Social Security Ruling, SSR 19-4p; Titles II and XVI: Evaluating Cases Involving Primary Headache Disorders, 44667-44671 [2019-18310]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 165 / Monday, August 26, 2019 / Notices
updating a rule cross reference for an
existing rule that is eligible for MRVP.
The Exchange further believes that it
would remove impediments to and
perfect the mechanism of a free and
open market and a national market
system to specify which current rules
would not be applicable to trading on
the Pillar trading platform. The
Exchange believes that the following
legend, which would be added to
existing rules, ‘‘This Rule is not
applicable to trading on the Pillar
trading platform,’’ would promote
transparency regarding which rules
would govern trading on the Exchange
on Pillar. The Exchange has proposed to
add this legend to rules that would be
superseded by proposed rules or rules
that would not be applicable because
they relate to functions that would not
be available when the Exchange
transitions to Pillar.
khammond on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
Section 11(a) of the Act
For reasons described above, the
Exchange believes that the proposal for
the Exchange to operate on a fully
automated trading market without a
Floor is consistent with Section 11(a) of
the Act and Rule 11a2–2(T) thereunder.
B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Burden on Competition
The Exchange does not believe that
the proposed rule change will impose
any burden on competition that is not
necessary or appropriate in furtherance
of the purposes of the Act. The
proposed rule change is designed to
provide for trading rules to support the
migration to the Pillar trading platform
consistent with the Framework Filing.
The Exchange operates in a highly
competitive environment in which its
unaffiliated exchanges competitors
operate multiple affiliated exchanges
that operate under common rules. By
proposing rules based on the rules of its
affiliated exchanges, the Exchange
believes that it will be able to compete
on a more level playing field with its
exchange competitors that similarly
trade NMS Stocks on fully automated
trading models. In addition, by basing
its rules on those of its affiliated
exchanges, the Exchange will provide
its Participants with consistency across
affiliated exchanges, thereby enabling
the Exchange to compete with
unaffiliated exchange competitors that
similarly operate multiple exchanges on
the same trading platforms.
In addition, the Exchange does not
believe that the proposed rule change
will impose any burden on competition
on its Participants that is not necessary
or appropriate in furtherance of the
purposes of the Act because the
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Exchange proposes to retain rules
governing Participant membership and
conduct and therefore such Participants
would not need to update internal
procedures in connection with the
migration of the Exchange to the Pillar
trading platform. The Exchange further
believes that the proposed rule change
would promote consistency and
transparency on both the Exchange and
its affiliated exchanges, thus making the
Exchange’s rules easier to navigate.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants, or Others
No written comments were solicited
or received with respect to the proposed
rule change.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
Within 45 days of the date of
publication of this notice in the Federal
Register or up to 90 days (i) as the
Commission may designate if it finds
such longer period to be appropriate
and publishes its reasons for so finding
or (ii) as to which the self-regulatory
organization consents, the Commission
(A) By order approve or disapprove
the proposed rule change, or
(B) institute proceedings to determine
whether the proposed rule change
should be disapproved.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to rule-comments@ Please include File Number SR–
NYSECHX–2019–08 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549–1090.
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NYSECHX–2019–08. This
file number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
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internet website (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for website viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549 on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
filing also will be available for
inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change.
Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit
personal identifying information from
comment submissions. You should
submit only information that you wish
to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NYSECHX–2019–08 and
should be submitted on or before
September 16, 2019.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Jill M. Peterson,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2019–18269 Filed 8–23–19; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. SSA–2018–0023]
Social Security Ruling, SSR 19–4p;
Titles II and XVI: Evaluating Cases
Involving Primary Headache Disorders
Social Security Administration.
Notice of Social Security Ruling
We are providing notice of
SSR 19–4p. This SSR provides guidance
on how we establish that a person has
a medically determinable impairment of
a primary headache disorder and how
we evaluate primary headache disorders
in disability claims under titles II and
XVI of the Social Security Act.
DATES: We will apply this notice on
August 26, 2019.
Cheryl A. Williams, Office of Medical
Policy, Social Security Administration,
49 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 165 / Monday, August 26, 2019 / Notices
6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore,
Maryland 21235–6401, (410) 965–1020.
For information on eligibility or filing
for benefits, call our national toll-free
number, 1–800–772–1213 or TTY 1–
800–325–0778, or visit our internet site,
Social Security Online, at https://
5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1) and (a)(2) do not
require us to publish this SSR, we are
doing so in accordance with 20 CFR
Through SSRs, we make available to
the public precedential decisions
relating to the Federal old-age,
survivors, disability, supplemental
security income, and special veterans’
benefits programs. We may base SSRs
on determinations or decisions made at
all levels of administrative adjudication,
Federal court decisions, Commissioner’s
decisions, opinions of the Office of the
General Counsel, or other
interpretations of the law and
Although SSRs do not have the same
force and effect as statutes or
regulations, they are binding on all of
our components in accordance with 20
CFR 402.35(b)(1) and are binding as
precedents in adjudicating cases.
This SSR will remain in effect until
we publish a notice in the Federal
Register that rescinds it, or we publish
a new SSR that replaces or modifies it.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance,
Programs Nos. 96.001, Social Security—
Disability Insurance; 96.002, Social
Security—Retirement Insurance; 96.004,
Social Security—Survivors Insurance;
96.006, Supplemental Security Income.)
Andrew Saul,
Commissioner of Social Security.
Policy Interpretation Ruling
Titles II and XVI: Evaluating Cases
Involving Primary Headache Disorders
Purpose: This SSR provides guidance
on how we establish that a person has
a medically determinable impairment
(MDI) of a primary headache disorder
and how we evaluate primary headache
disorders in disability claims under
titles II and XVI of the Social Security
Act (Act).1
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1 For
simplicity, we refer in this SSR only to
initial adult claims for disability benefits under
titles II and XVI of the Act. The policy
interpretations in this SSR, however, also apply to
claims of children (that is, people who have not
attained age 18) who apply for benefits based on
disability under title XVI of the Act, continuing
disability reviews of adults and children under
sections 223(f) and 1614(a)(4) of the Act, and
redeterminations of eligibility for benefits we make
in accordance with section 1614(a)(3)(H) of the Act
when a child who is receiving title XVI payments
based on disability attains age 18.
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Citations: Sections 216(i), 223(d),
223(f), 1614(a)(3) and 1614(a)(4) of the
Social Security Act, as amended;
Regulations No. 4, subpart P, sections
404.1502, 404.1505, 404.1509, 404.1512,
404.1513, 404.1520, 404.1520a,
404.1520b, 404.1521–404.1523,
404.1525, 404.1526, 404.1529, 404.1545,
404.1560, 404.1562–404.1569a,
404.1593, 404.1594, appendices 1 and 2;
and Regulations No. 16, subpart I,
sections 416.902, 416.905, 416.906,
416.909, 416.912, 416.913, 416.920,
416.920a, 416.920b, 416.921–416.924,
416.924a, 416.925, 416.926, 416.926a,
416.929, 416.945, 416.960, 416.962–
416.969a, 416.987, 416.993, 416.994,
and 416.994a.
Primary headache disorders are
among the most common disorders of
the nervous system.2 Examples of these
disorders include migraine headaches,
tension-type headaches, and cluster
headaches. We are issuing this SSR to
explain our policy on how we establish
that a person has an MDI of a primary
headache disorder and how we evaluate
primary headache disorders in disability
claims. In 2018, the Headache
Classification Committee of the
International Headache Society
published the third edition of the
International Classification of Headache
Disorders (ICHD–3).3 The ICHD–3
provides classification of headache
disorders and diagnostic criteria for
scientific, educational, and clinical use.
We referred to the ICHD–3 criteria in
developing this SSR.
We consider a person age 18 or older
disabled if he or she is unable to engage
in any substantial gainful activity due to
any medically determinable physical or
mental impairment(s) that can be
expected to result in death, or that has
lasted or can be expected to last for a
continuous period of not less than 12
months.4 In our sequential evaluation
process, we determine whether a
medically determinable physical or
mental impairment is severe at step 2.5
A severe MDI or combination of MDIs
significantly limits a person’s physical
or mental ability to do basic work
2 See World Health Organization. (2016).
Headache disorders. Retrieved from https://
3 See International Headache Society (IHS).
(2018). The international classification of headache
disorders (3rd ed.). Retrieved from https://
4 See sections 223(d)(1)(A) and 1614(a)(3)(A) of
the Act.
5 See 20 CFR 404.1520(a)(4)(ii) and (c) and
416.920(a)(4)(ii) and (c).
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activities. We require that the MDI(s)
result from anatomical, physiological, or
psychological abnormalities that can be
shown by medically acceptable clinical
and laboratory diagnostic techniques.6
Our regulations further require that the
MDI(s) be established by objective
medical evidence 7 from an acceptable
medical source (AMS).8 We will not use
a person’s statement of symptoms, a
diagnosis, or a medical opinion to
establish the existence of an MDI(s).9
We also will not make a finding of
disability based on a person’s statement
of symptoms alone.10
Policy Interpretation
In this SSR, we explain how we
establish a primary headache disorder
as an MDI and how we evaluate claims
involving primary headache disorders.
The following information is in a
question and answer format. Question 1
explains what primary headache
disorders are. Question 2 explains how
the medical community diagnoses
primary headache disorders. Questions
3, 4, 5, and 6 provide the ICHD–3
diagnostic criteria for four common
types of primary headache disorders.11
Question 7 explains how we establish a
primary headache disorder as an MDI.
Questions 8 and 9 address how we
evaluate primary headache disorders in
the sequential evaluation process.
List of Questions
1. What are primary headache
2. How does the medical community
diagnose a primary headache disorder?
3. What are the ICHD–3 diagnostic
criteria for migraine with aura?
4. What are the ICHD–3 diagnostic
criteria for migraine without aura?
5. What are the ICHD–3 diagnostic
criteria for chronic tension-type
6. What are the ICHD–3 diagnostic
criteria for cluster headache (a type of
trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias)?
7. How do we establish a primary
headache disorder as an MDI?
8. How do we evaluate an MDI of a
primary headache disorder under the
Listing of Impairments?
6 See sections 223(d)(3) and 1614(a)(3)(D) of the
Act, and 20 CFR 404.1521 and 416.921.
7 Objective medical evidence is defined as signs,
laboratory findings, or both. See 20 CFR
8 See 20 CFR 404.1502, 404.1513, 404.1521,
416.902, 416.913, and 416.921.
9 See 20 CFR 404.1521 and 416.921.
10 See 20 CFR 404.1529(a) and 416.929(a).
11 Although this SSR only provides information
about four common types of primary headache
disorders, diagnostic criteria for other types of
primary headache disorders can be found in the
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 165 / Monday, August 26, 2019 / Notices
khammond on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with NOTICES
9. How do we consider an MDI of a
primary headache disorder in assessing
a person’s residual functional capacity?
1. What are primary headache
Headaches are complex neurological
disorders involving recurring pain in
the head, scalp, or neck. Headaches can
occur in adults and children. The
National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the
American Academy of Neurology, and
other professional organizations classify
headaches as either primary or
secondary headaches. Primary
headaches occur independently and are
not caused by another medical
condition. Secondary headaches are
symptoms of another medical condition
such as fever, infection, high blood
pressure, stroke, or tumors.
Primary headache disorders are a
collection of chronic headache illnesses
characterized by repeated exacerbations
of overactivity or dysfunction of painsensitive structures in the head.
Examples of common primary
headaches include migraines, tensiontype headaches, and trigeminal
autonomic cephalalgias. They are
typically severe enough to require
prescribed medication and sometimes
warrant emergency department visits.12
The purpose of the emergency
department care is to determine the
correct headache diagnosis, exclude
secondary causes of the headache (such
as infection, mass-lesion, or
hemorrhage), initiate acute therapy in
appropriate cases, and provide referral
to an appropriate healthcare provider
for further care and management of the
Migraines are vascular headaches
involving throbbing and pulsating pain
caused by the activation of nerve fibers
that reside within the wall of brain
blood vessels traveling within the
meninges (the three membranes
covering the brain and spinal cord).
There are two major types of migraine:
Migraine with aura and migraine
without aura. Migraine with aura is
accompanied by visual, sensory, or
other central nervous system symptoms.
Migraine without aura is accompanied
by nausea, vomiting, or photophobia
(light sensitivity) and phonophobia
(sound sensitivity). Migraine without
12 Clinicians may use terms such as ‘‘severe’’ or
‘‘moderate’’ to characterize a person’s medical
condition or symptoms and these terms may be
seen in medical evidence. These terms will not
always have the same meaning in the clinical
setting as they do in our program.
13 Lange, S.E. (2011). Primary headache disorders
in the emergency department. Advanced Emergency
Nursing Journal, 33(3). doi:10.1097/
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aura is the most common form of
Tension-type headaches are
characterized by pain or discomfort in
the head, scalp, face, jaw, or neck, and
are usually associated with muscle
tightness in these areas. There are two
types of tension-type headaches:
Episodic and chronic. Episodic tensiontype headaches are further divided into
infrequent episodic tension-type
headaches, which typically do not
require medical management, and
frequent episodic tension-type
headaches, which may require medical
management. Chronic tension-type
headaches generally evolve from
episodic tension-type headaches.
Chronic tension-type headaches and
frequent episodic tension-type
headaches may be disabling depending
on the frequency of the headache
attacks, type of accompanying
symptoms, response to treatment, and
functional limitations.
Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias
are characterized by unilateral (onesided) pain. There are three types:
Cluster headache, paroxysmal
hemicrania (rare), and short-lasting
unilateral neuralgiform headache
attacks with conjunctival injection and
tearing (SUNCT; very rare). Cluster
headaches are characterized by sudden
headaches that occur in ‘‘clusters,’’ are
usually less frequent and shorter than
migraine headaches, and may be
mistaken for allergies because they often
occur seasonally.
2. How does the medical community
diagnose a primary headache disorder?
In accordance with the ICHD–3
guidelines, the World Health
Organization (WHO) protocols, and the
NINDS definition of headache disorders,
physicians diagnose a primary headache
disorder only after excluding alternative
medical and psychiatric causes of a
person’s symptoms.14 Physicians
diagnose a primary headache disorder
after reviewing a person’s full medical
and headache history and conducting a
physical and neurological
examination.15 It is helpful to a
physician when a person keeps a
‘‘headache journal’’ to document when
the headaches occur, how long they last,
what symptoms are associated with the
headaches, and other co-occurring
environmental factors.
To rule out other medical conditions
that may result in the same or similar
symptoms, a physician may also
conduct laboratory tests or imaging
14 ICHD–3
provides classification of headache
disorders and diagnostic criteria.
15 Ebell, M.H. (2006). Diagnosis of migraine
headache. American Family Physician, 74(12).
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scans.16 For example, physicians may
use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
to rule out other possible causes of
headaches—such as a tumor—meaning
that an unremarkable MRI is consistent
with a primary headache disorder
diagnosis. Other tests used to exclude
causes of headache symptoms include
computed tomography (CT) scan of the
head, CT angiography (CTA), blood
chemistry and urinalysis, sinus x-ray,
electroencephalogram (EEG), eye
examination, and lumbar puncture. A
scan may describe an incidental
abnormal finding, which does not
preclude the diagnosis of a primary
headache disorder. While imaging may
be useful in ruling out other possible
causes of headache symptoms, it is not
required for a primary headache
disorder diagnosis.
3. What are the ICHD–3 diagnostic
criteria for migraine with aura?
The ICHD–3 diagnostic criteria for
migraine with aura are headaches not
better accounted for by another ICHD–
3 diagnosis and at least two headache
attacks meeting the following criteria:
• One or more of the following fully
reversible aura symptoms:
Æ Visual,
Æ Sensory,
Æ Speech or language,
Æ Motor,
Æ Brainstem, or
Æ Retinal; and
• At least three of the following six
Æ At least one aura symptom spreads
gradually over at least 5 minutes;
Æ Two or more aura symptoms occur
in succession;
Æ Each individual aura symptom lasts
5 to 60 minutes;
Æ At least one aura symptom is
unilateral (aphasia is always regarded as
a unilateral symptom; dysarthria may or
may not be);
Æ At least one aura symptom is
positive (scintillations and pins and
needles are positive symptoms of aura);
Æ The aura is accompanied or
followed within 60 minutes by
4. What are the ICHD–3 diagnostic
criteria for migraine without aura?
The ICHD–3 diagnostic criteria for
migraine without aura are headaches
not better accounted for by another
ICHD–3 diagnosis and at least five
headache attacks satisfying the
following criteria:
16 Friedman, B.W. & Grosberg, B.M. (2009).
Diagnosis and management of the primary headache
disorders in the emergency department setting.
Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America,
27(1). doi:10.1016/j.emc.2008.09.005.
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 165 / Monday, August 26, 2019 / Notices
• Lasting 4 to 72 hours (untreated or
unsuccessfully treated); 17 18 and
• At least two of the following four
Æ Unilateral location;
Æ Pulsating quality;
Æ Moderate or severe pain intensity;
Æ Aggravation by or causing
avoidance of routine physical activity
(for example, walking or climbing
stairs); and
• During headache, at least one of the
Æ Nausea or vomiting, or
Æ Photophobia and phonophobia.
5. What are the ICHD–3 diagnostic
criteria for chronic tension-type
The ICHD–3 diagnostic criteria for
chronic tension-type headache are
headaches not better accounted for by
another ICHD–3 diagnosis, occurring on
at least 15 days per month on average
for more than 3 months, and satisfying
the following criteria:
• Lasting hours to days, or
unremitting; and
• At least two of the following four
Æ Bilateral location;
Æ Pressing or tightening (nonpulsating) quality;
Æ Mild or moderate intensity; or
Æ Not aggravated by routine physical
activity (such as walking or climbing
stairs); and
• No more than one of photophobia,
phonophobia, or mild nausea; and
• Neither moderate nor severe 19
nausea nor vomiting.
6. What are the ICHD–3 diagnostic
criteria for cluster headache (a type of
trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias)?
The ICHD–3 diagnostic criteria for
cluster headache are headaches not
better accounted for by another ICHD–
3 diagnosis and at least five headache
attacks satisfying the following criteria:
• Severe or very severe 20 unilateral
orbital, supraorbital, or temporal pain
lasting 15 to 180 minutes (when
• One or both of the following:
Æ A sense of restlessness or agitation
Æ At least one of the following
symptoms or signs occurring on the
same side of the body as the headache:
D Conjunctival injection (red eye);
D Lacrimation (secretion of tears);
D Nasal congestion or rhinorrhea
(runny nose);
17 When the person falls asleep during a migraine
attack and wakes up without it, duration of the
attack is calculated until the time of awakening.
18 In children (persons under age 18), attacks may
last 2–72 hours.
19 See note 12 above.
20 Id.
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D Eyelid edema (puffy eyelid);
D Forehead and facial sweating;
D Miosis (excessive constriction of the
pupil); or
D Ptosis (drooping of the upper
eyelid); and
• Occurring with a frequency
between one every other day and eight
per day.
7. How do we establish a primary
headache disorder as an MDI?
We establish a primary headache
disorder as an MDI by considering
objective medical evidence (signs,
laboratory findings, or both) from an
AMS.21 We may establish only a
primary headache disorder as an MDI.
We will not establish secondary
headaches (for example, headache
attributed to trauma or injury to the
head or neck or to infection) as MDIs
because secondary headaches are
symptoms of another underlying
medical condition. We evaluate the
underlying medical condition as the
MDI. Generally, successful treatment of
the underlying condition will alleviate
the secondary headaches.
We will not establish the existence of
an MDI based only on a diagnosis or a
statement of symptoms; however, we
will consider the following combination
of findings reported by an AMS when
we establish a primary headache
disorder as an MDI:
• A primary headache disorder
diagnosis from an AMS. Other disorders
have similar symptoms, signs, and
laboratory findings. A diagnosis of one
of the primary headache disorders by an
AMS identifies the specific condition
that is causing the person’s symptoms.
The evidence must document that the
AMS who made the diagnosis reviewed
the person’s medical history, conducted
a physical examination, and made the
diagnosis of primary headache disorder
only after excluding alternative medical
and psychiatric causes of the person’s
symptoms. In addition, the treatment
notes must be consistent with the
diagnosis of a primary headache
• An observation of a typical
headache event, and a detailed
21 See
20 CFR 404.1502(a) and 416.902(a).
explained in question 2, a person’s
‘‘headache journal’’ may aid a physician in
diagnosing a headache disorder after reviewing a
person’s full medical and headache history. We do
not require evidence from a person’s ‘‘headache
journal’’ in order to establish an MDI of a headache
disorder. Our current rules require objective
medical evidence, consisting of signs, laboratory
finding, or both, from an AMS to establish an MDI.
We will, however, consider evidence from a
person’s ‘‘headache journal’’ when it is part of the
record, either as part of the treatment notes or as
separate evidence, along with all evidence in the
22 As
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description of the event including all
associated phenomena, by an AMS.
During a physical examination, an AMS
is often able to observe and document
signs that co-occur prior to, during, and
following the headache event. Examples
of co-occurring observable signs include
occasional tremors, problems
concentrating or remembering, neck
stiffness, dizziness, gait instability,skin
flushing, nasal congestion or rhinorrhea
(runny nose), puffy eyelid, forehead or
facial sweating, pallor, constriction of
the pupil, drooping of the upper eyelid,
red eye, secretion of tears, and the need
to be in a quiet or dark room during the
examination. In the absence of direct
observation of a typical headache event
by an AMS, we may consider a third
party observation of a typical headache
event, and any co-occurring observable
signs, when the third party’s description
of the event is documented by an AMS
and consistent with the evidence in the
case file.
• Remarkable or unremarkable
findings on laboratory tests. We will
make every reasonable effort to obtain
the results of laboratory tests. We will
not routinely purchase tests related to a
person’s headaches or allegations of
headaches. We will not purchase
imaging or other diagnostic or
laboratory tests that are complex, may
involve significant risk, or are invasive.
• Response to treatment. Medications
and other medical interventions are
generally tailored to a person’s unique
symptoms, predicted response, and risk
of side effects. Examples of medications
used to treat primary headache
disorders include, but are not limited to,
botulinum neurotoxin (Botox®),
anticonvulsants, and antidepressants.
We will consider whether the person’s
headache symptoms have improved,
worsened, or remained stable despite
treatment and consider medical
opinions related to the person’s physical
strength and functional abilities. When
evidence in the file from an AMS
documents ongoing headaches that
persist despite treatment, such findings
may constitute medical signs that help
to establish the presence of an MDI.23
8. How do we evaluate an MDI of a
primary headache disorder under the
Listing of Impairments?
Primary headache disorder is not a
listed impairment in the Listing of
Impairments (listings); 24 however, we
may find that a primary headache
disorder, alone or in combination with
23 See
20 CFR 404.1502(g) and 416.902(l).
20 CFR part 404, subpart P, Appendix 1,
and 20 CFR 404.1525 and 416.925.
24 See
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 165 / Monday, August 26, 2019 / Notices
another impairment(s), medically equals
a listing.25
Epilepsy (listing 11.02) is the most
closely analogous listed impairment for
an MDI of a primary headache disorder.
While uncommon, a person with a
primary headache disorder may exhibit
equivalent signs and limitations to those
detailed in listing 11.02 (paragraph B or
D for dyscognitive seizures), and we
may find that his or her MDI(s)
medically equals the listing.
Paragraph B of listing 11.02 requires
dyscognitive seizures occurring at least
once a week for at least 3 consecutive
months despite adherence to prescribed
treatment. To evaluate whether a
primary headache disorder is equal in
severity and duration to the criteria in
11.02B, we consider: A detailed
description from an AMS of a typical
headache event, including all associated
phenomena (for example, premonitory
symptoms, aura, duration, intensity, and
accompanying symptoms); the
frequency of headache events;
adherence to prescribed treatment; side
effects of treatment (for example, many
medications used for treating a primary
headache disorder can produce
drowsiness, confusion, or inattention);
and limitations in functioning that may
be associated with the primary
headache disorder or effects of its
treatment, such as interference with
activity during the day (for example, the
need for a darkened and quiet room,
having to lie down without moving, a
sleep disturbance that affects daytime
activities, or other related needs and
Paragraph D of listing 11.02 requires
dyscognitive seizures occurring at least
once every 2 weeks for at least 3
consecutive months despite adherence
to prescribed treatment, and marked
limitation in one area of functioning. To
evaluate whether a primary headache
disorder is equal in severity and
duration to the criteria in 11.02D, we
consider the same factors we consider
for 11.02B and we also consider
whether the overall effects of the
primary headache disorder on
functioning results in marked limitation
in: Physical functioning; understanding,
remembering, or applying information;
interacting with others; concentrating,
persisting, or maintaining pace; or
adapting or managing oneself.
25 See 20 CFR 404.1526 and 416.926 and SSR 17–
2p: Titles II and XVI: Evidence Needed by
Adjudicators at the Hearings and Appeals Council
Levels of the Administrative Review Process to
Make Findings about Medical Equivalence, 82 FR
15263 (2017) (also available at: https://
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:09 Aug 23, 2019
Jkt 247001
9. How do we consider an MDI of a
primary headache disorder in assessing
a person’s residual functional capacity?
If a person’s primary headache
disorder, alone or in combination with
another impairment(s), does not
medically equal a listing at step three of
the sequential evaluation process, we
assess the person’s residual functional
capacity (RFC). We must consider and
discuss the limiting effects of all
impairments and any related symptoms
when assessing a person’s RFC.26 The
RFC is the most a person can do despite
his or her limitation(s).
We consider the extent to which the
person’s impairment-related symptoms
are consistent with the evidence in the
record. For example, symptoms of a
primary headache disorder, such as
photophobia, may cause a person to
have difficulty sustaining attention and
concentration. Consistency and
supportability between reported
symptoms and objective medical
evidence is key in assessing the RFC.
This SSR is applicable on August 26,
Cross References: SSR 83–12: Title II
and XVI: Capability To Do Other
Work—The Medical-Vocational Rules as
a Framework for Evaluating Exertional
Limitations Within a Range of Work or
Between Ranges of Work; SSR 83–14:
Titles II and XVI: Capability To Do
Other Work—The Medical-Vocational
Rules as a Framework for Evaluating a
Combination of Exertional and
Nonexertional Impairments; SSR 85–15:
Titles II and XVI: Capability To Do
Other Work—The Medical-Vocational
Rules as a Framework for Evaluating
Solely Nonexertional Impairments; SSR
86–8: Titles II and XVI: The Sequential
Evaluation Process; SSR 96–8p: Titles II
and XVI: Assessing Residual Functional
Capacity in Initial Claims; SSR 96–9p:
Titles II and XVI: Determining
Capability to Do Other Work—
Implications of a Residual Functional
Capacity for Less Than a Full Range of
Sedentary Work; SSR 11–2p: Titles II
and XVI: Documenting and Evaluating
Disability in Young Adults; SSR 16–3p:
Titles II and XVI: Evaluation of
26 See
20 CFR 404.1545 and 416.945.
will use this SSR beginning on its
applicable date. We will apply this SSR to new
applications filed on or after the applicable date of
the SSR and to claims that are pending on and after
the applicable date. This means that we will use
this SSR on and after its applicable date in any case
in which we make a determination or decision. We
expect that Federal courts will review our final
decisions using the rules that were in effect at the
time we issued the decisions. If a court reverses our
final decision and remands a case for further
administrative proceedings after the applicable date
of this SSR, we will apply this SSR to the entire
period at issue in the decision we make after the
court’s remand.
27 We
PO 00000
Frm 00074
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Symptoms in Disability Claims; SSR 17–
2p: Titles II and XVI: Evidence Needed
by Adjudicators at the Hearings and
Appeals Council Levels of the
Administrative Review Process to Make
Findings about Medical Equivalence;
and Program Operations Manual System
(POMS) DI 22001.001, DI 22505.001, DI
22505.003, DI 24501.020, DI 24501.021,
DI 24503.005, DI 24503.025, DI
24503.030, DI 24503.035, DI 24505.001,
DI 24510.005, DI 24510.057, DI
24515.012, DI 24515.062, DI 24515.063,
DI 25025.001, DI 25505.025, and DI
[FR Doc. 2019–18310 Filed 8–23–19; 8:45 am]
[Public Notice: 10855]
Bureau of International Security and
Nonproliferation; Imposition of
Additional Sanctions on Russia Under
the Chemical and Biological Weapons
Control and Warfare Elimination Act of
On August 6, 2018, a
determination was made that the
Russian government used chemical
weapons in violation of international
law or lethal chemical weapons against
its own nationals. Notice of this
determination was published on August
27, 2018 in the Federal Register, under
Public Notice 10519, which resulted in
sanctions against Russia. Section 307(B)
of the Chemical and Biological Weapons
Control and Warfare Elimination Act of
1991 (CBW Act), requires a decision
within three months of August 6, 2018
regarding whether Russia has met
certain conditions described in the law.
Additional sanctions on Russia are
required if these conditions are not met.
The Secretary of State decided on
November 2, 2018 that Russia had not
met the CBW Act’s conditions and
decided to impose additional sanctions
on Russia on March 29, 2019.
DATES: This determination is effective
on August 26, 2019.
Pamela K. Durham, Office of Missile,
Biological, and Chemical
Nonproliferation, Bureau of
International Security and
Nonproliferation, Department of State,
Telephone (202) 647–4930.
to Section 307(b) of the Chemical and
Biological Weapons Control and
Warfare Elimination Act of 1991, as
amended (22 U.S.C. Section 5604(a) and
Section 5605(a)), on March 29, 2019 the
Secretary of State decided to impose
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 165 (Monday, August 26, 2019)]
[Pages 44667-44671]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-18310]
[Docket No. SSA-2018-0023]
Social Security Ruling, SSR 19-4p; Titles II and XVI: Evaluating
Cases Involving Primary Headache Disorders
AGENCY: Social Security Administration.
ACTION: Notice of Social Security Ruling (SSR).
SUMMARY: We are providing notice of SSR 19-4p. This SSR provides
guidance on how we establish that a person has a medically determinable
impairment of a primary headache disorder and how we evaluate primary
headache disorders in disability claims under titles II and XVI of the
Social Security Act.
DATES: We will apply this notice on August 26, 2019.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cheryl A. Williams, Office of Medical
Policy, Social Security Administration,
[[Page 44668]]
6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21235-6401, (410) 965-
1020. For information on eligibility or filing for benefits, call our
national toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213 or TTY 1-800-325-0778, or
visit our internet site, Social Security Online, at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Although 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1) and (a)(2) do
not require us to publish this SSR, we are doing so in accordance with
20 CFR 402.35(b)(1).
Through SSRs, we make available to the public precedential
decisions relating to the Federal old-age, survivors, disability,
supplemental security income, and special veterans' benefits programs.
We may base SSRs on determinations or decisions made at all levels of
administrative adjudication, Federal court decisions, Commissioner's
decisions, opinions of the Office of the General Counsel, or other
interpretations of the law and regulations.
Although SSRs do not have the same force and effect as statutes or
regulations, they are binding on all of our components in accordance
with 20 CFR 402.35(b)(1) and are binding as precedents in adjudicating
This SSR will remain in effect until we publish a notice in the
Federal Register that rescinds it, or we publish a new SSR that
replaces or modifies it.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, Programs Nos. 96.001, Social
Security--Disability Insurance; 96.002, Social Security--Retirement
Insurance; 96.004, Social Security--Survivors Insurance; 96.006,
Supplemental Security Income.)
Andrew Saul,
Commissioner of Social Security.
Policy Interpretation Ruling
Titles II and XVI: Evaluating Cases Involving Primary Headache
Purpose: This SSR provides guidance on how we establish that a
person has a medically determinable impairment (MDI) of a primary
headache disorder and how we evaluate primary headache disorders in
disability claims under titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act
\1\ For simplicity, we refer in this SSR only to initial adult
claims for disability benefits under titles II and XVI of the Act.
The policy interpretations in this SSR, however, also apply to
claims of children (that is, people who have not attained age 18)
who apply for benefits based on disability under title XVI of the
Act, continuing disability reviews of adults and children under
sections 223(f) and 1614(a)(4) of the Act, and redeterminations of
eligibility for benefits we make in accordance with section
1614(a)(3)(H) of the Act when a child who is receiving title XVI
payments based on disability attains age 18.
Citations: Sections 216(i), 223(d), 223(f), 1614(a)(3) and
1614(a)(4) of the Social Security Act, as amended; Regulations No. 4,
subpart P, sections 404.1502, 404.1505, 404.1509, 404.1512, 404.1513,
404.1520, 404.1520a, 404.1520b, 404.1521-404.1523, 404.1525, 404.1526,
404.1529, 404.1545, 404.1560, 404.1562-404.1569a, 404.1593, 404.1594,
appendices 1 and 2; and Regulations No. 16, subpart I, sections
416.902, 416.905, 416.906, 416.909, 416.912, 416.913, 416.920,
416.920a, 416.920b, 416.921-416.924, 416.924a, 416.925, 416.926,
416.926a, 416.929, 416.945, 416.960, 416.962-416.969a, 416.987,
416.993, 416.994, and 416.994a.
Primary headache disorders are among the most common disorders of
the nervous system.\2\ Examples of these disorders include migraine
headaches, tension-type headaches, and cluster headaches. We are
issuing this SSR to explain our policy on how we establish that a
person has an MDI of a primary headache disorder and how we evaluate
primary headache disorders in disability claims. In 2018, the Headache
Classification Committee of the International Headache Society
published the third edition of the International Classification of
Headache Disorders (ICHD-3).\3\ The ICHD-3 provides classification of
headache disorders and diagnostic criteria for scientific, educational,
and clinical use. We referred to the ICHD-3 criteria in developing this
\2\ See World Health Organization. (2016). Headache disorders.
Retrieved from
\3\ See International Headache Society (IHS). (2018). The
international classification of headache disorders (3rd ed.).
Retrieved from
We consider a person age 18 or older disabled if he or she is
unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity due to any
medically determinable physical or mental impairment(s) that can be
expected to result in death, or that has lasted or can be expected to
last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months.\4\ In our
sequential evaluation process, we determine whether a medically
determinable physical or mental impairment is severe at step 2.\5\ A
severe MDI or combination of MDIs significantly limits a person's
physical or mental ability to do basic work activities. We require that
the MDI(s) result from anatomical, physiological, or psychological
abnormalities that can be shown by medically acceptable clinical and
laboratory diagnostic techniques.\6\ Our regulations further require
that the MDI(s) be established by objective medical evidence \7\ from
an acceptable medical source (AMS).\8\ We will not use a person's
statement of symptoms, a diagnosis, or a medical opinion to establish
the existence of an MDI(s).\9\ We also will not make a finding of
disability based on a person's statement of symptoms alone.\10\
\4\ See sections 223(d)(1)(A) and 1614(a)(3)(A) of the Act.
\5\ See 20 CFR 404.1520(a)(4)(ii) and (c) and 416.920(a)(4)(ii)
and (c).
\6\ See sections 223(d)(3) and 1614(a)(3)(D) of the Act, and 20
CFR 404.1521 and 416.921.
\7\ Objective medical evidence is defined as signs, laboratory
findings, or both. See 20 CFR 404.1502(f).
\8\ See 20 CFR 404.1502, 404.1513, 404.1521, 416.902, 416.913,
and 416.921.
\9\ See 20 CFR 404.1521 and 416.921.
\10\ See 20 CFR 404.1529(a) and 416.929(a).
Policy Interpretation
In this SSR, we explain how we establish a primary headache
disorder as an MDI and how we evaluate claims involving primary
headache disorders. The following information is in a question and
answer format. Question 1 explains what primary headache disorders are.
Question 2 explains how the medical community diagnoses primary
headache disorders. Questions 3, 4, 5, and 6 provide the ICHD-3
diagnostic criteria for four common types of primary headache
disorders.\11\ Question 7 explains how we establish a primary headache
disorder as an MDI. Questions 8 and 9 address how we evaluate primary
headache disorders in the sequential evaluation process.
\11\ Although this SSR only provides information about four
common types of primary headache disorders, diagnostic criteria for
other types of primary headache disorders can be found in the ICHD-
List of Questions
1. What are primary headache disorders?
2. How does the medical community diagnose a primary headache
3. What are the ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria for migraine with aura?
4. What are the ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria for migraine without
5. What are the ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria for chronic tension-type
6. What are the ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria for cluster headache (a
type of trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias)?
7. How do we establish a primary headache disorder as an MDI?
8. How do we evaluate an MDI of a primary headache disorder under
the Listing of Impairments?
[[Page 44669]]
9. How do we consider an MDI of a primary headache disorder in
assessing a person's residual functional capacity?
1. What are primary headache disorders?
Headaches are complex neurological disorders involving recurring
pain in the head, scalp, or neck. Headaches can occur in adults and
children. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
(NINDS), the American Academy of Neurology, and other professional
organizations classify headaches as either primary or secondary
headaches. Primary headaches occur independently and are not caused by
another medical condition. Secondary headaches are symptoms of another
medical condition such as fever, infection, high blood pressure,
stroke, or tumors.
Primary headache disorders are a collection of chronic headache
illnesses characterized by repeated exacerbations of overactivity or
dysfunction of pain-sensitive structures in the head. Examples of
common primary headaches include migraines, tension-type headaches, and
trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias. They are typically severe enough to
require prescribed medication and sometimes warrant emergency
department visits.\12\ The purpose of the emergency department care is
to determine the correct headache diagnosis, exclude secondary causes
of the headache (such as infection, mass-lesion, or hemorrhage),
initiate acute therapy in appropriate cases, and provide referral to an
appropriate healthcare provider for further care and management of the
\12\ Clinicians may use terms such as ``severe'' or ``moderate''
to characterize a person's medical condition or symptoms and these
terms may be seen in medical evidence. These terms will not always
have the same meaning in the clinical setting as they do in our
\13\ Lange, S.E. (2011). Primary headache disorders in the
emergency department. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 33(3).
Migraines are vascular headaches involving throbbing and pulsating
pain caused by the activation of nerve fibers that reside within the
wall of brain blood vessels traveling within the meninges (the three
membranes covering the brain and spinal cord). There are two major
types of migraine: Migraine with aura and migraine without aura.
Migraine with aura is accompanied by visual, sensory, or other central
nervous system symptoms. Migraine without aura is accompanied by
nausea, vomiting, or photophobia (light sensitivity) and phonophobia
(sound sensitivity). Migraine without aura is the most common form of
Tension-type headaches are characterized by pain or discomfort in
the head, scalp, face, jaw, or neck, and are usually associated with
muscle tightness in these areas. There are two types of tension-type
headaches: Episodic and chronic. Episodic tension-type headaches are
further divided into infrequent episodic tension-type headaches, which
typically do not require medical management, and frequent episodic
tension-type headaches, which may require medical management. Chronic
tension-type headaches generally evolve from episodic tension-type
headaches. Chronic tension-type headaches and frequent episodic
tension-type headaches may be disabling depending on the frequency of
the headache attacks, type of accompanying symptoms, response to
treatment, and functional limitations.
Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias are characterized by unilateral
(one-sided) pain. There are three types: Cluster headache, paroxysmal
hemicrania (rare), and short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache
attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT; very rare).
Cluster headaches are characterized by sudden headaches that occur in
``clusters,'' are usually less frequent and shorter than migraine
headaches, and may be mistaken for allergies because they often occur
2. How does the medical community diagnose a primary headache
In accordance with the ICHD-3 guidelines, the World Health
Organization (WHO) protocols, and the NINDS definition of headache
disorders, physicians diagnose a primary headache disorder only after
excluding alternative medical and psychiatric causes of a person's
symptoms.\14\ Physicians diagnose a primary headache disorder after
reviewing a person's full medical and headache history and conducting a
physical and neurological examination.\15\ It is helpful to a physician
when a person keeps a ``headache journal'' to document when the
headaches occur, how long they last, what symptoms are associated with
the headaches, and other co-occurring environmental factors.
\14\ ICHD-3 provides classification of headache disorders and
diagnostic criteria.
\15\ Ebell, M.H. (2006). Diagnosis of migraine headache.
American Family Physician, 74(12).
To rule out other medical conditions that may result in the same or
similar symptoms, a physician may also conduct laboratory tests or
imaging scans.\16\ For example, physicians may use magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) to rule out other possible causes of headaches--such as a
tumor--meaning that an unremarkable MRI is consistent with a primary
headache disorder diagnosis. Other tests used to exclude causes of
headache symptoms include computed tomography (CT) scan of the head, CT
angiography (CTA), blood chemistry and urinalysis, sinus x-ray,
electroencephalogram (EEG), eye examination, and lumbar puncture. A
scan may describe an incidental abnormal finding, which does not
preclude the diagnosis of a primary headache disorder. While imaging
may be useful in ruling out other possible causes of headache symptoms,
it is not required for a primary headache disorder diagnosis.
\16\ Friedman, B.W. & Grosberg, B.M. (2009). Diagnosis and
management of the primary headache disorders in the emergency
department setting. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America,
27(1). doi:10.1016/j.emc.2008.09.005.
3. What are the ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria for migraine with aura?
The ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria for migraine with aura are headaches
not better accounted for by another ICHD-3 diagnosis and at least two
headache attacks meeting the following criteria:
One or more of the following fully reversible aura
[cir] Visual,
[cir] Sensory,
[cir] Speech or language,
[cir] Motor,
[cir] Brainstem, or
[cir] Retinal; and
At least three of the following six characteristics:
[cir] At least one aura symptom spreads gradually over at least 5
[cir] Two or more aura symptoms occur in succession;
[cir] Each individual aura symptom lasts 5 to 60 minutes;
[cir] At least one aura symptom is unilateral (aphasia is always
regarded as a unilateral symptom; dysarthria may or may not be);
[cir] At least one aura symptom is positive (scintillations and
pins and needles are positive symptoms of aura); or
[cir] The aura is accompanied or followed within 60 minutes by
4. What are the ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria for migraine without
The ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria for migraine without aura are
headaches not better accounted for by another ICHD-3 diagnosis and at
least five headache attacks satisfying the following criteria:
[[Page 44670]]
Lasting 4 to 72 hours (untreated or unsuccessfully
treated); 17 18 and
\17\ When the person falls asleep during a migraine attack and
wakes up without it, duration of the attack is calculated until the
time of awakening.
\18\ In children (persons under age 18), attacks may last 2-72
At least two of the following four characteristics:
[cir] Unilateral location;
[cir] Pulsating quality;
[cir] Moderate or severe pain intensity; or
[cir] Aggravation by or causing avoidance of routine physical
activity (for example, walking or climbing stairs); and
During headache, at least one of the following:
[cir] Nausea or vomiting, or
[cir] Photophobia and phonophobia.
5. What are the ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria for chronic tension-type
The ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria for chronic tension-type headache
are headaches not better accounted for by another ICHD-3 diagnosis,
occurring on at least 15 days per month on average for more than 3
months, and satisfying the following criteria:
Lasting hours to days, or unremitting; and
At least two of the following four characteristics:
[cir] Bilateral location;
[cir] Pressing or tightening (non-pulsating) quality;
[cir] Mild or moderate intensity; or
[cir] Not aggravated by routine physical activity (such as walking
or climbing stairs); and
No more than one of photophobia, phonophobia, or mild
nausea; and
Neither moderate nor severe \19\ nausea nor vomiting.
\19\ See note 12 above.
6. What are the ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria for cluster headache (a
type of trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias)?
The ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria for cluster headache are headaches
not better accounted for by another ICHD-3 diagnosis and at least five
headache attacks satisfying the following criteria:
Severe or very severe \20\ unilateral orbital,
supraorbital, or temporal pain lasting 15 to 180 minutes (when
\20\ Id.
One or both of the following:
[cir] A sense of restlessness or agitation or
[cir] At least one of the following symptoms or signs occurring on
the same side of the body as the headache:
[ssquf] Conjunctival injection (red eye);
[ssquf] Lacrimation (secretion of tears);
[ssquf] Nasal congestion or rhinorrhea (runny nose);
[ssquf] Eyelid edema (puffy eyelid);
[ssquf] Forehead and facial sweating;
[ssquf] Miosis (excessive constriction of the pupil); or
[ssquf] Ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid); and
Occurring with a frequency between one every other day and
eight per day.
7. How do we establish a primary headache disorder as an MDI?
We establish a primary headache disorder as an MDI by considering
objective medical evidence (signs, laboratory findings, or both) from
an AMS.\21\ We may establish only a primary headache disorder as an
MDI. We will not establish secondary headaches (for example, headache
attributed to trauma or injury to the head or neck or to infection) as
MDIs because secondary headaches are symptoms of another underlying
medical condition. We evaluate the underlying medical condition as the
MDI. Generally, successful treatment of the underlying condition will
alleviate the secondary headaches.
\21\ See 20 CFR 404.1502(a) and 416.902(a).
We will not establish the existence of an MDI based only on a
diagnosis or a statement of symptoms; however, we will consider the
following combination of findings reported by an AMS when we establish
a primary headache disorder as an MDI:
A primary headache disorder diagnosis from an AMS. Other
disorders have similar symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings. A
diagnosis of one of the primary headache disorders by an AMS identifies
the specific condition that is causing the person's symptoms. The
evidence must document that the AMS who made the diagnosis reviewed the
person's medical history, conducted a physical examination, and made
the diagnosis of primary headache disorder only after excluding
alternative medical and psychiatric causes of the person's symptoms. In
addition, the treatment notes must be consistent with the diagnosis of
a primary headache disorder.\22\
\22\ As explained in question 2, a person's ``headache journal''
may aid a physician in diagnosing a headache disorder after
reviewing a person's full medical and headache history. We do not
require evidence from a person's ``headache journal'' in order to
establish an MDI of a headache disorder. Our current rules require
objective medical evidence, consisting of signs, laboratory finding,
or both, from an AMS to establish an MDI. We will, however, consider
evidence from a person's ``headache journal'' when it is part of the
record, either as part of the treatment notes or as separate
evidence, along with all evidence in the record.
An observation of a typical headache event, and a detailed
description of the event including all associated phenomena, by an AMS.
During a physical examination, an AMS is often able to observe and
document signs that co-occur prior to, during, and following the
headache event. Examples of co-occurring observable signs include
occasional tremors, problems concentrating or remembering, neck
stiffness, dizziness, gait instability,skin flushing, nasal congestion
or rhinorrhea (runny nose), puffy eyelid, forehead or facial sweating,
pallor, constriction of the pupil, drooping of the upper eyelid, red
eye, secretion of tears, and the need to be in a quiet or dark room
during the examination. In the absence of direct observation of a
typical headache event by an AMS, we may consider a third party
observation of a typical headache event, and any co-occurring
observable signs, when the third party's description of the event is
documented by an AMS and consistent with the evidence in the case file.
Remarkable or unremarkable findings on laboratory tests.
We will make every reasonable effort to obtain the results of
laboratory tests. We will not routinely purchase tests related to a
person's headaches or allegations of headaches. We will not purchase
imaging or other diagnostic or laboratory tests that are complex, may
involve significant risk, or are invasive.
Response to treatment. Medications and other medical
interventions are generally tailored to a person's unique symptoms,
predicted response, and risk of side effects. Examples of medications
used to treat primary headache disorders include, but are not limited
to, botulinum neurotoxin (Botox[supreg]), anticonvulsants, and
antidepressants. We will consider whether the person's headache
symptoms have improved, worsened, or remained stable despite treatment
and consider medical opinions related to the person's physical strength
and functional abilities. When evidence in the file from an AMS
documents ongoing headaches that persist despite treatment, such
findings may constitute medical signs that help to establish the
presence of an MDI.\23\
\23\ See 20 CFR 404.1502(g) and 416.902(l).
8. How do we evaluate an MDI of a primary headache disorder under
the Listing of Impairments?
Primary headache disorder is not a listed impairment in the Listing
of Impairments (listings); \24\ however, we may find that a primary
headache disorder, alone or in combination with
[[Page 44671]]
another impairment(s), medically equals a listing.\25\
\24\ See 20 CFR part 404, subpart P, Appendix 1, and 20 CFR
404.1525 and 416.925.
\25\ See 20 CFR 404.1526 and 416.926 and SSR 17-2p: Titles II
and XVI: Evidence Needed by Adjudicators at the Hearings and Appeals
Council Levels of the Administrative Review Process to Make Findings
about Medical Equivalence, 82 FR 15263 (2017) (also available at:
Epilepsy (listing 11.02) is the most closely analogous listed
impairment for an MDI of a primary headache disorder. While uncommon, a
person with a primary headache disorder may exhibit equivalent signs
and limitations to those detailed in listing 11.02 (paragraph B or D
for dyscognitive seizures), and we may find that his or her MDI(s)
medically equals the listing.
Paragraph B of listing 11.02 requires dyscognitive seizures
occurring at least once a week for at least 3 consecutive months
despite adherence to prescribed treatment. To evaluate whether a
primary headache disorder is equal in severity and duration to the
criteria in 11.02B, we consider: A detailed description from an AMS of
a typical headache event, including all associated phenomena (for
example, premonitory symptoms, aura, duration, intensity, and
accompanying symptoms); the frequency of headache events; adherence to
prescribed treatment; side effects of treatment (for example, many
medications used for treating a primary headache disorder can produce
drowsiness, confusion, or inattention); and limitations in functioning
that may be associated with the primary headache disorder or effects of
its treatment, such as interference with activity during the day (for
example, the need for a darkened and quiet room, having to lie down
without moving, a sleep disturbance that affects daytime activities, or
other related needs and limitations).
Paragraph D of listing 11.02 requires dyscognitive seizures
occurring at least once every 2 weeks for at least 3 consecutive months
despite adherence to prescribed treatment, and marked limitation in one
area of functioning. To evaluate whether a primary headache disorder is
equal in severity and duration to the criteria in 11.02D, we consider
the same factors we consider for 11.02B and we also consider whether
the overall effects of the primary headache disorder on functioning
results in marked limitation in: Physical functioning; understanding,
remembering, or applying information; interacting with others;
concentrating, persisting, or maintaining pace; or adapting or managing
9. How do we consider an MDI of a primary headache disorder in
assessing a person's residual functional capacity?
If a person's primary headache disorder, alone or in combination
with another impairment(s), does not medically equal a listing at step
three of the sequential evaluation process, we assess the person's
residual functional capacity (RFC). We must consider and discuss the
limiting effects of all impairments and any related symptoms when
assessing a person's RFC.\26\ The RFC is the most a person can do
despite his or her limitation(s).
\26\ See 20 CFR 404.1545 and 416.945.
We consider the extent to which the person's impairment-related
symptoms are consistent with the evidence in the record. For example,
symptoms of a primary headache disorder, such as photophobia, may cause
a person to have difficulty sustaining attention and concentration.
Consistency and supportability between reported symptoms and objective
medical evidence is key in assessing the RFC.
This SSR is applicable on August 26, 2019.\27\
\27\ We will use this SSR beginning on its applicable date. We
will apply this SSR to new applications filed on or after the
applicable date of the SSR and to claims that are pending on and
after the applicable date. This means that we will use this SSR on
and after its applicable date in any case in which we make a
determination or decision. We expect that Federal courts will review
our final decisions using the rules that were in effect at the time
we issued the decisions. If a court reverses our final decision and
remands a case for further administrative proceedings after the
applicable date of this SSR, we will apply this SSR to the entire
period at issue in the decision we make after the court's remand.
Cross References: SSR 83-12: Title II and XVI: Capability To Do
Other Work--The Medical-Vocational Rules as a Framework for Evaluating
Exertional Limitations Within a Range of Work or Between Ranges of
Work; SSR 83-14: Titles II and XVI: Capability To Do Other Work--The
Medical-Vocational Rules as a Framework for Evaluating a Combination of
Exertional and Nonexertional Impairments; SSR 85-15: Titles II and XVI:
Capability To Do Other Work--The Medical-Vocational Rules as a
Framework for Evaluating Solely Nonexertional Impairments; SSR 86-8:
Titles II and XVI: The Sequential Evaluation Process; SSR 96-8p: Titles
II and XVI: Assessing Residual Functional Capacity in Initial Claims;
SSR 96-9p: Titles II and XVI: Determining Capability to Do Other Work--
Implications of a Residual Functional Capacity for Less Than a Full
Range of Sedentary Work; SSR 11-2p: Titles II and XVI: Documenting and
Evaluating Disability in Young Adults; SSR 16-3p: Titles II and XVI:
Evaluation of Symptoms in Disability Claims; SSR 17-2p: Titles II and
XVI: Evidence Needed by Adjudicators at the Hearings and Appeals
Council Levels of the Administrative Review Process to Make Findings
about Medical Equivalence; and Program Operations Manual System (POMS)
DI 22001.001, DI 22505.001, DI 22505.003, DI 24501.020, DI 24501.021,
DI 24503.005, DI 24503.025, DI 24503.030, DI 24503.035, DI 24505.001,
DI 24510.005, DI 24510.057, DI 24515.012, DI 24515.062, DI 24515.063,
DI 25025.001, DI 25505.025, and DI 25505.030.
[FR Doc. 2019-18310 Filed 8-23-19; 8:45 am]