Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine Standards, 3306-3330 [2020-00542]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
40 CFR Parts 86 and 1036
[EPA–HQ–OAR–2019–0055; FRL–10004–16–
RIN 2060–AU41
Control of Air Pollution From New
Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Advanced notice of proposed
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is soliciting pre-proposal
comments on a rulemaking effort known
as the Cleaner Trucks Initiative (CTI).
This advance notice describes EPA’s
plans for a new rulemaking that would
establish new emission standards for
oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and other
pollutants for highway heavy-duty
engines. It also describes opportunities
to streamline and improve certification
procedures to reduce costs for engine
manufacturers. The EPA is seeking
input on this effort from the public,
including all interested stakeholders, to
inform the development of a subsequent
notice of proposed rulemaking.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before February 20, 2020.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
OAR–2019–0055, at https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
Once submitted, comments cannot be
edited or removed from
The EPA may publish any comment
received to its public docket. Do not
submit electronically any information
you consider to be Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Multimedia
submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be
accompanied by a written comment.
The written comment is considered the
official comment and should include
discussion of all points you wish to
make. The EPA will generally not
consider comments or comment
contents located outside of the primary
submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or
other file sharing system). For
additional submission methods, the full
EPA public comment policy,
information about CBI or multimedia
submissions, and general guidance on
making effective comments, please visit
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Public Participation: Submit your
comments, identified by Docket ID No.
EPA–HQ–OAR–2019–0055, at https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
Once submitted, comments cannot be
edited or removed from
The EPA may publish any comment
received to its public docket. Do not
submit electronically any information
you consider to be Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Multimedia
submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be
accompanied by a written comment.
The written comment is considered the
official comment and should include
discussion of all points you wish to
make. EPA will generally not consider
comments or comment contents located
outside of the primary submission (i.e.,
on the web, cloud, or other file sharing
system). For additional submission
methods, the full EPA public comment
policy, information about CBI or
multimedia submissions, and general
guidance on making effective
comments, please visit https://
Docket. EPA has established a docket
for this action under Docket ID No.
EPA–HQ–OAR–2019–0055. All
documents in the docket are listed on
the website.
Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available,
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Publicly available docket materials are
available either electronically in or in hard copy at
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Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding
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for the Public Reading Room is (202)
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the Air Docket is (202) 566–1742.
Brian Nelson, Office of Transportation
and Air Quality, Assessment and
Standards Division, Environmental
Protection Agency, 2000 Traverwood
Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105; telephone
number: (734) 214–4278; email address:
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Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Background
A. History of Emission Standards for
Heavy-Duty Engines
B. NOX Emissions From Current HeavyDuty Engines
1. Diesel Engines
2. Gasoline Engines
C. Existing Heavy-Duty Compliance Cost
D. The Need for Additional NOX Control
E. California Heavy-Duty Highway Low
NOX Program Development
III. Potential Solutions and Program Elements
A. Emission Control Technologies
1. Diesel Engine Technologies Under
2. Gasoline Engine Technologies Under
3. Emission Monitoring Technologies
4. Hybrid, Battery-Electric, and Fuel Cell
5. Alternative Fuels
B. Standards and Test Cycles
1. Emission Standards for RMC and FTP
2. New Emission Test Cycles and
C. In-Use Emission Standards
D. Extended Regulatory Useful Life
E. Ensuring Long-Term In-Use Emissions
1. Lengthened Emissions Warranty
2. Tamper-Resistant Electronic Controls
3. Serviceability Improvements
4. Emission Controls Education and
5. Improving Engine Rebuilding Practices
F. Certification and Compliance
1. Certification of Carry-Over Engines
2. Modernizing of Heavy-Duty Engine
3. Heavy-Duty In-Use Testing Program
4. Durability Testing
G. Incentives for Early Emission
IV. Next Steps
V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
I. Introduction
On November 13, 2018, EPA
announced plans to undertake a new
rulemaking—the Cleaner Trucks
Initiative (CTI)—to update standards for
oxides of nitrogen (NOX) emissions from
highway heavy-duty vehicles and
engines.1 Although NOX emissions in
the U.S. have dropped by more than 40
percent over the past decade, we project
that heavy-duty vehicles continue to be
one of the largest contributors to the
mobile source NOX inventory in 2028.2
1 EPA’s regulations generally classify vehicles
with Gross Vehicle Weight Ratings (GVWRs) above
8,500 pounds (i.e., Class 2b and above) as heavyduty vehicles, including large pick-up trucks and
vans, a variety of ‘‘work trucks’’ designed for
vocational applications, and combination tractortrailers.
2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ‘‘Air
Emissions Modeling: 2016v1 Platform.’’ Available
online at:
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
Reducing NOX emissions from highway
heavy-duty trucks and buses is thus an
important component of improving air
quality nationwide and reducing public
health and welfare effects associated
with these pollutants, especially for
vulnerable populations and lifestages,
and in highly-impacted regions.
Section 202(a)(1) of the Clean Air Act
(the Act) requires the EPA to set
emission standards for air pollutants,
including oxides of nitrogen (NOX),
from new motor vehicles or new motor
vehicle engines, which the
Administrator has found cause air
pollution that may endanger public
health or welfare. Under section
202(a)(3)(A) of the Act, NOX (and
certain other) emission standards for
heavy-duty vehicles and engines are to
‘‘reflect the greatest degree of emission
reduction achievable through the
application of technology which the
Administrator determines will be
available for the model year to which
such standards apply, giving
appropriate consideration to cost,
energy, and safety factors associated
with the application of such
technology.’’ Section 202(a)(3)(C)
requires that standards apply for no less
than 3 model years and apply no earlier
than 4 years after promulgation.
Given the continued contribution of
heavy-duty trucks to the NOX inventory,
more than 20 organizations, including
state and local air agencies from across
the country, petitioned EPA in the
summer of 2016 to develop more
stringent NOX emission standards for
on-road heavy-duty engines.3 Among
the reasons stated by the petitioners for
EPA rulemaking was the need for NOX
emission reductions to reduce adverse
health and welfare impacts and to help
areas attain the National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQS). EPA
subsequently met with a wide range of
stakeholders in listening sessions,
during which certain themes were
consistent across the range of
stakeholders.4 For example, it became
clear that there is broad support for
federal action in collaboration with the
California Air Resources Board (CARB).
So-called ‘‘50-state’’ standards enable
3 Brakora, Jessica. ‘‘Petitions to EPA for Revised
NOX Standards for Heavy-Duty Engines’’
Memorandum to Docket EPA–HQ–OAR–2019–
0055. December 4, 2019.
4 Stakeholders included: Emissions control
technology suppliers; engine and vehicle
manufacturers; a labor union that represents heavyduty engine, parts, and vehicle manufacturing
workers; a heavy-duty trucking fleet trade
association; an owner-operator driver association; a
truck dealers trade association; environmental, nongovernmental organizations; states and regional air
quality districts; tribal interests; California Air
Resources Board (CARB); and the petitioners.
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technology suppliers and manufacturers
to efficiently produce a single set of
reliable and compliant products. There
was broad acknowledgement of the
value of aligning implementation of new
NOX standards with existing milestones
for greenhouse gas (GHG) standards
under the Heavy-Duty Phase 2 GHG and
fuel efficiency program (‘‘Phase 2’’) (81
FR 73478, October 25, 2016). Such
alignment would ensure that the GHG
and fuel reductions achieved under
Phase 2 are maintained and allow the
regulated industry to implement GHG
and NOX technologies into their
products at the same time.5
EPA responded to the petition on
December 20, 2016, noting that an
opportunity exists to develop a new,
harmonized national NOX reduction
strategy for heavy-duty highway
engines.3 EPA emphasized the
importance of scientific and
technological information when
determining the appropriate level and
form of a future low NOX standard and
highlighted the following potential
components of the action:
• Lower NOX emission standards
• Improvements to test procedures and
test cycles to ensure emission
reductions occur in the real world,
not only over the currently applicable
certification test cycles
• Updated certification and in-use
testing protocols
• Longer periods of mandatory
emissions-related component
• Consideration of longer regulatory
useful life, reflecting actual in-use
• Consideration of rebuilding 6
• Incentives to encourage the transition
to current- and next-generation
cleaner technologies as soon as
Since then, EPA has assembled a team
to gather scientific and technical data
needed to inform our proposal. We
intend the CTI to be a holistic
rethinking of emission standards and
compliance. Within this broad goal, we
will be looking to the following highlevel principles to inform our approach
to this rulemaking:
5 The major implementation milestones for the
Heavy-duty Phase 2 engine and vehicle standards
are in model years 2021, 2024, and 2027.
6 As used here, the term ‘‘rebuilding’’ generally
includes practices known commercially as
‘‘remanufacturing’’. Under 40 CFR part 1068,
rebuilding refers to practices that fall short of
producing a ‘‘new’’ engine.
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• Our goal should be to reduce in-use
emissions under a broad range of
operating conditions 7
• We should consider and enable
effective technological solutions
while carefully considering the cost
• Our compliance and enforcement
provisions should be fair and effective
• Our regulations should incentivize
early compliance and innovation
• We should ensure a coordinated 50state program
• We should actively engage with
interested stakeholders
While these principles have been
reflected in previous heavy-duty
rulemakings, we nevertheless believe it
is helpful to reemphasize them here as
a reminder to both the agency and
commenters. We welcome comment on
these principles, as well as other key
principles on which this rule should be
It is important to emphasize that this
discussion represents EPA’s early views
and considerations on possible CTI
elements. We request comment on all
aspects of this advance notice. We plan
to consider what we learn from the
comments as we develop a Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM).
Additional information can be found in
the docket for this rulemaking.
II. Background
A. History of Emission Standards for
Heavy-Duty Engines
EPA began regulating emissions from
heavy-duty vehicles and engines in the
1970s.8 9 EPA created 40 CFR part 86 in
1976 to reorganize emission standards
and certification requirements for lightduty and heavy-duty highway vehicles
and engines. In 1985, EPA adopted new
standards for heavy-duty highway
engines, codifying the standards in 40
7 We address this goal in the context of National
Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
nonattainment in Section II.D.
8 EPA’s regulations address heavy-duty engines
and vehicles separately from light-duty vehicles.
Vehicles with GVWR above 8,500 pounds (Class 2b
and above) are classified as heavy-duty. For criteria
pollutants such as NOX, EPA generally applies the
standards to the engines rather than the entire
vehicles. However, for complete heavy-duty
vehicles below 14,000 pounds GVWR, EPA applies
standards to the whole vehicle rather than the
engine; this is referred to as chassis-certification
and is very similar to certification of light-duty
9 Emission standards for heavy-duty highway
engines were first adopted by the Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare in the 1960s. These
standards and the corresponding certification and
testing procedures were codified at 45 CFR part
1201. In 1972, shortly after EPA was created as a
federal agency, EPA published new standards and
updated procedures while migrating the regulations
to 40 CFR part 85 as part of the effort to consolidate
all the EPA regulations in a single location.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
CFR part 86, subpart A. Since then, EPA
has adopted several rules to set new and
more stringent criteria pollutant
standards for highway heavy-duty
engine and vehicle emission control
programs and to add or revise
certification procedures.10
In the 1990s, EPA adopted
increasingly stringent NOX,
hydrocarbon, and particulate matter
(PM) standards. In 1997 EPA finalized
standards for heavy-duty highway
diesels (62 FR 54693, October 21, 1997),
effective with the 2004 model year,
including a combined non-methane
hydrocarbon (NMHC) and NOX standard
that represented a reduction of NOX
emissions by 50 percent. These NOX
reductions also resulted in significant
reductions in secondary nitrate
particulate matter.
In early 2001, EPA finalized the 2007
Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Rule
(66 FR 5002, January 18, 2001) to
continue addressing NOX and PM
emissions from both diesel and
gasoline-fueled highway heavy-duty
engines. This rule established a
comprehensive national program that
regulated a heavy-duty engine and its
fuel as a single system, with emission
standards taking effect beginning with
model year 2007 and fully phasing in by
model year 2010. These standards
projected the use of high-efficiency
catalytic exhaust emission control
devices. To ensure proper functioning of
these technologies, which could be
damaged by sulfur, EPA also mandated
reducing the level of sulfur in highway
diesel fuel by 97 percent by mid-2006.
These actions resulted in engines that
emit PM and NOX emissions at levels 90
percent and 95 percent below emission
levels from then-current highway heavyduty engines, respectively. The PM
standard for new highway heavy-duty
engines was set at 0.01 grams per brakehorsepower-hour (g/hp-hr) by 2007
model year and the NOX and NMHC
standards of 0.20 g/hp-hr and 0.14 g/hphr, respectively, were set to phase in
between 2007 and 2010. In finalizing
this rule, EPA estimated that the
emission reductions would achieve
significant health and environmental
impacts, and total monetized PM2.5- and
ozone-related benefits of the program
would exceed $70 billion, versus
program costs of $4 billion (1999$).
In 2009, as advanced emissions
control systems were being introduced
10 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ‘‘EPA
Emission Standards for Heavy-Duty Highway
Engines and Vehicles,’’ Available online: https://
epa-emission-standards-heavy-duty-highwayengines-and-vehicles. (last accessed December 4,
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to meet the 2007/2010 standards, EPA
promulgated a final rule to require that
these advanced emissions control
systems be monitored for malfunctions
via an onboard diagnostic (OBD) system
(74 FR 8310, February 24, 2009). The
rule, which has been fully phased in,
required engine manufacturers to install
OBD systems that monitor the
functioning of emission control
components on new engines and alert
the vehicle operator to any detected
need for emission related repair. It also
required that manufacturers make
available to the service and repair
industry information necessary to
perform repair and maintenance service
on OBD systems and other emission
related engine components.
Also in 2009, EPA and Department of
Transportation’s National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
began working on a joint regulatory
program to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions (GHGs) and fuel consumption
from heavy-duty vehicles and engines.11
By utilizing regulatory approaches
recommended by the National Academy
of Sciences, the first phase (‘‘Phase 1’’)
of the GHG and fuel efficiency program
was finalized in 2011 (76 FR 57106,
September 15, 2011).12 The Phase 1
program, spanning implementation from
model years 2014 to 2018, included
separate standards for highway heavyduty vehicles and heavy-duty engines.
The program offered flexibility allowing
manufacturers to attain these standards
through a mix of technologies, and the
use of various emissions credit
averaging and banking programs.
In 2016, EPA and NHTSA finalized
the Heavy-Duty Phase 2 GHG and fuel
efficiency program (81 FR 73478,
October 25, 2016). Phase 2 includes
technology-advancing performancebased standards that will phase in over
the long-term, with initial standards for
most vehicles and engines commencing
in model year 2021, increasing in
stringency in model year 2024, and
culminating in model year 2027
standards. Phase 2 builds on and
11 Greenhouse gas emissions from heavy-duty
engines are primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), but also
include methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).
Because CO2 is formed from the combustion of fuel,
it is directly related to fuel consumption.
References in this notice to increasing or decreasing
CO2 can be taken to be qualitative references to fuel
consumption as well.
12 The National Academies’ Committee to Assess
Fuel Economy Technologies for Medium- and
Heavy-Duty Vehicles; National Research Council;
Transportation Research Board. ‘‘Technologies and
Approaches to Reducing the Fuel Consumption of
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles.’’ 2010.
Available online:
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advances the Phase 1 program and
includes standards based not only on
currently available technologies but also
on technologies under development or
not yet widely deployed. To ensure
adequate time for technology
development, Phase 2 provided up to 10
years lead time to allow for the
development and phase in of these
controls, further encouraging innovation
and providing transitional flexibility.
B. NOX Emissions From Current HeavyDuty Engines
For heavy-duty vehicles, EPA
generally applies non-GHG emission
standards to engines rather than the
entire vehicles. However, most of the
Class 2b and 3 pickup trucks and vans
(vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight
Rating (GVWR) between 8,500 and
14,000 pounds) are certified as complete
heavy-duty vehicles; this is referred to
as chassis-certification and is very
similar to certification of light-duty
vehicles. In fact, these chassis-certified
vehicles are covered by standards in
EPA’s Tier 3 program, which primarily
covers light-duty vehicles (79 FR 23414,
April 28, 2014; 80 FR 0978, February 19,
2015). We do not intend to propose
changes to the standards or test
procedures for chassis-certified heavyduty vehicles. Instead, the CTI will
focus on engine-certified products.
1. Diesel Engines
As outlined in the previous section,
the current heavy-duty engine emission
standards reduced PM and NOX tailpipe
emissions by over 90 percent for
emissions measured using the specified
test procedures, but their impact on inuse emissions during real-world
operation is less clear. The diesel
particulate filters (DPFs) that
manufacturers are using to control PM
emissions have reduced PM emissions
to very low levels during virtually all
types of operation. However, while the
selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
systems used to control NOX emissions
can achieve very low levels during most
operation, there remain operating modes
where the SCR systems are much less
effective.13 14 For example, NOX
emissions can be significantly higher
during engine warm-up, idling, and
certain other types of operation that
result in low load on the engine or
13 Hamady, Fakhri, Duncan, Alan. ‘‘A
Comprehensive Study of Manufacturers In-Use
Testing Data Collected from Heavy-Duty Diesel
Engines Using Portable Emissions Measurement
System (PEMS)’’. 29th CRC Real World Emissions
Workshop, March 10–13, 2019.
14 Sandhu, Gurdas, et al. ‘‘Identifying Areas of
High NOX Operation in Heavy-Duty Vehicles’’. 28th
CRC Real-World Emissions Workshop, March 18–
21, 2018.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
Heavy-duty gasoline engines rely on
three-way catalysts (TWC) to
simultaneously reduce HC, CO, and
NOX. This is the same type of
technology used for passenger cars and
light-duty trucks. Once the TWC has
reached its light-off temperature,15 it
can achieve very low emission levels if
the fuel-air ratio of the engine is
properly controlled and calibrated.
However, the application of TWC
technology to heavy-duty gasoline
engines and vehicles is less optimized
for emissions than for light-duty.
Accordingly, from start-up until the
system reaches its light-off temperature,
emissions are elevated. Technologies
and strategies that accelerate TWC lightoff could reduce start-up emissions from
heavy-duty gasoline engines.
Additionally, the maximum
temperature thresholds that today’s
heavy-duty TWCs are designed to
tolerate could be exceeded by gasoline
engine exhaust temperatures during
high-load stoichiometric operation.
Consequently, heavy-duty
manufacturers often implement
enrichment-based strategies for engine
and catalyst protection at high load.
Enrichment, which is accomplished by
injecting additional fuel and
temporarily shifting to a rich fuel-air
ratio, has long been used in gasoline
engine operation to cool excessive
exhaust gas temperatures to protect vital
engine and exhaust components such as
exhaust valves, manifolds, and catalysts.
However, enrichment also results in
higher emissions, including HC, CO,
and PM. Technologies or strategies that
expand the TWC operating temperature
range could reduce the need for
enrichment and further reduce
emissions from heavy-duty gasoline
C. Existing Heavy-Duty Compliance Cost
Manufacturers have incurred
significant costs over the years to reduce
emissions from heavy-duty engines and
costs will be an important aspect of the
CTI as we consider new standards and
other compliance provisions. This
Section C is an overview of current
types of costs, which is intended to
provide context for later discussions
throughout this ANPR.
The majority of the costs to comply
with emission standards are directly
related to the emission control
technologies used by manufacturers.
Technology costs include both the preproduction costs for activities such as
research and development (R&D) and
the costs to produce and warranty
emission control components. Vehicle
owners and operators may also incur
costs related to compliance with
emission standards if the requirements
impact operating costs. EPA will
evaluate technology and operating costs
as part of the technological feasibility
and cost analysis for new standards in
the NPRM.
The remaining compliance costs for
manufacturers are primarily associated
with testing, reporting and
recordkeeping to demonstrate and
assure compliance. As a part of the CTI,
we intend to evaluate these costs and
identify opportunities to lower them by
streamlining our compliance processes.
(See Section III.F.) These nontechnological costs occur in three broad
1. Pre-certification emission testing.
2. Certification reporting.
3. Post-certification testing, reporting,
and recordkeeping.
The Clean Air Act requires
manufacturers wishing to sell heavyduty engines in the U.S. to obtain
emission Certificates of Conformity each
year. To do so, manufacturers must
submit an application for certification to
EPA for each family of engines.16 As
specified in 40 CFR 86.007–21 and
1036.205, manufacturers must include a
significant amount of information and
emission test results to demonstrate to
EPA that their engines will meet the
applicable emission standards and
related requirements.
Although most compliance costs
occur before and during certification,
manufacturers incur additional costs
after certification. Manufacturers may be
required to test a sample of production
engines during the model year, as well
as vehicles in actual use (see Sections
15 The ‘‘light-off’’ temperature is nominally the
temperature at which a catalyst becomes hot
enough to begin functioning effectively.
16 An engine family is a group of engines with
similar emission characteristics as defined in 40
CFR 86.001–24 and related sections.
transitioning from low to high loads.
Moreover, deterioration of emission
controls in-use, along with tampering
and mal-maintenance, can result in
additional NOX emissions. In addition
to tailpipe emissions, diesel engines
with unsealed crankcases generally emit
a small amount of exhaust-related
emissions when venting blowby gases
from the crankcase. Each of these
sources of higher emissions presents an
opportunity for additional reduction
and we introduce potential solutions in
Section III.A.1.
2. Gasoline Engines
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III.B and III.C). Manufacturers must also
submit end-of-year production reports.
Finally, manufacturers must maintain
compliance records for up to eight
D. The Need for Additional NOX Control
As noted in the Introduction,
emissions of criteria pollutants have
been declining over time due to federal,
state, and local regulations and
voluntary programs.17 However, there
continues to be a need for additional
NOX emission reductions in spite of the
significant technological progress made
to-date.18 NOX is a criteria pollutant, as
well as a precursor to ozone and PM2.5,
and as such NOX emissions contribute
to ambient pollution that adversely
affects human health (including
vulnerable populations and lifestages,
which are relevant to both children’s
health and environmental justice issues)
and the environment. EPA has set
primary and secondary NAAQS for each
of these pollutants designed to protect
public health and welfare. As of
September 30, 2019, more than 128
million people lived in counties
designated nonattainment for the ozone
or PM2.5 NAAQS, and additional people
live in areas with a risk of exceeding
those NAAQS in the future.19
Reductions in NOX emissions will help
areas attain and maintain the ozone and
PM2.5 NAAQS and help prevent future
nonattainment. Reducing NOX
emissions will result in improved health
outcomes attributable to lower ozone
and particulate matter concentrations in
communities across the United States.
Human health impacts of concern are
associated with exposures to NOX,
ozone, and PM2.5.20 21 22 23 Short-term
17 EPA publishes an annual air trends report in
the form of an interactive web application (https://
18 Davidson, K., Zawacki, M. Memorandum to
Docket EPA–HQ–OAR–2019–0055. ‘‘Health and
Environmental Effects of NOX, Ozone and PM’’
October 22, 2019.
19 EPA publishes information on nonattainment
areas on its green book website (https://
This data comes from the Summary Nonattainment
Area Population Exposure Report, current as of
September 30, 2019.
20 U.S. EPA. Integrated Science Assessment (ISA)
For Oxides Of Nitrogen—Health Criteria (Final
Report, 2016). U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R–15/068, 2016.
21 U.S. EPA. Integrated Science Assessment (ISA)
of Ozone and Related Photochemical Oxidants
(Final Report, Feb 2013). U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R–
10/076F, 2013.
22 U.S. EPA. Integrated Science Assessment (ISA)
For Particulate Matter (Final Report, Dec 2009). U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC,
EPA/600/R–08/139F, 2009.
23 There is an ongoing review of the PM NAAQS,
EPA intends to finalize the Integrated Science
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
exposures to NO2 (an oxide of nitrogen)
can aggravate respiratory diseases,
particularly asthma, leading to
respiratory symptoms, hospital
admissions and emergency department
visits. Long-term exposures to NO2 have
been shown to contribute to asthma
development and may also increase
susceptibility to respiratory infections.
Ozone exposure reduces lung function
and causes respiratory symptoms, such
as coughing and shortness of breath.
Ozone exposure also aggravates asthma
and lung diseases such as emphysema,
leading to increased medication use,
hospital admissions, and emergency
department visits. Exposures to PM2.5
can cause harmful effects on the
cardiovascular system, including heart
attacks and strokes. These effects can
result in emergency department visits,
hospitalizations and, in some cases,
premature death. PM exposures are also
linked to harmful respiratory effects,
including asthma attacks. Moreover,
many groups are at greater risk than
healthy people from these pollutants,
including: People with heart or lung
disease, outdoor workers and the
lifestages of older adults and children.
Environmental impacts of concern are
associated with these pollutants and
include light extinction, decreased tree
growth, foliar injury, and acidification
and eutrophication of aquatic and
terrestrial systems.
Heavy-duty vehicles continue to be a
significant source of NOX emissions
now and into the future. While the
mobile source NOX inventory is
projected to decrease over time, recent
emissions modeling indicates that
heavy-duty vehicles will continue to be
one of the largest contributors to mobile
source NOX emissions nationwide in
2028.24 Many state and local agencies
have asked the EPA to further reduce
NOX emissions, specifically from heavyduty engines; the importance of
reducing heavy-duty NOX emissions has
been highlighted in the June 3, 2016
petition (see Section I) that was
submitted to EPA and in other
correspondence from
stakeholders.25 26 27 28 Pollution formed
Assessment in late 2019 (
naaqs/particulate-matter-pm-standards-integratedscience-assessments-current-review). There is an
ongoing review of the ozone NAAQS, EPA intends
to finalize the Integrated Science Assessment in
early 2020 (
24 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ‘‘Air
Emissions Modeling: 2016v1 Platform’’. Available
online at:
25 Ozone Transport Commission. Correspondence
Regarding EPA’s Tampering Policy. August 28,
2019. Available online:
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from NOX emissions can occur and be
transported far from the source of the
emissions themselves, and heavy-duty
trucks can travel regionally and
nationally. Air quality modeling
indicates that heavy-duty diesel NOX
emissions are contributing to substantial
concentrations of ozone and PM2.5
across the U.S. For example, heavy-duty
diesel engine NOX emissions are
important contributors to modeled
ozone and PM2.5 concentrations across
the U.S. in 2025.29 Another recent air
quality modeling analysis indicates that
transport of ozone produced in NOXsensitive environments impacts ozone
concentrations in downwind areas,
often several states away.30 A national
program to reduce NOX emissions from
heavy-duty engines would allow all
states to benefit from the emission
reductions and maximize the benefit for
downwind states.
E. California Heavy-Duty Highway Low
NOX Program Development
In this section, we present a summary
of the current efforts by the state of
California to establish new, lower
emission standards for highway heavyduty engines and vehicles. For the past
several decades, EPA and the California
Air Resources Board (CARB) have
worked together to reduce air pollutants
from highway heavy-duty engines and
vehicles by establishing harmonized
emission standards for new engines and
vehicles. For much of this time period,
EPA has taken the lead in establishing
emission standards through notice and
comment rulemaking, after which CARB
would adopt the same standards and
test procedures. For example, EPA
adopted the current heavy-duty engine
NOX and PM standards in a 2001 final
rule, and CARB subsequently adopted
the same emission standards. EPA and
CARB often cooperate during the
26 National Association of Clean Air Agencies
letter to U.S. EPA, June 21, 2018.
27 South Coast Air Quality Management District.
‘‘South Coast Air Quality Management District’s
Support for Petitions for Further NOX Reductions
from Heavy-Duty Trucks and Locomotives’’ Letter
to U.S. EPA, June 15, 2018.
28 NESCAUM. ‘‘The Northeast’s Need for NO
Reductions.’’ Presented at SAE Government
Industry Meeting, April 2019.
29 Zawacki et al., 2018. Mobile source
contributions to ambient ozone and particulate
matter in 2025. Vol 188, pg 129–141. Available
30 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Air
Quality Modeling Technical Support Document for
the Final Cross State Air Pollution Rule Update.
August 2016. Available online: https://
PO 00000
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implementation of highway heavy-duty
standards. Thus, for many years the
regulated industry has been able to
design a single product line of engines
and vehicles which can be certified to
both EPA and CARB emission standards
(which have been the same) and sold in
all 50 states.
Given the significant ozone and PM
air quality challenges in the state of
California, CARB has taken a number of
steps to establish standards beyond the
current EPA requirements to further
reduce NOX emissions from heavy-duty
vehicles and engines in their state.
CARB’s optional (voluntary) low NOX
program, started in 2013, was created to
encourage heavy-duty engine
manufacturers to introduce technologies
that emit NOX at levels below the
current US 2010 standards. Under this
optional program, manufacturers can
certify their engines to one of three
levels of stringency that are 50, 75, and
90 percent below the existing US 2010
standards, the lowest optional standard
being 0.02 grams NOX per horsepowerhour (g/hp-h), which is a 90 percent
reduction from today’s federal
standards.31 To date, only natural gas
and liquefied petroleum gas engines
have been certified to the optional
In May 2016, CARB published its
Mobile Source Strategy outlining their
approach to reduce in-state emissions
from mobile sources and meet their air
quality targets.32 In November 2016,
CARB held its first Public Workshop on
their plans to update their heavy-duty
engine and vehicle programs.33 CARB’s
2016 Workshop kicked off a technology
demonstration program (the CARB
‘‘Low NOX Demonstration Program’’),
and announced plans to update
emission standards, laboratory-based
and in-use test procedures, emissions
warranty, durability demonstration
requirements, and regulatory useful life
provisions. The initiatives introduced in
their 2016 Workshop have since become
components of CARB’s Heavy-Duty
‘‘Omnibus’’ Low NOX Rulemaking.
CARB’s goal for its Low NOX
Demonstration Program was to
investigate the feasibility of reducing
NOX emissions to levels significantly
below today’s US 2010 standards.
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)
31 California Code of Regulations, Title 13, section
32 California Air Resources Board. ‘‘Mobile
Source Strategy’’. May 2016. Available online:
33 California Air Resources Board. ‘‘Heavy-Duty
Low NOX: Meetings & Workshops’’. Available
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
was contracted to perform the work,
which was split into three ‘‘Stages’’.34 In
Stage 1, SwRI demonstrated an engine
technology package capable of achieving
a 90 percent NOX emissions reduction
on today’s regulatory test cycles.35 In
Stage 1b, SwRI applied an accelerated
aging process to age the Stage 1
aftertreatment components to evaluate
their performance. SwRI developed and
evaluated a new low load-focused
engine test cycle for Stage 2. In Stage 3,
SwRI is evaluating a new engine
platform and different technology
package to ensure emission
performance. EPA has been closely
following CARB’s Low NOX
Demonstration Program as a member of
the Low NOX Advisory Group for the
technology development work. The
CARB Low NOX Advisory Group, which
includes representatives from heavyduty engine and aftertreatment
industries, as well as from federal, state,
and local governmental agencies,
receives updates from SwRI on a biweekly basis.36
CARB has published several updates
related to their Omnibus Rulemaking. In
June 2018, CARB approved their ‘‘Step
1’’ update to California’s emission
control system warranty regulations.37
Starting in model year (MY) 2022, the
existing 100,000-mile warranty for all
diesel engines would lengthen to
110,000 miles for engines certified as
light heavy-duty, 150,000 miles for
medium heavy-duty engines, and
350,000 for heavy heavy-duty engines.
In November 2018, CARB approved
revisions to the onboard diagnostics
(OBD) requirements that include
implementation of real emissions
assessment logging (REAL) for heavyduty engines and other vehicles.38 In
April 2019, CARB published a ‘‘Staff
White Paper’’ to present their staff’s
34 Southwest Research Institute. ‘‘Update on
Heavy-Duty Low NOX Demonstration Programs at
SwRI’’. September 26, 2019. Available online:
35 Southwest Research Institute. ‘‘Evaluating
Technologies and Methods to Lower Nitrogen
Oxide Emissions from Heavy-Duty Vehicles: Final
Report’’. April 2017. Available online: https://
36 California Air Resources Board. ‘‘Evaluating
Technologies and Methods to Lower Nitrogen
Oxide Emissions from Heavy-Duty Vehicles’’. May
10, 2017. Available online:
37 California Air Resources Board. ‘‘HD Warranty
2018’’ June 28, 2018. Available online: https://
38 California Air Resources Board. ‘‘Heavy-Duty
OBD Regulations and Rulemaking’’. Available
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assessment of the technologies they
believed were feasible for medium and
heavy heavy-duty diesel engines in the
2022–2026 timeframe.39
CARB staff are expected to present the
Heavy-Duty NOX Omnibus proposal to
their governing board for final approval
in 2020. It is expected to include
updates to their engine standards,
certification test procedures, and heavyduty in-use testing program that would
take effect in model year 2024, with
additional updates to warranty,
durability, and useful life provisions
and further reductions in standards
beginning in model year 2027.
While we are not requesting comment
on whether CARB should adopt these
updates, we are requesting comment on
the extent to which EPA should adopt
similar provisions, and whether similar
EPA requirements should reflect
different stringency or timing.
Commenters supporting EPA
requirements that differ from the
expected CARB program are encouraged
to address how such differences could
be implemented to maintain a national
program to the extent possible. For
example, how important would it be to
harmonize test procedures, even if we
adopt different standards? Also, how
might standards be aligned if
stringencies are harmonized, but timing
III. Potential Solutions and Program
EPA’s current certification and
compliance programs for heavy-duty
engines began in the 1970s—a period
that predates advanced emission
controls and electronic engine controls.
Although we have made significant
modifications to these programs over
the years, we believe it is an appropriate
time to reconsider their fundamental
structures and refocus them to reflect
twenty-first century technology and
As described previously, the CTI can
be summarized as a holistic approach to
implementing our Clean Air Act
obligations. One of our high-level
principles, discussed in the
Introduction, is to consider and enable
effective solutions and give careful
consideration to the cost impacts.
Within that principle, we have
identified the following key goals: 40
39 California Air Resources Board. ‘‘California Air
Resources Board Staff Current Assessment of the
Technical Feasibility of Lower NOX Standards and
Associated Test Procedures for 2022 and
Subsequent Model Year Medium-Duty and HeavyDuty Diesel Engines’’. April 18, 2019. Available
40 Our identification of these key components to
consider is informed by section 202(a) of the Clean
PO 00000
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• Our program should not undermine
the industry’s plans to meet the CO2
and fuel consumption requirements of
the Heavy-duty Phase 2 program and
should not adversely impact safety
• CTI should leverage ‘‘smart’’
communications and computing
• CTI will provide sufficient lead time
and stability for manufacturers to
meet new requirements
• CTI should streamline and modernize
regulatory requirements
• CTI should support improved vehicle
Commenters are encouraged to address
these goals. We also welcome comments
on other potential goals that should be
considered for the CTI.
Keeping with our goal of providing
appropriate lead time for new standards
and stability of product designs, and
also meeting CAA requirements, we are
considering implementation of new
standards beginning in model year 2027,
which is also the implementation year
for the final set of Heavy-Duty Phase 2
standards. This would provide four to
six full model years of lead time and
would allow manufacturers to
implement a single redesign, aligning
the final step of the Phase 2 standards
with the potential new CTI
As part of our early developmental
work for this rulemaking, EPA has
identified technologies that we
currently believe could be used to
reduce NOX emissions from heavy-duty
engines in the 2027 timeframe. Our
early feasibility assessments for these
technologies are discussed below along
with potential updates to test
procedures and other regulatory
Although our focus in this rulemaking
is primarily on future model years, we
also seek comment on the extent to
which the technologies and solutions
could be used by state, local, or tribal
governments in reducing emissions
from the existing, pre-CTI heavy-duty
fleet. EPA’s Clean Diesel Program,
which includes grants and rebates
funded under the Diesel Emissions
Reduction Act (DERA), is just one
example of a partnership between EPA
and stakeholders that provides
incentives for upgrades and retrofits to
the existing fleet of on-road and
Air Act which directs EPA to establish emission
standards for heavy-duty engines that ‘‘reflect the
greatest degree of emission reduction achievable
through the application of technology which the
Administrator determines will be available’’ and to
consider ‘‘cost, energy, and safety factors associated
with the application of such technology.’’
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
nonroad diesel vehicles and equipment
to lower air pollution.41
A. Emission Control Technologies
This section addresses technologies
that, based on our current
understanding, would be available in
the 2024 to 2030 timeframe to reduce
emissions and ensure robust in-use
compliance.42 Although much of the
discussion focuses on the current state
of the technology, the planned NPRM
analysis necessarily will be based on
our projections of future technology
development and availability in
accordance with the Clean Air Act.
The discussions below primarily
concern the feasibility and effectiveness
of the technologies. We request
comment on each of the technologies
discussed. Commenters are encouraged
to address all aspects of these
technologies including: Costs, emission
reduction effectiveness, impact on fuel
consumption/CO2 emissions, market
acceptance factors, reliability, and the
feasibility of the technology being
available for widespread adoption in the
2027 and later timeframe. We also
welcome comments on other
technologies not discussed here.
Finally, to the extent emission
reductions will be limited by the
manufacturers’ engineering resources,
we encourage commenters to address
how we should prioritize or phase-in
different requirements.
1. Diesel Engine Technologies Under
The following discussion introduces
the technologies and emission reduction
strategies we are considering for the
CTI, including thermal management
technologies that can be used to better
achieve and maintain adequate catalyst
temperatures, and next generation
catalyst configurations and formulations
to improve catalyst performance across
a broader range of engine operating
conditions. Where possible, we note the
technologies and strategies we are
evaluating in our diesel technology
feasibility demonstration program at
EPA’s National Vehicle and Fuels
Emissions Laboratory. A description of
additional technologies we are
following is available in the docket.43
From a regulatory perspective, EPA’s
41 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ‘‘Clean
Diesel and DERA Funding’’ Available online: (accessed
December 12, 2019).
42 Although we are targeting model year 2027 for
new standards, our technology evaluations are
considering a broader timeframe to be more
43 Mikulin, John. ‘‘Opposed-Piston Diesel
Engines’’ Memorandum to Docket EPA–HQ–OAR–
2019–0055. November 20, 2019.
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evaluation of the effectiveness of
technologies includes their emission
reduction potential, as well as their
durability over the engine’s regulatory
useful life and potential impact on CO2
The costs associated with the
technologies in our demonstration
program will also be considered, along
with other relevant factors, in the
overall feasibility analysis presented in
the NPRM. Our assessment of costs is
currently underway and will be an
important component of the NPRM. Our
current understanding of likely
technology costs is based largely on
survey data, catalyst costs published by
the International Council for Clean
Transportation (ICCT),44 and catalyst
volume and other emission component
characteristics that engine
manufacturers have submitted to EPA
and claimed to be CBI. We have
initiated a cost study based on a
technology teardown approach that will
apply the peer-reviewed methodology
previously used for light-duty
vehicles.45 This teardown analysis may
still be underway during the planned
timeline for the NPRM. We welcome
comment including any available data
on the cost, effectiveness, and
limitations of the SCR and other
emission control systems considered.
We also request comment, including
any available data, regarding the
technical feasibility and cost of
commercializing emerging technologies
expected to enter the heavy-duty market
by model year 2027.
Modern diesel engines rely heavily
upon catalytic aftertreatment to meet
emission standards—oxidation catalysts
reduce hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon
monoxide (CO), DPFs reduce PM, and
SCR catalysts reduce NOX. Current
designs typically include the diesel
oxidation catalyst (DOC) function as
part of the broader DPF/SCR system.46
While DPFs remain effective at
controlling PM during all types of
operation,47 SCR systems (including the
DOC function) are effective only when
44 Dallmann, T., Posada, F., Bandivadekar, A.
‘‘Costs of Emission Reduction Technologies for
Diesel Engines Used in Non-Road Vehicles and
Equipment’’ International Council on Clean
Transportation. July 11, 2018. Available online:
45 Kolwich, G., Steier, A., Kopinski, D., Nelson, B.
et al., ‘‘Teardown-Based Cost Assessment for Use in
Setting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards,’’ SAE
Int. J. Passeng. Cars—Mech. Syst. 5(2):1059–1072,
46 McDonald, Joseph. ‘‘Diesel Exhaust Emission
Control Systems,’’ Memorandum to Docket EPA–
HQ–OAR–2019–0055. November 13, 2019.
47 PM emissions can increase briefly during active
regeneration of the DPF; however, such events are
PO 00000
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the exhaust temperature is sufficiently
high. All three types of aftertreatment
have the potential to lose effectiveness
if the catalysts degrade. Potential
technological solutions to these issues
are discussed below, with a focus on the
SCR system.
SCR works by injecting into the
exhaust a urea-water solution, which
decomposes to form gaseous ammonia
(NH3). NH3 is a strong reducing agent
that reacts to convert NOX to N2 and
H2O over a range of catalytic materials.
The DOC, located upstream of the SCR,
uses a platinum (Pt) and palladium (Pd)
catalyst to oxidize a portion of the
exhaust NO to NO2.48 This oxidation
facilitates the ‘‘fast’’ SCR reaction
pathway that improves the SCR’s NOX
reduction kinetics when exhaust
temperatures are below 250 °C and is
highly-efficient above 250 °C. An
ammonia slip catalyst (ASC) is typically
used immediately downstream of the
SCR to prevent emissions of unreacted
NH3 into the environment.
Compression-ignition engine exhaust
temperatures are low during cold starts,
sustained idle, or low vehicle speed and
light load. This impacts emissions
because urea decomposition to NH3 and
subsequent NOX reduction over the SCR
catalyst significantly decreases at
exhaust temperatures of less than 190
°C. Thus, technologies that accelerate
warm-up from a cold start, and maintain
catalyst temperature above 200 °C can
help achieve further NOX reduction
from SCR systems under those
conditions. Technologies that improve
urea decomposition to NH3 at
temperatures below 200 °C can also be
used to reduce NOX emissions under
cold start, light load, and low speed
conditions. Additional discussion of is
available in the docket.49
i. Advanced Catalyst Formulations
Catalysts continue to evolve as engine
manufacturers demand formulations
that are optimized for their specific
performance requirements.
Improvements to DOC and DPF
washcoat 50 materials that increase
active surface area and stabilize active
materials have allowed a reduction in
content of platinum group metals and a
reduction in DOC size between MY2010
and MY2019. Increased usage of silicon
carbide as DPF substrate material has
48 The DOC also synergistically converts
additional NO to NO2, promoting low-temperature
soot oxidation over the DPF.
49 McDonald, Joseph. ‘‘Diesel Exhaust Emission
Control Systems,’’ Memorandum to Docket EPA–
HQ–OAR–2019–0055. November 13, 2019.
50 The wash-coat is a high surface area catalytic
coating that is applied to a noncatalytic substrate.
The wash-coat includes the active catalytic sites.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
allowed the use of smaller DPF
substrates that reduce exhaust
backpressure and improve system
packaging onto the vehicle.
Copper (Cu) exchanged zeolites have
demonstrated hydrothermal stability,
good low temperature performance, and
represent a large fraction of the
transition-metal zeolite SCR catalysts
used in heavy-duty applications since
2010.51 Improvements to both the
coating processes and the substrates
onto which the zeolites are coated have
improved the low-temperature and
high-temperature NOX conversion,
improved selectivity of NOX reduction
to N2 (i.e., reduced selectivity to N2O),
and improved the hydrothermal
stability. Improvements in SCR catalyst
coatings over the past decade have
included: 52 53 54 55 56
• Optimization of Silicon/Aluminum
(Al) and Cu/Al ratios
• Increased Cu content and Cu surface
• Optimization of the relative
positioning of Cu2+ ions within the
zeolite structure
• The introduction of specific cocations
• Co-exchanging of more than one type
of metal ion into the zeolite structure
In the absence of more stringent NOX
standards, these improvements have
been realized primarily as reductions in
SCR system volume, reductions in
system cost, and improvements in
durability since the initial introduction
of metal-exchanged zeolite SCR in
MY2010. We request comment on the
extent to which advanced catalyst
formulations can be used to lower
emissions further, and whether they
would have any potential impact on
CO2 emissions.
ii. Passive Thermal Management
Passive thermal management involves
modifying components to increase and
51 Lambert, C.K. ‘‘Perspective on SCR NO
control for diesel vehicles.’’ Reaction Chemistry &
Engineering, 2019, 4, 969.
52 Fan, C., et al. (2018). ‘‘The influence of Si/Al
ratio on the catalytic property and hydrothermal
stability of Cu-SSZ-13 catalysts for NH3-SCR.’’
Applied Catalysis A: General 550: 256–265.
53 Fedyko, J. M. and H.-Y. Chen (2015). Zeolite
Catalyst Containing Metals. U. S. Patent No.
US20150078989A1, Johnson Matthey Public
Limited Company, London.
54 Cui, Y., et al. (2020). ‘‘Influences of Na+ cocation on the structure and performance of Cu/SSZ13 selective catalytic reduction catalysts.’’ Catalysis
Today 339: 233–240.
55 Fedyko, J. M. and H.-Y. Chen (2019). Zeolite
Catalyst Coating Containing Metals. U.S. Patent No.
US 20190224657A1, Johnson Matthey Public
Limited Company, London, UK.
56 Wang, A., et al. (2019). ‘‘NH3-SCR on Cu, Fe
and Cu+ Fe exchanged beta and SSZ-13 catalysts:
Hydrothermal aging and propylene poisoning
effects.’’ Catalysis Today 320: 91–99.
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maintain the exhaust gas temperatures
without active management. It is done
primarily through insulation of the
exhaust system and/or reducing its
thermal mass (so it requires less exhaust
energy to reach the light-off
temperature).57 Passive thermal
management strategies generally have
little to no impact on CO2 emissions.
The use of passive exhaust thermal
management strategies in light-duty
gasoline applications has led to
significant improvements in emission
performance. Some of these
improvements could be applied to SCR
systems used in heavy-duty applications
as well.
Reducing the mass of the exhaust
system and insulating between the
turbocharger outlet and the inlet of the
SCR system would reduce the amount of
thermal energy lost through the walls.
Moving the SCR catalyst nearer to the
turbocharger outlet effectively reduces
the available mass prior to the SCR
inlet, minimizing heat loss and reducing
the amount of energy needed to warm
components up to normal operating
temperatures. Using a smaller sized
initial SCR with a lower density
substrate reduces its mass and reduces
catalyst warmup time. Dual-walled
manifolds and exhaust pipes utilizing a
thin inner wall and an air gap separating
the inner and outer wall may be used to
insulate the exhaust system and reduce
the thermal mass, minimizing heat lost
to the walls and decreasing the time
necessary to reach operational
temperatures after a cold start.
Mechanical insulation applied to the
exterior of exhaust components,
including exhaust catalysts, is readily
available and can minimize heat loss to
the environment and help retain heat
within the catalyst as operation
transitions to lighter loads and lower
exhaust temperatures. Integrating the
DOC, DPF, and SCR substrates into a
single exhaust assembly can also assist
with retaining heat energy.
EPA is evaluating several passive
thermal management strategies in the
diesel technology feasibility
demonstration program, including a
light-off SCR located closer to the
exhaust turbine (see Section III.A.1.v),
use of an air-gap exhaust manifold and
downpipe, and use of an insulated and
integrated single-box system for the
DOC, DPF, and downstream SCR/ASC.
We will evaluate their combined ability
to reduce the time to reach light-off
temperature and achieve higher exhaust
57 Hamedi, M., Tsolakis, A., and Herreros, J.,
‘‘Thermal Performance of Diesel Aftertreatment:
Material and Insulation CFD Analysis,’’ SAE
Technical Paper 2014–01–2818, 2014, doi:10.4271/
PO 00000
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temperatures that should contribute to
NOX reductions during low-load
operation. We welcome comment on the
current adoption of passive thermal
management strategies, including any
available data on the cost, effectiveness,
and limitations.
iii. Active Thermal Management
Active thermal management involves
using the engine and associated
hardware to maintain and/or increase
exhaust temperatures. This can be
accomplished through a variety of
means, including engine throttling,
heated aftertreatment systems, and flow
bypass systems. Combustion phasing
can also be used for thermal
management and is discussed in the
following section.
Diesel engines operate at very low
fuel-air ratios (i.e., with considerable
excess air) at light-load conditions. This
causes relatively cool exhaust to flow
through the exhaust system at low
loads, which cools the catalyst
substrates. This is particularly true at
idle. It is also significant at moderate-tohigh engine speeds with little or no
engine power, such as when a vehicle
is coasting down a hill. Air flow through
the engine can be reduced by induction
and/or exhaust throttling. All heavyduty diesel engines are equipped with
an electronic throttle control (ETC)
within the induction system and most
are equipped with a variable-geometryturbine (VGT) turbocharger, and these
systems can be used to throttle the
induction and exhaust system,
respectively, at light-load conditions.
However, throttling reduces volumetric
efficiency, and thus has a trade-off
relative to CO2 emissions.
Heat can be added to the exhaust and
aftertreatment systems by burning fuel
in the exhaust system or by using
electrical heating (both of which can
increase the SCR efficiency). Burner
systems use an additional diesel fuel
injector in the exhaust to combust fuel
and create additional heat energy in the
exhaust system. Electrically heated
catalysts use electric current applied to
a metal foil monolithic structure in the
exhaust to add heat to the exhaust
system. In addition, heated higherpressure urea dosing systems improve
the decomposition of urea at low
exhaust temperatures and thus allow
urea injection to occur at lower exhaust
temperature (i.e., at less than 180 °C). At
light-load conditions with relatively
high flow/low temperature exhaust,
considerable fuel energy or electric
energy would be needed for these
systems. This would likely cause a
considerable increase in CO2 emissions
with conventional designs.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
much simpler valve deactivation
hardware commonly used in exhaust
braking technology. The relatively
simple fixed CDA system would be
lower cost and we expect it would apply
to a smaller range of operation with less
potential for CO2 benefits.
We believe that LIVC may provide
emission reductions similar to fixed
CDA with the added benefits of no NVH
concerns and that a production-level
system could be cost-competitive to
CDA. Thus, we will continue to evaluate
it as a potential technological alternative
to CDA.61 We welcome comment on
CDA and LIVC strategies for NOX
reduction, including any available data
on the cost, effectiveness, and
technology limitations.
Both gasoline and diesel engines
control the flow of air and exhaust into
and out of the engine by opening and
closing camshaft-actuated intake and
exhaust valves at specific times during
the combustion cycle. VVA includes a
family of valvetrain designs that alter
the timing and/or lift of the intake valve,
exhaust valve. These adjustments can
reduce pumping losses, increase
specific power, and control the level of
residual gases in the cylinder. They can
also reduce NOX emissions as discussed
VVA has been adopted in light-duty
vehicles to increase an engine’s
efficiency and specific power. It has also
been used as a thermal management
technology to open exhaust valves early
to increase heat rejection to the exhaust
and heat up exhaust catalysts more
quickly. The same early exhaust valve
opening (EEVO) has been applied to the
Detroit DD8 58 to aid in DPF
regeneration, but a challenge with this
strategy for maintaining aftertreatment
temperature is that it reduces cycle
thermal efficiency, and thus can
contribute to increased CO2 emissions.
During low-load operation of diesel
engines, exhaust temperatures can drop
below the targeted catalyst temperatures
and the exhaust flow can thus cause
catalyst cooling. Cylinder deactivation
(CDA), late intake valve closing (LIVC),
and early intake valve closing (EIVC) are
three VVA strategies that can also be
used to reduce airflow through the
exhaust system at light-load conditions,
and have been shown to reduce the CO2
emissions trade-off compared to use of
the ETC and/or VGT for throttling.59 60
Since we are particularly concerned
with catalyst performance at low loads,
EPA is evaluating two valvetraintargeted thermal management strategies
that reduce airflow at light-load
conditions (i.e., less than 3–4 bar
BMEP): CDA and LIVC. Both strategies
force engines to operate at a higher fuelair ratio in the active cylinders, which
increases exhaust temperatures, with
the benefit of little or no CO2 emission
increase and with potential for CO2
emission decreases under some
operating conditions. The key difference
between these two strategies is that CDA
completely removes airflow from a few
cylinders with the potential for exhaust
temperature increases of up to 60 °C at
light loads, while LIVC reduces airflow
from all cylinders with up to 40 °C
hotter exhaust temperatures.
We recognize that one of the
challenges of CDA is that it requires
proper integration with the rest of the
vehicle’s driveline. This can be difficult
in the vocational vehicle segment where
the engine is often sold by the engine
manufacturer (to a chassis manufacturer
or body builder) without knowing the
type of transmission or axle used in the
vehicle or the precise duty cycle of the
vehicle. The use of CDA requires fine
tuning of the calibration as the engine
moves into and out of deactivation
mode to achieve acceptable noise,
vibration, and harshness (NVH).
Additionally, CDA could be difficult to
apply to vehicles with a manual
transmission because it requires careful
gear change control.
We are in the process of evaluating
CDA as part of our feasibility
demonstration. In addition to laboratory
demonstrations of CDA’s emission
reduction potential, we are evaluating
the cost to develop, integrate, and
calibrate the hardware. We plan to
evaluate both dynamic CDA with
individual cylinder control that requires
fully-variable valve actuation hardware,
and fixed CDA that can be achieved by
58 Detroit. ‘‘DETROIT DD8’’ Available online:
59 Ding, C., Roberts, L., Fain, D., Ramesh, A.K.,
Shaver, G.M., McCarthy, J., et al. (2015). ‘‘Fuel
efficient exhaust thermal management for
compression ignition engines via cylinder
deactivation and flexible valve actuation.’’ Int. J
.Eng. Res. doi:10.1177/1468087415597413.
60 Neely, G.D., Sharp, C.A., Pieczko, M.S.,
McCarthy, J.E. (2019). ‘‘Simultaneous NOX and CO2
Reduction for Meeting Future CARB Standards
Using a Heavy Duty Diesel CDA NVH Strategy.’’
SAE International Journal of Engines, Paper No.
61 McDonald, Joseph. ‘‘Engine Modeling of LIVC
for Heavy-duty Diesel Exhaust Thermal
Management at Light-load Conditions’’
Memorandum to Docket EPA–HQ–OAR–2019–
0055. November 21, 2019.
Exhaust flow bypass systems can be
used to manage the cooling of exhaust
during cold start and low load operating
conditions. For example, significant
heat loss occurs as the exhaust gases
flow through the turbocharger turbine.
Turbine bypass valves allow exhaust gas
to bypass the turbine and avoid this heat
loss at low loads when turbocharging
requirements are low. In addition, an
EGR flow bypass valve would allow
exhaust gases to bypass the EGR cooler
when it is not required.
We welcome comment on active
thermal management strategies,
including any available data on the cost,
effectiveness, and limitations, as well as
information about its projected use for
the 2024 to 2030 timeframe.
iv. Variable Valve Actuation (VVA)
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v. Dual-SCR Catalyst System
Another NOX reduction strategy we
are evaluating is an alternative
aftertreatment configuration known as a
light-off or dual SCR system, which is
a variation of passive thermal
management. This system maintains a
layout similar to the conventional SCR
configuration discussed earlier, but
integrates an additional small-volume
SCR catalyst, close-coupled to the
turbocharger’s exhaust turbine outlet
(Figure 1). This small SCR catalyst
could be configured with or without an
upstream DOC.
The benefits of this design result from
its ability to warm up faster as a result
of being closer to the engine. Such
upstream SCR catalysts are also
designed to have smaller substrates with
lower density, both of which reduce the
thermal inertia and allow them to warm
up even faster. The upstream system
would reach a temperature where urea
injection could very soon after engine
startup, followed quickly by catalyst
light-off. These designs also require less
input of heat energy into the exhaust to
maintain exhaust temperatures during
light-load operation. The urea injection
to the close-coupled, light-off SCR can
also be terminated once the second,
downstream SCR reaches operational
temperature, thus allowing additional
NOX to reach the DOC and DPF to
promote passive regeneration (soot
oxidation) on the DPF.
EPA is evaluating this dual-SCR
catalyst system technology as part of our
diesel technology feasibility
demonstration program. One concern
that has been raised about this
technology is the durability challenge
associated with placing an SCR catalyst
upstream of the DPF. To address this
concern, a dual-SCR system is currently
being aged at SwRI to an equivalent of
850,000 miles to better understand the
impacts of catalyst degradation at much
longer in-use operation than captured
by today’s regulatory useful life. We are
utilizing an accelerated aging process 62
to thermally and chemically age the
catalyst and will test catalyst
performance at established checkpoints
to measure the emission reduction
performance as a function of miles. We
plan to test this dual-SCR system
individually as well as in combination
with the thermal management strategies
described in this section.
One of the design constraints that will
be explored with EPA’s evaluation of
advanced SCR technology is nitrous
62 See
Section III.F.4 for a description of the
accelerated aging process used.
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oxide (N2O) emissions. N2O emissions
are affected by the temperature of the
SCR catalyst, SCR catalyst formulation,
diesel exhaust fluid dosing rates and the
makeup of NO and NO2 upstream of the
SCR catalyst. Limiting N2O emissions is
important because N2O is a greenhouse
gas and because highway heavy-duty
engines are subject to the 0.10 g/hp-hr
standard set in HD GHG Phase 1 rule.
vi. Aftertreatment Durability
The aging mechanisms of diesel
exhaust aftertreatment systems are
complex and include both chemical and
hydrothermal changes. Aging
mechanisms on a single component can
also cascade into impacts on multiple
catalysts and catalytic reactions within
the system. Some aging impacts are
fully reversible (i.e., the degradation can
be undone under certain conditions).
Other aging impacts are only partially
reversible, irreversible, or can only be
reversed with some form of intervention
(e.g., changes to engine calibration to
alter exhaust temperature and/or
composition). A docket memo entitled
‘‘Diesel Exhaust Emission Control
Systems’’ provides a more detailed
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summary of hydrothermal and chemical
aging of diesel exhaust catalysts.63
Our holistic approach in CTI includes
a reevaluation of current useful life
values (see Section III.D), which could
necessitate further improvements to
prevent the loss of aftertreatment
function at higher mileages. These
potential improvements fall into the
following categories:
• Designing excess capacity into the
catalyst (e.g., increased catalyst volume,
increased catalyst cell density,
increased surface area for active
materials in washcoating) so physical or
chemical degradation of the catalyst
does not reduce its performance.
• Continued improvements to catalyst
materials (such as the washcoat and
substrate) to make them more durable
(see more detailed discussion in section
Æ Use of additives and other
improvements specifically to prevent
thermal or chemical breakdown of the
zeolite structure within SCR coatings.
63 McDonald, Joseph. ‘‘Diesel Exhaust Emission
Control Systems’’ Memorandum to Docket EPA–
HQ–OAR–2019–0055. November 13, 2019.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
Æ Use of washcoat additives and
other improvements to increase PGM
dispersion, reduce PGM particle size,
reduce PGM mobility and reduce
agglomeration within the DOC and DPF
• Direct fuel dosing downstream of
the light-off SCR during active DPF
regeneration to reduce exposure of the
light-off SCR to fuel compounds and
• Improvements to catalyst housings
and substrate matting material to
minimize vibration and prevent leaks of
exhaust gas.
• Adjusting engine calibration and
emissions control system design to
minimize operation that would damage
the catalyst (e.g., improved control of
DPF active regeneration, increased
passive DPF regeneration, fuel dosing
downstream of initial light-off SCR).
• Use of specific engine calibration
strategies to remove sulfur compounds
from the SCR system.
• Use of exhaust system designs that
facilitate periodic DPF ash maintenance.
• Diagnosis and prevention of
upstream engine malfunctions that can
potentially damage exhaust
aftertreatment components.
Increased SCR catalyst capacity with
incrementally improved zeolite coatings
would be the primary strategies for
improving NOX control for a longer
useful life. SCR capacity can be
increased by approximately one-third
through the use of a light-off SCR
substrate combined with a downstream
substrate with a volume roughly
equivalent to the average volume of
today’s systems and with moderately
increased catalytic activity due to
continued incremental improvements to
chabazite and other zeolite coatings
used for SCR. Total SCR volume would
thus increase by approximately onethird relative to today’s systems. SCR
capacity can also be increased in the
downstream SCR system through the
use of thin-wall (4 to 4.5 mil), high cell
density (600 cells-per-square-inch)
Chemical aging of the DOC, DPF, and
SCR can be reduced by the presence of
an upstream light-off SCR. Transport
and adsorption of S, P, Ca, Zn, Mg, Na,
and K compounds and other catalyst
poisons are more severe for the initial
catalyst within an emissions control
system and tend to reduce in severity
for catalysts positioned further
downstream. Further evolutionary
improvements to the DOC washcoating
materials to increase PGM dispersion
and reduce PGM mobility and
agglomeration would be anticipated for
meeting increased useful life
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The primary strategy for maintaining
DPF function to a longer useful life
would be through design of integrated
systems that facilitate easier removal of
the DPF for ash cleaning at regular
maintenance intervals. Accommodation
of DPF removal for ash maintenance is
already incorporated into existing diesel
exhaust system designs.64
Improvements to catalyst housings and
substrate matting material could be
expected for all catalyst substrates
within the system. Integration into a
box-muffler type system could also be
expected within the 2027 timeframe for
all catalyst components (except for the
initial close-coupled SCR) in order to
improve passive thermal management.
vii. Closed Crankcases
During combustion, gases can leak
past the piston rings sealing the cylinder
and into the crankcase. These gases are
called blowby gases and generally
include unburned fuel and other
combustion products. Blowby gases that
escape from the crankcase are
considered crankcase emissions.65
Current regulations restrict the
discharge of crankcase emissions
directly into the ambient air, and
blowby gases from gasoline engine
crankcases have been controlled for
many years by sealing the crankcase and
routing the gases into the intake air
through a positive crankcase ventilation
(PCV) valve. However, there have been
concerns about applying a similar
technology for diesel engines. For
example, high PM emissions venting
into the intake system could foul
turbocharger compressors. As a result of
this concern, diesel-fueled and other
compression-ignition engines equipped
with turbochargers (or other equipment)
were not required to have sealed
crankcases.66 For these engines,
manufacturers are allowed to vent the
crankcase emissions to ambient air as
long as they are measured and added to
the exhaust emissions during all
emission testing.
Because all new highway heavy-duty
diesel engines on the market today are
equipped with turbochargers, they are
not required to have closed crankcases
under the current regulations.
Manufacturer compliance data indicate
a portion of current highway heavy-duty
diesel engines have closed crankcases,
which suggests that some heavy-duty
engine manufacturers have developed
systems for controlling crankcase
emissions that do not negatively impact
the turbocharger. EPA is considering
64 Eberspacher.
‘‘1BOX Product Literature.’’
CFR 86.402–78.
66 40 CFR 86.007–11(c).
65 40
PO 00000
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provisions to require a closed crankcase
ventilation system for all highway
compression-ignition engines to prevent
crankcase emissions from being emitted
directly to the atmosphere. These
emissions could be routed upstream of
the aftertreatment system or back into
the intake system. Our reasons for
considering this requirement are
While the exception in the current
regulations for certain compressionignition engines requires manufacturers
to quantify their engines’ crankcase
emissions during certification, they
report non-methane hydrocarbons in
lieu of total hydrocarbons. As a result,
methane emissions from the crankcase
are not quantified. Methane emissions
from diesel-fueled engines are generally
low; however, they are a concern for
compression-ignition-certified natural
gas-fueled heavy-duty engines because
the blowby gases from these engines
have a higher potential to include
methane emissions. EPA proposed to
require that all natural gas-fueled
engines have closed crankcases in the
Heavy-Duty Phase 2 GHG rulemaking,
but opted to wait to finalize any updates
to regulations in a future rulemaking (81
FR at 73571, October 25, 2016).
In addition to our concern of
unquantified methane emissions, we
believe another benefit to closed
crankcases would be better in-use
durability. We know that the
performance of piston seals reduces as
the engine ages, which would allow
more blowby gases and could increase
crankcase emissions. While crankcase
emissions are included in the durability
tests that estimate an engine’s
deterioration, those tests were not
designed to capture the deterioration of
the crankcase. These unquantified age
impacts continue throughout the
operational life of the engine. Closing
crankcases could be a means to ensure
those emissions are addressed long-term
to the same extent as other exhaust
EPA is conducting emissions testing
of open crankcase systems and will be
developing the technology costs
associated with a closed crankcase
ventilation system. We request
comment, including any available data,
on the appropriateness and costs of
requiring closed crankcases for all
heavy-duty compression-ignited
viii. Fuel Quality
EPA has long recognized the
importance of fuel quality on motor
vehicle emissions and has regulated fuel
quality to enable compliance with
emission standards. In 1993 EPA
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
limited diesel sulfur content to a
maximum of 500 ppm and put into
place a minimum cetane index of 40.
Starting in 2006 with the establishment
of more stringent heavy-duty highway
PM, NOX, and HC emission standards,
EPA phased-in a 15-ppm maximum
diesel fuel sulfur standard to enable
heavy-duty diesel truck compliance
with the more stringent emission
Recently an engine manufacturer
raised concerns to EPA regarding the
metal content of highway diesel fuel.67
The engine manufacturer observed
higher than normal concentrations of
alkali and alkaline earth metals (i.e., Na,
K, Ca, and Mg) in its highway diesel fuel
samples. These metals can lead to
fouling of the aftertreatment control
systems and an associated increase in
emissions. The engine manufacturer
claims that biodiesel is the source of the
high metal content in diesel fuel, and
that higher biodiesel blends, such as
B20, are the principal problem. The
engine manufacturer states that the
engine’s warranty will be voided if
biodiesel blends greater than 5 percent
(B5) are used.
Over the last decade, biodiesel
content in diesel fuel has increased
under the Renewable Fuels Standard. In
2010, less than 400 million gallons of
biodiesel were consumed, whereas in
2018, over 2 billion gallons of biodiesel
were being blended into diesel fuel.
While the average biodiesel content in
diesel fuel was around 3.5 percent in
2018, biodiesel is being blended on per
batch basis into highway diesel fuel at
levels ranging from 0 to 20 volume
EPA compared data collected by the
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL) on the metal content of biodiesel
to that provided by the engine
manufacturer. The NREL data showed
fewer samples exceeding the maximum
metals concentration limits contained in
ASTM D6751–18, although in both
cases the small sample sizes could be
biasing the results.68 Numerous studies
have collected and analyzed emission
data from diesel engines operated on
biodiesel blended diesel with controlled
amounts of metal content.69 Some of
these studies show an impact on
emissions, while others do not.
EPA has also heard concerns from
some stakeholders that water in
67 Recker, Alissa, ‘‘Fuel Quality Impacts on
Aftertreatment and Engine;’’ Daimler Trucks, July
29, 2019.
68 Wyborny, Lester. ‘‘References Regarding Metals
in Diesel and Biodiesel Fuels.’’ Memorandum to
Docket EPA–HQ–OAR–2019–0055. November 11,
69 Id.
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highway diesel fuel meeting the ASTM
D975 water and sediment limit of 0.05
volume percent can cause premature
failure of fuel injectors due to corrosion
from the presence of dissolved alkali
and alkaline earth metals.
EPA requests comment on concerns
regarding metal and water
contamination in highway diesel fuel
and on the potential role of biodiesel in
this contamination. EPA seeks data on
the levels of these contaminants in
fuels, including the prevalence of
contamination, and on the associated
degradation and failure of engines and
aftertreatment function.
2. Gasoline Engine Technologies Under
Automobile manufacturers have made
progress reducing NOX, CO and HC
from gasoline-fueled passenger cars and
light-duty trucks. Similar to the DOC
and SCR catalysts described previously,
three-way catalysts perform at a very
high level once operating temperature is
achieved. There is a short window of
operation following a cold start when
the exhaust temperature is low and the
three-way catalyst has not reached lightoff, resulting in a temporary spike in
CO, HC, and NOX. A similar reduction
in catalyst efficiency can occur due to
sustained idle or creep-crawl operation
that vehicles may experience in dense
traffic if the catalyst configuration does
not maintain temperatures above the
light-off temperature. Gasoline engines
generally operate near stoichiometric
fuel-air ratios, creating optimal
conditions for a three-way catalyst to
simultaneously convert CO, NO, and HC
to CO2, N2, and H2O. However, as
introduced in Section II.B.2, heavy-duty
engine manufacturers often implement
enrichment-based strategies for engine
and catalyst protection at high load,
which reduces the effectiveness of the
three-way catalyst and increases
emissions. The following section
describes technologies we believe can
address these emissions increases.
i. Technologies To Reduce Exhaust
As mentioned in Section II.B.2, most
chassis-certified heavy-duty vehicles are
subject to EPA’s light-duty Tier 3
program and these vehicles have
adopted many of the emissions
technologies from their light-duty
counterparts (79 FR 23414, April 28,
2014). To meet these Tier 3 emission
standards, manufacturers have reduced
the time for the catalyst to reach
operational temperature by
implementing cold-start strategies to
reduce light-off time and moved the
catalyst closer to the exhaust valve.
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Manufacturers have not widely adopted
the same strategies for their enginecertified products. In particular, we
believe there are opportunities to reduce
cold-start and low-load emissions from
engine-certified heavy-duty gasoline
engines by adopting the following
strategies to accelerate light-off and keep
the catalyst warm:
• Close-couple the catalyst to the
• Improved catalyst material and
• Improved exhaust system insulation
Additionally, we believe material
improvements to the catalyst,
manifolds, and exhaust valves could
increase their ability to withstand
higher exhaust temperatures and would
therefore reduce the need for
enrichment-based protection modes that
result in elevated emissions under highload operation. Catalyst technology
continues to advance to meet engine
manufacturers’ demand for earlier and
sustained light-off for low-load emission
control, as well as increased maximum
temperature thresholds allowing
catalysts to withstand close-coupling
and elevated exhaust temperatures
during high load.
Similar to EPA’s diesel engine
demonstration project, we are testing
heavy-duty gasoline engines and
technologies that are available today on
a range of Class 3 to 7 vehicles. The
three engines in this test program
represent a majority of the heavy-duty
gasoline market and include both
engine- and chassis-certified
configurations. Emissions performance
of engine- and chassis-certified
configurations are being evaluated using
chassis-dynamometer and real-world
portable emissions measurement system
(PEMS) testing. Early testing showed
significant differences in emissions
performance between engine-certified
and chassis-certified configurations
(primarily as a result of differences in
catalyst location).70
Moving the catalyst into a closecoupled configuration is one approach
adopted for chassis-certified gasoline
engines to warm-up and activate the
catalyst during cold-start and light load
operation. Close-coupled locations may
increase the catalysts’ exposure to high
exhaust temperatures, especially for
heavy-duty applications that operate
frequently in high-load operation.
However, this can be overcome by
adopting improved catalyst materials or
identifying an optimized, closercoupled catalyst location that enhances
70 Mitchell, George, ‘‘EPA’s Medium Heavy-Duty
Gasoline Vehicle Emissions Investigation’’.
February 2019.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
warm-up without extended time at high
temperatures. We welcome comment on
other performance characteristics of
engine and aftertreatment technologies
from chassis-certified vehicles when
applied to engine-certified products,
specifically placing the catalyst in a
location more consistent with chassiscertified applications.
We also welcome comment on heavyduty gasoline engine technology costs.
We plan to develop our technology cost
estimates for the NPRM based on
information from light-duty and chassiscertified heavy-duty pick-up trucks and
vans that are regulated under EPA’s Tier
3 program.71
Finally, we believe there may be
opportunity for further reductions in
PM from heavy-duty gasoline engines.
Gasoline PM forms under high-load,
rich fuel-air operation and is more
prevalent as engines age and parts wear.
Strategies to reduce or eliminate fuel-air
enrichment under high-load operation
would reduce PM formation. In
addition, gasoline particulate filters
(GPF), which serve the same function as
DPFs on diesel engines, may be an
effective means of PM reduction for
heavy-duty gasoline engines as well.72
We request comment on the need for
more stringent PM standards for heavyduty gasoline engines.
ii. Technologies To Address Evaporative
As exhaust emissions from gasoline
engines continue to decrease,
evaporative emissions become an
increasingly significant contribution to
overall HC emissions from gasolinefueled vehicles. To evaluate the
evaporative emission performance of
current production heavy-duty gasoline
vehicles, EPA tested two heavy-duty
vehicles over running loss, hot soak,
three-day diurnal, on-board refueling
vapor recovery (ORVR) and static test
procedures. These engine-certified
‘‘incomplete’’ vehicles meet the current
heavy-duty evaporative running loss,
hot soak, three-day diurnal emission
requirements. However, as they are
certified as incomplete vehicles, they
are not required to control refueling
71 EPA. ‘‘Control of Air Pollution from Motor
Vehicles: Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel
Standards Final Rule Regulatory Impact Analysis’’
EPA–420–R–14–005, February 2014, available
online at:
72 Jiacheng Yang, Patrick Roth, Thomas D.
Durbin, Kent C. Johnson, David R. Cocker, III, Akua
Asa-Awuku, Rasto Brezny, Michael Geller, and
Georgios Karavalakis (2018) ‘‘Gasoline Particulate
Filters as an Effective Tool to Reduce Particulate
and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emissions
from Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Vehicles: A
Case Study with Two GDI Vehicles’’ Environmental
Science & Technology doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b05641.
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emissions and do not have ORVR
systems. Results from the refueling
testing confirm that these vehicles have
much higher refueling emissions than
gasoline vehicles with ORVR
controls.73 74
EPA is evaluating the opportunity to
extend the usage of the refueling
evaporative emission control
technologies already implemented in
complete heavy-duty gasoline vehicles
to the engine-certified incomplete
gasoline vehicles in the over-14,000 lb.
GVWR category. The primary
technology we are considering is the
addition of ORVR, which was first
introduced to the chassis-certified lightduty and heavy-duty applications
beginning in MY 2000 (65 FR 6698,
February 10, 2000). An ORVR system
includes a carbon canister, which is an
effective technology designed to capture
HC emissions during refueling events
when liquid gasoline displaces HC
vapors present in the vehicle’s fuel tank
as the tank is filled. Instead of releasing
the HC vapors into the ambient air,
ORVR systems recover these HC vapors
and store them for later use as fuel to
operate the engine.
The fuel systems on these over-14,000
pound GVWR incomplete heavy-duty
gasoline vehicles are similar to complete
heavy-duty vehicles that are already
required to incorporate ORVR. These
incomplete vehicles may have slightly
larger fuel tanks than most chassiscertified (complete) heavy-duty gasoline
vehicles and are somewhat more likely
to have dual fuel tanks. These
differences may require a greater ORVR
system storage capacity and possibly
some unique accommodations for dual
tanks (e.g., separate fuel filler locations),
but we expect they will maintain a
similar design. We are aware that some
engine-certified products for over14,000 GVWR gasoline vehicles are sold
as incomplete chassis without complete
fuel systems. Thus, the engine-certifying
entity currently may not know or be in
control of the filler system location and
integration limitations for the final
vehicle body configuration. This
dynamic has been addressed for other
emission controls through a process
called delegated assembly—where the
certifying manufacturer delegates
certain assembly obligations to a
downstream manufacturer.75
73 SGS-Aurora, Eastern Research Group, ‘‘Light
Heavy-Duty Gasoline Vehicle Evaporative
Emissions Testing.’’ EPA–420–R–19–017. December
74 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
‘‘Summary of ‘‘Light Heavy-Duty Gasoline Vehicle
Evaporative Emissions Test Program’’ ’’ EPA–420–
S–19–002. December 2019.
75 See 40 CFR 1068.260 and 1068.261.
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We request comment on EPA
expanding our ORVR requirements to
incomplete heavy-duty vehicles. We are
particularly interested in the challenges
of multiple manufacturers to
appropriately implement ORVR systems
on the range of gasoline-fueled vehicle
products in the market today. We also
seek comment on refueling test
procedures, including the
appropriateness of engineering analysis
to adapt existing test procedures that
were developed for complete vehicles to
apply for incomplete vehicles.
3. Emission Monitoring Technologies
As heavy-duty engine performance
has become more sophisticated, the
industry has developed increasingly
advanced sensors on board the vehicle
to monitor the performance of the
engine and emission controls. For the
CTI, we are particularly interested in
recent developments in the performance
of zirconia NOX sensors that
manufacturers are currently using to
measure NOX concentrations and
control SCR urea dosing. EPA has
identified applications where we
believe the use of these and other
onboard sensors could enhance and
potentially streamline existing EPA
programs. We discuss those applications
in Section III.F.
We recognize that one of the
challenges to relying on sensors for
these applications is the availability of
NOX sensors that are continuously
operational and accurate at low
concentration levels. As a result, we are
beginning a study to assess the
accuracy, repeatability, noise,
interferences, and response time of
current NOX sensors. However, we
encourage commenters to submit
information to help us project whether
the state of NOX sensor technology in
the 2027 timeframe would be sufficient
to enable such programs. We also
request comment on the durability of
NOX sensors, as well as specific
maintenance or operational strategies
that could be considered to substantially
extend the life of these components and
any regulatory barriers to implementing
these strategies.
In addition to the performance of
onboard NOX sensors, we are following
the industry’s increasing adoption of
telematics systems that could enable the
manufacturer to communicate with the
vehicle’s onboard computer in real-time.
We request comment on the prevalence
of telematics, the range of information
that can be shared over-the-air, and
limitations of the technology today. As
we describe in Section III.F.3, the
combination of advanced onboard
sensors and telecommunications could
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
facilitate the ability to determine
tailpipe NOX emissions of the vehicle
in-use to reduce compliance burden in
the future. We also request comment on
the potential for alternative
communication approaches to be used.
For example, for vehicles not equipped
with telematics, would manufacturers
still be able to collect data from the
vehicle during service at their
Finally, we request comment on
whether and how improved
communication systems could be
leveraged by manufacturers or in state,
local, or tribal government programs to
promote emission reductions from the
heavy-duty fleet.
4. Hybrid, Battery-Electric, and Fuel
Cell Vehicles
Hybrid technologies that recover and
store braking energy have been used
extensively in light-duty applications as
fuel saving features. They are also being
adopted in certain heavy-duty
applications, and their heavy-duty use
is projected to increase significantly
over the next several years as a result of
the HD Phase 2 GHG standards.
However, the HD Phase 2 rule also
identified plug-in hybrid vehicles
(where the battery can be charged from
an external power source), batteryelectric vehicles (where the vehicle has
no engine), and fuel cell vehicles (where
the power supply is not an internal
combustion engine, or ICE) as more
advanced technologies that were not
projected to be adopted in the heavyduty market without additional
incentives (81 FR 73497, October 25,
Hybrid technologies range from mild
hybrids that recover braking energy for
accessory use (often using a
supplemental 48V electrical battery), to
fully-hybrid vehicles with integrated
electric motors at the wheels capable of
propelling the vehicle with the engine
turned off; and their emissions impact
varies by integration level and design.
Existing heavy-duty hybrid technologies
have the potential to decrease or
increase NOX emissions, depending on
how they are designed. For example, a
hybrid system can reduce NOX
emissions if it eliminates idle operation
or uses the recovered electrical energy
to heat aftertreatment components. In
contrast, it can increase NOX emissions
if it reduces the engine’s ability to
maintain sufficiently high aftertreatment
temperatures during low-load operation.
Since battery-electric and hydrogen
fuel cell vehicles do not have ICEs, they
have zero tailpipe emissions of NOX. We
request comment on whether, and if so
how, the CTI should project use of these
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more advanced technologies as NOX
reduction technologies. These
technologies as well as the more
conventional hybrid technologies are
collectively referred to as advanced
powertrain technologies for the
remainder of this discussion.
We are focused on three objectives
related to these advanced powertrain
technologies in CTI:
1. To reflect market adoption of these
technologies in the 2027 and beyond
timeframe as accurately as possible in
the baseline analysis (i.e., without
reflecting potential responses from CTI
2. To address barriers to market
adoption due to EPA emissions
certification requirements,
3. To understand whether and how
any incentives may be appropriate given
the substantial tailpipe emission
reduction potential of these
The choice of which powertrain
technology to select for a particular
heavy-duty vehicle application depends
on factors such as number of miles
traveled per day, accessibility of
refueling infrastructure (i.e., charging
stations, hydrogen fuel cell refilling
stations), and driver preferences (e.g.,
noise level associated with electric
versus ICEs).To address the first focus
area, we are currently conducting
stakeholder outreach and reviewing
published projections of advanced
emissions technologies. Our initial
review of information suggests that
there are a wide range of advanced
powertrain technologies available today,
including limited production of more
than 100 battery-electric or fuel cell
vehicle models offering zero tailpipe
emissions.76 Looking forward, a variety
of factors will influence the extent to
which hybrid and zero emissions heavyduty vehicles are available for purchase
and enter the market.77 78 Of these, the
lifetime total cost of ownership (TCO),
which includes maintenance and fuel
costs, is likely a primary factor. Initial
information suggests that TCO for lightand medium heavy-duty battery-electric
vehicles could reach cost parity with
diesel in the early 2020s, while heavy
heavy-duty battery-electric or hydrogen
76 ICCT (2019) ‘‘Estimating the infrastructure
needs and costs for the launch of zero-emissions
trucks’’; available online at:
77 McKinsey (2017) ‘‘New reality: electric trucks
and their implications on energy demand’’;
available online at:
78 NACFE (2018) Guidance Report: Electric
Trucks—Where They Make Sense; available online
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vehicles are likely to reach cost parity
with diesel closer to the 2030
timeframe.79 The TCO for hybrid
technologies, and its relation to diesel
vehicles, will vary based on the
specifics of the hybrid system (e.g., cost
and benefits of a 48V battery versus an
integrated electric motor).
Beyond TCO, considerations such as
noise levels, vehicle weight, payload
capacity, operational range, charging/
refueling time, safety, and other driver
preferences may influence the rate of
market entry.80 81 State and local
activities, such as the Advanced Clean
Trucks rulemaking underway in
California could also influence the
market trajectory for battery-electric and
fuel cell technologies.82 EPA requests
comment on the likely market trajectory
for advanced powertrain technologies in
the 2020 through 2045 timeframe.
Commenters are encouraged to provide
data supporting their perspectives on
reasonable adoption rates EPA could
use for hybrid, battery-electric, and fuel
cell heavy-duty vehicles relative to the
full heavy-duty vehicle fleet in specific
time periods (e.g., early 2020s, late
2020s, 2030, 2040, 2050).
For addressing potential barriers to
market, stakeholders previously
expressed concern that the enginefocused certification process for criteria
pollutant emissions does not provide a
pathway for hybrid powertrains to
demonstrate NOX reductions from
hybrid operations during certification.
As such, we plan to propose an update
to our powertrain test procedure for
hybrids, previously developed as part of
the HD Phase 2 rulemaking for
greenhouse gas emissions, so that it can
be applied to criteria pollutant
certification.83 84 We are interested in
whether a hybrid powertrain test
procedure addresses concerns with
certifying the full range of heavy-duty
hybrid products, or if other options
might be useful for specific products,
such as mild hybrid systems. If
79 ICCT (2019) ‘‘Estimating the infrastructure
needs and costs for the launch of zero-emissions
trucks’’; available online at:
80 McKinsey (2017) ‘‘New reality: electric trucks
and their implications on energy demand’’;
available online at:
81 NACFE (2018) Guidance Report: Electric
Trucks—Where They Make Sense; available online
82 For more information on this proposed
rulemaking in California see: https://
83 40 CFR 1036.505.
84 40 CFR 1036.510.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
stakeholders view alternative options as
useful, then we request input on what
those options might include.
We are also aware that current OBD
requirements necessitate close
cooperation between engine and hybrid
system manufacturers for certification,
and the process has proven sufficiently
burdensome such that few alliances
have been pursued to-date. We are
interested in better understanding this
potential barrier to heavy-duty hybrid
systems, and any potential
opportunities EPA could consider to
address it.
Finally, related to the area of
incentives, we are exploring simple
approaches, such as emission credits,
targeted for specific market segments for
which technology development may be
more challenging (e.g., extended range
battery-electric or fuel cell
technologies). We request comment on
any barriers or incentives that EPA
could consider in order to better
encourage emission reductions from
these advanced powertrain
technologies. Commenters are
encouraged to provide information on
the potential impacts of regulatory
barriers or incentives for all the
advanced powertrain technologies
discussed here (hybrids, battery-electric,
fuel cell), including the extent to which
these technologies may lower NOX and
other criteria pollutant emissions.
5. Alternative Fuels
In the case of alternative fuels, we
have typically applied the gasoline- and
diesel-fueled engine standards to the
alternatively-fueled engines based on
the combustion cycle of the
alternatively-fueled engine: Applying
the gasoline-fueled standards to sparkignition engines and the diesel-fueled
standards to compression-ignition
engines. This approach is often called
‘‘fuel neutral.’’
Most heavy-duty vehicles today are
powered by diesel engines. These
engines have been optimized over many
years to be reliable, durable, and fuel
efficient. Diesel fuel also has the
advantage of being very stable and
having a high energy density. Gasolinefueled engines are the second-most
popular choice, especially for light and
medium heavy-duty vehicles. They tend
to be lighter and less expensive than
diesel engines although less durable and
less fuel efficient. We do not expect a
shift in the market between diesel and
gasoline as a result of the CTI and we
are requesting comment on the extent to
which CTI could have such effects.
With relatively low natural gas prices
(compared to their peak values) in
recent years, the heavy-duty industry
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has become increasingly interested in
engines that are fueled with natural gas.
It has some emission advantages over
diesel, with lower engine-out levels of
both NOX and PM. Several heavy-duty
CNG engines have been certified with
NOX levels better than 90 percent below
US 2010 standards. However, because
natural gas must be distributed and
stored under pressure, there are
additional challenges to using it as a
heavy-duty fuel. We request comment
on how natural gas should be treated in
the CTI, including the possible
provision of incentives.
Dimethyl ether (DME) is a related
alternative fuel that also shows some
promise for compression-ignition
engines. It can be readily synthesized
from natural gas and can be stored at
lower pressures. We request comment
on the extent to which the CTI should
consider DME.
LPG is also used in certain lower
weight-class urban applications, such as
airport shuttle buses, school buses, and
emergency response vehicles. LPG use
is not extensive, nor do we project it to
grow significantly in the CTI timeframe.
However, given its emission advantages
over diesel, we request comment on
how LPG should be treated in the CTI,
particularly for vocational heavy-duty
engines and vehicles.
B. Standards and Test Cycles
EPA emission standards have
historically applied with respect to
emissions measured while the engine or
vehicle is operating over a specific duty
cycle. The primary advantage of this
approach is that it provides very
repeatable emission measurements. In
other words, the results should be the
same no matter when or where the test
is performed, as long as the specified
test procedures are used. For heavyduty, these tests are generally performed
on the engine without the vehicle.
We continue to consider these preproduction upfront demonstrations as
the cornerstone of ensuring in-use
emission compliance. On the other
hand, tying standards to specific test
cycles opens the possibility of emission
controls being designed more to the test
procedures than to in-use operation.
Since 2004, we have applied additional
in-use standards for diesel engines that
allow higher emission levels but are not
limited to a specific duty cycle, and
instead measure emissions over realworld, non-prescribed driving routes
that cover a range of in-use operation.
In this section we describe the
updates we are considering for our dutycycle program. We do not include
specific values, but welcome comments
and data which will assist EPA in
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developing appropriate standards to
propose that could apply to the updated
procedures we present. We also
welcome comments on the relative
importance of laboratory-based test
cycle standards and standards that can
be evaluated with the whole vehicle.
1. Emission Standards for RMC and FTP
Heavy-duty engines are subject to
brake-specific (g/hp-hr) standards for
emissions of NOX, PM, NMHC, and CO.
These standards must be met by all
diesel engines over both the Federal
Test Procedure (FTP) cycle and the
Ramped-Modal Cycle (RMC). Gasoline
engines are only subject to testing over
an FTP cycle designed for spark-ignition
engines. The FTP cycles, which date
back to the 1970s, are composites of a
cold-start and a hot-start transient duty
cycle designed to represent urban
driving. The cold-start emissions are
weighted by one-seventh and the hotstart emissions are weighted by sixsevenths.85 The RMC is a more recent
cycle for diesel engines that is a
continuous cycle with ramped
transitions between the thirteen steadystate modes.86 The RMC does not
include engine starting and is intended
to represent fully warmed-up operating
modes not emphasized in the FTP, such
as sustained high speeds and loads.
Based on available information, it is
clear that application of the diesel
technologies discussed in Sections
III.A.1 should enable emission
reductions of at least 50 percent
compared to current standards over the
FTP and RMC cycles.87 88 Some
estimates suggest that emission
reductions of 90 percent may be
achievable across the heavy-duty engine
market by model year 2027. We request
information that would help us
determine the appropriate levels of any
new emission standards for the FTP and
RMC cycles.
We are considering changes to the
weighting factors for the FTP cycle for
heavy-duty engines. We have
historically developed our test cycles
and weighting factors to reflect real85 See
40 CFR 86.007–11 and 40 CFR 86.08–10.
40 CFR 1065.505.
87 California Air Resources Board, ‘‘Staff White
Paper: California Air Resources Board Staff Current
Assessment of the Technical Feasibility of Lower
NOX Standards and Associated Test Procedures for
2022 and Subsequent Model Year Medium-Duty
and Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines’’. April 18, 2019.
Available online:
88 Manufacturers of Emission Controls
Association. ‘‘Technology Feasibility for Model
Year 2024 Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles in Meeting
Lower NOX Standards’’. June 2019. Available
86 See
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
world operation. However, we recognize
both engine technology and in-use
operation can change over time. The
current FTP weighting of cold-start and
hot-start emissions was adopted in 1980
(45 FR 4136, January 21, 1980). It
reflects the overall ratio of cold and hot
operation for heavy-duty engines
generally and does not distinguish by
engine size or intended use. Given the
importance of this weighting factor, we
request comment on the appropriateness
of the current weighting factors across
the engine categories.89 We are also
interested in comment on how to
address any challenges manufacturers
may encounter to implement changes to
the weighting factors.
We have also observed an industry
trend toward engine down-speeding—
that is, designing engines to do more of
their work at lower engine speeds where
frictional losses are lower. To address
this trend for EPA’s CO2 standards
testing, we adopted new RMC weighting
factors for CO2 emissions in the Phase
2 final rule (81 FR 73550, October 25,
2016). Since we believe these new
weighting factors better reflect in-use
operation of current and future heavyduty engines, we request comment on
applying these new weighting factors for
NOX and other criteria pollutants as
2. New Emission Test Cycles and
Review of in-use data has indicated
that SCR-based emission controls
systems for diesel engines are not
functional over a significant fraction of
real-world operation due to low
aftertreatment temperatures, which are
often the result of extended time at low
load and idle operation.90 91 92 Our
current in-use testing procedures
(described in Section III.C) were not
designed to capture this type of
operation. Test data collected as part of
EPA’s manufacturer-run in-use testing
program indicate that low-load
operation could account for more than
89 For instance, cold-start operation for line-haul
tractors may represent significantly less than 1⁄7 of
their total in-use operation, yet cold-start operation
may represent a higher fraction of operation for
other vocational vehicles.
90 Hamady, Fakhri, Duncan, Alan. ‘‘A
Comprehensive Study of Manufacturers In-Use
Testing Data Collected from Heavy-Duty Diesel
Engines Using Portable Emissions Measurement
System (PEMS)’’. 29th CRC Real World Emissions
Workshop, March 10–13, 2019.
91 Sandhu, Gurdas, et al. ‘‘Identifying Areas of
High NOX Operation in Heavy-Duty Vehicles’’. 28th
CRC Real-World Emissions Workshop, March 18–
21, 2018.
92 Sandhu, Gurdas, et al. ‘‘In-Use Emission Rates
for MY 2010+ Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles’’. 27th
CRC Real-World Emissions Workshop, March 26–
29, 2017.
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half of the NOX emissions from a
vehicle over a given shift-day.93
EPA is considering the addition of a
low-load test cycle and standard that
would require diesel engine
manufacturers to maintain the emission
control system’s functionality during
operation where the catalyst
temperatures have historically been
below their operational temperature.
The addition of a low-load duty-cycle
could complement the expanded
operational coverage of in-use testing
requirements we are also considering.
We have been following CARB’s lowload cycle development in ‘‘Stage 2’’ of
their Low NOX Demonstration program.
SwRI and NREL developed several
candidate cycles with average power
and duration characteristics intended to
test today’s diesel engine emission
controls under three low-load operating
conditions: Transition from high- to
low-load, sustained low-load, and
transition from low- to high-load.94 In
September 2019, CARB selected the 90minute ‘‘LLC Candidate #7’’ as the final
cycle they are considering for their Low
NOX Demonstration program.95 EPA
requests comment on the addition of a
low-load cycle, the appropriateness of
CARB’s Candidate #7 low-load cycle, or
other engine operation a low-load cycle
should encompass, if adopted.
In addition to adding a low-load
cycle, CARB currently has an idle test
procedure and accompanying standard
of 30 g/h for diesel engines to be ‘‘Clean
Idle Certified’’.96 We request comment
on the need or appropriateness of
setting a federal idle standard for diesel
As mentioned previously, heavy-duty
gasoline engines are currently subject to
FTP testing, but not RMC testing. We
request comment on including
additional test cycles that may
encourage manufacturers to improve the
emissions performance of their heavyduty gasoline engines in operating
conditions not covered by the FTP
cycle. In particular, we are considering
proposing an RMC procedure to include
93 Sandhu, Gurdas, et al. ‘‘Identifying Areas of
High NOX Operation in Heavy-Duty Vehicles’’. 28th
CRC Real-World Emissions Workshop, March 18–
21, 2018.
94 California Air Resources Board. ‘‘Heavy-Duty
Low NOX Program Public Workshop: Low Load
Cycle Development’’. Sacramento, CA. January 23,
2019. Available online:
95 California Air Resources Board. ‘‘Heavy-Duty
Low NOX Program: Low Load Cycle’’ Public
Workshop. Diamond Bar, CA. September 26, 2019.
Available online:
96 13 CCR § 1956.8 (6)(C)—Optional NO idling
emission standard.
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the sustained high speeds and high
loads that often produce high HC and
PM emissions. We may also propose a
low-load or idle cycle to address high
CO from gasoline engines under those
conditions. CARB’s low-load cycle was
designed to assess diesel engine
aftertreatment systems under low-load
operation. We request comment on the
need for a low-load or idle cycle in
general, and suitability of CARB’s
diesel-targeted low-load and clean idle
cycles for evaluating the emissions
performance of heavy-duty gasoline
engines as well.
In addition to proposing changes to
the test cycles, we are considering
updates to the engine mapping test
procedure for heavy-duty gasoline
engines. The current test procedure,
which is the same for all engine sizes,
is intended to generate a ‘‘torque curve’’
that represents the peak torque at any
specific engine speed point.97
Historically, that goal was easily
achieved due to the simplicity of the
heavy-duty gasoline engine hardware
and controls. Modern heavy-duty
gasoline engines are more complex,
with interactive features such as spark
advance, fuel-air ratio, and variable
valve timing that temporarily alter
torque levels to meet supplemental
goals (e.g., torque management for
transmissions shifts). These features can
lead to lower-than-peak torque levels
with the current engine mapping
procedure. We are assessing a potential
requirement that the torque curve
established during the mapping
procedure must represent the highest
torque level possible for the test fuel.
This could be achieved by various
approaches, including disabling
temporary conditions or operational
states in the electronic controls during
the mapping, or using a different order
of speed and load points (e.g., sweeping
up, down, or sampling at a speed point
over a longer time to allow stabilization)
to generate peak values. We seek
comment on the need to update our
current engine mapping procedure for
gasoline engines.
C. In-Use Emission Standards
Heavy-duty diesel engines are
currently subject to Not-To-Exceed
(NTE) standards that are not limited to
specific test cycles, which means they
can be evaluated during in-use
operation. In-use data are collected by
manufacturers as described in Section
III.F.3. The data is then analyzed
pursuant to 40 CFR 86.1370 and 40 CFR
86.1912 to generate a set of enginespecific NTE events—that is, 30-second
97 40
CFR 1065.510.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
intervals for which engine speeds and
loads remain in the control area. There
is no specified test cycle for these
standards; the express purpose of the
NTE test procedure is to apply the
standard to engine operation conditions
that could reasonably be expected to be
seen by that engine in normal vehicle
operation and use, including a wide
range of real ambient conditions.
EPA refers to the range of engine
operation where the engine must
comply with the NTE standards as the
‘‘NTE zone.’’ The NTE zone excludes
operating points below 30% of
maximum torque or below 30% of
maximum power. The NTE zone also
excludes speeds below 15% of the
European Stationary Cycle speed.
Finally, the NTE procedure also
excludes certain operation at high
altitudes, high intake manifold
humidity, or at aftertreatment
temperatures below 250° C. Data
collected in-use is considered a valid
NTE event if it occurs within the NTE
zone, lasts 30 seconds or longer, and
does not occur during any of the
exclusion conditions mentioned
previously (engine, aftertreatment, or
NTE standards have been successful
in broadening the types of operation for
which manufacturers design their
emission controls to remain effective.
However, our analysis of existing in-use
test data indicates that less than five
percent of a typical time-based dataset
are valid NTE events that are subject to
the in-use NTE standards; the remaining
data are excluded. Furthermore, we
found that emissions are high during
many of the excluded periods of
operation, such as when the
aftertreatment temperature drops below
the catalyst light-off temperature. For
example, 96 percent of tests from 2014,
2015, and 2016 in-use testing orders
passed with NOX emissions for valid
NTE events well below the 0.3 g/hp-h
NTE standard. When we used the same
data to calculate NOX emissions over all
operation measured, not limited to valid
NTE events, the NOX emissions were
more than double (0.5 g/hp-h).99 The
results were higher when we analyzed
the data to only consider NOX emissions
that occur during low load events.
These results suggest there may be great
potential to improve in-use performance
by considering more of the engine
98 For more on our NTE provisions, see 40 CFR
99 Hamady, Fakhri, Duncan, Alan. ‘‘A
Comprehensive Study of Manufacturers In-Use
Testing Data Collected from Heavy-Duty Diesel
Engines Using Portable Emissions Measurement
System (PEMS)’’. 29th CRC Real World Emissions
Workshop, March 10–13, 2019.
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operation when we evaluate in-use
The European Union ‘‘Euro VI’’
emission standards for heavy-duty
engines require in-use testing starting
with model year 2014 engines.100 101
Manufacturers must check for ‘‘inservice conformity’’ by operating their
engines over a mix of urban, rural, and
freeway driving on prescribed routes
using portable emission measurement
system (PEMS) equipment to measure
emissions. Compliance is determined
using a work-based windows approach
where emissions data are evaluated over
segments or ‘‘windows.’’ A window
consists of consecutive 1 Hz data points
that are summed until the engine
performs an amount of work equivalent
to the European transient engine test
cycle (World Harmonized Transient
Cycle). EPA and others have compared
the performance of U.S.-certified
engines and Euro VI-certified engines
and concluded that the European
engines’ NOX emissions are comparable
to U.S. 2010 standards-certified engines
under city and highway operation, but
lower in light-load conditions.102 This
suggests that manufacturers respond to
the Euro VI test procedures by designing
their emission controls to perform well
over broader operation. EPA intends the
CTI to expand our in-use procedures to
capture nearly all real-world operation.
We are considering an approach similar
to the European in-use program, with
key distinctions that improve upon the
Euro VI approach, as discussed below.
Most importantly, we are not
currently intending to propose
prescribed routes for our in-use
compliance test program. Our current
program requires data to be collected in
real-world operation and we would
consider it an unnecessary step
backward to change that aspect of the
procedure. In what we believe to be an
improvement to a work-based window,
we are considering a moving average
window (MAW) approach consisting of
time-based windows. Instead of basing
window size on an amount of work, we
are evaluating window sizes ranging
from 180 to 300 seconds.103 The timebased windows would be intended to
equally weight each data point
We also recognize that it would be
difficult to develop a single standard
that would be appropriate to cover the
entire range of operation that heavyduty engines experience. For example, a
numerical standard that would be
technologically feasible under worst
case conditions such as idle, would
necessarily be much higher than the
levels that are feasible when the
aftertreatment is functioning optimally.
Thus, we are considering separate
standards for distinct modes of
operation. Our current thinking is to
group the second-by-second in-use data
into one of three bins using a
‘‘normalized average CO2 rate’’ from the
certification test cycles to identify the
boundaries.104 Data points with a
normalized average CO2 rate greater
than 25 percent (equivalent to the
average power of the current FTP) could
be classified as medium-/high-load
operation and binned together. We are
considering two options for identifying
idle data points. The first option would
use a vehicle speed less than 1 mph.
The second option would use the
normalized average CO2 rate of a lowload certification cycle.105 The
remaining data points, bounded by the
idle and medium-/high-load bins,
would contribute to the low-load bin
We are considering several
approaches for evaluating the emissions
performance of the binned data. One
approach would sum the total NOX
mass emissions divided by the sum of
CO2 mass emissions. This ‘‘sum-oversum’’ approach would successfully
account for all NOX emissions; however,
it would require the measurement
system (PEMS or a NOX sensor) to be
accurate across the complete range of
emissions concentrations. We are also
considering the advantages and
disadvantages other statistical
approaches that evaluate a high
percentile of the data instead of the full
set. We request comment on all aspects
2011, May 25, 2011. Available online:
June 29, 2018. Available online:
102 Rodriguez, F.; Posada, F. ‘‘Future Heavy-Duty
Emission Standards An Opportunity for
International Harmonization’’. The International
Council on Clean Transportation. November 2019.
Available online:
103 Our evaluation includes weighing our current
understanding that shorter windows are more
sensitive to measurement error and longer windows
make it difficult to distinguish between duty cycles.
104 We plan to propose that ‘‘normalized average
CO2 rate’’ be defined as the mass of NOX (in grams)
divided by the mass of CO2 (in grams) and
converted to units of mass of NOX per unit of work
by multiplying by the work-specific CO2 emissions
value. Our current thinking is to use the workspecific CO2 value reported to EPA as part of the
engine’s family certification level (FCL) for the FTP
certification cycle.
105 The low load cycle proposed by CARB has an
average power of eight percent.
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
of a moving average window analysis
approach. Commenters are encouraged
to share the benefits and limitations of
the window sizes, binning criteria, and
performance calculations introduced
here, as well as other strategies EPA
should consider. We also request data
providing time and cost estimates for
implementing a MAW-based in-use
program and what aspects of this
approach could be phased-in to reduce
some of the upfront burden.
As mentioned previously, we are
considering a separate MAW-based
standard for each bin. In our current
NTE-based program, the NTE standards
are 1.5 times the certification duty-cycle
standards. Similarly, for the MAWbased standards, we could design our
certification and in-use programs to
include corresponding laboratory-based
cycles and in-use bins with emission
standards that relate by a scaling factor.
Alternatively, a percentile-based
performance evaluation may make a
scaling factor unnecessary. We request
comment on appropriate scaling factors
or other approaches to setting MAWbased standards. Finally, we request
comment on whether there is a
continued need for measurement
allowances in an in-use program such as
described above.
D. Extended Regulatory Useful Life
Under the Clean Air Act, an engine or
vehicle’s useful life is the period for
which the manufacturer must
demonstrate, to receive EPA
certification, that the engine or vehicle
will meet the applicable emission
standard, including accounting for
deterioration over time. Section 207(c)
of the Act requires manufacturers to
recall and repair engines if ‘‘a
substantial number of any class or
category’’ of them ‘‘do not conform to
the regulations . . . when in actual use
throughout their useful life.’’ Thus,
there are two critical implications for
the length of the useful life: (1) It
defines the emission durability the
manufacturer must demonstrate for
certification, and (2) it is the period for
which the manufacturer is liable for
compliance in-use. With respect to the
durability demonstration, manufacturers
can either show that the components
will generally last the full useful life
and retain their function in meeting the
applicable standard, or show that they
will be replaced at appropriate intervals
by owners.
Section 202(d) of the Act directs EPA
to ‘‘prescribe regulations under which
the useful life of vehicles and engines
shall be determined’’ and establishes
minimum values of 10 years or 100,000
miles, whichever occurs first. The Act
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authorizes EPA to adopt longer periods
that we determine to be appropriate.
Under this authority, we have
established the following useful life
mileage values for heavy-duty
engines: 106
• 110,000 miles for gasoline-fueled and
light heavy-duty diesel engines
• 185,000 miles for medium heavy-duty
diesel engines
• 435,000 miles for heavy heavy-duty
diesel engines
Analysis of in-use mileage
accumulation and typical rebuild
intervals shows that current regulatory
useful life values are much lower than
actual in-use lifetimes of heavy-duty
engines and vehicles. In 2013, EPA
commissioned an industry
characterization report that focused on
heavy-duty diesel engine rebuilds.107
The report relied on existing data from
MacKay & Company surveys of heavyduty vehicle operators. An engine
rebuild was categorized as either an inframe overhaul (where the rebuild
occurred while the engine remained in
the vehicle) or as an out-of-frame
overhaul (where the engine was
removed from the vehicle for somewhat
more extensive service). We believe an
out-of-frame overhaul is a reasonable
estimate of a heavy-duty engine’s
primary operational life.108 The
following average mileage values were
associated with out-of-frame overhauled
engines from each of the heavy-duty
vehicle classes in the report:
• Class 3: 256,000 miles
• Class 4: 346,300 miles
• Class 5: 344,200 miles
• Class 6: 407,700 miles
• Class 7: 509,100 miles
• Class 8: 909,900 miles
We translated these vehicle classes to
EPA’s regulatory classes for engines
assuming Classes 3, 4, and 5 represent
light heavy-duty diesel engines
(LHDDEs), Classes 6 and 7 represent
medium heavy-duty diesel engines
(MHDDEs) and Class 8 represents heavy
heavy-duty diesel engines (HHDDEs).
The resulting average rebuild ages for
315,500; 458,400; and 909,900,
respectively.109 The current regulatory
106 EPA adopted useful life values 110,000,
185,000, and 290,000 miles for light, medium, and
heavy heavy-duty engines (respectively) in 1983.
(48 FR 52170, November 16, 1983). The useful life
for heavy heavy-duty engines was subsequently
increased to 435,000 miles for 2004 and later model
years. (62 FR 54694, October 21, 1997).
107 ICF International, ‘‘Industry Characterization
of Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Rebuilds’’ EPA
Contract No. EP–C–12–011, September 2013.
108 In-frame rebuilds tend to be less complete and
occur at somewhat lower mileages.
109 Note that these mileage values reflect
replacement of engine components, but do not
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useful life of today’s engines covers less
than half of the primary operational life
of HHDDEs and MHDDEs and less than
a third of LHDDEs—assuming the
engines are only overhauled one time.
We welcome comment on the average
number of times an engine core receives
an overhaul before being scrapped. We
are also requesting comment on the
whether the 2013 EPA report continues
to reflect modern engine rebuilding
We see no reason to change the useful
life values with respect to years.
However, based on available data, we
intend to propose new useful life
mileage values for all categories of
heavy-duty engines to be more reflective
of real-world usage. Although we are
continuing to analyze the issue, we may
propose to base the new useful life
values for engines on the median or
average period to the first rebuild,
measured as mileage at the first out-offrame overhaul. The reason to tie useful
life to rebuild intervals stems from the
changes to an engine when it is rebuilt.
Rebuilding involves disassembling
significant parts of the engine and
replacing or remachining certain
combustion-related components.
We are also evaluating the useful life
for gasoline engines. Beginning no later
than model year 2021, chassis-certified
heavy-duty gasoline vehicles are subject
to a 150,000-mile useful life. We request
comment on whether this would be the
appropriate value for heavy-duty
gasoline engines, or if a higher value
would be more appropriate. Consistent
with Section III.A.2.i, we would expect
to apply the same useful life for
evaporative emissions technologies.
A direct result of longer useful life
values would be to require
manufacturers to change their durability
demonstrations. Currently
manufacturers measure emissions from
a representative engine as they
accumulate service hours on it. If we
extend useful life with no other changes
to this approach, manufacturers would
need to extend this durability testing
out further.110 We request comment on
alternative approaches that should be
considered. For example, we could
allow manufacturers to base the
durability demonstration on component
replacement if manufacturers could
demonstrate that the component would
actually be replaced in use. EPA has
previously stated that a manufacturer’s
include aftertreatment components. At the time of
the report, the population of engines equipped with
DPF and SCR technologies was limited to relatively
new engines that were not candidates for rebuild.
110 See Section III.F.4, which describes potential
opportunities to streamline our durability
demonstration requirements.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
commitment to perform the component
replacement maintenance free of charge
may be considered adequate, depending
on the component. See 40 CFR 86.004–
25 and related sections for other
examples of how a manufacturer could
potentially demonstrate durability.
In conversations with rebuilding
facilities, it appears that aftertreatment
components typically remain with the
vehicle when engines are rebuilt out of
frame and are not part of the rebuild
process. We request comment on the
performance and longevity of the
aftertreatment components when the
engine has reached the point of
requiring a rebuild. Currently,
aftertreatment components are covered
by the useful life of the engine overall.
While our current logic, explained
above, would not support proposing
useful life values for the entire engine
that extend beyond the rebuild interval,
it may not be appropriate for the
durability requirements for the
aftertreatment to be limited by the
rebuild interval for the rest of the engine
if current aftertreatment systems remain
in service much longer. Thus, we are
requesting comment on how to treat
such components, including whether
there is a need for separate provisions
for aftertreatment components. One
potential approach could be to establish
a longer useful life for such
components. However, we are also
considering the possibility of requiring
an a more extensive durability
demonstration for such parts. For
example, this might include a more
aggressive accelerated aging protocol or
an engineering analysis demonstrating a
greater resistance to catalyst
Another approach could be to develop
a methodology to incorporate
aftertreatment failure rates reflective of
real-world experiences into engine
deterioration factors at the time of
certification, using methodology similar
to incorporation of infrequent
regeneration adjustment factors
(‘‘IRAF’’). In 2018, CARB published an
Initial Statement of Reasons document
regarding proposed amendments to
heavy-duty maintenance and warranty
requirements. This document includes
analysis of warranty data indicating that
emission components for heavy heavyduty engines had failure rates ranging
from 1–17 percent, while medium
heavy-duty engines had emission
component failure rates ranging from 0–
37 percent.111 112 ARB did this analysis
111 California Air Resources Board, ‘‘Public
Hearing to Consider Proposed Amendments to
California Emission Control System Warranty
Regulations and Maintenance Provisions for 2022
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using data from MY2012 engines, as this
was the only model year with a
complete five-year history. That model
year included the phase-in of advanced
emission controls systems, which may
have an impact on failure rates
compared to other model years. EPA is
seeking comment on whether these rates
reflect component failures for other
model year engines and information on
representative failure rates for all model
E. Ensuring Long-Term In-Use
Emissions Performance
As discussed above, deterioration of
emission controls can increase
emissions from in-use vehicles. Such
deterioration can be inherent to the
design and materials of the controls, the
result of component failures, or the
result of mal-maintenance or tampering.
We are requesting comment on ways to
reduce in-use deterioration of emissions
controls from all sources. We have
identified five key areas of potential
focus and seek comment on the
following topics:
• Warranties that cover an appropriate
fraction of engine operational life
• Improved, more tamper-resistant
electronic controls
• Serviceability improvements for
vehicles and engines
• Education and potential incentives
• Engine rebuilding practices that
ensure emission controls are
We believe addressing these five areas
could offer a comprehensive strategy for
ensuring in-use emissions performance
over more of an engine’s operational
life.113 The following sections describe
possible provisions we believe could
especially benefit second or third
owners of future engines who, under the
current structure, may not have access
to resources for maintaining compliance
of their higher-mileage engines.
1. Lengthened Emissions Warranty
Section 207(a) of the Clean Air Act
requires manufacturers to provide an
and Subsequent Model Year On-road Heavy-Duty
Diesel Vehicles and Heavy-Duty Engines with Gross
Vehicle Weight Ratings Greater Than 14,000
pounds and Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines in such
Vehicles. Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons’’
May 2018. Available at:
112 California Air Resources Board, Appendix C:
Economic Impact Analysis/Assessment to the
Heavy-Duty Warranty Initial Statement of Reasons,
page C–8. June 28, 2018. Available online: https://
113 Memorandum to Docket EPA–HQ–OAR–
2019–0055. ‘‘Enhanced and Alternative Strategies to
Achieve Long-term Compliance for Heavy-Duty
Vehicles and Engines; the WISER Strategy’’, Amy
Kopin, December 12, 2019.
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emissions warranty. This warranty
offers protection for purchasers from
costly repairs of emission controls
during the warranty period and
generally covers all expenses related to
diagnosing and repairing or replacing
emission-related components.114 EPA
has established by regulation the
warranty periods for heavy-duty engines
to be whichever comes first of 5 years
or 50,000 to 100,000 miles, depending
on engine size (see 40 CFR 86.085).
However, due to the high annual
mileage accumulation of many trucks,
our early assessment is that the current
warranty periods are insufficient for
real-world operations. For example,
today’s mileage requirements may
represent less than a single year’s worth
of coverage for some Class 8 vehicles.115
We welcome comment on annual
vehicle miles travelled for different
classes and vocations.
We intend to propose longer
emissions warranty periods. A longer
emissions warranty period could
provide an extended period of
protection for purchasers, as well as a
greater incentive for manufacturers to
design emission control components
that are more durable and less costly to
repair. Longer periods of protection for
purchasers could provide a greater
incentive for owners to appropriately
maintain their engines and
aftertreatment systems so as not to void
their warranty. Designing more durable
components could help reduce the
potential for problems later in the
vehicle life that lead to breakdowns and
recalls. For instance, in at least one
recent recall related to certain SCR
catalysts in heavy-duty vehicles, the
recall was not announced until nearly
nine years after the initial sale of these
engines; as such, there was a prolonged
period of real-world emissions
increases, and some owners likely
absorbed significant cost and downtime
for repairs that could have been covered
by an extended warranty.116 117 More
114 See 40 CFR 1068.115 and Appendix I to Part
1068 for a list of covered emission-related
115 American Transportation Research Institute,
‘‘An Analysis of the Operational Costs of Trucking:
2017 Update’’ October 2017. Available here: https://
116 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ‘‘EPA
Announces Largest Voluntary Recall of Mediumand Heavy-Duty Trucks.’’ July 31, 2018. Available
117 Jaillet, James, ‘‘Volvo setting aside $780M to
address emission system degradation problem’’
January 4, 2019. Available here: https://
Accessed 10/2/19.
durable parts could also lead to fewer
breakdowns, which would likely reduce
the desire for owners to tamper with
emissions controls by bypassing DPF or
SCR systems. In addition, extended
warranties would result in additional
tracking by OEMs of potential defect
issues, which would increase the
likelihood that emission defects (such as
those involved in the recent recall)
would be corrected in a timely manner.
We request comment on emission
component durability, as well as
maintenance or operational strategies
that could substantially extend the life
of emission components and any
regulatory barriers to implementing
these strategies.
By rule, manufacturers providing a
basic mechanical warranty must also
cover emission related repairs for those
same components.118 Most engine
manufacturers offer a 250,000-mile base
warranty on their heavy heavy-duty
engines, which already exceeds the
current minimum 100,000-mile
emission warranty requirement. We
request comment on an appropriate
length of emissions warranty period for
engine and aftertreatment components
to incentivize improved durability with
reasonable cost.
One mechanism to maintain lower
costs for a longer emissions warranty
period could be to vary the length of
warranty coverage across different types
of components. For example, certain
components (e.g., aftertreatment
components) could have a longer
warranty period. Commenters are
encouraged to address whether warranty
should be tied to longer useful life, as
well as whether the warranty period
should vary by component and/or
engine category.
With traditional warranty structures,
parts and labor are covered 100 percent
throughout a limited warranty period.
We welcome comments addressing
whether there would be value in
alternative approaches. Figure 2 below
provides a high-level illustration of
alternative approaches to the traditional
warranty structure. For example, there
could be longer, prorated warranties
that provide different levels of warranty
coverage based on a vehicle’s age or
mileage. In addition, the warranty could
be limited to include only certain parts
after a certain amount of time, and/or
not include labor for part, or even all,
of the duration of coverage. We are
seeking comment on any combination of
these or other approaches. Commenters
should consider discussing the
components that could be included
under each approach, and an
appropriate period of time for given
classes of vehicle and individual
components. Commenters are
encouraged to consider this issue in the
context of the benefits of longer
emissions warranty periods—namely
providing an extended period of
protection for purchasers, as well as a
greater incentive for manufacturers to
design emission control components
that are more durable and less costly to
2. Tamper-Resistant Electronic Controls
announced a new National Compliance
Initiative (‘‘NCI’’) that will include
enhanced collaboration with states to
reduce the manufacture, sale, and
installation of defeat devices on vehicles
and engines, with a focus on
commercial truck fleets.119
We have identified several different
ways that tampering can occur.120 Most
commonly, the engine’s emission
system parts are physically removed or
‘‘deleted’’ electronically through the use
of software which can disable these
components. One of the key methods to
2019. Available here:
120 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
‘‘Enforcement Data and Results’’, Available online: Accessed September 18, 2019.
Although EPA lacks robust data on
the frequency of tampering with heavyduty engines and vehicles, enforcement
activities continue to find evidence of
tampering nationwide. Recently, EPA
118 See 40 CFR 86.004–2, definition of ‘‘warranty
119 Belser, Evan, ‘‘Tampering and Aftermarket
Defeat Devices’’ Presented to the National
Association of Clean Air Agencies. September 18,
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enable such actions is through
tampering with the engine control
module (ECM) calibration.
We are considering several
approaches to prevent tampering with
the ECM. One approach could be for
manufacturers to provide public access
to unique data channels that can be
used by owners or enforcement agencies
to confirm emission controls are active
and functioning properly. A second
approach to improved ECM security
could be to develop methodologies that
flag when ECMs are flashed with
improper calibrations. This approach
would require a process to distinguish
between authorized and unauthorized
flashing events, detect an unauthorized
event, and store information
documenting such events in the ECM.
Finally, we are following ongoing work
at SAE International that focuses on
preventing cyber security hacking
activity. The efforts to combat such
safety- and security-related concerns
may provide a pathway to apply similar
solutions for emission control software
and modules. We anticipate such a longterm approach would require effort
beyond the CTI rulemaking timeframe.
EPA requests comment on these or other
actions we could take to help prevent
ECM tampering.
3. Serviceability Improvements
Vehicle owners play an important role
in achieving the intended emission
reductions of the technologies that
manufacturers implement to meet EPA
standards. Vehicle owners are expected
to properly maintain the engines, which
includes scheduled (preventive)
maintenance (e.g., maintaining adequate
DEF supply for their diesel engines’
aftertreatment) and repairs when
components or systems degrade or fail.
Although defective designs and
tampering can contribute significantly
to increased in-use emissions, malmaintenance (which includes improper
repairs, delayed repairs, and delayed or
unperformed maintenance) also
increases in-use emissions. Malmaintenance (by owners or repair
facilities) can result from:
• High costs to diagnose and repair
• Inadequate maintenance instructions
• Limited access to service information
and specialized tools to make repairs
As discussed below, we are looking to
improve in-use maintenance practices
by addressing these factors. We also
discuss how maintenance concerns can
increase tampering.
We are especially interested in the
repair and maintenance practices of
second owners, which are typically
individual owners and small fleets that
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do not have the sophisticated repair
facilities of the larger fleets. These
second owners often experience
emission-related problems that cannot
be diagnosed easily, causing the repairs
to be delayed. While fleets often have
sufficient resources to obtain engine
manufacturer-specific diagnostic tools
for their trucks and can diagnose
emission-systems problems quickly,
smaller fleets or individual owners may
be required to tow their truck to a dealer
to diagnose and address the problem.
In 2009, EPA finalized regulations for
the heavy-duty industry to ensure that
manufacturers make ‘‘service
information’’ available to any person
repairing or servicing heavy-duty
vehicles and engines (see 74 FR 8309,
February 24, 2009). This service
information includes: Information
necessary to make use of the OBD
system, instructions for making
emission-related diagnoses and repairs,
training information, technical service
bulletins, etc. EPA is considering
whether the service information and
tools needed to diagnose problems with
heavy-duty emission control systems are
available and affordable. EPA requests
comment on the following serviceability
• Usefulness of currently available
emission diagnostic information and
• The adequacy of emission-related
training for diagnosis and repair of
these systems
• The readiness and capabilities of
repair facilities in making repairs
• The reasonableness of the cost of
purchasing this information and the
• The prevalence of using of this
equipment outside of large repair
• If there are any existing barriers to
enabling owners to quickly diagnose
emission control system problems
We are currently evaluating which
OBD signals are needed to diagnose and
repair emission control components.
While SAE’s J1939 protocol establishes
a comprehensive list of signals and
parameters used in heavy-duty trucks,
many signals are not required to be
broadcast publicly. Ensuring that all
owners, including those who operate
older, higher-mileage vehicles, have
access to service information to properly
diagnose problems with their truck’s
emission system could reduce the cost
for many owners who choose to do
some maintenance on their own.
Although J1939 includes nearly 2,000
parameters OBD regulations dictate a
limited number of signals must be
broadcast publicly. While today, some
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manufacturers broadcast more signals
than are required, there is no guarantee
that this practice will continue which
could lead to loss of diagnostic ability.
Therefore, we request comment on
which signals we should require to be
made available publicly to ensure
adequate access to critical emissions
diagnostic information.
Maintenance issues can result in
owner dissatisfaction, which can
incentivize removal or bypass of
emission controls. EPA is aware of
significant discontent expressed by
owners concerning their experiences
with emission systems on vehicles
compliant with fully phased-in 2010
standards—in particular, for the first
several model years after the new
standards went into effect. Although
significant improvements have been
made to these systems since they were
introduced into the market, reliability
issues continue to cause concern for
owners. For example, software and/or
component failures can occur with
little-to-no warning. Misdiagnosis can
also lead to repeated repairs that don’t
solve the problem with the risk of
repeated breakdowns, tows, and trips to
repair facilities. We believe that
reducing maintenance issues could also
reduce tampering.
We are also evaluating the use of
maintenance-inducing control features
(‘‘inducements’’) that degrade engine
performance as a means to ensure that
certain critical maintenance steps are
performed. For example, SCR-equipped
engines generally include features that
‘‘derate’’ or severely limit engine
operation if a vehicle is operated
without DEF. EPA guidance for such
features was issued in 2009.121 While
inducements were designed to
encourage owners to perform proper
maintenance, an inducement can be
triggered for a variety of reasons that an
owner cannot control (e.g., faulty
wiring, software glitches, or sensor
failures) and may not degrade emission
control performance. EPA understands
that some owners view derate
inducements as particularly problematic
when they are not due to improper
maintenance, because they are difficult
to predict and may occur at
inconvenient locations, far from
preferred repair facilities. Owners’ prior
concerns over parts durability and
potential breakdowns are likely
heightened by the risk of inducements.
Given that we are nearing a decade of
industry experience in understanding
121 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
‘‘Certification Requirements for Heavy-Duty Diesel
Engines Using Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR)
technologies’’, February 18, 2009, CISD–09–04
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
maintenance of SCR systems, we believe
it is time to reevaluate these features,
and potentially allow for less severe
inducements. We believe such relief
may also reduce tampering.
We broadly request comment on
actions EPA should take, if any, to
improve maintenance practices and the
repair experience for owners. We
welcome comment on the adequacy of
existing emission control system
maintenance instructions provided by
OEMs. In addition, we request comment
on whether other stakeholders (such as
state and local agencies) may find it
difficult in the field to detect tampering
due to limitations of available scan tools
and limited publicly available broadcast
OBD parameters. We request comment
on signals that are not currently
broadcast publicly that would enable
agencies to ensure vehicles are
compliant during inspections.
4. Emission Controls Education and
In addition to more easily accessible
service information for users, we believe
that there may also be educational
programs and voluntary incentives that
could lead to better maintenance and
real-world emission benefits. We
understand that there continues to be
misinformation in the marketplace
regarding exhaust aftertreatment
systems, including predatory websites
that incorrectly indicate that their fuel
economy-boosting delete kits are legal.
We seek comment on the potential
benefits of educational and/or
voluntary, incentive-based programs
such as EPA’s SmartWay program.122
Such a program could provide online
training on issues such as the
importance of the emissions equipment,
how it functions, how emissions
systems impact fuel economy, users’
ability to access service information,
and how to identify legitimate methods
and services that do not compromise
their vehicles’ emissions compliance. In
addition to educational elements, we are
seeking comment on whether and how
to develop tools allowing fleets to
commit to selling used vehicles with
fully functional and verified emissions
control systems.
5. Improving Engine Rebuilding
Practices 123
Under 40 CFR 1068.120(b), EPA
defines requirements for rebuilding
122 Learn about SmartWay. Available online at: Accessed October 3, 2019.
123 As used here, the term ‘‘rebuilding’’ generally
includes practices known commercially as
‘‘remanufacturing’’. Under 40 CFR part 1068,
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engines to avoid violating the tampering
prohibition in 1068.101(b)(1). EPA
supports engine rebuilding that
maintains emissions compliance, but it
is unclear if the rebuilding industry’s
current practices adequately address the
functioning of aftertreatment systems
during this process. We are interested in
improving engine rebuilding practices
to help ensure emission controls
continue to function properly after an
engine is rebuilt. In particular, we are
concerned about components that
typically remain with the vehicle when
the engine is removed for rebuilding,
especially aftertreatment components.
Because these components may not be
included when an engine is overhauled,
we believe that additional provisions
may be needed to help ensure that these
other components maintain proper
function to the same degree that the
rebuilt components do.
There are practical limitations to
implementing new regulations that
would include testing and repairing the
aftertreatment system during each
rebuild event. Currently, engine
rebuilding is focused on the engine;
aftertreatment systems may not be
evaluated at the time of rebuild—
especially when it remains with the
vehicle during an out-of-frame rebuild.
We recognize the potentially significant
financial undertaking that might be
necessary for the rebuilding industry to
restructure their businesses to include
aftertreatment systems in their
Instead, our goal of proposing new
regulations for rebuilding would be to
ensure the aftertreatment system is
functioning properly at the time of
rebuild. We are considering a program
where rebuilders would collect
information documenting certain OBD
codes to determine whether their
emission systems are on the truck and
functioning prior to placing an order for
a factory-rebuilt engine or sending their
engine out for rebuilding. This could
consist of the engine rebuilder
requesting that the owner provide them
with a report showing the results of a
limited number of OBD parameters that
indicate broadly the status of the
emissions systems. Such a program
could involve the rebuilder ensuring
this report has been received, reviewed,
and retained. This sort of check would
not be intended to impede the sale of
the rebuilt engine. We acknowledge that
some engines may have experienced
catastrophic failures that may result in
numerous ‘‘check engine’’ codes and
prevent owners or repair facilities from
rebuilding refers to practices that fall short of
producing a ‘‘new’’ engine.
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running additional OBD monitors to
confirm the aftertreatment system
We solicit comment on whether we
could appropriately ensure compliance
without creating unnecessary market
disruption by requiring owners to attest
that any problems shown in their
engine’s report will be repaired within
a certain timeframe. We believe this
documentation requirement would
introduce a level of accountability with
respect to aftertreatment systems when
engines are rebuilt, with minimal
burden on the rebuilders and owners.
We request comment on the feasibility
and challenges of such an approach,
including suggestions of relevant OBD
parameters, report format, and how to
collect the information (e.g., could
manufacturers build into new vehicles
the ability for such a status report to be
run using a generic scan tool and be
output in a text file).
F. Certification and Compliance
The fundamental requirements for
certification of heavy-duty engines are
specified by the Clean Air Act. For
example, the Act provides:
• Manufacturers must obtain a
certificate of conformity from EPA
before introducing an engine into
• Manufacturers must obtain new
certificates each year
• The certificate must be based on test
• The manufacturer must provide an
emissions warranty to the purchaser
However, EPA has significant
discretion for many aspects of our
certification and compliance programs,
and we are requesting comment on
potential opportunities to streamline
our requirements, while ensuring no
change in protection for public health
and the environment, including EPA’s
ability to ensure compliance with the
requirements of the CAA and our
regulations. Commenters are encouraged
to consider not just potential cost
savings associated with each aspect of
streamlining, but also ways to prevent
any adverse impacts on the effectiveness
of our certification and in-use
compliance program.
1. Certification of Carry-Over Engines
Our regulations currently require
engine families to undergo a thorough
certification process each year. This
includes ‘‘carry-over’’ engines with no
year-to-year calibration or hardware
changes. Although we have already
adopted certain simplifications, we
intend to consider additional
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
improvements to this this process under
the CTI to reduce the burden of
certification for carry-over engines. We
request comment on specific revisions
that could apply for certifying carryover engines.
2. Modernizing of Heavy-Duty Engine
Heavy-duty engine criteria pollutant
standards and related regulations were
codified into 40 CFR part 86 in the
1980s. We believe the CTI provides an
opportunity to clarify (and otherwise
improve) the wording of our existing
heavy-duty criteria pollutant regulations
in plain language and migrate them to
part 1036. This part, which was created
for the Phase 1 GHG program, provides
a consistent, modern format for our
regulations, with improved
organization. This migration would not
be intended to make any change to the
compliance program, except as
specifically and expressly addressed in
the CTI rulemaking. We request
comment on the benefits and concerns
with this undertaking.
3. Heavy-Duty In-Use Testing Program
Under the current manufacturer-run
heavy-duty in-use testing program, EPA
annually selects engine families to
evaluate whether engines are meeting
current emissions standards. Once we
submit a test order to the manufacturer
to initiate testing, it must contact
customers to recruit vehicles that use an
engine from the selected engine family.
The manufacturer generally selects five
unique vehicles that have a good
maintenance history, no malfunction
indicators on, and are within the
engine’s regulatory useful life for the
requested engine family. The tests
require use of portable emissions
measurement systems (PEMS) that meet
the requirements of 40 CFR 1065
subpart J. Manufacturers collect data
from the selected vehicles over the
course of a day while they are used for
their normal work and operated by a
regular driver, and then submit the data
to EPA.
EPA’s current process for selecting an
engine family test order is undefined
and can be based on a range of factors
including, but not limited to, recent
compliance performance or simply
length of time since last data collection
on that family. Onboard NOX sensors
present an opportunity to better define
EPA’s criteria for test orders. For
example, onboard NOX data could be
used to screen in-use engines for key
performance characteristics that may
indicate a problem. We welcome
comment on possible strategies and
challenges to incorporating onboard
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NOX sensor data in EPA’s engine family
test order process.
An evolution of our current PEMSbased in-use testing approach could be
to use onboard NOX sensors that are
already on vehicles instead of (or
potentially in addition to) PEMS as the
emission measurement tool for in-use
compliance. In this scenario,
manufacturers would collect and store
performance data on the engine’s
computer until it is retrieved. When a
test order is sent, manufacturers could
simply collect the stored data and send
it to EPA, reducing the burden of
today’s PEMS-based collection
procedures. This simplified data
collection could potentially expand the
pool of vehicles evaluated for a given
test order and compliance could be
based on a much greater percentage of
the in-use fleet with broader coverage of
the industry’s diverse operation. We are
currently in the early stages of
evaluating key questions for this type of
evolution in approach to in-use testing.
These key issues include: NOX sensor
performance (noted in III.A.3),
appropriate engine parameters to target,
quantity of data to collect, performance
metrics to calculate, and frequency of
reporting. Additionally, we are
evaluating several candidate processes
for aggregating the results. See Section
III.C for a discussion of our early
thinking on these topics as they relate
to potential updates to EPA’s
manufacturer-run in-use testing
Another aspect of this potential
evolution in the in-use testing program
could be combining the use of onboard
sensors with telematic communication
technologies that facilitate
manufacturers receiving and sending
information from/to the vehicle in real
time. Telematics services are already
increasingly used by the industry due to
the Department of Transportation’s
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration’s Electronic Logging
Device (ELD) Rule that requires the use
of ELDs by the end of 2019.124 The
value of being able to measure NOX
emissions from the in-use fleet could be
increased if coupled with real-time
communication between the engine
manufacturers and the vehicles. For
example, such a combination could
enable manufacturers to identify
emission problems early. By being able
to schedule repairs proactively or
otherwise respond promptly, operators
would be able to prevent or mitigate
124 DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration. ‘‘ELD Factsheet,’’ Available online:
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failures during in-use operation and
make arrangements to avoid disrupting
operations. We request comment on the
potential use of telematics and
communication technology in ensuring
in-use emissions compliance.
Finally, we request comment on the
need to measure PM emissions during
in-use testing of DPF-equipped
engines—whether under the current
regulations or under some future
program. PEMS measurement is more
complicated and time-consuming for
PM measurements than for gaseous
pollutants such as NOX and eliminating
it for some or all in-use testing would
provide significant cost savings.
Commenters are encouraged to address
whether there are less expensive
alternatives for ensuring that engines
meet the PM standards in use.
4. Durability Testing
Pursuant to Clean Air Act Section
206, EPA’s regulations require that a
manufacturer’s application for
certification include a demonstration
that the new engines will meet
applicable emission standards
throughout the engines’ useful life. This
is often called the durability
demonstration. The core of this
demonstration includes procedures to
calculate a deterioration factor (DF) to
project full useful life emissions
compliance based on testing a low-hour
A deterioration factor can be
determined directly for heavy-duty
diesel engines by aging the engine and
exhaust aftertreatment system to full
useful life on an engine dynamometer.
This time-consuming process requires
manufacturers to commit to product
configurations well ahead of their preproduction certification testing in order
to ensure the durability testing is
complete. Some manufacturers run
multiple, staggered durability tests in
parallel in case a component failure
occurs that would require a complete
restart of the aging process.
Recognizing that full useful life
testing is a significant undertaking (that
can involve more than one full year of
continuous engine operation for heavy
heavy-duty engines), EPA has allowed
manufacturers to age their systems to
between 35 and 50 percent of full useful
life on an engine dynamometer and
extrapolate the data to full useful life.
This extrapolation reduces the time to
complete the aging process, but it is
unclear if it accurately captures the
emissions deterioration of the system.
125 40
CFR 86.1823–08.
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
i. Diesel Aftertreatment Rapid Aging
The current durability demonstration
provisions were developed before
aftertreatment systems were widely
adopted for emission control and we
believe some of the inaccuracy of the
deterioration extrapolation may be due
to the deterioration mechanisms unique
to catalysts. We believe a more costefficient demonstration protocol could
focus on the emissions-critical catalytic
aftertreatment system to accelerate the
process and possibly improve accuracy.
EPA is developing a protocol for
demonstrating aftertreatment durability
through an accelerated catalyst aging
procedure. The objective of this protocol
is to artificially recreate the three
primary catalytic deterioration
processes observed in field-aged
components: Thermal aging based on
time at high temperature, chemical
aging that accounts for poisoning due to
fuel and oil contamination, and
deposits. This work to develop a diesel
aftertreatment rapid-aging protocol
(DARAP) builds on an existing rapidaging protocol designed for light-duty
gasoline vehicles (64 FR 23906).
A necessary feature of this protocol
development would be a process to
validate deterioration projections from
accelerated aging. Three engines and
their corresponding aftertreatment
systems will be aged using our current,
engine-focused durability test
procedure. Three comparable
aftertreatment systems will be aged
using a burner in place of an engine. We
are planning to evaluate emissions using
this accelerated approach, compared to
the standard approach, at the following
approximate intervals: 0; 280,000;
425,000; 640,000; and 850,000 miles.
We anticipate this validation program
will take six months per engine
platform. We expect the program will be
completed after the CTI NPRM is issued.
We plan to have results from one of the
test engines in time to consider when
developing the proposal, with the
remaining results and final report
completed before the final rulemaking.
We request comment on the need,
usefulness and appropriateness for a
diesel aftertreatment rapid-aging
protocol, and we request comment on
the test program EPA has initiated to
inform the accelerated durability
demonstration method outlined here.
ii. Durability Certification
As mentioned previously, EPA has
issued guidance to ensure
manufacturers report accurate
deterioration factors. EPA is considering
updates to the durability demonstration
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currently required for manufacturers,
which may still require manufacturers
to validate their reported values. We
believe onboard data collected for in-use
compliance could provide a pathway for
manufacturers to show the deterioration
performance of their engines in the real
world with reduced need for upfront
durability demonstrations. We request
comment on the suitability of onboard
data to supplement our current or future
deterioration factor demonstrations, as
well as opportunities to reduce testing
burden by reporting in-use data.
G. Incentives for Early Emission
The Clean Air Act requires that EPA
provide manufacturers sufficient lead
time to meet new standards. However,
we recognize that manufacturers may
have opportunities to introduce some
technologies earlier than required, and
that public health and the environment
could benefit from such early
introduction. Thus, we are requesting
comments on potential provisions that
would provide a regulatory incentive for
reducing emissions earlier than
required, including but not limited to
incentives for low-emission, advanced
powertrain technologies.126 Such
approaches can have the effect of
accelerating the turnover of the existing
fleet of heavy-duty vehicles to loweremitting vehicles.
We have often relied on emission
credit banking provisions, such as those
in 40 CFR 1036.715, to incentivize early
emission reductions. This approach has
worked well for rulemakings that set
numerically lower standards but keep
the same test cycles and other
procedures. However, this would not
necessarily be the case for the CTI,
where we expect to adopt new test
cycles or other fundamentally new
approaches. Manufacturers could
generate and bank emission credits for
the two current EPA test cycles (the FTP
and RMC) in the near-term, but it is
unclear how those credits could be used
to show compliance with respect to
operating modes that are not reflected in
the current cycles.
Manufacturers could certify to any
new CTI provisions once the rule is
finalized, but that may not leave
sufficient time for manufacturers to
complete all of the steps required to
certify new engines early. For example,
manufacturers would not know the new
useful life mileages until the rule is
finalized, which may hinder them from
completing durability work early.
Therefore, we request comment on
126 See Section III.A.4 for more discussion on
advanced powertrain technologies.
PO 00000
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alternative approaches to incentivize
early emission reductions.
In particular, we would be interested
in the early adoption of technology that
reduces low-load emissions. One
approach we are considering would be
for manufacturers to certify engines
with new technology to the existing
requirements (i.e., FTP and RMC test
cycles and durability demonstration),
but then track the engines in-use using
improved in-use provisions. This
approach could demonstrate that the
engines have lower emissions in use
than other engines (including low-load
operation) and serve as a pilot program
for an updated in-use program. We
request comment on options to
potentially generate numerical off-cycle
credit under this approach, or other
interim benefits, such as delayed
compliance for some other engine
family, that could incentivize early
emissions reductions.
IV. Next Steps
As described above, EPA has made
important progress in the development
of technical information to support new,
more stringent NOX emission standards
and other potential program elements.
We also expect to receive additional
technical information in the comments
on this ANPR. We intend to publish a
NPRM this year, after reviewing the
comments and considering how any
new information we receive may be
used in the analysis we have underway
to support the CTI NPRM.
section at the beginning of this notice
for details on how to submit comments.
V. Statutory and Executive Order
Under Executive Order 12866,
entitled Regulatory Planning and
Review (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993),
this is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action.’’ Because this action does not
propose or impose any requirements,
the various statutes and Executive
Orders that apply to rulemaking do not
apply in this case. Should EPA
subsequently pursue a rulemaking, EPA
will address the statutes and Executive
Orders as applicable to that rulemaking.
Nevertheless, the Agency welcomes
comments and/or information that
would help the Agency to assess any of
the following:
• The potential impact of a rule on
small entities pursuant to the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (RFA) (5 U.S.C. 601 et
• Potential impacts on federal, state,
or local governments pursuant to the
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
(UMRA) (2 U.S.C. 1531–1538);
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 13 / Tuesday, January 21, 2020 / Proposed Rules
• Federalism implications pursuant
to Executive Order 13132, entitled
Federalism (64 FR 43255, November 2,
• Availability of voluntary consensus
standards pursuant to section 12(d) of
the National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act of 1995 (NTTAA),
Public Law 104–113;
• Tribal implications pursuant to
Executive Order 13175, entitled
Consultation and Coordination with
Indian Tribal Governments (65 FR
67249, November 6, 2000);
• Environmental health or safety
effects on children pursuant to
Executive Order 13045, entitled
Protection of Children from
Environmental Health Risks and Safety
Risks (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997)—
applies to regulatory actions that: (1)
Concern environmental health or safety
risks that EPA has reason to believe may
disproportionately affect children and
(2) are economically significant
regulatory action, as defined by
Executive Order 12866;
• Energy effects pursuant to
Executive Order 13211, entitled Actions
Concerning Regulations that
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use (66 FR 28355, May
22, 2001);
• Paperwork burdens pursuant to the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44
U.S.C. 3501); or
• Human health or environmental
effects on minority or low-income
populations pursuant to Executive
Order 12898, entitled Federal Actions to
Address Environmental Justice in
Minority Populations and Low-Income
Populations (59 FR 7629, February 16,
The Agency will consider such
comments during the development of
any subsequent proposed rulemaking.
Dated: January 6, 2020.
Andrew R. Wheeler,
[FR Doc. 2020–00542 Filed 1–17–20; 8:45 am]
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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
42 CFR Chapter IV
RIN 0938–ZB57
Coordinating Care From Out-of-State
Providers for Medicaid-Eligible
Children With Medically Complex
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Request for information.
This document is a request for
information (RFI) to seek public
comments regarding the coordination of
care from out-of-state providers for
Medicaid-eligible children with
medically complex conditions. We wish
to identify best practices for using outof-state providers to provide care to
children with medically complex
conditions; determine how care is
coordinated for such children when that
care is provided by out-of-state
providers, including when care is
provided in emergency and nonemergency situations; reduce barriers
that prevent such children from
receiving care from out-of-state
providers in a timely fashion; and
identify processes for screening and
enrolling out-of-state providers in
Medicaid, including efforts to
streamline such processes for out-ofstate providers or to reduce the burden
of such processes on them. We intend
to use the information received in
response to this RFI to issue guidance to
state Medicaid directors on the
coordination of care from out-of-state
providers for children with medically
complex conditions.
DATES: Comments: To be assured
consideration, comments must be
received at one of the addresses
provided below, no later than 5 p.m. on
March 23, 2020.
ADDRESSES: In commenting, refer to file
code CMS–2324–NC. Because of staff
and resource limitations, we cannot
accept comments by facsimile (FAX)
Comments, including mass comment
submissions, must be submitted in one
of the following three ways (please
choose only one of the ways listed):
1. Electronically. You may submit
electronic comments on this RFI to Follow the
‘‘Submit a comment’’ instructions.
PO 00000
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2. By regular mail. You may mail
written comments to the following
address ONLY: Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, Department of
Health and Human Services, Attention:
CMS–2324–NC, P.O. Box 8016,
Baltimore, MD 21244–8010.
Please allow sufficient time for mailed
comments to be received before the
close of the comment period.
3. By express or overnight mail. You
may send written comments to the
following address ONLY: Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human
Services, Attention: CMS–2324–NC,
Mail Stop C4–26–05, 7500 Security
Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244–1850.
Nicole Gillette-Payne, 212–616–2465.
Inspection of Public Comments: All
comments received before the close of
the comment period will be made
available for viewing by the public,
including any personally identifiable or
confidential business information that is
included in a comment. We will post all
comments received before the close of
the comment period on the following
website as soon as possible after they
have been received: https:// Follow the search
instructions on that website to view
public comments.
I. Background
Medicaid health homes were
originally authorized under section
2703 of the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Pub. L.
111–148, enacted March 23, 2010), as
amended by the Health Care and
Education Reconciliation Act of 2010
(Pub. L. 115–152, enacted March 30,
2010) (the ACA), which added section
1945 to the Social Security Act (the
Act). Section 1945 of the Act allows
states to elect a Medicaid state plan
option to provide a comprehensive
system of care coordination for
Medicaid beneficiaries with chronic
conditions. The goal of the health
homes authorized under section 1945 of
the Act is to integrate and coordinate all
primary, acute, behavioral health, and
long-term services and supports to treat
the whole person. States may not limit
enrollment by age in the health homes
authorized under section 1945 of the
Act, but may target chronic conditions
that have a higher prevalence in
particular age groups.1
1 See Health Homes FAQs, December 18, 2017,
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 13 (Tuesday, January 21, 2020)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 3306-3330]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2020-00542]
[[Page 3306]]
40 CFR Parts 86 and 1036
[EPA-HQ-OAR-2019-0055; FRL-10004-16-OAR]
RIN 2060-AU41
Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty
Engine Standards
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Advanced notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is soliciting pre-
proposal comments on a rulemaking effort known as the Cleaner Trucks
Initiative (CTI). This advance notice describes EPA's plans for a new
rulemaking that would establish new emission standards for oxides of
nitrogen (NOX) and other pollutants for highway heavy-duty
engines. It also describes opportunities to streamline and improve
certification procedures to reduce costs for engine manufacturers. The
EPA is seeking input on this effort from the public, including all
interested stakeholders, to inform the development of a subsequent
notice of proposed rulemaking.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before February 20, 2020.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
OAR-2019-0055, at Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments. Once submitted, comments cannot
be edited or removed from The EPA may publish any
comment received to its public docket. Do not submit electronically any
information you consider to be Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Multimedia submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be accompanied by a
written comment. The written comment is considered the official comment
and should include discussion of all points you wish to make. The EPA
will generally not consider comments or comment contents located
outside of the primary submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or other
file sharing system). For additional submission methods, the full EPA
public comment policy, information about CBI or multimedia submissions,
and general guidance on making effective comments, please visit
Public Participation: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID
No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2019-0055, at Follow the
online instructions for submitting comments. Once submitted, comments
cannot be edited or removed from The EPA may publish
any comment received to its public docket. Do not submit electronically
any information you consider to be Confidential Business Information
(CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Multimedia submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be accompanied by a
written comment. The written comment is considered the official comment
and should include discussion of all points you wish to make. EPA will
generally not consider comments or comment contents located outside of
the primary submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or other file sharing
system). For additional submission methods, the full EPA public comment
policy, information about CBI or multimedia submissions, and general
guidance on making effective comments, please visit
Docket. EPA has established a docket for this action under Docket
ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2019-0055. All documents in the docket are listed on
the website. Although listed in the index, some
information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such
as copyrighted material, is not placed on the internet and will be
publicly available only in hard copy form. Publicly available docket
materials are available either electronically in or
in hard copy at Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, EPA
Docket Center, EPA/DC, EPA WJC West Building, 1301 Constitution Ave.
NW, Room 3334, Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is open from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal
holidays. The telephone number for the Public Reading Room is (202)
566-1744, and the telephone number for the Air Docket is (202) 566-
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Brian Nelson, Office of Transportation
and Air Quality, Assessment and Standards Division, Environmental
Protection Agency, 2000 Traverwood Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105;
telephone number: (734) 214-4278; email address: [email protected].
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Background
A. History of Emission Standards for Heavy-Duty Engines
B. NOX Emissions From Current Heavy-Duty Engines
1. Diesel Engines
2. Gasoline Engines
C. Existing Heavy-Duty Compliance Cost Elements
D. The Need for Additional NOX Control
E. California Heavy-Duty Highway Low NOX Program
III. Potential Solutions and Program Elements
A. Emission Control Technologies
1. Diesel Engine Technologies Under Consideration
2. Gasoline Engine Technologies Under Consideration
3. Emission Monitoring Technologies
4. Hybrid, Battery-Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles
5. Alternative Fuels
B. Standards and Test Cycles
1. Emission Standards for RMC and FTP Cycles
2. New Emission Test Cycles and Standards
C. In-Use Emission Standards
D. Extended Regulatory Useful Life
E. Ensuring Long-Term In-Use Emissions Performance
1. Lengthened Emissions Warranty
2. Tamper-Resistant Electronic Controls
3. Serviceability Improvements
4. Emission Controls Education and Incentives
5. Improving Engine Rebuilding Practices
F. Certification and Compliance Streamlining
1. Certification of Carry-Over Engines
2. Modernizing of Heavy-Duty Engine Regulations
3. Heavy-Duty In-Use Testing Program
4. Durability Testing
G. Incentives for Early Emission Reductions
IV. Next Steps
V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
I. Introduction
On November 13, 2018, EPA announced plans to undertake a new
rulemaking--the Cleaner Trucks Initiative (CTI)--to update standards
for oxides of nitrogen (NOX) emissions from highway heavy-
duty vehicles and engines.\1\ Although NOX emissions in the
U.S. have dropped by more than 40 percent over the past decade, we
project that heavy-duty vehicles continue to be one of the largest
contributors to the mobile source NOX inventory in 2028.\2\
[[Page 3307]]
Reducing NOX emissions from highway heavy-duty trucks and
buses is thus an important component of improving air quality
nationwide and reducing public health and welfare effects associated
with these pollutants, especially for vulnerable populations and
lifestages, and in highly-impacted regions.
\1\ EPA's regulations generally classify vehicles with Gross
Vehicle Weight Ratings (GVWRs) above 8,500 pounds (i.e., Class 2b
and above) as heavy-duty vehicles, including large pick-up trucks
and vans, a variety of ``work trucks'' designed for vocational
applications, and combination tractor-trailers.
\2\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ``Air Emissions
Modeling: 2016v1 Platform.'' Available online at:
Section 202(a)(1) of the Clean Air Act (the Act) requires the EPA
to set emission standards for air pollutants, including oxides of
nitrogen (NOX), from new motor vehicles or new motor vehicle
engines, which the Administrator has found cause air pollution that may
endanger public health or welfare. Under section 202(a)(3)(A) of the
Act, NOX (and certain other) emission standards for heavy-
duty vehicles and engines are to ``reflect the greatest degree of
emission reduction achievable through the application of technology
which the Administrator determines will be available for the model year
to which such standards apply, giving appropriate consideration to
cost, energy, and safety factors associated with the application of
such technology.'' Section 202(a)(3)(C) requires that standards apply
for no less than 3 model years and apply no earlier than 4 years after
Given the continued contribution of heavy-duty trucks to the
NOX inventory, more than 20 organizations, including state
and local air agencies from across the country, petitioned EPA in the
summer of 2016 to develop more stringent NOX emission
standards for on-road heavy-duty engines.\3\ Among the reasons stated
by the petitioners for EPA rulemaking was the need for NOX
emission reductions to reduce adverse health and welfare impacts and to
help areas attain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
EPA subsequently met with a wide range of stakeholders in listening
sessions, during which certain themes were consistent across the range
of stakeholders.\4\ For example, it became clear that there is broad
support for federal action in collaboration with the California Air
Resources Board (CARB). So-called ``50-state'' standards enable
technology suppliers and manufacturers to efficiently produce a single
set of reliable and compliant products. There was broad acknowledgement
of the value of aligning implementation of new NOX standards
with existing milestones for greenhouse gas (GHG) standards under the
Heavy-Duty Phase 2 GHG and fuel efficiency program (``Phase 2'') (81 FR
73478, October 25, 2016). Such alignment would ensure that the GHG and
fuel reductions achieved under Phase 2 are maintained and allow the
regulated industry to implement GHG and NOX technologies
into their products at the same time.\5\
\3\ Brakora, Jessica. ``Petitions to EPA for Revised
NOX Standards for Heavy-Duty Engines'' Memorandum to
Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2019-0055. December 4, 2019.
\4\ Stakeholders included: Emissions control technology
suppliers; engine and vehicle manufacturers; a labor union that
represents heavy-duty engine, parts, and vehicle manufacturing
workers; a heavy-duty trucking fleet trade association; an owner-
operator driver association; a truck dealers trade association;
environmental, non-governmental organizations; states and regional
air quality districts; tribal interests; California Air Resources
Board (CARB); and the petitioners.
\5\ The major implementation milestones for the Heavy-duty Phase
2 engine and vehicle standards are in model years 2021, 2024, and
EPA responded to the petition on December 20, 2016, noting that an
opportunity exists to develop a new, harmonized national NOX
reduction strategy for heavy-duty highway engines.\3\ EPA emphasized
the importance of scientific and technological information when
determining the appropriate level and form of a future low
NOX standard and highlighted the following potential
components of the action:
Lower NOX emission standards
Improvements to test procedures and test cycles to ensure
emission reductions occur in the real world, not only over the
currently applicable certification test cycles
Updated certification and in-use testing protocols
Longer periods of mandatory emissions-related component
Consideration of longer regulatory useful life, reflecting
actual in-use activity
Consideration of rebuilding \6\
\6\ As used here, the term ``rebuilding'' generally includes
practices known commercially as ``remanufacturing''. Under 40 CFR
part 1068, rebuilding refers to practices that fall short of
producing a ``new'' engine.
Incentives to encourage the transition to current- and next-
generation cleaner technologies as soon as possible
Since then, EPA has assembled a team to gather scientific and
technical data needed to inform our proposal. We intend the CTI to be a
holistic rethinking of emission standards and compliance. Within this
broad goal, we will be looking to the following high-level principles
to inform our approach to this rulemaking:
Our goal should be to reduce in-use emissions under a broad
range of operating conditions \7\
\7\ We address this goal in the context of National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQS) nonattainment in Section II.D.
We should consider and enable effective technological
solutions while carefully considering the cost impacts
Our compliance and enforcement provisions should be fair and
Our regulations should incentivize early compliance and
We should ensure a coordinated 50-state program
We should actively engage with interested stakeholders
While these principles have been reflected in previous heavy-duty
rulemakings, we nevertheless believe it is helpful to reemphasize them
here as a reminder to both the agency and commenters. We welcome
comment on these principles, as well as other key principles on which
this rule should be based.
It is important to emphasize that this discussion represents EPA's
early views and considerations on possible CTI elements. We request
comment on all aspects of this advance notice. We plan to consider what
we learn from the comments as we develop a Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (NPRM). Additional information can be found in the docket
for this rulemaking.
II. Background
A. History of Emission Standards for Heavy-Duty Engines
EPA began regulating emissions from heavy-duty vehicles and engines
in the 1970s.8 9 EPA created 40 CFR part 86 in 1976 to
reorganize emission standards and certification requirements for light-
duty and heavy-duty highway vehicles and engines. In 1985, EPA adopted
new standards for heavy-duty highway engines, codifying the standards
in 40
[[Page 3308]]
CFR part 86, subpart A. Since then, EPA has adopted several rules to
set new and more stringent criteria pollutant standards for highway
heavy-duty engine and vehicle emission control programs and to add or
revise certification procedures.\10\
\8\ EPA's regulations address heavy-duty engines and vehicles
separately from light-duty vehicles. Vehicles with GVWR above 8,500
pounds (Class 2b and above) are classified as heavy-duty. For
criteria pollutants such as NOX, EPA generally applies
the standards to the engines rather than the entire vehicles.
However, for complete heavy-duty vehicles below 14,000 pounds GVWR,
EPA applies standards to the whole vehicle rather than the engine;
this is referred to as chassis-certification and is very similar to
certification of light-duty vehicles.
\9\ Emission standards for heavy-duty highway engines were first
adopted by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in the
1960s. These standards and the corresponding certification and
testing procedures were codified at 45 CFR part 1201. In 1972,
shortly after EPA was created as a federal agency, EPA published new
standards and updated procedures while migrating the regulations to
40 CFR part 85 as part of the effort to consolidate all the EPA
regulations in a single location.
\10\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ``EPA Emission
Standards for Heavy-Duty Highway Engines and Vehicles,'' Available
online: (last
accessed December 4, 2019)
In the 1990s, EPA adopted increasingly stringent NOX,
hydrocarbon, and particulate matter (PM) standards. In 1997 EPA
finalized standards for heavy-duty highway diesels (62 FR 54693,
October 21, 1997), effective with the 2004 model year, including a
combined non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) and NOX standard
that represented a reduction of NOX emissions by 50 percent.
These NOX reductions also resulted in significant reductions
in secondary nitrate particulate matter.
In early 2001, EPA finalized the 2007 Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle
Rule (66 FR 5002, January 18, 2001) to continue addressing
NOX and PM emissions from both diesel and gasoline-fueled
highway heavy-duty engines. This rule established a comprehensive
national program that regulated a heavy-duty engine and its fuel as a
single system, with emission standards taking effect beginning with
model year 2007 and fully phasing in by model year 2010. These
standards projected the use of high-efficiency catalytic exhaust
emission control devices. To ensure proper functioning of these
technologies, which could be damaged by sulfur, EPA also mandated
reducing the level of sulfur in highway diesel fuel by 97 percent by
mid-2006. These actions resulted in engines that emit PM and
NOX emissions at levels 90 percent and 95 percent below
emission levels from then-current highway heavy-duty engines,
respectively. The PM standard for new highway heavy-duty engines was
set at 0.01 grams per brake-horsepower-hour (g/hp-hr) by 2007 model
year and the NOX and NMHC standards of 0.20 g/hp-hr and 0.14
g/hp-hr, respectively, were set to phase in between 2007 and 2010. In
finalizing this rule, EPA estimated that the emission reductions would
achieve significant health and environmental impacts, and total
monetized PM2.5- and ozone-related benefits of the program
would exceed $70 billion, versus program costs of $4 billion (1999$).
In 2009, as advanced emissions control systems were being
introduced to meet the 2007/2010 standards, EPA promulgated a final
rule to require that these advanced emissions control systems be
monitored for malfunctions via an onboard diagnostic (OBD) system (74
FR 8310, February 24, 2009). The rule, which has been fully phased in,
required engine manufacturers to install OBD systems that monitor the
functioning of emission control components on new engines and alert the
vehicle operator to any detected need for emission related repair. It
also required that manufacturers make available to the service and
repair industry information necessary to perform repair and maintenance
service on OBD systems and other emission related engine components.
Also in 2009, EPA and Department of Transportation's National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) began working on a joint
regulatory program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and fuel
consumption from heavy-duty vehicles and engines.\11\ By utilizing
regulatory approaches recommended by the National Academy of Sciences,
the first phase (``Phase 1'') of the GHG and fuel efficiency program
was finalized in 2011 (76 FR 57106, September 15, 2011).\12\ The Phase
1 program, spanning implementation from model years 2014 to 2018,
included separate standards for highway heavy-duty vehicles and heavy-
duty engines. The program offered flexibility allowing manufacturers to
attain these standards through a mix of technologies, and the use of
various emissions credit averaging and banking programs.
\11\ Greenhouse gas emissions from heavy-duty engines are
primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), but also include methane
(CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Because
CO2 is formed from the combustion of fuel, it is directly
related to fuel consumption. References in this notice to increasing
or decreasing CO2 can be taken to be qualitative
references to fuel consumption as well.
\12\ The National Academies' Committee to Assess Fuel Economy
Technologies for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles; National Research
Council; Transportation Research Board. ``Technologies and
Approaches to Reducing the Fuel Consumption of Medium- and Heavy-
Duty Vehicles.'' 2010. Available online:
In 2016, EPA and NHTSA finalized the Heavy-Duty Phase 2 GHG and
fuel efficiency program (81 FR 73478, October 25, 2016). Phase 2
includes technology-advancing performance-based standards that will
phase in over the long-term, with initial standards for most vehicles
and engines commencing in model year 2021, increasing in stringency in
model year 2024, and culminating in model year 2027 standards. Phase 2
builds on and advances the Phase 1 program and includes standards based
not only on currently available technologies but also on technologies
under development or not yet widely deployed. To ensure adequate time
for technology development, Phase 2 provided up to 10 years lead time
to allow for the development and phase in of these controls, further
encouraging innovation and providing transitional flexibility.
B. NOX Emissions From Current Heavy-Duty Engines
For heavy-duty vehicles, EPA generally applies non-GHG emission
standards to engines rather than the entire vehicles. However, most of
the Class 2b and 3 pickup trucks and vans (vehicles with a Gross
Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) between 8,500 and 14,000 pounds) are
certified as complete heavy-duty vehicles; this is referred to as
chassis-certification and is very similar to certification of light-
duty vehicles. In fact, these chassis-certified vehicles are covered by
standards in EPA's Tier 3 program, which primarily covers light-duty
vehicles (79 FR 23414, April 28, 2014; 80 FR 0978, February 19, 2015).
We do not intend to propose changes to the standards or test procedures
for chassis-certified heavy-duty vehicles. Instead, the CTI will focus
on engine-certified products.
1. Diesel Engines
As outlined in the previous section, the current heavy-duty engine
emission standards reduced PM and NOX tailpipe emissions by
over 90 percent for emissions measured using the specified test
procedures, but their impact on in-use emissions during real-world
operation is less clear. The diesel particulate filters (DPFs) that
manufacturers are using to control PM emissions have reduced PM
emissions to very low levels during virtually all types of operation.
However, while the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems used to
control NOX emissions can achieve very low levels during
most operation, there remain operating modes where the SCR systems are
much less effective.13 14 For example, NOX
emissions can be significantly higher during engine warm-up, idling,
and certain other types of operation that result in low load on the
engine or
[[Page 3309]]
transitioning from low to high loads. Moreover, deterioration of
emission controls in-use, along with tampering and mal-maintenance, can
result in additional NOX emissions. In addition to tailpipe
emissions, diesel engines with unsealed crankcases generally emit a
small amount of exhaust-related emissions when venting blowby gases
from the crankcase. Each of these sources of higher emissions presents
an opportunity for additional reduction and we introduce potential
solutions in Section III.A.1.
\13\ Hamady, Fakhri, Duncan, Alan. ``A Comprehensive Study of
Manufacturers In-Use Testing Data Collected from Heavy-Duty Diesel
Engines Using Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS)''. 29th
CRC Real World Emissions Workshop, March 10-13, 2019.
\14\ Sandhu, Gurdas, et al. ``Identifying Areas of High
NOX Operation in Heavy-Duty Vehicles''. 28th CRC Real-
World Emissions Workshop, March 18-21, 2018.
2. Gasoline Engines
Heavy-duty gasoline engines rely on three-way catalysts (TWC) to
simultaneously reduce HC, CO, and NOX. This is the same type
of technology used for passenger cars and light-duty trucks. Once the
TWC has reached its light-off temperature,\15\ it can achieve very low
emission levels if the fuel-air ratio of the engine is properly
controlled and calibrated. However, the application of TWC technology
to heavy-duty gasoline engines and vehicles is less optimized for
emissions than for light-duty. Accordingly, from start-up until the
system reaches its light-off temperature, emissions are elevated.
Technologies and strategies that accelerate TWC light-off could reduce
start-up emissions from heavy-duty gasoline engines.
\15\ The ``light-off'' temperature is nominally the temperature
at which a catalyst becomes hot enough to begin functioning
Additionally, the maximum temperature thresholds that today's
heavy-duty TWCs are designed to tolerate could be exceeded by gasoline
engine exhaust temperatures during high-load stoichiometric operation.
Consequently, heavy-duty manufacturers often implement enrichment-based
strategies for engine and catalyst protection at high load. Enrichment,
which is accomplished by injecting additional fuel and temporarily
shifting to a rich fuel-air ratio, has long been used in gasoline
engine operation to cool excessive exhaust gas temperatures to protect
vital engine and exhaust components such as exhaust valves, manifolds,
and catalysts. However, enrichment also results in higher emissions,
including HC, CO, and PM. Technologies or strategies that expand the
TWC operating temperature range could reduce the need for enrichment
and further reduce emissions from heavy-duty gasoline engines.
C. Existing Heavy-Duty Compliance Cost Elements
Manufacturers have incurred significant costs over the years to
reduce emissions from heavy-duty engines and costs will be an important
aspect of the CTI as we consider new standards and other compliance
provisions. This Section C is an overview of current types of costs,
which is intended to provide context for later discussions throughout
this ANPR.
The majority of the costs to comply with emission standards are
directly related to the emission control technologies used by
manufacturers. Technology costs include both the pre-production costs
for activities such as research and development (R&D) and the costs to
produce and warranty emission control components. Vehicle owners and
operators may also incur costs related to compliance with emission
standards if the requirements impact operating costs. EPA will evaluate
technology and operating costs as part of the technological feasibility
and cost analysis for new standards in the NPRM.
The remaining compliance costs for manufacturers are primarily
associated with testing, reporting and recordkeeping to demonstrate and
assure compliance. As a part of the CTI, we intend to evaluate these
costs and identify opportunities to lower them by streamlining our
compliance processes. (See Section III.F.) These non-technological
costs occur in three broad categories:
1. Pre-certification emission testing.
2. Certification reporting.
3. Post-certification testing, reporting, and recordkeeping.
The Clean Air Act requires manufacturers wishing to sell heavy-duty
engines in the U.S. to obtain emission Certificates of Conformity each
year. To do so, manufacturers must submit an application for
certification to EPA for each family of engines.\16\ As specified in 40
CFR 86.007-21 and 1036.205, manufacturers must include a significant
amount of information and emission test results to demonstrate to EPA
that their engines will meet the applicable emission standards and
related requirements.
\16\ An engine family is a group of engines with similar
emission characteristics as defined in 40 CFR 86.001-24 and related
Although most compliance costs occur before and during
certification, manufacturers incur additional costs after
certification. Manufacturers may be required to test a sample of
production engines during the model year, as well as vehicles in actual
use (see Sections III.B and III.C). Manufacturers must also submit end-
of-year production reports. Finally, manufacturers must maintain
compliance records for up to eight years.
D. The Need for Additional NOX Control
As noted in the Introduction, emissions of criteria pollutants have
been declining over time due to federal, state, and local regulations
and voluntary programs.\17\ However, there continues to be a need for
additional NOX emission reductions in spite of the
significant technological progress made to-date.\18\ NOX is
a criteria pollutant, as well as a precursor to ozone and
PM2.5, and as such NOX emissions contribute to
ambient pollution that adversely affects human health (including
vulnerable populations and lifestages, which are relevant to both
children's health and environmental justice issues) and the
environment. EPA has set primary and secondary NAAQS for each of these
pollutants designed to protect public health and welfare. As of
September 30, 2019, more than 128 million people lived in counties
designated nonattainment for the ozone or PM2.5 NAAQS, and
additional people live in areas with a risk of exceeding those NAAQS in
the future.\19\ Reductions in NOX emissions will help areas
attain and maintain the ozone and PM2.5 NAAQS and help
prevent future nonattainment. Reducing NOX emissions will
result in improved health outcomes attributable to lower ozone and
particulate matter concentrations in communities across the United
\17\ EPA publishes an annual air trends report in the form of an
interactive web application (
\18\ Davidson, K., Zawacki, M. Memorandum to Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-
2019-0055. ``Health and Environmental Effects of NOX,
Ozone and PM'' October 22, 2019.
\19\ EPA publishes information on nonattainment areas on its
green book website ( This data comes from the Summary Nonattainment Area
Population Exposure Report, current as of September 30, 2019.
Human health impacts of concern are associated with exposures to
NOX, ozone, and PM2.5.20 21 22 23
[[Page 3310]]
exposures to NO2 (an oxide of nitrogen) can aggravate
respiratory diseases, particularly asthma, leading to respiratory
symptoms, hospital admissions and emergency department visits. Long-
term exposures to NO2 have been shown to contribute to
asthma development and may also increase susceptibility to respiratory
infections. Ozone exposure reduces lung function and causes respiratory
symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath. Ozone exposure also
aggravates asthma and lung diseases such as emphysema, leading to
increased medication use, hospital admissions, and emergency department
visits. Exposures to PM2.5 can cause harmful effects on the
cardiovascular system, including heart attacks and strokes. These
effects can result in emergency department visits, hospitalizations
and, in some cases, premature death. PM exposures are also linked to
harmful respiratory effects, including asthma attacks. Moreover, many
groups are at greater risk than healthy people from these pollutants,
including: People with heart or lung disease, outdoor workers and the
lifestages of older adults and children. Environmental impacts of
concern are associated with these pollutants and include light
extinction, decreased tree growth, foliar injury, and acidification and
eutrophication of aquatic and terrestrial systems.
\20\ U.S. EPA. Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) For Oxides Of
Nitrogen--Health Criteria (Final Report, 2016). U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-15/068, 2016.
\21\ U.S. EPA. Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) of Ozone and
Related Photochemical Oxidants (Final Report, Feb 2013). U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-10/076F,
\22\ U.S. EPA. Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) For
Particulate Matter (Final Report, Dec 2009). U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-08/139F, 2009.
\23\ There is an ongoing review of the PM NAAQS, EPA intends to
finalize the Integrated Science Assessment in late 2019 ( There is an ongoing review of
the ozone NAAQS, EPA intends to finalize the Integrated Science
Assessment in early 2020 (
Heavy-duty vehicles continue to be a significant source of
NOX emissions now and into the future. While the mobile
source NOX inventory is projected to decrease over time,
recent emissions modeling indicates that heavy-duty vehicles will
continue to be one of the largest contributors to mobile source
NOX emissions nationwide in 2028.\24\ Many state and local
agencies have asked the EPA to further reduce NOX emissions,
specifically from heavy-duty engines; the importance of reducing heavy-
duty NOX emissions has been highlighted in the June 3, 2016
petition (see Section I) that was submitted to EPA and in other
correspondence from stakeholders.25 26 27 28 Pollution
formed from NOX emissions can occur and be transported far
from the source of the emissions themselves, and heavy-duty trucks can
travel regionally and nationally. Air quality modeling indicates that
heavy-duty diesel NOX emissions are contributing to
substantial concentrations of ozone and PM2.5 across the
U.S. For example, heavy-duty diesel engine NOX emissions are
important contributors to modeled ozone and PM2.5
concentrations across the U.S. in 2025.\29\ Another recent air quality
modeling analysis indicates that transport of ozone produced in
NOX-sensitive environments impacts ozone concentrations in
downwind areas, often several states away.\30\ A national program to
reduce NOX emissions from heavy-duty engines would allow all
states to benefit from the emission reductions and maximize the benefit
for downwind states.
\24\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ``Air Emissions
Modeling: 2016v1 Platform''. Available online at:
\25\ Ozone Transport Commission. Correspondence Regarding EPA's
Tampering Policy. August 28, 2019. Available online:
\26\ National Association of Clean Air Agencies letter to U.S.
EPA, June 21, 2018.
\27\ South Coast Air Quality Management District. ``South Coast
Air Quality Management District's Support for Petitions for Further
NOX Reductions from Heavy-Duty Trucks and Locomotives''
Letter to U.S. EPA, June 15, 2018.
\28\ NESCAUM. ``The Northeast's Need for NOX
Reductions.'' Presented at SAE Government Industry Meeting, April
\29\ Zawacki et al., 2018. Mobile source contributions to
ambient ozone and particulate matter in 2025. Vol 188, pg 129-141.
Available online:
\30\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Air Quality Modeling
Technical Support Document for the Final Cross State Air Pollution
Rule Update. August 2016. Available online:
E. California Heavy-Duty Highway Low NOX Program Development
In this section, we present a summary of the current efforts by the
state of California to establish new, lower emission standards for
highway heavy-duty engines and vehicles. For the past several decades,
EPA and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) have worked together
to reduce air pollutants from highway heavy-duty engines and vehicles
by establishing harmonized emission standards for new engines and
vehicles. For much of this time period, EPA has taken the lead in
establishing emission standards through notice and comment rulemaking,
after which CARB would adopt the same standards and test procedures.
For example, EPA adopted the current heavy-duty engine NOX
and PM standards in a 2001 final rule, and CARB subsequently adopted
the same emission standards. EPA and CARB often cooperate during the
implementation of highway heavy-duty standards. Thus, for many years
the regulated industry has been able to design a single product line of
engines and vehicles which can be certified to both EPA and CARB
emission standards (which have been the same) and sold in all 50
Given the significant ozone and PM air quality challenges in the
state of California, CARB has taken a number of steps to establish
standards beyond the current EPA requirements to further reduce
NOX emissions from heavy-duty vehicles and engines in their
state. CARB's optional (voluntary) low NOX program, started
in 2013, was created to encourage heavy-duty engine manufacturers to
introduce technologies that emit NOX at levels below the
current US 2010 standards. Under this optional program, manufacturers
can certify their engines to one of three levels of stringency that are
50, 75, and 90 percent below the existing US 2010 standards, the lowest
optional standard being 0.02 grams NOX per horsepower-hour
(g/hp-h), which is a 90 percent reduction from today's federal
standards.\31\ To date, only natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas
engines have been certified to the optional standards.
\31\ California Code of Regulations, Title 13, section 1956.8.
In May 2016, CARB published its Mobile Source Strategy outlining
their approach to reduce in-state emissions from mobile sources and
meet their air quality targets.\32\ In November 2016, CARB held its
first Public Workshop on their plans to update their heavy-duty engine
and vehicle programs.\33\ CARB's 2016 Workshop kicked off a technology
demonstration program (the CARB ``Low NOX Demonstration
Program''), and announced plans to update emission standards,
laboratory-based and in-use test procedures, emissions warranty,
durability demonstration requirements, and regulatory useful life
provisions. The initiatives introduced in their 2016 Workshop have
since become components of CARB's Heavy-Duty ``Omnibus'' Low
NOX Rulemaking.
\32\ California Air Resources Board. ``Mobile Source Strategy''.
May 2016. Available online:
\33\ California Air Resources Board. ``Heavy-Duty Low
NOX: Meetings & Workshops''. Available online:
CARB's goal for its Low NOX Demonstration Program was to
investigate the feasibility of reducing NOX emissions to
levels significantly below today's US 2010 standards. Southwest
Research Institute (SwRI)
[[Page 3311]]
was contracted to perform the work, which was split into three
``Stages''.\34\ In Stage 1, SwRI demonstrated an engine technology
package capable of achieving a 90 percent NOX emissions
reduction on today's regulatory test cycles.\35\ In Stage 1b, SwRI
applied an accelerated aging process to age the Stage 1 aftertreatment
components to evaluate their performance. SwRI developed and evaluated
a new low load-focused engine test cycle for Stage 2. In Stage 3, SwRI
is evaluating a new engine platform and different technology package to
ensure emission performance. EPA has been closely following CARB's Low
NOX Demonstration Program as a member of the Low
NOX Advisory Group for the technology development work. The
CARB Low NOX Advisory Group, which includes representatives
from heavy-duty engine and aftertreatment industries, as well as from
federal, state, and local governmental agencies, receives updates from
SwRI on a bi-weekly basis.\36\
\34\ Southwest Research Institute. ``Update on Heavy-Duty Low
NOX Demonstration Programs at SwRI''. September 26, 2019.
Available online:
\35\ Southwest Research Institute. ``Evaluating Technologies and
Methods to Lower Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Heavy-Duty Vehicles:
Final Report''. April 2017. Available online:
\36\ California Air Resources Board. ``Evaluating Technologies
and Methods to Lower Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Heavy-Duty
Vehicles''. May 10, 2017. Available online:
CARB has published several updates related to their Omnibus
Rulemaking. In June 2018, CARB approved their ``Step 1'' update to
California's emission control system warranty regulations.\37\ Starting
in model year (MY) 2022, the existing 100,000-mile warranty for all
diesel engines would lengthen to 110,000 miles for engines certified as
light heavy-duty, 150,000 miles for medium heavy-duty engines, and
350,000 for heavy heavy-duty engines. In November 2018, CARB approved
revisions to the onboard diagnostics (OBD) requirements that include
implementation of real emissions assessment logging (REAL) for heavy-
duty engines and other vehicles.\38\ In April 2019, CARB published a
``Staff White Paper'' to present their staff's assessment of the
technologies they believed were feasible for medium and heavy heavy-
duty diesel engines in the 2022-2026 timeframe.\39\
\37\ California Air Resources Board. ``HD Warranty 2018'' June
28, 2018. Available online:
\38\ California Air Resources Board. ``Heavy-Duty OBD
Regulations and Rulemaking''. Available online:
\39\ California Air Resources Board. ``California Air Resources
Board Staff Current Assessment of the Technical Feasibility of Lower
NOX Standards and Associated Test Procedures for 2022 and
Subsequent Model Year Medium-Duty and Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines''.
April 18, 2019. Available online:
CARB staff are expected to present the Heavy-Duty NOX
Omnibus proposal to their governing board for final approval in 2020.
It is expected to include updates to their engine standards,
certification test procedures, and heavy-duty in-use testing program
that would take effect in model year 2024, with additional updates to
warranty, durability, and useful life provisions and further reductions
in standards beginning in model year 2027.
While we are not requesting comment on whether CARB should adopt
these updates, we are requesting comment on the extent to which EPA
should adopt similar provisions, and whether similar EPA requirements
should reflect different stringency or timing. Commenters supporting
EPA requirements that differ from the expected CARB program are
encouraged to address how such differences could be implemented to
maintain a national program to the extent possible. For example, how
important would it be to harmonize test procedures, even if we adopt
different standards? Also, how might standards be aligned if
stringencies are harmonized, but timing differs?
III. Potential Solutions and Program Elements
EPA's current certification and compliance programs for heavy-duty
engines began in the 1970s--a period that predates advanced emission
controls and electronic engine controls. Although we have made
significant modifications to these programs over the years, we believe
it is an appropriate time to reconsider their fundamental structures
and refocus them to reflect twenty-first century technology and
As described previously, the CTI can be summarized as a holistic
approach to implementing our Clean Air Act obligations. One of our
high-level principles, discussed in the Introduction, is to consider
and enable effective solutions and give careful consideration to the
cost impacts. Within that principle, we have identified the following
key goals: \40\
\40\ Our identification of these key components to consider is
informed by section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act which directs EPA to
establish emission standards for heavy-duty engines that ``reflect
the greatest degree of emission reduction achievable through the
application of technology which the Administrator determines will be
available'' and to consider ``cost, energy, and safety factors
associated with the application of such technology.''
Our program should not undermine the industry's plans to meet
the CO2 and fuel consumption requirements of the Heavy-duty
Phase 2 program and should not adversely impact safety
CTI should leverage ``smart'' communications and computing
CTI will provide sufficient lead time and stability for
manufacturers to meet new requirements
CTI should streamline and modernize regulatory requirements
CTI should support improved vehicle reliability
Commenters are encouraged to address these goals. We also welcome
comments on other potential goals that should be considered for the
Keeping with our goal of providing appropriate lead time for new
standards and stability of product designs, and also meeting CAA
requirements, we are considering implementation of new standards
beginning in model year 2027, which is also the implementation year for
the final set of Heavy-Duty Phase 2 standards. This would provide four
to six full model years of lead time and would allow manufacturers to
implement a single redesign, aligning the final step of the Phase 2
standards with the potential new CTI requirements.
As part of our early developmental work for this rulemaking, EPA
has identified technologies that we currently believe could be used to
reduce NOX emissions from heavy-duty engines in the 2027
timeframe. Our early feasibility assessments for these technologies are
discussed below along with potential updates to test procedures and
other regulatory provisions.
Although our focus in this rulemaking is primarily on future model
years, we also seek comment on the extent to which the technologies and
solutions could be used by state, local, or tribal governments in
reducing emissions from the existing, pre-CTI heavy-duty fleet. EPA's
Clean Diesel Program, which includes grants and rebates funded under
the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA), is just one example of a
partnership between EPA and stakeholders that provides incentives for
upgrades and retrofits to the existing fleet of on-road and
[[Page 3312]]
nonroad diesel vehicles and equipment to lower air pollution.\41\
\41\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ``Clean Diesel and
DERA Funding'' Available online:
(accessed December 12, 2019).
A. Emission Control Technologies
This section addresses technologies that, based on our current
understanding, would be available in the 2024 to 2030 timeframe to
reduce emissions and ensure robust in-use compliance.\42\ Although much
of the discussion focuses on the current state of the technology, the
planned NPRM analysis necessarily will be based on our projections of
future technology development and availability in accordance with the
Clean Air Act.
\42\ Although we are targeting model year 2027 for new
standards, our technology evaluations are considering a broader
timeframe to be more comprehensive.
The discussions below primarily concern the feasibility and
effectiveness of the technologies. We request comment on each of the
technologies discussed. Commenters are encouraged to address all
aspects of these technologies including: Costs, emission reduction
effectiveness, impact on fuel consumption/CO2 emissions,
market acceptance factors, reliability, and the feasibility of the
technology being available for widespread adoption in the 2027 and
later timeframe. We also welcome comments on other technologies not
discussed here. Finally, to the extent emission reductions will be
limited by the manufacturers' engineering resources, we encourage
commenters to address how we should prioritize or phase-in different
1. Diesel Engine Technologies Under Consideration
The following discussion introduces the technologies and emission
reduction strategies we are considering for the CTI, including thermal
management technologies that can be used to better achieve and maintain
adequate catalyst temperatures, and next generation catalyst
configurations and formulations to improve catalyst performance across
a broader range of engine operating conditions. Where possible, we note
the technologies and strategies we are evaluating in our diesel
technology feasibility demonstration program at EPA's National Vehicle
and Fuels Emissions Laboratory. A description of additional
technologies we are following is available in the docket.\43\ From a
regulatory perspective, EPA's evaluation of the effectiveness of
technologies includes their emission reduction potential, as well as
their durability over the engine's regulatory useful life and potential
impact on CO2 emissions.
\43\ Mikulin, John. ``Opposed-Piston Diesel Engines'' Memorandum
to Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2019-0055. November 20, 2019.
The costs associated with the technologies in our demonstration
program will also be considered, along with other relevant factors, in
the overall feasibility analysis presented in the NPRM. Our assessment
of costs is currently underway and will be an important component of
the NPRM. Our current understanding of likely technology costs is based
largely on survey data, catalyst costs published by the International
Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT),\44\ and catalyst volume and
other emission component characteristics that engine manufacturers have
submitted to EPA and claimed to be CBI. We have initiated a cost study
based on a technology teardown approach that will apply the peer-
reviewed methodology previously used for light-duty vehicles.\45\ This
teardown analysis may still be underway during the planned timeline for
the NPRM. We welcome comment including any available data on the cost,
effectiveness, and limitations of the SCR and other emission control
systems considered. We also request comment, including any available
data, regarding the technical feasibility and cost of commercializing
emerging technologies expected to enter the heavy-duty market by model
year 2027.
\44\ Dallmann, T., Posada, F., Bandivadekar, A. ``Costs of
Emission Reduction Technologies for Diesel Engines Used in Non-Road
Vehicles and Equipment'' International Council on Clean
Transportation. July 11, 2018. Available online:
\45\ Kolwich, G., Steier, A., Kopinski, D., Nelson, B. et al.,
``Teardown-Based Cost Assessment for Use in Setting Greenhouse Gas
Emissions Standards,'' SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars--Mech. Syst.
5(2):1059-1072, 2012,
Modern diesel engines rely heavily upon catalytic aftertreatment to
meet emission standards--oxidation catalysts reduce hydrocarbons (HC)
and carbon monoxide (CO), DPFs reduce PM, and SCR catalysts reduce
NOX. Current designs typically include the diesel oxidation
catalyst (DOC) function as part of the broader DPF/SCR system.\46\
While DPFs remain effective at controlling PM during all types of
operation,\47\ SCR systems (including the DOC function) are effective
only when the exhaust temperature is sufficiently high. All three types
of aftertreatment have the potential to lose effectiveness if the
catalysts degrade. Potential technological solutions to these issues
are discussed below, with a focus on the SCR system.
\46\ McDonald, Joseph. ``Diesel Exhaust Emission Control
Systems,'' Memorandum to Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2019-0055. November 13,
\47\ PM emissions can increase briefly during active
regeneration of the DPF; however, such events are infrequent.
SCR works by injecting into the exhaust a urea-water solution,
which decomposes to form gaseous ammonia (NH3).
NH3 is a strong reducing agent that reacts to convert
NOX to N2 and H2O over a range of
catalytic materials. The DOC, located upstream of the SCR, uses a
platinum (Pt) and palladium (Pd) catalyst to oxidize a portion of the
exhaust NO to NO2.\48\ This oxidation facilitates the
``fast'' SCR reaction pathway that improves the SCR's NOX
reduction kinetics when exhaust temperatures are below 250 [deg]C and
is highly-efficient above 250 [deg]C. An ammonia slip catalyst (ASC) is
typically used immediately downstream of the SCR to prevent emissions
of unreacted NH3 into the environment.
\48\ The DOC also synergistically converts additional NO to
NO2, promoting low-temperature soot oxidation over the
Compression-ignition engine exhaust temperatures are low during
cold starts, sustained idle, or low vehicle speed and light load. This
impacts emissions because urea decomposition to NH3 and
subsequent NOX reduction over the SCR catalyst significantly
decreases at exhaust temperatures of less than 190 [deg]C. Thus,
technologies that accelerate warm-up from a cold start, and maintain
catalyst temperature above 200 [deg]C can help achieve further
NOX reduction from SCR systems under those conditions.
Technologies that improve urea decomposition to NH3 at
temperatures below 200 [deg]C can also be used to reduce NOX
emissions under cold start, light load, and low speed conditions.
Additional discussion of is available in the docket.\49\
\49\ McDonald, Joseph. ``Diesel Exhaust Emission Control
Systems,'' Memorandum to Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2019-0055. November 13,
i. Advanced Catalyst Formulations
Catalysts continue to evolve as engine manufacturers demand
formulations that are optimized for their specific performance
requirements. Improvements to DOC and DPF washcoat \50\ materials that
increase active surface area and stabilize active materials have
allowed a reduction in content of platinum group metals and a reduction
in DOC size between MY2010 and MY2019. Increased usage of silicon
carbide as DPF substrate material has
[[Page 3313]]
allowed the use of smaller DPF substrates that reduce exhaust
backpressure and improve system packaging onto the vehicle.
\50\ The wash-coat is a high surface area catalytic coating that
is applied to a noncatalytic substrate. The wash-coat includes the
active catalytic sites.
Copper (Cu) exchanged zeolites have demonstrated hydrothermal
stability, good low temperature performance, and represent a large
fraction of the transition-metal zeolite SCR catalysts used in heavy-
duty applications since 2010.\51\ Improvements to both the coating
processes and the substrates onto which the zeolites are coated have
improved the low-temperature and high-temperature NOX
conversion, improved selectivity of NOX reduction to
N2 (i.e., reduced selectivity to N2O), and
improved the hydrothermal stability. Improvements in SCR catalyst
coatings over the past decade have included: 52 53 54 55 56
\51\ Lambert, C.K. ``Perspective on SCR NOX control
for diesel vehicles.'' Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 4,
\52\ Fan, C., et al. (2018). ``The influence of Si/Al ratio on
the catalytic property and hydrothermal stability of Cu-SSZ-13
catalysts for NH3-SCR.'' Applied Catalysis A: General 550: 256-265.
\53\ Fedyko, J. M. and H.-Y. Chen (2015). Zeolite Catalyst
Containing Metals. U. S. Patent No. US20150078989A1, Johnson Matthey
Public Limited Company, London.
\54\ Cui, Y., et al. (2020). ``Influences of Na+ co-cation on
the structure and performance of Cu/SSZ-13 selective catalytic
reduction catalysts.'' Catalysis Today 339: 233-240.
\55\ Fedyko, J. M. and H.-Y. Chen (2019). Zeolite Catalyst
Coating Containing Metals. U.S. Patent No. US 20190224657A1, Johnson
Matthey Public Limited Company, London, UK.
\56\ Wang, A., et al. (2019). ``NH3-SCR on Cu, Fe and Cu+ Fe
exchanged beta and SSZ-13 catalysts: Hydrothermal aging and
propylene poisoning effects.'' Catalysis Today 320: 91-99.
Optimization of Silicon/Aluminum (Al) and Cu/Al ratios
Increased Cu content and Cu surface area
Optimization of the relative positioning of Cu\2+\ ions within
the zeolite structure
The introduction of specific co-cations
Co-exchanging of more than one type of metal ion into the
zeolite structure
In the absence of more stringent NOX standards, these
improvements have been realized primarily as reductions in SCR system
volume, reductions in system cost, and improvements in durability since
the initial introduction of metal-exchanged zeolite SCR in MY2010. We
request comment on the extent to which advanced catalyst formulations
can be used to lower emissions further, and whether they would have any
potential impact on CO2 emissions.
ii. Passive Thermal Management
Passive thermal management involves modifying components to
increase and maintain the exhaust gas temperatures without active
management. It is done primarily through insulation of the exhaust
system and/or reducing its thermal mass (so it requires less exhaust
energy to reach the light-off temperature).\57\ Passive thermal
management strategies generally have little to no impact on
CO2 emissions. The use of passive exhaust thermal management
strategies in light-duty gasoline applications has led to significant
improvements in emission performance. Some of these improvements could
be applied to SCR systems used in heavy-duty applications as well.
\57\ Hamedi, M., Tsolakis, A., and Herreros, J., ``Thermal
Performance of Diesel Aftertreatment: Material and Insulation CFD
Analysis,'' SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-2818, 2014, doi:10.4271/
Reducing the mass of the exhaust system and insulating between the
turbocharger outlet and the inlet of the SCR system would reduce the
amount of thermal energy lost through the walls. Moving the SCR
catalyst nearer to the turbocharger outlet effectively reduces the
available mass prior to the SCR inlet, minimizing heat loss and
reducing the amount of energy needed to warm components up to normal
operating temperatures. Using a smaller sized initial SCR with a lower
density substrate reduces its mass and reduces catalyst warmup time.
Dual-walled manifolds and exhaust pipes utilizing a thin inner wall and
an air gap separating the inner and outer wall may be used to insulate
the exhaust system and reduce the thermal mass, minimizing heat lost to
the walls and decreasing the time necessary to reach operational
temperatures after a cold start. Mechanical insulation applied to the
exterior of exhaust components, including exhaust catalysts, is readily
available and can minimize heat loss to the environment and help retain
heat within the catalyst as operation transitions to lighter loads and
lower exhaust temperatures. Integrating the DOC, DPF, and SCR
substrates into a single exhaust assembly can also assist with
retaining heat energy.
EPA is evaluating several passive thermal management strategies in
the diesel technology feasibility demonstration program, including a
light-off SCR located closer to the exhaust turbine (see Section
III.A.1.v), use of an air-gap exhaust manifold and downpipe, and use of
an insulated and integrated single-box system for the DOC, DPF, and
downstream SCR/ASC. We will evaluate their combined ability to reduce
the time to reach light-off temperature and achieve higher exhaust
temperatures that should contribute to NOX reductions during
low-load operation. We welcome comment on the current adoption of
passive thermal management strategies, including any available data on
the cost, effectiveness, and limitations.
iii. Active Thermal Management
Active thermal management involves using the engine and associated
hardware to maintain and/or increase exhaust temperatures. This can be
accomplished through a variety of means, including engine throttling,
heated aftertreatment systems, and flow bypass systems. Combustion
phasing can also be used for thermal management and is discussed in the
following section.
Diesel engines operate at very low fuel-air ratios (i.e., with
considerable excess air) at light-load conditions. This causes
relatively cool exhaust to flow through the exhaust system at low
loads, which cools the catalyst substrates. This is particularly true
at idle. It is also significant at moderate-to-high engine speeds with
little or no engine power, such as when a vehicle is coasting down a
hill. Air flow through the engine can be reduced by induction and/or
exhaust throttling. All heavy-duty diesel engines are equipped with an
electronic throttle control (ETC) within the induction system and most
are equipped with a variable-geometry-turbine (VGT) turbocharger, and
these systems can be used to throttle the induction and exhaust system,
respectively, at light-load conditions. However, throttling reduces
volumetric efficiency, and thus has a trade-off relative to
CO2 emissions.
Heat can be added to the exhaust and aftertreatment systems by
burning fuel in the exhaust system or by using electrical heating (both
of which can increase the SCR efficiency). Burner systems use an
additional diesel fuel injector in the exhaust to combust fuel and
create additional heat energy in the exhaust system. Electrically
heated catalysts use electric current applied to a metal foil
monolithic structure in the exhaust to add heat to the exhaust system.
In addition, heated higher-pressure urea dosing systems improve the
decomposition of urea at low exhaust temperatures and thus allow urea
injection to occur at lower exhaust temperature (i.e., at less than 180
[deg]C). At light-load conditions with relatively high flow/low
temperature exhaust, considerable fuel energy or electric energy would
be needed for these systems. This would likely cause a considerable
increase in CO2 emissions with conventional designs.
[[Page 3314]]
Exhaust flow bypass systems can be used to manage the cooling of
exhaust during cold start and low load operating conditions. For
example, significant heat loss occurs as the exhaust gases flow through
the turbocharger turbine. Turbine bypass valves allow exhaust gas to
bypass the turbine and avoid this heat loss at low loads when
turbocharging requirements are low. In addition, an EGR flow bypass
valve would allow exhaust gases to bypass the EGR cooler when it is not
We welcome comment on active thermal management strategies,
including any available data on the cost, effectiveness, and
limitations, as well as information about its projected use for the
2024 to 2030 timeframe.
iv. Variable Valve Actuation (VVA)
Both gasoline and diesel engines control the flow of air and
exhaust into and out of the engine by opening and closing camshaft-
actuated intake and exhaust valves at specific times during the
combustion cycle. VVA includes a family of valvetrain designs that
alter the timing and/or lift of the intake valve, exhaust valve. These
adjustments can reduce pumping losses, increase specific power, and
control the level of residual gases in the cylinder. They can also
reduce NOX emissions as discussed below.
VVA has been adopted in light-duty vehicles to increase an engine's
efficiency and specific power. It has also been used as a thermal
management technology to open exhaust valves early to increase heat
rejection to the exhaust and heat up exhaust catalysts more quickly.
The same early exhaust valve opening (EEVO) has been applied to the
Detroit DD8 \58\ to aid in DPF regeneration, but a challenge with this
strategy for maintaining aftertreatment temperature is that it reduces
cycle thermal efficiency, and thus can contribute to increased
CO2 emissions.
\58\ Detroit. ``DETROIT DD8'' Available online:
During low-load operation of diesel engines, exhaust temperatures
can drop below the targeted catalyst temperatures and the exhaust flow
can thus cause catalyst cooling. Cylinder deactivation (CDA), late
intake valve closing (LIVC), and early intake valve closing (EIVC) are
three VVA strategies that can also be used to reduce airflow through
the exhaust system at light-load conditions, and have been shown to
reduce the CO2 emissions trade-off compared to use of the
ETC and/or VGT for throttling.59 60
\59\ Ding, C., Roberts, L., Fain, D., Ramesh, A.K., Shaver,
G.M., McCarthy, J., et al. (2015). ``Fuel efficient exhaust thermal
management for compression ignition engines via cylinder
deactivation and flexible valve actuation.'' Int. J .Eng. Res.
\60\ Neely, G.D., Sharp, C.A., Pieczko, M.S., McCarthy, J.E.
(2019). ``Simultaneous NOX and CO2 Reduction
for Meeting Future CARB Standards Using a Heavy Duty Diesel CDA NVH
Strategy.'' SAE International Journal of Engines, Paper No. JENG-
Since we are particularly concerned with catalyst performance at
low loads, EPA is evaluating two valvetrain-targeted thermal management
strategies that reduce airflow at light-load conditions (i.e., less
than 3-4 bar BMEP): CDA and LIVC. Both strategies force engines to
operate at a higher fuel-air ratio in the active cylinders, which
increases exhaust temperatures, with the benefit of little or no
CO2 emission increase and with potential for CO2
emission decreases under some operating conditions. The key difference
between these two strategies is that CDA completely removes airflow
from a few cylinders with the potential for exhaust temperature
increases of up to 60 [deg]C at light loads, while LIVC reduces airflow
from all cylinders with up to 40 [deg]C hotter exhaust temperatures.
We recognize that one of the challenges of CDA is that it requires
proper integration with the rest of the vehicle's driveline. This can
be difficult in the vocational vehicle segment where the engine is
often sold by the engine manufacturer (to a chassis manufacturer or
body builder) without knowing the type of transmission or axle used in
the vehicle or the precise duty cycle of the vehicle. The use of CDA
requires fine tuning of the calibration as the engine moves into and
out of deactivation mode to achieve acceptable noise, vibration, and
harshness (NVH). Additionally, CDA could be difficult to apply to
vehicles with a manual transmission because it requires careful gear
change control.
We are in the process of evaluating CDA as part of our feasibility
demonstration. In addition to laboratory demonstrations of CDA's
emission reduction potential, we are evaluating the cost to develop,
integrate, and calibrate the hardware. We plan to evaluate both dynamic
CDA with individual cylinder control that requires fully-variable valve
actuation hardware, and fixed CDA that can be achieved by much simpler
valve deactivation hardware commonly used in exhaust braking
technology. The relatively simple fixed CDA system would be lower cost
and we expect it would apply to a smaller range of operation with less
potential for CO2 benefits.
We believe that LIVC may provide emission reductions similar to
fixed CDA with the added benefits of no NVH concerns and that a
production-level system could be cost-competitive to CDA. Thus, we will
continue to evaluate it as a potential technological alternative to
CDA.\61\ We welcome comment on CDA and LIVC strategies for
NOX reduction, including any available data on the cost,
effectiveness, and technology limitations.
\61\ McDonald, Joseph. ``Engine Modeling of LIVC for Heavy-duty
Diesel Exhaust Thermal Management at Light-load Conditions''
Memorandum to Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2019-0055. November 21, 2019.
v. Dual-SCR Catalyst System
Another NOX reduction strategy we are evaluating is an
alternative aftertreatment configuration known as a light-off or dual
SCR system, which is a variation of passive thermal management. This
system maintains a layout similar to the conventional SCR configuration
discussed earlier, but integrates an additional small-volume SCR
catalyst, close-coupled to the turbocharger's exhaust turbine outlet
(Figure 1). This small SCR catalyst could be configured with or without
an upstream DOC.
The benefits of this design result from its ability to warm up
faster as a result of being closer to the engine. Such upstream SCR
catalysts are also designed to have smaller substrates with lower
density, both of which reduce the thermal inertia and allow them to
warm up even faster. The upstream system would reach a temperature
where urea injection could very soon after engine startup, followed
quickly by catalyst light-off. These designs also require less input of
heat energy into the exhaust to maintain exhaust temperatures during
light-load operation. The urea injection to the close-coupled, light-
off SCR can also be terminated once the second, downstream SCR reaches
operational temperature, thus allowing additional NOX to
reach the DOC and DPF to promote passive regeneration (soot oxidation)
on the DPF.
[[Page 3315]]
EPA is evaluating this dual-SCR catalyst system technology as part
of our diesel technology feasibility demonstration program. One concern
that has been raised about this technology is the durability challenge
associated with placing an SCR catalyst upstream of the DPF. To address
this concern, a dual-SCR system is currently being aged at SwRI to an
equivalent of 850,000 miles to better understand the impacts of
catalyst degradation at much longer in-use operation than captured by
today's regulatory useful life. We are utilizing an accelerated aging
process \62\ to thermally and chemically age the catalyst and will test
catalyst performance at established checkpoints to measure the emission
reduction performance as a function of miles. We plan to test this
dual-SCR system individually as well as in combination with the thermal
management strategies described in this section.
\62\ See Section III.F.4 for a description of the accelerated
aging process used.
One of the design constraints that will be explored with EPA's
evaluation of advanced SCR technology is nitrous oxide (N2O)
emissions. N2O emissions are affected by the temperature of
the SCR catalyst, SCR catalyst formulation, diesel exhaust fluid dosing
rates and the makeup of NO and NO2 upstream of the SCR
catalyst. Limiting N2O emissions is important because
N2O is a greenhouse gas and because highway heavy-duty
engines are subject to the 0.10 g/hp-hr standard set in HD GHG Phase 1
vi. Aftertreatment Durability
The aging mechanisms of diesel exhaust aftertreatment systems are
complex and include both chemical and hydrothermal changes. Aging
mechanisms on a single component can also cascade into impacts on
multiple catalysts and catalytic reactions within the system. Some
aging impacts are fully reversible (i.e., the degradation can be undone
under certain conditions). Other aging impacts are only partially
reversible, irreversible, or can only be reversed with some form of
intervention (e.g., changes to engine calibration to alter exhaust
temperature and/or composition). A docket memo entitled ``Diesel
Exhaust Emission Control Systems'' provides a more detailed summary of
hydrothermal and chemical aging of diesel exhaust catalysts.\63\
\63\ McDonald, Joseph. ``Diesel Exhaust Emission Control
Systems'' Memorandum to Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2019-0055. November 13,
Our holistic approach in CTI includes a reevaluation of current
useful life values (see Section III.D), which could necessitate further
improvements to prevent the loss of aftertreatment function at higher
mileages. These potential improvements fall into the following
Designing excess capacity into the catalyst (e.g.,
increased catalyst volume, increased catalyst cell density, increased
surface area for active materials in washcoating) so physical or
chemical degradation of the catalyst does not reduce its performance.
Continued improvements to catalyst materials (such as the
washcoat and substrate) to make them more durable (see more detailed
discussion in section III.A.1.i).
[cir] Use of additives and other improvements specifically to
prevent thermal or chemical breakdown of the zeolite structure within
SCR coatings.
[[Page 3316]]
[cir] Use of washcoat additives and other improvements to increase
PGM dispersion, reduce PGM particle size, reduce PGM mobility and
reduce agglomeration within the DOC and DPF washcoatings.
Direct fuel dosing downstream of the light-off SCR during
active DPF regeneration to reduce exposure of the light-off SCR to fuel
compounds and contaminants.
Improvements to catalyst housings and substrate matting
material to minimize vibration and prevent leaks of exhaust gas.
Adjusting engine calibration and emissions control system
design to minimize operation that would damage the catalyst (e.g.,
improved control of DPF active regeneration, increased passive DPF
regeneration, fuel dosing downstream of initial light-off SCR).
Use of specific engine calibration strategies to remove
sulfur compounds from the SCR system.
Use of exhaust system designs that facilitate periodic DPF
ash maintenance.
Diagnosis and prevention of upstream engine malfunctions
that can potentially damage exhaust aftertreatment components.
Increased SCR catalyst capacity with incrementally improved zeolite
coatings would be the primary strategies for improving NOX
control for a longer useful life. SCR capacity can be increased by
approximately one-third through the use of a light-off SCR substrate
combined with a downstream substrate with a volume roughly equivalent
to the average volume of today's systems and with moderately increased
catalytic activity due to continued incremental improvements to
chabazite and other zeolite coatings used for SCR. Total SCR volume
would thus increase by approximately one-third relative to today's
systems. SCR capacity can also be increased in the downstream SCR
system through the use of thin-wall (4 to 4.5 mil), high cell density
(600 cells-per-square-inch) substrates.
Chemical aging of the DOC, DPF, and SCR can be reduced by the
presence of an upstream light-off SCR. Transport and adsorption of S,
P, Ca, Zn, Mg, Na, and K compounds and other catalyst poisons are more
severe for the initial catalyst within an emissions control system and
tend to reduce in severity for catalysts positioned further downstream.
Further evolutionary improvements to the DOC washcoating materials to
increase PGM dispersion and reduce PGM mobility and agglomeration would
be anticipated for meeting increased useful life requirements.
The primary strategy for maintaining DPF function to a longer
useful life would be through design of integrated systems that
facilitate easier removal of the DPF for ash cleaning at regular
maintenance intervals. Accommodation of DPF removal for ash maintenance
is already incorporated into existing diesel exhaust system
designs.\64\ Improvements to catalyst housings and substrate matting
material could be expected for all catalyst substrates within the
system. Integration into a box-muffler type system could also be
expected within the 2027 timeframe for all catalyst components (except
for the initial close-coupled SCR) in order to improve passive thermal
\64\ Eberspacher. ``1BOX Product Literature.''
vii. Closed Crankcases
During combustion, gases can leak past the piston rings sealing the
cylinder and into the crankcase. These gases are called blowby gases
and generally include unburned fuel and other combustion products.
Blowby gases that escape from the crankcase are considered crankcase
emissions.\65\ Current regulations restrict the discharge of crankcase
emissions directly into the ambient air, and blowby gases from gasoline
engine crankcases have been controlled for many years by sealing the
crankcase and routing the gases into the intake air through a positive
crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve. However, there have been concerns
about applying a similar technology for diesel engines. For example,
high PM emissions venting into the intake system could foul
turbocharger compressors. As a result of this concern, diesel-fueled
and other compression-ignition engines equipped with turbochargers (or
other equipment) were not required to have sealed crankcases.\66\ For
these engines, manufacturers are allowed to vent the crankcase
emissions to ambient air as long as they are measured and added to the
exhaust emissions during all emission testing.
\65\ 40 CFR 86.402-78.
\66\ 40 CFR 86.007-11(c).
Because all new highway heavy-duty diesel engines on the market
today are equipped with turbochargers, they are not required to have
closed crankcases under the current regulations. Manufacturer
compliance data indicate a portion of current highway heavy-duty diesel
engines have closed crankcases, which suggests that some heavy-duty
engine manufacturers have developed systems for controlling crankcase
emissions that do not negatively impact the turbocharger. EPA is
considering provisions to require a closed crankcase ventilation system
for all highway compression-ignition engines to prevent crankcase
emissions from being emitted directly to the atmosphere. These
emissions could be routed upstream of the aftertreatment system or back
into the intake system. Our reasons for considering this requirement
are twofold.
While the exception in the current regulations for certain
compression-ignition engines requires manufacturers to quantify their
engines' crankcase emissions during certification, they report non-
methane hydrocarbons in lieu of total hydrocarbons. As a result,
methane emissions from the crankcase are not quantified. Methane
emissions from diesel-fueled engines are generally low; however, they
are a concern for compression-ignition-certified natural gas-fueled
heavy-duty engines because the blowby gases from these engines have a
higher potential to include methane emissions. EPA proposed to require
that all natural gas-fueled engines have closed crankcases in the
Heavy-Duty Phase 2 GHG rulemaking, but opted to wait to finalize any
updates to regulations in a future rulemaking (81 FR at 73571, October
25, 2016).
In addition to our concern of unquantified methane emissions, we
believe another benefit to closed crankcases would be better in-use
durability. We know that the performance of piston seals reduces as the
engine ages, which would allow more blowby gases and could increase
crankcase emissions. While crankcase emissions are included in the
durability tests that estimate an engine's deterioration, those tests
were not designed to capture the deterioration of the crankcase. These
unquantified age impacts continue throughout the operational life of
the engine. Closing crankcases could be a means to ensure those
emissions are addressed long-term to the same extent as other exhaust
EPA is conducting emissions testing of open crankcase systems and
will be developing the technology costs associated with a closed
crankcase ventilation system. We request comment, including any
available data, on the appropriateness and costs of requiring closed
crankcases for all heavy-duty compression-ignited engines.
viii. Fuel Quality
EPA has long recognized the importance of fuel quality on motor
vehicle emissions and has regulated fuel quality to enable compliance
with emission standards. In 1993 EPA
[[Page 3317]]
limited diesel sulfur content to a maximum of 500 ppm and put into
place a minimum cetane index of 40. Starting in 2006 with the
establishment of more stringent heavy-duty highway PM, NOX,
and HC emission standards, EPA phased-in a 15-ppm maximum diesel fuel
sulfur standard to enable heavy-duty diesel truck compliance with the
more stringent emission standards.
Recently an engine manufacturer raised concerns to EPA regarding
the metal content of highway diesel fuel.\67\ The engine manufacturer
observed higher than normal concentrations of alkali and alkaline earth
metals (i.e., Na, K, Ca, and Mg) in its highway diesel fuel samples.
These metals can lead to fouling of the aftertreatment control systems
and an associated increase in emissions. The engine manufacturer claims
that biodiesel is the source of the high metal content in diesel fuel,
and that higher biodiesel blends, such as B20, are the principal
problem. The engine manufacturer states that the engine's warranty will
be voided if biodiesel blends greater than 5 percent (B5) are used.
\67\ Recker, Alissa, ``Fuel Quality Impacts on Aftertreatment
and Engine;'' Daimler Trucks, July 29, 2019.
Over the last decade, biodiesel content in diesel fuel has
increased under the Renewable Fuels Standard. In 2010, less than 400
million gallons of biodiesel were consumed, whereas in 2018, over 2
billion gallons of biodiesel were being blended into diesel fuel. While
the average biodiesel content in diesel fuel was around 3.5 percent in
2018, biodiesel is being blended on per batch basis into highway diesel
fuel at levels ranging from 0 to 20 volume percent.
EPA compared data collected by the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) on the metal content of biodiesel to that provided by
the engine manufacturer. The NREL data showed fewer samples exceeding
the maximum metals concentration limits contained in ASTM D6751-18,
although in both cases the small sample sizes could be biasing the
results.\68\ Numerous studies have collected and analyzed emission data
from diesel engines operated on biodiesel blended diesel with
controlled amounts of metal content.\69\ Some of these studies show an
impact on emissions, while others do not.
\68\ Wyborny, Lester. ``References Regarding Metals in Diesel
and Biodiesel Fuels.'' Memorandum to Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2019-0055.
November 11, 2019
\69\ Id.
EPA has also heard concerns from some stakeholders that water in
highway diesel fuel meeting the ASTM D975 water and sediment limit of
0.05 volume percent can cause premature failure of fuel injectors due
to corrosion from the presence of dissolved alkali and alkaline earth
EPA requests comment on concerns regarding metal and water
contamination in highway diesel fuel and on the potential role of
biodiesel in this contamination. EPA seeks data on the levels of these
contaminants in fuels, including the prevalence of contamination, and
on the associated degradation and failure of engines and aftertreatment
2. Gasoline Engine Technologies Under Consideration
Automobile manufacturers have made progress reducing
NOX, CO and HC from gasoline-fueled passenger cars and
light-duty trucks. Similar to the DOC and SCR catalysts described
previously, three-way catalysts perform at a very high level once
operating temperature is achieved. There is a short window of operation
following a cold start when the exhaust temperature is low and the
three-way catalyst has not reached light-off, resulting in a temporary
spike in CO, HC, and NOX. A similar reduction in catalyst
efficiency can occur due to sustained idle or creep-crawl operation
that vehicles may experience in dense traffic if the catalyst
configuration does not maintain temperatures above the light-off
temperature. Gasoline engines generally operate near stoichiometric
fuel-air ratios, creating optimal conditions for a three-way catalyst
to simultaneously convert CO, NO, and HC to CO2,
N2, and H2O. However, as introduced in Section
II.B.2, heavy-duty engine manufacturers often implement enrichment-
based strategies for engine and catalyst protection at high load, which
reduces the effectiveness of the three-way catalyst and increases
emissions. The following section describes technologies we believe can
address these emissions increases.
i. Technologies To Reduce Exhaust Emissions
As mentioned in Section II.B.2, most chassis-certified heavy-duty
vehicles are subject to EPA's light-duty Tier 3 program and these
vehicles have adopted many of the emissions technologies from their
light-duty counterparts (79 FR 23414, April 28, 2014). To meet these
Tier 3 emission standards, manufacturers have reduced the time for the
catalyst to reach operational temperature by implementing cold-start
strategies to reduce light-off time and moved the catalyst closer to
the exhaust valve. Manufacturers have not widely adopted the same
strategies for their engine-certified products. In particular, we
believe there are opportunities to reduce cold-start and low-load
emissions from engine-certified heavy-duty gasoline engines by adopting
the following strategies to accelerate light-off and keep the catalyst
Close-couple the catalyst to the engine
Improved catalyst material and loading
Improved exhaust system insulation
Additionally, we believe material improvements to the catalyst,
manifolds, and exhaust valves could increase their ability to withstand
higher exhaust temperatures and would therefore reduce the need for
enrichment-based protection modes that result in elevated emissions
under high-load operation. Catalyst technology continues to advance to
meet engine manufacturers' demand for earlier and sustained light-off
for low-load emission control, as well as increased maximum temperature
thresholds allowing catalysts to withstand close-coupling and elevated
exhaust temperatures during high load.
Similar to EPA's diesel engine demonstration project, we are
testing heavy-duty gasoline engines and technologies that are available
today on a range of Class 3 to 7 vehicles. The three engines in this
test program represent a majority of the heavy-duty gasoline market and
include both engine- and chassis-certified configurations. Emissions
performance of engine- and chassis-certified configurations are being
evaluated using chassis-dynamometer and real-world portable emissions
measurement system (PEMS) testing. Early testing showed significant
differences in emissions performance between engine-certified and
chassis-certified configurations (primarily as a result of differences
in catalyst location).\70\
\70\ Mitchell, George, ``EPA's Medium Heavy-Duty Gasoline
Vehicle Emissions Investigation''. February 2019.
Moving the catalyst into a close-coupled configuration is one
approach adopted for chassis-certified gasoline engines to warm-up and
activate the catalyst during cold-start and light load operation.
Close-coupled locations may increase the catalysts' exposure to high
exhaust temperatures, especially for heavy-duty applications that
operate frequently in high-load operation. However, this can be
overcome by adopting improved catalyst materials or identifying an
optimized, closer-coupled catalyst location that enhances
[[Page 3318]]
warm-up without extended time at high temperatures. We welcome comment
on other performance characteristics of engine and aftertreatment
technologies from chassis-certified vehicles when applied to engine-
certified products, specifically placing the catalyst in a location
more consistent with chassis-certified applications.
We also welcome comment on heavy-duty gasoline engine technology
costs. We plan to develop our technology cost estimates for the NPRM
based on information from light-duty and chassis-certified heavy-duty
pick-up trucks and vans that are regulated under EPA's Tier 3
\71\ EPA. ``Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles: Tier 3
Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards Final Rule Regulatory
Impact Analysis'' EPA-420-R-14-005, February 2014, available online
Finally, we believe there may be opportunity for further reductions
in PM from heavy-duty gasoline engines. Gasoline PM forms under high-
load, rich fuel-air operation and is more prevalent as engines age and
parts wear. Strategies to reduce or eliminate fuel-air enrichment under
high-load operation would reduce PM formation. In addition, gasoline
particulate filters (GPF), which serve the same function as DPFs on
diesel engines, may be an effective means of PM reduction for heavy-
duty gasoline engines as well.\72\ We request comment on the need for
more stringent PM standards for heavy-duty gasoline engines.
\72\ Jiacheng Yang, Patrick Roth, Thomas D. Durbin, Kent C.
Johnson, David R. Cocker, III, Akua Asa-Awuku, Rasto Brezny, Michael
Geller, and Georgios Karavalakis (2018) ``Gasoline Particulate
Filters as an Effective Tool to Reduce Particulate and Polycyclic
Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emissions from Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI)
Vehicles: A Case Study with Two GDI Vehicles'' Environmental Science
& Technology doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b05641.
ii. Technologies To Address Evaporative Emissions
As exhaust emissions from gasoline engines continue to decrease,
evaporative emissions become an increasingly significant contribution
to overall HC emissions from gasoline-fueled vehicles. To evaluate the
evaporative emission performance of current production heavy-duty
gasoline vehicles, EPA tested two heavy-duty vehicles over running
loss, hot soak, three-day diurnal, on-board refueling vapor recovery
(ORVR) and static test procedures. These engine-certified
``incomplete'' vehicles meet the current heavy-duty evaporative running
loss, hot soak, three-day diurnal emission requirements. However, as
they are certified as incomplete vehicles, they are not required to
control refueling emissions and do not have ORVR systems. Results from
the refueling testing confirm that these vehicles have much higher
refueling emissions than gasoline vehicles with ORVR
controls.73 74
\73\ SGS-Aurora, Eastern Research Group, ``Light Heavy-Duty
Gasoline Vehicle Evaporative Emissions Testing.'' EPA-420-R-19-017.
December 2019.
\74\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ``Summary of ``Light
Heavy-Duty Gasoline Vehicle Evaporative Emissions Test Program'' ''
EPA-420-S-19-002. December 2019.
EPA is evaluating the opportunity to extend the usage of the
refueling evaporative emission control technologies already implemented
in complete heavy-duty gasoline vehicles to the engine-certified
incomplete gasoline vehicles in the over-14,000 lb. GVWR category. The
primary technology we are considering is the addition of ORVR, which
was first introduced to the chassis-certified light-duty and heavy-duty
applications beginning in MY 2000 (65 FR 6698, February 10, 2000). An
ORVR system includes a carbon canister, which is an effective
technology designed to capture HC emissions during refueling events
when liquid gasoline displaces HC vapors present in the vehicle's fuel
tank as the tank is filled. Instead of releasing the HC vapors into the
ambient air, ORVR systems recover these HC vapors and store them for
later use as fuel to operate the engine.
The fuel systems on these over-14,000 pound GVWR incomplete heavy-
duty gasoline vehicles are similar to complete heavy-duty vehicles that
are already required to incorporate ORVR. These incomplete vehicles may
have slightly larger fuel tanks than most chassis-certified (complete)
heavy-duty gasoline vehicles and are somewhat more likely to have dual
fuel tanks. These differences may require a greater ORVR system storage
capacity and possibly some unique accommodations for dual tanks (e.g.,
separate fuel filler locations), but we expect they will maintain a
similar design. We are aware that some engine-certified products for
over-14,000 GVWR gasoline vehicles are sold as incomplete chassis
without complete fuel systems. Thus, the engine-certifying entity
currently may not know or be in control of the filler system location
and integration limitations for the final vehicle body configuration.
This dynamic has been addressed for other emission controls through a
process called delegated assembly--where the certifying manufacturer
delegates certain assembly obligations to a downstream
\75\ See 40 CFR 1068.260 and 1068.261.
We request comment on EPA expanding our ORVR requirements to
incomplete heavy-duty vehicles. We are particularly interested in the
challenges of multiple manufacturers to appropriately implement ORVR
systems on the range of gasoline-fueled vehicle products in the market
today. We also seek comment on refueling test procedures, including the
appropriateness of engineering analysis to adapt existing test
procedures that were developed for complete vehicles to apply for
incomplete vehicles.
3. Emission Monitoring Technologies
As heavy-duty engine performance has become more sophisticated, the
industry has developed increasingly advanced sensors on board the
vehicle to monitor the performance of the engine and emission controls.
For the CTI, we are particularly interested in recent developments in
the performance of zirconia NOX sensors that manufacturers
are currently using to measure NOX concentrations and
control SCR urea dosing. EPA has identified applications where we
believe the use of these and other onboard sensors could enhance and
potentially streamline existing EPA programs. We discuss those
applications in Section III.F.
We recognize that one of the challenges to relying on sensors for
these applications is the availability of NOX sensors that
are continuously operational and accurate at low concentration levels.
As a result, we are beginning a study to assess the accuracy,
repeatability, noise, interferences, and response time of current
NOX sensors. However, we encourage commenters to submit
information to help us project whether the state of NOX
sensor technology in the 2027 timeframe would be sufficient to enable
such programs. We also request comment on the durability of
NOX sensors, as well as specific maintenance or operational
strategies that could be considered to substantially extend the life of
these components and any regulatory barriers to implementing these
In addition to the performance of onboard NOX sensors,
we are following the industry's increasing adoption of telematics
systems that could enable the manufacturer to communicate with the
vehicle's onboard computer in real-time. We request comment on the
prevalence of telematics, the range of information that can be shared
over-the-air, and limitations of the technology today. As we describe
in Section III.F.3, the combination of advanced onboard sensors and
telecommunications could
[[Page 3319]]
facilitate the ability to determine tailpipe NOX emissions
of the vehicle in-use to reduce compliance burden in the future. We
also request comment on the potential for alternative communication
approaches to be used. For example, for vehicles not equipped with
telematics, would manufacturers still be able to collect data from the
vehicle during service at their dealerships?
Finally, we request comment on whether and how improved
communication systems could be leveraged by manufacturers or in state,
local, or tribal government programs to promote emission reductions
from the heavy-duty fleet.
4. Hybrid, Battery-Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles
Hybrid technologies that recover and store braking energy have been
used extensively in light-duty applications as fuel saving features.
They are also being adopted in certain heavy-duty applications, and
their heavy-duty use is projected to increase significantly over the
next several years as a result of the HD Phase 2 GHG standards.
However, the HD Phase 2 rule also identified plug-in hybrid vehicles
(where the battery can be charged from an external power source),
battery-electric vehicles (where the vehicle has no engine), and fuel
cell vehicles (where the power supply is not an internal combustion
engine, or ICE) as more advanced technologies that were not projected
to be adopted in the heavy-duty market without additional incentives
(81 FR 73497, October 25, 2016).
Hybrid technologies range from mild hybrids that recover braking
energy for accessory use (often using a supplemental 48V electrical
battery), to fully-hybrid vehicles with integrated electric motors at
the wheels capable of propelling the vehicle with the engine turned
off; and their emissions impact varies by integration level and design.
Existing heavy-duty hybrid technologies have the potential to decrease
or increase NOX emissions, depending on how they are
designed. For example, a hybrid system can reduce NOX
emissions if it eliminates idle operation or uses the recovered
electrical energy to heat aftertreatment components. In contrast, it
can increase NOX emissions if it reduces the engine's
ability to maintain sufficiently high aftertreatment temperatures
during low-load operation.
Since battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles do not have
ICEs, they have zero tailpipe emissions of NOX. We request
comment on whether, and if so how, the CTI should project use of these
more advanced technologies as NOX reduction technologies.
These technologies as well as the more conventional hybrid technologies
are collectively referred to as advanced powertrain technologies for
the remainder of this discussion.
We are focused on three objectives related to these advanced
powertrain technologies in CTI:
1. To reflect market adoption of these technologies in the 2027 and
beyond timeframe as accurately as possible in the baseline analysis
(i.e., without reflecting potential responses from CTI requirements),
2. To address barriers to market adoption due to EPA emissions
certification requirements,
3. To understand whether and how any incentives may be appropriate
given the substantial tailpipe emission reduction potential of these
The choice of which powertrain technology to select for a
particular heavy-duty vehicle application depends on factors such as
number of miles traveled per day, accessibility of refueling
infrastructure (i.e., charging stations, hydrogen fuel cell refilling
stations), and driver preferences (e.g., noise level associated with
electric versus ICEs).To address the first focus area, we are currently
conducting stakeholder outreach and reviewing published projections of
advanced emissions technologies. Our initial review of information
suggests that there are a wide range of advanced powertrain
technologies available today, including limited production of more than
100 battery-electric or fuel cell vehicle models offering zero tailpipe
emissions.\76\ Looking forward, a variety of factors will influence the
extent to which hybrid and zero emissions heavy-duty vehicles are
available for purchase and enter the market.77 78 Of these,
the lifetime total cost of ownership (TCO), which includes maintenance
and fuel costs, is likely a primary factor. Initial information
suggests that TCO for light- and medium heavy-duty battery-electric
vehicles could reach cost parity with diesel in the early 2020s, while
heavy heavy-duty battery-electric or hydrogen vehicles are likely to
reach cost parity with diesel closer to the 2030 timeframe.\79\ The TCO
for hybrid technologies, and its relation to diesel vehicles, will vary
based on the specifics of the hybrid system (e.g., cost and benefits of
a 48V battery versus an integrated electric motor).
\76\ ICCT (2019) ``Estimating the infrastructure needs and costs
for the launch of zero-emissions trucks''; available online at:
\77\ McKinsey (2017) ``New reality: electric trucks and their
implications on energy demand''; available online at:
\78\ NACFE (2018) Guidance Report: Electric Trucks--Where They
Make Sense; available online at:
\79\ ICCT (2019) ``Estimating the infrastructure needs and costs
for the launch of zero-emissions trucks''; available online at:
Beyond TCO, considerations such as noise levels, vehicle weight,
payload capacity, operational range, charging/refueling time, safety,
and other driver preferences may influence the rate of market
entry.80 81 State and local activities, such as the Advanced
Clean Trucks rulemaking underway in California could also influence the
market trajectory for battery-electric and fuel cell technologies.\82\
EPA requests comment on the likely market trajectory for advanced
powertrain technologies in the 2020 through 2045 timeframe. Commenters
are encouraged to provide data supporting their perspectives on
reasonable adoption rates EPA could use for hybrid, battery-electric,
and fuel cell heavy-duty vehicles relative to the full heavy-duty
vehicle fleet in specific time periods (e.g., early 2020s, late 2020s,
2030, 2040, 2050).
\80\ McKinsey (2017) ``New reality: electric trucks and their
implications on energy demand''; available online at:
\81\ NACFE (2018) Guidance Report: Electric Trucks--Where They
Make Sense; available online at:
\82\ For more information on this proposed rulemaking in
California see:
For addressing potential barriers to market, stakeholders
previously expressed concern that the engine-focused certification
process for criteria pollutant emissions does not provide a pathway for
hybrid powertrains to demonstrate NOX reductions from hybrid
operations during certification. As such, we plan to propose an update
to our powertrain test procedure for hybrids, previously developed as
part of the HD Phase 2 rulemaking for greenhouse gas emissions, so that
it can be applied to criteria pollutant certification.83 84
We are interested in whether a hybrid powertrain test procedure
addresses concerns with certifying the full range of heavy-duty hybrid
products, or if other options might be useful for specific products,
such as mild hybrid systems. If
[[Page 3320]]
stakeholders view alternative options as useful, then we request input
on what those options might include.
\83\ 40 CFR 1036.505.
\84\ 40 CFR 1036.510.
We are also aware that current OBD requirements necessitate close
cooperation between engine and hybrid system manufacturers for
certification, and the process has proven sufficiently burdensome such
that few alliances have been pursued to-date. We are interested in
better understanding this potential barrier to heavy-duty hybrid
systems, and any potential opportunities EPA could consider to address
Finally, related to the area of incentives, we are exploring simple
approaches, such as emission credits, targeted for specific market
segments for which technology development may be more challenging
(e.g., extended range battery-electric or fuel cell technologies). We
request comment on any barriers or incentives that EPA could consider
in order to better encourage emission reductions from these advanced
powertrain technologies. Commenters are encouraged to provide
information on the potential impacts of regulatory barriers or
incentives for all the advanced powertrain technologies discussed here
(hybrids, battery-electric, fuel cell), including the extent to which
these technologies may lower NOX and other criteria
pollutant emissions.
5. Alternative Fuels
In the case of alternative fuels, we have typically applied the
gasoline- and diesel-fueled engine standards to the alternatively-
fueled engines based on the combustion cycle of the alternatively-
fueled engine: Applying the gasoline-fueled standards to spark-ignition
engines and the diesel-fueled standards to compression-ignition
engines. This approach is often called ``fuel neutral.''
Most heavy-duty vehicles today are powered by diesel engines. These
engines have been optimized over many years to be reliable, durable,
and fuel efficient. Diesel fuel also has the advantage of being very
stable and having a high energy density. Gasoline-fueled engines are
the second-most popular choice, especially for light and medium heavy-
duty vehicles. They tend to be lighter and less expensive than diesel
engines although less durable and less fuel efficient. We do not expect
a shift in the market between diesel and gasoline as a result of the
CTI and we are requesting comment on the extent to which CTI could have
such effects.
With relatively low natural gas prices (compared to their peak
values) in recent years, the heavy-duty industry has become
increasingly interested in engines that are fueled with natural gas. It
has some emission advantages over diesel, with lower engine-out levels
of both NOX and PM. Several heavy-duty CNG engines have been
certified with NOX levels better than 90 percent below US
2010 standards. However, because natural gas must be distributed and
stored under pressure, there are additional challenges to using it as a
heavy-duty fuel. We request comment on how natural gas should be
treated in the CTI, including the possible provision of incentives.
Dimethyl ether (DME) is a related alternative fuel that also shows
some promise for compression-ignition engines. It can be readily
synthesized from natural gas and can be stored at lower pressures. We
request comment on the extent to which the CTI should consider DME.
LPG is also used in certain lower weight-class urban applications,
such as airport shuttle buses, school buses, and emergency response
vehicles. LPG use is not extensive, nor do we project it to grow
significantly in the CTI timeframe. However, given its emission
advantages over diesel, we request comment on how LPG should be treated
in the CTI, particularly for vocational heavy-duty engines and
B. Standards and Test Cycles
EPA emission standards have historically applied with respect to
emissions measured while the engine or vehicle is operating over a
specific duty cycle. The primary advantage of this approach is that it
provides very repeatable emission measurements. In other words, the
results should be the same no matter when or where the test is
performed, as long as the specified test procedures are used. For
heavy-duty, these tests are generally performed on the engine without
the vehicle.
We continue to consider these pre-production upfront demonstrations
as the cornerstone of ensuring in-use emission compliance. On the other
hand, tying standards to specific test cycles opens the possibility of
emission controls being designed more to the test procedures than to
in-use operation. Since 2004, we have applied additional in-use
standards for diesel engines that allow higher emission levels but are
not limited to a specific duty cycle, and instead measure emissions
over real-world, non-prescribed driving routes that cover a range of
in-use operation.
In this section we describe the updates we are considering for our
duty-cycle program. We do not include specific values, but welcome
comments and data which will assist EPA in developing appropriate
standards to propose that could apply to the updated procedures we
present. We also welcome comments on the relative importance of
laboratory-based test cycle standards and standards that can be
evaluated with the whole vehicle.
1. Emission Standards for RMC and FTP Cycles
Heavy-duty engines are subject to brake-specific (g/hp-hr)
standards for emissions of NOX, PM, NMHC, and CO. These
standards must be met by all diesel engines over both the Federal Test
Procedure (FTP) cycle and the Ramped-Modal Cycle (RMC). Gasoline
engines are only subject to testing over an FTP cycle designed for
spark-ignition engines. The FTP cycles, which date back to the 1970s,
are composites of a cold-start and a hot-start transient duty cycle
designed to represent urban driving. The cold-start emissions are
weighted by one-seventh and the hot-start emissions are weighted by
six-sevenths.\85\ The RMC is a more recent cycle for diesel engines
that is a continuous cycle with ramped transitions between the thirteen
steady-state modes.\86\ The RMC does not include engine starting and is
intended to represent fully warmed-up operating modes not emphasized in
the FTP, such as sustained high speeds and loads.
\85\ See 40 CFR 86.007-11 and 40 CFR 86.08-10.
\86\ See 40 CFR 1065.505.
Based on available information, it is clear that application of the
diesel technologies discussed in Sections III.A.1 should enable
emission reductions of at least 50 percent compared to current
standards over the FTP and RMC cycles.87 88 Some estimates
suggest that emission reductions of 90 percent may be achievable across
the heavy-duty engine market by model year 2027. We request information
that would help us determine the appropriate levels of any new emission
standards for the FTP and RMC cycles.
\87\ California Air Resources Board, ``Staff White Paper:
California Air Resources Board Staff Current Assessment of the
Technical Feasibility of Lower NOX Standards and
Associated Test Procedures for 2022 and Subsequent Model Year
Medium-Duty and Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines''. April 18, 2019.
Available online:
\88\ Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association.
``Technology Feasibility for Model Year 2024 Heavy-Duty Diesel
Vehicles in Meeting Lower NOX Standards''. June 2019.
Available online:
We are considering changes to the weighting factors for the FTP
cycle for heavy-duty engines. We have historically developed our test
cycles and weighting factors to reflect real-
[[Page 3321]]
world operation. However, we recognize both engine technology and in-
use operation can change over time. The current FTP weighting of cold-
start and hot-start emissions was adopted in 1980 (45 FR 4136, January
21, 1980). It reflects the overall ratio of cold and hot operation for
heavy-duty engines generally and does not distinguish by engine size or
intended use. Given the importance of this weighting factor, we request
comment on the appropriateness of the current weighting factors across
the engine categories.\89\ We are also interested in comment on how to
address any challenges manufacturers may encounter to implement changes
to the weighting factors.
\89\ For instance, cold-start operation for line-haul tractors
may represent significantly less than \1/7\ of their total in-use
operation, yet cold-start operation may represent a higher fraction
of operation for other vocational vehicles.
We have also observed an industry trend toward engine down-
speeding--that is, designing engines to do more of their work at lower
engine speeds where frictional losses are lower. To address this trend
for EPA's CO2 standards testing, we adopted new RMC
weighting factors for CO2 emissions in the Phase 2 final
rule (81 FR 73550, October 25, 2016). Since we believe these new
weighting factors better reflect in-use operation of current and future
heavy-duty engines, we request comment on applying these new weighting
factors for NOX and other criteria pollutants as well.
2. New Emission Test Cycles and Standards
Review of in-use data has indicated that SCR-based emission
controls systems for diesel engines are not functional over a
significant fraction of real-world operation due to low aftertreatment
temperatures, which are often the result of extended time at low load
and idle operation.90 91 92 Our current in-use testing
procedures (described in Section III.C) were not designed to capture
this type of operation. Test data collected as part of EPA's
manufacturer-run in-use testing program indicate that low-load
operation could account for more than half of the NOX
emissions from a vehicle over a given shift-day.\93\
\90\ Hamady, Fakhri, Duncan, Alan. ``A Comprehensive Study of
Manufacturers In-Use Testing Data Collected from Heavy-Duty Diesel
Engines Using Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS)''. 29th
CRC Real World Emissions Workshop, March 10-13, 2019.
\91\ Sandhu, Gurdas, et al. ``Identifying Areas of High
NOX Operation in Heavy-Duty Vehicles''. 28th CRC Real-
World Emissions Workshop, March 18-21, 2018.
\92\ Sandhu, Gurdas, et al. ``In-Use Emission Rates for MY 2010+
Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles''. 27th CRC Real-World Emissions
Workshop, March 26-29, 2017.
\93\ Sandhu, Gurdas, et al. ``Identifying Areas of High
NOX Operation in Heavy-Duty Vehicles''. 28th CRC Real-
World Emissions Workshop, March 18-21, 2018.
EPA is considering the addition of a low-load test cycle and
standard that would require diesel engine manufacturers to maintain the
emission control system's functionality during operation where the
catalyst temperatures have historically been below their operational
temperature. The addition of a low-load duty-cycle could complement the
expanded operational coverage of in-use testing requirements we are
also considering. We have been following CARB's low-load cycle
development in ``Stage 2'' of their Low NOX Demonstration
program. SwRI and NREL developed several candidate cycles with average
power and duration characteristics intended to test today's diesel
engine emission controls under three low-load operating conditions:
Transition from high- to low-load, sustained low-load, and transition
from low- to high-load.\94\ In September 2019, CARB selected the 90-
minute ``LLC Candidate #7'' as the final cycle they are considering for
their Low NOX Demonstration program.\95\ EPA requests
comment on the addition of a low-load cycle, the appropriateness of
CARB's Candidate #7 low-load cycle, or other engine operation a low-
load cycle should encompass, if adopted.
\94\ California Air Resources Board. ``Heavy-Duty Low
NOX Program Public Workshop: Low Load Cycle
Development''. Sacramento, CA. January 23, 2019. Available online:
\95\ California Air Resources Board. ``Heavy-Duty Low
NOX Program: Low Load Cycle'' Public Workshop. Diamond
Bar, CA. September 26, 2019. Available online:
In addition to adding a low-load cycle, CARB currently has an idle
test procedure and accompanying standard of 30 g/h for diesel engines
to be ``Clean Idle Certified''.\96\ We request comment on the need or
appropriateness of setting a federal idle standard for diesel engines.
\96\ 13 CCR Sec. 1956.8 (6)(C)--Optional NOX idling
emission standard.
As mentioned previously, heavy-duty gasoline engines are currently
subject to FTP testing, but not RMC testing. We request comment on
including additional test cycles that may encourage manufacturers to
improve the emissions performance of their heavy-duty gasoline engines
in operating conditions not covered by the FTP cycle. In particular, we
are considering proposing an RMC procedure to include the sustained
high speeds and high loads that often produce high HC and PM emissions.
We may also propose a low-load or idle cycle to address high CO from
gasoline engines under those conditions. CARB's low-load cycle was
designed to assess diesel engine aftertreatment systems under low-load
operation. We request comment on the need for a low-load or idle cycle
in general, and suitability of CARB's diesel-targeted low-load and
clean idle cycles for evaluating the emissions performance of heavy-
duty gasoline engines as well.
In addition to proposing changes to the test cycles, we are
considering updates to the engine mapping test procedure for heavy-duty
gasoline engines. The current test procedure, which is the same for all
engine sizes, is intended to generate a ``torque curve'' that
represents the peak torque at any specific engine speed point.\97\
Historically, that goal was easily achieved due to the simplicity of
the heavy-duty gasoline engine hardware and controls. Modern heavy-duty
gasoline engines are more complex, with interactive features such as
spark advance, fuel-air ratio, and variable valve timing that
temporarily alter torque levels to meet supplemental goals (e.g.,
torque management for transmissions shifts). These features can lead to
lower-than-peak torque levels with the current engine mapping
procedure. We are assessing a potential requirement that the torque
curve established during the mapping procedure must represent the
highest torque level possible for the test fuel. This could be achieved
by various approaches, including disabling temporary conditions or
operational states in the electronic controls during the mapping, or
using a different order of speed and load points (e.g., sweeping up,
down, or sampling at a speed point over a longer time to allow
stabilization) to generate peak values. We seek comment on the need to
update our current engine mapping procedure for gasoline engines.
\97\ 40 CFR 1065.510.
C. In-Use Emission Standards
Heavy-duty diesel engines are currently subject to Not-To-Exceed
(NTE) standards that are not limited to specific test cycles, which
means they can be evaluated during in-use operation. In-use data are
collected by manufacturers as described in Section III.F.3. The data is
then analyzed pursuant to 40 CFR 86.1370 and 40 CFR 86.1912 to generate
a set of engine-specific NTE events--that is, 30-second
[[Page 3322]]
intervals for which engine speeds and loads remain in the control area.
There is no specified test cycle for these standards; the express
purpose of the NTE test procedure is to apply the standard to engine
operation conditions that could reasonably be expected to be seen by
that engine in normal vehicle operation and use, including a wide range
of real ambient conditions.
EPA refers to the range of engine operation where the engine must
comply with the NTE standards as the ``NTE zone.'' The NTE zone
excludes operating points below 30% of maximum torque or below 30% of
maximum power. The NTE zone also excludes speeds below 15% of the
European Stationary Cycle speed. Finally, the NTE procedure also
excludes certain operation at high altitudes, high intake manifold
humidity, or at aftertreatment temperatures below 250[deg] C. Data
collected in-use is considered a valid NTE event if it occurs within
the NTE zone, lasts 30 seconds or longer, and does not occur during any
of the exclusion conditions mentioned previously (engine,
aftertreatment, or ambient).\98\
\98\ For more on our NTE provisions, see 40 CFR 86.1362.
NTE standards have been successful in broadening the types of
operation for which manufacturers design their emission controls to
remain effective. However, our analysis of existing in-use test data
indicates that less than five percent of a typical time-based dataset
are valid NTE events that are subject to the in-use NTE standards; the
remaining data are excluded. Furthermore, we found that emissions are
high during many of the excluded periods of operation, such as when the
aftertreatment temperature drops below the catalyst light-off
temperature. For example, 96 percent of tests from 2014, 2015, and 2016
in-use testing orders passed with NOX emissions for valid
NTE events well below the 0.3 g/hp-h NTE standard. When we used the
same data to calculate NOX emissions over all operation
measured, not limited to valid NTE events, the NOX emissions
were more than double (0.5 g/hp-h).\99\ The results were higher when we
analyzed the data to only consider NOX emissions that occur
during low load events. These results suggest there may be great
potential to improve in-use performance by considering more of the
engine operation when we evaluate in-use compliance.
\99\ Hamady, Fakhri, Duncan, Alan. ``A Comprehensive Study of
Manufacturers In-Use Testing Data Collected from Heavy-Duty Diesel
Engines Using Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS)''. 29th
CRC Real World Emissions Workshop, March 10-13, 2019.
The European Union ``Euro VI'' emission standards for heavy-duty
engines require in-use testing starting with model year 2014
engines.100 101 Manufacturers must check for ``in-service
conformity'' by operating their engines over a mix of urban, rural, and
freeway driving on prescribed routes using portable emission
measurement system (PEMS) equipment to measure emissions. Compliance is
determined using a work-based windows approach where emissions data are
evaluated over segments or ``windows.'' A window consists of
consecutive 1 Hz data points that are summed until the engine performs
an amount of work equivalent to the European transient engine test
cycle (World Harmonized Transient Cycle). EPA and others have compared
the performance of U.S.-certified engines and Euro VI-certified engines
and concluded that the European engines' NOX emissions are
comparable to U.S. 2010 standards-certified engines under city and
highway operation, but lower in light-load conditions.\102\ This
suggests that manufacturers respond to the Euro VI test procedures by
designing their emission controls to perform well over broader
operation. EPA intends the CTI to expand our in-use procedures to
capture nearly all real-world operation. We are considering an approach
similar to the European in-use program, with key distinctions that
improve upon the Euro VI approach, as discussed below.
\100\ COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 582/2011, May 25, 2011.
Available online:
\101\ COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2018/932, June 29, 2018.
Available online:
\102\ Rodriguez, F.; Posada, F. ``Future Heavy-Duty Emission
Standards An Opportunity for International Harmonization''. The
International Council on Clean Transportation. November 2019.
Available online:
Most importantly, we are not currently intending to propose
prescribed routes for our in-use compliance test program. Our current
program requires data to be collected in real-world operation and we
would consider it an unnecessary step backward to change that aspect of
the procedure. In what we believe to be an improvement to a work-based
window, we are considering a moving average window (MAW) approach
consisting of time-based windows. Instead of basing window size on an
amount of work, we are evaluating window sizes ranging from 180 to 300
seconds.\103\ The time-based windows would be intended to equally
weight each data point collected.
\103\ Our evaluation includes weighing our current understanding
that shorter windows are more sensitive to measurement error and
longer windows make it difficult to distinguish between duty cycles.
We also recognize that it would be difficult to develop a single
standard that would be appropriate to cover the entire range of
operation that heavy-duty engines experience. For example, a numerical
standard that would be technologically feasible under worst case
conditions such as idle, would necessarily be much higher than the
levels that are feasible when the aftertreatment is functioning
optimally. Thus, we are considering separate standards for distinct
modes of operation. Our current thinking is to group the second-by-
second in-use data into one of three bins using a ``normalized average
CO2 rate'' from the certification test cycles to identify
the boundaries.\104\ Data points with a normalized average
CO2 rate greater than 25 percent (equivalent to the average
power of the current FTP) could be classified as medium-/high-load
operation and binned together. We are considering two options for
identifying idle data points. The first option would use a vehicle
speed less than 1 mph. The second option would use the normalized
average CO2 rate of a low-load certification cycle.\105\ The
remaining data points, bounded by the idle and medium-/high-load bins,
would contribute to the low-load bin data.
\104\ We plan to propose that ``normalized average
CO2 rate'' be defined as the mass of NOX (in
grams) divided by the mass of CO2 (in grams) and
converted to units of mass of NOX per unit of work by
multiplying by the work-specific CO2 emissions value. Our
current thinking is to use the work-specific CO2 value
reported to EPA as part of the engine's family certification level
(FCL) for the FTP certification cycle.
\105\ The low load cycle proposed by CARB has an average power
of eight percent.
We are considering several approaches for evaluating the emissions
performance of the binned data. One approach would sum the total
NOX mass emissions divided by the sum of CO2 mass
emissions. This ``sum-over-sum'' approach would successfully account
for all NOX emissions; however, it would require the
measurement system (PEMS or a NOX sensor) to be accurate
across the complete range of emissions concentrations. We are also
considering the advantages and disadvantages other statistical
approaches that evaluate a high percentile of the data instead of the
full set. We request comment on all aspects
[[Page 3323]]
of a moving average window analysis approach. Commenters are encouraged
to share the benefits and limitations of the window sizes, binning
criteria, and performance calculations introduced here, as well as
other strategies EPA should consider. We also request data providing
time and cost estimates for implementing a MAW-based in-use program and
what aspects of this approach could be phased-in to reduce some of the
upfront burden.
As mentioned previously, we are considering a separate MAW-based
standard for each bin. In our current NTE-based program, the NTE
standards are 1.5 times the certification duty-cycle standards.
Similarly, for the MAW-based standards, we could design our
certification and in-use programs to include corresponding laboratory-
based cycles and in-use bins with emission standards that relate by a
scaling factor. Alternatively, a percentile-based performance
evaluation may make a scaling factor unnecessary. We request comment on
appropriate scaling factors or other approaches to setting MAW-based
standards. Finally, we request comment on whether there is a continued
need for measurement allowances in an in-use program such as described
D. Extended Regulatory Useful Life
Under the Clean Air Act, an engine or vehicle's useful life is the
period for which the manufacturer must demonstrate, to receive EPA
certification, that the engine or vehicle will meet the applicable
emission standard, including accounting for deterioration over time.
Section 207(c) of the Act requires manufacturers to recall and repair
engines if ``a substantial number of any class or category'' of them
``do not conform to the regulations . . . when in actual use throughout
their useful life.'' Thus, there are two critical implications for the
length of the useful life: (1) It defines the emission durability the
manufacturer must demonstrate for certification, and (2) it is the
period for which the manufacturer is liable for compliance in-use. With
respect to the durability demonstration, manufacturers can either show
that the components will generally last the full useful life and retain
their function in meeting the applicable standard, or show that they
will be replaced at appropriate intervals by owners.
Section 202(d) of the Act directs EPA to ``prescribe regulations
under which the useful life of vehicles and engines shall be
determined'' and establishes minimum values of 10 years or 100,000
miles, whichever occurs first. The Act authorizes EPA to adopt longer
periods that we determine to be appropriate. Under this authority, we
have established the following useful life mileage values for heavy-
duty engines: \106\
\106\ EPA adopted useful life values 110,000, 185,000, and
290,000 miles for light, medium, and heavy heavy-duty engines
(respectively) in 1983. (48 FR 52170, November 16, 1983). The useful
life for heavy heavy-duty engines was subsequently increased to
435,000 miles for 2004 and later model years. (62 FR 54694, October
21, 1997).
110,000 miles for gasoline-fueled and light heavy-duty diesel
185,000 miles for medium heavy-duty diesel engines
435,000 miles for heavy heavy-duty diesel engines
Analysis of in-use mileage accumulation and typical rebuild
intervals shows that current regulatory useful life values are much
lower than actual in-use lifetimes of heavy-duty engines and vehicles.
In 2013, EPA commissioned an industry characterization report that
focused on heavy-duty diesel engine rebuilds.\107\ The report relied on
existing data from MacKay & Company surveys of heavy-duty vehicle
operators. An engine rebuild was categorized as either an in-frame
overhaul (where the rebuild occurred while the engine remained in the
vehicle) or as an out-of-frame overhaul (where the engine was removed
from the vehicle for somewhat more extensive service). We believe an
out-of-frame overhaul is a reasonable estimate of a heavy-duty engine's
primary operational life.\108\ The following average mileage values
were associated with out-of-frame overhauled engines from each of the
heavy-duty vehicle classes in the report:
\107\ ICF International, ``Industry Characterization of Heavy
Duty Diesel Engine Rebuilds'' EPA Contract No. EP-C-12-011,
September 2013.
\108\ In-frame rebuilds tend to be less complete and occur at
somewhat lower mileages.
Class 3: 256,000 miles
Class 4: 346,300 miles
Class 5: 344,200 miles
Class 6: 407,700 miles
Class 7: 509,100 miles
Class 8: 909,900 miles
We translated these vehicle classes to EPA's regulatory classes for
engines assuming Classes 3, 4, and 5 represent light heavy-duty diesel
engines (LHDDEs), Classes 6 and 7 represent medium heavy-duty diesel
engines (MHDDEs) and Class 8 represents heavy heavy-duty diesel engines
(HHDDEs). The resulting average rebuild ages for LHDDE, MHDDE, and
HHDDE are 315,500; 458,400; and 909,900, respectively.\109\ The current
regulatory useful life of today's engines covers less than half of the
primary operational life of HHDDEs and MHDDEs and less than a third of
LHDDEs--assuming the engines are only overhauled one time. We welcome
comment on the average number of times an engine core receives an
overhaul before being scrapped. We are also requesting comment on the
whether the 2013 EPA report continues to reflect modern engine
rebuilding practices.
\109\ Note that these mileage values reflect replacement of
engine components, but do not include aftertreatment components. At
the time of the report, the population of engines equipped with DPF
and SCR technologies was limited to relatively new engines that were
not candidates for rebuild.
We see no reason to change the useful life values with respect to
years. However, based on available data, we intend to propose new
useful life mileage values for all categories of heavy-duty engines to
be more reflective of real-world usage. Although we are continuing to
analyze the issue, we may propose to base the new useful life values
for engines on the median or average period to the first rebuild,
measured as mileage at the first out-of-frame overhaul. The reason to
tie useful life to rebuild intervals stems from the changes to an
engine when it is rebuilt. Rebuilding involves disassembling
significant parts of the engine and replacing or remachining certain
combustion-related components.
We are also evaluating the useful life for gasoline engines.
Beginning no later than model year 2021, chassis-certified heavy-duty
gasoline vehicles are subject to a 150,000-mile useful life. We request
comment on whether this would be the appropriate value for heavy-duty
gasoline engines, or if a higher value would be more appropriate.
Consistent with Section III.A.2.i, we would expect to apply the same
useful life for evaporative emissions technologies.
A direct result of longer useful life values would be to require
manufacturers to change their durability demonstrations. Currently
manufacturers measure emissions from a representative engine as they
accumulate service hours on it. If we extend useful life with no other
changes to this approach, manufacturers would need to extend this
durability testing out further.\110\ We request comment on alternative
approaches that should be considered. For example, we could allow
manufacturers to base the durability demonstration on component
replacement if manufacturers could demonstrate that the component would
actually be replaced in use. EPA has previously stated that a
[[Page 3324]]
commitment to perform the component replacement maintenance free of
charge may be considered adequate, depending on the component. See 40
CFR 86.004-25 and related sections for other examples of how a
manufacturer could potentially demonstrate durability.
\110\ See Section III.F.4, which describes potential
opportunities to streamline our durability demonstration
In conversations with rebuilding facilities, it appears that
aftertreatment components typically remain with the vehicle when
engines are rebuilt out of frame and are not part of the rebuild
process. We request comment on the performance and longevity of the
aftertreatment components when the engine has reached the point of
requiring a rebuild. Currently, aftertreatment components are covered
by the useful life of the engine overall. While our current logic,
explained above, would not support proposing useful life values for the
entire engine that extend beyond the rebuild interval, it may not be
appropriate for the durability requirements for the aftertreatment to
be limited by the rebuild interval for the rest of the engine if
current aftertreatment systems remain in service much longer. Thus, we
are requesting comment on how to treat such components, including
whether there is a need for separate provisions for aftertreatment
components. One potential approach could be to establish a longer
useful life for such components. However, we are also considering the
possibility of requiring an a more extensive durability demonstration
for such parts. For example, this might include a more aggressive
accelerated aging protocol or an engineering analysis demonstrating a
greater resistance to catalyst deterioration.
Another approach could be to develop a methodology to incorporate
aftertreatment failure rates reflective of real-world experiences into
engine deterioration factors at the time of certification, using
methodology similar to incorporation of infrequent regeneration
adjustment factors (``IRAF''). In 2018, CARB published an Initial
Statement of Reasons document regarding proposed amendments to heavy-
duty maintenance and warranty requirements. This document includes
analysis of warranty data indicating that emission components for heavy
heavy-duty engines had failure rates ranging from 1-17 percent, while
medium heavy-duty engines had emission component failure rates ranging
from 0-37 percent.111 112 ARB did this analysis using data
from MY2012 engines, as this was the only model year with a complete
five-year history. That model year included the phase-in of advanced
emission controls systems, which may have an impact on failure rates
compared to other model years. EPA is seeking comment on whether these
rates reflect component failures for other model year engines and
information on representative failure rates for all model years.
\111\ California Air Resources Board, ``Public Hearing to
Consider Proposed Amendments to California Emission Control System
Warranty Regulations and Maintenance Provisions for 2022 and
Subsequent Model Year On-road Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles and Heavy-
Duty Engines with Gross Vehicle Weight Ratings Greater Than 14,000
pounds and Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines in such Vehicles. Staff Report:
Initial Statement of Reasons'' May 2018. Available at:
\112\ California Air Resources Board, Appendix C: Economic
Impact Analysis/Assessment to the Heavy-Duty Warranty Initial
Statement of Reasons, page C-8. June 28, 2018. Available online:
E. Ensuring Long-Term In-Use Emissions Performance
As discussed above, deterioration of emission controls can increase
emissions from in-use vehicles. Such deterioration can be inherent to
the design and materials of the controls, the result of component
failures, or the result of mal-maintenance or tampering. We are
requesting comment on ways to reduce in-use deterioration of emissions
controls from all sources. We have identified five key areas of
potential focus and seek comment on the following topics:
Warranties that cover an appropriate fraction of engine
operational life
Improved, more tamper-resistant electronic controls
Serviceability improvements for vehicles and engines
Education and potential incentives
Engine rebuilding practices that ensure emission controls are
We believe addressing these five areas could offer a comprehensive
strategy for ensuring in-use emissions performance over more of an
engine's operational life.\113\ The following sections describe
possible provisions we believe could especially benefit second or third
owners of future engines who, under the current structure, may not have
access to resources for maintaining compliance of their higher-mileage
\113\ Memorandum to Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2019-0055. ``Enhanced and
Alternative Strategies to Achieve Long-term Compliance for Heavy-
Duty Vehicles and Engines; the WISER Strategy'', Amy Kopin, December
12, 2019.
1. Lengthened Emissions Warranty
Section 207(a) of the Clean Air Act requires manufacturers to
provide an emissions warranty. This warranty offers protection for
purchasers from costly repairs of emission controls during the warranty
period and generally covers all expenses related to diagnosing and
repairing or replacing emission-related components.\114\ EPA has
established by regulation the warranty periods for heavy-duty engines
to be whichever comes first of 5 years or 50,000 to 100,000 miles,
depending on engine size (see 40 CFR 86.085). However, due to the high
annual mileage accumulation of many trucks, our early assessment is
that the current warranty periods are insufficient for real-world
operations. For example, today's mileage requirements may represent
less than a single year's worth of coverage for some Class 8
vehicles.\115\ We welcome comment on annual vehicle miles travelled for
different classes and vocations.
\114\ See 40 CFR 1068.115 and Appendix I to Part 1068 for a list
of covered emission-related components.
\115\ American Transportation Research Institute, ``An Analysis
of the Operational Costs of Trucking: 2017 Update'' October 2017.
Available here:
We intend to propose longer emissions warranty periods. A longer
emissions warranty period could provide an extended period of
protection for purchasers, as well as a greater incentive for
manufacturers to design emission control components that are more
durable and less costly to repair. Longer periods of protection for
purchasers could provide a greater incentive for owners to
appropriately maintain their engines and aftertreatment systems so as
not to void their warranty. Designing more durable components could
help reduce the potential for problems later in the vehicle life that
lead to breakdowns and recalls. For instance, in at least one recent
recall related to certain SCR catalysts in heavy-duty vehicles, the
recall was not announced until nearly nine years after the initial sale
of these engines; as such, there was a prolonged period of real-world
emissions increases, and some owners likely absorbed significant cost
and downtime for repairs that could have been covered by an extended
warranty.116 117 More
[[Page 3325]]
durable parts could also lead to fewer breakdowns, which would likely
reduce the desire for owners to tamper with emissions controls by
bypassing DPF or SCR systems. In addition, extended warranties would
result in additional tracking by OEMs of potential defect issues, which
would increase the likelihood that emission defects (such as those
involved in the recent recall) would be corrected in a timely manner.
We request comment on emission component durability, as well as
maintenance or operational strategies that could substantially extend
the life of emission components and any regulatory barriers to
implementing these strategies.
\116\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ``EPA Announces
Largest Voluntary Recall of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Trucks.'' July
31, 2018. Available online:
\117\ Jaillet, James, ``Volvo setting aside $780M to address
emission system degradation problem'' January 4, 2019. Available
here: Accessed 10/2/19.
By rule, manufacturers providing a basic mechanical warranty must
also cover emission related repairs for those same components.\118\
Most engine manufacturers offer a 250,000-mile base warranty on their
heavy heavy-duty engines, which already exceeds the current minimum
100,000-mile emission warranty requirement. We request comment on an
appropriate length of emissions warranty period for engine and
aftertreatment components to incentivize improved durability with
reasonable cost.
\118\ See 40 CFR 86.004-2, definition of ``warranty period''.
One mechanism to maintain lower costs for a longer emissions
warranty period could be to vary the length of warranty coverage across
different types of components. For example, certain components (e.g.,
aftertreatment components) could have a longer warranty period.
Commenters are encouraged to address whether warranty should be tied to
longer useful life, as well as whether the warranty period should vary
by component and/or engine category.
With traditional warranty structures, parts and labor are covered
100 percent throughout a limited warranty period. We welcome comments
addressing whether there would be value in alternative approaches.
Figure 2 below provides a high-level illustration of alternative
approaches to the traditional warranty structure. For example, there
could be longer, prorated warranties that provide different levels of
warranty coverage based on a vehicle's age or mileage. In addition, the
warranty could be limited to include only certain parts after a certain
amount of time, and/or not include labor for part, or even all, of the
duration of coverage. We are seeking comment on any combination of
these or other approaches. Commenters should consider discussing the
components that could be included under each approach, and an
appropriate period of time for given classes of vehicle and individual
components. Commenters are encouraged to consider this issue in the
context of the benefits of longer emissions warranty periods--namely
providing an extended period of protection for purchasers, as well as a
greater incentive for manufacturers to design emission control
components that are more durable and less costly to repair.
2. Tamper-Resistant Electronic Controls
Although EPA lacks robust data on the frequency of tampering with
heavy-duty engines and vehicles, enforcement activities continue to
find evidence of tampering nationwide. Recently, EPA announced a new
National Compliance Initiative (``NCI'') that will include enhanced
collaboration with states to reduce the manufacture, sale, and
installation of defeat devices on vehicles and engines, with a focus on
commercial truck fleets.\119\
\119\ Belser, Evan, ``Tampering and Aftermarket Defeat Devices''
Presented to the National Association of Clean Air Agencies.
September 18, 2019. Available here:
We have identified several different ways that tampering can
occur.\120\ Most commonly, the engine's emission system parts are
physically removed or ``deleted'' electronically through the use of
software which can disable these components. One of the key methods to
[[Page 3326]]
enable such actions is through tampering with the engine control module
(ECM) calibration.
\120\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ``Enforcement Data
and Results'', Available online: Accessed September 18, 2019.
We are considering several approaches to prevent tampering with the
ECM. One approach could be for manufacturers to provide public access
to unique data channels that can be used by owners or enforcement
agencies to confirm emission controls are active and functioning
properly. A second approach to improved ECM security could be to
develop methodologies that flag when ECMs are flashed with improper
calibrations. This approach would require a process to distinguish
between authorized and unauthorized flashing events, detect an
unauthorized event, and store information documenting such events in
the ECM. Finally, we are following ongoing work at SAE International
that focuses on preventing cyber security hacking activity. The efforts
to combat such safety- and security-related concerns may provide a
pathway to apply similar solutions for emission control software and
modules. We anticipate such a long-term approach would require effort
beyond the CTI rulemaking timeframe. EPA requests comment on these or
other actions we could take to help prevent ECM tampering.
3. Serviceability Improvements
Vehicle owners play an important role in achieving the intended
emission reductions of the technologies that manufacturers implement to
meet EPA standards. Vehicle owners are expected to properly maintain
the engines, which includes scheduled (preventive) maintenance (e.g.,
maintaining adequate DEF supply for their diesel engines'
aftertreatment) and repairs when components or systems degrade or fail.
Although defective designs and tampering can contribute significantly
to increased in-use emissions, mal-maintenance (which includes improper
repairs, delayed repairs, and delayed or unperformed maintenance) also
increases in-use emissions. Mal-maintenance (by owners or repair
facilities) can result from:
High costs to diagnose and repair
Inadequate maintenance instructions
Limited access to service information and specialized tools to
make repairs
As discussed below, we are looking to improve in-use maintenance
practices by addressing these factors. We also discuss how maintenance
concerns can increase tampering.
We are especially interested in the repair and maintenance
practices of second owners, which are typically individual owners and
small fleets that do not have the sophisticated repair facilities of
the larger fleets. These second owners often experience emission-
related problems that cannot be diagnosed easily, causing the repairs
to be delayed. While fleets often have sufficient resources to obtain
engine manufacturer-specific diagnostic tools for their trucks and can
diagnose emission-systems problems quickly, smaller fleets or
individual owners may be required to tow their truck to a dealer to
diagnose and address the problem.
In 2009, EPA finalized regulations for the heavy-duty industry to
ensure that manufacturers make ``service information'' available to any
person repairing or servicing heavy-duty vehicles and engines (see 74
FR 8309, February 24, 2009). This service information includes:
Information necessary to make use of the OBD system, instructions for
making emission-related diagnoses and repairs, training information,
technical service bulletins, etc. EPA is considering whether the
service information and tools needed to diagnose problems with heavy-
duty emission control systems are available and affordable. EPA
requests comment on the following serviceability topics:
Usefulness of currently available emission diagnostic
information and equipment
The adequacy of emission-related training for diagnosis and
repair of these systems
The readiness and capabilities of repair facilities in making
The reasonableness of the cost of purchasing this information
and the equipment
The prevalence of using of this equipment outside of large
repair facilities
If there are any existing barriers to enabling owners to
quickly diagnose emission control system problems
We are currently evaluating which OBD signals are needed to
diagnose and repair emission control components. While SAE's J1939
protocol establishes a comprehensive list of signals and parameters
used in heavy-duty trucks, many signals are not required to be
broadcast publicly. Ensuring that all owners, including those who
operate older, higher-mileage vehicles, have access to service
information to properly diagnose problems with their truck's emission
system could reduce the cost for many owners who choose to do some
maintenance on their own. Although J1939 includes nearly 2,000
parameters OBD regulations dictate a limited number of signals must be
broadcast publicly. While today, some manufacturers broadcast more
signals than are required, there is no guarantee that this practice
will continue which could lead to loss of diagnostic ability.
Therefore, we request comment on which signals we should require to be
made available publicly to ensure adequate access to critical emissions
diagnostic information.
Maintenance issues can result in owner dissatisfaction, which can
incentivize removal or bypass of emission controls. EPA is aware of
significant discontent expressed by owners concerning their experiences
with emission systems on vehicles compliant with fully phased-in 2010
standards--in particular, for the first several model years after the
new standards went into effect. Although significant improvements have
been made to these systems since they were introduced into the market,
reliability issues continue to cause concern for owners. For example,
software and/or component failures can occur with little-to-no warning.
Misdiagnosis can also lead to repeated repairs that don't solve the
problem with the risk of repeated breakdowns, tows, and trips to repair
facilities. We believe that reducing maintenance issues could also
reduce tampering.
We are also evaluating the use of maintenance-inducing control
features (``inducements'') that degrade engine performance as a means
to ensure that certain critical maintenance steps are performed. For
example, SCR-equipped engines generally include features that
``derate'' or severely limit engine operation if a vehicle is operated
without DEF. EPA guidance for such features was issued in 2009.\121\
While inducements were designed to encourage owners to perform proper
maintenance, an inducement can be triggered for a variety of reasons
that an owner cannot control (e.g., faulty wiring, software glitches,
or sensor failures) and may not degrade emission control performance.
EPA understands that some owners view derate inducements as
particularly problematic when they are not due to improper maintenance,
because they are difficult to predict and may occur at inconvenient
locations, far from preferred repair facilities. Owners' prior concerns
over parts durability and potential breakdowns are likely heightened by
the risk of inducements. Given that we are nearing a decade of industry
experience in understanding
[[Page 3327]]
maintenance of SCR systems, we believe it is time to reevaluate these
features, and potentially allow for less severe inducements. We believe
such relief may also reduce tampering.
\121\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ``Certification
Requirements for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines Using Selective Catalyst
Reduction (SCR) technologies'', February 18, 2009, CISD-09-04
We broadly request comment on actions EPA should take, if any, to
improve maintenance practices and the repair experience for owners. We
welcome comment on the adequacy of existing emission control system
maintenance instructions provided by OEMs. In addition, we request
comment on whether other stakeholders (such as state and local
agencies) may find it difficult in the field to detect tampering due to
limitations of available scan tools and limited publicly available
broadcast OBD parameters. We request comment on signals that are not
currently broadcast publicly that would enable agencies to ensure
vehicles are compliant during inspections.
4. Emission Controls Education and Incentives
In addition to more easily accessible service information for
users, we believe that there may also be educational programs and
voluntary incentives that could lead to better maintenance and real-
world emission benefits. We understand that there continues to be
misinformation in the marketplace regarding exhaust aftertreatment
systems, including predatory websites that incorrectly indicate that
their fuel economy-boosting delete kits are legal. We seek comment on
the potential benefits of educational and/or voluntary, incentive-based
programs such as EPA's SmartWay program.\122\ Such a program could
provide online training on issues such as the importance of the
emissions equipment, how it functions, how emissions systems impact
fuel economy, users' ability to access service information, and how to
identify legitimate methods and services that do not compromise their
vehicles' emissions compliance. In addition to educational elements, we
are seeking comment on whether and how to develop tools allowing fleets
to commit to selling used vehicles with fully functional and verified
emissions control systems.
\122\ Learn about SmartWay. Available online at: Accessed October 3, 2019.
5. Improving Engine Rebuilding Practices 123
\123\ As used here, the term ``rebuilding'' generally includes
practices known commercially as ``remanufacturing''. Under 40 CFR
part 1068, rebuilding refers to practices that fall short of
producing a ``new'' engine.
Under 40 CFR 1068.120(b), EPA defines requirements for rebuilding
engines to avoid violating the tampering prohibition in 1068.101(b)(1).
EPA supports engine rebuilding that maintains emissions compliance, but
it is unclear if the rebuilding industry's current practices adequately
address the functioning of aftertreatment systems during this process.
We are interested in improving engine rebuilding practices to help
ensure emission controls continue to function properly after an engine
is rebuilt. In particular, we are concerned about components that
typically remain with the vehicle when the engine is removed for
rebuilding, especially aftertreatment components. Because these
components may not be included when an engine is overhauled, we believe
that additional provisions may be needed to help ensure that these
other components maintain proper function to the same degree that the
rebuilt components do.
There are practical limitations to implementing new regulations
that would include testing and repairing the aftertreatment system
during each rebuild event. Currently, engine rebuilding is focused on
the engine; aftertreatment systems may not be evaluated at the time of
rebuild--especially when it remains with the vehicle during an out-of-
frame rebuild. We recognize the potentially significant financial
undertaking that might be necessary for the rebuilding industry to
restructure their businesses to include aftertreatment systems in their
Instead, our goal of proposing new regulations for rebuilding would
be to ensure the aftertreatment system is functioning properly at the
time of rebuild. We are considering a program where rebuilders would
collect information documenting certain OBD codes to determine whether
their emission systems are on the truck and functioning prior to
placing an order for a factory-rebuilt engine or sending their engine
out for rebuilding. This could consist of the engine rebuilder
requesting that the owner provide them with a report showing the
results of a limited number of OBD parameters that indicate broadly the
status of the emissions systems. Such a program could involve the
rebuilder ensuring this report has been received, reviewed, and
retained. This sort of check would not be intended to impede the sale
of the rebuilt engine. We acknowledge that some engines may have
experienced catastrophic failures that may result in numerous ``check
engine'' codes and prevent owners or repair facilities from running
additional OBD monitors to confirm the aftertreatment system status.
We solicit comment on whether we could appropriately ensure
compliance without creating unnecessary market disruption by requiring
owners to attest that any problems shown in their engine's report will
be repaired within a certain timeframe. We believe this documentation
requirement would introduce a level of accountability with respect to
aftertreatment systems when engines are rebuilt, with minimal burden on
the rebuilders and owners. We request comment on the feasibility and
challenges of such an approach, including suggestions of relevant OBD
parameters, report format, and how to collect the information (e.g.,
could manufacturers build into new vehicles the ability for such a
status report to be run using a generic scan tool and be output in a
text file).
F. Certification and Compliance Streamlining
The fundamental requirements for certification of heavy-duty
engines are specified by the Clean Air Act. For example, the Act
Manufacturers must obtain a certificate of conformity from EPA
before introducing an engine into commerce
Manufacturers must obtain new certificates each year
The certificate must be based on test data
The manufacturer must provide an emissions warranty to the
However, EPA has significant discretion for many aspects of our
certification and compliance programs, and we are requesting comment on
potential opportunities to streamline our requirements, while ensuring
no change in protection for public health and the environment,
including EPA's ability to ensure compliance with the requirements of
the CAA and our regulations. Commenters are encouraged to consider not
just potential cost savings associated with each aspect of
streamlining, but also ways to prevent any adverse impacts on the
effectiveness of our certification and in-use compliance program.
1. Certification of Carry-Over Engines
Our regulations currently require engine families to undergo a
thorough certification process each year. This includes ``carry-over''
engines with no year-to-year calibration or hardware changes. Although
we have already adopted certain simplifications, we intend to consider
[[Page 3328]]
improvements to this this process under the CTI to reduce the burden of
certification for carry-over engines. We request comment on specific
revisions that could apply for certifying carry-over engines.
2. Modernizing of Heavy-Duty Engine Regulations
Heavy-duty engine criteria pollutant standards and related
regulations were codified into 40 CFR part 86 in the 1980s. We believe
the CTI provides an opportunity to clarify (and otherwise improve) the
wording of our existing heavy-duty criteria pollutant regulations in
plain language and migrate them to part 1036. This part, which was
created for the Phase 1 GHG program, provides a consistent, modern
format for our regulations, with improved organization. This migration
would not be intended to make any change to the compliance program,
except as specifically and expressly addressed in the CTI rulemaking.
We request comment on the benefits and concerns with this undertaking.
3. Heavy-Duty In-Use Testing Program
Under the current manufacturer-run heavy-duty in-use testing
program, EPA annually selects engine families to evaluate whether
engines are meeting current emissions standards. Once we submit a test
order to the manufacturer to initiate testing, it must contact
customers to recruit vehicles that use an engine from the selected
engine family. The manufacturer generally selects five unique vehicles
that have a good maintenance history, no malfunction indicators on, and
are within the engine's regulatory useful life for the requested engine
family. The tests require use of portable emissions measurement systems
(PEMS) that meet the requirements of 40 CFR 1065 subpart J.
Manufacturers collect data from the selected vehicles over the course
of a day while they are used for their normal work and operated by a
regular driver, and then submit the data to EPA.
EPA's current process for selecting an engine family test order is
undefined and can be based on a range of factors including, but not
limited to, recent compliance performance or simply length of time
since last data collection on that family. Onboard NOX
sensors present an opportunity to better define EPA's criteria for test
orders. For example, onboard NOX data could be used to
screen in-use engines for key performance characteristics that may
indicate a problem. We welcome comment on possible strategies and
challenges to incorporating onboard NOX sensor data in EPA's
engine family test order process.
An evolution of our current PEMS-based in-use testing approach
could be to use onboard NOX sensors that are already on
vehicles instead of (or potentially in addition to) PEMS as the
emission measurement tool for in-use compliance. In this scenario,
manufacturers would collect and store performance data on the engine's
computer until it is retrieved. When a test order is sent,
manufacturers could simply collect the stored data and send it to EPA,
reducing the burden of today's PEMS-based collection procedures. This
simplified data collection could potentially expand the pool of
vehicles evaluated for a given test order and compliance could be based
on a much greater percentage of the in-use fleet with broader coverage
of the industry's diverse operation. We are currently in the early
stages of evaluating key questions for this type of evolution in
approach to in-use testing. These key issues include: NOX
sensor performance (noted in III.A.3), appropriate engine parameters to
target, quantity of data to collect, performance metrics to calculate,
and frequency of reporting. Additionally, we are evaluating several
candidate processes for aggregating the results. See Section III.C for
a discussion of our early thinking on these topics as they relate to
potential updates to EPA's manufacturer-run in-use testing program.
Another aspect of this potential evolution in the in-use testing
program could be combining the use of onboard sensors with telematic
communication technologies that facilitate manufacturers receiving and
sending information from/to the vehicle in real time. Telematics
services are already increasingly used by the industry due to the
Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration's Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Rule that requires the
use of ELDs by the end of 2019.\124\ The value of being able to measure
NOX emissions from the in-use fleet could be increased if
coupled with real-time communication between the engine manufacturers
and the vehicles. For example, such a combination could enable
manufacturers to identify emission problems early. By being able to
schedule repairs proactively or otherwise respond promptly, operators
would be able to prevent or mitigate failures during in-use operation
and make arrangements to avoid disrupting operations. We request
comment on the potential use of telematics and communication technology
in ensuring in-use emissions compliance.
\124\ DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. ``ELD
Factsheet,'' Available online:
Finally, we request comment on the need to measure PM emissions
during in-use testing of DPF-equipped engines--whether under the
current regulations or under some future program. PEMS measurement is
more complicated and time-consuming for PM measurements than for
gaseous pollutants such as NOX and eliminating it for some
or all in-use testing would provide significant cost savings.
Commenters are encouraged to address whether there are less expensive
alternatives for ensuring that engines meet the PM standards in use.
4. Durability Testing
Pursuant to Clean Air Act Section 206, EPA's regulations require
that a manufacturer's application for certification include a
demonstration that the new engines will meet applicable emission
standards throughout the engines' useful life. This is often called the
durability demonstration. The core of this demonstration includes
procedures to calculate a deterioration factor (DF) to project full
useful life emissions compliance based on testing a low-hour
\125\ 40 CFR 86.1823-08.
A deterioration factor can be determined directly for heavy-duty
diesel engines by aging the engine and exhaust aftertreatment system to
full useful life on an engine dynamometer. This time-consuming process
requires manufacturers to commit to product configurations well ahead
of their pre-production certification testing in order to ensure the
durability testing is complete. Some manufacturers run multiple,
staggered durability tests in parallel in case a component failure
occurs that would require a complete restart of the aging process.
Recognizing that full useful life testing is a significant
undertaking (that can involve more than one full year of continuous
engine operation for heavy heavy-duty engines), EPA has allowed
manufacturers to age their systems to between 35 and 50 percent of full
useful life on an engine dynamometer and extrapolate the data to full
useful life. This extrapolation reduces the time to complete the aging
process, but it is unclear if it accurately captures the emissions
deterioration of the system.
[[Page 3329]]
i. Diesel Aftertreatment Rapid Aging Protocol
The current durability demonstration provisions were developed
before aftertreatment systems were widely adopted for emission control
and we believe some of the inaccuracy of the deterioration
extrapolation may be due to the deterioration mechanisms unique to
catalysts. We believe a more cost-efficient demonstration protocol
could focus on the emissions-critical catalytic aftertreatment system
to accelerate the process and possibly improve accuracy.
EPA is developing a protocol for demonstrating aftertreatment
durability through an accelerated catalyst aging procedure. The
objective of this protocol is to artificially recreate the three
primary catalytic deterioration processes observed in field-aged
components: Thermal aging based on time at high temperature, chemical
aging that accounts for poisoning due to fuel and oil contamination,
and deposits. This work to develop a diesel aftertreatment rapid-aging
protocol (DARAP) builds on an existing rapid-aging protocol designed
for light-duty gasoline vehicles (64 FR 23906).
A necessary feature of this protocol development would be a process
to validate deterioration projections from accelerated aging. Three
engines and their corresponding aftertreatment systems will be aged
using our current, engine-focused durability test procedure. Three
comparable aftertreatment systems will be aged using a burner in place
of an engine. We are planning to evaluate emissions using this
accelerated approach, compared to the standard approach, at the
following approximate intervals: 0; 280,000; 425,000; 640,000; and
850,000 miles.
We anticipate this validation program will take six months per
engine platform. We expect the program will be completed after the CTI
NPRM is issued. We plan to have results from one of the test engines in
time to consider when developing the proposal, with the remaining
results and final report completed before the final rulemaking. We
request comment on the need, usefulness and appropriateness for a
diesel aftertreatment rapid-aging protocol, and we request comment on
the test program EPA has initiated to inform the accelerated durability
demonstration method outlined here.
ii. Durability Certification
As mentioned previously, EPA has issued guidance to ensure
manufacturers report accurate deterioration factors. EPA is considering
updates to the durability demonstration currently required for
manufacturers, which may still require manufacturers to validate their
reported values. We believe onboard data collected for in-use
compliance could provide a pathway for manufacturers to show the
deterioration performance of their engines in the real world with
reduced need for upfront durability demonstrations. We request comment
on the suitability of onboard data to supplement our current or future
deterioration factor demonstrations, as well as opportunities to reduce
testing burden by reporting in-use data.
G. Incentives for Early Emission Reductions
The Clean Air Act requires that EPA provide manufacturers
sufficient lead time to meet new standards. However, we recognize that
manufacturers may have opportunities to introduce some technologies
earlier than required, and that public health and the environment could
benefit from such early introduction. Thus, we are requesting comments
on potential provisions that would provide a regulatory incentive for
reducing emissions earlier than required, including but not limited to
incentives for low-emission, advanced powertrain technologies.\126\
Such approaches can have the effect of accelerating the turnover of the
existing fleet of heavy-duty vehicles to lower-emitting vehicles.
\126\ See Section III.A.4 for more discussion on advanced
powertrain technologies.
We have often relied on emission credit banking provisions, such as
those in 40 CFR 1036.715, to incentivize early emission reductions.
This approach has worked well for rulemakings that set numerically
lower standards but keep the same test cycles and other procedures.
However, this would not necessarily be the case for the CTI, where we
expect to adopt new test cycles or other fundamentally new approaches.
Manufacturers could generate and bank emission credits for the two
current EPA test cycles (the FTP and RMC) in the near-term, but it is
unclear how those credits could be used to show compliance with respect
to operating modes that are not reflected in the current cycles.
Manufacturers could certify to any new CTI provisions once the rule
is finalized, but that may not leave sufficient time for manufacturers
to complete all of the steps required to certify new engines early. For
example, manufacturers would not know the new useful life mileages
until the rule is finalized, which may hinder them from completing
durability work early. Therefore, we request comment on alternative
approaches to incentivize early emission reductions.
In particular, we would be interested in the early adoption of
technology that reduces low-load emissions. One approach we are
considering would be for manufacturers to certify engines with new
technology to the existing requirements (i.e., FTP and RMC test cycles
and durability demonstration), but then track the engines in-use using
improved in-use provisions. This approach could demonstrate that the
engines have lower emissions in use than other engines (including low-
load operation) and serve as a pilot program for an updated in-use
program. We request comment on options to potentially generate
numerical off-cycle credit under this approach, or other interim
benefits, such as delayed compliance for some other engine family, that
could incentivize early emissions reductions.
IV. Next Steps
As described above, EPA has made important progress in the
development of technical information to support new, more stringent
NOX emission standards and other potential program elements.
We also expect to receive additional technical information in the
comments on this ANPR. We intend to publish a NPRM this year, after
reviewing the comments and considering how any new information we
receive may be used in the analysis we have underway to support the CTI
See the PUBLIC PARTICIPATION section at the beginning of this
notice for details on how to submit comments.
V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
Under Executive Order 12866, entitled Regulatory Planning and
Review (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), this is not a ``significant
regulatory action.'' Because this action does not propose or impose any
requirements, the various statutes and Executive Orders that apply to
rulemaking do not apply in this case. Should EPA subsequently pursue a
rulemaking, EPA will address the statutes and Executive Orders as
applicable to that rulemaking. Nevertheless, the Agency welcomes
comments and/or information that would help the Agency to assess any of
the following:
The potential impact of a rule on small entities pursuant
to the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.);
Potential impacts on federal, state, or local governments
pursuant to the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA) (2 U.S.C. 1531-
[[Page 3330]]
Federalism implications pursuant to Executive Order 13132,
entitled Federalism (64 FR 43255, November 2, 1999);
Availability of voluntary consensus standards pursuant to
section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
of 1995 (NTTAA), Public Law 104-113;
Tribal implications pursuant to Executive Order 13175,
entitled Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments
(65 FR 67249, November 6, 2000);
Environmental health or safety effects on children
pursuant to Executive Order 13045, entitled Protection of Children from
Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks (62 FR 19885, April 23,
1997)--applies to regulatory actions that: (1) Concern environmental
health or safety risks that EPA has reason to believe may
disproportionately affect children and (2) are economically significant
regulatory action, as defined by Executive Order 12866;
Energy effects pursuant to Executive Order 13211, entitled
Actions Concerning Regulations that Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001);
Paperwork burdens pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act
(PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501); or
Human health or environmental effects on minority or low-
income populations pursuant to Executive Order 12898, entitled Federal
Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994).
The Agency will consider such comments during the development of
any subsequent proposed rulemaking.
Dated: January 6, 2020.
Andrew R. Wheeler,
[FR Doc. 2020-00542 Filed 1-17-20; 8:45 am]