STEM Education Advisory Panel; Notice of Meeting, 29247-29248 [2019-13174]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 120 / Friday, June 21, 2019 / Notices
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Average Expected Annual Number of
Activities: 75.
Average Number of Respondents per
Activity: 1.
Annual Responses: 75.
Frequency of Responses: As needed.
Average Minutes per Response: 15
Burden Hours: 19.
IV. Request for Comments
Comments are invited on: (1) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of NASA, including
whether the information collected has
practical utility; (2) the accuracy of
NASA’s estimate of the burden
(including hours and cost) of the
proposed collection of information; (3)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (4) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including automated
collection techniques or the use of other
forms of information technology.
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and
included in the request for OMB
approval of this information collection.
They will also become a matter of
public record.
Gatrie Johnson,
NASA PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2019–13215 Filed 6–20–19; 8:45 am]
[FDMS Docket NARA–19–0007; NARA–
Changes to Agency Records Schedule;
Request for Comments
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA).
ACTION: Notice of consolidated reply to
comments on records schedule DAA–
0567–2015–0013 (DHS–ICE-Detainee
Records), and request for comments.
We are publishing a
consolidated reply to public comments
submitted on a previously open
proposed records schedule. On July 14,
2017, NARA published notice in the
Federal Register of proposed records
schedule DAA–0567–2015–0013. The
Department of Homeland Security,
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE), Detainee Records submitted this
proposed schedule for ‘‘records related
to detainees, including incidents of
jspears on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES
18:30 Jun 20, 2019
Records Management Operations by
email at, by
mail at the address above, or by phone
at 301.837.1799. For information on this
notice, contact Kimberly Keravuori by
email at regulation_comments@
We have
revised this proposed records schedule
based on public comments and
discussions with the agency proposing
the schedule. We are now inviting
follow-on public comments on the
appropriateness of the disposition
instructions and retention periods for
the items that remain on the revised
Your written comments on this
proposed records schedule should be
specific, should be confined to issues
pertinent to the records schedule, and
should explain your reason(s) for any
change you recommend to the schedule.
Where possible, you should reference
the specific item you are addressing. We
will accept only comments submitted
through or mail
and will not consider comments filed
after the deadline.
We will post another consolidated
reply to all comments we receive during
this comment period, which will be
posted to the same docket on
We will post comments, including
any personal information and
VerDate Sep<11>2014
sexual abuse and assault, escapes,
deaths while in agency custody,
telephone rates charged to detainees,
alternatives to detention, logs and
reports on status of detainees and
detention facilities, and location and
segregation of detainees.’’ We received
comments on this records schedule and
are providing a consolidated reply on
those comments on at
docket NARA–19–0007. We are also
inviting public comment on the reply.
DATES: Submit any comments in writing
no later than August 5, 2019. We will
not consider late comments.
ADDRESSES: You can find and read the
consolidated reply on
under docket number NARA–19–0007.
You may submit comments by either of
the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://, docket number
Mail: Records Appraisal and Agency
Assistance (ACR); National Archives
and Records Administration; 8601
Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740–
6001. You must cite the control number
DAA–0567–2015–0013 in your
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attachments, to the public docket
unchanged. Because comments are
public, you are responsible for ensuring
that you do not include any confidential
or other information that you or a third
party may not wish to be publicly
posted. We will consider all comments
submitted by the posted deadline and
consult as needed with the Federal
agency seeking the disposition
authority. After considering comments,
we will post on a second
consolidated reply, summarizing the
comments, responding to them, and
noting any changes we have made to the
proposed records schedule. We will
then send the schedule for final
approval by the Archivist of the United
You may elect at to
receive updates on the docket, including
an alert when we post the second
consolidated reply, whether or not you
submit a comment. You may request
additional information about the
disposition process through the contact
information listed above.
NARA does not control access to
records in the legal custody of ICE or
any other agency. The Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) and agency
policy govern the right to access
information in these executive branch
agency records.
Laurence Brewer,
Chief Records Officer for the U.S.
[FR Doc. 2019–13085 Filed 6–20–19; 8:45 am]
STEM Education Advisory Panel;
Notice of Meeting
In accordance with the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–
463, as amended), the National Science
Foundation (NSF) announces the
following meeting:
Name and Committee Code: STEM
Education Advisory Panel (#2624).
Date and Time: July 19, 2019; 8:30
a.m.–5 p.m.
Place: National Aeronautical and
Space Administration, 300 E Street SW,
Washington, DC 20546.
Type of Meeting: Part-Open.
Contact Person: Anyone planning to
attend this meeting must provide their
names to Keaven Stevenson, Directorate
Administrative Coordinator, Room C
11044, National Science Foundation,
2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria,
VA 22314 by 12 noon on Monday, July
15, 2019. Contact Information: 703–292–
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 120 / Friday, June 21, 2019 / Notices
Purpose of Meeting: To share and
collect information in support of
members’ role in advising the
Committee on Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics
Education (CoSTEM).
Agenda: STEM Education Advisory
Panel agenda attached. Please check the
website for any additional updates prior
to the meeting at
Reason for Closing: The panel will
review and discuss a draft government
report during closed portions of the
meeting. This discussion must be kept
confidential. These matters are exempt
under 5 U.S.C. 552b(c), (9)(B) of the
Government in the Sunshine Act.
Dated: June 18, 2019.
Crystal Robinson,
Committee Management Officer.
STEM Education Advisory Panel
Committee Meeting Agenda
Friday, July 19, 2019
Location: National Aeronautical and
Space Administration, 300 E Street
SW, Washington, DC 20546
8:30 a.m.–9 a.m. Introductions
9 a.m.–10:15 a.m. Discussion of
Internal Government Draft Report
10:15 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m. FC–STEM IWG
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Working Lunch
12:30 p.m.–12:45 p.m. Prepare for
CoSTEM Members
12:45 p.m.–1 p.m. Welcome from
OSTP Director
1 p.m.–2:15 p.m. Remarks from and Q
and A with CoSTEM Leadership
and Members
2:15 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Break
2:30 p.m.–4:15 p.m. Subcommittee
Meetings (CLOSED)
4:15 p.m.–4:45 p.m. Report back to
4:45 p.m.–5 p.m. Closing Remarks
Current as of: June 18, 2019.
[FR Doc. 2019–13174 Filed 6–20–19; 8:45 am]
jspears on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES
Environmental Dosimetry-Performance
Specifications, Testing, and Data
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Regulatory guide; issuance.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is issuing Revision 2
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to Regulatory Guide (RG) 4.13,
‘‘Environmental Dosimetry-Performance
Specifications, Testing, and Data
Analysis.’’ Revision 2 provides updated
guidance that the NRC staff considers
acceptable for performing surveys and
evaluations of public dose in the
unrestricted area and the controlled area
of a licensed facility from direct
radiation using environmental
dosimetry. The RG endorses the
American National Standards Institute/
Health Physics Society (ANSI/HPS)
N13.37–2014, ‘‘Environmental
Dosimetry-Criteria for System Design
and Implementation.’’
DATES: Revision 2 to RG 4.13 is available
on June 21, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID
NRC–2018–0232 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of
information regarding this document.
You may obtain publicly-available
information related to this document,
using the following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to and search
for Docket ID NRC–2018–0232. Address
questions about NRC docket IDs in to Jennifer Borges;
telephone: 301–287–9127; email: For technical
questions, contact the individuals listed
CONTACT section of this document.
• NRC’s Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publiclyavailable documents online in the
ADAMS Public Documents collection at
adams.html. To begin the search, select
‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.’’ For
problems with ADAMS, please contact
the NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR)
reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, 301–
415–4737, or by email to pdr.resource@ The ADAMS accession number
for each document referenced in this
notice (if that document is available in
ADAMS) is provided the first time that
a document is referenced. Revision 2 to
Regulatory Guide 4.13 and the
regulatory analysis may be found in
ADAMS under Accession Nos.
ML19044A595 and ML18087A167
• NRC’s PDR: You may examine and
purchase copies of public documents at
the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
Regulatory guides are not
copyrighted, and NRC approval is not
required to reproduce them.
Steven Garry, Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation, telephone: 301–415–2766,
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email:, and
Harriet Karagiannis, Office of Nuclear
Regulatory Research, telephone: 301–
415–2493, email: Harriet.Karagiannis@ Both are staff of the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001.
I. Discussion
The NRC is issuing a revision to an
existing guide in the NRC’s ‘‘Regulatory
Guide’’ series. This series was
developed to describe and make
available to the public information
regarding methods that are acceptable to
the NRC staff for implementing specific
parts of the agency’s regulations,
techniques that the NRC staff uses in
evaluating specific issues or postulated
events, and data that the NRC staff
needs in its review of applications for
permits and licenses.
Revision 2 of RG 4.13 was issued with
a temporary identification of Draft
Regulatory Guide, DG–4019, to provide
updated guidance that the NRC staff
considers acceptable for performing
surveys and evaluations of public dose
in the unrestricted area and the
controlled area of a licensed facility
from direct radiation using
environmental dosimetry.
This revision also provides updated
NRC guidance on an acceptable
dosimetry program by endorsing ANSI/
HPS N13.37–2014. The 2014 ANSI/HPS
standard provides up-to-date
environmental dosimetry system design
criteria and dosimeter laboratory test
protocols and data-analysis methods
suitable to assess potential facilityrelated radiation doses.
II. Additional Information
The NRC published a notice of the
availability of DG–4019 in the Federal
Register on October 17, 2018 (83 FR
52576) for a 60-day public comment
period. The public comment period
closed on December 17, 2018. Public
comments on DG–4019 and the staff
responses to the public comments are
available under ADAMS under
Accession No. ML19044A594.
III. Congressional Review Act
This RG is a rule as defined in the
Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C.
801–808). However, the Office of
Management and Budget has not found
it to be a major rule as defined in the
Congressional Review Act.
IV. Backfitting and Issue Finality
This RG provides guidance on
establishing and conducting an
environmental dosimetry program that
the NRC staff considers acceptable for
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 120 (Friday, June 21, 2019)]
[Pages 29247-29248]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-13174]
STEM Education Advisory Panel; Notice of Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-
463, as amended), the National Science Foundation (NSF) announces the
following meeting:
Name and Committee Code: STEM Education Advisory Panel (#2624).
Date and Time: July 19, 2019; 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Place: National Aeronautical and Space Administration, 300 E Street
SW, Washington, DC 20546.
Type of Meeting: Part-Open.
Contact Person: Anyone planning to attend this meeting must provide
their names to Keaven Stevenson, Directorate Administrative
Coordinator, Room C 11044, National Science Foundation, 2415 Eisenhower
Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314 by 12 noon on Monday, July 15, 2019.
Contact Information: 703-292-8663/[email protected].
[[Page 29248]]
Purpose of Meeting: To share and collect information in support of
members' role in advising the Committee on Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics Education (CoSTEM).
Agenda: STEM Education Advisory Panel agenda attached. Please check
the website for any additional updates prior to the meeting at
Reason for Closing: The panel will review and discuss a draft
government report during closed portions of the meeting. This
discussion must be kept confidential. These matters are exempt under 5
U.S.C. 552b(c), (9)(B) of the Government in the Sunshine Act.
Dated: June 18, 2019.
Crystal Robinson,
Committee Management Officer.
STEM Education Advisory Panel
Committee Meeting Agenda
Friday, July 19, 2019
Location: National Aeronautical and Space Administration, 300 E Street
SW, Washington, DC 20546
8:30 a.m.-9 a.m. Introductions
9 a.m.-10:15 a.m. Discussion of Internal Government Draft Report
10:15 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. FC-STEM IWG Presentations
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Working Lunch
12:30 p.m.-12:45 p.m. Prepare for CoSTEM Members
12:45 p.m.-1 p.m. Welcome from OSTP Director
1 p.m.-2:15 p.m. Remarks from and Q and A with CoSTEM Leadership and
2:15 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Break
2:30 p.m.-4:15 p.m. Subcommittee Meetings (CLOSED)
4:15 p.m.-4:45 p.m. Report back to Panel
4:45 p.m.-5 p.m. Closing Remarks
Current as of: June 18, 2019.
[FR Doc. 2019-13174 Filed 6-20-19; 8:45 am]