2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)-Updates for 2022; Update of Statistical Policy Directive No. 8, Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments; and Elimination of Statistical Policy Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises, 11120-11124 [2020-03797]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
provider only if the provider chooses a
data exchange submission method.
Once the new OWCP–1168 form is in
place, the existing EDI template will no
longer be applicable. The current EDI
template collects information that is
duplicative to information collected on
Form OWCP–1168, such as names,
addresses, and NPI. Collecting EDI
information with the enrollment
information in one form will improve
efficiency in collecting the information
from providers, reduce the time
required for processing by operational
staff, and will significantly reduce errors
associated with mismatching provider
enrollments to their EDI information.
This ICR will be submitted to OMB to
allow for the continued use of the
revised Provider Enrollment Form
(Form OWCP–1168) and to incorporate
regulatory updates implementing the
Black Lung benefits Act which becomes
applicable on April 26, 2020. A copy of
the proposed information collection
request can be obtained by contacting
the office listed below in the ADDRESSES
section of this Notice.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted to the office listed in the
ADDRESSES section below on or before
April 27, 2020.
ADDRESSES: Anjanette Suggs, U.S.
Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
Ave. NW, Room S–3201, Washington,
DC 20210, telephone/fax (202) 354–
9660, Email suggs.anjanette@dol.gov.
Please use only one method of
transmission for comments (mail/
delivery, fax, or email).
I. Background
The Office of Workers’ Compensation
Programs (OWCP) is the agency
responsible for administration of the
Federal Employees’ Compensation Act
(FECA), 5 U.S.C. 8101 et seq., the Black
Lung Benefits Act (BLBA), 30 U.S.C. 901
et seq., and the Energy Employees
Occupational Illness Compensation
Program Act of 2000 (EEOICPA), 42
U.S.C. 7384 et seq. These statutes
require OWCP to pay for appropriate
medical and vocational rehabilitation
services provided to beneficiaries. In
order for OWCP’s billing contractor to
pay providers of these services with its
automated bill processing system,
providers must ‘‘enroll’’ with one or
more of the OWCP programs that
administer the statutes by submitting
certain profile information, including
identifying information, tax I.D.
information, and whether they possess
specialty or sub-specialty training. Form
OWCP–1168 is used to obtain this
information from each provider. This
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included in the request for Office of
Management and Budget approval of the
information collection request; they will
also become a matter of public record.
ICR will be submitted to OMB as a
follow-up to an emergency processing
request that was submitted to OMB on
February 14, 2020 which will allow for
implementation of the revised form as
soon as possible. This submission will
request OMB approval to use the revised
form for an additional three (3) years.
Anjanette Suggs,
Agency Clearance Officer, Office of Workers’
Compensation Programs, U.S. Department of
II. Review Focus
[FR Doc. 2020–03789 Filed 2–25–20; 8:45 am]
The Department of Labor is
particularly interested in comments
* Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
* evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
* enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
* minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses.
III. Current Actions
The Office of Management
and Budget OMB, through its Economic
Classification Policy Committee (ECPC),
is seeking comment on potential
changes to the structure and content of
the North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS). There
are seven parts in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section below. Part I
provides background on NAICS. Part II
includes a solicitation of proposals for
new and emerging industries. Part III
solicits public comments on the NAICS
treatment of Electronic Shopping in
Retail Trade. Part IV asks for comments
on the concept of internet Publishing
and Broadcasting and the potential to
eliminate the industry in NAICS 2022.
Part V solicits comments on a proposed
revision to OMB’s Statistical Policy
Directive No. 8, Standard Industrial
Classification of Establishments. Part VI
requests comments on the advisability
of withdrawing OMB Statistical Policy
Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial
Classification of Enterprises. Finally,
Part VII presents notification of a
method to publicize corrections for
errors and omissions that are identified
In soliciting comments about revising
NAICS, the ECPC does not intend to
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2017 North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS)—
Updates for 2022; Update of Statistical
Policy Directive No. 8, Standard
Industrial Classification of
Establishments; and Elimination of
Statistical Policy Directive No. 9,
Standard Industrial Classification of
Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, Executive
Office of the President.
ACTION: Notice of solicitation for
proposals to revise portions of NAICS
for 2022, solicitation of comments on
the update of Statistical Policy Directive
No. 8, and solicitation of comments on
the elimination of Statistical Policy
Directive No. 9.
The Department of Labor seeks the
approval of the extension of this
currently approved information
collection in order to carry out a wide
range of automated bill ‘‘edits’’, such as
the identification of duplicate billings,
the application of pertinent fee
schedules, utilization review, and fraud
and abuse detection. The profile
information is also used to furnish
detailed reports to providers on the
status of previously submitted bills.
Type of Review: Extension.
Agency: Office of Workers’
Compensation Programs.
Title: Provider Enrollment Form.
OMB Number: 1240–0021.
Agency Number: OWCP–1168.
Affected Public: Businesses or other
Total Respondents: 64,325.
Total Responses: 64,325.
Time per Response: 30 minutes.
Estimated Total Burden Hours:
Total Burden Cost (capital/startup):
Total Burden Cost (operating/
maintenance): $37,309.
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
open the entire classification system for
substantial change in 2022. The ECPC
will consider public comments and
proposals for changes or modifications
that advance the goals of NAICS as
outlined in Part I of the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section below.
DATES: To ensure consideration of
comments on this Notice, comments
must be provided in writing no later
than 60 days from the publication date
of this notice. Because of delays in the
receipt of regular mail related to
security screening, respondents are
encouraged to send comments
electronically (see ADDRESSES, below).
ADDRESSES: Submit comments through
www.regulations.gov—a Federal EGovernment website that allows the
public to find, review, and submit
comments on documents that agencies
have published in the Federal Register
and that are open for comment. Simply
type ‘‘USBC–2020–0004’’ (in quotes) in
the Comment or Submission search box,
click Go, and follow the instructions for
submitting comments. Comments
received by the date specified above
will be included as part of the official
record. Please include the Docket ID
(USBC–2020–0004) and the phrase
‘‘2017 North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS)—
Updates for 2022 Comments’’ at the
beginning of your comments. Please also
indicate which questions described in
notice are addressed in your comments.
Comments submitted in response to
this notice may be made available to the
public and subject to disclosure under
the Freedom of Information Act. For this
reason, please do not include in your
comments information of a confidential
nature, such as sensitive personal
information or proprietary information.
If you send an email comment, your
email address will be automatically
captured and included as part of the
comment that is placed in the public
docket; however, www.regulations.gov
does include the option of commenting
anonymously. Please note that
responses to this public comment
request containing any routine notice
about the confidentiality of the
communication will be treated as public
comments that may be made available to
the public notwithstanding the
inclusion of the routine notice.
Electronic Availability: Federal
Register notices are available
electronically at
www.federalregister.gov/. This
document is also available on the
NAICS website at www.census.gov/
naics. This site contains previous
NAICS United States Federal Register
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notices, ECPC Issues Papers, ECPC
Reports, the structure and industry
definitions for NAICS United States
2017, 2012, 2007, 2002, and 1997, and
related documents.
Public Review Procedure: All
comments and proposals received in
response to this notice will be available
for public inspection. OMB will publish
all ECPC recommendations for changes
to NAICS for 2022 resulting from this
notice in the Federal Register for review
and comment prior to final action.
NAICS classification staff may be
reached by email at econ.naics2022@
census.gov. Please note: Communication
through this email will not be included
in the record for USBC–2020–0004.
Comments should be submitted through
www.regulations.gov, as described in
the ADDRESSES section above.
For information about this request for
comments, contact Kerrie Leslie, Office
of Management and Budget, 9215 New
Executive Office Building, 725 17th St.
NW, Washington, DC 20503, telephone
(202) 395–1093.
authority of the Budget and Accounting
Procedures Act of 1950 (31 U.S.C.
1104(d)) and the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3504(e)), the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), through its Economic
Classification Policy Committee (ECPC),
is soliciting proposals from the public
for changes to the structure and content
of the North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS) for
inclusion in a potential 2022 revision.
OMB, through the ECPC, is also
soliciting comments on updating
Statistical Policy Directive No. 8 and
eliminating Statistical Policy Directive
No. 9.
I. Background of NAICS
NAICS is a system for classifying
establishments (individual business
locations) by type of economic activity.
Its purposes are: (1) To facilitate the
collection, tabulation, presentation, and
analysis of data relating to
establishments; and (2) to promote
uniformity and comparability in the
presentation and analysis of statistical
data describing the North American
economy. Federal statistical agencies
use NAICS to collect and/or publish
data by industry. It is also widely used
by State agencies, trade associations,
private businesses, and other
Mexico’s Instituto Nacional de
Estadı´stica y Geografı´a (INEGI),
Statistics Canada, and the United States
Office of Management and Budget
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(OMB), through the ECPC, collaborated
on NAICS to make the industry statistics
produced by the three countries
comparable. NAICS is the first industry
classification system developed in
accordance with a single principle of
aggregation—producing units that use
similar production processes should be
grouped together in the classification.
NAICS also reflects changes in
technology and in the growth and
diversification of services in recent
decades. Industry statistics presented
using NAICS 2017 are extensively
comparable with statistics compiled
according to the latest revision of the
United Nations’ International Standard
Industrial Classification (ISIC, Revision
For these three countries, NAICS
provides a consistent framework for the
collection, tabulation, presentation, and
analysis of industry statistics used by
government policy analysts, by
academics and researchers, by the
business community, and by the public.
Please note that NAICS is designed and
maintained solely for statistical
purposes to improve and keep current
this Federal statistical standard.
Consequently, although the
classification may also be used for
various nonstatistical purposes (e.g., for
administrative, regulatory, or taxation
functions), the requirements of
government agencies or private users
that choose to use NAICS for
nonstatistical purposes play no role in
its development or revision.
Four principles that guide NAICS
development are:
(1) NAICS is erected on a productionoriented conceptual framework. This
means that producing units that use the
same or similar production processes
are grouped together in NAICS.
(2) NAICS gives special attention to
developing production-oriented
classifications for (a) new and emerging
industries, (b) service industries in
general, and (c) industries engaged in
the production of advanced
(3) Time series continuity is
maintained to the extent possible.
(4) The system strives for
compatibility with the two-digit level of
the International Standard Industrial
Classification of All Economic Activities
(ISIC, Rev. 4) of the United Nations.
The ECPC is committed to
maintaining the principles of NAICS as
it develops further refinements. NAICS
uses a hierarchical structure to classify
establishments from the broadest level
to the most detailed level using the
following format:
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
Sector .....................................................
2-digit ....................
Subsector ...............................................
3-digit ....................
Industry Group ......................................
4-digit ....................
NAICS Industry .....................................
5-digit ....................
National Industry ..................................
6-digit ....................
To ensure the accuracy, timeliness,
and relevance of the classification,
NAICS is reviewed every five years to
determine what, if any, changes are
required. The 2022 review will be the
fifth since OMB adopted NAICS in
1997. The ECPC recognizes the costs
involved when implementing industry
classification revisions in statistical
programs and the costs for data users
when there are disruptions in the
availability of data. The ECPC also
recognizes the economic, statistical, and
policy implications that arise when the
industry classification system does not
identify and account for important
NAICS version
Over time, as the internet became an
integral part of conducting business,
two industries in NAICS were created
(454111, Electronic Shopping, and
519130, Internet Publishing and
Broadcasting and Web Search Portals)
that delineate based on mode of
delivery. As utilization of the internet
evolved, the structure and coding of
these industries in NAICS has also
evolved. This leads the ECPC to request
comments on the continued usefulness
of the mode of delivery (online versus
in store/print) as an industry
delineation criterion in Sections III and
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II. New and Emerging Industries
NAICS is a dynamic industry
classification. Every five years, the
classification is reviewed to determine
the need to identify new and emerging
industries. The ECPC is soliciting public
comments on the advisability of revising
NAICS for new and emerging industries
in 2022 and soliciting proposals for
these new industries.
When developing proposals for new
and emerging industries, please note
that there are two separate economic
classifications in the United States.
NAICS, the industry classification, is
the subject of this notice, while the
North American Product Classification
System (NAPCS) is a product
classification. The NAPCS product
system described below complements
the NAICS industry system and
17:22 Feb 25, 2020
economic developments. Balancing the
costs of change against the potential for
more accurate and relevant economic
statistics requires significant input from
data producers, data providers, and data
Date published
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Sectors represent the highest level of aggregation. There are 20 sectors in
Subsectors represent the next, more detailed level of aggregation. There are
99 subsectors in NAICS.
Industry groups are more detailed than subsectors. There are 311 industry
groups in NAICS 2017.
NAICS industries, in most cases, represent the lowest level of three-country
comparability. There are 709 five-digit industries in NAICS 2017.
National industries are the most detailed level and represent the national
level detail. There are 1,057 national industries in NAICS United States
Jkt 250001
Federal Register
April 9, 1997 .....................................................
January 16, 2001 .............................................
May 16, 2006 ...................................................
August 17, 2011 ...............................................
August 8, 2016 .................................................
provides an alternate way of classifying
NAICS classifies units according to
their production function. NAICS
industries group units undertaking
similar activities using similar resources
but does not necessarily group all
similar products or outputs. NAPCS
classifies the outputs of units, or in
other words their products or
transactions, within a demand-based
conceptual framework. For example, the
hypothetical product of a flu shot can be
provided by a doctor’s office, a hospital,
or a walk-in clinic. Because these three
units are classified to three different
NAICS industries, data users who want
information about all flu shots provided
must be able to identify the individual
products coming out of the units, which
NAPCS is designed to do. Thus, in
many cases, the need for specific
statistical data can be met by aggregating
product data across industries rather
than by creating a new industry. This is
particularly true with NAICS, which
groups establishments into industries
based on their primary production
function. Proposals for new industries
in NAICS for 2022 will be evaluated
within the context of the industry
classification system to determine the
most appropriate resolution. For a
detailed description of the NAPCS
initiative, see the April 16, 1999,
Federal Register notice (64 FR 18984–
18989) available at www.census.gov/
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Proposals for new industries will be
evaluated using a variety of criteria. As
previously mentioned, each proposal
will be evaluated based on the
application of the production function
concept, its impact on comparability
within North America and with other
regions, and its impact on time series.
For any proposals that cross threecountry levels of agreement,
negotiations with Canada and Mexico,
our partners in NAICS, will also
influence the ECPC’s recommendations
on those proposals. In addition, other
criteria may affect recommendations for
adoption. From a practical standpoint,
industries must be of appropriate size.
At the national level, this is generally
not a major concern but there are a
variety of statistical programs that
produce industry data at the regional,
State, metropolitan area, or even county
or local level. Proposed industries must
include a sufficient number of
establishments so that Federal agencies
can publish industry data without
disclosing information about the
operations of individual firms. The
ability of government agencies to
classify, collect, and publish data on the
proposed basis will also be taken into
account. Proposed changes must be
such that they can be applied by
agencies within their normal processing
operations. Any recommendations for
change forwarded by the ECPC for
consideration will also take into account
the cost of making the changes. These
costs can be considerable and the
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
availability of funding to make changes
is critical. The budgetary environment
will be considered when the ECPC
makes recommendations. As mentioned
above, certain proposals may be more
adequately addressed through the
identification and collection of product
Proposals for new or revised
industries should be consistent with the
production-oriented conceptual
framework incorporated into the
principles of NAICS. When formulating
proposals, please note that an industry
classification system groups the
economic activities of producing units,
which means that the activities of
similar producing units cannot be
separated in the industry classification
Proposals must be in writing and
include the following information:
(a) Specific economic activities to be
covered by the proposed industry, the
proposed industry’s production
processes, its specialized labor skills,
and any unique materials used. This
detail should demonstrate that the
proposed industry will group
establishments with similar production
processes that are unique and clearly
separable from the production processes
of other industries.
(b) Relationship of the proposed
industry to existing NAICS United
States 2017 six-digit national industries.
(c) Documentation of the size and
importance of the proposed industry in
the U.S.
(d) Information about the proposed
industry in Canada and Mexico if
Proposals will be collected, reviewed,
and analyzed by the ECPC. As
necessary, proposals for change will be
negotiated with our partners in Canada
and Mexico. When this process is
complete, the OMB will publish a
Federal Register notice that contains the
ECPC recommendations for additional
public comment prior to a final
determination of changes to NAICS for
III. E-Commerce and Electronic
Shopping in Retail Trade
The ECPC is soliciting comments on
the current treatment of electronic
shopping in NAICS and proposals for
industry structure change in the Retail
Trade sector. NAICS currently
delineates Subsector 454, Nonstore
Retailers, for establishments exclusively
engaged in nonstore retail trade. Data
users are increasingly interested in the
growth of electronic shopping.
However, NAICS Subsector 454 does
not present a clear picture of all online
retail trade activity because it does not
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include online sales of store retailers.
The growth of e-commerce and the
pervasive nature of electronic shopping
creates confusion in classification and
results in aggregate data that is hard to
interpret and use for strategic business
decisions, policy decisions, and analysis
of changes to industry practices. NAICS
Industry 45411, Electronic Shopping
and Mail Order Houses, is defined as
comprising units that sell exclusively
from a nonstore format. This distinction
is problematic based on changes in
retail trade practices over the past
decade. In short, the industry structure
in retail trade does not necessarily result
in all e-commerce retail revenue being
included in nonstore retail. It also does
not necessarily result in all store retail
revenue being included in store retail.
Changes in the use of technology and
the impacts on the usefulness of the
resulting data require an evaluation of
the industry structure in retail trade.
Currently, store retail is delineated by
broad product lines, such as groceries,
apparel, hardware, etc. and by
specialized stores versus general
merchandise stores such as department
stores. Store retail includes all
transactions associated with the
location—in-store customer transactions
as well as online transactions credited
to the store even if shipped directly
from a distribution center to a customer.
The growth of online intermediaries
performing functions such as storage,
pick and pack, and billing on behalf of
retailers creates additional problems.
The expansion of these third party
services using online platforms on
behalf of stores further clouds the
content and interpretation of data using
the retail trade industry structure in
NAICS broken out by store and
Retailers perform an intermediary
function to get a product from the
producer to the consumer. It is no
longer clear whether the store vs.
nonstore distinction should be
determinative for classification
purposes. The increasing prevalence of
omni-channel distribution and
variations in reporting patterns result in
significant ambiguity in the
interpretation and use of the industry
Recent developments include pop up
stores, delivery lockers, online ordering
with in-store pick up, store inventory
fulfillment of online orders, online
orders in stores when an item is out of
stock, and similar practices. Each of
these cases presents ambiguity for
classification of in store and nonstore
Any change to the current industry
treatment will impact time series and
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potential uses of the resulting data
presented using NAICS. While the
sector level total will include all retail
sales and will not change, the
distribution of those sales at lower
levels of aggregation will change.
Changes to the content of store and
nonstore retail will have an impact on
industry metrics like same store sales on
a year over year basis and total location
sales. Changes could also affect retailers
due to existing terms of leasing
There are several possible changes to
the retail trade structure to account for
the blurring of modes of sale. The first
is to redefine NAICS 45411 to include
establishments primarily rather than
exclusively engaged in online retail
sales, with no further changes. This has
the benefit of low disruption to the
retail structure but will not necessarily
clarify the content of the resulting data.
Another option is to simply eliminate
NAICS Industry 45411, and broadly use
the NAICS industry structure for store
retailers, maintaining separate
industries for vending machine
operators, fuel dealers, and other direct
selling establishments. This approach
would require a product or mode of sale
inquiry below the industry level to
identify and track online retail activity.
Some programs that use NAICS could
accommodate subindustry inquiries but
major employment and productivity
programs generally produce data at the
industry level only.
IV. Internet Publishing and
NAICS 51931, internet Publishing and
Broadcasting and Web Search Portals,
includes a wide range of activities
presenting content over the internet.
This NAICS industry includes online
publications, online video services,
social media sites, and even data
brokers. The classification is easy to
implement but there is growing concern
that distribution of content via the
internet is no longer a useful industry
classification delineation.
As more entities use various modes of
content delivery including over the air,
via wired telecommunications
networks, and over wireless
telecommunications networks, it is not
clear that a separation of all activities
exclusively providing content over the
internet is appropriate. The rise of ondemand programming through apps, the
move to cord cutting, and changes in the
distribution mode of traditional
newspapers and periodicals can result
in data that is hard to interpret and can
vary based on changes in business
models. The ECPC is soliciting
comments on the usefulness of NAICS
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 38 / Wednesday, February 26, 2020 / Notices
51931 and proposals for changes to the
concept that underlies the existing
information industries. The ECPC is
requesting comments on whether the
internet is still a relevant industry
distinction or if internet distribution
should be treated as a mode of delivery
with a goal of consistent treatment in
Sector 44–45, Retail Trade, and Sector
51, Information. As is the case for retail
trade, any changes to the industry
structure in Sector 51, Information, are
expected to create possibly significant
time series breaks.
V. OMB Statistical Policy Directive No.
8, Standard Industrial Classification of
The ECPC is soliciting public
comments at the request of OMB on the
advisability of formally updating
Statistical Policy Directive No. 8,
Standard Industrial Classification of
Establishments, and seeking comments
on the proposed text of the update. The
current Statistical Policy Directive text
mandates the use of the Standard
Industrial Classification Manual, 1972,
for the classification of establishments
by type of industrial activity. Statistical
Policy Directive No. 8 incorporates
amendments and further revisions of the
SIC. OMB adopted NAICS as the
replacement for the SIC for statistical
purposes in 1997. (62 FR 17288–17337)
The SIC has not been amended or
revised since 1987. The text of
Statistical Policy Directive No. 8 is
available for review at: https://
fedregister.html. It is also available for
review as a supplementary document on
www.regulations.gov within the same
docket as this Federal Register Notice.
The ECPC proposes to update the text
of Statistical Policy Directive No. 8 and
is soliciting public comments on the
proposed language included below:
Statistical Policy Directive No. 8
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
North American Industry Classification
System; Classification of Establishments
The North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS) is to be
used to classify reporting establishments
by types of industrial activity in which
they are engaged. Details are presented
in the North American Industry
Classification System, United States,
issued by the Office of Management and
Budget as amended and revised in the
future. Revisions are considered every
five years in calendar years ending with
2 and 7.
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1. Use for Federal Nonstatistical
Program Purposes
NAICS shall not be used in the
administration of any regulatory,
administrative, or tax program unless
the Secretary (Administrator) has first
determined that the use of such industry
definition is appropriate to the
implementation of the program’s
If the term ‘‘North American Industry
Classification System’’ (NAICS) is to be
used in the operative text of the law or
regulation to define industry (or trade or
commerce), language similar to the
following should be used to assure
sufficient flexibility: ‘‘An industry or
grouping of industries shall mean a
North American Industry Classification
System industry or grouping of
industries as defined by the Office of
Management and Budget subject to such
modifications with respect to individual
industries or groupings of industries as
the Secretary (Administrator) may
determine to be appropriate for the
purpose of this Act (regulation).’’. The
use, interpretation, and application of
NAICS for nonstatistical purposes is
controlled by and defined by the
agencies or regulations that use the
statistical standard for those
nonstatistical purposes.
2. Titles and Descriptions
The North American Industry
Classification System, United States,
manual includes titles and descriptions
of the industries and an alphabetic
index of illustrative activities classified
to industries. It is available online at:
VI. OMB Statistical Policy Directive No.
9, Standard Industrial Classification of
The ECPC proposes elimination of
Statistical Policy Directive No. 9,
Standard Industrial Classification of
Enterprises. OMB presented the
Enterprise Standard Industrial
Classification of Enterprises in 1974.
The classification is static and has not
been updated or widely adopted over
the past 45 years. NAICS United States
does not include a similar variant for
classification of enterprises. The current
text of this policy directive is available
for review at: https://www.census.gov/
fedregister.html. It is also available for
review as a supplementary document on
www.regulations.gov within the same
docket as this Federal Register Notice.
The ECPC is soliciting comments on
the advisability of eliminating Statistical
Policy Directive No. 9.
PO 00000
Frm 00080
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
VII. Errors and Omissions In NAICS
No significant errors or omissions
have been identified in NAICS 2017.
Any errors or omissions that are
identified in NAICS in the future will be
corrected and posted on the official
NAICS website at www.census.gov/
Paul J. Ray,
Administrator, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2020–03797 Filed 2–25–20; 8:45 am]
National Endowment for the
Meeting of National Council on the
National Endowment for the
Humanities, National Foundation on the
Arts and the Humanities.
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
Pursuant to the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, notice is
hereby given that the National Council
on the Humanities will meet to advise
the Chairman of the National
Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
with respect to policies, programs and
procedures for carrying out his
functions; to review applications for
financial assistance under the National
Foundation on the Arts and Humanities
Act of 1965 and make recommendations
thereon to the Chairman; and to
consider gifts offered to NEH and make
recommendations thereon to the
The meeting will be held on
Thursday, March 19, 2020, from 10:00
a.m. until 12:00 p.m., and Friday, March
20, 2020, from 9:00 a.m. until
On March 19, 2020, the
meeting will be held at George
Washington’s Mount Vernon, Fred W.
Smith National Library, 3600 Mount
Vernon Memorial Highway, Mount
Vernon, Virginia 22121. On March 20,
2020, the meeting will be held at
Constitution Center, 400 7th Street SW,
Washington, DC 20506.
Elizabeth Voyatzis, Committee
Management Officer, 400 7th Street SW,
4th Floor, Washington, DC 20506; (202)
606–8322; evoyatzis@neh.gov.
National Council on the Humanities is
meeting pursuant to the National
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 38 (Wednesday, February 26, 2020)]
[Pages 11120-11124]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-03797]
2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)--
Updates for 2022; Update of Statistical Policy Directive No. 8,
Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments; and Elimination
of Statistical Policy Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial
Classification of Enterprises
AGENCY: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President.
ACTION: Notice of solicitation for proposals to revise portions of
NAICS for 2022, solicitation of comments on the update of Statistical
Policy Directive No. 8, and solicitation of comments on the elimination
of Statistical Policy Directive No. 9.
SUMMARY: The Office of Management and Budget OMB, through its Economic
Classification Policy Committee (ECPC), is seeking comment on potential
changes to the structure and content of the North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS). There are seven parts in the
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section below. Part I provides background on
NAICS. Part II includes a solicitation of proposals for new and
emerging industries. Part III solicits public comments on the NAICS
treatment of Electronic Shopping in Retail Trade. Part IV asks for
comments on the concept of internet Publishing and Broadcasting and the
potential to eliminate the industry in NAICS 2022. Part V solicits
comments on a proposed revision to OMB's Statistical Policy Directive
No. 8, Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments. Part VI
requests comments on the advisability of withdrawing OMB Statistical
Policy Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial Classification of
Enterprises. Finally, Part VII presents notification of a method to
publicize corrections for errors and omissions that are identified in
In soliciting comments about revising NAICS, the ECPC does not
intend to
[[Page 11121]]
open the entire classification system for substantial change in 2022.
The ECPC will consider public comments and proposals for changes or
modifications that advance the goals of NAICS as outlined in Part I of
DATES: To ensure consideration of comments on this Notice, comments
must be provided in writing no later than 60 days from the publication
date of this notice. Because of delays in the receipt of regular mail
related to security screening, respondents are encouraged to send
comments electronically (see ADDRESSES, below).
ADDRESSES: Submit comments through www.regulations.gov--a Federal E-
Government website that allows the public to find, review, and submit
comments on documents that agencies have published in the Federal
Register and that are open for comment. Simply type ``USBC-2020-0004''
(in quotes) in the Comment or Submission search box, click Go, and
follow the instructions for submitting comments. Comments received by
the date specified above will be included as part of the official
record. Please include the Docket ID (USBC-2020-0004) and the phrase
``2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)--Updates
for 2022 Comments'' at the beginning of your comments. Please also
indicate which questions described in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION of
this notice are addressed in your comments.
Comments submitted in response to this notice may be made available
to the public and subject to disclosure under the Freedom of
Information Act. For this reason, please do not include in your
comments information of a confidential nature, such as sensitive
personal information or proprietary information. If you send an email
comment, your email address will be automatically captured and included
as part of the comment that is placed in the public docket; however,
www.regulations.gov does include the option of commenting anonymously.
Please note that responses to this public comment request containing
any routine notice about the confidentiality of the communication will
be treated as public comments that may be made available to the public
notwithstanding the inclusion of the routine notice.
Electronic Availability: Federal Register notices are available
electronically at www.federalregister.gov/. This document is also
available on the NAICS website at www.census.gov/naics. This site
contains previous NAICS United States Federal Register notices, ECPC
Issues Papers, ECPC Reports, the structure and industry definitions for
NAICS United States 2017, 2012, 2007, 2002, and 1997, and related
Public Review Procedure: All comments and proposals received in
response to this notice will be available for public inspection. OMB
will publish all ECPC recommendations for changes to NAICS for 2022
resulting from this notice in the Federal Register for review and
comment prior to final action.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: NAICS classification staff may be
reached by email at [email protected]. Please note:
Communication through this email will not be included in the record for
USBC-2020-0004. Comments should be submitted through
www.regulations.gov, as described in the ADDRESSES section above.
For information about this request for comments, contact Kerrie
Leslie, Office of Management and Budget, 9215 New Executive Office
Building, 725 17th St. NW, Washington, DC 20503, telephone (202) 395-
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the authority of the Budget and
Accounting Procedures Act of 1950 (31 U.S.C. 1104(d)) and the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3504(e)), the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB), through its Economic Classification Policy Committee
(ECPC), is soliciting proposals from the public for changes to the
structure and content of the North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS) for inclusion in a potential 2022 revision. OMB, through
the ECPC, is also soliciting comments on updating Statistical Policy
Directive No. 8 and eliminating Statistical Policy Directive No. 9.
I. Background of NAICS
NAICS is a system for classifying establishments (individual
business locations) by type of economic activity. Its purposes are: (1)
To facilitate the collection, tabulation, presentation, and analysis of
data relating to establishments; and (2) to promote uniformity and
comparability in the presentation and analysis of statistical data
describing the North American economy. Federal statistical agencies use
NAICS to collect and/or publish data by industry. It is also widely
used by State agencies, trade associations, private businesses, and
other organizations.
Mexico's Instituto Nacional de Estad[iacute]stica y
Geograf[iacute]a (INEGI), Statistics Canada, and the United States
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), through the ECPC, collaborated
on NAICS to make the industry statistics produced by the three
countries comparable. NAICS is the first industry classification system
developed in accordance with a single principle of aggregation--
producing units that use similar production processes should be grouped
together in the classification. NAICS also reflects changes in
technology and in the growth and diversification of services in recent
decades. Industry statistics presented using NAICS 2017 are extensively
comparable with statistics compiled according to the latest revision of
the United Nations' International Standard Industrial Classification
(ISIC, Revision 4).
For these three countries, NAICS provides a consistent framework
for the collection, tabulation, presentation, and analysis of industry
statistics used by government policy analysts, by academics and
researchers, by the business community, and by the public. Please note
that NAICS is designed and maintained solely for statistical purposes
to improve and keep current this Federal statistical standard.
Consequently, although the classification may also be used for various
nonstatistical purposes (e.g., for administrative, regulatory, or
taxation functions), the requirements of government agencies or private
users that choose to use NAICS for nonstatistical purposes play no role
in its development or revision.
Four principles that guide NAICS development are:
(1) NAICS is erected on a production-oriented conceptual framework.
This means that producing units that use the same or similar production
processes are grouped together in NAICS.
(2) NAICS gives special attention to developing production-oriented
classifications for (a) new and emerging industries, (b) service
industries in general, and (c) industries engaged in the production of
advanced technologies.
(3) Time series continuity is maintained to the extent possible.
(4) The system strives for compatibility with the two-digit level
of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic
Activities (ISIC, Rev. 4) of the United Nations.
The ECPC is committed to maintaining the principles of NAICS as it
develops further refinements. NAICS uses a hierarchical structure to
classify establishments from the broadest level to the most detailed
level using the following format:
[[Page 11122]]
Sector........................ 2-digit.......... Sectors represent the
highest level of
aggregation. There
are 20 sectors in
Subsector..................... 3-digit.......... Subsectors represent
the next, more
detailed level of
aggregation. There
are 99 subsectors in
Industry Group................ 4-digit.......... Industry groups are
more detailed than
subsectors. There
are 311 industry
groups in NAICS
NAICS Industry................ 5-digit.......... NAICS industries, in
most cases,
represent the lowest
level of three-
comparability. There
are 709 five-digit
industries in NAICS
National Industry............. 6-digit.......... National industries
are the most
detailed level and
represent the
national level
detail. There are
1,057 national
industries in NAICS
United States 2017.
To ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and relevance of the
classification, NAICS is reviewed every five years to determine what,
if any, changes are required. The 2022 review will be the fifth since
OMB adopted NAICS in 1997. The ECPC recognizes the costs involved when
implementing industry classification revisions in statistical programs
and the costs for data users when there are disruptions in the
availability of data. The ECPC also recognizes the economic,
statistical, and policy implications that arise when the industry
classification system does not identify and account for important
economic developments. Balancing the costs of change against the
potential for more accurate and relevant economic statistics requires
significant input from data producers, data providers, and data users.
NAICS version Date published Federal Register
1997............................ April 9, 1997..... 62 FR 17288-17337.
2002............................ January 16, 2001.. 66 FR 3826-3827.
2007............................ May 16, 2006...... 71 FR 28532-28533.
2012............................ August 17, 2011... 76 FR 51240-51243.
2017............................ August 8, 2016.... 81 FR 52584.
Over time, as the internet became an integral part of conducting
business, two industries in NAICS were created (454111, Electronic
Shopping, and 519130, Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web
Search Portals) that delineate based on mode of delivery. As
utilization of the internet evolved, the structure and coding of these
industries in NAICS has also evolved. This leads the ECPC to request
comments on the continued usefulness of the mode of delivery (online
versus in store/print) as an industry delineation criterion in Sections
III and IV.
II. New and Emerging Industries
NAICS is a dynamic industry classification. Every five years, the
classification is reviewed to determine the need to identify new and
emerging industries. The ECPC is soliciting public comments on the
advisability of revising NAICS for new and emerging industries in 2022
and soliciting proposals for these new industries.
When developing proposals for new and emerging industries, please
note that there are two separate economic classifications in the United
States. NAICS, the industry classification, is the subject of this
notice, while the North American Product Classification System (NAPCS)
is a product classification. The NAPCS product system described below
complements the NAICS industry system and provides an alternate way of
classifying output.
NAICS classifies units according to their production function.
NAICS industries group units undertaking similar activities using
similar resources but does not necessarily group all similar products
or outputs. NAPCS classifies the outputs of units, or in other words
their products or transactions, within a demand-based conceptual
framework. For example, the hypothetical product of a flu shot can be
provided by a doctor's office, a hospital, or a walk-in clinic. Because
these three units are classified to three different NAICS industries,
data users who want information about all flu shots provided must be
able to identify the individual products coming out of the units, which
NAPCS is designed to do. Thus, in many cases, the need for specific
statistical data can be met by aggregating product data across
industries rather than by creating a new industry. This is particularly
true with NAICS, which groups establishments into industries based on
their primary production function. Proposals for new industries in
NAICS for 2022 will be evaluated within the context of the industry
classification system to determine the most appropriate resolution. For
a detailed description of the NAPCS initiative, see the April 16, 1999,
Federal Register notice (64 FR 18984-18989) available at
Proposals for new industries will be evaluated using a variety of
criteria. As previously mentioned, each proposal will be evaluated
based on the application of the production function concept, its impact
on comparability within North America and with other regions, and its
impact on time series. For any proposals that cross three-country
levels of agreement, negotiations with Canada and Mexico, our partners
in NAICS, will also influence the ECPC's recommendations on those
proposals. In addition, other criteria may affect recommendations for
adoption. From a practical standpoint, industries must be of
appropriate size. At the national level, this is generally not a major
concern but there are a variety of statistical programs that produce
industry data at the regional, State, metropolitan area, or even county
or local level. Proposed industries must include a sufficient number of
establishments so that Federal agencies can publish industry data
without disclosing information about the operations of individual
firms. The ability of government agencies to classify, collect, and
publish data on the proposed basis will also be taken into account.
Proposed changes must be such that they can be applied by agencies
within their normal processing operations. Any recommendations for
change forwarded by the ECPC for consideration will also take into
account the cost of making the changes. These costs can be considerable
and the
[[Page 11123]]
availability of funding to make changes is critical. The budgetary
environment will be considered when the ECPC makes recommendations. As
mentioned above, certain proposals may be more adequately addressed
through the identification and collection of product data.
Proposals for new or revised industries should be consistent with
the production-oriented conceptual framework incorporated into the
principles of NAICS. When formulating proposals, please note that an
industry classification system groups the economic activities of
producing units, which means that the activities of similar producing
units cannot be separated in the industry classification system.
Proposals must be in writing and include the following information:
(a) Specific economic activities to be covered by the proposed
industry, the proposed industry's production processes, its specialized
labor skills, and any unique materials used. This detail should
demonstrate that the proposed industry will group establishments with
similar production processes that are unique and clearly separable from
the production processes of other industries.
(b) Relationship of the proposed industry to existing NAICS United
States 2017 six-digit national industries.
(c) Documentation of the size and importance of the proposed
industry in the U.S.
(d) Information about the proposed industry in Canada and Mexico if
Proposals will be collected, reviewed, and analyzed by the ECPC. As
necessary, proposals for change will be negotiated with our partners in
Canada and Mexico. When this process is complete, the OMB will publish
a Federal Register notice that contains the ECPC recommendations for
additional public comment prior to a final determination of changes to
NAICS for 2022.
III. E-Commerce and Electronic Shopping in Retail Trade
The ECPC is soliciting comments on the current treatment of
electronic shopping in NAICS and proposals for industry structure
change in the Retail Trade sector. NAICS currently delineates Subsector
454, Nonstore Retailers, for establishments exclusively engaged in
nonstore retail trade. Data users are increasingly interested in the
growth of electronic shopping. However, NAICS Subsector 454 does not
present a clear picture of all online retail trade activity because it
does not include online sales of store retailers. The growth of e-
commerce and the pervasive nature of electronic shopping creates
confusion in classification and results in aggregate data that is hard
to interpret and use for strategic business decisions, policy
decisions, and analysis of changes to industry practices. NAICS
Industry 45411, Electronic Shopping and Mail Order Houses, is defined
as comprising units that sell exclusively from a nonstore format. This
distinction is problematic based on changes in retail trade practices
over the past decade. In short, the industry structure in retail trade
does not necessarily result in all e-commerce retail revenue being
included in nonstore retail. It also does not necessarily result in all
store retail revenue being included in store retail.
Changes in the use of technology and the impacts on the usefulness
of the resulting data require an evaluation of the industry structure
in retail trade. Currently, store retail is delineated by broad product
lines, such as groceries, apparel, hardware, etc. and by specialized
stores versus general merchandise stores such as department stores.
Store retail includes all transactions associated with the location--
in-store customer transactions as well as online transactions credited
to the store even if shipped directly from a distribution center to a
The growth of online intermediaries performing functions such as
storage, pick and pack, and billing on behalf of retailers creates
additional problems. The expansion of these third party services using
online platforms on behalf of stores further clouds the content and
interpretation of data using the retail trade industry structure in
NAICS broken out by store and nonstore.
Retailers perform an intermediary function to get a product from
the producer to the consumer. It is no longer clear whether the store
vs. nonstore distinction should be determinative for classification
purposes. The increasing prevalence of omni-channel distribution and
variations in reporting patterns result in significant ambiguity in the
interpretation and use of the industry data.
Recent developments include pop up stores, delivery lockers, online
ordering with in-store pick up, store inventory fulfillment of online
orders, online orders in stores when an item is out of stock, and
similar practices. Each of these cases presents ambiguity for
classification of in store and nonstore data.
Any change to the current industry treatment will impact time
series and potential uses of the resulting data presented using NAICS.
While the sector level total will include all retail sales and will not
change, the distribution of those sales at lower levels of aggregation
will change. Changes to the content of store and nonstore retail will
have an impact on industry metrics like same store sales on a year over
year basis and total location sales. Changes could also affect
retailers due to existing terms of leasing arrangements.
There are several possible changes to the retail trade structure to
account for the blurring of modes of sale. The first is to redefine
NAICS 45411 to include establishments primarily rather than exclusively
engaged in online retail sales, with no further changes. This has the
benefit of low disruption to the retail structure but will not
necessarily clarify the content of the resulting data. Another option
is to simply eliminate NAICS Industry 45411, and broadly use the NAICS
industry structure for store retailers, maintaining separate industries
for vending machine operators, fuel dealers, and other direct selling
establishments. This approach would require a product or mode of sale
inquiry below the industry level to identify and track online retail
activity. Some programs that use NAICS could accommodate subindustry
inquiries but major employment and productivity programs generally
produce data at the industry level only.
IV. Internet Publishing and Broadcasting
NAICS 51931, internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search
Portals, includes a wide range of activities presenting content over
the internet. This NAICS industry includes online publications, online
video services, social media sites, and even data brokers. The
classification is easy to implement but there is growing concern that
distribution of content via the internet is no longer a useful industry
classification delineation.
As more entities use various modes of content delivery including
over the air, via wired telecommunications networks, and over wireless
telecommunications networks, it is not clear that a separation of all
activities exclusively providing content over the internet is
appropriate. The rise of on-demand programming through apps, the move
to cord cutting, and changes in the distribution mode of traditional
newspapers and periodicals can result in data that is hard to interpret
and can vary based on changes in business models. The ECPC is
soliciting comments on the usefulness of NAICS
[[Page 11124]]
51931 and proposals for changes to the concept that underlies the
existing information industries. The ECPC is requesting comments on
whether the internet is still a relevant industry distinction or if
internet distribution should be treated as a mode of delivery with a
goal of consistent treatment in Sector 44-45, Retail Trade, and Sector
51, Information. As is the case for retail trade, any changes to the
industry structure in Sector 51, Information, are expected to create
possibly significant time series breaks.
V. OMB Statistical Policy Directive No. 8, Standard Industrial
Classification of Establishments
The ECPC is soliciting public comments at the request of OMB on the
advisability of formally updating Statistical Policy Directive No. 8,
Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments, and seeking
comments on the proposed text of the update. The current Statistical
Policy Directive text mandates the use of the Standard Industrial
Classification Manual, 1972, for the classification of establishments
by type of industrial activity. Statistical Policy Directive No. 8
incorporates amendments and further revisions of the SIC. OMB adopted
NAICS as the replacement for the SIC for statistical purposes in 1997.
(62 FR 17288-17337) The SIC has not been amended or revised since 1987.
The text of Statistical Policy Directive No. 8 is available for review
at: https://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/federal_register_notices/fedregister.html. It is also available for review as a supplementary
document on www.regulations.gov within the same docket as this Federal
Register Notice.
The ECPC proposes to update the text of Statistical Policy
Directive No. 8 and is soliciting public comments on the proposed
language included below:
Statistical Policy Directive No. 8
North American Industry Classification System; Classification of
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is to be
used to classify reporting establishments by types of industrial
activity in which they are engaged. Details are presented in the North
American Industry Classification System, United States, issued by the
Office of Management and Budget as amended and revised in the future.
Revisions are considered every five years in calendar years ending with
2 and 7.
1. Use for Federal Nonstatistical Program Purposes
NAICS shall not be used in the administration of any regulatory,
administrative, or tax program unless the Secretary (Administrator) has
first determined that the use of such industry definition is
appropriate to the implementation of the program's objectives.
If the term ``North American Industry Classification System''
(NAICS) is to be used in the operative text of the law or regulation to
define industry (or trade or commerce), language similar to the
following should be used to assure sufficient flexibility: ``An
industry or grouping of industries shall mean a North American Industry
Classification System industry or grouping of industries as defined by
the Office of Management and Budget subject to such modifications with
respect to individual industries or groupings of industries as the
Secretary (Administrator) may determine to be appropriate for the
purpose of this Act (regulation).''. The use, interpretation, and
application of NAICS for nonstatistical purposes is controlled by and
defined by the agencies or regulations that use the statistical
standard for those nonstatistical purposes.
2. Titles and Descriptions
The North American Industry Classification System, United States,
manual includes titles and descriptions of the industries and an
alphabetic index of illustrative activities classified to industries.
It is available online at: www.census.gov/naics.
VI. OMB Statistical Policy Directive No. 9, Standard Industrial
Classification of Enterprises
The ECPC proposes elimination of Statistical Policy Directive No.
9, Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises. OMB presented the
Enterprise Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises in 1974.
The classification is static and has not been updated or widely adopted
over the past 45 years. NAICS United States does not include a similar
variant for classification of enterprises. The current text of this
policy directive is available for review at: https://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/federal_register_notices/fedregister.html. It is also
available for review as a supplementary document on www.regulations.gov
within the same docket as this Federal Register Notice.
The ECPC is soliciting comments on the advisability of eliminating
Statistical Policy Directive No. 9.
VII. Errors and Omissions In NAICS
No significant errors or omissions have been identified in NAICS
2017. Any errors or omissions that are identified in NAICS in the
future will be corrected and posted on the official NAICS website at
Paul J. Ray,
Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2020-03797 Filed 2-25-20; 8:45 am]