°49.7′ at State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary 28°46.5′ 28°38.5′ 28°34.5′ 28°22.5′ 28°10.5′ 27°58.0′ 27°43.0′ 27°30.0′ 27°00.0′ 26°44.0′ 26°22.0′ 26°00.5′ ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... 89°26.0′ 90°08.5′ 89°59.5′ 90°02.5′ 90°31.5′ 95°00.0′ 96°02.0′ 96°23.5′ 96°39.0′ 96°37.5′ 96°21.0′ 96°24.5′ Then westerly along the seaward limit of the State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary to: 19 South of Southwest Pass of Mississippi River ................................. 20 Northwest tip of Mississippi Canyon ................................................. 21 West side of Mississippi Canyon ...................................................... 22 South of Timbalier Bay ...................................................................... 23 South of Terrebonne Bay .................................................................. 24 South of Freeport .............................................................................. 25 Off Matagorda Island ......................................................................... 26 Off Aransas Pass .............................................................................. 27 Northeast of Port Mansfield .............................................................. 28 East of Port Mansfield ....................................................................... 29 Northeast of Port Isabel .................................................................... 30 U.S. and Mexico EEZ boundary ....................................................... Then westerly along U.S. and Mexico EEZ boundary to seaward limit of the State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary 1 Nearest West long. identifiable landfall, boundary, navigational aid, or submarine area. jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES TABLE 2 OF APPENDIX B TO PART 622—SEAWARD COORDINATES OF THE STRESSED AREA Point number and reference location 1 North lat. 1 Seaward limit of State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary northeast of Dry Tortugas. 2 North of Marquesas Keys ................................................................... 3 Off Cape Sable .................................................................................... 4 Off Sanibel Island—Inshore ................................................................ 5 Off Sanibel Island—Offshore .............................................................. 6 West of Egmont Key ........................................................................... 7 Off Anclote Keys—Offshore ................................................................ 8 Off Anclote Keys—Inshore .................................................................. 9 Off Deadman Bay ................................................................................ 24°45.5′ ......................................... 82°41.5′ 24°48.0′ 25°15.0′ 26°26.0′ 26°26.0′ 27°30.0′ 28°10.0′ 28°10.0′ 29°38.0′ 82°06.5′ 82°02.0′ 82°29.0′ 82°59.0′ 83°21.5′ 83°45.0′ 83°14.0′ 84°00.0′ VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:06 Apr 13, 2020 Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 West long. ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... E:\FR\FM\14APR1.SGM 14APR1 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 72 / Tuesday, April 14, 2020 / Rules and Regulations 20615 TABLE 2 OF APPENDIX B TO PART 622—SEAWARD COORDINATES OF THE STRESSED AREA—Continued Point number and reference location 1 North lat. 10 Seaward limit of State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary east of Cape St. George. Then westerly along the seaward limit of State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary to: 11 Seaward limit of State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary south of Cape San Blas. 12 Southwest of Cape San Blas ............................................................ 13 Off St. Andrew Bay ........................................................................... 14 De Soto Canyon ................................................................................ 15 South of Florida and Alabama border ............................................... 16 Off Mobile Bay ................................................................................... 17 South of Alabama and Mississippi border ........................................ 18 Horn and Chandeleur Islands ........................................................... 29°35.5′ ......................................... 84°38.6′ 29°32.2′ ......................................... 85°27.1′ 29°30.5′ 29°53.0′ 30°06.0′ 29°34.5′ 29°41.0′ 30°01.5′ 30°01.5′ 85°52.0′ 86°10.0′ 86°55.0′ 87°38.0′ 88°00.0′ 88°23.7′ 88°39.8′ at State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary Then southerly along the seaward limit of State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary to: 19 Seaward limit of State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary off Chandeleur Islands. 20 Chandeleur Islands ........................................................................... 21 Seaward limit of State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary off North Pass of Mississippi River. Then southerly and westerly along the seaward limit of State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary to: 22 Seaward limit of State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary off Southwest Pass of Mississippi River. 23 Seaward limit of the State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary west of Mississippi River. Then westerly along the seaward limit of the State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary to: 24 Seaward limit of State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary south of Grand Isle. 25 Quick flashing horn buoy south of Isles Dernieres ........................... 26 Southeast of Calcasieu Pass ............................................................ 27 South of Sabine Pass—10 fathoms .................................................. 28 South of Sabine Pass—30 fathoms .................................................. 29 East of Aransas Pass ........................................................................ 30 East of Baffin Bay ............................................................................. 31 Northeast of Port Mansfield .............................................................. 32 Northeast of Port Isabel .................................................................... 33 U.S. and Mexico EEZ boundary ....................................................... Then westerly along U.S. and Mexico EEZ boundary to seaward limit of the State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary 1 Nearest West long. ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... 29°50.8′ ......................................... 29°35.5′ ......................................... 29°21.0′ ......................................... 29°01.3′ ......................................... 29°5.24′ at State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary. 29°3.03′ at State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary. 28°32.5′ ......................................... 29°10.0′ ......................................... 29°09.0′ ......................................... 28°21.5′ ......................................... 27°49.0′ ......................................... 27°12.0′ ......................................... 26°46.5′ ......................................... 26°21.5′ ......................................... 26°00.5′ ......................................... 88°39.07′ at State and Reef Fish Management ary 88°37.0′ 88°54.43′ at State and Reef Fish Management ary Federal Bound- 89°34.67′ at State and Federal Reef Fish Management Boundary 89°41.0′ 89°56.0′ 90°42.0′ 92°37.0′ 93°41.0′ 93°28.0′ 96°19.5′ 96°51.0′ 96°52.0′ 96°35.0′ 96°36.0′ identifiable landfall, boundary, navigational aid, or submarine area. [FR Doc. 2020–07253 Filed 4–13–20; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–22–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce. ACTION: Final specifications. We are approving specifications for the 2020 Atlantic deep-sea red crab fishery, including an annual catch limit and total allowable landings limit and are clarifying the specifications process. This action establishes the allowable 2020 harvest levels, consistent with the Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Fishery Management Plan. This action is necessary to establish allowable red crab harvest levels that will prevent overfishing. DATES: The final specifications for the 2020 Atlantic deep-sea red crab fishery SUMMARY: 50 CFR Part 648 [Docket No. 200402–0097] RIN 0648–BI31 jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with RULES Federal Bound- Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Fishery; 2020 Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Specifications National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and AGENCY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:06 Apr 13, 2020 Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\14APR1.SGM 14APR1


[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 72 (Tuesday, April 14, 2020)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 20611-20615]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-07253]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 622

[Docket No. 200401-0096]
RIN 0648-BJ08

Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; 
Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Greater Amberjack Management 

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: NMFS issues regulations to implement management measures 
described in a framework action to the Fishery Management Plan for the 
Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico (FMP). This final rule 
revises the commercial trip limit in the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) 
exclusive economic zone (EEZ) for greater amberjack. In addition, this 
final rule revises the boundaries of several Gulf reef fish management 
areas to reflect a change in the seaward boundary of Louisiana, 
Mississippi, and Alabama. The purpose of this final rule is to extend 
the commercial fishing season for greater amberjack by constraining the 
harvest rate while continuing to prevent overfishing and rebuild the 
stock in the Gulf, and to update the boundaries of reef fish management 
areas to reflect the current state water's boundaries for reef fish 

DATES: This final rule is effective on May 14, 2020.

ADDRESSES: Electronic copies of the framework action, which includes an 
environmental assessment, a regulatory impact review, and a Regulatory 
Flexibility Act (RFA) analysis may be obtained from the Southeast 
Regional Office website at

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FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kelli O'Donnell, Southeast Regional 
Office, NMFS, telephone: 727-824-5305, email: [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf reef fish fishery includes greater 
amberjack and is managed under the FMP. The FMP was prepared by the 
Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Council) and is implemented 
by NMFS through regulations at 50 CFR part 622 under the authority of 
the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-
Stevens Act).
    On December 19, 2019, NMFS published a proposed rule in the Federal 
Register for the framework action and requested public comment (84 FR 
69715, December 19, 2019). The proposed rule and the framework action 
outline the rationale for the actions contained in this final rule. A 
summary of the management measures described in the framework action 
and implemented by this final rule is provided below.

Management Measure Contained in This Final Rule

    This final rule reduces the Gulf greater amberjack commercial trip 
limit from 1,500 lb gutted weight (680 kg; 1,560 lb (708 kg) round 
weight) to 1,000 lb gutted weight (454 kg; 1,040 lb (472 kg) round 
weight). Additionally, this final rule reduces the commercial trip 
limit to 250 lb gutted weight (113 kg; 260 lb (118 kg) round weight) 
when 75 percent of the commercial annual catch target (commercial 
quota) has been landed.
    This commercial trip limit reduction is expected to extend the 
length of the commercial fishing season while continuing to allow 
enough harvest per trip to support vessels that engage in directed 
trips for greater amberjack. An in-season closure of the commercial 
sector for greater amberjack is still expected to occur as a result of 
the commercial quota being reached, but will likely occur later in the 
January through December fishing year than has occurred in recent 

Changes in This Final Rule Not in the Framework Action

    This final rule revises the boundaries of three Gulf reef fish 
management areas to reflect a change in the seaward boundaries of 
Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama for purposes of management under 
the FMP. Language included in the 2016 and 2017 Consolidated 
Appropriations Acts (Pub. L. 114-113, December 18, 2015, and Pub. L. 
115-31, May 5, 2017), changed the state and Federal boundary for 
management of the Gulf reef fish fishery to 9 nautical miles (nm; 16.7 
km) off the Gulf coasts of all the Gulf States. Therefore, some 
existing Federal reef fish management areas that were exclusively in 
Federal waters now extend into state managed areas.
    This final rule updates the FMP regulations by revising the 
coordinates of the inshore boundaries for the reef fish stressed area 
(Table 2 of appendix B to 50 CFR part 622), the reef fish longline and 
buoy gear restricted area (Table 1 of appendix B to 50 CFR part 622), 
and the recreational shallow-water grouper closure (50 CFR 622.34(d)). 
This rule also updates the terminology in the coordinate tables to 
reflect that this boundary is specific to Gulf reef fish management. 
This rule does not change the management measures associated with each 

Comments and Responses

    NMFS received a total of 20 comments on the proposed rule for the 
framework action. Most commenters supported the measures for Gulf 
greater amberjack in the proposed rule. Other comments suggested 
changes to management measures that were outside the scope of the 
proposed rule, such as gear restrictions and a prohibition on 
commercial harvest, and therefore, are not addressed further. Specific 
comments related to the framework action and the proposed rule are 
grouped by topic and summarized below, followed by NMFS' respective 
    Comment 1: The commercial trip limit for Gulf greater amberjack 
should be reduced further than 1,000 lb gutted weight (454 kg) with a 
trip limit reduction to 250 lb gutted weight (113 kg) when 75 percent 
of the commercial quota is harvested.
    Response: NMFS disagrees that the trip limit should be reduced more 
than specified in this final rule. The Council considered three other 
alternatives for a commercial trip limit that ranged from 750 lb to 250 
lb gutted weight (340 kg to 113 kg). However, the Council determined 
that these trip limits were too small to allow for directed commercial 
trips for Gulf greater amberjack based on public testimony by 
commercial fishermen, who indicated that they needed to harvest at 
least as 1,000 lb gutted weight (454 kg) or more per trip. 
Additionally, the alternative trip limits of 250 lb gutted weight (113 
kg) year-round, or 500 lb gutted weight (227-kg; 520-lb (236-kg) round 
weight) with a reduction to 250 lb gutted weight (113 kg) at 75 percent 
of the commercial quota, were not expected to allow fishermen to 
harvest all of the commercial quota during a fishing year. Therefore, 
the Council determined, and NMFS agrees, that the reduction in the trip 
limit to 1,000 lb gutted weight (454 kg), and a further reduction to 
250 lb gutted weight (113 kg) when 75 percent of the commercial quota 
is harvested, best balances the need of fishermen who rely on directed 
trips for Gulf greater amberjack and fishermen who rely on having a 
longer season.
    Comment 2: The commercial trip limit for greater amberjack in the 
Gulf should remain the same or be increased.
    Response: NMFS disagrees. The previous commercial trip limit of 
1,500 lb gutted weight (680 kg) has been in effect since 2016 (80 FR 
75432; December 2, 2015). From 2013 to 2016, a 2,000-lb round weight 
(907-kg) commercial trip limit was in effect (77 FR 67574; November 13, 
2012). These commercial trip limits did not reduce harvest of Gulf 
greater amberjack enough to prevent yearly in-season commercial 
closures. Therefore, maintaining the previous trip limit or increasing 
the trip limit would not help achieve the purpose of this rule, which 
is to extend the Gulf greater amberjack commercial fishing season. 
Analysis included in the framework action predicted that, when compared 
to the alternatives considered, the shortest commercial fishing season 
would occur under the 1,500-lb gutted weight (680-kg) commercial trip 
limit, even with the current March through May seasonal closure. A 
larger commercial trip limit would result in an even shorter commercial 
fishing season. While NMFS still predicts that an in-season closure 
will occur with the reduced trip limit implemented through this final 
rule, the closure should occur later in the fishing year, thereby 
extending the opportunity for commercial harvest.
    Comment 3: If commercial harvest for greater amberjack in the Gulf 
extends into the summer spawning season, the stock will be harmed.
    Response: NMFS disagrees. This final rule does not change the 
commercial seasonal closure for greater amberjack of March 1 through 
May 31, which is in place to protect the stock during the majority of 
spawning activity in the Gulf. In addition, the harvest by the 
commercial sector will still be constrained by the commercial quota, 
which will not change through this final rule. Furthermore, extending 
the commercial season may help to reduce discards and discard mortality 
because it will allow harvest later in the year.
    Comment 4: The greater amberjack commercial trip limit of 1,000 lb 
gutted weight (454 kg) will negatively impact business owners 
harvesting more than

[[Page 20613]]

this amount per trip. In addition, the further reduction in the trip 
limit to 250 lb gutted weight (113 kg) when 75 percent of the 
commercial quota is harvested will not allow fishermen on directed 
commercial trips for greater amberjack to effectively harvest the 
remaining 25 percent of the commercial quota.
    Response: NMFS agrees that the reduction in the trip limit may have 
negative economic impacts on Gulf commercial reef fish permit holders 
who have historically harvested more than 1,000 lb gutted weight (454 
kg) of greater amberjack per trip. The economic analysis in the 
framework action estimated that the 1,000-lb gutted weight (454-kg) 
commercial trip limit will reduce the catch per trip by approximately 
18 percent, and on average, greater amberjack accounts for about 1.7 
percent of total revenues from commercial Gulf reef fish trips. 
Therefore, the potential revenue reduction from the reduced commercial 
trip limit will be approximately 0.3 percent. However, the 1,000-lb 
gutted weight (454-kg) trip limit in combination with the 250-lb gutted 
weight (113-kg) trip limit reduction when 75 percent of the commercial 
quota is harvested is estimated to extend the fishing season from 85 
days to 170 days. This may allow commercial vessels to recoup revenue 
losses from reduced trip limits. Further, as noted in response to 
Comment 1, the commercial trip limit in this final rule balances the 
need of fishermen who rely on directed trips and fishermen who rely on 
having a longer season.
    Comment 5: Reducing the commercial trip limit for Gulf greater 
amberjack will increase discards and will be bad for the stock.
    Response: NMFS disagrees. As explained in the framework action, 
studies have documented low bycatch and bycatch mortality of greater 
amberjack because fishermen who want to target the species are able to 
find schools when the season is open and avoid them when there is a 
closure. For fishermen who incidentally catch greater amberjack when 
targeting other species, extending the commercial season may help 
reduce discards and discard mortality by allowing those fish to be kept 
later in the year.
    Comment 6: Moving the boundary between state and Federal waters off 
Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama could cause confusion.
    Response: This rule does not change the boundary between state and 
Federal waters off Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. The 2016 and 
2017 Appropriations Acts moved state and Federal boundary off 
Louisiana, Mississippi, and Louisiana to 9 nm (16.7 km) for Gulf reef 
fish management only. This rule revises the boundaries of three Gulf 
reef fish management areas to reflect the change in the seaward 
boundary of these states for management purposes under the FMP. As 
previously codified, the boundaries for these Federal management areas 
extended into state managed areas. NMFS expects that updating the 
boundaries for the affected Gulf reef fish management areas will reduce 
confusion because these regulatory boundaries will be consistent with 
the boundaries specified in the Appropriations Acts.


    The Regional Administrator for the NMFS Southeast Region has 
determined that this final rule is consistent with the framework 
action, the FMP, the Magnuson-Stevens Act, and other applicable laws.
    This final rule has been determined to be not significant for 
purposes of Executive Order 12866.
    This final rule is not an Executive Order 13771 regulatory action 
because this action is not significant under Executive Order 12866.
    The Magnuson-Stevens Act provides the statutory basis for this 
final rule. No duplicative, overlapping, or conflicting Federal rules 
have been identified. In addition, no new reporting, recordkeeping, or 
other compliance requirements are introduced by this final rule.
    The Chief Counsel for Regulation of the Department of Commerce 
certified to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business 
Administration (SBA) during the proposed rule stage that this rule, if 
adopted, would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
number of small entities. The factual basis for this determination was 
published in the proposed rule and is not repeated here. One comment 
from the public on economic impacts was received, and is addressed in 
the Comments and Responses section in the response to Comment 4. No 
comments from the public or the SBA's Chief Counsel for Advocacy were 
received regarding the certification, and NMFS has not received any new 
information that would affect its determination. As a result, a final 
regulatory flexibility analysis is not required and none has been 

List of subjects in 50 CFR Part 622

    Boundary, Commercial, Coordinates, Fisheries, Fishing, Greater 
amberjack, Gulf of Mexico, Reef fish, Trip limits.

    Dated: April 1, 2020.
Samuel D. Rauch III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.

    For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 622 is amended 
as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 622 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

2. In Sec.  622.34, revise paragraph (d) to read as follows:

Sec.  622.34  Seasonal and area closures designed to protect Gulf reef 

* * * * *
    (d) Seasonal closure of the recreational sector for shallow-water 
grouper (SWG). The recreational sector for SWG in or from the Gulf EEZ 
is closed each year from February 1 through March 31 in the portion of 
the Gulf EEZ seaward of rhumb lines connecting the following points in 
order. During the closure, the bag and possession limits for SWG in or 
from the Gulf EEZ seaward of the following rhumb lines are zero.

                        Table 4 to Paragraph (d)
       Point                North lat.                 West long.
1.................  24[deg]48.0'.............  82[deg]48.0'
2.................  25[deg]07.5'.............  82[deg]34.0'
3.................  26[deg]26.0'.............  82[deg]59.0'
4.................  27[deg]30.0'.............  83[deg]21.5'
5.................  28[deg]10.0'.............  83[deg]45.0'
6.................  28[deg]11.0'.............  84[deg]00.0'
7.................  28[deg]11.0'.............  84[deg]07.0'
8.................  28[deg]26.6'.............  84[deg]24.8'
9.................  28[deg]42.5'.............  84[deg]24.8'
10................  29[deg]05.0'.............  84[deg]47.0'
11................  29[deg]02.5'.............  85[deg]09.0'
12................  29[deg]21.0'.............  85[deg]30.0'
13................  29[deg]27.9'.............  85[deg]51.7'
14................  29[deg]45.8'.............  85[deg]51.0'
15................  30[deg]05.6'.............  86[deg]18.5'
16................  30[deg]07.5'.............  86[deg]56.5'
17................  29[deg]43.9'.............  87[deg]33.8'
18................  29[deg]43.0'.............  88[deg]18.5'
19................  29[deg]18.9'.............  88[deg]50.7' at State and
                                                Federal Reef Fish
                                                Management Boundary,
                                                follow Reef Fish
                                                Management Boundary to
                                                point 20
20................  28[deg]58.98'............  89[deg]35.1' at State and
                                                Federal Reef Fish
                                                Management Boundary
21................  29[deg]02.0'.............  89[deg]45.5'

[[Page 20614]]

22................  28[deg]32.7'.............  90[deg]21.5'
23................  28[deg]24.8'.............  90[deg]52.7'
24................  28[deg]42.3'.............  92[deg]14.4'
25................  28[deg]34.2'.............  92[deg]30.4'
26................  28[deg]27.6'.............  95[deg]00.0'
27................  28[deg]20.0'.............  95[deg]06.9'
28................  28[deg]02.2'.............  96[deg]11.1'
29................  27[deg]46.5'.............  96[deg]38.1'
30................  27[deg]15.0'.............  97[deg]00.0'
31................  26[deg]45.5'.............  97[deg]01.4'
32................  At EEZ boundary..........  96[deg]51.0'

* * * * *

3. In Sec.  622.43, revise paragraph (a) to read as follows:

Sec.  622.43  Commercial trip limits.

* * * * *
    (a) Gulf greater amberjack. (1) Until 75 percent of the quota 
specified in Sec.  622.39(a)(1)(v) is reached, 1,000 lb (454 kg), 
gutted weight; 1,040 lb (472 kg), round weight.
    (2) After 75 percent of the quota is reached or projected to be 
reached, 250 lb (113 kg), gutted weight; 260 lb (118 kg), round weight. 
See Sec.  622.39(b) for the limitations regarding greater amberjack 
after the quota is reached. When the conditions in this paragraph 
(a)(2) have been reached, the Assistant Administrator will implement 
this trip limit change by filing a notification with the Office of the 
Federal Register.
* * * * *

4. Revise appendix B to read as follows:

Appendix B to Part 622--Gulf Areas

 Table 1 of Appendix B to Part 622--Seaward Coordinates of the Longline
                      and Buoy Gear Restricted Area
   Point number and reference
           location 1                 North lat.          West long.
1 Seaward limit of State and      24[deg]48.0'......  82[deg]48.0'
 Federal Reef Fish Management
 Boundary north of Dry Tortugas.
2 North of Rebecca Shoal........  25[deg]07.5'......  82[deg]34.0'
3 Off Sanibel Island--Offshore..  26[deg]26.0'......  82[deg]59.0'
4 West of Egmont Key............  27[deg]30.0'......  83[deg]21.5'
5 Off Anclote Keys--Offshore....  28[deg]10.0'......  83[deg]45.0'
6 Southeast corner of Florida     28[deg]11.0'......  84[deg]00.0'
 Middle Ground.
7 Southwest corner of Florida     28[deg]11.0'......  84[deg]07.0'
 Middle Ground.
8 West corner of Florida Middle   28[deg]26.6'......  84[deg]24.8'
9 Northwest corner of Florida     28[deg]42.5'......  84[deg]24.8'
 Middle Ground.
10 South of Carrabelle..........  29[deg]05.0'......  84[deg]47.0'
11 South of Cape St. George.....  29[deg]02.5'......  85[deg]09.0'
12 South of Cape San Blas         29[deg]21.0'......  85[deg]30.0'
 lighted bell buoy--20 fathoms.
13 South of Cape San Blas         28[deg]58.7'......  85[deg]30.0'
 lighted bell buoy--50 fathoms.
14 De Soto Canyon...............  30[deg]06.0'......  86[deg]55.0'
15 South of Pensacola...........  29[deg]46.0'......  87[deg]19.0'
16 South of Perdido Bay.........  29[deg]29.0'......  87[deg]27.5'
17 East of North Pass of          29[deg]14.5'......  88[deg]28.0'
 Mississippi River.
18 East of South Pass of          29[deg]04.0'......  88[deg]49.7' at
 Mississippi River.                                    State and Federal
                                                       Reef Fish
Then westerly along the seaward
 limit of the State and Federal
 Reef Fish Management Boundary
19 South of Southwest Pass of     28[deg]46.5'......  89[deg]26.0'
 Mississippi River.
20 Northwest tip of Mississippi   28[deg]38.5'......  90[deg]08.5'
21 West side of Mississippi       28[deg]34.5'......  89[deg]59.5'
22 South of Timbalier Bay.......  28[deg]22.5'......  90[deg]02.5'
23 South of Terrebonne Bay......  28[deg]10.5'......  90[deg]31.5'
24 South of Freeport............  27[deg]58.0'......  95[deg]00.0'
25 Off Matagorda Island.........  27[deg]43.0'......  96[deg]02.0'
26 Off Aransas Pass.............  27[deg]30.0'......  96[deg]23.5'
27 Northeast of Port Mansfield..  27[deg]00.0'......  96[deg]39.0'
28 East of Port Mansfield.......  26[deg]44.0'......  96[deg]37.5'
29 Northeast of Port Isabel.....  26[deg]22.0'......  96[deg]21.0'
30 U.S. and Mexico EEZ boundary.  26[deg]00.5'......  96[deg]24.5'
Then westerly along U.S. and
 Mexico EEZ boundary to seaward
 limit of the State and Federal
 Reef Fish Management Boundary
1 Nearest identifiable landfall, boundary, navigational aid, or
  submarine area.

 Table 2 of Appendix B to Part 622--Seaward Coordinates of the Stressed
   Point number and reference
           location 1                 North lat.          West long.
1 Seaward limit of State and      24[deg]45.5'......  82[deg]41.5'
 Federal Reef Fish Management
 Boundary northeast of Dry
2 North of Marquesas Keys.......  24[deg]48.0'......  82[deg]06.5'
3 Off Cape Sable................  25[deg]15.0'......  82[deg]02.0'
4 Off Sanibel Island--Inshore...  26[deg]26.0'......  82[deg]29.0'
5 Off Sanibel Island--Offshore..  26[deg]26.0'......  82[deg]59.0'
6 West of Egmont Key............  27[deg]30.0'......  83[deg]21.5'
7 Off Anclote Keys--Offshore....  28[deg]10.0'......  83[deg]45.0'
8 Off Anclote Keys--Inshore.....  28[deg]10.0'......  83[deg]14.0'
9 Off Deadman Bay...............  29[deg]38.0'......  84[deg]00.0'

[[Page 20615]]

10 Seaward limit of State and     29[deg]35.5'......  84[deg]38.6'
 Federal Reef Fish Management
 Boundary east of Cape St.
Then westerly along the seaward
 limit of State and Federal Reef
 Fish Management Boundary to:
11 Seaward limit of State and     29[deg]32.2'......  85[deg]27.1'
 Federal Reef Fish Management
 Boundary south of Cape San Blas.
12 Southwest of Cape San Blas...  29[deg]30.5'......  85[deg]52.0'
13 Off St. Andrew Bay...........  29[deg]53.0'......  86[deg]10.0'
14 De Soto Canyon...............  30[deg]06.0'......  86[deg]55.0'
15 South of Florida and Alabama   29[deg]34.5'......  87[deg]38.0'
16 Off Mobile Bay...............  29[deg]41.0'......  88[deg]00.0'
17 South of Alabama and           30[deg]01.5'......  88[deg]23.7'
 Mississippi border.
18 Horn and Chandeleur Islands..  30[deg]01.5'......  88[deg]39.8' at
                                                       State and Federal
                                                       Reef Fish
Then southerly along the seaward
 limit of State and Federal Reef
 Fish Management Boundary to:
19 Seaward limit of State and     29[deg]50.8'......  88[deg]39.07' at
 Federal Reef Fish Management                          State and Federal
 Boundary off Chandeleur Islands.                      Reef Fish
20 Chandeleur Islands...........  29[deg]35.5'......  88[deg]37.0'
21 Seaward limit of State and     29[deg]21.0'......  88[deg]54.43' at
 Federal Reef Fish Management                          State and Federal
 Boundary off North Pass of                            Reef Fish
 Mississippi River.                                    Management
Then southerly and westerly
 along the seaward limit of
 State and Federal Reef Fish
 Management Boundary to:
22 Seaward limit of State and     29[deg]01.3'......  89[deg]34.67' at
 Federal Reef Fish Management                          State and Federal
 Boundary off Southwest Pass of                        Reef Fish
 Mississippi River.                                    Management
23 Seaward limit of the State     29[deg]5.24' at     89[deg]41.0'
 and Federal Reef Fish             State and Federal
 Management Boundary west of       Reef Fish
 Mississippi River.                Management
Then westerly along the seaward
 limit of the State and Federal
 Reef Fish Management Boundary
24 Seaward limit of State and     29[deg]3.03' at     89[deg]56.0'
 Federal Reef Fish Management      State and Federal
 Boundary south of Grand Isle.     Reef Fish
25 Quick flashing horn buoy       28[deg]32.5'......  90[deg]42.0'
 south of Isles Dernieres.
26 Southeast of Calcasieu Pass..  29[deg]10.0'......  92[deg]37.0'
27 South of Sabine Pass--10       29[deg]09.0'......  93[deg]41.0'
28 South of Sabine Pass--30       28[deg]21.5'......  93[deg]28.0'
29 East of Aransas Pass.........  27[deg]49.0'......  96[deg]19.5'
30 East of Baffin Bay...........  27[deg]12.0'......  96[deg]51.0'
31 Northeast of Port Mansfield..  26[deg]46.5'......  96[deg]52.0'
32 Northeast of Port Isabel.....  26[deg]21.5'......  96[deg]35.0'
33 U.S. and Mexico EEZ boundary.  26[deg]00.5'......  96[deg]36.0'
Then westerly along U.S. and
 Mexico EEZ boundary to seaward
 limit of the State and Federal
 Reef Fish Management Boundary
1 Nearest identifiable landfall, boundary, navigational aid, or
  submarine area.

[FR Doc. 2020-07253 Filed 4-13-20; 8:45 am]

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