Americans With Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles; Rail Vehicles, 8516-8520 [2020-02843]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 31 / Friday, February 14, 2020 / Proposed Rules
Sector Ohio valley location
87. 1 day—One weekend in September.
88. 1 day—Last two
weekends in September.
89. Multiple days—
September through
90. 1 day—First three
weeks of October.
Aurora Fireworks .............................................
Aurora, IN ...................
Ohio River, Mile 496.3–497.3 (Ohio).
Cabana on the River .......................................
Cincinnati, OH ............
Ohio River, Mile 483.2–484.2 (Ohio).
University of Pittsburgh Athletic Department/
University of Pittsburgh Fireworks.
Pittsburgh, PA ............
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society/Light the
Pittsburgh, PA ............
91. 1 day in October ...
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society/Light the
Night Walk Fireworks.
Yeatman’s Fireworks ......................................
Nashville, TN ..............
Ohio River, Miles 0.0–0.1, Monongahela
River, Miles 0.0–0.1, Allegheny River, Miles
0.0–0.25 (Pennsylvania).
Ohio River, Mile 0.0–0.5, Allegheny River,
Mile 0.0–0.5, and Monongahela River, Mile
0.0–0.5 (Pennsylvania).
Cumberland River, Miles 189.7–192.1 (Tennessee).
Ohio River, Miles 469.0–470.5 (Ohio).
Outdoor Chattanooga/Swim the Suck ............
Chattanooga, TN ........
94. 1 day in October ...
Chattajack .......................................................
Chattanooga, TN ........
95. 1 day—One weekend in October.
96. 2 days—One of the
last three weekends
in October.
97. 1 day—Friday before Thanksgiving.
98. 1 day—Friday before Thanksgiving.
99. 1 day—Friday before Thanksgiving.
West Virginia Motor Car Festival ....................
Charleston, WV ..........
Monster Pumpkin Festival ..............................
Pittsburgh, PA ............
Allegheny River, Mile 0.0–0.25 (Pennsylvania).
Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership/Light Up
Kittanning Light Up Night Firework Display ....
Pittsburgh, PA ............
Santa Spectacular/Light up Night ...................
Pittsburgh, PA ............
100. 1 day—Friday before Thanksgiving.
101. 1 day in November.
102. 1 day—Third
week of November.
103. 1 day—December
104. 7 days—Scheduled home games.
Monongahela Holiday Show ...........................
Monongahela, PA .......
Allegheny River, Miles 0.0–1.0 (Pennsylvania).
Allegheny River, Miles 44.5–45.5 (Pennsylvania).
Ohio River, Mile 0.0–0.5, Allegheny River,
Mile 0.0–0.5, and Monongahela River, Mile
0.0–0.5 (Pennsylvania).
Ohio River, Miles 31.5–32.5 (Pennsylvania).
Friends of the Festival/Cheer at the Pier .......
Chattanooga, TN ........
Gallipolis in Lights ...........................................
Gallipolis, OH .............
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust/Highmark First Night
University of Tennessee/UT Football Fireworks.
Pittsburgh, PA ............
92. 1 day—First two
weeks in October.
93. 1 day in October ...
Dated: February 7, 2020.
A.M. Beach,
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the
Port, Sector Ohio Valley.
[FR Doc. 2020–02978 Filed 2–13–20; 8:45 am]
Cincinnati, OH ............
Kittanning, PA ............
Knoxville, TN ..............
36 CFR Part 1192
[Docket No. ATBCB–2020–0002]
RIN 3014–AA42
Americans With Disabilities Act
Accessibility Guidelines for
Transportation Vehicles; Rail Vehicles
Architectural and
Transportation Barriers Compliance
ACTION: Advance Notice of Proposed
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
We, the Architectural and
Transportation Barriers Compliance
Board (hereafter, ‘‘Access Board’’,
‘‘Board’’, or ‘‘we’’), are issuing this
Advance Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (ANPRM) to begin the
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Safety zone
Tennessee River, Miles 452.0–454.5 (Tennessee).
Tennessee River, Miles 462.7–465.5 (Tennessee).
Kanawha River, Miles 58–59 (West Virginia).
Tennessee River, Miles 462.7–465.2 (Tennessee).
Ohio River, Miles 269.2–270 (Ohio).
Allegheny River, Miles 0.5–1.0 (Pennsylvania).
Tennessee River, Miles 645.6–648.3 (Tennessee).
process of updating our existing
accessibility guidelines for rail vehicles
covered by the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA). By this ANPRM,
the Access Board invites public
comment on the substance of
recommendations contained in the
report issued by its Rail Vehicles Access
Advisory Committee (RVAAC) and
poses related questions. The Board will
consider comments received in response
to this ANPRM, along with the
recommendations in the RVACC report,
to develop proposed updates to our rail
vehicle accessibility guidelines in a
future rulemaking.
Submit comments by May 14,
You may submit comments,
identified by docket number (ATBCB–
2020–0002), by any of the following
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 31 / Friday, February 14, 2020 / Proposed Rules
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Email:
Include docket number ATBCB–2020–
0002 in the subject line of the message.
• Fax: 202–272–0081.
• Mail or Hand Delivery/Courier:
Office of Technical and Information
Services, U.S. Access Board, 1331 F
Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC
Instructions: All submissions must
include the docket number (ATBCB–
2020–0002) for this regulatory action.
All comments received will be posted
without change to https://, including any
personal information provided.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to
Technical information: Juliet Shoultz,
(202) 272–0045, Email: Legal information: Wendy
Marshall, (202) 272–0043, marshall@
I. Legal Authority
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
The Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) charges the Access Board with
developing and maintaining minimum
guidelines to ensure the accessibility
and usability of covered transportation
vehicles, including rail passenger cars,
for persons with disabilities. See 42
U.S.C. 12204; see also 29 U.S.C
792(b)(3)(B) & (b)(10) (authorizing the
Access Board to ‘‘establish and
maintain’’ minimum guidelines for
standards issued pursuant to titles II
and III of the ADA). These Access Board
guidelines serve as the basis for legally
enforceable accessibility standards
issued by the Department of
Transportation (DOT), which is the
federal entity responsible for
implementing and enforcing the ADA’s
non-discrimination provisions related to
transportation vehicles. See, e.g., 42
U.S.C. 12149(b), 12163, 12186(c)
(accessibility standards in DOT
regulations implementing ADA titles II
and III must be ‘‘consistent with’’ the
Access Board’s minimum guidelines).
II. Background: Rulemaking History
and Rail Vehicles Access Advisory
In 1991, the Access Board first issued
accessibility guidelines for ADAcovered transportation vehicles, which
addressed minimum requirements for
buses, vans, and rail vehicles. 56 FR
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45756 (Sept. 6, 1991) (codified at 36
CFR part 1192) (hereafter, ‘‘ADA
Accessibility Guidelines for
Transportation Vehicles’’). That same
day, DOT adopted the Board’s ADA
Accessibility Guidelines for
Transportation Vehicles as enforceable
accessibility standards applicable to
new, used, or remanufactured ADAcovered vehicles. See 56 FR 45584,
45619–20 (Sept. 6, 1991) (codified at 49
CFR part 38).
Over the ensuing years, while the
Access Board has issued updates to the
ADA Accessibility Guidelines for
Transportation Vehicles for non-rail
vehicles, the Board has not yet revised
the accessibility requirements
applicable to rail vehicles since their
initial promulgation.1 The existing
guidelines for rail vehicles thus need to
be updated to, among other things,
incorporate new accessibility-related
technologies that did not exist nearly
three decades ago and to ensure
consistency with the Board’s other
subsequently issued regulations. Indeed,
in 2016, when the Board revised the
accessibility guidelines for non-rail
vehicles, we expressly noted that our
existing guidelines for transportation
vehicles that operated in fixed guideway
systems (e.g., rapid rail, light rail,
commuter rail, and intercity rail), which
similarly needed updating, would be
addressed in a future rulemaking. See
Final Rule, 81 FR at 90600.
In May 2013, as a first step in the
process to update our existing rail
vehicles guidelines, the Access Board
convened the Rail Vehicles Access
Advisory Committee (RVAAC or
Committee). See Notice of
Establishment; Appointment of
Members, Rail Vehicles Access
Advisory Committee, 78 FR 30828 (May
23, 2013). RVAAC was charged with
‘‘mak[ing] recommendations to the
Board on matters associated with
revising and updating our [rail vehicle]
accessibility guidelines.’’ Id. at 30829.
The Committee was comprised of
manufacturers of transportation vehicles
that operate on fixed guideway systems,
1 For example, in 1998, the Access Board and
DOT issued a joint final rule specifying new
accessibility requirements for over-the-road buses.
See 63 FR 51670 (Sept. 28, 1998). Also, in 2016, the
Access Board updated its existing guidelines for
buses, over-the-road buses (OTRBs), and vans.
These updated guidelines incorporated new
accessibility-related technologies, such as
automated announcement systems and level
boarding bus systems, as well as additional changes
to ensure that the Board’s transportation vehicle
guidelines remained consistent with its other
regulations issued since 1998. See 81 FR 90600
(Dec. 14, 2016) (codified at 36 CFR 1192.21 & App.
A). DOT has not yet adopted these updated
accessibility guidelines for non-rail vehicles as
enforceable standards.
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transportation providers that operated
fixed guideway systems, organizations
representing individuals with
disabilities, and other entities whose
interests may be affected by the
accessibility guidelines.2 Id. Due to time
constraints, the Committee decided to
focus only on recommendations for new
rail vehicles.
The RVAAC organized itself into the
following four subcommittees:
Communications; Boarding and
Alighting; Onboard Circulation and
Seating; and Rooms and Spaces.
Committee members spent most of their
time working in the subcommittees,
which reported to the full Committee.
The full Committee met seven times.
The Committee adopted the following
guiding principles to develop its
• Features providing access for
people with disabilities must be
equivalent to those provided to others in
terms of functionality and aesthetics,
and must not segregate individuals with
• Accessible features should be the
norm for everyone;
• There may not be restrictions on
using any facilities or features until the
train is stopped;
• Safety concerns must be balanced
with the underlying civil rights
principles of the ADA;
• Establishing policy mandates will
drive the development of improved
generations of technology;
• All train cars should be accessible;
• Access Board guidelines should
promote the development of technology,
and not freeze current technology in
place; and
• ‘‘[G]rowing demographics (graying
of America)’’ must be considered when
establishing scoping for accessible
In July 2015, the Committee formally
presented its final report (hereinafter
RVAAC Report) to the Access Board.
The RVAAC Report, which totals 71
pages, consists of a ‘‘main’’ report that
is broken down into five chapters
(which, except for the introductory
chapter, mirror the topics covered by
the four subcommittees) and several
accompanying appendices. The full
RVAAC Report is available at https://
In sum, the Report provides the
Committee’s recommendations for
2 The full list of organizations represented on the
Rail Vehicles Access Advisory Committee is
available at
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 31 / Friday, February 14, 2020 / Proposed Rules
updated accessibility requirements
applicable to newly acquired rail
vehicles, which are written using
regulatory-style language interspersed
with occasional textual discussion. The
appendices provide supplementary
information in the form of a reference
copy of ADA provisions relating to
transportation vehicles (Appendix A), a
list of operational matters for DOT
consideration that arose during
committee deliberations but fall outside
the Board’s jurisdiction (Appendix B),
and minority reports submitted by three
Committee members (Appendix C).
It is important to emphasize that the
RVAAC Report merely sets forth the
Committee’s non-binding
recommendations for consideration by
the Access Board. The Committee’s
recommendations should not be viewed
as the Board’s own proposed revisions
to our existing rail vehicle accessibility
guidelines. While we will consider the
RVAAC Report when formulating
proposed updates to the rail vehicle
guidelines, other pertinent sources,
including public comment received in
response to this ANPRM, will be
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
III. Areas for Public Comment
Considering the significant public
interest in the RVAAC Report and in
anticipation of a future rulemaking to
‘‘refresh’’ the accessibility guidelines for
rail vehicles, the Access Board issues
this ANPRM. Specifically the Board
seeks public comment in two areas: (a)
The substance of the recommendations
in the RVAAC Report; and (b) related
questions about the feasibility or
potential impact of specific
recommendations (e.g., design,
operations, cost), as well as current
research, data, and technologies relating
to the improvement of rail vehicle
accessibility. The Access Board
encourages all interested parties to
provide comment, including
governmental agencies, private entities
that own or operate rail vehicles,
individuals with disabilities, and
advocacy organizations. Comments
submitted in response to this ANPRM
will be considered by the Access Board
when developing any forthcoming
notice of proposed rulemaking.
In reviewing and commenting on the
RVAAC Report, we strongly encourage
commenters to focus on the substance of
the Committee’s recommendations,
rather than the specific wording of
particular recommendations. In any
future proposal to update the existing
accessibility guidelines for rail vehicles,
the Access Board will develop its own
regulatory text and ensure consistency
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with the formatting used in other
accessibility guidelines.
While this notice highlights certain
sections of the RVAAC Report and poses
related questions, the Access Board
seeks comments on all
recommendations presented in the
RVAAC Report. More broadly, we also
seek comment on cross-cutting issues
including the potential impact of the
Report’s recommendations on the safety
of rail passengers and personnel,
implementation costs, and the ways that
such costs might be minimized while
still achieving an appropriate level of
access for persons with disabilities.
IV. Discussion of RVAAC
Recommendations and Questions for
Public Comment
Discussed below are some of the
recommendations posed in the RVAAC
Report that, if implemented, would
represent changes from the Access
Board’s existing requirements for rail
vehicles in the ADA Accessibility
Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles
(36 CFR part 1192). The Board
highlights these recommendations and
poses related questions to the public for
the purpose of obtaining additional
information about recent research and
current technology relevant to these
recommended changes, and the
potential costs of implementing such
A. Application
The Access Board’s existing rail
vehicle guidelines apply to all ADAcovered new, used, and remanufactured
rail vehicles. However, due to time
constraints, the RVAAC only addressed
and provided recommendations
pertaining to new rail vehicles. This
limited scope of the RVAAC Report
does not mean that, when the Access
Board issues a proposed rule to update
our existing accessibility guidelines, we
will similarly limit our scope to new rail
Question 1: Would it be feasible for
remanufactured rail cars to meet the
accessibility requirements
recommended in the RVAAC Report?
What would be the challenges and costs
of applying the RVAAC’s proposed
accessibility requirements to
remanufactured rail cars? For each
challenge and or cost that you raise,
please indicate the type of rail vehicle
Question 2: What is the typical
lifespan of different types of rail
vehicles? How often is each type of
existing rail vehicle replaced with a new
or remanufactured vehicle?
Question 3: We are not aware of any
small governmental jurisdictions that
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currently operate rail transportation
systems covered by the ADA. With
respect to small businesses, are there
any specific issues or concerns that the
Access Board should consider when
developing any proposed regulatory
updates to its existing accessibility
guidelines for rail vehicles?
B. Communication Access
Currently, the only provisions
regarding communication for rail
vehicles in the existing guidelines
specify that each vehicle be equipped
with a public address system permitting
transportation system personnel, or
recorded or digitized human speech
messages, to announce stations and
provide other information, with some
exceptions. See 36 CFR 1192.61,
1192.87, 1192.103 & 1192.121.
The RVAAC Report recommended a
robust expansion of requirements for
accessible communications, including
provisions for variable message signage
(VMS) and hearing induction loops. It
also recommended requiring VMS and
real-time route map tracking (where
provided) to be located in at least two
locations in each car, so that every seat
has a view of one or more of the
accessible signs. RVAAC Report, Chap.
2, §§ I–XI.
Question 4: What solutions or
technologies are commercially available
that, if implemented, would be capable
of providing access to public
communications onboard rail vehicles?
Question 5: What solutions or
technologies are commercially available
that, if implemented on rail vehicles,
would provide accessible emergency
information to passengers in real-time?
Question 6: What are the design and
cost impacts of the RVAAC’s proposed
requirement for variable messaging
systems on rail cars?
Question 7: What are the design and
cost impacts of the RVAAC’s proposed
requirement for hearing induction loops
on rail cars?
C. Boarding and Alighting
The RVACC Report stressed that ‘‘fulllength level or near level boarding
should be the highest priority and most
preferred method of boarding on all
fixed guideway (e.g. rail) modes.’’
RVAAC Report, Chap. 3, § I.A. But,
when not required or possible,
‘‘boarding should be, as often as
possible, by ramp or bridge-plate as the
primary means for boarding’’ and
mechanical lifts should only be used as
a back-up alternative. See id. § I.B.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 31 / Friday, February 14, 2020 / Proposed Rules
1. Car-Borne Ramps, Bridge Plates, and
Currently, the existing guidelines for
rail vehicles permit station-based ramps,
bridge plates, and lifts for use in
boarding and alighting in certain
situations. See 36 CFR 1192.83, 1192.95
& 1192.125. The Committee
recommended requiring car-borne
ramps, bridge plates, and lifts in certain
instances. RVAAC Report, Chap. 3, § I.B.
Were this recommendation included in
a proposed rule, it would, in most
circumstances, prohibit the use of
station-based lifts, and would instead
require rail vehicles to provide carborne ramps, bridge plates, and lifts. In
a minority report, the Metropolitan
Transportation Authority of the State of
New York raised concerns with this
recommendation, asserting that the new
gap recommendations will require that
the bridge plates installed on the cars be
capable of traversing the largest vertical
and horizontal gap at any station. The
station with the largest gap will dictate
the bridge plate design for all new cars.
Consequently, the bridge plates carried
on the cars may be very long to
accommodate the largest gaps. These
long bridge plates may create a safety
hazard when deployed in confined areas
at a station. Id. at App. C (MTA–SNY
Minority Report, pp. 62–63).
Question 8: Please identify research
studies or data that address the impact
of car-borne ramps, bridge plates, or lifts
on rail vehicle operation, maintenance,
or rider safety.
Question 9: What would be the cost
implications if ramps, bridge plates, and
lifts were required to be mounted on rail
vehicles instead of being based at
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
2. Lift Design Load
The RVAAC Report recommended
increasing the lift design load from the
existing requirement of 600 pounds to
800 pounds. See RVAAC Report, Chap.
3, § IV.A; see also 36 CFR 1192.83(b),
1192.95(b) & 1192.125(b) (existing
Access Board specifications for design
loads of rail vehicle-based lifts). In the
Access Board’s final rule promulgating
updated accessibility requirements for
non-rail vehicles, we retained the 600pound design load for vehicle lifts based
on the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration’s Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards for public use lifts,
which are codified at 49 CFR 571.403
and 571.404. See 36 CFR 1192.21,
Appendix A, T402.2. However, the
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
address lifts used on motor vehicles, not
rail cars. The Access Board thus seeks
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additional information regarding design
loads on rail vehicles.
Question 10: What would be the
design and cost impacts if the design
load requirement for rail vehicle-based
lifts was increased to 800 pounds
minimum? Are there any types of rail
vehicles requiring a lift to board for
which an 800-pound minimum design
load would not be feasible?
Question 11: What is the current
design load of newly manufactured lifts
used for rail vehicles?
3. Platform Lift Service Size
Currently, the Access Board’s rail
vehicles guidelines require lift platforms
to have a minimum clear width of 30
inches and a minimum clear length of
48 inches, as measured from 2 inches
above the platform surface to 30 inches
above the surface. The minimum clear
width as measured at the platform
surface to a height of 2 inches is
permitted to be 281⁄2 inches instead of
30 inches to accommodate the structure
and frame of doors on some rail
vehicles. See 36 CFR 1192.83(b)(6),
1192.95(b)(6) & 1192.125(b)(6). The
RVAAC Report recommended
increasing the size of lift platform
surfaces to a clear width of 32 inches
minimum and a clear length of 54
inches minimum, both measured from
the platform surface to 40 inches above
the platform surface. See RVAAC
Report, Chap. 3, § IV.B.
Currently available research and the
RVAAC’s recommendations
demonstrate a potential need to increase
the size of the lift platform to
accommodate larger wheeled mobility
devices and advancement in their
engineering and design. See Center for
Inclusive Design and Environmental
Access, Anthropometry of Wheeled
Mobility Project—Final Report (Dec.
2010), available at https://
Question 12: What would be the
design impacts on rail vehicles if the
required size of platforms on rail
vehicle-based lifts was increased to a
clear width of 32 inches minimum and
clear length of 54 inches minimum?
4. Bi-Parting Side Doors
The existing guidelines require that
accessible passenger doorways have a
clear opening width of 32 inches. See 38
CFR 1192.53(a)(1), 1192.73(a)(1),
1192.93(a)(1) & 1192.113(a)(1). The
RVACC Report recommends that biparting side doors should have one leaf
that provides a clear width opening of
at least 32 inches. The purpose of this
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proposal is to ensure passengers can
readily board and alight from vehicles,
especially during high capacity periods
and when alternative doorways are not
available, including when one of the biparting doors fails to open. However,
the Committee recommended this as a
best practice and not a requirement
because it recognized that larger panels
can create unintended consequences
and it did not want to inhibit more
efficient, reliable, and safe designs.
RVACC Report, Chap. 4, §§ I.A & I.B(1)–
Question 13: How prevalent is the
situation where a single leaf of a biparting side door on a rail vehicle fails
to open, thereby restricting the clear
width to less than 32-inches?
Question 14: What would be the
design implications of a requirement
that one leaf of bi-parting doors on rail
vehicles provide a clear width of 32
inches minimum?
5. Between-Car Barriers
The existing guidelines for rail
vehicles require between-car barriers for
light and rapid rail systems and certain
commuter rail systems. 36 CFR 1192.63,
1192.85 & 1192.109. This requires that
a device or system be provided to
prevent, deter, or warn individuals from
inadvertently stepping off the platform
between cars. Id.
The RVAAC Report recommends that
between-car barriers also be required for
rail vehicles used in intercity and highspeed rail systems. RVAAC Report,
Chap. 4, § V.A. Amtrak raised concerns
about this proposal in a minority report,
asserting that while between-car barriers
are appropriate for high-platform, levelboarding, ‘‘[b]i-level long intercity trains
will see no benefit from adding the
barriers, will add cost and may in fact
create a safety hazard to railroad
employees responsible for coupling and
uncoupling cars.’’ RVAAC Report,
Appendix C (Amtrak Minority Report,
p. 53).
Question 15: What data or other
evidence supports a need for betweencar barriers on rail vehicles used for
intercity or high-speed rail service, if
Question 16: If requirements for
between-car barriers were extended to
rail vehicles used for intercity or highspeed rail service, should there be a
specified minimum between-car gap
that would trigger application of such a
requirement? If so, what size gap should
be used to trigger any such requirement?
Question 17: What would be the cost
of requiring between-car barriers on rail
vehicles used for intercity or high-speed
rail service?
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 31 / Friday, February 14, 2020 / Proposed Rules
D. On Board Accessibility
1. Mobility Aid Seating Location Size
The Access Board’s existing
guidelines require clear floor space for
mobility aid seating locations of 48
inches by 30 inches. See 36 CFR
1192.83(a)(1), 1192.57(b), 1192.125(d)(2)
& 1192.95(d)(2). In the RVAAC Report,
the Committee recommended increasing
required clear floor space to 54 inches
by 32 inches where the space is
confined on no more than two sides,
and 59 inches by 32 inches where the
space is confined on three sides.
RVAAC Report, Chap 4, § IV.A. See also
Center for Inclusive Design and
Environmental Access, Anthropometry
of Wheeled Mobility Project—Final
Report (Dec. 2010), available at https://
Report.pdf. The Metropolitan
Transportation Authority of the State of
New York raised concerns in a RVAAC
Minority Report about the loss of
additional seats with the increased floor
space. RVAAC Report, Appendix C
(MTA–SNY Minority Report, p. 68).
Question 18: What would be the effect
on the design and operation of rail cars
if the required size of mobility aid
seating locations were increased from 48
inches by 30 inches to a requirement of
(1) 54 inches by 32 inches where the
space is confined on no more than two
sides and (2) 59 inches by 32 inches
where the space is confined on three
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2. Vertical Access
There is no requirement in the
existing guidelines to provide vertical
access on rail cars. In the RVAAC
report, the committee recommended
adding a requirement for vertical access
in new intercity bi-level lounge cars.
The Committee explained that a lounge
‘‘means any car with a primary function
that is to enhance the passenger
experience beyond the purchased coach
or sleeper accommodation and is so
designed to enhance viewing from the
second level.’’ Such lounge cars include
open platform observation areas that are
accessible to passengers, whether or not
an extra fare is charged, and single level
cars (known as ‘‘dome cars) that offer an
elevated area designed for viewing
scenery. The Committee explained that
the goal is to expand the full rail travel
experience for passengers who might
otherwise miss out on key features of
the travel. This would include
providing a lift, an accessible restroom
(if an upper level restroom is provided),
and accessible wheelchair spaces on the
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upper level. RVAAC Report, Chap 4,
§ IX.
Question 19: Should vertical access be
required on new intercity bi-level
lounge cars? If so, should such a
requirement apply only to certain types
of intercity bi-level cars (such as those
that provide a viewing dome on the
upper level)?
Question 20: Is it technically feasible
for platform lifts to serve the upper
levels of bi-level rail cars?
Question 21: What are the likely costs,
including both one-time equipment
installation costs and ongoing
maintenance, if vertical access was
required on intercity bi-level rail cars?
3. Handrails and Stanchions for
Onboard Circulation
The Access Board’s existing
guidelines require that handrails and
stanchions not encroach on the
accessible routes and permit safe
boarding, onboard circulation, seating
and standing assistance, and alighting
by persons with disabilities. 36 CFR
1192.57, 1192.77, 1192.97 & 1192.115.
The RVAAC recommended retaining the
existing requirement for the diameter of
the interior handrails and stanchions
with additional specifications that (a)
handrails or handholds be included on
transverse passenger seats in all rail
cars, and (b) in light and rapid rail
systems, vertical stanchions be provided
adjacent to, or as part of, seats on
alternate rows and sides of the aisle.
RVAAC Report, Chap. 4, § VI.B. The
current regulation does not address the
visibility of handholds, handrails, and
stanchions. The Access Board is
interested in obtaining public comment
on any potential need for visual contrast
for handholds, handrails, or stanchions.
Question 22: Are additional types of
handholds, handrails, or stanchions
needed on rapid, light rail, intercity or
commuter rail vehicles beyond those
currently required? If so, please
Question 23: Are handholds,
handrails, or stanchions for rail vehicles
currently designed with visual contrast?
Question 24: Is there a need for visual
contrast on handholds, handrails, or
stanchions? If so, please explain.
E. Dining Cars
Regarding accessible seating in dining
cars, the RVAAC proposed to increase
the required wheelchair spaces and
transfer seating at tables from one to two
spaces. The Committee also noted that
this requirement could be met with
convertible spaces. RVAAC Report,
Chap. 5, § II.A. In response to this
suggested requirement, Amtrak, in a
minority report, indicated that when
PO 00000
Frm 00039
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
they attempted to use convertible spaces
during the development of their new
dining cars, the convertible spaces were
criticized as ‘‘making a spectacle’’ of the
arrival of someone using a wheelchair.
RVAAC Report, Appendix C (Amtrak
Minority Report, p. 54).
Question 25: What would be the
advantages and disadvantages of having
convertible/readily removable seating in
dining cars on rail vehicles to
accommodate passengers using
David M. Capozzi,
Executive Director.
[FR Doc. 2020–02843 Filed 2–13–20; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R01–OAR–2020–0029; FRL–10005–
07-Region 1]
Air Plan Approval; New Hampshire;
Approval of Single Source Order
Environmental Protection
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve a
State Implementation Plan (SIP)
revision submitted by the State of New
Hampshire. The revision approves a
single source order for PSI Molded
Plastics. The intended effect of this
action is to propose approval of this
item into the New Hampshire SIP. This
action is being taken in accordance with
the Clean Air Act.
DATES: Written comments must be
received on or before March 16, 2020.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R01–
OAR–2020–0029 at https://, or via email to For
comments submitted at,
follow the online instructions for
submitting comments. Once submitted,
comments cannot be edited or removed
from For either manner
of submission, the EPA may publish any
comment received to its public docket.
Do not submit electronically any
information you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Multimedia
submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be
accompanied by a written comment.
The written comment is considered the
official comment and should include
discussion of all points you wish to
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 31 (Friday, February 14, 2020)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 8516-8520]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-02843]
36 CFR Part 1192
[Docket No. ATBCB-2020-0002]
RIN 3014-AA42
Americans With Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for
Transportation Vehicles; Rail Vehicles
AGENCY: Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board.
ACTION: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
SUMMARY: We, the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance
Board (hereafter, ``Access Board'', ``Board'', or ``we''), are issuing
this Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) to begin the process
of updating our existing accessibility guidelines for rail vehicles
covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). By this ANPRM,
the Access Board invites public comment on the substance of
recommendations contained in the report issued by its Rail Vehicles
Access Advisory Committee (RVAAC) and poses related questions. The
Board will consider comments received in response to this ANPRM, along
with the recommendations in the RVACC report, to develop proposed
updates to our rail vehicle accessibility guidelines in a future
DATE: Submit comments by May 14, 2020.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number (ATBCB-
2020-0002), by any of the following methods:
[[Page 8517]]
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Email:">[email protected] Include docket number
ATBCB-2020-0002 in the subject line of the message.
Fax: 202-272-0081.
Mail or Hand Delivery/Courier: Office of Technical and
Information Services, U.S. Access Board, 1331 F Street NW, Suite 1000,
Washington, DC 20004-1111.
Instructions: All submissions must include the docket number
(ATBCB-2020-0002) for this regulatory action. All comments received
will be posted without change to, including
any personal information provided.
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, go to
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Technical information: Juliet Shoultz,
(202) 272-0045, Email:">[email protected] Legal information:
Wendy Marshall, (202) 272-0043,">[email protected]
I. Legal Authority
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) charges the Access Board
with developing and maintaining minimum guidelines to ensure the
accessibility and usability of covered transportation vehicles,
including rail passenger cars, for persons with disabilities. See 42
U.S.C. 12204; see also 29 U.S.C 792(b)(3)(B) & (b)(10) (authorizing the
Access Board to ``establish and maintain'' minimum guidelines for
standards issued pursuant to titles II and III of the ADA). These
Access Board guidelines serve as the basis for legally enforceable
accessibility standards issued by the Department of Transportation
(DOT), which is the federal entity responsible for implementing and
enforcing the ADA's non-discrimination provisions related to
transportation vehicles. See, e.g., 42 U.S.C. 12149(b), 12163, 12186(c)
(accessibility standards in DOT regulations implementing ADA titles II
and III must be ``consistent with'' the Access Board's minimum
II. Background: Rulemaking History and Rail Vehicles Access Advisory
In 1991, the Access Board first issued accessibility guidelines for
ADA-covered transportation vehicles, which addressed minimum
requirements for buses, vans, and rail vehicles. 56 FR 45756 (Sept. 6,
1991) (codified at 36 CFR part 1192) (hereafter, ``ADA Accessibility
Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles''). That same day, DOT adopted
the Board's ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles as
enforceable accessibility standards applicable to new, used, or
remanufactured ADA-covered vehicles. See 56 FR 45584, 45619-20 (Sept.
6, 1991) (codified at 49 CFR part 38).
Over the ensuing years, while the Access Board has issued updates
to the ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles for
non-rail vehicles, the Board has not yet revised the accessibility
requirements applicable to rail vehicles since their initial
promulgation.\1\ The existing guidelines for rail vehicles thus need to
be updated to, among other things, incorporate new accessibility-
related technologies that did not exist nearly three decades ago and to
ensure consistency with the Board's other subsequently issued
regulations. Indeed, in 2016, when the Board revised the accessibility
guidelines for non-rail vehicles, we expressly noted that our existing
guidelines for transportation vehicles that operated in fixed guideway
systems (e.g., rapid rail, light rail, commuter rail, and intercity
rail), which similarly needed updating, would be addressed in a future
rulemaking. See Final Rule, 81 FR at 90600.
\1\ For example, in 1998, the Access Board and DOT issued a
joint final rule specifying new accessibility requirements for over-
the-road buses. See 63 FR 51670 (Sept. 28, 1998). Also, in 2016, the
Access Board updated its existing guidelines for buses, over-the-
road buses (OTRBs), and vans. These updated guidelines incorporated
new accessibility-related technologies, such as automated
announcement systems and level boarding bus systems, as well as
additional changes to ensure that the Board's transportation vehicle
guidelines remained consistent with its other regulations issued
since 1998. See 81 FR 90600 (Dec. 14, 2016) (codified at 36 CFR
1192.21 & App. A). DOT has not yet adopted these updated
accessibility guidelines for non-rail vehicles as enforceable
In May 2013, as a first step in the process to update our existing
rail vehicles guidelines, the Access Board convened the Rail Vehicles
Access Advisory Committee (RVAAC or Committee). See Notice of
Establishment; Appointment of Members, Rail Vehicles Access Advisory
Committee, 78 FR 30828 (May 23, 2013). RVAAC was charged with
``mak[ing] recommendations to the Board on matters associated with
revising and updating our [rail vehicle] accessibility guidelines.''
Id. at 30829. The Committee was comprised of manufacturers of
transportation vehicles that operate on fixed guideway systems,
transportation providers that operated fixed guideway systems,
organizations representing individuals with disabilities, and other
entities whose interests may be affected by the accessibility
guidelines.\2\ Id. Due to time constraints, the Committee decided to
focus only on recommendations for new rail vehicles.
\2\ The full list of organizations represented on the Rail
Vehicles Access Advisory Committee is available at
The RVAAC organized itself into the following four subcommittees:
Communications; Boarding and Alighting; Onboard Circulation and
Seating; and Rooms and Spaces. Committee members spent most of their
time working in the subcommittees, which reported to the full
Committee. The full Committee met seven times. The Committee adopted
the following guiding principles to develop its recommendations:
Features providing access for people with disabilities
must be equivalent to those provided to others in terms of
functionality and aesthetics, and must not segregate individuals with
Accessible features should be the norm for everyone;
There may not be restrictions on using any facilities or
features until the train is stopped;
Safety concerns must be balanced with the underlying civil
rights principles of the ADA;
Establishing policy mandates will drive the development of
improved generations of technology;
All train cars should be accessible;
Access Board guidelines should promote the development of
technology, and not freeze current technology in place; and
``[G]rowing demographics (graying of America)'' must be
considered when establishing scoping for accessible features.
In July 2015, the Committee formally presented its final report
(hereinafter RVAAC Report) to the Access Board. The RVAAC Report, which
totals 71 pages, consists of a ``main'' report that is broken down into
five chapters (which, except for the introductory chapter, mirror the
topics covered by the four subcommittees) and several accompanying
appendices. The full RVAAC Report is available at
In sum, the Report provides the Committee's recommendations for
[[Page 8518]]
updated accessibility requirements applicable to newly acquired rail
vehicles, which are written using regulatory-style language
interspersed with occasional textual discussion. The appendices provide
supplementary information in the form of a reference copy of ADA
provisions relating to transportation vehicles (Appendix A), a list of
operational matters for DOT consideration that arose during committee
deliberations but fall outside the Board's jurisdiction (Appendix B),
and minority reports submitted by three Committee members (Appendix C).
It is important to emphasize that the RVAAC Report merely sets
forth the Committee's non-binding recommendations for consideration by
the Access Board. The Committee's recommendations should not be viewed
as the Board's own proposed revisions to our existing rail vehicle
accessibility guidelines. While we will consider the RVAAC Report when
formulating proposed updates to the rail vehicle guidelines, other
pertinent sources, including public comment received in response to
this ANPRM, will be considered.
III. Areas for Public Comment
Considering the significant public interest in the RVAAC Report and
in anticipation of a future rulemaking to ``refresh'' the accessibility
guidelines for rail vehicles, the Access Board issues this ANPRM.
Specifically the Board seeks public comment in two areas: (a) The
substance of the recommendations in the RVAAC Report; and (b) related
questions about the feasibility or potential impact of specific
recommendations (e.g., design, operations, cost), as well as current
research, data, and technologies relating to the improvement of rail
vehicle accessibility. The Access Board encourages all interested
parties to provide comment, including governmental agencies, private
entities that own or operate rail vehicles, individuals with
disabilities, and advocacy organizations. Comments submitted in
response to this ANPRM will be considered by the Access Board when
developing any forthcoming notice of proposed rulemaking.
In reviewing and commenting on the RVAAC Report, we strongly
encourage commenters to focus on the substance of the Committee's
recommendations, rather than the specific wording of particular
recommendations. In any future proposal to update the existing
accessibility guidelines for rail vehicles, the Access Board will
develop its own regulatory text and ensure consistency with the
formatting used in other accessibility guidelines.
While this notice highlights certain sections of the RVAAC Report
and poses related questions, the Access Board seeks comments on all
recommendations presented in the RVAAC Report. More broadly, we also
seek comment on cross-cutting issues including the potential impact of
the Report's recommendations on the safety of rail passengers and
personnel, implementation costs, and the ways that such costs might be
minimized while still achieving an appropriate level of access for
persons with disabilities.
IV. Discussion of RVAAC Recommendations and Questions for Public
Discussed below are some of the recommendations posed in the RVAAC
Report that, if implemented, would represent changes from the Access
Board's existing requirements for rail vehicles in the ADA
Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles (36 CFR part
1192). The Board highlights these recommendations and poses related
questions to the public for the purpose of obtaining additional
information about recent research and current technology relevant to
these recommended changes, and the potential costs of implementing such
A. Application
The Access Board's existing rail vehicle guidelines apply to all
ADA-covered new, used, and remanufactured rail vehicles. However, due
to time constraints, the RVAAC only addressed and provided
recommendations pertaining to new rail vehicles. This limited scope of
the RVAAC Report does not mean that, when the Access Board issues a
proposed rule to update our existing accessibility guidelines, we will
similarly limit our scope to new rail vehicles.
Question 1: Would it be feasible for remanufactured rail cars to
meet the accessibility requirements recommended in the RVAAC Report?
What would be the challenges and costs of applying the RVAAC's proposed
accessibility requirements to remanufactured rail cars? For each
challenge and or cost that you raise, please indicate the type of rail
vehicle affected.
Question 2: What is the typical lifespan of different types of rail
vehicles? How often is each type of existing rail vehicle replaced with
a new or remanufactured vehicle?
Question 3: We are not aware of any small governmental
jurisdictions that currently operate rail transportation systems
covered by the ADA. With respect to small businesses, are there any
specific issues or concerns that the Access Board should consider when
developing any proposed regulatory updates to its existing
accessibility guidelines for rail vehicles?
B. Communication Access
Currently, the only provisions regarding communication for rail
vehicles in the existing guidelines specify that each vehicle be
equipped with a public address system permitting transportation system
personnel, or recorded or digitized human speech messages, to announce
stations and provide other information, with some exceptions. See 36
CFR 1192.61, 1192.87, 1192.103 & 1192.121.
The RVAAC Report recommended a robust expansion of requirements for
accessible communications, including provisions for variable message
signage (VMS) and hearing induction loops. It also recommended
requiring VMS and real-time route map tracking (where provided) to be
located in at least two locations in each car, so that every seat has a
view of one or more of the accessible signs. RVAAC Report, Chap. 2,
Sec. Sec. I-XI.
Question 4: What solutions or technologies are commercially
available that, if implemented, would be capable of providing access to
public communications onboard rail vehicles?
Question 5: What solutions or technologies are commercially
available that, if implemented on rail vehicles, would provide
accessible emergency information to passengers in real-time?
Question 6: What are the design and cost impacts of the RVAAC's
proposed requirement for variable messaging systems on rail cars?
Question 7: What are the design and cost impacts of the RVAAC's
proposed requirement for hearing induction loops on rail cars?
C. Boarding and Alighting
The RVACC Report stressed that ``full-length level or near level
boarding should be the highest priority and most preferred method of
boarding on all fixed guideway (e.g. rail) modes.'' RVAAC Report, Chap.
3, Sec. I.A. But, when not required or possible, ``boarding should be,
as often as possible, by ramp or bridge-plate as the primary means for
boarding'' and mechanical lifts should only be used as a back-up
alternative. See id. Sec. I.B.
[[Page 8519]]
1. Car-Borne Ramps, Bridge Plates, and Lifts
Currently, the existing guidelines for rail vehicles permit
station-based ramps, bridge plates, and lifts for use in boarding and
alighting in certain situations. See 36 CFR 1192.83, 1192.95 &
1192.125. The Committee recommended requiring car-borne ramps, bridge
plates, and lifts in certain instances. RVAAC Report, Chap. 3, Sec.
I.B. Were this recommendation included in a proposed rule, it would, in
most circumstances, prohibit the use of station-based lifts, and would
instead require rail vehicles to provide car-borne ramps, bridge
plates, and lifts. In a minority report, the Metropolitan
Transportation Authority of the State of New York raised concerns with
this recommendation, asserting that the new gap recommendations will
require that the bridge plates installed on the cars be capable of
traversing the largest vertical and horizontal gap at any station. The
station with the largest gap will dictate the bridge plate design for
all new cars. Consequently, the bridge plates carried on the cars may
be very long to accommodate the largest gaps. These long bridge plates
may create a safety hazard when deployed in confined areas at a
station. Id. at App. C (MTA-SNY Minority Report, pp. 62-63).
Question 8: Please identify research studies or data that address
the impact of car-borne ramps, bridge plates, or lifts on rail vehicle
operation, maintenance, or rider safety.
Question 9: What would be the cost implications if ramps, bridge
plates, and lifts were required to be mounted on rail vehicles instead
of being based at stations?
2. Lift Design Load
The RVAAC Report recommended increasing the lift design load from
the existing requirement of 600 pounds to 800 pounds. See RVAAC Report,
Chap. 3, Sec. IV.A; see also 36 CFR 1192.83(b), 1192.95(b) &
1192.125(b) (existing Access Board specifications for design loads of
rail vehicle-based lifts). In the Access Board's final rule
promulgating updated accessibility requirements for non-rail vehicles,
we retained the 600-pound design load for vehicle lifts based on the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards for public use lifts, which are codified at 49 CFR
571.403 and 571.404. See 36 CFR 1192.21, Appendix A, T402.2. However,
the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards address lifts used on motor
vehicles, not rail cars. The Access Board thus seeks additional
information regarding design loads on rail vehicles.
Question 10: What would be the design and cost impacts if the
design load requirement for rail vehicle-based lifts was increased to
800 pounds minimum? Are there any types of rail vehicles requiring a
lift to board for which an 800-pound minimum design load would not be
Question 11: What is the current design load of newly manufactured
lifts used for rail vehicles?
3. Platform Lift Service Size
Currently, the Access Board's rail vehicles guidelines require lift
platforms to have a minimum clear width of 30 inches and a minimum
clear length of 48 inches, as measured from 2 inches above the platform
surface to 30 inches above the surface. The minimum clear width as
measured at the platform surface to a height of 2 inches is permitted
to be 28\1/2\ inches instead of 30 inches to accommodate the structure
and frame of doors on some rail vehicles. See 36 CFR 1192.83(b)(6),
1192.95(b)(6) & 1192.125(b)(6). The RVAAC Report recommended increasing
the size of lift platform surfaces to a clear width of 32 inches
minimum and a clear length of 54 inches minimum, both measured from the
platform surface to 40 inches above the platform surface. See RVAAC
Report, Chap. 3, Sec. IV.B.
Currently available research and the RVAAC's recommendations
demonstrate a potential need to increase the size of the lift platform
to accommodate larger wheeled mobility devices and advancement in their
engineering and design. See Center for Inclusive Design and
Environmental Access, Anthropometry of Wheeled Mobility Project--Final
Report (Dec. 2010), available at
Question 12: What would be the design impacts on rail vehicles if
the required size of platforms on rail vehicle-based lifts was
increased to a clear width of 32 inches minimum and clear length of 54
inches minimum?
4. Bi-Parting Side Doors
The existing guidelines require that accessible passenger doorways
have a clear opening width of 32 inches. See 38 CFR 1192.53(a)(1),
1192.73(a)(1), 1192.93(a)(1) & 1192.113(a)(1). The RVACC Report
recommends that bi-parting side doors should have one leaf that
provides a clear width opening of at least 32 inches. The purpose of
this proposal is to ensure passengers can readily board and alight from
vehicles, especially during high capacity periods and when alternative
doorways are not available, including when one of the bi-parting doors
fails to open. However, the Committee recommended this as a best
practice and not a requirement because it recognized that larger panels
can create unintended consequences and it did not want to inhibit more
efficient, reliable, and safe designs. RVACC Report, Chap. 4,
Sec. Sec. I.A & I.B(1)-(2).
Question 13: How prevalent is the situation where a single leaf of
a bi-parting side door on a rail vehicle fails to open, thereby
restricting the clear width to less than 32-inches?
Question 14: What would be the design implications of a requirement
that one leaf of bi-parting doors on rail vehicles provide a clear
width of 32 inches minimum?
5. Between-Car Barriers
The existing guidelines for rail vehicles require between-car
barriers for light and rapid rail systems and certain commuter rail
systems. 36 CFR 1192.63, 1192.85 & 1192.109. This requires that a
device or system be provided to prevent, deter, or warn individuals
from inadvertently stepping off the platform between cars. Id.
The RVAAC Report recommends that between-car barriers also be
required for rail vehicles used in intercity and high-speed rail
systems. RVAAC Report, Chap. 4, Sec. V.A. Amtrak raised concerns about
this proposal in a minority report, asserting that while between-car
barriers are appropriate for high-platform, level-boarding, ``[b]i-
level long intercity trains will see no benefit from adding the
barriers, will add cost and may in fact create a safety hazard to
railroad employees responsible for coupling and uncoupling cars.''
RVAAC Report, Appendix C (Amtrak Minority Report, p. 53).
Question 15: What data or other evidence supports a need for
between-car barriers on rail vehicles used for intercity or high-speed
rail service, if any?
Question 16: If requirements for between-car barriers were extended
to rail vehicles used for intercity or high-speed rail service, should
there be a specified minimum between-car gap that would trigger
application of such a requirement? If so, what size gap should be used
to trigger any such requirement?
Question 17: What would be the cost of requiring between-car
barriers on rail vehicles used for intercity or high-speed rail
[[Page 8520]]
D. On Board Accessibility
1. Mobility Aid Seating Location Size
The Access Board's existing guidelines require clear floor space
for mobility aid seating locations of 48 inches by 30 inches. See 36
CFR 1192.83(a)(1), 1192.57(b), 1192.125(d)(2) & 1192.95(d)(2). In the
RVAAC Report, the Committee recommended increasing required clear floor
space to 54 inches by 32 inches where the space is confined on no more
than two sides, and 59 inches by 32 inches where the space is confined
on three sides. RVAAC Report, Chap 4, Sec. IV.A. See also Center for
Inclusive Design and Environmental Access, Anthropometry of Wheeled
Mobility Project--Final Report (Dec. 2010), available at The Metropolitan
Transportation Authority of the State of New York raised concerns in a
RVAAC Minority Report about the loss of additional seats with the
increased floor space. RVAAC Report, Appendix C (MTA-SNY Minority
Report, p. 68).
Question 18: What would be the effect on the design and operation
of rail cars if the required size of mobility aid seating locations
were increased from 48 inches by 30 inches to a requirement of (1) 54
inches by 32 inches where the space is confined on no more than two
sides and (2) 59 inches by 32 inches where the space is confined on
three sides?
2. Vertical Access
There is no requirement in the existing guidelines to provide
vertical access on rail cars. In the RVAAC report, the committee
recommended adding a requirement for vertical access in new intercity
bi-level lounge cars. The Committee explained that a lounge ``means any
car with a primary function that is to enhance the passenger experience
beyond the purchased coach or sleeper accommodation and is so designed
to enhance viewing from the second level.'' Such lounge cars include
open platform observation areas that are accessible to passengers,
whether or not an extra fare is charged, and single level cars (known
as ``dome cars) that offer an elevated area designed for viewing
scenery. The Committee explained that the goal is to expand the full
rail travel experience for passengers who might otherwise miss out on
key features of the travel. This would include providing a lift, an
accessible restroom (if an upper level restroom is provided), and
accessible wheelchair spaces on the upper level. RVAAC Report, Chap 4,
Sec. IX.
Question 19: Should vertical access be required on new intercity
bi-level lounge cars? If so, should such a requirement apply only to
certain types of intercity bi-level cars (such as those that provide a
viewing dome on the upper level)?
Question 20: Is it technically feasible for platform lifts to serve
the upper levels of bi-level rail cars?
Question 21: What are the likely costs, including both one-time
equipment installation costs and ongoing maintenance, if vertical
access was required on intercity bi-level rail cars?
3. Handrails and Stanchions for Onboard Circulation
The Access Board's existing guidelines require that handrails and
stanchions not encroach on the accessible routes and permit safe
boarding, onboard circulation, seating and standing assistance, and
alighting by persons with disabilities. 36 CFR 1192.57, 1192.77,
1192.97 & 1192.115. The RVAAC recommended retaining the existing
requirement for the diameter of the interior handrails and stanchions
with additional specifications that (a) handrails or handholds be
included on transverse passenger seats in all rail cars, and (b) in
light and rapid rail systems, vertical stanchions be provided adjacent
to, or as part of, seats on alternate rows and sides of the aisle.
RVAAC Report, Chap. 4, Sec. VI.B. The current regulation does not
address the visibility of handholds, handrails, and stanchions. The
Access Board is interested in obtaining public comment on any potential
need for visual contrast for handholds, handrails, or stanchions.
Question 22: Are additional types of handholds, handrails, or
stanchions needed on rapid, light rail, intercity or commuter rail
vehicles beyond those currently required? If so, please describe.
Question 23: Are handholds, handrails, or stanchions for rail
vehicles currently designed with visual contrast?
Question 24: Is there a need for visual contrast on handholds,
handrails, or stanchions? If so, please explain.
E. Dining Cars
Regarding accessible seating in dining cars, the RVAAC proposed to
increase the required wheelchair spaces and transfer seating at tables
from one to two spaces. The Committee also noted that this requirement
could be met with convertible spaces. RVAAC Report, Chap. 5, Sec.
II.A. In response to this suggested requirement, Amtrak, in a minority
report, indicated that when they attempted to use convertible spaces
during the development of their new dining cars, the convertible spaces
were criticized as ``making a spectacle'' of the arrival of someone
using a wheelchair. RVAAC Report, Appendix C (Amtrak Minority Report,
p. 54).
Question 25: What would be the advantages and disadvantages of
having convertible/readily removable seating in dining cars on rail
vehicles to accommodate passengers using wheelchairs.
David M. Capozzi,
Executive Director.
[FR Doc. 2020-02843 Filed 2-13-20; 8:45 am]