Privacy Act of 1974; Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) DOT/FMCSA 009-National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (National Registry) System of Records, 53221-53227 [2019-21412]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2019 / Notices
onshore, and sent to the West Delta LNG
offshore deepwater port.
• The proposed Venice Pretreatment
Plant would contain the following major
components for the pre-treatment and
processing of sourced natural gas:
Cryogenic trains to process offshoresourced gas, natural gas compressors,
gas pretreatment packages, power
generation units driven by gas turbines,
waste heat recovery units, utilities to
support the new gas pretreatment and
compression equipment and a flare to
combust waste gas from the
pretreatment process.
The onshore components connect to
the offshore components by a single
pipeline. This pipeline would be
constructed to transfer the liquefactionready gas from the proposed onshore
Venice Pretreatment Plant to the West
Delta LNG deepwater port. The
proposed pipeline’s outgoing onshore
assembly is a 4.3 statute mile 30-inch
diameter connection from the Venice
Pretreatment Plant (measured from the
proposed pig launcher to the high water
mark) where this pipeline becomes the
subsea pipeline supplying the offshore
deepwater port. At this point, the
pipeline continues, extending 15.5
statute miles beyond the high water
mark to terminate at the proposed West
Delta LNG offshore deepwater port.
Privacy Act
The electronic form of all comments
received into the FDMS can be searched
by the name of the individual
submitting the comment (or signing the
comment, if submitted on behalf of an
association, business, labor union, etc.).
The Department of Transportation
Privacy Act Statement can be viewed in
the Federal Register published on April
11, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 70, pages
19477–78) or by visiting https://
(Authority: 49 CFR 1.93).
By Order of the Maritime Administrator.
Gabriel Chavez,
Secretary, Maritime Administration.
[FR Doc. 2019–21567 Filed 10–3–19; 8:45 am]
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
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Office of the Secretary
[Docket No. DOT–OST–2019–0138]
Privacy Act of 1974; Department of
Transportation (DOT), Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
DOT/FMCSA 009—National Registry of
Certified Medical Examiners (National
Registry) System of Records
Office of the Departmental
Chief Information Officer, Office of the
Secretary of Transportation, DOT.
ACTION: Notice of a Modified System of
In accordance with the
Privacy Act of 1974, the Department of
Transportation proposes to update and
reissue a current Department of
Transportation’s system of records
titled, ‘‘Department of Transportation
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration 009—National Registry
of Certified Medical Examiners System
of Records.’’ This system of records
allows the Department of
Transportation/Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration to collect and
maintain records on Medical Examiners
registering on the National Registry
website and applying for Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration Medical
Examiner certification, certified Medical
Examiner designated administrative
assistants and authorized
representatives who have registered on
the National Registry to perform
reporting functions on behalf of a
certified Medical Examiner, and
commercial motor vehicle drivers
examined by Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration certified Medical
Examiners listed on the National
Registry. The categories of records
collected and maintained in this system
include several pieces of personally
identifiable information as detailed in
the ‘‘Categories of Records in the
System’’ section of this system of
records notice. The information for the
record subjects is collected and used as
part of the process of establishing and
maintaining a current national registry
of Medical Examiners that are certified
by FMCSA to perform medical
examinations of interstate commercial
motor vehicle drivers and issue Medical
Examiner’s Certificates as outlined in
the Safe, Accountable, Flexible,
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A
Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The
specifics regarding the information
collected and how the Agency uses the
information is more thoroughly detailed
below and in the associated Privacy
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Impact Assessment on DOT’s website at
In addition to non-substantive
changes to simplify the formatting and
text of the previously published notice,
we are revising this notice to reflect the
following changes resulting from
publication of the Medical Examiner’s
Certification Integration final rule (80
FR 22790) and the Process for
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Physicians to be Added to the National
Registry of Certified Medical Examiners
final rule (83 FR 26846). These changes
include inclusion of additional
information in the categories of records
to address information collected using
the CMV Driver Medical Examination
Results Form, MCSA–5850 (2126–0006),
addition of the Fixing America’s Surface
Transportation (FAST) Act, Public Law
114–94, as an authority for the system,
addition of one new routine use for the
sharing of CMV driver information to
State Driver’s Licensing Agencies,
deletion of four routine uses duplicative
of Department-wide general routine
uses, and reduction in the retention
disposition for records maintained in
this system.
This updated system will be included
in the Department of Transportation’s
inventory of record systems.
DATES: Written comments should be
submitted on or before November 4,
2019. The Department may publish an
amended SORN in light of any
comments received. This new system
will be effective November 4, 2019.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by docket number DOT–OST–
2019–0138 by any of the following
• Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Ave. SE, West Building
Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590–0001.
• Hand Delivery or Courier: West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
1200 New Jersey Ave. SE, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, Monday through
Friday, except Federal Holidays.
• Fax: (202) 493–2251.
Instructions: You must include the
agency name and docket number DOT–
OST–2019–0138. All comments
received will be posted without change
to, including
any personal information provided.
Privacy Act: Anyone is able to search
the electronic form of all comments
received in any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the
comment (or signing the comment, if
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2019 / Notices
submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may
review DOT’s complete Privacy Act
statement in the Federal Register
published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR
19477–78), or you may visit https://
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https:// or to the street
address listed above. Follow the online
instructions for accessing the docket.
For general questions please contact:
Charles A. Horan III, Director, Office of
Carrier, Driver, and Vehicle Safety
Standards, Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration, Department of
Transportation, Washington, DC 20590,
For privacy issues please contact:
Claire W. Barrett, Departmental Chief
Privacy Officer, Privacy Office,
Department of Transportation,
Washington, DC 20590; privacy@; or 202.527.3284.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
I. Background
In accordance with the Privacy Act of
1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, the Department of
Transportation (DOT)/Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
proposes to update and reissue a current
DOT system of records titled,
‘‘Department of Transportation Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration
DOT/FMCSA 009—National Registry of
Certified Medical Examiners (National
Registry) System of Records.’’ This
system of records is being updated as a
result of changes to and use of the
records collected through the
publication of the Medical Examiner’s
Certification Integration final rule (80
FR 22790). This system of records
collects information under the
Paperwork Reduction Act using the
commercial motor vehicle (CMV) Driver
Medical Examination Results Form,
MCSA–5850 (electronic), Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) Control
No. 2126–0006, under the information
collection titled ‘‘Medical Qualification
FMCSA developed the National
Registry to improve highway safety and
driver health by focusing on Medical
Examiner (ME) performance through
requiring MEs to be trained and certified
to determine effectively whether a CMV
driver’s health meets the Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs).
The MEs must demonstrate an
understanding of the physical
qualifications standards in the FMCSRs
and how they relate to the medical
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demands of operating a CMV and how
to apply those standards in a uniform
and consistent manner when making the
determination whether an individual
driver meets the standards.
To be listed as a certified ME on the
National Registry, an ME must be
licensed, certified, or registered to
perform medical examinations in
accordance with applicable State laws
and regulations, register on the National
Registry website, successfully complete
required training on FMCSA’s physical
qualification standards and guidelines,
and pass a certification test. Once
certified, MEs are listed on FMCSA’s
National Registry website where their
contact information and national
registry number is made available to
assist CMV drivers in locating and
contacting FMCSA certified MEs.
All interstate CMV drivers are
required to obtain their Medical
Examiner’s Certificates (MECs) from a
certified ME listed on the National
Registry. Therefore, once certified, MEs
perform medical examinations on
interstate CMV drivers who are required
to receive a medical examination at least
once every two years. Certified MEs and
their designated Medical Examiner
Administrative Assistants (MEAAs)
transmit driver medical examination
results to FMCSA via the CMV Driver
Medical Examination Results Form,
MCS. A–5850 (2126–0006), once a
month, view previously submitted CMV
driver medical examination results, and
edit the ME’s contact information. Other
authorized representatives designated
by the certified ME are only able to
simultaneously upload (bulk upload)
multiple CMV Driver Medical
Examination Results from their medical
system to the National Registry. FMCSA
uses the CMV driver medical
examination results (MEC information)
to monitor ME competence and
performance in evaluating the CMV
driver health and fitness and to detect
irregularities in examination
As part of the Medical Examiner’s
Certification Integration final rule,
beginning June 22, 2018, the FMCSA
certified ME or his or her designated
MEAA will be required to transmit to
FMCSA, through the National Registry,
by midnight (local time) of the next
calendar day following the exam, the
results of all CMV driver medical
examinations that they have performed
in accordance with the FMCSRs, via the
CMV Driver Medical Examination
Results Form, MCSA–5850. In addition,
certified MEs will be allowed to
transmit to FMCSA, through the
National Registry, the results of all CMV
driver medical examinations that they
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have performed in accordance with the
FMCSRs with any applicable State
variances, via the CMV Driver Medical
Examination Results Form, MCSA–
5850. As a result of these added
collections, the driver’s address,
optional email address, and results of
examinations performed in accordance
with the FMCSRs with any applicable
State variances, have been added to the
CMV Driver Medical Examination
Results Form, MCSA–5850. For
commercial driver’s license (CDL)
holders, FMCSA will electronically
transmit MEC information from the
National Registry to the State Driver’s
Licensing Agencies (SDLAs) for
examinations conducted in accordance
with the FMCSRs as well as those in
accordance with the FMCSRs with any
applicable State variances. FMCSA will
also electronically transmit medical
variance information for all CMV
drivers from the National Registry to the
We are updating this system of
records notice to reflect non-substantive
changes to simplify the formatting and
text of the previously published notice
and to reflect the following changes:
Categories of Records
• Added collection of the CMV
driver’s address for the Agency to
contact the driver regarding their
certification during the oversight and
audit process for the program. This has
been added to the CMV Driver Medical
Examination Results Form, MCSA–5850
• Added optional collection of CMV
driver’s email address for general
correspondence with the driver
regarding his/her certification. This has
been added to the CMV Driver Medical
Examination Results Form, MCSA–5850
• Added optional collection of CMV
driver examination results when
performed in accordance with the
FMCSRs with any applicable State
variances for electronic transmission at
the request of several States. This has
been added to the CMV Driver Medical
Examination Results Form, MCSA–5850
• Added the issued and expiration
dates for medical variances for
electronic transmission to the SDLAs
and posting to the driver’s record.
• Added the Fixing America’s Surface
Transportation Act (FAST Act) as an
authority for the system. The FAST Act
requires that the Department establish a
process that allows veteran operators to
obtain their DOT medical certification
exams from a Department of Veterans
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2019 / Notices
Affairs physician. Information
maintained on Medical Examiners and
CMV drivers obtained through these
processes would be the same as that for
other examiners and drivers. Although
the details of this process will not be
finalized until publication of the final
rule, the FAST Act requires that a
process be established, and thus, we are
including the FAST Act authority in
this SORN in anticipation of the
eventual establishment of the process
mandated by the FAST Act and
inclusion of this information in this
purposes for which the agency uses PII
in the system, the routine uses for
which the agency discloses such
information outside the agency, and
how individuals to whom a Privacy Act
record pertains can exercise their rights
under the Privacy Act (e.g., to determine
if the system contains information about
them and to contest inaccurate
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(r),
DOT has provided a report of this
system of records to the Office of
Management and Budget and to
Routine Uses of Records Maintained in
the System
• Added a routine use for the
electronic transfer of MEC information
for commercial driver’s license (CDL)
holders and medical variance
information for all CMV drivers from
the National Registry to the SDLAs for
posting to the driver’s record. This
includes information collected from
both the ME and the CMV driver. This
routine use is compatible with the
purposes of the system as it allows State
and Federal enforcement officials to be
able to view the most current and
accurate information regarding the
medical status of the CDL holder, all
information on the MEC, and the
medical variance information to include
the issued and expiration dates.
• Deleted four routine uses
addressing sharing records with
contractors and oversight bodies
because they are duplicative of the
Department’s general routine uses
applicable to all systems.
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Retention and Disposal
• Reduced the retention and disposal
of information collected to retain
records for the least amount of time
necessary and to maintain consistency
with the FMCSRs (49 CFR 383.73(j)(ii)
and 391.43(i))
This updated system will be included
in DOT’s inventory of record systems.
II. Privacy Act
The Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a)
governs the means by which the Federal
Government collects, maintains, and
uses personally identifiable information
(PII) in a System of Records. A ‘‘System
of Records’’ is a group of any records
under the control of a Federal agency
from which information about
individuals is retrieved by name or
other personal identifier. The Privacy
Act requires each agency to publish in
the Federal Register a System of
Records Notice (SORN) identifying and
describing each System of Records the
agency maintains, including the
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Department of Transportation Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration
DOT/FMCSA 009—National Registry of
Certified Medical Examiners (National
Unclassified, Sensitive.
Records are maintained by FMCSA,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC
Director, Office of Carrier, Driver and
Vehicle Safety, (202) 366–2362,, Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration, U.S.
Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC
The Safe, Accountable, Flexible,
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A
Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)
sections 4116(a) (codified as amended at
49 U.S.C. 31149) and 4116(b) (codified
as amended at 49 U.S.C. 31136(a)(3)).
Fixing America’s Surface Transportation
Act (FAST Act), Public Law 114–94.
The National Registry program is
designed to produce trained, certified
medical examiners who fully
understand the medical standards in the
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Regulations (FMCSRs), to create a
registry of these trained and certified
medical examiners, and to ensure that
the most current and accurate
information regarding the medical status
of CMV drivers is known.
This system of records allows the
DOT/FMCSA to collect and maintain
records on MEs registering on the
National Registry website and applying
for FMCSA ME certification, designated
MEAAs and authorized representatives
who have registered on the National
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Registry to perform reporting functions
on behalf of a certified ME, and CMV
drivers examined by FMCSA certified
MEs listed on the National Registry.
The purpose of this system and how
FMCSA uses the information collected
and maintained in the National Registry
system is described below by categories
of individuals covered by the system.
Information collected from MEs
registering on the National Registry
website and applying for FMCSA ME
FMCSA compares the ME’s contact
and medical licensing information
provided by the ME during registration
to the State’s medical licensing data in
order to ensure the data provided by the
ME is valid.
FMCSA uses ME contact and
employer information to communicate
with the ME regarding their information
in the National Registry and their
application and certification status.
FMCSA uses ME contact information,
medical licensing information, training
information, certification testing
information, and identification
information to evaluate the ME’s
eligibility for certification. In addition,
FMCSA may request and review ME
supporting documentation for eligibility
of certification. FMCSA also reviews the
ME certification test answers in order to
validate the test grade and score
provided by the test center and to
ensure that the test center properly
graded and scored the test.
FMCSA uses the ME’s contact and
employer information to list eligible
FMCSA certified MEs on the National
Registry website where the general
public can search for certified MEs.
Information collected from designated
MEAAs and authorized representatives
who have registered on the National
Registry to perform reporting functions
on behalf of a certified ME:
The FMCSA uses designated MEAA’s
and authorized representatives’ contact
and employer information to
communicate with the designated
MEAA or authorized representative
regarding their information in the
National Registry.
Information collected from CMV
drivers examined by FMCSA certified
MEs listed on the National Registry:
FMCSA uses the CMV driver’s
medical examination results (MEC
information) to monitor certified ME
competence and performance in
evaluating the CMV driver’s health and
to detect irregularities in examination
FMCSA uses the CMV driver’s
identity information and state driver’s
license information to analyze the
relationship between the driver’s
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2019 / Notices
medical examination results and public
FMCSA uses the CMV driver’s
medical examination results, ME
determination, and medical variance
information to periodically review a
representative sample of the Medical
Examination Report (MER) Forms
associated with the name and numerical
identifiers of applicants transmitted for
errors, omissions, or other indications of
improper certification.
FMCSA uses the CMV driver’s
identity information to contact the
driver regarding their certification
during the oversight and audit process
for the program as well as for general
correspondence with the driver.
Categories of individuals covered by
this system of records include:
• Medical examiners (MEs)
registering on the National Registry
website and applying for FMCSA ME
• ME Administrative Assistants
(MEAAs) and authorized representatives
who have registered on the National
Registry and been designated by a
certified ME to perform reporting
functions on behalf of the ME.
• Commercial motor vehicle (CMV)
drivers examined by FMCSA certified
MEs listed on the National Registry.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
The National Registry of Certified
Medical Examiners system collects,
processes, transmits, and stores the
following types of information:
ME Personally Identifiable
Information (PII) Collection for
Registration and Certification Process
• Contact Information/Place of
Business (physical location where ME
will perform licensed CMV driver
medical examinations)
Æ Full name (first, last, middle initial)
Æ Primary email address
Æ Business name
Æ Business address
Æ Business telephone number
Æ Business fax number (optional)
Æ Business email address (optional)
Æ Business website address (optional)
Æ Business hours of operation
• Employer Information
Æ Employer name
Æ Employer address
Æ Employer telephone number
Æ Employer fax number (optional)
Æ Employer email address (optional)
• Medical Licensing Information
(used to validate medical credentials)
Æ Medical profession
Æ License, certificate or registration
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Æ Medical license State of issue
Æ Medical license expiration date
ME PII Collection for Certification
• Training Information
Æ Provider name
Æ Training provider address or
website (optional)
Æ Date training completed
Æ Training expiration date
Æ Organization that accredited the
training (optional)
Æ Type of training (optional)
ME PII Collection for Certification
• Identity Verification Information
Æ Type of ME photo ID
Æ Expiration date of ME photo ID
Æ National registry number issued by
Æ Medical credential or license
Æ Training certification
• Test Information
Æ Test delivery organization name
Æ Test delivery organization ID
Æ Test center name
Æ Test center ID
Æ Test type
Æ Test ID
Æ Date of certification test
Æ Certification test questions
Æ Certification test answers
Æ Test center grade (pass fail)
Æ Test center score (numeric)
ME PII Collection Regarding
Certification Decision/Status
• Test Results
Æ FMCSA test grade (pass/fail)
Æ FMCSA test score (numeric)
MEAAs PII Collection to Register with
the National Registry System
• Identity Information
Æ Full name (first, last, middle initial)
Æ National registry number issued by
• ME Business Relationship
Æ Business address
Æ Business telephone number
Æ Business email address
Æ Business website link information
Æ Name of certified ME that
designated the AA
Æ National registry number of
certified ME that designated the AA
CMV Drivers PII Collection for
Reporting Medical Examination Results
to the National Registry System via the
• Identity Verification Information
Æ Full name (first, last, middle initial)
Æ Date of birth
Æ Driver’s mailing address
Æ Driver’s email address (optional)
• State Driver’s License Information
Æ License number
Æ License issuing State
Æ CDL status
• Medical Examination Results
Æ Date of examination
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Æ Examination Result (medically
qualified in accordance with the
FMCSRs, medically qualified in
accordance with the FMCSRs and any
applicable State variances, medically
unqualified, pending determination,
incomplete examination)
Æ Medical Examiner’s Certificate
expiration date
Æ Driver restrictions/variances
Æ Driver waiver/exemption type
CMV Driver PII Collection for Medical
Variances (exemptions, skills
performance evaluation certificates and
grandfathered exemptions)
• Identity Verification Information
Æ Full name (first, last, middle initial)
Æ Date of Birth
• Medical Variance Information
Æ Type
Æ Issue date
Æ Expiration date
Information about the ME is obtained
from the ME during the registration and
certification process. Information about
the MEAA is obtained from the MEAA
during the registration process.
Information about any authorized
representative providing bulk upload
services is obtained from the
representative during the application
process. Information about the CMV
driver is provided by the driver at the
time of medical examination to the ME.
In addition to those disclosures
generally permitted under 5 U.S.C.
552a(b) of the Privacy Act, all or a
portion of the records or information
contained in this system may be
disclosed outside DOT as a routine use
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(3) as
System-Specific Routine Uses
1. To State Medical Boards for the
purposes of verifying ME license
information and status. (State Medical
Boards are the authoritative repositories
for ME license information and, as such,
already have access to ME licensing
information and the verification of the
same by the Department does not
constitute a disclosure under the
Privacy Act. This Routine Use is
included in this Notice in an effort by
the Department to be transparent to the
public regarding the way it which it will
use personal information maintained in
the National Registry system of records.)
2. To the test centers who use ME
identification information, contact
information, medical licensing
information, employer contact
information, and training information to
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2019 / Notices
verify the ME’s identity and eligibility
to take the ME certification test and to
transmit certification test information to
the National Registry.
3. To FMCSA certified MEs or
designated MEAAs and authorized
representatives to submit/update CMV
driver medical examination results data
to FMCSA for CMV driver examinations
they have conducted and to search for
previous CMV driver medical
examination results.
4. To the general public to perform
searches on the National Registry
website for the purpose of locating and
contacting FMCSA certified MEs.
5. To the SDLAs medical examination
results (MEC information) of CLP/CDL
applicants/holders and medical
variance information (exemptions, skills
performance evaluation certificates and
grandfathered exemptions) for all CMV
drivers, for posting to the driver’s
Department General Routine Uses
6. One or more records from a system
of records may be disclosed routinely to
the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA) in records
management inspections being
conducted under the authority of 44
U.S.C. 2904 and 2906.
7. DOT may make available to another
agency or instrumentality of any
government jurisdiction, including State
and local governments, listings of names
from any system of records in DOT for
use in law enforcement activities, either
civil or criminal, or to expose fraudulent
claims, regardless of the stated purpose
for the collection of the information in
the system of records. These
enforcement activities are generally
referred to as matching programs
because two lists of names are checked
for match using automated assistance.
This routine use is advisory in nature
and does not offer unrestricted access to
systems of records for such law
enforcement and related antifraud
activities. Each request will be
considered on the basis of its purpose,
merits, cost effectiveness and
alternatives using Instructions on
reporting computer matching programs
to the Office of Management and
Budget, OMB, Congress, and the public,
published by the Director, OMB, dated
September 20, 1989.
8. DOT may disclose records from this
system, as a routine use, to the Office of
Government Information Services for
the purpose of (a) resolving disputes
between FOIA requesters and Federal
agencies and (b) reviewing agencies’
policies, procedures, and compliance in
order to recommend policy changes to
Congress and the President.
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9. DOT may disclose records from the
system, as a routine use, to contractors
and their agents, experts, consultants,
and others performing or working on a
contract, service, cooperative agreement,
or other assignment for DOT, when
necessary to accomplish an agency
function related to this system of
10. DOT may disclose records from
this system, as a routine use, to an
agency, organization, or individual for
the purpose of performing audit or
oversight operations related to this
system of records, but only such records
as are necessary and relevant to the
audit or oversight activity. This routine
use does not apply to intra-agency
sharing authorized under Section (b)(1)
of the Privacy Act.
11. DOT may disclose from this
system, as a routine use, records
consisting of, or relating to, terrorism
information (6 U.S.C. 485(a)(5)),
homeland security information (6 U.S.C.
482(f)(1)), or Law enforcement
information (Guideline 2 Report
attached to White House Memorandum,
‘‘Information Sharing Environment’’,
November 22, 2006) to a Federal, State,
local, tribal, territorial, foreign
government and/or multinational
agency, either in response to its request
or upon the initiative of the Component,
for purposes of sharing such
information as is necessary and relevant
for the agencies to detect, prevent,
disrupt, preempt, and mitigate the
effects of terrorist activities against the
territory, people, and interests of the
United States of America, as
contemplated by the Intelligence Reform
and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004
(Pub. L. 108–458) and Executive Order
13388 (October 25, 2005).
OMB-Required Routine Uses
12. In the event that a system of
records maintained by DOT to carry out
its functions indicates a violation or
potential violation of law, whether civil,
criminal or regulatory in nature, and
whether arising by general statute or
particular program pursuant thereto, the
relevant records in the system of records
may be referred, as a routine use, to the
appropriate agency, whether Federal,
State, local or foreign, charged with the
responsibility of investigating or
prosecuting such violation or charged
with enforcing or implementing the
statute, or rule, regulation, or order
issued pursuant thereto.
13. A record from this system of
records may be disclosed, as a routine
use, to a Federal, State, or local agency
maintaining civil, criminal, or other
relevant enforcement information or
other pertinent information, such as
current licenses, if necessary to obtain
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information relevant to a DOT decision
concerning the hiring or retention of an
employee, the issuance of a security
clearance, the letting of a contract, or
the issuance of a license, grant or other
14. A record from this system of
records may be disclosed, as a routine
use, to a Federal agency, in response to
its request, in connection with the
hiring or retention of an employee, the
issuance of a security clearance, the
reporting of an investigation of an
employee, the letting of a contract, or
the issuance of a license, grant, or other
benefit by the requesting agency, to the
extent that the information is relevant
and necessary to the requesting agency’s
decision on the matter.
15. Routine Use for Agency Disclosure
in Other Proceedings. It shall be a
routine use of records in this system to
disclose them in proceedings before any
court or adjudicative or administrative
body before which DOT or any agency
thereof, appears, when—(a) DOT, or any
agency thereof, or (b) Any employee of
DOT or any agency thereof in his/her
official capacity, or (c) Any employee of
DOT or any agency thereof in his/her
individual capacity where DOT has
agreed to represent the employee, or (d)
The United States or any agency thereof,
where DOT determines that the
proceeding is likely to affect the United
States, is a party to the proceeding or
has an interest in such proceeding, and
DOT determines that use of such
records is relevant and necessary in the
proceeding, provided, however, that in
each case, DOT determines that
disclosure of the records in the
proceeding is a use of the information
contained in the records that is
compatible with the purpose for which
the records were collected.
16. Routine Use for Disclosure for Use
in Litigation. It shall be a routine use of
the records in this system of records to
disclose them to the Department of
Justice or other Federal agency
conducting litigation when—(a) DOT, or
any agency thereof, or (b) Any employee
of DOT or any agency thereof, in his/her
official capacity, or (c) Any employee of
DOT or any agency thereof, in his/her
individual capacity where the
Department of Justice has agreed to
represent the employee, or (d) The
United States or any agency thereof,
where DOT determines that litigation is
likely to affect the United States, is a
party to litigation or has an interest in
such litigation, and the use of such
records by the Department of Justice or
other Federal agency conducting the
litigation is deemed by DOT to be
relevant and necessary in the litigation,
provided, however, that in each case,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2019 / Notices
DOT determines that disclosure of the
records in the litigation is a use of the
information contained in the records
that is compatible with the purpose for
which the records were collected.
17. Disclosure may be made to a
Congressional office from the record of
an individual in response to an inquiry
from the Congressional office made at
the request of that individual. In such
cases, however, the Congressional office
does not have greater rights to records
than the individual. Thus, the
disclosure may be withheld from
delivery to the individual where the file
contains investigative or actual
information or other materials which are
being used, or are expected to be used,
to support prosecution or fines against
the individual for violations of a statute,
or of regulations of the Department
based on statutory authority. No such
limitations apply to records requested
for Congressional oversight or legislative
purposes; release is authorized under 49
CFR 10.35(9).
18. DOT may disclose records from
the system, as a routine use to
appropriate agencies, entities, and
persons when (1) DOT suspects or has
confirmed that there has been a breach
of the system of records, (2) DOT has
determined that as a result of the
suspected or confirmed breach there is
a risk of harm to individuals, DOT
(including its information systems,
programs, and operations), the Federal
Government, or national security; and
(3) the disclosure made to such
agencies, entities, and persons is
reasonably necessary to assist in
connection with DOT’s efforts to
respond to the suspected or confirmed
breach or to prevent, minimize, or
remedy such harm.
19. DOT may disclose records from
the system, as a routine use to another
Federal agency or Federal entity, when
DOT determines that information from
this system of records is reasonably
necessary to assist the recipient agency
or entity in (1) responding to a
suspected or confirmed breach or (2)
preventing, minimizing, or remedying
the risk of harm to individuals, the
recipient agency or entity (including its
information systems, programs, and
operations), the Federal Government, or
national security, resulting from a
suspected or confirmed breach. DOT
may disclose records from this system,
as a routine use, to the Office of
Government Information Services for
the purpose of (a) resolving disputes
between FOIA requesters and Federal
agencies and (b) reviewing agencies’
policies, procedures, and compliance in
order to recommend policy changes to
Congress and the President.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:49 Oct 03, 2019
Jkt 250001
20. DOT may disclose records from
this system, as a routine use, to
contractors and their agents, experts,
consultants, and others performing or
working on a contract, service,
cooperative agreement, or other
assignment for DOT, when necessary to
accomplish an agency function related
to this system of records.
21. DOT may disclose records from
this system, as a routine use, to an
agency, organization, or individual for
the purpose of performing audit or
oversight operations related to this
system of records, but only such records
as are necessary and relevant to the
audit or oversight activity. This routine
use does not apply to intra-agency
sharing authorized under Section (b)(1),
of the Privacy Act. 15. DOT may
disclose from this system, as a routine
use, records consisting of, or relating to,
terrorism information (6 U.S.C.
485(a)(5)), homeland security
information (6 U.S.C. 482(f)(1)), or Law
enforcement information (Guideline 2
Report attached to White House
Memorandum, ‘‘Information Sharing
Environment, November 22, 2006) to a
Federal, State, local, tribal, territorial,
foreign government and/or
multinational agency, either in response
to its request or upon the initiative of
the Component, for purposes of sharing
such information as is necessary and
relevant for the agencies to detect,
prevent, disrupt, preempt, and mitigate
the effects of terrorist activities against
the territory, people, and interests of the
United States of America, as
contemplated by the Intelligence Reform
and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004,
(Pub. L. 108–458) and Executive Order,
13388 (October 25, 2005).
Records in this system are stored
electronically and/or on paper in secure
facilities. Electronic records may be
stored on magnetic disc, tape, digital
media, DVD, and CD–ROM.
Records may be retrieved by searching
using the following fields:
• ME name, ME city and state, ME zip
code, business name, employer name,
medical profession, and/or national
registry number.
• MEAA name, name of designating
certified ME, national registry number
of designating certified ME, and/or
national registry number.
• CMV driver’s last name, and exam
start and end date range.
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In an effort to retain records for the
least amount of time necessary and to
maintain consistency with the FMCSRs
(49 CFR 383.73(j)(ii) and 391.43(i)), the
DOT has updated the retention and
disposal schedule to reduce the amount
of time records are retained from a range
of 16 and 60 years to a range of one to
six years depending on the record type
and purpose. Records will be retained
and disposed in accordance with the
National Registry of Certified Medical
Examiners, #DAA–0557–2015–0001,
approved by the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA) on
February 16, 2016. The categories of
records stored has been streamlined to
provide a clear description of the
records covered by the National Registry
system of records. Below are the
categories in the approved schedule.
Details can be found by searching and
viewing the approved schedule
referenced above on the NARA website,
1. Records of Certified MEs will be
retained for the time the ME is on the
National Registry plus 6 years following
removal from the National Registry.
2. Records of MEs that are registered
but have not completed the certification
process or are ineligible for certification
by DOT will be retained for 6 years
following removal from the National
3. Records of MEAAs and third
parties designated by a certified ME will
be retained for 1 year from the date the
individual is no longer authorized to
perform duties in the National Registry
system on behalf of the Certified ME.
4. Records of CMV Drivers will be
retained concurrent with the records of
the ME who performed the driver’s
medical examination.
5. National Registry PII and MER
Records of CMV Drivers will be retained
for 3 years from the date the medical
examination report records are provided
Records in this system are
safeguarded in accordance with
applicable rules and policies, including
all applicable DOT automated systems
security and access policies. Strict
controls have been imposed to minimize
the risk of compromising the
information that is being stored. Access
to records in this system is limited to
those individuals who have a need to
know the information for the
performance of their official duties and
who have appropriate clearances or
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 193 / Friday, October 4, 2019 / Notices
FMCSA ensures that PII in the
National Registry system is protected by
reasonable security safeguards against
loss or unauthorized access, destruction,
usage, modification, or disclosure.
These safeguards incorporate standards
and practices required for Federal
information systems under the Federal
Information System Management Act
and are detailed in Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 200,
Minimum Security Requirements for
Federal Information and Information
Systems, dated March 2006, NIST
Special Publication 800–53 Rev. 3, and
Recommended Security Controls for
Federal Information Systems and
Organizations, dated August 2009.
FMCSA has a comprehensive
information security program that
contains management, operational, and
technical safeguards that are appropriate
for the protection of PII. These
safeguards are designed to achieve the
following objectives:
• Ensure the security, integrity, and
confidentiality of PII
• Protect against any reasonably
anticipated threats or hazards to the
security or integrity of PII
• Protect against unauthorized access
to or use of PII
The National Registry is more
thoroughly in the associated Privacy
Impact Assessment (PIA). The PIA can
be found on the DOT Privacy website at This
updated system will be included in
DOT’s inventory of record systems.
10. You must sign your request, and
your signature must either be notarized
or submitted under 28 U.S.C. 1746, a
law that permits statements to be made
under penalty of perjury as a substitute
for notarization. While no specific form
is required, you may obtain forms for
this purpose from the Chief Freedom of
Information Act Officer, https:// or
202.366.4542. In addition you should
provide the following:
An explanation of why you believe
the Department would have information
on you;
• Identify which component(s) of the
Department you believe may have the
information about you;
• Specify when you believe the
records would have been created;
• Provide any other information that
will help the FOIA staff determine
which DOT component agency may
have responsive records; and
If your request is seeking records
pertaining to another living individual,
you must include a statement from that
individual certifying his/her agreement
for you to access his/her records.
Without this bulleted information the
component(s) may not be able to
conduct an effective search, and your
request may be denied due to lack of
specificity or lack of compliance with
applicable regulations.
77 FR 24247—April 23, 2012.
See ‘‘Notification procedure’’ above.
See ‘‘Notification procedure’’ above.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Individuals seeking notification of
and access to any record contained in
this system of records, or seeking to
contest its content, may submit a
request in writing to the DOT FOIA
officer whose contact information can
be found at https:// under
‘‘Contact Us.’’ If an individual believes
more than one component maintains
Privacy Act records concerning him or
her, the individual may submit the
request to the Departmental Freedom of
Information Act Office, U.S. Department
of Transportation, Room W94–122, 1200
New Jersey Ave. SE, Washington, DC
20590, ATTN: Privacy Act request.
When seeking records about yourself
from this system of records or any other
Departmental system of records your
request must conform with the Privacy
Act regulations set forth in 49 CFR part
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:49 Oct 03, 2019
Jkt 250001
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
27, 2019.
Claire W. Barrett,
Departmental Chief Privacy Officer.
[FR Doc. 2019–21412 Filed 10–3–19; 8:45 am]
Office of the Comptroller of the
Proposed Agency Information
Collection Activities; Comment
Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency (OCC), Treasury; Board of
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Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (Board); and Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
ACTION: Joint notice and request for
In accordance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), the OCC,
the Board, and the FDIC (the
‘‘agencies’’) may not conduct or
sponsor, and the respondent is not
required to respond to, an information
collection unless it displays a currently
valid Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) control number. The Federal
Financial Institutions Examination
Council (FFIEC), of which the agencies
are members, has approved the
agencies’ publication for public
comment of a proposal to revise and
extend the Consolidated Reports of
Condition and Income (Call Reports)
(FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041, and FFIEC 051)
and the Regulatory Capital Reporting for
Institutions Subject to the Advanced
Capital Adequacy Framework (FFIEC
101), which are currently approved
collections of information. The
proposed revisions to the Call Reports
and the FFIEC 101 would implement
various changes to the agencies’ capital
rule that the agencies have finalized or
are considering finalizing. In addition,
the agencies are proposing a change in
the scope of the FFIEC 031 Call Report
as well as an instructional revision for
the reporting of operating lease
liabilities in the Call Reports, both of
which would take effect March 31,
2020, and a Call Report instructional
revision for home equity lines of credit
that convert from revolving to nonrevolving status that would take effect
March 31, 2021.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before December 3, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties are
invited to submit written comments to
any or all of the agencies. All comments,
which should refer to the ‘‘Call Report
and FFIEC 101 Reporting Revisions,’’
will be shared among the agencies.
OCC: You may submit comments,
which should refer to ‘‘Call Report and
FFIEC 101 Reporting Revisions,’’ by any
of the following methods:
• Email:
• Mail: Chief Counsel’s Office, Office
of the Comptroller of the Currency,
Attention: 1557–0081 and 1557–0239,
400 7th Street SW, Suite 3E–218,
Washington, DC 20219.
• Hand Delivery/Courier: 400 7th
Street SW, Suite 3E–218, Washington,
DC 20219.
Instructions: You must include
‘‘OCC’’ as the agency name and ‘‘1557–
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 193 (Friday, October 4, 2019)]
[Pages 53221-53227]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-21412]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket No. DOT-OST-2019-0138]
Privacy Act of 1974; Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) DOT/FMCSA 009--National
Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (National Registry) System of
AGENCY: Office of the Departmental Chief Information Officer, Office of
the Secretary of Transportation, DOT.
ACTION: Notice of a Modified System of Records.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, the Department of
Transportation proposes to update and reissue a current Department of
Transportation's system of records titled, ``Department of
Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 009--
National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners System of Records.''
This system of records allows the Department of Transportation/Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration to collect and maintain records on
Medical Examiners registering on the National Registry website and
applying for Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Medical
Examiner certification, certified Medical Examiner designated
administrative assistants and authorized representatives who have
registered on the National Registry to perform reporting functions on
behalf of a certified Medical Examiner, and commercial motor vehicle
drivers examined by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
certified Medical Examiners listed on the National Registry. The
categories of records collected and maintained in this system include
several pieces of personally identifiable information as detailed in
the ``Categories of Records in the System'' section of this system of
records notice. The information for the record subjects is collected
and used as part of the process of establishing and maintaining a
current national registry of Medical Examiners that are certified by
FMCSA to perform medical examinations of interstate commercial motor
vehicle drivers and issue Medical Examiner's Certificates as outlined
in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity
Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The specifics regarding the
information collected and how the Agency uses the information is more
thoroughly detailed below and in the associated Privacy Impact
Assessment on DOT's website at
In addition to non-substantive changes to simplify the formatting
and text of the previously published notice, we are revising this
notice to reflect the following changes resulting from publication of
the Medical Examiner's Certification Integration final rule (80 FR
22790) and the Process for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Physicians to be Added to the National Registry of Certified Medical
Examiners final rule (83 FR 26846). These changes include inclusion of
additional information in the categories of records to address
information collected using the CMV Driver Medical Examination Results
Form, MCSA-5850 (2126-0006), addition of the Fixing America's Surface
Transportation (FAST) Act, Public Law 114-94, as an authority for the
system, addition of one new routine use for the sharing of CMV driver
information to State Driver's Licensing Agencies, deletion of four
routine uses duplicative of Department-wide general routine uses, and
reduction in the retention disposition for records maintained in this
This updated system will be included in the Department of
Transportation's inventory of record systems.
DATES: Written comments should be submitted on or before November 4,
2019. The Department may publish an amended SORN in light of any
comments received. This new system will be effective November 4, 2019.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number DOT-
OST-2019-0138 by any of the following methods:
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Mail: Docket Management Facility, U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE, West Building Ground Floor,
Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590-0001.
Hand Delivery or Courier: West Building Ground Floor, Room
W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, Monday
through Friday, except Federal Holidays.
Fax: (202) 493-2251.
Instructions: You must include the agency name and docket number
DOT-OST-2019-0138. All comments received will be posted without change
to, including any personal information
Privacy Act: Anyone is able to search the electronic form of all
comments received in any of our dockets by the name of the individual
submitting the comment (or signing the comment, if
[[Page 53222]]
submitted on behalf of an association, business, labor union, etc.).
You may review DOT's complete Privacy Act statement in the Federal
Register published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477-78), or you may visit
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, go to or to the street
address listed above. Follow the online instructions for accessing the
For general questions please contact: Charles A. Horan III,
Director, Office of Carrier, Driver, and Vehicle Safety Standards,
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of
Transportation, Washington, DC 20590, 202.366.2362,
[email protected].
For privacy issues please contact: Claire W. Barrett, Departmental
Chief Privacy Officer, Privacy Office, Department of Transportation,
Washington, DC 20590; [email protected]; or 202.527.3284.
I. Background
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, the
Department of Transportation (DOT)/Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA) proposes to update and reissue a current DOT
system of records titled, ``Department of Transportation Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration DOT/FMCSA 009--National Registry of
Certified Medical Examiners (National Registry) System of Records.''
This system of records is being updated as a result of changes to and
use of the records collected through the publication of the Medical
Examiner's Certification Integration final rule (80 FR 22790). This
system of records collects information under the Paperwork Reduction
Act using the commercial motor vehicle (CMV) Driver Medical Examination
Results Form, MCSA-5850 (electronic), Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Control No. 2126-0006, under the information collection titled
``Medical Qualification Requirements.''
FMCSA developed the National Registry to improve highway safety and
driver health by focusing on Medical Examiner (ME) performance through
requiring MEs to be trained and certified to determine effectively
whether a CMV driver's health meets the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Regulations (FMCSRs). The MEs must demonstrate an understanding of the
physical qualifications standards in the FMCSRs and how they relate to
the medical demands of operating a CMV and how to apply those standards
in a uniform and consistent manner when making the determination
whether an individual driver meets the standards.
To be listed as a certified ME on the National Registry, an ME must
be licensed, certified, or registered to perform medical examinations
in accordance with applicable State laws and regulations, register on
the National Registry website, successfully complete required training
on FMCSA's physical qualification standards and guidelines, and pass a
certification test. Once certified, MEs are listed on FMCSA's National
Registry website where their contact information and national registry
number is made available to assist CMV drivers in locating and
contacting FMCSA certified MEs.
All interstate CMV drivers are required to obtain their Medical
Examiner's Certificates (MECs) from a certified ME listed on the
National Registry. Therefore, once certified, MEs perform medical
examinations on interstate CMV drivers who are required to receive a
medical examination at least once every two years. Certified MEs and
their designated Medical Examiner Administrative Assistants (MEAAs)
transmit driver medical examination results to FMCSA via the CMV Driver
Medical Examination Results Form, MCS. A-5850 (2126-0006), once a
month, view previously submitted CMV driver medical examination
results, and edit the ME's contact information. Other authorized
representatives designated by the certified ME are only able to
simultaneously upload (bulk upload) multiple CMV Driver Medical
Examination Results from their medical system to the National Registry.
FMCSA uses the CMV driver medical examination results (MEC information)
to monitor ME competence and performance in evaluating the CMV driver
health and fitness and to detect irregularities in examination
As part of the Medical Examiner's Certification Integration final
rule, beginning June 22, 2018, the FMCSA certified ME or his or her
designated MEAA will be required to transmit to FMCSA, through the
National Registry, by midnight (local time) of the next calendar day
following the exam, the results of all CMV driver medical examinations
that they have performed in accordance with the FMCSRs, via the CMV
Driver Medical Examination Results Form, MCSA-5850. In addition,
certified MEs will be allowed to transmit to FMCSA, through the
National Registry, the results of all CMV driver medical examinations
that they have performed in accordance with the FMCSRs with any
applicable State variances, via the CMV Driver Medical Examination
Results Form, MCSA-5850. As a result of these added collections, the
driver's address, optional email address, and results of examinations
performed in accordance with the FMCSRs with any applicable State
variances, have been added to the CMV Driver Medical Examination
Results Form, MCSA-5850. For commercial driver's license (CDL) holders,
FMCSA will electronically transmit MEC information from the National
Registry to the State Driver's Licensing Agencies (SDLAs) for
examinations conducted in accordance with the FMCSRs as well as those
in accordance with the FMCSRs with any applicable State variances.
FMCSA will also electronically transmit medical variance information
for all CMV drivers from the National Registry to the SDLAs.
We are updating this system of records notice to reflect non-
substantive changes to simplify the formatting and text of the
previously published notice and to reflect the following changes:
Categories of Records
Added collection of the CMV driver's address for the
Agency to contact the driver regarding their certification during the
oversight and audit process for the program. This has been added to the
CMV Driver Medical Examination Results Form, MCSA-5850 (2126-0006).
Added optional collection of CMV driver's email address
for general correspondence with the driver regarding his/her
certification. This has been added to the CMV Driver Medical
Examination Results Form, MCSA-5850 (2126-0006).
Added optional collection of CMV driver examination
results when performed in accordance with the FMCSRs with any
applicable State variances for electronic transmission at the request
of several States. This has been added to the CMV Driver Medical
Examination Results Form, MCSA-5850 (2126-0006).
Added the issued and expiration dates for medical
variances for electronic transmission to the SDLAs and posting to the
driver's record.
Added the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act
(FAST Act) as an authority for the system. The FAST Act requires that
the Department establish a process that allows veteran operators to
obtain their DOT medical certification exams from a Department of
[[Page 53223]]
Affairs physician. Information maintained on Medical Examiners and CMV
drivers obtained through these processes would be the same as that for
other examiners and drivers. Although the details of this process will
not be finalized until publication of the final rule, the FAST Act
requires that a process be established, and thus, we are including the
FAST Act authority in this SORN in anticipation of the eventual
establishment of the process mandated by the FAST Act and inclusion of
this information in this system.
Routine Uses of Records Maintained in the System
Added a routine use for the electronic transfer of MEC
information for commercial driver's license (CDL) holders and medical
variance information for all CMV drivers from the National Registry to
the SDLAs for posting to the driver's record. This includes information
collected from both the ME and the CMV driver. This routine use is
compatible with the purposes of the system as it allows State and
Federal enforcement officials to be able to view the most current and
accurate information regarding the medical status of the CDL holder,
all information on the MEC, and the medical variance information to
include the issued and expiration dates.
Deleted four routine uses addressing sharing records with
contractors and oversight bodies because they are duplicative of the
Department's general routine uses applicable to all systems.
Retention and Disposal
Reduced the retention and disposal of information
collected to retain records for the least amount of time necessary and
to maintain consistency with the FMCSRs (49 CFR 383.73(j)(ii) and
This updated system will be included in DOT's inventory of record
II. Privacy Act
The Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a) governs the means by which the
Federal Government collects, maintains, and uses personally
identifiable information (PII) in a System of Records. A ``System of
Records'' is a group of any records under the control of a Federal
agency from which information about individuals is retrieved by name or
other personal identifier. The Privacy Act requires each agency to
publish in the Federal Register a System of Records Notice (SORN)
identifying and describing each System of Records the agency maintains,
including the purposes for which the agency uses PII in the system, the
routine uses for which the agency discloses such information outside
the agency, and how individuals to whom a Privacy Act record pertains
can exercise their rights under the Privacy Act (e.g., to determine if
the system contains information about them and to contest inaccurate
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(r), DOT has provided a report of
this system of records to the Office of Management and Budget and to
Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration DOT/FMCSA 009--National Registry of Certified Medical
Examiners (National Registry)
Unclassified, Sensitive.
Records are maintained by FMCSA, U.S. Department of Transportation,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
Director, Office of Carrier, Driver and Vehicle Safety, (202) 366-
2362, [email protected], Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity
Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) sections 4116(a) (codified as
amended at 49 U.S.C. 31149) and 4116(b) (codified as amended at 49
U.S.C. 31136(a)(3)). Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST
Act), Public Law 114-94.
The National Registry program is designed to produce trained,
certified medical examiners who fully understand the medical standards
in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs), to create a
registry of these trained and certified medical examiners, and to
ensure that the most current and accurate information regarding the
medical status of CMV drivers is known.
This system of records allows the DOT/FMCSA to collect and maintain
records on MEs registering on the National Registry website and
applying for FMCSA ME certification, designated MEAAs and authorized
representatives who have registered on the National Registry to perform
reporting functions on behalf of a certified ME, and CMV drivers
examined by FMCSA certified MEs listed on the National Registry.
The purpose of this system and how FMCSA uses the information
collected and maintained in the National Registry system is described
below by categories of individuals covered by the system.
Information collected from MEs registering on the National Registry
website and applying for FMCSA ME certification:
FMCSA compares the ME's contact and medical licensing information
provided by the ME during registration to the State's medical licensing
data in order to ensure the data provided by the ME is valid.
FMCSA uses ME contact and employer information to communicate with
the ME regarding their information in the National Registry and their
application and certification status.
FMCSA uses ME contact information, medical licensing information,
training information, certification testing information, and
identification information to evaluate the ME's eligibility for
certification. In addition, FMCSA may request and review ME supporting
documentation for eligibility of certification. FMCSA also reviews the
ME certification test answers in order to validate the test grade and
score provided by the test center and to ensure that the test center
properly graded and scored the test.
FMCSA uses the ME's contact and employer information to list
eligible FMCSA certified MEs on the National Registry website where the
general public can search for certified MEs.
Information collected from designated MEAAs and authorized
representatives who have registered on the National Registry to perform
reporting functions on behalf of a certified ME:
The FMCSA uses designated MEAA's and authorized representatives'
contact and employer information to communicate with the designated
MEAA or authorized representative regarding their information in the
National Registry.
Information collected from CMV drivers examined by FMCSA certified
MEs listed on the National Registry:
FMCSA uses the CMV driver's medical examination results (MEC
information) to monitor certified ME competence and performance in
evaluating the CMV driver's health and to detect irregularities in
examination procedures.
FMCSA uses the CMV driver's identity information and state driver's
license information to analyze the relationship between the driver's
[[Page 53224]]
medical examination results and public safety.
FMCSA uses the CMV driver's medical examination results, ME
determination, and medical variance information to periodically review
a representative sample of the Medical Examination Report (MER) Forms
associated with the name and numerical identifiers of applicants
transmitted for errors, omissions, or other indications of improper
FMCSA uses the CMV driver's identity information to contact the
driver regarding their certification during the oversight and audit
process for the program as well as for general correspondence with the
Categories of individuals covered by this system of records
Medical examiners (MEs) registering on the National
Registry website and applying for FMCSA ME certification.
ME Administrative Assistants (MEAAs) and authorized
representatives who have registered on the National Registry and been
designated by a certified ME to perform reporting functions on behalf
of the ME.
Commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers examined by FMCSA
certified MEs listed on the National Registry.
The National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners system
collects, processes, transmits, and stores the following types of
ME Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Collection for
Registration and Certification Process
Contact Information/Place of Business (physical location
where ME will perform licensed CMV driver medical examinations)
[cir] Full name (first, last, middle initial)
[cir] Primary email address
[cir] Business name
[cir] Business address
[cir] Business telephone number
[cir] Business fax number (optional)
[cir] Business email address (optional)
[cir] Business website address (optional)
[cir] Business hours of operation (optional)
Employer Information
[cir] Employer name
[cir] Employer address
[cir] Employer telephone number
[cir] Employer fax number (optional)
[cir] Employer email address (optional)
Medical Licensing Information (used to validate medical
[cir] Medical profession
[cir] License, certificate or registration number
[cir] Medical license State of issue
[cir] Medical license expiration date
ME PII Collection for Certification Training
Training Information
[cir] Provider name
[cir] Training provider address or website (optional)
[cir] Date training completed
[cir] Training expiration date
[cir] Organization that accredited the training (optional)
[cir] Type of training (optional)
ME PII Collection for Certification Testing
Identity Verification Information
[cir] Type of ME photo ID
[cir] Expiration date of ME photo ID
[cir] National registry number issued by FMCSA
[cir] Medical credential or license
[cir] Training certification
Test Information
[cir] Test delivery organization name
[cir] Test delivery organization ID
[cir] Test center name
[cir] Test center ID
[cir] Test type
[cir] Test ID
[cir] Date of certification test
[cir] Certification test questions
[cir] Certification test answers
[cir] Test center grade (pass fail)
[cir] Test center score (numeric)
ME PII Collection Regarding Certification Decision/Status
Test Results
[cir] FMCSA test grade (pass/fail)
[cir] FMCSA test score (numeric)
MEAAs PII Collection to Register with the National Registry System
Identity Information
[cir] Full name (first, last, middle initial)
[cir] National registry number issued by FMCSA
ME Business Relationship
[cir] Business address
[cir] Business telephone number
[cir] Business email address
[cir] Business website link information
[cir] Name of certified ME that designated the AA
[cir] National registry number of certified ME that designated the
CMV Drivers PII Collection for Reporting Medical Examination
Results to the National Registry System via the MCSA-5850
Identity Verification Information
[cir] Full name (first, last, middle initial)
[cir] Date of birth
[cir] Driver's mailing address
[cir] Driver's email address (optional)
State Driver's License Information
[cir] License number
[cir] License issuing State
[cir] CDL status
Medical Examination Results
[cir] Date of examination
[cir] Examination Result (medically qualified in accordance with
the FMCSRs, medically qualified in accordance with the FMCSRs and any
applicable State variances, medically unqualified, pending
determination, incomplete examination)
[cir] Medical Examiner's Certificate expiration date
[cir] Driver restrictions/variances
[cir] Driver waiver/exemption type
CMV Driver PII Collection for Medical Variances (exemptions, skills
performance evaluation certificates and grandfathered exemptions)
Identity Verification Information
[cir] Full name (first, last, middle initial)
[cir] Date of Birth
Medical Variance Information
[cir] Type
[cir] Issue date
[cir] Expiration date
Information about the ME is obtained from the ME during the
registration and certification process. Information about the MEAA is
obtained from the MEAA during the registration process. Information
about any authorized representative providing bulk upload services is
obtained from the representative during the application process.
Information about the CMV driver is provided by the driver at the time
of medical examination to the ME.
In addition to those disclosures generally permitted under 5 U.S.C.
552a(b) of the Privacy Act, all or a portion of the records or
information contained in this system may be disclosed outside DOT as a
routine use pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(3) as follows:
System-Specific Routine Uses
1. To State Medical Boards for the purposes of verifying ME license
information and status. (State Medical Boards are the authoritative
repositories for ME license information and, as such, already have
access to ME licensing information and the verification of the same by
the Department does not constitute a disclosure under the Privacy Act.
This Routine Use is included in this Notice in an effort by the
Department to be transparent to the public regarding the way it which
it will use personal information maintained in the National Registry
system of records.)
2. To the test centers who use ME identification information,
contact information, medical licensing information, employer contact
information, and training information to
[[Page 53225]]
verify the ME's identity and eligibility to take the ME certification
test and to transmit certification test information to the National
3. To FMCSA certified MEs or designated MEAAs and authorized
representatives to submit/update CMV driver medical examination results
data to FMCSA for CMV driver examinations they have conducted and to
search for previous CMV driver medical examination results.
4. To the general public to perform searches on the National
Registry website for the purpose of locating and contacting FMCSA
certified MEs.
5. To the SDLAs medical examination results (MEC information) of
CLP/CDL applicants/holders and medical variance information
(exemptions, skills performance evaluation certificates and
grandfathered exemptions) for all CMV drivers, for posting to the
driver's record.
Department General Routine Uses
6. One or more records from a system of records may be disclosed
routinely to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in
records management inspections being conducted under the authority of
44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2906.
7. DOT may make available to another agency or instrumentality of
any government jurisdiction, including State and local governments,
listings of names from any system of records in DOT for use in law
enforcement activities, either civil or criminal, or to expose
fraudulent claims, regardless of the stated purpose for the collection
of the information in the system of records. These enforcement
activities are generally referred to as matching programs because two
lists of names are checked for match using automated assistance. This
routine use is advisory in nature and does not offer unrestricted
access to systems of records for such law enforcement and related
antifraud activities. Each request will be considered on the basis of
its purpose, merits, cost effectiveness and alternatives using
Instructions on reporting computer matching programs to the Office of
Management and Budget, OMB, Congress, and the public, published by the
Director, OMB, dated September 20, 1989.
8. DOT may disclose records from this system, as a routine use, to
the Office of Government Information Services for the purpose of (a)
resolving disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal agencies and (b)
reviewing agencies' policies, procedures, and compliance in order to
recommend policy changes to Congress and the President.
9. DOT may disclose records from the system, as a routine use, to
contractors and their agents, experts, consultants, and others
performing or working on a contract, service, cooperative agreement, or
other assignment for DOT, when necessary to accomplish an agency
function related to this system of records.
10. DOT may disclose records from this system, as a routine use, to
an agency, organization, or individual for the purpose of performing
audit or oversight operations related to this system of records, but
only such records as are necessary and relevant to the audit or
oversight activity. This routine use does not apply to intra-agency
sharing authorized under Section (b)(1) of the Privacy Act.
11. DOT may disclose from this system, as a routine use, records
consisting of, or relating to, terrorism information (6 U.S.C.
485(a)(5)), homeland security information (6 U.S.C. 482(f)(1)), or Law
enforcement information (Guideline 2 Report attached to White House
Memorandum, ``Information Sharing Environment'', November 22, 2006) to
a Federal, State, local, tribal, territorial, foreign government and/or
multinational agency, either in response to its request or upon the
initiative of the Component, for purposes of sharing such information
as is necessary and relevant for the agencies to detect, prevent,
disrupt, preempt, and mitigate the effects of terrorist activities
against the territory, people, and interests of the United States of
America, as contemplated by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism
Prevention Act of 2004 (Pub. L. 108-458) and Executive Order 13388
(October 25, 2005).
OMB-Required Routine Uses
12. In the event that a system of records maintained by DOT to
carry out its functions indicates a violation or potential violation of
law, whether civil, criminal or regulatory in nature, and whether
arising by general statute or particular program pursuant thereto, the
relevant records in the system of records may be referred, as a routine
use, to the appropriate agency, whether Federal, State, local or
foreign, charged with the responsibility of investigating or
prosecuting such violation or charged with enforcing or implementing
the statute, or rule, regulation, or order issued pursuant thereto.
13. A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a
routine use, to a Federal, State, or local agency maintaining civil,
criminal, or other relevant enforcement information or other pertinent
information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to a DOT decision concerning the hiring or
retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the
letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other
14. A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a
routine use, to a Federal agency, in response to its request, in
connection with the hiring or retention of an employee, the issuance of
a security clearance, the reporting of an investigation of an employee,
the letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant, or
other benefit by the requesting agency, to the extent that the
information is relevant and necessary to the requesting agency's
decision on the matter.
15. Routine Use for Agency Disclosure in Other Proceedings. It
shall be a routine use of records in this system to disclose them in
proceedings before any court or adjudicative or administrative body
before which DOT or any agency thereof, appears, when--(a) DOT, or any
agency thereof, or (b) Any employee of DOT or any agency thereof in
his/her official capacity, or (c) Any employee of DOT or any agency
thereof in his/her individual capacity where DOT has agreed to
represent the employee, or (d) The United States or any agency thereof,
where DOT determines that the proceeding is likely to affect the United
States, is a party to the proceeding or has an interest in such
proceeding, and DOT determines that use of such records is relevant and
necessary in the proceeding, provided, however, that in each case, DOT
determines that disclosure of the records in the proceeding is a use of
the information contained in the records that is compatible with the
purpose for which the records were collected.
16. Routine Use for Disclosure for Use in Litigation. It shall be a
routine use of the records in this system of records to disclose them
to the Department of Justice or other Federal agency conducting
litigation when--(a) DOT, or any agency thereof, or (b) Any employee of
DOT or any agency thereof, in his/her official capacity, or (c) Any
employee of DOT or any agency thereof, in his/her individual capacity
where the Department of Justice has agreed to represent the employee,
or (d) The United States or any agency thereof, where DOT determines
that litigation is likely to affect the United States, is a party to
litigation or has an interest in such litigation, and the use of such
records by the Department of Justice or other Federal agency conducting
the litigation is deemed by DOT to be relevant and necessary in the
litigation, provided, however, that in each case,
[[Page 53226]]
DOT determines that disclosure of the records in the litigation is a
use of the information contained in the records that is compatible with
the purpose for which the records were collected.
17. Disclosure may be made to a Congressional office from the
record of an individual in response to an inquiry from the
Congressional office made at the request of that individual. In such
cases, however, the Congressional office does not have greater rights
to records than the individual. Thus, the disclosure may be withheld
from delivery to the individual where the file contains investigative
or actual information or other materials which are being used, or are
expected to be used, to support prosecution or fines against the
individual for violations of a statute, or of regulations of the
Department based on statutory authority. No such limitations apply to
records requested for Congressional oversight or legislative purposes;
release is authorized under 49 CFR 10.35(9).
18. DOT may disclose records from the system, as a routine use to
appropriate agencies, entities, and persons when (1) DOT suspects or
has confirmed that there has been a breach of the system of records,
(2) DOT has determined that as a result of the suspected or confirmed
breach there is a risk of harm to individuals, DOT (including its
information systems, programs, and operations), the Federal Government,
or national security; and (3) the disclosure made to such agencies,
entities, and persons is reasonably necessary to assist in connection
with DOT's efforts to respond to the suspected or confirmed breach or
to prevent, minimize, or remedy such harm.
19. DOT may disclose records from the system, as a routine use to
another Federal agency or Federal entity, when DOT determines that
information from this system of records is reasonably necessary to
assist the recipient agency or entity in (1) responding to a suspected
or confirmed breach or (2) preventing, minimizing, or remedying the
risk of harm to individuals, the recipient agency or entity (including
its information systems, programs, and operations), the Federal
Government, or national security, resulting from a suspected or
confirmed breach. DOT may disclose records from this system, as a
routine use, to the Office of Government Information Services for the
purpose of (a) resolving disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal
agencies and (b) reviewing agencies' policies, procedures, and
compliance in order to recommend policy changes to Congress and the
20. DOT may disclose records from this system, as a routine use, to
contractors and their agents, experts, consultants, and others
performing or working on a contract, service, cooperative agreement, or
other assignment for DOT, when necessary to accomplish an agency
function related to this system of records.
21. DOT may disclose records from this system, as a routine use, to
an agency, organization, or individual for the purpose of performing
audit or oversight operations related to this system of records, but
only such records as are necessary and relevant to the audit or
oversight activity. This routine use does not apply to intra-agency
sharing authorized under Section (b)(1), of the Privacy Act. 15. DOT
may disclose from this system, as a routine use, records consisting of,
or relating to, terrorism information (6 U.S.C. 485(a)(5)), homeland
security information (6 U.S.C. 482(f)(1)), or Law enforcement
information (Guideline 2 Report attached to White House Memorandum,
``Information Sharing Environment, November 22, 2006) to a Federal,
State, local, tribal, territorial, foreign government and/or
multinational agency, either in response to its request or upon the
initiative of the Component, for purposes of sharing such information
as is necessary and relevant for the agencies to detect, prevent,
disrupt, preempt, and mitigate the effects of terrorist activities
against the territory, people, and interests of the United States of
America, as contemplated by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism
Prevention Act of 2004, (Pub. L. 108-458) and Executive Order, 13388
(October 25, 2005).
Records in this system are stored electronically and/or on paper in
secure facilities. Electronic records may be stored on magnetic disc,
tape, digital media, DVD, and CD-ROM.
Records may be retrieved by searching using the following fields:
ME name, ME city and state, ME zip code, business name,
employer name, medical profession, and/or national registry number.
MEAA name, name of designating certified ME, national
registry number of designating certified ME, and/or national registry
CMV driver's last name, and exam start and end date range.
In an effort to retain records for the least amount of time
necessary and to maintain consistency with the FMCSRs (49 CFR
383.73(j)(ii) and 391.43(i)), the DOT has updated the retention and
disposal schedule to reduce the amount of time records are retained
from a range of 16 and 60 years to a range of one to six years
depending on the record type and purpose. Records will be retained and
disposed in accordance with the National Registry of Certified Medical
Examiners, #DAA-0557-2015-0001, approved by the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA) on February 16, 2016. The categories of
records stored has been streamlined to provide a clear description of
the records covered by the National Registry system of records. Below
are the categories in the approved schedule. Details can be found by
searching and viewing the approved schedule referenced above on the
NARA website,
1. Records of Certified MEs will be retained for the time the ME is
on the National Registry plus 6 years following removal from the
National Registry.
2. Records of MEs that are registered but have not completed the
certification process or are ineligible for certification by DOT will
be retained for 6 years following removal from the National Registry.
3. Records of MEAAs and third parties designated by a certified ME
will be retained for 1 year from the date the individual is no longer
authorized to perform duties in the National Registry system on behalf
of the Certified ME.
4. Records of CMV Drivers will be retained concurrent with the
records of the ME who performed the driver's medical examination.
5. National Registry PII and MER Records of CMV Drivers will be
retained for 3 years from the date the medical examination report
records are provided to FMCSA.
Records in this system are safeguarded in accordance with
applicable rules and policies, including all applicable DOT automated
systems security and access policies. Strict controls have been imposed
to minimize the risk of compromising the information that is being
stored. Access to records in this system is limited to those
individuals who have a need to know the information for the performance
of their official duties and who have appropriate clearances or
[[Page 53227]]
FMCSA ensures that PII in the National Registry system is protected
by reasonable security safeguards against loss or unauthorized access,
destruction, usage, modification, or disclosure. These safeguards
incorporate standards and practices required for Federal information
systems under the Federal Information System Management Act and are
detailed in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 200,
Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information
Systems, dated March 2006, NIST Special Publication 800-53 Rev. 3, and
Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and
Organizations, dated August 2009. FMCSA has a comprehensive information
security program that contains management, operational, and technical
safeguards that are appropriate for the protection of PII. These
safeguards are designed to achieve the following objectives:
Ensure the security, integrity, and confidentiality of PII
Protect against any reasonably anticipated threats or
hazards to the security or integrity of PII
Protect against unauthorized access to or use of PII
The National Registry is more thoroughly in the associated Privacy
Impact Assessment (PIA). The PIA can be found on the DOT Privacy
website at This updated system will
be included in DOT's inventory of record systems.
See ``Notification procedure'' above.
See ``Notification procedure'' above.
Individuals seeking notification of and access to any record
contained in this system of records, or seeking to contest its content,
may submit a request in writing to the DOT FOIA officer whose contact
information can be found at under
``Contact Us.'' If an individual believes more than one component
maintains Privacy Act records concerning him or her, the individual may
submit the request to the Departmental Freedom of Information Act
Office, U.S. Department of Transportation, Room W94-122, 1200 New
Jersey Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20590, ATTN: Privacy Act request.
When seeking records about yourself from this system of records or
any other Departmental system of records your request must conform with
the Privacy Act regulations set forth in 49 CFR part 10. You must sign
your request, and your signature must either be notarized or submitted
under 28 U.S.C. 1746, a law that permits statements to be made under
penalty of perjury as a substitute for notarization. While no specific
form is required, you may obtain forms for this purpose from the Chief
Freedom of Information Act Officer,
or 202.366.4542. In addition you should provide the following:
An explanation of why you believe the Department would have
information on you;
Identify which component(s) of the Department you believe
may have the information about you;
Specify when you believe the records would have been
Provide any other information that will help the FOIA
staff determine which DOT component agency may have responsive records;
If your request is seeking records pertaining to another living
individual, you must include a statement from that individual
certifying his/her agreement for you to access his/her records.
Without this bulleted information the component(s) may not be able
to conduct an effective search, and your request may be denied due to
lack of specificity or lack of compliance with applicable regulations.
77 FR 24247--April 23, 2012.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September 27, 2019.
Claire W. Barrett,
Departmental Chief Privacy Officer.
[FR Doc. 2019-21412 Filed 10-3-19; 8:45 am]