Fire Protection Compensatory Measures, 19701-19706 [2020-07341]
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Proposed Rules
Federal Register
Vol. 85, No. 68
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains notices to the public of the proposed
issuance of rules and regulations. The
purpose of these notices is to give interested
persons an opportunity to participate in the
rule making prior to the adoption of the final
10 CFR Part 50
[Docket No. PRM–50–115; NRC–2017–0132]
Fire Protection Compensatory
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Petition for rulemaking; denial.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is denying Petition
for Rulemaking (PRM)–50–115,
‘‘Petition for Rulemaking—Fire
Protection Compensatory Measures,’’
dated May 1, 2017, submitted by David
Lochbaum and Paul Gunter (the
petitioners) on behalf of the Union of
Concerned Scientists and Beyond
Nuclear, respectively. The petitioners
request that the NRC issue regulations
that establish acceptable conditions for
the use of compensatory measures (e.g.,
fire watches, surveillance cameras)
during periods when fire protection
regulations are not met, as well as
define the maximum duration that
compensatory measures may be relied
upon. The NRC staff concludes that the
petitioners did not present sufficient
new information or arguments to
warrant the requested changes to the
regulations in light of the NRC’s
relevant past decisions and current
policies. Therefore, the NRC is denying
DATES: The docket for PRM–50–115 is
closed as of April 8, 2020.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID
NRC–2017–0132 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of
information for this action. You can
obtain publicly-available documents
related to this action by any of the
following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to and search
for Docket ID NRC–2017–0132. Address
questions about NRC dockets to Carol
Gallagher; telephone: 301–415–3463;
email: For
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technical questions, contact the
individual listed in the FOR FURTHER
• NRC’s Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publiclyavailable documents online in the
ADAMS Public Documents collection at
adams.html. To begin the search, select
‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.’’ For
problems with ADAMS, please contact
the NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR)
reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, 301–
415–4737, or by email to pdr.resource@ For the convenience of the
reader, instructions about obtaining
materials referenced in this document
are provided in Section IV, Availability
of Documents.
• NRC’s PDR: You may examine and
purchase copies of public documents at
the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
Pamela Noto, Office of Nuclear Material
Safety and Safeguards, telephone: 301–
415–6795, email:,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001.
I. Background and Summary of the
Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) 2.802, ‘‘Petition
for rulemaking—requirements for
filing,’’ provides an opportunity for any
interested person to petition the
Commission to issue, amend, or rescind
any regulation. The NRC received a
petition dated May 1, 2017, from David
Lochbaum and Paul Gunter on behalf of
the Union of Concerned Scientists and
Beyond Nuclear, respectively, regarding
the establishment of acceptable
conditions for the use of compensatory
measures during periods when fire
protection regulations are not met. The
NRC assigned Docket Number PRM–50–
115 to this petition and published a
notice of docketing and request for
public comment in the Federal Register
on October 6, 2017 (82 FR 46717).
Fire protection programs at U.S.
commercial nuclear power plants have
the primary goal of minimizing both the
probability of occurrence and the
consequences of fire. The fire protection
regulations under 10 CFR 50.48, ‘‘Fire
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protection,’’ establish detailed
requirements for fire protection plans at
U.S. commercial nuclear power plants.
Under § 50.48(a), each operating nuclear
power plant licensee must have a fire
protection plan that satisfies Criterion 3,
‘‘Fire protection,’’ of appendix A,
‘‘General Design Criteria for Nuclear
Power Plants,’’ to 10 CFR part 50,
‘‘Domestic Licensing of Production and
Utilization Facilities.’’ The fire
protection plan describes the overall fire
protection program and includes
measures related to fire prevention,
automatic detection, suppression and
response, as well as personnel
administrative requirements and the
protection of safety-related structures,
systems, and components in the event of
a fire. The fire protection program for
nuclear power plants uses a defense-indepth approach of administrative
controls, fire protection systems and
features, and post-fire safe-shutdown
capability to achieve the required degree
of reactor safety.
Licensees of nuclear power plants that
were operating before January 1, 1979,
must meet the requirements of appendix
R, ‘‘Fire Protection Program for Nuclear
Power Facilities Operating Prior to
January 1, 1979,’’ to 10 CFR part 50,
except to the extent provided for in
§ 50.48(b). Licensees of facilities
licensed to operate after January 1, 1979,
must meet the facility-specific fire
protection licensing basis that was
reviewed and approved by the agency.
As an alternative to § 50.48(b) or to
the facility-specific fire protection
licensing basis, licensees may also adopt
and maintain a fire protection program
that meets § 50.48(c), ‘‘National Fire
Protection Association Standard (NFPA)
805,’’ which incorporates by reference
NFPA 805, ‘‘Performance-Based
Standard for Fire Protection for Light
Water Reactor Electric Generating
Plants, 2001 Edition,’’ with certain
The petitioners stated that the current
guidance documents regarding
compensatory measures are deficient
due to the following issues:
Issue 1: Compensatory Measure
Guidance Documents Are Not
Enforceable Expectations
The petitioners assert that fire
protection compensatory measures
guidance documents are not regulations
and that they, therefore, convey
unenforceable expectations. As an
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 68 / Wednesday, April 8, 2020 / Proposed Rules
example, the petitioners describe an
inspection at the Waterford Steam
Electric Station, Unit 3, in November
1995, where NRC inspectors discovered
that workers had revised procedures to
define a continuous fire watch from
having someone in the area at all times
to only having a roving fire watch check
the area every 15 to 20 minutes. The
petitioners assert that the NRC
addressed the issue with a ‘‘generic nonanswer’’ and that no enforcement action
was taken. In addition, the petitioners
note that the NRC issued: (1)
Information Notice 97–48, ‘‘Inadequate
or Inappropriate Interim Fire Protection
Compensatory Measures,’’ in July 1997,
describing the discovery of a continuous
fire watch that had been improperly
redefined; and (2) Regulatory Guide
1.189, Revision 2, ‘‘Fire Protection for
Nuclear Power Plants,’’ in October 2009,
that included the definition of a fire
watch. The petitioners observe that the
guidance in the information notices and
the regulatory guides are not NRC
requirements or substitutes for
regulations; therefore, compliance with
these documents is not required.
Issue 2: Compensatory Measure
Guidance Documents Are Not Clear
The petitioners observe that
compensatory measure guidance
documents are not clear and, therefore,
create confusion for licensees, NRC
inspectors and reviewers, and the public
about what constitutes acceptable
compensatory measures for compliance
with fire protection regulations and the
permissible durations of such measures.
The petitioners provide examples of
instances in which the NRC regions
requested that NRC headquarters staff
provide clarification of compensatory
measures. Petitioners also noted that
NRC inspectors frequently ask questions
about the appropriateness and
acceptability of fire protection
compensatory measures. In addition, the
petitioners assert that the available
guidance and the lack of regulatory
requirements do not help NRC
inspectors or industry workers
determine a reasonable time period to
keep compensatory measures in place.
In particular, the petitioners assert that
compensatory measures routinely have
been used for longstanding
noncompliance with fire protection
regulations and that not all fire
protection compensatory measures may
be acceptable for long periods of time.
Issue 3: Compensatory Measure
Guidance Documents Were Not
Developed Through an Open Process
The petitioners assert that, because
compensatory measure guidance
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documents were not developed through
an open process, the public did not have
opportunities to provide input on the
acceptability of various fire protection
compensatory measures. In particular,
the petitioners assert that the public did
not have opportunity to provide
feedback on the acceptability or the
duration of fire protection compensatory
measures, as they had during the
development of the NFPA 805
regulations in appendix R to 10 CFR
part 50 and § 50.48(c) via the NRC’s
rulemaking process. The petitioners also
assert that because fire protection
compensatory measures have been
employed in lieu of compliance with
the regulatory requirements in appendix
R to 10 CFR part 50 and NFPA 805 for
many years, the public’s legal rights
have been infringed upon, and if
compensatory measures will be used as
a long-term protection against fire risks,
the public deserves an opportunity to
formally weigh in on their acceptability.
Petitioners’ Requests
The petitioners assert that when
violations of the NRC’s fire protection
regulations are discovered,
compensatory measures intended to
provide sufficient protection until
compliance is restored have not been
properly established. Therefore, the
petitioners request that the NRC amend
its regulations to include compensatory
measures that would provide
enforceable requirements for licensees.
In particular, the petitioners request that
the NRC issue a final rule that defines
the compensatory measures authorized
for use and the conditions under which
such measures are required when the
NRC’s fire protection regulations (e.g.,
§ 50.48 and Criterion 3 of appendix A to
10 CFR part 50) are not met. In addition,
the petitioners request that the final rule
define the maximum duration that
compensatory measures may be relied
II. Public Comments on the Petition
A. Overview of Public Comments
The docketing notice for the PRM
invited interested persons to submit
comments. The comment period closed
on December 20, 2017. The NRC
received 7 public comment submissions
that collectively contain 27 individual
comments. The NRC reviewed and
considered all comments in its
evaluation of the petition.
B. NRC Response to Public Comments
The NRC binned the comments on the
petition into four categories. The
following discussion provides a highlevel summary of each category and the
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NRC’s response to the binned
comments, including—if appropriate—a
high-level summary of the basis for the
1. Enforceability of Guidance
Comment: Two commenters do not
agree with the petitioners’ assertion
regarding enforceability because
compensatory measures are required by
a facility’s operating license (through a
standard license condition on fire
protection). The fire protection license
condition contained in each power
reactor operating license requires the
licensee to ‘‘implement and maintain in
effect all provisions of the approved fire
protection program as described in the
updated final safety analysis report, and
as approved in the NRC safety
evaluation reports . . . .’’ Failing to
implement the compensatory measures
would, therefore, be a violation of the
facility’s license condition and contrary
to the updated final safety analysis
report requirement, both of which are
NRC response: The NRC partially
agrees with this comment. All licensees
are required to comply with the
applicable regulations and the facility
operating license, which are
enforceable. The NRC does not agree
that guidance documents are
enforceable. The NRC issues guidance to
provide acceptable methods for meeting
regulatory requirements. Licensees may
voluntarily rely on methods contained
in guidance documents to comply with
regulations and the facility license, but
the methods themselves are not
enforceable as a part of the guidance.
2. Clarity of Guidance Documents
Comment: Two commenters do not
agree with the petitioners’ assertion
regarding the clarity of guidance
documents because facility-specific
requirements for compensatory
measures are sufficiently clear for
licensees, the NRC, and the public.
Section 50.48(a) requires each facility to
have a fire protection program that
includes specific features such as
administrative controls. The fire
protection program is either included
directly or is incorporated by reference
into the updated final safety analysis
report for a facility. Expectations for fire
protection compensatory measures are
explicitly described for each facility,
and are well-understood by the licensee
and the NRC.
NRC response: The NRC agrees with
this comment. The use of compensatory
measures is clearly described in each
licensee’s approved fire protection
program and in NRC guidance
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 68 / Wednesday, April 8, 2020 / Proposed Rules
documents. Additionally, the use of
compensatory measures is discussed in
NRC generic communications. For
example, (1) Information Notice 97–48,
‘‘Inadequate or Inappropriate Interim
Fire Protection Compensatory
Measures,’’ alerted licensees to potential
problems associated with the
implementation of interim
compensatory measures for degraded or
inoperable plant fire protection features,
or degraded and inoperable conditions
associated with post-fire safe-shutdown
capability; (2) Regulatory Issue
Summary 2005–07, ‘‘Compensatory
Measures to Satisfy the Fire Protection
Program Requirements,’’ discusses how
a licensee with the standard license
condition for fire protection may change
its approved FPP to use alternate
compensatory measures; (3) NUREG/
CR–7135, ‘‘Compensatory and
Alternative Regulatory MEasures for
Nuclear Power Plant FIRE Protection
(CARMEN–FIRE),’’ documents the
history of compensatory measures,
details the NRC’s regulatory framework
established to ensure that they are
appropriately implemented and
maintained, and explores technologies
that did not exist when the current
plants were licensed that may offer an
effective alternative to the measures
specified in a licensee’s approved fire
protection program and; (4) Inspection
Manual Chapter 0326, ‘‘Operability
Determinations,’’ contains guidance on
the use of compensatory measures.
3. Development of Guidance Documents
Through an Open Process
Comment: Two commenters do not
agree with the petitioners’ assertion that
guidance documents were not
developed through an open process
because sufficient opportunities for
public comment were available in the
development of related guidance
documents and the public had ample
opportunity to participate. Specifically,
Regulatory Guide 1.189, Revision 2,
‘‘Fire Protection for Nuclear Power
Plants,’’ which discusses treatment of
fire protection compensatory measures,
was published for public comment
under Draft Regulatory Guide DG–1214
in April 2009, and the NRC responded
to over 90 public comments.
NRC response: The NRC agrees with
this comment. The NRC’s policy is to
provide opportunity for public
participation in the regulatory guidance
development process under
Management Directive 6.6, ‘‘Regulatory
Guides.’’ This is to collect input from
external stakeholders and allow for an
open and collaborative environment.
For example, the NRC staff revised the
final version of Regulatory Guide 1.189,
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Revision 2, taking into account
comments received on Draft Regulatory
Guide DG–1214, which was published
for public comment in April 2009.
(Revision 3 of Regulatory Guide 1.189
was subsequently issued in February
2018 to incorporate editorial changes
and align it with current program
guidance for regulatory guides. The
changes were intended to improve
clarity and did not alter the Staff
Regulatory Guidance in Section C of the
4. List of Licensee Event Reports
Comment: Two commenters do not
agree with the petitioners’ assertion that
the list of licensee event reports in
attachment 1 to the petition is
compelling testimony to the frequent
need for fire protection compensatory
measures. The commenters state that,
contrary to the assertions in the petition,
the licensee event reports show that
licensees were following their fire
protection program requirements by
instituting fire watches when inoperable
fire protection features occurred or were
discovered. The volume of licensee
event reports referenced is indicative of
a program that provides little ambiguity
or flexibility in implementation. This is
an illustration of the process working as
NRC response: The NRC agrees that
the licensee event reports listed in
attachment 1 of the petition are
indicative of regulations that
appropriately address the safety
concern. The requirements of 10 CFR
50.72, ‘‘Immediate notification
requirements for operating nuclear
power reactors,’’ and 10 CFR 50.73,
‘‘Licensee event report system,’’ apply
to reporting certain events and
conditions related to fire protection at
nuclear power plants. Licensees report
to the NRC fire events or fire protection
deficiencies that meet the criteria of
§§ 50.72 and 50.73, as appropriate under
the requirements of these regulations.
Additionally, one commenter
identified unrelated concerns about the
NRC’s regulations and practices that the
NRC determined are outside the scope
of PRM–50–115.
Finally, several commenters provided
general support for the petition,
recommending that the NRC should
initiate rulemaking to address the issues
raised by the petitioners, but did not
provide supporting rationale for this
III. Reasons for Denial
The NRC is denying the petition
because the petitioners did not present
sufficient new information or arguments
to warrant the requested changes to the
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regulations in light of the NRC’s
relevant past decisions and current
policies. The remaining paragraphs of
Section III summarize the NRC’s
evaluation of the three main issues
identified in the petition.
Issue 1: Compensatory Measure
Guidance Documents Are Not
Enforceable Expectations
The guidance documents referenced
in the petition (i.e., regulatory guides
and information notices) are not directly
enforceable. The NRC’s regulatory
guides and information notices provide
guidance to licensees and inform
licensees of operating experience on
how to implement specific parts of the
NRC’s regulations, techniques used by
the NRC to evaluate specific problems
or postulated events, operating or
analytical experience, and data needed
by the NRC in its review of applications
for licenses.
Historically, at the time of licensing of
most currently operating power reactors,
compensatory measures were
incorporated into the licensee’s
technical specifications; accordingly,
changes to compensatory measures
required NRC review and approval.
Subsequently, the NRC issued Generic
Letter 86–10, ‘‘Implementation of Fire
Protection Requirements,’’ which
described a process for relocating the
fire protection program, including
management of compensatory measures,
into the final safety analysis report for
a facility, and adding a standard license
condition to a facility’s operating
license that requires the licensee to
‘‘implement and maintain in effect all
provisions of the approved fire
protection program as described in the
updated final safety analysis report, and
as approved in the NRC safety
evaluation reports.’’ Through the
standard fire protection license
condition, a site’s fire protection
program still requires fire protection
compensatory measures for equipment
that does not meet the functionality
Section 50.48(a) requires each facility
to have a fire protection program; this
provision stipulates what that program
must contain and includes
administrative controls. The approved
fire protection program is either
described directly in the updated final
safety analysis report or incorporated by
reference. The licensee’s commitments
related to fire protection compensatory
measures (e.g., fire watches,
surveillance cameras) are contained
within the fire protection program.
Therefore, failing to appropriately
implement the fire protection
compensatory measures would be a
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violation of the plant’s operating
license, which is enforceable. The
provisions of § 50.48(a) require, among
other things, that any change to the
approved fire protection program must
meet Criterion 3 of appendix A to part
50. Under 10 CFR 50.48(a)(3), a licensee
must retain each change to the fire
protection program as a record until the
Commission terminates the license. The
licensee’s changes to the approved fire
protection program are subject to
inspection, as discussed in Inspection
Procedure 71111.21N.05, ‘‘Fire
Protection Team Inspection (FPTI).’’
In April 1996, the NRC responded to
a petition under 10 CFR 2.206,
‘‘Requests for action under this
subpart,’’ by issuing Director’s Decision
(DD)–96–03, 42 NRC 183 (1996), which
concluded that fire protection
compensatory measures, as approved by
the NRC on a facility-specific basis,
‘‘continue to ensure public health and
safety.’’ Since this decision, the NRC
has continued to evaluate fire protection
compensatory measures on a facilityspecific basis. Thus, the current
framework ensures adequate protection
of public health and safety. Therefore,
the NRC concludes that the petitioners’
assertion that compensatory measures
guidance documents are unenforceable
does not raise any new significant safety
or security concerns that would support
the request to amend the NRC’s
regulations in light of relevant NRC past
decisions and current policies.
Issue 2: Compensatory Measures
Guidance Documents Are Not Clear
Section 50.48(a) requires each power
reactor licensee to have a fire protection
program. This provision stipulates what
the fire protection program must contain
and, as noted above, includes a
requirement for administrative controls.
Through the fire protection license
condition, a licensee’s fire protection
program requires fire protection
compensatory measures for equipment
that does not meet the functionality
requirements. The fire protection
license condition requires the licensee
to ‘‘implement and maintain in effect all
provisions of the approved fire
protection program as described in the
updated final safety analysis report, and
as approved in the NRC safety
evaluation reports.’’
The required compensatory measures
for fire protection systems and
equipment that do not meet the
functionality requirements are explicitly
stated within each site’s approved fire
protection program. These
compensatory measures were originally
incorporated into most plant’s technical
specifications. Thus, the initial
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compensatory measures, and any
subsequent changes, were reviewed and
approved by the NRC. The NRC
subsequently issued Generic Letter 86–
10 and Generic Letter 88–12, ‘‘Removal
of Fire Protection Requirements From
Technical Specifications,’’ which
formed the basis for licensee
assessments that provided the ability to
make changes to approved fire
protection program’s functionality and
surveillance requirements, as well as to
the compensatory measures required for
nonfunctional fire protection systems
and equipment.
The licensees could implement such
changes under the regulatory framework
for fire protection programs that were
removed from technical specifications
without the NRC’s review and approval,
provided that the licensee performed an
analysis that demonstrated the change
would not adversely affect the ability to
achieve and maintain safe shutdown in
the event of a fire.
The NRC subsequently issued
Information Notice 97–48, which
provided examples of NRC inspection
findings of licensees implementing
inappropriate compensatory measures
for nonfunctional fire protection
systems and equipment. This
information notice also reinforced the
guidance provided to the NRC
inspectors in Generic Letter 91–18, on
the resolution of degraded and
nonconforming conditions affecting
structures, systems, and components
relied upon for compliance with § 50.48.
In addition, Information Notice 97–48
reinforced the NRC’s expectations of the
timeliness of corrective actions
documented in Generic Letter 91–18—
that is, for structures, systems, and
components that are not expressly
subject to technical specifications and
are determined to be inoperable, the
licensee should assess the reasonable
assurance of safety. If the assessment
assures safety, then the facility may
continue to operate while prompt
corrective action is taken. Generic Letter
91–18 states that the timeliness of the
corrective action should be
commensurate with the safety
significance of the issue.
The NRC continued the expectation of
timeliness of corrective actions from
Generic Letter 91–18 in Regulatory Issue
Summary 2005–20, ‘‘Revision to NRC
Inspection Manual Part 9900 Technical
Guidance, ‘Operability Determinations
& Functionality Assessments for
Resolution of Degraded or
Nonconforming Conditions Adverse to
Quality or Safety,’ ’’ which superseded
Generic Letter 91–18. This expectation
was further clarified in Part 9900’s
superseding document, Inspection
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Manual Chapter 0326, ‘‘Operability
Determinations & Functionality
Assessments for Conditions Adverse to
Quality or Safety,’’ which states,
When evaluating the effect of a condition
on an SSC’s capability to perform any of its
specified safety functions, a licensee may
decide to implement compensatory
measures, as an interim action, until final
corrective action to resolve the condition is
completed . . .
In general, these measures should have
minimal impact on the operators or plant
operations, should be relatively simple to
implement, and should be documented.
Conditions calling for a compensatory
measure can place additional burden on
plant operators and inspectors should verify
the licensee addresses the conditions
commensurate with its safety significance per
10 CFR 50 Appendix B Criterion XVI.
It is important to note that the
majority of long-term compensatory
measures that are/were in place for
noncompliance with fire protection
regulations were put in place for
regulatory issues that were the subject of
Enforcement Guidance Memoranda (see
Enforcement Guidance Memorandum
07–004, ‘‘Enforcement Discretion for
Post-Fire Manual Actions Used As
Compensatory Measures for Fire
Induced Circuit Failures,’’ and
Enforcement Guidance Memorandum
09–002, ‘‘Enforcement Discretion for
Fire Induced Circuit Faults’’), or for
facilities that were transitioning their
licensing basis to meet the requirements
of § 50.48(c). For facilities that are not
transitioning their licensing basis to
§ 50.48(c), the deadline for compliance
with the referenced Enforcement
Guidance Memoranda has expired.
Therefore, where a licensee is still
relying on compensatory measures for
the noncompliances discussed in the
Enforcement Guidance Memoranda, and
permanent corrective actions have not
been taken, these instances would be
considered by the NRC for enforcement
For facilities that are transitioning
their licensing basis to § 50.48(c), the
compensatory measures would be
removed once a facility achieves full
compliance with their new licensing
basis. The deadlines for achieving full
compliance are detailed in each
facility’s respective safety evaluation
report and fire protection license
condition. Any required actions that
have not been completed by the
deadlines stated in the safety evaluation
report are considered by the NRC for
enforcement action.
Additionally, the NRC issued
Regulatory Issue Summary 2005–07,
which informed licensees that alternate
compensatory measures as otherwise
required by the approved fire protection
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 68 / Wednesday, April 8, 2020 / Proposed Rules
program may be used for a degraded or
inoperable fire protection feature under
certain circumstances. The regulatory
issue summary was not meant to
provide specific examples of acceptable
alternate compensatory measures. As
stated in the regulatory issue summary,
the purpose was to discuss how a
licensee, with the standard license
condition for fire protection, may
change the approved fire protection
program to use alternate compensatory
measures. The regulatory issue
summary also states that a licensee may
change the approved fire protection
program to implement a different
compensatory measure or combination
of measures. The licensee must perform
a documented evaluation of the impact
of the proposed alternate compensatory
measure to the fire protection program
and its adequacy compared to the
compensatory measure required by the
fire protection program. The
documented evaluation must
demonstrate that the alternate
compensatory measure would not
adversely affect the ability to achieve
and maintain safe shutdown in the
event of a fire. The regulatory issue
summary provides additional insights
into what the documented evaluation
should consider, stating,
[t]he evaluation of the alternate
compensatory measure should incorporate
risk insights regarding the location, quantity,
and type of combustible material in the fire
area; the presence of ignition sources and
their likelihood of occurrence; the automatic
fire suppression and fire detection capability
in the fire area; the manual fire suppression
capability in the fire area; and the human
error probability where applicable.
Additional guidance was provided in
Regulatory Guide 1.189, Revision 2, on
what would constitute an acceptable
evaluation to determine that the change
to the fire protection program would not
adversely affect the ability to achieve
and maintain safe shutdown in the
event of a fire. Regulatory Guide 1.189,
Revision 3, states that, within the
context of the standard fire protection
license condition, the phrase ‘‘not
adversely affect the ability to achieve
and maintain safe shutdown in the
event of a fire,’’ means to maintain
sufficient safety margins. The regulatory
guide also states that, with sufficient
safety margins, the following applies:
1 Fire protection programs in U.S. nuclear power
plants use the concept of defense in depth to
achieve the required degree of fire safety by using
echelons of protection from fire effects. The three
echelons for fire protection are: (1) Prevent the fire
from starting, i.e., plants maintain fire safety by
taking measures to minimize the likelihood that
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a. Codes and standards or their
alternatives approved for use by the
NRC are met.
b. Safety analysis acceptance criteria
in the licensing basis are met or
proposed revisions provide sufficient
margin to account for analysis and data
Employing appropriate compensatory
measures on a short-term basis is an
integral part of the NRC-approved fire
protection program. The NRC recognizes
that some compensatory measures have
been in place for an extended period of
time. However, this does not introduce
a safety concern.
The fire protection programs at
nuclear power plants are built upon the
concept of defense in depth 1 with
layers of protective features. The
technical deficiencies being
compensated for do not invalidate the
defense-in-depth approach. Further,
licensees track fire protection program
deficiencies involving compensatory
measures at their respective nuclear
plants. The NRC’s resident inspectors
review corrective action programs on a
daily basis and are aware of the
compensatory measures in place at
reactor units. Additionally, the NRC
inspects a sample of these compensatory
measures for adequacy during routine
fire protection inspections.
Therefore, the NRC concludes that fire
protection compensatory measures
guidance documents are clear and were
not meant to provide specific examples
of acceptable alternate compensatory
measures. As stated in Regulatory Issue
Summary 2005–07, a licensee with the
standard license condition for fire
protection may change the approved fire
protection program to use alternate
compensatory measures.
Issue 3: Compensatory Measure
Guidance Documents Were Not
Developed Through an Open Process
It is the policy of the NRC that
activities are undertaken in an open and
transparent manner; staff decisions are
sound and consider the need for and
impact of proposed actions; and
regulatory guidance will be provided to
identify acceptable methods for
applicants and licensees to meet
applicable laws and regulations, when
needed. The NRC views openness as a
critical element for achieving the
agency’s mission to ensure the safe use
fires might occur; (2) rapidly detect, control, and
promptly extinguish those fires that do occur, i.e.,
plants establish fire protection systems (sprinklers,
fire water systems, etc.) to extinguish (and
minimize the consequences of) any fires that do
occur; and (3) protect structures, systems, and
components important to safety so that a fire not
PO 00000
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of radioactive materials for beneficial
civilian purposes while protecting
people and the environment. This is
expressed in Management Directive 6.6,
‘‘Regulatory Guides,’’ as an objective to
ensure that stakeholders (e.g., licensees,
applicants, and members of the public
and Agreement States) and individuals
and offices within NRC all have an
opportunity to consider and comment
on a new or substantively changed draft
regulatory guide before it is issued as a
final (effective) Regulatory Guide. After
considering the comments received on a
document, the NRC publishes the final
The NRC provided opportunities for
public comment in the development of
guidance documents related to fire
protection compensatory measures, and
the public had many opportunities to
participate. For example, Regulatory
Guide 1.189, Revision 2, was issued for
public comment as Draft Regulatory
Guide (DG)–1214 on April 21, 2009 (74
FR 18262). The NRC responded to 97
public comments on DG–1214 on
October 31, 2009 (74 FR 56673). The
NRC held a public meeting on May 20,
2009 to discuss comments and
questions on DG–1214; and the
Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards also held a meeting on
October 9, 2009, to discuss comments
and questions on DG–1214. As
addressed above, the staff revised the
guidance document based on comments
submitted by the public. Revision 3 to
Regulatory Guide 1.189 was not issued
for public comment because the changes
were intended to improve clarity and
did not alter the Staff Regulatory
Guidance in Section C of the guide. A
notice of opportunity for public
comment on Regulatory Issue Summary
2005–07 was not published because it is
Therefore, the NRC does not agree
with the petitioners’ assertion that
compensatory measures guidance
documents were not developed through
an open process.
IV. Availability of Documents
The following table provides
information about how to access the
documents referenced in this document.
The ADDRESSES section of this document
provides additional information about
how to access ADAMS.
promptly extinguished by the fire suppression
activities will not prevent the safe shutdown of the
plant, i.e., plants rely on redundant safety systems
(e.g., installing fire barriers) that are unlikely to be
damaged by a single fire.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 68 / Wednesday, April 8, 2020 / Proposed Rules
April 24, 1986 ...............
August 2, 1988 .............
November 7, 1991 ........
Generic Letter 86–10, ‘‘Implementation of Fire Protection Requirements’’ .......................................
Generic Letter 88–12, ‘‘Removal of Fire Protection Requirements from Technical Specifications’’
Generic Letter 91–18, ‘‘Information to Licensees Regarding Two NRC Inspection Manual Sections of Resolution of Degraded and Nonconforming Conditions and on Operability’’.
1994 petition under 10 CFR 2.206 .....................................................................................................
DD–96–03, ‘‘Director’s Decision Under 10 CFR 2.206’’ ....................................................................
Information Notice 97–48, ‘‘Inadequate or Inappropriate Interim Fire Protection Compensatory
Generic Letter 91–18, Revision 1, ‘‘Information to Licensees Regarding Two NRC Inspection
Manual Sections of Resolution of Degraded and Nonconforming Conditions and on Operability’’.
NFPA 805, ‘‘Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric
Generating Plants’’.
Regulatory Issue Summary 2005–07, ‘‘Compensatory Measures to Satisfy the Fire Protection
Program Requirements’’.
Enforcement Guidance Memorandum 07-004, ‘‘Enforcement Discretion for Post-Fire Manual Actions Used As Compensatory Measures for Fire Induced Circuit Failures’’.
DG–1214, ‘‘Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants’’ ......................................................................
Notice of Issuance and Availability of Draft Regulatory Guide, DG–1214 ........................................
Enforcement Guidance Memorandum 09-002, ‘‘Enforcement Discretion for Fire Induced Circuit
Notice of Meeting to Provide Overview and Discuss Comments and Questions on Draft Regulatory Guide DG–1214, ‘‘Fire Protection For Nuclear Power Plants’’.
Meeting Summary of May 20, 2009 Public Meeting Regarding Draft Fire Protection Regulatory
Guide DG–1214.
ACRS Report on the Draft Final Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide 1.189 (DG–1214), ‘‘Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants’’.
NRC Responses to Comments on Draft Regulatory Guide 1.189, Revision 2 (DG-1214) ...............
Regulatory Guide 1.189, Revision 2, ‘‘Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants’’ ............................
Staff Requirements-SECY–11–0032, ‘‘Consideration of the Cumulative Effects of Regulation in
the Rulemaking Process’’.
Inspection Manual Chapter 0326, ‘‘Operability Determinations & Functionality Assessments for
Conditions Adverse to Quality or Safety’’.
NUREG/CR–7135, ‘‘Compensatory and Alternative Regulatory MEasures for Nuclear Power Plant
FIRE Protection (CARMEN–FIRE)’’.
Petition for Rulemaking (PRM–50–115) .............................................................................................
Petition for Rulemaking; Notice of Docketing and Request for Comment .........................................
Public Comments on Petition for Rulemaking: Fire Protection Compensatory Measures ................
October 21, 1994 ..........
April 3, 1996 .................
July 9, 1997 ..................
October 8, 1997 ............
January 13, 2001 ..........
April 19, 2005 ...............
June 30, 2007 ...............
April 1, 2009 .................
April 21, 2009 ...............
May 14, 2009 ................
May 6, 2009 ..................
June 10, 2009 ...............
October 20, 2009 ..........
October 31, 2009 ..........
October 2009 ................
October 11, 2011 ..........
November 20, 2017 ......
June 2015 .....................
May 1, 2017 ..................
October 6, 2017 ............
December 20, 2017 ......
V. Conclusion
The NRC completed an evaluation of
the petition and determined that the
issues in the petition did not raise any
significant safety or security concerns.
In addition, the NRC concludes that the
arguments presented in the petition do
not support the requested revisions to
its regulations. Finally, the NRC
reaffirms that its existing regulations
continue to provide reasonable
assurance of adequate protection of
public health and safety. For the reasons
cited in this document, the NRC is
denying PRM–50–115.
accession No. or
Federal Register
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 2nd day
of April, 2020.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Annette L. Vietti-Cook,
Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2020–07341 Filed 4–7–20; 8:45 am]
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:42 Apr 07, 2020
Jkt 250001
12 CFR Parts 303 and 337
RIN 3064–AE94
Unsafe and Unsound Banking
Practices: Brokered Deposits
Restrictions; Extension of Comment
Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC).
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking:
Extension of comment period.
On February 10, 2020, the
FDIC published in the Federal Register
a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR)
entitled ‘‘Unsafe and Unsound Banking
Practices: Brokered Deposits
Restrictions,’’ proposing revisions to its
regulations relating to the brokered
deposits restrictions that apply to less
than well capitalized insured depository
institutions. The NPR provided for a 60day comment period, which would have
closed on April 10, 2020. The FDIC has
PO 00000
Frm 00006
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Available at
74 FR 18262
82 FR 46717
determined that an extension of the
comment period until June 9, 2020, is
appropriate. This action will allow
interested parties additional time to
analyze the proposal and prepare
DATES: The comment period for the
brokered deposits-related NPR
published on February 10, 2020 (85 FR
7453),1 is extended from April 10, 2020,
to June 9, 2020.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by RIN 3064–AE94, on the
notice of proposed rulemaking using
any of the following methods:
• Agency website: https://
Follow the instructions for submitting
comments on the agency website.
• Email: Include
‘‘RIN 3064–AE94’’ in the subject line.
• Mail: Robert E. Feldman, Executive
Secretary, Attention: Comments/RIN
3064–AE94, Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation, 550 17th Street NW,
Washington, DC 20429.
1 85
FR 7453 (Feb. 10, 2020).
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 68 (Wednesday, April 8, 2020)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 19701-19706]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-07341]
Proposed Rules
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 68 / Wednesday, April 8, 2020 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 19701]]
10 CFR Part 50
[Docket No. PRM-50-115; NRC-2017-0132]
Fire Protection Compensatory Measures
AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Petition for rulemaking; denial.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is denying
Petition for Rulemaking (PRM)-50-115, ``Petition for Rulemaking--Fire
Protection Compensatory Measures,'' dated May 1, 2017, submitted by
David Lochbaum and Paul Gunter (the petitioners) on behalf of the Union
of Concerned Scientists and Beyond Nuclear, respectively. The
petitioners request that the NRC issue regulations that establish
acceptable conditions for the use of compensatory measures (e.g., fire
watches, surveillance cameras) during periods when fire protection
regulations are not met, as well as define the maximum duration that
compensatory measures may be relied upon. The NRC staff concludes that
the petitioners did not present sufficient new information or arguments
to warrant the requested changes to the regulations in light of the
NRC's relevant past decisions and current policies. Therefore, the NRC
is denying PRM-50-115.
DATES: The docket for PRM-50-115 is closed as of April 8, 2020.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2017-0132 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of information for this action. You can
obtain publicly-available documents related to this action by any of
the following methods:
Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to and search for Docket ID NRC-2017-0132. Address
questions about NRC dockets to Carol Gallagher; telephone: 301-415-
3463; email: [email protected]. For technical questions, contact
the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of
this document.
NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-available documents online in the
ADAMS Public Documents collection at To begin the search, select ``Begin Web-based ADAMS
Search.'' For problems with ADAMS, please contact the NRC's Public
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1-800-397-4209, 301-415-4737, or
by email to [email protected]. For the convenience of the reader,
instructions about obtaining materials referenced in this document are
provided in Section IV, Availability of Documents.
NRC's PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of public
documents at the NRC's PDR, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
Material Safety and Safeguards, telephone: 301-415-6795, email:
[email protected], U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
I. Background and Summary of the Petition
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 2.802,
``Petition for rulemaking--requirements for filing,'' provides an
opportunity for any interested person to petition the Commission to
issue, amend, or rescind any regulation. The NRC received a petition
dated May 1, 2017, from David Lochbaum and Paul Gunter on behalf of the
Union of Concerned Scientists and Beyond Nuclear, respectively,
regarding the establishment of acceptable conditions for the use of
compensatory measures during periods when fire protection regulations
are not met. The NRC assigned Docket Number PRM-50-115 to this petition
and published a notice of docketing and request for public comment in
the Federal Register on October 6, 2017 (82 FR 46717).
Fire protection programs at U.S. commercial nuclear power plants
have the primary goal of minimizing both the probability of occurrence
and the consequences of fire. The fire protection regulations under 10
CFR 50.48, ``Fire protection,'' establish detailed requirements for
fire protection plans at U.S. commercial nuclear power plants. Under
Sec. 50.48(a), each operating nuclear power plant licensee must have a
fire protection plan that satisfies Criterion 3, ``Fire protection,''
of appendix A, ``General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants,'' to
10 CFR part 50, ``Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization
Facilities.'' The fire protection plan describes the overall fire
protection program and includes measures related to fire prevention,
automatic detection, suppression and response, as well as personnel
administrative requirements and the protection of safety-related
structures, systems, and components in the event of a fire. The fire
protection program for nuclear power plants uses a defense-in-depth
approach of administrative controls, fire protection systems and
features, and post-fire safe-shutdown capability to achieve the
required degree of reactor safety.
Licensees of nuclear power plants that were operating before
January 1, 1979, must meet the requirements of appendix R, ``Fire
Protection Program for Nuclear Power Facilities Operating Prior to
January 1, 1979,'' to 10 CFR part 50, except to the extent provided for
in Sec. 50.48(b). Licensees of facilities licensed to operate after
January 1, 1979, must meet the facility-specific fire protection
licensing basis that was reviewed and approved by the agency.
As an alternative to Sec. 50.48(b) or to the facility-specific
fire protection licensing basis, licensees may also adopt and maintain
a fire protection program that meets Sec. 50.48(c), ``National Fire
Protection Association Standard (NFPA) 805,'' which incorporates by
reference NFPA 805, ``Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection
for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants, 2001 Edition,''
with certain exceptions.
The petitioners stated that the current guidance documents
regarding compensatory measures are deficient due to the following
Issue 1: Compensatory Measure Guidance Documents Are Not Enforceable
The petitioners assert that fire protection compensatory measures
guidance documents are not regulations and that they, therefore, convey
unenforceable expectations. As an
[[Page 19702]]
example, the petitioners describe an inspection at the Waterford Steam
Electric Station, Unit 3, in November 1995, where NRC inspectors
discovered that workers had revised procedures to define a continuous
fire watch from having someone in the area at all times to only having
a roving fire watch check the area every 15 to 20 minutes. The
petitioners assert that the NRC addressed the issue with a ``generic
non-answer'' and that no enforcement action was taken. In addition, the
petitioners note that the NRC issued: (1) Information Notice 97-48,
``Inadequate or Inappropriate Interim Fire Protection Compensatory
Measures,'' in July 1997, describing the discovery of a continuous fire
watch that had been improperly redefined; and (2) Regulatory Guide
1.189, Revision 2, ``Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants,'' in
October 2009, that included the definition of a fire watch. The
petitioners observe that the guidance in the information notices and
the regulatory guides are not NRC requirements or substitutes for
regulations; therefore, compliance with these documents is not
Issue 2: Compensatory Measure Guidance Documents Are Not Clear
The petitioners observe that compensatory measure guidance
documents are not clear and, therefore, create confusion for licensees,
NRC inspectors and reviewers, and the public about what constitutes
acceptable compensatory measures for compliance with fire protection
regulations and the permissible durations of such measures. The
petitioners provide examples of instances in which the NRC regions
requested that NRC headquarters staff provide clarification of
compensatory measures. Petitioners also noted that NRC inspectors
frequently ask questions about the appropriateness and acceptability of
fire protection compensatory measures. In addition, the petitioners
assert that the available guidance and the lack of regulatory
requirements do not help NRC inspectors or industry workers determine a
reasonable time period to keep compensatory measures in place. In
particular, the petitioners assert that compensatory measures routinely
have been used for longstanding noncompliance with fire protection
regulations and that not all fire protection compensatory measures may
be acceptable for long periods of time.
Issue 3: Compensatory Measure Guidance Documents Were Not Developed
Through an Open Process
The petitioners assert that, because compensatory measure guidance
documents were not developed through an open process, the public did
not have opportunities to provide input on the acceptability of various
fire protection compensatory measures. In particular, the petitioners
assert that the public did not have opportunity to provide feedback on
the acceptability or the duration of fire protection compensatory
measures, as they had during the development of the NFPA 805
regulations in appendix R to 10 CFR part 50 and Sec. 50.48(c) via the
NRC's rulemaking process. The petitioners also assert that because fire
protection compensatory measures have been employed in lieu of
compliance with the regulatory requirements in appendix R to 10 CFR
part 50 and NFPA 805 for many years, the public's legal rights have
been infringed upon, and if compensatory measures will be used as a
long-term protection against fire risks, the public deserves an
opportunity to formally weigh in on their acceptability.
Petitioners' Requests
The petitioners assert that when violations of the NRC's fire
protection regulations are discovered, compensatory measures intended
to provide sufficient protection until compliance is restored have not
been properly established. Therefore, the petitioners request that the
NRC amend its regulations to include compensatory measures that would
provide enforceable requirements for licensees. In particular, the
petitioners request that the NRC issue a final rule that defines the
compensatory measures authorized for use and the conditions under which
such measures are required when the NRC's fire protection regulations
(e.g., Sec. 50.48 and Criterion 3 of appendix A to 10 CFR part 50) are
not met. In addition, the petitioners request that the final rule
define the maximum duration that compensatory measures may be relied
II. Public Comments on the Petition
A. Overview of Public Comments
The docketing notice for the PRM invited interested persons to
submit comments. The comment period closed on December 20, 2017. The
NRC received 7 public comment submissions that collectively contain 27
individual comments. The NRC reviewed and considered all comments in
its evaluation of the petition.
B. NRC Response to Public Comments
The NRC binned the comments on the petition into four categories.
The following discussion provides a high-level summary of each category
and the NRC's response to the binned comments, including--if
appropriate--a high-level summary of the basis for the response.
1. Enforceability of Guidance Documents
Comment: Two commenters do not agree with the petitioners'
assertion regarding enforceability because compensatory measures are
required by a facility's operating license (through a standard license
condition on fire protection). The fire protection license condition
contained in each power reactor operating license requires the licensee
to ``implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved
fire protection program as described in the updated final safety
analysis report, and as approved in the NRC safety evaluation reports .
. . .'' Failing to implement the compensatory measures would,
therefore, be a violation of the facility's license condition and
contrary to the updated final safety analysis report requirement, both
of which are enforceable.
NRC response: The NRC partially agrees with this comment. All
licensees are required to comply with the applicable regulations and
the facility operating license, which are enforceable. The NRC does not
agree that guidance documents are enforceable. The NRC issues guidance
to provide acceptable methods for meeting regulatory requirements.
Licensees may voluntarily rely on methods contained in guidance
documents to comply with regulations and the facility license, but the
methods themselves are not enforceable as a part of the guidance.
2. Clarity of Guidance Documents
Comment: Two commenters do not agree with the petitioners'
assertion regarding the clarity of guidance documents because facility-
specific requirements for compensatory measures are sufficiently clear
for licensees, the NRC, and the public. Section 50.48(a) requires each
facility to have a fire protection program that includes specific
features such as administrative controls. The fire protection program
is either included directly or is incorporated by reference into the
updated final safety analysis report for a facility. Expectations for
fire protection compensatory measures are explicitly described for each
facility, and are well-understood by the licensee and the NRC.
NRC response: The NRC agrees with this comment. The use of
compensatory measures is clearly described in each licensee's approved
fire protection program and in NRC guidance
[[Page 19703]]
documents. Additionally, the use of compensatory measures is discussed
in NRC generic communications. For example, (1) Information Notice 97-
48, ``Inadequate or Inappropriate Interim Fire Protection Compensatory
Measures,'' alerted licensees to potential problems associated with the
implementation of interim compensatory measures for degraded or
inoperable plant fire protection features, or degraded and inoperable
conditions associated with post-fire safe-shutdown capability; (2)
Regulatory Issue Summary 2005-07, ``Compensatory Measures to Satisfy
the Fire Protection Program Requirements,'' discusses how a licensee
with the standard license condition for fire protection may change its
approved FPP to use alternate compensatory measures; (3) NUREG/CR-7135,
``Compensatory and Alternative Regulatory MEasures for Nuclear Power
Plant FIRE Protection (CARMEN-FIRE),'' documents the history of
compensatory measures, details the NRC's regulatory framework
established to ensure that they are appropriately implemented and
maintained, and explores technologies that did not exist when the
current plants were licensed that may offer an effective alternative to
the measures specified in a licensee's approved fire protection program
and; (4) Inspection Manual Chapter 0326, ``Operability
Determinations,'' contains guidance on the use of compensatory
3. Development of Guidance Documents Through an Open Process
Comment: Two commenters do not agree with the petitioners'
assertion that guidance documents were not developed through an open
process because sufficient opportunities for public comment were
available in the development of related guidance documents and the
public had ample opportunity to participate. Specifically, Regulatory
Guide 1.189, Revision 2, ``Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants,''
which discusses treatment of fire protection compensatory measures, was
published for public comment under Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1214 in
April 2009, and the NRC responded to over 90 public comments.
NRC response: The NRC agrees with this comment. The NRC's policy is
to provide opportunity for public participation in the regulatory
guidance development process under Management Directive 6.6,
``Regulatory Guides.'' This is to collect input from external
stakeholders and allow for an open and collaborative environment. For
example, the NRC staff revised the final version of Regulatory Guide
1.189, Revision 2, taking into account comments received on Draft
Regulatory Guide DG-1214, which was published for public comment in
April 2009. (Revision 3 of Regulatory Guide 1.189 was subsequently
issued in February 2018 to incorporate editorial changes and align it
with current program guidance for regulatory guides. The changes were
intended to improve clarity and did not alter the Staff Regulatory
Guidance in Section C of the guide.)
4. List of Licensee Event Reports
Comment: Two commenters do not agree with the petitioners'
assertion that the list of licensee event reports in attachment 1 to
the petition is compelling testimony to the frequent need for fire
protection compensatory measures. The commenters state that, contrary
to the assertions in the petition, the licensee event reports show that
licensees were following their fire protection program requirements by
instituting fire watches when inoperable fire protection features
occurred or were discovered. The volume of licensee event reports
referenced is indicative of a program that provides little ambiguity or
flexibility in implementation. This is an illustration of the process
working as intended.
NRC response: The NRC agrees that the licensee event reports listed
in attachment 1 of the petition are indicative of regulations that
appropriately address the safety concern. The requirements of 10 CFR
50.72, ``Immediate notification requirements for operating nuclear
power reactors,'' and 10 CFR 50.73, ``Licensee event report system,''
apply to reporting certain events and conditions related to fire
protection at nuclear power plants. Licensees report to the NRC fire
events or fire protection deficiencies that meet the criteria of
Sec. Sec. 50.72 and 50.73, as appropriate under the requirements of
these regulations.
Additionally, one commenter identified unrelated concerns about the
NRC's regulations and practices that the NRC determined are outside the
scope of PRM-50-115.
Finally, several commenters provided general support for the
petition, recommending that the NRC should initiate rulemaking to
address the issues raised by the petitioners, but did not provide
supporting rationale for this recommendation.
III. Reasons for Denial
The NRC is denying the petition because the petitioners did not
present sufficient new information or arguments to warrant the
requested changes to the regulations in light of the NRC's relevant
past decisions and current policies. The remaining paragraphs of
Section III summarize the NRC's evaluation of the three main issues
identified in the petition.
Issue 1: Compensatory Measure Guidance Documents Are Not Enforceable
The guidance documents referenced in the petition (i.e., regulatory
guides and information notices) are not directly enforceable. The NRC's
regulatory guides and information notices provide guidance to licensees
and inform licensees of operating experience on how to implement
specific parts of the NRC's regulations, techniques used by the NRC to
evaluate specific problems or postulated events, operating or
analytical experience, and data needed by the NRC in its review of
applications for licenses.
Historically, at the time of licensing of most currently operating
power reactors, compensatory measures were incorporated into the
licensee's technical specifications; accordingly, changes to
compensatory measures required NRC review and approval. Subsequently,
the NRC issued Generic Letter 86-10, ``Implementation of Fire
Protection Requirements,'' which described a process for relocating the
fire protection program, including management of compensatory measures,
into the final safety analysis report for a facility, and adding a
standard license condition to a facility's operating license that
requires the licensee to ``implement and maintain in effect all
provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in the
updated final safety analysis report, and as approved in the NRC safety
evaluation reports.'' Through the standard fire protection license
condition, a site's fire protection program still requires fire
protection compensatory measures for equipment that does not meet the
functionality requirements.
Section 50.48(a) requires each facility to have a fire protection
program; this provision stipulates what that program must contain and
includes administrative controls. The approved fire protection program
is either described directly in the updated final safety analysis
report or incorporated by reference. The licensee's commitments related
to fire protection compensatory measures (e.g., fire watches,
surveillance cameras) are contained within the fire protection program.
Therefore, failing to appropriately implement the fire protection
compensatory measures would be a
[[Page 19704]]
violation of the plant's operating license, which is enforceable. The
provisions of Sec. 50.48(a) require, among other things, that any
change to the approved fire protection program must meet Criterion 3 of
appendix A to part 50. Under 10 CFR 50.48(a)(3), a licensee must retain
each change to the fire protection program as a record until the
Commission terminates the license. The licensee's changes to the
approved fire protection program are subject to inspection, as
discussed in Inspection Procedure 71111.21N.05, ``Fire Protection Team
Inspection (FPTI).''
In April 1996, the NRC responded to a petition under 10 CFR 2.206,
``Requests for action under this subpart,'' by issuing Director's
Decision (DD)-96-03, 42 NRC 183 (1996), which concluded that fire
protection compensatory measures, as approved by the NRC on a facility-
specific basis, ``continue to ensure public health and safety.'' Since
this decision, the NRC has continued to evaluate fire protection
compensatory measures on a facility-specific basis. Thus, the current
framework ensures adequate protection of public health and safety.
Therefore, the NRC concludes that the petitioners' assertion that
compensatory measures guidance documents are unenforceable does not
raise any new significant safety or security concerns that would
support the request to amend the NRC's regulations in light of relevant
NRC past decisions and current policies.
Issue 2: Compensatory Measures Guidance Documents Are Not Clear
Section 50.48(a) requires each power reactor licensee to have a
fire protection program. This provision stipulates what the fire
protection program must contain and, as noted above, includes a
requirement for administrative controls. Through the fire protection
license condition, a licensee's fire protection program requires fire
protection compensatory measures for equipment that does not meet the
functionality requirements. The fire protection license condition
requires the licensee to ``implement and maintain in effect all
provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in the
updated final safety analysis report, and as approved in the NRC safety
evaluation reports.''
The required compensatory measures for fire protection systems and
equipment that do not meet the functionality requirements are
explicitly stated within each site's approved fire protection program.
These compensatory measures were originally incorporated into most
plant's technical specifications. Thus, the initial compensatory
measures, and any subsequent changes, were reviewed and approved by the
NRC. The NRC subsequently issued Generic Letter 86-10 and Generic
Letter 88-12, ``Removal of Fire Protection Requirements From Technical
Specifications,'' which formed the basis for licensee assessments that
provided the ability to make changes to approved fire protection
program's functionality and surveillance requirements, as well as to
the compensatory measures required for nonfunctional fire protection
systems and equipment.
The licensees could implement such changes under the regulatory
framework for fire protection programs that were removed from technical
specifications without the NRC's review and approval, provided that the
licensee performed an analysis that demonstrated the change would not
adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in
the event of a fire.
The NRC subsequently issued Information Notice 97-48, which
provided examples of NRC inspection findings of licensees implementing
inappropriate compensatory measures for nonfunctional fire protection
systems and equipment. This information notice also reinforced the
guidance provided to the NRC inspectors in Generic Letter 91-18, on the
resolution of degraded and nonconforming conditions affecting
structures, systems, and components relied upon for compliance with
Sec. 50.48.
In addition, Information Notice 97-48 reinforced the NRC's
expectations of the timeliness of corrective actions documented in
Generic Letter 91-18--that is, for structures, systems, and components
that are not expressly subject to technical specifications and are
determined to be inoperable, the licensee should assess the reasonable
assurance of safety. If the assessment assures safety, then the
facility may continue to operate while prompt corrective action is
taken. Generic Letter 91-18 states that the timeliness of the
corrective action should be commensurate with the safety significance
of the issue.
The NRC continued the expectation of timeliness of corrective
actions from Generic Letter 91-18 in Regulatory Issue Summary 2005-20,
``Revision to NRC Inspection Manual Part 9900 Technical Guidance,
`Operability Determinations & Functionality Assessments for Resolution
of Degraded or Nonconforming Conditions Adverse to Quality or Safety,'
'' which superseded Generic Letter 91-18. This expectation was further
clarified in Part 9900's superseding document, Inspection Manual
Chapter 0326, ``Operability Determinations & Functionality Assessments
for Conditions Adverse to Quality or Safety,'' which states,
When evaluating the effect of a condition on an SSC's capability
to perform any of its specified safety functions, a licensee may
decide to implement compensatory measures, as an interim action,
until final corrective action to resolve the condition is completed
. . .
In general, these measures should have minimal impact on the
operators or plant operations, should be relatively simple to
implement, and should be documented.
Conditions calling for a compensatory measure can place
additional burden on plant operators and inspectors should verify
the licensee addresses the conditions commensurate with its safety
significance per 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Criterion XVI.
It is important to note that the majority of long-term compensatory
measures that are/were in place for noncompliance with fire protection
regulations were put in place for regulatory issues that were the
subject of Enforcement Guidance Memoranda (see Enforcement Guidance
Memorandum 07-004, ``Enforcement Discretion for Post-Fire Manual
Actions Used As Compensatory Measures for Fire Induced Circuit
Failures,'' and Enforcement Guidance Memorandum 09-002, ``Enforcement
Discretion for Fire Induced Circuit Faults''), or for facilities that
were transitioning their licensing basis to meet the requirements of
Sec. 50.48(c). For facilities that are not transitioning their
licensing basis to Sec. 50.48(c), the deadline for compliance with the
referenced Enforcement Guidance Memoranda has expired. Therefore, where
a licensee is still relying on compensatory measures for the
noncompliances discussed in the Enforcement Guidance Memoranda, and
permanent corrective actions have not been taken, these instances would
be considered by the NRC for enforcement action.
For facilities that are transitioning their licensing basis to
Sec. 50.48(c), the compensatory measures would be removed once a
facility achieves full compliance with their new licensing basis. The
deadlines for achieving full compliance are detailed in each facility's
respective safety evaluation report and fire protection license
condition. Any required actions that have not been completed by the
deadlines stated in the safety evaluation report are considered by the
NRC for enforcement action.
Additionally, the NRC issued Regulatory Issue Summary 2005-07,
which informed licensees that alternate compensatory measures as
otherwise required by the approved fire protection
[[Page 19705]]
program may be used for a degraded or inoperable fire protection
feature under certain circumstances. The regulatory issue summary was
not meant to provide specific examples of acceptable alternate
compensatory measures. As stated in the regulatory issue summary, the
purpose was to discuss how a licensee, with the standard license
condition for fire protection, may change the approved fire protection
program to use alternate compensatory measures. The regulatory issue
summary also states that a licensee may change the approved fire
protection program to implement a different compensatory measure or
combination of measures. The licensee must perform a documented
evaluation of the impact of the proposed alternate compensatory measure
to the fire protection program and its adequacy compared to the
compensatory measure required by the fire protection program. The
documented evaluation must demonstrate that the alternate compensatory
measure would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain
safe shutdown in the event of a fire. The regulatory issue summary
provides additional insights into what the documented evaluation should
consider, stating,
[t]he evaluation of the alternate compensatory measure should
incorporate risk insights regarding the location, quantity, and type
of combustible material in the fire area; the presence of ignition
sources and their likelihood of occurrence; the automatic fire
suppression and fire detection capability in the fire area; the
manual fire suppression capability in the fire area; and the human
error probability where applicable.
Additional guidance was provided in Regulatory Guide 1.189,
Revision 2, on what would constitute an acceptable evaluation to
determine that the change to the fire protection program would not
adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in
the event of a fire. Regulatory Guide 1.189, Revision 3, states that,
within the context of the standard fire protection license condition,
the phrase ``not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain
safe shutdown in the event of a fire,'' means to maintain sufficient
safety margins. The regulatory guide also states that, with sufficient
safety margins, the following applies:
a. Codes and standards or their alternatives approved for use by
the NRC are met.
b. Safety analysis acceptance criteria in the licensing basis are
met or proposed revisions provide sufficient margin to account for
analysis and data uncertainty.
Employing appropriate compensatory measures on a short-term basis
is an integral part of the NRC-approved fire protection program. The
NRC recognizes that some compensatory measures have been in place for
an extended period of time. However, this does not introduce a safety
The fire protection programs at nuclear power plants are built upon
the concept of defense in depth \1\ with layers of protective features.
The technical deficiencies being compensated for do not invalidate the
defense-in-depth approach. Further, licensees track fire protection
program deficiencies involving compensatory measures at their
respective nuclear plants. The NRC's resident inspectors review
corrective action programs on a daily basis and are aware of the
compensatory measures in place at reactor units. Additionally, the NRC
inspects a sample of these compensatory measures for adequacy during
routine fire protection inspections.
\1\ Fire protection programs in U.S. nuclear power plants use
the concept of defense in depth to achieve the required degree of
fire safety by using echelons of protection from fire effects. The
three echelons for fire protection are: (1) Prevent the fire from
starting, i.e., plants maintain fire safety by taking measures to
minimize the likelihood that fires might occur; (2) rapidly detect,
control, and promptly extinguish those fires that do occur, i.e.,
plants establish fire protection systems (sprinklers, fire water
systems, etc.) to extinguish (and minimize the consequences of) any
fires that do occur; and (3) protect structures, systems, and
components important to safety so that a fire not promptly
extinguished by the fire suppression activities will not prevent the
safe shutdown of the plant, i.e., plants rely on redundant safety
systems (e.g., installing fire barriers) that are unlikely to be
damaged by a single fire.
Therefore, the NRC concludes that fire protection compensatory
measures guidance documents are clear and were not meant to provide
specific examples of acceptable alternate compensatory measures. As
stated in Regulatory Issue Summary 2005-07, a licensee with the
standard license condition for fire protection may change the approved
fire protection program to use alternate compensatory measures.
Issue 3: Compensatory Measure Guidance Documents Were Not Developed
Through an Open Process
It is the policy of the NRC that activities are undertaken in an
open and transparent manner; staff decisions are sound and consider the
need for and impact of proposed actions; and regulatory guidance will
be provided to identify acceptable methods for applicants and licensees
to meet applicable laws and regulations, when needed. The NRC views
openness as a critical element for achieving the agency's mission to
ensure the safe use of radioactive materials for beneficial civilian
purposes while protecting people and the environment. This is expressed
in Management Directive 6.6, ``Regulatory Guides,'' as an objective to
ensure that stakeholders (e.g., licensees, applicants, and members of
the public and Agreement States) and individuals and offices within NRC
all have an opportunity to consider and comment on a new or
substantively changed draft regulatory guide before it is issued as a
final (effective) Regulatory Guide. After considering the comments
received on a document, the NRC publishes the final version.
The NRC provided opportunities for public comment in the
development of guidance documents related to fire protection
compensatory measures, and the public had many opportunities to
participate. For example, Regulatory Guide 1.189, Revision 2, was
issued for public comment as Draft Regulatory Guide (DG)-1214 on April
21, 2009 (74 FR 18262). The NRC responded to 97 public comments on DG-
1214 on October 31, 2009 (74 FR 56673). The NRC held a public meeting
on May 20, 2009 to discuss comments and questions on DG-1214; and the
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards also held a meeting on October
9, 2009, to discuss comments and questions on DG-1214. As addressed
above, the staff revised the guidance document based on comments
submitted by the public. Revision 3 to Regulatory Guide 1.189 was not
issued for public comment because the changes were intended to improve
clarity and did not alter the Staff Regulatory Guidance in Section C of
the guide. A notice of opportunity for public comment on Regulatory
Issue Summary 2005-07 was not published because it is informational.
Therefore, the NRC does not agree with the petitioners' assertion
that compensatory measures guidance documents were not developed
through an open process.
IV. Availability of Documents
The following table provides information about how to access the
documents referenced in this document. The ADDRESSES section of this
document provides additional information about how to access ADAMS.
[[Page 19706]]
ADAMS accession No. or Federal
Date Document Register citation
April 24, 1986........................... Generic Letter 86-10, ML031150322
``Implementation of Fire
Protection Requirements''.
August 2, 1988........................... Generic Letter 88-12, ``Removal ML031150471
of Fire Protection Requirements
from Technical Specifications''.
November 7, 1991......................... Generic Letter 91-18, ML031140549
``Information to Licensees
Regarding Two NRC Inspection
Manual Sections of Resolution of
Degraded and Nonconforming
Conditions and on Operability''.
October 21, 1994......................... 1994 petition under 10 CFR 2.206. ML17311B356
April 3, 1996............................ DD-96-03, ``Director's Decision ML082401211
Under 10 CFR 2.206''.
July 9, 1997............................. Information Notice 97-48, ML070180068
``Inadequate or Inappropriate
Interim Fire Protection
Compensatory Measures''.
October 8, 1997.......................... Generic Letter 91-18, Revision 1, ML031200706
``Information to Licensees
Regarding Two NRC Inspection
Manual Sections of Resolution of
Degraded and Nonconforming
Conditions and on Operability''.
January 13, 2001......................... NFPA 805, ``Performance-Based Available at
Standard for Fire Protection for
Light Water Reactor Electric
Generating Plants''.
April 19, 2005........................... Regulatory Issue Summary 2005-07, ML042360547
``Compensatory Measures to
Satisfy the Fire Protection
Program Requirements''.
June 30, 2007............................ Enforcement Guidance Memorandum ML071830345
07[dash]004, ``Enforcement
Discretion for Post[dash]Fire
Manual Actions Used As
Compensatory Measures for Fire
Induced Circuit Failures''.
April 1, 2009............................ DG-1214, ``Fire Protection for ML090070453
Nuclear Power Plants''.
April 21, 2009........................... Notice of Issuance and 74 FR 18262
Availability of Draft Regulatory
Guide, DG-1214.
May 14, 2009............................. Enforcement Guidance Memorandum ML090300446
09[dash]002, ``Enforcement
Discretion for Fire Induced
Circuit Faults''.
May 6, 2009.............................. Notice of Meeting to Provide ML091240146
Overview and Discuss Comments
and Questions on Draft
Regulatory Guide DG-1214, ``Fire
Protection For Nuclear Power
June 10, 2009............................ Meeting Summary of May 20, 2009 ML091480283
Public Meeting Regarding Draft
Fire Protection Regulatory Guide
October 20, 2009......................... ACRS Report on the Draft Final ML092880515
Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide
1.189 (DG-1214), ``Fire
Protection for Nuclear Power
October 31, 2009......................... NRC Responses to Comments on ML092580570
Draft Regulatory Guide 1.189,
Revision 2 (DG[dash]1214).
October 2009............................. Regulatory Guide 1.189, Revision ML092580550
2, ``Fire Protection for Nuclear
Power Plants''.
October 11, 2011......................... Staff Requirements-SECY-11-0032, ML112840466
``Consideration of the
Cumulative Effects of Regulation
in the Rulemaking Process''.
November 20, 2017........................ Inspection Manual Chapter 0326, ML16302A480
``Operability Determinations &
Functionality Assessments for
Conditions Adverse to Quality or
June 2015................................ NUREG/CR-7135, ``Compensatory and ML15226A446
Alternative Regulatory MEasures
for Nuclear Power Plant FIRE
Protection (CARMEN-FIRE)''.
May 1, 2017.............................. Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-50- ML17146A393
October 6, 2017.......................... Petition for Rulemaking; Notice 82 FR 46717
of Docketing and Request for
December 20, 2017........................ Public Comments on Petition for ML18088A076
Rulemaking: Fire Protection
Compensatory Measures.
V. Conclusion
The NRC completed an evaluation of the petition and determined that
the issues in the petition did not raise any significant safety or
security concerns. In addition, the NRC concludes that the arguments
presented in the petition do not support the requested revisions to its
regulations. Finally, the NRC reaffirms that its existing regulations
continue to provide reasonable assurance of adequate protection of
public health and safety. For the reasons cited in this document, the
NRC is denying PRM-50-115.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 2nd day of April, 2020.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Annette L. Vietti-Cook,
Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2020-07341 Filed 4-7-20; 8:45 am]