Allocations, Common Application, Waivers, and Alternative Requirements for Disaster Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Grantees, 4681-4690 [2020-01204]
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 17 / Monday, January 27, 2020 / Notices
agreement that the agreement for CDBG–
MIT funds is legally-binding.
(3) The Grantee must impose specific
subaward conditions upon an agency or
subrecipient as described in § 200.207
Specific conditions.
(4) The Grantee, based on the
evaluation of risk posed by the agency
or subrecipient, must ensure proper
accountability and compliance with
program requirements and achievement
of performance goals by:
(a) Providing agencies or
subrecipients with training and
technical assistance on program-related
(b) Performing on-site reviews of the
agency’s or subrecipient’s program
operations; and,
(c) Arranging for agreed-uponprocedures engagements as described in
§ 200.425 Audit services.
(5) The Grantee must verify that every
agency (where not included in the audit
of the grantee) or subrecipient is audited
as required by Subpart F—Audit
Requirements of 2 CFR part 200 when
it is expected that the agency or
subrecipient’s subaward expended
during the respective fiscal year equaled
or exceeded the threshold set forth in
§ 200.501 Audit requirements.
(6) The Grantee must consider
whether the results of the agency or
subrecipient’s audits, on-site reviews, or
other monitoring indicate conditions
that necessitate adjustments to the
Grantee’s own records.
(7) The Grantee must take
enforcement action against
noncompliant agencies or subrecipients
as described in § 200.338 Remedies for
noncompliance of this part and in
program regulations.
II.B.15. Additional requirements for
Fiscal Distress Risk. Based on the
financial risk posed by the Grantee’s
fiscal distress (as evidenced by ongoing
debt restructuring pursuant to the
Puerto Rico Oversight, Management,
and Economic Stability Act
(PROMESA), 48 U.S.C. 2101–2241) the
Grantee must comply with the
requirements of the October 26, 2017
may be amended from time to time by
the United States District Court for the
District of Puerto Rico or other court
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with jurisdiction (the Order). As
required by the Order, grant funds
received by the Commonwealth or other
Non-Federal entity (as defined by 2 CFR
200.69) shall be deposited solely into a
Disaster Relief Account, meaning a new,
segregated, non-co-mingled,
unencumbered account held in the
name of the Commonwealth or of the
Non-Federal entity to whom the funds
have been provided, and shall be used
solely for eligible activities. Evidence of
the Disaster Relief Account held by the
Commonwealth must be provided to
HUD within 60 days of the date of the
CDBG–MIT grant agreement with the
submission of a completed SF–1199
(direct deposit form) or other similar
form specified by HUD. The Grantee
must maintain documentation of the
Disaster Relief Accounts held by other
Non-Federal entities that receive grant
funds from the Grantee.
III. Catalog of Federal Domestic
The Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance numbers for the disaster
recovery grants under this notice are as
follows: 14.218 and 14.228.
IV. Finding of No Significant Impact
A Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI) with respect to the
environment has been made in
accordance with HUD regulations at 24
CFR part 50, which implement section
102(2)(C) of the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C.
4332(2)(C)). The FONSI is available for
inspection at HUD’s Funding
Opportunities web page at: https://
gmomgmt/grantsinfo/fundingopps. The
FONSI is available for public inspection
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays in
the Regulations Division, Office of
General Counsel, Department of
Housing and Urban Development, 451
7th Street SW, Room 10276,
Washington, DC 20410–0500. Due to
security measures at the HUD
Headquarters building, an advance
appointment to review the docket file
must be scheduled by calling the
Regulations Division at 202–708–3055
(this is not a toll-free number). Hearingor speech-impaired individuals may
access this number through TTY by
calling the Federal Relay Service at 800–
877–8339 (this is a toll-free number).
Dated: January 16, 2020.
Benjamin Carson, Sr.,
[FR Doc. 2020–01334 Filed 1–24–20; 8:45 am]
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[Docket No. FR–6182–N–01]
Allocations, Common Application,
Waivers, and Alternative Requirements
for Disaster Community Development
Block Grant Disaster Recovery
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Community Planning and
Development, HUD.
ACTION: Notice.
This notice allocates a total of
$3,831,428,000 in Community
Development Block Grant disaster
recovery (CDBG–DR) funds
appropriated by the Supplemental
Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act,
2018, and the Additional Supplemental
Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act,
2019. The combined amount of
$3,831,428,000 in CDBG–DR funds is
allocated by this notice for the purpose
of assisting in long-term recovery from
major disasters that occurred in 2017,
2018, and 2019. This notice also
contains clarifications on waivers and
alternative requirements that were
included in the Prior Notices. Unless
expressly limited to certain grantees, the
amended waivers and alternative
requirements apply to all CDBG–DR
grants that are subject to the Prior
Notices (previous grants for 2017
disasters and grants under this Notice).
DATES: Applicability Date: February 3,
Jessie Handforth Kome, Acting Director,
Office of Block Grant Assistance, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 7th Street SW, Room
7282, Washington, DC 20410, telephone
number 202–708–3587. Persons with
hearing or speech impairments may
access this number via TTY by calling
the Federal Relay Service at 800–877–
8339. Facsimile inquiries may be sent to
Ms. Kome at 202–708–0033. (Except for
the’’800’’ number, these telephone
numbers are not toll-free.) Email
inquiries may be sent to disaster_
Table of Contents
I. Allocations
II. Use of Funds
III. Overview of Grant Process
IV. Applicable Rules, Statutes, Waivers, and
Alternative Requirements
V. Duration of Funding
VI. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
VII. Finding of No Significant Impact
Appendix A: Allocation Methodology
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 17 / Monday, January 27, 2020 / Notices
I. Allocations
Two public laws have been enacted
that provide supplemental CDBG–DR
appropriations. The Supplemental
Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act,
2018 (Pub. L. 115–254, approved
October 5, 2018) (2018 Appropriations
Act) made available $1,680,000,000 in
CDBG–DR funds for major disasters
declared in 2018. The Additional
Supplemental Appropriations for
Disaster Relief Act, 2019 (Pub. L. 116–
20, approved June 6, 2019) (2019
Appropriations Act) made
$2,431,000,000 in CDBG–DR funds
available for major disasters occurring
in 2017, 2018, or 2019, of which
$431,000,000 is for grantees that
received funds in response to disasters
occurring in 2017. Based on the unmet
needs allocation methodology outlined
in Appendix A, this notice allocates
$3,400,428,000 in CDBG–DR funds in
accordance with the 2018
Appropriations Act and the 2019
Appropriations Act (the ‘‘2018 and 2019
Appropriations Acts’’), to address
unmet disaster recovery needs through
activities authorized under title I of the
Housing and Community Development
Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.)
(HCDA) related to disaster relief, longterm recovery, restoration of
infrastructure and housing, economic
revitalization, and mitigation in the
‘‘most impacted and distressed’’ areas
resulting from a qualifying major
disaster in 2018 and 2019, as well as
$431,000,000 for unmet infrastructure
needs for 2017 disasters. Qualifying
major disasters are those declared by the
President pursuant to the Robert T.
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5121
et seq.) (Stafford Act) and identified in
Table 1.
When additional data becomes
available for other disasters occurring in
2019, the remaining $272,072,000 from
Public Law 116–20 will be allocated for
those disasters in a subsequent notice.
In Federal Register notices published
on February 9, 2018 at 83 FR 5844,
August 14, 2018 at 83 FR 40314,
February 19, 2019 at 84 FR 4836, and
June 20, 2019 at 84 FR 28848 (the ‘‘Prior
Notices’’), HUD described the applicable
waivers and alternative requirements,
relevant statutory and regulatory
requirements, the grant award process,
criteria for action plan approval,
updates to duplication of benefits
requirements, and eligible disaster
recovery activities associated with
grants for 2017 disasters. This notice
imposes the requirements of the Prior
Notices, as amended by provisions in
this notice, on the grants announced in
this notice.
In accordance with the 2018 and 2019
Appropriations Acts, $2,500,000 of the
amounts these acts made available will
be transferred to the Department’s Office
of Community Planning and
Development (CPD), Program Office
Salaries and Expenses, for necessary
costs of administering and overseeing
CDBG–DR grants under the 2018 and
2019 Appropriations Acts. Additionally,
in accordance with the 2019
Appropriations Act, $5,000,000 is to be
transferred to CPD to provide necessary
capacity building and technical
assistance to grantees that receive a
CDBG–DR grant under the 2018 and
2019 Appropriations Acts or future acts.
As mentioned above, the 2019
Appropriations Act requires HUD to
allocate $431,000,000 to address unmet
infrastructure needs for grantees that
received an allocation for a disaster that
occurred in 2017, of which
$331,442,114 shall be allocated to those
grantees affected by Hurricane Maria.
The 2018 and 2019 Appropriations
Acts provide that grants shall be
awarded directly to a State, unit of
general local government, or Indian
tribe at the discretion of the Secretary.
Unless noted otherwise, the term
‘‘grantee’’ refers to the entity receiving
a grant from HUD under this notice. To
comply with statutory requirements that
funds be used for disaster-related
expenses in the most impacted and
distressed areas, HUD allocates funds
using the best available data that covers
all the eligible affected areas.
Grantees receiving an allocation of
funds under this notice are subject to
the requirements of the Prior Notices, as
amended by this notice or by
subsequent notices. Pursuant to the
Prior Notices, each grantee receiving an
allocation for a 2018 or 2019 disaster is
required to primarily consider and
address its unmet housing recovery
needs. These grantees may, however,
propose the use of funds for unmet
economic revitalization and
infrastructure needs unrelated to the
grantee’s unmet housing needs if the
grantee demonstrates in its needs
assessment that there is no remaining
unmet housing need or that the
remaining unmet housing need will be
addressed by other sources of funds.
Grantees receiving funds under this
notice for an additional allocation for
unmet infrastructure needs arising from
a 2017 disaster must use those funds for
unmet infrastructure needs.
Table 1 (below) shows the major
disasters that grants under this notice
may address and the minimum amount
of funds from the combined allocations
under the 2018 and 2019
Appropriations Acts that must be
expended in the HUD-identified most
impacted and distressed areas. The
information in this table is based on
HUD’s review of the impacts from the
qualifying disasters and estimates of
unmet need.
Disaster year
Disaster No.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
2017 Disasters (Additional
Unmet Infrastructure Needs).
Unmet needs
under Public
Law 115–254
Unmet needs
under Public
Law 116–20
Total allocation for
unmet needs (Pub.
L. 115–254 and
Pub. L. 116–20)
Minimum amount that must be expended for
recovery in the HUD-identified ‘‘most impacted and distressed’’ areas
(No less than $30,446,000) Sonoma and
Ventura counties: 93108, 94558, 95422,
95470, and 95901 Zip Codes.
(No less than $30,910,000) Brevard,
Broward, Clay, Collier, Duval, Hillsborough,
Lee, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Polk, St. Lucie, and
Volusia counties; 32084, 32091, 32136,
32145, 33440, 33523, 33825, 33870,
33935, and 34266 Zip Codes.
(No less than $10,412,000) 31520, 31548,
and 31705 Zip Codes.
(No less than $7,878,000) 63935, 63965,
64850, 65616, and 65775 Zip Codes.
($277,853,230) All Components of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
($53,588,884) All components of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
(No less than $28,685,000) Anchorage Borough.
4344 & 4353
State of California ............
4337 & 4341
State of Florida ................
4294, 4297, & 4338
State of Georgia ..............
State of Missouri ..............
4336 & 4339
Commonwealth of Puerto
U.S. Virgin Islands ...........
State of Alaska ................
2018 Disasters ............................
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 17 / Monday, January 27, 2020 / Notices
Disaster year
Disaster No.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Unmet needs
under Public
Law 116–20
Total allocation for
unmet needs (Pub.
L. 115–254 and
Pub. L. 116–20)
Minimum amount that must be expended for
recovery in the HUD-identified ‘‘most impacted and distressed’’ areas
($23,039,000) All components of American
(No less than $813,919,000) Butte Lake, Los
Angeles, and Shasta Counties.
(No less than $588,442,000) Bay, Calhoun,
Gulf and Jackson Counties; 32321 (Liberty), 32327 (Wakulla), 32328 (Franklin),
32346 (Wakulla and Franklin), 32351
(Gadsden), and 32428 (Washington) Zip
(No less than $33,470,000) 39845 (Seminole)
Zip Code.
($83,841,000) Hawaii County.
(No less than $7,341,000) 96714 (Kauai) Zip
(No less than $434,115,000) Brunswick,
Carteret, Columbus, Craven, Duplin, Jones,
New Hanover, Onslow, Pender, and Robeson Counties; 28352 (Scotland), 28390
(Cumberland), 28433 (Bladen), and 28571
(Pamlico) Zip Codes.
(No less than $195,157,000) Saipan and
Tinian Municipalities.
American Samoa .............
State of California ............
State of Florida ................
State of Georgia ..............
Hawaii County, HI ............
Kauai County, HI .............
State of North Carolina ....
4396 & 4404
The Commonwealth of
the Northern Mariana
State of South Carolina ...
State of Texas .................
State of Wisconsin ...........
State of Arkansas ............
State of Iowa ...................
State of Missouri ..............
State of Nebraska ............
State of Ohio ...................
State of Oklahoma ...........
4454 & 4466
State of Texas .................
Pursuant to the 2018 and 2019
Appropriations Acts, HUD has
identified the most impacted and
distressed areas based on the best
available data for all eligible affected
areas. A detailed explanation of HUD’s
allocation methodology is provided in
Appendix A of this notice.
In some instances, HUD identified the
entire jurisdiction of a grantee as the
most impacted and distressed area. For
all other grantees, at least 80 percent of
the total funds provided to a grantee
under this notice must address unmet
disaster needs within the HUDidentified most impacted and distressed
areas, as identified in the last column in
Table 1. Note that if HUD designates a
ZIP Code for 2018 and 2019 disasters as
a most impacted and distressed area for
purposes of allocating funds, the grantee
may expand program operations to the
whole county (county is indicated in
parentheses next to the ZIP Code as a
most impacted and distressed area. The
grantee should indicate the decision to
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Unmet needs
under Public
Law 115–254
4407 & 4382
2019 Disasters ............................
Total .....................................
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expand eligibility to the whole county
in its action plan.
A grantee may determine where to use
the remaining 20 percent of the
allocation, but that portion of the
allocation may only be used to address
unmet disaster needs in those areas that
the grantee determines are ‘‘most
impacted and distressed’’ and received
a presidential major disaster declaration
pursuant to the disaster numbers listed
in Table 1. A grantee may use up to 5
percent of the total grant award for grant
administration and no more than 15
percent of the total grant award for
planning activities. Therefore, HUD will
include 80 percent of a grantee’s
expenditures for grant administration in
its determination that 80 percent of the
total award has been expended in the
most impacted and distressed areas
identified in Table 1. Additionally,
expenditures for planning activities may
be counted towards a grantee’s 80
percent expenditure requirement,
provided that the grantee describes in
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(No less than $57,660,000) Horry and Marion
counties; 29536 (Dillon) Zip Code.
(No less than $58,330,000) Hidalgo County.
(No less than $12,284,000) 53560 (Dane) Zip
(No less than $7152,000) 71602 (Jefferson)
and 72016 (Perry) Zip Codes.
(No less tan $77,393,000) Mills County;
51640 (Fremont) Zip Code.
(No less than $24,621,000) St. Charles County; 64437 (Holt) and 65101 (Cole) Zip
(No less than $87,150,000) Sarpy County;
68025 (Dodge), 68064 (Douglas) and
68069 (Douglas) Zip Codes.
(No less than $9,844,000) 45426 (Montgomery) Zip Code.
(No less than $29,082,000) Muskogee and
Tulsa Counties; 74946 (Sequoyah) Zip
(No less than $170,193,000) Cameron,
Chambers, Harris, Jefferson, Liberty, Montgomery, and Orange Counties; 78570
(Hildalgo) Zip Code.
its action plan how those planning
activities benefit the HUD-identified
most impacted and distressed areas.
II. Use of Funds
Funds allocated under this notice are
subject to the requirements of the Prior
Notices, as amended by this notice or
subsequent notices. This notice outlines
additional requirements imposed by the
2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts that
apply to funds allocated under this
The 2018 and 2019 Appropriations
Acts require that prior to the obligation
of CDBG–DR funds a grantee shall
submit a plan detailing the proposed
use of all funds. The plan must include
criteria for eligibility, and how the use
of these funds will address long-term
recovery and restoration of
infrastructure and housing, economic
revitalization, and mitigation in the
most impacted and distressed areas.
Therefore, the action plan submitted in
response to this notice must describe
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 17 / Monday, January 27, 2020 / Notices
uses and activities that: (1) Are
authorized under title I of the HCDA or
allowed by a waiver or alternative
requirement; and (2) respond to a
disaster-related impact to infrastructure,
housing, or economic revitalization in
the most impacted and distressed areas,
and if the grantee chooses to do so, how
mitigation will be incorporated into
recovery activities. To inform the plan,
each grantee must conduct an
assessment of community impacts and
unmet needs and guide the
development and prioritization of
planned recovery activities, pursuant to
section VI.A.2.a. of the February 9, 2018
notice (83 FR 5849).
While CDBG–DR funding is a valuable
resource for long-term recovery and
mitigation in the wake of major
disasters, HUD expects that grantees
will take steps to set in place substantial
State and local governmental policies to
enhance the impact of HUD-funded
investments and limit damage from
future disasters. The Federal Register
notice published February 9, 2018 (83
FR 5850), requires all grantees to
describe how they plan to promote
sound, sustainable long-term planning.
HUD is encouraging wildfire-impacted
grantees in particular to consider landuse plans that address density and
quantity of development, as well as
emergency access, landscaping, and
water supply considerations. Grantees
are reminded that they may use CDBG–
DR funds for planning activities,
including, but not limited to,
developing a Community Wildfire
Protection Plan (CWPP). Grantees are
encouraged to review U.S. Forest
Service’s resources on wildland fire
fire) and work with Federal and State
forestry and fire agencies that carry out
activities related to fire risk reduction,
including upgrading mapping, data, and
other capabilities to better manage
wildland fire risk areas. To maximize
the impact of all available funds, all
grantees are encouraged to coordinate
and align these funds with other
projects funded with CDBG–DR and
CDBG-Mitigation funds, as well as other
disaster recovery activities funded by
the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE), the U.S. Forest
Service, and other agencies as
Grantees should note that a
subsequent notice published on August
14, 2018 (83 FR 40314), which clarifies
and/or modifies requirements in the
February 9, 2018 notice, applies to
grantees receiving funds under this
notice. Specifically, grantees should
note the following clarifications and
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modifications in the August 14, 2018
notice governing the use of these funds:
Allowing for unmet economic
revitalization and infrastructure needs
(83 FR 40314), which are addressed in
section I in this notice; the use of
terminology around an evaluation of the
cost or price of a product or service (83
FR 40317); additional requirements for
the comprehensive disaster recovery
website (83 FR 40317); clarification of
working capital to aid in recovery (83
FR 40317); underwriting requirements
(83 FR 40317); limitation of use of funds
for eminent domain (83 FR 40317);
increased public comment period (83
FR 40318); cost verification (83 FR
40318); additional criteria and specific
conditions to mitigate risk (83 FR
40318–40319); the waiver of Section 414
of the Stafford Act as amended (83 FR
40319) and addressed in section IV.C.2.
in this notice; modification of
affordability periods for rental
properties (83 FR 40320); clarification of
the environmental review requirements
(83 FR 40319); CDBG–DR housing
assistance and FEMA’s permanent and
semi-permanent housing programs (83
FR 40320); rehabilitation and
reconstruction cost-effectiveness (83 FR
40321); infrastructure planning and
design (83 FR 40321); discipline and
accountability in the environmental
review and permitting of infrastructure
projects (83 FR 40321); and CDBG–DR
funds as match for FEMA 428 Public
Assistance projects (83 FR 40321).
Additionally, HUD published a notice
on June 20, 2019 entitled, ‘‘Updates to
Duplication of Benefits Requirements
Under the Stafford Act for Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Disaster Recovery Grantees’’ (84 FR
28836) (2019 DOB Notice) and a second
notice that implemented the 2019 DOB
Notice by making corresponding
amendments to the Prior Notices
(Applicability of Updates to Duplication
of Benefits Requirements Under the
Stafford Act for Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Disaster Recovery Grantees, published
at 84 FR 28848) (the ‘‘Implementation
Notice’’). Those changes are explained
in section IV.B.6. of this notice and in
detail in the 2019 DOB Notice (84 FR
Finally, the February 9, 2018 notice
was also amended by the February 19,
2019 notice (84 FR 4836) with a
clarification on green building standards
(84 FR 4844).
III. Overview of Grant Process
Each grantee must submit an action
plan for disaster recovery pursuant the
requirements of section VI.A.2 of the
February 9, 2018 notice (83 FR 5849), as
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modified by the requirements of the
August 14, 2018 notice (83 FR 40314),
not later than 120 days after the
applicability date of this notice. All
requirements of the Prior Notices related
to the action plan submission shall
apply, including the public comment
period which was extended to not less
than 30 calendar days under the August
14, 2018 notice (83 FR 40318), and the
manner of publication which must
include prominent posting on the
grantee’s official website (83 FR 40317).
Each grantee must publish the action
plan in a manner that affords citizens,
affected local governments, and other
interested parties a reasonable
opportunity to examine the contents
and provide feedback. Each grantee
must also submit the Financial
Management and Grant Compliance
submission and Pre-Award
Implementation Plan pursuant to
section VI.A.I of the February 9, 2018
notice. All deadlines for these
submissions are determined by the
applicability date of this notice.
In the Prior Notices, the Department
included its intention to establish
special grant conditions for individual
CDBG–DR grants based upon the risks
posed by the grantee, including risks
related to the grantee’s capacity to carry
out the specific programs and projects
proposed in its action plan. As
described in the Prior Notices, these
conditions will be designed to provide
additional assurances that programs are
implemented in a manner to prevent
waste, fraud, and abuse and the
Department has established specific
criteria and conditions for each grant
award as provided for at 2 CFR 200.205
and 200.207(a), respectively, to mitigate
the risks of the grant.
To begin expending CDBG–DR funds,
the grantee must follow the process
outlined in the February 9, 2018 notice
(83 FR 5846), unless otherwise amended
• Within 60 days of the applicability
date of this notice (or when the grantee
submits its action plan, whichever is
earlier), submit documentation for the
certification of financial controls and
procurement processes and adequate
procedures for grant management, as
amended in section IV.B.1 of this notice.
A grantee that received a certification of
its financial controls and procurement
processes pursuant to a 2016 or 2017
disaster may request that HUD rely on
that certification for purposes of this
allocation, provided, however, that
grantees shall be required to provide
updates to reflect any material changes
in the submissions.
• Within 60 days of the applicability
date of this notice (or when the grantee
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 17 / Monday, January 27, 2020 / Notices
submits its action plan, whichever is
earlier), submit documentation for the
implementation plan and capacity
• Additionally, all funds must be
expended within 6 years of the date of
obligation as described in section V of
this notice.
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III.A. Funds for Unmet Infrastructure
Needs for Grantees That Received
Allocations for 2017 Disasters
Each grantee that received an
allocation pursuant to Public Law 115–
56 or Public Law 115–123 for 2017
disasters and an additional allocation in
this notice for unmet infrastructure
needs is required to submit a substantial
amendment to its current action plan
required by the Prior Notices. The
substantial amendment must be
submitted no later than 90 days after the
applicability date of this notice. The
substantial amendment must include
the additional allocation of funds and
address the requirements of the Prior
Notices, as amended by this notice.
Each grantee must follow the applicable
substantial amendment process
pursuant to section III.B of the August
14, 2018 notice (83 FR 40316). Based on
the 2019 Appropriations Act, HUD will
condition the availability of these funds
for grantees that have entered into
alternative procedures under section
428 of the Stafford Act as of the date of
enactment of the 2019 Appropriations
Act until such grantees have reached a
final agreement on all fixed cost
estimates within the timeline provided
by FEMA.
IV. Applicable Rules, Statutes, Waivers,
and Alternative Requirements
This section of the notice describes
rules, statutes, waivers, and alternative
requirements that apply to each grantee
receiving an allocation under this
notice. The Secretary has determined
that good cause exists to apply each
waiver and alternative requirement
established in the Prior Notices to
grantees receiving funds under this
notice and that such waivers and
alternative requirements are not
inconsistent with the overall purpose of
title I of the HCDA. The Secretary’s
determination of good cause extends to
each waiver or alternative requirement
as amended by this notice. Grantees are
reminded that all fair housing and
nondiscrimination requirements, as well
as environmental and labor
requirements, continue to apply. The
following requirements apply only to
the CDBG–DR funds appropriated under
the 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts
(unless otherwise noted) and not to
funds provided under the annual
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formula State or Entitlement CDBG
programs, the Indian Community
Development Block Grant program, or
those provided under any other
component of the CDBG program, such
as the Section 108 Loan Guarantee
Program, or any previous CDBG–DR
appropriations, unless otherwise noted.
A grantee may request additional
waivers and alternative requirements
from the Department as needed to
address specific needs related to its
recovery activities, accompanied by data
to support the request. Grantees should
work with the assigned Community
Planning and Development
representatives to request any additional
waivers or alternative requirements
from HUD. Except where noted, the
waivers and alternative requirements
described below apply to all grantees
under this notice. Pursuant to the
requirements of the 2018 and 2019
Appropriations Acts, waivers and
alternative requirements are effective 5
days after they are published in the
Federal Register.
Except as described in this notice or
the Prior Notices, statutory and
regulatory provisions governing the
State CDBG program shall apply to State
grantees receiving a CDBG–DR grant.
Except as described in this notice or the
Prior Notices, statutory and regulatory
provisions governing the entitlement
CDBG program shall apply to any local
government receiving a CDBG–DR grant.
Based on the Prior Notices’ treatment of
grantees in the CDBG Insular areas
program, all references to states and
State grantees shall include the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands and the American Samoa. State
and Entitlement CDBG regulations can
be found at 24 CFR part 570. References
to the action plan in these regulations
shall refer to the action plan for disaster
recovery required by section VI.A.2 of
the February 9, 2018 notice. All
references in this notice pertaining to
timelines and/or deadlines are in terms
of calendar days unless otherwise noted.
The date of this notice shall mean the
applicability date of this notice unless
otherwise noted.
IV.A. Incorporation of Waivers and
Alternative Requirements for Local
This notice extends the waivers and
alternative requirements in the Prior
Notices to states and local governments
receiving grants under the 2018 and
2019 Appropriations Acts. Because the
Prior Notices only govern grants to
states, this notice amends the Prior
Notices by adding regulations that apply
to units of general local government the
waivers previously granted by the
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Secretary (except in cases such as the
timely distribution of funds, the
consolidated plan waiver, or
reimbursement where the Prior Notices
already waive entitlement CDBG
program regulations). Where
requirements are different for units of
general local government than the
requirements applicable to states, this
notice amends the Prior Notices to add
the local government requirement.
IV.A.1. The Secretary amends the
following sections of the February 9,
2018 notice to expand waivers to
include waivers of the regulations that
apply to local government grantees: In
Section VI.A.2., Action Plan for Disaster
Recovery waiver and alternative
requirement, the Secretary waives 24
CFR 91.220; in section VI.A.4., Citizen
participation waiver and alternative
requirement, the Secretary waives 24
CFR 91.105(b) and (c); and in section
VI.A.12, Use of the urgent need national
objective, the Secretary waives 24 CFR
570.208(c). Grantees are responsible for
ensuring that all citizens have equal
access to information about the
programs, including persons with
disabilities and limited English
proficiency (LEP). This waiver does not
affect the statutory and regulatory
obligations of CDBG–DR grantees to
affirmatively further fair housing. As
part of the CDBG–DR action plan, all
grantees must certify that they will
affirmatively further fair housing. For
CDBG–DR grantees, this means
conducting an Analysis of Impediments
to Fair Housing Choice (AI), taking
appropriate actions to overcome the
effects of any impediments identified
through that analysis, and keeping
records of these actions.
IV.A.2. Procurement. This notice
amends the sections of the February 9,
2018 notice to add additional
requirements or to clarify procurement
requirements that apply to local
Paragraph V.A.1.a.(2) is modified after
the sentence that begins ‘‘A State
grantee (including the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Islands) has proficient procurement
policies and processes if . . . ’’ to add
the following sentence: ‘‘A local
government grantee has proficient
procurement policies and processes if it
follows procurement requirements in
the Uniform Administrative
Requirements at 2 CFR 200.318 through
200.326, and imposes these
requirements on its subrecipients.’’
Paragraph VI.A.26 of the February 9,
2018 notice is modified by adding after
the first paragraph, ‘‘Any local
government receiving a CDBG–DR grant
is subject to procurement requirements
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in the Uniform Administrative
Requirements at 2 CFR 200.318 through
IV.B. Grant Administration
IV.B.1. Certification of financial
controls and procurement processes,
and adequate procedures for proper
grant management. The 2018 and 2019
Appropriations Acts require that the
Secretary certify, in advance of signing
a grant agreement, that the grantee has
in place proficient financial controls
and procurement processes and has
established adequate procedures to
prevent any duplication of benefits as
defined by section 312 of the Robert T.
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act (Stafford Act), 42 U.S.C.
5155, to ensure timely expenditure of
funds, maintain a comprehensive
website regarding all activities assisted
with these funds, and detect and
prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of
funds. To enable the Secretary to make
this certification, each grantee must
submit to HUD the Financial
Management and Grant Compliance
certification submission pursuant to
section VI.A.1.a of the February 9, 2018
notice (83 FR 5847), as amended in this
A grantee that received a certification
of its financial controls and
procurement processes pursuant to a
2016 or 2017 disaster may request that
HUD rely on that certification for
purposes of this grant, provided,
however, that grantees shall be required
to provide updates to reflect any
material changes in the submissions.
This information must be submitted
within 60 days of the applicability date
of this notice. The grant agreement will
not be executed until HUD has
approved the grantee’s certifications.
The grantee must implement the CDBG–
DR grant consistent with the controls,
processes, and procedures as certified
by HUD. HUD is requiring each grantee
to submit (or update and resubmit, as
applicable) all policies and procedures
pertaining to its duplication of benefits
procedures as outlined below:
(1) Duplication of benefits procedures.
A grantee has adequate procedures to
prevent the duplication of benefits if the
grantee submits uniform processes that
reflect the requirements of the February
9, 2018 notice (83 FR 5860) and the
2019 DOB Notice (84 FR 28836),
including: (a) Verifying all sources of
assistance received by the grantee or
applicant, as applicable, prior to the
award of CDBG–DR funds; (b)
determining a grantee’s or an applicant’s
remaining funding need(s) for CDBG–
DR assistance before committing funds
or awarding assistance; and (c) requiring
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beneficiaries to enter into a signed
agreement to repay any duplicative
assistance if they later receive
additional assistance for the same
purpose for which the CDBG–DR award
was provided. The grantee must identify
a method to monitor compliance with
the agreement for a reasonable period
and must articulate this method in its
written administrative procedures,
including the basis for the period in
which the grantee will monitor
compliance. This agreement must also
include the following language:
‘‘Warning: Any person who knowingly
makes a false claim or statement to HUD
may be subject to civil or criminal
penalties under 18 U.S.C. 287, 1001 and
31 U.S.C. 3729.’’
Policies and procedures of the grantee
submitted to support the certification
must provide that prior to the award of
assistance, the grantee will use the best,
most recent available data from FEMA,
the Small Business Administration
(SBA), insurers, and any other sources
of local, State and Federal sources of
funding to prevent the duplication of
benefits. In developing these policies
and procedures, grantees are directed to
the 2019 DOB Notice (84 FR 28836). To
be adequate, a grantee’s policies and
procedures must reflect the treatment of
loans that is consistent with the
requirements of the Declined Loans
Provision and the section 1210 of the
Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018
(DRRA) (division D of Pub. L. 115–254),
as explained in section IV.B.6 of this
notice and in the 2019 DOB Notice.
IV.B.2. Procurement. Grantees must
comply with procurement requirements
for states or for local governments, as
applicable, in the Prior Notices (as
IV.B.3. Use of administrative funds
across multiple grants. The 2019
Appropriations Act authorizes special
treatment of grant administrative funds
for grantees that received awards under
certain CDBG–DR grants. Grantees that
received awards under Public Laws
114–113, 114–223, 114–254, 115–31,
115–56, 115–123, and 115–254, or any
future act may use eligible
administrative funds (up to 5 percent of
each grant award plus up to 5 percent
of program income generated by the
grant) appropriated by these acts for the
cost of administering any of these grants
without regard to the particular disaster
appropriation from which such funds
originated. If the grantee chooses to
exercise this authority, the grantee must
ensure that it has appropriate financial
controls to ensure that the amount of
grant administration expenditures for
each of the aforementioned grants will
not exceed 5 percent of the total grant
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award for each grant (plus 5 percent of
program income), review and modify its
financial management policies and
procedures regarding the tracking and
accounting of administration costs, as
necessary, and address the adoption of
this treatment of administrative costs in
the applicable portions of its Financial
Management and Grant Compliance
submissions as referenced in section
VI.A.1 of the February 9, 2018 notice (83
FR 5847–5848). Grantees are reminded
that all costs incurred for administration
must still qualify as an eligible
administration expense.
IV.B.4. Use of funds in response to
Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane
Florence (State of North Carolina and
South Carolina only). The 2019
Appropriations Act provides that
grantees that received CDBG–DR grants
under Public Laws 114–223, 114–254,
and 115–31 in response to Hurricane
Matthew, may use those funds
interchangeably for the same activities
that can be funded by CDBG–DR grants
in the most impacted and distressed
areas related to Hurricane Florence.
Specifically, these CDBG–DR grants in
response to Hurricane Matthew may be
used interchangeably and without
limitation for the same activities that
can be funded by CDBG–DR grants in
the most impacted and distressed areas
related to Hurricane Florence.
Additionally, all CDBG–DR grants under
the 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts
in response to Hurricane Florence may
be used interchangeably and without
limitation for the same activities in the
most impacted and distressed areas
related to Hurricane Matthew.
Grantees are reminded that expanding
the eligible beneficiaries of their
Hurricane Matthew activities or
programs to include those impacted by
Hurricane Florence requires the
submission of a substantial action plan
amendment in accordance with section
VI.A.2.g of the November 21, 2016
notice (81 FR 83254). Additionally, all
waivers and alternative requirements
associated with a CDBG–DR grant apply
to the use of the funds provided by that
grant, regardless of which disaster
(Matthew or Florence) the funded
activity will address.
IV.B.5. One-for-One Replacement
Housing, Relocation, and Real Property
Acquisition Requirements. Grantees that
received a CDBG–DR grant for 2018 or
2019 disasters under Public Laws 115–
254 or 116–20 (‘‘current requirements’’)
are currently subject to different
requirements with respect to One-forOne Replacement Housing, Relocation,
and Real Property Acquisition
Requirements, than grantees that
received a CDBG–DR grant for previous
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disasters pursuant to Public Laws 114–
113, 114–223, 114–254, and 115–31
(‘‘previous requirements’’). To avoid the
administrative burden of implementing
two different Uniform Relocation
Assistance and Real Property
Acquisition Act (URA) waivers and
alternative requirements, HUD is
authorizing grantees with CDBG–DR
grants subject to the previous
requirements to carry out its programs
under the same (URA) requirements as
is required for its grant(s) under the
current requirements.
HUD is authorizing grantees under
Public Laws 114–113, 114–223, 114–
254, and 115–31 that also received a
CDBG–DR grant under Public Law 115–
254 or 116–20 to either: (a) continue to
follow One-for-One Replacement
Housing, Relocation, and Real Property
Acquisition Requirements as provided
in section VI.A.19. of the November 21,
2016 notice (81 FR 83266) for its Public
Laws 114–113, 114–223, 114–254, and
115–31 CDBG–DR grants; or (b) follow
the requirements of section VI.A.23.a.
through e. of the February 9, 2018 notice
(83 FR 5858) for its Public Laws 114–
113, 114–223, 114–254, and 115–31
CDBG–DR grants. The grantee’s
programs under the most recent Public
Laws (Pub. L. 115–254 or 116–20) are
already required to follow the waiver
and alternative requirement defined in
the February 9, 2018 notice (83 FR
5858). If a grantee chooses to follow
option (b) above, then it must identify
this approach in its policies and
procedures related to that particular
activity and consistently apply that
option for all displaced persons affected
by that activity.
IV.B.6. Duplication of benefits. The
Prior Notices described duplication of
benefits (DOB) requirements in Section
312 of the Stafford Act and subjected
grantees to the requirements of a notice
published in the Federal Register on
November 16, 2011, at 76 FR 71060 (the
‘‘2011 DOB Notice’’).
HUD subsequently published the
2019 DOB Notice, which revised the
DOB requirements that apply to CDBG–
DR grants for disasters declared between
January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2021.
HUD also published a separate notice
that implemented the 2019 DOB Notice
(84 FR 28848) (the ‘‘Implementation
Notice’’) by making corresponding
amendments to the February 9, 2018
and August 14, 2018 notices. The
amendments in the Implementation
Notice provide that the 2019 DOB
Notice shall supersede the 2011 DOB
Notice for any new programs or
activities submitted in an action plan or
action plan amendment on or after June
25, 2019.
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Accordingly, grantees must comply
with the requirements of the Prior
Notices, including amendments in the
Implementation Notice. Because the
applicability date of this notice is after
June 25, 2019, provisions of the
Implementation Notice that apply only
to grants made before June 25, 2019 do
not apply to grants under the 2018 and
2019 Appropriations Acts.
IV.B.7. The waiver and alternative
requirement in section VI.A.6. of the
February 9, 2018 notice is replaced with
the following language to include 2018
and 2019 disaster grantees: ‘‘HUD is
temporarily waiving the requirement for
consistency with the consolidated plan
(requirements at 42 U.S.C. 12706, 24
CFR 91.325(a)(5) and 91.225(a)(5)),
because the effects of a major disaster
alter a grantee’s priorities for meeting
housing, employment, and
infrastructure needs. In conjunction, 42
U.S.C. 5304(e), to the extent that it
would require HUD to annually review
grantee performance under the
consistency criteria, is also waived.
Grantees are encouraged to incorporate
disaster-recovery needs into their
consolidated plan updates as soon as
practicable, but any unmet disasterrelated needs and associated priorities
must be incorporated into the grantee’s
next consolidated plan update no later
than its Fiscal Year 2020 update for
2017 disasters and Fiscal Year 2022 for
2018 and 2019 disasters.’’
IV.C. Clarifications and Amendments
for Grants Under Public Law 115–56,
115–123, 115–254, and 116–20
IV.C.1. Clarification on Affordability
Periods and Amended Alternative
Requirement. The Federal Register
notice published on August 14, 2018 (83
FR 40320) imposed a 5-year
affordability period on all newly
constructed single-family housing units
constructed with CDBG–DR funds. HUD
intended to impose the affordability
period only on single-family units
constructed and sold by the grantee or
its subrecipient through an affordable
homeownership program. It was not
intended to impose affordability
restrictions where the beneficiary
owned and occupied a home that was
damaged by the disaster and the grantee
then provides the owner-occupant with
a newly constructed or reconstructed
housing unit rather than rehabilitate the
damaged home. HUD’s intent was to
impose affordability restrictions when
CDBG–DR funds are used to expand
housing stock, not to replace damaged
units owned and occupied by a
beneficiary. Therefore, HUD is
amending paragraph IV.B.10 of the
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August 14, 2018 notice by replacing it
in its entirety with the following:
‘‘10. Affordability Period for CDBG–
DR funded Homeownership Programs.
Grantees receiving funds under this
notice are required to implement a
minimum 5-year affordability period on
all newly constructed single-family
housing made available for low- and
moderate-income homeownership
through a CDBG–DR funded
homeownership program. This notice
requires any grantee implementing a
CDBG–DR funded homeownership
program to develop and impose
affordability (i.e., resale or recapture)
restrictions and to enforce those
restrictions through recorded deed
restrictions, covenants, or other similar
mechanisms, for a period not less than
5 years. Grantees shall establish resale
or recapture requirements for housing
funded pursuant to this paragraph and
shall describe those requirements in the
action plan or substantial amendment in
which the activity is proposed. The
resale or recapture provisions must
clearly describe the terms of the resale
or recapture, the specific circumstances
under which these provisions will be
used, and how the provisions will be
enforced. This affordability period does
not apply to housing units newly
constructed or reconstructed for an
owner-occupant to replace an owneroccupied home that was damaged by the
IV.C.2. Clarification and Amendment
on Section 414 of the Robert T. Stafford
Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.).
The Federal Register notice published
on February 19, 2019 (84 FR 4842)
provided a waiver and alternative
requirement of Section 414 for all
grantees receiving a grant for a major
disaster occurring in 2015, 2016, and
2017. This waiver and alternative
requirements allowed grantees that
received a grant(s) under Public Laws
114–113, 114–223, 114–254, and 115–31
to carry out its programs under the same
Section 414 requirements as its grant(s)
under Public Laws 115–56 or 115–123.
To clarify this provision and extend the
Section 414 waiver and alternative
requirement to include grantees under
those older Public Laws that are now
receiving a grant under the 2018 and
2019 Appropriations Acts for a major
disaster in 2018 or 2019, HUD is
amending paragraph IV.2 of the
February 19, 2019 notice by replacing it
in its entirety with the following:
‘‘2. Waiver of Section 414 of the
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and
Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C.
5121 et seq.). Section 414 of the Stafford
Act (42 U.S.C. 5181) provides that
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‘‘Notwithstanding any other provision
of law, no person otherwise eligible for
any kind of replacement housing
payment under the Uniform Relocation
Assistance and Real Property
Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Pub. L.
91–646) [42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.]
[‘‘URA’’] shall be denied such eligibility
as a result of his being unable, because
of a major disaster as determined by the
President, to meet the occupancy
requirements set by [the URA].’’
Accordingly, homeowner occupants and
tenants displaced from their homes as a
result of the identified disaster and who
would have otherwise been displaced,
as a direct result of any acquisition,
rehabilitation, or demolition of real
property for a federally funded program
or project, may become eligible for a
replacement housing payment,
notwithstanding their inability to meet
occupancy requirements prescribed in
the URA.
Grantees that received a CDBG–DR
grant for a major disaster in 2015, 2016,
or 2017 under Public Laws 114–113,
114–223, 114–254, or 115–31, and a
CDBG–DR grant for a 2017, 2018, or
2019 major disaster under Public Laws
115–56, 115–123, 115–254, or 116–20
are subject to different alternative
requirements with respect to protections
afforded to tenants and homeowners
under Section 414 of the Stafford Act.
To avoid the administrative burden of
implementing two different URA
alternative requirements, HUD is
authorizing grantees under Public Laws
114–113, 114–223, 114–254, and 115–31
that also received a CDBG–DR grant
under Public Law 115–56, 115–123,
115–254, or 116–20 to either: (a)
Continue to follow Section 414 of the
Stafford Act (or any grantee-specific
alternative requirement previously
authorized by HUD) for its Public Laws
114–113, 114–223, 114–254, and 115–31
CDBG–DR grants; or (b) follow the
waiver and alternative requirement
described in the following paragraph for
its Public Laws 114–113, 114–223, 114–
254, and 115–31 CDBG–DR grants. The
grantee’s programs under the most
recent Public Laws (Pub. L. 115–56,
115–123, 115–254, or 116–20) are
already required to follow the waiver
and alternative requirement defined
below. If a grantee chooses to follow
option (b) above then it must identify
this approach in its policies and
procedures related to that particular
activity, and consistently apply that
option for all displaced persons affected
by that activity.
The waiver and alternative
requirement is as follows: Section 414 of
the Stafford Act (including its
implementing regulation at 49 CFR
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24.403(d)(1)), is waived to the extent
that it would apply to real property
acquisition, rehabilitation, or
demolition of real property for a CDBG–
DR funded project, undertaken by the
grantee or subrecipient, commencing
more than one (1) year after the
Presidentially declared disaster,
provided that the project was not
planned, approved, or otherwise
underway prior to the disaster. For
purposes of this paragraph, a CDBG–DR
funded project shall be determined to
have commenced on the earliest of: (1)
The date of an approved Release for
Request of Funds (RROF) and
certification, or (2) the date of
completion of the site-specific review
when a program utilizes tiered
environmental reviews, or (3) the date of
sign-off by the approving official when
a project converts to exempt under 24
CFR 58.34(a)(12). The Secretary has the
authority to waive provisions of the
Stafford Act and its implementing
regulations that the Secretary
administers in connection with the
obligation of CDBG–DR funds covered
under this waiver and alternative
requirement, or the grantees’ use of
these funds. The Department has
determined that good cause exists for a
waiver and that such waiver is not
inconsistent with the overall purposes
of title I of the HCDA. The waiver will
simplify the administration of the
disaster recovery process and reduce the
administrative burden associated with
the implementation of Stafford Act
Section 414 requirements for projects
commencing more than one (1) year
after the date of the Presidentially
declared disaster, considering the
majority of such persons displaced by
the disaster will have returned to their
dwellings or found another place of
permanent residence. This waiver does
not apply with respect to persons that
meet the occupancy requirements to
receive a replacement housing payment
under the URA nor does it apply to
persons displaced or relocated
temporarily by other HUD-funded
programs or projects. Such persons’
eligibility for relocation assistance and
payments under the URA is not
impacted by this waiver.’’
IV.C.3 Clarification on Procurement
and Use of Subrecipients for State
grantees only. The Federal Register
notice published on February 9, 2018
(83 FR 5856) included a provision on
the use of subrecipients that was
applicable to State grantees only. In
section VI.A.14. of that notice, HUD
made 24 CFR 570.502, 570.503, and
570.500(c) applicable to states
exercising their authority under the
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waiver to carry out activities directly.
To eliminate any confusion regarding
procurement requirements that are
applicable to the State’s subrecipients,
HUD is clarifying that 24 CFR 570.502,
570.503, and 570.500(c) apply to states
carrying out activities directly, except
for procurement requirements as
provided for in the February 9, 2018
notice. Specifically, when HUD allows a
State grantee the flexibility in section
VI.A.1.a.(2) of the February 9, 2018
notice to choose one of three options
when developing its procurement
policies and procedures, and in
paragraph VI.A.26., which requires State
grantees to establish procurement
requirements for local governments and
subrecipients, those provisions continue
to apply and will determine those
procurement provisions of 2 CFR part
200 that are applicable to a State’s
IV.C.4. Clarification on Acquisition of
real property, flood, and other buyouts
to include Wildfire-Impacted Grantees.
The Federal Register notice published
February 9, 2018 (83 FR 5863) describes
how grantees may carry out property
acquisitions for a variety of purposes
and that they may carry out a buyout
program in a Disaster Risk Reduction
Area. HUD is clarifying this provision so
that grantees understand that wildland
fire risk areas may also be identified by
the grantee as Disaster Risk Reduction
areas. Accordingly, HUD is amending
paragraph IV.B.37.a. of the February 9,
2018 notice by adding the following
language to the end of that section:
‘‘37. Clarification of ‘‘Buyout’’ and
‘‘Real Property Acquisition’’ activities.’’
Wildland fire risk areas may also be
identified by the grantee as Disaster Risk
Reduction areas eligible for a buyout to
reduce risk from future wildfires.
Grantees are encouraged to carry out
property acquisitions as a means of
acquiring contiguous parcels of land for
uses compatible with wildland-urban
interface management practices.
Grantees are also encouraged to take
actions to promote an increase in hazard
insurance coverage in the wildland fire
risk areas.’’
V. Duration of Funding
The 2018 and 2019 Appropriations
Acts make the funds available for
obligation by HUD until expended. This
notice requires each grantee to expend
100 percent of its CDBG–DR grant on
eligible activities within 6 years of
HUD’s obligation of funds under Public
Laws 115–254 and 116–20 pursuant to
an executed grant agreement.
Furthermore, consistent with 31 U.S.C.
1555 and OMB Circular A–11, if the
Secretary or the President determines
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 17 / Monday, January 27, 2020 / Notices
that the purposes for which the
appropriation has been made have been
carried out and no disbursements have
been made against the appropriation for
two consecutive fiscal years, any
remaining balance will be made
unavailable for obligation or
expenditure. In such case, the funds
shall not be available for obligation or
expenditure for any purpose after the
account is closed.
VI. Catalog of Federal Domestic
The Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance numbers for the disaster
recovery grants under this notice are as
follows: 14.228 for State CDBG grantees
and 14.218 for Entitlement CDBG
VII. Finding of No Significant Impact
A Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI) with respect to the
environment has been made in
accordance with HUD regulations at 24
CFR part 50, which implement section
102(2)(C) of the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C.
4332(2)(C)). The FONSI is available for
public inspection between 8 a.m. and 5
p.m. weekdays in the Regulations
Division, Office of General Counsel,
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 7th Street SW, Room
10276, Washington, DC 20410–0500.
Due to security measures at the HUD
Headquarters building, an advance
appointment to review the docket file
must be scheduled by calling the
Regulations Division at 202–708–3055
(this is not a toll-free number). Hearingor speech-impaired individuals may
access this number through TTY by
calling the Federal Relay Service at 800–
877–8339 (this is a toll-free number).
Dated: January 16, 2020.
Benjamin S. Carson, Sr.,
Appendix A—Detailed Methodology
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Allocation of CDBG–DR Funds to Most
Impacted and Distressed Areas Due to 2018
and 2019 Federally Declared Disasters
The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018
(Pub. L. 115–254) enacted on October 5,
2018, appropriated $1,680,000,000 through
the Community Development Block Grant
disaster recovery (CDBG–DR) program. The
statutory text related to the allocation is as
‘‘For an additional amount for
‘‘Community Development Fund’’,
$1,680,000,000, to remain available until
expended, for necessary expenses for
activities authorized under title I of the
Housing and Community Development Act of
1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) related to
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disaster relief, long-term recovery, restoration
of infrastructure and housing, and economic
revitalization in the most impacted and
distressed areas resulting from a major
disaster declared in 2018 pursuant to the
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and
Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et
seq.): Provided, That funds shall be awarded
directly to the State or unit of general local
government at the discretion of the
Public Law 116–20 appropriated
$2,431,000,000 through the Community
Development Block Grant disaster recovery
(CDBG–DR) program. The statutory text
related to the allocation is as follows:
‘‘For an additional amount for
‘‘Community Development Fund,’’
$2,431,000,000, to remain available until
expended, for necessary expenses for
activities authorized under title I of the
Housing and Community Development Act of
1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) related to
disaster relief, long-term recovery, restoration
of infrastructure and housing, economic
revitalization, and mitigation in the most
impacted and distressed areas resulting from
a major disaster that occurred in 2018 or
2019 (except as otherwise provided under
this heading) pursuant to the Robert T.
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.):
Provided, That funds shall be awarded
directly to the State, unit of general local
government, or Indian tribe (as such term is
defined in section 102 of the Housing and
Community Development Act of 1974) at the
discretion of the Secretary. . . Provided
further, That of the amounts made available
under this heading $431,000,000 shall be
allocated to meet unmet infrastructure needs
for grantees that received allocations for
disasters that occurred in 2017 under this
heading of division B of Public Law 115–56
and title XI of subdivision 1 of division B of
Public Law 115–123, of which $331,442,114
shall be allocated to those grantees affected
by Hurricane Maria:
‘‘Provided further, That of the amounts
made available under this heading, up to
$5,000,000 shall be made available for
capacity building and technical assistance
. . . Provided further, That of the amounts
made available under this heading and under
the same heading in Public Law 115–254, up
to $2,500,000 shall be transferred, in
aggregate, to ‘‘Department of Housing and
Urban Development— Program Office
Salaries and Expenses—Community Planning
and Development’’ for necessary costs,
including information technology costs, of
administering and overseeing the obligation
and expenditure of amounts under this
Most Impacted and Distressed Areas
As with prior CDBG–DR appropriations,
HUD is not obligated to allocate funds for all
major disasters occurring in the statutory
timeframes. HUD is directed to use the funds
‘‘in the most impacted and distressed areas.’’
HUD has implemented this directive by
limiting CDBG–DR formula allocations to
grantees with major disasters that meet three
(1) Individual Assistance/Individual and
Households Program (IHP) designation. HUD
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
has limited allocations to those disasters
where FEMA had determined the damage
was sufficient to declare the disaster as
eligible to receive IHP funding.
(2) Concentrated damage. HUD has limited
its estimate of serious unmet housing needs
to counties and ZIP Codes with high levels
of damage, collectively referred to as ‘‘most
impacted areas.’’ For this allocation, HUD is
defining most impacted areas as either most
impacted counties—counties exceeding $10
million in serious unmet housing needs—and
most impacted Zip Codes—ZIP Codes with
$2 million or more of serious unmet housing
needs. The calculation of serious unmet
housing needs is described below.
(3) Disasters meeting the most impacted
threshold. Only 2018 and 2019 disasters that
meet this requirement for most impacted
damage are funded if one or more county or
ZIP Code meets the thresholds above. Note
that this allocation only includes disasters
declared as of October 4, 2019. Other 2019
disasters will be addressed in a future notice.
For disasters that meet the most impacted
threshold described above, the unmet need
allocations are based on the following factors
summed together:
(1) Repair estimates for seriously damaged
owner-occupied units without insurance
(with some exceptions) in most impacted
areas after FEMA and SBA repair grants or
loans; an estimate for homeowners served by
FEMA’s Permanent Housing Construction
program is also deducted from the
homeowner unmet need estimate;
(2) Repair estimates for seriously damaged
rental units occupied by very low-income
renters in most impacted areas;
(3) Repair and content loss estimates for
small businesses with serious damage denied
by SBA; and
(4) The estimated local cost share for
Public Assistance Category C to G projects.
Methods for Estimating Serious Unmet
Needs for Housing
The data HUD uses to calculate unmet
needs for 2018 qualifying disasters come
from the FEMA Individual Assistance
program data on housing-unit damage as of
July 17, 2019. The data for 2019 qualifying
disasters is as of November 13, 2019.
The core data on housing damage for both
the unmet housing needs calculation and the
concentrated damage are based on home
inspection data for FEMA’s Individual
Assistance program and SBA’s disaster loan
program. HUD calculates ‘‘unmet housing
needs’’ as the number of housing units with
unmet needs times the estimated cost to
repair those units less repair funds already
provided by FEMA and SBA.
Each of the FEMA inspected owner units
are categorized by HUD into one of five
• Minor-Low: Less than $3,000 of FEMA
inspected real property damage.
• Minor-High: $3,000 to $7,999 of FEMA
inspected real property damage.
• Major-Low: $8,000 to $14,999 of FEMA
inspected real property damage and/or 1 to
3.9 feet of flooding on the first floor;
• Major-High: $15,000 to $28,800 of FEMA
inspected real property damage and/or 4 to
5.9 feet of flooding on the first floor.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 17 / Monday, January 27, 2020 / Notices
• Severe: Greater than $28,800 of FEMA
inspected real property damage or
determined destroyed and/or 6 or more feet
of flooding on the first floor.
When owner-occupied properties also have
a personal property inspection or only have
a personal property inspection, HUD reviews
the personal property damage amounts such
that if the personal property damage places
the home into a higher need category over the
real property assessment, the personal
property amount is used as follows::
• Minor-Low: Less than $2,500 of FEMA
inspected personal property damage.
• Minor-High: $2,500 to $3,499 of FEMA
inspected personal property damage.
• Major-Low: $3,500 to $4,999 of FEMA
inspected personal property damage or 1 to
3.9 feet of flooding on the first floor.
• Major-High: $5,000 to $9,000 of FEMA
inspected personal property damage or 4 to
5.9 feet of flooding on the first floor.
• Severe: Greater than $9,000 of FEMA
inspected personal property damage or
determined destroyed and/or 6 or more feet
of flooding on the first floor.
To meet the statutory requirement of ‘‘most
impacted’’ in this legislative language, homes
are determined to have a high level of
damage if they have damage of ‘‘major-low’’
or higher. That is, they have a FEMA
inspected real property damage of $8,000 or
above, personal property damage $3,500 or
above, or flooding 1 foot or above on the first
Furthermore, a homeowner with flooding
outside the 1 percent risk flood hazard area
is determined to have unmet needs if they
reported damage and no flood insurance to
cover that damage. For homeowners inside
the 1 percent risk flood hazard area,
homeowners without flood insurance with
flood damage below the greater of national
median or 120 percent of Area Median
Income are determined to have unmet needs.
For non-flood damage, homeowners without
hazard insurance with incomes below the
greater of national median or 120 percent of
Area Median Income are included as having
unmet needs.
FEMA does not inspect rental units for real
property damage so personal property
damage is used as a proxy for unit damage.
Each of the FEMA-inspected renter units are
categorized by HUD into one of five
• Minor-Low: Less than $1,000 of FEMA
inspected personal property damage.
• Minor-High: $1,000 to $1,999 of FEMA
inspected personal property damage.
• Major-Low: $2,000 to $3,499 of FEMA
inspected personal property damage or 1 to
3.9 feet of flooding on the first floor.
• Major-High: $3,500 to $7,500 of FEMA
inspected personal property damage or 4 to
5.9 feet of flooding on the first floor.
• Severe: Greater than $7,500 of FEMA
inspected personal property damage or
determined destroyed and/or 6 or more feet
of flooding on the first floor.
To meet the statutory requirement of ‘‘most
impacted’’ for rental properties, homes are
determined to have a high level of damage if
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they have damage of ‘‘major-low’’ or higher.
That is, they have a FEMA personal property
damage assessment of $2,000 or greater or
flooding 1 foot or above on the first floor.
Furthermore, landlords are presumed to
have adequate insurance coverage unless the
unit is occupied by a renter with income less
than the greater of the Federal poverty level
or 50 percent of median income. Units
occupied by a tenant with income less than
the greater of the poverty level or 50 percent
of median income are used to calculate likely
unmet needs for affordable rental housing.
The average cost to fully repair a home for
a specific disaster to code within each of the
damage categories noted above is calculated
using the median real property damage repair
costs determined by the SBA for its disaster
loan program for the subset of homes
inspected by both SBA and FEMA for each
eligible disaster.
Minimum multipliers are not less than the
1st quarter median for all Individual
Assistance (IA) eligible disasters combined in
each disaster year at the time of the
allocation calculation, and maximum
multipliers are not more than the 4th quarter
median for all IA eligible disasters combined
in each disaster year with data available as
of the allocation. Because SBA is inspecting
for full repair costs, their estimate is
presumed to reflect the full cost to repair the
home, which is generally more than the
FEMA estimates on the cost to make the
home habitable. If there is a match of fewer
than 20 SBA inspections to FEMA
inspections for any damage category, the
minimum multiplier is used.
For each household determined to have
unmet housing needs (as described above),
their estimated average unmet housing need
is equal to the average cost to fully repair a
home to code less assistance from FEMA and
SBA provided for repair to the home, based
on their damage category (noted above).
Methods for Estimating Serious Unmet
Economic Revitalization Needs
Based on SBA disaster loans to businesses
using data for 2018 disasters from as of date
July 17, 2019 and for 2019 disasters from as
of the date November 14, 2019, HUD
calculates the median real estate and content
loss by the following damage categories for
each state:
• Category 1: Real estate + content loss =
below $12,000
• Category 2: Real estate + content loss =
• Category 3: Real estate + content loss =
• Category 4: Real estate + content loss =
• Category 5: Real estate + content loss =
$150,000 and above
For properties with real estate and content
loss of $30,000 or more, HUD calculates the
estimated amount of unmet needs for small
businesses by multiplying the median
damage estimates for the categories above by
the number of small businesses denied an
SBA loan, including those denied a loan
prior to inspection due to inadequate credit
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or income (or a decision had not been made),
under the assumption that damage among
those denied at pre-inspection have the same
distribution of damage as those denied after
Methods for Estimating Unmet
Infrastructure Needs
To calculate 2018 and 2019 unmet needs
for infrastructure projects, HUD obtained
FEMA cost estimates (as of July 17, 2019 for
the 2018 disasters and November 13, 2019 for
2019 disasters) of the expected local cost
share to repair the permanent public
infrastructure (Categories C to G) to their prestorm condition.
To calculate additional infrastructure
unmet needs for 2017 disasters, HUD
compares the change in FEMA Category C to
G local match cost estimates between March
2018 (when funds had been allocated under
Pub. L. 115–23) and November 2019. For
grantees impacted by Hurricane Maria—
Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands—the
statutorily required allocation of
$331,442,114 is allocated proportional based
on their relative share of growth in Category
C to G local match cost estimates. For other
2017 grantees where the November 2019
estimate exceeds the March 2018 estimate,
each grantee is first increased dollar-fordollar to their local match requirements. For
any of the remaining funds of the required
$431 million for 2017 disasters, they are
allocated to the non-Maria disasters that have
been funded at 100 percent or less of
infrastructure match needs proportional to
their share of eligible grantees’ November
2019 estimated infrastructure match needs.
Allocation Calculation
Once eligible entities are identified using
the above criteria, the allocation to
individual grantees represents their
proportional share of the estimated unmet
needs. For the formula allocation, HUD
calculates total unmet recovery needs for
eligible 2018 and 2019 disasters as the
aggregate of:
• Serious unmet housing needs in most
impacted counties;
• Serious unmet business needs; and
• Unmet infrastructure need.
Two jurisdictions have their unmet needs
calculations adjusted due to unusual
circumstances not covered in the standard
methodology. First, Hawaii County in Hawaii
has 76 homes that were not damaged but are
completely surrounded by lava fields. HUD
assumes that those homes will never be
habitable and categorizes them as destroyed
with no insurance for the serious unmet need
calculation. Second, FEMA is administering
its Permanent Housing Construction program
in the Northern Marianas and expects to
serve 455 homeowners with seriously
damaged homes. As such, HUD subtracts the
unmet needs of 455 homeowners from the
base estimate.
[FR Doc. 2020–01204 Filed 1–24–20; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 17 (Monday, January 27, 2020)]
[Pages 4681-4690]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-01204]
[Docket No. FR-6182-N-01]
Allocations, Common Application, Waivers, and Alternative
Requirements for Disaster Community Development Block Grant Disaster
Recovery Grantees
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and
Development, HUD.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice allocates a total of $3,831,428,000 in Community
Development Block Grant disaster recovery (CDBG-DR) funds appropriated
by the Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2018, and
the Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act,
2019. The combined amount of $3,831,428,000 in CDBG-DR funds is
allocated by this notice for the purpose of assisting in long-term
recovery from major disasters that occurred in 2017, 2018, and 2019.
This notice also contains clarifications on waivers and alternative
requirements that were included in the Prior Notices. Unless expressly
limited to certain grantees, the amended waivers and alternative
requirements apply to all CDBG-DR grants that are subject to the Prior
Notices (previous grants for 2017 disasters and grants under this
DATES: Applicability Date: February 3, 2020.
Director, Office of Block Grant Assistance, U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW, Room 7282, Washington, DC
20410, telephone number 202-708-3587. Persons with hearing or speech
impairments may access this number via TTY by calling the Federal Relay
Service at 800-877-8339. Facsimile inquiries may be sent to Ms. Kome at
202-708-0033. (Except for the''800'' number, these telephone numbers
are not toll-free.) Email inquiries may be sent to
[email protected].
Table of Contents
I. Allocations
II. Use of Funds
III. Overview of Grant Process
IV. Applicable Rules, Statutes, Waivers, and Alternative
V. Duration of Funding
VI. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
VII. Finding of No Significant Impact
Appendix A: Allocation Methodology
[[Page 4682]]
I. Allocations
Two public laws have been enacted that provide supplemental CDBG-DR
appropriations. The Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief
Act, 2018 (Pub. L. 115-254, approved October 5, 2018) (2018
Appropriations Act) made available $1,680,000,000 in CDBG-DR funds for
major disasters declared in 2018. The Additional Supplemental
Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2019 (Pub. L. 116-20, approved
June 6, 2019) (2019 Appropriations Act) made $2,431,000,000 in CDBG-DR
funds available for major disasters occurring in 2017, 2018, or 2019,
of which $431,000,000 is for grantees that received funds in response
to disasters occurring in 2017. Based on the unmet needs allocation
methodology outlined in Appendix A, this notice allocates
$3,400,428,000 in CDBG-DR funds in accordance with the 2018
Appropriations Act and the 2019 Appropriations Act (the ``2018 and 2019
Appropriations Acts''), to address unmet disaster recovery needs
through activities authorized under title I of the Housing and
Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) (HCDA)
related to disaster relief, long-term recovery, restoration of
infrastructure and housing, economic revitalization, and mitigation in
the ``most impacted and distressed'' areas resulting from a qualifying
major disaster in 2018 and 2019, as well as $431,000,000 for unmet
infrastructure needs for 2017 disasters. Qualifying major disasters are
those declared by the President pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford
Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5121 et
seq.) (Stafford Act) and identified in Table 1.
When additional data becomes available for other disasters
occurring in 2019, the remaining $272,072,000 from Public Law 116-20
will be allocated for those disasters in a subsequent notice. In
Federal Register notices published on February 9, 2018 at 83 FR 5844,
August 14, 2018 at 83 FR 40314, February 19, 2019 at 84 FR 4836, and
June 20, 2019 at 84 FR 28848 (the ``Prior Notices''), HUD described the
applicable waivers and alternative requirements, relevant statutory and
regulatory requirements, the grant award process, criteria for action
plan approval, updates to duplication of benefits requirements, and
eligible disaster recovery activities associated with grants for 2017
disasters. This notice imposes the requirements of the Prior Notices,
as amended by provisions in this notice, on the grants announced in
this notice.
In accordance with the 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts,
$2,500,000 of the amounts these acts made available will be transferred
to the Department's Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD),
Program Office Salaries and Expenses, for necessary costs of
administering and overseeing CDBG-DR grants under the 2018 and 2019
Appropriations Acts. Additionally, in accordance with the 2019
Appropriations Act, $5,000,000 is to be transferred to CPD to provide
necessary capacity building and technical assistance to grantees that
receive a CDBG-DR grant under the 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts or
future acts. As mentioned above, the 2019 Appropriations Act requires
HUD to allocate $431,000,000 to address unmet infrastructure needs for
grantees that received an allocation for a disaster that occurred in
2017, of which $331,442,114 shall be allocated to those grantees
affected by Hurricane Maria.
The 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts provide that grants shall be
awarded directly to a State, unit of general local government, or
Indian tribe at the discretion of the Secretary. Unless noted
otherwise, the term ``grantee'' refers to the entity receiving a grant
from HUD under this notice. To comply with statutory requirements that
funds be used for disaster-related expenses in the most impacted and
distressed areas, HUD allocates funds using the best available data
that covers all the eligible affected areas.
Grantees receiving an allocation of funds under this notice are
subject to the requirements of the Prior Notices, as amended by this
notice or by subsequent notices. Pursuant to the Prior Notices, each
grantee receiving an allocation for a 2018 or 2019 disaster is required
to primarily consider and address its unmet housing recovery needs.
These grantees may, however, propose the use of funds for unmet
economic revitalization and infrastructure needs unrelated to the
grantee's unmet housing needs if the grantee demonstrates in its needs
assessment that there is no remaining unmet housing need or that the
remaining unmet housing need will be addressed by other sources of
funds. Grantees receiving funds under this notice for an additional
allocation for unmet infrastructure needs arising from a 2017 disaster
must use those funds for unmet infrastructure needs.
Table 1 (below) shows the major disasters that grants under this
notice may address and the minimum amount of funds from the combined
allocations under the 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts that must be
expended in the HUD-identified most impacted and distressed areas. The
information in this table is based on HUD's review of the impacts from
the qualifying disasters and estimates of unmet need.
Table 1--Allocations Under Public Laws 115-254 and 116-20
Minimum amount
that must be
Unmet needs Total allocation expended for
allocation Unmet needs for unmet needs recovery in the
Disaster year Disaster No. Grantee under Public allocation under (Pub. L. 115-254 HUD-identified
Law 115-254 Public Law 116-20 and Pub. L. 116- ``most impacted
20) and distressed''
2017 Disasters (Additional Unmet 4344 & 4353........... State of California $0 $38,057,527 $38,057,527 (No less than
Infrastructure Needs). $30,446,000)
Sonoma and
Ventura counties:
93108, 94558,
95422, 95470, and
95901 Zip Codes.
4337 & 4341........... State of Florida... 0 38,637,745 38,637,745 (No less than
Brevard, Broward,
Clay, Collier,
Lee, Miami-Dade,
Monroe, Orange,
Osceola, Palm
Beach, Polk, St.
Lucie, and
Volusia counties;
32084, 32091,
32136, 32145,
33440, 33523,
33825, 33870,
33935, and 34266
Zip Codes.
4294, 4297, & 4338.... State of Georgia... 0 13,015,596 13,015,596 (No less than
31520, 31548, and
31705 Zip Codes.
4317.................. State of Missouri.. 0 9,847,018 9,847,018 (No less than
63935, 63965,
64850, 65616, and
65775 Zip Codes.
4336 & 4339........... Commonwealth of 0 277,853,230 277,853,230 ($277,853,230) All
Puerto Rico. Components of the
Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico.
4335.................. U.S. Virgin Islands 0 53,588,884 53,588,884 ($53,588,884) All
components of the
U.S. Virgin
2018 Disasters.................. 4413.................. State of Alaska.... 0 35,856,000 35,856,000 (No less than
[[Page 4683]]
4357.................. American Samoa..... 16,539,000 6,500,000 23,039,000 ($23,039,000) All
components of
American Samoa.
4407 & 4382........... State of California 491,816,000 525,583,000 1,017,399,000 (No less than
Butte Lake, Los
Angeles, and
Shasta Counties.
4399.................. State of Florida... 448,023,000 287,530,000 735,553,000 (No less than
Bay, Calhoun,
Gulf and Jackson
Counties; 32321
(Liberty), 32327
(Wakulla), 32328
(Franklin), 32346
(Wakulla and
Franklin), 32351
(Gadsden), and
(Washington) Zip
4400.................. State of Georgia... 34,884,000 6,953,000 41,837,000 (No less than
39845 (Seminole)
Zip Code.
4366.................. Hawaii County, HI.. 66,890,000 16,951,000 83,841,000 ($83,841,000)
Hawaii County.
4365.................. Kauai County, HI... 0 9,176,000 9,176,000 (No less than
$7,341,000) 96714
(Kauai) Zip Code.
4393.................. State of North 336,521,000 206,123,000 542,644,000 (No less than
Carolina. $434,115,000)
Columbus, Craven,
Duplin, Jones,
New Hanover,
Onslow, Pender,
and Robeson
Counties; 28352
(Scotland), 28390
28433 (Bladen),
and 28571
(Pamlico) Zip
4396 & 4404........... The Commonwealth of 188,652,000 55,294,000 243,946,000 (No less than
the Northern $195,157,000)
Mariana Islands. Saipan and Tinian
4394.................. State of South 47,775,000 24,300,000 72,075,000 (No less than
Carolina. $57,660,000)
Horry and Marion
counties; 29536
(Dillon) Zip
4377.................. State of Texas..... 46,400,000 26,513,000 72,913,000 (No less than
Hidalgo County.
4402.................. State of Wisconsin. 0 14,355,000 13,355,000 (No less than
53560 (Dane) Zip
2019 Disasters.................. 4441.................. State of Arkansas.. 0 8,940,000 8,940,000 (No less than
$7152,000) 71602
(Jefferson) and
72016 (Perry) Zip
4421.................. State of Iowa...... 0 96,741,000 96,741,000 (No less tan
Mills County;
51640 (Fremont)
Zip Code.
4451.................. State of Missouri.. 0 30,776,000 30,776,000 (No less than
$24,621,000) St.
Charles County;
64437 (Holt) and
65101 (Cole) Zip
4420.................. State of Nebraska.. 0 108,938,000 108,938,000 (No less than
Sarpy County;
68025 (Dodge),
68064 (Douglas)
and 68069
(Douglas) Zip
4447.................. State of Ohio...... 0 12,305,000 12,305,000 (No less than
$9,844,000) 45426
(Montgomery) Zip
4438.................. State of Oklahoma.. 0 36,353,000 36,353,000 (No less than
Muskogee and
Tulsa Counties;
74946 (Sequoyah)
Zip Code.
4454 & 4466........... State of Texas..... 0 212,741,000 212,741,000 (No less than
Chambers, Harris,
Montgomery, and
Orange Counties;
78570 (Hildalgo)
Zip Code.
Total....................... ...................... ................... 1,677,500,000 2,153,928,000 3,831,428,000 ..................
Pursuant to the 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts, HUD has
identified the most impacted and distressed areas based on the best
available data for all eligible affected areas. A detailed explanation
of HUD's allocation methodology is provided in Appendix A of this
In some instances, HUD identified the entire jurisdiction of a
grantee as the most impacted and distressed area. For all other
grantees, at least 80 percent of the total funds provided to a grantee
under this notice must address unmet disaster needs within the HUD-
identified most impacted and distressed areas, as identified in the
last column in Table 1. Note that if HUD designates a ZIP Code for 2018
and 2019 disasters as a most impacted and distressed area for purposes
of allocating funds, the grantee may expand program operations to the
whole county (county is indicated in parentheses next to the ZIP Code
as a most impacted and distressed area. The grantee should indicate the
decision to expand eligibility to the whole county in its action plan.
A grantee may determine where to use the remaining 20 percent of
the allocation, but that portion of the allocation may only be used to
address unmet disaster needs in those areas that the grantee determines
are ``most impacted and distressed'' and received a presidential major
disaster declaration pursuant to the disaster numbers listed in Table
1. A grantee may use up to 5 percent of the total grant award for grant
administration and no more than 15 percent of the total grant award for
planning activities. Therefore, HUD will include 80 percent of a
grantee's expenditures for grant administration in its determination
that 80 percent of the total award has been expended in the most
impacted and distressed areas identified in Table 1. Additionally,
expenditures for planning activities may be counted towards a grantee's
80 percent expenditure requirement, provided that the grantee describes
in its action plan how those planning activities benefit the HUD-
identified most impacted and distressed areas.
II. Use of Funds
Funds allocated under this notice are subject to the requirements
of the Prior Notices, as amended by this notice or subsequent notices.
This notice outlines additional requirements imposed by the 2018 and
2019 Appropriations Acts that apply to funds allocated under this
The 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts require that prior to the
obligation of CDBG-DR funds a grantee shall submit a plan detailing the
proposed use of all funds. The plan must include criteria for
eligibility, and how the use of these funds will address long-term
recovery and restoration of infrastructure and housing, economic
revitalization, and mitigation in the most impacted and distressed
areas. Therefore, the action plan submitted in response to this notice
must describe
[[Page 4684]]
uses and activities that: (1) Are authorized under title I of the HCDA
or allowed by a waiver or alternative requirement; and (2) respond to a
disaster-related impact to infrastructure, housing, or economic
revitalization in the most impacted and distressed areas, and if the
grantee chooses to do so, how mitigation will be incorporated into
recovery activities. To inform the plan, each grantee must conduct an
assessment of community impacts and unmet needs and guide the
development and prioritization of planned recovery activities, pursuant
to section VI.A.2.a. of the February 9, 2018 notice (83 FR 5849).
While CDBG-DR funding is a valuable resource for long-term recovery
and mitigation in the wake of major disasters, HUD expects that
grantees will take steps to set in place substantial State and local
governmental policies to enhance the impact of HUD-funded investments
and limit damage from future disasters. The Federal Register notice
published February 9, 2018 (83 FR 5850), requires all grantees to
describe how they plan to promote sound, sustainable long-term
planning. HUD is encouraging wildfire-impacted grantees in particular
to consider land-use plans that address density and quantity of
development, as well as emergency access, landscaping, and water supply
considerations. Grantees are reminded that they may use CDBG-DR funds
for planning activities, including, but not limited to, developing a
Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). Grantees are encouraged to
review U.S. Forest Service's resources on wildland fire ( and work with Federal and State
forestry and fire agencies that carry out activities related to fire
risk reduction, including upgrading mapping, data, and other
capabilities to better manage wildland fire risk areas. To maximize the
impact of all available funds, all grantees are encouraged to
coordinate and align these funds with other projects funded with CDBG-
DR and CDBG-Mitigation funds, as well as other disaster recovery
activities funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the U.S. Forest Service, and
other agencies as appropriate.
Grantees should note that a subsequent notice published on August
14, 2018 (83 FR 40314), which clarifies and/or modifies requirements in
the February 9, 2018 notice, applies to grantees receiving funds under
this notice. Specifically, grantees should note the following
clarifications and modifications in the August 14, 2018 notice
governing the use of these funds: Allowing for unmet economic
revitalization and infrastructure needs (83 FR 40314), which are
addressed in section I in this notice; the use of terminology around an
evaluation of the cost or price of a product or service (83 FR 40317);
additional requirements for the comprehensive disaster recovery website
(83 FR 40317); clarification of working capital to aid in recovery (83
FR 40317); underwriting requirements (83 FR 40317); limitation of use
of funds for eminent domain (83 FR 40317); increased public comment
period (83 FR 40318); cost verification (83 FR 40318); additional
criteria and specific conditions to mitigate risk (83 FR 40318-40319);
the waiver of Section 414 of the Stafford Act as amended (83 FR 40319)
and addressed in section IV.C.2. in this notice; modification of
affordability periods for rental properties (83 FR 40320);
clarification of the environmental review requirements (83 FR 40319);
CDBG-DR housing assistance and FEMA's permanent and semi-permanent
housing programs (83 FR 40320); rehabilitation and reconstruction cost-
effectiveness (83 FR 40321); infrastructure planning and design (83 FR
40321); discipline and accountability in the environmental review and
permitting of infrastructure projects (83 FR 40321); and CDBG-DR funds
as match for FEMA 428 Public Assistance projects (83 FR 40321).
Additionally, HUD published a notice on June 20, 2019 entitled,
``Updates to Duplication of Benefits Requirements Under the Stafford
Act for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery
Grantees'' (84 FR 28836) (2019 DOB Notice) and a second notice that
implemented the 2019 DOB Notice by making corresponding amendments to
the Prior Notices (Applicability of Updates to Duplication of Benefits
Requirements Under the Stafford Act for Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Grantees, published at 84 FR 28848) (the
``Implementation Notice''). Those changes are explained in section
IV.B.6. of this notice and in detail in the 2019 DOB Notice (84 FR
Finally, the February 9, 2018 notice was also amended by the
February 19, 2019 notice (84 FR 4836) with a clarification on green
building standards (84 FR 4844).
III. Overview of Grant Process
Each grantee must submit an action plan for disaster recovery
pursuant the requirements of section VI.A.2 of the February 9, 2018
notice (83 FR 5849), as modified by the requirements of the August 14,
2018 notice (83 FR 40314), not later than 120 days after the
applicability date of this notice. All requirements of the Prior
Notices related to the action plan submission shall apply, including
the public comment period which was extended to not less than 30
calendar days under the August 14, 2018 notice (83 FR 40318), and the
manner of publication which must include prominent posting on the
grantee's official website (83 FR 40317). Each grantee must publish the
action plan in a manner that affords citizens, affected local
governments, and other interested parties a reasonable opportunity to
examine the contents and provide feedback. Each grantee must also
submit the Financial Management and Grant Compliance submission and
Pre-Award Implementation Plan pursuant to section VI.A.I of the
February 9, 2018 notice. All deadlines for these submissions are
determined by the applicability date of this notice.
In the Prior Notices, the Department included its intention to
establish special grant conditions for individual CDBG-DR grants based
upon the risks posed by the grantee, including risks related to the
grantee's capacity to carry out the specific programs and projects
proposed in its action plan. As described in the Prior Notices, these
conditions will be designed to provide additional assurances that
programs are implemented in a manner to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse
and the Department has established specific criteria and conditions for
each grant award as provided for at 2 CFR 200.205 and 200.207(a),
respectively, to mitigate the risks of the grant.
To begin expending CDBG-DR funds, the grantee must follow the
process outlined in the February 9, 2018 notice (83 FR 5846), unless
otherwise amended below:
Within 60 days of the applicability date of this notice
(or when the grantee submits its action plan, whichever is earlier),
submit documentation for the certification of financial controls and
procurement processes and adequate procedures for grant management, as
amended in section IV.B.1 of this notice. A grantee that received a
certification of its financial controls and procurement processes
pursuant to a 2016 or 2017 disaster may request that HUD rely on that
certification for purposes of this allocation, provided, however, that
grantees shall be required to provide updates to reflect any material
changes in the submissions.
Within 60 days of the applicability date of this notice
(or when the grantee
[[Page 4685]]
submits its action plan, whichever is earlier), submit documentation
for the implementation plan and capacity assessment.
Additionally, all funds must be expended within 6 years of
the date of obligation as described in section V of this notice.
III.A. Funds for Unmet Infrastructure Needs for Grantees That Received
Allocations for 2017 Disasters
Each grantee that received an allocation pursuant to Public Law
115-56 or Public Law 115-123 for 2017 disasters and an additional
allocation in this notice for unmet infrastructure needs is required to
submit a substantial amendment to its current action plan required by
the Prior Notices. The substantial amendment must be submitted no later
than 90 days after the applicability date of this notice. The
substantial amendment must include the additional allocation of funds
and address the requirements of the Prior Notices, as amended by this
notice. Each grantee must follow the applicable substantial amendment
process pursuant to section III.B of the August 14, 2018 notice (83 FR
40316). Based on the 2019 Appropriations Act, HUD will condition the
availability of these funds for grantees that have entered into
alternative procedures under section 428 of the Stafford Act as of the
date of enactment of the 2019 Appropriations Act until such grantees
have reached a final agreement on all fixed cost estimates within the
timeline provided by FEMA.
IV. Applicable Rules, Statutes, Waivers, and Alternative Requirements
This section of the notice describes rules, statutes, waivers, and
alternative requirements that apply to each grantee receiving an
allocation under this notice. The Secretary has determined that good
cause exists to apply each waiver and alternative requirement
established in the Prior Notices to grantees receiving funds under this
notice and that such waivers and alternative requirements are not
inconsistent with the overall purpose of title I of the HCDA. The
Secretary's determination of good cause extends to each waiver or
alternative requirement as amended by this notice. Grantees are
reminded that all fair housing and nondiscrimination requirements, as
well as environmental and labor requirements, continue to apply. The
following requirements apply only to the CDBG-DR funds appropriated
under the 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts (unless otherwise noted)
and not to funds provided under the annual formula State or Entitlement
CDBG programs, the Indian Community Development Block Grant program, or
those provided under any other component of the CDBG program, such as
the Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program, or any previous CDBG-DR
appropriations, unless otherwise noted.
A grantee may request additional waivers and alternative
requirements from the Department as needed to address specific needs
related to its recovery activities, accompanied by data to support the
request. Grantees should work with the assigned Community Planning and
Development representatives to request any additional waivers or
alternative requirements from HUD. Except where noted, the waivers and
alternative requirements described below apply to all grantees under
this notice. Pursuant to the requirements of the 2018 and 2019
Appropriations Acts, waivers and alternative requirements are effective
5 days after they are published in the Federal Register.
Except as described in this notice or the Prior Notices, statutory
and regulatory provisions governing the State CDBG program shall apply
to State grantees receiving a CDBG-DR grant. Except as described in
this notice or the Prior Notices, statutory and regulatory provisions
governing the entitlement CDBG program shall apply to any local
government receiving a CDBG-DR grant. Based on the Prior Notices'
treatment of grantees in the CDBG Insular areas program, all references
to states and State grantees shall include the Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands and the American Samoa. State and Entitlement
CDBG regulations can be found at 24 CFR part 570. References to the
action plan in these regulations shall refer to the action plan for
disaster recovery required by section VI.A.2 of the February 9, 2018
notice. All references in this notice pertaining to timelines and/or
deadlines are in terms of calendar days unless otherwise noted. The
date of this notice shall mean the applicability date of this notice
unless otherwise noted.
IV.A. Incorporation of Waivers and Alternative Requirements for Local
This notice extends the waivers and alternative requirements in the
Prior Notices to states and local governments receiving grants under
the 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts. Because the Prior Notices only
govern grants to states, this notice amends the Prior Notices by adding
regulations that apply to units of general local government the waivers
previously granted by the Secretary (except in cases such as the timely
distribution of funds, the consolidated plan waiver, or reimbursement
where the Prior Notices already waive entitlement CDBG program
regulations). Where requirements are different for units of general
local government than the requirements applicable to states, this
notice amends the Prior Notices to add the local government
IV.A.1. The Secretary amends the following sections of the February
9, 2018 notice to expand waivers to include waivers of the regulations
that apply to local government grantees: In Section VI.A.2., Action
Plan for Disaster Recovery waiver and alternative requirement, the
Secretary waives 24 CFR 91.220; in section VI.A.4., Citizen
participation waiver and alternative requirement, the Secretary waives
24 CFR 91.105(b) and (c); and in section VI.A.12, Use of the urgent
need national objective, the Secretary waives 24 CFR 570.208(c).
Grantees are responsible for ensuring that all citizens have equal
access to information about the programs, including persons with
disabilities and limited English proficiency (LEP). This waiver does
not affect the statutory and regulatory obligations of CDBG-DR grantees
to affirmatively further fair housing. As part of the CDBG-DR action
plan, all grantees must certify that they will affirmatively further
fair housing. For CDBG-DR grantees, this means conducting an Analysis
of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI), taking appropriate actions
to overcome the effects of any impediments identified through that
analysis, and keeping records of these actions.
IV.A.2. Procurement. This notice amends the sections of the
February 9, 2018 notice to add additional requirements or to clarify
procurement requirements that apply to local governments:
Paragraph V.A.1.a.(2) is modified after the sentence that begins
``A State grantee (including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the
U.S. Virgin Islands) has proficient procurement policies and processes
if . . . '' to add the following sentence: ``A local government grantee
has proficient procurement policies and processes if it follows
procurement requirements in the Uniform Administrative Requirements at
2 CFR 200.318 through 200.326, and imposes these requirements on its
Paragraph VI.A.26 of the February 9, 2018 notice is modified by
adding after the first paragraph, ``Any local government receiving a
CDBG-DR grant is subject to procurement requirements
[[Page 4686]]
in the Uniform Administrative Requirements at 2 CFR 200.318 through
IV.B. Grant Administration
IV.B.1. Certification of financial controls and procurement
processes, and adequate procedures for proper grant management. The
2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts require that the Secretary certify,
in advance of signing a grant agreement, that the grantee has in place
proficient financial controls and procurement processes and has
established adequate procedures to prevent any duplication of benefits
as defined by section 312 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and
Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act), 42 U.S.C. 5155, to ensure
timely expenditure of funds, maintain a comprehensive website regarding
all activities assisted with these funds, and detect and prevent waste,
fraud, and abuse of funds. To enable the Secretary to make this
certification, each grantee must submit to HUD the Financial Management
and Grant Compliance certification submission pursuant to section
VI.A.1.a of the February 9, 2018 notice (83 FR 5847), as amended in
this section.
A grantee that received a certification of its financial controls
and procurement processes pursuant to a 2016 or 2017 disaster may
request that HUD rely on that certification for purposes of this grant,
provided, however, that grantees shall be required to provide updates
to reflect any material changes in the submissions. This information
must be submitted within 60 days of the applicability date of this
notice. The grant agreement will not be executed until HUD has approved
the grantee's certifications. The grantee must implement the CDBG-DR
grant consistent with the controls, processes, and procedures as
certified by HUD. HUD is requiring each grantee to submit (or update
and resubmit, as applicable) all policies and procedures pertaining to
its duplication of benefits procedures as outlined below:
(1) Duplication of benefits procedures. A grantee has adequate
procedures to prevent the duplication of benefits if the grantee
submits uniform processes that reflect the requirements of the February
9, 2018 notice (83 FR 5860) and the 2019 DOB Notice (84 FR 28836),
including: (a) Verifying all sources of assistance received by the
grantee or applicant, as applicable, prior to the award of CDBG-DR
funds; (b) determining a grantee's or an applicant's remaining funding
need(s) for CDBG-DR assistance before committing funds or awarding
assistance; and (c) requiring beneficiaries to enter into a signed
agreement to repay any duplicative assistance if they later receive
additional assistance for the same purpose for which the CDBG-DR award
was provided. The grantee must identify a method to monitor compliance
with the agreement for a reasonable period and must articulate this
method in its written administrative procedures, including the basis
for the period in which the grantee will monitor compliance. This
agreement must also include the following language: ``Warning: Any
person who knowingly makes a false claim or statement to HUD may be
subject to civil or criminal penalties under 18 U.S.C. 287, 1001 and 31
U.S.C. 3729.''
Policies and procedures of the grantee submitted to support the
certification must provide that prior to the award of assistance, the
grantee will use the best, most recent available data from FEMA, the
Small Business Administration (SBA), insurers, and any other sources of
local, State and Federal sources of funding to prevent the duplication
of benefits. In developing these policies and procedures, grantees are
directed to the 2019 DOB Notice (84 FR 28836). To be adequate, a
grantee's policies and procedures must reflect the treatment of loans
that is consistent with the requirements of the Declined Loans
Provision and the section 1210 of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of
2018 (DRRA) (division D of Pub. L. 115-254), as explained in section
IV.B.6 of this notice and in the 2019 DOB Notice.
IV.B.2. Procurement. Grantees must comply with procurement
requirements for states or for local governments, as applicable, in the
Prior Notices (as amended).
IV.B.3. Use of administrative funds across multiple grants. The
2019 Appropriations Act authorizes special treatment of grant
administrative funds for grantees that received awards under certain
CDBG-DR grants. Grantees that received awards under Public Laws 114-
113, 114-223, 114-254, 115-31, 115-56, 115-123, and 115-254, or any
future act may use eligible administrative funds (up to 5 percent of
each grant award plus up to 5 percent of program income generated by
the grant) appropriated by these acts for the cost of administering any
of these grants without regard to the particular disaster appropriation
from which such funds originated. If the grantee chooses to exercise
this authority, the grantee must ensure that it has appropriate
financial controls to ensure that the amount of grant administration
expenditures for each of the aforementioned grants will not exceed 5
percent of the total grant award for each grant (plus 5 percent of
program income), review and modify its financial management policies
and procedures regarding the tracking and accounting of administration
costs, as necessary, and address the adoption of this treatment of
administrative costs in the applicable portions of its Financial
Management and Grant Compliance submissions as referenced in section
VI.A.1 of the February 9, 2018 notice (83 FR 5847-5848). Grantees are
reminded that all costs incurred for administration must still qualify
as an eligible administration expense.
IV.B.4. Use of funds in response to Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane
Florence (State of North Carolina and South Carolina only). The 2019
Appropriations Act provides that grantees that received CDBG-DR grants
under Public Laws 114-223, 114-254, and 115-31 in response to Hurricane
Matthew, may use those funds interchangeably for the same activities
that can be funded by CDBG-DR grants in the most impacted and
distressed areas related to Hurricane Florence. Specifically, these
CDBG-DR grants in response to Hurricane Matthew may be used
interchangeably and without limitation for the same activities that can
be funded by CDBG-DR grants in the most impacted and distressed areas
related to Hurricane Florence. Additionally, all CDBG-DR grants under
the 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts in response to Hurricane Florence
may be used interchangeably and without limitation for the same
activities in the most impacted and distressed areas related to
Hurricane Matthew.
Grantees are reminded that expanding the eligible beneficiaries of
their Hurricane Matthew activities or programs to include those
impacted by Hurricane Florence requires the submission of a substantial
action plan amendment in accordance with section VI.A.2.g of the
November 21, 2016 notice (81 FR 83254). Additionally, all waivers and
alternative requirements associated with a CDBG-DR grant apply to the
use of the funds provided by that grant, regardless of which disaster
(Matthew or Florence) the funded activity will address.
IV.B.5. One-for-One Replacement Housing, Relocation, and Real
Property Acquisition Requirements. Grantees that received a CDBG-DR
grant for 2018 or 2019 disasters under Public Laws 115-254 or 116-20
(``current requirements'') are currently subject to different
requirements with respect to One-for-One Replacement Housing,
Relocation, and Real Property Acquisition Requirements, than grantees
that received a CDBG-DR grant for previous
[[Page 4687]]
disasters pursuant to Public Laws 114-113, 114-223, 114-254, and 115-31
(``previous requirements''). To avoid the administrative burden of
implementing two different Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real
Property Acquisition Act (URA) waivers and alternative requirements,
HUD is authorizing grantees with CDBG-DR grants subject to the previous
requirements to carry out its programs under the same (URA)
requirements as is required for its grant(s) under the current
HUD is authorizing grantees under Public Laws 114-113, 114-223,
114-254, and 115-31 that also received a CDBG-DR grant under Public Law
115-254 or 116-20 to either: (a) continue to follow One-for-One
Replacement Housing, Relocation, and Real Property Acquisition
Requirements as provided in section VI.A.19. of the November 21, 2016
notice (81 FR 83266) for its Public Laws 114-113, 114-223, 114-254, and
115-31 CDBG-DR grants; or (b) follow the requirements of section
VI.A.23.a. through e. of the February 9, 2018 notice (83 FR 5858) for
its Public Laws 114-113, 114-223, 114-254, and 115-31 CDBG-DR grants.
The grantee's programs under the most recent Public Laws (Pub. L. 115-
254 or 116-20) are already required to follow the waiver and
alternative requirement defined in the February 9, 2018 notice (83 FR
5858). If a grantee chooses to follow option (b) above, then it must
identify this approach in its policies and procedures related to that
particular activity and consistently apply that option for all
displaced persons affected by that activity.
IV.B.6. Duplication of benefits. The Prior Notices described
duplication of benefits (DOB) requirements in Section 312 of the
Stafford Act and subjected grantees to the requirements of a notice
published in the Federal Register on November 16, 2011, at 76 FR 71060
(the ``2011 DOB Notice'').
HUD subsequently published the 2019 DOB Notice, which revised the
DOB requirements that apply to CDBG-DR grants for disasters declared
between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2021. HUD also published a
separate notice that implemented the 2019 DOB Notice (84 FR 28848) (the
``Implementation Notice'') by making corresponding amendments to the
February 9, 2018 and August 14, 2018 notices. The amendments in the
Implementation Notice provide that the 2019 DOB Notice shall supersede
the 2011 DOB Notice for any new programs or activities submitted in an
action plan or action plan amendment on or after June 25, 2019.
Accordingly, grantees must comply with the requirements of the
Prior Notices, including amendments in the Implementation Notice.
Because the applicability date of this notice is after June 25, 2019,
provisions of the Implementation Notice that apply only to grants made
before June 25, 2019 do not apply to grants under the 2018 and 2019
Appropriations Acts.
IV.B.7. The waiver and alternative requirement in section VI.A.6.
of the February 9, 2018 notice is replaced with the following language
to include 2018 and 2019 disaster grantees: ``HUD is temporarily
waiving the requirement for consistency with the consolidated plan
(requirements at 42 U.S.C. 12706, 24 CFR 91.325(a)(5) and
91.225(a)(5)), because the effects of a major disaster alter a
grantee's priorities for meeting housing, employment, and
infrastructure needs. In conjunction, 42 U.S.C. 5304(e), to the extent
that it would require HUD to annually review grantee performance under
the consistency criteria, is also waived. Grantees are encouraged to
incorporate disaster-recovery needs into their consolidated plan
updates as soon as practicable, but any unmet disaster-related needs
and associated priorities must be incorporated into the grantee's next
consolidated plan update no later than its Fiscal Year 2020 update for
2017 disasters and Fiscal Year 2022 for 2018 and 2019 disasters.''
IV.C. Clarifications and Amendments for Grants Under Public Law 115-56,
115-123, 115-254, and 116-20
IV.C.1. Clarification on Affordability Periods and Amended
Alternative Requirement. The Federal Register notice published on
August 14, 2018 (83 FR 40320) imposed a 5-year affordability period on
all newly constructed single-family housing units constructed with
CDBG-DR funds. HUD intended to impose the affordability period only on
single-family units constructed and sold by the grantee or its
subrecipient through an affordable homeownership program. It was not
intended to impose affordability restrictions where the beneficiary
owned and occupied a home that was damaged by the disaster and the
grantee then provides the owner-occupant with a newly constructed or
reconstructed housing unit rather than rehabilitate the damaged home.
HUD's intent was to impose affordability restrictions when CDBG-DR
funds are used to expand housing stock, not to replace damaged units
owned and occupied by a beneficiary. Therefore, HUD is amending
paragraph IV.B.10 of the August 14, 2018 notice by replacing it in its
entirety with the following:
``10. Affordability Period for CDBG-DR funded Homeownership
Programs. Grantees receiving funds under this notice are required to
implement a minimum 5-year affordability period on all newly
constructed single-family housing made available for low- and moderate-
income homeownership through a CDBG-DR funded homeownership program.
This notice requires any grantee implementing a CDBG-DR funded
homeownership program to develop and impose affordability (i.e., resale
or recapture) restrictions and to enforce those restrictions through
recorded deed restrictions, covenants, or other similar mechanisms, for
a period not less than 5 years. Grantees shall establish resale or
recapture requirements for housing funded pursuant to this paragraph
and shall describe those requirements in the action plan or substantial
amendment in which the activity is proposed. The resale or recapture
provisions must clearly describe the terms of the resale or recapture,
the specific circumstances under which these provisions will be used,
and how the provisions will be enforced. This affordability period does
not apply to housing units newly constructed or reconstructed for an
owner-occupant to replace an owner-occupied home that was damaged by
the disaster.''
IV.C.2. Clarification and Amendment on Section 414 of the Robert T.
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121
et seq.). The Federal Register notice published on February 19, 2019
(84 FR 4842) provided a waiver and alternative requirement of Section
414 for all grantees receiving a grant for a major disaster occurring
in 2015, 2016, and 2017. This waiver and alternative requirements
allowed grantees that received a grant(s) under Public Laws 114-113,
114-223, 114-254, and 115-31 to carry out its programs under the same
Section 414 requirements as its grant(s) under Public Laws 115-56 or
115-123. To clarify this provision and extend the Section 414 waiver
and alternative requirement to include grantees under those older
Public Laws that are now receiving a grant under the 2018 and 2019
Appropriations Acts for a major disaster in 2018 or 2019, HUD is
amending paragraph IV.2 of the February 19, 2019 notice by replacing it
in its entirety with the following:
``2. Waiver of Section 414 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.). Section
414 of the Stafford Act (42 U.S.C. 5181) provides that
[[Page 4688]]
``Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person otherwise
eligible for any kind of replacement housing payment under the Uniform
Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of
1970 (Pub. L. 91-646) [42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.] [``URA''] shall be
denied such eligibility as a result of his being unable, because of a
major disaster as determined by the President, to meet the occupancy
requirements set by [the URA].'' Accordingly, homeowner occupants and
tenants displaced from their homes as a result of the identified
disaster and who would have otherwise been displaced, as a direct
result of any acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition of real
property for a federally funded program or project, may become eligible
for a replacement housing payment, notwithstanding their inability to
meet occupancy requirements prescribed in the URA.
Grantees that received a CDBG-DR grant for a major disaster in
2015, 2016, or 2017 under Public Laws 114-113, 114-223, 114-254, or
115-31, and a CDBG-DR grant for a 2017, 2018, or 2019 major disaster
under Public Laws 115-56, 115-123, 115-254, or 116-20 are subject to
different alternative requirements with respect to protections afforded
to tenants and homeowners under Section 414 of the Stafford Act.
To avoid the administrative burden of implementing two different
URA alternative requirements, HUD is authorizing grantees under Public
Laws 114-113, 114-223, 114-254, and 115-31 that also received a CDBG-DR
grant under Public Law 115-56, 115-123, 115-254, or 116-20 to either:
(a) Continue to follow Section 414 of the Stafford Act (or any grantee-
specific alternative requirement previously authorized by HUD) for its
Public Laws 114-113, 114-223, 114-254, and 115-31 CDBG-DR grants; or
(b) follow the waiver and alternative requirement described in the
following paragraph for its Public Laws 114-113, 114-223, 114-254, and
115-31 CDBG-DR grants. The grantee's programs under the most recent
Public Laws (Pub. L. 115-56, 115-123, 115-254, or 116-20) are already
required to follow the waiver and alternative requirement defined
below. If a grantee chooses to follow option (b) above then it must
identify this approach in its policies and procedures related to that
particular activity, and consistently apply that option for all
displaced persons affected by that activity.
The waiver and alternative requirement is as follows: Section 414
of the Stafford Act (including its implementing regulation at 49 CFR
24.403(d)(1)), is waived to the extent that it would apply to real
property acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition of real property
for a CDBG-DR funded project, undertaken by the grantee or
subrecipient, commencing more than one (1) year after the
Presidentially declared disaster, provided that the project was not
planned, approved, or otherwise underway prior to the disaster. For
purposes of this paragraph, a CDBG-DR funded project shall be
determined to have commenced on the earliest of: (1) The date of an
approved Release for Request of Funds (RROF) and certification, or (2)
the date of completion of the site-specific review when a program
utilizes tiered environmental reviews, or (3) the date of sign-off by
the approving official when a project converts to exempt under 24 CFR
58.34(a)(12). The Secretary has the authority to waive provisions of
the Stafford Act and its implementing regulations that the Secretary
administers in connection with the obligation of CDBG-DR funds covered
under this waiver and alternative requirement, or the grantees' use of
these funds. The Department has determined that good cause exists for a
waiver and that such waiver is not inconsistent with the overall
purposes of title I of the HCDA. The waiver will simplify the
administration of the disaster recovery process and reduce the
administrative burden associated with the implementation of Stafford
Act Section 414 requirements for projects commencing more than one (1)
year after the date of the Presidentially declared disaster,
considering the majority of such persons displaced by the disaster will
have returned to their dwellings or found another place of permanent
residence. This waiver does not apply with respect to persons that meet
the occupancy requirements to receive a replacement housing payment
under the URA nor does it apply to persons displaced or relocated
temporarily by other HUD-funded programs or projects. Such persons'
eligibility for relocation assistance and payments under the URA is not
impacted by this waiver.''
IV.C.3 Clarification on Procurement and Use of Subrecipients for
State grantees only. The Federal Register notice published on February
9, 2018 (83 FR 5856) included a provision on the use of subrecipients
that was applicable to State grantees only. In section VI.A.14. of that
notice, HUD made 24 CFR 570.502, 570.503, and 570.500(c) applicable to
states exercising their authority under the waiver to carry out
activities directly. To eliminate any confusion regarding procurement
requirements that are applicable to the State's subrecipients, HUD is
clarifying that 24 CFR 570.502, 570.503, and 570.500(c) apply to states
carrying out activities directly, except for procurement requirements
as provided for in the February 9, 2018 notice. Specifically, when HUD
allows a State grantee the flexibility in section VI.A.1.a.(2) of the
February 9, 2018 notice to choose one of three options when developing
its procurement policies and procedures, and in paragraph VI.A.26.,
which requires State grantees to establish procurement requirements for
local governments and subrecipients, those provisions continue to apply
and will determine those procurement provisions of 2 CFR part 200 that
are applicable to a State's subrecipients.
IV.C.4. Clarification on Acquisition of real property, flood, and
other buyouts to include Wildfire-Impacted Grantees. The Federal
Register notice published February 9, 2018 (83 FR 5863) describes how
grantees may carry out property acquisitions for a variety of purposes
and that they may carry out a buyout program in a Disaster Risk
Reduction Area. HUD is clarifying this provision so that grantees
understand that wildland fire risk areas may also be identified by the
grantee as Disaster Risk Reduction areas. Accordingly, HUD is amending
paragraph IV.B.37.a. of the February 9, 2018 notice by adding the
following language to the end of that section:
``37. Clarification of ``Buyout'' and ``Real Property Acquisition''
activities.'' Wildland fire risk areas may also be identified by the
grantee as Disaster Risk Reduction areas eligible for a buyout to
reduce risk from future wildfires. Grantees are encouraged to carry out
property acquisitions as a means of acquiring contiguous parcels of
land for uses compatible with wildland-urban interface management
practices. Grantees are also encouraged to take actions to promote an
increase in hazard insurance coverage in the wildland fire risk
V. Duration of Funding
The 2018 and 2019 Appropriations Acts make the funds available for
obligation by HUD until expended. This notice requires each grantee to
expend 100 percent of its CDBG-DR grant on eligible activities within 6
years of HUD's obligation of funds under Public Laws 115-254 and 116-20
pursuant to an executed grant agreement. Furthermore, consistent with
31 U.S.C. 1555 and OMB Circular A-11, if the Secretary or the President
[[Page 4689]]
that the purposes for which the appropriation has been made have been
carried out and no disbursements have been made against the
appropriation for two consecutive fiscal years, any remaining balance
will be made unavailable for obligation or expenditure. In such case,
the funds shall not be available for obligation or expenditure for any
purpose after the account is closed.
VI. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance numbers for the disaster
recovery grants under this notice are as follows: 14.228 for State CDBG
grantees and 14.218 for Entitlement CDBG Grantees.
VII. Finding of No Significant Impact
A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) with respect to the
environment has been made in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR
part 50, which implement section 102(2)(C) of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). The FONSI is
available for public inspection between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays in
the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel, U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW, Room 10276,
Washington, DC 20410-0500. Due to security measures at the HUD
Headquarters building, an advance appointment to review the docket file
must be scheduled by calling the Regulations Division at 202-708-3055
(this is not a toll-free number). Hearing- or speech-impaired
individuals may access this number through TTY by calling the Federal
Relay Service at 800-877-8339 (this is a toll-free number).
Dated: January 16, 2020.
Benjamin S. Carson, Sr.,
Appendix A--Detailed Methodology
Allocation of CDBG-DR Funds to Most Impacted and Distressed Areas Due
to 2018 and 2019 Federally Declared Disasters
The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (Pub. L. 115-254) enacted on
October 5, 2018, appropriated $1,680,000,000 through the Community
Development Block Grant disaster recovery (CDBG-DR) program. The
statutory text related to the allocation is as follows:
``For an additional amount for ``Community Development Fund'',
$1,680,000,000, to remain available until expended, for necessary
expenses for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and
Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) related
to disaster relief, long-term recovery, restoration of
infrastructure and housing, and economic revitalization in the most
impacted and distressed areas resulting from a major disaster
declared in 2018 pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief
and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.): Provided,
That funds shall be awarded directly to the State or unit of general
local government at the discretion of the Secretary[.]''
Public Law 116-20 appropriated $2,431,000,000 through the
Community Development Block Grant disaster recovery (CDBG-DR)
program. The statutory text related to the allocation is as follows:
``For an additional amount for ``Community Development Fund,''
$2,431,000,000, to remain available until expended, for necessary
expenses for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and
Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.) related
to disaster relief, long-term recovery, restoration of
infrastructure and housing, economic revitalization, and mitigation
in the most impacted and distressed areas resulting from a major
disaster that occurred in 2018 or 2019 (except as otherwise provided
under this heading) pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.):
Provided, That funds shall be awarded directly to the State, unit of
general local government, or Indian tribe (as such term is defined
in section 102 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974)
at the discretion of the Secretary. . . Provided further, That of
the amounts made available under this heading $431,000,000 shall be
allocated to meet unmet infrastructure needs for grantees that
received allocations for disasters that occurred in 2017 under this
heading of division B of Public Law 115-56 and title XI of
subdivision 1 of division B of Public Law 115-123, of which
$331,442,114 shall be allocated to those grantees affected by
Hurricane Maria:
``Provided further, That of the amounts made available under
this heading, up to $5,000,000 shall be made available for capacity
building and technical assistance . . . Provided further, That of
the amounts made available under this heading and under the same
heading in Public Law 115-254, up to $2,500,000 shall be
transferred, in aggregate, to ``Department of Housing and Urban
Development-- Program Office Salaries and Expenses--Community
Planning and Development'' for necessary costs, including
information technology costs, of administering and overseeing the
obligation and expenditure of amounts under this heading[.]''
Most Impacted and Distressed Areas
As with prior CDBG-DR appropriations, HUD is not obligated to
allocate funds for all major disasters occurring in the statutory
timeframes. HUD is directed to use the funds ``in the most impacted
and distressed areas.'' HUD has implemented this directive by
limiting CDBG-DR formula allocations to grantees with major
disasters that meet three standards:
(1) Individual Assistance/Individual and Households Program
(IHP) designation. HUD has limited allocations to those disasters
where FEMA had determined the damage was sufficient to declare the
disaster as eligible to receive IHP funding.
(2) Concentrated damage. HUD has limited its estimate of serious
unmet housing needs to counties and ZIP Codes with high levels of
damage, collectively referred to as ``most impacted areas.'' For
this allocation, HUD is defining most impacted areas as either most
impacted counties--counties exceeding $10 million in serious unmet
housing needs--and most impacted Zip Codes--ZIP Codes with $2
million or more of serious unmet housing needs. The calculation of
serious unmet housing needs is described below.
(3) Disasters meeting the most impacted threshold. Only 2018 and
2019 disasters that meet this requirement for most impacted damage
are funded if one or more county or ZIP Code meets the thresholds
above. Note that this allocation only includes disasters declared as
of October 4, 2019. Other 2019 disasters will be addressed in a
future notice.
For disasters that meet the most impacted threshold described
above, the unmet need allocations are based on the following factors
summed together:
(1) Repair estimates for seriously damaged owner-occupied units
without insurance (with some exceptions) in most impacted areas
after FEMA and SBA repair grants or loans; an estimate for
homeowners served by FEMA's Permanent Housing Construction program
is also deducted from the homeowner unmet need estimate;
(2) Repair estimates for seriously damaged rental units occupied
by very low-income renters in most impacted areas;
(3) Repair and content loss estimates for small businesses with
serious damage denied by SBA; and
(4) The estimated local cost share for Public Assistance
Category C to G projects.
Methods for Estimating Serious Unmet Needs for Housing
The data HUD uses to calculate unmet needs for 2018 qualifying
disasters come from the FEMA Individual Assistance program data on
housing-unit damage as of July 17, 2019. The data for 2019
qualifying disasters is as of November 13, 2019.
The core data on housing damage for both the unmet housing needs
calculation and the concentrated damage are based on home inspection
data for FEMA's Individual Assistance program and SBA's disaster
loan program. HUD calculates ``unmet housing needs'' as the number
of housing units with unmet needs times the estimated cost to repair
those units less repair funds already provided by FEMA and SBA.
Each of the FEMA inspected owner units are categorized by HUD
into one of five categories:
Minor-Low: Less than $3,000 of FEMA inspected real
property damage.
Minor-High: $3,000 to $7,999 of FEMA inspected real
property damage.
Major-Low: $8,000 to $14,999 of FEMA inspected real
property damage and/or 1 to 3.9 feet of flooding on the first floor;
Major-High: $15,000 to $28,800 of FEMA inspected real
property damage and/or 4 to 5.9 feet of flooding on the first floor.
[[Page 4690]]
Severe: Greater than $28,800 of FEMA inspected real
property damage or determined destroyed and/or 6 or more feet of
flooding on the first floor.
When owner-occupied properties also have a personal property
inspection or only have a personal property inspection, HUD reviews
the personal property damage amounts such that if the personal
property damage places the home into a higher need category over the
real property assessment, the personal property amount is used as
Minor-Low: Less than $2,500 of FEMA inspected personal
property damage.
Minor-High: $2,500 to $3,499 of FEMA inspected personal
property damage.
Major-Low: $3,500 to $4,999 of FEMA inspected personal
property damage or 1 to 3.9 feet of flooding on the first floor.
Major-High: $5,000 to $9,000 of FEMA inspected personal
property damage or 4 to 5.9 feet of flooding on the first floor.
Severe: Greater than $9,000 of FEMA inspected personal
property damage or determined destroyed and/or 6 or more feet of
flooding on the first floor.
To meet the statutory requirement of ``most impacted'' in this
legislative language, homes are determined to have a high level of
damage if they have damage of ``major-low'' or higher. That is, they
have a FEMA inspected real property damage of $8,000 or above,
personal property damage $3,500 or above, or flooding 1 foot or
above on the first floor.
Furthermore, a homeowner with flooding outside the 1 percent
risk flood hazard area is determined to have unmet needs if they
reported damage and no flood insurance to cover that damage. For
homeowners inside the 1 percent risk flood hazard area, homeowners
without flood insurance with flood damage below the greater of
national median or 120 percent of Area Median Income are determined
to have unmet needs. For non-flood damage, homeowners without hazard
insurance with incomes below the greater of national median or 120
percent of Area Median Income are included as having unmet needs.
FEMA does not inspect rental units for real property damage so
personal property damage is used as a proxy for unit damage. Each of
the FEMA-inspected renter units are categorized by HUD into one of
five categories:
Minor-Low: Less than $1,000 of FEMA inspected personal
property damage.
Minor-High: $1,000 to $1,999 of FEMA inspected personal
property damage.
Major-Low: $2,000 to $3,499 of FEMA inspected personal
property damage or 1 to 3.9 feet of flooding on the first floor.
Major-High: $3,500 to $7,500 of FEMA inspected personal
property damage or 4 to 5.9 feet of flooding on the first floor.
Severe: Greater than $7,500 of FEMA inspected personal
property damage or determined destroyed and/or 6 or more feet of
flooding on the first floor.
To meet the statutory requirement of ``most impacted'' for
rental properties, homes are determined to have a high level of
damage if they have damage of ``major-low'' or higher. That is, they
have a FEMA personal property damage assessment of $2,000 or greater
or flooding 1 foot or above on the first floor.
Furthermore, landlords are presumed to have adequate insurance
coverage unless the unit is occupied by a renter with income less
than the greater of the Federal poverty level or 50 percent of
median income. Units occupied by a tenant with income less than the
greater of the poverty level or 50 percent of median income are used
to calculate likely unmet needs for affordable rental housing.
The average cost to fully repair a home for a specific disaster
to code within each of the damage categories noted above is
calculated using the median real property damage repair costs
determined by the SBA for its disaster loan program for the subset
of homes inspected by both SBA and FEMA for each eligible disaster.
Minimum multipliers are not less than the 1st quarter median for
all Individual Assistance (IA) eligible disasters combined in each
disaster year at the time of the allocation calculation, and maximum
multipliers are not more than the 4th quarter median for all IA
eligible disasters combined in each disaster year with data
available as of the allocation. Because SBA is inspecting for full
repair costs, their estimate is presumed to reflect the full cost to
repair the home, which is generally more than the FEMA estimates on
the cost to make the home habitable. If there is a match of fewer
than 20 SBA inspections to FEMA inspections for any damage category,
the minimum multiplier is used.
For each household determined to have unmet housing needs (as
described above), their estimated average unmet housing need is
equal to the average cost to fully repair a home to code less
assistance from FEMA and SBA provided for repair to the home, based
on their damage category (noted above).
Methods for Estimating Serious Unmet Economic Revitalization Needs
Based on SBA disaster loans to businesses using data for 2018
disasters from as of date July 17, 2019 and for 2019 disasters from
as of the date November 14, 2019, HUD calculates the median real
estate and content loss by the following damage categories for each
Category 1: Real estate + content loss = below $12,000
Category 2: Real estate + content loss = $12,000-$29,999
Category 3: Real estate + content loss = $30,000-$64,999
Category 4: Real estate + content loss = $65,000-$149,999
Category 5: Real estate + content loss = $150,000 and above
For properties with real estate and content loss of $30,000 or
more, HUD calculates the estimated amount of unmet needs for small
businesses by multiplying the median damage estimates for the
categories above by the number of small businesses denied an SBA
loan, including those denied a loan prior to inspection due to
inadequate credit or income (or a decision had not been made), under
the assumption that damage among those denied at pre-inspection have
the same distribution of damage as those denied after inspection.
Methods for Estimating Unmet Infrastructure Needs
To calculate 2018 and 2019 unmet needs for infrastructure
projects, HUD obtained FEMA cost estimates (as of July 17, 2019 for
the 2018 disasters and November 13, 2019 for 2019 disasters) of the
expected local cost share to repair the permanent public
infrastructure (Categories C to G) to their pre-storm condition.
To calculate additional infrastructure unmet needs for 2017
disasters, HUD compares the change in FEMA Category C to G local
match cost estimates between March 2018 (when funds had been
allocated under Pub. L. 115-23) and November 2019. For grantees
impacted by Hurricane Maria--Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands--the
statutorily required allocation of $331,442,114 is allocated
proportional based on their relative share of growth in Category C
to G local match cost estimates. For other 2017 grantees where the
November 2019 estimate exceeds the March 2018 estimate, each grantee
is first increased dollar-for-dollar to their local match
requirements. For any of the remaining funds of the required $431
million for 2017 disasters, they are allocated to the non-Maria
disasters that have been funded at 100 percent or less of
infrastructure match needs proportional to their share of eligible
grantees' November 2019 estimated infrastructure match needs.
Allocation Calculation
Once eligible entities are identified using the above criteria,
the allocation to individual grantees represents their proportional
share of the estimated unmet needs. For the formula allocation, HUD
calculates total unmet recovery needs for eligible 2018 and 2019
disasters as the aggregate of:
Serious unmet housing needs in most impacted counties;
Serious unmet business needs; and
Unmet infrastructure need.
Two jurisdictions have their unmet needs calculations adjusted due
to unusual circumstances not covered in the standard methodology.
First, Hawaii County in Hawaii has 76 homes that were not damaged
but are completely surrounded by lava fields. HUD assumes that those
homes will never be habitable and categorizes them as destroyed with
no insurance for the serious unmet need calculation. Second, FEMA is
administering its Permanent Housing Construction program in the
Northern Marianas and expects to serve 455 homeowners with seriously
damaged homes. As such, HUD subtracts the unmet needs of 455
homeowners from the base estimate.
[FR Doc. 2020-01204 Filed 1-24-20; 8:45 am]