Agency Information Collection Activities; Demographic Information on Applicants for Federal Employment, 10431-10439 [2020-03536]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 36 / Monday, February 24, 2020 / Notices
Docket Numbers: ER20–1030–000.
Applicants: Northern Pass
Transmission LLC.
Description: Tariff Cancellation:
Termination of Transmission Service
Agreement to be effective 9/6/2019.
Filed Date: 2/18/20.
Accession Number: 20200218–5200.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/10/20.
Docket Numbers: ER20–1031–000.
Applicants: Northern Pass
Transmission LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Section 205 Request For Approval Of
Cost Reimbursement to be effective 4/
Filed Date: 2/18/20.
Accession Number: 20200218–5206.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 3/10/20.
The filings are accessible in the
Commission’s eLibrary system by
clicking on the links or querying the
docket number.
Any person desiring to intervene or
protest in any of the above proceedings
must file in accordance with Rules 211
and 214 of the Commission’s
Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and
385.214) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern
time on the specified comment date.
Protests may be considered, but
intervention is necessary to become a
party to the proceeding.
eFiling is encouraged. More detailed
information relating to filing
requirements, interventions, protests,
service, and qualifying facilities filings
can be found at:
docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For
other information, call (866) 208–3676
(toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659.
Dated: February 18, 2020.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2020–03566 Filed 2–21–20; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Demographic Information
on Applicants for Federal Employment
Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission.
ACTION: Notice of information
collection—extension without change.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act, the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC or Commission) announces that
it intends to submit to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) a
request for a three-year extension of the
Demographic Information on Federal
Job Applicants, OMB No. 3046–0046.
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Written comments on this notice
must be submitted on or before April 24,
Comments should be sent to
Bernadette Wilson, Executive Officer,
Executive Secretariat, Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission,
131 M Street NE, Washington, DC
20507. As a convenience to
commenters, the Executive Secretariat
will accept comments totaling six or
fewer pages by facsimile (‘‘FAX’’)
machine. This limitation is necessary to
assure access to the equipment. The
telephone number of the FAX receiver
is (202) 663–4114. (This is not a toll-free
number). Receipt of FAX transmittals
will not be acknowledged, except that
the sender may request confirmation of
receipt by calling the Executive
Secretariat staff at (202) 663–4070
(voice) or 1–800–669–6820 (TTY).
(These are not toll-free telephone
numbers.) Instead of sending written
comments to the EEOC, you may submit
comments and attachments
electronically at https://, which is the
Federal eRulemaking Portal. Follow the
instructions online for submitting
comments. All comments received
through this portal will be posted
without change, including any personal
information you provide, except as
noted below. The EEOC reserves the
right to refrain from posting libelous or
otherwise inappropriate comments
including those that contain obscene,
indecent, or profane language; that
contain threats or defamatory
statements; that contain hate speech
directed at race, color, sex, national
origin, age, religion, disability, or
genetic information; or that promote or
endorse services or products. All
comments received, including any
personal information provided, also will
be available for public inspection during
normal business hours by appointment
only at the EEOC Headquarters’ Library,
131 M Street NE, Washington, DC
20507. Upon request, individuals who
require assistance viewing comments
will be provided appropriate aids such
as readers or print magnifiers. To
schedule an appointment to inspect the
comments at EEOC’s library, contact the
library staff at (202) 663–4630 (voice) or
1–800–669–6820 (TTY). (These are not
toll-free numbers.)
Navarro Pulley, Federal Sector
Programs, Office of Federal Operations,
131 M Street NE, Washington, DC
20507, (202) 663–4514 (voice) or 1–800–
669–6820 (TTY). (These are not toll-free
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EEOC’s Demographic Information on
Federal Job Applicants form (OMB No.
3046–0046) is intended for use by
federal agencies in gathering data on the
race, ethnicity, sex, and disability status
of job applicants. This form is used by
the EEOC and other agencies to gauge
progress and trends over time with
respect to equal employment
opportunity goals.
Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, and
OMB regulation 5 CFR 1320.8(d)(1), the
Commission solicits public comment to
enable it to:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
data collection tool will have practical
utility by enabling a federal agency to
determine whether recruitment
activities are effectively reaching all
segments of the relevant labor pool in
compliance with the laws enforced by
the Commission and whether the
agency’s selection procedures allow all
applicants to compete on a level playing
field regardless of race, national origin,
sex or disability status;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on applicants
for federal employees who choose to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses.
Overview of This Information
Collection Title: Demographic
Information on Federal Job Applicants.
OMB Control No.: 3046–0046.
Description of Affected Public:
Individuals submitting applications for
federal employment.
Number of Annual Responses: 5,042.
Estimated Time per Response: 3
Total Annual Burden Hours: 252.1
Annual Federal Cost: None.
Abstract: Under section 717 of Title
VII and 501 of the Rehabilitation Act,
the Commission is charged with
reviewing and approving federal
agencies plans to affirmatively address
potential discrimination before it
1 This total is calculated as follows: 5,042 annual
responses × 3 minutes per response = 15,126
minutes. 15,126/60 = 252 hours.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 36 / Monday, February 24, 2020 / Notices
occurs. Pursuant to such oversight
responsibilities, the Commission has
established systems to monitor
compliance with Title VII and the
Rehabilitation Act by requiring federal
agencies to evaluate their employment
practices through the collection and
analysis of data on the race, national
origin, sex and disability status of
applicants for both permanent and
temporary employment.
Several federal agencies (or
components of such agencies) have
previously obtained separate OMB
approval for the use of forms collecting
data on the race, national origin, sex,
and disability status of applicants. In
order to avoid unnecessary duplication
of effort and a proliferation of forms, the
EEOC seeks an extension of the
approval of a common form to be used
by all federal agencies.
Response by applicants is optional.
The information obtained will be used
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by federal agencies only for evaluating
whether an agency’s recruitment
activities are effectively reaching all
segments of the relevant labor pool and
whether the agency’s selection
procedures allow all applicants to
compete on a level playing field
regardless of race, national origin, sex,
or disability status. The voluntary
responses are treated in a highly
confidential manner and play no part in
the job selection process. The
information is not provided to any panel
rating the applications, to selecting
officials, to anyone who can affect the
application, or to the public. Rather, the
information is used in summary form to
determine trends over many selections
within a given occupational or
organization area. No information from
the form is entered into an official
personnel file.
Burden Statement: Because of the
predominant use of online application
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systems, which require only pointing
and clicking on the selected responses,
and because the form requests only
eight questions regarding basic
information, the EEOC estimates that an
applicant can complete the form in
approximately 3 minutes or less. Based
on past experience, we expect that 5,042
applicants will choose to complete the
Upon approval of this common form
by OMB, federal agencies may request
OMB approval to use this common form
without having to publish notices and
request public comments for 60 and 30
days. Each agency must account for the
burden associated with their use of the
common form.
Dated: February 18, 2020.
For the Commission.
Janet L. Dhillon,
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 36 / Monday, February 24, 2020 / Notices
Expiration Date:
Vacancy Announcement No.:
Position Title:
This information is used to determine if our equal employment opportunity efforts are reaching all segments of the population,
consistent with Federal equal employment opportunity laws. Responses to these questions are voluntary. Your responses
will not be shown to the panel rating the applications, to the official selecting an applicant for a position, or to anyone else who
can affect your application. This form will not be placed in your Personnel file nor will it be provided
to your supervisors in
your employing office should you be hired. The aggregate information collected through this form will be kept private to the
extent permitted by law. See the Privacy Act Statement below for more information.
Completion of this form is voluntary. No individual personnel selections are made based on this information. There will be no
impact on your application if you choose not to answer any of these questions.
Thank you for helping us to provide better service.
How did you learn about this position? (Check One):
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Agency Internet Site recruitment
Private Employment Web Site
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 36 / Monday, February 24, 2020 / Notices
Other Internet Site
Job Fair
Newspaper or magazine
Agency or other Federal government on campus
School or college counselor or other official
Friend or relative working for this agency
Private Employment Office
Agency Human Resources Department (bulletin board or other announcement)
Federal, State, or Local Job Information Center
2. Sex (Check One):
3. Ethnicity (Check One):
Hispanic or Latino - a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other
Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
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Not Hispanic or Latino
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 36 / Monday, February 24, 2020 / Notices
4. Race (Check all that apply):
American Indian or Alaska Native - a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North or
South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.
Asian - a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the
Indian subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan,
the Philippine Islands, Thailand, or Vietnam.
Black or African American - a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - a person having origins in any of the original peoples of
Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific islands.
White - a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
5. Disability/Serious Health Condition
The next questions address disability and serious health conditions. Your responses will ensure that
our outreach and recruitment policies are reaching a wide range of individuals with physical or mental
conditions. Consider your answers without the use of medication and aids (except eyeglasses) or the
help of another person.
Do you have any of the following? Check all boxes that apply to you:
Deaf or serious difficulty hearing
Blind or serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses
Missing an arm, leg, hand, or foot
Paralysis: Partial or complete paralysis (any cause)
Significant Disfigurement: for example, severe disfigurements caused by burns, wounds,
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accidents, or congenital disorders
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 36 / Monday, February 24, 2020 / Notices
Significant Mobility Impairment: for example, uses a wheelchair, scooter, walker or uses a leg
brace to walk
Significant Psychiatric Disorder: for example, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD, or major
Intellectual Disability (formerly described as mental retardation)
Developmental Disability: for example, cerebral palsy or autism spectrum disorder
Traumatic Brain Injury
Epilepsy or other seizure disorder
Other disability or serious health condition: for example, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular
disease, anxiety disorder, or HIV infection; a learning disability, a speech impairment, or a hearing
If you did not select one of the options above, please indicate whether.
None of the conditions listed above apply to me.
I do not wish to answer questions regarding disability/health conditions.
If you have indicated that you have one of the above conditions, you may be eligible to apply under
Schedule A Hiring Authority. For more information, please see
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oversight/disability-employment/hiring/#url=Schedule-A-Hiring-Authority .
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 36 / Monday, February 24, 2020 / Notices
If an applicant checks the box for "other disability or serious health condition," the applicant will be
taken to Section A.1.
A.1. Other Disability or Serious Health Condition (Optional)
You indicated that you have a disability or a serious health condition. If you are willing, please select
any of the conditions listed below that apply to you. As explained above, your responses will not be
shown to the panel rating the applications, to the selecting official, or to anyone else who can affect
your application. All responses will remain private to the extent permitted by law. See the Privacy Act
Statement below for more information.
I do not wish to specify any condition.
Cardiovascular or heart disease
Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, or other gastrointestinal impairment
Depression, anxiety disorder, or other psychological disorder
Diabetes or other metabolic disease
Difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses
Hearing impairment
History of drug addiction (but not currently using illegal drugs)
HIV Infection/AIDS or other immune disorder
Kidney dysfunction: for example, requires dialysis
Learning disabilities or ADHD
Liver disease: for example, hepatitis or cirrhosis
Lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, or other autoimmune disorder
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Please check all that apply:
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 36 / Monday, February 24, 2020 / Notices
Morbid obesity
Nervous system disorder: for example, migraine headaches, Parkinson's disease, or multiple
Non-paralytic orthopedic impairments: for example, chronic pain, stiffness, weakness in bones or
joints, or some loss of ability to use parts of the body
Orthopedic impairments or osteo-arthritis
Pulmonary or respiratory impairment: for example, asthma, chronic bronchitis, or TB
Sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, or other blood disease
Speech impairment
Spinal abnormalities: for example, spina bifida or scoliosis
Thyroid dysfunction or other endocrine disorder
Other. Please identify the disability/health condition, if willing: _ _ __
Privacy Act Statement: This Privacy Act Statement is provided pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a (commonly known as the
Privacy Act of 1974). The authority for this form is 5 U.S.C. 7201, which provides that the Office of Personnel Management
shall implement a minority recruitment program, by the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures, 29 C.F.R.
Part 1607.4, which requires collection of demographic data to determine if a selection procedure has an unlawful disparate
impact, and by Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which requires federal agencies to prepare affirmative action
plans for the hiring and advancement of people with disabilities. Data relating to an individual applicant are not provided to
selecting officials. This form will be seen by Human Resource personnel in the Office of Personnel Management (who are
not involved in considering an applicant for a particular job) and by Equal Employment Opportunity Commission officials
who will receive aggregate, non-identifiable data from the Office of Personnel Management derived from this form.
Purpose and Routine Uses: The aggregate, non-identifiable information summarizing all applicants for a position will be
used by the Office of Personnel Management and by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to determine if the
executive branch of the Federal Government is effectively recruiting and selecting individuals from all segments of the
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population. Effects of Nondisclosure: Providing this information is voluntary. No individual personnel selections are
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 36 / Monday, February 24, 2020 / Notices
made based on this information. There will be no impact on your application if you choose not to answer any of these
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: The Paperwork. Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et. seq,) requires us to
inform you that this information is being collected for planning and assessing affirmative employment program initiatives.
Response to this request is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to,
a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid 0MB Control Number. The estimated burden of completing
this form is five (5) minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. Direct comments regarding the
burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to [INSERT: Agency name and address] and to the Office of Management
Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC 20503.
Kalwant Smagh,
Director, Strategic Business Initiatives Unit,
Office of the Chief Operating Officer, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2020–03588 Filed 2–21–20; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
Lead Exposure and Prevention
Advisory Committee (LEPAC); Notice
of Charter Renewal
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS).
Notice of charter renewal.
Centers for Disease Control and
Collection of Certain Data Regarding
Passengers and Crew Arriving From
Foreign Countries by Airlines
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Agency order.
This gives notice under the
Federal Advisory Committee Act of
October 6, 1972, that the Lead Exposure
and Prevention Advisory Committee
(LEPAC), Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, Department of Health
and Human Services, has been renewed
for a 2-year period through January 17,
Perri Ruckart, MPH, Designated Federal
Officer, NCEH, DDNID, CDC, 1600
Clifton Road NE, MS S106–5, Atlanta,
Georgia 30329–4027, telephone (770)
The Director, Strategic Business
Initiatives Unit, Office of the Chief
Operating Officer, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, has been
delegated the authority to sign Federal
Register notices pertaining to
announcements of meetings and other
committee management activities, for
both the Centers for Disease Control and
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The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), a
component of the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS), announces
the issuance of an Order requiring
airlines to collect and provide
information about any passenger who
has departed from, or was otherwise
present within, the People’s Republic of
China (excluding the special
administrative regions of Hong Kong
and Macau) within 14 days of the
person’s entry or attempted entry into
the United States via that airline’s
carriage (‘‘Designated Passenger’’).
DATES: This order was issued on
February 18, 2020.
Jennifer Buigut, Division of Global
Migration and Quarantine, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, 1600
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Clifton Road NE, MS V18–2, Atlanta,
GA 30329. Phone: 404–498–1600.
On February 12, 2020 HHS/CDC
published an Interim Final Rule (IFR) in
the Federal Register amending its
Foreign Quarantine regulations at 42
CFR part 71 (85 FR 7874) to enable CDC
to require airlines to collect, and, upon
order of the Director of CDC, provide to
CDC in a timelier manner, certain data
regarding passengers and crew arriving
from foreign countries for the purposes
of health education, treatment,
prophylaxis, or other appropriate public
health interventions, including travel
restrictions. This Interim Final Rule
became effective on February 7, 2020,
the day on which it went on display at
the Office of the Federal Register. HHS/
CDC undertook this rulemaking because
a fundamental component of the public
health response to the report of a person
with a communicable disease is the
identification and evaluation of those
who may have been exposed. Thus, in
order to control the introduction,
transmission, and spread of
communicable diseases into the United
States, such as COVID–19, CDC must be
able to identify and locate persons
arriving in the United States from a
foreign country who may have been
exposed to a communicable disease
abroad. Another fundamental
component of a public health response
is identifying and contacting those
individuals who may have come in
contact with a person with a
communicable disease and who may be
at risk of contracting the disease as a
result of their interactions with such
Prevention and the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry.
[FR Doc. 2020–03536 Filed 2–21–20; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 36 (Monday, February 24, 2020)]
[Pages 10431-10439]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-03536]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Demographic Information
on Applicants for Federal Employment
AGENCY: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
ACTION: Notice of information collection--extension without change.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC or Commission) announces that
it intends to submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a
request for a three-year extension of the Demographic Information on
Federal Job Applicants, OMB No. 3046-0046.
DATES: Written comments on this notice must be submitted on or before
April 24, 2020.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to Bernadette Wilson, Executive
Officer, Executive Secretariat, Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, 131 M Street NE, Washington, DC 20507. As a convenience to
commenters, the Executive Secretariat will accept comments totaling six
or fewer pages by facsimile (``FAX'') machine. This limitation is
necessary to assure access to the equipment. The telephone number of
the FAX receiver is (202) 663-4114. (This is not a toll-free number).
Receipt of FAX transmittals will not be acknowledged, except that the
sender may request confirmation of receipt by calling the Executive
Secretariat staff at (202) 663-4070 (voice) or 1-800-669-6820 (TTY).
(These are not toll-free telephone numbers.) Instead of sending written
comments to the EEOC, you may submit comments and attachments
electronically at, which is the Federal
eRulemaking Portal. Follow the instructions online for submitting
comments. All comments received through this portal will be posted
without change, including any personal information you provide, except
as noted below. The EEOC reserves the right to refrain from posting
libelous or otherwise inappropriate comments including those that
contain obscene, indecent, or profane language; that contain threats or
defamatory statements; that contain hate speech directed at race,
color, sex, national origin, age, religion, disability, or genetic
information; or that promote or endorse services or products. All
comments received, including any personal information provided, also
will be available for public inspection during normal business hours by
appointment only at the EEOC Headquarters' Library, 131 M Street NE,
Washington, DC 20507. Upon request, individuals who require assistance
viewing comments will be provided appropriate aids such as readers or
print magnifiers. To schedule an appointment to inspect the comments at
EEOC's library, contact the library staff at (202) 663-4630 (voice) or
1-800-669-6820 (TTY). (These are not toll-free numbers.)
Programs, Office of Federal Operations, 131 M Street NE, Washington, DC
20507, (202) 663-4514 (voice) or 1-800-669-6820 (TTY). (These are not
toll-free numbers.)
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The EEOC's Demographic Information on
Federal Job Applicants form (OMB No. 3046-0046) is intended for use by
federal agencies in gathering data on the race, ethnicity, sex, and
disability status of job applicants. This form is used by the EEOC and
other agencies to gauge progress and trends over time with respect to
equal employment opportunity goals.
Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter
35, and OMB regulation 5 CFR 1320.8(d)(1), the Commission solicits
public comment to enable it to:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed data collection tool will have
practical utility by enabling a federal agency to determine whether
recruitment activities are effectively reaching all segments of the
relevant labor pool in compliance with the laws enforced by the
Commission and whether the agency's selection procedures allow all
applicants to compete on a level playing field regardless of race,
national origin, sex or disability status;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of
the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on
applicants for federal employees who choose to respond, including
through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection techniques or other forms of information
technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses.
Overview of This Information Collection
Collection Title: Demographic Information on Federal Job
OMB Control No.: 3046-0046.
Description of Affected Public: Individuals submitting applications
for federal employment.
Number of Annual Responses: 5,042.
Estimated Time per Response: 3 minutes.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 252.\1\
\1\ This total is calculated as follows: 5,042 annual responses
x 3 minutes per response = 15,126 minutes. 15,126/60 = 252 hours.
Annual Federal Cost: None.
Abstract: Under section 717 of Title VII and 501 of the
Rehabilitation Act, the Commission is charged with reviewing and
approving federal agencies plans to affirmatively address potential
discrimination before it
[[Page 10432]]
occurs. Pursuant to such oversight responsibilities, the Commission has
established systems to monitor compliance with Title VII and the
Rehabilitation Act by requiring federal agencies to evaluate their
employment practices through the collection and analysis of data on the
race, national origin, sex and disability status of applicants for both
permanent and temporary employment.
Several federal agencies (or components of such agencies) have
previously obtained separate OMB approval for the use of forms
collecting data on the race, national origin, sex, and disability
status of applicants. In order to avoid unnecessary duplication of
effort and a proliferation of forms, the EEOC seeks an extension of the
approval of a common form to be used by all federal agencies.
Response by applicants is optional. The information obtained will
be used by federal agencies only for evaluating whether an agency's
recruitment activities are effectively reaching all segments of the
relevant labor pool and whether the agency's selection procedures allow
all applicants to compete on a level playing field regardless of race,
national origin, sex, or disability status. The voluntary responses are
treated in a highly confidential manner and play no part in the job
selection process. The information is not provided to any panel rating
the applications, to selecting officials, to anyone who can affect the
application, or to the public. Rather, the information is used in
summary form to determine trends over many selections within a given
occupational or organization area. No information from the form is
entered into an official personnel file.
Burden Statement: Because of the predominant use of online
application systems, which require only pointing and clicking on the
selected responses, and because the form requests only eight questions
regarding basic information, the EEOC estimates that an applicant can
complete the form in approximately 3 minutes or less. Based on past
experience, we expect that 5,042 applicants will choose to complete the
Upon approval of this common form by OMB, federal agencies may
request OMB approval to use this common form without having to publish
notices and request public comments for 60 and 30 days. Each agency
must account for the burden associated with their use of the common
Dated: February 18, 2020.
For the Commission.
Janet L. Dhillon,
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[FR Doc. 2020-03536 Filed 2-21-20; 8:45 am]