Changes to the Campylobacter Verification Testing Program: Revised Performance Standards for Campylobacter in Not-Ready-To-Eat Comminuted Chicken and Turkey and Related Agency Procedures, 38203-38210 [2019-16765]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 6, 2019 / Notices
discussions during the meeting. Written
statements on meeting topics may be
filed with the Committee before or after
the meeting by sending them to the
person listed under FOR FURTHER
statements may also be filed at the
meeting. Please refer to Docket No.
APHIS–2019–0045 when submitting
your statements.
This notice of meeting is given
pursuant to section 10 of the Federal
Advisory Committee Act.
Done in Washington, DC, this 30th day of
July 2019.
Cikena Reid,
Committee Management Officer, USDA.
[FR Doc. 2019–16758 Filed 8–5–19; 8:45 am]
Food Safety and Inspection Service
[Docket No. FSIS–2018–0044]
Changes to the Campylobacter
Verification Testing Program: Revised
Performance Standards for
Campylobacter in Not-Ready-To-Eat
Comminuted Chicken and Turkey and
Related Agency Procedures
Food Safety and Inspection
Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice and request for
The Food Safety and
Inspection Service (FSIS) is proposing
and requesting comments on revised
pathogen reduction performance
standards for Campylobacter in notready-to-eat (NRTE) comminuted
chicken and turkey products based on a
microbiological method change from
direct-plating to enrichment. The
Agency is taking this step because the
enrichment method more effectively
recovers Campylobacter in
contaminated poultry samples as
compared to the direct-plating method.
FSIS will consider comments received
on this notice before announcing the
final standards in the Federal Register
and assessing whether establishments
are meeting the standards.
After collecting sufficient data, FSIS
plans to propose and request comments
on revised pathogen reduction
performance standards for
Campylobacter in young chicken and
turkey carcasses and in raw chicken
parts, also based on the enrichment
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
Submit comments on or before
October 7, 2019.
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FSIS invites interested
persons to submit comments on this
notice. Comments may be submitted by
one of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: This
website provides commenters the ability
to type short comments directly into the
comment field on the web page or to
attach a file for lengthier comments. Go
to Follow
the on-line instructions at that site for
submitting comments.
• Mail, including CD–ROMs, etc.:
Send to Docket Clerk, U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Food Safety and
Inspection Service, 1400 Independence
Avenue SW, Mailstop 3758, Room 6065,
Washington, DC 20250–3700.
• Hand- or Courier-Delivered
Submittals: Deliver to 1400
Independence Avenue SW, Room 6065,
Washington, DC 20250–3700.
Instructions: All items submitted by
mail or electronic mail must include the
Agency name and docket number FSIS–
2018–0044. Comments received in
response to this docket will be made
available for public inspection and
posted without change, including any
personal information, to https://
Docket: For access to background
documents or comments received, call
(202) 720–5627 to schedule a time to
visit the FSIS Docket Room at 1400
Independence Avenue SW, Room 6065,
Washington, DC 20250–3700.
Roberta Wagner, Assistant
Administrator, Office of Policy and
Program Development by telephone at
(202) 205–0495.
responsible for verifying that the
nation’s commercial supply of meat,
poultry, and egg products is safe,
wholesome, and properly labeled and
Campylobacter is the most common
bacterial cause of foodborne illness in
the United States. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
estimate Campylobacter infections affect
1.3 million people every year in the
United States.1 During 2018, CDC’s
Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance
Network, or FoodNet,2 reported that the
incidence of foodborne infection was
highest for Campylobacter (19.5 per
100,000 population).3 Most non-dairy,
outbreak-associated Campylobacter
illnesses are attributed to the
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consumption of poultry.4 Campylobacter
outbreaks are not commonly identified
considering how often people get sick
from this bacteria, but the frequency of
outbreaks has been increasing.5
Poultry Carcasses and Raw Chicken
FSIS finalized and announced
Campylobacter performance standards
for establishments that produce young
chicken carcasses and turkey carcasses
on May 14, 2010 (75 FR 27288). FSIS
initially proposed to use the results
from both the 1-mL direct-plating
analytical method and the 30-mL
enrichment analytical method to assess
whether establishments were meeting
the Campylobacter performance
standards for young chicken and turkey
carcasses.6 However, on March 21,
2011, after further analysis and in
response to public comments, FSIS
announced that it would: Only use the
direct-plating method results to assess
whether young chicken and turkey
slaughter establishments were meeting
the performance standards; also
concurrently analyze young chicken and
turkey carcass rinsates using the
enrichment method; and conduct an
internal analysis of all of these results—
direct-plating and enrichment method
generated results—to develop additional
policy options (76 FR 15282). In July
2011, FSIS began compiling sample
sets 7 to generate data to assess whether
young chicken and turkey slaughter
establishments were meeting the
Campylobacter standards. Poultry
slaughter establishments subject to the
Campylobacter performance standards
were assessed against the standards
based solely on the results generated
using the direct-plating method.
However, samples collected as part of
these sample sets were analyzed
concurrently using the enrichment
After FSIS completed two sample sets
for nearly 90 percent of the young
chicken and turkey slaughter
establishments, the results generated
using both the 1-mL direct-plating and
6 FSIS’s direct-plating and enrichment analytical
methods are described in the Microbiology
Laboratory Guidebook, Chapter 41; at https://
7 At the time, FSIS inspection program personnel
were collecting poultry carcass samples over a
defined number of sequential days of production to
complete a sample set. In May 2015, FSIS began
testing poultry carcasses using a continuous
sampling program and discontinued the previous
set-based verification projects.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 6, 2019 / Notices
30-mL enrichment methods were
evaluated. FSIS announced in the
Constituent Update on May 31, 2013
that it had evaluated the available
Campylobacter sample set data 8 and the
analysis at that time showed that the
direct-plating method was sufficiently
sensitive to identify poultry carcass
establishments with substandard
process control. Thus, on June 3, 2013,
FSIS suspended the use of the 30-mL
enrichment method for Campylobacter
for young chicken and turkey
However, in July 2016, when FSIS
modified its sampling procedure for
young chicken and turkey carcasses and
raw chicken parts by replacing buffered
peptone water (BPW) with neutralizing
BPW (nBPW), the Agency began to
observe a marked and significant
reduction in Campylobacter recovery
from turkey carcasses and chicken parts
using the 1-mL direct-plating method,
suggesting nBPW affected
Campylobacter recovery in these
products. In May 2018, FSIS further
investigated this effect by performing a
side-by-side analysis of poultry
carcasses and raw chicken parts samples
with the direct-plating and enrichment
methods and found significantly higher
percentages of Campylobacter positive
samples, indicating more effective
recovery of Campylobacter, using the
enrichment method as compared to the
direct-plating method for young chicken
carcasses (18 percent compared to 1
percent), turkey carcasses (1 percent
compared to 0 percent) and chicken
parts (16 percent compared to 2
percent). In the near future, FSIS also
intends to propose and request
comments on revised Campylobacter
performance standards for these
commodities based on the enrichment
Comminuted Poultry
On January 26, 2015, FSIS proposed
new Campylobacter performance
standards for NRTE comminuted
chicken and turkey products and raw
chicken parts, including a cost-benefit
analysis (80 FR 3940), and released a
risk assessment estimating the effect of
these new performance standards on
reducing Campylobacter illnesses
attributed to these products (2015 Risk
Assessment).10 FSIS finalized the
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
9 FSIS announced full discontinuation of this
analysis for poultry carcasses on February 21, 2014
(79 FR 9875).
10 The 2015 Risk Assessment is available at
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performance standards on February 11,
2016 (81 FR 7285).
These Campylobacter performance
standards were based on the 1-mL
direct-plating method and, for both
NRTE comminuted chicken and turkey
products, specified one (1) allowable
positive sample in 52 samples. In 2014,
before these performance standards
were announced, FSIS tested NRTE
comminuted chicken, but not NRTE
comminuted turkey products using the
30-mL enrichment method and found
the enrichment method to have greater
Campylobacter recovery and thus
generate more positive results. In the
February 2015 Federal Register notice,
FSIS announced its intention to
continue to perform the 30-mL
enrichment method concurrently with
the 1-mL direct-plating method for both
NRTE comminuted chicken and turkey
products, and to analyze data generated
from both analytical approaches (81 FR
at 7292). As part of this effort, all NRTE
comminuted chicken and turkey
product samples collected between June
2015 and May 2017 were analyzed for
the presence of Campylobacter using
both the 1-mL direct-plating method
and the 30-mL enrichment method. In
May 2017, FSIS suspended use of the
enrichment method while it analyzed
the data. The Agency resumed using the
enrichment method concurrent with the
direct-plating method on August 27,
2018.11 These results were not affected
by the July 2016 switch from BPW to
nBPW because nBPW is not used to
collect or test NRTE comminuted
poultry product samples.12
Enrichment Method
As stated above, FSIS originally
developed Campylobacter performance
standards for NRTE comminuted
chicken and turkey products using the
1-mL direct-plating method while
simultaneously analyzing the same
samples using the 30-mL enrichment
method. The enrichment method
enhances the probability of recovering
Campylobacter from raw poultry
samples. For both methods, the test
portion consists of 325 grams of NRTE
comminuted poultry suspended in 1625
mL of BPW. Because the direct-plating
method requires at least 1,950 colony
forming units (CFU) in the suspended
12 The sampling procedures for NRTE
comminuted chicken and turkey products can be
seen at
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mixture to be reasonably likely to detect
a positive Campylobacter sample, its
theoretical limit of detection (LOD) is 6
CFU/gram. The enrichment method
requires at least 65 CFU in the
suspended mixture for Campylobacter
to be detected, giving it a theoretical
LOD of 0.2 CFU/gram.
The enrichment method includes a
two-day enrichment step, which may
allow for the repair of bacteria injured
by exposure to extremes of pH,
temperature, pressure, antimicrobial
compounds, or other injurious
conditions and growth of any viable
bacteria present. Therefore, the
enrichment step increases the potential
for the growth and recovery of
Campylobacter cells injured during
comminuted poultry processing steps as
compared with the direct- plating
method. The enrichment method for
Campylobacter is comparable to the
enrichment method currently used to
assess the pathogen reduction
performance standards for Salmonella
in raw poultry.
The enhanced recovery of the
enrichment method compared to the
direct-plating method will improve
FSIS’s ability to distinguish
establishments that are meeting or not
meeting the Campylobacter performance
standards. The Campylobacter
performance standards proposed in this
notice were revised to account for a
microbiological method change and
would retain the same potential benefits
and costs as the original, 1-mL directplating-based performance standards. A
peer-reviewed manuscript was
published which explains the technical
details used to determine the
mathematical equivalence between the
1-ml direct- plating and 30-mL
enrichment methods. The article uses
the NRTE comminuted chicken
performance standard as an example.13
Brief explanations of FSIS’s process for
developing the current Campylobacter
performance standards for NRTE
comminuted chicken and turkey based
on the 1-mL direct-plating method and
the revised performance standards for
NRTE comminuted chicken and turkey
based on the 30-mL enrichment method
are provided below.
How FSIS Develops Campylobacter
Performance Standards
The current FSIS Campylobacter and
Salmonella performance standards are
based on a 2-class attributes sampling
plan, which specifies a maximum
13 Williams, M.S., Ebel, E.D., Golden, N.J., 2018.
Revising a Constrained 2-Class Attributes Sampling
Plan When Laboratory Methods are Changed.
Microbial Risk Analysis;
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 6, 2019 / Notices
number of positive samples out of a
fixed number of total samples. This can
also be expressed as a maximum
allowable percent positive. Positive
samples are those in which the
pathogen is detectable using a
microbiological assay. Since 2011, FSIS
has taken a common approach to
determine performance standards for
each pathogen-product pair, and this
approach is described most recently in
the January 26, 2015 Federal Register
(80 FR at 3942). Briefly, FSIS measures
the public health effect of a performance
standard as the number of illnesses
avoided each year.14 This effect is
calculated from the volume-weighted
prevalence of a contaminated poultry
product before and after successfully
implementing the performance
standard. Volume-weighted prevalence
means that establishments with higher
production volumes have a greater
influence on the overall prevalence
estimates. Because the volume-weighted
prevalence after implementing a
performance standard cannot be known
when the standard is proposed, FSIS
models the impact of the performance
standard by assuming that a certain
percentage of establishments (and their
production volume) would initially not
meet the standard but eventually do
meet it. This is referred to as the
‘‘compliance fraction.’’
Using the sampling and production
volume data collected from each eligible
establishment, FSIS can estimate the
impact of all possible performance
standards. Establishments are classified
as meeting or not meeting each possible
performance standard. The compliance
fraction is then used to estimate the
number of avoided or reduced illnesses.
FSIS’s current performance standards
for Campylobacter in poultry were
intended to achieve at least a 33-percent
reduction in illnesses, a target based on
Healthy People 2020 goals.15 16 The
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
14 Ebel, Williams et al. 2012. Simplified
framework for predicting changes in public health
from performance standards applied in slaughter
establishments. Food Control 28:250–257.
15 HHS. (2010). ‘‘Healthy People Topics &
Objectives: Food Safety.’’ Reduce infections caused
byCampylobacter species transmitted commonly
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proportion of establishments and their
production volume initially not meeting
the performance standard also allows
FSIS to estimate the costs associated
with implementing the performance
standard (i.e., the costs to industry).
How FSIS Developed the Current
Campylobacter Performance
Standards for NRTE Comminuted
Chicken and Turkey Using the 1-mL
Direct-Plating Method
To estimate the illnesses reduced by
the current NRTE comminuted chicken
and turkey Campylobacter performance
standards, FSIS sampled establishments
producing NRTE comminuted chicken
and/or turkey products between June
2013 and May 2014. Each sample was
tested for Campylobacter using the 1-mL
direct-plating method. Three important
factors varied across the establishments:
Production volume, prevalence of
contaminated samples, and the number
of samples collected. Underlying all of
the results is a statistical distribution of
volume-weighted establishment
prevalence accounting for these
factors.17 This distribution is
demonstrated as the smooth line in
Figure 1 (a).
The risk assessment model uses
estimates from the statistical
distribution of volume-weighted
prevalence and assumes a 50-percent
compliance fraction to predict the
illness reduction. Figure 1 (b) shows the
predicted illnesses reduced by
Campylobacter performance standards
based on 1-mL direct-plating data
collected between 2013 and 2014. Using
through food
Once the Healthy People 2030 objectives have been
finalized, FSIS intends to assess whether changes
to its performance standards are warranted.
16 Although the Healthy People 2020 goal of 33percent reduction in Campylobacter illnesses was
achieved with other poultry products, the most
restrictive and achievable performance standard for
NRTE comminuted turkey is 1 positive in 52
samples, which would achieve a 19-percent
reduction in Campylobacter illnesses.
17 Williams, M.S., Ebel, E.D., Cao, Y., 2013.
Fitting distributions to microbial contamination
data collected with an unequal probability sampling
design. Journal of Applied Microbiology 114, 152–
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this curve, and FSIS’s stated intent of at
least a 33-percent illness reduction for
Campylobacter from NRTE comminuted
chicken, FSIS selected a performance
standard of one (1) allowable positive
out of 52 samples, or a maximum
allowable percent positive of 1.9. FSIS
actually predicted a 37-percent
reduction in the illness rate for
Campylobacter after implementing the
NRTE comminuted chicken
performance standard, corresponding to
an annual reduction of approximately
1,300 illnesses.
The statistical distribution is also
used to determine the proportion of
NRTE comminuted chicken product that
would meet a Campylobacter
performance standard of one (1) positive
out of 52 samples. Figure 1 (c) shows
the proportion of product that would
meet the performance standard based on
the 1-mL direct-plating data collected
from 2013–2014. With a performance
standard of one (1) positive out of 52
samples, 56 percent of all NRTE
comminuted chicken product
(corresponding to 24 percent of eligible
establishments) would initially not meet
the standard. FSIS used this information
to estimate the associated costs.
The same procedures were used to
determine the Campylobacter
performance standard for NRTE
comminuted turkey product. FSIS
determined that the direct-plating
method-based performance standard of
one (1) allowable positive in 52 samples
in NRTE comminuted turkey product
would provide a 19-percent illness
reduction, and 20 percent of production
volume (which accounts for 9 percent of
eligible establishments) would initially
not meet the standard.18
18 FSIS initially intended for Campylobacter
performance standards to reduce illness by
approximately 33 percent. However, because FSIS
found the prevalence for Campylobacter in
comminuted turkey to be especially low, the
highest practical illness reduction for this product
was estimated to be 19 percent. The revised
standard based on the 30-mL enrichment method
was therefore designed to achieve the same
predicted illness reduction of 19 percent.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 6, 2019 / Notices
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How FSIS Revised the Campylobacter
Performance Standards for NRTE
Comminuted Chicken and Turkey
Using Data Generated Using the 30-mL
Enrichment Method
As is discussed above, from June 2015
through May 2017, FSIS tested all NRTE
comminuted chicken samples using
both the 1-mL direct-plating and 30-mL
enrichment methods. There were
approximately five times as many
samples that tested positive for
Campylobacter using the 30-mL
enrichment method as compared to the
1-mL direct-plating method (i.e., 267
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versus 53). FSIS believes this increase
was facilitated by a larger test portion
size (30-mL compared to 1-mL) and the
potential for growth and recovery of
injured Campylobacter cells allowed by
the enrichment process.
FSIS developed a revised
Campylobacter performance standard by
fitting a statistical distribution of the
volume-weighted prevalence and then
finding the point that reaches the same
illness reduction goal determined for
the current, 1-mL direct- plating-based
performance standard, which was a 37percent reduction in illnesses. Figure 2
(a) shows the predicted illnesses
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reduced by potential Campylobacter
performance standards based on the 30mL enrichment data collected between
2015 and 2017. A 37-percent reduction
in illnesses could be achieved with a 30mL enrichment method-based standard
of five (5) positives in 52 samples. That
is, the point on the 30-mL curve that
reaches a 37-percent reduction in
illnesses corresponds to a performance
standard of five (5) positives in 52
Similarly, the 1-mL direct-plating and
30-mL enrichment-based curves were
used to determine the proportion of
NRTE comminuted chicken product that
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 6, 2019 / Notices
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
would initially be classified as meeting/
not meeting the standard. Figure 2 (c)
shows that a performance standard of
five (5) allowable positives in 52
samples would result in 44 percent of
production volume meeting the
standard. That is, the point on the 30mL curve corresponding to five (5)
positives in 52 samples results in 44
percent of the production volume
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meeting the performance standard, and
56 percent not meeting it. A more
detailed description of the methodology,
and the treatment of statistical
uncertainty is presented in the peerreviewed technical manuscript
(Williams et al, 2018; citation 12).
The same procedures were used to
revise the Campylobacter performance
standard for NRTE comminuted turkey
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product. FSIS determined that an
enrichment method-based performance
standard of five (5) allowable positives
in 52 samples would provide a 19percent illness reduction, and 20
percent of production volume (which
accounts for 9 percent of eligible
establishments) would initially not meet
the revised performance standard.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 6, 2019 / Notices
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
Revised Pathogen Reduction
Performance Standards
FSIS is proposing revised
performance standards to improve the
Agency’s ability to identify
Campylobacter contamination in NRTE
comminuted chicken and turkey
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products using the enrichment method.
A summary of the revised
Campylobacter performance standards
for NRTE comminuted poultry products
is provided in Table 1. Should FSIS
finalize these proposed performance
standards, FSIS will announce the final
standards in the Federal Register before
assessing whether establishments meet
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the standards. Any changes to the
performance standards for
Campylobacter in young chicken and
turkey carcasses, and in raw chicken
parts, will be proposed in a separate
Federal Register notice.
As described above, FSIS has revised
the pathogen reduction performance
standards for Campylobacter in NRTE
Figure 2. Example of how the predicted illness reduction based
on 1-mL direct-plating method generated data was used to revise
the Campylobacter performance standard established using 30-mL
enrichment method generated data. Panel (a) demonstrates how
illness reduction estimates were used to choose a performance
standard. A 37-percent reduction in illnesses is predicted by a
performance standard of one (1) positive in 52 samples for the
1-mL direct-plating data from 2013-2014, or five (5) positives
in 52 samples for the 30-mL enrichment data from 2015-2017.
Panel (c) demonstrates how different performance standards would
affect the proportion of NRTE comminuted chicken product that
would initially meet each potential standard, which FSIS used to
calculate the associated costs to industry. A Campylobacter
performance standard of either one (1) positive in 52 samples
(1-mL direct-plating) or five (5) positives in 52 samples (30-mL
enrichment) would predict that 44 percent of production volume
would meet the standard, and 56 percent would not meet it. These
data are used to determine the associated costs. Note the
"direction" of the arrows is reversed from Figures 2 (a) and 2
(b) . FSIS first determines the predicted illness reduction and
then uses the corresponding performance standard to determine
the associated costs.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 6, 2019 / Notices
comminuted chicken and turkey
products based on the 30-mL
enrichment method, such that the same
public health objectives announced in
2015 for the 1-mL direct-plating
method-based standards are achieved.
Minimum Number of Samples To
Assess Performance
FSIS uses the following formula to
estimate the minimum number of
samples (n) needed to assess
establishment performance: n = (1/
percent positive allowed) × 100 (80 FR
at 3947). Revising the Campylobacter
performance standard from one
allowable positive per 52 samples (1.9
percent) to five allowable positive
samples per 52 samples (9.6 percent)
changes the minimum number of
samples needed to assess establishments
from (1⁄1.9%) × 100), or 52 samples, to
(1⁄9.6%) × 100, or 10.4 samples. Because
samples are necessarily whole numbers,
a fractional number is rounded up to the
next highest whole number. Therefore,
11 samples would be the minimum
number of samples needed to assess
performance for Campylobacter in both
NRTE comminuted chicken and
comminuted turkey producing
establishments under the revised
standards. Significantly, since the
proposed revised performance standards
reduce the minimum number of samples
needed to assess establishment
performance, FSIS would be able to
assess performance for a greater number
of otherwise eligible establishments.
standard for
NRTE Comminuted Chicken (325 g sample) ........................................................................
NRTE Comminuted Turkey (325 g sample) ..........................................................................
5 of 52
5 of 52
positive *
number of
samples to
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
* Consistent with existing FSIS procedures, if the total number of samples in a 52-week moving window ranges from 11 to 51, FSIS will subtract 1 from the number of positive samples to calculate the percent positive, which is compared to the revised maximum acceptable percent
positive determined by dividing 5 by 52 to determine the Category. If the total number of samples in a moving window exceeds 51, FSIS will calculate a percent positive without subtracting 1 from the number of positives.
Changes to Related Agency Procedures
Once FSIS begins assessing whether
establishments meet the revised
Campylobacter performance standards,
FSIS would use the categorization
methodology, as well as the web posting
procedures announced in the Federal
Register on November 9, 2018 (83 FR
56046; Nov. 9, 2018). As explained in
the November 2018 Federal Register
notice, the Category status reported on
the public website would be based on
FSIS sample results during the 52-week
window ending the last Saturday of the
previous month, and would not include
follow-up sampling results, if any were
collected and analyzed, as part of the
In addition, establishments would not
be categorized as meeting or not meeting
as previously announced in the
February 2016 Federal Register notice.
Instead, FSIS would categorize eligible
establishments using the same 3category system it uses for poultry
establishments currently subject to a
Salmonella pathogen reduction
performance standard. The criteria for
each category are as follows:
• Category 1: Establishments that
have achieved 50 percent or less of the
maximum allowable percent positive
during the most recently completed 52week moving window.
• Category 2: Establishments that
meet the maximum allowable percent
positive but have results greater than 50
percent of the maximum allowable
percent positive during the most
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recently completed 52-week moving
• Category 3: Establishments that
have exceeded the maximum allowable
percent positive during the most
recently completed 52-week moving
All other FSIS verification procedures
outlined in the February 2016 Federal
Register notice are unchanged.
Additional Information
Should these Campylobacter
standards for comminuted poultry
products be finalized, FSIS will post
aggregate Campylobacter sampling
results relative to categories and
prevalence estimates for NRTE
comminuted chicken and turkey
products, consistent with how FSIS
handles Salmonella postings.19 FSIS
would also announce when it expects to
begin posting individual establishment
category information in the Federal
Register notice that announces final
Campylobacter standards for
comminuted poultry products.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
The February 2016 Federal Register
notice announcing pathogen reduction
performance standards for Salmonella
and Campylobacter in NRTE
comminuted chicken and turkey
products and raw chicken parts
19 The information is posted at https://
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included a supplementary cost-benefit
analysis (2016 CBA).20 The 2016 CBA
estimated the economic effects of the
new pathogen reduction performance
standards for Salmonella and
Campylobacter in both NRTE
comminuted poultry and raw chicken
parts. The 2016 CBA used estimates on
whether establishments would meet the
standards and illness reduction
estimates from the 2015 Risk
Assessment, which relied on results
obtained using the direct-plating
As explained above, FSIS is proposing
to revise the pathogen reduction
performance standards for
Campylobacter in NRTE comminuted
chicken and turkey products based on
an enrichment method. To ensure the
revised performance standards would be
statistically equivalent to the previously
announced Campylobacter standards for
these products, FSIS analyzed 2015–
2017 sample results generated using
both the enrichment and direct-plating
methods. Based on this analysis, FSIS
concluded the revised pathogen
reduction performance standards are
consistent with the previously
announced standards in terms of the
estimated reduction in illnesses and the
20 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety
and Inspection Service (FSIS). (2016). Final CostBenefit Analysis Chicken Parts and Not Ready-ToEat Comminuted Poultry Performance Standards;
available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 151 / Tuesday, August 6, 2019 / Notices
percent of the industry expected to
initially not meet the performance
standards (Williams et al, 2018; citation
12). Therefore, the associated costs and
public health benefits of the revised
performance standards remain
unchanged from those estimated in the
2016 CBA.
Additional Public Notification
Public awareness of all segments of
rulemaking and policy development is
important. Consequently, FSIS will
announce this Federal Register
publication online through the FSIS
web page located at: https://
FSIS also will announce and provide
a link to it through the FSIS Constituent
Update, which is used to provide
information regarding FSIS policies,
procedures, regulations, Federal
Register notices, FSIS public meetings,
and other types of information that
could affect or would be of interest to
our constituents and stakeholders. The
Constituent Update is available on the
FSIS web page. Through the web page,
FSIS is able to provide information to a
much broader, more diverse audience.
In addition, FSIS offers an email
subscription service which provides
automatic and customized access to
selected food safety news and
information. This service is available at
Options range from recalls to export
information, regulations, directives, and
notices. Customers can add or delete
subscriptions themselves, and have the
option to password protect their
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
No agency, officer, or employee of the
USDA shall, on the grounds of race,
color, national origin, religion, sex,
gender identity, sexual orientation,
disability, age, marital status, family/
parental status, income derived from a
public assistance program, or political
beliefs, exclude from participation in,
deny the benefits of, or subject to
discrimination any person in the United
States under any program or activity
conducted by the USDA.
How To File a Complaint of
To file a complaint of discrimination,
complete the USDA Program
Discrimination Complaint Form, which
may be accessed online at https://
12.pdf, or write a letter signed by you
or your authorized representative.
Send your completed complaint form
or letter to USDA by mail, fax, or email:
VerDate Sep<11>2014
19:21 Aug 05, 2019
Jkt 247001
Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20250–9410.
Fax: (202) 690–7442.
Persons with disabilities who require
alternative means for communication
(Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.)
should contact USDA’s TARGET Center
at (202) 720–2600 (voice and TDD).
Done at Washington, DC:
Carmen M. Rottenberg,
completed in the right locations to
increase forest health and productivity,
while also contributing to local
economies and protecting natural
resources. A new NOI will be published
for any projects being considered for
analysis under an EIS.
Dated: July 16, 2019.
Frank R. Beum,
Acting Associate Deputy Chief, National
Forest System.
[FR Doc. 2019–16712 Filed 8–5–19; 8:45 am]
[FR Doc. 2019–16765 Filed 8–5–19; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Forest Service
Ochoco, Umatilla and WallowaWhitman National Forest; Oregon;
Blue Mountain Forest Resiliency
Forest Service, USDA.
Withdrawal of notice of intent
to prepare an Environmental Impact
The Ochoco, Umatilla and
Wallowa-Whitman National Forests are
withdrawing their Notice of Intent (NOI)
to prepare an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) for the Blue Mountain
Forest Resiliency Project. The original
NOI was published in the Federal
Register on February 5, 2016.
Questions concerning this notice should
be directed to David Hatfield via mail at
Umatilla National Forest Supervisors
Office, 72510 Coyote Rd Pendleton, OR
97801; via telephone at 541–278–3855;
or via email at
supervisors of the Ochoco, Umatilla and
Wallowa-Whitman National Forests
have modified the Forest Resiliency
Project planning approach from one
dedicated interdisciplinary team
working across portions of the three
national forests to each national forest
addressing individual restoration needs
through their regular program of work.
The forest supervisors decided the
most efficient way to ensure successful
completion and implementation of this
important restoration work would be to
transfer all existing data and completed
analysis to individual interdisciplinary
teams on each forest to more efficiently
start and complete local restoration
efforts. This decision will also allow
each forest to work closely with local
communities during project
development to ensure the right work is
PO 00000
Frm 00009
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Southern Region Recreation Resource
Advisory Committee
Forest Service, USDA.
Notice of meeting.
The Southern Region
Recreation Resource Advisory
Committee (Recreation RAC) will meet
in Decatur, Georgia. The committee is
authorized under the Federal Lands
Recreation Enhancement Act (the Act)
and operates in compliance with the
Federal Advisory Committee Act. The
purpose of the committee is to provide
recommendations to the Secretaries on
recreation fees on lands and waters
managed by the Forest Service and the
Department of the Interior’s Bureau of
Land Management in the regions
covered by each Committee. Additional
Recreation RAC information, including
the meeting agenda and the meeting
summary/minutes can be found at the
following website: https://
DATES: The meetings will be held on the
following dates:
• Tuesday, August 27, 2019, from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and
• Wednesday, August 28, 2019, from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Eastern Standard
All Recreation RAC meetings are
subject to cancellation. For status of the
meeting prior to attendance, please
contact Tiffany Williams, by telephone
at 404–347–2769 or by email at
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Courtyard Marriott, 130 Clairemont
Avenue, Decatur, Georgia.
Written comments may be submitted
as described under SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION. All comments, including
names and addresses, when provided,
are placed in the record and available
for public inspection and copying. The
public may inspect comments received
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 151 (Tuesday, August 6, 2019)]
[Pages 38203-38210]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-16765]
Food Safety and Inspection Service
[Docket No. FSIS-2018-0044]
Changes to the Campylobacter Verification Testing Program:
Revised Performance Standards for Campylobacter in Not-Ready-To-Eat
Comminuted Chicken and Turkey and Related Agency Procedures
AGENCY: Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is proposing and
requesting comments on revised pathogen reduction performance standards
for Campylobacter in not-ready-to-eat (NRTE) comminuted chicken and
turkey products based on a microbiological method change from direct-
plating to enrichment. The Agency is taking this step because the
enrichment method more effectively recovers Campylobacter in
contaminated poultry samples as compared to the direct-plating method.
FSIS will consider comments received on this notice before
announcing the final standards in the Federal Register and assessing
whether establishments are meeting the standards.
After collecting sufficient data, FSIS plans to propose and request
comments on revised pathogen reduction performance standards for
Campylobacter in young chicken and turkey carcasses and in raw chicken
parts, also based on the enrichment method.
DATES: Submit comments on or before October 7, 2019.
ADDRESSES: FSIS invites interested persons to submit comments on this
notice. Comments may be submitted by one of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: This website provides
commenters the ability to type short comments directly into the comment
field on the web page or to attach a file for lengthier comments. Go to Follow the on-line instructions at that
site for submitting comments.
Mail, including CD-ROMs, etc.: Send to Docket Clerk, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Service, 1400
Independence Avenue SW, Mailstop 3758, Room 6065, Washington, DC 20250-
Hand- or Courier-Delivered Submittals: Deliver to 1400
Independence Avenue SW, Room 6065, Washington, DC 20250-3700.
Instructions: All items submitted by mail or electronic mail must
include the Agency name and docket number FSIS-2018-0044. Comments
received in response to this docket will be made available for public
inspection and posted without change, including any personal
information, to
Docket: For access to background documents or comments received,
call (202) 720-5627 to schedule a time to visit the FSIS Docket Room at
1400 Independence Avenue SW, Room 6065, Washington, DC 20250-3700.
Administrator, Office of Policy and Program Development by telephone at
(202) 205-0495.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: FSIS is responsible for verifying that the
nation's commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products is safe,
wholesome, and properly labeled and packaged.
Campylobacter is the most common bacterial cause of foodborne
illness in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) estimate Campylobacter infections affect 1.3 million
people every year in the United States.\1\ During 2018, CDC's Foodborne
Diseases Active Surveillance Network, or FoodNet,\2\ reported that the
incidence of foodborne infection was highest for Campylobacter (19.5
per 100,000 population).\3\ Most non-dairy, outbreak-associated
Campylobacter illnesses are attributed to the consumption of
poultry.\4\ Campylobacter outbreaks are not commonly identified
considering how often people get sick from this bacteria, but the
frequency of outbreaks has been increasing.\5\
Poultry Carcasses and Raw Chicken Parts
FSIS finalized and announced Campylobacter performance standards
for establishments that produce young chicken carcasses and turkey
carcasses on May 14, 2010 (75 FR 27288). FSIS initially proposed to use
the results from both the 1-mL direct-plating analytical method and the
30-mL enrichment analytical method to assess whether establishments
were meeting the Campylobacter performance standards for young chicken
and turkey carcasses.\6\ However, on March 21, 2011, after further
analysis and in response to public comments, FSIS announced that it
would: Only use the direct-plating method results to assess whether
young chicken and turkey slaughter establishments were meeting the
performance standards; also concurrently analyze young chicken and
turkey carcass rinsates using the enrichment method; and conduct an
internal analysis of all of these results--direct-plating and
enrichment method generated results--to develop additional policy
options (76 FR 15282). In July 2011, FSIS began compiling sample sets
\7\ to generate data to assess whether young chicken and turkey
slaughter establishments were meeting the Campylobacter standards.
Poultry slaughter establishments subject to the Campylobacter
performance standards were assessed against the standards based solely
on the results generated using the direct-plating method. However,
samples collected as part of these sample sets were analyzed
concurrently using the enrichment method.
\6\ FSIS's direct-plating and enrichment analytical methods are
described in the Microbiology Laboratory Guidebook, Chapter 41; at
\7\ At the time, FSIS inspection program personnel were
collecting poultry carcass samples over a defined number of
sequential days of production to complete a sample set. In May 2015,
FSIS began testing poultry carcasses using a continuous sampling
program and discontinued the previous set-based verification
After FSIS completed two sample sets for nearly 90 percent of the
young chicken and turkey slaughter establishments, the results
generated using both the 1-mL direct-plating and
[[Page 38204]]
30-mL enrichment methods were evaluated. FSIS announced in the
Constituent Update on May 31, 2013 that it had evaluated the available
Campylobacter sample set data \8\ and the analysis at that time showed
that the direct-plating method was sufficiently sensitive to identify
poultry carcass establishments with substandard process control. Thus,
on June 3, 2013, FSIS suspended the use of the 30-mL enrichment method
for Campylobacter for young chicken and turkey carcasses.\9\
\9\ FSIS announced full discontinuation of this analysis for
poultry carcasses on February 21, 2014 (79 FR 9875).
However, in July 2016, when FSIS modified its sampling procedure
for young chicken and turkey carcasses and raw chicken parts by
replacing buffered peptone water (BPW) with neutralizing BPW (nBPW),
the Agency began to observe a marked and significant reduction in
Campylobacter recovery from turkey carcasses and chicken parts using
the 1-mL direct-plating method, suggesting nBPW affected Campylobacter
recovery in these products. In May 2018, FSIS further investigated this
effect by performing a side-by-side analysis of poultry carcasses and
raw chicken parts samples with the direct-plating and enrichment
methods and found significantly higher percentages of Campylobacter
positive samples, indicating more effective recovery of Campylobacter,
using the enrichment method as compared to the direct-plating method
for young chicken carcasses (18 percent compared to 1 percent), turkey
carcasses (1 percent compared to 0 percent) and chicken parts (16
percent compared to 2 percent). In the near future, FSIS also intends
to propose and request comments on revised Campylobacter performance
standards for these commodities based on the enrichment method.
Comminuted Poultry
On January 26, 2015, FSIS proposed new Campylobacter performance
standards for NRTE comminuted chicken and turkey products and raw
chicken parts, including a cost-benefit analysis (80 FR 3940), and
released a risk assessment estimating the effect of these new
performance standards on reducing Campylobacter illnesses attributed to
these products (2015 Risk Assessment).\10\ FSIS finalized the
performance standards on February 11, 2016 (81 FR 7285).
\10\ The 2015 Risk Assessment is available at
These Campylobacter performance standards were based on the 1-mL
direct-plating method and, for both NRTE comminuted chicken and turkey
products, specified one (1) allowable positive sample in 52 samples. In
2014, before these performance standards were announced, FSIS tested
NRTE comminuted chicken, but not NRTE comminuted turkey products using
the 30-mL enrichment method and found the enrichment method to have
greater Campylobacter recovery and thus generate more positive results.
In the February 2015 Federal Register notice, FSIS announced its
intention to continue to perform the 30-mL enrichment method
concurrently with the 1-mL direct-plating method for both NRTE
comminuted chicken and turkey products, and to analyze data generated
from both analytical approaches (81 FR at 7292). As part of this
effort, all NRTE comminuted chicken and turkey product samples
collected between June 2015 and May 2017 were analyzed for the presence
of Campylobacter using both the 1-mL direct-plating method and the 30-
mL enrichment method. In May 2017, FSIS suspended use of the enrichment
method while it analyzed the data. The Agency resumed using the
enrichment method concurrent with the direct-plating method on August
27, 2018.\11\ These results were not affected by the July 2016 switch
from BPW to nBPW because nBPW is not used to collect or test NRTE
comminuted poultry product samples.\12\
\12\ The sampling procedures for NRTE comminuted chicken and
turkey products can be seen at
Enrichment Method
As stated above, FSIS originally developed Campylobacter
performance standards for NRTE comminuted chicken and turkey products
using the 1-mL direct-plating method while simultaneously analyzing the
same samples using the 30-mL enrichment method. The enrichment method
enhances the probability of recovering Campylobacter from raw poultry
samples. For both methods, the test portion consists of 325 grams of
NRTE comminuted poultry suspended in 1625 mL of BPW. Because the
direct-plating method requires at least 1,950 colony forming units
(CFU) in the suspended mixture to be reasonably likely to detect a
positive Campylobacter sample, its theoretical limit of detection (LOD)
is 6 CFU/gram. The enrichment method requires at least 65 CFU in the
suspended mixture for Campylobacter to be detected, giving it a
theoretical LOD of 0.2 CFU/gram.
The enrichment method includes a two-day enrichment step, which may
allow for the repair of bacteria injured by exposure to extremes of pH,
temperature, pressure, antimicrobial compounds, or other injurious
conditions and growth of any viable bacteria present. Therefore, the
enrichment step increases the potential for the growth and recovery of
Campylobacter cells injured during comminuted poultry processing steps
as compared with the direct- plating method. The enrichment method for
Campylobacter is comparable to the enrichment method currently used to
assess the pathogen reduction performance standards for Salmonella in
raw poultry.
The enhanced recovery of the enrichment method compared to the
direct-plating method will improve FSIS's ability to distinguish
establishments that are meeting or not meeting the Campylobacter
performance standards. The Campylobacter performance standards proposed
in this notice were revised to account for a microbiological method
change and would retain the same potential benefits and costs as the
original, 1-mL direct-plating-based performance standards. A peer-
reviewed manuscript was published which explains the technical details
used to determine the mathematical equivalence between the 1-ml direct-
plating and 30-mL enrichment methods. The article uses the NRTE
comminuted chicken performance standard as an example.\13\ Brief
explanations of FSIS's process for developing the current Campylobacter
performance standards for NRTE comminuted chicken and turkey based on
the 1-mL direct-plating method and the revised performance standards
for NRTE comminuted chicken and turkey based on the 30-mL enrichment
method are provided below.
\13\ Williams, M.S., Ebel, E.D., Golden, N.J., 2018. Revising a
Constrained 2-Class Attributes Sampling Plan When Laboratory Methods
are Changed. Microbial Risk Analysis;
How FSIS Develops Campylobacter Performance Standards
The current FSIS Campylobacter and Salmonella performance standards
are based on a 2-class attributes sampling plan, which specifies a
[[Page 38205]]
number of positive samples out of a fixed number of total samples. This
can also be expressed as a maximum allowable percent positive. Positive
samples are those in which the pathogen is detectable using a
microbiological assay. Since 2011, FSIS has taken a common approach to
determine performance standards for each pathogen-product pair, and
this approach is described most recently in the January 26, 2015
Federal Register (80 FR at 3942). Briefly, FSIS measures the public
health effect of a performance standard as the number of illnesses
avoided each year.\14\ This effect is calculated from the volume-
weighted prevalence of a contaminated poultry product before and after
successfully implementing the performance standard. Volume-weighted
prevalence means that establishments with higher production volumes
have a greater influence on the overall prevalence estimates. Because
the volume-weighted prevalence after implementing a performance
standard cannot be known when the standard is proposed, FSIS models the
impact of the performance standard by assuming that a certain
percentage of establishments (and their production volume) would
initially not meet the standard but eventually do meet it. This is
referred to as the ``compliance fraction.''
\14\ Ebel, Williams et al. 2012. Simplified framework for
predicting changes in public health from performance standards
applied in slaughter establishments. Food Control 28:250-257.
Using the sampling and production volume data collected from each
eligible establishment, FSIS can estimate the impact of all possible
performance standards. Establishments are classified as meeting or not
meeting each possible performance standard. The compliance fraction is
then used to estimate the number of avoided or reduced illnesses.
FSIS's current performance standards for Campylobacter in poultry were
intended to achieve at least a 33-percent reduction in illnesses, a
target based on Healthy People 2020 goals.15 16 The
proportion of establishments and their production volume initially not
meeting the performance standard also allows FSIS to estimate the costs
associated with implementing the performance standard (i.e., the costs
to industry).
\15\ HHS. (2010). ``Healthy People Topics & Objectives: Food
Safety.'' Reduce infections caused byCampylobacter species
transmitted commonly through food Once the
Healthy People 2030 objectives have been finalized, FSIS intends to
assess whether changes to its performance standards are warranted.
\16\ Although the Healthy People 2020 goal of 33-percent
reduction in Campylobacter illnesses was achieved with other poultry
products, the most restrictive and achievable performance standard
for NRTE comminuted turkey is 1 positive in 52 samples, which would
achieve a 19-percent reduction in Campylobacter illnesses.
How FSIS Developed the Current Campylobacter Performance Standards for
NRTE Comminuted Chicken and Turkey Using the 1-mL Direct-Plating Method
To estimate the illnesses reduced by the current NRTE comminuted
chicken and turkey Campylobacter performance standards, FSIS sampled
establishments producing NRTE comminuted chicken and/or turkey products
between June 2013 and May 2014. Each sample was tested for
Campylobacter using the 1-mL direct-plating method. Three important
factors varied across the establishments: Production volume, prevalence
of contaminated samples, and the number of samples collected.
Underlying all of the results is a statistical distribution of volume-
weighted establishment prevalence accounting for these factors.\17\
This distribution is demonstrated as the smooth line in Figure 1 (a).
\17\ Williams, M.S., Ebel, E.D., Cao, Y., 2013. Fitting
distributions to microbial contamination data collected with an
unequal probability sampling design. Journal of Applied Microbiology
114, 152-160.
The risk assessment model uses estimates from the statistical
distribution of volume-weighted prevalence and assumes a 50-percent
compliance fraction to predict the illness reduction. Figure 1 (b)
shows the predicted illnesses reduced by Campylobacter performance
standards based on 1-mL direct-plating data collected between 2013 and
2014. Using this curve, and FSIS's stated intent of at least a 33-
percent illness reduction for Campylobacter from NRTE comminuted
chicken, FSIS selected a performance standard of one (1) allowable
positive out of 52 samples, or a maximum allowable percent positive of
1.9. FSIS actually predicted a 37-percent reduction in the illness rate
for Campylobacter after implementing the NRTE comminuted chicken
performance standard, corresponding to an annual reduction of
approximately 1,300 illnesses.
The statistical distribution is also used to determine the
proportion of NRTE comminuted chicken product that would meet a
Campylobacter performance standard of one (1) positive out of 52
samples. Figure 1 (c) shows the proportion of product that would meet
the performance standard based on the 1-mL direct-plating data
collected from 2013-2014. With a performance standard of one (1)
positive out of 52 samples, 56 percent of all NRTE comminuted chicken
product (corresponding to 24 percent of eligible establishments) would
initially not meet the standard. FSIS used this information to estimate
the associated costs.
The same procedures were used to determine the Campylobacter
performance standard for NRTE comminuted turkey product. FSIS
determined that the direct-plating method-based performance standard of
one (1) allowable positive in 52 samples in NRTE comminuted turkey
product would provide a 19-percent illness reduction, and 20 percent of
production volume (which accounts for 9 percent of eligible
establishments) would initially not meet the standard.\18\
\18\ FSIS initially intended for Campylobacter performance
standards to reduce illness by approximately 33 percent. However,
because FSIS found the prevalence for Campylobacter in comminuted
turkey to be especially low, the highest practical illness reduction
for this product was estimated to be 19 percent. The revised
standard based on the 30-mL enrichment method was therefore designed
to achieve the same predicted illness reduction of 19 percent.
[[Page 38206]]
How FSIS Revised the Campylobacter Performance Standards for NRTE
Comminuted Chicken and Turkey Using Data Generated Using the 30-mL
Enrichment Method
As is discussed above, from June 2015 through May 2017, FSIS tested
all NRTE comminuted chicken samples using both the 1-mL direct-plating
and 30-mL enrichment methods. There were approximately five times as
many samples that tested positive for Campylobacter using the 30-mL
enrichment method as compared to the 1-mL direct-plating method (i.e.,
267 versus 53). FSIS believes this increase was facilitated by a larger
test portion size (30-mL compared to 1-mL) and the potential for growth
and recovery of injured Campylobacter cells allowed by the enrichment
FSIS developed a revised Campylobacter performance standard by
fitting a statistical distribution of the volume-weighted prevalence
and then finding the point that reaches the same illness reduction goal
determined for the current, 1-mL direct- plating-based performance
standard, which was a 37-percent reduction in illnesses. Figure 2 (a)
shows the predicted illnesses reduced by potential Campylobacter
performance standards based on the 30-mL enrichment data collected
between 2015 and 2017. A 37-percent reduction in illnesses could be
achieved with a 30-mL enrichment method-based standard of five (5)
positives in 52 samples. That is, the point on the 30-mL curve that
reaches a 37-percent reduction in illnesses corresponds to a
performance standard of five (5) positives in 52 samples.
Similarly, the 1-mL direct-plating and 30-mL enrichment-based
curves were used to determine the proportion of NRTE comminuted chicken
product that
[[Page 38207]]
would initially be classified as meeting/not meeting the standard.
Figure 2 (c) shows that a performance standard of five (5) allowable
positives in 52 samples would result in 44 percent of production volume
meeting the standard. That is, the point on the 30-mL curve
corresponding to five (5) positives in 52 samples results in 44 percent
of the production volume meeting the performance standard, and 56
percent not meeting it. A more detailed description of the methodology,
and the treatment of statistical uncertainty is presented in the peer-
reviewed technical manuscript (Williams et al, 2018; citation 12).
The same procedures were used to revise the Campylobacter
performance standard for NRTE comminuted turkey product. FSIS
determined that an enrichment method-based performance standard of five
(5) allowable positives in 52 samples would provide a 19-percent
illness reduction, and 20 percent of production volume (which accounts
for 9 percent of eligible establishments) would initially not meet the
revised performance standard.
[[Page 38208]]
Revised Pathogen Reduction Performance Standards
FSIS is proposing revised performance standards to improve the
Agency's ability to identify Campylobacter contamination in NRTE
comminuted chicken and turkey products using the enrichment method. A
summary of the revised Campylobacter performance standards for NRTE
comminuted poultry products is provided in Table 1. Should FSIS
finalize these proposed performance standards, FSIS will announce the
final standards in the Federal Register before assessing whether
establishments meet the standards. Any changes to the performance
standards for Campylobacter in young chicken and turkey carcasses, and
in raw chicken parts, will be proposed in a separate Federal Register
As described above, FSIS has revised the pathogen reduction
performance standards for Campylobacter in NRTE
[[Page 38209]]
comminuted chicken and turkey products based on the 30-mL enrichment
method, such that the same public health objectives announced in 2015
for the 1-mL direct-plating method-based standards are achieved.
Minimum Number of Samples To Assess Performance
FSIS uses the following formula to estimate the minimum number of
samples (n) needed to assess establishment performance: n = (1/percent
positive allowed) x 100 (80 FR at 3947). Revising the Campylobacter
performance standard from one allowable positive per 52 samples (1.9
percent) to five allowable positive samples per 52 samples (9.6
percent) changes the minimum number of samples needed to assess
establishments from (\1/1\.9%) x 100), or 52 samples, to (\1/9\.6%) x
100, or 10.4 samples. Because samples are necessarily whole numbers, a
fractional number is rounded up to the next highest whole number.
Therefore, 11 samples would be the minimum number of samples needed to
assess performance for Campylobacter in both NRTE comminuted chicken
and comminuted turkey producing establishments under the revised
standards. Significantly, since the proposed revised performance
standards reduce the minimum number of samples needed to assess
establishment performance, FSIS would be able to assess performance for
a greater number of otherwise eligible establishments.
Table 1--Revised Performance Standards for Campylobacter in NRTE Comminuted Chicken and Turkey Products
Revised maximum Revised
Product performance allowable minimum number
standard for percent of samples to
Campylobacter positive * assess
NRTE Comminuted Chicken (325 g sample)....................... 5 of 52 9.6 11
NRTE Comminuted Turkey (325 g sample)........................ 5 of 52 9.6 11
* Consistent with existing FSIS procedures, if the total number of samples in a 52-week moving window ranges
from 11 to 51, FSIS will subtract 1 from the number of positive samples to calculate the percent positive,
which is compared to the revised maximum acceptable percent positive determined by dividing 5 by 52 to
determine the Category. If the total number of samples in a moving window exceeds 51, FSIS will calculate a
percent positive without subtracting 1 from the number of positives.
Changes to Related Agency Procedures
Once FSIS begins assessing whether establishments meet the revised
Campylobacter performance standards, FSIS would use the categorization
methodology, as well as the web posting procedures announced in the
Federal Register on November 9, 2018 (83 FR 56046; Nov. 9, 2018). As
explained in the November 2018 Federal Register notice, the Category
status reported on the public website would be based on FSIS sample
results during the 52-week window ending the last Saturday of the
previous month, and would not include follow-up sampling results, if
any were collected and analyzed, as part of the window.
In addition, establishments would not be categorized as meeting or
not meeting as previously announced in the February 2016 Federal
Register notice. Instead, FSIS would categorize eligible establishments
using the same 3-category system it uses for poultry establishments
currently subject to a Salmonella pathogen reduction performance
standard. The criteria for each category are as follows:
Category 1: Establishments that have achieved 50 percent
or less of the maximum allowable percent positive during the most
recently completed 52-week moving window.
Category 2: Establishments that meet the maximum allowable
percent positive but have results greater than 50 percent of the
maximum allowable percent positive during the most recently completed
52-week moving window.
Category 3: Establishments that have exceeded the maximum
allowable percent positive during the most recently completed 52-week
moving window.
All other FSIS verification procedures outlined in the February
2016 Federal Register notice are unchanged.
Additional Information
Should these Campylobacter standards for comminuted poultry
products be finalized, FSIS will post aggregate Campylobacter sampling
results relative to categories and prevalence estimates for NRTE
comminuted chicken and turkey products, consistent with how FSIS
handles Salmonella postings.\19\ FSIS would also announce when it
expects to begin posting individual establishment category information
in the Federal Register notice that announces final Campylobacter
standards for comminuted poultry products.
\19\ The information is posted at
Cost-Benefit Analysis
The February 2016 Federal Register notice announcing pathogen
reduction performance standards for Salmonella and Campylobacter in
NRTE comminuted chicken and turkey products and raw chicken parts
included a supplementary cost-benefit analysis (2016 CBA).\20\ The 2016
CBA estimated the economic effects of the new pathogen reduction
performance standards for Salmonella and Campylobacter in both NRTE
comminuted poultry and raw chicken parts. The 2016 CBA used estimates
on whether establishments would meet the standards and illness
reduction estimates from the 2015 Risk Assessment, which relied on
results obtained using the direct-plating method.
\20\ U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection
Service (FSIS). (2016). Final Cost-Benefit Analysis Chicken Parts
and Not Ready-To-Eat Comminuted Poultry Performance Standards;
available at:
As explained above, FSIS is proposing to revise the pathogen
reduction performance standards for Campylobacter in NRTE comminuted
chicken and turkey products based on an enrichment method. To ensure
the revised performance standards would be statistically equivalent to
the previously announced Campylobacter standards for these products,
FSIS analyzed 2015-2017 sample results generated using both the
enrichment and direct-plating methods. Based on this analysis, FSIS
concluded the revised pathogen reduction performance standards are
consistent with the previously announced standards in terms of the
estimated reduction in illnesses and the
[[Page 38210]]
percent of the industry expected to initially not meet the performance
standards (Williams et al, 2018; citation 12). Therefore, the
associated costs and public health benefits of the revised performance
standards remain unchanged from those estimated in the 2016 CBA.
Additional Public Notification
Public awareness of all segments of rulemaking and policy
development is important. Consequently, FSIS will announce this Federal
Register publication online through the FSIS web page located at:
FSIS also will announce and provide a link to it through the FSIS
Constituent Update, which is used to provide information regarding FSIS
policies, procedures, regulations, Federal Register notices, FSIS
public meetings, and other types of information that could affect or
would be of interest to our constituents and stakeholders. The
Constituent Update is available on the FSIS web page. Through the web
page, FSIS is able to provide information to a much broader, more
diverse audience. In addition, FSIS offers an email subscription
service which provides automatic and customized access to selected food
safety news and information. This service is available at Options range from recalls to export
information, regulations, directives, and notices. Customers can add or
delete subscriptions themselves, and have the option to password
protect their accounts.
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
No agency, officer, or employee of the USDA shall, on the grounds
of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual
orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status,
income derived from a public assistance program, or political beliefs,
exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject to
discrimination any person in the United States under any program or
activity conducted by the USDA.
How To File a Complaint of Discrimination
To file a complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program
Discrimination Complaint Form, which may be accessed online at, or write a letter signed by you or your
authorized representative.
Send your completed complaint form or letter to USDA by mail, fax,
or email:
Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of
Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410.
Fax: (202) 690-7442.
Email: [email protected].
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for
communication (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact
USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD).
Done at Washington, DC:
Carmen M. Rottenberg,
[FR Doc. 2019-16765 Filed 8-5-19; 8:45 am]