Recommendation 2019-02, 28517-28526 [2019-12918]
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 118 / Wednesday, June 19, 2019 / Notices
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[FR Doc. 2019–12945 Filed 6–18–19; 8:45 am]
Recommendation 2019–02
Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board.
ACTION: Notice; Recommendation.
The Defense Nuclear
Facilities Safety Board has made a
Recommendation to the Secretary of
Energy concerning adequate protection
of public health and safety in the event
of an energetic accident at the Tritium
Facilities at the Savannah River Site.
Pursuant to the requirements of the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended,
the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety
Board is publishing the
Recommendation and associated
correspondence with the Department of
Energy and requesting comments from
interested members of the public.
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Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Amended
Introduction. The Tritium Facilities at
the Savannah River Site (SRS) consist of
several defense nuclear facilities,
including the 217–H Vault, Buildings
233–H and 234–H, and the Tritium
Extraction Facility, used for processing
and storing tritium. The Defense
Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Board)
is concerned about adequate protection
of the public health and safety in the
event of an energetic accident at the
Tritium Facilities.
The facilities’ approved Documented
Safety Analysis (DSA) and the
November 2018 revision to the DSA
awaiting approval by the National
Nuclear Security Administration
(NNSA) of the Department of Energy
(DOE) both have analyzed several
credible accidents that could result in
very high doses, creating the potential
for acute radiation sickness or fatality 1
in a significant number of individuals.
These energetic accidents include
building-wide fires due to a variety of
initiating events, crane drops, and
explosions with the potential to release
large quantities of tritium.
The probability of such an event
within the lifetime of the facility is not
negligible. Assuming a 50-year lifetime
for the facilities, the probability that an
unlikely event could occur within that
time period ranges from 0.5 percent to
about 40 percent. Such an event could
lead to a significant number of
potentially exposed individuals, posing
a significant challenge to both SRS’s
emergency management system and to
local emergency and medical facilities.
The current situation at the Tritium
Facilities does not adequately address
either DOE’s standards of care or
standards of practice as defined by its
own requirements. Consequently,
adequate protection is not assured. The
Board has concluded that DOE needs to
take actions to improve the safety of the
Tritium Facilities, upgrades to safety
management programs and the
implementation of robust controls to
ensure adequate protection of public
health and safety.2
Recommendations. The Board
recommends that DOE:
1. Identify and implement near-term
compensatory measures at SRS to
mitigate the potential for high
radiological consequences to
individuals who would be impacted by
a release from the Tritium Facilities.
(For example, potential near-term
compensatory measures could include,
but are not limited to reducing the
material at risk (MAR) and/or limiting
the number of potentially exposed
individuals or other physical or
administrative controls.)
2. Identify and implement long-term
actions and controls to prevent or
mitigate the hazards that pose
significant radiological consequences to
acceptably low values consistent with
the requirements of DOE directives.
3. In parallel with the above
recommendations, evaluate the
adequacy of the following safety
management programs and upgrade
them as necessary to ensure that SRS
can effectively respond to energetic
accidents at the Tritium Facilities, and
that it can quickly identify and properly
treat potential victims:
a. The staffing and training
requirements for individuals expected
to take specific actions in response to
alarms, abnormal operations, and
b. The adequacy of the Emergency
Preparedness programs in H-Area to
account for all individuals in the
vicinity and ensure that all potentially
affected individuals understand their
responsibilities and required actions in
the event of a large tritium release from
1 Acute radiation-induced sickness and acute
radiation fatality, as used in this report, refers to
possible outcomes of the acute radiation syndrome.
This syndrome is the result of an acute, or short
duration, exposure to a very high level of ionizing
radiation. In this context, the word acute does not
imply immediate incapacitation or death, as the
syndrome and its impact on a human body may
take hours to months to progress to recovery or
2 The Board has raised concerns regarding the
safety posture at the Tritium facilities since 1992.
The Board’s concerns over the potential for
energetic accidents with very high calculated dose
consequences have been frequently communicated
to DOE. DOE has routinely responded to the Board’s
concerns with improvements in the safety controls,
only to allow those controls to be downgraded after
a number of years. (See the Attachment for a list
of previous Board correspondence.)
Comments, data, views, or
arguments concerning the
recommendation are due on or by July
19, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Send comments concerning
this notice to: Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board, 625 Indiana Avenue NW,
Suite 700, Washington, DC 20004–2001.
Comments may also be submitted by email to
Glenn Sklar at the address above or
telephone number (202) 694–7000.
Recommendation 2019–2 to the
Secretary of Energy
Safety of the Savannah River Site
Tritium Facilities
Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 2286a(b)(5)
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 118 / Wednesday, June 19, 2019 / Notices
the Tritium Facilities and are prepared
to implement them;
c. The ability of the site’s Fire
Department to respond to fires,
explosions, and other accidents at the
Tritium Facilities that could lead to a
large tritium release;
d. The capability of the site-wide
radiological protection and occupational
medicine programs to respond to an
accident and monitor a large number of
people with potentially serious uptakes
of tritiated water vapor; and
e. The ability and preparedness of
community emergency and medical
resources to support the site in such
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
Effects of Tritium Release: Much of
the in-process tritium at the Tritium
Facilities may be in the form of gas, and
material in storage is either in pressure
vessels or deposited on hydride beds.
Exposure to tritium gas does not result
in significant doses to individuals, as
the gas is not retained by the human
body after inhalation. However, any
significant release of tritium gas during
an energetic accident or upset condition
has a high potential of resulting in a fire,
even if a fire did not initiate the release.
In the energetic accidents of concern to
the Board, tritium, an isotope of
hydrogen, may be ignited, converted
into water by oxidation, and then
dispersed as a vapor.
Tritiated water vapor represents a
significant risk to those exposed to it, as
its dose consequence to an exposed
individual is 15,000 to 20,000 times
higher than that for an equivalent
amount of tritium gas.3 As with normal
water vapor, tritiated water vapor is
quickly absorbed into the lungs and
through the skin, and rapidly mixes
with the water in the body. The target
organ for the exposure is the whole
body, with a biological half-life 4 of 10
days [1]. The combination of a rapid
intake and a short biological half-life
means a large fraction of the radiological
dose is acutely delivered within hours
to days rather than chronically
delivered over many months to years.
Tritium’s chemical and radiological
characteristics also create difficult
3 The ratio of the dose conversion factors for
inhalation between tritiated water and tritium gas
is a factor of 10,000; additionally, a factor of 1.5 is
applied for the workers, and a factor of 2.0 is
applied for the public, to account for tritiated water
absorption through the skin [1].
4 The biological half-life is defined as ‘‘the time
required in a given radionuclide for its activity to
decrease, by biological clearance and radiological
decay, to half its original activity’’ [8]. This half-life
is a function of the radiological half-life of the
radioactive material and how rapidly it is removed
from the body by metabolic processes.
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challenges that complicate the
approaches to responding to such
accidents and providing medical
assistance to exposed individuals. A
tritium release becomes even more
challenging when considering that
hundreds of workers in the SRS H-Area
occupy the defense nuclear facilities
and other administrative and training
buildings surrounding the Tritium
Emergency Preparedness: Since 2011
the Tritium Facilities have conducted
several seismic and/or multi-facility
drills and exercises. The Board’s staff
have observed these drills and exercises
and found that they have improved
communications and coordination
among the tritium facilities, as well as
coordination of protective actions with
other nuclear facilities within the HArea. However, neither DOE nor the site
contractor, Savannah River Nuclear
Solutions (SRNS), has conducted
exercises involving the evacuation of
large numbers of individuals from an
area due to a large tritium release, nor
have they planned for the related
logistical issues or for monitoring large
numbers of individuals to identify those
who might be at risk of a significant
tritium intake and would require
immediate medical intervention. While
reliance on the Emergency Preparedness
programs is not a long-term solution,
this program will be essential in
mitigating the consequences of a
significant tritium release until an
adequate control set can be
Past Communication: During a June
16, 2011, public hearing in Augusta,
Georgia, the Board raised concerns
regarding high consequences due to a
potential fire in the Tritium Facilities.
The Board further communicated this
concern to NNSA in an August 19, 2011,
Board correspondence in which it
identified a shift in the safety
philosophy applied to the Tritium
Facilities at SRS. The Board noted that
downgrading of safety related controls
at the Tritium Facilities has ‘‘weakened
the safety posture, reduced the safety
margin, and increased the potential for
both the workers and the public to be
exposed to higher consequences.’’
The Deputy Administrator for Defense
Programs replied to the Board’s
concerns on November 14, 2011, stating
that NNSA would develop new
analytical models to better understand
the risk posed by the Tritium Facilities’
operations, and at the same time NNSA
would pursue ‘‘additional interim safety
5 A training building with a cafeteria is about 300
meters from the Tritium Facilities; the building
hosts a significant transient population.
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controls for Tritium Facilities, such as
MAR segregation’’ to reduce the
consequences of a potential accident.
The attachment to the NNSA letter
identified a series of analytical and
administrative activities that SRNS
would conduct and stated that, ‘‘A
review of the control selection for the
design basis events considering the new
analysis will be performed. Emphasis
will be placed on utilizing existing
passive and active engineered controls
vice administrative controls. Any
changes to controls will be reflected in
a future update to the Documented
Safety Analysis.’’
A letter from SRNS to NNSA dated
July 12, 2018 [2], indicates that SRNS is
considering a number of engineering
controls, but the Board is not aware of
any formal actions or implementation of
any near-term compensatory measures
based on this strategy. SRNS’s proposed
strategy mainly consists of performing
analyses. These analyses may result in
SRNS proposing revisions to the
Tritium Facilities DSA to credit existing
engineered controls or may lead SRNS
to pursue installation of new engineered
controls. Any physical modifications or
additions would likely take years to
implement under SRNS’s proposed
strategy. Furthermore, the Board is not
aware of any commitments made by
NNSA to implement engineered
controls based on the contractor’s
Conclusion. The Board has concluded
that adequate protection of public
health and safety currently is not
assured, should an accident, such as an
earthquake or large fire, occur at these
facilities and there continues to be a risk
of exposure to significant radiological
consequences in case of an energetic
event at these facilities.
Bruce Hamilton, Chairman
Recommendation References
1. Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission,
Health Effects, Dosimetry and Radiological
Protection of Tritium, Minster of Public
Works and Government Services Canada,
INFO–0799, April 2010.
2. Spangler, R. W., Senior Vice President
NNSA Operations and Programs, SRNS, letter
to N. N. Nelson-Jean, NNSA Savannah River
Field Office, Transmittal of the Schedule for
Implementing the Strategy for Risk Reduction
to the Co-Located Worker in Tritium
Facilities (U), SRNS–T0000–2018–00227,
July 12, 2018.
Risk Assessment for Recommendation
Safety of the Savannah River Site
Tritium Facilities
In making its recommendations to the
Secretary of Energy and in accordance
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 118 / Wednesday, June 19, 2019 / Notices
with 42 U.S.C. 2286a.(b)(5), the Board
shall consider, and specifically assess
risk (whenever sufficient data exists).
Risk is generally defined as the
quantitative or qualitative expression of
possible loss that considers both the
likelihood that an event will occur and
the consequences of that event. For
Recommendation 2019–2, Safety of the
Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities,
sufficient data does not exist to
precisely determine the likelihood that
an event will occur and the
consequences of that event. However,
the Board can use information from the
Tritium Facilities’ DSAs to develop a
qualitative risk assessment.
The Tritium Facilities’ DSAs use risk
binning to estimate the frequencies of
several of the energetic accidents
discussed in the Recommendation to be
Unlikely, which DOE Standard 3009,
Preparation Guide for U.S. Department
of Energy Nonreactor Nuclear Facility
Documented Safety Analyses, assigns a
frequency range of 10¥2 to 10¥4 per
year. Assuming a 50-year lifetime for the
facility, and given the broad frequency
range, the probability that an event
could occur within that time period
ranges from 0.5 percent to about 40
The large-scale release of tritium
postulated for these accidents has a
significant potential to result in acute
injuries or fatalities. Such an event
could lead to a significant number of
potentially exposed individuals,
resulting in a mass casualty situation
that would pose a significant challenge
both to the Savannah River Site’s
emergency management system and to
local emergency and medical facilities.
Therefore, the Board has determined
the qualitative risk at the Savannah
River Site’s Tritium Facilities is
significant enough to require the
Department of Energy to take action.
Findings, Supporting Data, and
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Degradation of Safety Posture
Introduction—In December 1991,
Congress amended the Defense Nuclear
Facilities Safety Board’s (Board)
enabling legislation, expanding its
jurisdiction into defense nuclear
facilities and activities involved in the
assembly, disassembly, and testing of
nuclear weapons. According to the
Board’s 1992 Annual Report to Congress
As a consequence, additional technical
activities were conducted at the following
plants, sites and laboratories:
• Pantex Plant,
• Oak Ridge Y–12 Plant,
• Los Alamos National Laboratory,
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• Tritium Facilities at the Savannah River
• Building 991 at Rocky Flats,
• Nevada Test Site,
• Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque
and Livermore),
• Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
• Pinellas Plant
As part of these additional technical
activities, in 1992 the Board and its staff
began to review safety basis documents
for Building 233–H (known at the time
as the Replacement Tritium Facility,
RTF) [2–9]. At that time the facility had
been built but had not commenced
operations. Later, the Board reviewed
the design and safety basis of the
Tritium Extraction Facility from the
conceptual design stage to its final
startup. In both cases, the Board
identified safety issues that were
remediated by design modifications or
administration of operational limits to
ensure that the public and the workers
were adequately protected.
Since the Board’s initial interactions
with the Tritium Facilities in 1992, the
Board’s concerns over the potential for
energetic accidents with very high dose
consequences have been frequently
communicated to the Department of
Energy (DOE). A listing of those
communications is provided in the
Attachment. These communications and
the DOE responses to them illustrate a
pattern that, in itself, is a concern to the
Board. The Board’s early involvement in
the safety of the Tritium Facilities
prompted DOE to implement a range of
safety improvements; however, those
improvements either were downgraded
or were found to be ineffective by 1999.
After the Board’s interactions with DOE
in 1999, improvements were again
identified and implemented. By 2011,
those improvements had been
downgraded and the Board found it
necessary to raise the subject again.
Today, the Board has determined that
its concerns are such that a formal
Recommendation is needed to ensure
prompt action is taken and sustained.
As noted, in 2011 the Board identified
a degradation in the facilities’ safety
posture that appears to have begun in
the period between 1999 and 2011. The
Board initially communicated those
concerns in 2011, and the National
Nuclear Security Administration
(NNSA) responded on November 14,
2011, with a series of commitments that
included updating the methodology and
assumptions to meet current DOE
requirements and expectations for
conservative analyses, as reflected in
Subpart B to 10 CFR 830 and its safe
harbor methodology in DOE Standard
3009–94. NNSA also stated that ‘‘A
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review of the control selection for the
design basis events considering the new
analysis will be performed. Emphasis
will be placed on utilizing existing
passive and active engineered controls
vice administrative controls. Any
changes to controls will be reflected in
a future update to the Documented
Safety Analysis (DSA).’’ The current
Savannah River Site (SRS) contractor,
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions LLC
(SRNS), submitted that DSA update to
NNSA’s Savannah River Field Office
(SRFO) in July 2017. SRFO requested
and the contractor submitted a revised
version of that DSA on November 2018,
and it is currently undergoing DOE’s
review and approval process.
Consequently, the currently approved
safety bases still contain many of the
weaknesses that concerned the Board in
The following discussions briefly
describe some of the original activities
and the controls applied to for Building
233–H. This building contains the
majority of the process tritium inventory
and poses the most unmitigated risk in
case of an energetic accident.
Building 233–H’s Past Safety Basis—
The Board and DOE worked through
several issues with the hazards analysis
and control set in the original Final
Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) 6 [2–9]
during the early 1990s, prior to startup
of Building 233–H. The fire event
analyzed in the FSAR was based on 0.1
percent oxidation of the tritium released
during the accident. The site contractor
at the time, Westinghouse Savannah
River Company 7 (WSRC) performed a
conservatively bounding analysis
assuming that 100 percent of the tritium
would be oxidized in a facility fire and
documented this analysis in an
addendum to the FSAR. Furthermore,
WSRC performed a seismic analysis that
indicated that a stack would collapse on
top of the tritium reservoir storage vault.
DOE and WSRC designed and
constructed more than a dozen safes
known as HIVES (Highly Invulnerable
Encased Safes) to protect the storage
reservoirs from the impact load of a
stack and vault roof collapse. The
bounding scenario conservatively
calculated the consequences of a
seismic event that triggers a fire
involving the entire inventory from the
6 Final Safety Analysis Reports were a
predecessor to the current Documented Safety
Analysis documents.
7 The current SRS contractor, Savannah River
Nuclear Solutions assumed responsibility for the
site in August 2008. The prior contractor at the site,
Westinghouse Savannah River Company, assumed
responsibility for the site in 1989. In 2005,
Westinghouse Savannah River Company changed
its name to Washington Savannah River Company.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 118 / Wednesday, June 19, 2019 / Notices
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reservoirs and the process systems [9].
The maximum individual dose at the
site boundary for a two hour exposure
was estimated to be about 5.1 rem total
effective dose equivalent (TEDE,8 an
ionizing radiation dose unit in use at the
time). The corresponding value for
onsite dose was 328 rem TEDE. [This
value was calculated prior to the
issuance of DOE Standard 3009; the
1993 calculation used an older
methodology and different assumptions
than those currently accepted for safety
analyses. Consequently the results
cannot be compared to the values in the
current safety bases.]
The FSAR control set ultimately
established by WSRC was a mixture of
administrative operational limits and
engineered controls. An administrative
control limited the total amount of
tritium in the facility, including the
reservoirs in the seismically qualified
areas. Four limiting conditions for
operations (LCO) limited the system
pressure for the relief tanks,
contaminated nitrogen tanks, and the Zbed recovery tanks to sub-atmospheric
conditions to protect their inventory
from a system rupture. An additional
three LCOs limited the inventory of the
mix tanks, deuterium storage beds, and
the tritium reservoirs, which were
stored in non-seismically qualified areas
[7]. WSRC classified the HIVES as safety
related 9 to protect the reservoirs in the
vault from impacts. Finally, WSRC used
a tritium storage seismic detection and
isolation system to further reduce the
amount of tritium released during a
seismic event. Over the years though,
many of the above controls were
eliminated or downgraded for various
reasons. It is useful to review previously
implemented controls for ideas on how
the Board’s current concerns might be
During a June 16, 2011, public hearing
in Augusta, Georgia, the Board raised
concerns regarding high consequences
to co-located workers due to a potential
fire in the Tritium Facilities. The Board
further communicated this concern to
8 There are two basic components to an
individual’s radiation dose, the dose from internal
emitters and the dose from external emitters. Prior
to 2007, the dose from internal emitters such as
tritiated water was measured in rem Committed
Effective Dose Equivalent (rem CEDE); the dose
from external radiation sources such as an X-ray
machine was measured in rem Effective Dose (rem
ED); and the sum of the two components was the
Total Effective Dose Equivalent (rem TEDE). In 2007
the units were changed to committed effective dose
(rem CED) and total effective dose (rem TED), but
they are numerically equivalent to doses in rem
CEDE and rem TEDE.
9 The RTF startup activities preceded DOE’s
creation and issuance of Standard 3009–94. The
terminology of ‘‘safety related’’ was meant for
protection of the public and/or the workers.
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NNSA in a Board correspondence dated
August 19, 2011, in which the Board
identified a shift in the safety
philosophy applied to the Tritium
Facilities at SRS. The Board noted that
the downgrading of safety related
controls at the Tritium Facilities has
‘‘weakened the safety posture, reduced
the safety margin, and increased the
potential for both the workers and the
public to be exposed to higher
NNSA’s Deputy Administrator for
Defense Program sent a letter to the
Board on November 14, 2011, that
relayed the Tritium Facilities
commitments to the Board for
improving safety posture of those
facilities. In the attachment to that
letter, the field office manager stated
that, ‘‘A review of the control selection
for the design basis events considering
the new analysis will be performed.
Emphasis will be placed on utilizing
existing passive and active engineered
controls vice administrative controls.
Any changes to controls will be
reflected in a future update to the
Documented Safety Analysis (DSA).’’
SRNS submitted that DSA update to
SRFO in July 2017. As previously noted,
correspondence between SRFO and the
SRNS led to a revised DSA submitted in
November 2018, which is currently in
DOE’s review and approval process.
Tritium Facilities’ Current Safety
Basis—The current safety basis of the
Tritium Facilities is comprised of a DSA
[10] and technical safety requirements
(TSR) [11] that are derived from the
DSA.10 The DSA and TSR documents
contain a set of controls that SRNS
commits to maintain to assure adequate
protection. The DSA is supported by a
comprehensive hazard analysis
documented in the Consolidated
Hazards Analysis Process (CHAP) [12],
which is not subject to NNSA’s review
and approval. The CHAP concluded that
‘‘[f]or some events, the mitigated
consequences remained in the B1 or B
region [consequence categories that
require safety class controls for the
public or safety significant controls for
workers] because available controls
either did not exist and/or were
insufficient’’ to reduce the unmitigated
dose consequences to the co-located
workers for several high consequence
The calculated dose consequences
supporting the current DSA were based
10 At the time of this writing the Tritium
Extraction Facility (TEF) was operating under a
separate safety basis, but SRNS combined the two
safety bases in the DSA submitted in November
2018. However, TEF has a much smaller inventory
than the main processing building so it is not
discussed extensively in this section.
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on calculations performed in 2008.
Those calculated dose consequences for
the energetic accidents of concern in
this Recommendation ranged up to
6,300 rem total effective dose (TED) to
the co-located workers and about 2 to 13
rem TED to the offsite public [13–17].
While those calculations were based on
methods and assumptions accepted at
the time, they do not meet current DOE
expectations for safety basis
calculations. More recent analysis,
completed by SRNS in 2013, concluded
that, using current methodology and
assumptions, the calculated dose
consequences would increase by a
bounding factor of 7.42 for the colocated worker and a bounding factor of
3.45 for the offsite public [18]. It should
be noted that NNSA reduced the limit
on the total amount of tritium that can
be present within the Tritium Facilities
by about half in 2011, as discussed in
the November 14, 2011, letter to the
Board, but that reduction has not been
included in the bounding factors given
above. These factors are bounding
values because there will be some
variation in the parameters specific to
each accident scenario.
Feasible solutions to address concerns
could consist of several controls, each
providing layers of protection.
Furthermore, solutions may require
pursuing controls that dramatically
reduce the probability of an initiator,
but may not fully prevent an accident.
For example, a seismic power cut off
system may eliminate many, but not all,
ignition sources present in a facility
following a seismic event because some
systems may be required to continue to
function or may have stored energy.
Similarly, the reliability of systems like
fire suppression systems may be
improved through upgrades and
modifications or performance of
additional surveillances and
maintenance, but they may not be able
to be fully qualified to protect
individuals after all seismic events.
Mitigative controls, such as
minimizing the number of non-essential
personnel in close proximity to the
Tritium Facilities; using readily
available technologies to minimize
humidity in the air of buildings used for
sheltering in place; and having preapproved plans for decreasing the
biological half-life of tritium, could
potentially reduce both the number of
individuals with intakes and the
severity of those intakes. The
development of near- and long-term
solutions may involve an integrated
approach using multiple forms of
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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 118 / Wednesday, June 19, 2019 / Notices
Analysis of Emergency Preparedness at
the Savannah River Site
The attachment to the NNSA letter
dated November 14, 2011, described
improvements that would be made to
the site Emergency Preparedness
program to respond to a significant
event at the Tritium Facilities. The
Tritium Facilities conducted several
seismic and/or multi-facility drills and
exercises in subsequent years. The
Board’s staff observed these drills and
exercises and the planned
improvements. The drills and exercises
improved communications and
coordination among the Tritium
Facilities and helped improve
coordination of protective actions with
other nuclear facilities within H-Area.
The Tritium Facilities also have made
emergency preparedness drill and
exercise scenarios more challenging by
including deflagrations and stack
collapses, and have tested their ability
to respond to accidents during night
shifts, when staffing is lower.
However, the Tritium Facilities
Emergency Preparedness program has
not prepared responses to the full range
of credible accidents in the DSA and the
Emergency Planning Hazards
Assessments (EPHA). The DSA includes
credible scenarios with co-located
worker doses reaching calculated dose
consequences in the thousands of rem.
The radiological consequences in the
EPHAs [19, 20] are usually lower
because of differences in the analytical
methodologies and assumptions, but
still range up to 700 rem TED for colocated workers and 62 rem TED for
workers at the nearby central training
facility (which also includes a cafeteria).
However, the dose consequences to
workers in the most challenging drills
and exercises [21, 22] were less than 5
rem TED.
The default protective actions for the
Tritium Facilities’ Emergency Action
Levels are to evacuate the immediate
area, and for all others to remain
indoors (as well as close all doors and
windows, and turn off ventilation to the
building) [23, 24]. During tritium drills
and exercises, this usually involves
having workers evacuate the affected
process area and/or evacuate from the
affected building to another nearby
building within the Tritium Facilities.
However, the EPHA has scenarios where
the maximum distance for the
Threshold for Early Lethality may
extend up to 320 meters, beyond the
Tritium Facilities fence line.
Part of the reason for the lower
radiological consequences in the drills
and exercises is that the assumed
releases are much smaller because the
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Seismic Tritium Confinement System is
assumed to function and confine the
inventory during a seismic event.
However, the DSA does not qualify this
system to be credited during a seismic
event. Additionally, the drills and
exercises often limit explosions and
fires to one room, rather than involving
the entire building, as the DSA and
EPHA assume. Because the radiological
consequences in the drill and exercise
scenarios are much lower than those in
the DSA and EPHA, the drill and
exercise scenarios assume that Tritium
Facilities personnel can remain safely
indoors indefinitely, that operators can
perform their assumed response actions
with little impact from the release, that
those workers evacuating to another
building within the Tritium Facilities
do so without any adverse effects, and
that the medical response is usually
limited to injured workers with
relatively minor contamination or
Using radiological consequences from
the severe accidents in the DSA or
EPHA, however, might drive the need to
evacuate personnel at the Tritium
Facilities, and possibly other nearby
areas, to a safer location to avoid a
significant intake. SRS does not have
any procedural guidance or criteria for
when workers should evacuate the
Tritium Facilities area, and possibly
other nearby areas, rather than remain
indoors, due to the potential for acute
radiological consequences [23–26].
Furthermore, SRS has not conducted
exercises involving evacuation of a large
number of workers from an area due to
a radiological release, nor has the site
planned for the related logistical issues
such as evacuating or monitoring a large
number of workers to determine which
ones may be at risk of a significant
tritium uptake and may require medical
Findings, Supporting Data, and
Analysis References
Note: The current SRS contractor,
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions assumed
responsibility for the site in August 2008.
The prior contractor at the site, Westinghouse
Savannah River Company, assumed
responsibility for the site in 1989. In 2005,
Westinghouse Savannah River Company
changed its name to Washington Savannah
River Company.
1. Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board,
Annual Report to Congress, April 1993.
2. Westinghouse Savannah River Company,
RTF Safety Analysis Report, DOE
Approval Copy, Rev.1, WSRC–SA–1–1,
August 28, 1992.
3. K.R. O’Kula, RTF Compliance with
Department of Energy Safety Goal,
WSRC–TR–93–183, April, 1993.
4. Westinghouse Savannah River Company,
PO 00000
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RTF Safety Analysis Report, Attachment
5.B Integrated DBE Analysis, Vol 20,
Revision 0, WSRC–SA–1–1, August 23,
5. N.K. Savani, Request for Information on
the DBE Analysis, SRT–TML–93–0052,
May 5, 1993.
6. J. Robertson, Determining Inventory LCOs
for RTF, S NMP–SDG–93–0076, Revision
4, September 20, 1993.
7. Westinghouse Savannah River Company,
RTF Final Safety Analysis Report,
Inventory Control, Revision 0, WSRC–
SA–1–1–VOL–19, August 26, 1993.
8. Westinghouse Savannah River Company,
RTF Final Safety Analysis Report,
Integrated DBE Analysis, Revision 0,
WSRC–SA–1–1–VOL–20, August 26,
9. S.J. Robertson, White Paper; Basis for MID
Calculations for RTF DBA and BDBA
Scenarios, September 20, 1993.
10. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC,
Tritium Facilities Documented Safety
Analysis, Rev. 23, WSRC–SA–1–2, Vol. 1
and 2, May 2017.
11. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC,
Tritium Facilities Technical Safety
Requirements, Rev. 28, WSRC–TS–96–
17, May 2017.
12. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC,
Tritium Facilities Consolidated Hazards
Analysis, Rev. 11, WSRC–TR–2004–
00163, May 2017.
13. Washington Savannah River Company,
Tritium Facilities Loss of Confinement
Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S–CLC–
H–01127, February 2008.
14. Washington Savannah River Company,
Tritium Facilities Fire Accident Analysis
(U), Rev. 0, S–CLC–H–01131, February
15. Washington Savannah River Company,
Tritium Facilities Explosion Accident
Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S–CLC–H–01137,
February 2008.
16. Washington Savannah River Company,
Tritium Facilities Natural Phenomena
Plus Fire Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0,
S–CLC–H–01139, February 2008.
17. Washington Savannah River Company,
Tritium Facilities Natural Phenomena
Plus Loss of Confinement Accident
Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S–CLC–H–01144,
February 2008.
18. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions,
Dispersion Modeling Project
Implementation, S–ESR–G–0033, Rev. 0,
October 2013.
19. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC,
Emergency Planning Hazards
Assessment for the Tritium Facilities
(TF), Rev. 10, S–EHA–H–00006, March
20. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC,
Emergency Planning Hazards
Assessment for the Tritium Extraction
Facility (TEF), Rev. 2, S–EHA–H–00009,
January 2016.
21. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC,
Savannah River Site 2012 Site
Emergency Response Organization
Emergency Preparedness Evaluated
Exercise Multiple-Facility/MultipleContractor Seismic Event, Rev. 03,
F9640052.DRSC000103, April 2012.
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 118 / Wednesday, June 19, 2019 / Notices
22. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC,
Savannah River Tritium Enterprise 2017
Facility Emergency Preparedness
Evaluated Exercise, Rev. 00,
F3040087.DRSC000100, July 2017.
23. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC,
Emergency Classification (EALs), Rev. 29
EPIP TRIT–001, IPC 1, May 1, 2017.
24. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC,
FEC Response Actions, Rev. 35, EPIP
TRIT–111, April 24, 2018.
25. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC,
Fire and Fire Alarm Response, Process
Buildings, Rev. 31, EOP TRIT–1468,
May, 31, 2018.
26. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC,
Response to Severe Weather and Natural
Disasters, Rev. 21, AOP TRIT–6122, IPC–
1, August 16, 2018.
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
Summary of Board Correspondence
Concerning Safety at the Tritium
• December 18, 1995
• To: Assistant Secretary for
Environmental Management
• Subject: Central Training Facility
capability to respond to releases
• March 18, 1999
• To: Under Secretary of Energy
• Subject: Review of Draft Consolidated
Tritium Safety Analysis Report
• December 7, 1999
• To: Assistant Secretary for Defense
• Subject: Design review for Tritium
Extraction Facility
• July 19, 2002
• To: National Nuclear Security
Administration Deputy Administrator
for Defense Programs
• Subject: Seismic safety at the Tritium
Extraction Facility
• July 16, 2010
• To: NNSA Administrator and
Assistant Secretary for Environmental
• Subject: Inclusion of controls concern
at the Savannah River Site
• August 19, 2011
• To: NNSA Administrator
• Subject: Review of Safety Basis,
Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities
• August 7, 2014
• To: NNSA Administrator
• Subject: Summary of Board views on
current challenges faced by NNSA
• January 7, 2016
• To: NNSA Administrator
• Subject: Review of the Tritium
Extraction Facility Documented
Safety Analysis
• June 4, 2018
• To: Secretary of Energy
• Subject: Review of the Revised
Documented Safety Analysis at
Tritium Facilities
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Supplemental Staff Analysis of Dose
The calculated dose consequences
supporting the current DSA were based
on calculations performed in 2008.
Those calculated dose consequences for
the energetic accidents of concern in
this Recommendation ranged up to
6,300 rem total effective dose (TED) 11 to
the co-located workers and about 2 to 13
rem TED to the offsite public [1–5].
Those calculations were based on
methods and assumptions accepted at
the time. More recent analysis,
completed by the SRS contractor in
2013, concluded that using current
methodology and assumptions would
increase the calculated dose
consequences by a bounding factor of
7.42 for the co-located worker and a
bounding factor of 3.45 for the offsite
public [6].12 It should be noted that SRS
lowered the limit on the total amount of
tritium that can be present within the
Tritium Facilities by about a factor of
two in 2011, but that reduction has not
been included in the bounding factors
given above. These factors are bounding
values because there will be some
variation in the parameters specific to
each accident scenario. The calculations
supporting the revised DSA indicate
that calculated dose consequences for
the co-located worker could exceed
18,000 rem TED for some scenarios. [7]
According to the International
Commission on Radiation Protection
(ICRP), the threshold dose for a 1
percent incidence rate of fatality in an
exposed population is 100 rad,13 and
the threshold for a 50 percent incidence
of fatality in an exposed population is
300 to 500 rad, assuming no medical
intervention [8]. The onset of radiationinduced sickness generally coincides
with the 1 percent fatality threshold.
These thresholds are for acute exposures
11 There are two basic components to an
individual’s radiation dose, the dose from internal
emitters and the dose from external emitters. Prior
to 2007, the dose from internal emitters such as
tritiated water was measured in rem Committed
Effective Dose Equivalent (rem CEDE); the dose
from external radiation sources such as an X-ray
machine was measured in rem Effective Dose (rem
ED); and the sum of the two components was the
Total Effective Dose Equivalent (rem TEDE). In 2007
the units were changed to committed effective dose
(rem CED) and total effective dose (rem TED), but
they are numerically equivalent to doses in rem
CEDE and rem TEDE.
12 These multiplication factors only apply to the
calculated radiological dose consequences for
certain accident scenarios (depending on the input
parameters). Other accident scenarios may have a
smaller multiplication factor.
13 The rad is a unit of absorbed dose, which is the
quantity used for evaluating the potential for
deterministic ionizing radiation effects such as
acute injury or fatality. In the case of tritiated water
vapor, the absorbed dose in rad is numerically
equal to the committed effective dose.
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that are the result of external radiation
sources at very high dose rates, such as
those that occur during a criticality
However, high protracted exposures
that occur over periods of days to weeks
can also result in injury or fatality, but
with somewhat higher thresholds. ICRP
reports that for exposures where the
dose rate is about 20 rad/hour the
thresholds may increase by about 50
percent, and if the dose is delivered
over the period of a month the
thresholds may double [8]. This increase
in thresholds is due to the fact that for
lower dose rates, the body has more
opportunity to repair the damage, thus
reducing the likelihood of injury or
fatality. Therefore, protracted doses are
evaluated by looking at both the
accumulated dose and the rate at which
the dose accumulates.
For internal exposures such as the
situations addressed in this
Recommendation, the dose to an
exposed individual is cited as the
committed effective dose, which is the
total dose that has accumulated in the
body until the radioactive material has
either decayed away or been eliminated
through biological processes. The
accumulation time is dependent on the
specific radioactive material and its
chemical form. Some materials such as
tritium gas are not retained in the body
for any significant amount of time; other
materials, such as plutonium oxide, will
be retained in the body for many years.
Dose Consequences to Workers and
Co-Located Workers: The behavior of
tritiated water in the body can be
modelled in a straightforward manner.
For the doses evaluated here, it is
assumed that the exposures occur
within a 3-minute or 20-minute time
period in accordance with the specific
DSA scenarios, and that the biological
half-life of tritiated water in the body is
10 days [9]. Although the intake is of a
short duration, the rate at which the
radiation from the decay of the tritium
deposited in the body is determined by
the biological half-life. Therefore, the
doses from tritiated water in the body
tend to be protracted doses, and must be
compared against the ICRP’s protracted
dose thresholds. Given these conditions,
the total dose and dose rates associated
with an intake of tritiated water are
inherently related to each other such
that one can predict either parameter if
the other parameter is known. This
relationship allows one to directly
determine the specific total dose and
dose rate associated with each of the
ICRP mortality thresholds discussed
Table 1 shows that a postulated total
dose of about 18,000 rem TED will
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 118 / Wednesday, June 19, 2019 / Notices
exceed the dose threshold for radiationinduced sickness within the first two
hours, and a postulated dose of about
3,500 rem TED will exceed the onset of
radiation-induced sickness within the
first fifteen hours (the onset of radiation-
induced sickness generally coincides
with the 1 percent fatality threshold).
Once the absorbed doses exceed the
injury threshold, the onset of symptoms
of radiation-induced sickness likely will
occur within hours to a day. When these
symptoms are observed, medical
personnel would begin more aggressive
life-saving interventions on those
Threshold criteria [8]
Corresponding tritium total dose *
Threshold dose rate
Threshold dose
Total dose
Time to threshold dose
Acute Threshold for 1% Mortality** ...
Upper Protracted Threshold for 1%
Lower Protracted Threshold for 1%
Acute Threshold for 50% Mortality ....
Upper Protracted Threshold for 50%
Lower Protracted Threshold for 50%
∼50 rad/hr and up .........
∼10–30 rad/hr ................
100 rad ..........................
150 rad ..........................
18,000 rem TED ...........
3,500 rem TED .............
2 hours.
15 hours.
∼0.3 rad/hr .....................
200 rad ..........................
250 rem TED ................
28 days.
∼50 rad/hr and up .........
∼10—30 rad/hr ..............
300–500 rad ..................
450–750 rad ..................
18,000 rem TED ...........
3,500 rem TED .............
6 hours.
45 hours.
∼0.8 rad/hr .....................
600–1000 rad ................
750 rem TED ................
31 days.
* When a range of doses or dose rates is used in the threshold criteria, the corresponding tritium dose and time to threshold dose were determined using the lower values in order to identify the lowest total dose that would exceed the specified threshold dose.
** A 1 percent or 50 percent mortality threshold means that at the specified dose and dose rate values, fatalities could be expected in 1 percent or 50 percent of the exposed population, with no medical intervention.
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
Prior to the onset of radiation-induced
sickness, early medical intervention for
tritiated water intakes could be taken by
aggressively increasing fluid exchange
in the patient. This could reduce the
biological half-life to as little as three
days [10]. Such intervention would
reduce the total dose by up to about 60
percent, but would have no impact on
the dose already accumulated in the
individual prior to the onset of
treatment. However, tritium’s chemical
and radiological characteristics create
difficult challenges that complicate the
approaches to responding to such
accidents and providing medical
assistance to exposed individuals. For
example, detection of tritium
contamination in the field and
assessment of potential intakes require
specialized equipment, expertise, and
most importantly, timely response.14
It must also be recognized that the
dose to co-located workers is calculated
at 100 meters from the release point or
at the point of plume touchdown,
whichever results in a higher dose.
Doses within that first 100 meters could
be much higher, depending on the
release mechanism and plume travel
path. However, current models cannot
14 The Board’s staff does not have confidence that
current field equipment can provide the ability to
rapidly screen a large group of individuals for
potential intakes. Given these circumstances, the
onset of symptoms from acute radiation sickness
may be the first signs of a significant tritium intake,
which would preclude early medical intervention.
Dealing with the large number of people who could
be adversely affected by a significant release at the
Tritium Facilities could severely strain or
overwhelm local emergency response and medical
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accurately estimate doses to individuals
nearer than 100 meters, as the doses are
very sensitive to the specifics of each
release mechanism, the effects of
building wakes, the location of the
individual, and a variety of other
parameters. Consequently, radiationinduced sickness or fatalities within the
facility workers should be anticipated
for all accidents where the 100-meter
dose is above 100 rem TED.
Dose Consequences to the Offsite
Public: While the facilities’ DSAs
estimate that the calculated dose
consequences to individuals beyond the
site boundary from these accidents are
low enough to avoid immediate acute
health effects, they do represent the
potential for an increased likelihood of
latent cancer fatalities in the exposed
population [8]. In addition, the
calculated dose consequences challenge
DOE’s evaluation guideline of 25 rem
TED for safety-class controls. (The
evaluation guideline is not to be viewed
as an acceptable dose; it is a tool for
determining the need for safety class
controls.) However, the currently
approved DSAs do not provide an
adequate set of controls to prevent or
mitigate some of these accidents.
It is no coincidence that the
calculated dose consequences to the
offsite public approach the evaluation
guideline for the same accident
scenarios that result in very high
calculated dose consequences to facility
workers and co-located workers. As
discussed in the Board’s Technical
Report, Protection of Collocated
Workers at the Department of Energy’s
Defense Nuclear Facilities and Sites
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[DNFSB/Tech-20, 1999], protection of
the offsite public rests heavily on
measures taken to protect co-located
workers, and protection of co-located
workers rests heavily on measures taken
to protect the immediate facility
workers. In other words, protection of
the public begins with the protection of
the workers.
1. Washington Savannah River Company,
Tritium Facilities Loss of Confinement
Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S–CLC–H–
01127, February 2008.
2. Washington Savannah River Company,
Tritium Facilities Fire Accident Analysis (U),
Rev. 0, S–CLC–H–01131, February 2008.
3. Washington Savannah River Company,
Tritium Facilities Explosion Accident
Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S–CLC–H–01137,
February 2008.
4. Washington Savannah River Company,
Tritium Facilities Natural Phenomena Plus
Fire Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S–CLC–
H–01139, February 2008.
5. Washington Savannah River Company,
Tritium Facilities Natural Phenomena Plus
Loss of Confinement Accident Analysis (U),
Rev. 0, S–CLC–H–01144, February 2008.
6. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions,
Dispersion Modeling Project Implementation,
S–ESR–G–0033, Rev. 0, October 2013.
7. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions,
Consolidated Hazard Analysis for the
Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities, S–
CHA–H–00030, Rev. 0, June 2017.
8. International Commission on Radiation
Protection, 2007 Recommendations of the
International Commission on Radiological
Protection, ICRP 103, Volume 37, No. 2–4.,
New York: Elsevier Ltd., 2007.
9. Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission,
Health Effects, Dosimetry and Radiological
Protection of Tritium, Minster of Public
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 118 / Wednesday, June 19, 2019 / Notices
Works and Government Services Canada,
INFO–0799, April 2010.
10. Carbaugh, E H, et al. Methods and
Models of the Hanford Internal Dosimetry
Program, PNNL–MA–860, Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory, Richland, WA, PNNL–
15614, Rev. 1, September 2009.
Correspondence With the Secretary of
Department of Energy Request for
Extension of Time
March 12, 2019
The Honorable Bruce Hamilton
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
625 Indiana Avenue NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Hamilton:
The Department of Energy (DOE)
received the Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board (DNFSB) Draft
Recommendation 2019-1, Safety of the
Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities,
on February 11, 2019, and is currently
coordinating its review among relevant
offices. In accordance with 42 U.S.C.
2286d(a)(2), the Department requests a
30-day extension to provide comments.
DOE’s Under Secretary for Nuclear
Security, Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty, will
provide the response to the DNFSB by
April 12, 2019.
DOE is committed to the safe
operations at the Savannah River Site
Tritium Facilities. As you may be aware,
DOE has already taken actions to
address concerns identified in the Draft
Recommendation. A 30-day extension
will afford DOE sufficient time to assess
the Draft Recommendation’s findings,
supporting data, and analyses.
If you have any questions, please
contact Ms. Nicole Nelson-Jean,
Manager of the Savannah River Field
Office, at (803) 208-3689.
Rick Perry
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Response to Extension Request
March 15, 2019
The Honorable James Richard Perry
Secretary of Energy
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20585-1000
Dear Secretary Perry:
The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety
Board is in receipt of your March 12,
2019, letter requesting a 30-day
extension to provide comments on the
Board’s Draft Recommendation 2019-01,
Safety of the Savannah River Site
Tritium Facilities.
In accordance with 42 U.S.C.
2286d(a)(2), the Board is granting the
extension for an additional 30 days.
Yours truly,
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Bruce Hamilton
Department of Energy Comments on
Draft Recommendation
The Honorable Bruce Hamilton,
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
625 Indiana NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Hamilton:
The Department of Energy’s National
Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/
NNSA) appreciates the opportunity to
review the Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board (DNFSB) Draft
Recommendation 2019-1, Safety of the
Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities.
DOE/NNSA is fully committed to
ensuring continued safe operations of
all our facilities and providing
assurance of adequate protection of our
workers, the environment, and the
public. DOE/NNSA believes that
ongoing actions at the Tritium Facilities
at the Savannah River Site (SRS)
adequately address DNFSB concerns
outlined in your Draft Recommendation,
and make the need for additional
actions in response to a DNFSB
Recommendation unnecessary. The
commitment to safety in the Tritium
Facilities has not wavered, and there
has been no change in the safety
philosophy in the Tritium Facilities.
As noted in the Draft
Recommendation, DOE/NNSA
committed in 2011 to develop a new
analytical model for dose consequences
for SRS. In 2011, DOE/NNSA outlined
a plan to update the atmospheric
dispersion model, which was completed
in 2014. Implementation of that new
analysis began shortly thereafter and
included a review of the safety controls
selection and hierarchy. DOE/NNSA
decided to combine all of the Tritium
Facilities’ safety bases and to conduct a
holistic revision to the Documented
Safety Analysis (DSA). The new
analysis placed additional emphasis on
passive and engineered controls over
administrative and programmatic
controls. The new combined DSA was
submitted to DOE/NNSA in July 2017.
After an exhaustive review, significant
changes were identified, including
development of a formal strategy that
will continue to strengthen the controls
available to protect collocated workers
from large energetic events postulated
by the safety analysis. The DOE/NNSA
DSA review also generated hundreds of
additional comments to be addressed in
the DSA resubmittal, which was
delivered to DOE/NNSA in November
2018. Subject matter experts from across
DOE and NNSA are completing a review
of the resubmitted DSA and have
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generated a number of additional items
requiring further action. The new
analysis continues to conservatively
demonstrate that, even for a full facility
release, the dose consequences to the
public remain below the evaluation
guideline. Action items addressed in the
collocated worker risk reduction
strategy have been placed in a
commitment schedule submitted to
DOE/NNSA and are being actively
The Department believes that actions
contained in the Draft Recommendation
2019-1 are already in place or in
development to continue the
improvements to provide adequate
protection of Tritium Facilities workers,
the environment, and the public. The
current Tritium Facilities DSA contains
appropriate safety significant controls
and the new analysis, when
implemented, will only strengthen that
safety posture. Considering the on-going
work, the Draft Recommendation would
not drive the need for any additional
actions. Additionally, resources needed
to respond to a DNFSB recommendation
would divert those critical resources
that are needed to continue the
improvements underway to ensure
safety of the collocated workers and/or
the public.
We appreciate the Board’s
perspectives and look forward to
continued positive interactions with
you and your staff. If you have any
questions, please contact Ms. Nicole
Nelson-Jean, Manager of the Savannah
River Field Office, at (803) 208-3689.
Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty
Enclosure—Comments on DNFSB Draft
Recommendation 2019–1
Safety of the Savannah River Site
Tritium Facilities
Over the past several years, the
Department of Energy’s National
Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/
NNSA) and the Savannah River Site
(SRS) Management and Operating
contractor, Savannah River Nuclear
Solutions (SRNS), have taken actions to
improve the Tritium Facilities safety
posture. A new hazards analysis has
been conducted along with a revision to
the Documented Safety Analysis (DSA).
This new analysis has further
emphasized identifying passive and
engineered controls over administrative
and programmatic controls. The Board’s
technical staff was recently provided a
draft of the new DSA. DOE/NNSA has
reviewed the documents and provided
the contractor with comments along
with comments from a separate review
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 118 / Wednesday, June 19, 2019 / Notices
team from the DOE’s Office of
Enterprise Assessments. After the
review teams’ comments are resolved,
the new DSA will be approved, which
is anticipated to occur in 2019.
As noted in the Draft
Recommendation, the new DSA
includes updated dose consequence
calculations. The calculations use a
bounding Material at Risk (MAR) and
default to extremely conservative
factors, such as 100 percent tritium
oxide conversion, a ground plume
release, and structural failures during a
seismic event. Although MAR
reductions have been implemented,
further reductions listed in the DSA
would raise the security classification of
the documents. However, even with the
extreme conservatism in the parameters
selected, including a simultaneous
release of all the tritium, from all the
multiple facilities within 20 minutes as
a ground plume; the postulated
consequences to the public remain
below the Evaluation Guideline of DOE–
STD–3009–94, Preparation Guide for
US. Department of Energy Nonreactor
Nuclear Facility Documented Safety
Analyses. In addition, the modeling
does not account for any Emergency
Response actions, personnel selfprotection actions, nor any subsequent
response actions to mitigate the
consequences. Based on the current
DSA, and the new DSA in review, the
risk to the public remains low.
The new DSA postulates a small set
of energetic events that rely on credited
Specific Administrative Controls (SAC)
that perform preventive functions.
Seismic events in the Tritium Facilities
present another challenge as some
legacy buildings remain in service while
the Tritium Finishing Facility capital
line item project establishes a modem,
safe, and secure replacement to the HArea Old Manufacturing Facility. The
new DSA includes a number of new
credited features, for example:
• The 217–H Vault walls and fire
damper have been upgraded and are
now designated as Safety Class (SC)
features that prevent a release of MAR
from the building. Other passive fire
barriers are also credited.
• New SACs for fire water tank
volume verification and other new Fire
Suppression Surveillances have been
• All current Programmatic Controls
have been replaced by at least one SAC.
• Additional analyses are planned for
other buildings and Systems, Structures,
and Components (SSCs) to determine
suitability for upgrading the functional
• In 2018, DOE/NNSA requested and
received from SRNS, a strategy for risk
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reduction to the collocated worker (U–
ESR–H–00163, Rev.0). This strategy
describes the SRNS plans for additional
structural analyses and control
development for the remaining facilities
during a potential seismic event. It also
includes analytical analysis for dose
reduction (e.g. tritium oxidation
conversion rates and plume rise
phenomena). In the aggregate, the plan
includes 19 commitments that are being
pursued and managed (SRNS–T0000–
2018–00227, Transmittal of the
Schedule for Implementing the Strategy
for Risk Reduction to the Co-Located
Worker in Tritium Facilities).
• Longer term plans include the
Tritium Finishing Facility capital line
item project, to replace the H-Area Old
Manufacturing (HAOM) facility with a
seismically qualified facility with a
dedicated SC fire suppression system.
As noted in the Draft
Recommendation, SRS has worked hard
to improve its Emergency Preparedness
(EP) program. The current EP program
provides the appropriate training
required for individuals to respond to
alarms, abnormal operations, and
emergencies across SRS. The Tritium
Facilities EP program maintains a fully
qualified team that performs
approximately 50 drills per year to train
and validate the organization’s ability to
respond to various scenarios, from
weather induced incidents to large
energetic events. DOE/NNSA is
confident that appropriate drills are
conducted for events as required by
Safety Posture
The Draft Recommendation discusses
the control set from the 1990s as being
eliminated or downgraded and this
result is a perceived shift in safety
philosophy in managing the Tritium
Facilities safety posture. DOE/NNSA
assures the DNFSB that there has not
been a shift in the safety philosophy,
but rather changes in operations and
new hazards analysis techniques have
driven a change in the control strategy.
Larger and more complex full facility
events are now postulated in the safety
analysis that rendered previous
administrative individual tank Limiting
Condition for Operations of the past less
effective. Operational events have an
adequate set of controls identified,
whether SSCs or administrative. Several
other controls mentioned in the draft
recommendation include the Highly
Invulnerable Encased Safes (HIVES),
ventilation systems, and the seismic
detection and isolation system. The
HIVES continue to be credited as safety
significant to protect reservoirs in a
seismic event and the ventilation
PO 00000
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systems and seismic confinement
system are designated as formal
Defense-in-Depth/Important to Safety
(DID/ITS). DID/ITS systems are listed in
the current DSA with a safety function,
are controlled by the Unreviewed Safety
Question (USQ) process and cannot be
eliminated without DOE/NNSA
approval. It was determined that these
systems currently cannot be qualified as
safety significant without further
analysis and upgrade. Part of the risk
reduction strategy is to analyze various
buildings and SSCs for seismic
qualification, with the goal of
determining the effort needed to
upgrade the seismic detection and
isolation system and ventilation system
to safety significant controls if
necessary. The plan will also evaluate
the need for installing seismic detection
and isolation systems on additional
equipment in H-Area New
Manufacturing (HANM) facility and the
Tritium Extraction Facility (TEF).
The Savannah River Field Office
(SRFO) is routinely involved in the
development and review of documents
supporting the basis of the DSA. SRFO
safety engineers attend and provide
comment on a number of development
safety programs, such as the
Consolidated Hazards Analysis Process,
Facility Operations Safety Committee,
and DSA/Technical Safety
Requirements (TSR) development
The hazards analysis for the new DSA
has a small number of scenarios that
rely on credited SACs that perform
preventive functions. These scenarios
can be categorized into four groups:
• Process explosion—There are two
events in HANM and two in TEF that
conservatively involve one or two
process tanks. This would be caused by
an inadvertent introduction of oxygen
into the system or inadvertent
movement of tritium. Although many
SSCs provide a defense in depth
function (e.g., inerted gas glovebox
confinement, ventilation, tritium air
monitors, etc.), the hazard analysis team
did not feel these SSCs would fully
mitigate or prevent the events.
Therefore, specific administrative
controls are specified to prevent the
• Firearms discharge—There is an
inadvertent firearms discharge scenario.
Tritium air monitors are credited to alert
personnel of a release if an inadvertent
firearm discharge were to cause a
confinement breech. DOE/NNSA
requires security personnel to routinely
access the facilities and they are trained
on proper response.
• External impacts—These events
include vehicle crashes, crane drops,
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 118 / Wednesday, June 19, 2019 / Notices
and airplane crashes. Events for the
vehicle crashes and crane drops have
specific administrative controls credited
to minimize the potential for these
• Seismic event—These events may
also include fires. The 217–H vault
walls, fire damper and other fire barriers
are new SC controls that will be added
in the DSA update. DOE/NNSA
recognizes that additional controls are
desired for these events and are
currently working through similar DSA
review team comments with SRNS.
Additionally, the risk reduction strategy
places emphasis on qualifying and
developing controls for seismic events.
The strategy takes a multi prong
approach to include evaluating the
feasibility of upgrading current DID/ITS
controls and evaluating an alternate fire
suppression system.
jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES
Emergency Preparedness
SRS EP support organizations, like the
SRS Fire Department, are trained and
routinely evaluated to ensure that they
can properly respond to an event in any
facility across the site. For example,
during the 2018 Site Exercise, the SRS
emergency response team responded to
a complex multi-facility and multicontractor event that included H-Area,
Tritium, and H-Tank Farm. Site level
evaluated exercises routinely involve
multiple local, county, state, and federal
agencies in the response efforts. In a
trend to further challenge all
organizations, the 2018 exercise tested
the site’s Emergency Response
Organization (ERO) ability to manage a
complex event with potential off-site
consequences, the Area Emergency
Coordinators ability to manage multiple
issues within an impacted area, and the
ERO’s ability to manage these issues
along with the balance of the site to
protect onsite employees and the public.
SRS has addressed several opportunities
for improvement identified in the
exercise that included logistical
challenges in the movement of
personnel from impacted areas and
conducting appropriately scoped drills
to validate the emergency response
effectiveness. DOE/NNSA believes that
drills conducted by SRNS are properly
scoped and use valid assumptions
pertaining to the facility processes and
safety systems.
As noted, the SRS and Tritium
Facilities EP programs have made
significant improvements over the past
several years. The EP programs are
adequate to continue protecting the SRS
workers and the surrounding public.
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Postulated Dose Consequences
Attachment B of the DNFSB Draft
Recommendation 2019–1 discusses the
postulated high worker doses
documented in the DSA and the
corresponding potential health
consequences. DOE standards require
that nuclear facilities perform
conservative accident analyses. The
tritium analysis is very conservative and
uses many bounding assumptions (e.g.;
MAR, 100 percent oxide conversion,
ground level release, and others). Per
DOE–STD–3009–94, this conservative
analysis is used to quantify the
‘‘theoretical’’ dose consequences to (1)
determine if any SC SSC is required and
(2) provide insight for selecting the
appropriate SC SSC(s) for each design
basis accident scenario. This analysis
was never intended to calculate
predicted or expected accident
consequences for collocated workers or
members of the public. Doses of this
magnitude are not expected for any
event. In fact, a best estimate
determination by SRNS for a full tritium
fire event conservatively indicates a
postulated exposure reduction factor of
over 25 from what is listed in the DSA
(S–ESR–H–00031, Rev. 0). This best
estimate used the bounding MAR and
did not factor in the effects of plume
rise that would exist from a large fire.
Additionally, the MAR in the Tritium
Facilities is spread out over multiple
facilities and mostly contained in
various storage vessels (some robust) in
gas form and on hydride beds. It would
not be expected that 100 percent of the
MAR would be released in any event
and all within a 20-minute timeframe.
The Savannah River Emergency
Protection Program is well prepared to
protect the workers in the very unlikely
occurrence of a large-scale event at the
Tritium Facilities.
(Authority: 42 U.S.C. 2286d(b)(2))
Dated: June 13, 2019.
Joyce L. Connery,
Acting Chairman.
[FR Doc. 2019–12918 Filed 6–18–19; 8:45 am]
Applications for New Awards;
Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems
Institute of Education Sciences,
Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice.
The Institute of Education
Sciences (IES) invites State educational
agencies (SEAs) to apply for fiscal year
(FY) 2019 grants to assist them in using
PO 00000
Frm 00068
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
data in Statewide Longitudinal Data
Systems (SLDS) to inform their efforts to
improve education in critical areas,
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
(CFDA) number 84.372A. This notice
relates to the approved information
collection under OMB control number
Applications Available: June 26, 2019.
Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply:
July 19, 2019.
Deadline for Transmittal of
Applications: September 17, 2019.
Pre-Application Webinar Information:
We intend to hold webinars designed to
provide technical assistance to
interested applicants. Detailed
information regarding these meetings
will be provided on the IES website at
ADDRESSES: For the addresses for
obtaining and submitting an
application, please refer to our Common
Instructions for Applicants to
Department of Education Discretionary
Grant Programs, published in the
Federal Register on February 13, 2019
(84 FY 3768) and available at https://
Nancy Sharkey, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW,
Room 4162, Potomac Center Plaza,
Washington, DC 20202. Telephone:
(202) 245–7689. Email: nancy.sharkey@
If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD) or a text
telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay
Service (FRS), toll-free, at 1–800–877–
Full Text of Announcement
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Purpose of Program: The SLDS
program awards grants to SEAs to
design, develop, and implement
statewide longitudinal data systems to
efficiently and accurately manage,
analyze, disaggregate, and use
individual student data. The
Department’s long-term goal in
operating the program is to help all
States create comprehensive P–20W
(early learning through workforce)
systems that foster the generation and
use of accurate and timely data, support
analysis and informed decision-making
at all levels of the education system,
increase the efficiency with which data
may be analyzed to support the
continuous improvement of education
services and outcomes, facilitate
research to improve student academic
[Federal Register Volume 84, Number 118 (Wednesday, June 19, 2019)]
[Pages 28517-28526]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2019-12918]
Recommendation 2019-02
AGENCY: Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.
ACTION: Notice; Recommendation.
SUMMARY: The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board has made a
Recommendation to the Secretary of Energy concerning adequate
protection of public health and safety in the event of an energetic
accident at the Tritium Facilities at the Savannah River Site. Pursuant
to the requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board is publishing the
Recommendation and associated correspondence with the Department of
Energy and requesting comments from interested members of the public.
DATES: Comments, data, views, or arguments concerning the
recommendation are due on or by July 19, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Send comments concerning this notice to: Defense Nuclear
Facilities Safety Board, 625 Indiana Avenue NW, Suite 700, Washington,
DC 20004-2001. Comments may also be submitted by e-mail to
[email protected].
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Glenn Sklar at the address above or
telephone number (202) 694-7000.
Recommendation 2019-2 to the Secretary of Energy
Safety of the Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities
Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 2286a(b)(5)
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Amended
Introduction. The Tritium Facilities at the Savannah River Site
(SRS) consist of several defense nuclear facilities, including the 217-
H Vault, Buildings 233-H and 234-H, and the Tritium Extraction
Facility, used for processing and storing tritium. The Defense Nuclear
Facilities Safety Board (Board) is concerned about adequate protection
of the public health and safety in the event of an energetic accident
at the Tritium Facilities.
The facilities' approved Documented Safety Analysis (DSA) and the
November 2018 revision to the DSA awaiting approval by the National
Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) of the Department of Energy
(DOE) both have analyzed several credible accidents that could result
in very high doses, creating the potential for acute radiation sickness
or fatality \1\ in a significant number of individuals. These energetic
accidents include building-wide fires due to a variety of initiating
events, crane drops, and explosions with the potential to release large
quantities of tritium.
\1\ Acute radiation-induced sickness and acute radiation
fatality, as used in this report, refers to possible outcomes of the
acute radiation syndrome. This syndrome is the result of an acute,
or short duration, exposure to a very high level of ionizing
radiation. In this context, the word acute does not imply immediate
incapacitation or death, as the syndrome and its impact on a human
body may take hours to months to progress to recovery or death.
The probability of such an event within the lifetime of the
facility is not negligible. Assuming a 50-year lifetime for the
facilities, the probability that an unlikely event could occur within
that time period ranges from 0.5 percent to about 40 percent. Such an
event could lead to a significant number of potentially exposed
individuals, posing a significant challenge to both SRS's emergency
management system and to local emergency and medical facilities.
The current situation at the Tritium Facilities does not adequately
address either DOE's standards of care or standards of practice as
defined by its own requirements. Consequently, adequate protection is
not assured. The Board has concluded that DOE needs to take actions to
improve the safety of the Tritium Facilities, upgrades to safety
management programs and the implementation of robust controls to ensure
adequate protection of public health and safety.\2\
\2\ The Board has raised concerns regarding the safety posture
at the Tritium facilities since 1992. The Board's concerns over the
potential for energetic accidents with very high calculated dose
consequences have been frequently communicated to DOE. DOE has
routinely responded to the Board's concerns with improvements in the
safety controls, only to allow those controls to be downgraded after
a number of years. (See the Attachment for a list of previous Board
Recommendations. The Board recommends that DOE:
1. Identify and implement near-term compensatory measures at SRS to
mitigate the potential for high radiological consequences to
individuals who would be impacted by a release from the Tritium
Facilities. (For example, potential near-term compensatory measures
could include, but are not limited to reducing the material at risk
(MAR) and/or limiting the number of potentially exposed individuals or
other physical or administrative controls.)
2. Identify and implement long-term actions and controls to prevent
or mitigate the hazards that pose significant radiological consequences
to acceptably low values consistent with the requirements of DOE
3. In parallel with the above recommendations, evaluate the
adequacy of the following safety management programs and upgrade them
as necessary to ensure that SRS can effectively respond to energetic
accidents at the Tritium Facilities, and that it can quickly identify
and properly treat potential victims:
a. The staffing and training requirements for individuals expected
to take specific actions in response to alarms, abnormal operations,
and emergencies;
b. The adequacy of the Emergency Preparedness programs in H-Area to
account for all individuals in the vicinity and ensure that all
potentially affected individuals understand their responsibilities and
required actions in the event of a large tritium release from
[[Page 28518]]
the Tritium Facilities and are prepared to implement them;
c. The ability of the site's Fire Department to respond to fires,
explosions, and other accidents at the Tritium Facilities that could
lead to a large tritium release;
d. The capability of the site-wide radiological protection and
occupational medicine programs to respond to an accident and monitor a
large number of people with potentially serious uptakes of tritiated
water vapor; and
e. The ability and preparedness of community emergency and medical
resources to support the site in such situations.
Effects of Tritium Release: Much of the in-process tritium at the
Tritium Facilities may be in the form of gas, and material in storage
is either in pressure vessels or deposited on hydride beds. Exposure to
tritium gas does not result in significant doses to individuals, as the
gas is not retained by the human body after inhalation. However, any
significant release of tritium gas during an energetic accident or
upset condition has a high potential of resulting in a fire, even if a
fire did not initiate the release. In the energetic accidents of
concern to the Board, tritium, an isotope of hydrogen, may be ignited,
converted into water by oxidation, and then dispersed as a vapor.
Tritiated water vapor represents a significant risk to those
exposed to it, as its dose consequence to an exposed individual is
15,000 to 20,000 times higher than that for an equivalent amount of
tritium gas.\3\ As with normal water vapor, tritiated water vapor is
quickly absorbed into the lungs and through the skin, and rapidly mixes
with the water in the body. The target organ for the exposure is the
whole body, with a biological half-life \4\ of 10 days [1]. The
combination of a rapid intake and a short biological half-life means a
large fraction of the radiological dose is acutely delivered within
hours to days rather than chronically delivered over many months to
years. Tritium's chemical and radiological characteristics also create
difficult challenges that complicate the approaches to responding to
such accidents and providing medical assistance to exposed individuals.
A tritium release becomes even more challenging when considering that
hundreds of workers in the SRS H-Area occupy the defense nuclear
facilities and other administrative and training buildings surrounding
the Tritium Facilities.\5\
\3\ The ratio of the dose conversion factors for inhalation
between tritiated water and tritium gas is a factor of 10,000;
additionally, a factor of 1.5 is applied for the workers, and a
factor of 2.0 is applied for the public, to account for tritiated
water absorption through the skin [1].
\4\ The biological half-life is defined as ``the time required
in a given radionuclide for its activity to decrease, by biological
clearance and radiological decay, to half its original activity''
[8]. This half-life is a function of the radiological half-life of
the radioactive material and how rapidly it is removed from the body
by metabolic processes.
\5\ A training building with a cafeteria is about 300 meters
from the Tritium Facilities; the building hosts a significant
transient population.
Emergency Preparedness: Since 2011 the Tritium Facilities have
conducted several seismic and/or multi-facility drills and exercises.
The Board's staff have observed these drills and exercises and found
that they have improved communications and coordination among the
tritium facilities, as well as coordination of protective actions with
other nuclear facilities within the H-Area. However, neither DOE nor
the site contractor, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS), has
conducted exercises involving the evacuation of large numbers of
individuals from an area due to a large tritium release, nor have they
planned for the related logistical issues or for monitoring large
numbers of individuals to identify those who might be at risk of a
significant tritium intake and would require immediate medical
intervention. While reliance on the Emergency Preparedness programs is
not a long-term solution, this program will be essential in mitigating
the consequences of a significant tritium release until an adequate
control set can be implemented.
Past Communication: During a June 16, 2011, public hearing in
Augusta, Georgia, the Board raised concerns regarding high consequences
due to a potential fire in the Tritium Facilities. The Board further
communicated this concern to NNSA in an August 19, 2011, Board
correspondence in which it identified a shift in the safety philosophy
applied to the Tritium Facilities at SRS. The Board noted that
downgrading of safety related controls at the Tritium Facilities has
``weakened the safety posture, reduced the safety margin, and increased
the potential for both the workers and the public to be exposed to
higher consequences.''
The Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs replied to the
Board's concerns on November 14, 2011, stating that NNSA would develop
new analytical models to better understand the risk posed by the
Tritium Facilities' operations, and at the same time NNSA would pursue
``additional interim safety controls for Tritium Facilities, such as
MAR segregation'' to reduce the consequences of a potential accident.
The attachment to the NNSA letter identified a series of analytical and
administrative activities that SRNS would conduct and stated that, ``A
review of the control selection for the design basis events considering
the new analysis will be performed. Emphasis will be placed on
utilizing existing passive and active engineered controls vice
administrative controls. Any changes to controls will be reflected in a
future update to the Documented Safety Analysis.''
A letter from SRNS to NNSA dated July 12, 2018 [2], indicates that
SRNS is considering a number of engineering controls, but the Board is
not aware of any formal actions or implementation of any near-term
compensatory measures based on this strategy. SRNS's proposed strategy
mainly consists of performing analyses. These analyses may result in
SRNS proposing revisions to the Tritium Facilities DSA to credit
existing engineered controls or may lead SRNS to pursue installation of
new engineered controls. Any physical modifications or additions would
likely take years to implement under SRNS's proposed strategy.
Furthermore, the Board is not aware of any commitments made by NNSA to
implement engineered controls based on the contractor's strategy.
Conclusion. The Board has concluded that adequate protection of
public health and safety currently is not assured, should an accident,
such as an earthquake or large fire, occur at these facilities and
there continues to be a risk of exposure to significant radiological
consequences in case of an energetic event at these facilities.
Bruce Hamilton, Chairman
Recommendation References
1. Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Health Effects, Dosimetry
and Radiological Protection of Tritium, Minster of Public Works and
Government Services Canada, INFO-0799, April 2010.
2. Spangler, R. W., Senior Vice President NNSA Operations and
Programs, SRNS, letter to N. N. Nelson-Jean, NNSA Savannah River
Field Office, Transmittal of the Schedule for Implementing the
Strategy for Risk Reduction to the Co-Located Worker in Tritium
Facilities (U), SRNS-T0000-2018-00227, July 12, 2018.
Risk Assessment for Recommendation 2019-2
Safety of the Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities
In making its recommendations to the Secretary of Energy and in
[[Page 28519]]
with 42 U.S.C. 2286a.(b)(5), the Board shall consider, and specifically
assess risk (whenever sufficient data exists). Risk is generally
defined as the quantitative or qualitative expression of possible loss
that considers both the likelihood that an event will occur and the
consequences of that event. For Recommendation 2019-2, Safety of the
Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities, sufficient data does not exist
to precisely determine the likelihood that an event will occur and the
consequences of that event. However, the Board can use information from
the Tritium Facilities' DSAs to develop a qualitative risk assessment.
The Tritium Facilities' DSAs use risk binning to estimate the
frequencies of several of the energetic accidents discussed in the
Recommendation to be Unlikely, which DOE Standard 3009, Preparation
Guide for U.S. Department of Energy Nonreactor Nuclear Facility
Documented Safety Analyses, assigns a frequency range of
10-2 to 10-4 per year. Assuming a 50-year
lifetime for the facility, and given the broad frequency range, the
probability that an event could occur within that time period ranges
from 0.5 percent to about 40 percent.
The large-scale release of tritium postulated for these accidents
has a significant potential to result in acute injuries or fatalities.
Such an event could lead to a significant number of potentially exposed
individuals, resulting in a mass casualty situation that would pose a
significant challenge both to the Savannah River Site's emergency
management system and to local emergency and medical facilities.
Therefore, the Board has determined the qualitative risk at the
Savannah River Site's Tritium Facilities is significant enough to
require the Department of Energy to take action.
Findings, Supporting Data, and Analysis
Degradation of Safety Posture
Introduction--In December 1991, Congress amended the Defense
Nuclear Facilities Safety Board's (Board) enabling legislation,
expanding its jurisdiction into defense nuclear facilities and
activities involved in the assembly, disassembly, and testing of
nuclear weapons. According to the Board's 1992 Annual Report to
Congress [1]:
As a consequence, additional technical activities were conducted
at the following plants, sites and laboratories:
Pantex Plant,
Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant,
Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Tritium Facilities at the Savannah River Site,
Building 991 at Rocky Flats,
Nevada Test Site,
Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque and Livermore),
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and
Pinellas Plant
As part of these additional technical activities, in 1992 the Board
and its staff began to review safety basis documents for Building 233-H
(known at the time as the Replacement Tritium Facility, RTF) [2-9]. At
that time the facility had been built but had not commenced operations.
Later, the Board reviewed the design and safety basis of the Tritium
Extraction Facility from the conceptual design stage to its final
startup. In both cases, the Board identified safety issues that were
remediated by design modifications or administration of operational
limits to ensure that the public and the workers were adequately
Since the Board's initial interactions with the Tritium Facilities
in 1992, the Board's concerns over the potential for energetic
accidents with very high dose consequences have been frequently
communicated to the Department of Energy (DOE). A listing of those
communications is provided in the Attachment. These communications and
the DOE responses to them illustrate a pattern that, in itself, is a
concern to the Board. The Board's early involvement in the safety of
the Tritium Facilities prompted DOE to implement a range of safety
improvements; however, those improvements either were downgraded or
were found to be ineffective by 1999. After the Board's interactions
with DOE in 1999, improvements were again identified and implemented.
By 2011, those improvements had been downgraded and the Board found it
necessary to raise the subject again. Today, the Board has determined
that its concerns are such that a formal Recommendation is needed to
ensure prompt action is taken and sustained.
As noted, in 2011 the Board identified a degradation in the
facilities' safety posture that appears to have begun in the period
between 1999 and 2011. The Board initially communicated those concerns
in 2011, and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
responded on November 14, 2011, with a series of commitments that
included updating the methodology and assumptions to meet current DOE
requirements and expectations for conservative analyses, as reflected
in Subpart B to 10 CFR 830 and its safe harbor methodology in DOE
Standard 3009-94. NNSA also stated that ``A review of the control
selection for the design basis events considering the new analysis will
be performed. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing existing passive and
active engineered controls vice administrative controls. Any changes to
controls will be reflected in a future update to the Documented Safety
Analysis (DSA).'' The current Savannah River Site (SRS) contractor,
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions LLC (SRNS), submitted that DSA update
to NNSA's Savannah River Field Office (SRFO) in July 2017. SRFO
requested and the contractor submitted a revised version of that DSA on
November 2018, and it is currently undergoing DOE's review and approval
process. Consequently, the currently approved safety bases still
contain many of the weaknesses that concerned the Board in 2011.
The following discussions briefly describe some of the original
activities and the controls applied to for Building 233-H. This
building contains the majority of the process tritium inventory and
poses the most unmitigated risk in case of an energetic accident.
Building 233-H's Past Safety Basis--The Board and DOE worked
through several issues with the hazards analysis and control set in the
original Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) \6\ [2-9] during the early
1990s, prior to startup of Building 233-H. The fire event analyzed in
the FSAR was based on 0.1 percent oxidation of the tritium released
during the accident. The site contractor at the time, Westinghouse
Savannah River Company \7\ (WSRC) performed a conservatively bounding
analysis assuming that 100 percent of the tritium would be oxidized in
a facility fire and documented this analysis in an addendum to the
FSAR. Furthermore, WSRC performed a seismic analysis that indicated
that a stack would collapse on top of the tritium reservoir storage
vault. DOE and WSRC designed and constructed more than a dozen safes
known as HIVES (Highly Invulnerable Encased Safes) to protect the
storage reservoirs from the impact load of a stack and vault roof
collapse. The bounding scenario conservatively calculated the
consequences of a seismic event that triggers a fire involving the
entire inventory from the
[[Page 28520]]
reservoirs and the process systems [9]. The maximum individual dose at
the site boundary for a two hour exposure was estimated to be about 5.1
rem total effective dose equivalent (TEDE,\8\ an ionizing radiation
dose unit in use at the time). The corresponding value for onsite dose
was 328 rem TEDE. [This value was calculated prior to the issuance of
DOE Standard 3009; the 1993 calculation used an older methodology and
different assumptions than those currently accepted for safety
analyses. Consequently the results cannot be compared to the values in
the current safety bases.]
\6\ Final Safety Analysis Reports were a predecessor to the
current Documented Safety Analysis documents.
\7\ The current SRS contractor, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
assumed responsibility for the site in August 2008. The prior
contractor at the site, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, assumed
responsibility for the site in 1989. In 2005, Westinghouse Savannah
River Company changed its name to Washington Savannah River Company.
\8\ There are two basic components to an individual's radiation
dose, the dose from internal emitters and the dose from external
emitters. Prior to 2007, the dose from internal emitters such as
tritiated water was measured in rem Committed Effective Dose
Equivalent (rem CEDE); the dose from external radiation sources such
as an X-ray machine was measured in rem Effective Dose (rem ED); and
the sum of the two components was the Total Effective Dose
Equivalent (rem TEDE). In 2007 the units were changed to committed
effective dose (rem CED) and total effective dose (rem TED), but
they are numerically equivalent to doses in rem CEDE and rem TEDE.
The FSAR control set ultimately established by WSRC was a mixture
of administrative operational limits and engineered controls. An
administrative control limited the total amount of tritium in the
facility, including the reservoirs in the seismically qualified areas.
Four limiting conditions for operations (LCO) limited the system
pressure for the relief tanks, contaminated nitrogen tanks, and the Z-
bed recovery tanks to sub-atmospheric conditions to protect their
inventory from a system rupture. An additional three LCOs limited the
inventory of the mix tanks, deuterium storage beds, and the tritium
reservoirs, which were stored in non-seismically qualified areas [7].
WSRC classified the HIVES as safety related \9\ to protect the
reservoirs in the vault from impacts. Finally, WSRC used a tritium
storage seismic detection and isolation system to further reduce the
amount of tritium released during a seismic event. Over the years
though, many of the above controls were eliminated or downgraded for
various reasons. It is useful to review previously implemented controls
for ideas on how the Board's current concerns might be addressed.
\9\ The RTF startup activities preceded DOE's creation and
issuance of Standard 3009-94. The terminology of ``safety related''
was meant for protection of the public and/or the workers.
During a June 16, 2011, public hearing in Augusta, Georgia, the
Board raised concerns regarding high consequences to co-located workers
due to a potential fire in the Tritium Facilities. The Board further
communicated this concern to NNSA in a Board correspondence dated
August 19, 2011, in which the Board identified a shift in the safety
philosophy applied to the Tritium Facilities at SRS. The Board noted
that the downgrading of safety related controls at the Tritium
Facilities has ``weakened the safety posture, reduced the safety
margin, and increased the potential for both the workers and the public
to be exposed to higher consequences.''
NNSA's Deputy Administrator for Defense Program sent a letter to
the Board on November 14, 2011, that relayed the Tritium Facilities
commitments to the Board for improving safety posture of those
facilities. In the attachment to that letter, the field office manager
stated that, ``A review of the control selection for the design basis
events considering the new analysis will be performed. Emphasis will be
placed on utilizing existing passive and active engineered controls
vice administrative controls. Any changes to controls will be reflected
in a future update to the Documented Safety Analysis (DSA).'' SRNS
submitted that DSA update to SRFO in July 2017. As previously noted,
correspondence between SRFO and the SRNS led to a revised DSA submitted
in November 2018, which is currently in DOE's review and approval
Tritium Facilities' Current Safety Basis--The current safety basis
of the Tritium Facilities is comprised of a DSA [10] and technical
safety requirements (TSR) [11] that are derived from the DSA.\10\ The
DSA and TSR documents contain a set of controls that SRNS commits to
maintain to assure adequate protection. The DSA is supported by a
comprehensive hazard analysis documented in the Consolidated Hazards
Analysis Process (CHAP) [12], which is not subject to NNSA's review and
approval. The CHAP concluded that ``[f]or some events, the mitigated
consequences remained in the B1 or B region [consequence categories
that require safety class controls for the public or safety significant
controls for workers] because available controls either did not exist
and/or were insufficient'' to reduce the unmitigated dose consequences
to the co-located workers for several high consequence accidents.
\10\ At the time of this writing the Tritium Extraction Facility
(TEF) was operating under a separate safety basis, but SRNS combined
the two safety bases in the DSA submitted in November 2018. However,
TEF has a much smaller inventory than the main processing building
so it is not discussed extensively in this section.
The calculated dose consequences supporting the current DSA were
based on calculations performed in 2008. Those calculated dose
consequences for the energetic accidents of concern in this
Recommendation ranged up to 6,300 rem total effective dose (TED) to the
co-located workers and about 2 to 13 rem TED to the offsite public [13-
17]. While those calculations were based on methods and assumptions
accepted at the time, they do not meet current DOE expectations for
safety basis calculations. More recent analysis, completed by SRNS in
2013, concluded that, using current methodology and assumptions, the
calculated dose consequences would increase by a bounding factor of
7.42 for the co-located worker and a bounding factor of 3.45 for the
offsite public [18]. It should be noted that NNSA reduced the limit on
the total amount of tritium that can be present within the Tritium
Facilities by about half in 2011, as discussed in the November 14,
2011, letter to the Board, but that reduction has not been included in
the bounding factors given above. These factors are bounding values
because there will be some variation in the parameters specific to each
accident scenario.
Feasible solutions to address concerns could consist of several
controls, each providing layers of protection. Furthermore, solutions
may require pursuing controls that dramatically reduce the probability
of an initiator, but may not fully prevent an accident. For example, a
seismic power cut off system may eliminate many, but not all, ignition
sources present in a facility following a seismic event because some
systems may be required to continue to function or may have stored
energy. Similarly, the reliability of systems like fire suppression
systems may be improved through upgrades and modifications or
performance of additional surveillances and maintenance, but they may
not be able to be fully qualified to protect individuals after all
seismic events.
Mitigative controls, such as minimizing the number of non-essential
personnel in close proximity to the Tritium Facilities; using readily
available technologies to minimize humidity in the air of buildings
used for sheltering in place; and having pre-approved plans for
decreasing the biological half-life of tritium, could potentially
reduce both the number of individuals with intakes and the severity of
those intakes. The development of near- and long-term solutions may
involve an integrated approach using multiple forms of controls.
[[Page 28521]]
Analysis of Emergency Preparedness at the Savannah River Site
The attachment to the NNSA letter dated November 14, 2011,
described improvements that would be made to the site Emergency
Preparedness program to respond to a significant event at the Tritium
Facilities. The Tritium Facilities conducted several seismic and/or
multi-facility drills and exercises in subsequent years. The Board's
staff observed these drills and exercises and the planned improvements.
The drills and exercises improved communications and coordination among
the Tritium Facilities and helped improve coordination of protective
actions with other nuclear facilities within H-Area. The Tritium
Facilities also have made emergency preparedness drill and exercise
scenarios more challenging by including deflagrations and stack
collapses, and have tested their ability to respond to accidents during
night shifts, when staffing is lower.
However, the Tritium Facilities Emergency Preparedness program has
not prepared responses to the full range of credible accidents in the
DSA and the Emergency Planning Hazards Assessments (EPHA). The DSA
includes credible scenarios with co-located worker doses reaching
calculated dose consequences in the thousands of rem. The radiological
consequences in the EPHAs [19, 20] are usually lower because of
differences in the analytical methodologies and assumptions, but still
range up to 700 rem TED for co-located workers and 62 rem TED for
workers at the nearby central training facility (which also includes a
cafeteria). However, the dose consequences to workers in the most
challenging drills and exercises [21, 22] were less than 5 rem TED.
The default protective actions for the Tritium Facilities'
Emergency Action Levels are to evacuate the immediate area, and for all
others to remain indoors (as well as close all doors and windows, and
turn off ventilation to the building) [23, 24]. During tritium drills
and exercises, this usually involves having workers evacuate the
affected process area and/or evacuate from the affected building to
another nearby building within the Tritium Facilities. However, the
EPHA has scenarios where the maximum distance for the Threshold for
Early Lethality may extend up to 320 meters, beyond the Tritium
Facilities fence line.
Part of the reason for the lower radiological consequences in the
drills and exercises is that the assumed releases are much smaller
because the Seismic Tritium Confinement System is assumed to function
and confine the inventory during a seismic event. However, the DSA does
not qualify this system to be credited during a seismic event.
Additionally, the drills and exercises often limit explosions and fires
to one room, rather than involving the entire building, as the DSA and
EPHA assume. Because the radiological consequences in the drill and
exercise scenarios are much lower than those in the DSA and EPHA, the
drill and exercise scenarios assume that Tritium Facilities personnel
can remain safely indoors indefinitely, that operators can perform
their assumed response actions with little impact from the release,
that those workers evacuating to another building within the Tritium
Facilities do so without any adverse effects, and that the medical
response is usually limited to injured workers with relatively minor
contamination or intakes.
Using radiological consequences from the severe accidents in the
DSA or EPHA, however, might drive the need to evacuate personnel at the
Tritium Facilities, and possibly other nearby areas, to a safer
location to avoid a significant intake. SRS does not have any
procedural guidance or criteria for when workers should evacuate the
Tritium Facilities area, and possibly other nearby areas, rather than
remain indoors, due to the potential for acute radiological
consequences [23-26]. Furthermore, SRS has not conducted exercises
involving evacuation of a large number of workers from an area due to a
radiological release, nor has the site planned for the related
logistical issues such as evacuating or monitoring a large number of
workers to determine which ones may be at risk of a significant tritium
uptake and may require medical intervention.
Findings, Supporting Data, and Analysis References
Note: The current SRS contractor, Savannah River Nuclear
Solutions assumed responsibility for the site in August 2008. The
prior contractor at the site, Westinghouse Savannah River Company,
assumed responsibility for the site in 1989. In 2005, Westinghouse
Savannah River Company changed its name to Washington Savannah River
1. Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, Annual Report to
Congress, April 1993.
2. Westinghouse Savannah River Company, RTF Safety Analysis Report,
DOE Approval Copy, Rev.1, WSRC-SA-1-1, August 28, 1992.
3. K.R. O'Kula, RTF Compliance with Department of Energy Safety
Goal, WSRC-TR-93-183, April, 1993.
4. Westinghouse Savannah River Company, RTF Safety Analysis Report,
Attachment 5.B Integrated DBE Analysis, Vol 20, Revision 0, WSRC-SA-
1-1, August 23, 1993.
5. N.K. Savani, Request for Information on the DBE Analysis, SRT-
TML-93-0052, May 5, 1993.
6. J. Robertson, Determining Inventory LCOs for RTF, S NMP-SDG-93-
0076, Revision 4, September 20, 1993.
7. Westinghouse Savannah River Company, RTF Final Safety Analysis
Report, Inventory Control, Revision 0, WSRC-SA-1-1-VOL-19, August
26, 1993.
8. Westinghouse Savannah River Company, RTF Final Safety Analysis
Report, Integrated DBE Analysis, Revision 0, WSRC-SA-1-1-VOL-20,
August 26, 1993.
9. S.J. Robertson, White Paper; Basis for MID Calculations for RTF
DBA and BDBA Scenarios, September 20, 1993.
10. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Tritium Facilities
Documented Safety Analysis, Rev. 23, WSRC-SA-1-2, Vol. 1 and 2, May
11. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Tritium Facilities
Technical Safety Requirements, Rev. 28, WSRC-TS-96-17, May 2017.
12. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Tritium Facilities
Consolidated Hazards Analysis, Rev. 11, WSRC-TR-2004-00163, May
13. Washington Savannah River Company, Tritium Facilities Loss of
Confinement Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S-CLC-H-01127, February
14. Washington Savannah River Company, Tritium Facilities Fire
Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S-CLC-H-01131, February 2008.
15. Washington Savannah River Company, Tritium Facilities Explosion
Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S-CLC-H-01137, February 2008.
16. Washington Savannah River Company, Tritium Facilities Natural
Phenomena Plus Fire Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S-CLC-H-01139,
February 2008.
17. Washington Savannah River Company, Tritium Facilities Natural
Phenomena Plus Loss of Confinement Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S-
CLC-H-01144, February 2008.
18. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, Dispersion Modeling Project
Implementation, S-ESR-G-0033, Rev. 0, October 2013.
19. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Emergency Planning
Hazards Assessment for the Tritium Facilities (TF), Rev. 10, S-EHA-
H-00006, March 2016.
20. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Emergency Planning
Hazards Assessment for the Tritium Extraction Facility (TEF), Rev.
2, S-EHA-H-00009, January 2016.
21. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Savannah River Site 2012
Site Emergency Response Organization Emergency Preparedness
Evaluated Exercise Multiple-Facility/Multiple-Contractor Seismic
Event, Rev. 03, F9640052.DRSC000103, April 2012.
[[Page 28522]]
22. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Savannah River Tritium
Enterprise 2017 Facility Emergency Preparedness Evaluated Exercise,
Rev. 00, F3040087.DRSC000100, July 2017.
23. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Emergency Classification
(EALs), Rev. 29 EPIP TRIT-001, IPC 1, May 1, 2017.
24. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, FEC Response Actions,
Rev. 35, EPIP TRIT-111, April 24, 2018.
25. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Fire and Fire Alarm
Response, Process Buildings, Rev. 31, EOP TRIT-1468, May, 31, 2018.
26. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Response to Severe
Weather and Natural Disasters, Rev. 21, AOP TRIT-6122, IPC-1, August
16, 2018.
Summary of Board Correspondence Concerning Safety at the Tritium
December 18, 1995
To: Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management
Subject: Central Training Facility capability to respond to
March 18, 1999
To: Under Secretary of Energy
Subject: Review of Draft Consolidated Tritium Safety Analysis
December 7, 1999
To: Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs
Subject: Design review for Tritium Extraction Facility
July 19, 2002
To: National Nuclear Security Administration Deputy
Administrator for Defense Programs
Subject: Seismic safety at the Tritium Extraction Facility
July 16, 2010
To: NNSA Administrator and Assistant Secretary for
Environmental Management
Subject: Inclusion of controls concern at the Savannah River
August 19, 2011
To: NNSA Administrator
Subject: Review of Safety Basis, Savannah River Site Tritium
August 7, 2014
To: NNSA Administrator
Subject: Summary of Board views on current challenges faced by
January 7, 2016
To: NNSA Administrator
Subject: Review of the Tritium Extraction Facility Documented
Safety Analysis
June 4, 2018
To: Secretary of Energy
Subject: Review of the Revised Documented Safety Analysis at
Tritium Facilities
Supplemental Staff Analysis of Dose Consequences
The calculated dose consequences supporting the current DSA were
based on calculations performed in 2008. Those calculated dose
consequences for the energetic accidents of concern in this
Recommendation ranged up to 6,300 rem total effective dose (TED) \11\
to the co-located workers and about 2 to 13 rem TED to the offsite
public [1-5]. Those calculations were based on methods and assumptions
accepted at the time. More recent analysis, completed by the SRS
contractor in 2013, concluded that using current methodology and
assumptions would increase the calculated dose consequences by a
bounding factor of 7.42 for the co-located worker and a bounding factor
of 3.45 for the offsite public [6].\12\ It should be noted that SRS
lowered the limit on the total amount of tritium that can be present
within the Tritium Facilities by about a factor of two in 2011, but
that reduction has not been included in the bounding factors given
above. These factors are bounding values because there will be some
variation in the parameters specific to each accident scenario. The
calculations supporting the revised DSA indicate that calculated dose
consequences for the co-located worker could exceed 18,000 rem TED for
some scenarios. [7]
\11\ There are two basic components to an individual's radiation
dose, the dose from internal emitters and the dose from external
emitters. Prior to 2007, the dose from internal emitters such as
tritiated water was measured in rem Committed Effective Dose
Equivalent (rem CEDE); the dose from external radiation sources such
as an X-ray machine was measured in rem Effective Dose (rem ED); and
the sum of the two components was the Total Effective Dose
Equivalent (rem TEDE). In 2007 the units were changed to committed
effective dose (rem CED) and total effective dose (rem TED), but
they are numerically equivalent to doses in rem CEDE and rem TEDE.
\12\ These multiplication factors only apply to the calculated
radiological dose consequences for certain accident scenarios
(depending on the input parameters). Other accident scenarios may
have a smaller multiplication factor.
According to the International Commission on Radiation Protection
(ICRP), the threshold dose for a 1 percent incidence rate of fatality
in an exposed population is 100 rad,\13\ and the threshold for a 50
percent incidence of fatality in an exposed population is 300 to 500
rad, assuming no medical intervention [8]. The onset of radiation-
induced sickness generally coincides with the 1 percent fatality
threshold. These thresholds are for acute exposures that are the result
of external radiation sources at very high dose rates, such as those
that occur during a criticality accident.
\13\ The rad is a unit of absorbed dose, which is the quantity
used for evaluating the potential for deterministic ionizing
radiation effects such as acute injury or fatality. In the case of
tritiated water vapor, the absorbed dose in rad is numerically equal
to the committed effective dose.
However, high protracted exposures that occur over periods of days
to weeks can also result in injury or fatality, but with somewhat
higher thresholds. ICRP reports that for exposures where the dose rate
is about 20 rad/hour the thresholds may increase by about 50 percent,
and if the dose is delivered over the period of a month the thresholds
may double [8]. This increase in thresholds is due to the fact that for
lower dose rates, the body has more opportunity to repair the damage,
thus reducing the likelihood of injury or fatality. Therefore,
protracted doses are evaluated by looking at both the accumulated dose
and the rate at which the dose accumulates.
For internal exposures such as the situations addressed in this
Recommendation, the dose to an exposed individual is cited as the
committed effective dose, which is the total dose that has accumulated
in the body until the radioactive material has either decayed away or
been eliminated through biological processes. The accumulation time is
dependent on the specific radioactive material and its chemical form.
Some materials such as tritium gas are not retained in the body for any
significant amount of time; other materials, such as plutonium oxide,
will be retained in the body for many years.
Dose Consequences to Workers and Co-Located Workers: The behavior
of tritiated water in the body can be modelled in a straightforward
manner. For the doses evaluated here, it is assumed that the exposures
occur within a 3-minute or 20-minute time period in accordance with the
specific DSA scenarios, and that the biological half-life of tritiated
water in the body is 10 days [9]. Although the intake is of a short
duration, the rate at which the radiation from the decay of the tritium
deposited in the body is determined by the biological half-life.
Therefore, the doses from tritiated water in the body tend to be
protracted doses, and must be compared against the ICRP's protracted
dose thresholds. Given these conditions, the total dose and dose rates
associated with an intake of tritiated water are inherently related to
each other such that one can predict either parameter if the other
parameter is known. This relationship allows one to directly determine
the specific total dose and dose rate associated with each of the ICRP
mortality thresholds discussed above.
Table 1 shows that a postulated total dose of about 18,000 rem TED
[[Page 28523]]
exceed the dose threshold for radiation-induced sickness within the
first two hours, and a postulated dose of about 3,500 rem TED will
exceed the onset of radiation-induced sickness within the first fifteen
hours (the onset of radiation-induced sickness generally coincides with
the 1 percent fatality threshold). Once the absorbed doses exceed the
injury threshold, the onset of symptoms of radiation-induced sickness
likely will occur within hours to a day. When these symptoms are
observed, medical personnel would begin more aggressive life-saving
interventions on those individuals.
Table 1--Threshold Dose and Dose Rate Criteria With No Medical Intervention
Threshold criteria [8] Corresponding tritium total dose *
Threshold dose Time to threshold
Criteria rate Threshold dose Total dose dose
Acute Threshold for 1% ~50 rad/hr and up. 100 rad........... 18,000 rem TED.... 2 hours.
Upper Protracted Threshold for ~10-30 rad/hr..... 150 rad........... 3,500 rem TED..... 15 hours.
1% Mortality.
Lower Protracted Threshold for ~0.3 rad/hr....... 200 rad........... 250 rem TED....... 28 days.
1% Mortality.
Acute Threshold for 50% ~50 rad/hr and up. 300-500 rad....... 18,000 rem TED.... 6 hours.
Upper Protracted Threshold for ~10--30 rad/hr.... 450-750 rad....... 3,500 rem TED..... 45 hours.
50% Mortality.
Lower Protracted Threshold for ~0.8 rad/hr....... 600-1000 rad...... 750 rem TED....... 31 days.
50% Mortality.
* When a range of doses or dose rates is used in the threshold criteria, the corresponding tritium dose and time
to threshold dose were determined using the lower values in order to identify the lowest total dose that would
exceed the specified threshold dose.
** A 1 percent or 50 percent mortality threshold means that at the specified dose and dose rate values,
fatalities could be expected in 1 percent or 50 percent of the exposed population, with no medical
Prior to the onset of radiation-induced sickness, early medical
intervention for tritiated water intakes could be taken by aggressively
increasing fluid exchange in the patient. This could reduce the
biological half-life to as little as three days [10]. Such intervention
would reduce the total dose by up to about 60 percent, but would have
no impact on the dose already accumulated in the individual prior to
the onset of treatment. However, tritium's chemical and radiological
characteristics create difficult challenges that complicate the
approaches to responding to such accidents and providing medical
assistance to exposed individuals. For example, detection of tritium
contamination in the field and assessment of potential intakes require
specialized equipment, expertise, and most importantly, timely
\14\ The Board's staff does not have confidence that current
field equipment can provide the ability to rapidly screen a large
group of individuals for potential intakes. Given these
circumstances, the onset of symptoms from acute radiation sickness
may be the first signs of a significant tritium intake, which would
preclude early medical intervention. Dealing with the large number
of people who could be adversely affected by a significant release
at the Tritium Facilities could severely strain or overwhelm local
emergency response and medical resources.
It must also be recognized that the dose to co-located workers is
calculated at 100 meters from the release point or at the point of
plume touchdown, whichever results in a higher dose. Doses within that
first 100 meters could be much higher, depending on the release
mechanism and plume travel path. However, current models cannot
accurately estimate doses to individuals nearer than 100 meters, as the
doses are very sensitive to the specifics of each release mechanism,
the effects of building wakes, the location of the individual, and a
variety of other parameters. Consequently, radiation-induced sickness
or fatalities within the facility workers should be anticipated for all
accidents where the 100-meter dose is above 100 rem TED.
Dose Consequences to the Offsite Public: While the facilities' DSAs
estimate that the calculated dose consequences to individuals beyond
the site boundary from these accidents are low enough to avoid
immediate acute health effects, they do represent the potential for an
increased likelihood of latent cancer fatalities in the exposed
population [8]. In addition, the calculated dose consequences challenge
DOE's evaluation guideline of 25 rem TED for safety-class controls.
(The evaluation guideline is not to be viewed as an acceptable dose; it
is a tool for determining the need for safety class controls.) However,
the currently approved DSAs do not provide an adequate set of controls
to prevent or mitigate some of these accidents.
It is no coincidence that the calculated dose consequences to the
offsite public approach the evaluation guideline for the same accident
scenarios that result in very high calculated dose consequences to
facility workers and co-located workers. As discussed in the Board's
Technical Report, Protection of Collocated Workers at the Department of
Energy's Defense Nuclear Facilities and Sites [DNFSB/Tech-20, 1999],
protection of the offsite public rests heavily on measures taken to
protect co-located workers, and protection of co-located workers rests
heavily on measures taken to protect the immediate facility workers. In
other words, protection of the public begins with the protection of the
1. Washington Savannah River Company, Tritium Facilities Loss of
Confinement Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S-CLC-H-01127, February
2. Washington Savannah River Company, Tritium Facilities Fire
Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S-CLC-H-01131, February 2008.
3. Washington Savannah River Company, Tritium Facilities
Explosion Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S-CLC-H-01137, February
4. Washington Savannah River Company, Tritium Facilities Natural
Phenomena Plus Fire Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S-CLC-H-01139,
February 2008.
5. Washington Savannah River Company, Tritium Facilities Natural
Phenomena Plus Loss of Confinement Accident Analysis (U), Rev. 0, S-
CLC-H-01144, February 2008.
6. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, Dispersion Modeling Project
Implementation, S-ESR-G-0033, Rev. 0, October 2013.
7. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, Consolidated Hazard
Analysis for the Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities, S-CHA-H-
00030, Rev. 0, June 2017.
8. International Commission on Radiation Protection, 2007
Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological
Protection, ICRP 103, Volume 37, No. 2-4., New York: Elsevier Ltd.,
9. Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Health Effects, Dosimetry
and Radiological Protection of Tritium, Minster of Public
[[Page 28524]]
Works and Government Services Canada, INFO-0799, April 2010.
10. Carbaugh, E H, et al. Methods and Models of the Hanford
Internal Dosimetry Program, PNNL-MA-860, Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory, Richland, WA, PNNL-15614, Rev. 1, September 2009.
Correspondence With the Secretary of Energy
Department of Energy Request for Extension of Time
March 12, 2019
The Honorable Bruce Hamilton
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
625 Indiana Avenue NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Hamilton:
The Department of Energy (DOE) received the Defense Nuclear
Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) Draft Recommendation 2019-1, Safety of
the Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities, on February 11, 2019, and
is currently coordinating its review among relevant offices. In
accordance with 42 U.S.C. 2286d(a)(2), the Department requests a 30-day
extension to provide comments. DOE's Under Secretary for Nuclear
Security, Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty, will provide the response to the
DNFSB by April 12, 2019.
DOE is committed to the safe operations at the Savannah River Site
Tritium Facilities. As you may be aware, DOE has already taken actions
to address concerns identified in the Draft Recommendation. A 30-day
extension will afford DOE sufficient time to assess the Draft
Recommendation's findings, supporting data, and analyses.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Nicole Nelson-Jean,
Manager of the Savannah River Field Office, at (803) 208-3689.
Rick Perry
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Response to Extension Request
March 15, 2019
The Honorable James Richard Perry
Secretary of Energy
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20585-1000
Dear Secretary Perry:
The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board is in receipt of your
March 12, 2019, letter requesting a 30-day extension to provide
comments on the Board's Draft Recommendation 2019-01, Safety of the
Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities.
In accordance with 42 U.S.C. 2286d(a)(2), the Board is granting the
extension for an additional 30 days.
Yours truly,
Bruce Hamilton
Department of Energy Comments on Draft Recommendation
The Honorable Bruce Hamilton, Chairman
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
625 Indiana NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Hamilton:
The Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration
(DOE/NNSA) appreciates the opportunity to review the Defense Nuclear
Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) Draft Recommendation 2019-1, Safety of
the Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities. DOE/NNSA is fully committed
to ensuring continued safe operations of all our facilities and
providing assurance of adequate protection of our workers, the
environment, and the public. DOE/NNSA believes that ongoing actions at
the Tritium Facilities at the Savannah River Site (SRS) adequately
address DNFSB concerns outlined in your Draft Recommendation, and make
the need for additional actions in response to a DNFSB Recommendation
unnecessary. The commitment to safety in the Tritium Facilities has not
wavered, and there has been no change in the safety philosophy in the
Tritium Facilities.
As noted in the Draft Recommendation, DOE/NNSA committed in 2011 to
develop a new analytical model for dose consequences for SRS. In 2011,
DOE/NNSA outlined a plan to update the atmospheric dispersion model,
which was completed in 2014. Implementation of that new analysis began
shortly thereafter and included a review of the safety controls
selection and hierarchy. DOE/NNSA decided to combine all of the Tritium
Facilities' safety bases and to conduct a holistic revision to the
Documented Safety Analysis (DSA). The new analysis placed additional
emphasis on passive and engineered controls over administrative and
programmatic controls. The new combined DSA was submitted to DOE/NNSA
in July 2017. After an exhaustive review, significant changes were
identified, including development of a formal strategy that will
continue to strengthen the controls available to protect collocated
workers from large energetic events postulated by the safety analysis.
The DOE/NNSA DSA review also generated hundreds of additional comments
to be addressed in the DSA resubmittal, which was delivered to DOE/NNSA
in November 2018. Subject matter experts from across DOE and NNSA are
completing a review of the resubmitted DSA and have generated a number
of additional items requiring further action. The new analysis
continues to conservatively demonstrate that, even for a full facility
release, the dose consequences to the public remain below the
evaluation guideline. Action items addressed in the collocated worker
risk reduction strategy have been placed in a commitment schedule
submitted to DOE/NNSA and are being actively managed.
The Department believes that actions contained in the Draft
Recommendation 2019-1 are already in place or in development to
continue the improvements to provide adequate protection of Tritium
Facilities workers, the environment, and the public. The current
Tritium Facilities DSA contains appropriate safety significant controls
and the new analysis, when implemented, will only strengthen that
safety posture. Considering the on-going work, the Draft Recommendation
would not drive the need for any additional actions. Additionally,
resources needed to respond to a DNFSB recommendation would divert
those critical resources that are needed to continue the improvements
underway to ensure safety of the collocated workers and/or the public.
We appreciate the Board's perspectives and look forward to
continued positive interactions with you and your staff. If you have
any questions, please contact Ms. Nicole Nelson-Jean, Manager of the
Savannah River Field Office, at (803) 208-3689.
Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty
Enclosure--Comments on DNFSB Draft Recommendation 2019-1
Safety of the Savannah River Site Tritium Facilities
Over the past several years, the Department of Energy's National
Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) and the Savannah River Site
(SRS) Management and Operating contractor, Savannah River Nuclear
Solutions (SRNS), have taken actions to improve the Tritium Facilities
safety posture. A new hazards analysis has been conducted along with a
revision to the Documented Safety Analysis (DSA). This new analysis has
further emphasized identifying passive and engineered controls over
administrative and programmatic controls. The Board's technical staff
was recently provided a draft of the new DSA. DOE/NNSA has reviewed the
documents and provided the contractor with comments along with comments
from a separate review
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team from the DOE's Office of Enterprise Assessments. After the review
teams' comments are resolved, the new DSA will be approved, which is
anticipated to occur in 2019.
As noted in the Draft Recommendation, the new DSA includes updated
dose consequence calculations. The calculations use a bounding Material
at Risk (MAR) and default to extremely conservative factors, such as
100 percent tritium oxide conversion, a ground plume release, and
structural failures during a seismic event. Although MAR reductions
have been implemented, further reductions listed in the DSA would raise
the security classification of the documents. However, even with the
extreme conservatism in the parameters selected, including a
simultaneous release of all the tritium, from all the multiple
facilities within 20 minutes as a ground plume; the postulated
consequences to the public remain below the Evaluation Guideline of
DOE-STD-3009-94, Preparation Guide for US. Department of Energy
Nonreactor Nuclear Facility Documented Safety Analyses. In addition,
the modeling does not account for any Emergency Response actions,
personnel self-protection actions, nor any subsequent response actions
to mitigate the consequences. Based on the current DSA, and the new DSA
in review, the risk to the public remains low.
The new DSA postulates a small set of energetic events that rely on
credited Specific Administrative Controls (SAC) that perform preventive
functions. Seismic events in the Tritium Facilities present another
challenge as some legacy buildings remain in service while the Tritium
Finishing Facility capital line item project establishes a modem, safe,
and secure replacement to the H-Area Old Manufacturing Facility. The
new DSA includes a number of new credited features, for example:
The 217-H Vault walls and fire damper have been upgraded
and are now designated as Safety Class (SC) features that prevent a
release of MAR from the building. Other passive fire barriers are also
New SACs for fire water tank volume verification and other
new Fire Suppression Surveillances have been added.
All current Programmatic Controls have been replaced by at
least one SAC.
Additional analyses are planned for other buildings and
Systems, Structures, and Components (SSCs) to determine suitability for
upgrading the functional classification.
In 2018, DOE/NNSA requested and received from SRNS, a
strategy for risk reduction to the collocated worker (U-ESR-H-00163,
Rev.0). This strategy describes the SRNS plans for additional
structural analyses and control development for the remaining
facilities during a potential seismic event. It also includes
analytical analysis for dose reduction (e.g. tritium oxidation
conversion rates and plume rise phenomena). In the aggregate, the plan
includes 19 commitments that are being pursued and managed (SRNS-T0000-
2018-00227, Transmittal of the Schedule for Implementing the Strategy
for Risk Reduction to the Co-Located Worker in Tritium Facilities).
Longer term plans include the Tritium Finishing Facility
capital line item project, to replace the H-Area Old Manufacturing
(HAOM) facility with a seismically qualified facility with a dedicated
SC fire suppression system.
As noted in the Draft Recommendation, SRS has worked hard to
improve its Emergency Preparedness (EP) program. The current EP program
provides the appropriate training required for individuals to respond
to alarms, abnormal operations, and emergencies across SRS. The Tritium
Facilities EP program maintains a fully qualified team that performs
approximately 50 drills per year to train and validate the
organization's ability to respond to various scenarios, from weather
induced incidents to large energetic events. DOE/NNSA is confident that
appropriate drills are conducted for events as required by DOE.
Safety Posture
The Draft Recommendation discusses the control set from the 1990s
as being eliminated or downgraded and this result is a perceived shift
in safety philosophy in managing the Tritium Facilities safety posture.
DOE/NNSA assures the DNFSB that there has not been a shift in the
safety philosophy, but rather changes in operations and new hazards
analysis techniques have driven a change in the control strategy.
Larger and more complex full facility events are now postulated in the
safety analysis that rendered previous administrative individual tank
Limiting Condition for Operations of the past less effective.
Operational events have an adequate set of controls identified, whether
SSCs or administrative. Several other controls mentioned in the draft
recommendation include the Highly Invulnerable Encased Safes (HIVES),
ventilation systems, and the seismic detection and isolation system.
The HIVES continue to be credited as safety significant to protect
reservoirs in a seismic event and the ventilation systems and seismic
confinement system are designated as formal Defense-in-Depth/Important
to Safety (DID/ITS). DID/ITS systems are listed in the current DSA with
a safety function, are controlled by the Unreviewed Safety Question
(USQ) process and cannot be eliminated without DOE/NNSA approval. It
was determined that these systems currently cannot be qualified as
safety significant without further analysis and upgrade. Part of the
risk reduction strategy is to analyze various buildings and SSCs for
seismic qualification, with the goal of determining the effort needed
to upgrade the seismic detection and isolation system and ventilation
system to safety significant controls if necessary. The plan will also
evaluate the need for installing seismic detection and isolation
systems on additional equipment in H-Area New Manufacturing (HANM)
facility and the Tritium Extraction Facility (TEF).
The Savannah River Field Office (SRFO) is routinely involved in the
development and review of documents supporting the basis of the DSA.
SRFO safety engineers attend and provide comment on a number of
development safety programs, such as the Consolidated Hazards Analysis
Process, Facility Operations Safety Committee, and DSA/Technical Safety
Requirements (TSR) development meetings.
The hazards analysis for the new DSA has a small number of
scenarios that rely on credited SACs that perform preventive functions.
These scenarios can be categorized into four groups:
Process explosion--There are two events in HANM and two in
TEF that conservatively involve one or two process tanks. This would be
caused by an inadvertent introduction of oxygen into the system or
inadvertent movement of tritium. Although many SSCs provide a defense
in depth function (e.g., inerted gas glovebox confinement, ventilation,
tritium air monitors, etc.), the hazard analysis team did not feel
these SSCs would fully mitigate or prevent the events. Therefore,
specific administrative controls are specified to prevent the event.
Firearms discharge--There is an inadvertent firearms
discharge scenario. Tritium air monitors are credited to alert
personnel of a release if an inadvertent firearm discharge were to
cause a confinement breech. DOE/NNSA requires security personnel to
routinely access the facilities and they are trained on proper
External impacts--These events include vehicle crashes,
crane drops,
[[Page 28526]]
and airplane crashes. Events for the vehicle crashes and crane drops
have specific administrative controls credited to minimize the
potential for these events.
Seismic event--These events may also include fires. The
217-H vault walls, fire damper and other fire barriers are new SC
controls that will be added in the DSA update. DOE/NNSA recognizes that
additional controls are desired for these events and are currently
working through similar DSA review team comments with SRNS.
Additionally, the risk reduction strategy places emphasis on qualifying
and developing controls for seismic events. The strategy takes a multi
prong approach to include evaluating the feasibility of upgrading
current DID/ITS controls and evaluating an alternate fire suppression
Emergency Preparedness
SRS EP support organizations, like the SRS Fire Department, are
trained and routinely evaluated to ensure that they can properly
respond to an event in any facility across the site. For example,
during the 2018 Site Exercise, the SRS emergency response team
responded to a complex multi-facility and multi-contractor event that
included H-Area, Tritium, and H-Tank Farm. Site level evaluated
exercises routinely involve multiple local, county, state, and federal
agencies in the response efforts. In a trend to further challenge all
organizations, the 2018 exercise tested the site's Emergency Response
Organization (ERO) ability to manage a complex event with potential
off-site consequences, the Area Emergency Coordinators ability to
manage multiple issues within an impacted area, and the ERO's ability
to manage these issues along with the balance of the site to protect
onsite employees and the public. SRS has addressed several
opportunities for improvement identified in the exercise that included
logistical challenges in the movement of personnel from impacted areas
and conducting appropriately scoped drills to validate the emergency
response effectiveness. DOE/NNSA believes that drills conducted by SRNS
are properly scoped and use valid assumptions pertaining to the
facility processes and safety systems.
As noted, the SRS and Tritium Facilities EP programs have made
significant improvements over the past several years. The EP programs
are adequate to continue protecting the SRS workers and the surrounding
Postulated Dose Consequences
Attachment B of the DNFSB Draft Recommendation 2019-1 discusses the
postulated high worker doses documented in the DSA and the
corresponding potential health consequences. DOE standards require that
nuclear facilities perform conservative accident analyses. The tritium
analysis is very conservative and uses many bounding assumptions (e.g.;
MAR, 100 percent oxide conversion, ground level release, and others).
Per DOE-STD-3009-94, this conservative analysis is used to quantify the
``theoretical'' dose consequences to (1) determine if any SC SSC is
required and (2) provide insight for selecting the appropriate SC
SSC(s) for each design basis accident scenario. This analysis was never
intended to calculate predicted or expected accident consequences for
collocated workers or members of the public. Doses of this magnitude
are not expected for any event. In fact, a best estimate determination
by SRNS for a full tritium fire event conservatively indicates a
postulated exposure reduction factor of over 25 from what is listed in
the DSA (S-ESR-H-00031, Rev. 0). This best estimate used the bounding
MAR and did not factor in the effects of plume rise that would exist
from a large fire. Additionally, the MAR in the Tritium Facilities is
spread out over multiple facilities and mostly contained in various
storage vessels (some robust) in gas form and on hydride beds. It would
not be expected that 100 percent of the MAR would be released in any
event and all within a 20-minute timeframe. The Savannah River
Emergency Protection Program is well prepared to protect the workers in
the very unlikely occurrence of a large-scale event at the Tritium
(Authority: 42 U.S.C. 2286d(b)(2))
Dated: June 13, 2019.
Joyce L. Connery,
Acting Chairman.
[FR Doc. 2019-12918 Filed 6-18-19; 8:45 am]