Schedules of Controlled Substances: Placement of 4,4′-DMAR in Schedule I, 19401-19408 [2020-07095]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 67 / Tuesday, April 7, 2020 / Proposed Rules
installed on airplanes, certificated in any
(1) Models listed in table 2 of McCauley
Alert Service Bulletin No. ASB273C, dated
January 30, 2019 (McCauley ASB273C) with
a serial number from 170061 through 180501,
excluding the serial numbers listed in table
1 of McCauley ASB273C.
(2) Models listed in table 2 of McCauley
ASB273C, with any serial number, that have
an installation date after January 31, 2017, or
an installation date that cannot be
(d) Subject
Joint Aircraft System Component (JASC)/
Air Transport Association (ATA) of America
Code 61, Propellers.
(e) Unsafe Condition
This AD was prompted by reports of an
unapproved variant idler gear bearing,
McCauley part number (P/N) A–20028,
installed on governors. All models of
McCauley governors have a bearing with
P/N A–20028 installed; however, the
unapproved variant can be identified with
the part marking ‘‘BA–59.’’ The FAA is
issuing this AD to prevent failure of the idler
gear bearing. This failure could result in
failure of the governor, loss of propeller pitch
control, engine and propeller over speed,
engine oil contamination, and loss of control
of the airplane.
(f) Compliance
Unless already done, within 50 hours timein-service after the effective date of this AD
or within 24 months after the effective date
of this AD, whichever occurs first, replace
the governor with a governor eligible for
Note 1 to paragraph (f) of this AD: Any
model McCauley governor that is stamped
with the letter B, as specified in the
Accomplishment Instructions in McCauley
ASB273C, has already complied with the
requirements of this AD.
(g) Definition
For the purposes of this AD, a governor
eligible for installation is defined as a
governor that does not have an idler gear
bearing with a part marking ‘‘BA–59’’
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
(i) Alternative Methods of Compliance
(1) The Manager, Wichita ACO Branch,
FAA, has the authority to approve AMOCs
for this AD, if requested using the procedures
found in 14 CFR 39.19. In accordance with
14 CFR 39.19, send your request to your
principal inspector or local Flight Standards
District Office, as appropriate. If sending
information directly to the manager of the
certification office, send it to the attention of
the person identified in paragraph (l)(1) of
this AD.
(2) Before using any approved AMOC,
notify your appropriate principal inspector,
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(j) Related Information
(1) For more information about this AD,
contact Thomas Teplik, Aerospace Engineer,
Wichita ACO Branch, 1801 Airport Road,
Room 100, Wichita, Kansas 67209; telephone:
(316) 946–4196; fax: (316) 946–4107; email: or Wichita-COS@
(2) For service information identified in
this AD, contact McCauley Propeller
Systems, One Cessna Boulevard, P.O. Box
7704, Wichita, Kansas 67277; telephone:
(800) 621–7767 or (316) 831–4021; email:; internet: https:// You may view this
service information at the FAA, Policy and
Innovation Division, 901 Locust, Kansas City,
Missouri 64106. For information on the
availability of this material at the FAA, call
(816) 329–4148.
Issued on April 1, 2020.
Lance T. Gant,
Director, Compliance & Airworthiness
Division, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2020–07168 Filed 4–6–20; 8:45 am]
Drug Enforcement Administration
21 CFR Part 1308
[Docket No. DEA–498]
Schedules of Controlled Substances:
Placement of 4,4′-DMAR in Schedule I
Drug Enforcement
Administration, Department of Justice.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
The Drug Enforcement
Administration proposes placing the
substance 4,4′-DMAR (Chemical name:
4,4′-dimethylaminorex), including its
salts, isomers, and salts of isomers, in
schedule I of the Controlled Substances
Act. This action is being taken to enable
the United States to meet its obligations
under the 1971 Convention on
Psychotropic Substances. If finalized,
this action would impose the regulatory
controls and administrative, civil, and
criminal sanctions applicable to
schedule I controlled substances on
persons who handle (manufacture,
distribute, reverse distribute, import,
export, engage in research, conduct
instructional activities or chemical
analysis with, or possess), or propose to
handle 4,4′-DMAR.
DATES: Comments must be submitted
electronically or postmarked on or
before June 8, 2020.
Interested persons may file a request
for hearing or waiver of hearing
(h) Parts Installation Prohibition
As of the effective date of this AD, do not
install on any airplane a McCauley governor
unless it is a governor eligible for
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or lacking a principal inspector, the manager
of the local flight standards district office/
certificate holding district office.
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pursuant to 21 CFR 1308.44 and in
accordance with 21 CFR 1316.45 and/or
1316.47, as applicable. Requests for
hearing and waivers of an opportunity
for a hearing or to participate in a
hearing must be received on or before
May 7, 2020.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons may file
written comments on this proposal in
accordance with 21 CFR 1308.43(g).
Commenters should be aware that the
electronic Federal Docket Management
System will not accept comments after
11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the last day
of the comment period. To ensure
proper handling of comments, please
reference ‘‘Docket No. DEA–498’’ on all
electronic and written correspondence,
including any attachments.
• Electronic comments: The Drug
Enforcement Administration encourages
that all comments be submitted
electronically through the Federal
eRulemaking Portal, which provides the
ability to type short comments directly
into the comment field on the web page
or attach a file for lengthier comments.
Please go to
and follow the on-line instructions at
that site for submitting comments. Upon
completion of your submission you will
receive a Comment Tracking Number for
your comment. Please be aware that
submitted comments are not
instantaneously available for public
view on If you have
received a Comment Tracking Number,
your comment has been successfully
submitted and there is no need to
resubmit the same comment.
• Paper comments: Paper comments
that duplicate electronic submissions
are not necessary and are discouraged.
Should you wish to mail a paper
comment in lieu of an electronic
comment, it should be sent via regular
or express mail to: Drug Enforcement
Administration, Attn: DEA Federal
Register Representative/DPW, 8701
Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia
• Hearing requests: All requests for a
hearing and waivers of participation
must be sent to: Drug Enforcement
Administration, Attn: Administrator,
8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield,
Virginia 22152. All requests for hearing
and waivers of participation should also
be sent to: (1) Drug Enforcement
Administration, Attn: Hearing Clerk/LJ,
8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield,
Virginia 22152; and (2) Drug
Enforcement Administration, Attn: DEA
Federal Register Representative/DPW,
8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield,
Virginia 22152.
Scott A. Brinks, Regulatory Drafting and
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 67 / Tuesday, April 7, 2020 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
Policy Section, Diversion Control
Division, Drug Enforcement
Administration; Mailing Address: 8701
Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia
22152; Telephone: (202) 598–6812.
Posting of Public Comments
Please note that all comments
received in response to this docket are
considered part of the public record.
They will, unless reasonable cause is
given, be made available by the Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) for
public inspection online at https:// Such information
includes personal identifying
information (such as your name,
address, etc.) voluntarily submitted by
the commenter. The Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) applies to all
comments received. If you want to
submit personal identifying information
(such as your name, address, etc.) as
part of your comment, but do not want
it to be made publicly available, you
must include the phrase ‘‘PERSONAL
first paragraph of your comment. You
must also place all of the personal
identifying information you do not want
made publicly available in the first
paragraph of your comment and identify
what information you want redacted.
If you want to submit confidential
business information as part of your
comment, but do not want it to be made
publicly available, you must include the
INFORMATION’’ in the first paragraph
of your comment. You must also
prominently identify the confidential
business information to be redacted
within the comment.
Comments containing personal
identifying information and confidential
business information identified, as
directed above, will generally be made
publicly available in redacted form. If a
comment has so much confidential
business information that it cannot be
effectively redacted, all or part of that
comment may not be made publicly
available. Comments posted to https:// may include any
personal identifying information (such
as name, address, and phone number)
included in the text of your electronic
submission that is not identified as
directed above as confidential.
An electronic copy of this document
and supplemental information to this
proposed rule are available at https:// for easy reference.
Request for Hearing or Waiver of
Participation in Hearing
Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 811(a), this
action is a formal rulemaking ‘‘on the
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record after opportunity for a hearing.’’
Such proceedings are conducted
pursuant to the provisions of the
Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5
U.S.C. 551–559. 21 CFR 1308.41–
1308.45; 21 CFR part 1316, subpart D.
Interested persons may file requests for
a hearing or notices of intent to
participate in a hearing in conformity
with the requirements of 21 CFR
1308.44(a) or (b), and include a
statement of interest in the proceeding
and the objections or issues, if any,
concerning which the person desires to
be heard. Any interested person may file
a waiver of an opportunity for a hearing
or to participate in a hearing together
with a written statement regarding the
interested person’s position on the
matters of fact and law involved in any
hearing as set forth in 21 CFR
1308.44(c). All requests for hearing and
waivers of participation must be sent to
DEA using the address information
provided above.
Legal Authority
The United States is a party to the
1971 United Nations Convention on
Psychotropic Substances (‘‘1971
Convention’’), February 21, 1971, 32
U.S.T. 543, 1019 U.N.T.S. 175, as
amended. Procedures respecting
changes in drug schedules under the
1971 Convention are governed
domestically by 21 U.S.C. 811(d). When
the United States receives notification of
a scheduling decision pursuant to
Article 2 of the 1971 Convention that a
drug or other substance has been added
or transferred to a schedule specified in
the notification, the Secretary of the
Department Health and Human Services
(HHS),1 after consultation with the
Attorney General, shall first determine
whether existing legal controls under
subchapter I of the Controlled
Substances Act (CSA) and the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA)
meet the requirements of the schedule
specified in the notification with respect
to the specific drug or substance. 21
U.S.C. 811(d)(3). If such requirements
are not met by such existing controls
and the Secretary of HHS concurs in the
scheduling decision, the Secretary shall
recommend to the Attorney General that
he initiate proceedings for scheduling
1 As discussed in a memorandum of
understanding entered into by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the National Institute on
Drug Abuse (NIDA), the FDA acts as the lead agency
within HHS in carrying out the Secretary’s
scheduling responsibilities under the Controlled
Substances Act, with the concurrence of NIDA. 50
FR 9518 (March 8, 1985). The Secretary of HHS has
delegated to the Assistant Secretary for Health of
HHS the authority to make domestic drug
scheduling recommendations. 58 FR 35460 (July 1,
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the drug or substance under the
appropriate schedule pursuant to 21
U.S.C. 811(a) and (b). 21 U.S.C.
811(d)(3)(B). Pursuant to 21 U.S.C.
811(a)(1), the Attorney General may, by
rule, add to such a schedule or transfer
between such schedules any drug or
other substance, if he finds that such
drug or other substance has a potential
for abuse, and makes with respect to
such drug or other substance the
findings prescribed by 21 U.S.C. 812(b)
for the schedule in which such drug or
other substance is to be placed. The
Attorney General has delegated this
scheduling authority to the
Administrator of DEA (Administrator).
28 CFR 0.100.
4,4′-dimethylaminorex (4,4′-DMAR) is
a synthetic stimulant drug that is
structurally related to 4-methylaminorex
(4–MAR), a schedule I substance in the
United States and listed as a schedule
I substance in the 1971 Convention. 4,4′DMAR first emerged on the illicit drug
market in December 2012 in the
Netherlands. 4,4′-DMAR can be
purchased through websites selling
‘‘research chemicals’’ and is typically
sold as a powder or tablet. Based on
drug user forum information presented
in the scientific literature and through
the European Monitoring Centre for
Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
and World Health Organization (WHO)
reviews, it appears that the most
common routes of administration for
4,4′-DMAR are via nasal insufflation and
oral ingestion. There is limited
information with respect to the
pharmacological properties of 4,4′DMAR. In vitro studies have reported
that exposure to 4,4′-DMAR results in
dopamine, norepinephrine, and
serotonin release at dopamine,
norepinephrine, and serotonin
transporters, respectively, and the dose
levels are comparable to other known
stimulant drugs. There are no animal or
human studies that have examined
dependence potential associated with
4,4′-DMAR. Due to the large number of
known fatalities (46 known fatalities in
several European countries since 2013)
associated with 4,4′-DMAR, the United
Kingdom’s Advisory Council on the
Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), EMCDDA,
and the WHO stated that 4,4′-DMAR
carries a substantial risk to the public
health. Adverse symptoms such as
agitation, increased body temperature,
respiratory distress, and cardiac arrest
have been reported in 4,4′-DMARrelated drug overdoses and deaths. In
most of these deaths and overdoses,
other drugs were also detected.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 67 / Tuesday, April 7, 2020 / Proposed Rules
In November 2015, the DirectorGeneral of the WHO recommended to
the Secretary-General of the United
Nations that 4,4′-DMAR be placed in
schedule II of the 1971 Convention, as
4,4′-DMAR produces a spectrum of
pharmacological effects similar to that
of psychomotor stimulants in schedule
II of the 1971 Convention, and has
dependence and abuse potential. On
May 17, 2016, the Secretary-General of
the United Nations advised the
Secretary of State of the United States
that during its 59th Session on March
2016, the Commission on Narcotic
Drugs (CND) voted to place 4,4′dimethylaminorex (4,4′-DMAR) in
schedule II of the 1971 Convention on
Psychotropic Substances (CND Dec/59/
Article 2, paragraph 7(b), of the 1971
Convention sets forth the minimum
requirements that the United States
must meet when a substance has been
added to schedule II of the 1971
Convention. Pursuant to the 1971
Convention, the United States must
require licenses for the manufacture,
export and import, and distribution of
4,4′-DMAR. This license requirement is
accomplished by the CSA’s registration
requirement as set forth in 21 U.S.C.
822, 823, 957, 958, and in accordance
with 21 CFR parts 1301 and 1312. In
addition, the United States must adhere
to specific export and import provisions
that are provided in the 1971
Convention. This requirement is
accomplished by the CSA’s export and
import provisions established in 21
U.S.C. 952, 953, 957, 958, and in
accordance with 21 CFR part 1312.
Likewise, under Article 13, paragraphs
1 and 2, of the 1971 Convention, a party
to the 1971 Convention may notify
another party, through the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations, that it
prohibits the importation of a substance
in schedule II, III, or IV of the
Convention. If such notice is presented
to the United States, the United States
shall take measures to ensure that the
named substance is not exported to the
notifying country. This requirement is
also accomplished by the CSA’s export
provisions mentioned above. Under
Article 16, paragraph 4, of the 1971
Convention, the United States is
required to provide annual statistical
reports to the International Narcotics
Control Board (INCB). Using INCB Form
P, the United States shall provide the
following information: (1) In regard to
each substance in schedule I and II of
the 1971 Convention, quantities
manufactured, exported to and imported
from each country or region as well as
stocks held by manufacturers; (2) in
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regard to each substance in schedule III
and IV of the 1971 Convention,
quantities manufactured, as well as
quantities exported and imported; (3) in
regard to each substance in schedule II
and III of the 1971 Convention,
quantities used in the manufacture of
exempt preparations; and (4) in regard
to each substance in schedule II–IV of
the 1971 Convention, quantities used for
the manufacture of non-psychotropic
substances or products. Lastly, under
Article 2 of the 1971 Convention, the
United States must adopt measures in
accordance with Article 22 to address
violations of any statutes or regulations
that are adopted pursuant to its
obligations under the 1971 Convention.
The United States complies with this
provision as persons acting outside the
legal framework established by the CSA
are subject to administrative, civil, and/
or criminal action.
Proposed Determination to Schedule
Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 811(b), DEA
gathered the necessary data on 4,4′DMAR and on March 21, 2017,
submitted it to the Assistant Secretary
for Health of HHS with a request for a
scientific and medical evaluation of
available information and a scheduling
recommendation for 4,4′-DMAR. On
October 12, 2018, HHS provided to DEA
a scientific and medical evaluation
entitled ‘‘Basis for the Recommendation
to Place 4,4′-Dimethylaminorex (4,4′DMAR) and its salts in schedule I of the
Controlled Substances Act’’ and a
scheduling recommendation. Following
consideration of the eight-factors and
findings related to the substance’s abuse
potential, legitimate medical use, and
dependence liability, HHS
recommended that 4,4′-DMAR be
controlled in schedule I of the CSA
under 21 U.S.C. 812(b). In response,
DEA reviewed the scientific and
medical evaluation and scheduling
recommendation provided by HHS and
all other relevant data, and completed
its own eight-factor review document
pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 811(c). Included
below is a brief summary of each factor
as analyzed by HHS and DEA in their
respective eight-factor analyses, and as
considered by DEA in this proposed
scheduling determination. Please note
that both DEA and HHS analyses are
available in their entirety under
‘‘Supporting Documents’’ of the public
docket for this proposed rule at https:// under docket
number ‘‘DEA–498.’’
1. The Drug’s Actual or Relative
Potential for Abuse:
In addition to considering the
information HHS provided in its
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scientific and medical evaluation
document for 4,4′-DMAR, DEA also
considered all other relevant data
regarding 4,4′-DMAR’s actual or relative
potential for abuse. The term ‘‘abuse’’ is
not defined in the CSA, however, the
legislative history of the CSA suggests
the following be considered when
determining whether a particular drug
or substance has a potential for abuse: 2
a. Individuals are taking the drug or
other substance in amounts sufficient to
create a hazard to their health or to the
safety of other individuals or to the
community; or
b. There is a significant diversion of
the drug or other substance from
legitimate drug channels; or
c. Individuals are taking the drug or
other substance on their own initiative
rather than on the basis of medical
advice from a practitioner licensed by
law to administer such drugs; or
d. The drug is so related in its action
to a drug or other substance already
listed as having a potential for abuse to
make it likely that it will have the same
potential for abuse as such substance,
thus making it reasonable to assume
that there may be significant diversions
from legitimate channels, significant use
contrary to or without medical advice,
or that it has a substantial capability of
creating hazards to the health of the
user or to the safety of the community.
DEA reviewed the scientific and
medical evaluation provided by HHS
and all other data relevant to the abuse
potential of 4,4′-DMAR. These data as
presented below demonstrate that 4,4′DMAR has a high potential for abuse.
a. Individuals are taking the
substance in amounts sufficient to
create a hazard to their health or to the
safety of other individuals or to the
4,4′-DMAR is not currently approved
for medical use in the United States.
There are currently no data regarding
4,4′-DMAR abuse in the United States.
Since 2013, 46 fatalities in which 4,4′DMAR was detected were reported in
several European countries including
Hungary, Poland, and the United
Kingdom (UK). As noted by HHS, all but
one of these fatalities involved the
concomitant use of other drugs,
typically stimulants. Regardless, 4,4′DMAR was still determined to be a
contributing factor to their deaths
(Factor 6).
DEA further gathered and evaluated
available information from its forensic
laboratory databases such as
2 Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and
Control Act of 1970, H.R. Rep. No. 91–1444, 91st
Cong., 2nd Sess. (1970) reprinted in 1970
U.S.C.C.A.N. 4566, 4603.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 67 / Tuesday, April 7, 2020 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
STARLiMS,3 System to Retrieve
Information from Drug Evidence
(STRIDE),4 and the National Forensic
Laboratory Information System
(NFLIS).5 According to these databases,
there are no known reports of 4,4′DMAR related drug seizures in the
United States.
Although 4,4′-DMAR has not been
seized in the United States, there have
been numerous reports of seizures of the
substance in Europe. 4,4′-DMAR was
first encountered in a customs seizure in
the Netherlands in December 2012. The
EMCDDA reported in 2014 that there
was one internet site that offered 4,4′DMAR for sale. Since the initial report
of the 4,4′-DMAR seizure in the
Netherlands, there have been reports of
seizures in other European nations
including Denmark, Finland, Hungary,
the Netherlands, Romania, Sweden, and
the UK in 2014. Furthermore, it was
reported that organized crime groups in
Hungary are involved in the trafficking
and distribution of 4,4′-DMAR.
b. There is a significant diversion of
the substance from legitimate drug
According to HHS, 4,4′-DMAR is not
an FDA-approved drug product for
treatment in the United States and there
appear to be no legitimate sources for
4,4′-DMAR as a marketed drug.
databases did not contain any reports of
4,4′-DMAR when queried in March
2019. This suggests that 4,4′-DMAR is
not trafficked in the United States.
Because 4,4′-DMAR is not approved as
a drug for medical use in the United
States, there appear to be no legitimate
drug channels from which 4,4′-DMAR
can be diverted.
According to HHS, 4,4′-DMAR can be
purchased from several internet sources
as a research chemical. Although it is
likely that some individuals with abuserelated disorders obtained 4,4′-DMAR
from these internet sources, findings
have indicated that the majority of the
fatalities associated with 4,4′-DMAR
were the result of the user being sold
what they thought was 3, 4methylenedioxy-methamphetamine
3 STARLiMS is a laboratory information
management system that systematically collects
results from drug chemistry analyses conducted by
DEA laboratories. On October 1, 2014, STARLiMS
replaced System to Retrieve Information from Drug
Evidence (STRIDE) as the DEA laboratory drug
evidence data system of record.
4 STRIDE is a database of drug exhibits sent to
DEA laboratories for analysis. Exhibits from the
database are from DEA, other federal agencies, and
some local law enforcement agencies.
5 The National Forensic Laboratory Information
System (NFLIS) is a national forensic laboratory
reporting system that systematically collects results
from drug chemistry analyses conducted by State
and local forensic laboratories in the United States.
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(MDMA) from their illicit source as
opposed to users obtaining 4,4′-DMAR
directly from these websites.
c. Individuals are taking the
substance on their own initiative rather
than on the basis of medical advice
from a practitioner licensed by law to
administer such drugs.
4,4′-DMAR is not approved for
medical use in the United States and is
not formulated or available for clinical
use. As noted by HHS, law enforcement
seizures and anecdotal internet user
experience posts ( and indicate that individuals
are taking 4,4′-DMAR without medical
advice from a licensed practitioner.
d. The substance is so related in its
action to a drug or other substance
already listed as having a potential for
abuse to make it likely that it will have
the same potential for abuse as such
substance, thus making it reasonable to
assume that there may be significant
diversion from legitimate channels,
significant use contrary to or without
medical advice, or that it has a
substantial capability of creating
hazards to the health of the user or to
the safety of the community.
As stated by HHS, 4,4′-DMAR is a
derivative of substances that are in
schedule I of the 1971 Convention and
substances that are in schedule I of the
CSA. HHS further states that the
substances in schedule I of the 1971
Convention and of the CSA are known
to have high potential for abuse. 4,4′DMAR is similar in both its mechanism
of action and its high potential for abuse
to other scheduled compounds
including 4-MAR (schedule I of the
1971 Convention and schedule I of the
CSA) and aminorex (schedule I of the
CSA). 4,4′-DMAR, 4–MAR, and
aminorex have all been shown to
increase neurotransmitter levels within
the central nervous system resulting in
a stimulant effect. Although there are no
clinical studies on 4,4′-DMAR,
extrapolated animal studies indicate its
abuse and dependence potential. HHS
concluded that 4,4′-DMAR has a similar
potential for abuse as substances already
controlled internationally and federally
in the United States.
2. Scientific Evidence of the Drug’s
Pharmacological Effects, If Known:
There are few pharmacological
studies conducted on 4,4′-DMAR and no
abuse related or clinical studies in
human subjects have been conducted on
this substance. 4,4′-DMAR is
structurally similar to aminorex and
both share a similar mechanism of
pharmacological action. The abuse
potential of aminorex was evaluated in
monkeys using drug self-administration
or drug discrimination assays. The
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results showed that monkeys selfadministered aminorex more than saline
and similar to methohexital, a positive
control agent. In drug discrimination
assays in animals trained to distinguish
d-amphetamine or pentobarbital from
saline, aminorex fully substituted for
the discriminative stimulus effects of
damphetamine but produced little
pentobarbital appropriate responding.
Furthermore, aminorex can stimulate
locomotor activity and increased the
physiological dependence of rats taking
pentobarbital. These data suggest that
aminorex has dependence liability
similar to that of amphetamine. 4-MAR
with structural similarity to aminorex
and 4,4′-DMAR has also been reported
to be self-administered by monkeys. The
structural and pharmacological
similarities of 4,4′-DMAR with
substances known to have high abuse
potential suggest that 4,4′-DMAR itself
has high abuse potential.
As described by HHS, in vitro studies
showed that 4,4′-DMAR, similar to other
controlled substances such as
amphetamine, aminorex and MDMA,
affects the functions of monoamine
transporters. An in vitro study in
isolated brain synaptosomes from
Sprague-Dawley rats evaluated the
functional activity of 4,4′-DMAR and
several other stimulant drugs including
d-amphetamine, aminorex, (±)-cis-4MAR, and (±)-cis-4,4′-DMAR. All tested
drugs evoked release of monoamines
through the three monoamine
transporters, namely dopamine
transporter (DAT), norepinephrine
transporter (NET), and serotonin
transporter (SERT). They are also potent
at DAT and NET, indicating their
potential to release dopamine and
norepinephrine in the central nervous
system (CNS). But, their potencies at the
SERT transport are different and varied
by more than 100-fold. (±)-cis-4,4′DMAR was the most potent drug at
SERT, with an EC50 value of 18.5 nM,
similar to its potencies at DAT (8.6 nM)
and NET (26.9 nM). The data from these
studies revealed that (±)-cis-4,4′-DMAR
is a non-selective releaser of dopamine,
norepinephrine, and serotonin and that
it is more potent in releasing serotonin
than amphetamine. Another in vitro
study compared the potencies of cis and
trans isomers of 4,4′-DMAR against 3,4methylenedioxymethamphetamine
(MDMA or ecstasy) in releasing
monoamines in rat brain synaptosomal
preparations. It showed that cis-4,4′DMAR is 2- to 3-fold more potent than
trans-4,4′-DMAR in releasing dopamine
or norepinephrine. The study also
revealed that both isomers of 4,4′-DMAR
are about 4- to 10-fold more potent than
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 67 / Tuesday, April 7, 2020 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
(+)-MDMA in releasing dopamine,
norepinephrine, or serotonin.
Based on the review of both DEA and
HHS, no clinical studies have been
performed to evaluate the effects of 4,4′DMAR in human subjects. Anecdotal
reports of 4,4′-DMAR use reveal that
insufflation and oral consumption of
tablets are the major methods of
administration. Reports of injection
were also noted. According to the user
reports from websites (e.g.,
and, oral and
insufflation doses range from 10 to 200
mg and from 10 to 65 mg, respectively.
Euphoria, stimulation, happiness, and
increased sociability were reported to be
the desired effects of 4,4′-DMAR. Drug
use discussion forums report the desired
effects begin within 8–60 minutes and
the peak was in approximately 3 hours.
4,4′-DMAR at higher doses produced
adverse effects including nausea,
dysphoria, agitation, psychosis,
tachycardia, hypertension, breathing
problems, convulsions, and cardiac
arrest. Although there are indications of
4,4′-DMAR’s potential to cause
serotonin syndrome, poly-drug use with
substances that produce serotonergic
effects confound these reports.
3. The State of Current Scientific
Knowledge Regarding the Drug or Other
The molecular formula of 4,4′-DMAR
is C11H14N2O and it has a molecular
weight of 190.24 g/mol. 4,4′-DMAR is a
synthetic substituted oxazoline
derivative. The oxazoline structure
consists of a five-membered ring
containing an oxygen (O) atom at the 1position and a nitrogen (N) atom at the
3-position. The structure of 4,4′-DMAR
has two chiral centers, C4 and C5, in the
oxazoline ring. Therefore, it may exist as
four stereoisomers known as (4S,5S),
(4S,5R), (4R,5S), and (4R, 5R). 4,4′DMAR is structurally related to cis 4methylaminorex (cis 4-MAR) which is a
psychostimulant. 4-MAR is currently a
schedule I substance in the United
States and is listed as a schedule I
substance under the 1971 Convention.
The synthesis of 4,4′-DMAR is a
complex process requiring many steps.
Both (±)-cis 4,4′-DMAR and (±)-trans
4,4′-DMAR are synthesized by the
cyclization of 2-amino-1-(4methylphenyl) propan-1-ol (also known
as 4′-methylnorepinephrine). The agent
used for cyclization determines the
synthesis of one isomer over the other.
The synthetic process of the (±)-cis-4,4′DMAR isomers requires the use of
anhydrous sodium acetate, methanol,
and sodium carbonate in the final step,
whereas the synthesis of the (± )-trans-
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4,4′-DMAR isomers requires 2-amino-1(4-methylphenyl)propan-1-ol, potassium
cyanate, water, hydrochloric acid,
sodium carbonate, dichloromethane,
and methanol. These substances are
available for purchase through internet
sources; however, the equipment and
knowledge required make it difficult for
an average individual to synthesize this
Toxicology and Pharmacokinetics
Based on the evaluation of both DEA
and HHS, there have been no nonclinical or clinical studies to directly
evaluate the toxicology of 4,4′DMAR.
The toxicological data are from
anecdotal reports or from fatalities in
which 4,4′-DMAR was implicated as a
contributory factor. Emergency Room
visits and death reports revealed that
4,4′-DMAR consumption produces
adverse health effects including
agitation, tachycardia, hypertension,
breathing problems, convulsions, and
cardiac arrest. 4,4′-DMAR is believed to
be a contributing factor in several deaths
in Europe. Since 2013, at least 46
known fatalities have been associated
with the use of 4,4′-DMAR in several
European nations including Hungary,
Poland, and the UK. The reported mean
blood concentration of 4,4′-DMAR in 27
fatalities was 2.04 mg/L, while the range
of urine concentrations in three of the
fatalities ranged from 5.93 to 43.49 mg/
As mentioned by HHS, there are no
human pharmacokinetic data for 4,4′DMAR. A preliminary study in rats
showed that cis-4,4′-DMAR
administered intravenously (1 mg/kg)
rapidly enters the brain after 5 minutes.
4. Its History and Current Pattern of
HHS and DEA’s review indicates that
several European countries have
reported drug seizures in which 4,4′DMAR was detected in either powder or
tablet form. As mentioned in the HHS
review, customs authorities first
detected 4,4′-DMAR in the Netherlands
in 2012, in a seized drug powder that
came from India. In 2013, Hungarian
authorities reported at least 78 seizures
of 4,4′-DMAR alone or mixed with other
stimulants (mainly cathinones), both in
powder and tablet form, which
originated from China. Romania,
Sweden, Denmark, and Finland also
reported multiple drug seizures
containing various amounts of 4,4′DMAR since 2013. According to HHS,
two published studies in 2015 examined
the availability of 4,4′-DMAR using
internet search engines and reported
that there was one internet site that sold
4,4′-DMAR, which is currently still
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There have been no published studies
addressing the prevalence and pattern of
abuse of 4,4′DMAR. 4,4′-DMAR is a fine
white powder that can be pressed into
tablets. The most common routes of
administration for 4,4′-DMAR are oral
ingestion and nasal insufflation.
According to user reports, doses of 4,4′DMAR range from 10 to 200 mg and 10
to 65 mg for oral administration and
insufflation, respectively.
5. The Scope, Duration, and
Significance of Abuse:
There are no studies directly
monitoring the scope and duration of
use or abuse of 4,4′-DMAR. However,
some internet websites contain
anecdotal reports indicating that users
can purchase 4,4′-DMAR from online
sources as a research chemical.
Fatalities reports reveal that most users
believed they used another drug, such
as MDMA, which is typically obtained
illicitly from drug dealers. A published
paper in 2015 reported at least one
online retailer selling 4,4′-DMAR at a
minimum amount of 500 mg for Ö36.08/
g. The EMCDDA report also identified
two internet sources for 4,4′-DMAR.
HHS stated that no specific
epidemiological reports regarding the
significance of abuse of 4,4′-DMAR are
available. The reported cases of 4,4′DMAR-associated deaths suggest that
many of these drug users assumed that
they were using MDMA. Thus, the
majority of instances of abuse appear to
be unintentional (see Factor 6).
Additionally, based on DEA’s review,
there is no evidence of 4,4′-DMAR abuse
in the United States. DEA’s STRIDE/
STARLiMS and the NFLIS databases as
queried in March 2019 had no reports
of 4,4′-DMAR, suggesting that it is not
trafficked in the United States. The first
seizure of 4,4′-DMAR (500 grams of
white powder) occurred in the
Netherlands in 2012; subsequently a
small seizure was made in Finland in
2013. Hungary reported 41 seizures
totaling 1,852 tablets and 37 seizures
totaling 377 grams of powder between
June and October of 2013. In twenty
percent of these seizures (both powder
and tablets), 4,4′-DMAR was mixed with
other illicit substances such as synthetic
cathinones and synthetic cannabinoids.
In the subsequent years, 4,4′-DMAR was
reported in Denmark, Finland, France,
Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland,
Romania, Sweden, and the UK. These
seizures in Europe have been small in
size. Because synthetic cathinones and
synthetic cannabinoids are being widely
abused in the United States, it is
possible that the abuse of 4,4′-DMAR
mixed with these substances may occur
domestically if 4,4′-DMAR were to be
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 67 / Tuesday, April 7, 2020 / Proposed Rules
trafficked and abused in the United
6. What, If Any, Risk There Is to the
Public Health:
Based on the review of both HHS and
DEA, use of 4,4′-DMAR has been
associated with at least 31 serious
adverse events and 46 fatalities
throughout Europe since 2013. These
serious adverse events and fatalities are
the result of unintentional consumption
of 4,4′-DMAR. These individuals bought
what they thought to be another
substance such as MDMA, cocaine, or
mephedrone from websites. According
to HHS, the so called ‘‘psychonauts’’
who purchase substances for
exploratory purposes appear to be
buying 4,4′-DMAR from research
chemical websites.
According to the medical examiner
reports mentioned in 2014 EMCDDA
Risk Assessment, of the 23 fatalities, one
was the result of 4,4′DMAR alone; in
two fatalities, 4,4′-DMAR had a major
role, and in the remaining 20 cases, 4,4′DMAR mixed with other drugs likely
contributed to deaths. Prior to their
deaths, many of these individuals
showed symptoms similar to
sympathomimetic toxicity, which
included agitation, aggression, seizures,
and hyperthermia. Another study
further analyzed the EMCDDA and
ACMD’s epidemiological data and
revealed that in 31 fatalities associated
with 4,4′-DMAR, 22 were male, 8 were
female, and 1 was unknown. Many of
these individuals also had ingested
multiple drugs. Combining 4,4′-DMAR
with other drugs may contribute to fatal
overdoses and pose a risk to the public
7. Its Psychic or Physiological
Dependence Liability:
There are no non-clinical or clinical
studies examining the psychic or
physiological dependence liability of
4,4′-DMAR. Drug abuse-associated
internet forums or drug treatment
facilities had no mentions of
dependence liability associated with
4,4′-DMAR. Although direct evidence
regarding the psychic and physiologic
dependence liability of 4,4′-DMAR is
lacking, information on substances that
have a pharmacological mechanism of
action similar to that of 4,4′-DMAR can
be used to infer the dependence
potential of this substance. As stated in
Factor 2, 4,4′-DMAR shares a
mechanism of action with aminorex, a
structurally related substance.
Aminorex increases locomotor activity
and the physiological dependence of
rats taking pentobarbital. Aminorex has
dependence liability similar to the
stimulant amphetamine. Because of
similarities in structure and
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pharmacology between aminorex and
4,4′-DMAR, it can be inferred that 4,4′DMAR will have high psychic and
physiological dependence liability
similar to that of d-amphetamine.
8. Whether the Substance is an
Immediate Precursor of a Substance
Already Controlled Under the CSA:
DEA and HHS find that 4,4′-DMAR is
not an immediate precursor of a
substance already controlled under the
Based on consideration of the
scientific and medical evaluation and
accompanying recommendation of HHS,
and based on DEA’s consideration of its
own eight-factor analysis, DEA finds
that these facts and all relevant data
constitute substantial evidence of
potential for abuse of 4,4′-DMAR. As
such, DEA hereby proposes to schedule
4,4′-DMAR as a schedule I controlled
substance under the CSA.
Proposed Determination of Appropriate
The CSA establishes five schedules of
controlled substances known as
schedule I, II, III, IV, and V. The CSA
also outlines the findings required to
place a drug or other substance in any
particular schedule. 21 U.S.C. 812(b).
After consideration of the analysis and
recommendation of the Assistant
Secretary for Health of HHS and review
of all available data, the Acting
Administrator of DEA (Acting
Administrator), pursuant to 21 U.S.C.
812(b)(1), finds that:
(1) 4,4′-DMAR has a high potential for
abuse. There are no non-clinical or
clinical studies directly evaluating the
abuse potential of 4,4′-DMAR. However,
4,4′-DMAR is chemically similar to
aminorex (schedule I) and in vitro
activity assays using brain
synaptosomes indicate that 4,4′-DMAR
has similar pharmacological activity to
d-amphetamine (schedule II), aminorex
(schedule I), and MDMA (schedule I).
More specifically, 4,4′-DMAR acts as a
more potent releaser of dopamine,
norepinephrine, and serotonin than
substances that are listed in schedules I
and II of the CSA. 4,4′-DMAR has been
detected in several drug seizures in
several European countries. These
reports correlate with 46 deaths in
which 4,4′-DMAR played a contributory
role. The data provides supportive
evidence that 4,4′-DMAR has a high
potential for abuse that is similar to
substances in schedule I or II of the CSA
(2) 4,4′-DMAR has no currently
accepted medical use in treatment in the
United States. There are no approved
New Drug Applications for 4,4′-DMAR
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and no known therapeutic applications
for 4,4′-DMAR in the United States.
Therefore, 4,4′-DMAR has no currently
accepted medical use in treatment in the
United States.6
(3) There is a lack of accepted safety
for use of 4,4′-DMAR under medical
supervision. Because 4,4′-DMAR has no
approved medical use and has not been
investigated as a new drug, its safety for
use under medical supervision has not
been determined. Therefore, there is a
lack of accepted safety for use of 4,4′DMAR under medical supervision.
Based on these findings, the Acting
Administrator concludes that 4,4′DMAR warrants control in schedule I of
the CSA. 21 U.S.C. 812(b)(1). More
precisely, because of its stimulant
effects, and because it may produce
stimulant-like tolerance and
dependence in humans, DEA is
proposing to place 4,4′-DMAR in 21 CFR
1308.11(f) (the stimulants category of
schedule I). As such, the proposed
control of 4,4′-DMAR includes the
substance as well as its salts, isomers,
and salts of isomers.
Requirements for Handling 4,4′-DMAR
If this rule is finalized as proposed,
4,4′-DMAR would be subject to the
CSA’s schedule I regulatory controls
and administrative, civil, and criminal
sanctions applicable to the manufacture,
distribution, reverse distribution,
import, export, engagement in research,
conduct of instructional activities or
chemical analysis with, and possession
of schedule I controlled substances,
including the following:
1. Registration. Any person who
handles (manufactures, distributes,
reverse distributes, imports, exports,
engages in research, or conducts
instructional activities or chemical
analysis with, or possesses) 4,4′-DMAR,
or who desires to handle 4,4′-DMAR,
would need to be registered with DEA
to conduct such activities pursuant to
21 U.S.C. 822, 823, 957, 958, and in
accordance with 21 CFR parts 1301 and
6 Although there is no evidence suggesting that
4,4′-DMAR has a currently accepted medical use in
treatment in the United States, it bears noting that
a drug cannot be found to have such medical use
unless DEA concludes that it satisfies a five-part
test. Specifically, with respect to a drug that has not
been approved by the FDA, to have a currently
accepted medical use in treatment in the United
States, all of the following must be demonstrated:
i. The drug’s chemistry must be known and
ii. there must be adequate safety studies;
iii. there must be adequate and well-controlled
studies proving efficacy;
iv. the drug must be accepted by qualified
experts; and
v. the scientific evidence must be widely
57 FR 10499 (1992).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 67 / Tuesday, April 7, 2020 / Proposed Rules
1312 as of the effective date of a final
scheduling action. Any person who
currently handles 4,4′-DMAR, and is not
registered with DEA, would need to
submit an application for registration
and may not continue to handle 4,4′DMAR after the effective date of a final
scheduling action unless DEA has
approved that application for
registration pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 822,
823, 957, 958, and in accordance with
21 CFR parts 1301 and 1312.
2. Disposal of stocks. Any person who
does not desire or is not able to obtain
a schedule I registration would be
required to surrender all quantities of
currently held 4,4′-DMAR, or transfer all
quantities of currently held 4,4′-DMAR
to a person registered with DEA before
the effective date of a final scheduling
action, in accordance with all applicable
federal, state, local, and tribal laws. As
of the effective date of a final scheduling
action, 4,4′-DMAR would be required to
be disposed of in accordance with 21
CFR part 1317, in addition to all other
applicable federal, state, local, and tribal
3. Security. 4,4′-DMAR would be
subject to schedule I security
requirements and would need to be
handled and stored in accordance with
21 CFR 1301.71–1301.93 as of the
effective date of a final scheduling
4. Labeling and Packaging. All labels,
labeling, and packaging for commercial
containers of 4,4′-DMAR would need to
be in compliance with 21 U.S.C. 825
and 958(e), and be in accordance with
21 CFR part 1302, as of the effective
date of a final scheduling action.
5. Quota. Only registered
manufacturers would be permitted to
manufacture 4,4′-DMAR in accordance
with a quota assigned, pursuant to 21
U.S.C. 826 and in accordance with 21
CFR part 1303, as of the effective date
of a final scheduling action.
6. Inventory. Every DEA registrant
who possesses any quantity of 4,4′DMAR on the effective date of a final
scheduling action would be required to
take an inventory of 4,4′-DMAR on hand
at that time, pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 827
and 958, and in accordance with 21 CFR
1304.03, 1304.04, and 1304.11(a) and
Any person who becomes registered
with DEA on or after the effective date
of the final scheduling action would be
required to take an initial inventory of
all stocks of controlled substances
(including 4,4′-DMAR) on hand on the
date the registrant first engages in the
handling of controlled substances,
pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 827 and 958, and
in accordance with 21 CFR 1304.03,
1304.04, and 1304.11(a) and (b).
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After the initial inventory, every DEA
registrant would be required to take an
inventory of all controlled substances
(including 4,4′-DMAR) on hand every
two years, pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 827
and 958, and in accordance with 21 CFR
1304.03, 1304.04, and 1304.11.
7. Records and Reports. Every DEA
registrant would be required to maintain
records and submit reports pursuant to
21 U.S.C. 827 and 958, and in
accordance with 21 CFR parts 1304,
1312, and 1317, as of the effective date
of a final scheduling action.
Manufacturers and distributors would
be required to submit reports regarding
4,4′-DMAR to the Automation of Reports
and Consolidated Order System
(ARCOS) pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 827 and
in accordance with 21 CFR parts 1304
and 1312, as of the effective date of a
final scheduling action.
8. Order Forms. Every DEA registrant
who distributes 4,4′-DMAR would be
required to comply with order form
requirements, pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 828,
and in accordance with 21 CFR part
1305, as of the effective date of a final
scheduling action.
9. Importation and Exportation. All
importation and exportation of 4,4′DMAR would need to be in compliance
with 21 U.S.C. 952, 953, 957, and 958,
and in accordance with 21 CFR part
1312, as of the effective date of a final
scheduling action.
10. Liability. Any activity involving
4,4′-DMAR not authorized by, or in
violation of, the CSA or its
implementing regulations, would be
unlawful, and may subject the person to
administrative, civil, and/or criminal
Regulatory Analyses
Executive Orders 12866, 13563, and
13771, Regulatory Planning and Review,
Improving Regulation and Regulatory
Review, and Reducing Regulation and
Controlling Regulatory Costs
In accordance with 21 U.S.C. 811(a),
this proposed scheduling action is
subject to formal rulemaking procedures
performed ‘‘on the record after
opportunity for a hearing,’’ which are
conducted pursuant to the provisions of
5 U.S.C. 556 and 557. The CSA sets
forth the procedures and criteria for
scheduling a drug or other substance.
Such actions are exempt from review by
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) pursuant to section 3(d)(1) of
Executive Order 12866 and the
principles reaffirmed in Executive Order
This rulemaking is not an Executive
Order 13771 regulatory action because
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this rule is not significant under
Executive Order 12866.
Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice
This proposed regulation meets the
applicable standards set forth in
sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive
Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to
eliminate drafting errors and ambiguity,
minimize litigation, provide a clear legal
standard for affected conduct, and
promote simplification and burden
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
This proposed rulemaking does not
have federalism implications warranting
the application of Executive Order
13132. The proposed rule does not have
substantial direct effects on the States,
on the relationship between the national
government and the States, or the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
Executive Order 13175, Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
This proposed rule does not have
tribal implications warranting the
application of Executive Order 13175. It
does not have substantial direct effects
on one or more Indian tribes, on the
relationship between the Federal
Government and Indian tribes, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities between the Federal
Government and Indian tribes.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Acting Administrator, in
accordance with the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (RFA), 5 U.S.C. 601–602,
has reviewed this proposed rule, and by
approving it, certifies that it will not
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
DEA proposes placing the substance
4,4′-DMAR (Chemical name: 4-methyl5-(4-methylphenyl)-4,5-dihydro-l,3oxazol-2-amine), including its salts,
isomers, and salts of isomers, whenever
the existence of such salts, isomers, and
salts of isomers is possible, in schedule
I of the CSA. This action is being taken
to enable the United States to meet its
obligations under the 1971 Convention
on Psychotropic Substances. If finalized,
this action would impose the regulatory
controls and administrative, civil, and
criminal sanctions applicable to
schedule I controlled substances on
persons who handle (manufacture,
distribute, reverse distribute, import,
export, engage in research, conduct
instructional activities or chemical
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 67 / Tuesday, April 7, 2020 / Proposed Rules
analysis with, or possess), or propose to
handle 4,4′-DMAR.
According to HHS, 4,4′-DMAR has a
high potential for abuse, has no
currently accepted medical use in
treatment in the United States, and lacks
accepted safety for use under medical
supervision. DEA’s research confirms
that there is no commercial market for
4,4′-DMAR in the United States.
Additionally, queries of DEA’s STRIDE/
STARLiMS and the NFLIS databases in
February, 2020, did not generate any
reports of 4,4′-DMAR, suggesting that it
is not trafficked in the United States.
Therefore, DEA estimates that no U.S.
entity currently handles 4,4′-DMAR and
does not expect any U.S. entity to
handle 4,4′-DMAR in the foreseeable
future. DEA concludes that no U.S.
entity would be affected by this rule if
finalized. As such, the proposed rule
will not have a significant effect on a
substantial number of small entities.
Duplicative, Overlapping, and
Conflicting Rules
DEA is the only agency with authority
to schedule drugs under the CSA. DEA
has not identified any duplicative,
overlapping, or conflicting rules with
the proposed rule.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
In accordance with the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act (UMRA) of 1995,
2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq., DEA has
determined and certifies that this action
would not result in any Federal
mandate that may result ‘‘in the
expenditure by State, local, and tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $100,000,000 or more
(adjusted for inflation) in any 1 year
* * *.’’ Therefore, neither a Small
Government Agency Plan nor any other
action is required under UMRA of 1995.
Paperwork Reduction Act
This action does not impose a new
collection of information requirement
under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44
U.S.C. 3501–3521. This action would
not impose recordkeeping or reporting
requirements on State or local
governments, individuals, businesses, or
organizations. An agency may not
conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
Congressional Review Act
This rule is not a major rule as
defined by section 804 of the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996 (Congressional
Review Act (CRA)). This rule will not
result in: An annual effect on the
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economy of $100,000,000 or more; a
major increase in costs or prices for
consumers, individual industries,
Federal, State, or local government
agencies, or geographic regions; or
significant adverse effects on
competition, employment, investment,
productivity, innovation, or on the
ability of U.S.-based companies to
compete with foreign-based companies
in domestic and export markets.
List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 1308
Administrative practice and
procedure, Drug traffic control,
Reporting and recordkeeping
For the reasons set out above, 21 CFR
part 1308 is proposed to be amended to
read as follows:
1. The authority citation for 21 CFR
part 1308 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 21 U.S.C. 811, 812, 871(b),
unless otherwise noted.
2. In § 1308.11, redesignate
paragraphs (f)(4) through (f)(8) as
paragraphs (f)(5) through (f)(9) and add
a new paragraph (f)(4) to read as
§ 1308.11
Schedule I.
(f) * * *
(4) 4,4′-Dimethylaminorex (4,4′DMAR; 4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-5-(4methylphenyl)-2-oxazolamine; 4methyl-5-(4-methylphenyl)-4,5-dihydro1,3-oxazol-2amine). ........................................... 1595
Uttam Dhillon,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2020–07095 Filed 4–6–20; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R09–OAR–2020–0151; FRL–10007–
67–Region 9]
Finding of Failure To Attain the 1987
24-Hour PM10 Standard;
Reclassification as Serious
Nonattainment; Pinal County, Arizona
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is proposing to determine
PO 00000
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that the West Pinal County, Arizona
nonattainment area did not attain the
1987 24-hour national ambient air
quality standards (NAAQS or
‘‘standard’’) for particulate matter with
a diameter of ten micrometers or smaller
(PM10) by December 31, 2018, the
statutory attainment date for the
nonattainment area. This proposal is
based on the EPA’s calculation of the
PM10 design value for the nonattainment
area over the 2016–2018 period, using
complete, quality-assured, and certified
PM10 monitoring data. If the EPA makes
a final determination that West Pinal
County has failed to attain the PM10
NAAQS by its attainment date, then
Clean Air Act (CAA) section 188(b)(2)
requires that the nonattainment area be
reclassified to Serious by operation of
law. Within 18 months from the
effective date of a reclassification to
Serious, the State must submit State
Implementation Plan (SIP) revisions that
comply with the statutory and
regulatory requirements for Serious
PM10 nonattainment areas.
Written comments must be
received on or before May 7, 2020.
Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R09–
OAR–2020–0151 at https:// For comments
submitted at, follow the
online instructions for submitting
comments. Once submitted, comments
cannot be edited or removed from The EPA may publish
any comment received to its public
docket. Do not submit electronically any
information you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Multimedia
submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be
accompanied by a written comment.
The written comment is considered the
official comment and should include
discussion of all points you wish to
make. The EPA will generally not
consider comments or comment
contents located outside of the primary
submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or
other file sharing system). For
additional submission methods, please
contact the person identified in the FOR
For the full EPA public comment policy,
information about CBI or multimedia
submissions, and general guidance on
making effective comments, please visit
Wamsley, EPA Region IX, (415) 947–
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 67 (Tuesday, April 7, 2020)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 19401-19408]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-07095]
Drug Enforcement Administration
21 CFR Part 1308
[Docket No. DEA-498]
Schedules of Controlled Substances: Placement of 4,4'-DMAR in
Schedule I
AGENCY: Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Drug Enforcement Administration proposes placing the
substance 4,4'-DMAR (Chemical name: 4,4'-dimethylaminorex), including
its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers, in schedule I of the
Controlled Substances Act. This action is being taken to enable the
United States to meet its obligations under the 1971 Convention on
Psychotropic Substances. If finalized, this action would impose the
regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal sanctions
applicable to schedule I controlled substances on persons who handle
(manufacture, distribute, reverse distribute, import, export, engage in
research, conduct instructional activities or chemical analysis with,
or possess), or propose to handle 4,4'-DMAR.
DATES: Comments must be submitted electronically or postmarked on or
before June 8, 2020.
Interested persons may file a request for hearing or waiver of
hearing pursuant to 21 CFR 1308.44 and in accordance with 21 CFR
1316.45 and/or 1316.47, as applicable. Requests for hearing and waivers
of an opportunity for a hearing or to participate in a hearing must be
received on or before May 7, 2020.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons may file written comments on this
proposal in accordance with 21 CFR 1308.43(g). Commenters should be
aware that the electronic Federal Docket Management System will not
accept comments after 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the last day of the
comment period. To ensure proper handling of comments, please reference
``Docket No. DEA-498'' on all electronic and written correspondence,
including any attachments.
Electronic comments: The Drug Enforcement Administration
encourages that all comments be submitted electronically through the
Federal eRulemaking Portal, which provides the ability to type short
comments directly into the comment field on the web page or attach a
file for lengthier comments. Please go to
and follow the on-line instructions at that site for submitting
comments. Upon completion of your submission you will receive a Comment
Tracking Number for your comment. Please be aware that submitted
comments are not instantaneously available for public view on If you have received a Comment Tracking Number, your
comment has been successfully submitted and there is no need to
resubmit the same comment.
Paper comments: Paper comments that duplicate electronic
submissions are not necessary and are discouraged. Should you wish to
mail a paper comment in lieu of an electronic comment, it should be
sent via regular or express mail to: Drug Enforcement Administration,
Attn: DEA Federal Register Representative/DPW, 8701 Morrissette Drive,
Springfield, Virginia 22152.
Hearing requests: All requests for a hearing and waivers
of participation must be sent to: Drug Enforcement Administration,
Attn: Administrator, 8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia
22152. All requests for hearing and waivers of participation should
also be sent to: (1) Drug Enforcement Administration, Attn: Hearing
Clerk/LJ, 8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia 22152; and (2)
Drug Enforcement Administration, Attn: DEA Federal Register
Representative/DPW, 8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Scott A. Brinks, Regulatory Drafting
[[Page 19402]]
Policy Section, Diversion Control Division, Drug Enforcement
Administration; Mailing Address: 8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield,
Virginia 22152; Telephone: (202) 598-6812.
Posting of Public Comments
Please note that all comments received in response to this docket
are considered part of the public record. They will, unless reasonable
cause is given, be made available by the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA) for public inspection online at Such information includes personal identifying
information (such as your name, address, etc.) voluntarily submitted by
the commenter. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) applies to all
comments received. If you want to submit personal identifying
information (such as your name, address, etc.) as part of your comment,
but do not want it to be made publicly available, you must include the
phrase ``PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION'' in the first paragraph of
your comment. You must also place all of the personal identifying
information you do not want made publicly available in the first
paragraph of your comment and identify what information you want
If you want to submit confidential business information as part of
your comment, but do not want it to be made publicly available, you
must include the phrase ``CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION'' in the
first paragraph of your comment. You must also prominently identify the
confidential business information to be redacted within the comment.
Comments containing personal identifying information and
confidential business information identified, as directed above, will
generally be made publicly available in redacted form. If a comment has
so much confidential business information that it cannot be effectively
redacted, all or part of that comment may not be made publicly
available. Comments posted to may include
any personal identifying information (such as name, address, and phone
number) included in the text of your electronic submission that is not
identified as directed above as confidential.
An electronic copy of this document and supplemental information to
this proposed rule are available at for easy
Request for Hearing or Waiver of Participation in Hearing
Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 811(a), this action is a formal rulemaking
``on the record after opportunity for a hearing.'' Such proceedings are
conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Procedure
Act (APA), 5 U.S.C. 551-559. 21 CFR 1308.41-1308.45; 21 CFR part 1316,
subpart D. Interested persons may file requests for a hearing or
notices of intent to participate in a hearing in conformity with the
requirements of 21 CFR 1308.44(a) or (b), and include a statement of
interest in the proceeding and the objections or issues, if any,
concerning which the person desires to be heard. Any interested person
may file a waiver of an opportunity for a hearing or to participate in
a hearing together with a written statement regarding the interested
person's position on the matters of fact and law involved in any
hearing as set forth in 21 CFR 1308.44(c). All requests for hearing and
waivers of participation must be sent to DEA using the address
information provided above.
Legal Authority
The United States is a party to the 1971 United Nations Convention
on Psychotropic Substances (``1971 Convention''), February 21, 1971, 32
U.S.T. 543, 1019 U.N.T.S. 175, as amended. Procedures respecting
changes in drug schedules under the 1971 Convention are governed
domestically by 21 U.S.C. 811(d). When the United States receives
notification of a scheduling decision pursuant to Article 2 of the 1971
Convention that a drug or other substance has been added or transferred
to a schedule specified in the notification, the Secretary of the
Department Health and Human Services (HHS),\1\ after consultation with
the Attorney General, shall first determine whether existing legal
controls under subchapter I of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) meet the requirements
of the schedule specified in the notification with respect to the
specific drug or substance. 21 U.S.C. 811(d)(3). If such requirements
are not met by such existing controls and the Secretary of HHS concurs
in the scheduling decision, the Secretary shall recommend to the
Attorney General that he initiate proceedings for scheduling the drug
or substance under the appropriate schedule pursuant to 21 U.S.C.
811(a) and (b). 21 U.S.C. 811(d)(3)(B). Pursuant to 21 U.S.C.
811(a)(1), the Attorney General may, by rule, add to such a schedule or
transfer between such schedules any drug or other substance, if he
finds that such drug or other substance has a potential for abuse, and
makes with respect to such drug or other substance the findings
prescribed by 21 U.S.C. 812(b) for the schedule in which such drug or
other substance is to be placed. The Attorney General has delegated
this scheduling authority to the Administrator of DEA (Administrator).
28 CFR 0.100.
\1\ As discussed in a memorandum of understanding entered into
by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institute
on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the FDA acts as the lead agency within HHS in
carrying out the Secretary's scheduling responsibilities under the
Controlled Substances Act, with the concurrence of NIDA. 50 FR 9518
(March 8, 1985). The Secretary of HHS has delegated to the Assistant
Secretary for Health of HHS the authority to make domestic drug
scheduling recommendations. 58 FR 35460 (July 1, 1993).
4,4'-dimethylaminorex (4,4'-DMAR) is a synthetic stimulant drug
that is structurally related to 4-methylaminorex (4-MAR), a schedule I
substance in the United States and listed as a schedule I substance in
the 1971 Convention. 4,4'-DMAR first emerged on the illicit drug market
in December 2012 in the Netherlands. 4,4'-DMAR can be purchased through
websites selling ``research chemicals'' and is typically sold as a
powder or tablet. Based on drug user forum information presented in the
scientific literature and through the European Monitoring Centre for
Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and World Health Organization (WHO)
reviews, it appears that the most common routes of administration for
4,4'-DMAR are via nasal insufflation and oral ingestion. There is
limited information with respect to the pharmacological properties of
4,4'-DMAR. In vitro studies have reported that exposure to 4,4'-DMAR
results in dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin release at dopamine,
norepinephrine, and serotonin transporters, respectively, and the dose
levels are comparable to other known stimulant drugs. There are no
animal or human studies that have examined dependence potential
associated with 4,4'-DMAR. Due to the large number of known fatalities
(46 known fatalities in several European countries since 2013)
associated with 4,4'-DMAR, the United Kingdom's Advisory Council on the
Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), EMCDDA, and the WHO stated that 4,4'-DMAR
carries a substantial risk to the public health. Adverse symptoms such
as agitation, increased body temperature, respiratory distress, and
cardiac arrest have been reported in 4,4'-DMAR-related drug overdoses
and deaths. In most of these deaths and overdoses, other drugs were
also detected.
[[Page 19403]]
In November 2015, the Director-General of the WHO recommended to
the Secretary-General of the United Nations that 4,4'-DMAR be placed in
schedule II of the 1971 Convention, as 4,4'-DMAR produces a spectrum of
pharmacological effects similar to that of psychomotor stimulants in
schedule II of the 1971 Convention, and has dependence and abuse
potential. On May 17, 2016, the Secretary-General of the United Nations
advised the Secretary of State of the United States that during its
59th Session on March 2016, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND)
voted to place 4,4'-dimethylaminorex (4,4'-DMAR) in schedule II of the
1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances (CND Dec/59/5).
Article 2, paragraph 7(b), of the 1971 Convention sets forth the
minimum requirements that the United States must meet when a substance
has been added to schedule II of the 1971 Convention. Pursuant to the
1971 Convention, the United States must require licenses for the
manufacture, export and import, and distribution of 4,4'-DMAR. This
license requirement is accomplished by the CSA's registration
requirement as set forth in 21 U.S.C. 822, 823, 957, 958, and in
accordance with 21 CFR parts 1301 and 1312. In addition, the United
States must adhere to specific export and import provisions that are
provided in the 1971 Convention. This requirement is accomplished by
the CSA's export and import provisions established in 21 U.S.C. 952,
953, 957, 958, and in accordance with 21 CFR part 1312. Likewise, under
Article 13, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the 1971 Convention, a party to the
1971 Convention may notify another party, through the Secretary-General
of the United Nations, that it prohibits the importation of a substance
in schedule II, III, or IV of the Convention. If such notice is
presented to the United States, the United States shall take measures
to ensure that the named substance is not exported to the notifying
country. This requirement is also accomplished by the CSA's export
provisions mentioned above. Under Article 16, paragraph 4, of the 1971
Convention, the United States is required to provide annual statistical
reports to the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB). Using INCB
Form P, the United States shall provide the following information: (1)
In regard to each substance in schedule I and II of the 1971
Convention, quantities manufactured, exported to and imported from each
country or region as well as stocks held by manufacturers; (2) in
regard to each substance in schedule III and IV of the 1971 Convention,
quantities manufactured, as well as quantities exported and imported;
(3) in regard to each substance in schedule II and III of the 1971
Convention, quantities used in the manufacture of exempt preparations;
and (4) in regard to each substance in schedule II-IV of the 1971
Convention, quantities used for the manufacture of non-psychotropic
substances or products. Lastly, under Article 2 of the 1971 Convention,
the United States must adopt measures in accordance with Article 22 to
address violations of any statutes or regulations that are adopted
pursuant to its obligations under the 1971 Convention. The United
States complies with this provision as persons acting outside the legal
framework established by the CSA are subject to administrative, civil,
and/or criminal action.
Proposed Determination to Schedule 4,4'-DMAR
Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 811(b), DEA gathered the necessary data on
4,4'-DMAR and on March 21, 2017, submitted it to the Assistant
Secretary for Health of HHS with a request for a scientific and medical
evaluation of available information and a scheduling recommendation for
4,4'-DMAR. On October 12, 2018, HHS provided to DEA a scientific and
medical evaluation entitled ``Basis for the Recommendation to Place
4,4'-Dimethylaminorex (4,4'-DMAR) and its salts in schedule I of the
Controlled Substances Act'' and a scheduling recommendation. Following
consideration of the eight-factors and findings related to the
substance's abuse potential, legitimate medical use, and dependence
liability, HHS recommended that 4,4'-DMAR be controlled in schedule I
of the CSA under 21 U.S.C. 812(b). In response, DEA reviewed the
scientific and medical evaluation and scheduling recommendation
provided by HHS and all other relevant data, and completed its own
eight-factor review document pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 811(c). Included
below is a brief summary of each factor as analyzed by HHS and DEA in
their respective eight-factor analyses, and as considered by DEA in
this proposed scheduling determination. Please note that both DEA and
HHS analyses are available in their entirety under ``Supporting
Documents'' of the public docket for this proposed rule at under docket number ``DEA-498.''
1. The Drug's Actual or Relative Potential for Abuse:
In addition to considering the information HHS provided in its
scientific and medical evaluation document for 4,4'-DMAR, DEA also
considered all other relevant data regarding 4,4'-DMAR's actual or
relative potential for abuse. The term ``abuse'' is not defined in the
CSA, however, the legislative history of the CSA suggests the following
be considered when determining whether a particular drug or substance
has a potential for abuse: \2\
\2\ Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970,
H.R. Rep. No. 91-1444, 91st Cong., 2nd Sess. (1970) reprinted in
1970 U.S.C.C.A.N. 4566, 4603.
a. Individuals are taking the drug or other substance in amounts
sufficient to create a hazard to their health or to the safety of other
individuals or to the community; or
b. There is a significant diversion of the drug or other substance
from legitimate drug channels; or
c. Individuals are taking the drug or other substance on their own
initiative rather than on the basis of medical advice from a
practitioner licensed by law to administer such drugs; or
d. The drug is so related in its action to a drug or other
substance already listed as having a potential for abuse to make it
likely that it will have the same potential for abuse as such
substance, thus making it reasonable to assume that there may be
significant diversions from legitimate channels, significant use
contrary to or without medical advice, or that it has a substantial
capability of creating hazards to the health of the user or to the
safety of the community.
DEA reviewed the scientific and medical evaluation provided by HHS
and all other data relevant to the abuse potential of 4,4'-DMAR. These
data as presented below demonstrate that 4,4'-DMAR has a high potential
for abuse.
a. Individuals are taking the substance in amounts sufficient to
create a hazard to their health or to the safety of other individuals
or to the community.
4,4'-DMAR is not currently approved for medical use in the United
States. There are currently no data regarding 4,4'-DMAR abuse in the
United States. Since 2013, 46 fatalities in which 4,4'-DMAR was
detected were reported in several European countries including Hungary,
Poland, and the United Kingdom (UK). As noted by HHS, all but one of
these fatalities involved the concomitant use of other drugs, typically
stimulants. Regardless, 4,4'-DMAR was still determined to be a
contributing factor to their deaths (Factor 6).
DEA further gathered and evaluated available information from its
forensic laboratory databases such as
[[Page 19404]]
STARLiMS,\3\ System to Retrieve Information from Drug Evidence
(STRIDE),\4\ and the National Forensic Laboratory Information System
(NFLIS).\5\ According to these databases, there are no known reports of
4,4'-DMAR related drug seizures in the United States.
\3\ STARLiMS is a laboratory information management system that
systematically collects results from drug chemistry analyses
conducted by DEA laboratories. On October 1, 2014, STARLiMS replaced
System to Retrieve Information from Drug Evidence (STRIDE) as the
DEA laboratory drug evidence data system of record.
\4\ STRIDE is a database of drug exhibits sent to DEA
laboratories for analysis. Exhibits from the database are from DEA,
other federal agencies, and some local law enforcement agencies.
\5\ The National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS)
is a national forensic laboratory reporting system that
systematically collects results from drug chemistry analyses
conducted by State and local forensic laboratories in the United
Although 4,4'-DMAR has not been seized in the United States, there
have been numerous reports of seizures of the substance in Europe.
4,4'-DMAR was first encountered in a customs seizure in the Netherlands
in December 2012. The EMCDDA reported in 2014 that there was one
internet site that offered 4,4'-DMAR for sale. Since the initial report
of the 4,4'-DMAR seizure in the Netherlands, there have been reports of
seizures in other European nations including Denmark, Finland, Hungary,
the Netherlands, Romania, Sweden, and the UK in 2014. Furthermore, it
was reported that organized crime groups in Hungary are involved in the
trafficking and distribution of 4,4'-DMAR.
b. There is a significant diversion of the substance from
legitimate drug channels.
According to HHS, 4,4'-DMAR is not an FDA-approved drug product for
treatment in the United States and there appear to be no legitimate
sources for 4,4'-DMAR as a marketed drug.
The NFLIS, STRIDE, and STARLiMS databases did not contain any
reports of 4,4'-DMAR when queried in March 2019. This suggests that
4,4'-DMAR is not trafficked in the United States. Because 4,4'-DMAR is
not approved as a drug for medical use in the United States, there
appear to be no legitimate drug channels from which 4,4'-DMAR can be
According to HHS, 4,4'-DMAR can be purchased from several internet
sources as a research chemical. Although it is likely that some
individuals with abuse-related disorders obtained 4,4'-DMAR from these
internet sources, findings have indicated that the majority of the
fatalities associated with 4,4'-DMAR were the result of the user being
sold what they thought was 3, 4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA)
from their illicit source as opposed to users obtaining 4,4'-DMAR
directly from these websites.
c. Individuals are taking the substance on their own initiative
rather than on the basis of medical advice from a practitioner licensed
by law to administer such drugs.
4,4'-DMAR is not approved for medical use in the United States and
is not formulated or available for clinical use. As noted by HHS, law
enforcement seizures and anecdotal internet user experience posts
( and indicate that individuals are
taking 4,4'-DMAR without medical advice from a licensed practitioner.
d. The substance is so related in its action to a drug or other
substance already listed as having a potential for abuse to make it
likely that it will have the same potential for abuse as such
substance, thus making it reasonable to assume that there may be
significant diversion from legitimate channels, significant use
contrary to or without medical advice, or that it has a substantial
capability of creating hazards to the health of the user or to the
safety of the community.
As stated by HHS, 4,4'-DMAR is a derivative of substances that are
in schedule I of the 1971 Convention and substances that are in
schedule I of the CSA. HHS further states that the substances in
schedule I of the 1971 Convention and of the CSA are known to have high
potential for abuse. 4,4'-DMAR is similar in both its mechanism of
action and its high potential for abuse to other scheduled compounds
including 4-MAR (schedule I of the 1971 Convention and schedule I of
the CSA) and aminorex (schedule I of the CSA). 4,4'-DMAR, 4-MAR, and
aminorex have all been shown to increase neurotransmitter levels within
the central nervous system resulting in a stimulant effect. Although
there are no clinical studies on 4,4'-DMAR, extrapolated animal studies
indicate its abuse and dependence potential. HHS concluded that 4,4'-
DMAR has a similar potential for abuse as substances already controlled
internationally and federally in the United States.
2. Scientific Evidence of the Drug's Pharmacological Effects, If
There are few pharmacological studies conducted on 4,4'-DMAR and no
abuse related or clinical studies in human subjects have been conducted
on this substance. 4,4'-DMAR is structurally similar to aminorex and
both share a similar mechanism of pharmacological action. The abuse
potential of aminorex was evaluated in monkeys using drug self-
administration or drug discrimination assays. The results showed that
monkeys self-administered aminorex more than saline and similar to
methohexital, a positive control agent. In drug discrimination assays
in animals trained to distinguish d-amphetamine or pentobarbital from
saline, aminorex fully substituted for the discriminative stimulus
effects of damphetamine but produced little pentobarbital appropriate
responding. Furthermore, aminorex can stimulate locomotor activity and
increased the physiological dependence of rats taking pentobarbital.
These data suggest that aminorex has dependence liability similar to
that of amphetamine. 4-MAR with structural similarity to aminorex and
4,4'-DMAR has also been reported to be self-administered by monkeys.
The structural and pharmacological similarities of 4,4'-DMAR with
substances known to have high abuse potential suggest that 4,4'-DMAR
itself has high abuse potential.
As described by HHS, in vitro studies showed that 4,4'-DMAR,
similar to other controlled substances such as amphetamine, aminorex
and MDMA, affects the functions of monoamine transporters. An in vitro
study in isolated brain synaptosomes from Sprague-Dawley rats evaluated
the functional activity of 4,4'-DMAR and several other stimulant drugs
including d-amphetamine, aminorex, ()-cis-4-MAR,
and ()-cis-4,4'-DMAR. All tested drugs evoked release of
monoamines through the three monoamine transporters, namely dopamine
transporter (DAT), norepinephrine transporter (NET), and serotonin
transporter (SERT). They are also potent at DAT and NET, indicating
their potential to release dopamine and norepinephrine in the central
nervous system (CNS). But, their potencies at the SERT transport are
different and varied by more than 100-fold. ()-cis-4,4'-
DMAR was the most potent drug at SERT, with an EC50 value of
18.5 nM, similar to its potencies at DAT (8.6 nM) and NET (26.9 nM).
The data from these studies revealed that ()-cis-4,4'-DMAR
is a non-selective releaser of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin
and that it is more potent in releasing serotonin than amphetamine.
Another in vitro study compared the potencies of cis and trans isomers
of 4,4'-DMAR against 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or
ecstasy) in releasing monoamines in rat brain synaptosomal
preparations. It showed that cis-4,4'-DMAR is 2- to 3-fold more potent
than trans-4,4'-DMAR in releasing dopamine or norepinephrine. The study
also revealed that both isomers of 4,4'-DMAR are about 4- to 10-fold
more potent than
[[Page 19405]]
(+)-MDMA in releasing dopamine, norepinephrine, or serotonin.
Based on the review of both DEA and HHS, no clinical studies have
been performed to evaluate the effects of 4,4'-DMAR in human subjects.
Anecdotal reports of 4,4'-DMAR use reveal that insufflation and oral
consumption of tablets are the major methods of administration. Reports
of injection were also noted. According to the user reports from
websites (e.g., and, oral and
insufflation doses range from 10 to 200 mg and from 10 to 65 mg,
respectively. Euphoria, stimulation, happiness, and increased
sociability were reported to be the desired effects of 4,4'-DMAR. Drug
use discussion forums report the desired effects begin within 8-60
minutes and the peak was in approximately 3 hours. 4,4'-DMAR at higher
doses produced adverse effects including nausea, dysphoria, agitation,
psychosis, tachycardia, hypertension, breathing problems, convulsions,
and cardiac arrest. Although there are indications of 4,4'-DMAR's
potential to cause serotonin syndrome, poly-drug use with substances
that produce serotonergic effects confound these reports.
3. The State of Current Scientific Knowledge Regarding the Drug or
Other Substance:
The molecular formula of 4,4'-DMAR is
C11H14N2O and it has a molecular
weight of 190.24 g/mol. 4,4'-DMAR is a synthetic substituted oxazoline
derivative. The oxazoline structure consists of a five-membered ring
containing an oxygen (O) atom at the 1-position and a nitrogen (N) atom
at the 3-position. The structure of 4,4'-DMAR has two chiral centers,
C4 and C5, in the oxazoline ring. Therefore, it may exist as four
stereoisomers known as (4S,5S), (4S,5R), (4R,5S), and (4R, 5R). 4,4'-
DMAR is structurally related to cis 4-methylaminorex (cis 4-MAR) which
is a psychostimulant. 4-MAR is currently a schedule I substance in the
United States and is listed as a schedule I substance under the 1971
The synthesis of 4,4'-DMAR is a complex process requiring many
steps. Both ()-cis 4,4'-DMAR and ()-trans 4,4'-
DMAR are synthesized by the cyclization of 2-amino-1-(4-methylphenyl)
propan-1-ol (also known as 4'-methylnorepinephrine). The agent used for
cyclization determines the synthesis of one isomer over the other. The
synthetic process of the ()-cis-4,4'-DMAR isomers requires
the use of anhydrous sodium acetate, methanol, and sodium carbonate in
the final step, whereas the synthesis of the ( )-trans-
4,4'-DMAR isomers requires 2-amino-1-(4-methylphenyl)propan-1-ol,
potassium cyanate, water, hydrochloric acid, sodium carbonate,
dichloromethane, and methanol. These substances are available for
purchase through internet sources; however, the equipment and knowledge
required make it difficult for an average individual to synthesize this
Toxicology and Pharmacokinetics
Based on the evaluation of both DEA and HHS, there have been no
non-clinical or clinical studies to directly evaluate the toxicology of
4,4'DMAR. The toxicological data are from anecdotal reports or from
fatalities in which 4,4'-DMAR was implicated as a contributory factor.
Emergency Room visits and death reports revealed that 4,4'-DMAR
consumption produces adverse health effects including agitation,
tachycardia, hypertension, breathing problems, convulsions, and cardiac
arrest. 4,4'-DMAR is believed to be a contributing factor in several
deaths in Europe. Since 2013, at least 46 known fatalities have been
associated with the use of 4,4'-DMAR in several European nations
including Hungary, Poland, and the UK. The reported mean blood
concentration of 4,4'-DMAR in 27 fatalities was 2.04 mg/L, while the
range of urine concentrations in three of the fatalities ranged from
5.93 to 43.49 mg/L.
As mentioned by HHS, there are no human pharmacokinetic data for
4,4'-DMAR. A preliminary study in rats showed that cis-4,4'-DMAR
administered intravenously (1 mg/kg) rapidly enters the brain after 5
4. Its History and Current Pattern of Abuse:
HHS and DEA's review indicates that several European countries have
reported drug seizures in which 4,4'-DMAR was detected in either powder
or tablet form. As mentioned in the HHS review, customs authorities
first detected 4,4'-DMAR in the Netherlands in 2012, in a seized drug
powder that came from India. In 2013, Hungarian authorities reported at
least 78 seizures of 4,4'-DMAR alone or mixed with other stimulants
(mainly cathinones), both in powder and tablet form, which originated
from China. Romania, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland also reported
multiple drug seizures containing various amounts of 4,4'-DMAR since
2013. According to HHS, two published studies in 2015 examined the
availability of 4,4'-DMAR using internet search engines and reported
that there was one internet site that sold 4,4'-DMAR, which is
currently still available.
There have been no published studies addressing the prevalence and
pattern of abuse of 4,4'DMAR. 4,4'-DMAR is a fine white powder that can
be pressed into tablets. The most common routes of administration for
4,4'-DMAR are oral ingestion and nasal insufflation. According to user
reports, doses of 4,4'-DMAR range from 10 to 200 mg and 10 to 65 mg for
oral administration and insufflation, respectively.
5. The Scope, Duration, and Significance of Abuse:
There are no studies directly monitoring the scope and duration of
use or abuse of 4,4'-DMAR. However, some internet websites contain
anecdotal reports indicating that users can purchase 4,4'-DMAR from
online sources as a research chemical. Fatalities reports reveal that
most users believed they used another drug, such as MDMA, which is
typically obtained illicitly from drug dealers. A published paper in
2015 reported at least one online retailer selling 4,4'-DMAR at a
minimum amount of 500 mg for [euro]36.08/g. The EMCDDA report also
identified two internet sources for 4,4'-DMAR.
HHS stated that no specific epidemiological reports regarding the
significance of abuse of 4,4'-DMAR are available. The reported cases of
4,4'-DMAR-associated deaths suggest that many of these drug users
assumed that they were using MDMA. Thus, the majority of instances of
abuse appear to be unintentional (see Factor 6).
Additionally, based on DEA's review, there is no evidence of 4,4'-
DMAR abuse in the United States. DEA's STRIDE/STARLiMS and the NFLIS
databases as queried in March 2019 had no reports of 4,4'-DMAR,
suggesting that it is not trafficked in the United States. The first
seizure of 4,4'-DMAR (500 grams of white powder) occurred in the
Netherlands in 2012; subsequently a small seizure was made in Finland
in 2013. Hungary reported 41 seizures totaling 1,852 tablets and 37
seizures totaling 377 grams of powder between June and October of 2013.
In twenty percent of these seizures (both powder and tablets), 4,4'-
DMAR was mixed with other illicit substances such as synthetic
cathinones and synthetic cannabinoids. In the subsequent years, 4,4'-
DMAR was reported in Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, the
Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and the UK. These seizures in
Europe have been small in size. Because synthetic cathinones and
synthetic cannabinoids are being widely abused in the United States, it
is possible that the abuse of 4,4'-DMAR mixed with these substances may
occur domestically if 4,4'-DMAR were to be
[[Page 19406]]
trafficked and abused in the United States.
6. What, If Any, Risk There Is to the Public Health:
Based on the review of both HHS and DEA, use of 4,4'-DMAR has been
associated with at least 31 serious adverse events and 46 fatalities
throughout Europe since 2013. These serious adverse events and
fatalities are the result of unintentional consumption of 4,4'-DMAR.
These individuals bought what they thought to be another substance such
as MDMA, cocaine, or mephedrone from websites. According to HHS, the so
called ``psychonauts'' who purchase substances for exploratory purposes
appear to be buying 4,4'-DMAR from research chemical websites.
According to the medical examiner reports mentioned in 2014 EMCDDA
Risk Assessment, of the 23 fatalities, one was the result of 4,4'DMAR
alone; in two fatalities, 4,4'-DMAR had a major role, and in the
remaining 20 cases, 4,4'-DMAR mixed with other drugs likely contributed
to deaths. Prior to their deaths, many of these individuals showed
symptoms similar to sympathomimetic toxicity, which included agitation,
aggression, seizures, and hyperthermia. Another study further analyzed
the EMCDDA and ACMD's epidemiological data and revealed that in 31
fatalities associated with 4,4'-DMAR, 22 were male, 8 were female, and
1 was unknown. Many of these individuals also had ingested multiple
drugs. Combining 4,4'-DMAR with other drugs may contribute to fatal
overdoses and pose a risk to the public health.
7. Its Psychic or Physiological Dependence Liability:
There are no non-clinical or clinical studies examining the psychic
or physiological dependence liability of 4,4'-DMAR. Drug abuse-
associated internet forums or drug treatment facilities had no mentions
of dependence liability associated with 4,4'-DMAR. Although direct
evidence regarding the psychic and physiologic dependence liability of
4,4'-DMAR is lacking, information on substances that have a
pharmacological mechanism of action similar to that of 4,4'-DMAR can be
used to infer the dependence potential of this substance. As stated in
Factor 2, 4,4'-DMAR shares a mechanism of action with aminorex, a
structurally related substance. Aminorex increases locomotor activity
and the physiological dependence of rats taking pentobarbital. Aminorex
has dependence liability similar to the stimulant amphetamine. Because
of similarities in structure and pharmacology between aminorex and
4,4'-DMAR, it can be inferred that 4,4'-DMAR will have high psychic and
physiological dependence liability similar to that of d-amphetamine.
8. Whether the Substance is an Immediate Precursor of a Substance
Already Controlled Under the CSA:
DEA and HHS find that 4,4'-DMAR is not an immediate precursor of a
substance already controlled under the CSA.
Based on consideration of the scientific and medical evaluation and
accompanying recommendation of HHS, and based on DEA's consideration of
its own eight-factor analysis, DEA finds that these facts and all
relevant data constitute substantial evidence of potential for abuse of
4,4'-DMAR. As such, DEA hereby proposes to schedule 4,4'-DMAR as a
schedule I controlled substance under the CSA.
Proposed Determination of Appropriate Schedule
The CSA establishes five schedules of controlled substances known
as schedule I, II, III, IV, and V. The CSA also outlines the findings
required to place a drug or other substance in any particular schedule.
21 U.S.C. 812(b). After consideration of the analysis and
recommendation of the Assistant Secretary for Health of HHS and review
of all available data, the Acting Administrator of DEA (Acting
Administrator), pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 812(b)(1), finds that:
(1) 4,4'-DMAR has a high potential for abuse. There are no non-
clinical or clinical studies directly evaluating the abuse potential of
4,4'-DMAR. However, 4,4'-DMAR is chemically similar to aminorex
(schedule I) and in vitro activity assays using brain synaptosomes
indicate that 4,4'-DMAR has similar pharmacological activity to d-
amphetamine (schedule II), aminorex (schedule I), and MDMA (schedule
I). More specifically, 4,4'-DMAR acts as a more potent releaser of
dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin than substances that are listed
in schedules I and II of the CSA. 4,4'-DMAR has been detected in
several drug seizures in several European countries. These reports
correlate with 46 deaths in which 4,4'-DMAR played a contributory role.
The data provides supportive evidence that 4,4'-DMAR has a high
potential for abuse that is similar to substances in schedule I or II
of the CSA
(2) 4,4'-DMAR has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in
the United States. There are no approved New Drug Applications for
4,4'-DMAR and no known therapeutic applications for 4,4'-DMAR in the
United States. Therefore, 4,4'-DMAR has no currently accepted medical
use in treatment in the United States.\6\
\6\ Although there is no evidence suggesting that 4,4'-DMAR has
a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States,
it bears noting that a drug cannot be found to have such medical use
unless DEA concludes that it satisfies a five-part test.
Specifically, with respect to a drug that has not been approved by
the FDA, to have a currently accepted medical use in treatment in
the United States, all of the following must be demonstrated:
i. The drug's chemistry must be known and reproducible;
ii. there must be adequate safety studies;
iii. there must be adequate and well-controlled studies proving
iv. the drug must be accepted by qualified experts; and
v. the scientific evidence must be widely available.
57 FR 10499 (1992).
(3) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of 4,4'-DMAR under
medical supervision. Because 4,4'-DMAR has no approved medical use and
has not been investigated as a new drug, its safety for use under
medical supervision has not been determined. Therefore, there is a lack
of accepted safety for use of 4,4'-DMAR under medical supervision.
Based on these findings, the Acting Administrator concludes that
4,4'-DMAR warrants control in schedule I of the CSA. 21 U.S.C.
812(b)(1). More precisely, because of its stimulant effects, and
because it may produce stimulant-like tolerance and dependence in
humans, DEA is proposing to place 4,4'-DMAR in 21 CFR 1308.11(f) (the
stimulants category of schedule I). As such, the proposed control of
4,4'-DMAR includes the substance as well as its salts, isomers, and
salts of isomers.
Requirements for Handling 4,4'-DMAR
If this rule is finalized as proposed, 4,4'-DMAR would be subject
to the CSA's schedule I regulatory controls and administrative, civil,
and criminal sanctions applicable to the manufacture, distribution,
reverse distribution, import, export, engagement in research, conduct
of instructional activities or chemical analysis with, and possession
of schedule I controlled substances, including the following:
1. Registration. Any person who handles (manufactures, distributes,
reverse distributes, imports, exports, engages in research, or conducts
instructional activities or chemical analysis with, or possesses) 4,4'-
DMAR, or who desires to handle 4,4'-DMAR, would need to be registered
with DEA to conduct such activities pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 822, 823,
957, 958, and in accordance with 21 CFR parts 1301 and
[[Page 19407]]
1312 as of the effective date of a final scheduling action. Any person
who currently handles 4,4'-DMAR, and is not registered with DEA, would
need to submit an application for registration and may not continue to
handle 4,4'-DMAR after the effective date of a final scheduling action
unless DEA has approved that application for registration pursuant to
21 U.S.C. 822, 823, 957, 958, and in accordance with 21 CFR parts 1301
and 1312.
2. Disposal of stocks. Any person who does not desire or is not
able to obtain a schedule I registration would be required to surrender
all quantities of currently held 4,4'-DMAR, or transfer all quantities
of currently held 4,4'-DMAR to a person registered with DEA before the
effective date of a final scheduling action, in accordance with all
applicable federal, state, local, and tribal laws. As of the effective
date of a final scheduling action, 4,4'-DMAR would be required to be
disposed of in accordance with 21 CFR part 1317, in addition to all
other applicable federal, state, local, and tribal laws.
3. Security. 4,4'-DMAR would be subject to schedule I security
requirements and would need to be handled and stored in accordance with
21 CFR 1301.71-1301.93 as of the effective date of a final scheduling
4. Labeling and Packaging. All labels, labeling, and packaging for
commercial containers of 4,4'-DMAR would need to be in compliance with
21 U.S.C. 825 and 958(e), and be in accordance with 21 CFR part 1302,
as of the effective date of a final scheduling action.
5. Quota. Only registered manufacturers would be permitted to
manufacture 4,4'-DMAR in accordance with a quota assigned, pursuant to
21 U.S.C. 826 and in accordance with 21 CFR part 1303, as of the
effective date of a final scheduling action.
6. Inventory. Every DEA registrant who possesses any quantity of
4,4'-DMAR on the effective date of a final scheduling action would be
required to take an inventory of 4,4'-DMAR on hand at that time,
pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 827 and 958, and in accordance with 21 CFR
1304.03, 1304.04, and 1304.11(a) and (d).
Any person who becomes registered with DEA on or after the
effective date of the final scheduling action would be required to take
an initial inventory of all stocks of controlled substances (including
4,4'-DMAR) on hand on the date the registrant first engages in the
handling of controlled substances, pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 827 and 958,
and in accordance with 21 CFR 1304.03, 1304.04, and 1304.11(a) and (b).
After the initial inventory, every DEA registrant would be required
to take an inventory of all controlled substances (including 4,4'-DMAR)
on hand every two years, pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 827 and 958, and in
accordance with 21 CFR 1304.03, 1304.04, and 1304.11.
7. Records and Reports. Every DEA registrant would be required to
maintain records and submit reports pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 827 and 958,
and in accordance with 21 CFR parts 1304, 1312, and 1317, as of the
effective date of a final scheduling action. Manufacturers and
distributors would be required to submit reports regarding 4,4'-DMAR to
the Automation of Reports and Consolidated Order System (ARCOS)
pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 827 and in accordance with 21 CFR parts 1304 and
1312, as of the effective date of a final scheduling action.
8. Order Forms. Every DEA registrant who distributes 4,4'-DMAR
would be required to comply with order form requirements, pursuant to
21 U.S.C. 828, and in accordance with 21 CFR part 1305, as of the
effective date of a final scheduling action.
9. Importation and Exportation. All importation and exportation of
4,4'-DMAR would need to be in compliance with 21 U.S.C. 952, 953, 957,
and 958, and in accordance with 21 CFR part 1312, as of the effective
date of a final scheduling action.
10. Liability. Any activity involving 4,4'-DMAR not authorized by,
or in violation of, the CSA or its implementing regulations, would be
unlawful, and may subject the person to administrative, civil, and/or
criminal sanctions.
Regulatory Analyses
Executive Orders 12866, 13563, and 13771, Regulatory Planning and
Review, Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review, and Reducing
Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs
In accordance with 21 U.S.C. 811(a), this proposed scheduling
action is subject to formal rulemaking procedures performed ``on the
record after opportunity for a hearing,'' which are conducted pursuant
to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 556 and 557. The CSA sets forth the
procedures and criteria for scheduling a drug or other substance. Such
actions are exempt from review by the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) pursuant to section 3(d)(1) of Executive Order 12866 and the
principles reaffirmed in Executive Order 13563.
This rulemaking is not an Executive Order 13771 regulatory action
because this rule is not significant under Executive Order 12866.
Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform
This proposed regulation meets the applicable standards set forth
in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice
Reform, to eliminate drafting errors and ambiguity, minimize
litigation, provide a clear legal standard for affected conduct, and
promote simplification and burden reduction.
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
This proposed rulemaking does not have federalism implications
warranting the application of Executive Order 13132. The proposed rule
does not have substantial direct effects on the States, on the
relationship between the national government and the States, or the
distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of
Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal
This proposed rule does not have tribal implications warranting the
application of Executive Order 13175. It does not have substantial
direct effects on one or more Indian tribes, on the relationship
between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, or on the
distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal
Government and Indian tribes.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Acting Administrator, in accordance with the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (RFA), 5 U.S.C. 601-602, has reviewed this proposed
rule, and by approving it, certifies that it will not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
DEA proposes placing the substance 4,4'-DMAR (Chemical name: 4-
methyl-5-(4-methylphenyl)-4,5-dihydro-l,3-oxazol-2-amine), including
its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers, whenever the existence of
such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible, in schedule I of
the CSA. This action is being taken to enable the United States to meet
its obligations under the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances.
If finalized, this action would impose the regulatory controls and
administrative, civil, and criminal sanctions applicable to schedule I
controlled substances on persons who handle (manufacture, distribute,
reverse distribute, import, export, engage in research, conduct
instructional activities or chemical
[[Page 19408]]
analysis with, or possess), or propose to handle 4,4'-DMAR.
According to HHS, 4,4'-DMAR has a high potential for abuse, has no
currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and
lacks accepted safety for use under medical supervision. DEA's research
confirms that there is no commercial market for 4,4'-DMAR in the United
States. Additionally, queries of DEA's STRIDE/STARLiMS and the NFLIS
databases in February, 2020, did not generate any reports of 4,4'-DMAR,
suggesting that it is not trafficked in the United States. Therefore,
DEA estimates that no U.S. entity currently handles 4,4'-DMAR and does
not expect any U.S. entity to handle 4,4'-DMAR in the foreseeable
future. DEA concludes that no U.S. entity would be affected by this
rule if finalized. As such, the proposed rule will not have a
significant effect on a substantial number of small entities.
Duplicative, Overlapping, and Conflicting Rules
DEA is the only agency with authority to schedule drugs under the
CSA. DEA has not identified any duplicative, overlapping, or
conflicting rules with the proposed rule.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
In accordance with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA) of 1995,
2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq., DEA has determined and certifies that this
action would not result in any Federal mandate that may result ``in the
expenditure by State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate,
or by the private sector, of $100,000,000 or more (adjusted for
inflation) in any 1 year * * *.'' Therefore, neither a Small Government
Agency Plan nor any other action is required under UMRA of 1995.
Paperwork Reduction Act
This action does not impose a new collection of information
requirement under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501-3521.
This action would not impose recordkeeping or reporting requirements on
State or local governments, individuals, businesses, or organizations.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently
valid OMB control number.
Congressional Review Act
This rule is not a major rule as defined by section 804 of the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996
(Congressional Review Act (CRA)). This rule will not result in: An
annual effect on the economy of $100,000,000 or more; a major increase
in costs or prices for consumers, individual industries, Federal,
State, or local government agencies, or geographic regions; or
significant adverse effects on competition, employment, investment,
productivity, innovation, or on the ability of U.S.-based companies to
compete with foreign-based companies in domestic and export markets.
List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 1308
Administrative practice and procedure, Drug traffic control,
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
For the reasons set out above, 21 CFR part 1308 is proposed to be
amended to read as follows:
1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 1308 continues to read as
Authority: 21 U.S.C. 811, 812, 871(b), unless otherwise noted.
2. In Sec. 1308.11, redesignate paragraphs (f)(4) through (f)(8) as
paragraphs (f)(5) through (f)(9) and add a new paragraph (f)(4) to read
as follows:
Sec. 1308.11 Schedule I.
* * * * *
(f) * * *
(4) 4,4'-Dimethylaminorex (4,4'-DMAR; 4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-5-(4-
methylphenyl)-2-oxazolamine; 4-methyl-5-(4-methylphenyl)-4,5-dihydro-
1,3-oxazol-2-amine). ........................................... 1595
* * * * *
Uttam Dhillon,
Acting Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2020-07095 Filed 4-6-20; 8:45 am]