Elkhart & Western Railroad Co.-Amended Lease and Operation Exemption Containing Interchange Commitment-Norfolk Southern Railway Company, 5767-5768 [2020-01807]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 21 / Friday, January 31, 2020 / Notices
By the Board, Allison C. Davis, Director,
Office of Proceedings.
Jeffrey Herzig,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2020–01826 Filed 1–30–20; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FD 36324]
Georgia Southern Railway Co.—Lease
and Operation Exemption Containing
Interchange Commitments—The South
Western Rail Road Company, Central
of Georgia Railroad Company, and
Norfolk Southern Railway Company
Georgia Southern Railway Co.
(GASR), a Class III rail carrier, has filed
a verified notice of exemption under 49
CFR 1150.41 to continue to lease and
operate three rail lines totaling
approximately 52.8 miles in length (not
inclusive of yard track). GASR will
continue to lease: (1) From Norfolk
Southern Railway Company (NSR) the
Roberta Line, from milepost 95.5–FV, at
or near Roberta, to milepost 105.3–FV,
at or near Fort Valley, in Peach and
Crawford Counties, Ga. (approximately
9.8 miles); (2) from Central of Georgia
Railroad Company (CGR), a wholly
owned subsidiary of NSR, the Metter
Line, from milepost W–57.5, at or near
Dover, to milepost W–86.7 at or near
Metter, in Candler, Bulloch, and
Screven Counties, Ga. (approximately
29.2 miles); and (3) from CGR and the
South Western Rail Road Company
(SWRR), a subsidiary of CGR, the Perry
Line, from milepost N–219.7, at or near
Fort Valley to milepost N–232.6, at or
near Perry, in Peach and Houston
Counties, Ga. (approximately 12.9
miles) (the Lines).1
In 2009, Georgia Midland Railroad,
Inc., assigned its lease of the Lines to
GASR. See Ga. S. Ry.—Lease &
Operation Exemption & Operation
Exemption—Certain Lines of Ga.
Midland R.R., et al., FD 35322 (STB
served Dec. 2, 2009). According to the
verified notice, GASR has executed
lease renewal agreements with NSR for
the Roberta Line, with CGR for the
Metter Line, and with CGR and SWRR
for the Perry Line, for a period of ten
GASR certifies that its projected
annual revenues as a result of the
proposed transaction will not result in
GASR’s becoming a Class I or Class II
rail carrier and will not exceed $5
million. GASR has disclosed in its
verified notice that the lease renewals
1 On
January 27, 2020, GASR filed a supplement
to correct the description of the Metter Line.
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with CGR and SWRR contain an
interchange commitment, in the form of
lease credits.2 GASR has provided
additional information regarding the
interchange commitments as required
by 49 CFR 1150.43(h).
The transaction may be consummated
on or after February 14, 2020, the
effective date of the exemption (30 days
after the verified notice of exemption
was filed). If the verified notice contains
false or misleading information, the
exemption is void ab initio. Petitions to
revoke the exemption under 49 U.S.C.
10502(d) may be filed at any time. The
filing of a petition to revoke will not
automatically stay the effectiveness of
the exemption. Petitions for stay must
be filed by February 7, 2020 (at least
seven days before the exemption
becomes effective).
All pleadings, referring to Docket No.
FD 36324, must be filed with the
Surface Transportation Board either via
e-filing or in writing addressed to 395 E
Street SW, Washington, DC 20423–0001.
In addition, a copy of each pleading
must be served on GASR’s
representative, W. Karl Hansen, Stinson
LLP, 50 South Sixth Street, Suite 2600,
Minneapolis, MN 55402.
According to GASR, this action is
categorically excluded from
environmental review under 49 CFR
1105.6(c) and from historic preservation
reporting requirements under 49 CFR
Board decisions and notices are
available at www.stb.gov.
Elkhart & Western Railroad Co.
(EWR), a Class III rail carrier, has filed
a verified notice of exemption under 49
CFR 1150.41 to continue to lease and
operate approximately 23.0 miles of rail
line from Norfolk Southern Railway
Company (NSR) between milepost I
108.6+/- (at Argos, Ind.) and milepost I
131.6 +/- (at Walkerton, Ind.) (the Line).
The verified notice states that EWR
entered into a lease agreement with NSR
in 2010. See Elkhart & W. R.R.—Lease
& Operation Exemption—Norfolk S. Ry.,
FD 35347 (STB served Feb. 19, 2010).
The parties amended the lease in 2016.
See Elkhart & W. R.R.—Amended Lease
& Operation Exemption Containing
Interchange Commitment—Norfolk S.
Ry., FD 35347 (Sub-No. 1) (STB served
Oct. 14, 2016). According to the verified
notice, EWR and NSR have agreed to
further amend the lease agreement to
extend the term of the lease to July 31,
2029, and to modify certain other
specific terms of the agreement.1 EWR
states that the amended lease agreement
will take effect upon the effective date
of the notice of exemption.
According to EWR, it will continue to
interchange traffic with NSR at a track
in the vicinity of the Argos Yard. EWR
states that the lease agreement, as
amended, does not prohibit or limit
EWR from interchanging with thirdparty connecting carriers that connect to
the Line, nor does the agreement set
forth terms governing EWR’s
interchange of traffic with such thirdparty carriers. However, as required
under 49 CFR 1150.43(h)(1), EWR has
disclosed in its verified notice that the
lease agreement, as amended, contains
an interchange commitment in the form
of lease credits. EWR has also provided
additional information regarding the
interchange commitment as required by
49 CFR 1150.43(h).
EWR certifies that its projected annual
revenues do not exceed those that
would qualify it as a Class II or Class I
rail carrier and would not exceed $5
The proposed transaction may be
consummated on February 14, 2020, the
effective date of the exemption (30 days
after the verified notice of exemption
was filed). If the notice contains false or
misleading information, the exemption
is void ab initio. Petitions to revoke the
exemption under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d)
may be filed at any time. The filing of
a petition to revoke will not
automatically stay the effectiveness of
the exemption. Petitions to stay must be
filed no later than February 7, 2020 (at
least seven days before the exemption
becomes effective).
All pleadings, referring to Docket No.
FD 35347 (Sub-No. 2), must be filed
with the Surface Transportation Board,
either via e-filing or in writing
addressed to 395 E Street SW,
2 Copies of the lease renewal agreements with the
interchange commitments were submitted under
seal. See 49 CFR 1150.43(h)(1).
1 A copy of the amended agreement with the
interchange commitment was submitted under seal.
See 49 CFR 1150.43(h)(1).
Decided: January 28, 2020.
By the Board, Allison C. Davis, Director,
Office of Proceedings.
Jeffrey Herzig,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2020–01900 Filed 1–30–20; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FD 35347 (Sub-No. 2)]
Elkhart & Western Railroad Co.—
Amended Lease and Operation
Exemption Containing Interchange
Commitment—Norfolk Southern
Railway Company
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 21 / Friday, January 31, 2020 / Notices
Washington, DC 20423–0001. In
addition, a copy of each pleading must
be served on EWR’s representative, W.
Karl Hansen, Stinson LLP, 50 South
Sixth Street, Suite 2600, Minneapolis,
MN 55402.
According to EWR, this action is
categorically excluded from
environmental review under 49 CFR
1105.6(c) and from historic preservation
reporting requirements under 49 CFR
Board decisions and notices are
available at www.stb.gov.
Decided: January 27, 2020.
By the Board, Allison C. Davis, Director,
Office of Proceedings.
Kenyatta Clay,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2020–01807 Filed 1–30–20; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
[Docket No. 2019–0914]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Requests for Comments;
Clearance of Renewed Approval of
Information Collection: Certification of
Aircraft and Airmen for the Operation
of Light-Sport Aircraft
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice and request for
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA
invites public comments about our
intention to request the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
approval to renew an information
collection. The Federal Register Notice
with a 60-day comment period soliciting
comments on the following collection of
information was published on
November 15, 2019. The collection
involves the recordkeeping requirement
for owners/operators of aircraft issued a
special airworthiness certificate in the
light-sport aircraft category (SLSA) to
keep the current status of applicable
safety directives, and transfer these
records with the aircraft at the time the
aircraft is sold. The information to be
collected is necessary to determine and
ensure the SLSA aircraft is in a
condition for safe flight prior to aircraft
DATES: Written comments should be
submitted by March 2, 2020.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments on
the proposed information collection to
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the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget. Comments should be addressed
to the attention of the Desk Officer,
Department of Transportation/FAA, and
sent via electronic mail to oira_
submission@omb.eop.gov, or faxed to
(202) 395–6974, or mailed to the Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget,
Docket Library, Room 10102, 725 17th
Street NW, Washington, DC 20503.
Public Comments Invited: You are
asked to comment on any aspect of this
information collection, including (a)
Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for FAA’s
performance; (b) the accuracy of the
estimated burden; (c) ways for FAA to
enhance the quality, utility and clarity
of the information collection; and (d)
ways that the burden could be
minimized without reducing the quality
of the collected information. The agency
will summarize and/or include your
comments in the request for OMB’s
clearance of this information collection.
Tanya Glines by email at: Tanya.glines@
faa.gov; phone: 801–257–5085.
OMB Control Number: 2120–0730.
Title: Certification of Aircraft and
Airmen for the Operation of Light-Sport
Form Numbers: Aircraft maintenance
Type of Review: Renewal of an
information collection.
Background: The Federal Register
Notice with a 60-day comment period
soliciting comments on the following
collection of information was published
on November 15, 2019 (84 FR 62563).
Title 14 CFR 91.327(b)(4) states that
aircraft issued a special airworthiness
certificate in the light-sport category
(SLSA) cannot be operated unless the
owner or operator complies with each
safety directive applicable to the
aircraft. Title 14 CFR 91.417(a)(2)(v)
requires each registered owner or
operator to retain records containing the
current status of applicable safety
directives including, for each, the
method of compliance, the safety
directive number and revision date.
Additionally, if the safety directive
involves recurring action, the time and
date when the next action is required.
Recording safety directive compliance
and retaining these records is necessary
to determine if unsafe conditions have
been corrected on aircraft issued a
special airworthiness certificate in the
light-sport category (SLSA), which
assists in ensuring that the SLSA aircraft
is in a condition safe for flight prior to
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its operation within the national
Respondents include owners/
operators of SLSA, aircraft mechanics,
and LSA repairmen with a Maintenance
rating. The records of SLSA safety
directive compliance are retained by the
aircraft owner/operator, who must keep
the records for the life of the SLSA
aircraft and transfer them to the new
owner at the time the aircraft is sold.
The burden estimates are based on the
current number of registered SLA and a
projected future growth rate.
Respondents: 2935 owners/operators
of SLSA aircraft.
Frequency: On occasion.
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 2 Hours.
Estimated Total Annual Burden: 5870
hours annual industry burden.
Issued in Washington, DC, on January 27,
Tanya A. Glines,
Aviation Safety Inspector, Safety Standards,
General Aviation Maintenance Branch (AFS–
[FR Doc. 2020–01766 Filed 1–30–20; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Aviation Rulemaking Advisory
Committee; Meeting
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of Aviation Rulemaking
Advisory Committee (ARAC) meeting.
This notice announces a
meeting of the ARAC.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
Thursday, March 19, 2020, from 1:00
p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard
Requests to attend the meeting must
be received by Monday, March 2, 2020.
Requests for accommodations to a
disability must be received by Monday,
March 2, 2020.
Requests to submit written materials
to be reviewed during the meeting must
be received no later than Monday,
March 2, 2020.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Federal Aviation Administration,
800 Independence Avenue SW,
Washington, DC 20591. General
committee information including copies
of the meeting minutes will be available
on the FAA Committee website at
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 21 (Friday, January 31, 2020)]
[Pages 5767-5768]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-01807]
[Docket No. FD 35347 (Sub-No. 2)]
Elkhart & Western Railroad Co.--Amended Lease and Operation
Exemption Containing Interchange Commitment--Norfolk Southern Railway
Elkhart & Western Railroad Co. (EWR), a Class III rail carrier, has
filed a verified notice of exemption under 49 CFR 1150.41 to continue
to lease and operate approximately 23.0 miles of rail line from Norfolk
Southern Railway Company (NSR) between milepost I 108.6+/- (at Argos,
Ind.) and milepost I 131.6 +/- (at Walkerton, Ind.) (the Line).
The verified notice states that EWR entered into a lease agreement
with NSR in 2010. See Elkhart & W. R.R.--Lease & Operation Exemption--
Norfolk S. Ry., FD 35347 (STB served Feb. 19, 2010). The parties
amended the lease in 2016. See Elkhart & W. R.R.--Amended Lease &
Operation Exemption Containing Interchange Commitment--Norfolk S. Ry.,
FD 35347 (Sub-No. 1) (STB served Oct. 14, 2016). According to the
verified notice, EWR and NSR have agreed to further amend the lease
agreement to extend the term of the lease to July 31, 2029, and to
modify certain other specific terms of the agreement.\1\ EWR states
that the amended lease agreement will take effect upon the effective
date of the notice of exemption.
\1\ A copy of the amended agreement with the interchange
commitment was submitted under seal. See 49 CFR 1150.43(h)(1).
According to EWR, it will continue to interchange traffic with NSR
at a track in the vicinity of the Argos Yard. EWR states that the lease
agreement, as amended, does not prohibit or limit EWR from
interchanging with third-party connecting carriers that connect to the
Line, nor does the agreement set forth terms governing EWR's
interchange of traffic with such third-party carriers. However, as
required under 49 CFR 1150.43(h)(1), EWR has disclosed in its verified
notice that the lease agreement, as amended, contains an interchange
commitment in the form of lease credits. EWR has also provided
additional information regarding the interchange commitment as required
by 49 CFR 1150.43(h).
EWR certifies that its projected annual revenues do not exceed
those that would qualify it as a Class II or Class I rail carrier and
would not exceed $5 million.
The proposed transaction may be consummated on February 14, 2020,
the effective date of the exemption (30 days after the verified notice
of exemption was filed). If the notice contains false or misleading
information, the exemption is void ab initio. Petitions to revoke the
exemption under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d) may be filed at any time. The filing
of a petition to revoke will not automatically stay the effectiveness
of the exemption. Petitions to stay must be filed no later than
February 7, 2020 (at least seven days before the exemption becomes
All pleadings, referring to Docket No. FD 35347 (Sub-No. 2), must
be filed with the Surface Transportation Board, either via e-filing or
in writing addressed to 395 E Street SW,
[[Page 5768]]
Washington, DC 20423-0001. In addition, a copy of each pleading must be
served on EWR's representative, W. Karl Hansen, Stinson LLP, 50 South
Sixth Street, Suite 2600, Minneapolis, MN 55402.
According to EWR, this action is categorically excluded from
environmental review under 49 CFR 1105.6(c) and from historic
preservation reporting requirements under 49 CFR 1105.8(b).
Board decisions and notices are available at www.stb.gov.
Decided: January 27, 2020.
By the Board, Allison C. Davis, Director, Office of Proceedings.
Kenyatta Clay,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2020-01807 Filed 1-30-20; 8:45 am]