Final Designation of Low-Priority Substances Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); Notice of Availability, 11069-11079 [2020-03869]
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
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Dated: February 14, 2020.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2020–03795 Filed 2–25–20; 8:45 am]
[EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0450; FRL–10004–
Final Designation of Low-Priority
Substances Under the Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA); Notice
of Availability
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
As required by the Frank R.
Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st
Century Act amendments to the Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA) and
implementing regulations, EPA is
designating 20 chemical substances as
Low-Priority Substances for which risk
evaluation is not warranted at this time.
This document provides the final
designation for each of the chemical
substances and instructions on how to
access the chemical-specific
information, analysis and basis used by
EPA to make the final designation for
each chemical substance.
technical information about LowPriority Substances contact: Lauren
Sweet, Chemistry, Economics and
Sustainable Strategies Division, Office
of Pollution Prevention and Toxics,
Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution
Prevention, Environmental Protection
Agency (7406M), 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001;
telephone number: (202) 564–0376;
email address:
For general information contact: The
TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 422
South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY
14620; telephone number: (202) 554–
1404; email address: TSCA-Hotline@
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Additional instructions on visiting the
docket, along with more information
about dockets generally, is available at
I. Executive Summary
A. Does this action apply to me?
This action is directed to the public
in general and may be of interest to
entities that currently or may
manufacture (including import) a
chemical substance regulated under
TSCA (e.g., entities identified under
North American Industrial
Classification System (NAICS) codes
325 and 324110). The action may also
be of interest to chemical processors,
distributors in commerce, and users;
non-profit organizations in the
environmental and public health
sectors; state and local government
agencies; and members of the public.
Because interest in this notice may be
broad, the Agency has not attempted to
describe all the specific entities and
corresponding NAICS codes for entities
that may be interested in or affected by
this action.
B. What action is the Agency taking?
EPA is designating 20 chemical
substances as Low-Priority Substances
pursuant to section 6(b) of the Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15
U.S.C. 2605(b). This document includes
the final designation for each of the
chemical substances and instructions on
how to access the chemical-specific
information, analysis and basis used by
EPA to make the final designation for
each chemical substance.
C. Why is the Agency taking this action?
As required by TSCA section
6(b)(2)(B), EPA is designating 20
chemical substances as Low-Priority
Substances. EPA initiated the
prioritization process required by TSCA
section 6(b) on March 21, 2019 (Ref. 1)
and published screening reviews
supporting their proposed designation
as Low-Priority Substances on August
15, 2019 (Ref. 2).
D. What is the Agency’s authority for
taking this action?
This document is issued pursuant to
TSCA section 6(b).
E. What are the estimated incremental
impacts of this action?
This document identifies 20 chemical
substances as Low-Priority Substances.
This document does not establish any
requirements on persons or entities
outside of the Agency. No incremental
impacts are therefore anticipated, and
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
consequently EPA did not estimate
potential incremental impacts for this
II. Background
TSCA section 6(b), as amended in
2016 by the Frank R. Lautenberg
Chemical Safety for the 21st Century
Act (Pub. L. 114–182), requires EPA to
prioritize chemical substances for
designation as a High-Priority Substance
or a Low-Priority Substance. In
accordance with TSCA section 6(b) and
40 CFR 702.7, on March 21, 2019 (Ref.
1), EPA initiated the prioritization
process for 20 chemical substances
identified as candidates for Low-Priority
Substance designation and sought
public comment on the identified
candidates. On August 15, 2019 (Ref. 2),
EPA proposed 20 chemical substances
as Low-Priority Substances and sought
additional public comment on these
Under TSCA section 6(b)(1)(B) and
implementing regulations (40 CFR
702.3), a Low-Priority Substance is
defined as a chemical substance that the
Administrator concludes, based on
information sufficient to establish,
without consideration of costs or other
non-risk factors, does not meet the
standard for a High-Priority Substance.
A High-Priority Substance is defined as
a chemical substance that the
Administrator concludes, without
consideration of costs or other non-risk
factors, may present an unreasonable
risk of injury to health or the
environment because of a potential
hazard and a potential route of exposure
under the conditions of use, including
an unreasonable risk to a potentially
exposed or susceptible subpopulation
identified as relevant by the
Administrator. Designation of a
chemical substance as a Low-Priority
Substance indicates a risk evaluation is
not warranted at that time (TSCA
Section 6(b)(1)(A) and 40 CFR 702.15).
This document is intended to fulfill
the requirement in TSCA section
6(b)(2)(B) that the Administrator finalize
the designation of 20 chemical
substances as Low-Priority Substances.
The prioritization rule states at 40 CFR
702.11 that EPA will publish such
designations in the Federal Register.
As described in the proposal notice
(Ref. 2), EPA used reasonably available
information to screen each candidate
chemical substance against the
following criteria and considerations (40
CFR 702.9(a)) and thereby inform the
proposed designation:
• The chemical substance’s hazard
and exposure potential;
• The chemical substance’s
persistence and bioaccumulation;
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• Potentially exposed or susceptible
• Storage of the chemical substance
near significant sources of drinking
• The chemical substance’s
conditions of use or significant changes
in conditions of use;
• The chemical substance’s
production volume or significant
changes in production volume; and
• Other risk-based criteria that EPA
determines to be relevant to the
designation of the chemical substance’s
priority for risk evaluation.
For the final priority designation, EPA
considered comments and information
submitted by the public during two
public comment periods (after initiation
and after proposed designation) and
incorporated them as appropriate in
finalizing the 20 chemical substances
designated as Low-Priority Substances,
as outlined in the statute (TSCA section
6(b)(1)(A)) and implementing
regulations (40 CFR 702.11(a)) and
consistent with the scientific standards
of TSCA section 26(h) and (i). In
addition, as required by TSCA section
6(b)(1)(B)(ii) and 40 CFR 702.11(b), EPA
did not consider cost or other non-risk
factors in making a priority designation.
III. Information and Comments
A. Initiation
The initiation of the prioritization
process (Ref. 1) included a 90-day
comment period during which
interested persons were able to submit
relevant information on those chemical
substances identified as candidates for
Low-Priority Substance designation.
During the 90-day comment period,
commenters submitted information on
four chemical substances identified as
candidates for Low-Priority designation:
• Propanol, [(1-methyl-1,2ethanediyl)bis(oxy)]bis- (CAS RN
24800–44–0) (Ref. 3)
• Propanol, 1(or 2)-(2methoxymethylethoxy)-, acetate (CAS
RN 88917–22–0) (Ref. 4)
• Propanol, [2-(2butoxymethylethoxy)methylethoxy](CAS RN 55934–93–5) (Ref. 5)
• Propanol, oxybis- (CAS RN 25265–71–
8) (Ref. 6)
EPA incorporated the chemicalspecific information submitted during
the initiation public comment period in
the screening reviews published at
EPA also received general
prioritization comments during the
initiation public comment period, as
summarized below. A high-level
synopsis of comments received during
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the initiation stage, and Agency
responses to those comments, follows.
Additional information is included in
the Agency’s full response to general
comments document (Ref. 7) and in its
full response to chemical-specific
comments document (Ref. 8).
The following provides an overview
of public comments received during
initiation and EPA’s responses.
1. Agency Approach and Rationale
Comment: Several commenters
requested that EPA clearly explain its
approach to applying the statutory
considerations and criteria of TSCA
section 6(b)(1)(A) during the screening
review of the candidate chemical
substances, as well as its rationale for
proposed priority designations. Specific
concerns included how EPA would
address instances where new data for
some Work Plan chemicals identified as
high- or low-priority chemicals might
not satisfy the Section 6 statutory
criteria for prioritization, and that ‘‘EPA
should establish a risk-based screening
process and criteria’’ and ‘‘should not
decouple the hazard and exposure
elements from the risk equation and
transform them into independent
Response: As required by Congress
and codified in the regulations from the
‘‘Procedures for Prioritization of
Chemicals for Risk Evaluation Under
the Toxic Substances Control Act’’ Rule
(Ref. 9), there are two comment
opportunities during the prioritization
process, in accordance with applicable
statutory and regulatory requirements.
EPA considered the information
submitted as part of its proposed and
final designations.
For prioritization, EPA considered
sources of information consistent with
the scientific standards in TSCA section
26(h), including the sources listed in
EPA’s ‘‘Approach Document for
Screening Hazard Information for LowPriority Substances under TSCA’’ (Ref.
10) (also referred to as ‘‘Approach
In response to commenter’s specific
concerns regarding implementation of
the statutory considerations and criteria
of TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A), EPA notes
that the Agency developed a screening
review document for each candidate
chemical substance at proposal to
identify the information, analysis and
basis used to support the proposed
designation as a low-priority substance.
These documents are available in the
respective dockets of each chemical
substance with a proposed designation
as a Low-Priority Substance (Ref. 2).
Each document includes an overview of
the requirements in TSCA section
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
6(b)(1)(A) and in the regulation
addressing the ‘‘screening review
criteria’’ and considerations for
proposed priority designations (40 CFR
702.9). Those documents describe how
EPA considered each of the applicable
statutory and regulatory requirements
and criteria, including those related to
hazard, exposure, the ‘‘conditions of use
or significant changes in conditions of
use,’’ and ‘‘potentially exposed or
susceptible subpopulations,’’ to support
the proposed designation.
TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A) requires EPA
to determine whether a chemical may
present unreasonable risk ‘‘because of a
potential hazard and a potential route of
exposure,’’ indicating that hazard and
exposure potential are considerations
for the risk-based priority designations.
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2. Potentially Exposed or Susceptible
Comment: One commenter urged EPA
to identify relevant potentially exposed
or susceptible subpopulations (PESS),
including infants, children, pregnant
women, workers, the elderly, and
‘‘people living in proximity to sources
of contamination,’’ as well as to
consider environmental justice concerns
in the prioritization process.
Response: EPA explained in the
response to comments on the
prioritization rule (Ref. 11) that EPA
has, in practice, evaluated risks across
populations, with particular attention to
workers, pregnant women, children,
infants and the elderly, among others.
The Agency will continue to use and
refine its processes for prioritization to
determine risks to potentially exposed
or susceptible subpopulations.
In the screening reviews conducted
for prioritization, EPA considered
reasonably available information to
identify the relevant potentially exposed
or susceptible subpopulations, such as
children, workers or consumers. EPA
used human health hazard information,
the conditions of use, and exposure
potential to identify potentially exposed
or susceptible subpopulations. These
data provide an indication about
whether children or other susceptible
subpopulations may be potentially
exposed to the reported chemical.
3. Future Prioritization Efforts
Comment: Some commenters offered
thoughts on future prioritization efforts,
including urging EPA to allow data to
drive the priority designation and to not
predetermine an outcome for the
candidates as High- or Low-Priority
Response: EPA agrees that priority
designation should be driven by data as
explained in the Approach Document
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(Ref. 10). Similar to the process to
designate the first 20 Low-Priority
Substances, in the future, EPA intends
to use reasonably available information
in proposed designation documents to
explain why it chose to initiate the
process for the particular chemical
substance (e.g., whether EPA viewed
this as a potential candidate for high- or
low-priority) (‘‘Procedures for
Prioritization of Chemicals for Risk
Evaluation Under the Toxic Substances
Control Act’’ rule (Ref. 9 at 33759)). In
addition, the two 90-day comment
periods provided an opportunity for any
interested person to submit additional
information before EPA finalized a
designation for a candidate chemical
4. Stakeholder Engagement and
Comment: Several commenters
supported stakeholder engagement and
transparency during the prioritization
process, including maintaining an open
and transparent process that
‘‘encourages submission of the most
relevant information,’’ providing
‘‘greater transparency and clarity’’ and
‘‘more information to ascertain what
information [EPA] already has and what
information is needed,’’ and stating that
‘‘transparency and information
exchange is critical to the success of
future prioritization efforts.’’ Other
commenters indicated shortcomings
with the transparency of the process
and/or provided recommendations for
improvements, including placing all the
‘‘reasonably available information’’ in
the dockets for public review, increasing
transparency about the information
received during the initiation of public
comment period and indicating if EPA
used that information to screen the
chemical against the criteria for
proposing a priority designation, so that
members of the public can comment on
such information during the proposed
designation comment period.
Response: EPA appreciates the
feedback regarding engaging with
stakeholders and transparency.
Regarding the process and criteria used,
as described in Unit III.A of the
Initiation of Prioritization Under the
Toxic Substances Control Act (Ref. 1),
EPA used the Safer Chemical
Ingredients List (SCIL) as a starting
point for narrowing down potential
candidates for Low-Priority Substances,
but performed an independent review of
the reasonably available information to
screen each candidate chemical
substance against all of the statutory
criteria and considerations under TSCA
section 6(b)(1)(A) and 40 CFR 702.9.
This information was included in the
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screening reviews for each chemical
substance. In addition, the two 90-day
comment periods provided an
opportunity for any interested person to
submit additional information before
EPA finalized a designation for a
candidate chemical substance.
Leading up to the nine- to twelvemonth statutory window for
prioritization, EPA worked diligently to
gather stakeholder input on the process
for identifying candidates for initiation
of prioritization. On December 11, 2017,
EPA held a public meeting to discuss
possible approaches for identifying
potential candidate chemicals for EPA’s
prioritization process under TSCA (82
FR 51415). EPA described and took
comment on a number of possible
approaches that could guide the Agency
in identification of potential candidate
chemicals for prioritization. EPA
considered that input and on October 5,
2018, published notice of its release of
‘‘A Working Approach for Identifying
Potential Candidate Chemicals for
Prioritization’’ and opened a docket for
comment (83 FR 50366). When
prioritization was actually initiated
under the statutory timeline, EPA
provided an opportunity for the public
to provide information for the chemical
substances by publishing the notice
initiating the prioritization process (Ref.
1). In the notice with the proposed
priority designation (Ref. 2), EPA
developed a screening review document
for each candidate chemical substance
to identify the information, analysis and
basis used to support the proposed LowPriority Substance designation. These
documents include linked citations to
the Health and Environmental Research
Online (HERO) database (Ref. 12) for all
references used in the literature review
for each of these chemical substances.
Those references are accessible to the
public via links provided in the HERO
5. Designation Terminology
Comment: One commenter called for
greater clarity in the definitions of Highand Low-Priority Substances, beyond
the statutory definitions.
Response: In a previous response to
public comment, the Agency articulated
its rationale for not elaborating on or
modifying statutory standards for HighPriority and Low-Priority Substances:
‘‘EPA did not establish the standard for
a High-Priority designation; Congress
did in the definitions of High- (and
Low-) Priority Substances . . . The
statutory standard for High-Priority
designations—that the chemical ’may
present an unreasonable risk’ based on
a ’potential hazard and a potential route
of exposure’—is the only place where
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
such a standard appears in TSCA.’’ (Ref.
11). EPA believes it is appropriate to
rely on the statutory standards for
designating High-Priority and LowPriority Substances, without
introducing new binding language. Yet
to help explain the context, purpose,
and timing of this effort, EPA wishes to
offer some of the Agency’s views from
its experience in this initial round of
Every chemical substance may
present risks of one sort or another. A
spill of fresh water into a marine
environment may present risks to
aquatic life, and excessive consumption
of water may present a risk of water
intoxication to humans. People
encounter chemicals in their daily lives
that may present some risk. Notably,
EPA’s role in prioritization and risk
evaluation under section 6 of TSCA is
to scrutinize chemical substances for
unreasonable risks. It would be
inappropriate for every potential risk—
even those from water—to be
considered an unreasonable risk and
even more inappropriate to think that
the statutory text contemplates that the
presence of potential risks forecloses a
designation as a Low-Priority Substance.
Rather, the statutory use of the term
‘unreasonable’ necessarily leaves some
ambiguity for the Agency to resolve in
exercising its technical and policy
discretion in each decision it makes
under the prioritization process. A
determination of whether or not a
chemical may present unreasonable risk
is made on a case-by-case, chemicalspecific basis.
In the final prioritization and risk
evaluation rules, EPA retained its
discretion by not promulgating a
definition of unreasonable risk (82 FR
33726; Ref. 9). Indeed, in the risk
evaluation rule’s preamble, EPA
discussed a non-exhaustive list of
factors that the Agency may weigh in
considering unreasonable risk: ‘‘To
account for the number of different risk
characterization approaches and for
changing science, EPA will not include
any specific definition in this final rule.
To make a risk determination, EPA may
weigh a variety of factors in determining
unreasonable risk. The Administrator
will consider relevant factors including,
but not limited to: The effects of the
chemical substance on health and
human exposure to such substance
under the conditions of use (including
cancer and non-cancer risks); the effects
of the chemical substance on the
environment and environmental
exposure under the conditions of use;
the population exposed (including any
susceptible populations), the severity of
hazard (the nature of the hazard, the
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irreversibility of hazard), and
uncertainties’’ (82 FR 33726 at 33735).
In recently issued draft risk evaluations,
EPA further elaborated: ‘‘EPA also takes
into consideration the Agency’s
confidence in the data used in the risk
estimate. This includes an evaluation of
the strengths, limitations and
uncertainties associated with the
information used to inform the risk
estimate and the risk characterization.’’
The statute tasks the Agency with first
teasing apart and designating HighPriority Substances for risk evaluation
from Low-Priority Substances that will
not proceed to risk evaluation—at least
not at the current time based upon
EPA’s review of reasonably available
information. For High-Priority
Substances, EPA must proceed to risk
evaluation and, upon any determination
of unreasonable risk, to risk
The statutory framework is thus clear
that prioritization is not meant to be a
risk evaluation. Nor can it be with the
timeline provided under TSCA. The
statute required that EPA designate 20
High-Priority Substances and 20 LowPriority Substances within three and a
half years of enactment (TSCA section
6(b)(2)(B)). Yet EPA first had to
undertake a notice-and-comment
rulemaking to lay out the process for
this prioritization process (TSCA
section 6(b)(1)(A)). The statute further
specified the prioritization timeline: It
must include multiple stages (initiation
plus opportunity for public comment,
with opportunity for extension;
proposal plus opportunity for public
comment; and final designation), and it
must last no longer than one year but no
shorter than nine months (TSCA section
6(b)(1)(C)). Between the statutory
window of no more than one year for
the entire prioritization process, the
statutory requirement for EPA to
designate 20 Low-Priority Substances by
December 2019, and the plain statutory
text explaining that EPA is to use a
‘‘screening process’’ to designate ‘‘lowpriority’’ substances ‘‘for which risk
evaluations are not warranted at the
time,’’ the statute is clear that EPA need
not perform nearly as exhaustive a
review of a chemical substance as a risk
evaluation before designating the
chemical substance as a Low-Priority
Moreover, Congress chose not to
define ‘‘screening process’’ in the
statute, leaving EPA the discretion to
create a risk-based screening process
according to the considerations
expressed in section 6(b)(1)(A). EPA
created a transparent literature review
method for the purposes of
prioritization and screening review
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under this section. The Approach
Document (Ref. 10) includes a
description of elements for weight of the
scientific evidence and explains how
these can be applied in a manner
appropriate to screening-level review
and Low-Priority Substance
designations. The Approach Document
(Ref. 10) explains the methods used to
ensure comprehensive, objective,
transparent and consistent review of
reasonably available information.
EPA included exposure and potential
changes in exposure through
considerations such as conditions of use
(including all known, intended or
reasonably foreseen uses), significant
changes in the conditions of use,
production volume, and significant
changes in the production volume. The
selection of chemical substances with
consistently low-hazard characteristics
means that an increase in the frequency
or magnitude of exposure would not
significantly change the outcome of a
screening-level review. In compliance
with section 26, EPA considered the
reasonably available information,
including studies and data, on each
proposed Low-Priority Substance
relevant to the screening criteria and
used such information in a manner
consistent with best available science.
EPA notes the following text from the
Procedures for Prioritization of
Chemicals for Risk Evaluation Under
the Toxic Substances Control Act: ‘‘The
screening review is not a risk
evaluation, but rather a review of
reasonably available information on the
chemical substance that relates to the
screening criteria. EPA expects to
review all sources of relevant
information, consistent with the
scientific standards in 15 U.S.C.
2625(h), while conducting the screening
review’’ (Ref. 9 at 33759).
EPA also kept in mind the nine- to
twelve-month deadline to complete the
prioritization process, while
accommodating and incorporating the
statutorily-required cumulative six
months of public comment. Congress
recognized the important of public
input and EPA has considered and
incorporated, as appropriate, the
comments that were received. The
statutory provisions at TSCA sections
6(b)(1)(A) and 6(b)(1)(B)(ii) direct EPA
to undertake a limited screening process
and to render priority determinations
based on sufficient supporting
information. Congress’s requirement for
EPA to designate twenty chemical
substances as Low-Priority Substances
within three and a half years after the
Lautenberg amendments to TSCA,
within the nine- to twelve-month
process prescribed by the statute, and
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only after first proposing and then
promulgating a rule to lay out the
process for prioritization, indicates that
Congress expected the identification of
such chemical substances to be a
manageable exercise for the Agency.
Low-priority designations are not
determinations that these chemical
substances do not present any risks,
rather that EPA, through the
prioritization process, has determined
that sufficient information supports the
determination that these chemical
substances do not meet the standard
provided in TSCA section 6(b)(1)(B)(i)
to designate these chemical substances
as High-Priority Substances.
Still, the final, yet not permanent,
nature of the Low-Priority Substance
designation gives EPA the authority to
revisit a Low-Priority Substance
designation given the ever-changing
reality of scientific discovery. EPA notes
the following text from the Procedures
for Prioritization of Chemicals for Risk
Evaluation Under the Toxic Substances
Control Act: ‘‘Designation of a chemical
substance as a Low-Priority Substance
under § 702.11 means that a risk
evaluation of the chemical substance is
not warranted at the time, but does not
preclude EPA from later revising the
designation pursuant to § 702.13, if
warranted’’ (40 CFR 702.15; Ref. 9). EPA
further notes the following text from
Senate Report 114–67—Frank R.
Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st
Century Act: ‘‘By including these
mandatory criteria in the statute, it is
the Committee’s intent to require EPA to
ensure that important, broad sciencebased considerations, classifications and
designations drive the prioritization
screening process, without locking EPA
into specific designations based upon
ever-changing science’’ (Ref. 12). EPA’s
prioritization rule expressly recognizes
that EPA may revise a Low-Priority
Substance designation based on
reasonably available information (40
CFR 702.13).
6. Timeframe for Providing Chemical
Substance Information
Comment: Commenters described the
challenges to collecting, identifying,
assessing, and submitting chemicalspecific data in the 90-day comment
period following the initiation of the
prioritization process, including
challenges gathering information that
resides with international downstream
suppliers, limitations of available data
gathering tools, and time and resource
requirements, including a call for
additional time during the comment
Response: EPA understands such
challenges and has been committed to
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giving the public and interested
stakeholders as many opportunities as
possible, under the timing requirements
of the statute, to provide relevant
chemical substance information and
comment on key aspects of the
prioritization process in general, as well
as for each chemical substance. The
prioritization process was designed, by
law, to take no fewer than nine months,
and no more than twelve months—a
timeframe set by Congress to allow
interested stakeholders to provide the
Agency with relevant, necessary
information. EPA does not have the
discretion to adjust the timeframe set by
Congress. Within the nine- to twelvemonth timeframe, there are two threemonth comment periods (following
initiation and proposed designation for
the substances), for a total of six months
for public comment during the
prioritization process.
Comment: A commenter stated that
EPA ‘‘could use its authority under
TSCA 4(a)(1)(A)(i) [to require the
development of new information before
initiating prioritization] and that it
could also use its authority under
4(a)(1)(A)(ii) for chemicals that meet the
statutory criteria of being produced and
potentially released in substantial
quantities or if there is potentially
significant exposure,’’ while noting the
‘‘difficulty in making a may present
unreasonable risk finding as required
under 4(a)(1)(A)(i) was among the
motivations for amending TSCA, and
this difficulty would still need to be
overcome.’’ The commenter then stated
that ‘‘timing requirements might indeed
be difficult to meet in some cases, [but]
such difficulty does not remove the
clear requirement under 4(a)(2)(B)(i) to
make a priority designation within 90
days of receipt of any information
Response: EPA appreciates the
comment regarding the Agency’s data
collection authority. EPA identified
sufficient information to complete the
prioritization screening review and
make final priority designations.
7. Confidential Business Information
Comment: One commenter urged EPA
to implement the requirements of TSCA
section 14 when prioritizing chemical
substances, urging adherence to the
requirements for disclosure of certain
information by the Agency and the
timing for confidentiality claims and
Response: EPA generally makes the
information it uses for decision making
publicly available, consistent with the
requirements of TSCA section 14. EPA
considered all reasonably available
information, including CBI, to perform
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the screening review for Low-Priority
Substances. All reasonably available
information used in the screening
review was publicly available for the 20
Low-Priority Substances designated at
this time.
8. Low-Priority Substance Designations
Comment: One commenter raised
concerns that ‘‘EPA must be in
possession of data for all relevant health
and ecological endpoints developed
using adequate test methodologies’’ to
support a Low-Priority Substance
designation. The commenter encouraged
EPA to provide a description of
‘‘endpoints and related testing
methodologies on which it will rely in
the upcoming Federal Register notice
proposing specific substances for lowpriority listing.’’
Response: Each chemical substance’s
screening review provides the endpoints
and methodology used to screen the
chemical substance. The data quality
criteria used to screen reasonably
available hazard information is
provided in the Approach Document
(Ref. 10). As previously explained, EPA
based its selection of candidate
chemicals on the best available science,
consistent with TSCA section 26(h), and
selected candidates with robust data
sets for consideration of hazard and
exposure potential. Before initiating the
prioritization process, EPA reviewed the
reasonably available hazard and
exposure-related information and
determined whether there was sufficient
information to complete the
prioritization process within the
statutory deadlines.
Comment: One commenter urged EPA
to ‘‘provide a focused and robust
message on low priority designations
which clearly identify low priority
chemicals as such, so that they do not
occupy a place of uncertainty and are
not associated with statements of
implied risk’’ and ‘‘to continue to make
low priority designations.’’
Response: In the preamble of the
prioritization rule (Ref. 9), EPA clarified
the messaging associated with LowPriority Substance designations by
stating ‘‘final designation of a chemical
substance as a Low-Priority Substance is
a final agency action that means that a
risk evaluation of the chemical
substance is not warranted at the time.’’
In regard to continuing to make LowPriority Substance designations, EPA
appreciates the commenter’s viewpoint.
Each chemical’s screening review
contains the reasonably available
information sufficient to make the final
designation of the chemical substance as
a Low-Priority Substance, which is a
final agency action that means that a
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
risk evaluation of the chemical
substance is not warranted at this time.
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B. Screening Review and Proposed
Priority Designation
The proposed designation stage of the
prioritization process (Ref. 2) included a
90-day comment period during which
interested persons were able to submit
relevant information on those chemical
substances proposed for Low-Priority
Substance designation. All hazard and
fate information for these proposed
Low-Priority Substances was collected
and evaluated in accordance with the
methodology laid out in the Approach
Document (Ref. 10). Information
gathered according to this Approach
Document was included in each
chemical substance’s screening review.
EPA considered the information
submitted during the screening review
and the proposed priority designation
public comment period for specific
chemical substances, as appropriate, in
finalizing the Low-Priority Substance
designation. During the public comment
period for the proposed designation
stage, EPA received 11 submissions
from eight different entities, including
environmental and health advocacy
groups, a trade association, an academic
institution, and anonymous
commenters. A high-level synopsis of
comments received during the proposed
designation stage, and Agency responses
to those comments, follows. Additional
information is included in the Agency’s
full response to general comments
document (Ref. 7) and in its full
response to chemical-specific comments
document (Ref. 8).
The following provides an overview
of public comments received during the
proposal and EPA’s responses.
1. Overall Strategy for Data Search,
Screening, and Evaluation
Comment: Several commenters stated
EPA failed to exercise its information
collection authorities to gather all
reasonably available information when
designating chemicals as Low-Priority
Substances. Some commenters wrote
that EPA failed to develop test data to
fill gaps in the existing data, despite
having testing authority to do so. These
commenters stated that because TSCA
section 6(b)(2)(B) requires that EPA
designate 20 High-Priority Substances
and 20 Low-Priority Substances within
three and a half years of enactment,
testing that could have taken up to those
three and a half years should or could
be reasonably available information.
Other commenters stated that EPA’s
strategies for data search, screening
relevance, and evaluating data quality
were sound and appropriate to ensure
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the relevance and quality of sufficient,
reasonably available information to
support designation of Low-Priority
Response: EPA found it had sufficient
information to support the Low-Priority
Substance designations and did not
need to exercise its information
gathering authorities. As explained
further in section 1(a) of the full
response to general comments
document (Ref. 7), the timeframe for
initiation, proposal, and public
comment, did not allow for requiring,
conducting, and documenting
toxicological studies. More information
on the Agency’s rationale and response
can be found in the full response to
general comments document (Ref. 7).
Comment: A few commenters
generally stated that EPA changed the
‘‘weight of the scientific evidence’’
definition to a new definition that is
inconsistent with the definition in
EPA’s risk evaluation regulations and
currently accepted scientific standards.
These commenters also disagreed with
EPA’s use of weight of evidence to make
a low-concern finding for specific
endpoints. Other commenters supported
EPA’s strategies for evaluating data and
stated they were sound, relevant, and
sufficient to support designation of
Low-Priority Substances.
Response: The risk evaluation
definition of ‘‘weight of the scientific
evidence’’ is beyond the scope of
prioritization. EPA ensured elements of
weight of scientific evidence
appropriate to screening-level review
and Low-Priority Substance designation
were incorporated in the screening-level
reviews. The document ‘‘A Working
Approach for Identifying Potential
Candidate Chemicals for Prioritization’’
(Ref. 13) explains the methods used to
ensure comprehensive, objective,
transparent and consistent review of all
reasonably available information for the
Low-Priority Substances.
Comment: Several commenters
suggested that the range of studies
considered by EPA should have been
more inclusive. In particular, one
commenter recommended additional
sources of information within U.S.
government agencies and programs, and
a few commenters stated that EPA’s
review should not have excluded
foreign language studies.
Response: EPA considered all
reasonably available information and
relied on the data quality criteria
outlined in the Approach Document
(Ref. 10) to ensure sufficient information
to support a Low-Priority Substance
Comment: One commenter pointed
out a lack of clarity in the way EPA
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cited sources obtained from the
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
database. The commenter further stated
that EPA needs to review and consider
the full study reports corresponding to
the summaries obtained from the ECHA
Response: EPA has updated the
citations in the screening reviews to
‘‘Reported to the ECHA database’’ to
reflect that ECHA is not the author of
these studies. EPA found that the
information in study summaries
provided sufficient information to
determine whether it met EPA’s data
quality metrics (Ref. 10). Where
summaries provided insufficient
information, EPA did not use that study.
2. Additional Endpoints EPA Should
Have Considered
Comment: Several commenters
suggested additional endpoints that EPA
should have considered during the
prioritization process: Physical hazards,
immunotoxicity, respiratory
sensitization, endocrine effects, and
developmental neurotoxicity.
One commenter recommended that
EPA should consider physical hazards,
such as flammability, self-ignition, and
explosive properties, when determining
whether a substance meets the
requirements for low-priority
designation. The commenter wrote that
TSCA does not define ‘‘hazard,’’ so the
ordinary meaning of ‘‘a danger or risk’’
should be applied. The commenter
pointed to the dossier for 3methoxybutyl acetate as an example of
EPA not considering or analyzing that
substance’s moderate flammability.
Response: EPA considered all
reasonably available information, which
included the additional endpoints
recommended by the commenters, in
the screening review of the Low-Priority
Substances. For example, EPA
considered potential acute physical
hazards, like flammability and explosive
and self-ignition properties, for the LowPriority Substances and found that the
20 Low-Priority Substances do not
exhibit explosive, flammable, or selfignition properties near ambient
temperatures. As a result, EPA did not
include acute physical hazard endpoints
in its published screening review
because the physical-chemical
properties of the Low-Priority
Substances indicate that these
chemicals do not meet the standard for
a High-Priority Substance for risk
Comment: Two commenters stated
that EPA failed to consider
immunotoxicity and respiratory
sensitization for all 20 Low-Priority
Substances, and that EPA needs to
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consider these endpoints to fulfill its
mandate under TSCA. In particular,
commenters pointed out that
immunotoxicity is relevant to
vulnerable populations, including
women, children, and the elderly, who
may be more susceptible to immune
system damage from chemical exposure,
and respiratory sensitization is
particularly relevant to children’s health
issues due to increasing childhood
asthma and other illnesses.
Response: EPA has added discussion
of immunotoxicity and respiratory
sensitization to each Low-Priority
Substance’s screening review. Inclusion
of these endpoints helps to clarify that
the Agency has addressed potential
concerns for populations that could be
exposed or susceptible to
immunological toxicants.
Comment: A few commenters stated
that EPA’s mandate under TSCA
requires a consideration of potential
adverse endocrine effects and
developmental neurotoxicity for the
Low-Priority Substances.
Response: In considering the
reasonably available information, EPA
reviewed repeated dose, reproductive
and developmental studies for
documented changes in developmental
neurotoxicity, such as behavioral,
functional, or structural changes related
to neurological outcomes in mammalian
offspring. The Agency also reviewed
information from high-throughput
ToxCast assays and found no evidence
of endocrine activity. Therefore, EPA
believes it has sufficient information to
designate these chemical substances as
Low-Priority Substances.
3. Sufficient Information To Support a
Low-Priority Substance Designation
Comment: Several commenters
generally stated that EPA did not have
sufficient information to support a lowpriority designation for these 20
substances. Commenters also contended
that EPA’s methods disregarded,
without sufficient justification, pieces of
evidence suggesting the substances may
have adverse effects. One commenter
stated that more robust and complete
data are needed for low-priority
designations than for high-priority
designations, and that EPA should not
risk an erroneous designation of a
substance as low priority.
Response: Congress chose not to
define ‘‘screening process’’ in the
statute, leaving EPA the discretion to
create a risk-based screening process
according to the considerations
expressed in section 6(b)(1)(A). EPA
created a transparent literature review
method for the purposes of
prioritization and screening review
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under this section. The Approach
Document (Ref. 10) includes a
description of elements for weight of
scientific evidence and explains how
these can be applied in a manner
appropriate to screening-level review
and Low-Priority Substance
designations. In compliance with
section 26, EPA considered the
reasonably available information,
including studies and data, on each
Low-Priority Substance relevant to the
screening criteria and used such
information in a manner consistent with
best available science. EPA notes the
following text from the Procedures for
Prioritization of Chemicals for Risk
Evaluation Under the Toxic Substances
Control Act: ‘‘The screening review is
not a risk evaluation, but rather a review
of reasonably available information on
the chemical substance that relates to
the screening criteria. EPA expects to
review all sources of relevant
information, consistent with the
scientific standards in 15 U.S.C.
2625(h), while conducting the screening
review’’ (Ref. 9 at 33759). EPA also kept
in mind the nine- to twelve-month
deadline to complete the prioritization
process, while accommodating and
incorporating the statutorily-required
cumulative six months of public
comment. Congress recognized the
importance of public input and EPA has
considered and incorporated, as
appropriate, the comments that were
Low-Priority Substance designations
are not determinations that these
chemical substances do not present any
risks, rather that EPA, through the
prioritization process, has determined
that sufficient information supports the
determination that these chemical
substances do not meet the standard
provided in TSCA section 6(b)(1)(B)(i)
to designate these chemical substances
as High-Priority Substances.
Comment: Two commenters raised
concerns about the adequacy of EPA’s
Low-Concern Criteria and their
application to the 20 Low-Priority
Substances. For example, commenters
stated that the Low-Concern Criteria
were not sufficiently rigorous to
determine whether a substance had an
insignificant toxicological hazard, and
pointed out flaws in the Criteria
including missing endpoints and
insufficient consideration of expected
exposure. Another commenter
recommended that EPA use transparent
and scientifically accepted methods
when evaluating studies for
consideration in the prioritization
Response: In developing an approach
for evaluating Low-Priority Substances,
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EPA assembled protective, pragmatic
benchmarks and methodologies
informed by precedent, routinely used
by the Agency, and familiar to the
regulated community and the public.
The Approach Document (Ref. 10)
explains the methods used to ensure
comprehensive, objective, transparent
and consistent review of all reasonably
available information for the LowPriority Substances, while remaining
grounded in the view that what is
required is sufficient information for
Comment: One commenter generally
supported EPA’s approach to
considering conditions of use, but
recommended that EPA apply a quality
review to all sources of information
used when assessing conditions of use.
The commenter suggested that this
quality review process be addressed in
the Approach Document (Ref. 10). The
commenter also stated that EPA’s
considerations of changes in conditions
of use and changes in volume were
Response: EPA included all known,
intended, or reasonably foreseen uses in
the Low-Priority Substance screening
reviews to be as inclusive as possible
and to account for reasonably
foreseeable uses.
Comment: One commenter supported
EPA’s pragmatic approach to
considering storage near drinking water
and recommended that EPA approach
this criterion in the longer term using
improved exposure models that can
better predict fate and environmental
partitioning into water sources. Another
commenter stated that EPA’s LowPriority Substance dossiers did not
adequately analyze storage near
significant sources of drinking water.
The commenter stated that EPA should
have obtained data on the substances’
actual storage near drinking water
Response: EPA has sufficient
information to establish that the LowPriority Substances do not meet the
definition for a High-Priority Substance
based on their low-hazard profiles,
biodegradation potential, wastewater
treatment plant removal (greater than
80% for all 20 chemicals) and related
characteristics. The Agency therefore
did not use its information gathering
authorities to obtain data on storage of
the Low-Priority Substances.
Additionally, similar to longer-term
testing that is unavailable within the
prioritization timeframe, EPA did not
find information on the storage location
of the Low-Priority Substances that was
reasonably available.
Comment: One commenter stated that
EPA dismissed, or did not seek,
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information regarding certain
subpopulations’ heightened
susceptibility to adverse effects from
chemical exposure. The commenter
stated that EPA made unjustified
assumptions that subpopulations such
as children face the same level of risk
as does the general public.
Response: EPA did consider
potentially exposed or susceptible
subpopulations (PESS) in its LowPriority Substance designations, per
TSCA section 6(b)(1). EPA found that a
change in the conditions of use for the
Low-Priority Substances could result in
an increase in exposures to certain
populations, but that the consistently
low-hazard profiles associated with
these chemicals are sufficient
information to demonstrate that there
are no groups with heightened
susceptibility. Based on the weight of
scientific evidence, EPA has sufficient
information to support the Low-Priority
Substance designation of these chemical
substances as they do not meet the
standard for a High-Priority Substance
for risk evaluation, including
consideration of PESS.
Comment: Commenters stated that
EPA dismissed the importance of
exposure by making unsubstantiated
assumptions of low exposure, and also
failed to consider data on inhalation and
dermal routes of exposure, both of
which preclude definitive low-priority
designations. One commenter further
stated that EPA must establish the
absence of adverse effects or potential
exposure to support a low-priority
designation. Another commenter
generally supported EPA’s approach to
addressing exposure potential, but
suggested that EPA could improve
public understanding of its risk-based
screening approach by adding
information to the Approach Document
(Ref. 10) explaining its approach to
identifying, screening, evaluating, and
integrating relevant information about
potential exposure. The commenter also
suggested that EPA consider formalizing
risk-based screening by presenting
margins of exposure.
Response: EPA developed a fit-forpurpose screening process appropriate
for the designation of Low-Priority
Substances. This approach focused on
identifying chemicals that consistently
exhibit low-hazard characteristics across
the spectrum of endpoints. The hazard
data included experimental data on the
chemicals themselves and close analogs,
data from New Approach Methodologies
(NAMs), and data extrapolated across
routes of exposure. For a small number
of chemicals, EPA performed route-toroute extrapolations from available data
to predict toxicity values from
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inhalation and/or dermal exposures.
EPA included a qualitative review of
exposure potential as requiring margin
of exposure estimates or other elements
of a risk evaluation are beyond the
scope of a screening-level review for
prioritization. EPA included potential
changes in exposure, conditions of use
and production volume, and determined
that changes in conditions of use or
production volume would be unlikely to
change the Agency’s Low-Priority
Substance designations.
Comment: Several commenters
expressed that EPA did not sufficiently
address specific human health hazard
endpoints. Generally, commenters
stated that for multiple endpoints, EPA
relied on insufficient data, made
unsupported assumptions of low risk,
dismissed data, and failed to make
appropriate use of metrics and criteria
for assessing these endpoints. For
several endpoints, one commenter
stated that EPA had appropriately used
available tools and information to
designate substances without requiring
the development of new information,
consistent with the goals of the
amended TSCA. Comments were
received on the following human health
hazard endpoints: Inhalation and
dermal toxicity; adsorption,
distribution, metabolism, and excretion
(ADME); acute mammalian toxicity;
reproductive toxicity; mutagenicity/
genotoxicity; carcinogenicity;
neurotoxicity; and eye irritation.
Response: In developing an approach
for evaluating Low-Priority Substances,
EPA assembled protective, pragmatic
criteria and methodologies informed by
precedent, routinely used by the
Agency, and familiar to the regulated
community and the public. EPA’s
approach was thorough in searching for
and compiling data and information on
individual chemicals and toxicological
endpoints. At the same time, the
approach was grounded in the view that
what is required is sufficient
information for prioritization, which
would consider a chemical substance’s
overall hazard profile, application of
assessment methods with reasonably
available data, the weight of
toxicological evidence, and the requisite
definition for a Low-Priority Substance
(namely, a chemical that at the time of
its designation would not meet the
standard for a High-Priority Substance).
More detailed responses can be found in
the full response to general comments
document (Ref. 7).
Comment: Similarly, multiple
commenters stated that EPA did not
sufficiently address environmental
hazard endpoints, including chronic
aquatic toxicity, bioaccumulation,
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persistence, and biodegradation. One
commenter stated that EPA’s system for
environmental hazard classification was
incomplete or not in alignment with
established systems. Generally,
commenters stated that for multiple
endpoints, EPA relied on insufficient
data or relied only on model
predictions, dismissed possible
concerns, or made unjustified
assumptions. For some endpoints, two
commenters stated that EPA designated
the Low-Priority Substances using tools
and information that were sufficient for
prioritization purposes.
Response: While the Low-Priority
Substances may not have experimental
data for every endpoint, new approach
methods, including QSARs and
modeling, such as ECOSAR and
EPISuite, are widely accepted
methodologies for estimating
environmental hazard endpoints. More
detailed responses can be found in the
full response to general comments
document (Ref. 7).
4. Discrepancies With Other Governing
Comment: Several commenters noted
discrepancies between EPA’s approach
to reviewing and designating lowpriority candidates and Globally
Harmonized System of Classification
and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)
criteria, other EPA criteria and
guidance, and other organizations’
findings on specific chemicals. Several
commenters called out discrepancies for
specific human health and
environmental endpoints, including
acute mammalian toxicity, reproductive
and developmental toxicity,
carcinogenicity, neurotoxicity,
immunotoxicity, respiratory
sensitization, and acute and chronic
aquatic toxicity.
Response: EPA developed a fit-forpurpose screening process appropriate
for the designation of Low-Priority
Substances. The risk evaluation
guidelines suggested by the commenters
are not appropriate for the purposes of
prioritization. In developing an
approach for evaluating Low-Priority
Substances, EPA assembled protective,
pragmatic benchmarks and
methodologies informed by precedent,
routinely used by the Agency, and
familiar to the regulated community and
the public. As part of its thorough
search for information on the LowPriority Substances, EPA considered the
hazard findings of other countries as
noted in each chemical’s screening
review. It is not unusual for data
interpretations and findings to differ
among countries because every country
assesses chemicals and makes decisions
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
based on its own governing statutes.
EPA made Low-Priority Substance
designations according to TSCA’s riskbased statutory requirements. Based on
its low-concern benchmarks, reasonably
available information, and data
screening approach, EPA finds it has
sufficient information to designate the
20 chemical substances as Low-Priority
Substances and that the chemical
substances do not meet the standard for
a High-Priority Substance for risk
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5. Analog Selection and Use
Comment: Multiple commenters
raised concerns about the rigor and
transparency of EPA’s analog selection
method and stated that EPA did not
sufficiently justify its analog selections.
Another commenter stated that EPA
appropriately used the available tools
and information, as well as its own
expert judgement, to designate these
substances without requiring the
development of new information,
consistent with the goals of the
amended TSCA.
Response: EPA provides more
information in the full response to
general comments document (Ref. 7) on
its selection of analogs based on the
publicly available Analog Identification
Methodology (AIM) software, the
availability of relevant data on potential
analogs, and EPA’s best professional
6. Additional Comments
Comment: One commenter noted
technical corrections related to the
descriptions of dipropylene glycol and
tripropylene glycol in Section 2 of the
respective supporting documents.
Response: EPA updated Section 2 of
both supporting documents to reflect
these corrections.
Comment: Several commenters
provided broader comments on how
EPA should have improved the
prioritization process or how EPA could
improve the process for future
prioritization efforts. For example, one
commenter stated that EPA
underestimated the costs of
prioritization in the TSCA fee rule, and
as a result did not devote the resources
necessary to compile sufficiently robust
low priority dossiers. The commenter
recommended that EPA incorporate
additional prioritization costs in the
TSCA fee rule.
Response: EPA appreciates
commenters’ concern for Agency
resources. The screening reviews for
each Low-Priority Substance contain the
statutorily required elements needed to
support designation. Using its current
resource base, the Agency has compiled
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and analyzed sufficient reasonably
available information to support
candidate identification, screening
review, and Low-Priority Substance
designation for each chemical
substance. Comments on the TSCA fee
rule are outside of this action’s scope.
Comment: Several commenters argued
there is missing or incomplete
information in EPA’s Approach
Document (Ref. 10). Commenters
recommended that information be
added or improved around several
topics including statutory and
regulatory screening criteria, EPA’s
approach to data integration, and EPA’s
approach to evaluating data quality.
Commenters also stated that some
criteria presented in the Approach
Document (Ref. 10) were not supported
by EPA precedent or by the broader
scientific community. Commenters
stated that EPA’s criteria for reviewing
and integrating studies was inconsistent
with previous EPA criteria and with
currently accepted approaches, and also
stated that EPA used a new ‘‘weight of
the scientific evidence’’ definition that
is inconsistent with EPA’s risk
evaluation regulations and currently
accepted scientific standards. One
commenter expressed support for EPA’s
development and application of the
Approach Document (Ref. 10).
Response: The goal of the Approach
Document (Ref. 10) was to establish a
transparent process for review of the
reasonably available hazard information
presented in the Low-Priority Substance
supporting documents. The Approach
Document is not intended to address all
elements of a systematic review or risk
evaluation, which are beyond the scope
of a screening review. The individual
screening reviews provide further
details regarding EPA’s approach and
the statutory criteria for designating
Low-Priority Substances. EPA will
consider updating its Approach
Document (Ref. 10) in the future to
elaborate on its data integration
Comment: One commenter stated that
the presence of a substance on the Safer
Chemical Ingredients List (SCIL) is not
sufficient for designating the substance
as low-priority. The commenter stated
that EPA should also consider, among
other things, whether sufficient
information exists on all conditions of
use and hazard endpoints, what
vulnerable subpopulations may be
exposed, and whether there are
potential environmental releases.
Response: EPA did not base its LowPriority Substance designations on a
chemical’s presence on SCIL. Instead,
SCIL offered a pool of chemicals and a
starting point in the Agency’s search for
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suitable Low-Priority Substance
candidates. EPA reviewed the LowPriority Substances by gathering and
analyzing the reasonably available
information to assess these chemicals
and determined with sufficient
information that these chemicals do not
meet the statutory standard to be
considered a High-Priority Substance.
Comment: One commenter
commended EPA for taking care in its
prioritization procedures rule, in its
working approach document, in its
Approach Document, and in its notices
initiating prioritization and proposing
chemicals as low-priority to make clear
what a designation of a chemical as a
High-Priority Substance or as a LowPriority Substance means.
Response: EPA appreciates the
commenter’s viewpoint.
Comment: One commenter provided
recommendations for EPA’s longer-term
approaches to substance prioritization.
The commenter recommended that EPA
examine the applicability of using
advanced approaches for evaluating
exposure and bioactivity/toxicity as
parallel evidence for use at the
screening review step of the
prioritization process. The commenter
also recommended that EPA consider
recent developments to tools for
assessing persistence and
bioaccumulation, and generally
recommended that EPA should rely
increasingly on use of New Approach
Methodologies (NAMs) and other 21st
century tools and sources of information
to identify and propose chemicals as
low priority.
Response: EPA appreciates the
commenter’s points and will consider
them going forward.
IV. Chemical Substances Which EPA Is
Designating as a Low-Priority
Substance for Prioritization
A. Approach for Gathering Information,
Conducting Analysis and Forming the
Basis To Support the Final Low-Priority
Substance Designation
EPA used reasonably available
information, including public comments
received on specific chemical
substances during the 90-day comment
periods following initiation of the
prioritization process and proposal of
the designations for Low-Priority
Substances, to screen the candidate
chemical substances against the criteria
and considerations in TSCA section
6(b)(1)(A) and 40 CFR 702.9 (see Unit
Each supporting document for the
chemical substances designated as a
Low-Priority Substance includes the
information, analysis and basis for the
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
final designation. In the absence of
experimental data for a given endpoint,
EPA integrated information using New
Approach Methodologies (NAMs),
discussed further in the respective
supporting documents. These
documents are available in the docket of
each of the chemical substances with a
final designation as a Low-Priority
Substance. The final designations are
presented in Unit IV.B., along with the
docket references.
B. Final Priority Designation as LowPriority Substances
EPA is publishing the final
designation for the following 20
chemical substances as Low-Priority
Substances for which risk evaluation is
not warranted at this time. Using the
approach described in Unit IV.A., and
including information provided by
commentators during comment periods
in the designation process, as
appropriate, the final designations are
based on the conclusion that the
chemical substance satisfies the
definition of Low-Priority Substance.
Under TSCA section 6(b)(1)(B) and
implementing regulations (40 CFR
702.3), a Low-Priority Substance is
described as a chemical substance that
the Administrator concludes does not
meet the standard for designation as a
High-Priority Substance, based on
information sufficient to establish that
conclusion, without consideration of
costs or other non-risk factors. The
chemical substances designated as LowPriority Substances are listed below:
1. 1-Butanol, 3-methoxy-, 1-acetate,
CAS RN 4435–53–4, Docket number:
EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0106. The
information, analysis and basis used to
support the final designation as a LowPriority Substance are in the docket for
this chemical substance.
2. D-gluco-Heptonic acid, sodium salt
(1:1), (2.xi.)-, CAS RN 31138–65–5,
Docket number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–
0107. The information, analysis and
basis used to support the final
designation as a Low-Priority Substance
are in the docket for this chemical
3. D-Gluconic acid, CAS RN 526–95–
4, Docket number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–
2019–0108. The information, analysis
and basis used to support the final
designation as a Low-Priority Substance
are in the docket for this chemical
4. D-Gluconic acid, calcium salt (2:1),
CAS RN 299–28–5, Docket number:
EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0109. The
information, analysis and basis used to
support the final designation as a LowPriority Substance are in the docket for
this chemical substance.
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17:22 Feb 25, 2020
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5. D-Gluconic acid, .delta.-lactone,
CAS RN 90–80–2, Docket number: EPA–
HQ–OPPT–2019–0110. The information,
analysis and basis used to support the
final designation as a Low-Priority
Substance are in the docket for this
chemical substance.
6. D-Gluconic acid, potassium salt
(1:1), CAS RN 299–27–4, Docket
number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0111.
The information, analysis and basis
used to support the final designation as
a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
7. D-Gluconic acid, sodium salt (1:1),
CAS RN 527–07–1, Docket number:
EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0112. The
information, analysis and basis used to
support the final designation as a LowPriority Substance are in the docket for
this chemical substance.
8. Decanedioic acid, 1,10-dibutyl
ester, CAS RN 109–43–3, Docket
number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0113.
The information, analysis and basis
used to support the final designation as
a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
9. 1-Docosanol, CAS RN 661–19–8,
Docket number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–
0114. The information, analysis and
basis used to support the final
designation as a Low-Priority Substance
are in the docket for this chemical
10. 1-Eicosanol, CAS RN 629–96–9,
Docket number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–
0115. The information, analysis and
basis used to support the final
designation as a Low-Priority Substance
are in the docket for this chemical
11. 1,2-Hexanediol, CAS RN 6920–22–
5, Docket number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–
2019–0116. The information, analysis
and basis used to support the final
designation as a Low-Priority Substance
are in the docket for this chemical
12. 1-Octadecanol, CAS RN 112–92–5,
Docket number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–
0117. The information, analysis and
basis used to support the final
designation as a Low-Priority Substance
are in the docket for this chemical
13. Propanol, [2-(2butoxymethylethoxy)methylethoxy]-,
CAS RN 55934–93–5, Docket number:
EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0118. The
information, analysis and basis used to
support the final designation as a LowPriority Substance are in the docket for
this chemical substance.
14. Propanedioic acid, 1,3-diethyl
ester, CAS RN 105–53–3, Docket
number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0119.
The information, analysis and basis
used to support the final designation as
PO 00000
Frm 00034
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a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
15. Propanedioic acid, 1,3-dimethyl
ester, CAS RN 108–59–8, Docket
number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0120.
The information, analysis and basis
used to support the final designation as
a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
16. Propanol, 1(or 2)-(2methoxymethylethoxy)-, acetate, CAS
RN 88917–22–0, Docket number: EPA–
HQ–OPPT–2019–0121. The information,
analysis and basis used to support the
final designation as a Low-Priority
Substance are in the docket for this
chemical substance.
17. Propanol, [(1-methyl-1,2ethanediyl)bis(oxy)]bis-, CAS RN 24800–
44–0, Docket number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–
2019–0122. The information, analysis
and basis used to support the final
designation as a Low-Priority Substance
are in the docket for this chemical
18. 2-Propanol, 1,1′-oxybis-, CAS RN
110–98–5, Docket number: EPA–HQ–
OPPT–2019–0123. The information,
analysis and basis used to support the
final designation as a Low-Priority
Substance are in the docket for this
chemical substance.
19. Propanol, oxybis-, CAS RN 25265–
71–8, Docket number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–
2019–0124. The information, analysis
and basis used to support the final
designation as a Low-Priority Substance
are in the docket for this chemical
20. Tetracosane, 2,6,10,15,19,23hexamethyl-, CAS RN 111–01–3, Docket
number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0125.
The information, analysis and basis
used to support the final designation as
a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
V. References
The following is a listing of the
documents that are specifically
referenced in this document. The docket
includes these documents and other
information considered by EPA,
including documents that are referenced
within the documents that are included
in the docket, even if the referenced
document is not physically located in
the docket. For assistance in locating
these other documents, please consult
the technical person listed under FOR
1. EPA. Initiation of Prioritization Under the
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
Notice. Federal Register. (84 FR 10491,
March 21, 2019) (FRL–9991–06).
2. EPA. Proposed Low-Priority Substance
Designation Under the Toxic Substances
Control Act (TSCA). Notice. Federal
Register. (84 FR 41712, August 15, 2019)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
3. EPA. Information Relevant to Prioritization
for Propanol, [(1-methyl-1,2ethanediyl)bis(oxy)]bis-. Docket ID:
EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0122. Available at
4. EPA. Information Relevant to Prioritization
for Propanol, 1(or 2)-(2methoxymethylethoxy)-, acetate. Docket
ID: EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0121.
Available at
5. EPA. Information Relevant to Prioritization
for Propanol, [2-(2butoxymethylethoxy)methylethoxy]-.
Docket ID: EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0118.
Available at
6. EPA. Information Relevant to Prioritization
for Propanol, oxybis-. Docket ID: EPA–
HQ–OPPT–2019–0124. Available at
7. EPA. Summary of General Public
Comments and Responses on the
Proposed Designation of Low-Priority
Substances under the Toxic Substances
Control Act (TSCA). January 16, 2020.
8. EPA. Summary of Chemical-Specific
Public Comments and Responses on the
Proposed Designation of Low-Priority
Substances under the Toxic Substances
Control Act (TSCA). January 16, 2020.
9. EPA. Procedures for Prioritization of
Chemicals for Risk Evaluation Under the
Toxic Substances Control Act. Notice.
Federal Register. (82 FR 33753,
September 18, 2017) (FRL–9964–24).
10. EPA. Approach Document for Screening
Hazard Information for Low-Priority
Substances Under TSCA. August 2019.
EPA Document ID No. 740B19008. Office
of Pollution Prevention and Toxics.
Washington, DC. Available at https://
11. EPA. Procedures for Prioritization of
Chemicals for Risk Evaluation under
TSCA: Response to Public Comments;
SAN 5943; RIN 2070–AK23; EPA–HQ–
OPPT–2016–0636. 2017. EPA. Health
and Environmental Research Online: A
Database of Scientific Studies and
References. Available at https://
12. S. Rep. No. 114–67, 114th Cong., 1st Sess.
2015. Available at https://
13. EPA. ‘‘A Working Approach for
Identifying Potential Candidate
Chemicals for Prioritization.’’ (https://
white_paper_9272018.pdf). September
26, 2018.
(Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.)
Dated: February 19, 2020.
Andrew R. Wheeler,
[FR Doc. 2020–03869 Filed 2–25–20; 8:45 am]
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 250001
[EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0500; FRL–10005–
Trichloroethylene; Draft Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA) Risk
Evaluation and TSCA Science
Advisory Committee on Chemicals
(SACC) Meetings; Notice of
Availability, Public Meetings, and
Request for Comment
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
EPA is announcing the
availability of and soliciting public
comment on the draft Toxic Substances
Control Act (TSCA) risk evaluation of
trichloroethylene (TCE). EPA is also
submitting the same document to the
TSCA Science Advisory Committee on
Chemicals (SACC) for peer review and
is announcing that there will be an inperson public meeting of the TSCA
SACC to consider and review the draft
risk evaluation. Preceding the in-person
meeting, there will be a preparatory
virtual public meeting for the panel to
consider the scope and clarity of the
draft charge questions for the peer
review. The purpose of conducting risk
evaluations under TSCA is to determine
whether a chemical substance presents
an unreasonable risk of injury to health
or the environment under the
conditions of use, including an
unreasonable risk to a relevant
potentially exposed or susceptible
Virtual Meeting: The preparatory
virtual meeting will be held on March
3, 2020, from 1:00 p.m. to
approximately 4:00 p.m. (EST). You
must register online on or before March
3, 2020 to receive the webcast meeting
link and audio teleconference
information. Submit your comments for
the preparatory virtual meeting, or
request time to present oral comments,
on or before noon, February 28, 2020.
In-Person Meeting: The in-person
meeting will be held on March 24–26,
2020, from 8:00 a.m. to approximately
5:30 p.m. (EST) (final times for each day
will be provided in the meeting agenda
that will be posted in the docket at and the
TSCA SACC website at https:// Any
comments submitted on the draft risk
evaluation on or before March 18, 2020,
will be provided to the TSCA SACC
committee for their consideration before
the meeting. Comments received after
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March 18, 2020 and prior to the oral
public comment period during the
meeting will be available to the SACC
for their consideration during the
meeting. Please submit requests to
present oral comments during the inperson meeting on or before March 18,
2020, to be included on the meeting
agenda. All comments received by the
end of the comment period will be
considered by EPA.
Comments: All comments on the draft
risk evaluation must be received on or
before April 27, 2020. For additional
instructions, see Unit III. of the
Virtual Meeting: Please visit https:// to
In-Person Meeting: The location of the
in-person meeting will be at the
Washington Plaza Hotel, 10 Thomas
Circle NW, Washington, DC 20005.
Comments. Submit your comments,
identified by docket identification (ID)
number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2019–0500, by
one of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
Do not submit electronically any
information you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute.
• Mail: OPPT Docket, Environmental
Protection Agency Docket Center (EPA/
DC), (28221T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.
NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001.
• Hand Delivery: To make special
arrangements for hand delivery or
delivery of boxed information, please
follow the instructions at https://
Additional instructions on
commenting or visiting the docket,
along with more information about
dockets generally, is available at https://
Requests to present oral comments
and requests for special
accommodations. Submit requests for
special accommodations, or requests to
present oral comments during the
virtual meeting and/or in-person peer
review meeting to the Designated
Federal Official (DFO) listed under FOR
deadline identified in the DATES section.
TSCA SACC: Dr. Todd Peterson, DFO,
Office of Science Coordination and
Policy (7201M), Environmental
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001;
telephone number: (202) 564–6428;
email address:
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 38 (Wednesday, February 26, 2020)]
[Pages 11069-11079]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-03869]
[EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0450; FRL-10004-82]
Final Designation of Low-Priority Substances Under the Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA); Notice of Availability
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: As required by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the
21st Century Act amendments to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
and implementing regulations, EPA is designating 20 chemical substances
as Low-Priority Substances for which risk evaluation is not warranted
at this time. This document provides the final designation for each of
the chemical substances and instructions on how to access the chemical-
specific information, analysis and basis used by EPA to make the final
designation for each chemical substance.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical information about Low-
Priority Substances contact: Lauren Sweet, Chemistry, Economics and
Sustainable Strategies Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and
Toxics, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention,
Environmental Protection Agency (7406M), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,
Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (202) 564-0376; email
address: [email protected].
For general information contact: The TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill,
422 South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14620; telephone number: (202)
554-1404; email address: [email protected].
Additional instructions on visiting the docket, along with more
information about dockets generally, is available at
I. Executive Summary
A. Does this action apply to me?
This action is directed to the public in general and may be of
interest to entities that currently or may manufacture (including
import) a chemical substance regulated under TSCA (e.g., entities
identified under North American Industrial Classification System
(NAICS) codes 325 and 324110). The action may also be of interest to
chemical processors, distributors in commerce, and users; non-profit
organizations in the environmental and public health sectors; state and
local government agencies; and members of the public. Because interest
in this notice may be broad, the Agency has not attempted to describe
all the specific entities and corresponding NAICS codes for entities
that may be interested in or affected by this action.
B. What action is the Agency taking?
EPA is designating 20 chemical substances as Low-Priority
Substances pursuant to section 6(b) of the Toxic Substances Control Act
(TSCA), 15 U.S.C. 2605(b). This document includes the final designation
for each of the chemical substances and instructions on how to access
the chemical-specific information, analysis and basis used by EPA to
make the final designation for each chemical substance.
C. Why is the Agency taking this action?
As required by TSCA section 6(b)(2)(B), EPA is designating 20
chemical substances as Low-Priority Substances. EPA initiated the
prioritization process required by TSCA section 6(b) on March 21, 2019
(Ref. 1) and published screening reviews supporting their proposed
designation as Low-Priority Substances on August 15, 2019 (Ref. 2).
D. What is the Agency's authority for taking this action?
This document is issued pursuant to TSCA section 6(b).
E. What are the estimated incremental impacts of this action?
This document identifies 20 chemical substances as Low-Priority
Substances. This document does not establish any requirements on
persons or entities outside of the Agency. No incremental impacts are
therefore anticipated, and
[[Page 11070]]
consequently EPA did not estimate potential incremental impacts for
this action.
II. Background
TSCA section 6(b), as amended in 2016 by the Frank R. Lautenberg
Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (Pub. L. 114-182), requires
EPA to prioritize chemical substances for designation as a High-
Priority Substance or a Low-Priority Substance. In accordance with TSCA
section 6(b) and 40 CFR 702.7, on March 21, 2019 (Ref. 1), EPA
initiated the prioritization process for 20 chemical substances
identified as candidates for Low-Priority Substance designation and
sought public comment on the identified candidates. On August 15, 2019
(Ref. 2), EPA proposed 20 chemical substances as Low-Priority
Substances and sought additional public comment on these proposals.
Under TSCA section 6(b)(1)(B) and implementing regulations (40 CFR
702.3), a Low-Priority Substance is defined as a chemical substance
that the Administrator concludes, based on information sufficient to
establish, without consideration of costs or other non-risk factors,
does not meet the standard for a High-Priority Substance. A High-
Priority Substance is defined as a chemical substance that the
Administrator concludes, without consideration of costs or other non-
risk factors, may present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or
the environment because of a potential hazard and a potential route of
exposure under the conditions of use, including an unreasonable risk to
a potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulation identified as
relevant by the Administrator. Designation of a chemical substance as a
Low-Priority Substance indicates a risk evaluation is not warranted at
that time (TSCA Section 6(b)(1)(A) and 40 CFR 702.15).
This document is intended to fulfill the requirement in TSCA
section 6(b)(2)(B) that the Administrator finalize the designation of
20 chemical substances as Low-Priority Substances. The prioritization
rule states at 40 CFR 702.11 that EPA will publish such designations in
the Federal Register.
As described in the proposal notice (Ref. 2), EPA used reasonably
available information to screen each candidate chemical substance
against the following criteria and considerations (40 CFR 702.9(a)) and
thereby inform the proposed designation:
The chemical substance's hazard and exposure potential;
The chemical substance's persistence and bioaccumulation;
Potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulations;
Storage of the chemical substance near significant sources
of drinking water;
The chemical substance's conditions of use or significant
changes in conditions of use;
The chemical substance's production volume or significant
changes in production volume; and
Other risk-based criteria that EPA determines to be
relevant to the designation of the chemical substance's priority for
risk evaluation.
For the final priority designation, EPA considered comments and
information submitted by the public during two public comment periods
(after initiation and after proposed designation) and incorporated them
as appropriate in finalizing the 20 chemical substances designated as
Low-Priority Substances, as outlined in the statute (TSCA section
6(b)(1)(A)) and implementing regulations (40 CFR 702.11(a)) and
consistent with the scientific standards of TSCA section 26(h) and (i).
In addition, as required by TSCA section 6(b)(1)(B)(ii) and 40 CFR
702.11(b), EPA did not consider cost or other non-risk factors in
making a priority designation.
III. Information and Comments Received
A. Initiation
The initiation of the prioritization process (Ref. 1) included a
90-day comment period during which interested persons were able to
submit relevant information on those chemical substances identified as
candidates for Low-Priority Substance designation.
During the 90-day comment period, commenters submitted information
on four chemical substances identified as candidates for Low-Priority
Propanol, [(1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)bis(oxy)]bis- (CAS RN
24800-44-0) (Ref. 3)
Propanol, 1(or 2)-(2-methoxymethylethoxy)-, acetate (CAS RN
88917-22-0) (Ref. 4)
Propanol, [2-(2-butoxymethylethoxy)methylethoxy]- (CAS RN
55934-93-5) (Ref. 5)
Propanol, oxybis- (CAS RN 25265-71-8) (Ref. 6)
EPA incorporated the chemical-specific information submitted during
the initiation public comment period in the screening reviews published
at proposal.
EPA also received general prioritization comments during the
initiation public comment period, as summarized below. A high-level
synopsis of comments received during the initiation stage, and Agency
responses to those comments, follows. Additional information is
included in the Agency's full response to general comments document
(Ref. 7) and in its full response to chemical-specific comments
document (Ref. 8).
The following provides an overview of public comments received
during initiation and EPA's responses.
1. Agency Approach and Rationale
Comment: Several commenters requested that EPA clearly explain its
approach to applying the statutory considerations and criteria of TSCA
section 6(b)(1)(A) during the screening review of the candidate
chemical substances, as well as its rationale for proposed priority
designations. Specific concerns included how EPA would address
instances where new data for some Work Plan chemicals identified as
high- or low-priority chemicals might not satisfy the Section 6
statutory criteria for prioritization, and that ``EPA should establish
a risk-based screening process and criteria'' and ``should not decouple
the hazard and exposure elements from the risk equation and transform
them into independent considerations.''
Response: As required by Congress and codified in the regulations
from the ``Procedures for Prioritization of Chemicals for Risk
Evaluation Under the Toxic Substances Control Act'' Rule (Ref. 9),
there are two comment opportunities during the prioritization process,
in accordance with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
EPA considered the information submitted as part of its proposed and
final designations.
For prioritization, EPA considered sources of information
consistent with the scientific standards in TSCA section 26(h),
including the sources listed in EPA's ``Approach Document for Screening
Hazard Information for Low-Priority Substances under TSCA'' (Ref. 10)
(also referred to as ``Approach Document'').
In response to commenter's specific concerns regarding
implementation of the statutory considerations and criteria of TSCA
section 6(b)(1)(A), EPA notes that the Agency developed a screening
review document for each candidate chemical substance at proposal to
identify the information, analysis and basis used to support the
proposed designation as a low-priority substance. These documents are
available in the respective dockets of each chemical substance with a
proposed designation as a Low-Priority Substance (Ref. 2). Each
document includes an overview of the requirements in TSCA section
[[Page 11071]]
6(b)(1)(A) and in the regulation addressing the ``screening review
criteria'' and considerations for proposed priority designations (40
CFR 702.9). Those documents describe how EPA considered each of the
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and criteria,
including those related to hazard, exposure, the ``conditions of use or
significant changes in conditions of use,'' and ``potentially exposed
or susceptible subpopulations,'' to support the proposed designation.
TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A) requires EPA to determine whether a
chemical may present unreasonable risk ``because of a potential hazard
and a potential route of exposure,'' indicating that hazard and
exposure potential are considerations for the risk-based priority
2. Potentially Exposed or Susceptible Subpopulations
Comment: One commenter urged EPA to identify relevant potentially
exposed or susceptible subpopulations (PESS), including infants,
children, pregnant women, workers, the elderly, and ``people living in
proximity to sources of contamination,'' as well as to consider
environmental justice concerns in the prioritization process.
Response: EPA explained in the response to comments on the
prioritization rule (Ref. 11) that EPA has, in practice, evaluated
risks across populations, with particular attention to workers,
pregnant women, children, infants and the elderly, among others. The
Agency will continue to use and refine its processes for prioritization
to determine risks to potentially exposed or susceptible
In the screening reviews conducted for prioritization, EPA
considered reasonably available information to identify the relevant
potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulations, such as children,
workers or consumers. EPA used human health hazard information, the
conditions of use, and exposure potential to identify potentially
exposed or susceptible subpopulations. These data provide an indication
about whether children or other susceptible subpopulations may be
potentially exposed to the reported chemical.
3. Future Prioritization Efforts
Comment: Some commenters offered thoughts on future prioritization
efforts, including urging EPA to allow data to drive the priority
designation and to not predetermine an outcome for the candidates as
High- or Low-Priority Substances.
Response: EPA agrees that priority designation should be driven by
data as explained in the Approach Document (Ref. 10). Similar to the
process to designate the first 20 Low-Priority Substances, in the
future, EPA intends to use reasonably available information in proposed
designation documents to explain why it chose to initiate the process
for the particular chemical substance (e.g., whether EPA viewed this as
a potential candidate for high- or low-priority) (``Procedures for
Prioritization of Chemicals for Risk Evaluation Under the Toxic
Substances Control Act'' rule (Ref. 9 at 33759)). In addition, the two
90-day comment periods provided an opportunity for any interested
person to submit additional information before EPA finalized a
designation for a candidate chemical substance.
4. Stakeholder Engagement and Transparency
Comment: Several commenters supported stakeholder engagement and
transparency during the prioritization process, including maintaining
an open and transparent process that ``encourages submission of the
most relevant information,'' providing ``greater transparency and
clarity'' and ``more information to ascertain what information [EPA]
already has and what information is needed,'' and stating that
``transparency and information exchange is critical to the success of
future prioritization efforts.'' Other commenters indicated
shortcomings with the transparency of the process and/or provided
recommendations for improvements, including placing all the
``reasonably available information'' in the dockets for public review,
increasing transparency about the information received during the
initiation of public comment period and indicating if EPA used that
information to screen the chemical against the criteria for proposing a
priority designation, so that members of the public can comment on such
information during the proposed designation comment period.
Response: EPA appreciates the feedback regarding engaging with
stakeholders and transparency. Regarding the process and criteria used,
as described in Unit III.A of the Initiation of Prioritization Under
the Toxic Substances Control Act (Ref. 1), EPA used the Safer Chemical
Ingredients List (SCIL) as a starting point for narrowing down
potential candidates for Low-Priority Substances, but performed an
independent review of the reasonably available information to screen
each candidate chemical substance against all of the statutory criteria
and considerations under TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A) and 40 CFR 702.9. This
information was included in the screening reviews for each chemical
substance. In addition, the two 90-day comment periods provided an
opportunity for any interested person to submit additional information
before EPA finalized a designation for a candidate chemical substance.
Leading up to the nine- to twelve-month statutory window for
prioritization, EPA worked diligently to gather stakeholder input on
the process for identifying candidates for initiation of
prioritization. On December 11, 2017, EPA held a public meeting to
discuss possible approaches for identifying potential candidate
chemicals for EPA's prioritization process under TSCA (82 FR 51415).
EPA described and took comment on a number of possible approaches that
could guide the Agency in identification of potential candidate
chemicals for prioritization. EPA considered that input and on October
5, 2018, published notice of its release of ``A Working Approach for
Identifying Potential Candidate Chemicals for Prioritization'' and
opened a docket for comment (83 FR 50366). When prioritization was
actually initiated under the statutory timeline, EPA provided an
opportunity for the public to provide information for the chemical
substances by publishing the notice initiating the prioritization
process (Ref. 1). In the notice with the proposed priority designation
(Ref. 2), EPA developed a screening review document for each candidate
chemical substance to identify the information, analysis and basis used
to support the proposed Low-Priority Substance designation. These
documents include linked citations to the Health and Environmental
Research Online (HERO) database (Ref. 12) for all references used in
the literature review for each of these chemical substances. Those
references are accessible to the public via links provided in the HERO
5. Designation Terminology
Comment: One commenter called for greater clarity in the
definitions of High- and Low-Priority Substances, beyond the statutory
Response: In a previous response to public comment, the Agency
articulated its rationale for not elaborating on or modifying statutory
standards for High-Priority and Low-Priority Substances: ``EPA did not
establish the standard for a High-Priority designation; Congress did in
the definitions of High- (and Low-) Priority Substances . . . The
statutory standard for High[hyphen]Priority designations--that the
chemical 'may present an unreasonable risk' based on a 'potential
hazard and a potential route of exposure'--is the only place where
[[Page 11072]]
such a standard appears in TSCA.'' (Ref. 11). EPA believes it is
appropriate to rely on the statutory standards for designating High-
Priority and Low-Priority Substances, without introducing new binding
language. Yet to help explain the context, purpose, and timing of this
effort, EPA wishes to offer some of the Agency's views from its
experience in this initial round of prioritization.
Every chemical substance may present risks of one sort or another.
A spill of fresh water into a marine environment may present risks to
aquatic life, and excessive consumption of water may present a risk of
water intoxication to humans. People encounter chemicals in their daily
lives that may present some risk. Notably, EPA's role in prioritization
and risk evaluation under section 6 of TSCA is to scrutinize chemical
substances for unreasonable risks. It would be inappropriate for every
potential risk--even those from water--to be considered an unreasonable
risk and even more inappropriate to think that the statutory text
contemplates that the presence of potential risks forecloses a
designation as a Low-Priority Substance. Rather, the statutory use of
the term `unreasonable' necessarily leaves some ambiguity for the
Agency to resolve in exercising its technical and policy discretion in
each decision it makes under the prioritization process. A
determination of whether or not a chemical may present unreasonable
risk is made on a case-by-case, chemical-specific basis.
In the final prioritization and risk evaluation rules, EPA retained
its discretion by not promulgating a definition of unreasonable risk
(82 FR 33726; Ref. 9). Indeed, in the risk evaluation rule's preamble,
EPA discussed a non-exhaustive list of factors that the Agency may
weigh in considering unreasonable risk: ``To account for the number of
different risk characterization approaches and for changing science,
EPA will not include any specific definition in this final rule. To
make a risk determination, EPA may weigh a variety of factors in
determining unreasonable risk. The Administrator will consider relevant
factors including, but not limited to: The effects of the chemical
substance on health and human exposure to such substance under the
conditions of use (including cancer and non-cancer risks); the effects
of the chemical substance on the environment and environmental exposure
under the conditions of use; the population exposed (including any
susceptible populations), the severity of hazard (the nature of the
hazard, the irreversibility of hazard), and uncertainties'' (82 FR
33726 at 33735). In recently issued draft risk evaluations, EPA further
elaborated: ``EPA also takes into consideration the Agency's confidence
in the data used in the risk estimate. This includes an evaluation of
the strengths, limitations and uncertainties associated with the
information used to inform the risk estimate and the risk
The statute tasks the Agency with first teasing apart and
designating High-Priority Substances for risk evaluation from Low-
Priority Substances that will not proceed to risk evaluation--at least
not at the current time based upon EPA's review of reasonably available
information. For High-Priority Substances, EPA must proceed to risk
evaluation and, upon any determination of unreasonable risk, to risk
The statutory framework is thus clear that prioritization is not
meant to be a risk evaluation. Nor can it be with the timeline provided
under TSCA. The statute required that EPA designate 20 High-Priority
Substances and 20 Low-Priority Substances within three and a half years
of enactment (TSCA section 6(b)(2)(B)). Yet EPA first had to undertake
a notice-and-comment rulemaking to lay out the process for this
prioritization process (TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A)). The statute further
specified the prioritization timeline: It must include multiple stages
(initiation plus opportunity for public comment, with opportunity for
extension; proposal plus opportunity for public comment; and final
designation), and it must last no longer than one year but no shorter
than nine months (TSCA section 6(b)(1)(C)). Between the statutory
window of no more than one year for the entire prioritization process,
the statutory requirement for EPA to designate 20 Low-Priority
Substances by December 2019, and the plain statutory text explaining
that EPA is to use a ``screening process'' to designate ``low-
priority'' substances ``for which risk evaluations are not warranted at
the time,'' the statute is clear that EPA need not perform nearly as
exhaustive a review of a chemical substance as a risk evaluation before
designating the chemical substance as a Low-Priority Substance.
Moreover, Congress chose not to define ``screening process'' in the
statute, leaving EPA the discretion to create a risk-based screening
process according to the considerations expressed in section
6(b)(1)(A). EPA created a transparent literature review method for the
purposes of prioritization and screening review under this section. The
Approach Document (Ref. 10) includes a description of elements for
weight of the scientific evidence and explains how these can be applied
in a manner appropriate to screening-level review and Low-Priority
Substance designations. The Approach Document (Ref. 10) explains the
methods used to ensure comprehensive, objective, transparent and
consistent review of reasonably available information.
EPA included exposure and potential changes in exposure through
considerations such as conditions of use (including all known, intended
or reasonably foreseen uses), significant changes in the conditions of
use, production volume, and significant changes in the production
volume. The selection of chemical substances with consistently low-
hazard characteristics means that an increase in the frequency or
magnitude of exposure would not significantly change the outcome of a
screening-level review. In compliance with section 26, EPA considered
the reasonably available information, including studies and data, on
each proposed Low-Priority Substance relevant to the screening criteria
and used such information in a manner consistent with best available
science. EPA notes the following text from the Procedures for
Prioritization of Chemicals for Risk Evaluation Under the Toxic
Substances Control Act: ``The screening review is not a risk
evaluation, but rather a review of reasonably available information on
the chemical substance that relates to the screening criteria. EPA
expects to review all sources of relevant information, consistent with
the scientific standards in 15 U.S.C. 2625(h), while conducting the
screening review'' (Ref. 9 at 33759).
EPA also kept in mind the nine- to twelve-month deadline to
complete the prioritization process, while accommodating and
incorporating the statutorily-required cumulative six months of public
comment. Congress recognized the important of public input and EPA has
considered and incorporated, as appropriate, the comments that were
received. The statutory provisions at TSCA sections 6(b)(1)(A) and
6(b)(1)(B)(ii) direct EPA to undertake a limited screening process and
to render priority determinations based on sufficient supporting
information. Congress's requirement for EPA to designate twenty
chemical substances as Low-Priority Substances within three and a half
years after the Lautenberg amendments to TSCA, within the nine- to
twelve-month process prescribed by the statute, and
[[Page 11073]]
only after first proposing and then promulgating a rule to lay out the
process for prioritization, indicates that Congress expected the
identification of such chemical substances to be a manageable exercise
for the Agency. Low-priority designations are not determinations that
these chemical substances do not present any risks, rather that EPA,
through the prioritization process, has determined that sufficient
information supports the determination that these chemical substances
do not meet the standard provided in TSCA section 6(b)(1)(B)(i) to
designate these chemical substances as High-Priority Substances.
Still, the final, yet not permanent, nature of the Low-Priority
Substance designation gives EPA the authority to revisit a Low-Priority
Substance designation given the ever-changing reality of scientific
discovery. EPA notes the following text from the Procedures for
Prioritization of Chemicals for Risk Evaluation Under the Toxic
Substances Control Act: ``Designation of a chemical substance as a Low-
Priority Substance under Sec. 702.11 means that a risk evaluation of
the chemical substance is not warranted at the time, but does not
preclude EPA from later revising the designation pursuant to Sec.
702.13, if warranted'' (40 CFR 702.15; Ref. 9). EPA further notes the
following text from Senate Report 114-67--Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical
Safety for the 21st Century Act: ``By including these mandatory
criteria in the statute, it is the Committee's intent to require EPA to
ensure that important, broad science-based considerations,
classifications and designations drive the prioritization screening
process, without locking EPA into specific designations based upon
ever-changing science'' (Ref. 12). EPA's prioritization rule expressly
recognizes that EPA may revise a Low-Priority Substance designation
based on reasonably available information (40 CFR 702.13).
6. Timeframe for Providing Chemical Substance Information
Comment: Commenters described the challenges to collecting,
identifying, assessing, and submitting chemical-specific data in the
90-day comment period following the initiation of the prioritization
process, including challenges gathering information that resides with
international downstream suppliers, limitations of available data
gathering tools, and time and resource requirements, including a call
for additional time during the comment period.
Response: EPA understands such challenges and has been committed to
giving the public and interested stakeholders as many opportunities as
possible, under the timing requirements of the statute, to provide
relevant chemical substance information and comment on key aspects of
the prioritization process in general, as well as for each chemical
substance. The prioritization process was designed, by law, to take no
fewer than nine months, and no more than twelve months--a timeframe set
by Congress to allow interested stakeholders to provide the Agency with
relevant, necessary information. EPA does not have the discretion to
adjust the timeframe set by Congress. Within the nine- to twelve-month
timeframe, there are two three-month comment periods (following
initiation and proposed designation for the substances), for a total of
six months for public comment during the prioritization process.
Comment: A commenter stated that EPA ``could use its authority
under TSCA 4(a)(1)(A)(i) [to require the development of new information
before initiating prioritization] and that it could also use its
authority under 4(a)(1)(A)(ii) for chemicals that meet the statutory
criteria of being produced and potentially released in substantial
quantities or if there is potentially significant exposure,'' while
noting the ``difficulty in making a may present unreasonable risk
finding as required under 4(a)(1)(A)(i) was among the motivations for
amending TSCA, and this difficulty would still need to be overcome.''
The commenter then stated that ``timing requirements might indeed be
difficult to meet in some cases, [but] such difficulty does not remove
the clear requirement under 4(a)(2)(B)(i) to make a priority
designation within 90 days of receipt of any information requested.''
Response: EPA appreciates the comment regarding the Agency's data
collection authority. EPA identified sufficient information to complete
the prioritization screening review and make final priority
7. Confidential Business Information
Comment: One commenter urged EPA to implement the requirements of
TSCA section 14 when prioritizing chemical substances, urging adherence
to the requirements for disclosure of certain information by the Agency
and the timing for confidentiality claims and substantiations.
Response: EPA generally makes the information it uses for decision
making publicly available, consistent with the requirements of TSCA
section 14. EPA considered all reasonably available information,
including CBI, to perform the screening review for Low-Priority
Substances. All reasonably available information used in the screening
review was publicly available for the 20 Low-Priority Substances
designated at this time.
8. Low-Priority Substance Designations
Comment: One commenter raised concerns that ``EPA must be in
possession of data for all relevant health and ecological endpoints
developed using adequate test methodologies'' to support a Low-Priority
Substance designation. The commenter encouraged EPA to provide a
description of ``endpoints and related testing methodologies on which
it will rely in the upcoming Federal Register notice proposing specific
substances for low-priority listing.''
Response: Each chemical substance's screening review provides the
endpoints and methodology used to screen the chemical substance. The
data quality criteria used to screen reasonably available hazard
information is provided in the Approach Document (Ref. 10). As
previously explained, EPA based its selection of candidate chemicals on
the best available science, consistent with TSCA section 26(h), and
selected candidates with robust data sets for consideration of hazard
and exposure potential. Before initiating the prioritization process,
EPA reviewed the reasonably available hazard and exposure-related
information and determined whether there was sufficient information to
complete the prioritization process within the statutory deadlines.
Comment: One commenter urged EPA to ``provide a focused and robust
message on low priority designations which clearly identify low
priority chemicals as such, so that they do not occupy a place of
uncertainty and are not associated with statements of implied risk''
and ``to continue to make low priority designations.''
Response: In the preamble of the prioritization rule (Ref. 9), EPA
clarified the messaging associated with Low-Priority Substance
designations by stating ``final designation of a chemical substance as
a Low-Priority Substance is a final agency action that means that a
risk evaluation of the chemical substance is not warranted at the
time.'' In regard to continuing to make Low-Priority Substance
designations, EPA appreciates the commenter's viewpoint. Each
chemical's screening review contains the reasonably available
information sufficient to make the final designation of the chemical
substance as a Low-Priority Substance, which is a final agency action
that means that a
[[Page 11074]]
risk evaluation of the chemical substance is not warranted at this
B. Screening Review and Proposed Priority Designation
The proposed designation stage of the prioritization process (Ref.
2) included a 90-day comment period during which interested persons
were able to submit relevant information on those chemical substances
proposed for Low-Priority Substance designation. All hazard and fate
information for these proposed Low-Priority Substances was collected
and evaluated in accordance with the methodology laid out in the
Approach Document (Ref. 10). Information gathered according to this
Approach Document was included in each chemical substance's screening
review. EPA considered the information submitted during the screening
review and the proposed priority designation public comment period for
specific chemical substances, as appropriate, in finalizing the Low-
Priority Substance designation. During the public comment period for
the proposed designation stage, EPA received 11 submissions from eight
different entities, including environmental and health advocacy groups,
a trade association, an academic institution, and anonymous commenters.
A high-level synopsis of comments received during the proposed
designation stage, and Agency responses to those comments, follows.
Additional information is included in the Agency's full response to
general comments document (Ref. 7) and in its full response to
chemical-specific comments document (Ref. 8).
The following provides an overview of public comments received
during the proposal and EPA's responses.
1. Overall Strategy for Data Search, Screening, and Evaluation
Comment: Several commenters stated EPA failed to exercise its
information collection authorities to gather all reasonably available
information when designating chemicals as Low-Priority Substances. Some
commenters wrote that EPA failed to develop test data to fill gaps in
the existing data, despite having testing authority to do so. These
commenters stated that because TSCA section 6(b)(2)(B) requires that
EPA designate 20 High-Priority Substances and 20 Low-Priority
Substances within three and a half years of enactment, testing that
could have taken up to those three and a half years should or could be
reasonably available information. Other commenters stated that EPA's
strategies for data search, screening relevance, and evaluating data
quality were sound and appropriate to ensure the relevance and quality
of sufficient, reasonably available information to support designation
of Low-Priority Substances.
Response: EPA found it had sufficient information to support the
Low-Priority Substance designations and did not need to exercise its
information gathering authorities. As explained further in section 1(a)
of the full response to general comments document (Ref. 7), the
timeframe for initiation, proposal, and public comment, did not allow
for requiring, conducting, and documenting toxicological studies. More
information on the Agency's rationale and response can be found in the
full response to general comments document (Ref. 7).
Comment: A few commenters generally stated that EPA changed the
``weight of the scientific evidence'' definition to a new definition
that is inconsistent with the definition in EPA's risk evaluation
regulations and currently accepted scientific standards. These
commenters also disagreed with EPA's use of weight of evidence to make
a low-concern finding for specific endpoints. Other commenters
supported EPA's strategies for evaluating data and stated they were
sound, relevant, and sufficient to support designation of Low-Priority
Response: The risk evaluation definition of ``weight of the
scientific evidence'' is beyond the scope of prioritization. EPA
ensured elements of weight of scientific evidence appropriate to
screening-level review and Low-Priority Substance designation were
incorporated in the screening-level reviews. The document ``A Working
Approach for Identifying Potential Candidate Chemicals for
Prioritization'' (Ref. 13) explains the methods used to ensure
comprehensive, objective, transparent and consistent review of all
reasonably available information for the Low-Priority Substances.
Comment: Several commenters suggested that the range of studies
considered by EPA should have been more inclusive. In particular, one
commenter recommended additional sources of information within U.S.
government agencies and programs, and a few commenters stated that
EPA's review should not have excluded foreign language studies.
Response: EPA considered all reasonably available information and
relied on the data quality criteria outlined in the Approach Document
(Ref. 10) to ensure sufficient information to support a Low-Priority
Substance designation.
Comment: One commenter pointed out a lack of clarity in the way EPA
cited sources obtained from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
database. The commenter further stated that EPA needs to review and
consider the full study reports corresponding to the summaries obtained
from the ECHA database.
Response: EPA has updated the citations in the screening reviews to
``Reported to the ECHA database'' to reflect that ECHA is not the
author of these studies. EPA found that the information in study
summaries provided sufficient information to determine whether it met
EPA's data quality metrics (Ref. 10). Where summaries provided
insufficient information, EPA did not use that study.
2. Additional Endpoints EPA Should Have Considered
Comment: Several commenters suggested additional endpoints that EPA
should have considered during the prioritization process: Physical
hazards, immunotoxicity, respiratory sensitization, endocrine effects,
and developmental neurotoxicity.
One commenter recommended that EPA should consider physical
hazards, such as flammability, self-ignition, and explosive properties,
when determining whether a substance meets the requirements for low-
priority designation. The commenter wrote that TSCA does not define
``hazard,'' so the ordinary meaning of ``a danger or risk'' should be
applied. The commenter pointed to the dossier for 3-methoxybutyl
acetate as an example of EPA not considering or analyzing that
substance's moderate flammability.
Response: EPA considered all reasonably available information,
which included the additional endpoints recommended by the commenters,
in the screening review of the Low-Priority Substances. For example,
EPA considered potential acute physical hazards, like flammability and
explosive and self-ignition properties, for the Low-Priority Substances
and found that the 20 Low-Priority Substances do not exhibit explosive,
flammable, or self-ignition properties near ambient temperatures. As a
result, EPA did not include acute physical hazard endpoints in its
published screening review because the physical-chemical properties of
the Low-Priority Substances indicate that these chemicals do not meet
the standard for a High-Priority Substance for risk evaluation.
Comment: Two commenters stated that EPA failed to consider
immunotoxicity and respiratory sensitization for all 20 Low-Priority
Substances, and that EPA needs to
[[Page 11075]]
consider these endpoints to fulfill its mandate under TSCA. In
particular, commenters pointed out that immunotoxicity is relevant to
vulnerable populations, including women, children, and the elderly, who
may be more susceptible to immune system damage from chemical exposure,
and respiratory sensitization is particularly relevant to children's
health issues due to increasing childhood asthma and other illnesses.
Response: EPA has added discussion of immunotoxicity and
respiratory sensitization to each Low-Priority Substance's screening
review. Inclusion of these endpoints helps to clarify that the Agency
has addressed potential concerns for populations that could be exposed
or susceptible to immunological toxicants.
Comment: A few commenters stated that EPA's mandate under TSCA
requires a consideration of potential adverse endocrine effects and
developmental neurotoxicity for the Low-Priority Substances.
Response: In considering the reasonably available information, EPA
reviewed repeated dose, reproductive and developmental studies for
documented changes in developmental neurotoxicity, such as behavioral,
functional, or structural changes related to neurological outcomes in
mammalian offspring. The Agency also reviewed information from high-
throughput ToxCast assays and found no evidence of endocrine activity.
Therefore, EPA believes it has sufficient information to designate
these chemical substances as Low-Priority Substances.
3. Sufficient Information To Support a Low-Priority Substance
Comment: Several commenters generally stated that EPA did not have
sufficient information to support a low-priority designation for these
20 substances. Commenters also contended that EPA's methods
disregarded, without sufficient justification, pieces of evidence
suggesting the substances may have adverse effects. One commenter
stated that more robust and complete data are needed for low-priority
designations than for high-priority designations, and that EPA should
not risk an erroneous designation of a substance as low priority.
Response: Congress chose not to define ``screening process'' in the
statute, leaving EPA the discretion to create a risk-based screening
process according to the considerations expressed in section
6(b)(1)(A). EPA created a transparent literature review method for the
purposes of prioritization and screening review under this section. The
Approach Document (Ref. 10) includes a description of elements for
weight of scientific evidence and explains how these can be applied in
a manner appropriate to screening-level review and Low-Priority
Substance designations. In compliance with section 26, EPA considered
the reasonably available information, including studies and data, on
each Low-Priority Substance relevant to the screening criteria and used
such information in a manner consistent with best available science.
EPA notes the following text from the Procedures for Prioritization of
Chemicals for Risk Evaluation Under the Toxic Substances Control Act:
``The screening review is not a risk evaluation, but rather a review of
reasonably available information on the chemical substance that relates
to the screening criteria. EPA expects to review all sources of
relevant information, consistent with the scientific standards in 15
U.S.C. 2625(h), while conducting the screening review'' (Ref. 9 at
33759). EPA also kept in mind the nine- to twelve-month deadline to
complete the prioritization process, while accommodating and
incorporating the statutorily-required cumulative six months of public
comment. Congress recognized the importance of public input and EPA has
considered and incorporated, as appropriate, the comments that were
Low-Priority Substance designations are not determinations that
these chemical substances do not present any risks, rather that EPA,
through the prioritization process, has determined that sufficient
information supports the determination that these chemical substances
do not meet the standard provided in TSCA section 6(b)(1)(B)(i) to
designate these chemical substances as High-Priority Substances.
Comment: Two commenters raised concerns about the adequacy of EPA's
Low-Concern Criteria and their application to the 20 Low-Priority
Substances. For example, commenters stated that the Low-Concern
Criteria were not sufficiently rigorous to determine whether a
substance had an insignificant toxicological hazard, and pointed out
flaws in the Criteria including missing endpoints and insufficient
consideration of expected exposure. Another commenter recommended that
EPA use transparent and scientifically accepted methods when evaluating
studies for consideration in the prioritization process.
Response: In developing an approach for evaluating Low-Priority
Substances, EPA assembled protective, pragmatic benchmarks and
methodologies informed by precedent, routinely used by the Agency, and
familiar to the regulated community and the public. The Approach
Document (Ref. 10) explains the methods used to ensure comprehensive,
objective, transparent and consistent review of all reasonably
available information for the Low-Priority Substances, while remaining
grounded in the view that what is required is sufficient information
for designation.
Comment: One commenter generally supported EPA's approach to
considering conditions of use, but recommended that EPA apply a quality
review to all sources of information used when assessing conditions of
use. The commenter suggested that this quality review process be
addressed in the Approach Document (Ref. 10). The commenter also stated
that EPA's considerations of changes in conditions of use and changes
in volume were pragmatic.
Response: EPA included all known, intended, or reasonably foreseen
uses in the Low-Priority Substance screening reviews to be as inclusive
as possible and to account for reasonably foreseeable uses.
Comment: One commenter supported EPA's pragmatic approach to
considering storage near drinking water and recommended that EPA
approach this criterion in the longer term using improved exposure
models that can better predict fate and environmental partitioning into
water sources. Another commenter stated that EPA's Low-Priority
Substance dossiers did not adequately analyze storage near significant
sources of drinking water. The commenter stated that EPA should have
obtained data on the substances' actual storage near drinking water
Response: EPA has sufficient information to establish that the Low-
Priority Substances do not meet the definition for a High-Priority
Substance based on their low-hazard profiles, biodegradation potential,
wastewater treatment plant removal (greater than 80% for all 20
chemicals) and related characteristics. The Agency therefore did not
use its information gathering authorities to obtain data on storage of
the Low-Priority Substances. Additionally, similar to longer-term
testing that is unavailable within the prioritization timeframe, EPA
did not find information on the storage location of the Low-Priority
Substances that was reasonably available.
Comment: One commenter stated that EPA dismissed, or did not seek,
[[Page 11076]]
information regarding certain subpopulations' heightened susceptibility
to adverse effects from chemical exposure. The commenter stated that
EPA made unjustified assumptions that subpopulations such as children
face the same level of risk as does the general public.
Response: EPA did consider potentially exposed or susceptible
subpopulations (PESS) in its Low-Priority Substance designations, per
TSCA section 6(b)(1). EPA found that a change in the conditions of use
for the Low-Priority Substances could result in an increase in
exposures to certain populations, but that the consistently low-hazard
profiles associated with these chemicals are sufficient information to
demonstrate that there are no groups with heightened susceptibility.
Based on the weight of scientific evidence, EPA has sufficient
information to support the Low-Priority Substance designation of these
chemical substances as they do not meet the standard for a High-
Priority Substance for risk evaluation, including consideration of
Comment: Commenters stated that EPA dismissed the importance of
exposure by making unsubstantiated assumptions of low exposure, and
also failed to consider data on inhalation and dermal routes of
exposure, both of which preclude definitive low-priority designations.
One commenter further stated that EPA must establish the absence of
adverse effects or potential exposure to support a low-priority
designation. Another commenter generally supported EPA's approach to
addressing exposure potential, but suggested that EPA could improve
public understanding of its risk-based screening approach by adding
information to the Approach Document (Ref. 10) explaining its approach
to identifying, screening, evaluating, and integrating relevant
information about potential exposure. The commenter also suggested that
EPA consider formalizing risk-based screening by presenting margins of
Response: EPA developed a fit-for-purpose screening process
appropriate for the designation of Low-Priority Substances. This
approach focused on identifying chemicals that consistently exhibit
low-hazard characteristics across the spectrum of endpoints. The hazard
data included experimental data on the chemicals themselves and close
analogs, data from New Approach Methodologies (NAMs), and data
extrapolated across routes of exposure. For a small number of
chemicals, EPA performed route-to-route extrapolations from available
data to predict toxicity values from inhalation and/or dermal
exposures. EPA included a qualitative review of exposure potential as
requiring margin of exposure estimates or other elements of a risk
evaluation are beyond the scope of a screening-level review for
prioritization. EPA included potential changes in exposure, conditions
of use and production volume, and determined that changes in conditions
of use or production volume would be unlikely to change the Agency's
Low-Priority Substance designations.
Comment: Several commenters expressed that EPA did not sufficiently
address specific human health hazard endpoints. Generally, commenters
stated that for multiple endpoints, EPA relied on insufficient data,
made unsupported assumptions of low risk, dismissed data, and failed to
make appropriate use of metrics and criteria for assessing these
endpoints. For several endpoints, one commenter stated that EPA had
appropriately used available tools and information to designate
substances without requiring the development of new information,
consistent with the goals of the amended TSCA. Comments were received
on the following human health hazard endpoints: Inhalation and dermal
toxicity; adsorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME);
acute mammalian toxicity; reproductive toxicity; mutagenicity/
genotoxicity; carcinogenicity; neurotoxicity; and eye irritation.
Response: In developing an approach for evaluating Low-Priority
Substances, EPA assembled protective, pragmatic criteria and
methodologies informed by precedent, routinely used by the Agency, and
familiar to the regulated community and the public. EPA's approach was
thorough in searching for and compiling data and information on
individual chemicals and toxicological endpoints. At the same time, the
approach was grounded in the view that what is required is sufficient
information for prioritization, which would consider a chemical
substance's overall hazard profile, application of assessment methods
with reasonably available data, the weight of toxicological evidence,
and the requisite definition for a Low-Priority Substance (namely, a
chemical that at the time of its designation would not meet the
standard for a High-Priority Substance). More detailed responses can be
found in the full response to general comments document (Ref. 7).
Comment: Similarly, multiple commenters stated that EPA did not
sufficiently address environmental hazard endpoints, including chronic
aquatic toxicity, bioaccumulation, persistence, and biodegradation. One
commenter stated that EPA's system for environmental hazard
classification was incomplete or not in alignment with established
systems. Generally, commenters stated that for multiple endpoints, EPA
relied on insufficient data or relied only on model predictions,
dismissed possible concerns, or made unjustified assumptions. For some
endpoints, two commenters stated that EPA designated the Low-Priority
Substances using tools and information that were sufficient for
prioritization purposes.
Response: While the Low-Priority Substances may not have
experimental data for every endpoint, new approach methods, including
QSARs and modeling, such as ECOSAR and EPISuite, are widely accepted
methodologies for estimating environmental hazard endpoints. More
detailed responses can be found in the full response to general
comments document (Ref. 7).
4. Discrepancies With Other Governing Bodies
Comment: Several commenters noted discrepancies between EPA's
approach to reviewing and designating low-priority candidates and
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
(GHS) criteria, other EPA criteria and guidance, and other
organizations' findings on specific chemicals. Several commenters
called out discrepancies for specific human health and environmental
endpoints, including acute mammalian toxicity, reproductive and
developmental toxicity, carcinogenicity, neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity,
respiratory sensitization, and acute and chronic aquatic toxicity.
Response: EPA developed a fit-for-purpose screening process
appropriate for the designation of Low-Priority Substances. The risk
evaluation guidelines suggested by the commenters are not appropriate
for the purposes of prioritization. In developing an approach for
evaluating Low-Priority Substances, EPA assembled protective, pragmatic
benchmarks and methodologies informed by precedent, routinely used by
the Agency, and familiar to the regulated community and the public. As
part of its thorough search for information on the Low-Priority
Substances, EPA considered the hazard findings of other countries as
noted in each chemical's screening review. It is not unusual for data
interpretations and findings to differ among countries because every
country assesses chemicals and makes decisions
[[Page 11077]]
based on its own governing statutes. EPA made Low-Priority Substance
designations according to TSCA's risk-based statutory requirements.
Based on its low-concern benchmarks, reasonably available information,
and data screening approach, EPA finds it has sufficient information to
designate the 20 chemical substances as Low-Priority Substances and
that the chemical substances do not meet the standard for a High-
Priority Substance for risk evaluation.
5. Analog Selection and Use
Comment: Multiple commenters raised concerns about the rigor and
transparency of EPA's analog selection method and stated that EPA did
not sufficiently justify its analog selections. Another commenter
stated that EPA appropriately used the available tools and information,
as well as its own expert judgement, to designate these substances
without requiring the development of new information, consistent with
the goals of the amended TSCA.
Response: EPA provides more information in the full response to
general comments document (Ref. 7) on its selection of analogs based on
the publicly available Analog Identification Methodology (AIM)
software, the availability of relevant data on potential analogs, and
EPA's best professional judgement.
6. Additional Comments
Comment: One commenter noted technical corrections related to the
descriptions of dipropylene glycol and tripropylene glycol in Section 2
of the respective supporting documents.
Response: EPA updated Section 2 of both supporting documents to
reflect these corrections.
Comment: Several commenters provided broader comments on how EPA
should have improved the prioritization process or how EPA could
improve the process for future prioritization efforts. For example, one
commenter stated that EPA underestimated the costs of prioritization in
the TSCA fee rule, and as a result did not devote the resources
necessary to compile sufficiently robust low priority dossiers. The
commenter recommended that EPA incorporate additional prioritization
costs in the TSCA fee rule.
Response: EPA appreciates commenters' concern for Agency resources.
The screening reviews for each Low-Priority Substance contain the
statutorily required elements needed to support designation. Using its
current resource base, the Agency has compiled and analyzed sufficient
reasonably available information to support candidate identification,
screening review, and Low-Priority Substance designation for each
chemical substance. Comments on the TSCA fee rule are outside of this
action's scope.
Comment: Several commenters argued there is missing or incomplete
information in EPA's Approach Document (Ref. 10). Commenters
recommended that information be added or improved around several topics
including statutory and regulatory screening criteria, EPA's approach
to data integration, and EPA's approach to evaluating data quality.
Commenters also stated that some criteria presented in the Approach
Document (Ref. 10) were not supported by EPA precedent or by the
broader scientific community. Commenters stated that EPA's criteria for
reviewing and integrating studies was inconsistent with previous EPA
criteria and with currently accepted approaches, and also stated that
EPA used a new ``weight of the scientific evidence'' definition that is
inconsistent with EPA's risk evaluation regulations and currently
accepted scientific standards. One commenter expressed support for
EPA's development and application of the Approach Document (Ref. 10).
Response: The goal of the Approach Document (Ref. 10) was to
establish a transparent process for review of the reasonably available
hazard information presented in the Low-Priority Substance supporting
documents. The Approach Document is not intended to address all
elements of a systematic review or risk evaluation, which are beyond
the scope of a screening review. The individual screening reviews
provide further details regarding EPA's approach and the statutory
criteria for designating Low-Priority Substances. EPA will consider
updating its Approach Document (Ref. 10) in the future to elaborate on
its data integration methodology.
Comment: One commenter stated that the presence of a substance on
the Safer Chemical Ingredients List (SCIL) is not sufficient for
designating the substance as low-priority. The commenter stated that
EPA should also consider, among other things, whether sufficient
information exists on all conditions of use and hazard endpoints, what
vulnerable subpopulations may be exposed, and whether there are
potential environmental releases.
Response: EPA did not base its Low-Priority Substance designations
on a chemical's presence on SCIL. Instead, SCIL offered a pool of
chemicals and a starting point in the Agency's search for suitable Low-
Priority Substance candidates. EPA reviewed the Low-Priority Substances
by gathering and analyzing the reasonably available information to
assess these chemicals and determined with sufficient information that
these chemicals do not meet the statutory standard to be considered a
High-Priority Substance.
Comment: One commenter commended EPA for taking care in its
prioritization procedures rule, in its working approach document, in
its Approach Document, and in its notices initiating prioritization and
proposing chemicals as low-priority to make clear what a designation of
a chemical as a High-Priority Substance or as a Low-Priority Substance
Response: EPA appreciates the commenter's viewpoint.
Comment: One commenter provided recommendations for EPA's longer-
term approaches to substance prioritization. The commenter recommended
that EPA examine the applicability of using advanced approaches for
evaluating exposure and bioactivity/toxicity as parallel evidence for
use at the screening review step of the prioritization process. The
commenter also recommended that EPA consider recent developments to
tools for assessing persistence and bioaccumulation, and generally
recommended that EPA should rely increasingly on use of New Approach
Methodologies (NAMs) and other 21st century tools and sources of
information to identify and propose chemicals as low priority.
Response: EPA appreciates the commenter's points and will consider
them going forward.
IV. Chemical Substances Which EPA Is Designating as a Low-Priority
Substance for Prioritization
A. Approach for Gathering Information, Conducting Analysis and Forming
the Basis To Support the Final Low-Priority Substance Designation
EPA used reasonably available information, including public
comments received on specific chemical substances during the 90-day
comment periods following initiation of the prioritization process and
proposal of the designations for Low-Priority Substances, to screen the
candidate chemical substances against the criteria and considerations
in TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A) and 40 CFR 702.9 (see Unit III.).
Each supporting document for the chemical substances designated as
a Low-Priority Substance includes the information, analysis and basis
for the
[[Page 11078]]
final designation. In the absence of experimental data for a given
endpoint, EPA integrated information using New Approach Methodologies
(NAMs), discussed further in the respective supporting documents. These
documents are available in the docket of each of the chemical
substances with a final designation as a Low-Priority Substance. The
final designations are presented in Unit IV.B., along with the docket
B. Final Priority Designation as Low-Priority Substances
EPA is publishing the final designation for the following 20
chemical substances as Low-Priority Substances for which risk
evaluation is not warranted at this time. Using the approach described
in Unit IV.A., and including information provided by commentators
during comment periods in the designation process, as appropriate, the
final designations are based on the conclusion that the chemical
substance satisfies the definition of Low-Priority Substance. Under
TSCA section 6(b)(1)(B) and implementing regulations (40 CFR 702.3), a
Low-Priority Substance is described as a chemical substance that the
Administrator concludes does not meet the standard for designation as a
High-Priority Substance, based on information sufficient to establish
that conclusion, without consideration of costs or other non-risk
factors. The chemical substances designated as Low-Priority Substances
are listed below:
1. 1-Butanol, 3-methoxy-, 1-acetate, CAS RN 4435-53-4, Docket
number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0106. The information, analysis and basis used
to support the final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
2. D-gluco-Heptonic acid, sodium salt (1:1), (2.xi.)-, CAS RN
31138-65-5, Docket number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0107. The information,
analysis and basis used to support the final designation as a Low-
Priority Substance are in the docket for this chemical substance.
3. D-Gluconic acid, CAS RN 526-95-4, Docket number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-
2019-0108. The information, analysis and basis used to support the
final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the docket for
this chemical substance.
4. D-Gluconic acid, calcium salt (2:1), CAS RN 299-28-5, Docket
number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0109. The information, analysis and basis used
to support the final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
5. D-Gluconic acid, .delta.-lactone, CAS RN 90-80-2, Docket number:
EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0110. The information, analysis and basis used to
support the final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
6. D-Gluconic acid, potassium salt (1:1), CAS RN 299-27-4, Docket
number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0111. The information, analysis and basis used
to support the final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
7. D-Gluconic acid, sodium salt (1:1), CAS RN 527-07-1, Docket
number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0112. The information, analysis and basis used
to support the final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
8. Decanedioic acid, 1,10-dibutyl ester, CAS RN 109-43-3, Docket
number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0113. The information, analysis and basis used
to support the final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
9. 1-Docosanol, CAS RN 661-19-8, Docket number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-
0114. The information, analysis and basis used to support the final
designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the docket for this
chemical substance.
10. 1-Eicosanol, CAS RN 629-96-9, Docket number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-
0115. The information, analysis and basis used to support the final
designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the docket for this
chemical substance.
11. 1,2-Hexanediol, CAS RN 6920-22-5, Docket number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-
2019-0116. The information, analysis and basis used to support the
final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the docket for
this chemical substance.
12. 1-Octadecanol, CAS RN 112-92-5, Docket number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-
2019-0117. The information, analysis and basis used to support the
final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the docket for
this chemical substance.
13. Propanol, [2-(2-butoxymethylethoxy)methylethoxy]-, CAS RN
55934-93-5, Docket number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0118. The information,
analysis and basis used to support the final designation as a Low-
Priority Substance are in the docket for this chemical substance.
14. Propanedioic acid, 1,3-diethyl ester, CAS RN 105-53-3, Docket
number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0119. The information, analysis and basis used
to support the final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
15. Propanedioic acid, 1,3-dimethyl ester, CAS RN 108-59-8, Docket
number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0120. The information, analysis and basis used
to support the final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the
docket for this chemical substance.
16. Propanol, 1(or 2)-(2-methoxymethylethoxy)-, acetate, CAS RN
88917-22-0, Docket number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0121. The information,
analysis and basis used to support the final designation as a Low-
Priority Substance are in the docket for this chemical substance.
17. Propanol, [(1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)bis(oxy)]bis-, CAS RN
24800-44-0, Docket number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0122. The information,
analysis and basis used to support the final designation as a Low-
Priority Substance are in the docket for this chemical substance.
18. 2-Propanol, 1,1'-oxybis-, CAS RN 110-98-5, Docket number: EPA-
HQ-OPPT-2019-0123. The information, analysis and basis used to support
the final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the docket for
this chemical substance.
19. Propanol, oxybis-, CAS RN 25265-71-8, Docket number: EPA-HQ-
OPPT-2019-0124. The information, analysis and basis used to support the
final designation as a Low-Priority Substance are in the docket for
this chemical substance.
20. Tetracosane, 2,6,10,15,19,23-hexamethyl-, CAS RN 111-01-3,
Docket number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0125. The information, analysis and
basis used to support the final designation as a Low-Priority Substance
are in the docket for this chemical substance.
V. References
The following is a listing of the documents that are specifically
referenced in this document. The docket includes these documents and
other information considered by EPA, including documents that are
referenced within the documents that are included in the docket, even
if the referenced document is not physically located in the docket. For
assistance in locating these other documents, please consult the
technical person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
1. EPA. Initiation of Prioritization Under the Toxic Substances
Control Act (TSCA). Notice. Federal Register. (84 FR 10491, March
21, 2019) (FRL-9991-06).
2. EPA. Proposed Low-Priority Substance Designation Under the Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA). Notice. Federal Register. (84 FR
41712, August 15, 2019)
[[Page 11079]]
3. EPA. Information Relevant to Prioritization for Propanol, [(1-
methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)bis(oxy)]bis-. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-
0122. Available at
4. EPA. Information Relevant to Prioritization for Propanol, 1(or
2)-(2-methoxymethylethoxy)-, acetate. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-
0121. Available at
5. EPA. Information Relevant to Prioritization for Propanol, [2-(2-
butoxymethylethoxy)methylethoxy]-. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0118.
Available at
6. EPA. Information Relevant to Prioritization for Propanol,
oxybis-. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0124. Available at
7. EPA. Summary of General Public Comments and Responses on the
Proposed Designation of Low-Priority Substances under the Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA). January 16, 2020.
8. EPA. Summary of Chemical-Specific Public Comments and Responses
on the Proposed Designation of Low-Priority Substances under the
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). January 16, 2020.
9. EPA. Procedures for Prioritization of Chemicals for Risk
Evaluation Under the Toxic Substances Control Act. Notice. Federal
Register. (82 FR 33753, September 18, 2017) (FRL-9964-24).
10. EPA. Approach Document for Screening Hazard Information for Low-
Priority Substances Under TSCA. August 2019. EPA Document ID No.
740B19008. Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. Washington,
DC. Available at
11. EPA. Procedures for Prioritization of Chemicals for Risk
Evaluation under TSCA: Response to Public Comments; SAN 5943; RIN
2070-AK23; EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0636. 2017. EPA. Health and
Environmental Research Online: A Database of Scientific Studies and
References. Available at
12. S. Rep. No. 114-67, 114th Cong., 1st Sess. 2015. Available at
13. EPA. ``A Working Approach for Identifying Potential Candidate
Chemicals for Prioritization.'' ( September 26, 2018.
(Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.)
Dated: February 19, 2020.
Andrew R. Wheeler,
[FR Doc. 2020-03869 Filed 2-25-20; 8:45 am]