Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Marine Site Characterization Surveys Off of Delaware and Maryland, 66156-66175 [2019-26091]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
this administrative review, as provided
by section 751(a)(2)(C) of the Tariff Act
of 1930, as amended (the Act): (1) The
cash deposit rate for Ercros will be equal
to the weighted-average dumping
margin established in the final results of
this review, except if the rate is de
minimis within the meaning of 19 CFR
351.106(c)(1), in which case the cash
deposit rate will be zero; (2) for other
manufacturers and exporters covered in
a prior segment of the proceeding, the
cash deposit rate will continue to be the
company-specific rate published for the
most recently completed segment of this
proceeding in which that manufacturer
or exporter participated; (3) if the
exporter is not a firm covered in this
review, a prior review, or the original
less-than-fair-value (LTFV)
investigation, but the manufacturer is,
the cash deposit rate will be the rate
established for the most recently
completed segment of this proceeding
for the manufacturer of subject
merchandise; and (4) the cash deposit
rate for all other manufacturers or
exporters will continue to be 24.83
percent, the all-others rate established
in the LTFV investigation.2 These
deposit requirements, when imposed,
shall remain in effect until further
Notification to Importers
This notice also serves as a final
reminder to importers of their
responsibility under 19 CFR
351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate
regarding the reimbursement of
antidumping duties prior to liquidation
of the relevant entries during this
review period. Failure to comply with
this requirement could result in
Commerce’s presumption that
reimbursement of antidumping duties
occurred, which will result in the
subsequent assessment of double
antidumping duties.
Notification Regarding Administrative
Protective Orders
This notice is the only reminder to
parties subject to the administrative
protective order (APO) of their
responsibility concerning the return or
destruction of proprietary information
disclosed under the APO in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3), which
continues to govern business
proprietary information in this segment
of the proceeding. Timely written
notification of the return or destruction
of APO materials, or conversion to
judicial protective order, is hereby
2 See Chlorinated Isocyanurates from Spain:
Notice of Final Determination of Sales at Less Than
Fair Value, 70 FR 24506 (May 10, 2005).
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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requested. Failure to comply with the
regulations and the terms of an APO is
a sanctionable violation.
We are issuing and publishing these
final results and this notice in
accordance with sections 751(a)(1) and
777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR
Dated: November 25, 2019.
Jeffrey I. Kessler,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
[FR Doc. 2019–26142 Filed 12–2–19; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XR032]
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to
Specified Activities; Taking Marine
Mammals Incidental to Marine Site
Characterization Surveys Off of
Delaware and Maryland
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; issuance of an incidental
harassment authorization.
‘‘In accordance with the
regulations implementing the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as
amended, notification is hereby given
that NMFS has issued an incidental
harassment authorization (IHA) to
Skipjack Offshore Energy, LLC
(Skipjack) to incidentally harass, by
Level B harassment only, marine
mammals during marine site
characterization surveys offshore of
Delaware in the area of the Commercial
Lease of Submerged Lands for
Renewable Energy Development on the
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS–A 0519)
and along potential submarine cable
routes to a landfall location in Delaware
or Maryland.
DATES: This authorization is valid for
one year from the date of issuance.
Jordan Carduner, Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427–8401.
Electronic copies of the applications
and supporting documents, as well as a
list of the references cited in this
document, may be obtained by visiting
the internet at: www.fisheries.noaa.gov/
incidental-take-authorizations-otherenergy-activities-renewable. In case of
problems accessing these documents,
please call the contact listed above.
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The MMPA prohibits the ‘‘take’’ of
marine mammals, with certain
exceptions. Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and
(D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et
seq.) direct the Secretary of Commerce
(as delegated to NMFS) to allow, upon
request, the incidental, but not
intentional, taking of small numbers of
marine mammals by U.S. citizens who
engage in a specified activity (other than
commercial fishing) within a specified
geographical region if certain findings
are made and either regulations are
issued or, if the taking is limited to
harassment, a notice of a proposed
incidental take authorization may be
provided to the public for review.
Authorization for incidental takings
shall be granted if NMFS finds that the
taking will have a negligible impact on
the species or stock(s) and will not have
an unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of the species or stock(s) for
taking for subsistence uses (where
relevant). Further, NMFS must prescribe
the permissible methods of taking and
other ‘‘means of effecting the least
practicable adverse impact’’ on the
affected species or stocks and their
habitat, paying particular attention to
rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of
similar significance, and on the
availability of such species or stocks for
taking for certain subsistence uses
(referred to in shorthand as
‘‘mitigation’’); and requirements
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring
and reporting of such takings are set
The definitions of all applicable
MMPA statutory terms cited above are
included in the relevant sections below.
Summary of Request
On July 31, 2019, NMFS received a
request from Skipjack for an IHA to take
marine mammals incidental to marine
site characterization surveys offshore of
Delaware in the area of the Commercial
Lease of Submerged Lands for
Renewable Energy Development on the
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS–A 0519)
and along potential submarine cable
routes to a landfall location in Delaware
or Maryland. A revised application was
received on August 15, 2019. NMFS
deemed that request to be adequate and
complete. Skipjack’s request is for the
take of 17 marine mammal species by
Level B harassment that would occur
over the course of 200 survey days.
Neither Skipjack nor NMFS expects
serious injury or mortality to result from
this activity and the activity is expected
to last no more than one year, therefore,
an IHA is appropriate.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
Description of the Proposed Activity
Skipjack proposes to conduct marine
site characterization surveys, including
high-resolution geophysical (HRG) and
geotechnical surveys, in the area of
OCS–A 0519 (Lease Area) and along
potential submarine cable routes to
landfall locations in either Delaware or
Maryland. The purpose of the surveys is
to obtain a baseline assessment of
seabed/sub-surface soil conditions in
the Lease Area and cable route corridors
to support the siting of potential future
offshore wind projects. Underwater
sound resulting from Skipjack’s surveys
has the potential to result in incidental
take of marine mammals in the form of
behavioral harassment (i.e., Level B
harassment only).
Skipjack’s survey activities are
anticipated to be supported by as many
as five total vessels, with as many as
three vessels operating concurrently.
Survey vessels would maintain a speed
of approximately 4 knots (kn) while
transiting survey lines. A maximum of
200 total survey days are expected to be
required to complete the surveys.
Skipjack’s geotechnical survey activities
are described in detail in the notice of
proposed IHA (84 FR 51118; September
27, 2019). As described in that notice,
the geotechnical survey activities not
expected to result in the take of marine
mammals and are therefore not analyzed
further in this document. The HRG
survey activities proposed by Skipjack
are also described in detail in the notice
of proposed IHA (84 FR 51118;
September 27, 2019). The HRG
equipment that may be used by Skipjack
are shown in Table 1.
Source type
Sound level
(SLrms dB re 1
μPa m)
Sound level
(SLpk dB re 1
μPa m)
Repetition rate
Shallow Sub-bottom Profilers (Chirps)
Teledyne Benthos
EdgeTech SB 216
(2000DS or 3200
top unit).
EdgeTech 424 .......
EdgeTech 512 .......
GeoPulse 5430A ...
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
2 to 7 ............
5 to 60 ..........
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
2 to 16 ..........
2 to 8 ............
20 .................
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
4 to 24 ..........
3.4 ................
0.7 to 12 .......
9 ...................
2 to 17 ..........
50 .................
Parametric Sub-bottom Profilers
Innomar SES-2000
Medium 100
Innomar SES-2000
Standard & Plus.
Innomar SES-2000
Medium 70.
Innomar SES-2000
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
85 to 115 ......
0.07 to 2 .......
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
85 to 115 ......
0.07 to 2 .......
60 to 80 ........
0.1 to 2.5 ......
85 to 115 ......
0.07 to 1 .......
Medium Sub-bottom Profilers (Sparkers & Boomers)
GeoMarine GeoSource 800J
GeoMarine GeoSource 600J
GeoMarine GeoSource 400J
GeoResource 800J
Sparker System.
Applied Acoustics
Duraspark 400.
Applied Acoustics
triple plate
S-Boom (700–
1000 Joules) 1.
Impulsive, Mobile ..
0.05 to 5 .......
3.4 ................
Impulsive, Mobile ..
0.2 to 5 .........
5.0 ................
Impulsive, Mobile ..
0.2 to 5 .........
7.2 ................
Impulsive, Mobile ..
0.05 to 5 .......
3.4 ................
Impulsive, Mobile ..
0.3 to 1.2 ......
1.1 ................
Impulsive, Mobile ..
0.1 to 5 .........
0.6 ................
4.5 ................
Acoustic Corers
PanGeo (LF Chirp)
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Non-impulsive, stationary, intermittent.
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2 to 6.5 .........
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
Source type
PanGeo (HF Chirp)
Non-impulsive, stationary, intermittent.
Non-impulsive, stationary, intermittent.
Pangeo Parametric
Sonar 5.
Sound level
(SLrms dB re 1
μPa m)
Sound level
(SLpk dB re 1
μPa m)
Repetition rate
4.5 to 12.5 ....
4.5 ................
90 to 115 ......
0.25 ..............
Positioning Systems
Sonardyne Ranger
Sonardyne Ranger
Sonardyne Scout
Pro Transponder.
IxSea GAPS Beacon System.
Easytrak Nexus 2
USBL Transceiver.
Kongsberg HiPAP
501/502 USBL
EdgeTech BATS II
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
19 to 34 ........
5 ...................
19 to 34 ........
5 ...................
Not Reported.
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
35 to 50 ........
5 ...................
Not Reported.
8–16 .............
12 .................
18 to 32 ........
5 ...................
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
27–30.5 ........
2 ...................
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
17 to 30 ........
Not Reported
5 ...................
Not Reported.
Multi-beam Echosounders and Side Scan Sonar
Reson SeaBat
7125 Multibeam
RESON 700 ..........
R2SONIC ..............
Klein 3900 SSS .....
EdgeTech 4000 &
4125 SSS.
EdgeTech 4200
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
200 or 400 ...
0.03 to 0.3 ....
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
Non-impulsive, mobile, intermittent.
200 or 400 ...
0.33 ..............
200 or 400 ...
0.11 ..............
>445 kHz ......
0.025 ............
410 kHz ........
10 .................
>300 kHz ......
0.025 ............
— = not applicable or reportable; dB re 1 μPa m = decibel reference to 1 micropascal meter; GAPS = Global Acoustic Positioning System; HF
= high-frequency; LF = low-frequency; omni = omnidirectional source; SL = source level; SLpk = peak source level (expressed as dB re 1 μPa
m); SLrms = root-mean-square source level (expressed as dB re 1 μPa m); SSS = side scan sonar; USBL = ultra-short baseline.
4 Crocker and Fratantonio (2016) provide S-boom measurements using two different power sources (CSP–D700 and CSP–N). The CSP–D700
power source was used in the 700J measurements but not in the 1000J measurements. The CSP–N source was measured for both 700J and
1000J operations but resulted in a lower source levels; therefore the single maximum source level value was used for both operational levels of
the S-boom.
5 The Pangeo acoustic corer parametric sonar was scanned out of further analysis due to high frequency content, operational beam width of
less than eight degrees, and stationary operational position of less than 3.5 m above the seabed (Pangeo, 2018).
Of the potential HRG survey
equipment planned for use, NMFS
determined the multi-beam
echosounders, side-scan sonars, and
acoustic corers do not have the potential
to result in the harassment of marine
mammals because these sources are
either outside the functional hearing
ranges of marine mammals or do not
result in sound that is expected to
propagate to distances that would result
in harassment. Therefore, these
equipment types are not analyzed
further in this document. All other HRG
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equipment types planned for use by
Skipjack as shown in Table 1 are
expected to have the potential to result
in the harassment of marine mammals
and are therefore carried forward in the
As described above, detailed
description of Skipjack’s planned
surveys is provided in the notice of
proposed IHA (84 FR 51118; September
27, 2019). Since that time, no changes
have been made to the activities.
Therefore, a detailed description is not
provided here. Please refer to that notice
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for the detailed description of the
specified activity. Mitigation,
monitoring, and reporting measures are
described in detail later in this
document (please see ‘‘Mitigation’’ and
‘‘Monitoring and Reporting’’).
Comments and Responses
A notice of proposed IHA was
published in the Federal Register on
September 27, 2019 (84 FR 51118).
During the 30-day public comment
period, NMFS received comment letters
from: (1) The Marine Mammal
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
Commission (Commission); (2) a group
of environmental non-governmental
organizations (ENGOs) including the
Natural Resources Defense Council,
Conservation Law Foundation, National
Wildlife Federation, Defenders of
Wildlife, WDC North America,
NY4WHALES, Surfrider Foundation,
Mass Audubon, International Marine
Mammal Project of the Earth Island
Institute, and Wildlife Conservation
Society; and (3) a member of the general
public. NMFS has posted the comments
online at: www.fisheries.noaa.gov/
incidental-take-authorizations-otherenergy-activities-renewable. The
comment we received from the general
public was supportive of issuance of the
IHA. A summary of the public
comments received from the
Commission and the ENGOs and NMFS’
responses to those comments are below.
Comment 1: The Commission
recommended that NMFS engage in
various efforts to ensure consistency in
aspects of the MMPA incidental take
authorization process associated with
this and similar specified activities (e.g.,
site characterization surveys in service
of placement of wind energy facilities),
including guidance related to
methodological and signal processing
standards, guidance and tools regarding
sound propagation modeling for use by
action proponents that conduct HRG
Response: NMFS appreciates the
Commission’s interest in these issues
and will evaluate the need for and
appropriate development of guidance
and tools.
Comment 2: The Commission
recommended that NMFS include the
relevant inputs (i.e., source level,
weighting factor adjustment, source
velocity, pulse duration, and repetition
rate) used to estimate the Level A
harassment zones for all sources
proposed for use by the action
proponents in Federal Register notices.
Response: NMFS strives to provide all
information relevant to modeling
isopleth distances associated with
sound sources used to estimate marine
mammal exposures. In this instance
there were numerous potential sound
sources which NMFS determined are
unlikely to have the potential to result
in Level A harassment and were not
ultimately relevant to marine mammal
exposure modeling, therefore we
provided the inputs that were
potentially relevant to the exposure
modeling and that were used for the
take estimate.
Comment 3: The Commission
recommended that NMFS implement a
50-m Level B harassment zone for
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Skipjack’s proposed survey based on an
assumption that in-situ measurements
and resulting data collected for sparkers
is accurate and should be relied upon
for modeling HRG sources. The
Commission also recommended that
NMFS deem sound sources de minimus
in a consistent manner for all proposed
IHAs and rulemakings, and that, given
the relatively small sizes of Level B
harassment zones, NMFS consider
whether IHAs are necessary for HRG
surveys given proposed shutdown
requirements and the added protection
afforded by lease-stipulated exclusion
Response: NMFS supports the
collection of sound field verification
data on HRG sources and will consider
using these data in exposure estimates
when it is deemed reliable. At this time,
NMFS has determined the available data
from sound field verification studies on
directional HRG sources is not reliable,
but we will review sound field
verification data collected from omnidirectional sources on a case by case
basis. However, NMFS has concerns
with the reliability of some of the sound
field verification data that has been
submitted previously for omnidirectional sources, therefore we are not
willing to make categorical assumptions
about sound propagation distances
associated with these equipment types
based on this previously submitted data.
NMFS has developed an interim method
for determining the rms sound pressure
level (SPLrms) at the 160-dB isopleth
HRG survey equipment that
incorporates frequency and some
directionality to refine estimated
ensonified zones (this method is
described in greater detail in the Take
Estimate section, below). NMFS
provided this method to Skipjack and
Skipjack used this method to model
isopleth distances to the Level B
harassment threshold for HRG sources
(both directional and omni-directional).
NMFS believes this remains a sound
and conservative approach until data
from sound field verification studies for
HRG sources can be relied upon
consistently. NMFS will continue to
base its analyses of modeling of HRG
sound sources on the best available
NMFS agrees that sound sources
should be analyzed in a consistent
manner and agrees that sources
determined to result in de minimis
impact should generally be considered
unlikely to result in take under the
MMPA. As an example, NMFS has
determined that most types of
geotechnical survey equipment are
generally unlikely to result in the
incidental take of marine mammals (in
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the absence of site-specific or speciesspecific circumstances that may warrant
additional analysis). NMFS has not
made such a determination with respect
to HRG sources. As NMFS has not made
a determination that sound from all
HRG sources would be considered de
minimis we cannot rule out the
potential for these sources to result in
the incidental take of marine mammals.
Comment 4: The Commission
recommended that NMFS include a
requirement for Skipjack to provide
marine mammal observational
datasheets or raw sightings data in its
draft and final monitoring report.
Response: NMFS agrees with the
Commission’s recommendation and has
incorporated this requirement in the
Comment 5: The Commission
recommended that NMFS refrain from
using the proposed IHA renewal process
and that, if NMFS intends to use the
renewal process frequently or for
authorizations that require a more
complex review or for which much new
information has been generated, that
NMFS provide the Commission and
other reviewers 30 days to comment.
Response: As described in the Federal
Register notice for the proposed IHA
and on NMFS’ website where
information on all MMPA incidental
take authorization processes is
provided, requests for IHA renewals are
appropriate only in limited and welldefined circumstances. NMFS does not
anticipate many projects that would
meet all the criteria for a renewal.
Nonetheless, information about the
renewal process and the opportunity to
comment on a potential renewal is
included in every notice of a proposed
IHA because NMFS cannot
predetermine who may seek or qualify
for a renewal. Under section
101(a)(5)(D), it is up to an applicant to
request incidental harassment
authorization; NMFS includes
information about the potential renewal
process in all proposed IHAs because it
is at least initially up to the applicant
to decide whether they want to seek
qualification for a renewal IHA. NMFS
has also explained that the possibility of
a renewal must be included in the
notice of the initial proposed IHA for
the agency to consider a renewal
request, for the purpose of providing
adequate opportunity for public
comment on the project during the 30day comment period on the
appropriateness of, and any information
pertinent to, a renewal. Where the
commenter has likely already reviewed
and commented on the initial proposed
IHA and a potential renewal for these
same activities, activities by the same
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
IHA holder in the same geographic area,
the abbreviated additional comment
period is sufficient for consideration of
the results of the preliminary
monitoring report and new information
(if any) from the past months.
NMFS’ purpose in providing for
renewal is two-fold. First and foremost,
the efficiencies in dealing with these
simple, low-impact projects (which
have already been fully described and
analyzed in the initial IHA) frees up
limited staff resources to increase focus
on more complex and impactful projects
and improves our ability to conserve
and protect marine mammals by even
better evaluating and utilizing new
science, evolving technologies, and
potential new mitigation measures. In
addition, while the agency has always
striven for efficiency in regulatory
processes, recent directives have called
for agencies to put processes in place
that reduce regulatory timelines and the
regulatory burden on the public. The
renewal process reduces the effort
needed by both applicants and NMFS
staff for simple, relatively low impact
projects with little to no uncertainty
regarding effects that have already been
fully analyzed by the agency and
considered by the public—with no
reduction in protection to marine
NMFS has taken a number of steps to
ensure the public has adequate notice,
time, and information to be able to
comment effectively on renewal IHAs.
Federal Register notices for proposed
initial IHAs identify the conditions
under which a one-year renewal IHA
could be appropriate. This information
would have been presented in the
Request for Public Comments section,
which encouraged submission of
comments on a potential one-year
Renewal in addition to the initial IHA
during the initial 30-day comment
period. With renewal limited to another
year of identical or nearly identical
activity in the same location or a subset
of the initial activity that was not
completed, this information about the
renewal process and the project-specific
information provided in the Federal
Register notice provides reviewers with
the information needed to provide
information and comment on both the
initial IHA and a potential renewal for
the project. Thus reviewers interested in
submitting comments on a proposed
renewal during the additional 15-day
comment period will have already
reviewed the activities, the species and
stocks affected, and the mitigation and
monitoring measures, which will not
change from the IHA issued, and the
anticipated effects of those activities on
marine mammals and provided their
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comments and any information
pertinent to a possible renewal during
the initial 30-day comment period.
When we receive a request for a renewal
IHA, if the project is appropriate for a
renewal we will publish notice of the
proposed IHA renewal in the Federal
Register and provide the additional 15
days for public comment to allow
review of the additional documents
(preliminary monitoring report, renewal
request, and proposed renewal), which
should just confirm that the activities
have not changed (or only minor
changes), commit to continue the same
mitigation and monitoring measures,
and document that monitoring does not
indicate any impacts of a scale or nature
not previously analyzed.
In addition, to minimize any burden
on reviewers, NMFS will directly
contact all commenters on the initial
IHA by email, phone, or, if the
commenter did not provide email or
phone information, by postal service to
provide them direct notice about the
opportunity to submit any additional
Comment 6: The ENGOs expressed
concern that the IHA renewal process
discussed in the notice of proposed IHA
is inconsistent with the statutory
requirements contained in section
101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA. The ENGOs
asserted that IHAs can be valid for not
more than one year and both
commenters stated that 30 days for
comment, including on Renewal IHAs,
is required.
Response: NMFS’ IHA Renewal
process meets all statutory
requirements. All IHAs issued, whether
an initial IHA or a renewal IHA, are
valid for a period of not more than one
year, and the public has at least 30 days
to comment on all proposed IHAs, with
a cumulative total of 45 days for IHA
renewals. One commenter characterized
the agency’s request for comments as
seeking comment on the renewal
process and the proposed IHA, but the
request for comments was not so
limited. While there will be additional
documents submitted with a renewal
request, for a qualifying renewal these
will be limited to documentation that
NMFS will make available and use to
verify that the activities are identical to
those in the initial IHA, are nearly
identical such that the changes would
have either no effect on impacts to
marine mammals or decrease those
impacts, or are a subset of activities
already analyzed and authorized but not
completed under the initial IHA. NMFS
will also confirm, among other things,
that the activities will occur in the same
location; involve the same species and
stocks; provide for continuation of the
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same mitigation, monitoring, and
reporting requirements; and that no new
information has been received that
would alter the prior analysis. The
renewal request will also contain a
preliminary monitoring report, but that
is to verify that effects from the
activities do not indicate impacts of a
scale or nature not previously analyzed.
The additional 15-day public comment
period provides the public an
opportunity to review these few
documents, provide any additional
pertinent information and comment on
whether they think the criteria for a
renewal have been met. Between the
initial 30-day comment period on these
same activities and the additional 15
days, the total comment period for a
renewal is 45 days.
In addition to the IHA renewal
process being consistent with all
requirements under section 101(a)(5)(D),
it is also consistent with Congress’
intent for issuance of IHAs to the extent
reflected in statements in the legislative
history of the MMPA. Through the
provision for renewal in the regulations,
description of the process and express
invitation to comment on specific
potential renewal in the Request for
Public Comments section of each
proposed IHA, the description of the
process on NMFS’ website, further
elaboration on the process through
responses to comments such as these,
posting of substantive documents on the
agency’s website, and provision of 30 or
45 days for public review and comment
on all proposed initial IHAs and
renewal respectively, NMFS has
ensured that the public is invited and
encouraged to participate fully in the
agency decision-making process.
Comment 7: The ENGOs
recommended that a minimum of four
PSOs should be required, following a
two-on/two-off rotation, each
responsible for scanning no more than
180° of the EZ at any given time, and
that observation must begin at least 30
minutes prior to the commencement of
geophysical survey activity and shall be
conducted throughout the time of
geophysical survey activity.
Response: NMFS does not agree with
the commenters that a minimum of four
PSOs should be required, following a
two-on/two-off rotation, to meet the
MMPA requirement that mitigation
must effect the least practicable adverse
impact upon the affected species or
stocks and their habitat. Previous IHAs
issued for HRG surveys have required
that a single PSO must be stationed at
the highest vantage point and engaged
in general 360-degree scanning during
daylight hours. A number of marine
mammal monitoring reports submitted
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
to NMFS have demonstrated that project
proponents have effectively employed
this approach. However, we note that
Skipjack is required by BOEM lease
stipulations to have two PSOs on duty
at all times during surveys that occur
during daylight hours. The IHA already
requires 30 minutes of pre-clearance
observation prior to the commencement
of survey activities.
Comment 8: The ENGOs
recommended that NMFS consider any
initial data from State monitoring
efforts, passive acoustic monitoring
data, opportunistic marine mammal
sightings data, and other data sources,
and to take steps now to develop a
dataset that reflects marine mammal
presence so that it is in hand for future
IHA authorizations.
Response: NMFS has used the best
available scientific information in this
IHA to inform our determinations. We
will review any recommended data
sources and will continue to use the
best available information. We welcome
general input on data sources, even
outside the comment period for a
particular IHA, may be of use in
analyzing the potential presence and
movement patterns of marine mammals,
including North Atlantic right whales,
in Mid-Atlantic waters.
Comment 9: The ENGOs
recommended that NMFS include more
information on the geographic location
and timing of surveys and factor this
information in the take analysis.
Response: NMFS includes as much
information in take analyses and in
notices of proposed IHAs on location
and seasonality of activities as is
available to us, and has done so in this
Comment 10: The ENGOs
recommended that all vessels operating
within the survey area, including
support vessels, should maintain a
speed of 10 knots or less during the
entire survey period including those
vessels transiting to/from the survey
Response: NMFS has analyzed the
potential for ship strike resulting from
Skipjack’s activity and has determined
that the mitigation measures specific to
ship strike avoidance are sufficient to
avoid the potential for ship strike. These
include: A requirement that all vessel
operators comply with 10 knot or less
speed restrictions in any Seasonal
Management Area (SMA) or Dynamic
Management Area (DMA); a requirement
that all vessel operators reduce vessel
speed to 10 knots or less when any large
whale, any mother/calf pairs, pods, or
large assemblages of non-delphinoid
cetaceans are observed within 100-m of
an underway vessel; a requirement that
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all survey vessels maintain a separation
distance of 500-m or greater from any
sighted North Atlantic right whale; a
requirement that, if underway, vessels
must steer a course away from any
sighted North Atlantic right whale at 10
knots or less until the 500-m minimum
separation distance has been
established; and a requirement that, if a
North Atlantic right whale is sighted in
a vessel’s path, or within 500-m of an
underway vessel, the underway vessel
must reduce speed and shift the engine
to neutral. We have determined that
these ship strike avoidance measures are
sufficient to ensure the least practicable
adverse impact on species or stocks and
their habitat.
Comment 11: The ENGOs
recommended that indirect ship strike
risk resulting from habitat displacement
should be accounted for in NMFS’
Response: NMFS determined that
habitat displacement was not an
expected outcome of the specified
activity. As discussed in the notice of
proposed IHA (84 FR 51118; September
27, 2019) we anticipate marine
mammals may temporarily avoid the
area of disturbing noise, but this would
be a relatively small area even when
multiple vessels are operating
concurrently. The Level B harassment
zone was conservatively estimated to be
only 141 m, as described in the
Estimated Take section. Additionally,
any potential effects are expected to be
short-term, given the movement of both
whales and project vessels and the small
overall area of potential overlap and
response. Therefore, habitat
displacement is not reasonably likely to
Comment 12: The ENGOs
recommended that NMFS impose a
seasonal restriction on geophysical
surveys in the Lease Area from
November 1 to April 30 to reduce
potential impacts to North Atlantic right
Response: NMFS appreciates the
value of seasonal restrictions under
certain circumstances. However, in this
case, we have determined seasonal
restrictions are not warranted. Impacts
to right whales from HRG surveys
would be limited to behavioral
harassment (i.e., Level B harassment) in
the form of temporary avoidance of the
area, responses that are considered to be
of low severity and with no lasting
biological consequences (e.g., Ellison et
al., 2012). Based on the best available
information, the highest densities of
right whales in the survey area would be
expected from December through March
(Roberts et al., 2018). However, even in
those months, densities are relatively
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low compared to densities in other areas
such as New England (Roberts et al.,
2018). In baseline studies conducted in
wind energy areas in the Mid-Atlantic
Outer Continental Shelf from 2012–
2014, which included both aerial and
vessel-based surveys, only nine right
whales were observed, all of them south
of Skipjack’s survey area (Williams et
al., 2015).
In addition, Skipjack has committed
to adhering to an agreement with the
ENGOs that stipulates certain mitigation
measures. This written agreement was
finalized in 2013 and includes a
seasonal restriction on HRG survey
activities during what is referred to as
the ‘‘red period’’ from November 23
through March 21. Thus, from
November 23 through March 21, an
effective seasonal closure will be in
effect. For HRG surveys that would
occur from November 1 through
November 22 and from March 22
through April 30 (referred to as the
‘‘yellow period’’) the agreement also
requires that Skipjack submit a risk
assessment report to NMFS and BOEM
that analyzes the risk to right whales
from planned survey activities during
these periods. This risk assessment
report includes an assessment of the
potential for right whale activity during
the planned survey, an acoustic
assessment of the specific equipment to
be used, and a site specific Marine
Mammal Harassment Avoidance Plan.
As of the writing of this document,
Skipjack has submitted the risk
assessment for the period November 1
through November 22, and would
submit a risk assessment report for the
period March 22 through April 30 at a
later date, should surveys during that
period be required. NMFS has reviewed
the risk assessment report for the period
November 1 through November 22,
which includes additional mitigation
measures to those required in the IHA,
including enhanced exclusion zones
and pre-clearance times for right
Based on the relatively low densities
of right whales in the survey area from
November 1 through April 30, the low
risk to right whales from HRG surveys,
the voluntary seasonal closure from
November 23 through March 21 that
Skipjack has committed to, and the
mitigation measures required in the IHA
and the additional mitigation measures
Skipjack has committed to in the NGO
agreement, NMFS has determined the
seasonal closures recommended by the
commenters are not warranted.
Comment 13: The ENGOs
recommended that geophysical surveys
should commence, with ramp up,
during daylight hours only to maximize
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
the probability that marine mammals
are detected and confirmed clear of the
exclusion zone and that if a right whale
is detected in the EZ at night and the
survey shuts down, the survey should
not resume until daylight hours.
Response: We acknowledge the
limitations inherent in detection of
marine mammals at night. However,
similar to the discussion above
regarding time-area closures, restricting
the ability of the applicant to ramp-up
surveys only during daylight hours
would have the potential to result in
lengthy shutdowns of the survey
equipment, which could result in the
applicant failing to collect the data they
have determined is necessary, which
could result in the need to conduct
additional surveys the following year.
This would result in significantly
increased costs incurred by the
applicant. Thus the restriction suggested
by the commenters would not be
practicable for the applicant to
implement. In addition, potential
impacts to marine mammals from this
survey will be limited to short-term
behavioral responses. Restricting
surveys in the manner suggested by the
commenters may reduce marine
mammal exposures by some degree in
the short term, but would not result in
any significant reduction in either
intensity or duration of noise exposure.
No injury is expected to result even in
the absence of mitigation, given the very
small estimated Level A harassment
zones. In the event that NMFS imposed
the restriction suggested by the
commenters, vessels would potentially
be on the water for a longer period of
time. Therefore, in addition to
practicability concerns for the applicant,
the restrictions recommended by the
commenters could result in greater
overall exposure to sound by marine
mammals. We also note that Skipjack
must have at least one PSO on duty at
night per BOEM lease requirements.
Thus, the commenters have not
demonstrated that such a requirement
would result in a net benefit. In
consideration of potential effectiveness
of the recommended measure and its
practicability for the applicant, NMFS
has determined that restricting survey
start-ups to daylight hours is not
warranted in this case.
Comment 14: The ENGOs stated that
is incumbent upon the agency to
address potential impacts to other
endangered and protected whale
species, particularly in light of the
UMEs declared for right whales,
humpback whales and minke whales, as
well as the several strategic and/or
depleted stocks of small cetaceans that
inhabit the region.
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Response: NMFS acknowledges the
ongoing UMEs for minke whales, north
Atlantic right whales, humpback whales
and pinnipeds and we discuss the
potential impacts of Skipjack’s surveys
on species for which UMEs have been
declared and for which take is
authorized in the Negligible Impact
Determination section. Please refer to
that discussion.
Comment 15: The ENGOs
recommended that the minimum radii
of EZs should be increased to ensure a
500-m EZ for all marine mammals and
an extended 1,000 m-EZ for North
Atlantic right whales. Additionally, the
ENGOs recommended that survey
activity should be shut down upon the
visual or acoustic detection of a North
Atlantic right whale.
Response: Regarding the
recommendation for a 1,000 m EZ
specifically for North Atlantic right
whales, we have determined that the
500-m EZ, as required in the IHA, is
sufficiently protective. We note that the
500-m EZ exceeds—by more than three
times—the modeled distance to the
largest Level B harassment isopleth
distance (141 m). Thus, for North
Atlantic right whales detected by PSOs,
all forms of incidental take would be
avoided. For the same reason, we are
not requiring shutdown if a right whale
is observed beyond 500-m. Similarly,
the recommended 500-m EZ for other
species is overly conservative given the
141 m modeled isopleth distance to the
Level B harassment threshold.
Comment 16: The ENGOs
recommended that NMFS require all
project vessel operators to report
sightings of living North Atlantic right
whales and all sightings of dead,
injured, or entangled whales, regardless
of species.
Response: NMFS agrees with the
recommendation to report all right
whale sightings to NMFS and has
incorporated this requirement in the
IHA. The IHA already includes a
requirement to report all observations of
dead, injured, or entangled whales to
Comment 17: The ENGOs
recommended that a combination of
visual monitoring by PSOs and passive
acoustic monitoring (PAM) should be
used at all times.
Response: There are several reasons
why we do not think the use of PAM is
warranted. NMFS agrees that PAM can
be an important tool for augmenting
detection capabilities in certain
circumstances, however, its utility in
further reducing impact for Skipjack’s
HRG survey activities is very limited.
First, for this activity, the area expected
to be ensonified above the Level B
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harassment threshold is relatively small
(a maximum of 141 m as described in
the Estimated Take section). PAM is
only capable of detecting animals that
are actively vocalizing, while many
marine mammal species vocalize
infrequently or during certain activities,
which means that only a subset of the
animals within the range of the PAM
would be detected (and potentially have
reduced impacts). Additionally,
localization and range detection can be
challenging under certain scenarios. For
example, odontocetes are fast moving
and often travel in large or dispersed
groups which makes localization
difficult. In addition, the ability of PAM
to detect baleen whale vocalizations is
further limited due to being deployed
from the stern of a vessel, which puts
the PAM hydrophones in proximity to
propeller noise and low frequency
engine noise which can mask the low
frequency sounds emitted by baleen
whales, including right whales.
Given that the effects to marine
mammals from the types of surveys
authorized in this IHA are expected to
be limited to low level behavioral
harassment even in the absence of
mitigation, the limited additional
benefit anticipated by adding this
detection method (especially for right
whales and other low frequency
cetaceans), and the cost and
impracticability of implementing a PAM
program, we have determined the
current requirements for visual
monitoring are sufficient to ensure the
least practicable adverse impact on the
affected species or stocks and their
Comment 18: The ENGOs commented
that the operation of up to three survey
vessels at any one time across a
relatively limited geographic area
presents a significant potential for
cumulative disturbance during the
North Atlantic right whale’s primary
migratory period and that NMFS should
analyze the cumulative impacts from
Skipjack’s survey activities on North
Atlantic right whales and other
protected species.
Response: The MMPA grants
exceptions to its broad take prohibition
for a ‘‘specified activity.’’ 16 U.S.C.
1371(a)(5)(A)(i). Cumulative impacts
(also referred to as cumulative effects) is
a term that appears in the context of
NEPA and the ESA, but it is defined
differently in those contexts. Neither the
MMPA nor NMFS’ codified
implementing regulations address
consideration of other unrelated
activities and their impacts on
populations. However, the preamble for
NMFS’ implementing regulations (54 FR
40338; September 29, 1989) states in
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
response to comments that the impacts
from other past and ongoing
anthropogenic activities are to be
incorporated into the negligible impact
analysis via their impacts on the
environmental baseline. Accordingly,
NMFS here has factored into its
negligible impact analyses the impacts
of other past and ongoing anthropogenic
activities via their impacts on the
baseline (e.g., as reflected in the
density/distribution and status of the
species, population size and growth
rate, and other relevant stressors (such
as incidental mortality in commercial
Comment 19: The ENGOs
recommended that NMFS fund analyses
of recently collected sighting and
acoustic data for all data-holders and
continue to fund and expand surveys
and studies to improve our
understanding of distribution and
habitat use of marine mammals.
Response: We agree with the ENGOs
that analyses of recently collected
sighting and acoustic data, as well as
continued marine mammal surveys, are
warranted. We welcome the opportunity
to participate in fora where implications
of such data for potential mitigation
measures would be discussed; however,
we do not have broad statutory
authority or the ability to require that all
‘‘data-holders’’ fund such analyses and
surveys. Additionally, NMFS will fund
pertinent surveys based on agency
priorities and budgetary considerations.
Changes From the Proposed IHA to
Final IHA
As described above, the following
additions to reporting requirements
have been incorporated in the IHA
based on comments received during the
public comment period:
• Vessel operators must report
sightings of North Atlantic right whales
to NMFS; and
• Marine mammal observational
datasheets or raw sightings data must be
provided in the draft and final
monitoring report.
Description of Marine Mammals in the
Area of Specified Activity
Sections 3 and 4 of the IHA
application summarize available
information regarding status and trends,
distribution and habitat preferences,
and behavior and life history, of the
potentially affected species. Additional
information regarding population trends
and threats may be found in NMFS’
Stock Assessment Reports (SARs;
marine-mammal-protection/marinemammal-stock-assessments) and more
general information about these species
(e.g., physical and behavioral
descriptions) may be found on NMFS’
website (www.fisheries.noaa.gov/findspecies).
Table 2 summarizes information
related to the population or stock,
including regulatory status under the
MMPA and ESA and potential
biological removal (PBR), where known.
For taxonomy, we follow Committee on
Taxonomy (2018). PBR is defined by the
MMPA as the maximum number of
animals, not including natural
mortalities, that may be removed from a
marine mammal stock while allowing
that stock to reach or maintain its
optimum sustainable population (as
described in NMFS’ SARs). While no
mortality is anticipated or authorized
here, PBR is included here as a gross
indicator of the status of the species and
other threats.
Marine mammal abundance estimates
presented in this document represent
the total number of individuals that
make up a given stock or the total
number estimated within a particular
study or survey area. NMFS’ stock
abundance estimates for most species
represent the total estimate of
individuals within the geographic area,
if known, that comprises that stock. For
some species, this geographic area may
extend beyond U.S. waters. All managed
stocks in this region are assessed in
NMFS’ U.S. Atlantic SARs. All values
presented in Table 2 are the most recent
available at the time of publication and
are available in the 2018 Atlantic SARs
(Hayes et al., 2019), available online at:
Common name
(scientific name)
and ESA
(Y/N) 1
Stock abundance
(CV, Nmin, most
recent abundance
survey) 2
(CV) 3
M/SI 4
Expected occurrence in
survey area
Toothed Whales (Odontoceti)
Sperm whale (Physeter
Killer whale (Orcinus orca)
Long-finned pilot whale
(Globicephala melas).
Short-finned pilot whale
Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus
Atlantic spotted dolphin
(Stenella frontalis).
Bottlenose dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus).
Common dolphin 6
(Delphinus delphis).
Risso’s dolphin (Grampus
Harbor porpoise
(Phocoena phocoena).
VerDate Sep<11>2014
North Atlantic ...................
E; Y
W North Atlantic ...............
—; N
W North Atlantic ...............
—; N
2,288 (0.28; 1,815;
Unknown (n/a; n/a;
5,636 (0.63; 3,464;
28,924 (0.24;
23,637; n/a).
5,353 (0.12)
11 (0.82)
5 18,977
5 18,977
W North Atlantic ...............
—; N
W North Atlantic ...............
—; N
48,819 (0.61;
30,403; n/a).
37,180 (0.07)
W North Atlantic ...............
—; N
55,436 (0.32)
W North Atlantic Coastal
W North Atlantic ...............
—; N
86,098 (0.12)
W North Atlantic ...............
—; N
7,732 (0.09)
Gulf of Maine/Bay of
—; N
44,715 (0.43;
6,639 (0.41; 4,759;
173,486 (0.55;
55,690; 2011).
18,250 (0.46;
12,619; 2011).
79,833 (0.32;
61,415; 2011).
* 45,089 (0.12)
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—; N
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5 97,476
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
Common name
(scientific name)
and ESA
(Y/N) 1
Stock abundance
(CV, Nmin, most
recent abundance
survey) 2
(CV) 3
M/SI 4
Expected occurrence in
survey area
Baleen Whales (Mysticeti)
North Atlantic right whale
(Eubalaena glacialis).
W North Atlantic ...............
E; Y
451 (0; 455; n/a) ......
Humpback whale 8
Fin whale 6 (Balaenoptera
Gulf of Maine ...................
—; N
W North Atlantic ...............
Sei whale (Balaenoptera
Minke whale 6
7 411
Year round in continental
shelf and slope waters,
occur seasonally.
Common year round.
896 (0.42; 239; n/a)
* 1,637 (0.07)
E; Y
3,522 (0.27; 1,234;
4,633 (0.08)
Nova Scotia ......................
E; Y
357 (0.52; 236; n/a)
* 717 (0.30)
Canadian East Coast .......
—; N
20,741 (0.3; 1,425;
* 2,112 (0.05)
505,000 (n/a)
75,834 (0.15)
Year round in continental
shelf and slope waters,
occur seasonally.
Year round in continental
shelf and slope waters,
occur seasonally.
Year round in continental
shelf and slope waters,
occur seasonally.
Earless Seals (Phocidae)
seal 8
Harbor seal (Phoca
W North Atlantic ...............
—; N
W North Atlantic ...............
—; N
27,131 (0.10;
25,908; n/a).
75,834 (0.15;
66,884; 2012).
1 ESA status: Endangered (E), Threatened (T)/MMPA status: Depleted (D). A dash (—) indicates that the species is not listed under the ESA or designated as depleted under the MMPA. Under the MMPA, a strategic stock is one for which the level of direct human-caused mortality exceeds PBR (see footnote 3) or which is determined to be declining and likely to be listed under the ESA within the foreseeable future. Any species or stock listed under the ESA is automatically designated
under the MMPA as depleted and as a strategic stock.
2 Stock abundance as reported in NMFS marine mammal stock assessment reports (SAR) except where otherwise noted. SARs available online at:
www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/marine-mammal-stock-assessments. CV is coefficient of variation; Nmin is the minimum estimate of stock
abundance. In some cases, CV is not applicable. For certain stocks, abundance estimates are actual counts of animals and there is no associated CV. The most recent abundance survey that is reflected in the abundance estimate is presented; there may be more recent surveys that have not yet been incorporated into the estimate. All values presented here are from the 2018 Atlantic SARs.
3 This information represents species- or guild-specific abundance predicted by recent habitat-based cetacean density models (Roberts et al., 2016, 2017, 2018)
(with the exception of North Atlantic right whales and pinnipeds—see footnotes 7 and 9 below). These models provide the best available scientific information regarding predicted density patterns of cetaceans in the U.S. Atlantic Ocean, and we provide the corresponding abundance predictions as a point of reference. Total abundance estimates were produced by computing the mean density of all pixels in the modeled area and multiplying by its area. For those species marked with an asterisk (*), the available information supported development of either two or four seasonal models; each model has an associated abundance prediction. Here, we report
the maximum predicted abundance.
4 Potential biological removal, defined by the MMPA as the maximum number of animals, not including natural mortalities, that may be removed from a marine
mammal stock while allowing that stock to reach or maintain its optimum sustainable population size (OSP). Annual M/SI, found in NMFS’ SARs, represent annual
levels of human-caused mortality plus serious injury from all sources combined (e.g., commercial fisheries, subsistence hunting, ship strike). Annual M/SI values often
cannot be determined precisely and is in some cases presented as a minimum value. All M/SI values are as presented in the 2018 SARs.
5 Abundance estimates are in some cases reported for a guild or group of species when those species are difficult to differentiate at sea. Similarly, the habitatbased cetacean density models produced by Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018) are based in part on available observational data which, in some cases, is limited to
genus or guild in terms of taxonomic definition. Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018) produced density models to genus level for Globicephala spp. produced density
models for bottlenose dolphins that do not differentiate between offshore and coastal stocks, and produced density models for all seals.
6 Abundance as reported in the 2007 Canadian Trans-North Atlantic Sighting Survey (TNASS), which provided full coverage of the Atlantic Canadian coast (Lawson
and Gosselin, 2009). Abundance estimates from TNASS were corrected for perception and availability bias, when possible. In general, where the TNASS survey effort provided superior coverage of a stock’s range (as compared with NOAA shipboard survey effort), the resulting abundance estimate is considered more accurate
than the current NMFS abundance estimate (derived from survey effort with inferior coverage of the stock range). NMFS SAR reports the stock abundance estimate
for the common dolphin as 70,184; NMFS SAR reports the stock abundance estimate for the fin whale as 1,618; NMFS SAR reports the stock abundance estimate
for the minke whale as 2,591.
7 For the North Atlantic right whale the best available abundance estimate is derived from the 2018 North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium 2018 Annual Report
Card (Pettis et al., 2018).
8 2018 U.S. Atlantic draft SAR for the Gulf of Maine feeding population lists a current abundance estimate of 896 individuals. However, we note that the estimate is
defined on the basis of feeding location alone (i.e., Gulf of Maine) and is therefore likely an underestimate.
9 The NMFS stock abundance estimate applies to U.S. population only, however the actual stock abundance is approximately 505,000.
Four marine mammal species that are
listed under the Endangered Species Act
(ESA) may be present in the survey area
and are included in the take request:
The North Atlantic right whale, fin
whale, sei whale, and sperm whale. We
consulted under section 7 of the ESA
with the NMFS Greater Atlantic
Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO) on
our authorization of take for these
species; please see the Endangered
Species Act section below.
A detailed description of the species
likely to be affected by Skipjack’s
surveys, including brief introductions to
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the species and relevant stocks as well
as available information regarding
population trends and threats, and
information regarding local occurrence,
were provided in the notice of proposed
IHA (84 FR 51118; September 27, 2019);
since that time, we are not aware of any
changes in the status of these species
and stocks; therefore, detailed
descriptions are not provided here.
Please refer to that notice for these
descriptions. Please also refer to NMFS’
website (www.fisheries.noaa.gov/findspecies) for generalized species
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Potential Effects of Specified Activities
on Marine Mammals and Their Habitat
The effects of underwater noise from
Skipjack’s survey activities have the
potential to result in behavioral
harassment of marine mammals in the
vicinity of the survey area. The notice
of proposed IHA (84 FR 51118;
September 27, 2019) included a
discussion of the effects of
anthropogenic noise on marine
mammals and the potential effects of
underwater noise from Skipjack’s
survey activities on marine mammals
and their habitat. That information and
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
analysis is incorporated by reference
into this final IHA determination and is
not repeated here; please refer to the
notice of proposed IHA (84 FR 51118;
September 27, 2019).
Estimated Take
This section provides an estimate of
the number of incidental takes
authorized through this IHA, which will
inform both NMFS’ consideration of
‘‘small numbers’’ and the negligible
impact determination.
Level B harassment is the only type of
take expected to result from these
activities. Except with respect to certain
activities not pertinent here, section
3(18) of the MMPA defines
‘‘harassment’’ as any act of pursuit,
torment, or annoyance, which (i) has the
potential to injure a marine mammal or
marine mammal stock in the wild (Level
A harassment); or (ii) has the potential
to disturb a marine mammal or marine
mammal stock in the wild by causing
disruption of behavioral patterns,
including, but not limited to, migration,
breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or
sheltering (Level B harassment).
Authorized takes are by Level B
harassment only. Based on the nature of
the activity and the anticipated
effectiveness of the mitigation measures
(i.e., exclusion zones and shutdown
measures), discussed in detail below in
Mitigation section, Level A harassment
is neither anticipated nor authorized.
As described previously, no mortality
is anticipated or authorized for this
activity. Below we describe how the
take is estimated.
Generally speaking, we estimate take
by considering: (1) Acoustic thresholds
above which NMFS believes the best
available science indicates marine
mammals will be behaviorally harassed
or incur some degree of permanent
hearing impairment; (2) the area or
volume of water that will be ensonified
above these levels in a day; (3) the
density or occurrence of marine
mammals within these ensonified areas;
and, (4) and the number of days of
activities. We note that while these
basic factors can contribute to a basic
calculation to provide an initial
prediction of takes, additional
information that can qualitatively
inform take estimates is also sometimes
available (e.g., previous monitoring
results or average group size). Below, we
describe the factors considered here in
more detail and present the take
Acoustic Thresholds
Using the best available science,
NMFS has developed acoustic
thresholds that identify the received
level of underwater sound above which
exposed marine mammals would be
reasonably expected to be behaviorally
harassed (equated to Level B
harassment) or to incur PTS of some
degree (equated to Level A harassment).
Level B Harassment—Though
significantly driven by received level,
the onset of behavioral disturbance from
anthropogenic noise exposure is also
informed to varying degrees by other
factors related to the source (e.g.,
frequency, predictability, duty cycle),
the environment (e.g., bathymetry), and
the receiving animals (hearing,
motivation, experience, demography,
behavioral context) and can be difficult
to predict (Southall et al., 2007, Ellison
et al., 2012). Based on what the
available science indicates and the
practical need to use a threshold based
on a factor that is both predictable and
measurable for most activities, NMFS
uses a generalized acoustic threshold
based on received level to estimate the
onset of behavioral harassment. NMFS
predicts that marine mammals are likely
to be behaviorally harassed in a manner
we consider Level B harassment when
exposed to underwater anthropogenic
noise above received levels of 160 dB re
1 mPa (rms) for impulsive and/or
intermittent sources (e.g., impact pile
driving) and 120 dB rms for continuous
sources (e.g., vibratory driving).
Skipjack’s planned activity includes the
use of impulsive sources (geophysical
survey equipment) therefore use of the
120 and 160 dB re 1 mPa (rms) threshold
is applicable.
Level A harassment—NMFS’
Technical Guidance for Assessing the
Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on
Marine Mammal Hearing (Version 2.0)
(Technical Guidance, 2018) identifies
dual criteria to assess auditory injury
(Level A harassment) to five different
marine mammal groups (based on
hearing sensitivity) as a result of
exposure to noise from two different
types of sources (impulsive or nonimpulsive). The components of
Skipjack’s planned activity that may
result in the take of marine mammals
include the use of impulsive sources.
These thresholds are provided in
Table 3 below. The references, analysis,
and methodology used in the
development of the thresholds are
described in NMFS 2018 Technical
Guidance, which may be accessed at:
PTS onset acoustic thresholds *
(received level)
Hearing group
Low-Frequency (LF) Cetaceans ......................................
Mid-Frequency (MF) Cetaceans ......................................
High-Frequency (HF) Cetaceans .....................................
Phocid Pinnipeds (PW) (Underwater) .............................
Otariid Pinnipeds (OW) (Underwater) .............................
LE,LF,24h: 183 dB .........................
LE,MF,24h: 185 dB ........................
LE,HF,24h: 155 dB ........................
LE,PW,24h: 185 dB .......................
LE,OW,24h: 203 dB .......................
2: LE,LF,24h: 199 dB.
4: LE,MF,24h: 198 dB.
6: LE,HF,24h: 173 dB.
8: LE,PW,24h: 201 dB.
10: LE,OW,24h: 219 dB.
* Dual metric acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds: Use whichever results in the largest isopleth for calculating PTS onset. If a non-impulsive sound has the potential of exceeding the peak sound pressure level thresholds associated with impulsive sounds, these thresholds should
also be considered.
Note: Peak sound pressure (Lpk) has a reference value of 1 μPa, and cumulative sound exposure level (LE) has a reference value of 1μPa2s.
In this Table, thresholds are abbreviated to reflect American National Standards Institute standards (ANSI 2013). However, peak sound pressure
is defined by ANSI as incorporating frequency weighting, which is not the intent for this Technical Guidance. Hence, the subscript ‘‘flat’’ is being
included to indicate peak sound pressure should be flat weighted or unweighted within the generalized hearing range. The subscript associated
with cumulative sound exposure level thresholds indicates the designated marine mammal auditory weighting function (LF, MF, and HF
cetaceans, and PW and OW pinnipeds) and that the recommended accumulation period is 24 hours. The cumulative sound exposure level
thresholds could be exceeded in a multitude of ways (i.e., varying exposure levels and durations, duty cycle). When possible, it is valuable for
action proponents to indicate the conditions under which these acoustic thresholds will be exceeded.
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where t is the pulse duration in
seconds. If the pulse duration varies, the
longest duration should be used, unless
there is certainty regarding the portion
of time a shorter duration will be used,
in which case the result can be
calculated/parsed appropriately.
In order to account for the greater
absorption of higher frequency sources,
we apply 20 log(r) with an absorption
term a·r/1000 to calculate transmission
loss (TL), as described in Eq.s (2) and (3)
where r is the distance in meters, and
a is absorption coefficient in dB/km.
While the calculation of absorption
coefficient varies with frequency,
temperature, salinity, and pH, the
largest factor driving the absorption
coefficient is frequency. A simple
formula to approximate the absorption
coefficient (neglecting temperature,
salinity, and pH) is provided by
Richardson et al. (1995):
where f is frequency in kHz. When a
range of frequencies, is being used, the
lower bound of the range should be
used for this calculation, unless there is
certainty regarding the portion of time a
higher frequency will be used, in which
case the result can be calculated/parsed
Further, if the beamwidth is less than
180° and the angle of beam axis in
respect to sea surface is known, the
horizontal impact distance R should be
calculated using
where SL is the SPLrms at the source (1
m), q is the beamwidth (in radian), and
j is the angle of beam axis in respect to
sea surface (in radian)
Finally, if the beam is pointed at a
normal downward direction, Eq. (4) can
be simplified as
The interim methodology described
above was used to estimate isopleth
distances to the Level B harassment
threshold for the proposed HRG survey.
NMFS considers the data provided by
Crocker and Fratantonio (2016) to
represent the best available information
on source levels associated with HRG
equipment and therefore recommends
that source levels provided by Crocker
and Fratantonio (2016) be incorporated
in the method described above to
estimate isopleth distances to the Level
B harassment threshold. In cases when
the source level for a specific type of
HRG equipment is not provided in
Crocker and Fratantonio (2016), NMFS
recommends that either the source
levels provided by the manufacturer be
used, or, in instances where source
levels provided by the manufacturer are
unavailable or unreliable, a proxy from
Crocker and Fratantonio (2016) be used
instead. Table 1 shows the HRG
equipment types that may be used
during the proposed surveys and the
sound levels associated with those HRG
equipment types. Table 4 in the IHA
application shows the literature sources
for the sound source levels that are
shown in Table 1 and that were
incorporated into the modeling of
isopleth distances to the Level B
harassment threshold.
Results of modeling using the
methodology described above indicated
that, of the HRG survey equipment
planned for use by Skipjack that has the
potential to result in harassment of
marine mammals, sound produced by
the AA Dura-Spark 400 sparker and the
GeoSource 800 J sparker would
propagate furthest to the Level B
harassment threshold (Table 4);
therefore, for the purposes of the
exposure analysis, it was assumed the
AA Dura-Spark or the GeoSource 800 J
would be active during the entirety of
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resulting from exposure to HRG survey
equipment. This methodology
incorporates frequency and some
directionality to refine estimated
ensonified zones and is described
If only peak source sound pressure
level (SPLpk) is given, the SPLrms can be
roughly approximated by
isopleth corresponding to the threshold
for Level B harassment was calculated
for all HRG equipment with the
potential to result in harassment of
marine mammals. NMFS has developed
an interim methodology for determining
the rms sound pressure level (SPLrms) at
the 160-dB isopleth for the purposes of
estimating take by Level B harassment
Ensonified Area
Here, we describe operational and
environmental parameters of the activity
that will feed into identifying the area
ensonified above the acoustic
thresholds, which include source levels
and transmission loss coefficient.
The survey would entail the use of
HRG equipment. The distance to the
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
the survey. Thus the distance to the
isopleth corresponding to the threshold
for Level B harassment for the AA DuraSpark 400 and the GeoSource 800 J
(estimated at 141 m; Table 4) was used
as the basis of the take calculation for
all marine mammals. Note that this is
conservative as Skipjack has stated that
for approximately 120 of the 200 total
survey days, neither the AA Dura-Spark
nor the GeoSource 800 J would be
operated, and the sources with smaller
associated isopleth distances to the
Level B harassment threshold would be
used (Table 4).
Radial distance to Level A harassment threshold
(m) *
Sound source
Low frequency
(peak SPL/
Mid frequency
(peak SPL/
(peak SPL/
(peak SPL/
distance to
Level B
All marine
Shallow Sub-bottom Profilers
TB Chirp III ...........................................................................
ET 216 Chirp ........................................................................
ET 424 Chirp ........................................................................
ET 512i Chirp .......................................................................
GeoPulse 5430 ....................................................................
Parametric Sub-bottom Profilers
Innomar Parametric SBPs ...................................................
Medium Sub-bottom Profilers
AA Triple plate S-Boom (700/1000J) ...................................
AA Dura-Spark 400 ..............................................................
GeoSource 400 J Sparker ...................................................
GeoSource 600 J Sparker ...................................................
GeoSource 800 J Sparker ...................................................
Acoustic Corers
Pangeo Acoustic Corer (LF Chirp) ......................................
Pangeo Acoustic Corer (HF Chirp) ......................................
Acoustic Positioning
USBL and GAPS (all models) .............................................
* Distances to Level A harassment isopleths were calculated to determine the potential for Level A harassment to occur. Skipjack has not requested, and NMFS does not propose to authorize, the take by Level A harassment of any marine mammals.
- = not applicable; AA = Applied Acoustics; CF = Crocker and Fratantonio (2016); ET = EdgeTech; GAPS = Global Acoustic Positioning System; HF = high-frequency; J = joules; LF = low-frequency; m = meter; MF = mid-frequency; PW = Phocids in water; SBP = Sub-bottom profilers;
SELcum = cumulative sound exposure level; SL = source level; SPLpk = zero to peak sound pressure level in decibel referenced to 1 micropascal
(dB re 1 μPa); TB = teledyne benthos; USBL = ultra-short baseline.
Predicted distances to Level A
harassment isopleths, which vary based
on marine mammal functional hearing
groups (Table 4), were also calculated.
The updated acoustic thresholds for
impulsive sounds (such as HRG survey
equipment) contained in the Technical
Guidance (NMFS, 2018) were presented
as dual metric acoustic thresholds using
both cumulative sound exposure level
(SELcum) and peak sound pressure level
metrics. As dual metrics, NMFS
considers onset of PTS (Level A
harassment) to have occurred when
either one of the two metrics is
exceeded (i.e., the metric resulting in
the largest isopleth). The SELcum metric
considers both level and duration of
exposure, as well as auditory weighting
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functions by marine mammal hearing
When the NMFS Technical Guidance
(2016) was published, in recognition of
the fact that ensonified area/volume
could be more technically challenging
to predict because of the duration
component in the new thresholds, we
developed a User Spreadsheet that
includes tools to help predict a simple
isopleth that can be used in conjunction
with marine mammal density or
occurrence to help predict takes. We
note that because of some of the
assumptions included in the methods
used for these tools, we anticipate that
isopleths produced typically
overestimate Level A harassment.
However, these tools offer the best way
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to predict appropriate isopleths when
more sophisticated 3D modeling
methods are not available, and NMFS
continues to develop ways to
quantitatively refine these tools, and
will qualitatively address the output
where appropriate. For mobile sources
(such as HRG surveys), the User
Spreadsheet predicts the closest
distance at which a stationary animal
would incur PTS if the sound source
traveled by the animal in a straight line
at a constant speed.
Skipjack used the NMFS optional
User Spreadsheet to calculate distances
to Level A harassment isopleths based
on SEL and used the spherical
spreading loss model to calculate
distances to Level A harassment
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
isopleths based on peak SPL. Modeling
of distances to isopleths corresponding
to Level A harassment was performed
for all types of HRG equipment
proposed for use with the potential to
result in harassment of marine
mammals. Isopleth distances to Level A
harassment thresholds for all types of
HRG equipment and all marine mammal
functional hearing groups are shown in
Table 4. To be conservative, the largest
isopleth distances for each functional
hearing group were used to model
potential exposures above the Level A
harassment threshold for all species
within that functional hearing group.
Inputs to the NMFS optional User
Spreadsheet for the GeoSource 800 J
Sparker, which resulted in the greatest
potential isopleth distance to the Level
A harassment threshold for any of the
functional hearing groups, are shown in
Table 5.
Source Level (RMS SPL) ..
Source Level (peak) ..........
Weighting Factor Adjustment (kHz).
Source Velocity (meters/
Pulse Duration (seconds) ..
1/Repetition rate (seconds)
Duty Cycle .........................
203 dB re 1μPa.
213 dB re 1μPa.
Due to the small estimated distances
to Level A harassment thresholds for all
marine mammal functional hearing
groups, based on both SELcum and peak
SPL (Table 4), and in consideration of
the mitigation measures (see the
Mitigation section for more detail),
NMFS has determined that the
likelihood of take of marine mammals in
the form of Level A harassment
occurring as a result of the survey is so
low as to be discountable, and we
therefore do not authorize the take by
Level A harassment of any marine
Marine Mammal Occurrence
In this section we provide the
information about the presence, density,
or group dynamics of marine mammals
that will inform the take calculations.
The habitat-based density models
produced by the Duke University
Marine Geospatial Ecology Laboratory
(Roberts et al., 2016, 2017, 2018)
represent the best available information
regarding marine mammal densities in
the survey area. The density data
presented by Roberts et al. (2016, 2017,
2018) incorporates aerial and shipboard
line-transect survey data from NMFS
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and other organizations and
incorporates data from 8 physiographic
and 16 dynamic oceanographic and
biological covariates, and controls for
the influence of sea state, group size,
availability bias, and perception bias on
the probability of making a sighting.
These density models were originally
developed for all cetacean taxa in the
U.S. Atlantic (Roberts et al., 2016). In
subsequent years, certain models have
been updated on the basis of additional
data as well as certain methodological
improvements. Although these updated
models (and a newly developed seal
density model) are not currently
publicly available, our evaluation of the
changes leads to a conclusion that these
represent the best scientific evidence
available. More information, including
the model results and supplementary
information for each model, is available
online at seamap.env.duke.edu/models/
Duke-EC-GOM-2015/. Marine mammal
density estimates in the project area
(animals/km2) were obtained using
these model results (Roberts et al., 2016,
2017, 2018). The updated models
incorporate additional sighting data,
including sightings from the NOAA
Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for
Protected Species (AMAPPS) surveys
from 2010–2014 (NEFSC & SEFSC,
2011, 2012, 2014a, 2014b, 2015, 2016).
For purposes of the exposure analysis,
density data from Roberts et al. (2016,
2017, 2018) were mapped using a
geographic information system (GIS).
The density coverages that included any
portion of the survey area were selected
for all survey months (see Figure 4 in
the IHA application for an example of
density blocks used to determine
monthly marine mammal densities
within the project area). Monthly
density data for each species were then
averaged over the year to come up with
a mean annual density value for each
species. Estimated monthly and average
annual density (animals per km2) of all
marine mammal species that may be
taken by the survey are shown in Table
8 of the IHA application. The mean
annual density values used to estimate
take numbers are also shown in Table 6
Take Calculation and Estimation
Here we describe how the information
provided above is brought together to
produce a quantitative take estimate.
In order to estimate the number of
marine mammals predicted to be
exposed to sound levels that would
result in harassment, radial distances to
predicted isopleths corresponding to
harassment thresholds are calculated, as
described above. Those distances are
then used to calculate the area(s) around
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the HRG survey equipment predicted to
be ensonified to sound levels that
exceed harassment thresholds. The area
estimated to be ensonified to relevant
thresholds in a single day is then
calculated, based on areas predicted to
be ensonified around the HRG survey
equipment and the estimated trackline
distance traveled per day by the survey
vessel. Skipjack estimates that planned
surveys will achieve a maximum daily
track line distance of 110 km per day
during planned HRG surveys. This
distance accounts for the vessel
traveling at roughly 4 knots and
accounts for non-active survey periods.
Based on the maximum estimated
distance to the Level B harassment
threshold of 141 m (Table 4) and the
maximum estimated daily track line
distance of 110 km, an area of 31.1 km2
would be ensonified to the Level B
harassment threshold per day during
Skipjack’s planned HRG surveys. As
described above, this is a conservative
estimate as it assumes the HRG sources
that result in the greatest isopleth
distances to the Level B harassment
threshold would be operated at all times
during the 200 day survey.
The number of marine mammals
expected to be incidentally taken per
day is then calculated by estimating the
number of each species predicted to
occur within the daily ensonified area
(animals/km2), incorporating the
estimated marine mammal densities as
described above. Estimated numbers of
each species taken per day are then
multiplied by the total number of survey
days (i.e., 200). The product is then
rounded, to generate an estimate of the
total number of instances of harassment
expected for each species over the
duration of the survey. A summary of
this method is illustrated in the
following formula:
Estimated Take = D × ZOI × # of days
D = average species density (per km2) and
ZOI = maximum daily ensonified area to
relevant thresholds.
Using this method to calculate take,
Skipjack estimated a total of 2 takes by
Level A harassment of 1 species (harbor
porpoise) would occur, in the absence of
mitigation (see Table 9 in the IHA
application for the estimated number of
Level A takes for all potential HRG
equipment types). However, as
described above, due to the very small
estimated distances to Level A
harassment thresholds (Table 4), and in
consideration of the mitigation
measures, the likelihood of the survey
resulting in take in the form of Level A
harassment is considered so low as to be
discountable; therefore, we do not
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
propose to authorize take of any marine
mammals by Level A harassment.
Authorized take numbers are shown in
Table 6.
Fin whale ..................................................
Sei whale 2 ...............................................
Minke whale .............................................
Humpback whale .....................................
North Atlantic right whale .........................
Sperm Whale 2 .........................................
Atlantic white-sided dolphin 2 ...................
Atlantic spotted dolphin 2 .........................
Bottlenose dolphin (W. N. Atlantic Coastal Migratory) .........................................
Killer whale 2 ............................................
Short-finned pilot whale 2 .........................
Long-finned pilot whale 2 ..........................
Risso’s dolphin 2 .......................................
Common dolphin ......................................
Harbor porpoise .......................................
Gray seal ..................................................
Harbor seal ..............................................
takes as a
percentage of
population 1
takes by Level
A harassment
takes by Level
B harassment
takes by Level
B harassment
Total takes
1 Calculations of percentage of stock taken are based on the best available abundance estimate as shown in Table 2. In most cases the best
available abundance estimate is provided by Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018), when available, to maintain consistency with density estimates
derived from Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018). For North Atlantic right whales the best available abundance estimate is derived from the 2018
North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium 2018 Annual Report Card (Pettis et al., 2018).
2 The number of authorized takes (Level B harassment only) for these species has been increased from the estimated take number to mean
group size. Source for group size estimates are as follows: Sei whale: Kenney and Vigness-Raposa (2010); sperm whale: Barkaszi and Kelly
(2019); killer whale: de Bruyn et al. (2013); Risso’s dolphin: Kenney and Vigness-Raposa (2010); long-finned and short-finned pilot whale: Olson
(2018); Atlantic spotted dolphin: Herzing and Perrin (2018); Atlantic white-sided dolphin: Cipriano (2018).
Skipjack requested take authorization
for three marine mammal species for
which no takes were calculated based
on the modeling approach described
above: Killer whale, sei whale and
Risso’s dolphin. Though the modeling
resulted in estimates of less than 1 take
for these species, Skipjack determined
that take of these species is possible due
to low densities in some density blocks
and general variability in the
movements of these species. NMFS
believes this is reasonable and we
therefore authorize take of these species.
As described above, Roberts et al.
(2016, 2017, 2018) produced density
models to genus level for Globicephala
spp. and did not differentiate between
long-finned and shortfinned pilot
whales. Similarly, Roberts et al. (2018)
produced density models for all seals
and did not differentiate by seal species.
The take calculation methodology as
described above resulted in an estimate
of 2 pilot whale takes and 4 seal takes.
Based on this estimate, Skipjack
requested 2 takes each of short-finned
and long-finned pilot whales, and 4
takes each of harbor and gray seals,
based on an assumption that the
modeled takes could occur to either of
the respective species. We think this is
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a reasonable approach and therefore
authorize the take of 4 harbor seals, 4
gray seals, 2 short-finned pilot whales
and 2 long-finned pilot whales.
Using the take methodology approach
described above, the take estimates for
the sei whale, sperm whale, killer
whale, Risso’s dolphin, Atlantic whitesided dolphin, spotted dolphin, longfinned and short-finned pilot whale
were less than the average group sizes
estimated for these species (Table 6).
However, information on the social
structures of these species indicates
these species are likely to be
encountered in groups. Therefore it is
reasonable to conservatively assume
that one group of each of these species
will be taken during the survey. We
therefore authorize the take of the
average group size for these species to
account for the possibility that the
survey encounters a group of any of
these species or stocks (Table 6).
In order to issue an IHA under
Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA,
NMFS must set forth the permissible
methods of taking pursuant to such
activity, and other means of effecting
the least practicable impact on such
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species or stock and its habitat, paying
particular attention to rookeries, mating
grounds, and areas of similar
significance, and on the availability of
such species or stock for taking for
certain subsistence uses (latter not
applicable for this action). NMFS
regulations require applicants for
incidental take authorizations to include
information about the availability and
feasibility (economic and technological)
of equipment, methods, and manner of
conducting such activity or other means
of effecting the least practicable adverse
impact upon the affected species or
stocks and their habitat (50 CFR
In evaluating how mitigation may or
may not be appropriate to ensure the
least practicable adverse impact on
species or stocks and their habitat, as
well as subsistence uses where
applicable, we carefully consider two
primary factors:
(1) The manner in which, and the
degree to which, the successful
implementation of the measure(s) is
expected to reduce impacts to marine
mammals, marine mammal species or
stocks, and their habitat. This considers
the nature of the potential adverse
impact being mitigated (likelihood,
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
Visual Monitoring
A minimum of one NMFS-approved
PSO must be on duty and conducting
visual observations at all times during
daylight hours (i.e., from 30 minutes
prior to sunrise through 30 minutes
following sunset) and 30 minutes prior
to and during nighttime ramp-ups of
HRG equipment. Visual monitoring
must begin no less than 30 minutes
prior to ramp-up of HRG equipment and
must continue until 30 minutes after use
of the acoustic source ceases or until 30
minutes past sunset. PSOs must
establish and monitor the applicable
EZs, Buffer Zone and Monitoring Zone
as described above. Visual PSOs must
coordinate to ensure 360° visual
Mitigation Measures
coverage around the vessel from the
most appropriate observation posts, and
The following mitigation measures
must be implemented during Skipjack’s must conduct visual observations using
binoculars and the naked eye while free
site characterization surveys.
from distractions and in a consistent,
Marine Mammal Exclusion Zones,
systematic, and diligent manner. PSOs
Buffer Zone and Monitoring Zone
must estimate distances to marine
mammals located in proximity to the
Marine mammal exclusion zones (EZ) vessel and/or relevant using range
must be established around the HRG
finders. It is the responsibility of the
survey equipment and monitored by
Lead PSO on duty to communicate the
protected species observers (PSO)
presence of marine mammals as well as
during HRG surveys as follows:
to communicate and enforce the
• A 500-m EZ for North Atlantic right action(s) that are necessary to ensure
mitigation and monitoring requirements
• A 200 m EZ for all other ESA-listed are implemented as appropriate.
marine mammals (i.e., fin, sei and sperm Position data must be recorded using
hand-held or vessel global positioning
whales), and
system (GPS) units for each confirmed
• A 100-m EZ for all other marine
marine mammal sighting.
Pre-Clearance of the Exclusion Zones
If a marine mammal is detected
Prior to initiating HRG survey
approaching or entering the EZs during
activities, Skipjack must implement a
the survey, the vessel operator would
30-minute pre-clearance period. During
adhere to the shutdown procedures
pre-clearance monitoring (i.e., before
described below. In addition to the EZs
ramp-up of HRG equipment begins), the
described above, PSOs must visually
Buffer Zone must also act as an
monitor a 200-m Buffer Zone. During
extension of the 100 m EZ in that
use of acoustic sources with the
observations of marine mammals within
potential to result in marine mammal
the 200 m Buffer Zone also precludes
harassment (i.e., anytime the acoustic
HRG operations from beginning. During
source is active, including ramp-up),
occurrences of marine mammals within this period, PSOs must ensure that no
marine mammals are observed within
the Buffer Zone (but outside the EZs)
200 m of the survey equipment (500 m
must be communicated to the vessel
in the case of North Atlantic right
operator to prepare for potential
whales). HRG equipment must not start
shutdown of the acoustic source. The
up until this 200 m zone (or, 500 m zone
Buffer Zone is not applicable when the
in the case of North Atlantic right
EZ is greater than 100 m. PSOs are
required to observe a 500-m Monitoring whales) is clear of marine mammals for
at least 30 minutes. The vessel operator
Zone and record the presence of all
must notify a designated PSO of the
marine mammals within this zone. In
planned start of HRG survey equipment
addition, any marine mammals
as agreed upon with the lead PSO; the
observed within 141 m of the HRG
notification time must not be less than
equipment must be documented by
30 minutes prior to the planned
PSOs as taken by Level B harassment.
initiation of HRG equipment order to
The zones described above must be
based upon the radial distance from the allow the PSOs time to monitor the EZs
and Buffer Zone for the 30 minutes of
active equipment (rather than being
based on distance from the vessel itself). pre-clearance. A PSO conducting pre-
scope, range). It further considers the
likelihood that the measure will be
effective if implemented (probability of
accomplishing the mitigating result if
implemented as planned), the
likelihood of effective implementation
(probability implemented as planned),
(2) the practicability of the measures
for applicant implementation, which
may consider such things as cost,
impact on operations, and, in the case
of a military readiness activity,
personnel safety, practicality of
implementation, and impact on the
effectiveness of the military readiness
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clearance observations must be notified
again immediately prior to initiating
active HRG sources.
If a marine mammal is observed
within the relevant EZs or Buffer Zone
during the pre-clearance period,
initiation of HRG survey equipment
must not begin until the animal(s) has
been observed exiting the respective EZ
or Buffer Zone, or, until an additional
time period has elapsed with no further
sighting (i.e., minimum 15 minutes for
small odontocetes and seals, and 30
minutes for all other species). The preclearance requirement must include
small delphinoids that approach the
vessel (e.g., bow ride). PSOs must also
continue to monitor the zone for 30
minutes after survey equipment is shut
down or survey activity has concluded.
Ramp-Up of Survey Equipment
When technically feasible, a ramp-up
procedure must be used for geophysical
survey equipment capable of adjusting
energy levels at the start or re-start of
survey activities. The ramp-up
procedure should be used at the
beginning of HRG survey activities in
order to provide additional protection to
marine mammals near the survey area
by allowing them to detect the presence
of the survey and vacate the area prior
to the commencement of survey
equipment operation at full power.
Ramp-up of the survey equipment must
not begin until the relevant EZs and
Buffer Zone has been cleared by the
PSOs, as described above. HRG
equipment must be initiated at their
lowest power output and would be
incrementally increased to full power. If
any marine mammals are detected
within the EZs or Buffer Zone prior to
or during ramp-up, the HRG equipment
must be shut down (as described
Shutdown Procedures
If an HRG source is active and a
marine mammal is observed within or
entering a relevant EZ (as described
above) an immediate shutdown of the
HRG survey equipment is required.
When shutdown is called for by a PSO,
the acoustic source must be
immediately deactivated and any
dispute resolved only following
deactivation. Any PSO on duty will
have the authority to delay the start of
survey operations or to call for
shutdown of the acoustic source if a
marine mammal is detected within the
applicable EZ. The vessel operator must
establish and maintain clear lines of
communication directly between PSOs
on duty and crew controlling the HRG
source(s) to ensure that shutdown
commands are conveyed swiftly while
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
allowing PSOs to maintain watch.
Subsequent restart of the HRG
equipment must only occur after the
marine mammal has either been
observed exiting the relevant EZ, or,
until an additional time period has
elapsed with no further sighting of the
animal within the relevant EZ (i.e., 15
minutes for small odontocetes and seals,
and 30 minutes for large whales).
Upon implementation of shutdown,
the HRG source must be reactivated
after the marine mammal that triggered
the shutdown has been observed exiting
the applicable EZ (i.e., the animal is not
required to fully exit the Buffer Zone
where applicable), or, following a
clearance period of 15 minutes for small
odontocetes and seals and 30 minutes
for all other species with no further
observation of the marine mammal(s)
within the relevant EZ. If the HRG
equipment shuts down for brief periods
(i.e., less than 30 minutes) for reasons
other than mitigation (e.g., mechanical
or electronic failure) the equipment may
be re-activated as soon as is practicable
at full operational level, without 30
minutes of pre-clearance, only if PSOs
have maintained constant visual
observation during the shutdown and
no visual detections of marine mammals
occurred within the applicable EZs and
Buffer Zone during that time. For a
shutdown of 30 minutes or longer, or if
visual observation was not continued
diligently during the pause, preclearance observation is required, as
described above.
The shutdown requirement is waived
for certain genera of small delphinids
(i.e., Delphinus, Lagenorhynchus,
Stenella, and Tursiops) under certain
circumstances. If a delphinid(s) from
these genera is visually detected
approaching the vessel (i.e., to bow ride)
or towed survey equipment, shutdown
is not required. If there is uncertainty
regarding identification of a marine
mammal species (i.e., whether the
observed marine mammal(s) belongs to
one of the delphinid genera for which
shutdown is waived), PSOs must use
best professional judgment in making
the decision to call for a shutdown.
If a species for which authorization
has not been granted, or, a species for
which authorization has been granted
but the authorized number of takes have
been met, approaches or is observed
within the area encompassing the Level
B harassment isopleth (141 m),
shutdown must occur.
Vessel Strike Avoidance
Vessel strike avoidance measures
include, but are not be limited to, the
following, except under circumstances
when complying with these
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requirements would put the safety of the
vessel or crew at risk:
• All vessel operators and crew will
maintain vigilant watch for cetaceans
and pinnipeds, and slow down or stop
their vessel to avoid striking these
protected species;
• All vessel operators will comply
with 10 knot (18.5 km/hr) or less speed
restrictions in any SMA and DMA per
NOAA guidance;
• All vessel operators will reduce
vessel speed to 10 knots (18.5 km/hr) or
less when any large whale, any mother/
calf pairs, large assemblages of nondelphinoid cetaceans are observed near
(within 100 m (330 ft)) an underway
• All survey vessels will maintain a
separation distance of 500 m (1640 ft) or
greater from any sighted North Atlantic
right whale;
• If underway, vessels must steer a
course away from any sighted North
Atlantic right whale at 10 knots (18.5
km/hr) or less until the 500 m (1640 ft)
minimum separation distance has been
established. If a North Atlantic right
whale is sighted in a vessel’s path, or
within 100 m (330 ft) to an underway
vessel, the underway vessel must reduce
speed and shift the engine to neutral.
Engines will not be engaged until the
North Atlantic right whale has moved
outside of the vessel’s path and beyond
100 m. If stationary, the vessel must not
engage engines until the North Atlantic
right whale has moved beyond 100 m;
• All vessels will maintain a
separation distance of 100 m (330 ft) or
greater from any sighted non-delphinoid
cetacean. If sighted, the vessel
underway must reduce speed and shift
the engine to neutral, and must not
engage the engines until the nondelphinoid cetacean has moved outside
of the vessel’s path and beyond 100 m.
If a survey vessel is stationary, the
vessel will not engage engines until the
non-delphinoid cetacean has moved out
of the vessel’s path and beyond 100 m;
• All vessels will maintain a
separation distance of 50 m (164 ft) or
greater from any sighted delphinoid
cetacean. Any vessel underway remain
parallel to a sighted delphinoid
cetacean’s course whenever possible,
and avoid excessive speed or abrupt
changes in direction. Any vessel
underway reduces vessel speed to 10
knots (18.5 km/hr) or less when pods
(including mother/calf pairs) or large
assemblages of delphinoid cetaceans are
observed. Vessels may not adjust course
and speed until the delphinoid
cetaceans have moved beyond 50 m
and/or the abeam of the underway
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• All vessels will maintain a
separation distance of 50 m (164 ft) or
greater from any sighted pinniped; and
• All vessels underway will not
divert or alter course in order to
approach any whale, delphinoid
cetacean, or pinniped. Any vessel
underway will avoid excessive speed or
abrupt changes in direction to avoid
injury to the sighted cetacean or
Skipjack must ensure that vessel
operators and crew maintain a vigilant
watch for marine mammals by slowing
down or stopping the vessel to avoid
striking marine mammals. Projectspecific training will be conducted for
all vessel crew prior to the start of
survey activities. Confirmation of the
training and understanding of the
requirements will be documented on a
training course log sheet. Signing the log
sheet will certify that the crew members
understand and will comply with the
necessary requirements throughout the
survey activities.
Seasonal Operating Requirements
A section of the planned survey area
partially overlaps with a portion of a
North Atlantic right whale SMA off the
mouth of Delaware Bay. This SMA is
active from November 1 through April
30 of each year. Any survey vessels that
are >65 ft in length is required to adhere
to the mandatory vessel speed
restrictions (<10 kn) when operating
within the SMA during times when the
SMA is active. In addition, between
watch shifts, members of the monitoring
team must consult NMFS’ North
Atlantic right whale reporting systems
for the presence of North Atlantic right
whales throughout survey operations.
Members of the monitoring team must
also monitor the NMFS North Atlantic
right whale reporting systems for the
establishment of Dynamic Management
Areas (DMA). If NMFS should establish
a DMA in the survey area while surveys
are underway, Skipjack must contact
NMFS within 24 hours of the
establishment of the DMA to determine
whether alteration of survey activities
was warranted to avoid right whales to
the extent possible.
The mitigation measures are designed
to avoid the already low potential for
injury in addition to some instances of
Level B harassment, and to minimize
the potential for vessel strikes. Further,
we believe the mitigation measures are
practicable for the applicant to
implement. Skipjack has proposed
additional mitigation measures in
addition to the measures described
above; for information on the measures
proposed by Skipjack, see Section 11 of
the IHA application.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
There are no known marine mammal
rookeries or mating or calving grounds
in the survey area that would otherwise
potentially warrant increased mitigation
measures for marine mammals or their
habitat (or both). The survey would
occur in an area that has been identified
as a biologically important area for
migration for North Atlantic right
whales. However, given the small
spatial extent of the survey area relative
to the substantially larger spatial extent
of the right whale migratory area, the
survey is not expected to appreciably
reduce migratory habitat nor to
negatively impact the migration of
North Atlantic right whales, thus
mitigation to address the planned
survey’s occurrence in North Atlantic
right whale migratory habitat is not
Based on our evaluation of the
applicant’s proposed measures, as well
as other measures considered by NMFS,
NMFS has determined that the
mitigation measures provide the means
of effecting the least practicable impact
on the affected species or stocks and
their habitat, paying particular attention
to rookeries, mating grounds, and areas
of similar significance.
Monitoring and Reporting
In order to issue an IHA for an
activity, Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the
MMPA states that NMFS must set forth
requirements pertaining to the
monitoring and reporting of such taking.
The MMPA implementing regulations at
50 CFR 216.104 (a)(13) indicate that
requests for authorizations must include
the suggested means of accomplishing
the necessary monitoring and reporting
that will result in increased knowledge
of the species and of the level of taking
or impacts on populations of marine
mammals that are expected to be
present in the survey area. Effective
reporting is critical both to compliance
as well as ensuring that the most value
is obtained from the required
Monitoring and reporting
requirements prescribed by NMFS
should contribute to improved
understanding of one or more of the
• Occurrence of marine mammal
species or stocks in the area in which
take is anticipated (e.g., presence,
abundance, distribution, density).
• Nature, scope, or context of likely
marine mammal exposure to potential
stressors/impacts (individual or
cumulative, acute or chronic), through
better understanding of: (1) Action or
environment (e.g., source
characterization, propagation, ambient
noise); (2) affected species (e.g., life
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history, dive patterns); (3) co-occurrence
of marine mammal species with the
action; or (4) biological or behavioral
context of exposure (e.g., age, calving or
feeding areas).
• Individual marine mammal
responses (behavioral or physiological)
to acoustic stressors (acute, chronic, or
cumulative), other stressors, or
cumulative impacts from multiple
• How anticipated responses to
stressors impact either: (1) Long-term
fitness and survival of individual
marine mammals; or (2) populations,
species, or stocks.
• Effects on marine mammal habitat
(e.g., marine mammal prey species,
acoustic habitat, or other important
physical components of marine
mammal habitat).
• Mitigation and monitoring
Monitoring Measures
As described above, visual monitoring
must be performed by qualified and
NMFS-approved PSOs. Skipjack must
use independent, dedicated, trained
PSOs, meaning that the PSOs must be
employed by a third-party observer
provider, must have no tasks other than
to conduct observational effort, collect
data, and communicate with and
instruct relevant vessel crew with regard
to the presence of marine mammals and
mitigation requirements (including brief
alerts regarding maritime hazards), and
must have successfully completed an
approved PSO training course
appropriate for their designated task.
Skipjack must provide resumes of all
proposed PSOs (including alternates) to
NMFS for review and approval at least
45 days prior to the start of survey
During survey operations (e.g., any
day on which use of an HRG source is
planned to occur), a minimum of one
PSO must be on duty and conducting
visual observations at all times on all
active survey vessels during daylight
hours (i.e., from 30 minutes prior to
sunrise through 30 minutes following
sunset) and nighttime ramp-ups of HRG
equipment. Visual monitoring must
begin no less than 30 minutes prior to
initiation of HRG survey equipment and
must continue until one hour after use
of the acoustic source ceases or until 30
minutes past sunset. PSOs would
coordinate to ensure 360° visual
coverage around the vessel from the
most appropriate observation posts, and
must conduct visual observations using
binoculars and the naked eye while free
from distractions and in a consistent,
systematic, and diligent manner. PSOs
may be on watch for a maximum of four
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consecutive hours followed by a break
of at least two hours between watches
and may conduct a maximum of 12
hours of observation per 24-hour period.
In cases where multiple vessels are
surveying concurrently, any
observations of marine mammals must
be communicated to PSOs on all survey
PSOs must be equipped with
binoculars and have the ability to
estimate distances to marine mammals
located in proximity to the vessel and/
or exclusion zone using range finders.
Reticulated binoculars must also be
available to PSOs for use as appropriate
based on conditions and visibility to
support the monitoring of marine
mammals. Position data must be
recorded using hand-held or vessel GPS
units for each sighting. Observations
must take place from the highest
available vantage point on the survey
vessel. General 360-degree scanning
must occur during the monitoring
periods, and target scanning by the PSO
must occur when alerted of a marine
mammal presence.
During good conditions (e.g., daylight
hours; Beaufort sea state (BSS) 3 or less),
to the maximum extent practicable,
PSOs will conduct observations when
the acoustic source is not operating for
comparison of sighting rates and
behavior with and without use of the
acoustic source and between acquisition
periods. Any observations of marine
mammals by crew members aboard any
vessel associated with the survey must
be relayed to the PSO team.
Data on all PSO observations must be
recorded based on standard PSO
collection requirements. This includes
dates, times, and locations of survey
operations; dates and times of
observations, location and weather;
details of marine mammal sightings
(e.g., species, numbers, behavior); and
details of any observed marine mammal
take that occurs (e.g., noted behavioral
Reporting Measures
Within 90 days after completion of
survey activities, a final technical report
must be provided to NMFS that fully
documents the methods and monitoring
protocols, summarizes the data recorded
during monitoring, summarizes the
number of marine mammals estimated
to have been taken during survey
activities (by species, when known),
summarizes the mitigation actions taken
during surveys (including what type of
mitigation and the species and number
of animals that prompted the mitigation
action, when known), and provides an
interpretation of the results and
effectiveness of all mitigation and
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
monitoring. Any recommendations
made by NMFS must be addressed in
the final report prior to acceptance by
NMFS. PSO datasheets or raw sightings
data must also be provided with the
draft and final monitoring report.
In addition to the final technical
report, Skipjack must provide the
reporting described below as necessary
during survey activities. If a North
Atlantic right whale is observed at any
time during surveys or during vessel
transit, Skipjack must report sighting
information to the NMFS North Atlantic
Right Whale Sighting Advisory System.
North Atlantic right whale sightings in
any location may also be reported to the
U.S. Coast Guard via channel 16.
In the unanticipated event that
Skipjack’s survey activities lead to an
injury (Level A harassment) or mortality
(e.g., ship-strike, gear interaction, and/or
entanglement) of a marine mammal,
Skipjack must immediately cease the
specified activities and report the
incident to the Chief of the Permits and
Conservation Division, Office of
Protected Resources and the NMFS New
England/Mid-Atlantic Stranding
Coordinator. The report must include
the following information:
• Time, date, and location (latitude/
longitude) of the incident;
• Name and type of vessel involved;
• Vessel’s speed during and leading
up to the incident;
• Description of the incident;
• Status of all sound source use in the
24 hours preceding the incident;
• Water depth;
• Environmental conditions (e.g.,
wind speed and direction, Beaufort sea
state, cloud cover, and visibility);
• Description of all marine mammal
observations in the 24 hours preceding
the incident;
• Species identification or
description of the animal(s) involved;
• Fate of the animal(s); and
• Photographs or video footage of the
animal(s) (if equipment is available).
Activities would not resume until
NMFS is able to review the
circumstances of the event. NMFS
would work with Skipjack to minimize
reoccurrence of such an event in the
future. Skipjack would not resume
activities until notified by NMFS.
In the event that Skipjack discovers
an injured or dead marine mammal and
determines that the cause of the injury
or death is unknown and the death is
relatively recent (i.e., in less than a
moderate state of decomposition),
Skipjack would immediately report the
incident to the Chief of the Permits and
Conservation Division, Office of
Protected Resources and the NMFS New
England/Mid-Atlantic Stranding
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Coordinator. The report would include
the same information identified in the
paragraph above. Activities would be
able to continue while NMFS reviews
the circumstances of the incident.
NMFS would work with Skipjack to
determine if modifications in the
activities are appropriate.
In the event that Skipjack discovers
an injured or dead marine mammal and
determines that the injury or death is
not associated with or related to the
activities authorized in the IHA (e.g.,
previously wounded animal, carcass
with moderate to advanced
decomposition, or scavenger damage),
Skipjack would report the incident to
the Chief of the Permits and
Conservation Division, Office of
Protected Resources, and the NMFS
New England/Mid-Atlantic Regional
Stranding Coordinator, within 24 hours
of the discovery. Skipjack would
provide photographs or video footage (if
available) or other documentation of the
stranded animal sighting to NMFS.
Skipjack may continue its operations in
such a case.
Negligible Impact Analysis and
NMFS has defined negligible impact
as an impact resulting from the
specified activity that cannot be
reasonably expected to, and is not
reasonably likely to, adversely affect the
species or stock through effects on
annual rates of recruitment or survival
(50 CFR 216.103). A negligible impact
finding is based on the lack of likely
adverse effects on annual rates of
recruitment or survival (i.e., populationlevel effects). An estimate of the number
of takes alone is not enough information
on which to base an impact
determination. In addition to
considering estimates of the number of
marine mammals that might be ‘‘taken’’
through harassment, NMFS considers
other factors, such as the likely nature
of any responses (e.g., intensity,
duration), the context of any responses
(e.g., critical reproductive time or
location, migration), as well as effects
on habitat, and the likely effectiveness
of the mitigation. We also assess the
number, intensity, and context of
estimated takes by evaluating this
information relative to population
status. Consistent with the 1989
preamble for NMFS’s implementing
regulations (54 FR 40338; September 29,
1989), the impacts from other past and
ongoing anthropogenic activities are
incorporated into this analysis via their
impacts on the environmental baseline
(e.g., as reflected in the regulatory status
of the species, population size and
growth rate where known, ongoing
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sources of human-caused mortality, or
ambient noise levels).
To avoid repetition, our analysis
applies to all the species listed in Table
2, given that NMFS expects the
anticipated effects of the planned survey
to be similar in nature.
NMFS does not anticipate that serious
injury or mortality would occur as a
result of Skipjack’s survey, even in the
absence of mitigation. Thus the
authorization does not authorize any
serious injury or mortality. As discussed
in the Potential Effects section, nonauditory physical effects and vessel
strike are not expected to occur.
Additionally and as discussed
previously, given the nature of activity
and sounds sources used and especially
in consideration of the required
mitigation, Level A harassment is
neither anticipated nor authorized. We
expect that all potential takes would be
in the form of short-term Level B
behavioral harassment in the form of
temporary avoidance of the area,
reactions that are considered to be of
low severity and with no lasting
biological consequences (e.g., Southall
et al., 2007).
Effects on individuals that are taken
by Level B harassment, on the basis of
reports in the literature as well as
monitoring from other similar activities,
will likely be limited to reactions such
as increased swimming speeds,
increased surfacing time, or decreased
foraging (if such activity were occurring)
(e.g., Thorson and Reyff, 2006; HDR,
Inc., 2012; Lerma, 2014). Most likely,
individuals will simply move away
from the sound source and temporarily
avoid the area where the survey is
occurring. We expect that any avoidance
of the survey area by marine mammals
would be temporary in nature and that
any marine mammals that avoid the
survey area during the survey activities
would not be permanently displaced.
Even repeated Level B harassment of
some small subset of an overall stock is
unlikely to result in any significant
realized decrease in viability for the
affected individuals, and thus would
not result in any adverse impact to the
stock as a whole.
In addition to being temporary and
short in overall duration, the acoustic
footprint of the survey is small relative
to the overall distribution of the animals
in the area and their use of the area.
Feeding behavior is not likely to be
significantly impacted. Prey species are
mobile and are broadly distributed
throughout the project area; therefore,
marine mammals that may be
temporarily displaced during survey
activities are expected to be able to
resume foraging once they have moved
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
away from areas with disturbing levels
of underwater noise. Because of the
temporary nature of the disturbance and
the availability of similar habitat and
resources in the surrounding area, the
impacts to marine mammals and the
food sources that they utilize are not
expected to cause significant or longterm consequences for individual
marine mammals or their populations.
There are no rookeries, mating or
calving grounds known to be
biologically important to marine
mammals within the survey area and
there are no feeding areas known to be
biologically important to marine
mammals within the survey area. There
is no designated critical habitat for any
ESA-listed marine mammals in the
survey area. The survey area overlaps a
portion of a biologically important
migratory area for North Atlantic right
whales (effective March–April and
November–December) that extends from
Massachusetts to Florida (LaBrecque, et
al., 2015). Off the coasts of Delaware
and Maryland, this biologically
important migratory area extends from
the coast to beyond the shelf break. Due
to the fact that that the survey is
temporary and the spatial extent of
sound produced by the survey would be
very small relative to the spatial extent
of the available migratory habitat in the
area, right whale migration is not
expected to be impacted by the survey.
Potential impacts to marine mammal
habitat were discussed previously in
this document (see Potential Effects of
the Specified Activity on Marine
Mammals and their Habitat). Marine
mammal habitat may be impacted by
elevated sound levels, but these impacts
would be temporary. Repeated
exposures of individuals to relatively
low levels of sound outside of preferred
habitat areas are unlikely to
significantly disrupt critical behaviors.
We expect that animals disturbed by
sound associated with the planned
survey would simply avoid the area
during the survey in favor of other,
similar habitats.
As described above, North Atlantic
right, humpback, and minke whales,
and gray and harbor seals are
experiencing ongoing UMEs. For North
Atlantic right whales, as described
above, no injury as a result of the
proposed survey is expected or
authorized, and Level B harassment
takes of right whales are expected to be
in the form of avoidance of the
immediate area of the proposed survey.
In addition, the number of takes
authorized above the Level B
harassment threshold are minimal (i.e.,
3). As no injury or mortality is expected
or authorized, and Level B harassment
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of North Atlantic right whales will be
reduced to the level of least practicable
adverse impact through use of
mitigation measures, the authorized
takes of right whales would not
exacerbate or compound the ongoing
UME in any way.
Similarly, no injury or mortality is
expected or authorized for any of the
other species with UMEs, Level B
harassment will be reduced to the level
of least practicable adverse impact
through use of mitigation measures, and
the authorized takes would not
exacerbate or compound the ongoing
UMEs. For minke whales, although the
ongoing UME is under investigation (as
occurs for all UMEs), this event does not
provide cause for concern regarding
population level impacts, as the likely
population abundance is greater than
20,000 whales. Even though the PBR
value is based on an abundance for U.S.
waters that is negatively biased and a
small fraction of the true population
abundance, annual M/SI does not
exceed the calculated PBR value for
minke whales. With regard to humpback
whales, the UME does not yet provide
cause for concern regarding populationlevel impacts. Despite the UME, the
relevant population of humpback
whales (the West Indies breeding
population, or distinct population
segment (DPS)) remains healthy. The
West Indies DPS, which consists of the
whales whose breeding range includes
the Atlantic margin of the Antilles from
Cuba to northern Venezuela, and whose
feeding range primarily includes the
Gulf of Maine, eastern Canada, and
western Greenland, was delisted. The
status review identified harmful algal
blooms, vessel collisions, and fishing
gear entanglements as relevant threats
for this DPS, but noted that all other
threats are considered likely to have no
or minor impact on population size or
the growth rate of this DPS (Bettridge et
al., 2015). As described in Bettridge et
al. (2015), the West Indies DPS has a
substantial population size (i.e.,
approximately 10,000; Stevick et al.,
2003; Smith et al., 1999; Bettridge et al.,
2015), and appears to be experiencing
consistent growth. With regard to gray
and harbor seals, although the ongoing
UME is under investigation, the UME
does not yet provide cause for concern
regarding population-level impacts to
any of these stocks. For harbor seals, the
population abundance is over 75,000
and annual M/SI (345) is well below
PBR (2,006) (Hayes et al., 2018). For
gray seals, the population abundance in
the United States is over 27,000, with an
estimated abundance including seals in
Canada of approximately 505,000, and
PO 00000
Frm 00029
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
abundance is likely increasing in the
U.S. Atlantic EEZ as well as in Canada
(Hayes et al., 2018).
The mitigation measures are expected
to reduce the number and/or severity of
takes by giving animals the opportunity
to move away from the sound source
before HRG survey equipment reaches
full energy and by establishing zones
that will prevent animals from being
exposed to higher sound levels that may
otherwise result in injury or more severe
behavioral responses. No Level A
harassment, which involves the
potential for injury, has been
authorized. Additional vessel strike
avoidance requirements will further
mitigate potential impacts to marine
mammals during vessel transit to and
within the survey area.
NMFS concludes that exposures to
marine mammal species and stocks due
to Skipjack’s survey would result in
only short-term (temporary and short in
duration) effects to individuals exposed.
Marine mammals may temporarily
avoid the immediate area, but are not
expected to permanently abandon the
area. Major shifts in habitat use,
distribution, or foraging success are not
expected. NMFS does not anticipate the
authorized takes to impact annual rates
of recruitment or survival.
In summary and as described above,
the following factors primarily support
our determination that the impacts
resulting from this activity are not
expected to adversely affect the species
or stock through effects on annual rates
of recruitment or survival:
• No mortality, serious injury, or
Level A harassment is anticipated or
• The anticipated impacts of the
activity on marine mammals would
primarily be in the form of temporary
behavioral changes due to avoidance of
the area around the survey vessel;
• The availability of alternate areas of
similar habitat value (for foraging, etc.)
for marine mammals that may
temporarily vacate the survey area
during the survey to avoid exposure to
sounds from the activity;
• The survey area does not contain
known areas of significance for mating
or calving;
• Effects on species that serve as prey
species for marine mammals from the
survey would be minor and temporary
and would not be expected to reduce
the availability of prey or to affect
marine mammal feeding;
• The mitigation measures, including
visual and acoustic monitoring,
exclusion zones, and shutdown
measures, are expected to minimize
potential impacts to marine mammals.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2019 / Notices
Based on the analysis contained
herein of the likely effects of the
specified activity on marine mammals
and their habitat, and taking into
consideration the implementation of the
monitoring and mitigation measures,
NMFS finds that the total marine
mammal take from the proposed activity
will have a negligible impact on all
affected marine mammal species or
Small Numbers
As noted above, only small numbers
of incidental take may be authorized
under Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of
the MMPA for specified activities other
than military readiness activities. The
MMPA does not define small numbers
and so, in practice, where estimated
numbers are available, NMFS compares
the number of individuals taken to the
most appropriate estimation of
abundance of the relevant species or
stock in our determination of whether
an authorization is limited to small
numbers of marine mammals.
Additionally, other qualitative factors
may be considered in the analysis, such
as the temporal or spatial scale of the
The numbers of marine mammals that
we authorize to be taken, for all species
and stocks, would be considered small
relative to the relevant stocks or
populations (less than 28 percent for
two of seventeen species and stocks,
and less than 1 percent for all remaining
species and stocks). See Table 6. Based
on the analysis contained herein of the
activity (including the mitigation and
monitoring measures) and the
anticipated take of marine mammals,
NMFS finds that small numbers of
marine mammals will be taken relative
to the population size of the affected
species or stocks.
Unmitigable Adverse Impact Analysis
and Determination
There are no relevant subsistence uses
of the affected marine mammal stocks or
species implicated by this action.
Therefore, NMFS has determined that
the total taking of affected species or
stocks would not have an unmitigable
adverse impact on the availability of
such species or stocks for taking for
subsistence purposes.
National Environmental Policy Act
To comply with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and
NOAA Administrative Order (NAO)
216–6A, NMFS must evaluate our
proposed action (i.e., the promulgation
of regulations and subsequent issuance
of incidental take authorization) and
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:27 Dec 02, 2019
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alternatives with respect to potential
impacts on the human environment.
This action is consistent with
categories of activities identified in
Categorical Exclusion B4 of the
Companion Manual for NAO 216–6A,
which do not individually or
cumulatively have the potential for
significant impacts on the quality of the
human environment and for which we
have not identified any extraordinary
circumstances that would preclude this
categorical exclusion. Accordingly,
NMFS has determined that the proposed
action qualifies to be categorically
excluded from further NEPA review.
Endangered Species Act
Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered
Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et
seq.) requires that each Federal agency
insure that any action it authorizes,
funds, or carries out is not likely to
jeopardize the continued existence of
any endangered or threatened species or
result in the destruction or adverse
modification of designated critical
habitat. To ensure ESA compliance for
the issuance of IHAs, NMFS consults
internally, in this case with the NMFS
Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries
Office (GARFO), whenever we propose
to authorize take for endangered or
threatened species.
The NMFS Office of Protected
Resources Permits and Conservation
Division is authorizing the incidental
take of four species of marine mammals
which are listed under the ESA: The
North Atlantic right, fin, sei and sperm
whale. We requested initiation of
consultation under Section 7 of the ESA
with NMFS GARFO on September 30,
2019, for the issuance of this IHA. In
November, 2019, NMFS GARFO
determined our issuance of the IHA to
Skipjack was not likely to adversely
affect the North Atlantic right, fin, sei
and sperm whale or the critical habitat
of any ESA-listed species or result in the
take of any marine mammals in
violation of the ESA.
NMFS has issued an IHA to Skipjack
for conducting marine site
characterization surveys offshore of
Delaware and Maryland, from the date
of issuance for a period of one year,
provided the previously mentioned
mitigation, monitoring, and reporting
requirements are incorporated.
PO 00000
Frm 00030
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Dated: November 26, 2019.
Angela Somma,
Chief, Endangered Species Conservation
Division, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2019–26091 Filed 12–2–19; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XR070]
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to
Specified Activities; Taking Marine
Mammals Incidental to Geophysical
Survey in the Atlantic Ocean
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; proposed revised
incidental harassment authorization
(IHA); request for comments.
On November 30, 2018,
NMFS issued an IHA to ION
GeoVentures, pursuant to the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). NMFS
has received a request, co-signed by
officers from ION GeoVentures (ION)
and GX Technology Corporation (GXT),
to administratively change the name of
the holder of the subject IHA from ION
to GXT. No other changes are proposed.
NMFS is inviting comments on the
proposed change.
DATES: Comments and information must
be received no later than January 2,
Comments should be
addressed to Jolie Harrison, Chief,
Permits and Conservation Division,
Office of Protected Resources, National
Marine Fisheries Service. Physical
comments should be sent to 1315 EastWest Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910
and electronic comments should be sent
to ITP.Laws@noaa.gov.
Instructions: NMFS is not responsible
for comments sent by any other method,
to any other address or individual, or
received after the end of the comment
period. Comments received
electronically, including all
attachments, must not exceed a 25megabyte file size. Attachments to
electronic comments will be accepted in
Microsoft Word or Excel or Adobe PDF
file formats only. All comments
received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted online at
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 232 (Tuesday, December 3, 2019)]
[Pages 66156-66175]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2019-26091]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
[RTID 0648-XR032]
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities;
Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Marine Site Characterization
Surveys Off of Delaware and Maryland
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice; issuance of an incidental harassment authorization.
SUMMARY: ``In accordance with the regulations implementing the Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as amended, notification is hereby given
that NMFS has issued an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to
Skipjack Offshore Energy, LLC (Skipjack) to incidentally harass, by
Level B harassment only, marine mammals during marine site
characterization surveys offshore of Delaware in the area of the
Commercial Lease of Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy Development on
the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS-A 0519) and along potential submarine
cable routes to a landfall location in Delaware or Maryland.
DATES: This authorization is valid for one year from the date of
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jordan Carduner, Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401. Electronic copies of the applications
and supporting documents, as well as a list of the references cited in
this document, may be obtained by visiting the internet at:
www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental-take-authorizations-other-energy-activities-renewable. In case of
problems accessing these documents, please call the contact listed
The MMPA prohibits the ``take'' of marine mammals, with certain
exceptions. Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361
et seq.) direct the Secretary of Commerce (as delegated to NMFS) to
allow, upon request, the incidental, but not intentional, taking of
small numbers of marine mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a
specified activity (other than commercial fishing) within a specified
geographical region if certain findings are made and either regulations
are issued or, if the taking is limited to harassment, a notice of a
proposed incidental take authorization may be provided to the public
for review.
Authorization for incidental takings shall be granted if NMFS finds
that the taking will have a negligible impact on the species or
stock(s) and will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of the species or stock(s) for taking for subsistence uses
(where relevant). Further, NMFS must prescribe the permissible methods
of taking and other ``means of effecting the least practicable adverse
impact'' on the affected species or stocks and their habitat, paying
particular attention to rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of similar
significance, and on the availability of such species or stocks for
taking for certain subsistence uses (referred to in shorthand as
``mitigation''); and requirements pertaining to the mitigation,
monitoring and reporting of such takings are set forth.
The definitions of all applicable MMPA statutory terms cited above
are included in the relevant sections below.
Summary of Request
On July 31, 2019, NMFS received a request from Skipjack for an IHA
to take marine mammals incidental to marine site characterization
surveys offshore of Delaware in the area of the Commercial Lease of
Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy Development on the Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS-A 0519) and along potential submarine cable
routes to a landfall location in Delaware or Maryland. A revised
application was received on August 15, 2019. NMFS deemed that request
to be adequate and complete. Skipjack's request is for the take of 17
marine mammal species by Level B harassment that would occur over the
course of 200 survey days. Neither Skipjack nor NMFS expects serious
injury or mortality to result from this activity and the activity is
expected to last no more than one year, therefore, an IHA is
[[Page 66157]]
Description of the Proposed Activity
Skipjack proposes to conduct marine site characterization surveys,
including high-resolution geophysical (HRG) and geotechnical surveys,
in the area of OCS-A 0519 (Lease Area) and along potential submarine
cable routes to landfall locations in either Delaware or Maryland. The
purpose of the surveys is to obtain a baseline assessment of seabed/
sub-surface soil conditions in the Lease Area and cable route corridors
to support the siting of potential future offshore wind projects.
Underwater sound resulting from Skipjack's surveys has the potential to
result in incidental take of marine mammals in the form of behavioral
harassment (i.e., Level B harassment only).
Skipjack's survey activities are anticipated to be supported by as
many as five total vessels, with as many as three vessels operating
concurrently. Survey vessels would maintain a speed of approximately 4
knots (kn) while transiting survey lines. A maximum of 200 total survey
days are expected to be required to complete the surveys. Skipjack's
geotechnical survey activities are described in detail in the notice of
proposed IHA (84 FR 51118; September 27, 2019). As described in that
notice, the geotechnical survey activities not expected to result in
the take of marine mammals and are therefore not analyzed further in
this document. The HRG survey activities proposed by Skipjack are also
described in detail in the notice of proposed IHA (84 FR 51118;
September 27, 2019). The HRG equipment that may be used by Skipjack are
shown in Table 1.
Table 1--Summary of Geophysical Survey Equipment Proposed for Use by Skipjack
Sound level Sound level
Operating (SLrms dB re 1 (SLpk dB re 1 Pulse duration Repetition
Equipment Source type frequency (kHz) [micro]Pa m) [micro]Pa m) (width) rate (Hz) Beamwidth (degrees)
Shallow Sub-bottom Profilers (Chirps)
Teledyne Benthos Chirp III-- Non-impulsive, 2 to 7.......... 197 -- 5 to 60......... 15 100.
TTV 170. mobile,
EdgeTech SB 216 (2000DS or Non-impulsive, 2 to 16......... 195 -- 20.............. 6 24.
3200 top unit). mobile, 2 to 8..........
EdgeTech 424................. Non-impulsive, 4 to 24......... 176 -- 3.4............. 2 71.
EdgeTech 512................. Non-impulsive, 0.7 to 12....... 179 -- 9............... 8 80.
GeoPulse 5430A............... Non-impulsive, 2 to 17......... 196 .............. 50.............. 10 55.
Parametric Sub-bottom Profilers
Innomar SES[dash]2000 Medium Non-impulsive, 85 to 115....... 247 -- 0.07 to 2....... 40-100 1-3.5.
100 SBP. mobile,
Innomar SES[dash]2000 Non-impulsive, 85 to 115....... 236 -- 0.07 to 2....... 60 1-3.5.
Standard & Plus. mobile,
Innomar SES[dash]2000 Medium Non-impulsive, 60 to 80........ 241 -- 0.1 to 2.5...... 40 1-3.5.
70. mobile,
Innomar SES[dash]2000 Quattro Non-impulsive, 85 to 115....... 245 -- 0.07 to 1....... 60 1-3.5.
Medium Sub-bottom Profilers (Sparkers & Boomers)
GeoMarine Geo-Source 800J Impulsive, 0.05 to 5....... 203 213 3.4............. 0.41 Omni.
Sparker. Mobile.
GeoMarine Geo-Source 600J Impulsive, 0.2 to 5........ 201 212 5.0............. 0.41 Omni.
Sparker. Mobile.
GeoMarine Geo-Source 400J Impulsive, 0.2 to 5........ 195 208 7.2............. 0.41 Omni.
Sparker. Mobile.
GeoResource 800J Sparker Impulsive, 0.05 to 5....... 203 213 3.4............. 0.41 Omni.
System. Mobile.
Applied Acoustics Duraspark Impulsive, 0.3 to 1.2...... 203 211 1.1............. 0.4 Omni.
400. Mobile.
Applied Acoustics triple Impulsive, 0.1 to 5........ 205 211 0.6............. 3 80.
plate S[dash]Boom (700-1000 Mobile.
Joules) \1\.
Acoustic Corers
PanGeo (LF Chirp)............ Non-impulsive, 2 to 6.5........ 177.5 -- 4.5............. 0.06 73.
[[Page 66158]]
PanGeo (HF Chirp)............ Non-impulsive, 4.5 to 12.5..... 177.5 -- 4.5............. 0.06 73.
Pangeo Parametric Sonar \5\.. Non-impulsive, 90 to 115....... 239 -- 0.25............ 40 3.5.
Positioning Systems
Sonardyne Ranger 2-- Non-impulsive, 19 to 34........ 194 -- 5............... 1 Omni.
Transponder. mobile,
Sonardyne Ranger 2 USBL HPT Non-impulsive, 19 to 34........ 194 -- 5............... 1 Not Reported.
3000/5/7000 Transceiver. mobile,
Sonardyne Scout Pro Non-impulsive, 35 to 50........ 188 -- 5............... 3 Not Reported.
Transponder. mobile,
IxSea GAPS Beacon System..... Non-impulsive, 8-16............ 188 .............. 12.............. 1 Omni.
Easytrak Nexus 2 USBL Non-impulsive, 18 to 32........ 192 .............. 5............... 2 Omni.
Transceiver. mobile,
Kongsberg HiPAP 501/502 USBL Non-impulsive, 27-30.5......... 190 .............. 2............... 1 15.
Tranceiver. mobile,
EdgeTech BATS II Transponder. Non-impulsive, 17 to 30........ Not Reported .............. 5............... 3 Not Reported.
Multi-beam Echosounders and Side Scan Sonar
Reson SeaBat 7125 Multibeam Non-impulsive, 200 or 400...... 220 -- 0.03 to 0.3..... -- --
Echosounder. mobile,
RESON 700.................... Non-impulsive, 200 or 400...... 162 -- 0.33............ -- --
R2SONIC...................... Non-impulsive, 200 or 400...... 162 -- 0.11............ -- --
Klein 3900 SSS............... Non-impulsive, >445 kHz........ 242 -- 0.025........... -- --
EdgeTech 4000 & 4125 SSS..... Non-impulsive, 410 kHz......... 225 -- 10.............. -- --
EdgeTech 4200 SSS............ Non-impulsive, >300 kHz........ 215 -- 0.025........... -- --
-- = not applicable or reportable; dB re 1 [micro]Pa m = decibel reference to 1 micropascal meter; GAPS = Global Acoustic Positioning System; HF = high-
frequency; LF = low-frequency; omni = omnidirectional source; SL = source level; SLpk = peak source level (expressed as dB re 1 [micro]Pa m); SLrms =
root-mean-square source level (expressed as dB re 1 [micro]Pa m); SSS = side scan sonar; USBL = ultra-short baseline.
\4\ Crocker and Fratantonio (2016) provide S-boom measurements using two different power sources (CSP-D700 and CSP-N). The CSP-D700 power source was
used in the 700J measurements but not in the 1000J measurements. The CSP-N source was measured for both 700J and 1000J operations but resulted in a
lower source levels; therefore the single maximum source level value was used for both operational levels of the S-boom.
\5\ The Pangeo acoustic corer parametric sonar was scanned out of further analysis due to high frequency content, operational beam width of less than
eight degrees, and stationary operational position of less than 3.5 m above the seabed (Pangeo, 2018).
Of the potential HRG survey equipment planned for use, NMFS
determined the multi-beam echosounders, side-scan sonars, and acoustic
corers do not have the potential to result in the harassment of marine
mammals because these sources are either outside the functional hearing
ranges of marine mammals or do not result in sound that is expected to
propagate to distances that would result in harassment. Therefore,
these equipment types are not analyzed further in this document. All
other HRG equipment types planned for use by Skipjack as shown in Table
1 are expected to have the potential to result in the harassment of
marine mammals and are therefore carried forward in the analysis.
As described above, detailed description of Skipjack's planned
surveys is provided in the notice of proposed IHA (84 FR 51118;
September 27, 2019). Since that time, no changes have been made to the
activities. Therefore, a detailed description is not provided here.
Please refer to that notice for the detailed description of the
specified activity. Mitigation, monitoring, and reporting measures are
described in detail later in this document (please see ``Mitigation''
and ``Monitoring and Reporting'').
Comments and Responses
A notice of proposed IHA was published in the Federal Register on
September 27, 2019 (84 FR 51118). During the 30-day public comment
period, NMFS received comment letters from: (1) The Marine Mammal
[[Page 66159]]
Commission (Commission); (2) a group of environmental non-governmental
organizations (ENGOs) including the Natural Resources Defense Council,
Conservation Law Foundation, National Wildlife Federation, Defenders of
Wildlife, WDC North America, NY4WHALES, Surfrider Foundation, Mass
Audubon, International Marine Mammal Project of the Earth Island
Institute, and Wildlife Conservation Society; and (3) a member of the
general public. NMFS has posted the comments online at:
www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/incidental-take-authorizations-other-energy-activities-renewable. The comment we
received from the general public was supportive of issuance of the IHA.
A summary of the public comments received from the Commission and the
ENGOs and NMFS' responses to those comments are below.
Comment 1: The Commission recommended that NMFS engage in various
efforts to ensure consistency in aspects of the MMPA incidental take
authorization process associated with this and similar specified
activities (e.g., site characterization surveys in service of placement
of wind energy facilities), including guidance related to
methodological and signal processing standards, guidance and tools
regarding sound propagation modeling for use by action proponents that
conduct HRG surveys.
Response: NMFS appreciates the Commission's interest in these
issues and will evaluate the need for and appropriate development of
guidance and tools.
Comment 2: The Commission recommended that NMFS include the
relevant inputs (i.e., source level, weighting factor adjustment,
source velocity, pulse duration, and repetition rate) used to estimate
the Level A harassment zones for all sources proposed for use by the
action proponents in Federal Register notices.
Response: NMFS strives to provide all information relevant to
modeling isopleth distances associated with sound sources used to
estimate marine mammal exposures. In this instance there were numerous
potential sound sources which NMFS determined are unlikely to have the
potential to result in Level A harassment and were not ultimately
relevant to marine mammal exposure modeling, therefore we provided the
inputs that were potentially relevant to the exposure modeling and that
were used for the take estimate.
Comment 3: The Commission recommended that NMFS implement a 50-m
Level B harassment zone for Skipjack's proposed survey based on an
assumption that in-situ measurements and resulting data collected for
sparkers is accurate and should be relied upon for modeling HRG
sources. The Commission also recommended that NMFS deem sound sources
de minimus in a consistent manner for all proposed IHAs and
rulemakings, and that, given the relatively small sizes of Level B
harassment zones, NMFS consider whether IHAs are necessary for HRG
surveys given proposed shutdown requirements and the added protection
afforded by lease-stipulated exclusion zones.
Response: NMFS supports the collection of sound field verification
data on HRG sources and will consider using these data in exposure
estimates when it is deemed reliable. At this time, NMFS has determined
the available data from sound field verification studies on directional
HRG sources is not reliable, but we will review sound field
verification data collected from omni-directional sources on a case by
case basis. However, NMFS has concerns with the reliability of some of
the sound field verification data that has been submitted previously
for omni-directional sources, therefore we are not willing to make
categorical assumptions about sound propagation distances associated
with these equipment types based on this previously submitted data.
NMFS has developed an interim method for determining the rms sound
pressure level (SPLrms) at the 160-dB isopleth HRG survey
equipment that incorporates frequency and some directionality to refine
estimated ensonified zones (this method is described in greater detail
in the Take Estimate section, below). NMFS provided this method to
Skipjack and Skipjack used this method to model isopleth distances to
the Level B harassment threshold for HRG sources (both directional and
omni-directional). NMFS believes this remains a sound and conservative
approach until data from sound field verification studies for HRG
sources can be relied upon consistently. NMFS will continue to base its
analyses of modeling of HRG sound sources on the best available
NMFS agrees that sound sources should be analyzed in a consistent
manner and agrees that sources determined to result in de minimis
impact should generally be considered unlikely to result in take under
the MMPA. As an example, NMFS has determined that most types of
geotechnical survey equipment are generally unlikely to result in the
incidental take of marine mammals (in the absence of site-specific or
species-specific circumstances that may warrant additional analysis).
NMFS has not made such a determination with respect to HRG sources. As
NMFS has not made a determination that sound from all HRG sources would
be considered de minimis we cannot rule out the potential for these
sources to result in the incidental take of marine mammals.
Comment 4: The Commission recommended that NMFS include a
requirement for Skipjack to provide marine mammal observational
datasheets or raw sightings data in its draft and final monitoring
Response: NMFS agrees with the Commission's recommendation and has
incorporated this requirement in the IHA.
Comment 5: The Commission recommended that NMFS refrain from using
the proposed IHA renewal process and that, if NMFS intends to use the
renewal process frequently or for authorizations that require a more
complex review or for which much new information has been generated,
that NMFS provide the Commission and other reviewers 30 days to
Response: As described in the Federal Register notice for the
proposed IHA and on NMFS' website where information on all MMPA
incidental take authorization processes is provided, requests for IHA
renewals are appropriate only in limited and well-defined
circumstances. NMFS does not anticipate many projects that would meet
all the criteria for a renewal. Nonetheless, information about the
renewal process and the opportunity to comment on a potential renewal
is included in every notice of a proposed IHA because NMFS cannot
predetermine who may seek or qualify for a renewal. Under section
101(a)(5)(D), it is up to an applicant to request incidental harassment
authorization; NMFS includes information about the potential renewal
process in all proposed IHAs because it is at least initially up to the
applicant to decide whether they want to seek qualification for a
renewal IHA. NMFS has also explained that the possibility of a renewal
must be included in the notice of the initial proposed IHA for the
agency to consider a renewal request, for the purpose of providing
adequate opportunity for public comment on the project during the 30-
day comment period on the appropriateness of, and any information
pertinent to, a renewal. Where the commenter has likely already
reviewed and commented on the initial proposed IHA and a potential
renewal for these same activities, activities by the same
[[Page 66160]]
IHA holder in the same geographic area, the abbreviated additional
comment period is sufficient for consideration of the results of the
preliminary monitoring report and new information (if any) from the
past months.
NMFS' purpose in providing for renewal is two-fold. First and
foremost, the efficiencies in dealing with these simple, low-impact
projects (which have already been fully described and analyzed in the
initial IHA) frees up limited staff resources to increase focus on more
complex and impactful projects and improves our ability to conserve and
protect marine mammals by even better evaluating and utilizing new
science, evolving technologies, and potential new mitigation measures.
In addition, while the agency has always striven for efficiency in
regulatory processes, recent directives have called for agencies to put
processes in place that reduce regulatory timelines and the regulatory
burden on the public. The renewal process reduces the effort needed by
both applicants and NMFS staff for simple, relatively low impact
projects with little to no uncertainty regarding effects that have
already been fully analyzed by the agency and considered by the
public--with no reduction in protection to marine mammals.
NMFS has taken a number of steps to ensure the public has adequate
notice, time, and information to be able to comment effectively on
renewal IHAs. Federal Register notices for proposed initial IHAs
identify the conditions under which a one-year renewal IHA could be
appropriate. This information would have been presented in the Request
for Public Comments section, which encouraged submission of comments on
a potential one-year Renewal in addition to the initial IHA during the
initial 30-day comment period. With renewal limited to another year of
identical or nearly identical activity in the same location or a subset
of the initial activity that was not completed, this information about
the renewal process and the project-specific information provided in
the Federal Register notice provides reviewers with the information
needed to provide information and comment on both the initial IHA and a
potential renewal for the project. Thus reviewers interested in
submitting comments on a proposed renewal during the additional 15-day
comment period will have already reviewed the activities, the species
and stocks affected, and the mitigation and monitoring measures, which
will not change from the IHA issued, and the anticipated effects of
those activities on marine mammals and provided their comments and any
information pertinent to a possible renewal during the initial 30-day
comment period. When we receive a request for a renewal IHA, if the
project is appropriate for a renewal we will publish notice of the
proposed IHA renewal in the Federal Register and provide the additional
15 days for public comment to allow review of the additional documents
(preliminary monitoring report, renewal request, and proposed renewal),
which should just confirm that the activities have not changed (or only
minor changes), commit to continue the same mitigation and monitoring
measures, and document that monitoring does not indicate any impacts of
a scale or nature not previously analyzed.
In addition, to minimize any burden on reviewers, NMFS will
directly contact all commenters on the initial IHA by email, phone, or,
if the commenter did not provide email or phone information, by postal
service to provide them direct notice about the opportunity to submit
any additional comments.
Comment 6: The ENGOs expressed concern that the IHA renewal process
discussed in the notice of proposed IHA is inconsistent with the
statutory requirements contained in section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA.
The ENGOs asserted that IHAs can be valid for not more than one year
and both commenters stated that 30 days for comment, including on
Renewal IHAs, is required.
Response: NMFS' IHA Renewal process meets all statutory
requirements. All IHAs issued, whether an initial IHA or a renewal IHA,
are valid for a period of not more than one year, and the public has at
least 30 days to comment on all proposed IHAs, with a cumulative total
of 45 days for IHA renewals. One commenter characterized the agency's
request for comments as seeking comment on the renewal process and the
proposed IHA, but the request for comments was not so limited. While
there will be additional documents submitted with a renewal request,
for a qualifying renewal these will be limited to documentation that
NMFS will make available and use to verify that the activities are
identical to those in the initial IHA, are nearly identical such that
the changes would have either no effect on impacts to marine mammals or
decrease those impacts, or are a subset of activities already analyzed
and authorized but not completed under the initial IHA. NMFS will also
confirm, among other things, that the activities will occur in the same
location; involve the same species and stocks; provide for continuation
of the same mitigation, monitoring, and reporting requirements; and
that no new information has been received that would alter the prior
analysis. The renewal request will also contain a preliminary
monitoring report, but that is to verify that effects from the
activities do not indicate impacts of a scale or nature not previously
analyzed. The additional 15-day public comment period provides the
public an opportunity to review these few documents, provide any
additional pertinent information and comment on whether they think the
criteria for a renewal have been met. Between the initial 30-day
comment period on these same activities and the additional 15 days, the
total comment period for a renewal is 45 days.
In addition to the IHA renewal process being consistent with all
requirements under section 101(a)(5)(D), it is also consistent with
Congress' intent for issuance of IHAs to the extent reflected in
statements in the legislative history of the MMPA. Through the
provision for renewal in the regulations, description of the process
and express invitation to comment on specific potential renewal in the
Request for Public Comments section of each proposed IHA, the
description of the process on NMFS' website, further elaboration on the
process through responses to comments such as these, posting of
substantive documents on the agency's website, and provision of 30 or
45 days for public review and comment on all proposed initial IHAs and
renewal respectively, NMFS has ensured that the public is invited and
encouraged to participate fully in the agency decision-making process.
Comment 7: The ENGOs recommended that a minimum of four PSOs should
be required, following a two-on/two-off rotation, each responsible for
scanning no more than 180[deg] of the EZ at any given time, and that
observation must begin at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of
geophysical survey activity and shall be conducted throughout the time
of geophysical survey activity.
Response: NMFS does not agree with the commenters that a minimum of
four PSOs should be required, following a two-on/two-off rotation, to
meet the MMPA requirement that mitigation must effect the least
practicable adverse impact upon the affected species or stocks and
their habitat. Previous IHAs issued for HRG surveys have required that
a single PSO must be stationed at the highest vantage point and engaged
in general 360-degree scanning during daylight hours. A number of
marine mammal monitoring reports submitted
[[Page 66161]]
to NMFS have demonstrated that project proponents have effectively
employed this approach. However, we note that Skipjack is required by
BOEM lease stipulations to have two PSOs on duty at all times during
surveys that occur during daylight hours. The IHA already requires 30
minutes of pre-clearance observation prior to the commencement of
survey activities.
Comment 8: The ENGOs recommended that NMFS consider any initial
data from State monitoring efforts, passive acoustic monitoring data,
opportunistic marine mammal sightings data, and other data sources, and
to take steps now to develop a dataset that reflects marine mammal
presence so that it is in hand for future IHA authorizations.
Response: NMFS has used the best available scientific information
in this IHA to inform our determinations. We will review any
recommended data sources and will continue to use the best available
information. We welcome general input on data sources, even outside the
comment period for a particular IHA, may be of use in analyzing the
potential presence and movement patterns of marine mammals, including
North Atlantic right whales, in Mid-Atlantic waters.
Comment 9: The ENGOs recommended that NMFS include more information
on the geographic location and timing of surveys and factor this
information in the take analysis.
Response: NMFS includes as much information in take analyses and in
notices of proposed IHAs on location and seasonality of activities as
is available to us, and has done so in this case.
Comment 10: The ENGOs recommended that all vessels operating within
the survey area, including support vessels, should maintain a speed of
10 knots or less during the entire survey period including those
vessels transiting to/from the survey area.
Response: NMFS has analyzed the potential for ship strike resulting
from Skipjack's activity and has determined that the mitigation
measures specific to ship strike avoidance are sufficient to avoid the
potential for ship strike. These include: A requirement that all vessel
operators comply with 10 knot or less speed restrictions in any
Seasonal Management Area (SMA) or Dynamic Management Area (DMA); a
requirement that all vessel operators reduce vessel speed to 10 knots
or less when any large whale, any mother/calf pairs, pods, or large
assemblages of non-delphinoid cetaceans are observed within 100-m of an
underway vessel; a requirement that all survey vessels maintain a
separation distance of 500-m or greater from any sighted North Atlantic
right whale; a requirement that, if underway, vessels must steer a
course away from any sighted North Atlantic right whale at 10 knots or
less until the 500-m minimum separation distance has been established;
and a requirement that, if a North Atlantic right whale is sighted in a
vessel's path, or within 500-m of an underway vessel, the underway
vessel must reduce speed and shift the engine to neutral. We have
determined that these ship strike avoidance measures are sufficient to
ensure the least practicable adverse impact on species or stocks and
their habitat.
Comment 11: The ENGOs recommended that indirect ship strike risk
resulting from habitat displacement should be accounted for in NMFS'
Response: NMFS determined that habitat displacement was not an
expected outcome of the specified activity. As discussed in the notice
of proposed IHA (84 FR 51118; September 27, 2019) we anticipate marine
mammals may temporarily avoid the area of disturbing noise, but this
would be a relatively small area even when multiple vessels are
operating concurrently. The Level B harassment zone was conservatively
estimated to be only 141 m, as described in the Estimated Take section.
Additionally, any potential effects are expected to be short-term,
given the movement of both whales and project vessels and the small
overall area of potential overlap and response. Therefore, habitat
displacement is not reasonably likely to occur.
Comment 12: The ENGOs recommended that NMFS impose a seasonal
restriction on geophysical surveys in the Lease Area from November 1 to
April 30 to reduce potential impacts to North Atlantic right whales.
Response: NMFS appreciates the value of seasonal restrictions under
certain circumstances. However, in this case, we have determined
seasonal restrictions are not warranted. Impacts to right whales from
HRG surveys would be limited to behavioral harassment (i.e., Level B
harassment) in the form of temporary avoidance of the area, responses
that are considered to be of low severity and with no lasting
biological consequences (e.g., Ellison et al., 2012). Based on the best
available information, the highest densities of right whales in the
survey area would be expected from December through March (Roberts et
al., 2018). However, even in those months, densities are relatively low
compared to densities in other areas such as New England (Roberts et
al., 2018). In baseline studies conducted in wind energy areas in the
Mid-Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf from 2012-2014, which included
both aerial and vessel-based surveys, only nine right whales were
observed, all of them south of Skipjack's survey area (Williams et al.,
In addition, Skipjack has committed to adhering to an agreement
with the ENGOs that stipulates certain mitigation measures. This
written agreement was finalized in 2013 and includes a seasonal
restriction on HRG survey activities during what is referred to as the
``red period'' from November 23 through March 21. Thus, from November
23 through March 21, an effective seasonal closure will be in effect.
For HRG surveys that would occur from November 1 through November 22
and from March 22 through April 30 (referred to as the ``yellow
period'') the agreement also requires that Skipjack submit a risk
assessment report to NMFS and BOEM that analyzes the risk to right
whales from planned survey activities during these periods. This risk
assessment report includes an assessment of the potential for right
whale activity during the planned survey, an acoustic assessment of the
specific equipment to be used, and a site specific Marine Mammal
Harassment Avoidance Plan. As of the writing of this document, Skipjack
has submitted the risk assessment for the period November 1 through
November 22, and would submit a risk assessment report for the period
March 22 through April 30 at a later date, should surveys during that
period be required. NMFS has reviewed the risk assessment report for
the period November 1 through November 22, which includes additional
mitigation measures to those required in the IHA, including enhanced
exclusion zones and pre-clearance times for right whales.
Based on the relatively low densities of right whales in the survey
area from November 1 through April 30, the low risk to right whales
from HRG surveys, the voluntary seasonal closure from November 23
through March 21 that Skipjack has committed to, and the mitigation
measures required in the IHA and the additional mitigation measures
Skipjack has committed to in the NGO agreement, NMFS has determined the
seasonal closures recommended by the commenters are not warranted.
Comment 13: The ENGOs recommended that geophysical surveys should
commence, with ramp up, during daylight hours only to maximize
[[Page 66162]]
the probability that marine mammals are detected and confirmed clear of
the exclusion zone and that if a right whale is detected in the EZ at
night and the survey shuts down, the survey should not resume until
daylight hours.
Response: We acknowledge the limitations inherent in detection of
marine mammals at night. However, similar to the discussion above
regarding time-area closures, restricting the ability of the applicant
to ramp-up surveys only during daylight hours would have the potential
to result in lengthy shutdowns of the survey equipment, which could
result in the applicant failing to collect the data they have
determined is necessary, which could result in the need to conduct
additional surveys the following year. This would result in
significantly increased costs incurred by the applicant. Thus the
restriction suggested by the commenters would not be practicable for
the applicant to implement. In addition, potential impacts to marine
mammals from this survey will be limited to short-term behavioral
responses. Restricting surveys in the manner suggested by the
commenters may reduce marine mammal exposures by some degree in the
short term, but would not result in any significant reduction in either
intensity or duration of noise exposure. No injury is expected to
result even in the absence of mitigation, given the very small
estimated Level A harassment zones. In the event that NMFS imposed the
restriction suggested by the commenters, vessels would potentially be
on the water for a longer period of time. Therefore, in addition to
practicability concerns for the applicant, the restrictions recommended
by the commenters could result in greater overall exposure to sound by
marine mammals. We also note that Skipjack must have at least one PSO
on duty at night per BOEM lease requirements. Thus, the commenters have
not demonstrated that such a requirement would result in a net benefit.
In consideration of potential effectiveness of the recommended measure
and its practicability for the applicant, NMFS has determined that
restricting survey start-ups to daylight hours is not warranted in this
Comment 14: The ENGOs stated that is incumbent upon the agency to
address potential impacts to other endangered and protected whale
species, particularly in light of the UMEs declared for right whales,
humpback whales and minke whales, as well as the several strategic and/
or depleted stocks of small cetaceans that inhabit the region.
Response: NMFS acknowledges the ongoing UMEs for minke whales,
north Atlantic right whales, humpback whales and pinnipeds and we
discuss the potential impacts of Skipjack's surveys on species for
which UMEs have been declared and for which take is authorized in the
Negligible Impact Determination section. Please refer to that
Comment 15: The ENGOs recommended that the minimum radii of EZs
should be increased to ensure a 500-m EZ for all marine mammals and an
extended 1,000 m-EZ for North Atlantic right whales. Additionally, the
ENGOs recommended that survey activity should be shut down upon the
visual or acoustic detection of a North Atlantic right whale.
Response: Regarding the recommendation for a 1,000 m EZ
specifically for North Atlantic right whales, we have determined that
the 500-m EZ, as required in the IHA, is sufficiently protective. We
note that the 500-m EZ exceeds--by more than three times--the modeled
distance to the largest Level B harassment isopleth distance (141 m).
Thus, for North Atlantic right whales detected by PSOs, all forms of
incidental take would be avoided. For the same reason, we are not
requiring shutdown if a right whale is observed beyond 500-m.
Similarly, the recommended 500-m EZ for other species is overly
conservative given the 141 m modeled isopleth distance to the Level B
harassment threshold.
Comment 16: The ENGOs recommended that NMFS require all project
vessel operators to report sightings of living North Atlantic right
whales and all sightings of dead, injured, or entangled whales,
regardless of species.
Response: NMFS agrees with the recommendation to report all right
whale sightings to NMFS and has incorporated this requirement in the
IHA. The IHA already includes a requirement to report all observations
of dead, injured, or entangled whales to NMFS.
Comment 17: The ENGOs recommended that a combination of visual
monitoring by PSOs and passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) should be used
at all times.
Response: There are several reasons why we do not think the use of
PAM is warranted. NMFS agrees that PAM can be an important tool for
augmenting detection capabilities in certain circumstances, however,
its utility in further reducing impact for Skipjack's HRG survey
activities is very limited. First, for this activity, the area expected
to be ensonified above the Level B harassment threshold is relatively
small (a maximum of 141 m as described in the Estimated Take section).
PAM is only capable of detecting animals that are actively vocalizing,
while many marine mammal species vocalize infrequently or during
certain activities, which means that only a subset of the animals
within the range of the PAM would be detected (and potentially have
reduced impacts). Additionally, localization and range detection can be
challenging under certain scenarios. For example, odontocetes are fast
moving and often travel in large or dispersed groups which makes
localization difficult. In addition, the ability of PAM to detect
baleen whale vocalizations is further limited due to being deployed
from the stern of a vessel, which puts the PAM hydrophones in proximity
to propeller noise and low frequency engine noise which can mask the
low frequency sounds emitted by baleen whales, including right whales.
Given that the effects to marine mammals from the types of surveys
authorized in this IHA are expected to be limited to low level
behavioral harassment even in the absence of mitigation, the limited
additional benefit anticipated by adding this detection method
(especially for right whales and other low frequency cetaceans), and
the cost and impracticability of implementing a PAM program, we have
determined the current requirements for visual monitoring are
sufficient to ensure the least practicable adverse impact on the
affected species or stocks and their habitat.
Comment 18: The ENGOs commented that the operation of up to three
survey vessels at any one time across a relatively limited geographic
area presents a significant potential for cumulative disturbance during
the North Atlantic right whale's primary migratory period and that NMFS
should analyze the cumulative impacts from Skipjack's survey activities
on North Atlantic right whales and other protected species.
Response: The MMPA grants exceptions to its broad take prohibition
for a ``specified activity.'' 16 U.S.C. 1371(a)(5)(A)(i). Cumulative
impacts (also referred to as cumulative effects) is a term that appears
in the context of NEPA and the ESA, but it is defined differently in
those contexts. Neither the MMPA nor NMFS' codified implementing
regulations address consideration of other unrelated activities and
their impacts on populations. However, the preamble for NMFS'
implementing regulations (54 FR 40338; September 29, 1989) states in
[[Page 66163]]
response to comments that the impacts from other past and ongoing
anthropogenic activities are to be incorporated into the negligible
impact analysis via their impacts on the environmental baseline.
Accordingly, NMFS here has factored into its negligible impact analyses
the impacts of other past and ongoing anthropogenic activities via
their impacts on the baseline (e.g., as reflected in the density/
distribution and status of the species, population size and growth
rate, and other relevant stressors (such as incidental mortality in
commercial fisheries)).
Comment 19: The ENGOs recommended that NMFS fund analyses of
recently collected sighting and acoustic data for all data-holders and
continue to fund and expand surveys and studies to improve our
understanding of distribution and habitat use of marine mammals.
Response: We agree with the ENGOs that analyses of recently
collected sighting and acoustic data, as well as continued marine
mammal surveys, are warranted. We welcome the opportunity to
participate in fora where implications of such data for potential
mitigation measures would be discussed; however, we do not have broad
statutory authority or the ability to require that all ``data-holders''
fund such analyses and surveys. Additionally, NMFS will fund pertinent
surveys based on agency priorities and budgetary considerations.
Changes From the Proposed IHA to Final IHA
As described above, the following additions to reporting
requirements have been incorporated in the IHA based on comments
received during the public comment period:
Vessel operators must report sightings of North Atlantic
right whales to NMFS; and
Marine mammal observational datasheets or raw sightings
data must be provided in the draft and final monitoring report.
Description of Marine Mammals in the Area of Specified Activity
Sections 3 and 4 of the IHA application summarize available
information regarding status and trends, distribution and habitat
preferences, and behavior and life history, of the potentially affected
species. Additional information regarding population trends and threats
may be found in NMFS' Stock Assessment Reports (SARs;
www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/marine-mammal-stock-assessments) and more general information about these species
(e.g., physical and behavioral descriptions) may be found on NMFS'
website (www.fisheries.noaa.gov/find-species).
Table 2 summarizes information related to the population or stock,
including regulatory status under the MMPA and ESA and potential
biological removal (PBR), where known. For taxonomy, we follow
Committee on Taxonomy (2018). PBR is defined by the MMPA as the maximum
number of animals, not including natural mortalities, that may be
removed from a marine mammal stock while allowing that stock to reach
or maintain its optimum sustainable population (as described in NMFS'
SARs). While no mortality is anticipated or authorized here, PBR is
included here as a gross indicator of the status of the species and
other threats.
Marine mammal abundance estimates presented in this document
represent the total number of individuals that make up a given stock or
the total number estimated within a particular study or survey area.
NMFS' stock abundance estimates for most species represent the total
estimate of individuals within the geographic area, if known, that
comprises that stock. For some species, this geographic area may extend
beyond U.S. waters. All managed stocks in this region are assessed in
NMFS' U.S. Atlantic SARs. All values presented in Table 2 are the most
recent available at the time of publication and are available in the
2018 Atlantic SARs (Hayes et al., 2019), available online at:
Table 2--Marine Mammals Known To Occur in the Survey Area That May Be Affected by Skipjack's Proposed Activity
MMPA and ESA Stock abundance
status; (CV, Nmin, most Predicted Annual M/ Expected occurrence
Common name (scientific name) Stock strategic (Y/ recent abundance abundance (CV) PBR \4\ SI \4\ in survey area
N) \1\ survey) \2\ \3\
Toothed Whales (Odontoceti)
Sperm whale (Physeter North Atlantic..... E; Y 2,288 (0.28; 1,815; 5,353 (0.12) 3.6 0.8 Rare.
macrocephalus). n/a).
Killer whale (Orcinus orca)..... W North Atlantic... --; N Unknown (n/a; n/a; 11 (0.82) Undet. 0 Rare.
Long-finned pilot whale W North Atlantic... --; N 5,636 (0.63; 3,464; \5\ 18,977 (0.11) 35 27 Uncommon.
(Globicephala melas). n/a).
Short-finned pilot whale W North Atlantic... --; N 28,924 (0.24; \5\ 18,977 (0.11) 236 168 Rare.
(Globicephala macrorhynchus). 23,637; n/a).
Atlantic white-sided dolphin W North Atlantic... --; N 48,819 (0.61; 37,180 (0.07) 304 30 Common.
(Lagenorhynchus acutus). 30,403; n/a).
Atlantic spotted dolphin W North Atlantic... --; N 44,715 (0.43; 55,436 (0.32) 316 0 Common.
(Stenella frontalis). 31,610;.
Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops W North Atlantic --; N 6,639 (0.41; 4,759; \5\ 97,476 (0.06) 48 unknown Common.
truncatus). Coastal Migratory. 2015).
Common dolphin \6\ (Delphinus W North Atlantic... --; N 173,486 (0.55; 86,098 (0.12) 557 406 Common.
delphis). 55,690; 2011).
Risso's dolphin (Grampus W North Atlantic... --; N 18,250 (0.46; 7,732 (0.09) 126 49.9 Rare.
griseus). 12,619; 2011).
Harbor porpoise (Phocoena Gulf of Maine/Bay --; N 79,833 (0.32; * 45,089 (0.12) 706 255 Common.
phocoena). of Fundy. 61,415; 2011).
[[Page 66164]]
Baleen Whales (Mysticeti)
North Atlantic right whale W North Atlantic... E; Y 451 (0; 455; n/a).. \7\ 411 (n/a) 0.9 56 Year round in
(Eubalaena glacialis). continental shelf
and slope waters,
occur seasonally.
Humpback whale \8\ (Megaptera Gulf of Maine...... --; N 896 (0.42; 239; n/ * 1,637 (0.07) 14.6 9.8 Common year round.
novaeangliae). a).
Fin whale \6\ (Balaenoptera W North Atlantic... E; Y 3,522 (0.27; 1,234; 4,633 (0.08) 2.5 2.5 Year round in
physalus). n/a). continental shelf
and slope waters,
occur seasonally.
Sei whale (Balaenoptera Nova Scotia........ E; Y 357 (0.52; 236; n/ * 717 (0.30) 0.5 0.6 Year round in
borealis). a). continental shelf
and slope waters,
occur seasonally.
Minke whale \6\ (Balaenoptera Canadian East Coast --; N 20,741 (0.3; 1,425; * 2,112 (0.05) 14 7.5 Year round in
acutorostrata). n/a). continental shelf
and slope waters,
occur seasonally.
Earless Seals (Phocidae)
Gray seal \8\ (Halichoerus W North Atlantic... --; N 27,131 (0.10; 505,000 (n/a) 1,389 5,688 Uncommon.
grypus). 25,908; n/a).
Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina).... W North Atlantic... --; N 75,834 (0.15; 75,834 (0.15) 2,006 345 Uncommon.
66,884; 2012).
\1\ ESA status: Endangered (E), Threatened (T)/MMPA status: Depleted (D). A dash (--) indicates that the species is not listed under the ESA or
designated as depleted under the MMPA. Under the MMPA, a strategic stock is one for which the level of direct human-caused mortality exceeds PBR (see
footnote 3) or which is determined to be declining and likely to be listed under the ESA within the foreseeable future. Any species or stock listed
under the ESA is automatically designated under the MMPA as depleted and as a strategic stock.
\2\ Stock abundance as reported in NMFS marine mammal stock assessment reports (SAR) except where otherwise noted. SARs available online at:
www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/marine-mammal-stock-assessments. CV is coefficient of variation; Nmin is the minimum estimate
of stock abundance. In some cases, CV is not applicable. For certain stocks, abundance estimates are actual counts of animals and there is no
associated CV. The most recent abundance survey that is reflected in the abundance estimate is presented; there may be more recent surveys that have
not yet been incorporated into the estimate. All values presented here are from the 2018 Atlantic SARs.
\3\ This information represents species- or guild-specific abundance predicted by recent habitat-based cetacean density models (Roberts et al., 2016,
2017, 2018) (with the exception of North Atlantic right whales and pinnipeds--see footnotes 7 and 9 below). These models provide the best available
scientific information regarding predicted density patterns of cetaceans in the U.S. Atlantic Ocean, and we provide the corresponding abundance
predictions as a point of reference. Total abundance estimates were produced by computing the mean density of all pixels in the modeled area and
multiplying by its area. For those species marked with an asterisk (*), the available information supported development of either two or four seasonal
models; each model has an associated abundance prediction. Here, we report the maximum predicted abundance.
\4\ Potential biological removal, defined by the MMPA as the maximum number of animals, not including natural mortalities, that may be removed from a
marine mammal stock while allowing that stock to reach or maintain its optimum sustainable population size (OSP). Annual M/SI, found in NMFS' SARs,
represent annual levels of human-caused mortality plus serious injury from all sources combined (e.g., commercial fisheries, subsistence hunting, ship
strike). Annual M/SI values often cannot be determined precisely and is in some cases presented as a minimum value. All M/SI values are as presented
in the 2018 SARs.
\5\ Abundance estimates are in some cases reported for a guild or group of species when those species are difficult to differentiate at sea. Similarly,
the habitat-based cetacean density models produced by Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018) are based in part on available observational data which, in
some cases, is limited to genus or guild in terms of taxonomic definition. Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018) produced density models to genus level
for Globicephala spp. produced density models for bottlenose dolphins that do not differentiate between offshore and coastal stocks, and produced
density models for all seals.
\6\ Abundance as reported in the 2007 Canadian Trans-North Atlantic Sighting Survey (TNASS), which provided full coverage of the Atlantic Canadian coast
(Lawson and Gosselin, 2009). Abundance estimates from TNASS were corrected for perception and availability bias, when possible. In general, where the
TNASS survey effort provided superior coverage of a stock's range (as compared with NOAA shipboard survey effort), the resulting abundance estimate is
considered more accurate than the current NMFS abundance estimate (derived from survey effort with inferior coverage of the stock range). NMFS SAR
reports the stock abundance estimate for the common dolphin as 70,184; NMFS SAR reports the stock abundance estimate for the fin whale as 1,618; NMFS
SAR reports the stock abundance estimate for the minke whale as 2,591.
\7\ For the North Atlantic right whale the best available abundance estimate is derived from the 2018 North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium 2018 Annual
Report Card (Pettis et al., 2018).
\8\ 2018 U.S. Atlantic draft SAR for the Gulf of Maine feeding population lists a current abundance estimate of 896 individuals. However, we note that
the estimate is defined on the basis of feeding location alone (i.e., Gulf of Maine) and is therefore likely an underestimate.
\9\ The NMFS stock abundance estimate applies to U.S. population only, however the actual stock abundance is approximately 505,000.
Four marine mammal species that are listed under the Endangered
Species Act (ESA) may be present in the survey area and are included in
the take request: The North Atlantic right whale, fin whale, sei whale,
and sperm whale. We consulted under section 7 of the ESA with the NMFS
Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO) on our authorization
of take for these species; please see the Endangered Species Act
section below.
A detailed description of the species likely to be affected by
Skipjack's surveys, including brief introductions to the species and
relevant stocks as well as available information regarding population
trends and threats, and information regarding local occurrence, were
provided in the notice of proposed IHA (84 FR 51118; September 27,
2019); since that time, we are not aware of any changes in the status
of these species and stocks; therefore, detailed descriptions are not
provided here. Please refer to that notice for these descriptions.
Please also refer to NMFS' website (www.fisheries.noaa.gov/find-species) for generalized species accounts.
Potential Effects of Specified Activities on Marine Mammals and Their
The effects of underwater noise from Skipjack's survey activities
have the potential to result in behavioral harassment of marine mammals
in the vicinity of the survey area. The notice of proposed IHA (84 FR
51118; September 27, 2019) included a discussion of the effects of
anthropogenic noise on marine mammals and the potential effects of
underwater noise from Skipjack's survey activities on marine mammals
and their habitat. That information and
[[Page 66165]]
analysis is incorporated by reference into this final IHA determination
and is not repeated here; please refer to the notice of proposed IHA
(84 FR 51118; September 27, 2019).
Estimated Take
This section provides an estimate of the number of incidental takes
authorized through this IHA, which will inform both NMFS' consideration
of ``small numbers'' and the negligible impact determination.
Level B harassment is the only type of take expected to result from
these activities. Except with respect to certain activities not
pertinent here, section 3(18) of the MMPA defines ``harassment'' as any
act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance, which (i) has the potential to
injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild (Level A
harassment); or (ii) has the potential to disturb a marine mammal or
marine mammal stock in the wild by causing disruption of behavioral
patterns, including, but not limited to, migration, breathing, nursing,
breeding, feeding, or sheltering (Level B harassment).
Authorized takes are by Level B harassment only. Based on the
nature of the activity and the anticipated effectiveness of the
mitigation measures (i.e., exclusion zones and shutdown measures),
discussed in detail below in Mitigation section, Level A harassment is
neither anticipated nor authorized.
As described previously, no mortality is anticipated or authorized
for this activity. Below we describe how the take is estimated.
Generally speaking, we estimate take by considering: (1) Acoustic
thresholds above which NMFS believes the best available science
indicates marine mammals will be behaviorally harassed or incur some
degree of permanent hearing impairment; (2) the area or volume of water
that will be ensonified above these levels in a day; (3) the density or
occurrence of marine mammals within these ensonified areas; and, (4)
and the number of days of activities. We note that while these basic
factors can contribute to a basic calculation to provide an initial
prediction of takes, additional information that can qualitatively
inform take estimates is also sometimes available (e.g., previous
monitoring results or average group size). Below, we describe the
factors considered here in more detail and present the take estimate.
Acoustic Thresholds
Using the best available science, NMFS has developed acoustic
thresholds that identify the received level of underwater sound above
which exposed marine mammals would be reasonably expected to be
behaviorally harassed (equated to Level B harassment) or to incur PTS
of some degree (equated to Level A harassment).
Level B Harassment--Though significantly driven by received level,
the onset of behavioral disturbance from anthropogenic noise exposure
is also informed to varying degrees by other factors related to the
source (e.g., frequency, predictability, duty cycle), the environment
(e.g., bathymetry), and the receiving animals (hearing, motivation,
experience, demography, behavioral context) and can be difficult to
predict (Southall et al., 2007, Ellison et al., 2012). Based on what
the available science indicates and the practical need to use a
threshold based on a factor that is both predictable and measurable for
most activities, NMFS uses a generalized acoustic threshold based on
received level to estimate the onset of behavioral harassment. NMFS
predicts that marine mammals are likely to be behaviorally harassed in
a manner we consider Level B harassment when exposed to underwater
anthropogenic noise above received levels of 160 dB re 1 [mu]Pa (rms)
for impulsive and/or intermittent sources (e.g., impact pile driving)
and 120 dB rms for continuous sources (e.g., vibratory driving).
Skipjack's planned activity includes the use of impulsive sources
(geophysical survey equipment) therefore use of the 120 and 160 dB re 1
[mu]Pa (rms) threshold is applicable.
Level A harassment--NMFS' Technical Guidance for Assessing the
Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing (Version 2.0)
(Technical Guidance, 2018) identifies dual criteria to assess auditory
injury (Level A harassment) to five different marine mammal groups
(based on hearing sensitivity) as a result of exposure to noise from
two different types of sources (impulsive or non-impulsive). The
components of Skipjack's planned activity that may result in the take
of marine mammals include the use of impulsive sources.
These thresholds are provided in Table 3 below. The references,
analysis, and methodology used in the development of the thresholds are
described in NMFS 2018 Technical Guidance, which may be accessed at:
Table 3--Thresholds Identifying the Onset of Permanent Threshold Shift
PTS onset acoustic thresholds * (received level)
Hearing group ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Impulsive Non-impulsive
Low-Frequency (LF) Cetaceans........... Cell 1: Lpk,flat: 219 dB; Cell 2: LE,LF,24h: 199 dB.
LE,LF,24h: 183 dB.
Mid-Frequency (MF) Cetaceans........... Cell 3: Lpk,flat: 230 dB; Cell 4: LE,MF,24h: 198 dB.
LE,MF,24h: 185 dB.
High-Frequency (HF) Cetaceans.......... Cell 5: Lpk,flat: 202 dB; Cell 6: LE,HF,24h: 173 dB.
LE,HF,24h: 155 dB.
Phocid Pinnipeds (PW) (Underwater)..... Cell 7: Lpk,flat: 218 dB; Cell 8: LE,PW,24h: 201 dB.
LE,PW,24h: 185 dB.
Otariid Pinnipeds (OW) (Underwater).... Cell 9: Lpk,flat: 232 dB; Cell 10: LE,OW,24h: 219 dB.
LE,OW,24h: 203 dB.
* Dual metric acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds: Use whichever results in the largest isopleth for
calculating PTS onset. If a non-impulsive sound has the potential of exceeding the peak sound pressure level
thresholds associated with impulsive sounds, these thresholds should also be considered.
Note: Peak sound pressure (Lpk) has a reference value of 1 [micro]Pa, and cumulative sound exposure level (LE)
has a reference value of 1[micro]Pa\2\s. In this Table, thresholds are abbreviated to reflect American
National Standards Institute standards (ANSI 2013). However, peak sound pressure is defined by ANSI as
incorporating frequency weighting, which is not the intent for this Technical Guidance. Hence, the subscript
``flat'' is being included to indicate peak sound pressure should be flat weighted or unweighted within the
generalized hearing range. The subscript associated with cumulative sound exposure level thresholds indicates
the designated marine mammal auditory weighting function (LF, MF, and HF cetaceans, and PW and OW pinnipeds)
and that the recommended accumulation period is 24 hours. The cumulative sound exposure level thresholds could
be exceeded in a multitude of ways (i.e., varying exposure levels and durations, duty cycle). When possible,
it is valuable for action proponents to indicate the conditions under which these acoustic thresholds will be
[[Page 66166]]
Ensonified Area
Here, we describe operational and environmental parameters of the
activity that will feed into identifying the area ensonified above the
acoustic thresholds, which include source levels and transmission loss
The survey would entail the use of HRG equipment. The distance to
the isopleth corresponding to the threshold for Level B harassment was
calculated for all HRG equipment with the potential to result in
harassment of marine mammals. NMFS has developed an interim methodology
for determining the rms sound pressure level (SPLrms) at the
160-dB isopleth for the purposes of estimating take by Level B
harassment resulting from exposure to HRG survey equipment. This
methodology incorporates frequency and some directionality to refine
estimated ensonified zones and is described below:
If only peak source sound pressure level (SPLpk) is
given, the SPLrms can be roughly approximated by
where [tau] is the pulse duration in seconds. If the pulse duration
varies, the longest duration should be used, unless there is certainty
regarding the portion of time a shorter duration will be used, in which
case the result can be calculated/parsed appropriately.
In order to account for the greater absorption of higher frequency
sources, we apply 20 log(r) with an absorption term [alpha][middot]r/
1000 to calculate transmission loss (TL), as described in Eq.s (2) and
(3) below.
where r is the distance in meters, and [alpha] is absorption
coefficient in dB/km.
While the calculation of absorption coefficient varies with
frequency, temperature, salinity, and pH, the largest factor driving
the absorption coefficient is frequency. A simple formula to
approximate the absorption coefficient (neglecting temperature,
salinity, and pH) is provided by Richardson et al. (1995):
where f is frequency in kHz. When a range of frequencies, is being
used, the lower bound of the range should be used for this calculation,
unless there is certainty regarding the portion of time a higher
frequency will be used, in which case the result can be calculated/
parsed appropriately.
Further, if the beamwidth is less than 180[deg] and the angle of
beam axis in respect to sea surface is known, the horizontal impact
distance R should be calculated using
where SL is the SPLrms at the source (1 m), [thgr] is the
beamwidth (in radian), and [phi] is the angle of beam axis in respect
to sea surface (in radian)
Finally, if the beam is pointed at a normal downward direction, Eq.
(4) can be simplified as
The interim methodology described above was used to estimate
isopleth distances to the Level B harassment threshold for the proposed
HRG survey. NMFS considers the data provided by Crocker and Fratantonio
(2016) to represent the best available information on source levels
associated with HRG equipment and therefore recommends that source
levels provided by Crocker and Fratantonio (2016) be incorporated in
the method described above to estimate isopleth distances to the Level
B harassment threshold. In cases when the source level for a specific
type of HRG equipment is not provided in Crocker and Fratantonio
(2016), NMFS recommends that either the source levels provided by the
manufacturer be used, or, in instances where source levels provided by
the manufacturer are unavailable or unreliable, a proxy from Crocker
and Fratantonio (2016) be used instead. Table 1 shows the HRG equipment
types that may be used during the proposed surveys and the sound levels
associated with those HRG equipment types. Table 4 in the IHA
application shows the literature sources for the sound source levels
that are shown in Table 1 and that were incorporated into the modeling
of isopleth distances to the Level B harassment threshold.
Results of modeling using the methodology described above indicated
that, of the HRG survey equipment planned for use by Skipjack that has
the potential to result in harassment of marine mammals, sound produced
by the AA Dura-Spark 400 sparker and the GeoSource 800 J sparker would
propagate furthest to the Level B harassment threshold (Table 4);
therefore, for the purposes of the exposure analysis, it was assumed
the AA Dura-Spark or the GeoSource 800 J would be active during the
entirety of
[[Page 66167]]
the survey. Thus the distance to the isopleth corresponding to the
threshold for Level B harassment for the AA Dura-Spark 400 and the
GeoSource 800 J (estimated at 141 m; Table 4) was used as the basis of
the take calculation for all marine mammals. Note that this is
conservative as Skipjack has stated that for approximately 120 of the
200 total survey days, neither the AA Dura-Spark nor the GeoSource 800
J would be operated, and the sources with smaller associated isopleth
distances to the Level B harassment threshold would be used (Table 4).
Table 4--Modeled Radial Distances From HRG Survey Equipment to Isopleths Corresponding to Level A Harassment and
Level B Harassment Thresholds
Radial distance to Level A harassment threshold (m) * Radial
---------------------------------------------------------------- distance to
Level B
Low frequency Mid frequency High Phocid harassment
Sound source cetaceans cetaceans frequency pinnipeds threshold (m)
(peak SPL/ (peak SPL/ cetaceans (underwater) ---------------
SELcum) SELcum) (peak SPL/ (peak SPL/ All marine
SELcum) SELcum) mammals
Shallow Sub-bottom Profilers
TB Chirp III.................... -/<1 0 -/<1 -/<1 48
ET 216 Chirp.................... -/<1 -/0 -/<1 -/0 9
ET 424 Chirp.................... -/0 -/0 -/0 -/0 4
ET 512i Chirp................... -/0 -/0 -/0 -/0 6
GeoPulse 5430................... -/<1 -/0 -/<1 -/0 21
Parametric Sub-bottom Profilers
Innomar Parametric SBPs......... -/<1 -/<1 -/1.2 -/<1 1
Medium Sub-bottom Profilers
AA Triple plate S-Boom (700/ -/<1 -/0 2.8/0 -/0 34
AA Dura-Spark 400............... -/<1 -/0 2.8/0 -/0 141
GeoSource 400 J Sparker......... -/<1 -/0 2.0/0 -/0 56
GeoSource 600 J Sparker......... -/<1 -/0 3.2/<1 -/<1 112
GeoSource 800 J Sparker......... -/<1 -/0 3.5/<1 -/<1 141
Acoustic Corers
Pangeo Acoustic Corer (LF Chirp) -/<1 -/0 -/<1 -/0 4
Pangeo Acoustic Corer (HF Chirp) -/<1 -/0 -/<1 -/0 4
Acoustic Positioning
USBL and GAPS (all models)...... -/0 -/0 -/<1 -/0 50
* Distances to Level A harassment isopleths were calculated to determine the potential for Level A harassment to
occur. Skipjack has not requested, and NMFS does not propose to authorize, the take by Level A harassment of
any marine mammals.
- = not applicable; AA = Applied Acoustics; CF = Crocker and Fratantonio (2016); ET = EdgeTech; GAPS = Global
Acoustic Positioning System; HF = high-frequency; J = joules; LF = low-frequency; m = meter; MF = mid-
frequency; PW = Phocids in water; SBP = Sub-bottom profilers; SELcum = cumulative sound exposure level; SL =
source level; SPLpk = zero to peak sound pressure level in decibel referenced to 1 micropascal (dB re 1
[micro]Pa); TB = teledyne benthos; USBL = ultra-short baseline.
Predicted distances to Level A harassment isopleths, which vary
based on marine mammal functional hearing groups (Table 4), were also
calculated. The updated acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds (such
as HRG survey equipment) contained in the Technical Guidance (NMFS,
2018) were presented as dual metric acoustic thresholds using both
cumulative sound exposure level (SELcum) and peak sound
pressure level metrics. As dual metrics, NMFS considers onset of PTS
(Level A harassment) to have occurred when either one of the two
metrics is exceeded (i.e., the metric resulting in the largest
isopleth). The SELcum metric considers both level and
duration of exposure, as well as auditory weighting functions by marine
mammal hearing group.
When the NMFS Technical Guidance (2016) was published, in
recognition of the fact that ensonified area/volume could be more
technically challenging to predict because of the duration component in
the new thresholds, we developed a User Spreadsheet that includes tools
to help predict a simple isopleth that can be used in conjunction with
marine mammal density or occurrence to help predict takes. We note that
because of some of the assumptions included in the methods used for
these tools, we anticipate that isopleths produced typically
overestimate Level A harassment. However, these tools offer the best
way to predict appropriate isopleths when more sophisticated 3D
modeling methods are not available, and NMFS continues to develop ways
to quantitatively refine these tools, and will qualitatively address
the output where appropriate. For mobile sources (such as HRG surveys),
the User Spreadsheet predicts the closest distance at which a
stationary animal would incur PTS if the sound source traveled by the
animal in a straight line at a constant speed.
Skipjack used the NMFS optional User Spreadsheet to calculate
distances to Level A harassment isopleths based on SEL and used the
spherical spreading loss model to calculate distances to Level A
[[Page 66168]]
isopleths based on peak SPL. Modeling of distances to isopleths
corresponding to Level A harassment was performed for all types of HRG
equipment proposed for use with the potential to result in harassment
of marine mammals. Isopleth distances to Level A harassment thresholds
for all types of HRG equipment and all marine mammal functional hearing
groups are shown in Table 4. To be conservative, the largest isopleth
distances for each functional hearing group were used to model
potential exposures above the Level A harassment threshold for all
species within that functional hearing group. Inputs to the NMFS
optional User Spreadsheet for the GeoSource 800 J Sparker, which
resulted in the greatest potential isopleth distance to the Level A
harassment threshold for any of the functional hearing groups, are
shown in Table 5.
Table 5--Inputs to the NMFS Optional User Spreadsheet for GeoSource 800
J Sparker
Source Level (RMS SPL)................. 203 dB re 1[mu]Pa.
Source Level (peak).................... 213 dB re 1[mu]Pa.
Weighting Factor Adjustment (kHz)...... 0.05.
Source Velocity (meters/second)........ 2.06.
Pulse Duration (seconds)............... 0.0034.
1/Repetition rate (seconds)............ 2.43.
Duty Cycle............................. 0.00.
Due to the small estimated distances to Level A harassment
thresholds for all marine mammal functional hearing groups, based on
both SELcum and peak SPL (Table 4), and in consideration of
the mitigation measures (see the Mitigation section for more detail),
NMFS has determined that the likelihood of take of marine mammals in
the form of Level A harassment occurring as a result of the survey is
so low as to be discountable, and we therefore do not authorize the
take by Level A harassment of any marine mammals.
Marine Mammal Occurrence
In this section we provide the information about the presence,
density, or group dynamics of marine mammals that will inform the take
The habitat-based density models produced by the Duke University
Marine Geospatial Ecology Laboratory (Roberts et al., 2016, 2017, 2018)
represent the best available information regarding marine mammal
densities in the survey area. The density data presented by Roberts et
al. (2016, 2017, 2018) incorporates aerial and shipboard line-transect
survey data from NMFS and other organizations and incorporates data
from 8 physiographic and 16 dynamic oceanographic and biological
covariates, and controls for the influence of sea state, group size,
availability bias, and perception bias on the probability of making a
sighting. These density models were originally developed for all
cetacean taxa in the U.S. Atlantic (Roberts et al., 2016). In
subsequent years, certain models have been updated on the basis of
additional data as well as certain methodological improvements.
Although these updated models (and a newly developed seal density
model) are not currently publicly available, our evaluation of the
changes leads to a conclusion that these represent the best scientific
evidence available. More information, including the model results and
supplementary information for each model, is available online at
seamap.env.duke.edu/models/Duke-EC-GOM-2015/. Marine mammal density
estimates in the project area (animals/km\2\) were obtained using these
model results (Roberts et al., 2016, 2017, 2018). The updated models
incorporate additional sighting data, including sightings from the NOAA
Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (AMAPPS)
surveys from 2010-2014 (NEFSC & SEFSC, 2011, 2012, 2014a, 2014b, 2015,
For purposes of the exposure analysis, density data from Roberts et
al. (2016, 2017, 2018) were mapped using a geographic information
system (GIS). The density coverages that included any portion of the
survey area were selected for all survey months (see Figure 4 in the
IHA application for an example of density blocks used to determine
monthly marine mammal densities within the project area). Monthly
density data for each species were then averaged over the year to come
up with a mean annual density value for each species. Estimated monthly
and average annual density (animals per km\2\) of all marine mammal
species that may be taken by the survey are shown in Table 8 of the IHA
application. The mean annual density values used to estimate take
numbers are also shown in Table 6 below.
Take Calculation and Estimation
Here we describe how the information provided above is brought
together to produce a quantitative take estimate.
In order to estimate the number of marine mammals predicted to be
exposed to sound levels that would result in harassment, radial
distances to predicted isopleths corresponding to harassment thresholds
are calculated, as described above. Those distances are then used to
calculate the area(s) around the HRG survey equipment predicted to be
ensonified to sound levels that exceed harassment thresholds. The area
estimated to be ensonified to relevant thresholds in a single day is
then calculated, based on areas predicted to be ensonified around the
HRG survey equipment and the estimated trackline distance traveled per
day by the survey vessel. Skipjack estimates that planned surveys will
achieve a maximum daily track line distance of 110 km per day during
planned HRG surveys. This distance accounts for the vessel traveling at
roughly 4 knots and accounts for non-active survey periods. Based on
the maximum estimated distance to the Level B harassment threshold of
141 m (Table 4) and the maximum estimated daily track line distance of
110 km, an area of 31.1 km\2\ would be ensonified to the Level B
harassment threshold per day during Skipjack's planned HRG surveys. As
described above, this is a conservative estimate as it assumes the HRG
sources that result in the greatest isopleth distances to the Level B
harassment threshold would be operated at all times during the 200 day
The number of marine mammals expected to be incidentally taken per
day is then calculated by estimating the number of each species
predicted to occur within the daily ensonified area (animals/km\2\),
incorporating the estimated marine mammal densities as described above.
Estimated numbers of each species taken per day are then multiplied by
the total number of survey days (i.e., 200). The product is then
rounded, to generate an estimate of the total number of instances of
harassment expected for each species over the duration of the survey. A
summary of this method is illustrated in the following formula:
Estimated Take = D x ZOI x # of days
D = average species density (per km\2\) and ZOI = maximum daily
ensonified area to relevant thresholds.
Using this method to calculate take, Skipjack estimated a total of
2 takes by Level A harassment of 1 species (harbor porpoise) would
occur, in the absence of mitigation (see Table 9 in the IHA application
for the estimated number of Level A takes for all potential HRG
equipment types). However, as described above, due to the very small
estimated distances to Level A harassment thresholds (Table 4), and in
consideration of the mitigation measures, the likelihood of the survey
resulting in take in the form of Level A harassment is considered so
low as to be discountable; therefore, we do not
[[Page 66169]]
propose to authorize take of any marine mammals by Level A harassment.
Authorized take numbers are shown in Table 6.
Table 6--Total Numbers of Potential Incidental Take of Marine Mammals Authorized and Authorized Takes as a Percentage of Population
Density Authorized Estimated Authorized authorized
Species (animals/100 takes by Level takes by Level takes by Level Total takes takes as a
km\2\) A harassment B harassment B harassment authorized percentage of
population \1\
Fin whale............................................... 0.00124 0 8 8 8 0.2
Sei whale \2\........................................... 0.00001 0 0 1 1 0.1
Minke whale............................................. 0.00034 0 2 2 2 0.1
Humpback whale.......................................... 0.00053 0 3 3 3 0.2
North Atlantic right whale.............................. 0.00043 0 3 3 3 0.7
Sperm Whale \2\......................................... 0.00004 0 0 3 3 0.1
Atlantic white-sided dolphin \2\........................ 0.00229 0 14 40 40 0.1
Atlantic spotted dolphin \2\............................ 0.00124 0 8 100 100 0.2
Bottlenose dolphin (W. N. Atlantic Coastal Migratory)... 0.2355 0 1,465 1,465 1,465 22.1
Killer whale \2\........................................ 0.00001 0 0 3 3 27.3
Short-finned pilot whale \2\............................ 0.00031 0 2 20 20 0.1
Long-finned pilot whale \2\............................. 0.00031 0 2 20 20 0.1
Risso's dolphin \2\..................................... 0 0 0 30 30 0.4
Common dolphin.......................................... 0.01328 0 83 83 83 0.1
Harbor porpoise......................................... 0.01277 0 79 79 79 0.2
Gray seal............................................... 0.00072 0 4 4 4 0.0
Harbor seal............................................. 0.00072 0 4 4 4 0.0
\1\ Calculations of percentage of stock taken are based on the best available abundance estimate as shown in Table 2. In most cases the best available
abundance estimate is provided by Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018), when available, to maintain consistency with density estimates derived from
Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018). For North Atlantic right whales the best available abundance estimate is derived from the 2018 North Atlantic Right
Whale Consortium 2018 Annual Report Card (Pettis et al., 2018).
\2\ The number of authorized takes (Level B harassment only) for these species has been increased from the estimated take number to mean group size.
Source for group size estimates are as follows: Sei whale: Kenney and Vigness-Raposa (2010); sperm whale: Barkaszi and Kelly (2019); killer whale: de
Bruyn et al. (2013); Risso's dolphin: Kenney and Vigness-Raposa (2010); long-finned and short-finned pilot whale: Olson (2018); Atlantic spotted
dolphin: Herzing and Perrin (2018); Atlantic white-sided dolphin: Cipriano (2018).
Skipjack requested take authorization for three marine mammal
species for which no takes were calculated based on the modeling
approach described above: Killer whale, sei whale and Risso's dolphin.
Though the modeling resulted in estimates of less than 1 take for these
species, Skipjack determined that take of these species is possible due
to low densities in some density blocks and general variability in the
movements of these species. NMFS believes this is reasonable and we
therefore authorize take of these species.
As described above, Roberts et al. (2016, 2017, 2018) produced
density models to genus level for Globicephala spp. and did not
differentiate between long-finned and shortfinned pilot whales.
Similarly, Roberts et al. (2018) produced density models for all seals
and did not differentiate by seal species. The take calculation
methodology as described above resulted in an estimate of 2 pilot whale
takes and 4 seal takes. Based on this estimate, Skipjack requested 2
takes each of short-finned and long-finned pilot whales, and 4 takes
each of harbor and gray seals, based on an assumption that the modeled
takes could occur to either of the respective species. We think this is
a reasonable approach and therefore authorize the take of 4 harbor
seals, 4 gray seals, 2 short-finned pilot whales and 2 long-finned
pilot whales.
Using the take methodology approach described above, the take
estimates for the sei whale, sperm whale, killer whale, Risso's
dolphin, Atlantic white-sided dolphin, spotted dolphin, long-finned and
short-finned pilot whale were less than the average group sizes
estimated for these species (Table 6). However, information on the
social structures of these species indicates these species are likely
to be encountered in groups. Therefore it is reasonable to
conservatively assume that one group of each of these species will be
taken during the survey. We therefore authorize the take of the average
group size for these species to account for the possibility that the
survey encounters a group of any of these species or stocks (Table 6).
In order to issue an IHA under Section 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA,
NMFS must set forth the permissible methods of taking pursuant to such
activity, and other means of effecting the least practicable impact on
such species or stock and its habitat, paying particular attention to
rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of similar significance, and on
the availability of such species or stock for taking for certain
subsistence uses (latter not applicable for this action). NMFS
regulations require applicants for incidental take authorizations to
include information about the availability and feasibility (economic
and technological) of equipment, methods, and manner of conducting such
activity or other means of effecting the least practicable adverse
impact upon the affected species or stocks and their habitat (50 CFR
In evaluating how mitigation may or may not be appropriate to
ensure the least practicable adverse impact on species or stocks and
their habitat, as well as subsistence uses where applicable, we
carefully consider two primary factors:
(1) The manner in which, and the degree to which, the successful
implementation of the measure(s) is expected to reduce impacts to
marine mammals, marine mammal species or stocks, and their habitat.
This considers the nature of the potential adverse impact being
mitigated (likelihood,
[[Page 66170]]
scope, range). It further considers the likelihood that the measure
will be effective if implemented (probability of accomplishing the
mitigating result if implemented as planned), the likelihood of
effective implementation (probability implemented as planned), and;
(2) the practicability of the measures for applicant
implementation, which may consider such things as cost, impact on
operations, and, in the case of a military readiness activity,
personnel safety, practicality of implementation, and impact on the
effectiveness of the military readiness activity.
Mitigation Measures
The following mitigation measures must be implemented during
Skipjack's site characterization surveys.
Marine Mammal Exclusion Zones, Buffer Zone and Monitoring Zone
Marine mammal exclusion zones (EZ) must be established around the
HRG survey equipment and monitored by protected species observers (PSO)
during HRG surveys as follows:
A 500-m EZ for North Atlantic right whales;
A 200 m EZ for all other ESA-listed marine mammals (i.e.,
fin, sei and sperm whales), and
A 100-m EZ for all other marine mammals.
If a marine mammal is detected approaching or entering the EZs
during the survey, the vessel operator would adhere to the shutdown
procedures described below. In addition to the EZs described above,
PSOs must visually monitor a 200-m Buffer Zone. During use of acoustic
sources with the potential to result in marine mammal harassment (i.e.,
anytime the acoustic source is active, including ramp-up), occurrences
of marine mammals within the Buffer Zone (but outside the EZs) must be
communicated to the vessel operator to prepare for potential shutdown
of the acoustic source. The Buffer Zone is not applicable when the EZ
is greater than 100 m. PSOs are required to observe a 500-m Monitoring
Zone and record the presence of all marine mammals within this zone. In
addition, any marine mammals observed within 141 m of the HRG equipment
must be documented by PSOs as taken by Level B harassment. The zones
described above must be based upon the radial distance from the active
equipment (rather than being based on distance from the vessel itself).
Visual Monitoring
A minimum of one NMFS-approved PSO must be on duty and conducting
visual observations at all times during daylight hours (i.e., from 30
minutes prior to sunrise through 30 minutes following sunset) and 30
minutes prior to and during nighttime ramp-ups of HRG equipment. Visual
monitoring must begin no less than 30 minutes prior to ramp-up of HRG
equipment and must continue until 30 minutes after use of the acoustic
source ceases or until 30 minutes past sunset. PSOs must establish and
monitor the applicable EZs, Buffer Zone and Monitoring Zone as
described above. Visual PSOs must coordinate to ensure 360[deg] visual
coverage around the vessel from the most appropriate observation posts,
and must conduct visual observations using binoculars and the naked eye
while free from distractions and in a consistent, systematic, and
diligent manner. PSOs must estimate distances to marine mammals located
in proximity to the vessel and/or relevant using range finders. It is
the responsibility of the Lead PSO on duty to communicate the presence
of marine mammals as well as to communicate and enforce the action(s)
that are necessary to ensure mitigation and monitoring requirements are
implemented as appropriate. Position data must be recorded using hand-
held or vessel global positioning system (GPS) units for each confirmed
marine mammal sighting.
Pre-Clearance of the Exclusion Zones
Prior to initiating HRG survey activities, Skipjack must implement
a 30-minute pre-clearance period. During pre-clearance monitoring
(i.e., before ramp-up of HRG equipment begins), the Buffer Zone must
also act as an extension of the 100 m EZ in that observations of marine
mammals within the 200 m Buffer Zone also precludes HRG operations from
beginning. During this period, PSOs must ensure that no marine mammals
are observed within 200 m of the survey equipment (500 m in the case of
North Atlantic right whales). HRG equipment must not start up until
this 200 m zone (or, 500 m zone in the case of North Atlantic right
whales) is clear of marine mammals for at least 30 minutes. The vessel
operator must notify a designated PSO of the planned start of HRG
survey equipment as agreed upon with the lead PSO; the notification
time must not be less than 30 minutes prior to the planned initiation
of HRG equipment order to allow the PSOs time to monitor the EZs and
Buffer Zone for the 30 minutes of pre-clearance. A PSO conducting pre-
clearance observations must be notified again immediately prior to
initiating active HRG sources.
If a marine mammal is observed within the relevant EZs or Buffer
Zone during the pre-clearance period, initiation of HRG survey
equipment must not begin until the animal(s) has been observed exiting
the respective EZ or Buffer Zone, or, until an additional time period
has elapsed with no further sighting (i.e., minimum 15 minutes for
small odontocetes and seals, and 30 minutes for all other species). The
pre-clearance requirement must include small delphinoids that approach
the vessel (e.g., bow ride). PSOs must also continue to monitor the
zone for 30 minutes after survey equipment is shut down or survey
activity has concluded.
Ramp-Up of Survey Equipment
When technically feasible, a ramp-up procedure must be used for
geophysical survey equipment capable of adjusting energy levels at the
start or re-start of survey activities. The ramp-up procedure should be
used at the beginning of HRG survey activities in order to provide
additional protection to marine mammals near the survey area by
allowing them to detect the presence of the survey and vacate the area
prior to the commencement of survey equipment operation at full power.
Ramp-up of the survey equipment must not begin until the relevant EZs
and Buffer Zone has been cleared by the PSOs, as described above. HRG
equipment must be initiated at their lowest power output and would be
incrementally increased to full power. If any marine mammals are
detected within the EZs or Buffer Zone prior to or during ramp-up, the
HRG equipment must be shut down (as described below).
Shutdown Procedures
If an HRG source is active and a marine mammal is observed within
or entering a relevant EZ (as described above) an immediate shutdown of
the HRG survey equipment is required. When shutdown is called for by a
PSO, the acoustic source must be immediately deactivated and any
dispute resolved only following deactivation. Any PSO on duty will have
the authority to delay the start of survey operations or to call for
shutdown of the acoustic source if a marine mammal is detected within
the applicable EZ. The vessel operator must establish and maintain
clear lines of communication directly between PSOs on duty and crew
controlling the HRG source(s) to ensure that shutdown commands are
conveyed swiftly while
[[Page 66171]]
allowing PSOs to maintain watch. Subsequent restart of the HRG
equipment must only occur after the marine mammal has either been
observed exiting the relevant EZ, or, until an additional time period
has elapsed with no further sighting of the animal within the relevant
EZ (i.e., 15 minutes for small odontocetes and seals, and 30 minutes
for large whales).
Upon implementation of shutdown, the HRG source must be reactivated
after the marine mammal that triggered the shutdown has been observed
exiting the applicable EZ (i.e., the animal is not required to fully
exit the Buffer Zone where applicable), or, following a clearance
period of 15 minutes for small odontocetes and seals and 30 minutes for
all other species with no further observation of the marine mammal(s)
within the relevant EZ. If the HRG equipment shuts down for brief
periods (i.e., less than 30 minutes) for reasons other than mitigation
(e.g., mechanical or electronic failure) the equipment may be re-
activated as soon as is practicable at full operational level, without
30 minutes of pre-clearance, only if PSOs have maintained constant
visual observation during the shutdown and no visual detections of
marine mammals occurred within the applicable EZs and Buffer Zone
during that time. For a shutdown of 30 minutes or longer, or if visual
observation was not continued diligently during the pause, pre-
clearance observation is required, as described above.
The shutdown requirement is waived for certain genera of small
delphinids (i.e., Delphinus, Lagenorhynchus, Stenella, and Tursiops)
under certain circumstances. If a delphinid(s) from these genera is
visually detected approaching the vessel (i.e., to bow ride) or towed
survey equipment, shutdown is not required. If there is uncertainty
regarding identification of a marine mammal species (i.e., whether the
observed marine mammal(s) belongs to one of the delphinid genera for
which shutdown is waived), PSOs must use best professional judgment in
making the decision to call for a shutdown.
If a species for which authorization has not been granted, or, a
species for which authorization has been granted but the authorized
number of takes have been met, approaches or is observed within the
area encompassing the Level B harassment isopleth (141 m), shutdown
must occur.
Vessel Strike Avoidance
Vessel strike avoidance measures include, but are not be limited
to, the following, except under circumstances when complying with these
requirements would put the safety of the vessel or crew at risk:
All vessel operators and crew will maintain vigilant watch
for cetaceans and pinnipeds, and slow down or stop their vessel to
avoid striking these protected species;
All vessel operators will comply with 10 knot (18.5 km/hr)
or less speed restrictions in any SMA and DMA per NOAA guidance;
All vessel operators will reduce vessel speed to 10 knots
(18.5 km/hr) or less when any large whale, any mother/calf pairs, large
assemblages of non-delphinoid cetaceans are observed near (within 100 m
(330 ft)) an underway vessel;
All survey vessels will maintain a separation distance of
500 m (1640 ft) or greater from any sighted North Atlantic right whale;
If underway, vessels must steer a course away from any
sighted North Atlantic right whale at 10 knots (18.5 km/hr) or less
until the 500 m (1640 ft) minimum separation distance has been
established. If a North Atlantic right whale is sighted in a vessel's
path, or within 100 m (330 ft) to an underway vessel, the underway
vessel must reduce speed and shift the engine to neutral. Engines will
not be engaged until the North Atlantic right whale has moved outside
of the vessel's path and beyond 100 m. If stationary, the vessel must
not engage engines until the North Atlantic right whale has moved
beyond 100 m;
All vessels will maintain a separation distance of 100 m
(330 ft) or greater from any sighted non-delphinoid cetacean. If
sighted, the vessel underway must reduce speed and shift the engine to
neutral, and must not engage the engines until the non-delphinoid
cetacean has moved outside of the vessel's path and beyond 100 m. If a
survey vessel is stationary, the vessel will not engage engines until
the non-delphinoid cetacean has moved out of the vessel's path and
beyond 100 m;
All vessels will maintain a separation distance of 50 m
(164 ft) or greater from any sighted delphinoid cetacean. Any vessel
underway remain parallel to a sighted delphinoid cetacean's course
whenever possible, and avoid excessive speed or abrupt changes in
direction. Any vessel underway reduces vessel speed to 10 knots (18.5
km/hr) or less when pods (including mother/calf pairs) or large
assemblages of delphinoid cetaceans are observed. Vessels may not
adjust course and speed until the delphinoid cetaceans have moved
beyond 50 m and/or the abeam of the underway vessel;
All vessels will maintain a separation distance of 50 m
(164 ft) or greater from any sighted pinniped; and
All vessels underway will not divert or alter course in
order to approach any whale, delphinoid cetacean, or pinniped. Any
vessel underway will avoid excessive speed or abrupt changes in
direction to avoid injury to the sighted cetacean or pinniped.
Skipjack must ensure that vessel operators and crew maintain a
vigilant watch for marine mammals by slowing down or stopping the
vessel to avoid striking marine mammals. Project-specific training will
be conducted for all vessel crew prior to the start of survey
activities. Confirmation of the training and understanding of the
requirements will be documented on a training course log sheet. Signing
the log sheet will certify that the crew members understand and will
comply with the necessary requirements throughout the survey
Seasonal Operating Requirements
A section of the planned survey area partially overlaps with a
portion of a North Atlantic right whale SMA off the mouth of Delaware
Bay. This SMA is active from November 1 through April 30 of each year.
Any survey vessels that are >65 ft in length is required to adhere to
the mandatory vessel speed restrictions (<10 kn) when operating within
the SMA during times when the SMA is active. In addition, between watch
shifts, members of the monitoring team must consult NMFS' North
Atlantic right whale reporting systems for the presence of North
Atlantic right whales throughout survey operations. Members of the
monitoring team must also monitor the NMFS North Atlantic right whale
reporting systems for the establishment of Dynamic Management Areas
(DMA). If NMFS should establish a DMA in the survey area while surveys
are underway, Skipjack must contact NMFS within 24 hours of the
establishment of the DMA to determine whether alteration of survey
activities was warranted to avoid right whales to the extent possible.
The mitigation measures are designed to avoid the already low
potential for injury in addition to some instances of Level B
harassment, and to minimize the potential for vessel strikes. Further,
we believe the mitigation measures are practicable for the applicant to
implement. Skipjack has proposed additional mitigation measures in
addition to the measures described above; for information on the
measures proposed by Skipjack, see Section 11 of the IHA application.
[[Page 66172]]
There are no known marine mammal rookeries or mating or calving
grounds in the survey area that would otherwise potentially warrant
increased mitigation measures for marine mammals or their habitat (or
both). The survey would occur in an area that has been identified as a
biologically important area for migration for North Atlantic right
whales. However, given the small spatial extent of the survey area
relative to the substantially larger spatial extent of the right whale
migratory area, the survey is not expected to appreciably reduce
migratory habitat nor to negatively impact the migration of North
Atlantic right whales, thus mitigation to address the planned survey's
occurrence in North Atlantic right whale migratory habitat is not
Based on our evaluation of the applicant's proposed measures, as
well as other measures considered by NMFS, NMFS has determined that the
mitigation measures provide the means of effecting the least
practicable impact on the affected species or stocks and their habitat,
paying particular attention to rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of
similar significance.
Monitoring and Reporting
In order to issue an IHA for an activity, Section 101(a)(5)(D) of
the MMPA states that NMFS must set forth requirements pertaining to the
monitoring and reporting of such taking. The MMPA implementing
regulations at 50 CFR 216.104 (a)(13) indicate that requests for
authorizations must include the suggested means of accomplishing the
necessary monitoring and reporting that will result in increased
knowledge of the species and of the level of taking or impacts on
populations of marine mammals that are expected to be present in the
survey area. Effective reporting is critical both to compliance as well
as ensuring that the most value is obtained from the required
Monitoring and reporting requirements prescribed by NMFS should
contribute to improved understanding of one or more of the following:
Occurrence of marine mammal species or stocks in the area
in which take is anticipated (e.g., presence, abundance, distribution,
Nature, scope, or context of likely marine mammal exposure
to potential stressors/impacts (individual or cumulative, acute or
chronic), through better understanding of: (1) Action or environment
(e.g., source characterization, propagation, ambient noise); (2)
affected species (e.g., life history, dive patterns); (3) co-occurrence
of marine mammal species with the action; or (4) biological or
behavioral context of exposure (e.g., age, calving or feeding areas).
Individual marine mammal responses (behavioral or
physiological) to acoustic stressors (acute, chronic, or cumulative),
other stressors, or cumulative impacts from multiple stressors.
How anticipated responses to stressors impact either: (1)
Long-term fitness and survival of individual marine mammals; or (2)
populations, species, or stocks.
Effects on marine mammal habitat (e.g., marine mammal prey
species, acoustic habitat, or other important physical components of
marine mammal habitat).
Mitigation and monitoring effectiveness.
Monitoring Measures
As described above, visual monitoring must be performed by
qualified and NMFS-approved PSOs. Skipjack must use independent,
dedicated, trained PSOs, meaning that the PSOs must be employed by a
third-party observer provider, must have no tasks other than to conduct
observational effort, collect data, and communicate with and instruct
relevant vessel crew with regard to the presence of marine mammals and
mitigation requirements (including brief alerts regarding maritime
hazards), and must have successfully completed an approved PSO training
course appropriate for their designated task. Skipjack must provide
resumes of all proposed PSOs (including alternates) to NMFS for review
and approval at least 45 days prior to the start of survey operations.
During survey operations (e.g., any day on which use of an HRG
source is planned to occur), a minimum of one PSO must be on duty and
conducting visual observations at all times on all active survey
vessels during daylight hours (i.e., from 30 minutes prior to sunrise
through 30 minutes following sunset) and nighttime ramp-ups of HRG
equipment. Visual monitoring must begin no less than 30 minutes prior
to initiation of HRG survey equipment and must continue until one hour
after use of the acoustic source ceases or until 30 minutes past
sunset. PSOs would coordinate to ensure 360[deg] visual coverage around
the vessel from the most appropriate observation posts, and must
conduct visual observations using binoculars and the naked eye while
free from distractions and in a consistent, systematic, and diligent
manner. PSOs may be on watch for a maximum of four consecutive hours
followed by a break of at least two hours between watches and may
conduct a maximum of 12 hours of observation per 24-hour period. In
cases where multiple vessels are surveying concurrently, any
observations of marine mammals must be communicated to PSOs on all
survey vessels.
PSOs must be equipped with binoculars and have the ability to
estimate distances to marine mammals located in proximity to the vessel
and/or exclusion zone using range finders. Reticulated binoculars must
also be available to PSOs for use as appropriate based on conditions
and visibility to support the monitoring of marine mammals. Position
data must be recorded using hand-held or vessel GPS units for each
sighting. Observations must take place from the highest available
vantage point on the survey vessel. General 360-degree scanning must
occur during the monitoring periods, and target scanning by the PSO
must occur when alerted of a marine mammal presence.
During good conditions (e.g., daylight hours; Beaufort sea state
(BSS) 3 or less), to the maximum extent practicable, PSOs will conduct
observations when the acoustic source is not operating for comparison
of sighting rates and behavior with and without use of the acoustic
source and between acquisition periods. Any observations of marine
mammals by crew members aboard any vessel associated with the survey
must be relayed to the PSO team.
Data on all PSO observations must be recorded based on standard PSO
collection requirements. This includes dates, times, and locations of
survey operations; dates and times of observations, location and
weather; details of marine mammal sightings (e.g., species, numbers,
behavior); and details of any observed marine mammal take that occurs
(e.g., noted behavioral disturbances).
Reporting Measures
Within 90 days after completion of survey activities, a final
technical report must be provided to NMFS that fully documents the
methods and monitoring protocols, summarizes the data recorded during
monitoring, summarizes the number of marine mammals estimated to have
been taken during survey activities (by species, when known),
summarizes the mitigation actions taken during surveys (including what
type of mitigation and the species and number of animals that prompted
the mitigation action, when known), and provides an interpretation of
the results and effectiveness of all mitigation and
[[Page 66173]]
monitoring. Any recommendations made by NMFS must be addressed in the
final report prior to acceptance by NMFS. PSO datasheets or raw
sightings data must also be provided with the draft and final
monitoring report.
In addition to the final technical report, Skipjack must provide
the reporting described below as necessary during survey activities. If
a North Atlantic right whale is observed at any time during surveys or
during vessel transit, Skipjack must report sighting information to the
NMFS North Atlantic Right Whale Sighting Advisory System. North
Atlantic right whale sightings in any location may also be reported to
the U.S. Coast Guard via channel 16.
In the unanticipated event that Skipjack's survey activities lead
to an injury (Level A harassment) or mortality (e.g., ship-strike, gear
interaction, and/or entanglement) of a marine mammal, Skipjack must
immediately cease the specified activities and report the incident to
the Chief of the Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected
Resources and the NMFS New England/Mid-Atlantic Stranding Coordinator.
The report must include the following information:
Time, date, and location (latitude/longitude) of the
Name and type of vessel involved;
Vessel's speed during and leading up to the incident;
Description of the incident;
Status of all sound source use in the 24 hours preceding
the incident;
Water depth;
Environmental conditions (e.g., wind speed and direction,
Beaufort sea state, cloud cover, and visibility);
Description of all marine mammal observations in the 24
hours preceding the incident;
Species identification or description of the animal(s)
Fate of the animal(s); and
Photographs or video footage of the animal(s) (if
equipment is available).
Activities would not resume until NMFS is able to review the
circumstances of the event. NMFS would work with Skipjack to minimize
reoccurrence of such an event in the future. Skipjack would not resume
activities until notified by NMFS.
In the event that Skipjack discovers an injured or dead marine
mammal and determines that the cause of the injury or death is unknown
and the death is relatively recent (i.e., in less than a moderate state
of decomposition), Skipjack would immediately report the incident to
the Chief of the Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected
Resources and the NMFS New England/Mid-Atlantic Stranding Coordinator.
The report would include the same information identified in the
paragraph above. Activities would be able to continue while NMFS
reviews the circumstances of the incident. NMFS would work with
Skipjack to determine if modifications in the activities are
In the event that Skipjack discovers an injured or dead marine
mammal and determines that the injury or death is not associated with
or related to the activities authorized in the IHA (e.g., previously
wounded animal, carcass with moderate to advanced decomposition, or
scavenger damage), Skipjack would report the incident to the Chief of
the Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected Resources,
and the NMFS New England/Mid-Atlantic Regional Stranding Coordinator,
within 24 hours of the discovery. Skipjack would provide photographs or
video footage (if available) or other documentation of the stranded
animal sighting to NMFS. Skipjack may continue its operations in such a
Negligible Impact Analysis and Determination
NMFS has defined negligible impact as an impact resulting from the
specified activity that cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not
reasonably likely to, adversely affect the species or stock through
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival (50 CFR 216.103). A
negligible impact finding is based on the lack of likely adverse
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival (i.e., population-
level effects). An estimate of the number of takes alone is not enough
information on which to base an impact determination. In addition to
considering estimates of the number of marine mammals that might be
``taken'' through harassment, NMFS considers other factors, such as the
likely nature of any responses (e.g., intensity, duration), the context
of any responses (e.g., critical reproductive time or location,
migration), as well as effects on habitat, and the likely effectiveness
of the mitigation. We also assess the number, intensity, and context of
estimated takes by evaluating this information relative to population
status. Consistent with the 1989 preamble for NMFS's implementing
regulations (54 FR 40338; September 29, 1989), the impacts from other
past and ongoing anthropogenic activities are incorporated into this
analysis via their impacts on the environmental baseline (e.g., as
reflected in the regulatory status of the species, population size and
growth rate where known, ongoing sources of human-caused mortality, or
ambient noise levels).
To avoid repetition, our analysis applies to all the species listed
in Table 2, given that NMFS expects the anticipated effects of the
planned survey to be similar in nature.
NMFS does not anticipate that serious injury or mortality would
occur as a result of Skipjack's survey, even in the absence of
mitigation. Thus the authorization does not authorize any serious
injury or mortality. As discussed in the Potential Effects section,
non-auditory physical effects and vessel strike are not expected to
occur. Additionally and as discussed previously, given the nature of
activity and sounds sources used and especially in consideration of the
required mitigation, Level A harassment is neither anticipated nor
authorized. We expect that all potential takes would be in the form of
short-term Level B behavioral harassment in the form of temporary
avoidance of the area, reactions that are considered to be of low
severity and with no lasting biological consequences (e.g., Southall et
al., 2007).
Effects on individuals that are taken by Level B harassment, on the
basis of reports in the literature as well as monitoring from other
similar activities, will likely be limited to reactions such as
increased swimming speeds, increased surfacing time, or decreased
foraging (if such activity were occurring) (e.g., Thorson and Reyff,
2006; HDR, Inc., 2012; Lerma, 2014). Most likely, individuals will
simply move away from the sound source and temporarily avoid the area
where the survey is occurring. We expect that any avoidance of the
survey area by marine mammals would be temporary in nature and that any
marine mammals that avoid the survey area during the survey activities
would not be permanently displaced. Even repeated Level B harassment of
some small subset of an overall stock is unlikely to result in any
significant realized decrease in viability for the affected
individuals, and thus would not result in any adverse impact to the
stock as a whole.
In addition to being temporary and short in overall duration, the
acoustic footprint of the survey is small relative to the overall
distribution of the animals in the area and their use of the area.
Feeding behavior is not likely to be significantly impacted. Prey
species are mobile and are broadly distributed throughout the project
area; therefore, marine mammals that may be temporarily displaced
during survey activities are expected to be able to resume foraging
once they have moved
[[Page 66174]]
away from areas with disturbing levels of underwater noise. Because of
the temporary nature of the disturbance and the availability of similar
habitat and resources in the surrounding area, the impacts to marine
mammals and the food sources that they utilize are not expected to
cause significant or long-term consequences for individual marine
mammals or their populations.
There are no rookeries, mating or calving grounds known to be
biologically important to marine mammals within the survey area and
there are no feeding areas known to be biologically important to marine
mammals within the survey area. There is no designated critical habitat
for any ESA-listed marine mammals in the survey area. The survey area
overlaps a portion of a biologically important migratory area for North
Atlantic right whales (effective March-April and November-December)
that extends from Massachusetts to Florida (LaBrecque, et al., 2015).
Off the coasts of Delaware and Maryland, this biologically important
migratory area extends from the coast to beyond the shelf break. Due to
the fact that that the survey is temporary and the spatial extent of
sound produced by the survey would be very small relative to the
spatial extent of the available migratory habitat in the area, right
whale migration is not expected to be impacted by the survey.
Potential impacts to marine mammal habitat were discussed
previously in this document (see Potential Effects of the Specified
Activity on Marine Mammals and their Habitat). Marine mammal habitat
may be impacted by elevated sound levels, but these impacts would be
temporary. Repeated exposures of individuals to relatively low levels
of sound outside of preferred habitat areas are unlikely to
significantly disrupt critical behaviors. We expect that animals
disturbed by sound associated with the planned survey would simply
avoid the area during the survey in favor of other, similar habitats.
As described above, North Atlantic right, humpback, and minke
whales, and gray and harbor seals are experiencing ongoing UMEs. For
North Atlantic right whales, as described above, no injury as a result
of the proposed survey is expected or authorized, and Level B
harassment takes of right whales are expected to be in the form of
avoidance of the immediate area of the proposed survey. In addition,
the number of takes authorized above the Level B harassment threshold
are minimal (i.e., 3). As no injury or mortality is expected or
authorized, and Level B harassment of North Atlantic right whales will
be reduced to the level of least practicable adverse impact through use
of mitigation measures, the authorized takes of right whales would not
exacerbate or compound the ongoing UME in any way.
Similarly, no injury or mortality is expected or authorized for any
of the other species with UMEs, Level B harassment will be reduced to
the level of least practicable adverse impact through use of mitigation
measures, and the authorized takes would not exacerbate or compound the
ongoing UMEs. For minke whales, although the ongoing UME is under
investigation (as occurs for all UMEs), this event does not provide
cause for concern regarding population level impacts, as the likely
population abundance is greater than 20,000 whales. Even though the PBR
value is based on an abundance for U.S. waters that is negatively
biased and a small fraction of the true population abundance, annual M/
SI does not exceed the calculated PBR value for minke whales. With
regard to humpback whales, the UME does not yet provide cause for
concern regarding population-level impacts. Despite the UME, the
relevant population of humpback whales (the West Indies breeding
population, or distinct population segment (DPS)) remains healthy. The
West Indies DPS, which consists of the whales whose breeding range
includes the Atlantic margin of the Antilles from Cuba to northern
Venezuela, and whose feeding range primarily includes the Gulf of
Maine, eastern Canada, and western Greenland, was delisted. The status
review identified harmful algal blooms, vessel collisions, and fishing
gear entanglements as relevant threats for this DPS, but noted that all
other threats are considered likely to have no or minor impact on
population size or the growth rate of this DPS (Bettridge et al.,
2015). As described in Bettridge et al. (2015), the West Indies DPS has
a substantial population size (i.e., approximately 10,000; Stevick et
al., 2003; Smith et al., 1999; Bettridge et al., 2015), and appears to
be experiencing consistent growth. With regard to gray and harbor
seals, although the ongoing UME is under investigation, the UME does
not yet provide cause for concern regarding population-level impacts to
any of these stocks. For harbor seals, the population abundance is over
75,000 and annual M/SI (345) is well below PBR (2,006) (Hayes et al.,
2018). For gray seals, the population abundance in the United States is
over 27,000, with an estimated abundance including seals in Canada of
approximately 505,000, and abundance is likely increasing in the U.S.
Atlantic EEZ as well as in Canada (Hayes et al., 2018).
The mitigation measures are expected to reduce the number and/or
severity of takes by giving animals the opportunity to move away from
the sound source before HRG survey equipment reaches full energy and by
establishing zones that will prevent animals from being exposed to
higher sound levels that may otherwise result in injury or more severe
behavioral responses. No Level A harassment, which involves the
potential for injury, has been authorized. Additional vessel strike
avoidance requirements will further mitigate potential impacts to
marine mammals during vessel transit to and within the survey area.
NMFS concludes that exposures to marine mammal species and stocks
due to Skipjack's survey would result in only short-term (temporary and
short in duration) effects to individuals exposed. Marine mammals may
temporarily avoid the immediate area, but are not expected to
permanently abandon the area. Major shifts in habitat use,
distribution, or foraging success are not expected. NMFS does not
anticipate the authorized takes to impact annual rates of recruitment
or survival.
In summary and as described above, the following factors primarily
support our determination that the impacts resulting from this activity
are not expected to adversely affect the species or stock through
effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival:
No mortality, serious injury, or Level A harassment is
anticipated or authorized;
The anticipated impacts of the activity on marine mammals
would primarily be in the form of temporary behavioral changes due to
avoidance of the area around the survey vessel;
The availability of alternate areas of similar habitat
value (for foraging, etc.) for marine mammals that may temporarily
vacate the survey area during the survey to avoid exposure to sounds
from the activity;
The survey area does not contain known areas of
significance for mating or calving;
Effects on species that serve as prey species for marine
mammals from the survey would be minor and temporary and would not be
expected to reduce the availability of prey or to affect marine mammal
The mitigation measures, including visual and acoustic
monitoring, exclusion zones, and shutdown measures, are expected to
minimize potential impacts to marine mammals.
[[Page 66175]]
Based on the analysis contained herein of the likely effects of the
specified activity on marine mammals and their habitat, and taking into
consideration the implementation of the monitoring and mitigation
measures, NMFS finds that the total marine mammal take from the
proposed activity will have a negligible impact on all affected marine
mammal species or stocks.
Small Numbers
As noted above, only small numbers of incidental take may be
authorized under Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA for
specified activities other than military readiness activities. The MMPA
does not define small numbers and so, in practice, where estimated
numbers are available, NMFS compares the number of individuals taken to
the most appropriate estimation of abundance of the relevant species or
stock in our determination of whether an authorization is limited to
small numbers of marine mammals. Additionally, other qualitative
factors may be considered in the analysis, such as the temporal or
spatial scale of the activities.
The numbers of marine mammals that we authorize to be taken, for
all species and stocks, would be considered small relative to the
relevant stocks or populations (less than 28 percent for two of
seventeen species and stocks, and less than 1 percent for all remaining
species and stocks). See Table 6. Based on the analysis contained
herein of the activity (including the mitigation and monitoring
measures) and the anticipated take of marine mammals, NMFS finds that
small numbers of marine mammals will be taken relative to the
population size of the affected species or stocks.
Unmitigable Adverse Impact Analysis and Determination
There are no relevant subsistence uses of the affected marine
mammal stocks or species implicated by this action. Therefore, NMFS has
determined that the total taking of affected species or stocks would
not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the availability of such
species or stocks for taking for subsistence purposes.
National Environmental Policy Act
To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA;
42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 216-6A,
NMFS must evaluate our proposed action (i.e., the promulgation of
regulations and subsequent issuance of incidental take authorization)
and alternatives with respect to potential impacts on the human
This action is consistent with categories of activities identified
in Categorical Exclusion B4 of the Companion Manual for NAO 216-6A,
which do not individually or cumulatively have the potential for
significant impacts on the quality of the human environment and for
which we have not identified any extraordinary circumstances that would
preclude this categorical exclusion. Accordingly, NMFS has determined
that the proposed action qualifies to be categorically excluded from
further NEPA review.
Endangered Species Act
Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C.
1531 et seq.) requires that each Federal agency insure that any action
it authorizes, funds, or carries out is not likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of any endangered or threatened species or result
in the destruction or adverse modification of designated critical
habitat. To ensure ESA compliance for the issuance of IHAs, NMFS
consults internally, in this case with the NMFS Greater Atlantic
Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO), whenever we propose to authorize
take for endangered or threatened species.
The NMFS Office of Protected Resources Permits and Conservation
Division is authorizing the incidental take of four species of marine
mammals which are listed under the ESA: The North Atlantic right, fin,
sei and sperm whale. We requested initiation of consultation under
Section 7 of the ESA with NMFS GARFO on September 30, 2019, for the
issuance of this IHA. In November, 2019, NMFS GARFO determined our
issuance of the IHA to Skipjack was not likely to adversely affect the
North Atlantic right, fin, sei and sperm whale or the critical habitat
of any ESA-listed species or result in the take of any marine mammals
in violation of the ESA.
NMFS has issued an IHA to Skipjack for conducting marine site
characterization surveys offshore of Delaware and Maryland, from the
date of issuance for a period of one year, provided the previously
mentioned mitigation, monitoring, and reporting requirements are
Dated: November 26, 2019.
Angela Somma,
Chief, Endangered Species Conservation Division, Office of Protected
Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2019-26091 Filed 12-2-19; 8:45 am]