Permanent Advisory Committee To Advise the U.S. Commissioners to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Meeting Announcement, 46939-46940 [2019-19304]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 173 / Friday, September 6, 2019 / Notices
(916) 930–3627 or therese.conant@
State or foreign nation, to protect such
notice announces our review of the
status of the endangered Eastern
Atlantic DPS, endangered Eastern
Pacific DPS, threatened Central &
Southwest Atlantic DPS, and threatened
Indo-West Pacific DPS of scalloped
hammerhead shark. Section 4(c)(2)(A) of
the ESA requires that we conduct a
review of listed species at least once
every five years. The regulations in 50
CFR 424.21 require that we publish a
notice in the Federal Register
announcing species currently under
active review. On the basis of such
reviews under section 4(c)(2)(B), we
determine whether a species should be
delisted or reclassified from endangered
to threatened or from threatened to
endangered. As described by the
regulations in 50 CFR 424.11(d),
delisting a species must be supported by
the best scientific and commercial data
available and only considered if such
data substantiates that the species is
neither endangered nor threatened for
one or more of the following reasons: (1)
The species is considered extinct; (2)
the species is considered to be
recovered; or (3) the original data
available when the species was listed, or
the interpretation of such data, were in
error. Any change in Federal
classification would require a separate
rulemaking process. The scalloped
hammerhead shark DPSs were listed
under the ESA on July 3, 2014 (79 FR
Background information on the
scalloped hammerhead shark DPSs is
available on the NMFS website at:
Public Solicitation of New Information
jspears on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Determining if a Species Is Threatened
or Endangered
Section 4(a)(1) of the ESA requires
that we determine whether a species is
endangered or threatened based on one
or more of the five following factors: (1)
The present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its
habitat or range; (2) overutilization for
commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (3) disease or
predation; (4) the inadequacy of existing
regulatory mechanisms; or (5) other
natural or manmade factors affecting its
continued existence. Section 4(b) also
requires that our determination be made
on the basis of the best scientific and
commercial data available after
conducting a review of the status of the
species and after taking into account
those efforts, if any, being made by any
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:53 Sep 05, 2019
Jkt 247001
To ensure that the 5-year review is
complete and based on the best
available scientific and commercial
data, we are soliciting new information
from the public, governmental agencies,
Tribes, the scientific community,
industry, environmental entities, and
any other interested parties concerning
the status of the listed scalloped
hammerhead DPSs. Categories of
requested information include: (1)
Species biology including, but not
limited to, population trends,
distribution, abundance, demographics,
and genetics; (2) habitat conditions
including, but not limited to, amount,
distribution, and important features for
conservation; (3) status and trends of
threats; (4) conservation measures that
have been implemented that benefit the
species, including monitoring data
demonstrating effectiveness of such
measures; (5) need for additional
conservation measures; and (6) other
new information, data, or corrections
including, but not limited to, taxonomic
or nomenclatural changes and improved
analytical methods for evaluating
extinction risk.
If you wish to provide information for
the 5-year reviews, you may submit
your information and materials
electronically or via mail (see
ADDRESSES section). We request that all
information be accompanied by
supporting documentation such as
maps, bibliographic references, or
reprints of pertinent publications. We
also would appreciate the submitter’s
name, address, and any association,
institution, or business that the person
represents; however, anonymous
submissions will also be accepted.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.
Dated: September 3, 2019.
Angela Somma,
Chief, Endangered Species Division, Office
of Protected Resources, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2019–19294 Filed 9–5–19; 8:45 am]
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XP003
Permanent Advisory Committee To
Advise the U.S. Commissioners to the
Western and Central Pacific Fisheries
Commission; Meeting Announcement
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
NMFS announces a public
meeting of the Permanent Advisory
Committee (PAC) to advise the U.S.
Commissioners to the Commission for
the Conservation and Management of
Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the
Western and Central Pacific Ocean
(WCPFC) on October 10–11, 2019.
Meeting topics are provided under the
this notice.
DATES: The meeting of the PAC will be
held on October 10, 2019, from 8 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time
(HST) (or until business is concluded)
and October 11, 2019 from 8 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. HST (or until business is
ADDRESSES: The public meeting will be
held at the ‘Alohilani Resort Waikiki
Beach, 2490 Kalakaua Avenue,
Honolulu, Hawaii, 96815—in the
Stingray Meeting Room. Documents to
be considered by the PAC will be made
available at the meeting.
Emily Reynolds, NMFS Pacific Islands
Regional Office; 1845 Wasp Blvd., Bldg.
176, Honolulu, HI 96818; telephone:
808–725–5039; facsimile: 808–725–
5215; email:
accordance with the Western and
Central Pacific Fisheries Convention
Implementation Act (16 U.S.C. 6901 et
seq.), the Permanent Advisory
Committee, or PAC, has been formed to
advise the U.S. Commissioners to the
WCPFC. The PAC is composed of: (i)
Not less than 15 nor more than 20
individuals appointed by the Secretary
of Commerce in consultation with the
U.S. Commissioners to the WCPFC; (ii)
the chair of the Western Pacific Fishery
Management Council’s Advisory
Committee (or the chair’s designee); and
(iii) officials from the fisheries
management authorities of American
Samoa, Guam, and the Northern
Mariana Islands (or their designees).
The PAC supports the work of the U.S.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 173 / Friday, September 6, 2019 / Notices
National Section to the WCPFC in an
advisory capacity. The U.S. National
Section is made up of the U.S.
Commissioners and the Department of
State. NMFS Pacific Islands Regional
Office provides administrative and
technical support to the PAC in
cooperation with the Department of
State. More information on the WCPFC,
established under the Convention on the
Conservation and Management of
Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the
Western and Central Pacific Ocean, can
be found on the WCPFC website: https://
Meeting Topics
The PAC meeting topics may include
the following: (1) Outcomes of the 2018
Annual Meeting and 2019 sessions of
the WCPFC Scientific Committee,
Northern Committee, and Technical and
Compliance Committee; (2)
conservation and management measures
for bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, skipjack
tuna and other species for 2019 and
beyond; (3) potential U.S. proposals to
WCPFC16; (4) input and advice from the
PAC on issues that may arise at
WCPFC16; (5) potential proposals from
other WCPFC members; and (6) other
Special Accommodations
The meeting location is physically
accessible to people with disabilities.
Requests for sign language
interpretation or other auxiliary aids
should be directed to Emily Reynolds at
808–725–5039 by September 12, 2019.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 6902 et seq.
Dated: September 3, 2019.
Alan D. Risenhoover,
Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2019–19304 Filed 9–5–19; 8:45 am]
Procurement List; Proposed Additions
and Deletions
Committee for Purchase From
People Who Are Blind or Severely
ACTION: Proposed additions to and
deletions from the Procurement List.
jspears on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
The Committee is proposing
to add products to the Procurement List
that will be furnished by nonprofit
agencies employing persons who are
blind or have other severe disabilities,
and deletes products previously
furnished by such agencies.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:53 Sep 05, 2019
Jkt 247001
Comments must be received on
or before: October 06, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Committee for Purchase
From People Who Are Blind or Severely
Disabled, 1401 S Clark Street, Suite 715,
Arlington, Virginia 22202–4149.
further information or to submit
comments contact: Michael R.
Jurkowski, Telephone: (703) 603–2117,
Fax: (703) 603–0655, or email
notice is published pursuant to 41
U.S.C. 8503(a)(2) and 41 CFR 51–2.3. Its
purpose is to provide interested persons
an opportunity to submit comments on
the proposed actions.
If the Committee approves the
proposed additions, the entities of the
Federal Government identified in this
notice will be required to procure the
products listed below from nonprofit
agencies employing persons who are
blind or have other severe disabilities.
The following products are proposed
for addition to the Procurement List for
production by the nonprofit agencies
NSN—Product Name: 8540–01–169–9010—
Towel, Paper, Absorbent, White, Roll,
11″ x 9″
Mandatory Source of Supply: Outlook
Nebraska, Inc, Omaha, NE
Mandatory for: Total Government
Contracting Activity: DEFENSE LOGISTICS
NSNs 8415–00–SAM–4221 through 8415–
Trouser, Army Services Green Uniform,
Men’s, Classic Fit, Heritage Taupe—
Sizes: 28–S, 29–S, 30–S, 31–S, 32–S, 33–
S, 34–S, 35–S, 36–S, 37–S, 26–R, 28–R,
29–R, 30–R, 31–R, 32–R, 33–R, 34–R, 35–
R, 36–R, 37–R, 29–L, 30–L, 31–L, 32–L,
33–L, 34–L, 35–L, 36–L, 37–L, 30–XL,
32–XL, 33–XL, 34–XL, 36–XL
NSNs 8415–00–SAM–4256 through 8415–
Trouser, Army Services Green Uniform,
Men’s, Athletic Fit, Heritage Taupe—
Sizes: 33–S, 34–S, 35–S, 36–S, 37–S, 29–
R, 30–R, 31–R, 32–R, 33–R, 34–R, 35–R,
36–R, 37–R, 30–L, 31–L, 32–L, 33–L, 34–
L, 35–L, 36–L, 37–L, 30–XL, 32–XL, 33–
XL, 34–XL, 36–XL
NSNs 8415–00–SAM–4361 through 8415–
Shirt, Army Services Green Uniform,
Men’s, Frch Plkt, L/S, Classic Fit, Heritge
Tan—Sizes: 131⁄2 x 32/33, 14 x 29, 14 x
30/31, 14 x 32/33, 141⁄2 x 30/31, 141⁄2 x
32/33, 15 x 29, 15 x 30/31, 15 x 32/33,
15 x 34/35, 151⁄2 x 30/31, 151⁄2 x 32/33,
151⁄2 x 34/35, 16 x 29, 16 x 30/31, 16 x
32/33, 16 x 34/35, 161⁄2 x 30/31, 161⁄2 x
32/33, 161⁄2 x 34/35, 161⁄2 x 36/37, 17 x
PO 00000
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32/33, 17 x 34/35, 17 x 36/37, 171⁄2 x 32/
33, 171⁄2 x 34/35, 171⁄2 x 36/37, 18 x 32/
33, 18 x 34/35, 18 x 36/37, 18 x 38/39,
181⁄2 x 34/35, 181⁄2 x 36/37, 181⁄2 x 38/
39, 19 x 34/35, 19 x 36/37, 19 x 38/39
NSNs 8415–00–SAM–4398 through 8415–
Shirt, Army Services Green Uniform,
Men’s, Frch Plkt, L/S, Athletic Fit,
Heritge Tan—Sizes: 151⁄2 x 32/33, 151⁄2 x
34/35, 16 x 30/31, 16 x 32/33, 16 x 34/
35, 161⁄2 x 32/33, 161⁄2 x 34/35, 161⁄2 x
36/37, 17 x 32/33, 17 x 34/35, 17 x 36/
37, 17 x 38/39, 171⁄2 x 32/33, 171⁄2 x 34/
35, 171⁄2 x 36/37, 171⁄2 x 38/39, 18 x 32/
33, 18 x 34/35, 18 x 36/37, 18 x 38/39,
181⁄2 x 32/33, 181⁄2 x 34/35, 181⁄2 x 36/
37, 181⁄2 x 38/39, 19 x 34/35, 19 x 36/
37, 19 x 38/39, 191⁄2 x 34/35, 191⁄2 x 36/
37, 20 x 34/35, 20 x 36/37
NSNs 8415–00–SAM–4429 through 8415–
Shirt, Army Services Green Uniform,
Men’s, Frch Plkt, S/S, Classic Fit,
Heritage Tan—Sizes: 131⁄2, 14, 141⁄2, 15,
151⁄2, 16, 161⁄2, 17, 171⁄2, 18, 181⁄2, 19
NSNs 8415–00–SAM–4441 through 8415–
Shirt, Army Services Green Uniform,
Men’s, Frch Plkt, S/S, Athletic Fit,
Heritage Tan—Sizes: 151⁄2, 16, 161⁄2, 17,
171⁄2, 18, 181⁄2, 19, 191⁄2, 20
NSNs 8415–00–SAM–4451 through 8415–
Coat, Dress, Army Services Green Uniform,
Men’s, Athletic Fit, Heritage Green—
Sizes: 33–XS, 34–XS, 35–XS, 36–XS, 37–
XS, 38–XS, 39–XS, 40–XS, 41–XS, 42–
XS, 33–S, 34–S, 35–S, 36–S, 37–S, 38–
S, 39–S, 40–S, 41–S, 42–S, 43–S, 44–S,
45–S, 46–S, 47–S, 48–S, 49–S, 50–S, 51–
S, 52–S, 54–S, 30–R, 31–R, 32–R, 33–R,
34–R, 35–R, 36–R, 37–R, 38–R, 39–R, 40–
R, 41–R, 42–R, 43–R, 44–R, 45–R, 46–R,
47–R, 48–R, 49–R, 50–R, 51–R, 52–R, 54–
R, 32–L, 33–L, 34–L, 35–L, 36–L, 37–L,
38–L, 39–L, 40–L, 41–L, 42–L, 43–L, 44–
L, 45–L, 46–L, 47–L, 48–L, 49–L, 50–L,
51–L, 52–L, 54–L, 34–XL, 35–XL, 36–XL,
37–XL, 38–XL, 39–XL, 40–XL, 41–XL,
42–XL, 43–XL, 44–XL, 45–XL, 46–XL,
47–XL, 48–XL, 49–XL, 50–XL, 51–XL,
52–XL, 54–XL
NSNs 8415–00–SAM–4548 through 8415–
Coat, Dress, Army Services Green Uniform,
Men’s, Classic Fit, Heritage Green—
Sizes: 33–XS, 34–XS, 35–XS, 36–XS, 37–
XS, 38–XS, 39–XS, 40–XS, 41–XS, 42–
XS, 33–S, 34–S, 35–S, 36–S, 37–S, 38–
S, 39–S, 40–S, 41–S, 42–S, 43–S, 44–S,
45–S, 46–S, 47–S, 48–S, 49–S, 50–S, 51–
S, 52–S, 54–S, 30–R, 31–R, 32–R, 33–R,
34–R, 35–R, 36–R, 37–R, 38–R, 39–R, 40–
R, 41–R, 42–R, 43–R, 44–R, 45–R, 46–R,
47–R, 48–R, 49–R, 50–R, 51–R, 52–R, 54–
R, 32–L, 33–L, 34–L, 35–L, 36–L, 37–L,
38–L, 39–L, 40–L, 41–L, 42–L, 43–L, 44–
L, 45–L, 46–L, 47–L, 48–L, 49–L, 50–L,
51–L, 52–L, 54–L, 34–XL, 35–XL, 36–XL,
37–XL, 38–XL, 39–XL, 40–XL, 41–XL,
42–XL, 43–XL, 44–XL, 45–XL, 46–XL,
47–XL, 48–XL, 49–XL, 50–XL, 51–XL,
52–XL, 54–XL, 4–JR–P, 6–JR–P, 8–JR–P,
10–JR–P, 12–JR–P, 14–JR–P, 16–JR–P, 8–
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 173 (Friday, September 6, 2019)]
[Pages 46939-46940]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-19304]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
RIN 0648-XP003
Permanent Advisory Committee To Advise the U.S. Commissioners to
the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission; Meeting
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
SUMMARY: NMFS announces a public meeting of the Permanent Advisory
Committee (PAC) to advise the U.S. Commissioners to the Commission for
the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the
Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPFC) on October 10-11, 2019.
Meeting topics are provided under the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section
of this notice.
DATES: The meeting of the PAC will be held on October 10, 2019, from 8
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time (HST) (or until business is
concluded) and October 11, 2019 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. HST (or until
business is concluded).
ADDRESSES: The public meeting will be held at the `Alohilani Resort
Waikiki Beach, 2490 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96815--in the
Stingray Meeting Room. Documents to be considered by the PAC will be
made available at the meeting.
Regional Office; 1845 Wasp Blvd., Bldg. 176, Honolulu, HI 96818;
telephone: 808-725-5039; facsimile: 808-725-5215; email:
[email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with the Western and Central
Pacific Fisheries Convention Implementation Act (16 U.S.C. 6901 et
seq.), the Permanent Advisory Committee, or PAC, has been formed to
advise the U.S. Commissioners to the WCPFC. The PAC is composed of: (i)
Not less than 15 nor more than 20 individuals appointed by the
Secretary of Commerce in consultation with the U.S. Commissioners to
the WCPFC; (ii) the chair of the Western Pacific Fishery Management
Council's Advisory Committee (or the chair's designee); and (iii)
officials from the fisheries management authorities of American Samoa,
Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands (or their designees). The PAC
supports the work of the U.S.
[[Page 46940]]
National Section to the WCPFC in an advisory capacity. The U.S.
National Section is made up of the U.S. Commissioners and the
Department of State. NMFS Pacific Islands Regional Office provides
administrative and technical support to the PAC in cooperation with the
Department of State. More information on the WCPFC, established under
the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory
Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, can be found on
the WCPFC website:
Meeting Topics
The PAC meeting topics may include the following: (1) Outcomes of
the 2018 Annual Meeting and 2019 sessions of the WCPFC Scientific
Committee, Northern Committee, and Technical and Compliance Committee;
(2) conservation and management measures for bigeye tuna, yellowfin
tuna, skipjack tuna and other species for 2019 and beyond; (3)
potential U.S. proposals to WCPFC16; (4) input and advice from the PAC
on issues that may arise at WCPFC16; (5) potential proposals from other
WCPFC members; and (6) other issues.
Special Accommodations
The meeting location is physically accessible to people with
disabilities. Requests for sign language interpretation or other
auxiliary aids should be directed to Emily Reynolds at 808-725-5039 by
September 12, 2019.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 6902 et seq.
Dated: September 3, 2019.
Alan D. Risenhoover,
Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries
[FR Doc. 2019-19304 Filed 9-5-19; 8:45 am]