670th Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), 2163-2164 [2020-00378]
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 9 / Tuesday, January 14, 2020 / Notices
Docket Nos ...........................................
STN 50–456, STN 50–457, STN 50–454, STN 50–455, 50–237, 50–249, 50–333, 50–244, 50–373, 50–
374, 50–352, 50–353, 50–220, 50–410, 50–277, 50–278, 50–254, and 50–265.
Exelon Generation Company, LLC; R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant; Wayne County, NY
Date Issued ..........................................
ADAMS Accession No .........................
Amendment Nos ...................................
Brief Description of Amendments ........
Docket Nos ...........................................
The amendment revised Technical Specification 5.5.15, ‘‘Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program,’’
to adopt Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 94–01, Revision 2–A, ‘‘Industry Guideline for Implementing
Performance-Based Option of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J.’’ Specifically, the amendment allows the
maximum interval for the Integrated Leakage Rate Test (ILRT), also known as Type A test, to be extended permanently from once in 10 years to once in 15 years, and an administrative change to remove the exception under Technical Specification 5.5.15 for the one-time 15-year Type A test interval being performed prior to May 31, 2011.
Omaha Public Power District; Fort Calhoun Station, Unit No. 1; Washington County, NE
Date Issued ..........................................
ADAMS Accession No .........................
Amendment Nos ...................................
Brief Description of Amendments ........
Docket Nos ...........................................
The amendment revised the Operating License and the Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications
for Fort Calhoun Station to reflect the requirements after removal of all remaining spent nuclear fuel
from the spent fuel pool and its transfer to dry cask storage within the Fort Calhoun Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation.
Tennessee Valley Authority; Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3; Limestone County, AL
Date Issued ..........................................
ADAMS Accession No .........................
Amendment Nos ...................................
Brief Description of Amendments ........
Docket Nos ...........................................
311 (Unit 1), 334 (Unit 2); and 294 (Unit 3).
The amendments replaced existing technical specification requirements related to ‘‘operations with the
potential for draining the reactor vessel (OPDRVs)’’ with new requirements on reactor pressure vessel water inventory control to protect Safety Limit Safety Limit requires reactor vessel
water level to be greater than the top of active irradiated fuel.
50–259, 50–260, 50–296.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 6th day
of January, 2020.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Gregory F. Suber,
Deputy Director, Division of Operating
Reactor Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor
[FR Doc. 2020–00170 Filed 1–13–20; 8:45 am]
670th Meeting of the Advisory
Committee on Reactor Safeguards
In accordance with the purposes of
Sections 29 and 182b of the Atomic
Energy Act (42 U.S.C. 2039, 2232b), the
Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards (ACRS) will hold meetings
on February 5–8, 2020, Two White Flint
North, 11545 Rockville Pike, ACRS
Conference Room T2D10, Rockville, MD
Wednesday, February 5, 2020,
Conference Room T2D10
1:00 p.m.–1:05 p.m.: Opening
Remarks by the ACRS Chairman
(Open)—The ACRS Chairman will make
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opening remarks regarding the conduct
of the meeting.
1:05 p.m.–4:00 p.m.: Biennial Review
of NRC Safety Research Program/
Quality Review of Selected Research
Projects (Open)—The Committee will
have briefings by and discussion led by
panel chairs regarding the NRC Safety
Research Program and the quality
review of selected research projects.
4:15 p.m.–6:00 p.m.: NuScale Design
Certification Application Safety
Evaluation (Open/Closed)—The
Committee will have briefings by and
discussion with representatives of the
NRC staff regarding the need for further
briefings by the staff to support the
Committee’s Review. For specific
chapters to be discussed please contact
Mike Snodderly at 301–415–2241.
[NOTE: A portion of this session may be
closed in order to discuss and protect
information designated as proprietary,
pursuant to 5 U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
Thursday, February 6, 2020,
Conference Room T2D10
8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.: NuScale Design
Certification Application Safety
Evaluation (Open/Closed)—The
Committee will discuss the status of
reviews of selected chapters of the
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NuScale design certification application
including relevant technical and
regulatory issues. The Committee will
also discuss the need for further
briefings by the staff to support the
Committee’s review. For specific
chapters to be discussed please contact
Mike Snodderly at 301–415–2241.
[NOTE: A portion of this session may be
closed in order to discuss and protect
information designated as proprietary,
pursuant to 5 U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m.: Meeting with the
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
(INPO) (Closed)—The Committee will
have briefings by and discussions with
representatives of the NRC staff and
INPO regarding topics of mutual
interest. [NOTE: This session will be
closed in order to discuss and protect
information designated as proprietary,
pursuant to 5 U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
3:45 p.m.–6:00 p.m.: NuScale Design
Certification Application Safety
Evaluation (Open/Closed)
(continuation)—The Committee will
discuss the status of reviews of selected
chapters of the NuScale design
certification application including
relevant technical and regulatory issues.
The Committee will also discuss the
need for further briefings by the staff to
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 9 / Tuesday, January 14, 2020 / Notices
support the Committee’s review. For
specific chapters to be discussed please
contact Mike Snodderly at 301–415–
2241. [NOTE: A portion of this session
may be closed in order to discuss and
protect information designated as
proprietary, pursuant to 5 U.S.C
Friday, February 7, 2020, Conference
Room T2D10
8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m.: Future ACRS
Activities/Report of the Planning and
Procedures Subcommittee and
Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and
Recommendations (Open/Closed)—The
Committee will hear discussion of the
recommendations of the Planning and
Procedures Subcommittee regarding
items proposed for consideration by the
Full Committee during future ACRS
meetings. [NOTE: A portion of this
meeting may be closed pursuant to 5
U.S.C. 552b(c)(2) and (6) to discuss
organizational and personnel matters
that relate solely to internal personnel
rules and practices of the ACRS, and
information the release of which would
constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.] [NOTE: A
portion of this session may be closed in
order to discuss and protect information
designated as proprietary, pursuant to 5
U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
10:45 a.m.–12:00 p.m.: Preparation of
ACRS Reports/NuScale Chapters
Discussion (Open/Closed)—The
Committee will continue its discussion
of proposed ACRS reports and NuScale
chapters. [NOTE: A portion of this
session may be closed in order to
discuss and protect information
designated as proprietary, pursuant to 5
U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
2:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.: Preparation of
ACRS Reports (Open/Closed)—The
Committee will continue its discussion
of proposed ACRS reports. [NOTE: A
portion of this session may be closed in
order to discuss and protect information
designated as proprietary, pursuant to 5
U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
Saturday, February 8, 2020, Conference
Room T2D10
8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.: Preparation of
ACRS Reports (Open/Closed)—The
Committee will continue its discussion
of proposed ACRS reports. [NOTE: A
portion of this session may be closed in
order to discuss and protect information
designated as proprietary, pursuant to 5
U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
Procedures for the conduct of and
participation in ACRS meetings were
published in the Federal Register on
June 13, 2019 (84 FR 27662). In
accordance with those procedures, oral
or written views may be presented by
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members of the public, including
representatives of the nuclear industry.
Persons desiring to make oral statements
should notify Quynh Nguyen, Cognizant
ACRS Staff and the Designated Federal
Official (Telephone: 301–415–5844,
Email: Quynh.Nguyen@nrc.gov), 5 days
before the meeting, if possible, so that
appropriate arrangements can be made
to allow necessary time during the
meeting for such statements. In view of
the possibility that the schedule for
ACRS meetings may be adjusted by the
Chairman as necessary to facilitate the
conduct of the meeting, persons
planning to attend should check with
the Cognizant ACRS staff if such
rescheduling would result in major
inconvenience. The bridgeline number
for the meeting is 866–822–3032,
passcode 8272423#.
Thirty-five hard copies of each
presentation or handout should be
provided 30 minutes before the meeting.
In addition, one electronic copy of each
presentation should be emailed to the
Cognizant ACRS Staff one day before
meeting. If an electronic copy cannot be
provided within this timeframe,
presenters should provide the Cognizant
ACRS Staff with a CD containing each
presentation at least 30 minutes before
the meeting.
In accordance with Subsection 10(d)
of Public Law 92–463 and 5 U.S.C.
552b(c), certain portions of this meeting
may be closed, as specifically noted
above. Use of still, motion picture, and
television cameras during the meeting
may be limited to selected portions of
the meeting as determined by the
Chairman. Electronic recordings will be
permitted only during the open portions
of the meeting.
ACRS meeting agendas, meeting
transcripts, and letter reports are
available through the NRC Public
Document Room (PDR) at pdr.resource@
nrc.gov, or by calling the PDR at 1–800–
397–4209, or from the Publicly
Available Records System component of
NRC’s Agencywide Documents Access
and Management System (ADAMS)
which is accessible from the NRC
website at https://www.nrc.gov/readingrm/adams.html or https://www.nrc.gov/
Video teleconferencing service is
available for observing open sessions of
ACRS meetings. Those wishing to use
this service should contact Ms. Paula
Dorm, ACRS Audio Visual Technician
(301–415–7799), between 7:30 a.m. and
3:45 p.m. (Eastern Time), at least 10
days before the meeting to ensure the
availability of this service. Individuals
or organizations requesting this service
will be responsible for telephone line
charges and for providing the
PO 00000
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equipment and facilities that they use to
establish the video teleconferencing
link. The availability of video
teleconferencing services is not
Dated: January 9, 2020.
Russell E. Chazell,
Federal Advisory Committee Management
Officer, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2020–00378 Filed 1–13–20; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–87906; File No. 4–757]
Notice of Proposed Order Directing the
Exchanges and the Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority To Submit a New
National Market System Plan
Regarding Consolidated Equity Market
January 8, 2020.
I. Introduction
As discussed in more detail in the
attached proposed order (‘‘Proposed
Order’’),1 certain market developments
have given rise to concerns about
whether—as currently structured—the
existing national market system plans
(the ‘‘Equity Data Plans’’) 2 that govern
the public dissemination of real-time,
consolidated equity market data for
national market system stocks continue
1 See
Attachment A.
three Equity Data Plans that currently
govern the collection, consolidation, processing,
and dissemination of SIP data are (1) the
Consolidated Tape Association Plan (‘‘CTA Plan’’),
(2) the Consolidated Quotation Plan (‘‘CQ Plan’’),
and (3) the Joint Self-Regulatory Organization Plan
Governing the Collection, Consolidation, and
Dissemination of Quotation and Transaction
Information for Nasdaq-Listed Securities Traded on
Exchanges on an Unlisted Trading Privileges Basis
(‘‘UTP Plan’’). Each of the Equity Data Plans is an
NMS plan under Rule 608 of Regulation NMS. 17
CFR 242.608; see also Securities Exchange Act
Release Nos. 10787 (May 10, 1974), 39 FR 17799
(order approving CTA Plan); 15009 (July 28, 1978),
43 FR 34851 (Aug. 7, 1978) (order temporarily
approving CQ Plan); 16518 (Jan. 22, 1980), 45 FR
6521 (Jan. 28, 1980) (order permanently approving
CQ Plan); and 28146 (June 26, 1990), 55 FR 27917
(July 6, 1990) (order approving UTP Plan). The
Commission notes that the options exchanges are
participants in the Limited Liability Company
Agreement of Options Price Reporting Authority,
LLC (‘‘OPRA Plan’’), an NMS plan under Rule 608
of Regulation NMS, which governs the collection,
consolidation, processing, and dissemination of last
sale and quotation information for listed options.
See Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 17638
(Mar. 18, 1981), 22 SEC. Docket 484 (Mar. 31, 1981);
61367 (Jan. 15, 2010), 75 FR 3765 (Jan. 22, 2010).
The Commission is proposing to take an
incremental approach to addressing governance
issues related to NMS plans and is at this time
proposing to address only the governance of the
Equity Data Plans. The Commission may in the
future consider the governance of the OPRA Plan.
2 The
[Federal Register Volume 85, Number 9 (Tuesday, January 14, 2020)]
[Pages 2163-2164]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2020-00378]
670th Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
In accordance with the purposes of Sections 29 and 182b of the
Atomic Energy Act (42 U.S.C. 2039, 2232b), the Advisory Committee on
Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) will hold meetings on February 5-8, 2020, Two
White Flint North, 11545 Rockville Pike, ACRS Conference Room T2D10,
Rockville, MD 20852.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020, Conference Room T2D10
1:00 p.m.-1:05 p.m.: Opening Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open)--
The ACRS Chairman will make opening remarks regarding the conduct of
the meeting.
1:05 p.m.-4:00 p.m.: Biennial Review of NRC Safety Research
Program/Quality Review of Selected Research Projects (Open)--The
Committee will have briefings by and discussion led by panel chairs
regarding the NRC Safety Research Program and the quality review of
selected research projects.
4:15 p.m.-6:00 p.m.: NuScale Design Certification Application
Safety Evaluation (Open/Closed)--The Committee will have briefings by
and discussion with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the need
for further briefings by the staff to support the Committee's Review.
For specific chapters to be discussed please contact Mike Snodderly at
301-415-2241. [NOTE: A portion of this session may be closed in order
to discuss and protect information designated as proprietary, pursuant
to 5 U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
Thursday, February 6, 2020, Conference Room T2D10
8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.: NuScale Design Certification Application
Safety Evaluation (Open/Closed)--The Committee will discuss the status
of reviews of selected chapters of the NuScale design certification
application including relevant technical and regulatory issues. The
Committee will also discuss the need for further briefings by the staff
to support the Committee's review. For specific chapters to be
discussed please contact Mike Snodderly at 301-415-2241. [NOTE: A
portion of this session may be closed in order to discuss and protect
information designated as proprietary, pursuant to 5 U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.: Meeting with the Institute of Nuclear Power
Operations (INPO) (Closed)--The Committee will have briefings by and
discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and INPO regarding
topics of mutual interest. [NOTE: This session will be closed in order
to discuss and protect information designated as proprietary, pursuant
to 5 U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
3:45 p.m.-6:00 p.m.: NuScale Design Certification Application
Safety Evaluation (Open/Closed) (continuation)--The Committee will
discuss the status of reviews of selected chapters of the NuScale
design certification application including relevant technical and
regulatory issues. The Committee will also discuss the need for further
briefings by the staff to
[[Page 2164]]
support the Committee's review. For specific chapters to be discussed
please contact Mike Snodderly at 301-415-2241. [NOTE: A portion of this
session may be closed in order to discuss and protect information
designated as proprietary, pursuant to 5 U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
Friday, February 7, 2020, Conference Room T2D10
8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.: Future ACRS Activities/Report of the Planning
and Procedures Subcommittee and Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and
Recommendations (Open/Closed)--The Committee will hear discussion of
the recommendations of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee
regarding items proposed for consideration by the Full Committee during
future ACRS meetings. [NOTE: A portion of this meeting may be closed
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(2) and (6) to discuss organizational and
personnel matters that relate solely to internal personnel rules and
practices of the ACRS, and information the release of which would
constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.] [NOTE:
A portion of this session may be closed in order to discuss and protect
information designated as proprietary, pursuant to 5 U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m.: Preparation of ACRS Reports/NuScale Chapters
Discussion (Open/Closed)--The Committee will continue its discussion of
proposed ACRS reports and NuScale chapters. [NOTE: A portion of this
session may be closed in order to discuss and protect information
designated as proprietary, pursuant to 5 U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.: Preparation of ACRS Reports (Open/Closed)--The
Committee will continue its discussion of proposed ACRS reports. [NOTE:
A portion of this session may be closed in order to discuss and protect
information designated as proprietary, pursuant to 5 U.S.C 552b(c)(4)].
Saturday, February 8, 2020, Conference Room T2D10
8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.: Preparation of ACRS Reports (Open/Closed)--
The Committee will continue its discussion of proposed ACRS reports.
[NOTE: A portion of this session may be closed in order to discuss and
protect information designated as proprietary, pursuant to 5 U.S.C
Procedures for the conduct of and participation in ACRS meetings
were published in the Federal Register on June 13, 2019 (84 FR 27662).
In accordance with those procedures, oral or written views may be
presented by members of the public, including representatives of the
nuclear industry. Persons desiring to make oral statements should
notify Quynh Nguyen, Cognizant ACRS Staff and the Designated Federal
Official (Telephone: 301-415-5844, Email: [email protected]), 5 days
before the meeting, if possible, so that appropriate arrangements can
be made to allow necessary time during the meeting for such statements.
In view of the possibility that the schedule for ACRS meetings may be
adjusted by the Chairman as necessary to facilitate the conduct of the
meeting, persons planning to attend should check with the Cognizant
ACRS staff if such rescheduling would result in major inconvenience.
The bridgeline number for the meeting is 866-822-3032, passcode
Thirty-five hard copies of each presentation or handout should be
provided 30 minutes before the meeting. In addition, one electronic
copy of each presentation should be emailed to the Cognizant ACRS Staff
one day before meeting. If an electronic copy cannot be provided within
this timeframe, presenters should provide the Cognizant ACRS Staff with
a CD containing each presentation at least 30 minutes before the
In accordance with Subsection 10(d) of Public Law 92-463 and 5
U.S.C. 552b(c), certain portions of this meeting may be closed, as
specifically noted above. Use of still, motion picture, and television
cameras during the meeting may be limited to selected portions of the
meeting as determined by the Chairman. Electronic recordings will be
permitted only during the open portions of the meeting.
ACRS meeting agendas, meeting transcripts, and letter reports are
available through the NRC Public Document Room (PDR) at
[email protected], or by calling the PDR at 1-800-397-4209, or from
the Publicly Available Records System component of NRC's Agencywide
Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) which is accessible from
the NRC website at https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html or https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/#ACRS/.
Video teleconferencing service is available for observing open
sessions of ACRS meetings. Those wishing to use this service should
contact Ms. Paula Dorm, ACRS Audio Visual Technician (301-415-7799),
between 7:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. (Eastern Time), at least 10 days before
the meeting to ensure the availability of this service. Individuals or
organizations requesting this service will be responsible for telephone
line charges and for providing the equipment and facilities that they
use to establish the video teleconferencing link. The availability of
video teleconferencing services is not guaranteed.
Dated: January 9, 2020.
Russell E. Chazell,
Federal Advisory Committee Management Officer, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2020-00378 Filed 1-13-20; 8:45 am]